Your happiness is a superpower.
Do you know how powerful you are?
You are so powerful you can create your own happy life every single day.

No matter what is going on (annoying sibling/late homework/missed TV show) there are always ways
you can make your day better and brighter. This book is full of fun activities that will show you how.
Is happiness the most important thing in life?
Well that’s a very BIG question and it all depends on what you believe BUT we believe that almost everyone would be in agreement that being happy is important and pretty fantastic. Whereas being unhappy? Well, that’s just a bit pants, isn’t it?

About this book

The activities in this book will help you learn to be happier no matter what is going on in your life. They will teach you to be resilient and positive and optimistic and they will teach you to be kind to yourself and to look after your physical and emotional health.
PART ONE is about making yourself happy, PART TWO is about making others happy, which also has the power to make YOU happier at the same time, and PART THREE is about making a happier world, another way to boost your own happy levels.
The activities in this book will to be no matter what is on in your They will teach you to be resilient and and and will teach you to be kind to and to look your and emotional health. is about is about others which also has the power to make at the same time, is about a world, another way to boost your own levels.
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None of it is complicated, all of it is fun and in every scenario YOU make the happy happen.
The about this book is the
The big thing about this book is the WHY?
For every activity we’ve explained the science behind it, WHY it works. Because let’s face it, who wants to do anything unless they know WHY it works?
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How to use this book
It is totally up to you how you use this book, you can do it by yourself, with a friend or with an adult. You could even take it in to school and suggest you do one of the activities as a lesson.
You can do it in order, you can do it backwards or even start in the middle.
You can share your answers with other people or you can keep it really private. Stick things in if you want, or cut things out of it. You are in charge. This is all about YOU creating your happiness – so over to you now. We do hope you have fun and learn some cool stuff along the way.
So, are you up for the challenge ... are you ready to be the creator of your own happiness?

You’ve got this

Sometimes life is just great, isn’t it? You are star of the week, your birthday is coming up, you had the best ice cream for tea and have a sleepover planned. How easy it is to be happy when life is good.
Other times you have days of tests or feel poorly and your friends are leaving you out. Sad times.
But you know, these things don’t have to get you down.
You can still make your days happy and things better even when life is hard because we are going to show you that it’s always possible to make yourself happy. It doesn’t just depend on other people, luck or what’s going on around you.

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You are in control of a large part of your happiness. You are strong and smart and have bouncebackability (that’s the ability to bounce back when life is tough).

Happiness starts with you

If you are on an aeroplane, safety advisors will tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before you help anyone else with theirs. This applies to happiness too. If you are happy first, it is so much easier to help other people be happy. So working on your own happiness is essential if you want to be a force of happiness in the world.

Aiming to be happy

John Lennon was a musician in a very famous band called The Beatles. He was also very wise. Here’s what he had to say about happiness…
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.

Wanting to be happy is a great aim for when you are an adult, but it is also a wonderful aim to have RIGHT NOW ... EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
So next time an adult asks you what you want to be when you grow up you can tell them the same –you want to be happy! It might just make them think.