4 Humannutrition (cont.)
4. 2Food groups
1 The foodsweeat can beclassifiedintothree groupscalled GOfoods ,GROW foodsandGLOWfoods. Give twoexamples of each type.
a) GO
2 Complete thesentences aboutthe threefood groups .
a) GO foodsprovide us with .
b) GROWfoodsprovide us with
c) GLOW foodsprovideuswith .
3 Oursource of fibrecomes from foods.
4 a) Whichmineral doesthe body need to:
i) make redblood cells? [1]
ii) build s trong bones and teeth? [1]
b) Whichvitamin:
i) helpstogiveusgood eyesightandhealthy skin? [1]
ii) aids tissue repair andresis tancetodisease? [1]
4.3 Abalanced diet
1 What ismeant by a‘balanced diet ’?
2 Completethe followingsentences.
a) Carbohydratesarereferred to as foods.
b) Proteins arecommonlyknown as foods.
3 Howdoesfibre helpin our diet?
4 Indicate whether thefollowing groupsoffoodsare balanced or not by writing BALANCEDorNOT BALANCED on thelinebelow each group.
4 Humannutrition (cont.)
4. 4Diet ,activity andage
1 WriteTRUEorFAL SE foreachofthe statement s.
a) People eatthe same amount each day.
b) Aperson’s dietdependsontheir age.
c) Asecretary ’s diet needsfewercaloriesthanthatofa farmer.
d) Growingchildrenneedmoreprotein in theirdietthan adults.
e) Ifsomeoneis notver yac tive, they do not need carbohydrates .
f) Forabody to repair,protein is needed.
g) Allhealthy diet sconsist of over 20 00 calories per day.
h) Newbornbabies sleepmos tofthe time,sotheydonot need much nutrition
i) Bedriddenpeopleneed adietthatprovides agreat amountofnutrition.
j) Alackofthe requirednutrition leadstomalnutrition.
k) Thehear tbeatis automatic, so itis not affec tedbynutrition.
4.5The digestivesystem(1)
1 Adiagram of thehuman teethisshownbelow. Labelthe typesofteeth indicated byarrow s.
2 Complete thes tatements below.
a) There are typesofteeth in our mouth.
b) The arefor cutting.
c) The are for tearing.
d) The and arefor grinding. [5]
3 Look at thediagram of askull andans werthe ques tions .
a) Thedentitionbelow is that of a/an:
i) herbivore ii) carnivore iii) omnivore?
b) My reason formyans weris
Thesmallintes tine is about metreslong. Another name forthe oesophagus is the . Food passesalong the canal. The stomachwalls arever y .
Foodisbroken down in the system
Theenzymesinsalivaconvert toglucose. isfromplantmaterial. is absorbedinthe largeintes tine. is thesecondpar tofthe smallintes tine. The mechanicallybreak down food.
4.7Theprocess of digestion
1 Completethe sentences aboutdiges tion.
a) Duringphysical digestion, foodis brokendown into smaller .
b) Duringchemicaldigestion,foodisbroken down into smaller .
c) Physical digestion occurs in the and .
d) Chemicaldigestionoccurs in the , and .
2 Completethe tabletoshowthe type offood that is chemicallybrokendown by each enzyme.
4 Humannutrition (cont.)
4. 8Foodtests –starchandsimple sugar s
1 WriteTRUEorFAL SE foreachs tatement.
a) Foodscontainings tarch include rice,bread andmacaroni.
b) Sucroseis directly absorbedintothe body.
c) Allsugar shavethe same chemical structure.
d) Starchisasimplesugar.
e) Sugar moleculesare brokendown to glucose forabsorption.
2 Whyisitnecessary to carr yout food tests?
3 Simplesugar sand starchare bothcategorisedas
4 Complete thefollowing table.
5 Asucrosesolutioninitially gaveanegativetes tfor simplesugar s. Some amylase wasadded to thesolution. Af terhalf an hour thesolutionwas retested andgave apositivetes tfor simplesugar s. Explainthese obser vations.