Lettersfor and Sounds Revised4 Fun at theNarinderFairDhamiAriefPutra
Fun at the Fair
Written by Narinder Dhami Illustrated by Arief Putra
“Craig, we are off to the fair!’’ his dad ‘‘Grabsaid.ajumper, Craig,’’ Ranjeeta said. ‘‘It is freezing out.’’
Ranjeeta was dad’s partner and Scarlet’s mum.
“Craig, I need you to see this!” she blurted out.
Scarlet scampered downstairs.
‘‘Look at the Monster Coaster, it is so cool!”’ she said with glee. Craig blinked and gulped. It looked frightening!
The night was clear, with sparkling silver stars. They joined the crowds.
Scarlet grabbed Craig. “Quick, quick!
Let’s get on the Monster Coaster!
It’s the biggest thrill at the fair!” she exclaimed.
Fun at the Fair
Phonemes covered: Adjacent consonants with long phonemesvowel Craig is afraid to go on the Monster Coaster at the fair. But Scarlet has a plan … collins.co.uk/collinsbigcat Stretch and Phasechallenge4Set2 A contemporary story