Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds: Hugo's Moon Crew

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Green Band 5

Letters and Sounds Phase 5

H u o ’s M oon C ew

Phonemes covered: /ai/ ey, a-e /ee/ ea /igh/ i, i-e /oa/ o, oe, ow, o-e /oo/ ue, ui, ew, ou, u, u-e /oo/ oul

H u o ’s M oon C ew

Hugo spots holes on the moon. He gathers the crew to plan a trip. Browse the complete Collins catalogue at ISBN 978-0-00-844231-6

9 780008 442316

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A fantasy story

Samantha mantha Mont ome ie Maïté Schmitt 20/01/2021 11:25

Hugo looks up at the moon. He spots some holes.


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“We could go to the moon,” says Hugo. “It would be fun.”


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Hugo plans a rocket. His big plan grows and grows.


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Hugo gathers the crew to see the plan. “Let’s make it!” says Tulip.


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The crew cuts and welds. The rocket takes shape.


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Lewis and Hugo hold the ladder as Tulip screws the bolts.


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Green Band 5

Letters and Sounds Phase 5

H u o ’s M oon C ew

Phonemes covered: /ai/ ey, a-e /ee/ ea /igh/ i, i-e /oa/ o, oe, ow, o-e /oo/ ue, ui, ew, ou, u, u-e /oo/ oul

H u o ’s M oon C ew

Hugo spots holes on the moon. He gathers the crew to plan a trip. Browse the complete Collins catalogue at ISBN 978-0-00-844231-6

9 780008 442316

42316_Cover.indd 1

A fantasy story

Samantha mantha Mont ome ie Maïté Schmitt 20/01/2021 11:25

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