1 Trace your hand. Write five things about yourself. Use the worksheet.
Communication ✓ Research
2 Copy and complete the Venn diagram about you your partner.
3 Copy the tally chart and complete it with the five things from your Venn diagram.
Key term tally chart: a way of showing how many times the same thing occurs
Look at other Venn diagrams. Complete your tally chart for the class. Add up your tallies.
5 Discuss your results. How similar are the people in your class?
Did you enjoy the activities in this lesson? Why, or why not?
How confident are you with showing and reading information in Venn diagrams and tally charts? How confident do you feel about working in a team? Choose green (very confident), amber (getting there) or red (not very confident).
1 Sort the pictures into young and old.
Hi, I’m Genji. Did your group agree? Do you have different opinions?