● How has this tree been able to survive?
● How can we relate this to our human experiences?
● Understand what resilience looks like.
● Consider wellbeing in the context of self-image.
● Learn about self-care and being kind to ourselves and others.
● Why might this picture portray someone who is healthy?
● What do you do that is healthy?
In this unit, you will:
● Learn about the problems associated with inactivity.
● Understand why rest and sleep are so important.
● Recognise why spending time outside and in nature is so beneficial.
Some people may make it look easy to make friends or talk to new people. However, they may be just as nervous as you inside. It’s important to remember that everyone can feel nervous from time to time. So, if you’re in a new situation, such as a new school, a new class, a new sporting activity or a social event where you don’t know anybody, here’s a list to help you.
1. Use calm breathing to help you feel positive about meeting new people.
2. Scan the room to see who you might like to talk to.
3. Notice how other people are in the room. There may be people standing alone who have nobody to talk to and would welcome you talking to them.
4. Listen to what groups of people are talking about and join in the conversation if the topic is interesting.
5. Trust your gut feelings. You’ll probably know within the first minute whether you want to talk more with somebody, or if you need to politely move on and talk to somebody else.
6. Approach somebody and either ask their name or start a conversation about what other people are talking about.
7. Remember to make eye contact and smile when you introduce yourself to another person, if you feel comfortable doing this.
8. Listen to what the other person is saying.
9. People like shared experiences where they connect with other people. So, if a person plays the same video game, likes the same music, supports the same sports team or lives in the same area as you, comment on this and make that connection.
10. Be fine with rejection. If you talk to five people and you don’t have anything in common with four of them, or they don’t want to talk to you, that is fine, because the fifth person may turn out to be a really good friend – and that’s all that matters.
● How can you be good to yourself and others day to day?
In this unit, you will:
● Learn how to find positive solutions in times of conflict.
● Learn the value of being your true self.
● Explore bullying behaviour and its impacts.