BMX Time M achine

It was a lovely sunny day, but Clara was hot, dusty and covered in cobwebs. She had promised to help her dad tidy the huge jumbled heap of rubbish lurking in their garage.
Are we nearly finished dad?
No! Come on, you can have an ice cream when we’re finished.
What’s this?
Ah, you’ve found my old bike. I used to have some fun on that!
Clara and Dad dragged the rusty old bike out into the sunshine.
It’s so cool, Dad, I can’t believe it’s yours!
Hey, I was cool once upon a time! Shall we clean it up and see if it still goes?
They scrubbed, polished and buffed. Dad pumped up the tyres.
What’s this, Dad?
Where did you get it from?
What does it DO?!
Oh, just a time machine. Hmmm, I wonder if it actually still works?
Dad looked mysterious.
A time machine? You’re so funny, Dad. Time machines aren’t real! Does it need batteries?
No, this is a dynamo! You have to pedal really fast to make it go. It looks like the wiring needs fixing.
There you go, all done. I’ll show you how it works. This is the home button, this is the …
Just then, Mum came out into the garden.
It looks like you two are having fun! I see you’ve found Dad’s old time machine.
It’s not a time machine, Mum, it’s Dad’s old bike! It’s so cool, can I ride it please, Dad?
Well, um, we haven’t finished the garage yet.
Clara flopped down on the grass and looked disappointed.
It’s OK, I’ll help Dad for a bit. You have some fun for a little while!
Clara grabbed her helmet and jumped on the old BMX. The pedals creaked. Clara pulled a big wheelie. As she went faster and faster the mysterious gizmo fixed to the handlebars started to light up. Clara stopped and pressed some of the buttons.
This is the home button. I wonder what the others do?
The gizmo beeped and popped but nothing happened. Oh well, time for some more fun!
Clara dragged an old plank and some bricks from the pile of junk outside the garage.
Let’s go!
She made a little jump, one brick high. Woohoo!
Clara skidded to a stop and added another brick to the ramp.
She whizzed round the garden and sped towards the ramp.
Oh yeah!
The lights on the gizmo shone. It hissed and beeped and a little puff of smoke billowed out as she did a huge jump.
Laughing, Clara added a third brick. The ramp wobbled and looked dangerously high.
She adjusted her helmet and pressed a few buttons on the gizmo. This time it lit up green and pinged loudly. With legs like pistons, Clara peddled as fast as she could. She hit the ramp at top speed and flew into the air, higher than she’d ever been before.
Sparks and bleeps fizzed from the glowing gizmo. The air around Clara began to crackle and swirl. What was happening?!
Stars flashed by as Clara was pulled through time and space …
She crashed through giant leaves …
… and bounced into a stinky swamp. It was a jungle.
But where was she? When was she?
Something enormous smashed through the undergrowth. It was a huge hungry T-Rex! It trampled the BMX and stomped angrily towards Clara. She sprinted through the bushes, vines whipping at her face.
Clara dived for the shelter of some roots at the base of a huge fern, the T-Rex snapping at her heels.
She lay shaking as the gigantic dinosaur huffed and puffed and tore at the roots. Eventually it gave up and clomped off.
Aaargh!Clara crawled out from her hiding place and crept over to the bike. Oh no! It was completely squashed. Wires dangled from the gadget hanging from the handlebars.
Dad was telling the truth, it IS a time machine! How did my Dad have a TIME MACHINE? Wait, my dad had a TIME MACHINE and he didn’t tell ME? I’ve got to fix this or I’m stuck here!
Clara ducked as a huge pterodactyl swooped down and snapped up the BMX.
Noooo! Come back! Clara sprinted after the flying dinosaur. She scrambled up some rocks and stood panting as the pterodactyl flapped away, carrying the bike in its long sharp jaws.