Number Builders
The ultimate building blocks to boost pupils’ understanding of number

New July 2024

Includes digital resources, number lines and frames, activity cards and a new maths manipulative - n-bars!

The ultimate building blocks to boost pupils’ understanding of number
New July 2024
Includes digital resources, number lines and frames, activity cards and a new maths manipulative - n-bars!
Number Builders is a comprehensive and engaging number support programme for Foundation and Key Stage 1 that brings together flexible lesson resources and an innovative classroom manipulative, n-bars.
Developed by former head teacher Ian Connors, this multi-sensory, highly accessible programme can be implemented in full or to complement your existing maths provision.
Multi-functional, classroom-tested manipulative, n-bars, encourages children to build numbers and explore maths concepts in 3D
Fully editable, downloadable lesson plans, slideshows and activities save time and support confident teaching of number
Short, easy-to-follow training videos demonstrate how to teach a mastery mindset and how to use the resources to their maximum potential
Additional physical classroom resources enable children to perform independent number work
Number Builders comprises a digital subscription, number lines and frames, activity cards and n-bars.
Definitely a resource to consolidate and secure children’s number knowledge… the lessons were sequenced well and accessible for all children.
Number Builders pilot school
Order an evaluation pack to try out Number Builders for free! Scan or go to
Colour-coded and multi-functional, n-bars can be joined in multiple ways to build various maths models. n-bars can also be used alongside other classroom resources like pencils or modelling clay to boost understanding and improve fine motor skills.
We always aim to teach maths in a practical, concrete way before moving on to the abstract and this manipulative helped us to do that.
South Ossett Infants Academy
Each n-bars pack contains 90 n-bars in complementary colours for number bonds up to 10 and neutral colours for base numbers 1, 5 and 10.
Number Builders lesson plans, teaching resources and training videos are accessible on The Collins Hub, providing unlimited access for both pupils and teachers on whiteboards, computers, tablets and smartphones, inside or outside the classroom.
The teaching resources are fully editable to ensure that your school has complete freedom over how the lessons are taught.
All additional resources required for each lesson are listed clearly in the plan
Place value within 100 (1)
Lesson 3
Partition and build numbers using tens and ones within 100 (1)
Classroom resources:
n-bar 100-Frame (or other 1–100 number frame)
0–100 n-bar Line (or other number lines) two large number cards (1–9)
Lesson plans are broken down into easy-to-follow steps to keep progress on track
• Slide 1: Revisit the idea of putting large numbers into groups of ten to make counting them easier. Count the tens and the remaining ones.
• Slide 2: Remind the children to count the tens and then the ones. Use number frames and number lines to look at more numbers together.
• Slide 3: Vocab: Count in tens to consolidate the vocabulary.
• Slide 4: Look carefully at how the number 73 is made up. Say: We can say that it is seven tens and three ones or that it is 70 and 3. Ask: Is seven tens always 70?
• Slides 5–9: Practise partitioning numbers to complete part-whole models. On Slide 9, ask: Why do we put a zero into the part-whole model for 90?
• Slide 10: Ask the children to talk through their thinking as they complete the partwhole model.
• Slides 11–13: Introduce the activity sheets
• In the plenary, give two children a large single-digit number card each to hold so that they make a two-digit number. Ask: What number have you made? How is it made up? Ask them to swap places and say what the new number is. Ask further questions about this number, for example, is it bigger or smaller than the first number? Is it odd or even?
• Slide 14: Ask the children to close their eyes and ‘see’ the 1–100 frame in their head. Ask: Where do you think the number 50 is? They open their eyes and check if they were right. Ask those children who knew where it was how they knew. Repeat with other numbers and share their strategies. This will consolidate number structure and enhance their understanding of place value.
Sample slides taken from Reception, Unit 4, Lesson 1
Colourful, animated slides keep lessons interactive and collaborative
A range of characters appear throughout the lessons to encourage mathematical talk and secure number knowledge
Activities combine learning with the n-bars and additional physical classroom resources to consolidate learning
Mop’s big sort out!
Mophasbeenhelpingtosortout theclassroomcupboards. Countonusingthenumberlinetofindeachtotal.
Sample activities taken from Year 1, Unit 4, Lesson 5
Join Number Builders series editor and former head teacher Ian Connors as he guides you through the programme and demonstrates how to use the resources and tools to their fullest potential in a range of training videos
Alongside the n-bars, Number Builders also includes a range of activity cards, number lines and number frames to support children’s independent and collaborative learning.
Digit likes to fetch n-bars. Canyouuseonlyyourhands tofindann-bar6?
Little Min loves to go up high.
MakeMinastaircase from1to20.
Moon is taking multiples of 10 away from numbers.
Build35withn-bars. Whathappenswhenyoutake awaymultiplesof10?
Activity cards comprise 225 activities over three packs, to enable you to set children various open-ended challenges they can complete in groups, pairs or individually
Numberinis like goingshopping.
Let’s set up a Payshop. for items using Everythingn-bars. costsbetween1and20. Do you need any change?
Throughout the Number Builders programme, your pupils will meet the Numberinis, seven characters with specific roles to support children’s security of number concepts and encourage mathematical talk.
Digit likes to fetch items and take them away, perfect for addition and subtraction activities
Mop mirrors how children learn, sometimes making mistakes and having another go to get things right
Min and Moon often work together to compare amounts, jumping in small steps with Min to count steps of 1, and jumping in big leaps with Moon to count in multiples
Snap can be found in multiplication and division lessons, snapping her fingers to make things appear and disappear
Spotty represents mathematical thinking and problem-solving, finding clues, patterns and missing numbers
Teacher Cat explains concepts and rules
Our sales consultants and customer services teams would be delighted to talk to you about Number Builders. Phone or email us on the details below to arrange a demonstration, request free samples or have a bespoke quotation tailored to the needs of your school.
For additional information, or to place your order:
Contact your local rep. Find them at
Call Customer Services on 01484 668 148 Email this order form to us at Fax this order form to us at 01484 665 736
Address: Postcode:
n-bars (Pack of 90)
n-bars Activity Cards Pack 1 (Pack of 75)
n-bars Activity Cards Pack 2 (Pack of 75)
n-bars Activity Cards Pack 3 (Pack of 75)
n-bar 10-frames (Pack of 10)
n-bar 20-frames (Pack of 10)
n-bar 100-frames (Pack of 10)
0–10 n-bar lines (Pack of 10)
0–20 n-bar lines (Pack of 10)
0–100 n-bar lines (Pack of 5)
978-0-00-852199-8 £79.99
978-0-00-852249-0 £29.99
978-0-00-852250-6 £6.99
978-0-00-852251-3 £11.99
978-0-00-852252-0 £14.99
978-0-00-852253-7 £6.99
978-0-00-852254-4 £14.99
978-0-00-852255-1 £19.99