Collins Primary Maths 2013
Collins Primary Maths 2013
Reach Every Child
Reach Every Child
Highlights from Collins Primary Maths Enriching Maths
Assisting Maths
Challenge children working above age-related expectations with a bank of activities that offer genuine breadth, depth and pace without repetition or pre-empting next year’s teaching.
Deliver a personalised programme of intervention support for those children working below age-related expectations.
Professional Development Training
Collins New Primary Maths in Practice
Collins Primary Maths is now offering events to help progress your professional development in primary mathematics. These full day training courses provide practical tips and advice that you can implement directly into your teaching.
See how Collins New Primary Maths works in practice in this new best practice DVD. Discover how Collins New Primary Maths promotes effective teaching and learning and supports you in your planning, teaching and assessment.
with Peter Clarke
ISBN 978-0-00-792964-1
Visit and book your appointment to see your local sales consultant.
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