Check out this weeks StyleSpotter! Page 2 January 22, 2014 VOLUME 29 NO.2 Visit online at
The Importance of GPC
Alum Speaks About How GPC Helped His Career
Former DeKalb Community College Student Jerry S. Wilson Photo Courtesy of Jerry S. Wilson
By Victoria Song Collegian Staff
rom all the colleges in Georgia, Jerry S.Wilson chose to attend DeKalb Community College, now known as Georgia Perimeter College. “I chose DeKalb because I could accrue transferable cred-
its from an accredited college,” said Wilson. GPC has more than 20,000 students, and they, like Wilson, can find that the first semester can be stressful. “When I first arrived at DeKalb Community College it felt a bit overwhelming due to the size and challenging curriculum,” Wilson said. “However, I quickly found my place in the classroom,on the swim team,and around campus.” Attending a two-year college like GPC often comes with unwelcoming judgments by society, according to Wilson. “The 'stigma' is a result of people misunderstanding the incredible value of colleges like GPC. I am proud to say I was and still am a GPC alumnus,” Wilson explains. “Many people do not understand the importance of two-year colleges in the education system. GPC is one of the largest colleges in the state of Georgia, and offers a wide range of degrees.” Wilson graduated from GPC with an Associate of Arts degree in
Liberal Arts. “My parents attended college, however neither graduated. So, it was their hope and desire that their three children would achieve Bachelor level degrees. As the eldest child, I was determined to achieve this goal,” said Wilson. After earning his bachelors's in economics from the Univer-
the best team of people possible. My No.1 Leadership Agenda Item is PEOPLE,” said Wilson. Currently, Wilson is the founder of JSW Consulting, LLC, and co-author of the book “Managing Brand YOU.” “People have a passion that makes them unique. Rather than trying to copy someone else, 'Managing Brand You' helps readers stand out by being true to themselves,” Wilson says. Wilson is living proof that a twoyear college system is important for students. Graduating from GPC eventually led him to his success today. “My advice to current GPC students is to simply do your very best in whatever you choose to do. I would encourage anyone to build broad skills with areas of personal focus in order to compete in a global marketplace,” Wilson advises.
The “stigma” is a result of people misunderstanding the incredible value of colleges like GPC. sity of Georgia and a masters in Marketing from Mercer University, Wilson began working for Ford, Volkswagen, and Coca-Cola. At The Coca-Cola Company, Wilson became the Senior Vice President of Global Chief Customer and Commercial Officer. “Along the way, I learned that the key to any business challenge is attracting, including, and inspiring
Clarkston SGA President Salwa Ahmed Has Big Plans For This Semester By Sabatani Shetu Staff Writer
he C: What are some goals for SGA at your campus this semester? Ahmed: Our goal has always been to improve communication, increase awareness of the opportunities and resources available at this campus, bring our peers closer to their community, and make sure that students enjoy their experience here. Besides those goals, for this particular semester, we want to bring SGA to the forefront and open it up to students. Because our term is almost up, it’s important to us that students see how the awesome experiences they’ve had here can be continued by someone else and that if there are problems they want to see resolved, they can join and work towards it. The C: What else do you hope to accomplish? Ahmed: If nothing else, we hope to have given the student
SGA Clarkston President Salwa Ahmed Photo Courtesy of Salwa Ahmed
body the ability to see that a handful of students — just like them — can create a positive change for their peers. It might not happen in a semester or a year, but sometimes, taking a step is all that is really needed. If it’s not SGA or another leadership organization, we want to have given students the
confidence to go after another club, organization, or opportunity and grab it with the thought that it can happen for them. The C: What specifically (that you know of now) can students hope to expect this semester? Ahmed: Lots and lots of events. Events we’ve had before that are bigger and better, and events we haven’t had before. There is much more to come but you’ll have to wait and see. The C: What events do you have planned? Ahmed: We have a long list of events planned for the semester. One of our more popular events is the Open Mic, which students can sign up for in advance, and it’s an event for practically anyone who wants to showcase a talent of theirs. You can sing, rap, read poetry, dance — whatever. In the past, students have really enjoyed it, and because of that, they can certainly expect it to happen a bit more often.
The C: Has anything changed from last semester? (What's new? What will be different, any budget changes...etc) Ahmed: Budget meetings are coming up soon, so if there are students interested in hearing or seeing what goes on with that process, they need to keep an eye out! We have familiar and new faces within SGA, and we intend to roll out more events this semester than there were in the Fall. The C: When are elections for the new school year? (2014-2015) Ahmed: They are usually around February/March, so very soon. Once the dates have been confirmed, they will be made available to all students, so those who are interested will know soon enough. The C: Is there anything else you'd like to let students know for this semester? Ahmed: First, we hope everyone is ready for the semester.
Collegian Spring 2014 Staff Application Online Visit
Continues on Page 4
Around the Perimeter 3
Opinion The C Poetry
Student Reacts to Board of Regents Smoking Ban
Campus News
The Soapbox
Clarkston Club Rush
Softball Coaches Ready For Season Spring 2014 Softball Calender
The Facts About GPC's DegreeWorks Program Designers Wanted! Contributors Wanted
Styleotter ! Sp
Put it on the Calender Source: GPC General Events Calender
DeKalb Symphony Orchestra Children's Concert. 3p.m. Clarkston Gym
1/26 1/27
Masterclass. 12:30 - 2 p.m. (Clarkston)
2014 Georgia Probe Transfer Fair. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Decatur. Building SC 2nd Floor
Midpoint for First Half Term Classes
Theatre Arts Guild Production. " "Intimate Apparel" by Lynn Nottage. 8 p.m. Clakrston. Building CF
2014 Georgia Probe Transfer Fair. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Clarkston. Building CN Lower Level.
Intramural Basketball League. 4:30 p.m. Clarkston. CG 1150
Club & Organization Resource Fair. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Newton. 2N Lobby
Name: Keturah Walker Major: Health Services Campus: Clarkston
"I inspire myself." Photo by Hope Dickson
Withdraw (WF) - First Half Classes
Name: Deangelo Dennard Major: Business Adminstration Campus: Clarkston
Deadline to Petition for In-state Tuition for Spring 2014
"My inspiration comes from the people I surround myself around, such as my friends and associates."
Mercury Season. Chamber Ensemble Concert. 1 p.m. Dunwoody. NC 1100
Registration for Second Half Term Classes.
January 22, 2013
Photo by Hope Dickson
Name: Rae Ann Dixon Major: Biology Campus: Newton
Student Study Day
“Relaxed and natural.” Letter from the editor
e are already on the second edition this semester. As promised The Collegian is back to its original eight page spread. I would like to welcome the new staff members who joined us this semester. Througout the this edition you will find some new changes that I hope will be here to stay. I would like to thank those who helped put this edition together and the writers who submitted their articles during the first week of classes. With the new edition of exectuive staff members I know this year will be better than the past. We are still slowly growing from last semester and can only continue to do so. As always we want students to know that you don't have to be on staff to submit your work.
Photo by Sri Madhavi Rajasekaran
Contributors are welcomed. You can submit comics,poetry,news articles,opinion pieces and sports features to us for considereation on our print and web platforms. I hope the information you find within the pages of The Collegian this edition will help you in your academic and personal lives this semester. We are still accepting members and anyone no matter your major can join. If you have any questions or concerns please email us at
Tweet Us! #GPCollegian #GPCsoapbox #GPCpublicsafety
Name: Reco Carson Major: Business Administration Campus: Clarkston
"My style comes from whatever looks fly." Photo by Hope Dickson
Troi Charity Editor-in-Chief
Editor in Chief Troi Charity
Farhin Lilywala Sri Rajasekaran
Web Editor Victoria Song
Executive Editor Perry Standridge
Campus news editor Open
Copy Editor Open
Associate Editor Justin Beaudrot
Campus photo editor
Hana Bekele
DISCLAIMER The Collegian is the student newspaper of Georgia Perimeter College, and is a designated public forum for students, faculty and staff to share their opinions. Comments and views expressed herein are those of the individual writers, and not those of the college or the Collegian as a whole. We strongly encourage students to submit articles and artwork for publication. Single copies are free. More than three copies per person are $.50 each. Editors reserve the right to edit for grammar, space, appropriateness and length. Not all submissions will be published. To speak with a staff member, please call 678-891-3380 or e-mail us at
January 22, 2014
Our Voice
Poetry Transition By Nikki Miller
Crack Pipe
Contributor The creak of the floor board stops me from entering the room fully I turn to look behind me. My grandfather is still asleep in the dark brown chair in the living room and the dishes banging in the sink mean that my aunt is still in the kitchen down the hall. When I turn back her eyes are open but she doesn't see me. Not yet. As I wait I hug the door frame and my fingernails catch on every little groove in the wood that shows how tall I have ever been. After a while her eyes focus on me And in a voice I barely recognize she calls me to come in closer. My chin to rests on the edge of the mattress while we talk about silly things like if a fat toad can jump higher than a skinny bunny or what a humming bird would sound like if it could sing. All the while her thin, cold hand rests on my cheek or pulls at a beaded braid. When it gets harder for her eyes to stay open I begin to cry, burying my face into soft white blanket that surrounds her. I tell her that I miss her when she sleeps. I beg her to stay. A cool hand returns to my cheek as her eyes close. And I know that less of her will come back when she wakes.
By Jack Lester Contributor Lips press against the cold glass tube as she sits on the toilet. Ber bare feet are cold against the green bathroom tile. A knock below the doorknob and the soft stampede of feet come and go like six o'clock. The sink has become home to house flies. Bills make a pancake stack on the broken wooden table. Air conditioning blows from a box fan in the living room. The old television plays cartoons with faded colors. Behind the closed bathroom door, a free hand flicks the bic. Her mouth becomes a vacuum for the smoke as she fills her lungs. That first hit always slumps her. The residential roach races his pal as the kithcen lights come on. Small footsteps dodge both of the houseguests. Underneath the dim fridge light is a lone juice box. Another knock on the door... this one more resounding. The zombie focuses back in on the next hit. Her glass dick takes priority. A half kncock sounds weakly, followed by fading footsteps. One more hit from the glass fills the room with smoke like a house engulfed in flames.
Photo by Perry Standridge
Student Response to Smoking Ban By Joy Bratcher Staff Writer
ecently, the Board of Regents discussed the idea of banning all smoking on campuses across the state. This means taking away public smoking areas, an idea that students are not ready to support. Even though it seems that many are against the proposal, I believe that it will ultimately be a great plan if it passes into law. In fact, it would be something that has been long over due in my opinion.
I have always been someone that’s against smoking. I have seen the devastation that it has caused. My dad has lung cancer, which is something that the doctors seem to have related to him smoking when he was younger. My dad has not smoked a single cigarette in over 20 years. Yet, they say that the effects of the tobacco had already taken its toll on his lungs. My distaste for cigarettes also comes from my asthma. Even a little bit of secondhand smoke can set me off into a coughing attack. At the Newton campus, people are allowed to smoke on the campus near the entrance to the first building. Even if you try to avoid it, the wind can sometimes carry the smoke over to wherever you are. This is a problem for all asthma patients and people who have breathing problems that are made worse by secondhand smoke.
I believe that if the proposal is passed, then it would not only help put an end to secondhand smoke, but will also help people quit smoking period. If people are forced to smoke less, then it could make it easier for them to stop smoking altogether. Tobacco and the other substances that are made into cigarettes are harmful to a person’s body, but the high or rush that they get from the nicotine seems to make all of it okay. This is the furthest thing from the truth, and something that the tobacco companies want you to overlook. I believe that making all of the campuses smoke free is going to be a great change. I sincerely hope that the proposal passes later this year. If it does, then I believe as time goes by people will see that the Board of Regents made the right call.
January 22, 2013
Campus News SGA President Salwa Ahmed Continued Continued from Cover - SGA certainly is looking forward to it. We’ve been talking about this since the Fall! For the Spring Semester, our expectations are higher than ever, and we’re looking to make the best of the time we have left for this term. Simply put, we are representatives of the student body, and we are looking to improve in
From left SGA Publicity Chair Zakkiyyah Thomas, SGA President Salwa Ahmed and Student Life Director Stephan Moore provide refreshments during the Clakrston Campus Club Rish on Jan.15 Photo by Justin Beaudrot
Clubs Rush to Add Members to Rosters By Troi Charity Collegian Staff
AG held their annual Club Rush on Clakrston Jan.15 in the student center. “ It was a very well thought out event,” said Clarkston SGA President Salwa Ahmed. “Students had a chance to view what is on campus.” Students had the chance to learn briefly about the several clubs in attendance such as Japan Society, Triangle Club, International Students Club and the GaPCANS. “I want them to learn more
about Japan and not just anime,” said upcoming Japan Society President Tony Khounxay. Sponsored by JAG, refreshments were provided during the event where students received a light snack after visiting club tables. Travis Lindsey however was from Campus Movie Fest promoting the upcoming event. The purpose of Campus Movie Fest is to give the opportunity to create and play around with editing material,” said Linsey. “ Get in tune with their creative genes.” Club Rush was held Jan. 15 and
16 on Clarkston. To view more photos visit
For more events located on your campus scan the link above or visit
any areas that we can. If any student has ideas on how we can do that, or simply has questions, then they’re welcome to stop by the Student Life office, post them directly to our Facebook page, or — preferably -- attend a SGA meeting. Other than that, we wish students the best of luck with the semester!
January 22, 2014
Softball Coaches Gearing Up For Another Season at GPC
Head Softball Coach Ken Deyton
Pitching Coach Kimberly Hobbs
Source: GPC Athletic Website
By Farhin Lilywala Managing Editor - Clarkston
wimming, softball, basketball, lacrosse, and basically any other sports
Source: GPC Athletic Website
team have one thing in common: These teams would not exist without their coaches. A coach is a vital aspect to the team; this individual is responsible for holding the team together and pushing
it to fulfill its full potential. This year, the college’s softball team has two coaches. Kenneth Deyton is the head softball coach, and Kimberly Hobbs is the pitching coach. Together, they hope to bring home the championship trophy again. The Collegian: What are you looking forward to most this season? Coach Deyton: Having 9 returning players from last season’s championship team. The C: Who are some players we need to look out for? CD: Lyndsey Parden last year’s GCAA regional championship MVP pitcher, Abby Hulsey returns with a big bat, and incoming freshman Morgan Howard will be an all-region candidate. The C: What is your favorite part about coaching? CD: Seeing the players success-
Softball Calender Source: GPC Athletic Website
NJCAA Kickoff Classic Tournament. Clearwater, Fla. Central Florida College at 9 a.m. Polk State College. 11 a.m. Feb. 1 St. Petersburg College. Feb 2 at 9 a.m.
3/4 3/5
Chipola FPU Classic Tournament. Marianna, Fla.
Indian Hills Community College. Covington, Ga. 1 p.m. /3 p.m. Chattanooga State Comm. College. Covington, Ga.2 p.m./ 4 p.m.
Pitt Community College. Covington, Ga. 1 p.m./3 p.m.
Chattanooga State Community College. 11 a.m. Feb. 15
Gulf Coast Community College. 5 p.m. Feb.15
West Georgia Technical College. Covington, Ga. 2 p.m./4 p.m. Andrew College. Cuthbert, Ga. 2 p.m./4 p.m.
Georgia Highlands College. Cartersville, Ga. 1 p.m./3 p.m.
Chipola College 2 p.m. Feb. 14 Walter State Community College. 6 p.m. Feb 14
Tallahassee Community College. Columbus, Ga. 12:30 p.m.
NJCAA Leadoff Classic Tournament. Columbus, Ga. Southern Union College. 2:30 p.m. Kirkwood Community College. 5 p.m.
ful in life several years after they graduate. The C: What are some of the biggest challenges you will have to overcome this season? CD: Our strength of schedule. We will face many nationally ranked programs this year. But I feel like we are one as well. The C: What exercises does the team do to prepare for each game? CD: We have a very good strength and conditioning program that our players participate in on a weekly basis. The C: What are your goals for this season? CD: Our team goal is to be the best person we can be EVERYDAY. We feel like a true champion has great character. The C: Any other comments about your team? CD: These ladies work very
hard on the field, but they are even better in the classroom. I am privileged to spend everyday with exceptional people like them.
For more information on GPC's Softball team and other sports scan the code above.
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• Want to capture great images and get your photos printed? Join The Collegian!
Sports Writers Wanted • Are you an Athlete?
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• Want to attend games and get your named printed? Join The Collegian!
January 22, 2014
The Facts Behind GPC's DegreeWorks Program By Troi Charity Collegian Staff
PC students have a new tool to help them track their progress toward a degree. The college unveiled the new software called DegreeWorks in March 2013 for students to personally see where they are towards their degree. The program, purchased in 2011 from software company Ellucian, was selected by the University System of Georgia (USG) to be used by all 31 institutions. GPC Registrar Douglas Ruch said, “It is part of the initiative to enhance advising across the system." After GPC staff completed training on the software, they began testing the program and added the school's list of majors.
Ruch said the school will continue to use the trade name DegreeWorks since it is universal in the USG and can be recognized by the same name even after students leave GPC. "Since GPC has a large number of students who transfer to us from other University System of Georgia schools and a lot of our students transfer to those schools, it seemed logical to us to keep the name," said Ruch. "Students would recognize it and know what it can do for them when they either come here or transfer to another USG school." Students might not know but any full-time faculty member at GPC can access their informa-
tion in DegreeWorks by searching through their student ID number. "All full-time faculty have access to DegreeWorks," said Ruch. "While faculty have advisees as-
Faculty who do not have advisees also have access to the program. “Faculty who assist with new student orientations also need access to students in DegreeWorks who are not their advisees in order to assist with advisement and registration,” said Ruch. DegreeWorks is still in a development phase. According to Ruch, it is about "95 percent" accurate when helping students. "We are continuously making adjustments to get to that 100 percent mark," said Ruch. "There are some software limitations that did not allow us to program some of our majors as straight forward as we would have liked."
Helpful but does not factor time of start of the degree which differs from current requirements and also transfer credit.
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signed to them, quite often they advise students who are not assigned to them or are in different majors."
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GPC Student Wilford Esselburn had never heard of the program but gave it a couple of minutes to see how it worked. "Helpful but does not factor time of start of the degree which differs from current requirements and also transfer credit," said Esselburn. However, Ruch is hopeful that DegreeWorks will continue to improve in the future. "With the next version of the software, we will be able to implement ‘Plans,’ " said Ruch. "This will allow students and their advisors to plan out the courses the student will take in future terms." Ruch is looking forward to this implementation scheduled for Summer 2014.
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Q: What are your expectations for this semester?
Name: Brooklyn Aaron Major: Global Studies and Spanish Campus: Newton "Keep my 4.0 and transfer to West Georgia for my last semester." Photos by Sri Rajasekaran
Name: Christopher Halloway Major: Business Administration Campus: Clarkston
Name: Jordan Murden Major: Radiology Campus: Clarkston
Name: Logan Malcolm Major: Criminal Justice Campus: Newton
Name: Margaret Elliot Major: Nursing Campus: Newton
"At least get all 'B's' in every class but I'm striving for all 'A's'"
"My expectations for this semester are to get A's, to meet new people, and to expand my horizons."
"Getting all A's"
"My expectations are to learn as much as possible to help me go to the next level and to meet new friends."
Photos by Kayla Osborne
Photos by Kayla Osborne
Photos by Sri Rajasekaran
Photos by Sri Rajasekaran
January 22, 2014