The Collegian January 28, 2015

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January 28, 2015 VOLUME 31 NO.2 Visit online at

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Athletes disappointed over Jaguar curtain call

Around the Perimeter Campus News

All sports recruitment is cancelled, effective immediately, says interim president Rob Watts

Our Journeys


Who's Up for MVP?


State of the Union


Dr. King Vigil


Town Hall Update


Centerfold: Merger Concerns


Sports Student Athletes: More than Just Jocks


Basketball Captains Freshman forward Darius Bridges (#25) scores on Albany Tech at one of his last games as a GPC Jaguar.

By Ben Abrams Collegian Staff


uite frankly I think it’s unfair, because it leaves a lot of athletes without what we were promised: free education and a chance to play basketball, said Brie Reckley (#11), a sophomore for the Lady Jaguars basketball team. “That’s how I feel about it.” GPC interim president Robb Watts made the decision on Jan. 12 and announced it at a town hall meeting on Jan. 13 on the Dunwoody campus to suspend recruiting and scholarships for GPC athletics next year. The meeting was hosted Georgia State’s President Mark Becker to discuss the early details of the consolidation between GPC and GSU that will happen next year. Akiem Balium, sports editor for the GSU Signal, reports that a meeting took place between Watts and Athletic Director Alfred Barney on Jan. 5. The meeting ended with Watts and Barney in agreement about status of the athletic program for 2016. Watts officially told The Collegian on Jan. 16 that there will be no

intercollegiate athletics at GPC for the next academic year. The decision was met with disappointment from the entire athletic staff. Barney, also men’s head basketball coach, said, “I’m disappointed to be honest that we don’t have athletics next year. A lot of people put a lot of time, effort, and energy into building these programs to recruit on a national level.” Marlon Reid (#44), a forward for the Jaguars, shared his disappointment. “I feel that it is unfair to the students, especially the freshman, the fact the they only get to play one year." Reid’s teammate Darius Bridges (#25) also said, “It’s a hurtful feeling to know that it’s my freshman year, and my last year to play basketball here.” Freshman forward, Daryl Tucker (#20) has accepted the end of his GPC career. “Everything is happening so fast. I really like this school, and playing for this school is an honor," he said. "I’m just flabbergasted that everything is happening so quick. You have a basketball team full of brothers, and you feel like we’re just breaking up.”

Watts shared his reason for ending GPC sports after this semester during the town hall meeting. Watts felt that it would be wrong to bring in a new class of recruits next year and then force them to transfer after the year was over. According to Watts, 47 scholarship athletes are sophomores and 86 are freshmen, with Barney estimating around 70 of them are being recruited to play for other schools right now. What happens to the freshmen and redshirt sophomores who were planning on playing at GPC next year? Barney explained that there are two options for these students. Option one is that the athletes can stay at GPC for academics and the school will still honor the cost of the scholarship. The second option is that the athletes will be granted their release and they can transfer to any jcollege they want without having to miss any potential playing time. Any sophomores who have played for GPC for two years but still need classes to graduate will have their fall classes covered by the school. Watts sent all 86 freshmen letters informing them about


Photo by Ben Abrams.

their options. Reid still had objections about the decision after the alternatives were announced. “I feel that it is unfair even though they're going to fund us, I still don’t think that they should stop the program.” He also pointed out, “We didn’t hear about it until now, and with basketball most schools and colleges they recruit early so we try to get on another team and they tell us this now it’s going to be hard to earn a spot on a roster that is already halfway full.” The second concern that has to be addressed with Watt’s decision is what will happen to Barney and the rest of the athletic staff ? “As athletic director and a coach, my tenure at the end of the semester is over,” Barney confirmed. “Hopefully, I can stay on in some other capacity. I don’t know. I’m just waiting to hear from the president and the powers to be to see how that goes.” What does this mean for the rest of the department? Barney continued, “Sad to say coaches, athletic directors, trainers, and secretaries are going to have to look for new jobs.”

Opinion Paper or Plastic?


Volunteering: The Key to Making a Difference


Features 2015 Fashion Trends




January 28, 2015



h i s edition marks the second edition of the Spring 2015 semester. I hope everyone is off to an amazing start

with school. I personally know how much of a drag it can be to wake up, go to school and work really hard to learn. Nonetheless, if I have learned one thing in my time as a community college student and as editor of this newspaper, it's that there is always, always a reward for those who work hard for it. I've had countless sleepless nights, putting each of these editions together, in fact. I still wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm learning; I'm making my own mark on the world, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Many of you have heard about the consolidation now. Stay tuned, and keep reading the Collegian for more updates. I know this is a scary time; change is always frightening. But know that you have the power to change an institution. You have the power to make your voice heard. If the Collegian can help you do that, let us know! Thank you for the rewarding experience of being the editor of the Collegian and representing you, the students, as your student newspaper editor.

If you have something to say then be sure to contact us at gpc. We want to make your voice heard. I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading the content we put so much effort into producing. We hope to exceed your expectations. The Collegian appreciates any feedback from our audience. If you wish to submit a letter to the editor, please e-mail it to gpc.collegian@ Also, if you have any story ideas, comments, or questions, please contact us at gpc.collegian@ We would love to hear from you!

Farhin Lilywala Editor-in-Chief

CORRECTION Last edition, the sports briefs were written by Tosin Ogunnoiki, not Ben Abrams. The Collegian apologizes for the error.

PUT IT ON THE CALENDAR Source: GPC General Events Calendar


Clarkston- International Student Welcome Reception: 12-1 p.m., CN 2220



College-wide- SGA Meeting: 9:30 a.m.


Clarkston- Triangle Club Meeting: 4-5 p.m., CH3300

Clarkston- Personal Enrichment Series (PES) workshop: 3 p.m., CN 2240


Clarkston- Club Rush: 1-3 p.m., CN Building


EDITOR IN CHIEF Farhin Lilywala


MANAGING EDITORS Alem Giorgis Jabril Titus Naya Clark

Clarkston- Japan Society Meeting: 1-2:15 p.m., CN 2210


Clarkston- Personal Enrichment Series (PES) workshop: 10 a.m., CN 2240


Clarkston- "Wear Red & Get Fed" - American Heart Association's National Wear Red Day: 11 a.m.-2 p.m., CN 1400



College-wide- Spread the Love Week

Clarkston- "Make a Child Smile:" 12-2 p.m., CN 1400

DISCLAIMER The Collegian is the student newspaper of Georgia Perimeter College, and is a designated public forum for students, faculty and staff to share their opinions. Comments and views expressed herein are those of the individual writers, and not those of the college or the Collegian as a whole. We strongly encourage students to submit articles and artwork for publication. Single copies are free. More than three copies per person are $.50 each. Editors reserve the right to edit for grammar, space, appropriateness and length. Not all submissions will be published. To speak with a staff member, please call 678-891-3382 or e-mail us at


January 28, 2015



Campus News

Our Journeys

Who's up for A motherly engineer graduates in May MVP?

Mentor a veteran today By Rangadevi Chakraborty Staff Writer


Photo by Alem Giorgis.

"Don’t stress yourself," Thakuri advises. "Have faith, and never be afraid thinking about your future. There is always a way; you just need to be dedicated, focused and determined."

ed States in 2011 on a student visa along with her husband, who is currently a Ph.D. candidate in neurophysics at Georgia State. Thakuri credits her success to how well she and her husband balance school, work, and caring for their daughter. Approximately one-fourth of undergraduates in the U.S. have children, and the difficulties that these students face trying to secure quality daycare, flexible employment and rigorous courses can be overwhelming. Community colleges in particular have struggled to improve retention and decrease extremely high dropout rates of students with a great deal of responsibilities in their lives. Along with financial need, many students require support to secure steady transportation and housing. Students also need social capital in the form of academic mentors and personal counselors. Thus, there are many factors that need to be addressed in order

to create a more conducive environment for success. For Thakuri, she is grateful that she has had an extensive network of supportive faculty mentors at GPC. She plans to transfer to Georgia Tech or another four-year university in order to pursue a career in biomedical engineering. As Thakuri reflected on her journey thus far, she had some poignant advice for younger students: “Nothing is impossible. Find supportive advisors and join clubs that will enrich your experience at GPC.” The beauty of attending such a diverse community college is that, among the student body, there are several individuals with unique and inspiring life stories. Classrooms are full of diverse student voices, and one conversation can change the trajectory of your life. That one conversation with someone completely different from you could inspire you to reach your full potential.

“Flora, Fauna, and Frontier”

GPC Spring 2015 Concert Voting

Sex Trafficking Awareness Forum

When: Jan. 28 at 1 p.m. Where: Performance Studio, Clarkston campus. How: Neither tickets nor registration is required. For more information, call (678) 891-3572

When: Until Jan. 29 at 5 p.m. How: Only current students can vote and can only vote once.

By Alem Giorgis Collegian Staff


ne of GPC’s most impressive aspects is the sheer diversity among its student body. The college’s massive student population of more than 21,000 students consists of non-traditional students, single parents, career changers, veterans, and international students. One such student is Deepa Thakuri, a mother who is planning to graduate in May with an engineering degree. Thakuri has worked hard to balance her life as both a mom to a two-year old daughter and a fulltime student. Like many college students with dependents, Thakuri has relied on a network of support to eke out the key ingredients to her own success here at GPC. As an international student from Nepal, she came to the Unit-


uring the past four years, GPC’s Military Outreach Center has been named in magazines such as “G.I. Jobs” and “Victory Media,” giving GPC a reputation of being a military-friendly school. GPC provides various services to veterans free of charge, and a relatively new addition to these resources is the Mentoring Veteran Program (MVP), associated with Green Zone training, which faculty and staff members can now follow online. The course consists of a short video that highlights the issues that student veterans may face at school. Approximately 800 staff members are enrolled in the Green Zone training this semester, and this will enable them to aid and assist where needed. According to Mark Eister, Director of Military Outreach, it is important for veterans and staff to participate in MVP, because it is designed for new or struggling student veterans. A personally assigned mentor can assist them with possible challenges or unexpected setbacks in their transition towards an academic career. This way, GPC can be proactive rather than reactive when the student is already in trouble. Nursing student Brittany Banks believes that it is important for us to help them in any way possible. “I mean they put their lives on the line for us,” said Banks. A friend’s mom remained close with friends from the army but had a hard time forging new relationships, says Banks. She believes there is a need for veterans to connect with each other, share their experiences and slowly make their way back into

the civilian society. Individuals such as Michael Debert, professor of English, can also serve those who once served the country. As a part of “The Chattahoochee Review,” a literary journal, Derbert organizes a creative writing event for veterans twice a year. He explains that the events always get a good turnout, and sometimes there is such an instant connection that the actual writing never really happens. GPC also has a Student Veterans Association (SVA). Every semester the club holds a few events for their members, such as movie nights, lunches and celebrations. The link to donate directly into a fund that offers student veterans scholarships in order to assist them in their pursuit of a degree is located on the GPC website. “The money from this specific fund is being used in the best interest of student veterans only, and no second or third party enjoys any benefit of it,” Eister promised. To donate, scan the QR code below. For more information about SVA, contact Lorretta Arrington at

By Naya Clark

Collegian Staff

To vote, scan the QR code.

When and Where: Clarkston-Jan. 28, 12:30-2:30 p.m., Room CN-2240 Decatur-Jan. 29, 12:30-2:30 p.m., Room SF-2100/2101 How: Free Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and snacks will be available to student participants.

LTC Center Open

Withdrawal periods

When: M-TR: 10 a.m.-9 p.m., F: 12-4 p.m., Su: 2-5:45 p.m. Where: Dunwoody campus, LRC building, top floor

When: Feb. 6-Feb. 19 How: Withdrawal will result in a WF on a student’s transcript.

First half classes

Full term classes

When: Jan. 14- Mar. 5 How: Withdrawal will result in a W on a student’s transcript. Scan the code to visit the LTC website.



January 28, 2015

Campus News

State of the Union 2015

Obama's plan for getting America back on its feet By Maurice Raeford Staff Writer


n Jan. 20, President Barack Obama gave his sixth annual State of the Union address. During this speech, he touched on things such as the economy, higher education, technology and the military. He began the speech by explaining that the economy is at the best it has been since 1999. Obama continued to delineate several improvements saying that: • Job growth has increased. • Gas prices went down. • The high school dropout rate has decreased. • Since 9/11, the number of troops in Iraq has decreased, and the war is finally over He explained that America is coming out of an extensive recession and does not want to spend more money rushing into war and instead wants to invest more into American technology. He wants to build technology up so that America can stop outsourcing jobs and start exporting more goods. President Obama referred to the success stories of Rebekah and Ben Erler to illustrate how the federal government can further invest the education and job prospects of the middle class. Obama detailed that when Ben’s construction business took a hit during the collapse of housing market, Rebekah, a waitress, went back to community college and was able to get a better job as a result. The Erlers were able to survive the crisis and to top it off, bought their first house. Obama believes that the more college graduates America has, the better its economy will be. As a result, he is working



on making community college free. In addition, Obama believes that childcare should be more affordable, especially with so many working mothers. The plan that he has devised would give parents a $3,000 allowance on their tax returns to help with childcare. He says Americans can also save another $700 per year with the lower gas prices. Obama is also campaigning to give women equal wages of their male counterparts. He wants to raise minimum wages so that people can better support their families. He drove this point home when he looked to Congress and told them he would like to see them be able to work full-time and support a family off of $15,000 a year. Therefore, Obama wants businesses to raise their minimum wages to boost the morale of the workers. He further described that when people make more money and are not frustrated, productivity will go up. Obama says that he wants the minimum wage average to be $10.10/ hour. He elaborates that when employees make more, they will be able to spend more with other businesses. Many small businesses have already taken it upon themselves to increase the wages of their employees. President Obama wants to bring back the time when hard work meant that you got a decent wage. He does not want the American Dream to turn into an empty promise.


• Building technology to prevent outsourcing of jobs • Making community college education free • Affordable childcare • Equal wages for men and women • Raising the minimum wage

'Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.'

Dr. King's dream lives on in the hearts of GPC students By Sabrina Jamil Staff Writer


strong advocate of equality, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. conveyed a powerful message in his “I Have A Dream Speech” addressing issues of racism that affected the lives of millions of Americans. In honor of MLK Day, GPC hosted a Candlelight Vigil on Jan. 21, in order to celebrate his life and the powerful impact he had on guiding our country and world towards equality. The ceremony began with Clarkston’s SGA President Jonathan Rowe welcoming the audience. In the ceremony, Director for Student Life, Robert Bryant, explained that the purpose of this event was not only to celebrate MLK Day but also to realize that

together, everybody can make a difference. Immediately following Bryant’s introduction, the Vice President of SGA, Aissata Diallo, began the candle lighting ceremony during which each participant lit his or her candle. As the ceremony continued, JAG Publicity Chair, Nzinga Ogle, began to sing “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” and participants sang in unison with her. The lyrics of the song brought a great deal of emotion into the ceremony. "It united the school body, gave the event a historical impact and really fed the purpose of MLK Day,” participating student Sarah Mohamed said. “It wasn't just a social or fun event; it was eye opening. I viewed Dr. King as a civil rights leader, but after being a part of the event, I recognize he’s even greater."

Subsequently, Clarkston Dean of Student Affairs Matthew Robison gave a speech reflecting on some of King’s works, demonstrating just how powerful it was for one man to make such an incredible difference. Theatre student Stephon Ferguson then gave a dramatic performance of King’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. At the end of the celebration, the participants held hands and sang “We Shall Overcome.” Participants’ reactions to the performance were emotional. "The ceremony made me feel unified and peace in heart,” student Aissata Diallo explained. “The speeches and performances made me more emotionally connected. Especially Stephon Ferguson's dramatic performance felt as if Dr. King was with us. This celebration was truly touching and opened my eyes to a lot more.”

January 28, 2015


Town Hall Recap Here's what we know so far about the consolidation By Naya Clark

Collegian Staff


n Jan. 12 at 1 p.m., GPC’s interim president Rob Watts, Georgia State’s President Mark Becker and University System of Georgia Vice Chancellor for Planning and Implementation Shelly Nickel gathered at GPC’s Dunwoody campus for a townhall meeting. The meeting highlighted many major concerns of students and faculty regarding the impending merger between the college and Georgia State. Questions regarding tuition have been a main concern among students. Many students are hoping that the merger with GSU wouldn’t make any drastic increases to GPC’s affordable tuition.

• Tuition: Final costs

will be approved in April along with student fees and other budget management. Tuition will be different for those achieving Associate’s degrees and

those achieving higher degrees.

• Class sizes: Watts

and Becker confirmed to allow GPC to maintain its class sizes, which average at about 22 students per class.

• Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG):

This program allows students to transfer to colleges in close relations with GPC. Becker confirms that they do not wish to hinder students’ paths and that they are still in close relations with other institutions besides UGA. “Students are not losing opportunities by transferring,” said Becker. The pathways to Bachelor’s and higher degrees will only increase, according to Watts.

• Undocumented students: Ac-

cording to Nickel, undocumented students

A counter-culture newspaper: "The Bird" By Barry Switay

will not have access to the four-year part of Georgia State but will continue to have access to the two-year part of the new institution.

• Applic ations:

Both institutions will have separate application processes. GPC students will not be able to register as GSU students until Fall 2016. Becker stresses, “Georgia State is not bringing Associate’s degrees downtown.” • “Georgia Perimeter’s access mission will not be lost in the process,” assures Watts. • The merger can be tracked along the process on http://www.




he Great Speckled Bird, or “The Bird” as it’s affectionately known, was a counter-culture underground paper. It ran in Atlanta from 1968 to 1976, picked up steam briefly in 1984, and published a few issues in 2006 before stopping publication. According to the New Georgia Encyclopedia, “The Bird” reported on politics—local, national and international, pop culture and linked left leaning activists across Ga. and the Deep South. “The Bird” is an important aspect of Atlanta history. The New Georgia Encyclopedia reports, “By the summer of 1970, the Great Speckled Bird had become the largest paid weekly newspaper in Georgia, with a circulation of 23,000 copies.” According to Robert Woodrum, GPC history professor on the Decatur campus, “‘The Bird’ was

a product of the student movement and the culture and politics of the times.” Woodrum mentioned that students “who are interested in our contemporary politics and culture can find the roots of many issues in the pages of ‘The Bird’—from race relations to women’s rights, gay rights, rock and roll, and more. It’s all there.” Also, according to Woodrum, GPC has some interesting ties to “The Bird,” Stephanie Coffin, a retired GPC professor was one of its founders. According to Steve Wise, former long-time staffer at The Bird, “The incorporation papers were prepared and signed by Maynard Jackson, then a young lawyer in town and six years before he would be inaugurated as Atlanta’s first black mayor.” Wise also told me that "The Bird" and a few staff members were “very active” in helping to get the progressive radio station 89.3 WRFG off the ground in Atlanta just over 41 years ago.

Unfortunately, today few of these underground papers still exist. As far as the name, Wise said that Tom Coffin, co-founder of The Bird, heard a version of the song “The Great Speckled Bird” at the Twelfth Gate Coffeehouse in Atlanta and thought it would be a great name. According to the New Georgia Encyclopedia, "The Bird" was banned from schools and in 1972 the office was firebombed; local authorities often harassed those who sold the paper on street corners. In many ways the birds round about were against "The Bird." The history of The Bird and the fascinating counter-cultural history of Atlanta is so much more detailed than this article. For more information, check out the exhibit from Feb. 9 through 19 at the Decatur campus in SF 2100/2101. On Feb. 9 and 19, former staffers will be there at 11:30 a.m.



January 28, 2015

What are your concerns w STUDENTS

By James Fisher

Photos by Billy Esselburn.

Staff Writer

Name: Mahri Batyruva Major: Business Administration Campus: Dunwoody “I think it is a great idea. I was planning to transfer to Georgia State University but since GPC is going to merge with GSU, I am happy to stay here.”

Name: Phil Duong Major: Engineering Campus: Dunwoody “It’s nice to have easier transfers to GSU, but I hope tuition costs do not rise.”

Name: William Roberts Major: Theater Campus: Dunwoody “I’m very happy and excited for the merger, especially being that I plan to go to GSU next semester, so that makes the whole process much easier.”

Name: Monique Lee (left) Major: Sociology Campus: Dunwoody “My concern is the amount of students enrolling in classes and tuition changes.” Name: Aparma Kanjhlia (right) Major: Biology Campus: Dunwoody “Georgia Perimeter College should function as a two-year college and have a self-governing student body. Students at GPC have smaller classes and get more attention from professors.”

Name: Michael Kartawinata Major: Film Campus: Dunwoody

Name: John Vaughn Major: Engineering Campus: Dunwoody “I do not like the GPC-GSU merge because it may change the tuition costs.”

“My concern would be for future students who come to the campus. Most students who go to GPC go here because it is less expensive, but if the merger somehow increases tuition, that would be a problem. However, it would be easier for students to get into GSU. However, if tuition rises because of the merger, I doubt we would see more students attending. GPC is affordable and that is its biggest selling point.”

Name: Steven Rigsby Major: History Campus: Dunwoody “As long as I keep my credits and have access to good professors I have liked, I do not have a problem with the merger.”

January 28, 2015



s with the GPC-GSU merger? FACULTY AND STAFF

By Farhin Lilywala

Photos by Farhin Lilywala.

Collegian Staff

Name: Lydia Ship (left) Department: Managing Editor, The Chattahoochee Review Campus: Clarkston

Name: Paul Hudson Department: Professor, History Campus: Clarkston

"I am anxious to know the new strategic mission so that I can facilitate the change that is going to happen."

"I'm really optimistic about this. I hope that we still do the good things that we do: teach and prepare students to finish their degrees."

Name: Joykutty Samuel Department: Facilities Operations Campus: Clarkston "Student security needs to be more important since this is an open campus. You can't tell who's a student and who's from outside." Name: Tim Tarkington Department: Associate Professor, English Campus: Clarkston

Photo courtesy of Lydia Ship.

"I don't have many concerns. In my understanding, the college will stay about the same. I don't know how it's going to shake out. It's too early to tell."

Name: Michael Hall Department: Department Chair, English Campus: Clarkston "I think the same concerns that have been expressed: maintain our access and affordability, the same mission that we've had for years. I'm hopeful that this will occur. I'm also hopeful that Georgia State's money will help us hire more advisors to help increase our retention rates. I hope they recognize what a great job our teachers do, that they appreciate what a great job our teachers do."

Name: Muriel Lange Department: Professor, English Campus: Clarkston "My concerns are primarily with the students and admission. GPC has been looked as anybody's chance to get an education. I hope that doesn't change. I don't want to see students being turned away, even non-traditional students."

Name: Ja'nice Howard Department: Sales Associate, GPC Bookstore Campus: Clarkston "My main concern is the transformation. Is it going to be an easy transition for students and employees?"

Name: Marsha Powell-Forbragd Department: Sr. Administrative Secretary, English Dept. Campus: Clarkston "My background is in corporate, and I've been at the college for 10 years. Why did I come to the school? In the corporate world, you get buyouts and mergers, and the worker bees have the greatest impact. When you merge, you get duplicates. They're not gonna need multiple secretaries; they're not gonna need multiple department heads. They're not gonna know just yet. They still have to figure it out, but somebody's gonna lose their job. I do feel that is President Watts has anything to do with it, he's gonna do the best for faculty and staff. I have faith in him."



January 28, 2015

Sports Student athletes: Jocks or gifted students? GPC athletes respond to the misconception of having brawn and no brain. By Temarrio Thomas Staff Writer


hen the captain of the school’s soccer team walks around campus, one can automatically assume that his life is easier than most students. The images portrayed by popular media outlets today would have people believe that the star athlete always gets the attractive girl and receives an easy ride thanks to partisanship exercised by the school faculty. This cliché has been featured in several TV shows and films such as “Back to the Future.” The lifestyle depicted of these gifted pupils is far from the normal reality for most of these students. Asia Vetter (#10), a freshman guard for GPC’s women’s basketball team said, “It’s a great school because it has the small classes so that your teachers know you by your name, and their actually focused on you education.” Vetter’s teammate sophomore forward, Brie Rackley (#11) said, “It gave me good exposure basketball wise, and is a good supportive school. I do feel loved here.” Both athletes agree that being a student athlete isn’t about popularity; it’s about a sense of belonging.

Rackley also agreed with Vetters about the support the athletes and student receive from the professors on campus. She said, “I met a lot of great professors here on the Decatur and Clarkston campus and most of the professors and teachers they look out for us. They are very supportive.” The college experience is new for men’s basketball players Daryl Tucker (#20) and Marlon Reid (#44). These freshmen are enjoying the newfound experience of playing on their first college team. “It has been amazing,” said Tucker as he shared his experience as a student athlete. “When you come here, it is like family. You really make a bond not only with the players, but the coaches as well. Everybody really works together, and I’m going to miss it.” Reid gave GPC athletic credit for the maturity and growth he has experienced in his short time playing for the school. “It made me a better person,” he said. “Coach Barney helped me look at certain moves and see that it is not just about basketball it is about an education too.” Sophomore basketball team captain, Ronnie Mays (#2) shared his enjoyment of meeting new

teammates and welcoming them to the school. “Meeting new people and basketball teammates when they come around and we get the chance to play with each other,” said Mays. “The leadership that you look for comes out when you to.” The other team captain, sophomore player Casey Wells (#5) said, “I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. It’s definitely given me the kind of experience that I was looking for.” Wells also loves how playing ball at GPC will help him shape his promising future. “It prepared me college beyond the two or fours years I spent here,” says Wells. “It really helped develop my game, me as a better person and a better student as well.” The next time the television or a movie portrays the image of the super jock athlete that is missing the brains to backup his brawn, take a minute and think about the reality that many student athletes are actually working as hard on hitting the books as they are on hitting the boards.

Photo by Ben Abrams

Asia Vetter (#10) focuses on making the basket on the court and making her grades off the court.

January 28, 2015




Q&A: Get to know your basketball captains By Tosin Ogunnoiki Staff Writer

Men’s Basketball Team Captain Name: Ronnie Mays Year: Sophomore Number: 2 Position: Point Guard

Women's Basketball Team Captain Name: Taylor Byod Year: Sophomore Number: 12 Position: Forward and Center Photo by Ben Abrams

Ronnie Mays (#2) jumps high to make the catch in GPC's win against Albany Tech (79-60).

Photo by Ben Abrams

Taylor Byod (#12) lines up for a freethrow shot at GPC's win against Albany Tech (76-54).

The C: Where are you from? RM: ‘I wouldn’t say stay away, cause I don't The C: Where are you from? The C: “What are your plans after you are really eat junk food. But I like to eat lots of done playing basketball at GPC?” RM: “Macon, Ga.” TB: “St. Louis, Miss.” fruit during the season. The C: What drove you to play basketball The C: Do you play any sports other than TB: “I plan to finish my 2 years at another The C: Who is your favorite basketball school while playing basketball, either Union a competitive level? basketball? RM: “It was really mixture of all the people I was around at a young age and me just staying away from trouble and violence.”

The C: Do you ever feel like there is any additional pressure on you because you were named the team captain?

RM: “Not really.

I mean there is pressure, but I really just do it for my team. If anything, my teammates take pressure off me.”

The C: What does Ronnie Mays listen to

before a game or practice and just when you are about to compete in general?


“Lil’ Wayne. Rich Homie (Quan). Kevin Gates. Young Thug.”

The C: What is your diet like during the season? Is there any junk food you try to stay away from?



“I ran cross-country and track, but basketball is my favorite”

versity of Mississippi or this other school in North Carolina that's scouting me, then go into the Navy.”

ished with GPC?

ting my nails and hair done.”

either one is good.”

(Alabama). Me and the coaches there are real cool; they’ve already come and watched some of my games.”

to prepare for a game?

achieve as basketball player?

season? Is there any junk food you try to stay away from?

RM: “Ok. Has to be Lebron ( James)!” The C: Why him? The C: Are there any hobbies outside of The C: Would you play professional basRM: “Because that is that man!” (laughs) basketball? ketball if the opportunity ever presented itThe C: Are there any plans to continue TB: “I like hanging with friends, swim- self ? playing basketball after your career is fin- ming, and just girl stuff like shopping, get- TB: “Of course! It doesn’t really matter, but RM: “I’m transferring to Troy University The C: What does Taylor Boyd like to do

Collegian Staff


The Lady Jags have fought through their last five games. Earning their wins from Chattahoochee Tech (forfeit), Andre College (62-57), and Albany Tech (76-54). The Lady Jags’ losses came from Darton State (65-45) and South Georgia Tech (75-55). This brings their record to (10-12) and (6-4) in conference play. The Lady Jags are tied for fifth place in the GCAA standing and are looking to finish the season on a great note. Keep it up Jags!

get in the zone, anything by Rich Gang.”

The C: What is the one thing you hope to The C: What is your diet like during the RM: “Regional Championship! (NJCAA Region 17) We’re trying to get one now.”


By Ben Abrams

TB: “I like to listen to music by myself to


The Jaguars have had a tough stretch in their last five games. The Jags suffered losses to South Georgia State (71-52), Chattahoochee Tech (60-58), and South Georgia Tech (85-61). On the positive side, the team did pick up wins from Gordon State College (59-52) and Albany Tech (79-60). This last stretch now brings their record to (10-11) and (3-7) in conference play. There are eight games left in the season and the Jags are looking to finish the season strong. Push it to the end Jags!

TB: “I

eat everything (laughs), I’ve been trying to eat better but its hard being in college.”



1/14- Chattahoochee Technical College, Decatur, Ga.: 5:30 p.m. 1/17- Andrew College, Cuthbert, Ga.: 2:30 p.m. 1/21- South Georgia Technical College, Americus, Ga.: 5:30 p.m. 1/24- Albany Technical College, Decatur, Ga.: 2 p.m.


1/14- Chattahoochee Technical College, Decatur, Ga.: 7:30 p.m. 1/17- Gordon State College, Barnesville, Ga.: 2 p.m. 1/21- South Georgia Technical College, Americus, Ga.: 7:30 p.m. 1/24- Albany Technical College, Decatur, Ga.: 4 p.m.


1/24- West Georgia University- Scrimmage), Covington, Ga.: 2/4 p.m.

Information provided by GPC Athletics website. Compiled by Ben Abrams, sports editor



January 28, 2015

Our Voice Volunteering: the key ingredient to making a difference By Alem Giorgis Collegian Staff


he country recently celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and many universities commemorated the holiday by hosting community service projects in order to encourage students to engage in the needs of their local communities. In its revealing series, “Great Divide,” the Global Post explains, “The distance between rich and poor is greater in America than nearly all other developed countries, making the U.S. a leader in a trend that economists warn has dire consequences.”

The U.S. is facing a multitude of problems impacting the education, healthcare, and legal systems. Although many expect elected politicians to address societal needs and inequities, the reality is that both local and state governments fall short in providing basic services to the most underserved communities in the country. This shortcoming then begets the question as to whether individual citizens can do something to prevent the country from spiraling further into a divide where the most vulnerable and marginalized communities suffer. Advocates of mandatory civilian service believe that volunteering is the key ingredient by which ordinary citizens can have a profound impact on our country in order to reverse this trend of inequity. A growing number of notable politicians

and humanitarians have been praising programs such as AmeriCorps because they place volunteers in extremely underserved areas that have little access to much-needed resources. New York has even led the way towards the implementation of mandated civilian services because the benefits are clearly evidenced. In order to practice law in N.Y., law students are now mandated to complete 50 hours of unpaid, pro-bono legal work. If every state followed suit, and if ordinary citizens support new legislation that would mandate national civilian service, millions of students and budding professionals alike would volunteer in various industries in underserved communities that desperately need access to resources. This type of selfless, organized and longterm community service in itself could help

combat enormous inequities in our country. Volunteers are capable of making a remarkable impact in our communities, and the very act of serving others changes the lives of volunteers because it teaches civic responsibility, teamwork, problem solving techniques, and selflessness. There are even monetary incentives for volunteers including monthly stipends, annual scholarships to support tuition costs and loan deferment. As Dr. King explained, “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be.” Because civilians are so interrelated, the collective commitment to public service can successfully reverse the devastating great divide and, thus, change the country, one volunteer at a time.

Paper or plastic: Say "no" to plastic By Ruth Green Staff Writer


hen considering both current and pending legislation to ban the use of plastic bags, there seems to be more reasons to support the ban than there are in support of their continued use. There are several reasons to banish the use of plastic bags: they are not biodegradable (which means

they do not break down easily); are a huge menace to marine life; get stuck in storm drains; litter beaches; cause flooding; and according to a study conducted by Toxics in Packaging, the inks and colorants used in some plastic bags contain lead – a toxin. The movement to ban plastic bags has become a national movement, and California became the very first state to prohibit singleuse plastic bags in grocery stores. Although environmentalists celebrated this achievement as the culmination of years of campaigning to educate the public about the dangers of plastic bags, their oppo-

nents (including suppliers of plastic bags) have fiercely lobbied to overturn the ban before it goes into effect this summer. Currently, there are no laws in the state of Ga. banning the use of plastic bags. Nevertheless, I myself tend to carry at least two reusable bags with me on a daily basis primarily because I never know when I might need one, and because plastic bags are messy. Some stores will load you up with them, placing one item in a bag. When I use them, I always make a point of re-bagging my

Do college athletes deserve compensation for playing on a team? By Samuel Lyons Staff Writer


he debate about student-athletes in college receiving compensation for their playing time has been argued by talking heads on television and in print for more than two decades. Anyone who has paid attention to the debate knows the two sides that are arguing. Debaters for athletes being compensated feel that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a national body that takes advantage of the talent of ametuer athletes by making millions off of them in revenue. The argument against athlete compensation is that the students already received enough benefits for their gifted talents and paying them is neither practical nor possible. John Brill, a columnist from the Shirley Povich Center of Sports Journalism at the University of Maryland stated in a 2013 article that the NCAA Division I men’s basketball tournament, “March Madness,” generates more than $770 million a year. The NCAA generates $6 billion a year from men’s basketball

and football alone. This is more than the National Basketball Association (NBA), but the NBA player gets paid millions from a percentage that the league makes from revenue. The head coaches at big name schools for football and basketball receive nice pay days as well. Former University of Texas head football coach, Mack Brown earned an annual salary of more than $5 million. The annual payment of scholarships to players on the team was just over $3 million. Marc Edelman, professor of law at Zeckilin School of Business at Baruch College, pointed out in his article for “US News” that the highest paid employees in 40 of the 50 states are head coaches of basketball and football programs at state universities. The stark contrast is that a study by the National College Players Association found that 85% of college athletes are considered to be below the poverty line. Zack Darlin, the senior college football writer for the “The Bleacher Report” made his argument against athlete compensation in his 2013 article. Darlin reports that an athletic scholarship can pay between

$20,000 and $50,000 a year. The athletes who receive scholarships have an advantage over other students because they have no burden of student debt after they graduate. In 2013, the NCAA made $800 million in revenue off of their “March Madness” television coverage. 96% of the revenue was spent reinvesting into the schools that participated in the tournament. In 2011, the NCAA introduced a $2,000 stipend to help college athletes with the cost of college. The stipend was eventually pulled because the NCAA had too many legal issues with Title IX laws and finding ways for athletes to keep their ametuer statuses with the stipends. The argument about what an student athlete should be rewarded with for their talents and academics will not be coming to an end anytime soon. Both arguments presented in the argument make good points. The fact that has to be accepted is that this issue is a complicated problem that will have to take a lot of thought and possibly compromise for a solution.

own groceries thereby eliminating about half of the bags given to me by the stores. This way, I reduce a great deal of waste. In her article, “Should Georgia Ban Plastic Bags, Too?” journalist Lisa Swafford of the Daily Citizen argues that eco-friendly reusable bags are definitely an alternative to plastic bags. Citing a study, Swafford explains, “Non-woven, polypropylene bags need to be used only 11 times to reduce their global warming impact of their production to the level of a single plastic bag.” We have become accustomed to using plastic bags when we shop,

because our purchases are usually placed in a bag for free. These bags are lightweight, and some stores will even double them for you. Plastic bags may be cheap, plentiful and convenient, but the longterm consequences of using them will end up being more costly than we can imagine. For now, we as consumers should consider how we can phase plastic bags out of our lives and get used to the idea of alternate options.

Grammy Nominations Review 2015 By Jabril Titus Collegian Staff


ward season is approaching, and the most well-known music award show is right around the corner: the Grammy’s. Lists are already circulating with “the surprises and snubs” of the nominations. Many of our peers, social media blogs and websites feel like this year’s awards nominations were simply inaccurate. The Grammy nominations are selected by a committee who watches from behind-the-scenes and selects the artist who they feel should be nominated for: “Best Album,” “Record of the Year” and so forth. Of course, albums sales, popularity and a spot on the billboard plays a big role, but we must not forget that music should be judged on talent. Popularity or a hit song will not last forever. “Record of the Year” Iggy Azalea, Sam Smith, Sia, Taylor Swift and Meghan Trainor were this year’s nominees. It is clear that these songs were nominated because of popularity. It was determined by how many

people were ranting and raving about how good these songs were on social media. “Fancy,” “Stay With Me,” “All About That Bass” and “Shake it Off ” were catchy. I get it, but these songs are no way in shape or form memorable, talent excellent, or groundbreaking. “Album of the Year” “Album of the Year” consists of some good artists and albums, but once again, some were left out. I don’t know if “Album of The Year” is also known as “Pop and Rock Album of the Year,” because many other genres were left out. Many R&B songs were left out of most of the categories and were made into their own. “Best Rap Album” I don’t even know why Iggy Azalea is in this category. I personally do not consider her one of the great rappers of our generation. Her songs seem to belong more in the Pop category than in this category. Enough rap albums were excluded from this year’s list. The music industry is in dire need of a change. Tune into the 2015 Grammys Feb. 8 on CBS to decide for yourselves.

January 28, 2015


Our Voice Yesterday's fads, today's fab

Returning trends expected to make fashion statements in 2015 By DaVail Weston Staff Writer


ashion changes all the time, and 2015 is no exception. This year brings us new looks and old fads that have been reimaged by designers like Rebecca Minkoff, Michael Kors and many others. So what are this year’s “up and coming trends?” Shirtdresses: Wearable shirts (no, not your boyfriend’s old shirt that you wear to bed) designed for women by actual designers are going to be a big fashion statement this year. Yellow: This was the ideal color of a few designer collections, and before you stop reading, take that a moment to look at the color yellow and the genius of some designers that take on this bold color. Most designers that take on the color execute it to complement and flatter a woman’s shape while being the main focal of the overall ensemble. Black and white: The trend has been around forever and a day, and although it is not groundbreaking, it gets the job done.

What makes it a coming trend for 2015 is because of the various textures, patterns, and silhouettes. These three different designs have shown us what exactly is to be expected for 2015, and I am all for spicing up your everyday black and white ensemble. Roomy denim: Jeans are a given for any season, but this time around it’s about cropped, baggy cuts. Ladies: keep your tops slim so that you don’t over power the denim; this will create a cool contrast. Head-to-toe white: It’s not a new trend, but it is to be expected for 2015. Styling tricks include mixing textures, layering multiple pieces and teaming various shades. One-shoulder cuts: Yes, this trend is one that we all can do in our sleep. Believe it or not, your shoulders have become the sexiest part of your body overnight! Show them off in those oneshoulder tops and dresses. Each designer gives us life with each collection he or she creates and that is what makes fashion so amazing.




January 28, 2015

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