Colombian Journeys Brochure 2018-2019

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2018 2019 P H O N E

+57.1.7470256 A D D R E S S

Colombian Journeys, SAS Carrera 13 No. 96 - 67, Oficina 406-407 Edificio Akori Bogotรก, Colombia

w w w . c o l o m b i an j o u rne y s . c o m

INDEX Introduction




PAckages & excursions CITY bogotá









SEA San Andrés, Providencia & Santa Catalina


Cartagena de Indias


islas del rosario & BARÚ


Santa Marta & TAGANGA


tayrona national park




La Guajira


the pacific: Gorgona nation al park, Nuquí & Bahía Solano


Colonial Villa de Leyva




santa cruz de mompox


Nature & Archeology San Agustín & tIERRADENTRO


the amazon


the coffee triangle




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tour circuits Colombia & PANAMÁ: BOGOTá | VILLA DE LEYA | CARTAGENA | PANAMÁ city


Classic Colombia: BogotÁ | COFFEE REGION | Cartagena


discover COLOMBIA: BogotÁ | VILLA DE LEYA | coffee triangle | Cartagena | Tayrona

National Park


Colombia by the Sea: Cartagena | ROSARIO OR BARÚ ISLAND | SAN ANDRÉS ISLAND |



Colombia Nature: BogotÁ | Amazonas | nuquí


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Colombia Archaeology and History: BogotÁ | san agustín | popayán |




colombia by road: BogotÁ | san agustín | popayán | cali | coffee triangle |

medellín | cartagena | tayrona national park 116

8 9

colombia COLONIAL TOWNS: BogotÁ | VILLA DE LEYVA | BARICHARA | cartagena


HIGHLIGHTS OF colombia: BogotÁ | COFFEE REGION | MEDElLÍN cartagena







Trekking Ciudad Perdida Archaeological Park


Colombian Massif, Magdalena River & Puracé National Natural Park








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lmost twelve years have passed since I moved to Colombia as a freelance journalist and travel guide and each year the country has become a major tourist destination. Previously, Colombia was considered to be too dangerous to visit, with tourists preferring to travel to other safer countries in the region like Ecuador, Peru and Costa Rica. But now, Colombia, a true sleeping giant with great potential in areas like ecotourism, and a variety of options available for the visitor within its wide frontiers has awoken from her slumber. Positive news about Colombia are spread out almost on a daily basis, changing the country’s previously justifiable and terrible reputation. Now, visitors are keen to trek the mountains, shop and dine out in the cities, swim in the oceans and explore this country from top to bottom where they once feared to tread. The very real prospect of peace is upon Colombia and so are million dollar investments into Colombia’s waterways, highways, ports and other forms of communication which have once again pushed Colombia forward to better accommodate international trade and tourism. People who have already visited these shores no longer talk about a country of kidnapping but of a country that is very diverse, that ranks first in the list of nations with the most species of birds. In fact, Colombia’s visitors like the country so much that they are asking travel agencies to provide them with new and more diverse options to cater to fit their needs. Those who have yet to visit Colombia will be astonished by the sophisticated and world class dining options now available in Bogotá and Cartagena. It also has nicely

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restored colonial towns in the interior, pristine desert beaches in the northeast, impenetrable and untouched Amazonian jungles in the south, vast grassy savannahs stretching out east to Venezuela, wide coffee plantations lining in the volcanic hillsides of the Coffee Triangle and the raucous bustle of the major cities. One could continue describing the attractions of Colombia from the chaotic yet intact folklore of the Barranquilla Carnival, Medellín’s ExpoModa fashion event, the multicoloured river of Cano Cristales and the curiosities of the traditional market of Silvia, but, this only serves as a reminder that a trip to Colombia demands time and planning to ensure that you get the most out of it. For all these reasons, I recommend Colombian Journeys to help you in your next trip to this country that I am happy to call “home”.

Richard McColl journalist & guide


Colombia consists on a territory of 1.141.748 square meters and 928.660 square meters of marine areas. It is located north of the South American continent and is bordered to the north by the Caribbean Sea, to the east by Panamá and the Pacific Ocean, to the west by Venezuela and Brazil and to the south by Ecuador and Peru. Colombia takes its name from Christopher Columbus, who first laid foot on these lands although he did not discover them. The first explorers were Alonso de Ojeda and Amerigo Vespucci, who arrived in Cabo de La Vela on the Guajira peninsula in 1499 in their obsessive quest for El Dorado. After numerous Spanish expeditions in search for gold, in 1525, Rodrigo de Bastidas anchored in Santa Marta. In 1533, Pedro de Heredia founded Cartagena, which became the main commercial centre, and in 1538, Santa Fe de Bogotá was founded on the territory of the Bacatá Indians. Thus, Colombia can only produce fascination for its rich historic past, visible in cities that maintain an intact colonial patrimony as shown on the streets, residences and churches of Cartagena, Mompox, Girón and Bogotá, among others. But the country is also surprising for the numerous marvels found within 1.600 km of Atlantic coast, 1.300 km of Pacific coast and three majestic mountain ranges traversed by winding roads that connect villages and cities, cultures and races. It has dreamy beaches in San Andrés and Islas del Rosario and in the San Bernardo archipelago, and deserted ones in the Tayrona National Park, ideal seasides for underwater sports at Malpelo and to observe cetaceans in the Gorgona island; the snowed peaks and Andean landscapes of the parks of El Cocuy and Los Nevados; Extraordinary fauna in the Amazonian jungle of Amacayacu National Park, as well as majestic flora such as the “Victoria Regia”, the world’s largest lotus flower; the salt marshes, the flamingoes, the contrast of sea and desert and the indigenous Wayúu culture in the Guajira peninsula. The Colombian territory houses the most important population of day time butterflies, orchids and palm trees, including the “Palma de Cera del Quindío”, the world’s tallest palm tree. It has also five biosphere reserves recognized by UNESCO for its outstanding importance. One mustn’t forget the ancient pre-Columbian civilizations whose culture survives to

our day leaving us a heritage of gold, precious stones and ceramic creations of astounding beauty. The park of San Agustín is the country’s most important archaeological zone showcasing giant stone sculptures, examples of the importance of funerary art. Ciudad Perdida and Pueblito in Santa Marta´s Sierra Nevada evidence the advanced knowledge of the Tayrona culture regarding the use of water in construction. The attractiveness of Colombia is also related to its people who, like the indigenous community of Santa Marta´s Sierra Nevada, the Kanzá in the Putumayo, the Cubeos in Vaupes, the Wayúu in the Guajira and the Arhaucos and Koguis in the Nabusimake, hold their traditions intact. Colombia is a racial melting pot: the mix of black Africans, Indians and Caucasians has resulted in a graceful and beautiful people who vary from one place to another and who are always joyful, generous, helping and enthusiastic. Colombia is the land of Gabriel García Márquez -1982 Nobel Prize in literature- who set his novels here, turning places, residences, convents and people into legend or “magical realism” as he did in the novel love in times of Cholera, turned into a movie filmed in Cartagena or with Florentino Ariza, who waited a lifetime for his beloved. Colombia is the art and culture of the great artist Fernando Botero, known as the sculptor and painter of “gordos y gordas” (fat men and women), and whose work is found on squares and parks in cities like Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, Florence and New York.

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Bogotá is the sprawling, chaotic and captivating capital

city of Colombia. With around eight million inhabitants it’s the most important political and financial city in the country. It is situated in the geographical center of Colombia with an altitude of 2640 MAMSL on a plateau known as the Savannah of Bogotá on the west of the Andes Mountains. Bogotá’s privileged location means that it is blessed with a year-round spring-like climate where the flowers are always blooming. The average temperature is 14ºC and fluctuates between 4ºC and 28ºC. December, January, February and March are the driest months; while June and July are the rainiest and August is hot and sunny with a strong breeze. Bogotá has a diverse variety of “barrios” or neighbourhoods: the tall modern buildings are located in an area called “Centro Internacional” and just beside it you find the bohemian Macarena district where the “Plaza de Toros” is located. The historic centre is called the “Candelaria” and its where the colonial city was created. It also holds the seat of government and congress. To the north you can find the barrios of “La Merced” and “Teusaquillo” which stand out for their distinctly British architecture. Chapinero, Avenida Chile, Calle 82 and Calle 100 make up the commercial and financial districts. Further to the north

pac k a g e day 1 |

3 days - 2 nights


Arrive at El Dorado International Airport in Bogotá via international carrier. Reception and transportation to hotel, check in and overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

is the colonial area of Usaquen which was formerly a town of its own, but now is a part of Bogotá. To the West you find the industrial barrios of Restrepo and Las Americas. The city was founded on August 6, 1538 and was given the name of Santa Fe by the conquistador Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada, who arrived in these lands in search for gold and who defeated the Chibcha indigenous people in Bacatá. Bacatá is the indigenous Chibcha word for capital of the Zipa confederation. This town made up part of the Muisca territory, an indigenous group of the Chibcha linguistic strain. In 1717 the kingdom of New Granada was established here and in 1819 Simón Bolívar chose this city as the capital of Gran Colombia, a territory that included Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Peru and Venezuela. Bogotá is today a modern city with a bubbling cultural scene and vibrant social aspect. Picturesque, with an important architectural heritage, the most impressive collection of Pre-Columbian art in the world, unrivalled urban graffiti and fantastic museums; it is also a city of futuristic architecture with enormous and modern buildings. The poverty that lives alongside such wealth forms contrasts that make this both a fascinating and aggressive city.

Bogotá - Half day visit in Bogotá

Full day visit to Bogotá, starting by the historic centre known as La Candelaria. This old “barrio” of great architectural and cultural heritage is made up of old “stately homes” or large 8 | colombian journeys

Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit to the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simon Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as textiles and artwork that has built over four centuries. The Sagrario Chapel is located just beside the Cathedral and is a beautiful example of religious





In the morning depart from Bogotá to the north, towards Zipaquirá. After a journey of roughly 1.15 hours reach the impressive Salt Cathedral, a true achievement of engineering. The name Zipaquirá refers to Zipa, the leader of the Muisca tribe and the chief of these rich salt mines. The excursion will begin by visiting the cathedral in a series of tunnels that pass by the fourteen Stations of the Cross and continues on to the dome. The dome is lit in such a way that let one to contemplate the universe and the relationship between man and nature. Later, visitors reach the enormous cross carved












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been functioning since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete overhaul to make it an interactive museum that would involve the senses with the objects on display and it belongs to the International Network of Museums (ICOM). Return to the hotel and overnight stay.La visita continua en el Museo Botero, una antigua casa colonial que exhibe algunas de las obras de arte del maestro Fernando Botero y adicionalmente piezas de su colección personal que incluye obras de Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet y Giacometti. Luego el recorrido continúa en el Museo del Oro, el cual tiene una exhibición permanente de unas 32.000 piezas de oro y 20.000 piezas de piedra, cerámica y textiles; todas joyas de las culturas Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinú, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco y Magdalena. El Museo del Oro es considerado uno de los museos más importantes de este tipo a nivel internacional y se encuentra abierto desde 1939. En el 2007 se realizó una renovación completa logrando que los visitantes tengan una experiencia interactiva en el museo. El museo pertenece a la Red Internacional de Museos (ICOM). Regreso al hotel y alojamiento.

MEALS: B / - / DAY 3 |


Breakfast and transfer to the airport. MEALS: B / - / -

into the saline rock and finally the three naves of the Cathedral that represent the birth, life and death of Christ. In the central nave is where the main altar is located, above which lays the cross that heights 16m and has a width of 10 m, made by the Colombian artist Carlos Enrique Rodriguez. This is the largest cross made from salt in the world. Next, we visit the mine where there is an excellent auditorium that can seat up to two hundred people, host film screenings and events such as fashion shows. The trip ends at a mirror of water where it is possible to experience the amazing visual effects of water on carved saline rock. DURATION: Approximately five hours.


architecture and houses valuable pieces of colonial religious art by Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos. The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. The central area of the Capitol, known as the Elliptical Room, is where congress meets and is the actual chamber for politicians and the Senate. In the internal courtyards there are busts of former presidents such as General Tomás Cipriano Mosquera, president on four occasions, and Rafael Núñez, the composer of the Colombian national anthem. Around the Plaza de Bolívar you find the Justice Palace, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Liévano Building, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Comuneros House, named after the leaders that participated in some of the first movements towards independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic. The visit continues with the Botero Museum, a colonial house filled with works of art made and donated by Fernando Botero in addition to some artwork from his own personal collection that includes pieces by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Golden Museum which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinú, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Golden Museum is considered internationally as one of the most important museums of its type and has


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DISTANCE 40 min car transfer from Bogotá Airport


SCHEDULE: To be arranged departure in the morning or

afternoon. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

COMBINE THIS TOUR WITH: Half Day Bogotá or Half Day Guatavita Lake.


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Visit a coffee project located a short two-hour journey from Bogotá. Once you arrive in the town of Zipacón you will head directly to La Palma and El Tucán Farm where you will be immersed in the world of coffee. Here, you will receive a full explanation of how Colombia has been able to become perhaps the best coffee producer in the world. Don’t think for a moment that you are just an idle spectator on this trip, you will be expected to participate! From the seed to the cup, by way of the seed germinator and the storeroom, you will experience and learn first-hand about the myriad of processes required to make that special brew. After viewing the coffee processing center and the drying area and exploring the different aromas and scents which come with specialty coffee, you will sit down to a sumptuous meal sourced from the sustainable and organic produce cultivated here in this region. After some more coffee… and some gourmet bread, return to Bogotá. DURATION: Approximately eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged departure in the morning. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. Note: For an additional charge, you will have the opportunity to collect your own beans from the plantation and learn about bean selection and roasting. Continue with a barista class with an international professional barista, followed by a professional coffee tasting. You can also sign up to organize for this coffee to be shipped international to your home (3 additional hours).



HALF DAY bike TOUR Bogotá

Tour the historic center known as La Candelaria by bicycle. This antiquated barrio is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “stately homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simón Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, was constructed over the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as textiles and artwork that has been collected over four centuries. The Sagrario Chapel is located just

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beside the Cathedral and is a beautiful representation of religious architecture and which houses valuable pieces of colonial religious art by Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos. The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. The central area of the Capitol, known as the Elliptical Room, is where congress meets and is the actual chamber for politicians and the Senate. In the internal courtyards there are busts of former presidents such as General Tomás Cipriano Mosquera, president on four occasions, and Rafael Núñez, the composer of the Colombian national anthem. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are the Justice Palace, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Liévano Building, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and Los Comuneros House, named after the leaders that participated in some of the first movements towards independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic. Also pass by some of the most important universities in the country, the Plaza Del Chorro de Quevedo, a small square where some historians claim that Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada founded the city. Continue the tour to The Bogotá International Center which is one of the most important areas in Bogotá and visit La Merced, a traditional neighbourhood in the city. Duration: Approximately 4 hours. Schedule: To be arranged in the morning or afternoon. Guide: Private bilingual guide. OPTIONAL: Enjoy a graffiti bike tour in Bogotá’s historic center.


Start the trip in the Zona Rosa and the Zona T where the majority of the restaurants, bars and fashionable nightclubs of the city are found. Take a walk around the area and enjoy sights and sounds of the local rumba. End the visit at the Monserrate Sanctuary, a symbol of Bogotá. Ride the cable car or funicular up to it, at 500mts above Bogotá (total of 3140 MAMSL). The site offers an incredible panorama of the city on one side and the Andes on the other. DURATION: Approximately seven hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged departure in the evening, at approximately 6pm. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. NOTE: This tour is offered from Thursday to Sunday and on Monday only if it is a national holiday.

OPTIONAL: Dinner, tour in chiva (a colourful and iconic city bus to party the night away while journeying through the city) ending in Chia and return by car. Same tour can be organized in Andrés Carne de Res Bogotá City (located in the Zona Rosa) or in Gaira Cafe Cumbia House (famous for its vallenato music).

is closed on Tuesday.

Half Day Bogotá

Enjoy a half day visit to the historic centre of Bogotá known as La Candelaria. This ancient district has great significance in the country´s history due to its cultural heritage and is also a great example of Spanish colonial architecture. Visit the main square the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator of northern South America Simón Bolívar is located. The plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes such as a marketplace, a bullring and it was also the place where many executions were held. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, was constructed on the same spot where the first church was built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as textiles and artworks, a collection that has been built over four centuries. The Sagrario Chapel is located just beside the Cathedral and is a beautiful example of religious architecture, it houses valuable pieces of colonial religious art by Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos. The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it was the first example of republican civil architecture. The central area of the Capitol, known as the Elliptic Hall, is where congress meets and is the actual chamber for politicians and the Senate. In the internal courtyards there are busts of former presidents such as General Tomás Cipriano Mosquera, a four-term president, and Rafael Núñez, the composer of the Colombian National Anthem. Around the Plaza de Bolívar you can see buildings such as the Justice Palace, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Liévano Building, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and Los Comuneros House, named after the leaders that participated in some of the first movements towards independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic. The visit continues with the Botero Museum, a colonial house exhibiting some of Fernando Botero´s works of art along with pieces from his own personal collection that includes works by

COMBINE THIS TOUR WITH: Half day Zipaquirá and Salt Cathedral or Half Day Guatavita Lake or Half Day Nemocón.

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays & the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday.


Depart from Bogotá and head north passing the towns of Tocancipá and Gachancipá, travel for approximately 1.30 hours until reaching the legendary Guatavita Lake. The lake is located within the forest reserve of the Cacique Guatavita and Cuchilla de Peñas Blancas. In this magical and mystical place, formerly inhabited by the ancient Muisca people, it is possible to observe a great variety of flora and fauna endemic to the high-altitude Andean woodlands. See hummingbirds, hawks and blackbirds flitting between the trees. There is also a great variety of interesting trees with exotic names such as the Mano de Oso, the Uvos de Monte and the Té de Bogotá. The legend of ElDorado emerged from Muisca traditions. When the Muisca elected a new cacique or chief he would be accompanied to the lake and bathed first in honey and then in gold dust before being launched out into the lake on a raft with offerings of gold and precious stones which would later be thrown into the depths of the water. This ceremony and act of transformation created the legend known as El Dorado. Visit the town of Guatavita and the lake of Tominé, striking with its white painted houses, beautiful square and tranquillity. Sunday is market day and so there is much more activity in town. DURATION: Approximately five hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged departure in the morning or afternoon. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.


Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays & the Botero Museum

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COMBINE THIS TOUR WITH: Half day Zipaquirá and Salt Cathedral or Half Day Guatavita Lake or Half Day Nemocón.

Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Gold Museum which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinú, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Gold Museum is considered one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been operating since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete renovation making it possible for visitors to enjoy an interactive experience. The Museum belongs to the International Network of Museums (ICOM). Duration: Approximately four hours. Schedule: To be arranged in the morning or afternoon. Guide: Private bilingual guide.


After a half day visit in Bogotá, end the day in the Monserrate Sanctuary, a symbol of Bogotá. Ride the cable car or funicular up to it, at 500mts above Bogotá (total of 3140MAMSL). The site offers an incredible panorama over the city on one side and the Andes on the other. Duration: Approximately five hours. Schedule: To be arranged in the morning or afternoon. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

COMBINE THIS TOUR WITH: Half Day Zipaquirá and Salt Cathedral or Half Day Bogotá.

NOTE: Guatavita Lake is closed on Mondays except when Monday is a public holiday, in that case it is closed on Tuesday.

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Half Day Bogotá including Monserrate



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Enjoy a Full Day visit to the historic centre of Bogotá known as La Candelaria. This ancient district is of great significance in the country´s history due to its cultural heritage and is also a great example of Spanish colonial architecture. Visit the main square called the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator of northern South America Simón Bolívar is located. The plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes and has been used as a marketplace, a bullring and it was also a place where many executions were held. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the same spot where the first church was built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as textiles and artwork that have been collected for over four centuries. The Sagrario Chapel is located just beside the Cathedral and is a beautiful representation of religious architecture, it houses valuable pieces of colonial religious art by Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos. The Capitol building, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it was the first example of republican civil architecture. The central area of the Capitol, known as the Elliptic Hall, is where congress meets and is the actual chamber for politicians and the Senate. In the internal courtyards there are busts of former presidents such as General Tomás Cipriano Mosquera, a four-term president and Rafael Núñez, the composer of the Colombian National Anthem. Around the Plaza de Bolívar you can see various attractive buildings such as the Justice Palace, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Liévano Building, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and Los Comuneros House which is named after the leaders that participated in some of the first movements of independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic. The visit continues with the Botero Museum, a colonial house exhibiting some of Fernando Botero´s works of art and in addition pieces from his own personal collection that includes works of art along with pieces from his own personal collection that include works by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí, Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Gold Museum which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinú, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Gold Museum is considered one of the most important museums of its type internationally and its doors have been open since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete renovation making it possible for visitors to enjoy a fully interactive experience. The Museum belongs to the International Network of Museums (ICOM). After a traditional lunch you will visit in the Monserrate Sanctuary, a towering symbol of Bogotá. Take the cable car or funicular up to

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Monserrate at 500mts above Bogotá (total of 3140MAMSL). The site offers an incredible panoramic view over the city on one side and the Andes Mountains on the other. Afterwards, head north travelling along on the Carrera 7, one of Bogotá’s principal Avenues. Called the Vía Real del Comercio in colonial times it was used as the main exit north to the salt mines. While travelling through this avenue, we can appreciate the contrasts of Bogotá including various styles of architecture, old and new, with influences from all over the world and combined with touches from our Pre-Columbian ancestors. You’ll go pass parks, the Centro Internacional, National Museum, restaurants, shopping and entertainment districts such as the Gourmet Zone or otherwise referred as Zona G, the Zona T and Zona Rosa. These last two areas are renowned for shopping centres, pubs, cafes, fashionable boutiques, jewellery stores and night time entertainment options. The trip will end in Usaquen, a colonial district that was formerly a town in its own right but has now been absorbed into the city. Appreciate the atmosphere of the area that is slightly rural, colonial in style and at the same time modern. Walk through the streets, enjoy the colonial plaza and wander through its small boutiques, art galleries and restaurants. On Sundays there is a Flea Market where you have the opportunity to admire or even purchase high quality products, try exotic dishes and a great deal more, therefore Sunday is one of the busiest days in Usaquen. DURATION: Approximately eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged departure in the morning. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday.


Visit the Emerald Museum, the only one of its type in Bogotá, where it is possible to see the whole extraction process, starting from the mining and all the way through before becoming a piece of priceless jewellery. The museum helps you understand why emeralds are precious stones and provides some important facts about Colombia’s production (70 per cent of the total world production is produced in the region of Muzo, Boyacá) DURATION: Approximately one hour. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in substitution of Gold Museum or Botero Museum (in the Half Day or All-Day Bogotá). Otherwise, as a one hour add on to existing city tours. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. NOTE: Emerald Museum closed on Sundays (except from the last Sunday of the month).

DURATION: Approximately eight hours.

SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the morning. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

OPTIONAL: The park offers adventure activities such as a zip line and a tree-top walk.


Sign up to wander the traditional neighbourhoods of La Candelaria and La Macarena and explore the different culinary delights available in Bogotá. Accompanied by a local expert, you will be able to see the most iconic and historical buildings in these areas including museums, the Presidential palace, churches and stop for small samples of local food at five locations. DURATION: Three and a half hours. SCHEDULE: Monday to Saturday. We recommend starting at 09:30am and don’t eat breakfast before the tour. GUIDE: Bilingual guide

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INCLUDES: 5 Food Stops.


Should you feel the need to escape the bustle of the city, we can organize a trip out to the Chicaque Natural Park, a private nature reserve just one hour outside of Bogotá. Here, you will find yourself surrounded by an impressive cloud forest which spreads over 244 hectares and possesses 10 miles of hiking trails to enjoy. Take in the crystalline streams, natural springs, towering oak trees covered in moss and protected native vegetation. Here you can spend a full day exploring and enjoying the breathtaking scenery. The hike we recommend will take you up to the Pico del Águila which provides you with a full panorama of the valley and views of the different rural villages which spread out over the savannah around Bogotá. Don’t miss crossing a point called the Roquedal where you can visit a butterfly farm. Lunch will be prepared for you at El Refugio where you can relax in hammocks whilst enjoying views from the balcony over the forest. To end, you will follow the Oak Forest trail and pass by the tree houses built here –for guests who wish to stay overnight– and then reach the park entrance before being collected by your private transport for the ride back to Bogotá.



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edellín, the capital of the department of Antioquia, is located deep in the fertile and mountainous Aburrá valley in the central Andean highlands. It is at an altitude of 1538 MAMSL which gives this city an eternal springtime temperature with an average climate of 20°C. In 1541 the Spanish named this valley as San Bartolomé. Later, in 1616, under the orders of Francisco Herrera Campuzano, the land where today the barrio of El Poblado is located, was renamed San Lorenzo de Aburrá. This name, Aburrá, stems from a translation from the Aburraes and Yamesíes indigenous tribes which most likely refers to the embroidery in the cotton and textile work that these pre-Hispanic people used to practice prior to the arrival of the colonial invaders. Then, on November 2, 1675, the Villa de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de Medellín was founded. Originally Medellín was a modest, humble town which is evidenced by its colonial buildings that are far from opulent, and whose origins date back to the coffee boom of the 20th Century. Once coffee fever had taken hold of Medellín, the city’s economic development began in earnest and the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) was created on June 27, 1927. From here on, the city was transformed thanks to the resourcefulness and hardworking nature of its citizens, the Paisas, as the people of Medellín are known. While the city initially flourished, things stagnated somewhat in the 1980s at the height of the narco-trafficking period lead

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3 days - 2 nights

M E D E LLÍ N & GUATA P É day 1 |

by Pablo Escobar. The name Medellín became a byword for drugs, violence and the narco-mafia. After a disastrous era of severe violence, the city has, for the most part, turned the page on these dark days and the population, showing its strength, has made clear its desire to associate the city international image with its real values: the thriving cultural life in the fields of journalism, literature, urban and fashion design, as well as the artwork and sculptures of the globally renowned artist, Fernando Botero. Furthermore, Medellín has become a bustling city of industry and commerce, especially textile manufacturing and exported cut flowers, which represent the best example of the whole country’s social transformation. The city is well worth visiting during the annual Flower Festival, held over two weeks during July and August. The key events and perhaps the most interesting are the exhibitions of orchids, birds and flowers and the most representative parade, that of the Silleteros. During this procession the participants carry floral displays weighing up to 60 kilos each. The name “silletero” comes from the tradition that these farmers used to, and indeed still do practice, of carrying their children on chairs. However, this tradition has become a cultural phenomenon and rather than carrying children, the farmers transport these heavy floral arrangements instead.

Medellín Half Day City Tour

Arrive at Medellín’s airport and transfer to hotel. In the afternoon, half day visit in Medellín city, Colombia’s second most important city and a standout commercial and cultural destination. Visit the Plaza de Botero that houses around twenty-three Botero sculptures donated by the artist 14 | colombian journeys

in 2000. Moving on to the Plazuela de San Ignacio, one of the oldest parts of the city where the statue of General Francisco de Paula Santander and the bust of Marcelino Velez are located. It is surrounded by the San Ignacio building which houses the Universidad de Antioquia’s history department. On the other side, the baroque San Ignacio church with its neoclassical exterior fools all with its gothic interior. Then, continue to the Pies Descalzos Park which was inspired by oriental philosophy

medellín ºC






reservoir it is the Peñol Rock. The Peñol Rock is possibly a meteorite due to its size. From the top by foot up the stairs if you are full of energy (there are 654 steps to get to the top), the whole Guatapé reservation can be seen, this is an optional activity. Visit the picturesque village of Guatapé where all of the houses are painted in quaint pastel colours. The way to El Peñol takes around two hours, during which passengers can appreciate the outstanding landscape of Antioquia. After lunch, visit to the Guatapé reservoir in a 45 minutes boat tour.

MEALS: B / - / DAY 3 |


After breakfast, transfer to the local airport. MEALS: B / - / -

Leave Medellín for the village of Fredonia where you will plunge into pure Paisa culture at its most authentic. You will meet Don Octavio Acevedo, a local farmer who works his three hectares of land with his family to produce their own brand of coffee. Here, Don Octavio will teach you about coffee culture, how coffee is grown and harvested and then you will enjoy a traditional meal from the region. After lunch, the coffee experience continues as you will see how the beans are roasted and then taste some of this local produce. Once you have had your fill of coffee, your journey continues through the lush countryside to the delightful mountain village of Támesis where you spend the night. MEALS: - / L / D

Today, you will venture into the mountains above the village of Támesis and to the cloud forest of the San Antonio nature reserve. Wander along pre-Hispanic paths which lead you

upwards as your guide points out hidden waterfalls, underground streams, caves and different viewpoints. Later, you will visit an organic cacao plantation and learn all about chocolate production in this region. See how the cacao fruit is harvested and processed on this family-run farm and appreciate how the owners have maintained sustainable and traditional farming methods to create a top-quality end product. During this workshop, you have the opportunity to make your own chocolate.

MEALS: B / L / D day 3 |


Medellín - Fredonia - Támesis



3 days - 2 nights


day 2 |



Leaving Medellín and heading to the town of Guatapé in order to visit the enormous rock. Guatapé is located in the outskirts of Medellín and has a reservoir created by the Colombian government for a hydro-electric dam, in the middle of the

day 1 |


packages & excursions

Full Day El Peñol & Guatapé

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meals: - / - / day 2 |



and contains a small bamboo forest, a sandy area, streams all designed to ease people into a state of relaxation. Los Deseos Park, the Intelligent Building, the Metropolitan Theatre, the Cisneros Park, the Lights Park and the Alpujarra where the government buildings are housed all continue. Upon returning to the centre of the city proceed to the Nutibara hill and enjoy views of the city from an alternate angle as well as a reproduction of a typical “paisa” village. Return to hotel and overnight stay.


Támesis - Medellín

Before returning to the city of Medellín, a local guide will accompany you in a walk around the outskirts of Támesis to visit some of the archaeological sites found here as the area is known throughout Colombia for having the greatest amount of indigenous pre-Hispanic petroglyphs. Observe and marvel at these ancient petroglyphs and later, return to Medellín. MEALS: B / L / -

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DISTANCE 55 min car transfer from MEDELLÍN Airport



2 days - 1 night


Medellín - Jericó

Take the scenic route through the highlands out of Medellín and head to the coffee growing region to the picture perfect traditional paisa town of Jericó. We believe that Jericó, with her sixteen chapels, has one of the most beautiful town centres in all of Antioquia. Enjoy a guided tour around Jericó and admire the traditional architecture of the town before inspecting some local “carriel” leather workshops. Later, visit the local Botanical Garden and then walk up to the Cristo Rey monument to enjoy an unparalleled view of the town and surrounding countryside. Spend the night in a family-run hotel close to the main plaza.

day 2 |

Jardín - Medellín

Leaving Jericó in the morning, you will travel to the village of Jardín –stopping en route for a visit to a traditional coffee farm to learn about the coffee process and to enjoy some of the local brew- which is famous for her brightly coloured and traditional architecture. Photograph the balconies and visit the famous park which has been declared a national monument. Jardín’s history and importance will be brought to life in a visit to the Clara Rojas museum which will provide you with an understanding of the region. Stop by the traditional confectioner’s shop run by Dona Mariela, try some local sweets and purchase some more for friends and family back home. Leave Jardín and arrive in Medellín in the evening. MEALS: B / L / -

MEALS: - / L / D

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Leaving Medellín to the west and passing the Parque de los Tamarindos before arriving at the Occidente Bridge, a true work of masterful engineering which has permitted the city’s expansion and facilitated its communication with other areas. The story behind this construction is that the engineer José Maria Villa sketched an idea for the project into the sand along the banks of the River Cauca. It was one of the first suspension bridges in South America and travelling along it you can admire the intricate work achieved here with the two towers lashed together with cables holding the whole construction together. After a journey of 1 hour and 15 minutes (70km) arrive in Santa Fe de Antioquia where it feels as if time has stood still since the colonial era. Founded in 1541 by Jorge Robledo this was the capital of Antioquia until 1826 when the government was moved to Medellín. The narrow streets that run alongside the whitewashed buildings are still here for all to see. It is worth visiting the Santa Barbara church, the Museum of Liturgical Art, the Cathedral and the Juan del Corral Museum. After lunch, return to Medellín with a break on the way to visit the small and wonderfully preserved town of San Jerónimo, with its beautiful church and fine examples of architecture from both the Colonial and Republican eras. On the journey back, we will pass vendors selling exotic fruits such as pineapples, oranges, tamarinds and mangos. Return to Medellín in the evening. DURATION: Approximately eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. ALL DAY EL PEÑOL & GUATAPE

Leaving Medellín and heading to the town of Guatapé in order to visit the enormous rock. Guatapé is located in the outskirts 16 | colombian journeys

of Medellín and has a reservoir created by the Colombian government for a hydro-electric dam, in the middle of the reservoir it is the Peñol Rock. The Peñol Rock is possibly a meteorite due to its size. From the top by foot up the stairs if you are full of energy (there are 654 steps to get to the top), the whole Guatapé reservation can be seen, this is an optional activity. Visit the picturesque village of Guatapé where all of the houses are painted in quaint pastel colours. The way to El Peñol takes around two hours, during which passengers can appreciate the outstanding landscape of Antioquia. After lunch, visit to the Guatapé reservoir in a 45 minutes boat tour. Duration: Approximately eight hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY VISIT IN Medellín

Half day visit to Medellín city, Colombia’s second most important city and a standout commercial and cultural destination. Visit the Plaza de Botero that houses around twenty-three Botero sculptures donated by the artist in 2000. Moving on to the Plazuela de San Ignacio, one of the oldest parts of the city where the statue of General Francisco de Paula Santander and the bust of Marcelino Velez are located. It is surrounded by the San Ignacio building which houses the Universidad de Antioquia’s history department. On the other side, the baroque San Ignacio church with its neoclassical exterior fools all with its gothic interior. Then, continue to the Pies Descalzos Park which was inspired by oriental philosophy and contains a small bamboo forest, a sandy area, streams all designed to ease people into a state of relaxation. Los Deseos Park, the Intelligent Building, the Metropolitan Theatre, the Cisneros Park, the Lights Park and the Alpujarra where the government buildings are housed all continue.

Upon returning to the centre of the city proceed to the Nutibara hill and enjoy views of the city from an alternate angle as well as a reproduction of a typical “paisa” village. Duration: Approximately five hours. schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

OPTIONAL: Two hours visit to Parque Arví, where it is possible to


The city of Medellín is rightly famous for its comfortable climate, hardworking people and for its flower industry and so, just one hour from the city is the town of Santa Elena, in the heart of the traditional flower cultivating region. Santa Elena is also famous for its “silleteros” who display the area’s floral wealth each year in the Feria de las Flores in Medellín. “Silletas” are huge decorative tableaus put together with flowers from the farmer’s own garden and then carried on their backs. When the Silleteros march in the parade it is the most important event during the Feria de las Flores and is a true indication of the importance of their tradition. Our tour begins early in the morning when you will travel to the eastern region of Antioquia along the Corredor de Las Palmas –the highway to the airport– and on the way, visit a traditional artesian market to view local handicrafts and maybe try some local cuisine all the while enjoying the gorgeous countryside found around Medellín in this region of the Andes. Arrive in Santa Elena and immediately visit a family farm to receive an insight into how the silleteros live and how they value their art. One word of warning: as you are in rural Colombia, it is worth remembering that not all of the roads are paved. Here you will learn some of the history of the silleteros and that the silletas date back to colonial times where Spanish nobles were carried in wooden chair-like structures on the backs of slaves. This tradition no longer exists, only silletas for flowers! Transfer to Medellín. DURATION: Approximately 4-5 hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

from the region.

NOTE: Closed on Monday.


While Medellín is considered to be one of the world’s most innovative cities, bicycles are somewhat new to town. It was only a few years ago that the city authorities saw fit to design bicycle lanes here but now, with this new addition to Medellín there’s the opportunity to enjoy a bike tour which extends for roughly 20km (12 mi). Don’t worry though, we focus only on the level parts of the city and not the mountainous ones! However, if you feel up to it, there are two challenging climbs to enjoy and you won’t regret it since the views at the end are breathtaking. Once you are up on high and enjoying the views, your guide will point out the points of geographical interest and the constrictions which have made Medellín a recognized city of innovation.

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Half day tour to visit those places that best represent the social transformation that has taken place in Medellín. The tour will show the symbolic areas of Medellín from the 1980s, when the city was one of the most dangerous in the world, up to today many projects that fostered the city’s change. Enjoy an exciting tour through the history and present of Medellín and learn more about the transformation of this fascinating metropolis. 20 years ago, Medellín was one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Back in the early 90s, when the hunt for Pablo Escobar took place, the head of Medellín’s drug cartel was at its peak. Thus, the reign of “El Patrón” came to its end. Until the turn of the millennium the struggles about Escobar’s successor continued, but since 2002 Medellín began to change. Intelligent local politicians started to invest heavily in infrastructure and public education. Today the “City of Eternal Spring” is one of the most innovative metropolises in the world. Visit the barrio San Javier, which used to be one of the most unsafe suburbs of Medellín Located some 7km from the city centre, it is a clear example of the social transformation that has taken place in the last few years. Arrive here by the metrocable car that joins the north-east area with the city centre, which has been life changing to many of the inhabitants of Medellín. Learn more about the city’s transformation after the death of Pablo Escobar and also get to know the innovative transportsystem in the poorer neighbourhoods at first hand. Explore Medellín’s newest invention: the electric stairways of the district Comuna 13, discover stories about its past by visiting the most important places marked by historical events and see some graffiti that symbolizes a form of expression of the community. Here it is possible to have a beautiful view over the city from the balconies of San Javier. Then, go on to La Plazoleta located in the city centre, in an area that fell into decline in the 1980s and today houses 23 sculptures of Fernando Botero, donated by this famous local artist in year 2000. Since that time, the city has undergone a social and cultural transformation around these works placed in a public space. Duration: Approximately four hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. guide: Private bilingual guide.

Also, people can visit a local market with agricultural products, typical

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make a walk through a beautiful forest and appreciate the landscape.

DURATION: Four hours.

SCHEDULE: To be arranged.

GUIDE: Bilingual guide. This is a group tour. From 5 people on

it is a private tour

DIFICULTY LEVEL: Low NOTE: Includes bike and helmet rental, water and snack.


This is your opportunity to enjoy the verdant hills surrounding Medellín and breath in the Andean air just a few minutes’ drive from the city. On a half-day tour, you will hike an eco-trail to “La Miel” waterfall along a trail which takes around 90 minutes. The path follows a scenic river through the Andean cloud forest and ends at the 20m high waterfall where you can swim in naturally-formed pools in the beauty of this unspoiled setting. DURATION: Four hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

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Leave Medellín in the morning to journey east towards the San Francisco valley where cacao farms abound alongside pristine rivers in a delightful sub-tropical climate. Here, you will visit a community-run project to learn all about the cacao process and how hand-made chocolate is produced. This community cooperative is led by a group of women who have chosen to pursue sustainable agriculture and work towards the conservation of the endemic tropical forest found here. Nearby there’s the beautiful Pailania waterfall to visit as well. DURATION: Approximately ten hours SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. NOTE: The tour is not recommended for people with limited physical



ability as the hike down to the river is steep.

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This is your opportunity to delve into and spend a full day exploring Colombia’s vibrant coffee culture. The day will begin with an interactive tour at a traditional coffee farm and learn about how small families are incorporating sustainable practices in coffee production before sampling some of the excellent coffee available. Once you have finished this first experience, you will continue to another coffee farm where you will meet the farmer and learn about his day to day life, see how the seeds are germinated and harvesting process. The main harvest period last for a full year in Colombia, but the main season for this occurs between October and May-June. As most coffee plantations in Colombia produce the coveted Arabica bean you will have the opportunity to enjoy this light tasting coffee which is highly sought after. The whole process from planting to germination takes roughly 75 days and then the seedling is transferred to a nursery in a plastic bag and placed in partial sunlight. Here the base dries and the seedling is planted in the ground. The coffee bean harvest will take place two years later. Workers pick the coffee beans, strip away the pulp (the large producers now have machines for this process), clean the beans and then leave them to sun dry. The coffee beans are then prepared for exportation and sale and toasted and then ground up and made ready for consumption. After this full explanation and the tour, you will enjoy a traditional lunch prepared on the farm and during which you will be able to converse with and enjoy hearing about the lives of the farmer and his wife. After lunch, you will finish this excursion receiving an explanation of the toasting, threshing and bean selection process. Return to Medellín. DURATION: Approximately fourteen hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.


packages & excursions


Santiago de Cali is the capital city of the department

of Valle del Cauca located in southwestern Colombia. The city enjoys a year-round spring-like climate and is known for its friendly and openly hospitable citizens. Salsa music echoes through Cali’s streets and for this reason it is known as the “capital of salsa”. The third largest city in Colombia behind Bogotá and Medellín, Cali’s major industry revolves around sugar production and cattle ranching making it an important industrial and commercial hub. Cali was founded by Sebastián de Belalcázar on July 25, 1536 and was a pivotal city during the colonial era of the sugarcane and cotton industries. Cali’s name can be

pac k a g e day 1 |

2 days - 1 night


Arrive at Medellín’s airport and transfer to hotel. Arrival to Cali’s airport, reception and private transport to hotel. The third largest city in Colombia, Santiago de Cali is the capital of the department of Valle del Cauca and is a city that enjoys a warm climate, as well as being known for its exciting salsa and warm hospitality due to its friendly and good-natured

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HALF Day to Guadalajara de Buga


broken down into two, the “Santiago” comes from the saint and “Cali” has several possible interpretations possibly coming from the local indigenous Quechua dialect used by the Yanacona tribe brought up here from Ecuador by the Spaniard Sebastián de Belalcázar. Today Cali remains important due to its coffee and vineyard agricultures. It is also geographically important as the city which links the major Pacific port of Buenaventura to the rest of the country. The pacific port of Buenaventura is the largest port on Colombia’s west coast and the point from which most exports leave the country to destinations all over the world.

& the Basilica

Leave for the town of Guadalajara de Buga, also known as the “la ciudad señorial” or “stately city” of Colombia. This is one of Colombia’s most important religious centres and attracts many pilgrims who every day visit the Miraculous Christ of Buga. Visit the imposing Basilica and the Museum of the Miraculous. Then visit the historical town of Buga founded in 1555 by Captain Giraldo Gil de Estupiñán. This town has a well preserved historical center with numerous churches and important colonial buildings. You will have time to participate in mass, to go up to the Camarín, to confess or to make shopping of religious articles. Return to Cali.

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citizens. In the afternoon, half day city tour. Return to the hotel and overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |


Breakfast and transfer to the airport. MEALS: B / - / -

Duration: Approximately five hours. schedule: To

be arranged.

Guide: Private bilingual guide.


All day in the countryside surrounding Cali, the largest sugar cane producing region in the country. Visit the Pie de Chinche Hacienda, a traditional sugar cane producing plant which is a perfectly preserved ranch that comprises of wonderful old and traditional gardens as well as the original antique furniture within the house. It houses the “Casa Museo de la Caña” (Sugar Cane Museum) where you will learn about the natural, scientific and cultural histories behind the process. Continuing to Hacienda Paraíso, where the soap opera Maria was filmed,














Some of the city’s most vibrant popular culture is expressed through salsa rhythms and demonstrated in one of the world’s most famous live acts, El Delirio. Here you will find yourself involved in what seems like a circus display, spectacular Caleño dancing, the creativity of the city’s salsa schools all of which is set to the music of a fantastic live orchestra making for one large celebration. Duration: Approximately 5 hours. schedule: To be arranged in the evening. Note: Available every last Friday of the month. There are other shows available at different days of the week.


Half day visit to the most important historic and cultural sights in the city such as the Enrique Buenaventura Municipal Theatre, built in the XIX century and known as being of a creole yet classic design with a capacity for 1200 spectators; the Proartes House; the Cultural Center; the Calima Gold Museum, known for its fine golden ceremonial ornaments created by the Calima people in pre-Hispanic times; and finally up the mountain to a viewpoint in Cali’s historical San Antonio district to enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the city and visit the nearby antique church of the same name. The San Antonio Church houses some well preserved and interesting artwork and wooden sculptures from the Escuela de Quito. The visit continues on to the Sebastián de Belalcázar Church and La Ermita Church. Other interesting sights in the city are included such as the architectural complex of “La Merced”, the first construction in the city; the Plazoleta de San Francisco, striking with its Mudejar style tower; the Plaza de Caycedo, the city’s main square; La Tertulia Museum; and the monument to Cristo Rey on the Cerro los Cristales. Duration: Approximately three hours. schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.



Salsa has, over the years, become a unique unifying and expressive form of celebration. It is also considered a healthy form of entertainment that allows one to keep in shape while permitting your body to express itself through dance. Salsa classes are conducted by the best dance teachers in the city. Recognized dancers who have travelled the world will coach and educate you in a patient and confident manner to surely impart some of the secrets of Caleño dance. Duration: Approximately three hours (2 hours of dance class). schedule: To be arranged from Monday to Friday. Guide: Private bilingual speaking Salsa teacher.

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an adaptation of the Jorge Isaacs novel that tells the story of bourgeois society in the Valle del Cauca. After a traditional lunch, return to Cali. Duration: Approximately seven or eight hours. schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.



DISTANCE 1:05 hours flight from bogotá Airport + 20 min car transfer from cali airport to the city


Note: The Calima Gold Museum is closed on Sundays.

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The city of Barranquilla is known as the golden gate

of Colombia due to its importance as one of the busiest ports in the Caribbean during the XX Century. It is located 13km inland from the Caribbean Sea and at the mouth of the Magdalena River which slices Colombia in half from north to south. Barranquilla was the first city in Colombia to use the telephone, the first traffic lights and many other inventions. With such advances it quickly became the most cosmopolitan city in Colombia welcoming foreigners from all over the world. The area of Barranquilla was first settled by the indigenous Kamash people. The city itself was never formally founded but the universally agreed date for this event is 1629 and the first reference to the area in Spanish chronicles was made by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés in 1533 in which he describes the journey made by Pedro de Heredia, the founder of Cartagena, and the mention made of an interesting region that

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day 1 |

3 days - 2 nights


Arrive at the airport, transfer to hotel and check in. half day scenic visit in Barranquilla starting in the north, in the historic El Prado district with its American and European style architecture. Continuing to the river and seaport of Barranquilla, it is the northern port of Colombia and South America continent and is located on the bank of Magdalena River and few kilometres away from the sea. It represents a key point for the national economy. Then, visit the Museo Romántico, a republican house with exhibits related to the history of Barranquilla; the Teatro Municipal de la Rosa, which is 28 years old and was named like to live up the poet and dramatist Amira Arrieta, the author of the city’s hymn; and the Parque de los Fundadores de la Aviación. Return to hotel and overnight stay. meals: - / - / -

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would make for a good port. In the XIX century Barranquilla became Colombia’s principal port and by the mid-20th century it had become the fastest growing Colombian city. However, with the economic slowdown in the 1980s Barranquilla fell into a recession from which it has been recovering ever since. In addition to being known for the generosity of its inhabitants the city is most famous for its Carnival celebrations. This is one of the main festivals in Colombia and the second largest Carnival in South America behind only that of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The streets are transformed into a mass of dancing bodies united in infectious celebration and you can witness indigenous, African and other dances from a shared yet mixed heritage. It is for this reason that this unique celebration has been declared as an Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

day 2 |

Barranquilla - Usiacuri - Barranquilla

After breakfast, Half day visit to Usiacuri, one of the oldest settlements on the Atlantic coast and home to the most important indigenous reservation in this region. Located 38km southeast from Barranquilla it is blessed with an average yearround temperature of 27.5º C. Usiacuri was discovered in 1533 by the Spaniard Francisco César. The curious name “Usiacuri” can be divided into two words to establish its meaning, “Usia” which means “Lord” and “Curi” which was the name of the chieftain who inhabited this place. Usiacuri gained a certain national and international notoriety for the existence of medicinal waters which heal hundreds of ailing people every year who come here to have their ills cured in the curative sulphurous waters. Once in Usiacuri visit the Casa Museo Julio Flórez, one of the most important poets from the Atlantic coast. He died here, and his former home is now a Casa Museo where his belongings are kept and displayed in addition to further local handicrafts

barran quilla

ºC 25

DISTANCE 1:30 hours FLIGHT from Bogotá Airport












at an altitude of 250m. Then, move on to a nature preserve known for its well waters well springs of mineral and medicinal cold springs, located around 4 kms from town. Once inside the dry tropical forest it is possible to observe the native flora and fauna and swim in waters from seven different sources, each one rich in its own varying amounts of minerals. After the bath, return to Barranquilla. Return to hotel and overnight stay.

day 2 |


MEALS: B / - / -


Breakfast and transfer to the airport. MEALS: B / - / -

commercialization of these handicrafts has, combined with tourism, provided the local inhabitants and artisans with an industry here in the department of Atlántico. The visit continues to the blue and white-coloured church of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, built in the colonial style, located on the top of a little mountain that is the highest point of Usiacuri at an altitude of 250m. Then, move on to a nature reserve known for its mineral and medicinal cold springs, located around 4km from town. Once inside the dry tropical forest it is possible to observe the native flora and fauna and swim in waters from seven different sources, each one rich in its own varying amounts of minerals. After soaking yourself, return to Barranquilla. DURATION: Approximately four hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

packages & excursions

Half day visit to Usiacuri, one of the oldest settlements on the Atlantic coast and home to the most important indigenous reserve in this region. Located 38km southeast from Barranquilla it is blessed with an average year-round temperature of 27.5º C. Usiacuri was discovered in 1533 by the Spaniard Francisco César. The curious name “Usiacuri” can be divided into two words to establish its meaning, “Usia” which means “Lord” and “Curi” which was the name of the chieftain who inhabited this place. Usiacuri gained a certain national and international notoriety for the existence of medicinal waters which heal hundreds of ailing people every year who come here to have their ills cured in the curative sulphurous waters. Once in Usiacuri visit the Julio Flórez House Museum, home to one of the most important poets from the Atlantic coast. He died here, and his former home is now a House Museum where his belongings are kept and displayed in addition to further local handicrafts mad from the iraca palm. With this iraca palm the majority of the female population here spends their time making purses, baskets, picture frames, place mats and all sorts of household wares. These handicrafts are a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation and has been maintained solvent due to the creation of cooperatives, school electives and microenterprise opportunities. The



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Half day scenic visit to Barranquilla starting in the north beginning in the historic El Prado district with its American and European style architecture. Continue on to the river and seaport of Barranquilla, it is the most important northern port of Colombia and the South American continent and is located on the banks of Magdalena River and just few kilometres from the sea. The port represents colombian journeys | 23


mad from the iraca palm. With this iraca palm the majority of the female population here spend their time making purses, baskets, picture frames, place mats and all sorts of household wares. These handicrafts are a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation and has been maintained solvent due to the creation of cooperatives, school electives and microenterprise opportunities. The commercialization of these handicrafts has, combined with tourism, provided the local inhabitants and artisans with an industry here in the department of Atlántico. The visit continues to the blue and white-colored church of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, built in a colonial style, located on the top of a little mountain that is the highest point of Usiacuri




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a key point for the national economy. Then, visit the Romantic Museum, a republican house with exhibitions related to the history of Barranquilla; La Rosa Municipal Theatre, which is 28 years old and was named like to live up the to the poet and dramatist Amira Arrieta, the author of the city’s hymn; and the Park of the Founders of the Aviation. DURATION: Approximately five hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

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Optional: Visit the new Ethnographic Museum of the Caribbean where the culture, atmosphere and history of this region of Colombia is collected and displayed over 6 rooms: nature, people, words, expressions and the Gabriel García Márquez exhibition. Each room is designed to give you a different experience and to set alight your senses.

Note: The Caribbean Museum is closed the first Monday of each month.



packages & excursions


SAN ANDRÉS , PROVIDENCIA & SANTA CATALINA The archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa

Catalina is located to the northwest of the Colombian mainland in the Caribbean and was declared a UNESCO Biosphere reserve in 2000. It is believed that the islands were first discovered by Christopher Columbus on his second journey and then they were administered by the English from 1631. This led to a period of colonization, in particular, by people of African descent. In 1670 the infamous pirate Henry Morgan established his base on the island of Providencia and there are still some who believe the legends that some of his treasures remain buried here. Due to the history of the archipelago the language spoken on the islands is a patois, the mixture of English and Spanish. For many reasons the archipelago is a combination of backgrounds; it is geographically close to the coast of Nicaragua; has strong historical ties to England and politically makes up part of Colombia. For all of the aforementioned reasons the archipelago has many cultural contrasts to compliment the breathtaking scenery which all make this an interesting yet paradisaical destination set to the lilting rhythms of reggae. The average water temperature all year round oscillates between 27 and 29 ºC. San Andrés is the largest island in the archipelago and

pac k a g e

4 days - 3 nightS

S A N A N DRÉS day 1 |

Bogotá or Cartagena - San Andrés Island

Arrival at the airport, transfer to the hotel and check in. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / dayS 2 & 3 |

is the administrative and financial centre and has drawn in tourists for several decades. It is well known for its beaches, some with pink coral in the sand, the sea of seven colours with its clear turquoise blue waters in varying tones, its points of interest such as Johnny Cay found just a ten-minute boat ride from San Andrés, Morgan’s Cave, where supposedly the pirate hid some treasures and other fantastic places. Providencia offers similar beautiful landscapes and it makes up part of the second largest coral reef in the northern hemisphere. The island is known for its colonial history, its inhabitants, its Caribbean style colourful wooden slat houses and its tranquillity. The island is a 20-minute flight from San Andrés or an 8-hour boat ride. The 17km2 of empty bays found here make this an ideal location for enjoying the sea and the beach, perfect for relaxing or water sports such as scuba diving or snorkelling. Santa Catalina is another small island in the Caribbean and is connected to Providencia by a colourfully painted wooden bridge. There are 57 different types of coral here, 12 species of mangrove, three types of marine plants and four types of sea turtles that lay their eggs in this area. It is as if the island is situated surrounded by some of the most beautiful and complex coralline formations in the world.

San Andrés Island

Free days to enjoy the beach and the activities available; such as a 10-minute boat trip out to Johnny Cay where it is able to see more than 30 different types of fish. The island has an 26 | colombian journeys

area called “Playa de Cedro” which inhibits the erosion of the beaches from waves and strong winds making this the refuge on the island for many sea birds. Visit the Aquarium as well. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / day 4 |

San Andrés Island

Breakfast and transfer to the airport. MEALS: B / - / -

ºC 25

DISTANCE 1:10 hours FLIGHT from Bogotá Airport


Start the excursion with an ecological walk through the beautiful vegetation of the island to appreciate the flora and fauna typical to the Caribbean. After a break, continue by bus to take a kayak tour around the mangroves, a habitat known for having a great variety of birds. After spending some time enjoying the sea, return to the hotel. Duration: Four hours approximately. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Bilingual guide. EXCURSION IN CATAMARAN

Enjoy a beautiful and nature-full excursion in catamaran or a sail boat, which will take your through the waters bordering the mangroves which make part of the Natural Park of Old Point 4 days - 3 nightS


San Andrés - Providencia

Leave from San Andrés airport on a 20-minute flight to Providencia. Arrival, transfer to hotel and check-in. Free remainder of the day for beach activities. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / -









Day and Hooker Day. Learn about the vegetation of the park, the different types of jellyfish. Enjoy the beach and return to the hotel. Duration: One hour approximately. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.


All day boat excursion to the Cay Aquarium also known as Haynes Cay. This place gets its name from the ring of coral that has been created making a natural aquarium full of multi-coloured tropical fish. After a snorkel here continue to Johnny Cay with its famed white sands and clear waters where palm trees heavy with coconuts line the shore. This island is inhabited by locals who idly listen on to upbeat Caribbean tunes. Traditional lunch and return to San Andrés. Duration: Approximately six hours. Schedule: Approximately departure at 9:00am. Guide: Private or SIB services.

day 1 |


Half Day Island Tour

Visit the area of San Luis, also known as Bahía Sonora for the sound of the waves breaking on to the coral reef. San Luis is known for its long and white sandy beaches and also for its traditional English style wooden houses. The trip continues with a journey into the interior of the island where you can see the Vieja Iglesia (the old church), Morgan’s Cave, the Blow Hole (quite literally a blow hole!), a geographical formation where the rock has been eroded to allow the water to exit directly upwards as if in a spout. Duration: Approximately three hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private or SIB

packages & excursions

to Johnny Cay



This is an unforgettable experience which allows an up close and personal view of the island’s aquatic life from a semi-submersible submarine with a glass bottom. Spend two hours in this submarine taking in the marine life and bathing in the sea. Duration: Approximately three hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: SIB services.

day 2 |


E x c u r s ion s




All Day Excursion to the Aquarium &

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Breakfast and free day for spending time on the beach or exploring other beaches on the island. We suggest that you visit Santa Catalina Island which is connected to Providencia by a beautiful and brightly painted wooden bridge called the “Puente de Amor” or take a boat ride to explore the hidden bays on the island. Declared a protected biosphere by UNESCO this colombian journeys | 27



is one of the most accessible and well-preserved coral reefs in the world. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 3 |


Breakfast and free day for spending time on the beach or exploring other beaches on the island. We can recommend the hike up to the “Peak” a 360m high point on the island to admire fine 360-degree view of the island, the coral reefs and the multicoloured sea. Most of the freshwater found on the

island is found here on this mountain. On the hike you will walk through a rainforest that is home to many species of tropical birds. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / day 4 |

Providencia - San Andrés

Breakfast in the hotel and transfer to the airport for flight to San Andrés. MEALS: B / - / -

Enjoy a half day at the McBean Lagoon National Natural Park where it is possible to admire the seven colours sea. Explore the park from the peak of Iron Wood Hill which has an altitude of 150 meters above sea level, to the coral reefs, which houses a great variety of marine species. During the walk through this path you will cross natural streams, mangroves, beaches and finally enjoy of the sea. DURATION: Approximately four hours. GUIDE: SIB service and bilingual guide. ALL DAY TOUR PROVIDENCIA & SANTA CATALINA

All day excursion around Providencia Island. Visit the fresh water reserves in Aguadulce mountain. Then head on to the old town of Santa Isabel in the centre of the island, visit Santa Catalina by crossing the “Puente de Amor”. Continue on to the ruins of Fort Warwick before trying out the beach at Manzanillo Beach. Free time at Bahía Cristal for a swim in



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E x c u r s ion s


28 | colombian journeys

the clear blue waters. During this excursion also visit a marine turtle and iguana hatchery. DURATION: Approximately seven hours. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY WALK TO THE “PEAK”

In the morning leave for a hike up to the highest point on the island known as the “Peak”. This is 360m above sea level and from the top you will enjoy 360-degree views of the islands and the multicoloured collage of the sea and the extensive coral reefs. The majority of the freshwater found on the island is produced here from various sources. On the return hike walk through a rainforest which is spectacular as it is home to many different species of tropical birds. DURATION: Approximately three to four hours. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.




packages & excursions


Founded in 1533 on an original indigenous Caribe

settlement, the Spanish conquistador Don Pedro de Heredia founded the city of “Cartagena de Poniente” to distinguish it from “Cartagena de Levante” in Spain. Later the city became known as “Cartagena de Indias”, a name which remained until the end of the colonial era and the beginning of the Republic. This colonial city rapidly became the gem in the Spanish Crown’s territories. It was fortified between the XIV and XIX centuries and in order to protect it from the continual attacks by foreign buccaneers and pirates and when these fortifications were completed, it was the most impenetrable and largest in the Americas. Cartagena was the first province of the Nuevo Reino de Granada which gained its independence from Spain on the 11th of November 1811 and the city still boasts architectural treasures in its civil, domestic, religious, military and governmental constructions. Just walking through its narrow yet remarkable streets there is enough to understand why Cartagena is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This colonial area is split into three zones, the Centro, San Diego (both inside the wall city) and Getsemaní. This whole city harks back to a time when pirates routinely attacked the bay and when the Spanish Inquisition executed a great number of slaves accused of witchcraft; furthermore,

pac k a g e day 1 |

strict rules were installed by the Dominicans who had the right to cast judgment over whomever they wished. Perhaps the real joy of Cartagena is exploring its streets on foot, an experience that awakens all five senses with the rhythms of cumbia and mapalé, with the flavours of the Caribbean, the blend of the natural world against the variations in architecture all the while buffeted by a Caribbean breeze making the city an incredibly romantic destination. To one side of the centre of the city is Bocagrande, a long spit of land that is home to the majority of modern buildings and hotels, connected to the barrios of El Laguito and Castillo Grande which make up part of today’s modern city. The outstanding beaches of the Islas del Rosario, Barú and Playa Blanca are located at approximately 45 minutes by boat from Cartagena. Culturally, Cartagena is renowned for its International Cinema Festival (FICC); it is the host city of the Hay Festival in January and is the seat of the National Beauty Pageant each November, the same month as the city’s independence celebrations. The cultural wealth that Cartagena enjoys is a result of the mix in backgrounds of the city’s inhabitants and its architectural beauty. The sea and the warm afternoon winds make Cartagena one of the Caribbean’s most fascinating cities.

4 days - 3 nightS


Arrival at Cartagena airport, transfer to hotel and check in. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / D

Cartagena - Half Day Panoramic City Tour day 2 |

After breakfast, half day visit in Cartagena starting with a panoramic view of the city from La Popa Monastery and Church.

30 | colombian journeys

Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at an eight of 140MAMSL from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe fortress, erected in honour of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa”. It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and learn about how the castle was constructed, the feats of engineering,


ºC 25

DISTANCE 1:10 hours FLIGHT from Bogotá Airport










Free day for individual activities or explore the area on your own. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -


MEALS: B / - / -




day 3 |


Optional: All day excursion by boat to the Archipiélago del Rosario, located one hour from Cartagena (25 miles). The national park is ringed by coral reefs and lapped by clear blue waters and is the habitat for a large variety of marine fauna. Free time for snorkelling and relaxation. day 4 |


Breakfast and transfer to airport. MEALS: B / - / -


Leave Cartagena and travel for approximately 20 minutes to the small fishing village on the outskirts of Cartagena known as “La Boquilla”. Here you will be introduced to the authentic local culture and will have the opportunity to enjoy a canoe trip out through the mangroves and marvel at this incredible and varied ecosystem with its rich flora and fauna. The canoe trip takes toughly 45 minutes and upon return to La Boquilla you will have time to visit the village on foot. DURATION: Approximately four hours (six hours with Playa de Oro and lunch option). SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

packages & excursions

Depart in the morning and head to San Basilio de Palenque, a town located 60km away from Cartagena and at approximately one hour’s drive along the Vía de la Cordialidad on the way to Barranquilla. Recognized by UNESCO as a Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, the town’s name comes from the Palenques, communities of fugitive and escaped slaves from the colonial period of the XVII century. This community has survived intact in San Basilio with their practices, customs and traditions. The inhabitants have retained heavy African influences in their daily routines, as for example their language which blends elements of Spanish with Bantu dialects from Africa. Upon arrival in Palenque meet a family who teaches visitors about the local customs and way of life. Palenque women learn how to carry fruit in a head basket while walking and Palenque men take care of the children while the women go off to work. Also, take a walk around the community to listen to tales of religious beliefs and customs. Try some traditional sweets. Return to Cartagena. Duration: Approximately six hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.



OPTIONAL: Tour to Playa de Oro and lunch. For passengers that wish to take this option, following the excursion to the mangroves the passengers will continue on canoe to Playa de Oro where passengers will stay for approximately 1 hour, have the opportunity to swim and then return to La Boquilla for lunch.



Just 50 minutes outside of Cartagena on the highway to Barú is the National Aviary of Colombia –a must for birding colombian journeys | 31


the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then, go on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convent and Church of the San Pedro Claver compound which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the apostle of the slaves. Lastly, head to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center in which to appreciate local handcrafts. Return to the hotel and free remainder of the day for individual activities. Overnight stay.


enthusiasts. Spread over seven hectares, each region of Colombia is represented here and there is an emphasis on education, conservation, reproduction and in some cases, the repopulation of Colombia’s avifauna. All practices here are sustainable and animal welfare is responsibly managed. You will visit each of the six ecosystems represented and will learn about the 1,800 or 135 species of birds that make their home here. Return to Cartagena. DURATION: Approximately four hours. SCHEDULE: 8:00 am GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

packages & excursions



Your tour begins in the center of Cartagena’s old town and you will cycle leisurely past all the main attractions and landmarks with the opportunity to stop on various occasions to hear about their importance and take photos. The tour includes the traditional neighbourhood of Getsemaní, an area where Florentino Ariza, a main character from Nobel prize winning author Gabriel García Márquez’s beloved novel, Love in the Time of the Cholera, lived. After Getsemaní you will cycle across the Roman Bridge the district of Manga, passing by the beautiful Villa Roman, and on to the Manga Cemetery which is the oldest in Cartagena. From here, you will hug the seafront and take in Bocagrande, known as the “little Miami” of Cartagena due to the high-rise glass buildings and its North American ambiance. You will finish the tour by returning to the old city center. DURATION: Three hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private Bilingual guide. Includes bike rental DIFICULTY LEVEL: Low NOTE: This tour can also be offered with E-bikes for an additional charge.





All day excursion to one of the islands of the Archipiélago del Rosario, located approximately one hour (45km) by boat from Cartagena. During the transfer, observe the impressive and beautiful landscapes of the islands with its clear waters and gentle breezes. Upon arrival to one of these islands, you will have free time to enjoy the beach, snorkel and relax. Lunch is served on the island and in the afternoon, return to Cartagena. The Rosario and San Bernardo National Park is located in the Caribbean Sea and is ringed by coral reefs and lapped by clear blue waters and is the habitat for a large variety of marine fauna. Three ecosystems thrive here: coastal lagoons, the mangroves surrounding them, and tropical forest and the average yearround temperature is 24.7 ºC.

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In addition, this is one of 46 National Parks in Colombia and it was created to protect one of the most important coral reefs bordering the Colombian Caribbean coastline: the Nuestra Señora del Rosario archipelago as well as the islands of Tesoro, Rosario, Barú, Múcura and Maravilla. Covering 120,000 hectares, the park consists of 23 coral islands and islets were formed some 5000 years ago, due to ancient volcanic activity that pushed up the continental shelf and create these coral reefs. During the colonial period, the islands were peopled by African slaves who dedicated their time to fish and gather mollusks. Nowadays, the islands are a tourist destination for their natural wealth and beaches. Return to the hotel. Overnight stay. Duration: Approximately six hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private services. NOTE: This excursion can be offered in different islands and the place where it is taken varies according to the confirmation. On the return trip the boat will be going against the current, so it is possible for some water to splash into the boat. This being said, passengers may get wet. We suggest for you to sit on the right side of the boat.


In the morning, start with a panoramic view of the city from La Popa Monastery and Church. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140 meters above sea level from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe Fortress, erected in honour of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa” It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and learn how the castle was constructed, the feats of engineering, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then continue on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convent and Church of San Pedro Claver which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, continue to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center where one can appreciate local handcrafts. After lunch, visit the city’s colonial district, starting in Bolívar Park, shaded by large trees and with four fountains the park has a statue of the great Liberator Simon Bolívar at its center. Around the square is the Gold Museum, which exhibits a fine collection of archaeological objects dating back to the pre-

Half day Colonial city tour and Museums

Half day visit to the city’s colonial district, starting in Bolívar Park, shaded by large trees and with four fountains the park is watched over by a statue of the great Liberator at its centre. Around the square is the Gold Museum, which exhibits a fine collection of archaeological objects dating back to the pre-Hispanic period and the Inquisition Palace, recognized for its large baroque style door. The Inquisition held its meetings here and it was also the prison and torture chamber for presumed heretics, opponents of the Catholic Church. The visit continues to the Santo Domingo Church, the Cathedral and ends at the Terraplenes and the Museum of the City’s Fortifications. Duration: Approximately four hours SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY PANORAMIC TOUR IN CARTAGENA

Start with a panoramic view of the city from La Popa Monastery and Church. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140 meters above sea level from where one can enjoy 360º views of



Take a magical evening tour of the Walled City stepping back in time and enjoying the sights from an open horse drawn carriage. The sound of the horse’s hooves, the feel of the refreshing breeze, the night time colours of Cartagena, the architecture and the generally beautiful and atmospheric scenery makes the visitor feel as if he or she is part of a film. Appreciate the many squares of the historic district and pass by the elegant colonial houses with their balconies filled with tumbling bougainvillea flowers. Watch Cartagena by night as tourists fill the streets. Later enjoy dinner at a local restaurant and return to the hotel in a private car transfer. Duration: Approximately three hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the evening. Guide: Private bilingual guide. NOTE: Available from all hotels in Bocagrande and the Colonial

packages & excursions

Start the tour with a traditional dish and beverage from Cartagena in the Bazurto local market. Continue to search out the ingredients for lunch around the most typical and colourful local market; visit the small shops of fish, vegetables, fruits, species and grains. Continue on this cultural journey through music and art stores, where in each you will find inspiration for your lunch. Then, meet and greet with traditional cooks and then transfer to historic center. Before the cooking class you will receive a welcoming beverage. During the class everyone participates through all the lunch preparation including starter, main dish and non-alcoholic drink. After this enjoy a variety of typical desserts. Transfer to hotel. Duration: 5 hours SCHEDULE: To be confirmed in the morning. distance: Less than 1km.

district. For hotels in Manzanillo a transfer to the colonial district is


HALF DAY cooking bazurto Cartagena

the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe Fortress, erected in honour of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa” It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and learn how the castle was constructed, the feats of engineering, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then continue on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convent and Church of San Pedro Claver which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, continue to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center where one can appreciate local handcrafts. Duration: Approximately four hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: SIB or private bilingual guide.



Hispanic period; and the Inquisition Palace, recognized for its large baroque style door. The Inquisition held its meetings here and it was also the prison and torture chamber for presumed heretics, opponents of the Catholic Church. The visit continues to the Santo Domingo Church, the Cathedral and ends at the Terraplenes and the Museum of the City’s Fortifications. Return to the hotel. Duration: Approximately eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

Rumba in Chiva (local bus)

Night tour of Cartagena in the typical ¨Chiva¨ bus, a brightly coloured traditional Caribbean bus with music turned up, as you ride along taking in the modern and colonial sectors of the city and its narrow streets along the walled city. Duration: Approximately three hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the evening. Guide: SIB Service.

colombian journeys | 33

The Rosario and San Bernardo National Park is a

Caribbean marine national park, some 45km to the southeast of the bay of Cartagena at approximately one hour away by boat. The average year-round temperature is a tropical 24.7 ºC. This is one of 46 national parks in Colombia and it was created to protect one of the most important coral reefs bordering the Colombian Caribbean coastline. The park covers 120,000 hectares and comprises the underwater shelf and the coral reefs to the west of the island of Barú, the reef that shields the Nuestra Señora del Rosario archipelago as well as the islands of Tesoro, Rosario, Múcura and Maravilla. The 23 coral islands and islets were formed relatively recently some 5000 years ago due to ancient volcanic activity that pushed up the continental shelf therefore creating the ideal situation for the creation of these coral reefs. Three ecosystems thrive here: coastal lagoons and the mangroves surrounding them and tropical forest.



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34 | colombian journeys

Barú Island is on the nearside of the Rosario National Park at approximately 40 minutes from the bay of Cartagena by boat or two to three hours by land. Within its 7000 hectares are the beautiful towns of Ararca, Santa Ana and white sandy beaches such as Playa Blanca, Playita de Cholón, Playa de los Muertos and Playa Bobo. All of these are blessed with clear turquoise waters and surrounded with multi-coloured mangroves and dreamlike landscapes where the locals serve up and offer you delicious platters of lobster and shellfish while welcoming you to their home. The native Indians of this area are descendants of the Carib people that were the first inhabitants of the Rosario and Barú islands in pre-Columbian times. Later, during the colonial period the islands were peopled by black slaves, brought from Africa, who dedicated their time to fishing and the gathering of molluscs. Today, these islands are a chosen destination for tourism of an exclusive nature.


ºC 25

DISTANCE 1:20 hour FLIGHT from Bogotá to cartagena Airport+ 1:30 hour boat transfer from cartagena

Islas del Rosario or Barú

Free day to relax on the beach. If you are on Barú it is recommend the beaches of Playa Blanca, Playita de Cholón, Playa de los Muertos and Playa Bobo. On the Rosario Islands, we recommend you visit the reef of the archipelago of Nuestra Señora del Rosario as well as the islands of Tesoro, Múcura and











Maravilla. Enjoy snorkelling and other water sports, observation of the local flora and fauna and scuba diving amongst other things. Overnight stay.


day 2 |


MEALS: B / - / day 3 |

Islas del Rosario or Barú - Cartagena

In the afternoon, departure by boat to Cartagena. Upon arrival at Cartagena pier, transfer to the airport or to your hotel selected. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: In Barú Island Full Board option only.

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meals: - / - / -



Transfer in a regular or private boat to the hotel of your choice on the Rosario or Barú Island. After roughly 1-hour boat trip, arrival and check-in. Overnight stay.



3 days - 2 nightS pac k a g e day 1 | Cartagena - Islas del Rosario or Barú


colombian journeys | 35

santa marta

packages & excursions

santa marta


ounded on July 29, 1525 by the Spanish Conquistador Rodrigo de Bastidas, Santa Marta was the first city in Colombia and therefore it is the oldest in South America. It was the port of entry for those looking to conquer the New World. Its privileged location was chosen for its security and for its beauty, between the Caribbean Sea and the lush Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where the twin peaks of the highest coastal mountains in the world, Simón Bolívar and the Cristóbal Colón, at 5770m above sea level tower over proceedings. There is a vast array of flora and fauna as well as the proximity to the Tayrona National Park, all which make this not only culturally rich but a supremely attractive and desirable place to visit. The Tayrona indigenous people strongly resisted the conquistadores but by the end of the VXII Century most of their treasures had been moved to Spanish chests. Santa Marta boasts a great wealth of history as is here that the first President of Gran Colombia and hero of the independence movement Simón Bolívar passed away on the 17th of December 1830. It happened

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day 1 |

3 days - 2 nightS

Santa Marta - Half Day City Tour

Arrival to Santa Marta Airport and transfer to the hotel. Then, Half Day Santa Marta tour. Return to hotel and overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

in a hacienda that still exists called the Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino. Nowadays, this hacienda acts as a museum exhibiting the history of the great Liberator and is surrounded by beautiful and lush gardens with monuments and many trees. Approximately fifteen minutes northeast from Santa Marta, a zigzag route brings you to a characteristic fishing village of Taganga. Nestled deep in a bay and surrounded by green mountainous vegetation, the landscape here is one of contrasting colours, the blues of the sea washing onto the beach, making this a magical and unforgettable destination. Observe the traditional fishing practices of the locals, view their canoes and see that all knowledge here has been passed down from generation to generation. This is a particularly good location for water-sports such as snorkelling and diving and is the departure point for boat trips to Playa Blanca, so named for the colour of the sand here. It is easy to reach different beaches of Tayrona National Park as well as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, from Santa Marta or Taganga, by travelling just 45 minutes.

Full Day Tayrona

Leaving in the morning from Santa Marta or Taganga to the northeast on the way to Riohacha, to Tayrona National Park. The National Park is located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and covers an area 17,000 km2 including dreamlike white sandy beaches lapped by turquoise blue waters, coral reefs, huge ocean boulders, densely rich jungle vegetation, mangroves and of course the famous Ciudad Perdida or Lost City.After 40-minute drive, get to the first entry point of the Tayrona National Park 36 | colombian journeys

called Palangana. Continue along a winding road through the scenic tropical forest before opening out onto what is known as the Sea of the Seven Waves, a natural viewpoint from which one can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Descend to the Neguanje Beach into the Day of Gayraca and hop onto a local boat where the fishermen will then sail around the cove to Playa Cristal. This beach stands out for its extraordinary beauty and is the ideal place to enjoy the water, the sun and the opportunity to paddle between the coral reefs here. Return by boat to Gayraca Day and back to Santa Marta or Taganga the same way.

MEALS: B / L / day 3 |

Santa Marta

Transfer to the airport. MEALS: B / - / -




Leaving in the morning from Santa Marta or Taganga to the northeast on the way to Riohacha, to Tayrona National Park. The National Park is at the foot of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and covers an area of 17,000 km2 including dreamlike white sandy beaches lapped by turquoise blue waters, coral reefs, huge ocean boulders, densely rich jungle vegetation, mangroves and of course the famous Ciudad Perdida or Lost City. From here enjoy a light hike through the forest and its different micro climates. Birds are in abundance and on some occasions, it might be possible to see squirrels and monkeys playing in the trees. After roughly a 45-minute walk arrive at Arrecifes, one of the park’s most scenic and beautiful areas, which will astound you with its beauty and drama with restless seas crashing on huge boulders. Continue by walking along the coast to La Piscina, a naturally calm stretch of beach ideal for bathing. Enjoy a free time in the beach to rest or take a bath. Return to Santa Marta or Taganga the same way. Duration: Approximately six to seven hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. All day mini trek to Pueblito

Travel in the morning by car from Santa Marta or Taganga to the northeast on the way to Riohacha, to Tayrona National Park until a little town called Calabazo. Upon arrival begin the hike along a pathway that leads to Pueblito. This snaking pathway leads through the foothills offering up spectacular views on its climbs broken only by the chatter of birdsong and bring one to areas with immense rocks, exuberant vegetation until reaching an approximate altitude of 200MAMSL. Arrival at Pueblito, an important cultural place for the Tayrona people. The tropical flora and eerie silence seem appropriate to the setting of the ruins of terraces, homes, bridges, stairways and architectural achievements all of which are silent witnessed to the Tayrona civilization. Speak with some local indigenous people and learn










more about their culture. Currently only one Tayrona family lives here but the complex architecture is evident due to the canal system, the aqueduct, stone bridges and stairways which lead to the beach. Walk a further two hours to Cabo San Juan de Guía Beach where you can relax or swim in the waters of this protected beach. After lunch, 45 more minutes’ walk to Cañaveral and return by car to Santa Marta o Taganga. Schedule: To be arranged. Duration: Approximately 8 hours. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

santa marta



Note: In order to go on this excursion, you need to have a good level of fitness as the climbs and descents are physically demanding.

All day in Tayrona National Park - NEGUANJE

packages & excursions

All day in Tayrona National Park -



Leaving in the morning from Santa Marta or Taganga to the northeast on the way to Riohacha, to Tayrona National Park. The National Park is at the foot of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and covers an area of 17,000 km2 including dreamlike white sandy beaches lapped by turquoise blue waters, coral reefs, huge ocean boulders, densely rich jungle vegetation, mangroves and of course the famous Ciudad Perdida or Lost City. After 40-minute drive, arrive at the first entry point of the Tayrona National Park called Palangana. Continue along an unpaved road through the scenic tropical forest before opening out onto what is known as the Sea of the Seven Waves, a natural viewpoint from which one can enjoy the beautiful scenery.Descend to the Neguanje Beach into the Day of Gayraca and hop onto a local boat where the fishermen will then sail around the cove to Playa Cristal. This beach stands out for its extraordinary beauty and is the ideal place to enjoy the water, the sun and the opportunity to paddle between the coral reefs here. Return by boat to Gayraca Day and back to Santa Marta or Taganga the same way. Duration: Approximately six to seven hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.




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DISTANCE 1:30 hour FLIGHT from Bogotá Airport



santa marta


Taironaka is an ecological and archaeological reserve within the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta inaugurated on June 15, 2008. There are the remnants of a Tayrona settlement here in this area known for its splendid vegetation, temperate climate and abundance of fauna. Leave in the morning from Santa Marta to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta on a journey that will take roughly 1.45 hour along the highway that heads to the Guajira. Go out the National Park and cross the rivers of Piedras, Mendihuaca, Guachaca, Buritaca and Don Diego; until arriving at Taironaka. In the midst of all of this nature is the Tayrona heritage of mystery and wisdom. There are pathways, terraces, stairs, aqueducts and a ceremonial house which shows how the Tayrona people lived and how the Kogui, their ancestors, continue to live. In Taironaka, kayak trips are available allowing one to glide along with the river or simply contemplate and relish the feeling of peace. Embrace the Macondo tree, the largest type of tree in this region and absorb its positive energy. Visit a small museum where there are Tayrona urns, flutes, axes, ceremonial dishes and arrows amongst other items found and collected in this region on display. DURATION: Approximately seven to eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. OPTIONAL: Kayak trip or inner tubing down the Don Diego River,

packages & excursions

hikes can be organized locally.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Comfortable light clothing and walking shoes, hat, swimming costume, sun block, fly repelant, water or hydrating beverages, and low-calorie snacks. It is important that



passengers follow instructions from the guide.

38 | colombian journeys

ARACATACA - The Route of Nobel

Transfer to Aracataca, nearly 2 hours from Santa Marta. Arrive in Aracataca, where the well-known literature Nobel winner prize Gabriel García Márquez was born, mainly recognized for his book One Hundred Years of Solitude amongst others. This place was the inspiration for some of his literary works. During the tour you visit “Gabo’s” youth and some places which have been described in a selection of his books. The visit includes places such as: the railroad station, Remedios La Bella sculpture, Montessori School where the Nobel studied, the Masonic Lodge building, the Berarcaza family house, Remedios La Bella library, United Fruit Company commissary, a museum in the house of Gabo’s maternal grandparents (Márquez Iguarán), Bolívar square and telegraph house. Return to Santa Marta. Duration: Six to seven hours approximately. Schedule: To be confirmed. Services: Private bilingual guide. Half Day Santa Marta

Half day visit of the colonial area and the oldest city in Colombia. Starting in the Day of Santa Marta; continue to the Monument to the Tayrona gods and learn more about this culture that existed in that region long before the arrival of the Spanish; visit the Casa de la Aduana Museum, which makes up part of the Anthropologic and Ethnographic Museum where there is a fine collection of Tayrona artefacts and then on to the Cathedral. Later, travel out to the Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino with its beautiful gardens and where the great liberator Simón Bolívar passed away in 1830. Finally enjoy a scenic tour of the bays of Rodadero and the fishing village of Taganga. Duration: Approximately three hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.




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ayrona National Park is located on the Colombian Atlantic coast a few kilometres from Santa Marta. The park’s boundaries extend from just beyond the bay of Taganga to where the Piedras River opens out into the sea. The National Park covers an area of 15,000 hectares, 75% of which are of land and the remaining are marine. The climate here oscillates between temperate and hot with an average temperature of 25 to 30ºC. One of the main entries to the Park is found at El Zaino, 34km from Santa Marta, from here one can gain access to the bays, natural beaches, coral reefs, mangroves, mountains and exuberant vegetation found within. Many types of animal inhabit this area including more than 100 mammals, 200 birds and numerous reptiles. It makes up part of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a mountain range separate from the Andes that makes for a unique ecosystem that rises up from sea level where there are beaches of fine white sand before passing through tropical forests to snowcapped altitudes of 5,770MAMSL. In Tayrona National Park there are various archaeological sites that prove the existence of ancient cultures such as the Tayrona city of “Chairama” (in the indigenous language) or Pueblito, where experts believe that a community of at least 400 indigenous people thrived in the pre-Columbian period. Today there are still points of interest sacred to the Koguis, Arhuacos and Arsarios people. These tribes are all descended from

pac k a g e day 1 |

the ancient Tayrona people who were one of the most advanced pre-Columbian tribes to have lived over the centuries in the Sierra Nevada. These towns and cities were joined by Stone pathways which extended from populous mountainsides up to the peaks in the Sierra. They consisted of circular windowless houses with stone terraces, palm roofs and painted with whitewash. The real accomplishment of engineering were the cities that were built upon terraces that were first used for agricultural purposes and then later for homes. These resourceful people channelled the mountain streams through their homes and through their crops to be sure to prevent any land and soil erosion. From the bay of Cañaveral a three-hour hike over stone pathways leads to Pueblito, one of the most wellestablished Tayrona developments given the prevalence of bridges, channels, terraces and pottery. The beaches of Arrecifes, La Piscina, Cabo de San Juan del Guía and Castilletes are within reach from Cañaveral as well. These beaches are all very distinct, some with still inviting waters, others with turbulent surf and thick with vegetation but all making the visitor feel as if he or she has been transported to another world, one of savage yet paradisaical scenery. In the park itself there are many opportunities to enjoy such activities as mini treks, snorkelling, bird watching, kayaking, horse rental or just contemplate nature.

4 days - 3 nightS

Santa Marta - Tayrona National Park

Arrival at Santa Marta airport and then undertake a roughly 1.15hours transfer to Tayrona National Park along the road that leads to Riohacha on the northeastern Colombian Caribbean coast. Enter the park at El Zaino, one of the main entrances and drive on a further 15 minutes to Cañaveral. Check-in at the Ecohabs. Rest of the day free to relax and overnight day. meals: - / - / -

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day 2 & 3 |


Full Day Tayrona - Tayrona National

Free days to relax on the beach or enjoy individual activities such as mini treks to Pueblito, snorkelling or rent horses as a means of visiting other beaches. MEALS: B / - / -


ºC 25


day 3 |

mm 500












Tayrona National Park - Santa Marta

After breakfast, transfer in the morning to Santa Marta airport. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: In order to join this excursion is necessary to have good physical condition as the climbs and descents are physically demanding.


Leaving by car from Cañaveral in Tayrona National Park to Gayrana Day. After 40 minutes’ drive, get to the first entry point of the Tayrona National Park called Palangana. Continue along an unpaved road through the scenic tropical forest before opening out onto what is known as the Sea of the Seven

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Waves, a natural viewpoint from which one can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Descend to Neguanje Beach into the Day of Gairaca and hop onto a local boat where the fishermen will sail around the cove to Playa Cristal. This beach stands out for its extraordinary beauty and is the ideal place to enjoy the water, the sun and the opportunity to paddle between the coral reefs here. Return by boat to Gayraca Day and back to Cañaveral inside the Tayrona National Park. Duration: Approximately six to seven hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. all day TAIRONAKA

Taironaka is an ecological and archaeological reserve within the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta inaugurated on June 15, 2008. There are the remnants of a Tayrona settlement here in this area known for its splendid vegetation, temperate climate and abundance of fauna. Leave in the morning from Cañaveral to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta on a 60km journey that will take roughly 1.30 hour along the highway that heads to the Guajira. Go out the National Park and cross the rivers of Piedras, Mendihuaca, Guachaca, Buritaca and Don Diego; until arriving to Taironaka. In the midst of all of this nature is the Tayrona heritage of mystery and wisdom. There are pathways, terraces, stairs, aqueducts and a ceremonial house which show how the Tayrona people lived and how the Kogui, their ancestors, continue to live. In Taironaka, kayak trips are available allowing one to glide along with the river or simply contemplate and relish the feeling of peace. Embrace the Macondo tree, the largest type of tree in this region and absorb its positive energy. Visit a small museum where there are Tayrona urns, flutes, axes, ceremonial dishes and arrows amongst other items found and collected in this region on display.


After breakfast, leave by car from Cañaveral to the small town of Calabazo. Here the hike begins along a pathway that leads to Pueblito. The zigzag pathway leads through the foothills offering up spectacular views on its ascent broken only by the chatter of birdsong and brings you to areas with immense rocks and exuberant vegetation until reaching an approximate altitude of 200 meters above sea level. Upon arrival to Pueblito, which is of incredible cultural importance, there is the feeling of being at the heart of the Tayrona civilization. The tropical flora and eerie silence seem appropriate to the setting here amongst the ruins of terraces, homes, bridges, stairways and architectural achievements all of which are silent witnesses to the Tayrona civilization. Speak with some local indigenous people and learn more about their culture. Currently only one Tayrona family lives here but the complex architecture is evident due to the canal system, the aqueduct, stone bridges and stairways which lead to the beach. A further 2-hour walk leads to the beach known as Cabo San Juan de Guía Beach. The protected beach is ideal for relaxing or swimming. After lunch, the walk continues during 45 more minutes to Cañaveral. Duration: Approximately nine hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

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All day mini trek to Pueblito

Koguis, or as they are sometimes known Kaggabbas, still inhabit this region in the nearby river basins and ecotourism here is organized so that it is of benefit for the conservation of this indigenous group and allows them to remain true to their lifestyle and culture. Duration: Approximately seven to eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. Optional: Kayak trip or inner tubing down the Don Diego River, hikes can be organized locally.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Comfortable light clothing and walking shoes, hat, swimming costume, sun block, insect repellant, water or hydrating beverages, and low-calorie snacks. It is important that passengers follow all instructions from the guide.


Leave from Cañaveral, walking through the forest and its different micro climates. Birds are in abundance and on some occasions, you may be able to see squirrels and monkeys playing in the trees. After roughly 45 minutes walking, arrive at Arrecifes, one of the park’s most scenic and beautiful areas, which will astound you with its beauty and drama with restless seas crashing on huge boulders. Continue on foot along the coast to La Piscina, a naturally calm stretch of beach ideal for bathing. Then, head on to El Cabo de San Juan de GUIDE which leaves an indelible mark on your memory due to its enormous boulders. Enjoy free time on the beach to rest or take a dip. Return to Cañaveral in the afternoon. Duration: Approximately nine hours. schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. Note: This is a reasonably hard trek and requires a degree of physical



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42 | colombian journeys


packages & excursions


Capurganá is a small town in the Chocó, on the north-western coast of the Gulf of Urabá, very near to Panamá. This northwestern region of Colombia was inhabited by the Cuna indigenous tribe, for whom it was known as the “land of pepper” or Capurganá in their language. The Cuna populated this land until the early 20th century when they were displaced by settlers from the black-mulatto race expanding west from the city of Cartagena. Nowadays this town is known for its beautiful and calm beaches, surrounded by trees and foliage of one of the densest jungles in the world. In the town of Capurganá itself there are no vehicles because there is no land

pac k a g e day 1 |

4 days - 3 nightS

Medellín - Acandí - Capurganá

Take a flight for roughly 1 hour from Medellín to the town of Acandí, a small town in the northern Chocó. Once in Acandí airport, take your transportation to the pier to take a boat for 30 minutes on a journey that follows the edge of the Gulf of Urabá to Capurganá. Reception and transport to the hotel. Dinner and overnight stay. meals: - / - / D



day 2 |

access due to the density of the Darien Gap. No highway has been constructed to bridge this jungle divide between Central and South America. For this reason, the community has implemented an ingenious form of local transport with horses and carts to move around, making it very environmentally friendly. People who want to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Capurganá will have to arrive by boat or plane. As Capurganá is a coastal town in the tropics, its average temperature all the year is 29ºC, nevertheless it is a very humid zone because of its proximity to the rain-forest. Bring repellent for jungle critters and flashlights/ torches in case of electrical blackouts.

Capurganá - Sapzurro - Capurganá

Breakfast and then visit to Sapzurro which is 15 minutes away from Capurganá by boat or, alternatively a two-hour long trek through the jungles of the Darien, one of the densest jungles in the world. Sapzurro is a small town in the northern zone of Chocó, bordering Panamá, it has a white sandy beaches and

44 | colombian journeys

the setting is idyllic. Once in Sapzurro, walk to La Miel Beach in Panamá to enjoy the beach, snorkel or simply relax. In the afternoon return to Sapzurro by boat to have a traditional lunch. There will be enough time to rest and enjoy the beach. Return to Capurganá by boat in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D day 3 |


Free day to enjoy the beach. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D DAY 4 |

Capurganá - Acandí - Medellín

After breakfast, transport to the pier for your boat to Acandí. Then transport to Acandí’s airport for your flight to Medellín. MEALS: B / - / -



Bahía de Sapzurro

ºC 25



mm 500









El Cielo


CHOCÓ El Aguacate





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pools of chilly water, visit an open-sky stone grotto and take a bath in a refreshing natural waterfall of fresh water. Return to Capurganá. DURATION: Five hours approximately. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Spanish speaking guide.


Darien Nature Reserve is a place surrounded by crystal clear streams, leafy trees and lush jungle wildlife. Take a pleasant walk where you can observe the endemic flora and fauna of the region, and during the tour you will cross the Capurganá River three times. When you get to El Cielo you can enjoy its natural



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la guajira



packages & excursions

la guajira

The Guajira peninsula is the northern most point

in Colombia and South America spanning an area of 20,848km2. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the North, Venezuela to the East and to the West and South the Colombian Departments of Magdalena and Cesar respectively. This peninsula that makes up the Department of the Guajira is divided into three sections: the lower and south, where the departmental capital of Riohacha is located, it was founded in 1545 as Nuestra Señora Santa María de los Remedios del Cabo de La Vela; Mid Guajira borders Venezuela and Upper Guajira is the dramatic collision point of deserts; and the upper where the ocean creating paradisaical locations such as Cabo de La Vela and Punta Gallinas. The Guajira is a place that never ceases to surprise due to its extreme contrasts: the brilliant white of the vast salt flats of Manaure –small mountains of white salt glistening beneath the merciless sun-, pink ibis with white and black flecks color the sky in cacophonous flight between the lagoons in Los Flamencos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary and then there is the deep black of the coal extracted from the mine at El Cerrejón. Aside from salt and coal the Guajira is bathed by a crystalline sea that laps onto beaches of desert sand. The cacti that

pac k a g e day 1 |

grow enhance the justifiably savage imagery and the long rises of the sand dunes are a reminder that this is an inhospitable land of myths and legends. The Wayúu indigenous people of the Guajira and their legends make this territory all the more intriguing. They are nomads who live autonomously across the porous border that divides Venezuela and Colombia with no concern for national frontiers. The Wayúu are a matriarchal society organized into clans and that place supreme importance in their traditions, in particular that of the “palabrero” who is designated to resolve conflicts between the clans. Wayúu men are polygamous but before entering into a marriage the man has to reach an agreement with the bride’s family regarding a dowry of goats and precious stones. The Wayúu live in what are known as “Rancherias” small communities made up of family members that dedicate their time to fishing and weaving. This region is renowned for producing colourful handmade hammocks and “mochilas” of resounding beauty and artistry. Visiting the Guajira is an immersion into a local culture rich in traditions, simplicity and native customs. Things here in Colombia’s “wild east” are tough but the basics are done well making one’s visit pleasant and unforgettable.

4 days - 3 nightS


Arrival at Riohacha Airport and transfer to the hotel. Riohacha or süchiimma, as it is known in the local Wayúu dialect, is small and tranquil town situated along the narrow bay known as the Boca de Camarón. The town was founded in 1545 as Nuestra Señora Santa María de los Remedios del Cabo de la Vela. After lunch, half day visit to Los Flamencos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, located some 20km from Riohacha in the county of Camarones, a territory that in the past belonged to the uanebucanes indigenous people. This is an important lagoon 46 | colombian journeys

system for spotting the pink ibis, pink coloured flamingos and it also has beautiful beaches. In a traditional fishing boat, the trip continues towards the path of Wayúu medicinal plants. Return to Riohacha and overnight stay.

meals: - / - / day 2 |

Riohacha - Cabo de La Vela

After breakfast leave heading northwest from Riohacha to Cabo de la Vela (180 km, 4 hours approximately), a remote fishing village along the tip of the Guajira peninsula. Break the journey after 60km to visit the salt flats at Manaure. These tall

la guajira LA GUAJIRA


DISTANCE 1:40 hour flight from bogotá airport + 10 min car transfer from riohacha airport



Depart from Riohacha to visit an authentic and traditional Wayúu indigenous community in order to learn about their way of life and cultural practices. Observe the wooden structures that are traditional of Wayúu dwellings as well as listening to their myths and legends.Appreciate their handicrafts and the Yonna dance while sipping some rum. Duration: Approximately four hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. FULL DAY TO KOGUI SERHVIAKA

Take a 3 hours journey by car from Albania to Palomino, a town near Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, place where leave one of the biggest indigenous community of Colombia. Upon arrival, enjoy an ecological walk for about 1 and a half hour along an indigenous road which leads to Kogui Serhviaka town. Once with the community, learn about their culture and mores, guided by one of its members. Then return to Palomino walking, by boat or kayaking through Palomino River. Return by bar to Albania.










over the sea from this rocky promontory and allows for fantastic sunset views. Moving on to Pilón de Azúcar Beach, where the blue sea is only interrupted by golden sands. From the top of the point at Pilón there is a 360ª view. From here to one side are the sea and the sand and to the other the salt flats. Return to Cabo de la Vela, overnight stay in a Rancheria, with basic services. MEALS: B / - / DAY 4 |


Cabo de la Vela - Riohacha - Tayrona / Santa

The Wayúu believe that Cabo de la Vela is the route which the souls of the dead begin their journey into the unknown. After breakfast, transfer back to the airport in Riohacha, Santa Marta or Tayrona National Park.

la guajira

Cabo de La Vela - Riohacha

Free morning for individual activities in the area. After lunch, take a trip to the Faro viewpoint where a lighthouse beams out


MEALS: B / - / -

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day 3 |


Duration: Approximately twelve hours.

SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the morning. Guide: Private bilingual guide.


After breakfast leave Riohacha heading northwest to Cabo de La Vela (180 km, 4 hours approximately), a remote fishing village along the tip of the Guajira peninsula. Break the journey after 60km to visit the salt flats at Manaure. These tall mountains of brilliant white salt play tricks on the mind with extreme contrasts alongside the sea, sand and sky. Later in Uribia, the indigenous capital of the Department, see the fine artistry and handicrafts of the Wayúu such as their hammocks and mochila bags are on display. Continuing the trip through the desert following the road alongside the railway tracks the length of which freight trains haul tons of coal from the mine at El Cerrejon to Puerto Bolívar for exportation. Towards the end of the railway line the road leads off into the desert passing Wayúu dwellings and cacti. After lunch, take a trip to the Faro viewpoint where a lighthouse beams out over the sea from this rocky peninsula and allows


MEALS: B / L / D


colombian journeys | 47


mountains of brilliant white salt play tricks on the mind with their extreme contrasts alongside the sea, sand and sky. Later in Uribia, the indigenous capital of the Department, see the fine artistry and handicrafts of the Wayúu such as their hammocks and mochila bags are on display. Continuing the trip through the desert following the road alongside the railway tracks the length of which freight trains haul tons of coal from the mine at El Cerrejon to Puerto Bolívar for exportation. Towards the end of the railway line the road leads off into the desert passing Wayúu dwellings and plentiful numbers of cacti. Arrival at Cabo de la Vela, overnight stay in a Rancheria, with basic services.



for fantastic sunset views. Move on to Pilón de Azúcar beach, where the blue sea is only interrupted by golden sands. From the top of the point at Pilón there is a 360ª view. From here to one side are the sea and the sand and to the other the salt flats. Return to Riohacha. Duration: Approximately ten hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. Note: This is an adventurous trip and involves arduous overland travel, contact with local indigenous tribes and promises excitement and emotion.

hALF DAY Los Flamencos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary



packages & excursions

la guajira

Half day visit to Los Flamencos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary,

48 | colombian journeys

approximately 20km from Riohacha in the county of Camarones, a territory that in the past belonged to the Guanebucanes indigenous people. This is an important lagoon system where you can spot the pink ibis, pink coloured flamingos and also appreciate its beautiful beaches. In a traditional fishing boat, the trip continues to the Environmental Investigation and Educational Centre that works for the conservation of marine turtles which are endangered and are released into the wild once they have matured to an age that promises better chances of survival in the wild. Duration: Approximately five hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. Note: The presence of pink flamingos depends on the migratory season. Boat trip is available when the lagoon is deep enough.

the pacific

packages & excursions

the pacific

The Colombian Pacific coast is a region where one

rediscovers the bewitching nature of the sea, its pristine jungles, exotic beaches, fauna and flora, the kind hospitality of the locals and the rich cultural background which harks back to a time of fewer complications. The Pacific offers many attractions such as scuba diving, bird-watching and hikes along indescribably beautiful trails as well as every year between the months of July and October the Colombian Pacific Coast is a true marvel of nature when the humpback whales arrive from the north in search of warmer waters and along with them migratory birds and the golfito marine turtles. The climate is humid and rainy and the season with the most sunshine is between January and March and the least sunshine, between August and November. The average temperature in these parts is 28 ºC although when it rains this drops somewhat. This region is considered as one of the most bio-diverse and rainy areas on earth with an average annual rainfall of 4000mm. This environmental wonderland is reached by air since all of this area is largely protected and virgin so there are few roads and those that do exist are very basic.



pac k a g e

4 days - 3 nightS

w h a l e wat c hin g in n u qu í Activity carried out from July to October when the whales are migrating through the area. day 1 |

Nuquí is the Pacific coast’s Eden and is located in the northern region of the Pacific coast on the Gulf of Tribugá in the Chocó department, between the Ancachi and Nuquí Rivers with the jungle all around. This region is, for the most part, inhabited by people of indigenous and African descent who dedicate their lives to fishing, agriculture, woodcutting and other jungle resources. The only way of getting to Nuquí is by air from Quibdo or Medellín, being the minimum flight time 1 hour; or by boat from Bahía Solano. This is a paradise for bird watchers, water sports enthusiasts, fishing and unspoiled nature. Nuquí easily inspires artists and poets offering incredible views of an exuberant forest, beaches, waterfalls, stones and boulders of many colours, exotic plants and curious animals in one of the richest most diverse ecosystems on earth. Bahía Solano is located on a corner of the Colombian Pacific coast which blends beaches with fantastic waves and the exuberance of the tropical rain-forest. This is the ideal setting given the wealth of biodiversity here, streams, waterfalls, and an inspirational sunset. The Valle River leads you inland to indigenous communities and the peace here is broken only by birdsong, toucans in flight or a dolphin jumping.

Medellín or Quibdo - Nuquí

Reception at Nuquí Airport and transfer to the dock for approximately 45 minutes boat transfer to Ecolodge El Cantil and check-in. In the afternoon, walk to the waterfall Cascada del Amor. It is 400m from El Cantil, stroll in the jungle, until arrive at a paradise where crystalline waters tumble over a 4m high 50 | colombian journeys

waterfall. Walk a few minutes further on into the jungle to see the Mellizas Waterfall. Lastly, enjoy empty beaches near to the river. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

meals: - / - / D

Note: The flights from Medellín to Nuquí or Bahía Solano have a luggage restriction of 1 carry-on bag of 5 kg and 1 checked bag of 10 kg. day 2 |


In the morning take a leisurely walk over level terrain for 3km admiring the pelicans and other birds found here and walk past streams that splice the beaches in order to reach the ocean.

the pacific THE PACIFIC


DISTANCe less than 1:00 hour flight from bogotá airport

Arrive at the thermal springs and take a bath in waters that reach a comfortable 32 ºC temperature. In the afternoon, head out for a whale watching on a 3-hour trip all depending on where the where the whales are.












DAY 4 |




Nuquí - Quibdó or Medellín

Morning departure after breakfast by boat to Nuquí and transfer to the airport. Departure by flight to Medellín or Quibdo. MEALS: B / - / -

MEALS: B / L / D

E X C URS I O N S b a h í a so lano


Starting the journey by boat, after 20 minutes arrive at an empty beach where the Cascadas and the Chadó Rivers meet the ocean. Then you shall begin a tough hike of 18km in the company of an expert guide. Take a bath in the Cascadas River where there are many natural pools and relax beneath small waterfalls with clear water. Walk along the beach until the Chadó River where it forms a large and beautiful natural pool before reaching the ocean. Be fit is recommendable for this tour. Duration: Approximately five hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: SIB services. Note: This tour works with a minimum of 7 people.

Half Day Cascada del Tigre

Leave El Almejal by boat, travelling for 15 minutes (14km) until reaching an idyllic beach where there is an awe-inspiring waterfall that crashes down from up high. After walking along the beach for 10 minutes come to another waterfall that crashes

to the Ensenada de Utría National Park or whale watching and dolphin spotting tours (only in season) and others; jungle or beach hikes of varying levels of skill and length; sport fishing; diving with professional

the pacific

MEALS: B / L / D

to Cabo Corrientes with its dramatic topography of rocks and jungle,

PADI guides; surfing and kayaking. NOTE: All tours are available on a daily basis. Vegetarians must inform us of their diet at least a week in advance. Boat excursions always depend on the tides.

packages & excursions

In the morning walk to Rio Terco following it into the jungle, this hike is a true adventure. Notice as the contrasts in the vegetation and fauna become more apparent and enjoy the sounds of the jungle and pure nature. For this tour is important to be fit. In the afternoon, head out for a whale watching on a 3 hours trip all depending on where the whales are.

Further activities can be organized from El Cantil Lodge as boat trips

onto the beach creating a large natural freshwater pool. Duration: Approximately five hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: SIB services. Note: This tour works with a minimum of 7 people.

Half day Ensenada de Utria National Park

After a 40-minute journey by boat along the coast from El Almejal come to the Ensenada de Utría. This park is a body of land that juts out 7km into the ocean and is dotted with small jungle covered hills. Its calm waters of emerald green are ideal for admiring the coral here. Here in this hotspot of biodiversity exist four different types of ecosystem including coral reefs, mangroves, jungle and ocean. Observe giant mangrove swamps, bathe in the ocean at the beaches of Cocalito Beach and Punta Diego or hike the Cocalito trail. Between July and October, the ocean here is visited by humpback whales (megáptera novaengliae) looking for an ideal place in which to bear their calves. There are always dolphins here and you can normally see them playing in the wake of the boat.



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day 3 |

Duration: Approximately five hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: SIB services.

Note: This tour works with a minimum of 7 people.

Whale Watching

The humpback whales make an annual migration of more that 8000km from the cold waters of the Antarctic to Colombia just to bear their calves and to perform their own special mating dance. Between July and October, one can admire from up close this natural wonder, their playful spirit and exhibitionism and at


packages & excursions

the pacific

HALF DAY Cascada 4 encantos

Enjoy a one and a half hour walk through the jungle from the area of hot springs until reaching the Terco River where four beautiful waterfalls are located. Duration: 4 hours Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private and SIB services. Only Spanish speaking guide. HALF DAY Cascada de Chontadura

Walk along the beach until reaching the town of Joví, then walk one and a half hours through the jungle, bordering the river, until a spot where a traditional canoe journey starts. Arrive at the Chontadura waterfall, located in a hidden natural and beautiful landscape. During the excursion it is possible to watch bird, mammals and fish. This product is organized by the community. Duration: 5 hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private and SIB services. Only Spanish speaking guide.



Cascada del Amor

Walk along the beach until finding a stream that winds its way out into the sea. From there, walk through the jungle five more minutes to la Cascada del Amor to enjoy a refreshing and relaxing dip. Duration: 1 hour Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private and SIB services. Only Spanish speaking guide.

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times even hear their melodic song especially when a lone male is nearby. These trips are done by boat in order to go and find the whales by spotting the spray from their spouts. Once they have been spotted the whale watching begins and the excursion is undertaken employing the code of conduct set out by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. Duration: Approximately four hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: SIB services. Note: Boat excursions always depend on the tides and weather conditions.

HALF DAY Río Terco

Walk along the river’s edge which is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes. Throughout the excursion enjoy bathing in natural pools full of abundant and crystalline water. Duration: 3 hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private and SIB services. Only Spanish speaking guide. HALf DAY Thermal springs

Walk until you arrive at the area known as Termales from where you’ll start a short walk into the jungle and then after a fiveminute walk along a small path arrive at the hot springs. Upon arrival, enjoy a hot natural water bath, combining it if desired with a cold water bath in the stream. Duration: 3 hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private and SIB services. Only Spanish speaking guide. SPORT FISHING

The Colombian Pacific is world-renowned area for sport fishing. The program begins in the morning, accompanied by a native fisherman, who will take you on his boat to the best areas in the bay to have a successful experience. You can choose between a small or large boat and enjoy the activity half day or full day. The kind of fishes you can find in the area are: Bravo (amberjack), Snapper (lutjanus), Cherna (flounder), Albacore, among others, depending on the time of year. DURATION: Day or fraction. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Local fisherman.

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the pacific

villa de leyva

packages & excursions

villa de leyva


he town of Villa de Leyva, located 207 km from Bogotá at an altitude of 2,140m, was founded in 1572 by Hernán Suárez de Villalobos who named it after Andrés Días Venero de Leyva, the first president of Nueva Granada. Before the arrival of the Spanish, the area was inhabited by the Muiscas, a Chibcha-speaking people who built their main astronomical observatory at the site of the current town. Villa de Leyva is one of the most beautiful towns in the area and is ideally explored on foot. It was declared a national monument in 1954 and has remained free of modern constructions. It is as if one can still breathe in the atmosphere of colonial times when visiting the expansive Plaza Mayor which at 14,000 m2 is the country’s largest. This special atmosphere does not end at the Plaza as it courses through the surrounding cobblestone streets; the Cathedral; the house of Antonio Nariño, home to the Independence hero; the home of Antonio Ricaurte, who fought under Bolívar and is known for his heroic sacrifice during the battle of San Mateo; the House of Congress where, on October 4th, 1812, the first Congress of the United Provinces of Nueva Granada took place; the Colonial Art Museum; El Carmen Monastery and Convent. 2 days - 1 night



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The Museum of Maestro Acuña is a worth a visit. Named after the artist, a painter, sculptor and writer, Acuña, along with other artists, created the Bachue movement, which can be seen here, and which sought to recover the essential feeling and atmosphere through art of the Chibcha ancestors. The Museum of Maestro Acuña also displays colonial objects, musical instruments and furniture. A few kilometres from Villa de Leyva and not to be missed is the Saint Ecce Homo Convent, founded by the Dominicans in 1620 and considered a most outstanding Spanish legacy. The pavement is made of local stone embedded with fossils, and the chapel has a magnificent golden altarpiece with a small Ecce Homo image. Nearby Villa de Leyva also there are many towns, each with its particular curiosity such as Ráquira which in the Chibcha language means “city of the pots” and therefore is known as the Colombian town that specializes in fine handmade ceramics; Sutamarchán, famous for its gastronomy, especially longaniza and morcilla spicy sausages and the Tomatina Festival, which comes from a Spanish tradition; and Tinjacá known for its tagua (the seed of palm) handicrafts.

Bogotá - Zipaquirá and Salt Cathedral Villa de Leyva day 1 |

In the morning depart from Bogotá to the north, towards Zipaquirá. After a journey of roughly 1.15 hours reach the impressive Salt Cathedral, a true achievement of engineering. The name Zipaquirá refers to Zipa, the leader of the Muisca tribe and the chief of these rich salt mines. The excursion will begin by visiting the cathedral in a tunnel that passes the fourteen Stations of the Cross and continues on to the dome. The dome is lit in such a way that it allows one to contemplate the universe and the relationship between man and nature.

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Later, reach the enormous cross carved into the saline rock and finally the three naves of the Cathedral that represent the birth, life and death of Christ. In the central nave is the main altar, above which is the cross that measures 16m in height and 10m in breadth, made by the Colombian artist Carlos Enrique Rodriguez. This is the largest cross made from salt in the world. Next, we visit the mine where there is an excellent auditorium that can seat up to two hundred people, host film screenings and diverse events such as fashion shows. The trip ends at a mirror of water where it is possible to experience the amazing visual effects of water on carved saline rock. Continue on a 2-hour trip to Villa de Leyva in the afternoon.

villa de leyva

DISTANCE 3:30 hours CAR TRANSFER from bogotá















120 million years ago and 20 meters in length, was discovered. Return to the hotel and overnight stay.

meals: - / - / day 2 |

Villa de Leyva - Bogotá

villa de leyva

After breakfast, return to Bogotá. On the way, break at the Saint Ecce Homo Convent. Founded by the Dominicans in 1620, this was an important point of evangelization in a region populated by infidel Indigenous communities. The tour ends in Bogotá Airport for departure flight in the evening or at the selected Bogotá hotel. MEALS: B / - / -


OPTIONAL: For passengers interested in practicing bird watching an ornithologist (bird expert) can accompany them. Surcharges apply. Arrive to a river, until a spot where a traditional canoe journey starts. Arrive at the Chontadura waterfall, located in a hidden natural and beautiful landscape. During the excursion it is possible to watch bird, mammals and fish. This product is organized by the community.


An adventure and adrenaline experience in the Cascada de

packages & excursions

The tour begins with a long ecological hike from the high Andean forests to the moors, where a great diversity of flora and fauna can be appreciated. The path leads to the sacred lake of Iguaque, the place where the Muiscas based a great deal of their mythology. According to Muisca legend, mankind originated in the Iguaque lake, when the goddess Bachué came out from the lake with a boy in her arms. Once the boy grew, they went on to populate the earth. They are considered the ancestors of the human race. Iguaque is also a great place to practice bird watching. This tour includes transportation and a snack. Duration: Approximately eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged departs in the morning. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

Sorocotá, hidden among farms within the Moniquirá Canyon, where you have the opportunity to rappel down the 30-meter waterfall. Also, take the opportunity to swim in Pozo Verde and walk along a trail of peasant farms and reach an area of Andean jungle very well preserved on the banks of the river. Ideal for beginners without experience and experts. DURATION: Approximately seven hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY BIKE TOUR

Ride with an experienced guide and learn about Villa de Leyva’s history and culture and have an amazing adventure into the natural landscapes of the region. Starting from Villa de Leyva and riding through the desert, you will head to Santa Sofia’s paved road. After a little warm up ride, detour on El Carcamo to climb up 5km on a dirt road that will take you to the Hidden Valley, a green paradise in the middle of the desert. Once there, some single trails will take you to the river where you can cool off and rest for a while. Visit a colonial-era mill and enjoy the view while eating a delicious “cuajada con melao”, a traditional dessert from the Andean region. Enjoy the downhill road back to Villa de Leyva and stop in some of the museums and main attractions on the way as Pozos


Full day iguaque FAUNA & FLORA SANCTUARY

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Upon arrival to Villa de Leyva check in at the hotel. Villa de Leyva, one of the area’s most beautiful towns, was founded in 1572 by Hernán Suárez de Villalobos who named it after Andrés Días Venero de Leyva, the first president of Nueva Granada. In colonial times, Villa de Leyva played a central role in independence developments and the Viceroy and his entourage spent much time here. Today, the city is a colonial jewel with a main square measuring 14.000 m2 surrounded by Spanish style houses, small alleys, cobblestone streets and the XVII century parochial church. Then visit The Fossil Museum, founded in 1977 and located 5,5 km away from Villa de Leyva. The museum was built exactly at the place where a kronosaurus, a marine reptile from more than



Azules and El Fósil Museum or the Muisca Observatory and the Terracota House. The terrain is accessible for the average mountain bike rider with a good fitness level, this tour is a mix of dirt roads and asphalt. Be prepared for 5km of uphill road. DURATION: Three to five hours. 25.5 km of route SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private guide. DIFICULTY LEVEL: Low NOTE: Includes bike rental, water and snack. The entrance fees are not included

On the way to Villa de Leyva stop in Ráquira town, which in the Chibcha language means “city of the pots” and therefore is known as the Colombian town that specializes in fine handmade ceramics. Besides its handicrafts, this town is famous for its colourful houses, which have made them, on different occasions, win the prize for the most beautiful town in Colombia. Enjoy the afternoon walking along the streets and appreciating the handicrafts. Also get to know Sutamarchán, famous for its gastronomy, especially longaniza and morcilla spicy sausages and the Tomatina Festival, which comes from a Spanish tradition and Tinjacá known for its tagua (the seed of palm) handicrafts. Duration: Approximately 4 hours.



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villa de leyva


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Schedule: To be arranged in the morning or afternoon. Guide: Private bilingual guide.


The paleontological museum in Villa de Leyva was founded on the 12th of June 1972 by the Faculty of Science of the Colombian National University with the purpose of creating a centre of investigation for paleontological sciences. It is located 10 minutes away north of Villa de Leyva. The area of Villa de Leyva was chosen since it has a rich historical, cultural, geological and paleontological background which can be supported by findings of marine rocks from the cretaceous period with a high content of fossils. Within the collections you will find examples of ammonite fossils, marine reptiles, fish and plants and these contribute to the reconstruction of Colombia´s natural and environmental history. The museum has several exhibitions displaying collections of the different fossils found in the area, rocks and geological eras, together with exhibitions on the different dinosaur fossils found in the area and the process of fossilization. Duration: Approximately 1 hour. Schedule: To be arranged in the morning or afternoon. Guide: Private bilingual guide. Note: The Museum is closed on Mondays (unless it is a public holiday) and opens from Tuesday to Saturday 9-12midday and 2-5pm. Sundays and Public Holidays open from 9-3pm


packages & excursions



he town of Popayán is a small and perfectly formed colonial town often referred to as the White City due to the prevalence of the chalk-white facades of the homes and buildings in the historical center. Founded in 1537 by the Conquistador Sebastián de Belalcázar, it played an important role in colonial times as it was the middle point in the journey between Cartagena and Quito. Its temperate climate attracted many wealthy colonial landowning families from the Valle del Cauca and Cali in addition to gold prospectors from Barbacoas in Chocó. These settlers built stately houses in Popayán and equally fine churches decorated with artwork brought from Spain. Popayán was an important administrative point in the times of Nueva Granada and was, besides Santa Fé de Bogotá, the only town to have its own coin mint. Popayán’s historic center is one of the most beautiful and well-preserved in Colombia with important houses

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2 days - 1 night




day 1 |

Popayán - Half Day City Tour

Upon arrival to Popayán airport, transfer to the hotel and check-in. Then, Half Day City Tour in Popayán. The tour begins on Caldas Park. Around the Caldas Park are the main religious and government buildings, as well as the city’s original buildings such as the Clock Tower, considered one of the symbols of the city, built between 1673 and 1682 and set in 1737. Continue towards the Humilladero Bridge, built in 1873 to facilitate access from the city center to El Callejón (currently barrio Bolívar) up a steep rise, particularly for those pilgrims making the journey on their knees. Visit to the Santo Domingo Church, a baroque

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style church designed by the Spanish architect Antonio García and commissioned by the Arboleda family, the San Francisco Church, considered the most beautiful baroque church in town, and the Panteón de los Próceres. Visit the Religious Art Museum, which houses an interesting collection of religious art, and the Mosquera House Museum, the Settecento style house that belonged to General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera. Return to hotel and overnight stay.

meals: - / - / day 2 |


After breakfast, transfer to the airport. MEALS: B / - / -

3 days - 2 nights

P O PAYÁN & S ILVIA day 1 |

that have become heritage symbols such as Mosquera House Museum, a mansion that was once home to General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera, a Colombia’s President on four occasions. The Guillermo León Valencia National Museum is dedicated to the Popayánborn poet who once lived here. There are also stunning churches such as the San Francisco Church, the largest and most beautiful in town; the Santo Domingo Church; San José Church as well as the oldest, the La Ermita Church. Although the original town was damaged by a 1983 earthquake, all of the historic buildings were completely restored. Popayán is also famous for its Easter Week processions, a tradition from colonial times which its inhabitants have lovingly preserved. In 2009 Popayán’s Holly Week celebrations were declared by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


Upon arrival to Popayán airport, transfer to the hotel and 58 | colombian journeys

check-in. Then, go on a half day visit to the historic center of town founded in 1537, concentrating on Caldas Park. Around the Caldas Park are the main religious and government buildings, as well as the city’s original buildings such as the

popayán ºC



DISTANCE 50 min flight from bogotá airport

Note: This tour can be done the arrival date depending on the arrival










Popayán - Half Day in Silvia


This excursion only works on Tuesday. Half day visit to the small town of Silvia, located in a temperate mountainous area and consisting of picturesque houses surrounded by vast sugar cane plantations. The Indigenous Guambiano community with a population of 12,000 inhabitants, lives in small mountain villages nearby. Every Tuesday, on market day, the village of Silvia is transformed into a colourful, bustling and picturesque place when the Guambiano Indians descend upon Silvia dressed in their traditional “anacos”, a blue kneelength skirt-like wraparound, and sell their fruit, vegetables and handicrafts. MEALS: B / - / day 3 |

Popayán - Bogotá

After breakfast, transfer to local airport for flight to Bogotá. MEALS: B / - / -

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MEALS: - / - / -



day 2 |


time of the flight.

E X C URS I O N S Half day visit to the historic center of town founded in 1537, concentrating on Caldas Park. Around the Caldas Park are the main religious and government buildings, as well as the city’s original buildings such as the Clock Tower, considered one of the symbols of the city, built between 1673 and 1682 and set in 1737. Continue towards the Humilladero Bridge, built in 1873 to facilitate access from the city center to El Callejón (currently barrio Bolívar) up a steep rise, particularly for those pilgrims making the journey on their knees. Visit to the Santo Domingo Church, a baroque style church designed by the Spanish architect Antonio García and commissioned by the Arboleda family, the San Francisco Church, considered the most beautiful baroque church in town, and the Panteón de los Próceres. Visit the Religious Art Museum, which houses an interesting collection of religious art, and the Mosquera House Museum, the Settecento style house that belonged to General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera. Return to hotel and overnight stay. Duration: Approximately three to four hours.

SCHEDULE: To be arranged departs in the morning or afternoon. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

NOTE: On Mondays, these museums are closed: Mosquera House Museum, Guillermo León Valencia National Museum and Panteón de los Próceres.

Half Day in Silvia


Half Day City Tour in popayán

Half day visit to the small town of Silvia, located in a temperate mountainous area near Popayán and consisting of picturesque houses surrounded by vast sugar cane plantations. The Indigenous Guambiano community with a population of 12,000 inhabitants live in small mountain villages nearby. Every Tuesday, on market day, the village of Silvia is transformed into a colourful, bustling and picturesque place when the Guambiano indigenous people descend upon Silvia dressed in their traditional “anacos”, a blue knee-length skirt-like wraparound to sell, fruit, vegetables and handicrafts. Duration: Approximately four hours. colombian journeys | 59


Clock Tower, considered one of the symbols of the city, built between 1673 and 1682 and set in 1737. Continue towards the Humilladero Bridge, built in 1873 to facilitate access from the city center to El Callejón (currently barrio Bolívar) up a steep rise, particularly for those pilgrims making the journey on their knees. Visit to the Santo Domingo Church, a baroque style church designed by the Spanish architect Antonio García and commissioned by the Arboleda family, the San Francisco Church, considered the most beautiful baroque church in town, and the Panteón de los Próceres. Visit the Religious Art Museum, which houses an interesting collection of religious art, and the Mosquera House Museum, the Settecento style house that belonged to General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera. Return to hotel and overnight stay.


SCHEDULE: To be arranged departs in the morning and only

on Tuesdays. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

One of the most organized and representative indigenous groups in southern Colombia is the Guambiana culture found in the department of Cauca. A visit to the highland town of Silvia is to see the beating heart of Guambiana culture and here you will receive a tour given by a member of the Guambiano Cabildo (Indigenous state official) and a traditional doctor. Here you will learn about the Guambiana social structure, modes of production and traditional medicine. Before meeting the indigenous doctor and undergoing a traditional “cleansing ceremony” and an overview of sacred plants and their healing powers, you will be received with music played by a Chirimia (traditional indigenous music involving flutes and drums) and get to taste some changuar (indigenous liquor). Finally, your visit will end with a trip to the Casa Payan where you will learn about the cosmology of the Guambiana culture. DURATION: Five hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY TOUR HACIENDAS

During the colonial era Popayán was a commercial center run by several creole families involved in cattle farming and who owned enormous estates known as Haciendas. Some of these Haciendas were used as reservations, others for slaves, but overall, they were places which inspired painters and scribes. On your tour, you will visit two colonial Haciendas located on the outskirts of Popayán. The first Hacienda is the Antón Moreno farm which was built in 1760 by Don Marcelino Mosquera y Figueroa and it is still working today. Here you



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will see the pine trees, cypress trees and eucalyptus are grown for papermaking in addition to the ubiquitous cattle farming here. Although the house has been modified over time, you can appreciate its original architecture. The second destination on this tour is to the Calibío Hacienda –meaning white river in local dialects– which is one of the few surviving estates dating back to the late 18th century. The Cabilío Hacienda was completed in 1793 and remains true to its original architecture. This is the site of major historical events including the battle of Calibío in January 1814 when Antonio Nariño was leading the independence movement of the territory from Spain. The great liberator of northern South America, Simon Bolívar also spent the night here on October 30, 1826. To finish the tour, you will enjoy some local delicacies including the famous and delicious “empanaditas de pipian”. Return to your hotel. DURATION: Approximately four hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. FULL DAY PURACÉ NATIONAL NATURAL PARK

All day visit to Puracé National Park located 45 Km away from Popayán. It is an impressive natural reserve spanning 83,000 hectares including the Serrania de los Coconucos and its volcanoes. The highest peaks are Pan de Azúcar (5,000m), Coconuco (4,600m), Puracé (4,580m), and four others with elevations from 4,400 to 4,500 masl. The Sotará volcano (4,400m) is to the south of the mountain chain. Adding to this beautiful scenery there are waterfalls, lagoons and caves. Take a break in Pilimbala to enjoy the hot springs by the foothills of the Nevado del Puracé which is surrounded by lush fascinating landscapes. Visit to the park to see the flora, fauna and numerous cascades. In the evening, return to Popayán. DURATION: Approximately eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

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anta Cruz de Mompox is a remote and hidden town where time has stood still and your senses race. This town that inspires tales of romance and nostalgia is situated on an island of the same name on the western bank of the Magdalena River, roughly 200km southeast from Cartagena. The Colombian Nobel Prize winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez famously wrote in his novel “The General in his Labyrinth” a phrase he attributed to the great Liberator Simon Bolívar, “Mompox does not exist, sometimes we dream of her, but she does not exist”. It was founded by Alonso de Heredia in May 1537 as Santa Cruz de Mompox after a ferocious confrontation with the Kimbay tribe which resulted in the defeat of the indigenous leader Cacique de Mompoj, from whom the city takes its name. Mompox immediately became a key commercial center for the merchandise that travelled upriver from the interior en route to Cartagena. It was also an important escape for the Aristocracy of Cartagena when that city suffered attacks by English pirates. On August 6th, 1810 Mompox was the first town in Colombia to declare absolute independence from Spain when the Momposino patriots symbolically destroyed the torture devices belonging to the Inquisition. During a short stopover in the town, Simón Bolívar uttered the immortal words: “To Caracas I owe my

pac k a g e

3 days - 2 nights

M O M P OX BY L A ND day 1 |

life, but to Mompox I owe my glory”, as he famously raised an army of 400 hundred men here. But this glory and splendour that set Mompox apart fell into decline when, towards the end of the XIX Century, navigation along the Magdalena River was rerouted along another branch of the river. For this reason, the town has remained architecturally and traditionally intact and in 1995 was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The Central Cemetery is perhaps the most interesting and atmospheric place to visit. Here it becomes clear that the old tales from Mompox are still very much alive. The white tombs are lined up one above the other and form walls of memories around a central chapel. Strolling here in the hours of dusk pass locals seated calmly in front of their homes enjoying the breeze in their rocking chairs. A tradition in Mompox, that is passed down from generation to generation and is world famous, is filigree workshops. Local craftsmen make from threads of silver and gold very intricate and delicate jewellery. Local flora and fauna is possible to be observed in the Cienega de Pijino located about 20 minutes away boating through scenic wetlands. This complex wetland system is rich in bird life. Exotic fauna such as howler monkeys, birds and iguanas might all be seen from a small motorboat inside the Ciénaga.

Cartagena -Mompox

Leaving Cartagena after an early breakfast you will travel approximately six hours (330km) inland to the colonial town of Mompox. Your journey will take you through the towns of San Juan Nepomuceno, over the striking Montes de María hills, the town of San Jacinto –famous for its weaving and musicians– and on to Carmen de Bolívar. After passing the town of Plato –and 62 | colombian journeys

crossing the imposing Magdalena River– you will reach Santa Ana and then soon after the town of Mompox. After this long journey and checking in to your hotel, you will have time to relax and freshen up before exploring this enchanting town. People often say that time has stood still in Mompox and when you wander the antiquated streets and perfectly preserved colonial architecture, this may ring true!

meals: - / - / -

mompOx ºC

departs at 1pm and 4pm. The time schedule might change without previous notice. However, this transfer cannot be guaranteed by the ferry and so our transfer will generally be by land. day 2 |

Mompox and surroundings

Since it is always hot in Mompox, you will start your tour in a moto taxi -a local transportation which is a motorcyclecart hybrid that fits 4 to 5 people– and motor gently along Mompox’s antiquated streets. It is impossible not to be in awe of the colonial architecture here with its blend of mudéjar and baroque styles. Perhaps the most imposing street is the Calle Real del Medio with its tall whitewashed walls protecting the stately homes of colonial families. You will see the ornate balconies where flowering bougainvillea spills over in bursts of color. The scenic La Albarrada Street runs alongside the river and with shade from the large riverside trees, offers some welcome respite from the merciless sun. Your tour will take in the six churches in the town, the most striking of which is the Santa Barbara in front on the plaza by the same name and where once there was an indigenous cemetery. The Santa Barbara church was completed in 1630 and its yellow and white paintwork accentuates the angles of the octagonal Moorish and baroque bell tower with its 360-degree balcony. The San Agustín church is home to the ornate golden Santo Sepulcro which is paraded through the streets on the shoulders of the Nazarene pilgrims during Mompox’s austere Easter Week celebrations. After visiting the other churches, you will head to the central cemetery which brings the myths and folklore to life with tall tales and legends of a time past. White-painted tombs line corridors and create walls of memories around the central chapel. As you wander back into the center of town you will see how Momposinos live, enjoying the breeze in the cooler afternoon hours from their rocking chairs in front of their homes.










You will of course have time to visit a few filigree workshops to observe how local craftsmen weave intricate jewellery from silver and gold. This has been a tradition in Mompox, which arrived from Andalusia in Spain, and remains passed down from generation to generation. After a filling local lunch, you will transfer to the boat launch where you will alight a motorized canoe for a trip out to the Ciénega de Pijino some 20 minutes from Mompox. Your journey will take you through pre-Columbian river channels and out into a network of lakes and wetlands where you will appreciate the wide array of flora and fauna here as well as being able to take a dip in the lake. You will be up close to many species of birds, howler monkeys and iguanas all the while taking in the spectacular scenery. Return to the hotel and overnight stay.


port of Magangue to Mompox. Ferries from Magangué to Mompox


MEALS: B / - / day 3 |


Mompox - Santa Marta / Tayrona National

After an early breakfast, your transfer from Mompox will pass the Magdalena River at Santa Ana and continue to Bosconia all the while enjoying rich agricultural landscapes. On the way to Santa Marta you will pass Aracataca –birthplace of the Nobel Prize winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez– and you have the option to visit the museum in his former home and breathe in the air which inspired his literature. After about a 5-6-hour journey, arrive in Tayrona National Park or Santa Marta.

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aforementioned towns. There is the possibility of taking a ferry in the



Note: The tour does not include entrance or tours to any of the


MEALS: B / - / -

NOTE: There is the possibility of taking a ferry from Mompox to Santa Ana. Ferry leaves from Mompox to Santa Ana at 8am. The time schedule might change without previous notice. However, this transfer cannot be guaranteed by the ferry and so our transfer will generally be by land.

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san agustín & tierradentro

san agustín In the Upper Magdalena region of the department

of Huila, to the very location where Colombia’s most famous river traces its source and nestled between the central and easterly ridges of the Andes Mountains is the San Agustín Archaeological Park. Here in this mountainous setting is one of Colombia’s most important archaeological reserves declared an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. This region was inhabited by a mysterious and enigmatic civilization that created fantastic sculptures using the volcanic rock from which to fashion their art which over the years has taken on an otherworldly and almost immortal form. Approximately 5000 years ago one of the oldest cultures in Latin America arrived here. Their name remains unknown and their subsequent disappearance, centuries prior to the arrival of the Spanish, is a mystery but there are various theories including that of extra-terrestrial interference. The archaeological park is found on the outskirts of the town and at an altitude of 1695m. The name San Agustín comes from two possible sources, the first being from the presence of Augustinian missionaries who arrived in this region around the year 1600 and the second relates to the memory of Santo Obispo Fray Agustín de la Coruña who passed through this area became concerned by how the abusive local ‘encomenderos’ (messengers) were treating the local indigenous populations, took up the noble cause of defending them. His activities did not make him a popular figure and he had to go into exile. The climate here is fresh and comfortable during the daytime usually around 18ºC and at night and early morning the temperature can drop quite substantially to between 10 and 12ºC. The wettest months are April, June and October and the driest are January, February, March, September and December. The park covers a total area of approximately 500 square km that includes San Agustín archaeological park and nearby Alto de los Idolos and Alto de las Piedras.

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The communities that inhabited the area now referred to as San Agustín 5000 years ago were master sculptors, designing and erecting enormous, imposing stone statues and moving them to higher sacred ground. Here these statues stand today in the forms of pumas, snakes, eagles consuming snakes, warriors, good and evil and women in childbirth all looking on, as if silently watching over us. Some of the statues were found on their actual location and others have been moved in order to protect them but they remain as they were with their intricate details defying the rigours of time and still visible for all to see. As one visits the 130 odd statues located in the park the silence that is hollow yet deafening, as if emphasizing the importance and sanctity of this place, at times is broken only by birds in song. These birds that abound in the hillsides here are the actual masters of this land only fleetingly populated by man. There is an Archaeological Museum at the entrance to the park which has a small but tidy exhibition of statues, ceramics, utensils and jewellery related to the cultures that once inhabited these special lands. Travelling on seven hours from San Agustín is another archaeological attraction called Tierradentro which is found half way up a mountain at an altitude slightly greater than 1750m above sea level. If San Agustín is known primarily for its striking statues, then Tierradentro is famous for its burial chambers. Archaeologists state that only 100 tombs of the type found here in Tierradentro have been found in the whole of Latin America. This location has also been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in particular for these subterranean funeral galleries that are extensive and must have been created by indigenous cultures inhabiting the region between the years 600AD and 900BC. In the same department of Huila, about 42km from the city of Neiva, is the Tatacoa Desert sometimes known as the Valley of Sadness. Given its name by the conquistador

san agustín











plants that grow up to four or five meters in height. This semi-arid land is referred to by biologists as a tropical dry forest and its average temperature is around 27 ºC and it is located within the fertile floodplains of the Magdalena River. The climate is hot and dry and there are a large variety of cacti that grow up out of the red earth in an area called “Cuzco” while in another area called “Los Hoyos” the landscape alters drastically and there are no longer rocks but sandy yellow dunes.

Tierradentro - San Agustín

In the morning visit Tierradentro Archaeological Park, a World Heritage Site since 1995. Observe incredible subterranean galleries and tombs that are called “hypogeum” in the areas of Alto de Segovia and the Alto del Duende. Then, visit the Archaeological and Anthropological museums and the population of San Andrés de Pisimbalá to see the indoctrinate temple and the El Cabildo House to learn more about their history, political and economic breakdown of the Paeces community which inhabited this region. The trip continues to the south over an unpaved road until San Agustín. This scenic journey allows enjoying views of the extensive floodplains of the Magdalena River valley from 700MAMSL all the way up to

MEALS: B / - / -

Full Day San Agustín Archaeological Park and Magdalena River

day 3 |

Morning visit to San Agustín Archaeological Park, World Heritage Site declared by the UNESCO in 1995. See these enormous stone statues up close with your own eyes; see how each raised plateau is man-made and has been created specifically for the stone monuments, making where you are trading, holy and sacred ground. You will walk on to the ceremonial Fuente de Lavapatas before heading up the hill to the Lavapatas terrace from which you can enjoy a remarkable view over the surrounding countryside. Also visit the small Archaeological Museum. After lunch, visit to the wonderful Colombian massif and of the strait of the Magdalena River, a spectacular rocky gorge that forces the river to pass through only 2.20 meters. Drive back to San Agustín and short visit to the town. Return to the hotel. Overnight stay.

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meals: - / - / -

1730MAMSL and in balmy temperatures of 20ºC just as in San Agustín. After a journey roughly 7 hours arrive at San Agustín, check into the hotel. Overnight stay.


Neiva - Tatacoa Desert - Tierradentro

Arrival at Neiva airport and immediate transfer to the north to visit the town of Villavieja and the Paleontological Museum. Then, visit the Tatacoa Desert crossing crevasses eroded by wind and water. Set off to Tierradentro archaeological zone, following the Central Andes and bordering the Banks of the River Paez. Pass through the town of La Plata, from where the road is unpaved. After 7 hours journey, arrival at Tierradentro and check in at a simple hotel. Overnight stay.

day 2 |


6 days - 5 nights





Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada in 1538, “Tatacoa” means black “rattle“ or rattlesnake, a harmless local reptile of the Tatacoa. During the pre-Columbian era this area was inhabited by the Totoyoe Indians who were allied with the Doches and Pijaos and they all shared this dry terrain with turtles, rodents, snakes, spiders, scorpions, eagles, lizards and ocelots. These animals have thrived here finding ample places to hide here in the arid earth and between the cacti

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san agustín & tierradentro


meals: B / - / day 4 |


San Agustín - Full Day Isnos - San

After breakfast, set off for the rural town of Isnos to see further colombian journeys | 65



san agustín & tierradentro packages & excursions

Archaeological Parks such as the Alto de los Ídolos and the Alto de Las Piedras where there are some incredibly well-preserved tombs that still show some of the original paintwork and some of the largest stone figures found so far. Visiting these sights gives you the breathtaking view of the Macizo Colombiano and the incredible waterfalls at the Salto del Mortiño (180 Mts) and the Salto de Bordones (320 Mts). After lunch, you will visit La Chaquira, a sacred place on the river’s edge in a canyon where archaeology and geography are in splendid alignment. Here you will see the figure of a woman carved into a large rock. Drive back to San Agustín and enjoy a short visit to the town. Return to the hotel. Overnight stay.


San Agustín - Popayán

MEALS: B / - / day 6 |


After breakfast, Half Day City Tour in Popayán. Then, transfer to the local airport. MEALS: B / - / -

MEALS: B / - / -

E X C URS I O N S Full Day Isnos

a space only 2.20 meters wide. Drive back to San Agustín and short visit to the town. Return to the hotel. DURATION: 8 hours. schedule: To be arranged in the morning. GUide: Private bilingual guide.

After breakfast, set off for the rural town of Isnos to see further Archaeological Parks such as the Alto de los Ídolos and the Alto de Las Piedras where there are some incredibly well-preserved tombs that still show some of the original paintwork and some of the largest stone figures found so far. Visiting these sights gives you the breathtaking view of the Macizo Colombiano and the incredible waterfalls at the Salto del Mortiño (180 Mts) and the Salto de Bordones (320 Mts). After lunch, you will visit La Chaquira, a sacred place on the river’s edge in a canyon where archaeology and geography are in splendid alignment. Here you will see the figure of a woman carved into a large rock. Drive back to San Agustín and enjoy a short visit to the town. Return to the hotel. Overnight stay. DURATION: Eight hours approximately. schedule: To be arranged in the morning. GUide: Private bilingual guide.

Arrival at Neiva airport and immediate transfer to the north to visit the town of Villavieja and the Paleontological Museum. Then visit the Tatacoa Desert crossing red crevasses eroded by wind and water. During the Tertiary period, the Tatacoa desert was a valley of plentiful fauna, flora and water, but because of a change in the climate all the species disappeared, and the ground was dried completely, giving space only to cactus and animals that tolerate very high temperatures. DURATION: One hour approximately. schedule: To be arranged. GUide: Private bilingual guide.

Full day San Agustín Archaeological Park

half day Visit to a Coffee Farm

and Magdalena Strait


day 5 |

Breakfast. In the afternoon, leave on a 5 hour unpaved drive to Popayán, the capital of the department of Cauca located 91km away. Enjoy the journey surrounded by the Andean scenery

Morning visit to San Agustín Archaeological Park, World Heritage Site declared by the UNESCO in 1995. See these enormous stone statues up close with your own eyes; how each raised plateau is man-made and has been created specifically for each of the stone monuments, making where you are treading, holy and sacred ground. You will walk on to the ceremonial Fuente de Lavapatas before heading up the hill to the Lavapatas terrace from which you can enjoy a remarkable view over the surrounding countryside. Also visit the small Archaeological Museum. After lunch, visit the source of the Magdalena River, a spectacular rocky gorge that forces the river to pass through

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Visit to Tatacoa Desert

Visit a traditional coffee farm in San Agustín where people can experience the whole coffee making process. During approximately 3 hours you will walk through all the stages of the coffee plantation and production, with the possibility of getting involved in the harvest process, learning which is the perfect condition of the coffee bean. After a visit here in this small and beautiful farm, full of typical Colombian fruits, you will share a cup of fresh ground coffee with the owner, while he explains the different ways of making coffee. DURATION: 3 hours approximately. schedule: To be arranged. GUide: Private bilingual guide.

Presidential Suite - 93 Luxury Suites

93 Luxury Suites In the Park of 93, Luxury, details and technology

the amazon



packages & excursions

the amazon


ords used to describe the Amazon can seldom to do any justice to this remarkable place that leaves an indelible imprint on the memory. The incredible size of the Amazon River, an irrepressible source of life, and the crisscross pattern of the smaller tributaries that splay out through the jungle leave a lasting impression. The Amazon is the second longest river in the world after the River Nile. Its water source are the runoffs of hundreds of rivers and streams that extend all the way from the Peruvian Andes north of the city of Arequipa representing the source of the 20% of fresh water in the planet. It runs for 6,275 kilometres from the Andes Mountains to Pará in Brazil, passing through principal cities such as Iquitos (Peru), Leticia (Colombia) and Manaus (Brazil). The city of Leticia is located on one of the banks of the Amazon River in the heart of the most resplendent and exuberant forest on earth. An imaginary line is drawn here creating a frontier between three countries: Colombia, Brazil and Peru. Leticia is the capital of the Colombian Amazon Department and the arrival port for flights from Bogotá, boats from Iquitos (Peru) and Manaus (Brazil) and the departure point to explore the area. It was founded in 1867 as San Antonio and was originally a Peruvian town until 1922 when it was ceded to Colombia and renamed becoming this country’s access to the “Green Lung”. Leticia is the point of departure for all expeditions launched to explore the jungle towards Manaus and Iquitos. It rains frequently in the Amazon, but the wettest season is between February and April. The rivers reach their highest levels from February until the start of June thus making it the best time for bird-watching, piranha fishing, pirarucu fishing (sport fishing) and seeing the Victoria Regia - an enormous aquatic lily plant with large

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purple flowers, white petals and floating leaves that can extend up to two meters in diameter. In this season, it is a little bit easier to see forest animals and reach most places by boat. The driest months are in July and August and water levels are at their lowest from August to November, when many beaches are created by the retreating waters at the riverbanks, and this is when the river turtles lay their eggs. During this season, it will be more comfortable to explore the area as paths will be less muddy and there will be fewer mosquitos, but many places will have to be reached by land, therefore requiring longer walks. Numerous indigenous communities live in these areas including the Huitotos, Yaguas and Ticunas all of whom have protected their cultures and traditions passing down their practices from generation to generation such as their knowledge of medicinal plants, magic, ceremonies and aptitudes for survival in the jungle. 75 km and 2hrs by boat from Leticia in the upper Amazon River is the town of Puerto Nariño which is considered to be the cradle of life of the Amazon for its natural and cultural setting of peace and harmony. This community is located on the banks of the river Loretoyaco where motor vehicles are outlawed and the only way of getting around is on foot. Puerto Nariño probably displays one of the purest and clearest examples sustainable community living where people are deeply involved in environmental issues, the preservation of river fauna and the ecosystem and live free from smog and pollution. The Tarapoto Lake is nearby, and its waters are like a natural aquarium as it is home to grey and pink river dolphins. NOTE: You will need to show a Yellow Fever vaccine proof. You are advised to have the vaccine 15 days prior to your journey. Tetanus and Hepatitis vaccines are recommendable.

the amazon ºC









100 0

Leticia - Calanoa

After breakfast, transfer to pier for shared boat transfer to Calanoa, for about 30 minutes. Visit the Mocagua community, lunch and tour around the village and their painted houses. Return to Calanoa for a walking tour through the jungle and then return by canoe along Matamata stream, which has limits with the Amacayacu Natural National Park. Dinner and overnight stay.

Calanoa - Puerto Nariño - Calanoa

Depart in the morning for a trip along the Amazon River. Visit to Puerto Nariño, the second largest town in the department of Amazonas after Leticia. The town is a curious mix of colonists and native people. It is considered as the cradle of the Amazon given its unequalled natural, cultural and harmonious setting. Later, travel on up the river to Tarapoto Lake where, it might be possible to see a great deal of interesting species such as the grey and pink river dolphins. Return to Calanoa. Dinner and overnight stay.

the amazon

meals: - / - / -

day 3 |


MEALS: B / L / D day 4 |

Calanoa - Leticia

After breakfast depart to Leticia by boat. Visit Omagua Reserve to experience canopy activity inside the jungle. Return to Leticia and private transport to airport.

packages & excursions

Leticia - Half Day City Tour

Walking tour of the small city centre of Leticia, the capital of the Colombian Amazonas department. The visit starts at the Ethnographic Museum of the Amazonian Man where you will be able to appreciate a collection of objects and utensils used by the indigenous cultures from the region. Continue the tour by visiting the city’s parks and stroll Leticia´s streets with plenty of time to browse handicrafts shops and have a taste of a local brew of “chuchuhuaza”, an Amazonian aphrodisiac drink made from an endemic species of tree.

day 2 |



L E T I C I A & calanoa day 1 |



4 days - 3 nights


MEALS: B / - / -

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4 days - 3 nights

L E T I C I A & m a r a s ha day 1 |

Leticia - Tabatinga - Leticia

Reception at Leticia airport and private transportation to the hotel. After lunch, City tour to Tabatinga, frontier with Brazil. Here you will visit the Chocolate House and it will be possible to appreciate the Amazon river and have a quick view of the commerce, music and population of this region. Then, visit Leticia’s local market, a traditional pharmacy of medicinal plants and the main square where a great amount of parrots fly overhead at sunset to their nests. MEALS: B / - / -

day 2 |

Leticia - Puerto Nariño - Leticia


MEALS: B / L / D

After breakfast, take a boat through the Amazon River to visit the Victoria Regia and the Macedonia indigenous community where you can participate in a workshop with traditional seeds and paints. Then, continue to Puerto Nariño and after lunch visit the Tarapoto lake to enjoy the landscape and if you are lucky catch sight of the pink river dolphins. Return to hotel and overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 3 |

Leticia - Marasha Natural Reserve

In the morning leave Leticia and travel by boat to Marasha colombian journeys | 69


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Natural Reserve located 25km away. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes upstream on the Amazon River. Upon arrival at the Reserve start an educational walk that takes approximately 1.45 hours and will bring you close to nature allowing you to fully appreciate the landscape and the native flora and fauna. The excursion continues on to the Malokas which are ceremonial huts constructed in the local traditional way. Take a canoe trip out onto the lake to see the largest lily

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7 days - 6 nights

j u n g l e in m e r s ion

packages & excursions

the amazon

day 1 |

Leticia - Marasha

Upon arrival at Leticia airport you will transfer to the pier for your riverboat journey to Kurupira where you will have lunch at this impressive floating cabin. After lunch, your journey continues to the Natural Marasha Reservation (25 mins) in the Peruvian Amazon. Here you will be surrounded by the timeless rainforest and up close to the different types of trees including: Ceibas, Capinuris, Ohes and Chuchuaza to name just a few. To reach Marasha you will walk for roughly 45 minutes through the rainforest –in the rainy season when the water levels are high, this will be done by canoe– and then check in. That very afternoon, you have the option of several activities including a trip to see the immense Victoria Regia lily pads, different primates, birds and even to cast a line and do some fishing. Later, enjoy a hearty dinner before heading out to do some night-time alligator spotting. Return to the Reserve, overnight stay. meals: - / L / D



day 2 |

Marasha Indigenous community

After breakfast, leave from Marasha to visit a local indigenous community. Here you will experience life in this community, enjoy a lunch and then venture into deeper jungle to choose a suitable place to camp. Where you camp will depend on whether it’s the wet or dry season accordingly. Set up your camp and explore your surroundings before spending an unforgettable night in the jungle. MEALS: B / L / D day 3 |

Jungle camp

Start the day with a jungle breakfast to prepare for the trek ahead. Here, whilst trekking you will observe animal tracks and different species of birds and possibly some more primates. Return for lunch and in the afternoon head out in search of more jungle fauna. Dinner and another night camping in the jungle. MEALS: B / L / D

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pads in the world: The Victoria Regia, variety of bird species and fish. Walk back to the pier for return boat transfer to Leticia.

MEALS: B / - / day 4 |


After breakfast, private transport to the airport. MEALS: B / - / -

day 4 |

Puerto Nariño

After breakfast, you’ll break camp and transfer by boat to the town of Puerto Nariño where you’ll check in at the Waira Selva Hotel. Relax and freshen up before lunch. After lunch, you will receive a tour of Puerto Nariño and visit the Natutama Foundation (closed on Tuesdays) with its interactive museum where you will learn about the ecology of the Amazon, high and low water levels, conservation in this region, environmental education and all about the pink grey river dolphins. Later, walk up to the viewpoint for an overview of the local surroundings and visit a handicraft center staffed by locals who will happily share with you their stories and the history of this town. Dinner and accommodation. MEALS: B / L / D day 5 |

Lagos de Tarapoto - Calanoa

Today, after breakfast you will leave for a day of birdwatching near to the Julio 20 community. After lunch, you will visit the Tarapoto Lake, in particular the area near to Igarapehuazú where you may be able to see pink and grey river dolphins, various species of birds and local fishermen at work (depending on the season). Your guide will be sure to point out the Capinurí tree of fertility as you follow the flooded forest towards Calanoa Natural Reservation. Dinner and accommodation. MEALS: B / L / D day 6 |

Calanoa - Maikuchinga Foundation

At an agreed hour, you will visit the Mono Churuco Miqueando project which is overseen by the Maikuchinga Foundation, in their quest to enable a conservation and protection of the Churuco monkey. There will be an opportunity to see and interact with Churuco monkeys in their natural jungle environment. At the same time in the company of expert guides you will learn about the diverse flora and fauna present here and enjoy an interpretive walk through the jungle with members of the local community. Return to Calanoa. Take a scenic canoe ride along Matamata river. Dinner and accommodation. MEALS: B / L / D

In the morning leave Leticia and travel by boat to Marasha Natural Reserve located 25km away. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes travelling upstream on the Amazon River. Upon arrival at the Reserve start an educational walk that takes approximately 1.45 hours and will bring you close to nature allowing you to fully appreciate the landscape and the native flora and fauna. The excursion continues on to the Malokas which are ceremonial huts constructed in the local traditional way. Take a canoe trip out onto the lake to see the largest lily pads in the world: The Victoria Regia, and also see a variety of bird species and fish. Walk back to the pier for return boat transfer to Leticia. DURATION: Approximately seven hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged, at the latest 9 AM GUIDE: Private guide. AlL DAY PUERTO NARIÑO & LAGO TARAPOTO

Depart in the morning from Leticia for a trip along the Amazon River. Start your tour by visiting the Victoria Regia lilies. Later visit the Monkey Island Natural Reserve and observe the giant lotus plants, the local fauna and the Fraile Monkeys in their natural habitat. The tour continues with a visit to the Tikuna indigenous community village of Macedonia, a small town known for its handmade and intricately designed handicrafts such as the carpets and dolls made from yanchama (tree bark) as well as beautiful fashion accessories made from seeds and feathers, brightly coloured bags woven from chambira and various carved items such as walking sticks and necklaces all made from the fine and greatly valued wood of the palosangre (brosimum rubescens taub). After lunch continue on to Puerto Nariño, the second largest town in the department of Amazonas after Leticia. The town is a curious mix of colonists and native people. It is considered to be the cradle of the Amazon given its unrivalled natural, cultural and harmonious setting. Later, travel on up the river to Tarapoto Lake where, it might be possible to see a great deal of interesting species such as the grey and pink river dolphins. Finally reach Puerto Alegria on the Peruvian side of the Amazon. Return to hotel. DURATION: Approximately eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged, at the latest 9 AM GUIDE: SIB or private guide. Full Day monkeys house

Depart from Leticia to Mocagua by boat on a one and a half hour journey along the Amazon River. Visit an indigenous community

and appreciate the work that the Calanoa Foundation has done to improve their way of life. After lunch, visit the Woolly Monkeys rehabilitation project led by Sara Bennett, a highly experienced Amazon researcher. During this excursion people are able to watch and enjoy seeing the monkey behaviour and to interact with them. Also, they will have the opportunity to learn about flora and fauna of the Amazon during an informative trail walk, here they will see the Victoria Regia, the largest of the water lilies. Duration: Approximately 8 hours. Schedule: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. Full Day San Martín de Amacayacu

After breakfast transfer to the dock to take a boat along the Amazon river, following the Amacayacu National Park and then arrival at Palmeras indigenous community for an interpretation trail for one and a half hours until you reach the San Martín de Amacayacu village. In this indigenous community, you’ll meet Víctor, an indigenous guide from the Tikuna tribe who will share some stories and facts about his community. You will then visit the “chagras” place where the tribe has traditionally cultivated different species and used them for medicinal purposes. After lunch, there is a ceramic workshop with typical materials from the zone. Return to Leticia. DURATION: 8 hours approximately. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

the amazon


MEALS: B / - / -

packages & excursions


for your return flight.


Walking tour of the small city centre of Leticia, the capital of the Colombian Amazonas department. The visit starts in the Ethnographic Museum of the Amazonian Man where you will be able to appreciate a collection of objects and utensils used by the indigenous cultures of the region. Continue the tour by visiting the city’s parks and stroll Leticia´s streets with plenty of time to browse handicrafts shops and have a taste of a local brew of “chuchuhuaza”, an Amazonian aphrodisiac drink made from an endemic species of tree. DURATION: Approximately two hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private guide.



After breakfast, transfer by boat to Leticia and on to the airport

NOTE : Excursion can also be organized from Puerto Nariño.


This unique journey is conducted at night-time where you will travel out into the inky black waters that are surrounded by colombian journeys | 71


day 7 |



packages & excursions

the amazon

a great variety of flora and fauna. From the boat you will be able to identify the bright eyes of the fierce Black Caiman. The Black Caiman is very similar to the crocodile and can grow to up to 6.5m in length. Caimans eat fish, tapir and other mammals found in this region. The Black Caiman is an endangered species since it was hunted savagely in the past (for its meat and skin). The location is the Saraiva Lakes, created by the Amazon, and which are unique ecosystems and home to a large array of forest life. As you travel

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from lake to lake you will be able to appreciate the variety of jungle life. DURATION: Approximately three hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged, around 6.30pm GUIDE: Private guide. RECOMMENDATIONS: This excursion is recommended from August to November.

the coffee triangle



packages & excursions

the coffee triangle

The coffee zone is a geographical area that comprises

of three Colombian departments: Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío; with their respective capital cities of Manizales, Pereira and Armenia. The departments have many things in common including a deep-rooted coffee culture, the pre-Columbian history that is more ingrained than the Spanish legacy, its beautiful landscapes, the friendliness and hardworking nature of the people. Nevertheless, each has its particularities: Manizales stands out for its cultural life, museums and monuments; Armenia as the heart of the region and for being reconstructed after the earthquake of 1999, and Pereira due to its commercial activity, gastronomy and nightlife. Before the arrival of the Spanish in the mid XIX century, the area was inhabited by the Quimbaya people. This tribe had 80 caciques or independent chiefs of which 5 of these were high ranking. They lived in the midst of immense bamboo forests and they were experts in working “guadua” making instruments, tools and constructions. They were the first to work with metals, in approximately 500 bC, in what is present-day Colombian territory, using techniques such as lost wax, adopted from other South American tribes. Most of the coffee production in Colombia is based here and for that reason the region is aptly named as the “Coffee zone”, “Coffee Axis” or “Region or Coffee Triangle”. The climate, with temperatures that vary from 8 to 24 degrees; the geographic characteristics, a

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4 days - 3 nights


Bogotá - Pereira

Arrive at Pereira airport, transfer to hotel and check in. Overnight. meals: - / - / -

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tropical Andean forest between 1,300 and 1,700 meters; and other geological issues permit such high-quality coffee. The fertile valleys with their seemingly endless coffee plantations, traditional wooden houses with brightly coloured balconies and further constructions in guadua come together to create the typical and vibrant landscape of this region. It is believed that coffee was first cultivated by the Jesuits and then its use started growing gradually throughout the country and then for exportation towards the end of the XIX century. Coffee comes from a bush-like tree of the rubiáceas family and what is cultivated here in Colombia is the Arabica strain which is the most popular type. Historically coffee has always been present in one shape or form during man’s existence. It has been the drink of love and the drink of loss, happiness and sadness, friendship and loneliness. This sole commercial activity is the one that drove the three departments to unite to become a single region and it is here where the landscapes vary in shades of green due to coffee plantations, the clusters of banana trees and guaduales; The wax Palms - the national tree marks the spectacular Cocora Valley; other colours can be seen in the region such as in orchids, heliconias; in birds such as hummingbirds and parrots and in butterflies; in Los Nevados National Park which reaches altitudes surpassing 5,000m; and in the beautiful architecture of towns like Salento or Filandia. This region also is united by the beauty and warmth of its people.

Pereira - Buenavista - San Alberto Plantation and Coffee Processing - Pereira day 2 |

Half day visiting the coffee plantations along the steep hills typical of this area. On a secondary pathway view the green carpet of coffee plants that spread out as far as the horizon interrupted only by fincas and heliconia flowers Visit to Hacienda San Alberto one of the coffee estates typical of the region and located near the town of Buenavista Quindío. The tour begins with an introductory talk about coffee, its

ºC 25

DISTANCe APROX. 30 MIN flight from BOGOTÁ airport

MEALS: B / - / day 3 |

Pereira - Valle del Cocora & Filandia - Pereira

After breakfast, leave for the Valle de Cocora which is located


Depart early in the morning (approx.5am) and travel for about 1.5 hours towards the Rio Blanco Natural Reserve in the department of Caldas. The reserve´s primary purposes are to supply water to the city of Manizales, for research and for natural preservation. Recently, within its management plans,













packages & excursions

the coffee triangle

in the central mountains of the department of Quindío. This makes part of the Parque Nacional de los Nevados and is the ideal place to marvel at the “Quindian wax palm” (Ceroxylon quincense), the national tree of Colombia. This tree can reach a staggering height of 60m. Around here a great number of species of birds live, in particular some types of hummingbird and the orejíamarillo or the palm parrot (Ognorhynchus icteroti) which is endangered. Upon arrival in the valley, either hiking or on horseback (not included), head into the cloud forest to enjoy the biodiversity of flora and fauna. On the return journey, cross the River Quindío while walking along an ecological pathway which takes one past the tallest wax palms in the world. Learn why the indigenous people here worshipped this tree. Then you can have a typical lunch (not included) and enjoy some free time here. In the afternoon, continue 10km towards the traditional town of Salento to enjoy a city tour that visits the Plaza de Bolívar with its colourful balconies, the Calle Real, the handicrafts shops and the Cocora viewpoint. Then, transfer to the traditional village of Filandia to enjoy a city tour that includes the viewpoint, the colonial homes, the Plaza de Bolívar and the coffee shops. Here, enjoy some time soaking up the regional atmosphere and perhaps some local spirits before returning to the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 4 |



preparation, toasting, the characteristics of quality and the properties that allows for such a variety of coffees in the world. The route continues through the plantations, appreciating the work of the coffee pickers as well as understanding the famous humid coffee that is characteristic of Colombian coffee. Walk through the coffee plantations and learn about the production system in minute detail, including the harvest, the drying to the sun and treatment in this land of volcanic terrain along the Central Andes Mountain Range which has been declared a world Heritage site by UNESCO and that offers the perfect climatic conditions for coffee growing. The harvest in Colombia takes around a year, although the main period is between October and May/June. Most of the plantations in Colombia produce Arabica beans which produce a delicate and light tasting coffee which is widely recognized and consumed. The process begins from when the bean is planted and takes approximately 75 days to germination. The seedling is then placed in a plastic bag and placed in partial sunlight until its base dries. Two years after plantation the tree bears its first fruit which is harvested when the bean is red in color and dry and ripe. Once the fruit has been picked, the pulp is stripped away, and the bean is cleaned and dried in the sun (the big haciendas now use a special machinery to strip and dry the beans in a short period of time). The beans are exported or dried in preparation for sale, before being ground up and made ready for human consumption. Free remainder of the afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay.



Transfer to the airport after breakfast. MEALS: B / - / -

NOTE: This tour is also available from Quindío department, Armenia.

ecotourism and recreation were introduced as it is an ideal place to enjoy bird watching and appreciate other species of flora and fauna. So far, 362 of endemic species of birds have been identified here including the Chestnut Wood Quail (Odontophorus hyperythrus), the Black-thighed Puffleg (Eriocnemis derbyi), the Bearded Helmetcrest (Oxypogon guerinii), Brown-banded colombian journeys | 75


the coffee triangle

Antpitta (Gral-laria milleri), the Hooded Antpitta ((Grallaricula cucullata), the Rufous-breasted Flycatcher (Leptopogon rufipectus), the Golden-fronted Whitestart (Myioborus ornatus) and the Scrub Tanager (Tangara vitriolina), along with other migrating species that are seen specially in August and October. The tour is guided by an expert of the area who knows the best spots for bird watching. Duration: Approximately 6 hours from Manizales, 7 hours from Pereira and 8 hours from Armenia. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. FULL DAY VALLE DEL COCORA, salento and



packages & excursions

the coffee triangle


After breakfast, leave for the Valle de Cocora which is located in the central mountains of the department of Quindío. This makes part of the Parque Nacional de los Nevados and is the ideal place to marvel at the “Quindian wax palm” (Ceroxylon quincense), the national tree of Colombia. This tree can reach a staggering height of 60m. Around here a great number of species of birds live, in particular some types of hummingbird and the orejíamarillo or the palm parrot (Ognorhynchus icteroti) which is endangered. Upon arrival in the valley, either hiking or on horseback (not included), head into the cloud forest to enjoy the biodiversity of flora and fauna. On the return journey, cross the River Quindío while walking along an ecological pathway which takes one past the tallest wax palms in the world. Learn why the indigenous people here worshipped this tree. Then you can have a typical lunch (not included) and enjoy some free time here. In the afternoon, continue 10km towards the traditional town of Salento to enjoy a city tour that visits the Plaza de Bolívar with its colourful balconies, the Calle Real, the handicrafts shops and the Cocora viewpoint. Then, transfer to the traditional village of Filandia to enjoy a city tour that includes the viewpoint, the colonial homes, the Plaza de Bolívar and the coffee shops. Here, enjoy some time soaking up the regional atmosphere and perhaps some local spirits before returning to the hotel. Duration: Approximately nine hours from Manizales, eight hours from Armenia and nine hours from Pereira. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY in Armenia

Half day visit the city of Armenia, the capital of Quindío department. This city was named “the Miracle City” for its rapid growth and development in such a short period of time after being devastated by an earthquake in 1999. It is known for its cultural wealth such as its pre-Columbian legacy and 76 | colombian journeys

interesting museums. The visit takes in a trip to the Quimbaya Gold Museum, awarded the National Prize for Architecture, and which houses a series of artefacts made in gold made by pre-Hispanic communities from 500BC. Continue along the Avenida Bolívar to the historic centre of the city to walk the Plaza Simón Bolívar, see the statue of the great Liberator, the Government Building and the Cathedral. Then, along Calle 14, stop in the handicrafts stores and try some locally produced coffee. Duration: Approximately five hours and a half from Manizales, four hours from Pereira and three hours from Armenia. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY in MANIZALES

Half day visit of the city of Manizales, the capital of the Caldas department. Given its unrivalled geographical location nestled in the mountains and boasting a comfortable year-round climate, here one enjoys some of the most beautiful scenery in the region, such as snow-capped mountains, valleys and colourful sunsets. The city appears as if poured onto the hills here as the topography is uneven and often abrupt in places that allows for views of the surrounding countryside. This city has a great deal of cultural wealth and a long tradition of hosting festivals such as La Feria de Toros de Manizales that takes place in January every year and is considered national heritage. Manizales is also known as the “city of open doors” due to the hospitality that its citizenry shows to visitors. The tour begins in the historic centre with a visit to the Cathedral which is rustic in design and displays a mix of styles such as neo-gothic, medieval and byzantine which is far from common in churches in Latin America. After climbing up the stairs to a height of 113m the visitor arrives at the Polish corridor and is rewarded with views of the city and the Nevado del Ruiz. The visit continues on to the Plaza de Bolívar where the splendid sculpture of the “Libertador Cóndor” by Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt is on display. Transfer to the touristic balcony in the Barrio Chipre and enjoy views over the mountains before visiting the monument to the colonists. This sculpture is a massive work -created from 50 tons of bronze- of art by Luis Guillermo Arias paying tribute to the founders of this city. Following along the Avenida Santander towards the Sector del cable, this is one of the most traditional areas of the city with a great variety of restaurants, bars and discos in former warehouses, where in the past the old telegraph was located and linked Manizales with the city of Honda. Enjoy some locally produced coffee and transfer to the Cerro de Oro from where there are further good views over the city. Return to hotel. Duration: Approximately three hours from Manizales, five hours from Armenia, and four hours from Pereira.

HALF DAY plantations and COFFEe PROcessing

Half day visiting the coffee plantations along the steep rolling hills so typical of this area. On a secondary pathway view the green carpet of coffee plants that spreads out as far as the horizon interrupted only by fincas and heliconia flowers. The visit continues on to one of the coffee haciendas to see the plantations and the production system in minute detail, including the harvest, the drying to the sun and treatment in this land of volcanic terrain along the Central Andes Mountain range which is perfect for this crop. The visit to the property begins in the house with an introductory chat about coffee, its preparation, toasting, the characteristics of quality and the properties that allows for such a variety of coffees in the world. The route continues through the grounds, appreciating its coffee plantations and the work of the coffee pickers as well as to understand the famous humid coffee that is characteristic of Colombian coffee. Visit the main house on the property to enjoy the local typical architecture and history. Taste different coffee brews and return to the hotel. The harvest in Colombia takes around a year, although the main period is between October and May/June. Most of the plantations in Colombia produce Arabica beans which produce a delicate and light tasting coffee which is widely recognized and

the coffee triangle

Half day trip to the city of Pereira, the capital of Risaralda department. Pereira is known as the “City without doors” since nobody is treated as an outsider. Pereira is the “Perla de Otun” due its location alongside the river Otun and known as “La Querendona, Trasnochadora y Morena” due to its polite citizens, good nightlife, shopping and pretty women. Start the trip in the historic centre of Pereira following the area of the Circunvalar ring road where the majority of the restaurants, bars and clubs are located. Cover the historic downtown center on foot where one can appreciate Republican architecture that contrasts with environmentally aware buildings and regenerated areas. Head on to the Plaza de Bolívar where the curious and imposing statue of the great Liberator is found, created by Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt and erected in 1963. Enjoy some locally produced coffee and return to the hotel. Duration: Approximately five hours from Manizales, four hours from Pereira and three hours from Armenia. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

HALF DAY thermal springs in SANTA ROSA DE


Leave for the hot springs of Santa Rosa de Cabal, 20km from Pereira in the department of Risaralda. The hot springs are east of the town of Santa Rosa de Cabal, known as the Ciudad de las Araucarias due to the prevalence of the trees native here, as well as the Municipio de los Termales or the city with the best chorizos. The hot springs are on a hillside with three levels of waterfalls, the largest being on 170m in height. These have been open to the public since 1945 and around about the attraction there are Swiss chalet style homes. The hot springs offer visitors mountain views and naturally hot waterfalls that come from volcanic sources all at an average temperature of 70ºC, and then tumble over a beautiful 80m high waterfall into small pools where the temperature averages 40ºC, ideal for bathing. There are also cold pools for bathing in. Free time to enjoy the park and to have a curative thermal bath. Duration: Approximately four hours and a half from Manizales, five hours from Armenia and four hours from Pereira. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.

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consumed. The process begins from when the bean is planted and takes approximately 75 days to germination. The seedling is then placed in a plastic bag and placed in partial sunlight until its base dries. Two years after plantation the tree bears its first fruit which is harvested when the bean is red in color and therefore dry and ripe. Once the fruit has been picked, the pulp is stripped away, and the bean is cleaned and dried in the sun (the big haciendas now use a special machinery to strip and dry the beans in a short period of time). The beans are exported or dried in preparation for sale, before being ground up and made ready for human consumption. Duration: Approximately five hours from Manizales, six hours from Armenia and five hours from Pereira. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.


Guide: Private bilingual guide.

HALF DAY Tour ORCHIDs farm la romelia

A half day visit Finca Romelia, just outside of La Cabaña –close to Manizales– to observe their wonderful collection of orchids. The owners, José and Maria have dedicated the vast majority of their lives to the agriculture, collection and preservation of orchids (amongst other plants), coupled with the conservation and preservation of the flora and fauna of the region. They have over 6,000 orchids and 832 different species as well as a variety of carnivorous plants, bonsais and have seen 165 different species of wild birds on the grounds. The tour begins with a walk around the grounds of the Finca where visitors can observe colombian journeys | 77


SCHEDULE: To be arranged.

cultivation of avocados and citrus plants and enjoy the native forests of this beautiful part of the coffee region. Guests are then taken around the orchid nursery and farmhouse where the cultivation process is explained as well as an explanation of the Finca’s contribution to preservation projects. Visitors will then have a chance to try some of the produce grown on the farm. Duration: Approximately five hours from Pereira or three hours from Manizales. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide. NOTE: We recommend including this tour in the transfer from the Coffee Region to Medellín. A minimum of two people is required for

packages & excursions

the coffee triangle

this tour


This is a spectacular opportunity to take a trip to a horse breeder’s stables to experience up close how these experts rear and train the Paso Fino Colombiano. Here one will learn all about how to train a horse so that it becomes a Paso Fino. Transfer by vehicle to the farm. Take a guided tour given by an expert horseman passing the stables seeing the studs before being shown the process of training a colt to become a Paso Fino. Enjoy a display of award winning horses. Duration: Approximately five hours and a half from Manizales, five hours and a half from Armenia and four hours and a half from Pereira. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. Guide: Private bilingual guide.




The town of Pijao is the first “slow city” or “Cittaslow” in Latin America and the emphasis here is to improve the population’s quality of life by slowing everything down. Here, in this oasis of calm, you will appreciate Pijao’s cultural heritage and pristine colonial architecture. As you tour around the town, you will be invited to visit some of the town’s most emblematic and representative homes and have the opportunity to interact and talk with the traditional families living there as you enjoy their interior gardens. After trying some traditional drinks from Pijao, your excursion will come to an end in the picturesque central plaza. DURATION: Approximately five hours from Armenia, six hours from Pereira and eight hours from Manizales. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

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This is a full day of biking adventure where you have the chance to explore varied terrain, see incredible landscapes and visit traditional coffee pueblos and ultimately enjoy great coffee and more! There may be no better way to experience coffee culture in the traditional coffee region –a UNESCO World Heritage site– than on two wheels. Your bike ride will take you through coffee and banana plantations, bamboo forests and past cultivations of exotic fruits. As you breathe in the fresh countryside air you will possible be able to see different species of birds, monkeys, butterflies and much of Colombia’s cornucopia of nature on display. Choose one from the following routes: Coffee Valley (Vereda Montegrande, Caicedonia - Valle del Cauca), Colonial Salento Tour or route of Las Palmas (18-kilometer route to the Reserva del Valle de Cócora with a stop in Finca El Ocaso) DURATION: Two to six hours depending on your fitness SCHEDULE: To be arranged GUIDE: Bilingual guide. DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Low - Medium NOTE: Includes bike rental, support car, water, snack and lunch.


Colombia is renowned for its excellent coffee, but the rich and fertile soils of the coffee region also produce some of the world’s best cacao. On this full day tour, you will have the opportunity to enjoy some of the region’s most breathtaking scenery with picture postcard landscapes, rolling green hills and colonial villages and of course, visit a working cacao plantation. Visitors will learn about the entire process of cacao cultivation and will have the opportunity to toast and grind their own seeds in order to make fresh hot chocolate before having lunch on the farm. In the afternoon guests have a chance to visit the small town of Marsella to see the stunning main square and traditional architectural style found in the coffee region. There will be time to enjoy a cup of coffee in Marsella before heading back to the hotel. DURATION: Approximately eight hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.




packages & excursions


The department of Santander is located in the central

northeastern part of Colombia along one side of the Andes. The capital of the department is Bucaramanga, 414km and 8 hours overland from Bogotá, or 45 minutes by air. It is known for being a well ordered and pretty city at 960MAMSL and with more than 90 parks and its year-round spring-like climate. The region has different micro-climates and the temperature oscillates, according to region, between 15 and 28 ºC providing the ideal setting for dry forest and sub Andean forest. Santander stands out for its cultural and historical wealth. The first murmurs of republicanism and antiSpanish sentiment were uttered here. All through the different towns in the region one can see Spanish colonial architecture. Thanks in part to the department’s varied geography this area has become the centre for all adventure sports in Colombia. Without doubt Santanderean food is some of the most flavoursome and interesting in particular the tamales and corn based arepas. Traditional Santanderean villages make this a region that is attractive to visit for its cultural wealth as well as its natural beauty. The small town of San Gil, located at 1110m and along the River Fonce, can be easily reached from Bogotá, Villa de Leyva or Bucaramanga over land. This is the mecca of all extreme sports in Colombia and so San Gil has gained the reputation of being the land of adventure. Canoeing, Rafting, hiking, caving, rappelling and paragliding are just some of the options available here.

pac k a g e

3 days - 2 nights

barichara day 1 |

Villa de Leyva - Barichara

Transfer by car from Villa de Leyva to Barichara. The transfer takes approximately 6 hours (235km). Along the way the route passes Andean forests, the city of Tunja which is the capital of Boyacá and the historic town of Socorro. 80 | colombian journeys

Approximately 20km from San Gil or 30 minutes by car is the town of Barichara which was declared a National Architectural Monument in 1975. It is located on a plateau alongside the River Suarez at 1336m. This used to be the twelfth village that belonged to the Guane indigenous people in the pre-Columbian era. Presently it is the only Colombian town that can boast as having totally preserved all of the colonial Spanish stonework and architecture. The Chicamocha National Park was opened in 2006 and borders the majestic Chicamocha canyon. This is the second largest canyon in the world. By cable car visitors can travel from one side to another during a 30-minute journey, covering a distance of 6.3 km. This cable car is also renowned as it is one of the longest of its type in the world. Santander, land of adventure and culture, with its deep canyons with bubbling rivers of varied colours, mountainous landscapes, waterfalls that break through sub Andean forests and tumble into underground caverns, conserves in its daily routine the purest form of its culture and what it has inherited from the preHispanic tribe of the Guane people. Blend this in with the architecture and urbanism left by the Spanish which includes and extensive network of “Caminos Reales” or Royal Pathways that connect towns, unusual local gastronomy, strength in character and start to understand the Santanderean way of life.

Arrival to Barichara and overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

Barichara and Guane

Departure for Barichara, along the rim of the river Suarez valley. This town was declared a National Architectural Monument in 1975 for the well-preserved urban structure and colonial Spanish-style architecture.

santander 25



Leave by car to the jump off point, 25 minutes from San Gil on the road to El Paramo. Upon arrival walk a short distance of 5 minutes to the entry point of the cave known as the “Cueva del Indio” where there is fresh running water within. After a technical chat and an equipment check, begin exploring the cave. The first part of the adventure is done in an upright position as there is a bit of water and the passages can be narrow before crossing into huge caverns populated with bats that fly through the stalagmites and stalactites. In

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artists display their works such as cotton and fique weavings. The trip continues on the Guane, a small town located on a tiny plateau beside the hills and alongside the majestic Suarez River. This journey can be made on foot (1 hour approximately) along the old Royal Path which extends 5km connecting the Guane with the town of Barichara. This ancient pathway was paved in stones by the pre-Columbian Guane people. During this walk one can appreciate beautiful landscapes, valleys and fossils all the while treading in the footsteps of a past culture. After the walk or a 10 minute drive, arrive in Guane. This perfectly preserved colonial village, with a pre-Columbian past, dating to the XVII century is at an altitude of 1100m. Visit the Archaeological and Paleontological Museum and the Plaza Central. Return to the hotel and overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / -

day 3 | Barichara - Chicamocha Canyon Bucaramanga

After breakfast, 3 hours transfer to Bucaramanga. On the road stop at the majestic Chicamocha canyon, at the bottom runs the river by the same name that created the second largest canyon in the world. Continue the trip to Bucaramanga’s airport for departure flight, MEALS: B / - / -


The houses are expansive and encompass a cloister style design around internal gardens, intricate stonework and clay tiles on the rooftops. The cobblestone streets speak volumes for the culture and the population of this Santanderean town that is known for its cuisine, stonemasonry, weaving, tobacco growing and gathering “hormigas culonas”, large ants (fried up and eaten and considered an aphrodisiac). The tour starts on foot in the town centre in the Plaza Principal which is elegantly ringed by tall palm trees and leafy foliage. On the western edge of the park is the Mayor’s office, a truly colonial edifice with large balconies, internal stone columns and the monument to the Hormiga Culona in its central patio. The churches of note are La Inmaculada Concepción and San Lorenzo Mártie which have altars bathed in gold. At the top of the town is the Santa Barbara Chapel built at the end of the XVIII century and on one side is a huge ceiba tree. This tree was scared to the indigenous Guane people that inhabited these lands prior to the arrival of the Spanish. The Park for the Arts Jorge Delgado Sierra is littered with interesting stone sculptures contributed by both local artists and international ones. The Natal de Aquileo Parra House, the 11th President of Colombia, is today a small museum and also an elderly peoples’ recreation centre where they can work on handicrafts. There are outstanding viewpoints from which one can enjoy views of the Suarez river valley as well as the town’s streets and architectural offerings. Afterwards, visit the Arts Crafts House, where local


order to leave this cave, a jump down of 5m into a small pool is required, bringing one along the river and over a distance of 2km before a little walk up and out towards the main square of the town of El Paramo where transport is waiting for the return to the hotel. DURATION: Approximately four hours from San Gil or Barichara and six hours from Bucaramanga. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the morning before midday GUIDE: Private or SIB services.

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Leave from San Gil or Barichara for a 40 minute drive along the road to Charalá, a traditional Santanderean town so-called to honour the Guane Cacique “Chalala”. Along the way admire and enjoy beautiful Santanderean landscapes before arriving at the starting point. From here the spectacular waterfall is visible and the hike begins. The walk starts in the open and on a sunny pathway towards the torrents of water that flow along the Juan Curí River. After 30 minutes, the pathway enters the verdant forests and the scenery changes. On arriving there is an abundance of nature and a natural swimming pool that has been formed by the waterfall where bathing is possible. This is a magical place where energy is replenished, and one can enjoy nature and the fresh water. DURATION: Approximately five hours from San Gil or Barichara and seven hours from Bucaramanga. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the morning before midday. GUIDE: Private or SIB services. FULL DAY VISIT TO THE CHICAMOCHA NATIONAL PARK

Leave for the theme park that makes up part of the attraction of the Chicamocha National Park and is some 30 minutes’ drive from San Gil on the road that leads to Bucaramanga. This is the majestic Chicamocha canyon and at the bottom runs the river by the same name that created the second largest canyon in the world. The park extends for approximately 342 hectares. The heat of this region is tempered only by a refreshing breeze which makes it ideal for hiking the pathways and trails which lead to various attractions on this rugged and unique terrain. A cable car runs for 6,3km of the canyon over a period of 30 minutes. This is one of the largest and longest cable car rides in the world. Within the park it’s worth taking the time to visit the replica Santander town, the Guane Museum, the Monument to Santaderean culture, the Viewpoint and the Goat and Ostrich park amongst other things. This is a nucleus where Santander meets and allows one to enjoy the architecture of the region, the landscapes and the cuisine. DURATION: Approximately six hours from San Gil or Barichara and eight hours from Bucaramanga. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. OPTIONAL: Visit to Curiti.


Private transport to Curití, a small town known for its great sunrises and traditional “fique” handicrafts. Visit the beautiful 82 | colombian journeys

river of Pescaderito, el Yeso and La Vaca caves which are perfect for spelunking. Then visit a traditional eco-fiber fabric company and some traditional handicrafts stores where people can find natural products made up of “fique”, a natural fiber that grows on the leaves of fique plant, which is a traditional material from this area of Colombia. DURATION: 6 hours approximately. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY BARICHARA & GUANE

Departure for Barichara, 40min from San Gil or 2.5 hours from Bucaramanga traveling along the rim of the river Suárez valley. This town was declared a National Architectural Monument in 1975 due to the well preserved urban structure and the Spanishstyle colonial architecture. The houses are expansive and are built in a cloister style design around internal gardens, possess intricate stonework and clay tiles on the rooftops. The cobblestone streets speak volumes for the culture and the population of this Santanderean town that is known for its cuisine, stonemasonry, weaving, tobacco growing and gathering “hormigas culonas”, large ants (fried up and eaten and considered an aphrodisiac). The tour starts on foot in the town centre in the Main Plaza which is elegantly ringed by tall palm trees and leafy foliage. On the western edge of the park is the Mayor’s office, a truly colonial edifice with large balconies, internal stone columns and the monument to the Hormiga Culona in its central patio. The churches of note are La Inmaculada Concepción and San Lorenzo Mártie which have altars bathed in gold. At the top of the town is the Santa Barbara Chapel built at the end of the XVIII century and on one side is a huge ceiba tree. This tree was sacred to the indigenous Guane people that inhabited these lands prior to the arrival of the Spanish. The Park for the Arts Jorge Delgado Sierra is littered with interesting stone sculptures contributed by both local artists in addition to international ones. The Natal de Aquileo Parra House, the 11th President of Colombia, is today a small museum and also an elderly peoples’ recreation centre where they can work on handicrafts. There are outstanding viewpoints from which one can enjoy views of the Suarez river valley as well as the town’s streets and architectural offerings. Afterwards, visit the Arts Crafts House, where local artists display their works such as cotton and fique weavings. The trip continues on to the charming town of Guane, a small town located on a tiny plateau beside the hills and alongside the majestic Suarez River. This journey can be made on foot (1 hour approximately) along the old Royal Path which extends 5km connecting the Guane with the town of Barichara. This ancient pathway was paved in stones by the pre-Columbian


Leave for Socorro, a town 2 hour from Bucaramanga by highway and 20 minutes from San Gil. The tour starts on foot to visit the most interesting sights along the way in the town centre. Socorro is known for its role in history as it is here that the first major uprising against the Spanish Crown occurred in 1781, led by the hero and native of Socorro, JosĂŠ Antonio GalĂĄn. This movement led to the cry for independence on July 20, 1810. Socorro is a Spanish colonial village nestled deep in the Suarez River valley. Its architecture is well preserved and buildings that are of note and of interest include the Principal Socorro Park, the Cathedral Temple, the House of Culture and the Capuchin Monastery. DURATION: Approximately four hours from San Gil or Barichara and six hours from Bucaramanga. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

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Leave from the jetty on the riverbanks of the River Fonce located 30 minutes from San Gil or Barichara. After a short walk to the jump off point, receive a technical debriefing and then start rafting. The trip takes place in an inflatable raft navigating down a freshwater river. The average descent is 7 per cent with no major changes. Over the course of 1.30 hours and a distance of 9km the experience will cover strong rapids (Grade III) in the first section, gentle waters in the second and end with Grade II rapids before arriving in the San Gil Country Club opposite the Parque Gallineral. During the whole expedition riverside forest




and typical Santanderean landscapes will be on show. DURATION: Approximately four hours from San Gil or Barichara and six hours from Bucaramanga. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the morning before midday GUIDE: Private or SIB services (boat capacity is for 7 people but there is an option for a two person boat plus a guide).


Guane people. During this walk one can appreciate beautiful landscapes, valleys and fossils all the while treading in the footsteps of a past culture. After the walk or a 10 minute drive, arrive in Guane. This perfectly preserved colonial village, with a pre-Columbian past, dating to the XVII century is at an altitude of 1100m. Visit the Archaeological and Paleontological Museum and the Plaza Central. DURATION: Approximately seven hours from San Gil or Barichara and eight hours from Bucaramanga. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

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caño cristales

found deep in the department of Meta close to the towns of La Macarena, Mesetas, Vistahermosa, San Juan de Arama and Puerto Rico, making up part of the Sierra de La Macarena National Park. This place is important for its profound biological and geological significance, as it is one of the oldest formations of the planet, which means that the organisms that inhabit here have a long evolutionary history producing unique species. Additionally, this area is the meeting point for the Andean, Amazonian, and the Orinoco ecosystems. The Caño Cristales River owes its red color to an algae called Macarenia Clavijera which is on the surface of the rocks along the river. The quartzite rocks of the Serrania de la Macarena plateau were formed approximately 1.2 billion years ago. They are a western extension of the Guiana Shield of Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil and belong to the oldest exposed rocks in the world. Caño Cristales is a fast river with many rapids and



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caño cristales

Caño Cristales, the mythical river of five colours is

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waterfalls. In some areas of the river bed there has been a particular style of erosion which has formed small circular pits - giant’s kettles - which have been formed by pebbles or chunks of harder rocks. One of these harder rock fragments falls into one of the cavities and it is rotated by the waters current and begins to scrape at the cavity wall and increases the dimensions of the pit. The river is especially beautiful after the rainy period, in late July - November when the red Macarenia clavigera thrives. Between December and June, the park doesn’t receive tourists, because the ecosystem is protected for the next season. To get to La Macarena you can travel either from Bogotá or Villavicencio by air. From Bogotá there are charter flights on some weekdays (Only Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays). From the cowboy city of Villavicencio which is 3 hours by car from Bogotá there are flights in small aircraft every day.


caño cristales


Parque Nacional Chingaza


Villavicencio Parque Nacional Natural Sumapaz


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El Brasil


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Puerto Rico

3 days - 2 nights

Bogotá - La Macarena - Caño Cristales

Leave Bogotá on a direct flight to La Macarena and upon arrival meet your local guide who will accompany you to your hotel. Here you will have an introductory talk about the region and then set off on a boat trip along the Guayabero River to Cristalitos where you will walk to Caño Piedra. Enjoy a traditional lunch in the field before continuing the hike and then return to the town of La Macarena for dinner and to overnight. meals: - / L / D day 2 |

Caño Cristales

After breakfast, take a river trip along the Guayabero for 20 minutes and disembark on the other bank. From here you will travel by 4x4 to the Cajuche spring where you will start your gently hike to Caño Cristales. Known as the river of five

Puerto Concordia




colours due to the red, green, yellow, blue and black hues on show, you will enjoy this beautiful river and a series of different waterfalls. As the river is protected, CORMACARENA (La Macarena Regional Autonomous Corporation), controls access to which branch of the river you can visit. Enjoy lunch during your excursion and later return to your hotel in La Macarena. In the evening enjoy music, dance and gastronomy of the region. Overnight stay.

caño cristales

La Macarena

MEALS: B / L / D day 3 |

La Macarena - Bogotá

Enjoy a morning trip to Cristalitos, El Mirador or Caño Piedra before returning to La Macarena for your flight back to Bogotá. MEALS: B / - / -

NOTE: This itinerary may have changes, according to the permits granted by the environmental entities in charge of the park.

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day 1 |

Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de La Macarena


pac k a g e




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Located in the southwest of Colombia, the department

of Nariño has an embarrassment of natural wealth, many micro climates, altitudes ranging from just a few meters above sea level to several thousand meters. With this range of altitudes, you can visit cloud forests, waterfalls, lagoons, volcanoes, wetlands, warm valleys and even tropical beaches on the Pacific coast. In addition to the natural beauties of Nariño the region is recognized for his handicrafts known as the Barniz de Pasto. Founded in 1593 the historic capital of Nariño is San Juan de Pasto and it is here that all the administrative, cultural and religious institutions in the region have their base.

pac k a g e day 1 |

4 days - 3 nights

Pasto - La Cocha

Arrive at the Antonio Nariño airport in Pasto and travel along the highway towards the department of Putumayo. On this route, just 40 minutes from Pasto you will reach the Laguna de la Cocha or Lake Guamuez, a sacred place known for its beauty and spiritual energy. This lake is the second is the second most important body of water in Colombia behind only that of the Laguna de Tota in Boyacá and is found at 2,660 meters above sea level. Check-in at Chalet Guamuez. Your day will continue by viewing the picturesque bridges and houses found here and then visit a traditional home to talk to the owners about their organic crops, guinea pig far, their gardens and try some local delicacies include a locally-made drink. You will hear about how local families are protecting the natural environment now and how they have preferred to turn these traditional farming lands into a natural reservation. Head from here to Isla Larga to view floating trout hatcheries and enjoy some lunch. Continue on a boat trip on the waters of Laguna de la Cocha to visit the island of La Corota where there is a flora and fauna sanctuary –itself the smallest sanctuary of this type in Colombia– home to a varied amount of animal species and plants. You will finish your day by visiting a distillery

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Just two hours south from Pasto is the town of Ipiales known for its incredible church called the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Las Lajas. Built as if hanging from the valley wall at 2,612 meters above sea level this is a true wonder of architectural skill and has become a major site for pilgrims in Colombia. In Nariño, there are many important cultural events to choose from ranging from the Currulao Festival of music, the Fire Festival and the Carnaval de Blancos y Negros in Pasto, famous across Colombia and recognized by UNESCO, which takes place between January 2 and 7. where they make wine from wild mulberries. Return to the hotel and overnight stay. meals: - / L / -

La Cocha - Pasto - Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas Sanctuary - Pasto

day 2 |

After breakfast, transfer to San Juan de Pasto, the departmental capital of Nariño in the southwest of Colombia, a city famous for its imposing and well-preserved religious architecture dating back to colonial and republican eras. Pasto is home to important local artists and craftsmen and so you’ll begin the day by visiting some of these workshops to view various techniques such as the Mopa Mopa –carved wooden utensils with a fruit resin finish– and the Barniz de Pasto –an indigenous practice for woodworking– and learn all about the history and significance of these activities. Your next destination is the Carnival Museum where there is a permanent exhibition dedicated to Pasto’s most famous annual event, the Carnival of Blacks and Whites (or Carnival de los Blanco y Negros in Spanish). This event takes place every January and you will learn about its relevance, history and see a frieze and murals depicting the activities of the carnival. You will understand the importance of the Comparsas and Carnivalito and see a replica float on display in the main hall of the museum.

El Charco




ºC 25

Tumacao Buchely

NARIÑO Taminango





La Planda Tuquerres Pupiales
















Pasto - Green Lagoon- Pasto

Your day begins early as you journey from Pasto to Tuquerres, stopping on the way for breakfast before your trek up the Azufral Volcano. Once you reach 4000m above sea level and


Arrive at the Antonio Nariño airport in Pasto and travel along the highway towards the department of Putumayo. On this route, just 40 minutes from Pasto you will reach the Laguna de la Cocha or Lake Guamuez, a sacred place known for its beauty and spiritual energy. This lake is the second is the second most important body of water in Colombia behind only that of the Laguna de Tota in Boyacá and is found at 2,660 meters above sea level. Your day will continue by viewing the picturesque bridges and houses found here and then visit a traditional home to talk to the owners about their organic crops, guinea pig far, their gardens and try some local delicacies include a locally-made drink. You will hear about how local families are protecting the natural environment now and how they have preferred to turn these traditional farming lands into a natural reservation.


day 4 |


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day 3 |

MEALS: B / L / -

Breakfast and transfer to the airport. MEALS: B / - / -

Head from here to Isla Larga to view floating trout hatcheries and enjoy some lunch. Continue on a boat trip on the waters of Laguna de la Cocha to visit the island of La Corota where there is a flora and fauna sanctuary –itself the smallest sanctuary of this type in Colombia– home to a varied amount of animal species and plants. You will finish your day by visiting a distillery where they make wine from wild mulberries. Return to the hotel and overnight stay. DURATION: Eight hours SCHEDULE: 8:30 am GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.


MEALS: B / L / -

the very summit of the volcano, you will see the green and black lagoons and enjoy views from the lowest active volcano in Nariño. You will hike round a part of the green lagoon at an area known as the Nudo de los Pastos before descending for roughly three hours and taking in the otherworldly scenery of frailejones, pajonales, valleys in the distance and the flora and fauna of this high-altitude moorlands. This is the time to enjoy the scenery, peace and silence of the place. Descend to Túquerres. Lunch. Return to the city of Pasto. Overnight stay. This route crosses the páramo ecosystem (moorland) so the climate will be cold due to the altitude, wind and location between mountain, so expect rain.


Your day begins early as you journey from Pasto to Tuquerres, stopping on the way for breakfast before your trek up the Azufral Volcano. Once you reach 4000m above sea level and the very summit of the volcano, you will see the green and colombian journeys | 87


After lunch, leave on a two-hour journey to Ipiales during which you will enjoy the varied geography and patchwork green scenery of this part of the Andes in Nariño. Just 7km from the town of Ipiales you will reach the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora of Las Lajas which hangs to the valley wall at an altitude of 2,612 meters above sea level. This is a major destination for religious pilgrims in Colombia and in 2015, Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper named it as the most beautiful temple of this type in the world. Descend by cable car to the Sanctuary, enter the museum and visit the church. In the evening, you can enjoy a show when the lights of the Sanctuary are illuminated. Walk up from the Sanctuary to the parking area and transfer back to Pasto. Overnight stay.

black lagoons and enjoy views from the lowest active volcano in Nariño. You will hike round a part of the green lagoon at an area known as the Nudo de los Pastos before descending for roughly three hours and taking in the otherworldly scenery of frailejones, pajonales, valleys in the distance and the flora and fauna of this high-altitude moorlands. This is the time to enjoy the scenery, peace and silence of the place. Descend to Túquerres. Lunch. Return to the city of Pasto. This route crosses the páramo ecosystem (moorland) so the climate will be cold due to the altitude, wind and location between mountain, so expect rain. DURATION: Ten to eleven hours SCHEDULE: 6:00 am GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. NOTE: The tour is recommended in summer season from January to March and from June to October. For the ascent, we can organize horses for an additional cost.




packages & excursions



Transfer to San Juan de Pasto, the departmental capital of Nariño in the southwest of Colombia, a city famous for its imposing and well-preserved religious architecture dating back to colonial and republican eras. Pasto is home to important local artists and craftsmen and so you’ll begin the day by visiting some of these workshops to view various techniques such as the Mopa Mopa –carved wooden utensils with a fruit resin finish– and the Barniz de Pasto –an indigenous practice for woodworking– and learn all about the history and significance of these activities. Your next destination is the Carnival Museum where there is a permanent exhibition dedicated to Pasto’s most famous annual event, the Carnival of Blacks and Whites (or Carnival de los Blanco y Negros in Spanish). This event takes place every January and you will learn about its relevance, history and see a frieze and murals depicting the activities of the carnival. You will understand the importance of the Comparsas and Carnivalito and see a replica float on display in the main hall of the museum. After lunch, leave on a two-hour journey to Ipiales during which you will enjoy the varied geography and patchwork green scenery of this part of the Andes in Nariño. Just 7km from the town of Ipiales you will reach the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora of Las Lajas which hangs to the valley wall at an altitude of 2,612 meters above sea level. This is a major destination for religious pilgrims in Colombia and in 2015, Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper named it as the most beautiful temple of this type in the world.

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Descend by cable car to the Sanctuary, enter the museum and visit the church. In the evening, you can enjoy a show when the lights of the Sanctuary are illuminated. Walk up from the Sanctuary to the parking area and transfer back to Pasto. Overnight stay. DURATION: Twelve hours SCHEDULE: 8:30 am. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. FULL DAY MYSTHICAL AND ARTISANAL PUTUMAYO

On this excursion, you will travel the beautiful inter-Andean valley of Sibundoy in the southern department of Putumayo where the Andes mountain meet the Amazon jungle in an explosion of vibrancy and culture. Leaving from Pasto to the Sibundoy Valley (2 hours), you will cross four municipalities: Santiago, Colon, Sibundoy and San Francisco. There are two indigenous populations - Ingas and Kamentza - still inhabiting this area and they are of great importance. During the tour, visit a “Taita” from the community (a respected elder with a huge spiritual knowledge) who will invite you to enter his house of rituals, and who will offer you spiritual cleansing. Once the ritual is finished and you are once again connected to the earth’s energy you can visit an artisans’ market run by the local women.Traditional local lunch and return to Pasto. DURATION: Eight hours SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. CULTURAL FULL DAY: HANDICRAFTS,


Today you will visit the Nudo de los Pastos and the different towns which are located on the Galeras Volcano such as Yacuanquer, Consaca, Sandoná, La Florida, Nariño and Pasto. As this area can stake the claim to being the birthplace of the mountain ranges in the region, you will travel for one and a half hours over small plateaus, a tapestry of greens and other geographical curiosities. You will see local farmers with their horse and carts loaded up with sugar cane, coffee, corn or with fresh fruit. You will visit a coffee farm and a traditional trapiche of the region. A trapiche is a small factory where sugar cane juice is cooked up to produce panela. Here you can sample traditional products such as melcocha and guarapo, which come from the sugarcane. Lunch is prepared by a local family of the region and it is accompanied with some live local music In the town of Sandoná, you will visit workshops which make paja toquilla woven hats, following a century old tradition that has survived thanks to the dedication of so many families. In the Basilica of Sandoná, you will see the biggest effigy of Jesus

GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.


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NOTE: The trapiches are open from Monday to Thursday.


Christ carved from wood in South America (6.50 m). DURATION: Eight hours SCHEDULE: To be arranged.

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hato laaurora

Yopal, a place which was founded on February 22nd 1915, and which is an indigenous word referring to the heart of a particular tree. Yopal is steeped in history as it was here that the forces loyal to the independence movement pursued and expelled Spanish forces from what is now Colombia in the 19th century. Just 180km from Yopal is the vast private reservation of Hato la Aurora which is Colombia´s answer to a safari. Spreading over 17,000ha the reservation includes the

pac k a g e day 1 |

4 days - 3 nights

Bogotá - Yopal

After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your flight to Yopal. Upon arrival, you will have a four-hour transfer by 4x4 to the Eco-hotel called Juan Solito. During this transfer, you will have your first opportunity to fully appreciate the landscapes and animals visible from your vehicle. In the afternoon, you will



packages & excursions

hato la aurora

The capital of the department of Casanare is the city of

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towns of Ariporo and Hato Corozal. On the lands of Hato La Aurora there is an abundance of animals including, jaguars, chigüiros, white-tailed deers, capybaras and anteaters, as well as birds such as the scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) and burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia). If you are very lucky, sometimes you can witness the release of an anaconda into the wild. On this reservation, there are approximately 390 species of birds and it is truly a wildlife paradise in Colombia.

embark on a short boat ride to enjoy the sunset and learn more about the flora and fauna of the Llanos. Overnight stay. meals: - / L / D day 2 |

La Aurora - Safari

After breakfast, you will drive to see the Hato La Aurora, located one and a half hours from your hotel. This walk is one of the main attractions, as this is a pure example of the coexistence between

hato la aurora




Hato Corozal



Hato La Aurora


Paz de Ariporo

mm 500












Yopal Aguazul




day 3 |

La Aurora - Horse Ride

After breakfast, you have the opportunity to channel your inner cowboy and saddle up to ride though the grounds of El Hato.

You will pitch in with all of the different ranching activities and live for today like a cowboy. If this seems too much, you can choose to tour the different pathways and trails near to the hotel to learn more about the local plant species and of course do some lightweight birdwatching and hopefully spot some resident howler monkeys. In the afternoon, weather permitting, grab your rod and reel and head out for some fishing. Overnight stay.

hato la aurora

MEALS: B / L / D


MEALS: B / L / D

Note: The order of the excursions may vary depending on the weather. day 4 |

Yopal - Bogotá

Transfer to Yopal airport for your flight to Bogotá. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

packages & excursions

wild animals, endemic vegetation and traditional cattle ranching. This tour is done in 4x4 vehicles, or by horse. During the tour, you will get to see capybaras, white-tailed deer, alligators, cattle, wild horses, wild pigs, and some birds like the Aruco, egrets, herons, curlews, owls, guereres, and the scarlet ibis amongst others. At the original house, you will observe the day to day activities of these traditional cattle ranchers. At noon, lunch will be served and you can expect a healthy platter of different meats, cheeses and the ubiquitous rice and plantains to go with it all. Relax for a while and return to the hotel. After dinner enjoy a folkloric demonstration of harps, poems and traditional folk songs and listen to the different stories and legends which abound in this region. Overnight stay.


Note: Hato La Aurora does not have Wifi or hot water.





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RECOMMENDATIONS: Take a light lunch.

Cartagena’s vibrant historic center hosts a huge a variety of cuisines, combining Spanish flavours with African influences brought across by the slaves and migrants from the 19th century. Locals have taken over this culinary tradition and culinary artisans are found throughout the streets of Cartagena. During this walking tour, there will be 10 different stops in the historic center. In addition, you will learn about Cartagena’s traditional food by tasting 15 different types of dish, all prepared by local cooks in different places along the streets. You will also have the possibility to prepare a selection of typical food in a class given by local women. DURATION: 3 - 4 hours. SCHEDULE: To be confirmed in the afternoon. DISTANCE: 1.5 km with 10 stops.




RECOMMENDATIONS: Have a light lunch.


Within the walls of Cartagena, discover centuries of history, culture and flavours stirred by the fusion of Spanish, African slaves and migrants from the 19th century. Traditional food inspired one of the most important writers in Colombia and literature Nobel winner prize, Gabriel García Márquez mostly known for his book One Hundred Years of Solitude. During this 3-4 hours walking tour visit 13 favourite places beloved to Colombia’s most famous writer. In 9 different stops, taste traditional Caribbean food referenced in the literary works by “Gabo”. Listen to the stories of the people who knew him and his work, while you taste a variety of traditional dishes. End your culinary adventure in the 17th century building that was the setting for the story of impossible love of Mary Servant of All Angels and Father Cayetano Delaura. DURATION: 3 -4 hours. SCHEDULE: To be confirmed in the afternoon. DISTANCE: 1 km with 9 stops. 94 | colombian journeys

A few meters from the exclusive area of the walled city, near to the Clock Tower, Getsemaní, is one of the most traditional and popular districts of the historic center of Cartagena de Indias. For a long time Getsemaní was a neighbourhood off limits for tourists because it was considered by some people in Cartagena as a poor and unsafe neighbourhood, but now with all the efforts made by the “Getsemanisense” people, this district has become one of the new alternatives to enjoy the “real” Cartagena. Visitors can experience and feel the popular and traditional side to this Caribbean city. During this experience you will get to know a carpenter, “carretero”, builder, blacksmith, cook and listen to their stories. Fight the gentrification of the area by taking this walking route and supporting local, hardworking families. This is a 2 hour walking tour where passengers will be able to learn great historical information about one of the most famous neighbourhoods of Cartagena. This excursion is ideal for people who wish to learn more about the contemporary history of Getsemaní. DURATION: 2 hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. SPANISH LESSONS IN CENTRO CATALINA

Located in the very center of the colonial city of Cartagena is the Centro Catalina Spanish language school where you will can sign up for lessons in small groups of up to six students under the watchful tutorship and guidance of friendly and highlyqualified teachers. Once you are here, in this mix of students from all over the world, it is hard to deny the fun energy which takes place and your teachers often end becoming your friends. The owner of this school is half Swiss half Colombian and holds a bachelor degree in languages, literature and Spanish American culture from the University of Geneva. Each class lasts 45 minutes either at Beginner, Medium or

INCLUDES: Spanish Classes, teaching material and 3 activities per week with other students.


You may have heard of the worldwide craze surrounding supper clubs which have sprung up in places like New York, Barcelona, Havana, London, Paris…well, they are here in Cartagena too! Sign up and receive an invitation to dine in an unusual place with a dinner prepared by local hosts. Here, in Cartagena two talented chefs will prepare a seven-course tasting menu in a secret location in the old city of Cartagena and use only ingredients from the Colombian Caribbean region. DURATION: One to two hours. SCHEDULE: Monday to Saturday except Thursday. Suggested timetable 12: 30m (lunch) and between 6-8pm (dinner). GUIDE: Private from 15 people. MOMPOX


In the morning, departure from Cartagena in a private charter flight to Mompox. After 45 minutes, arrival in Mompox and meet with a local guide to go on a full day visit in Mompox and the surrounding area. The visit will start in moto-taxi, a locally made motorcycle and cart hybrid that fits 3 to 4 people, and travel along these antiquated streets visiting the main sights of this town. It will be possible to appreciate and study the colonial architecture, unique due to its blend of mudéjar and baroque styles. The Calle Real del Medio stands out with its whitewashed walls and stately homes behind imposing wooden doors with latches and knockers all of varying styles and the finely carved wooden balconies that spill over with the flowering bougainvillea. The scenic Calle de la Albarrada runs alongside the river. It is recommended that you visit the six colonial churches in town, the most striking of which is the Santa Barbara Church in front of a plaza by the same name and beside the river. Constructed in 1630 the church is contrasting with its yellow and white paintwork and is unique in Colombia in that it has an octagonal Moorish and baroque bell-tower with balconies at the top. The San Agustín Church houses the ornate golden Santo Sepulcro which is carried through the streets on the shoulders of the Nazarene Pilgrims during the Holly Week processions. The

other churches are the San Francisco, the Santo Domingo, the San Juan del Dios and La Concepción. Continue on to the Central Cemetery which is perhaps the most interesting and atmospheric place to visit. Here it becomes clear that the old tales from Mompox are still very much alive. The white tombs are lined up one above the other and form walls of memories around a central chapel. Strolling here in the hours of dusk pass locals seated calmly in front of their homes enjoying the breeze in their rocking chairs. Then, as if frozen in time, visit the artistry of the filigree workshops and observe how craftsmen make such intricate jewellery from threads of silver and gold, a tradition in Mompox that is passed down from generation to generation and is world famous. After a traditional lunch, go on a five minute transfer by moto taxi to the boat launch. Embark a wooden boat with an outboard motor and head off to the Ciénega de Pijino located about 20 minutes away from Mompox. Upon arriving at the Cienega the trip continues on through these wetlands to truly appreciate the wide array of flora and fauna as well as to take a dip in the Magdalena River. Enjoy this encounter in a land so rich in bird life and on the small motorboat you get up close to exotic species such as howler monkeys, birds and iguanas all the while taking in spectacular scenery. Then, transfer to the small local airport to take your private flight to Cartagena. DURATION: All day. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the morning GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. BOGOTÁ


Your host, Sandra Montenegro is the founder and director of Montenegro Art Projects (MAP), an art advising and consulting company that develops art projects internationally. Montenegro completed her studies in contemporary art at Sotheby´s Institute of Art in New York City and holds a Master of Arts in Communication and a Bachelor of Arts in International and Latin American Studies from the University of Miami, Florida. Based in Bogotá, MAP´s projects have been presented in cities such as Miami, Havana and Bogotá. Montenegro´s tours are designed to provide you with an in-depth exploration of the vibrant art scene in Bogotá. These visits incorporate trips to galleries, museums, and artists’ studios. In addition, they include a special guest for lunch or tea. In the places visited, the tour participants are welcomed in by local art experts thus creating a memorable experience. Tours can also be customized depending on your interests and may be for a full day or for multiple days. Full-day tours can be developed in the following areas of the city: La Macarena and the downtown area, the North area or in the San Felipe neighbourhood. DURATION: Seven to eight hours. colombian journeys | 95


Advanced level. You will be expected to take test upon arrival to ensure that the school can determine your appropriate level. If you wish, it is also possible to place you with a host family, where you will not only experience the language, but also the local culture and customs. DURATION: 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks. SCHEDULE: From 9:00am to 12:40pm.

SCHEDULE: Monday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm.

SCHEDULE: 8:00 a.m.

RESTRICTIONS: MAMBO Museum closed on Mondays.


GUIDE: Sandra Montenegro (bilingual). Reservations in advance.

NOTE: The route may vary according to the passenger’s interests. Graffiti tour is available in Medellín and Cartagena.



Begin the culinary adventure at La Perseverancia Local market, very well-known for its traditional gastronomy. Have the opportunity to try out the different types of food with a brunch that includes typical beverages and “amasijos”. In the same market you’ll learn about Colombian flavours and how they are used in local dishes. The tour continues at the fruits section where you will taste an amazing variety of tropical fruits (some endemic to Colombia). Continue the journey walking to the barrio of La Macarena, stopping at Misia restaurant for a small sample of Bogotá’s famous fritanga while you listen to our city’s history. End the tour at El Panóptico, the National Museum’s Restaurant. DURATION: 4 - 5 hours. SCHEDULE: To be confirmed in the morning. INCLUDES: Private bilingual guide. RECOMMENDATIONS: Have a light breakfast in the morning.


Your guide and photography expert for this tour is Ignas Karvelis who hails originally from Lithuania, but who has lived in Colombia since 2016. Originally a professional in Risk and Security Management, over time Karvelis became interested in photography. Karvelis mostly photographs landscapes and scenes from the city life and loves to travel around Colombia discovering the hidden corners of his adopted country. Your destination of Sumapaz is the world’s largest paramo, a tropical alpine climate zone that is mainly found in the Andes and is famous for breathtaking landscapes. Sumapaz is located a couple of hours away from Bogotá and is home to mist-covered peaks, pristine lakes, exotic plants and protected animal species and this is where you will go to capture some of the breathtaking scenery. This is a full day tour and it is considered to be of advanced difficulty since you will be expected to hike for roughly four hours at altitudes of 3,200-3,800 meters above sea level in humid and windy weather conditions. Although it is a demanding excursion, the unique landscape of the Andean mountains permits participants to capture this impressive landscape in photographs with the help of an expert photographer. DURATION: Eight hours. 96 | colombian journeys

GUIDE: Ignas Karvelis (bilingual).

Enjoy a graffiti tour in the historic center known as La Candelaria. This antiquated neighbourhood is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “stately homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with wrought iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Bogotá is now host to a great variety of colourful graffiti, murals and street art on its walls that can be found in the historical center. These are artistic, social and political forms of expression which mirror the feeling of the city’s inhabitants. DURATION: Approximately 4 hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the morning or afternoon. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. MEDELLÍN



Today, you have the incredible opportunity to visit Comuna 9 in Medellín, which is one of the success stories in social innovation in Colombia´s second city and where there is a community social transformation project in which you can participate for a day. Here, to the East of Medellín’s center, the project is aimed at training individuals from humble backgrounds in the skills of cooking and entrepreneurship with healthy foods offered at affordable prices and applying techniques and recipes from all over the world. Your visit will start with an introduction and explanation of the social transformation which has taken place in Comuna 9 and you will see the headquarters of this project before being walked through public renovation projects such as murals, educational and recreational spaces and other elements which have been included which have significantly improved the lives of those resident here. In addition to the aforementioned activities, you will be able to interact with the community, visit the local business of a project participant to see the positive impact it has had on his life and his family. Afterwards, you will have a cooking class on an outdoor patio where you can prepare and enjoy a Colombian dish or a gourmet dish designed by students of the social project. Finally, enjoy a ride on the tram and on the new cable car. One cannot over emphasize the positive change to have taken place here with the addition of this transport infrastructure for the local population as it has improved their quality of life and their accessibility to the rest of the city. All funds generated on this tour are reinvested in the community project and go towards the subsidizing of training, the purchase of materials and equipment for low-income participants and maintenance of the training center.

DURATION: Approximately six hours.

DURATION: Approximately four hours from Armenia, five hours

GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

SCHEDULE: To be arranged.




Follow the Pijao River on a mountain bicycle or in a Willys Jeep to a trout farm to enjoy an afternoon of food and leisure surrounded by stunning countryside. Get hold of a fishing rod and spend the afternoon at a trout farm, eating freshly caught fish and enjoying Pijao’s crystal rivers and green mountains. On the farm, the trout live in tanks fed by fresh mountain water, and they eat bananas and guavas. With a bamboo rod, you can lure in the trout, including the fish that will be prepared and cooked for you that same afternoon. After lunch you have enough time to explore the farm, relax in the hammocks, fish some more, or play rana, a traditional Colombian lawn game. Before the sun begins to set, take the bike and head back to Pijao. DURATION: Five hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged in the morning or afternoon. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY COFFEE BETWEEN CONFLICT AND PEACE

For a true understanding of the complexities of the long-running Colombian conflict you will travel to the coffee-growing town of Génova nestled in the mountains of the Central Cordillera. Here, you will receive a full explanation of the origins of the armed conflict and will visit places of symbolic importance and talk to locals who will be able to tell you, in their own words of their experiences and what happened here. This excursion will provide you with an overview to understand the thorny post-conflict period and the importance of the peace process currently underway in Colombia. DURATION: Six hours. SCHEDULE: 8:00 am GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. HALF DAY BASKET WEAVING WORKSHOP

Transfer to the traditional town of Filandia to enjoy a tour of its picturesque colonial houses, the Plaza de Bolivar and the craft workshops, especially the basket weaving workshop where you will try your hand at traditional basket weaving. This experience is led by a professional basket maker who will teach you how to weave with bejucos, the tropical plants with long and thin stems and which are the baskets used by coffee pickers. Then you will have a traditional gastronomic tasting. Transfer to Quindio’s viewpoint where you can rest your eyes and gaze over the beautiful landscapes of the coffee region. At the agreed time, return to the hotel.

from Pereira and six hours from Manizales.

GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.

For fruit lovers, this is a very healthy and exciting experience on which you will try an amazing variety of typical fruits from all over Colombia. This experience takes place in the beautiful courtyard of the Hotel Sazagua in the heart of Colombia’s coffee region. Colombia is known for its great variety of fruit due to the country’s enviable range of climates. During this experience, you will try typical fruits, fruits with strange shapes, colours and flavours which will surely surprise you. DURATION: Approximately two hours. SCHEDULE: To be arranged. GUIDE:Private bilingual guide. FULL DAY COCORA VALLEY WITH PICNIC

Today, you will be transported to the Cocora Valley in the center of the department of Quindio. Making up part of the Nevados National Park and the ideal location to marvel at the Quindio Wax Palms –Colombia’s national tree– which reach an astonishing height of 60m, this area is home to a vast amount of species of birds. Here you will see many different types of hummingbirds and hopefully the endangered palm parrot or Ognorhynchus Icteroti. Your guided tour will take approximately three to five hours and as you finish up you will enjoy a picnic consisting of organic products and food and local desserts. In the evening, travel 10km to the traditional coffee town of Salento to enjoy a tour through this magical place and its main cafes and visit the Bolívar Plaza with its colourful balconies, artisanal shops and the main street, Calle Real. DURATION: Seven hours. SCHEDULE: 8:00 am every day. GUIDE:Private bilingual guide. FULL DAY GASTRONOMIC TOUR

This tour is slightly unconventional and more enjoyable for it! Here, you will experience four stops on a route which takes in the traditional coffee towns of Salento and Filandia. Your first stop will be in Salento where you will try some local Colombian fruit. Your second stop, also in Salento, will be to try out three traditional Colombian dishes. On your third stop in Filandia you will sample local produced coffee prepared in several different fashions. And finally, your fourth stop, in Filandia, will round off a great day with some cocktails which incorporate Colombia’s wide range of fruit. DURATION: Eight to nine hours. SCHEDULE: 10:00 am every day. GUIDE: Private bilingual guide. colombian journeys | 97


SCHEDULE: To be coordinated in the morning.


tour circuits

Start your tour early in the morning, (at approx. 5:30 am) as it is during this time of the day that offers the most appropriate weather conditions for the flight. Participate in the process of inflating the balloon which takes around 30min to complete and at the same time taste a hot cup of coffee with typical pastries from the region. Then, start your journey giving you an opportunity to appreciate from above the beautiful landscape of the Colombia Coffee Region. The flight takes approximately 45 min. The balloon can be controlled in the process of ascending and descending, however since the balloon does not have a steering wheel it is the wind that dictates the direction of the flight, hence no flight and landing spot are the same, making the flight even more fascinating. The balloon driver is in constant communication with the land support team that is following closely by and that will pick up the passengers once the balloon has landed. Passengers will receive a flight certificate of the experience and

98 | colombian journeys

the tour will finish at approximately 11am.

DURATION: Approximately four hours. SCHEDULE: 6:00 am.

GUIDE: Spanish Speaking driver during the transfer and during

the flight.

CAPACITY: Currently there is 1 balloon available with capacity for 3 pax + pilot. Please advise if passengers weigh more than 80 Kg.

NOTE: services might be shared with other passengers if client does not buy the 3 available places. If weather conditions are not suitable to do the flight it is possible to reschedule the activity for a different day or to have a reimbursement for the full amount.

OPTIONAL: Bilingual guide assistance during the flight. For groups of 4 to 6 passengers it is possible to divide the group into two and to have a flight for half an hour each. For groups above 6 passengers it is possible to do a stationary flight, which means that the balloon is attached to the ground by means of a cord and flies to a high of 10 meters lifting the passengers in small groups at a time.

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tour circuits

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colombia & panamá

10 days - 9 nights

Bogotá | Cartagena | villa de leyva | cartagena | panamá city

panamá cartagena city

tour circuits


villa de leyva zipaquirá bogotá



car transfer

day 1 |


Arrival to El Dorado airport in Bogotá on an intercontinental flight. Reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

Bogotá - Half Day City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to the historic centre known as La Candelaria. This antiquated barrio is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “stately homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simon Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artifacts such as textiles and artwork that has been collected over four centuries. The Capitol, built 100 | colombian journeys

between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are the Justice Palace, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Liévano Building, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Casa de los Comuneros, so called to remember those who participated in one of the first movements towards independence from Spain at the end of the XVII Century. The visit continues with the Botero Museum, a colonial house filled with works of art done by and donated by Fernando Botero in addition to artwork from his own personal collection that includes pieces by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Gold Museum which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinú, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Gold Museum is considered as one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been functioning since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete overhaul to make this an interactive museum that would awake senses to the objects on display and it belongs to the International Network of Museums (ICOM). Free afternoon for individual activities (we recommend visiting the city’s various museums). Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday. day 3 |

Bogotá - Zipaquirá - Villa de Leyva

After breakfast, departure from Bogotá to the north, towards Zipaquirá. After a journey of roughly 1.15 hours reach the impressive Salt Cathedral, a true feat of engineering. The name Zipaquirá refers to Zipa, the leader of the Muisca tribe and the overlord of these rich salt mines. The trip will begin in a tunnel that passes the fourteen Stations of the Cross and continues on to a dome. In the central nave is the main altar, above which is a cross measuring 16m in height and 10m in breadth, it is the largest cross made from salt in the world. Continue on a

MEALS: B / - / day 4 |

Villa de Leyva - Bogotá - Cartagena

After breakfast, return to Bogotá. On the way, take a break in the Saint Ecce Homo Monastery. Founded by the Dominicans in 1620, this was an important point of evangelization in a region populated by infidel Indigenous communities. Arrival at El Dorado Airport in Bogotá for departure flight to Cartagena. Upon arrival, transfer and check in the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 5 |

Cartagena - Half Day Panoramic City Tour

Start with a panoramic view of the city from La Popa Monastery and Church. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140MAMSL from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe fortress, erected in honor of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa”. It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and know how the castle was constructed, the engineering feats, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then, go on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convert and Church of the San Pedro Claver compound which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, follow to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center to display local handcrafts. Free afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 6 |


Free day. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / day 7 |

also provide important information regarding the rest of the trip. Rest of the day at leisure. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Panamá City - Half Day Miraflores Locks and Panamá View

day 8 |

After breakfast, visit to the Panamá Canal, a magnificent work of engineering, in fact, the greatest and most expensive human feat, the one Balboa had dreamt about since 1513. After 30 and 40 minutes of route, you will reach the Visitor Center of Miraflores Locks, from which you will be able to see in detail ships moving along the canal and the way it operates. Forthwith, you will visit the Amador Causeway, one of the best panoramic views of the city. The tour continues at the neighbourhoods located at the foot of Ancón Hill, the highest point in the city, which belonged sometime to the so-called “Canal Zone” where U.S. army officers and officials lived in during the U.S. administration of the canal. Lastly, there will be a brief stop for contemplating an incredible view showing on one hand the modern skyscrapers, and on the other hand its wonderful gulf. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

day 9 | Panamá City - Half Day Community Emberá Katumá

After breakfast at the hotel, the tour starts with the transfer to the little pier of the Gatún River, where you will board a pirogue, a motor canoe, to arrive to the community of Emberá Katumá. During the journey you will be able to see in detail the splendid jungle and if you are lucky, its monkeys, butterflies, herons and turtles. Upon your arrival, you will be received by the Indian Chief of the community who will tell you the history of the Tribe and its cultural wealth and that of its traditions. The Emberá are native of the Darién, who in turn come from the Choco, Colombia. They live at the edge of the river in little communities of thatch-roofed palafittes named tambos, for counteracting humidity and avoiding floods. Afterwards, a typical lunch will be served to you and you will enjoy a folkloric show with traditional music and dances. meals: D / L* / -

* Light lunch based on fried fish. day 10 |

Panamá City - Departure

Breakfast at the hotel and early transfer to the Tocumen international Airport of Panamá City for international flight. MEALS: B / - / -

Cartagena - Panamá City

Breakfast and transfer to the airport for flight to Panamá City. Arrival to Panamá City. Pick up at the airport by a bilingual guide who will help you with the transfer to the Hotel and will colombian journeys | 101

tour circuits

2-hour trip to Villa de Leyva in the afternoon. Arrival and hotel check-in. Villa de Leyva, one of the area’s most beautiful towns, was founded in 1572 by Hernán Suárez de Villalobos who named it after Andrés Días Venero de Leyva, the first president of Nueva Granada. Overnight stay.


classic colombia

8 days - 7 nights

Bogotá | coffee region | cartagena

tour circuits


pereira bogotá


car transfer

day 1 |


Arrival to El Dorado airport in Bogotá on an intercontinental flight. Reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

Bogotá - Half Day City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to the historic centre known as La Candelaria. This antiquated barrio is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “stately homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simon Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, at one time a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as textiles and artwork that has collected over four centuries. The 102 | colombian journeys

Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are the Palacio de Justicia, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Edificio Liévano, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Casa de los Comuneros, so called to honour one of the earliest movements for independence from Spain towards the end of the XVII Century. The visit continues with the Museo Botero, a colonial house filled with works of art done by and donated by Fernando Botero in addition to artwork from his own personal collection that includes pieces by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Museo del Oro which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinu, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Museo del Oro is considered as one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been functioning since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete overhaul to make this an interactive museum that would awake senses to the objects on display. Free afternoon for individual activities (we recommend visiting the city’s various museums). Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday.

Bogotá - Pereira - Buenavista - San Alberto Plantation and Coffee Processing - Pereira

day 3 |

Transfer to the airport and flight to Pereira. Arrival, transfer and hotel check-in. Half day visiting the coffee plantations along the steep hills typical of this area. On a secondary pathway view the green carpet of coffee plants that spread out as far as the horizon interrupted only by fincas and heliconia flowers Visit to Hacienda San Alberto one of the coffee estates typical of the region and located near the town of Buenavista Quindío.

MEALS: B / - / day 4 |

Pereira - Valle del Cocora & Filandia - Pereira

After breakfast, leave for the Valle de Cocora which is located in the central mountains of the department of Quindío. This makes part of the Parque Nacional de los Nevados and is the ideal place to marvel at the “Quindian wax palm” (Ceroxylon quincense), the national tree of Colombia. This tree can reach a staggering height of 60m. Around here a great number of species of birds live, in particular some types of hummingbird and the orejíamarillo or the palm parrot (Ognorhynchus icteroti) which is endangered. Upon arrival in the valley, either hiking or on horseback (not included), head into the cloud forest to enjoy the biodiversity of flora and fauna. On the return journey, cross the River Quindío while walking along an ecological pathway which takes one past the tallest wax palms in the world. Learn why the indigenous people here worshipped this tree. Then you can have a typical lunch (not included) and enjoy some free time here. In the afternoon, continue 10km towards the traditional town

of Salento to enjoy a city tour that visits the Plaza de Bolívar with its colorful balconies, the calle real, the handicrafts shops and the Cocora viewpoint. Then, transfer to the traditional village of Filandia to enjoy a city tour that includes the viewpoint, the colonial homes, the Plaza de Bolívar and the coffee shops. Here, enjoy some time soaking up the regional atmosphere and perhaps some local spirits before returning to the hotel. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / L / day 5 |

Pereira - Cartagena

Breakfast. Transfer to Pereira airport for departure flight to Cartagena (via Bogotá). Upon arrival, transfer and hotel checkin. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 6 |

Cartagena - Half Day Panoramic City Tour

Start with a panoramic view of the city from the Monasterio and Iglesia de La Popa. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140masl from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe fortress, erected in honor of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa”. It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and learn about how the castle was constructed, the engineering feats, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then, go on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convent and Church of the San Pedro Claver compound which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, follow to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center to appreciate local handcraft. Free afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 7 |


Free day for individual activities. A full day tour to the Archipiélago del Rosario is recommended. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 8 |

Cartagena - Bogotá

Breakfast and transfer to the airport for flight to Bogotá. MEALS: B / - / -

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The tour begins with an introductory talk about coffee, its preparation, toasting, the characteristics of quality and the properties that allows for such a variety of coffees in the world. The route continues through the plantations, appreciating the work of the coffee pickers as well as understanding the famous humid coffee that is characteristic of Colombian coffee. Walk through the coffee plantations and learn about the production system in minute detail, including the harvest, the drying to the sun and treatment in this land of volcanic terrain along the Central Andes Mountain Range which has been declared a world Heritage site by UNESCO and that offers the perfect climatic conditions for coffee growing. The harvest in Colombia takes around a year, although the main period is between October and May/June. Most of the plantations in Colombia produce Arabica beans which produce a delicate and light tasting coffee which is widely recognized and consumed. The process begins from when the bean is planted and takes approximately 75 days to germination. The seedling is then placed in a plastic bag and placed in partial sunlight until its base dries. Two years after plantation the tree bears its first fruit which is harvested when the bean is red in color and dry and ripe. Once the fruit has been picked, the pulp is stripped away, and the bean is cleaned and dried in the sun (the big haciendas now use a special machinery to strip and dry the beans in a short period of time). The beans are exported or dried in preparation for sale, before being ground up and made ready for human consumption. Free remainder of the afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay.


discover colombia

13 days -12 nights


paRque nacional tayrona

santa marta


tour circuits


villa de leyva zipaquirá bogotá


car transfer

day 1 |


Arrival to El Dorado airport in Bogotá on an intercontinental flight. Reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

Bogotá - Half Day City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to the historic centre known as La Candelaria. This antiquated barrio is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “stately homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simon Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, and at one time as a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as textiles and artwork that has been collected over four centuries. 104 | colombian journeys

The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are the Palacio de Justicia, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Edificio Liévano, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Casa de los Comuneros named after those who participated in the XVII Century in some of the first movements towards independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic. The visit continues with the Museo Botero, a colonial house filled with works of art done by and donated by Fernando Botero in addition to artwork from his own personal collection that includes pieces by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Museo del Oro which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinu, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Museo del Oro is considered as one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been functioning since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete overhaul to make this an interactive museum that would awake senses to the objects on display. Free afternoon for individual activities (we recommend visiting the city’s various museums). Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday. day 3 |

Bogotá - Zipaquirá - Villa de Leyva

After breakfast, departure from Bogotá to the north, towards Zipaquirá. After a journey of roughly 1.15 hours reach the impressive Salt Cathedral, a true achievement of engineering. The name Zipaquirá refers to Zipa, the leader of the Muisca tribe and the overlord of these rich salt mines. The trip will begin in a tunnel that passes the fourteen Stations of the Cross and continues on to a dome. In the central nave is the main altar, above which is a cross measuring 16m in height and 10m in breadth, it is the largest cross made from salt in the world.

MEALS: B / - / day 4 |

Villa de Leyva - Bogotá - Pereira

After breakfast, return to Bogotá. On the way, take a break in the Saint Ecce Homo Monastery. Founded by the Dominicans in 1620, this was an important point of evangelization in a region populated by infidel Indigenous communities. Arrival at El Dorado Airport in Bogotá for departure flight to Pereira. Upon arrival, transfer and check in the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 5 |

Pereira - Valle del Cocora & Filandia - Pereira

After breakfast, leave for the Valle de Cocora which is located in the central mountains of the department of Quindío. This makes part of the Parque Nacional de los Nevados and is the ideal place to marvel at the “Quindian wax palm” (Ceroxylon quincense), the national tree of Colombia. This tree can reach a staggering height of 60m. Around here a great number of species of birds live, in particular some types of hummingbird and the orejíamarillo or the palm parrot (Ognorhynchus icteroti) which is endangered. Upon arrival in the valley, either hiking or on horseback (not included), head into the cloud forest to enjoy the biodiversity of flora and fauna. On the return journey, cross the River Quindío while walking along an ecological pathway which takes one past the tallest wax palms in the world. Learn why the indigenous people here worshipped this tree. Then you can have a typical lunch (not included) and enjoy some free time here. In the afternoon, continue 10km towards the traditional town of Salento to enjoy a city tour that visits the Plaza de Bolívar with its colorful balconies, the calle real, the handicrafts shops and the Cocora viewpoint. Then, transfer to the traditional village of Filandia to enjoy a city tour that includes the viewpoint, the colonial homes, the Plaza de Bolívar and the coffee shops. Here, enjoy some time soaking up the regional atmosphere and perhaps some local spirits before returning to the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / -

Pereira - Buenavista - San Alberto Plantation and Coffee Processing - Pereira

day 6 |

After breakfast, half day visiting the coffee plantations along the steep hills typical of this area. On a secondary pathway view the green carpet of coffee plants that spread out as far as the

horizon interrupted only by fincas and heliconia flowers Visit to Hacienda San Alberto one of the coffee estates typical of the region and located near the town of Buenavista Quindío. The tour begins with an introductory talk about coffee, its preparation, toasting, the characteristics of quality and the properties that allows for such a variety of coffees in the world. The route continues through the plantations, appreciating the work of the coffee pickers as well as understanding the famous humid coffee that is characteristic of Colombian coffee. Walk through the coffee plantations and learn about the production system in minute detail, including the harvest, the drying to the sun and treatment in this land of volcanic terrain along the Central Andes Mountain Range which has been declared a world Heritage site by UNESCO and that offers the perfect climatic conditions for coffee growing. The harvest in Colombia takes around a year, although the main period is between October and May/June. Most of the plantations in Colombia produce Arabica beans which produce a delicate and light tasting coffee which is widely recognized and consumed. The process begins from when the bean is planted and takes approximately 75 days to germination. The seedling is then placed in a plastic bag and placed in partial sunlight until its base dries. Two years after plantation the tree bears its first fruit which is harvested when the bean is red in color and dry and ripe. Once the fruit has been picked, the pulp is stripped away, and the bean is cleaned and dried in the sun (the big haciendas now use a special machinery to strip and dry the beans in a short period of time). The beans are exported or dried in preparation for sale, before being ground up and made ready for human consumption. Free remainder of the afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / day 7 |

Pereira - Cartagena

Breakfast. Transfer to Pereira airport for departure flight to Cartagena (via Bogotá). Upon arrival, transfer and hotel checkin. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 8 |

Cartagena - Half Day Panoramic City Tour

Start with a panoramic view of the city from the Monasterio and Iglesia de La Popa. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140masl from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe fortress, erected in honor of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa”. It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. colombian journeys | 105

tour circuits

Continue on a 2-hour trip to Villa de Leyva in the afternoon. Arrival and hotel check-in. Villa de Leyva, one of the area’s most beautiful towns, was founded in 1572 by Hernán Suárez de Villalobos who named it after Andrés Días Venero de Leyva, the first president of Nueva Granada. Overnight stay.

Walk around the fortress and learn about how the castle was constructed, the engineering feats, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then, go on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convent and Church of the San Pedro Claver compound which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, follow to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center to appreciate local handcraft. Free afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 9 |


Free day for individual activities. A full day tour to the Archipiélago del Rosario is recommended. Overnight stay.

tour circuits

MEALS: B / - / -

106 | colombian journeys

day 10 |

Cartagena - Tayrona National Park

After breakfast, four to five-hour transfer to Tayrona National. Arrival and check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 11&12 |

Tayrona National Park

Free day to relax, for beach activities or to organize excursions such as a walk to Pueblito, snorkeling or horseback riding. Overnight stay in the lodge. MEALS: B / - / day 13 |

Tayrona National Park - Santa Marta

Morning transfer to Santa Marta airport after breakfast. MEALS: B / - / -

w w w. pa n a m a j o u r n e ys . c o m


colombia by the sea


islas del rosario o barú

the Convert and Church of the San Pedro Claver compound which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, follow to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center to display local handcrafts. Free afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay.


tour circuits


11 days - 10 nights

MEALS: B / - / day 3 |

Cartagena - Rosario or Barú Island

After breakfast, transfer in a regular or private boat to the hotel of your choice on Barú or Rosario Island. After roughly a 1-hour boat trip, arrival and check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -


boat transfer

day 1 |


Upon arrival at Cartagena airport on a national or international flight, transfer and hotel check-in. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

Cartagena - Half Day Panoramic City Tour

Start with a panoramic view of the city from the Monasterio and Iglesia de La Popa. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140masl from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe fortress, erected in honor of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa”. It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and learn how the castle was constructed, the engineering feats, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then, go on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit 108 | colombian journeys

day 4 |

Rosario or Barú Island

Free day to relax on the beach. If you are on Barú we recommend the beaches of Playa Blanca, Playita de Cholón, Playa de los Muertos and Playa Bobo. On the Rosario islands, we recommend a visit the reef of the archipelago of Nuestra Señora del Rosario as well as the islands of Tesoro, Múcura and Maravilla. Enjoy snorkeling and other water sports, observation of the local flora and fauna and scuba diving amongst others things. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 5 |

Barú or Rosario Island - Cartagena

In the afternoon, departure by boat to Cartagena. Upon arrival at Cartagena pier, transfer to the hotel and check in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 6 |

Cartagena - San Andrés Island

After breakfast at the hotel, transfer to the airport for direct flight to San Andrés. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel and check-in.

MEALS: B / - / day 7 |

San Andrés Island

Free day at your disposal to enjoy the beach and the activities available on the island such as a 10-minute boat trip out to Johnny Cay where it is able to see more than 30 different types of fish. The island has an area called “playa de cedro” which aids against the erosion of the beaches from waves and strong winds making this the refuge on the island for many sea birds. Visit the Aquarium as well. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 8 |

San Andrés Island - Providencia Island

day 9 |

Providencia Island

Breakfast and free day for spending time on the beach or exploring other beaches on the island. It is suggested that you pay a to visit Santa Catalina Island connected to Providencia by a beautiful and brightly painted wooden bridge called the “Puente de Amor” or take a boat ride to explore the hidden bays on the island. Declared a protected biosphere by UNESCO this is one of the most accessible and well preserved coral reefs in the world. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 10 |

Providencia Island

Breakfast and free day for spending time on the beach or exploring other beaches on the island. We suggest that you make the hike up to the “Peak” a 360m high point on the island to admire fine 360-degree views of the island, the coral reefs and the multi-colour sea. Most of the freshwater found on the island is found here on this mountain. On the hike you will walk through a rainforest that is home to many species of tropical birds. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Providencia Island - San Andrés Island Cartagena

day 11 |

Breakfast in the hotel and transfer to the airport for flight to San Andrés. MEALS: B / - / -

OPTIONAL: It is possible to include Tayrona National Park within this itinerary.

Transfer to San Andrés airport for a 20-minute flight to Providencia. Upon arrival, transfer to hotel and check-in. Free remainder of the day for beach activities. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

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The archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina is located to the northwest of the Colombian mainland in the Caribbean and was declared a UNESCO Biosphere reserve in 2000. It is believed that the islands were first discovered by Chris-topher Columbus on his second journey, but they were administered by the English from 1631. This led to a period of colonisation, in particular, by people of African descent. In 1670 the infamous Welsh pirate Henry Morgan established his base on the island of Providencia and there are still some here who believe the legends that some of his treasures remain buried here. Due to the history of the archipelago the language spoken on the islands is a patois, the mixture of English and Spanish. San Andrés Island is the largest island in the archipelago and is the administrative and financial centre and has drawn in tourists for several decades. It is well known for its beaches, some with pink coral in the sand, the sea of seven colours with its clear turquoise blue waters in varying tones. Overnight stay.


colombia nature

10 days - 9 nights


tour circuits





day 1 |

amacayacu NATIONAL PARK leticia




Arrival to El Dorado airport in Bogotá on an intercontinental flight. Reception, transfer to the hotel and check-in. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

Bogotá - Half Day City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to the historic centre known as La Candelaria. This antiquated barrio is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “stately homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simon Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as textiles and artwork that has built 110 | colombian journeys

over four centuries. The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are the Palacio de Justicia, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Edificio Liévano, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Casa de los Comuneros who participated towards the end of the XVII Century in some of the first movements towards independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic. The visit continues with the Museo Botero, a colonial house filled with works of art done by and donated by Fernando Botero in addition to artwork from his own personal collection that includes pieces by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Museo del Oro which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinu, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Museo del Oro is considered as one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been functioning since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete overhaul to make this an interactive museum that would awake ones senses to the objects on display and it belongs to the International Network of Museums (ICOM). Free afternoon for individual activities (we recommend visiting the city’s various museums). Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday. day 3 |

Bogotá - Leticia

Private transfer from the hotel to Eldorado Airport for flight to Leticia. Upon arrival in Leticia, transfer to the hotel and check-in. In the afternoon, approximately 2 hours walking city tour of the small city centre of Leticia, the capital of Colombian Amazonas department. The visit starts in the Museo Etnográfico del Hombre Amazónico where there is a collection of objects and utensils used by the indigenous cultures from this region. Continuing to the city’s parks and wander its streets with plenty of time to browse

meals: B / - / D day 4 |

Leticia - Calanoa

After breakfast, transfer to the pier for shared boat transfer to Calanoa which takes about 30 minutes. Visit the Mocagua community, lunch and tour around the village and their painted houses. Return to Calanoa for a walking tour through the jungle and then return by canoe along Matamata stream, which has limits with the Amacayacu Natural National Park. Dinner. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D day 5 |

Calanoa - Puerto Nariño - Calanoa

Depart in the morning for a trip along the Amazon River. Visit to Puerto Nariño, the second largest town in the department of Amazonas after Leticia. The town is a curious mix of colonists and native people. It is considered as the cradle of the Amazon given its unequalled natural, cultural and harmonious setting. Later, travel on up the river to Tarapoto Lake where, it might be possible to see a great deal of interesting species such as the grey and pink river dolphins. Return to Calanoa and dinner. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D day 6 |

Calanoa - Leticia - Medellín

After breakfast depart to Leticia by boat. Visit Omagua Reserve to experience canopy activities within the jungle. Return to Leticia and private transport to airport for flight to Medellín (via Bogotá). Upon arrival in Medellín, transfer to the hotel and check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 7 |

Medellín - Nuquí

After breakfast, transfer to the local airport for flight to Nuquí. Reception at Nuquí Airport and transfer to the dock for an approximately 45-minute boat transfer to Ecolodge El Cantil and check-in.

In the afternoon, walk to the waterfall Cascada del Amor. It is 400m from El Cantil, a stroll in the jungle, until you arrive at a paradise where crystalline waters tumble over a 4m high waterfall. Walk a few minutes further on into the jungle to see the Mellizas Waterfall. Lastly, enjoy empty beaches near to the river. Return to the hotel and dinner. Overnight stay.

meals: B / - / D

Note: The flights from Medellín to Nuquí or Bahía Solano have a luggage restriction of 1 carry-on bag of 5 kg and 1 checked bag of 10 kg. day 8 |


In the morning take a leisurely walk over level terrain for 3km admiring the pelicans and other birds found here and walk past streams that splice the beaches in order to reach the ocean. Arrive at the thermal springs and take a bathe in waters that reach a comfortable 32 ºC temperature. In the afternoon, head out for some whale watching for two hours all depending on where the whales are. MEALS: B / L / D

Note: Whale watching is possible from July to October. The order of excursions may vary day 9 |


In the morning walk to Rio Terco following it into the jungle, this hike is a true adventure. Marvel as the contrasts in the vegetation and fauna become more apparent and enjoy the sounds of the jungle and pure nature. For this tour a good level of fitness is required. In the afternoon, head out for some whale watching for two hours all depending on where the whales are. MEALS: B / L / D

Note: Whale watching is possible from July to October. The order of excursions may vary. day 10 |

Nuquí - Bogotá

Morning departure after breakfast by boat to Nuquí and transfer to the airport. Departure by flight to Bogotá (via Medellín). MEALS: B / - / -

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handicrafts shops and pick up a local brew of “chuchuhuaza”, an Amazonian aphrodisiac made from an endemic species of tree. Return to hotel. Overnight stay.




villa de leyva

tour circuits

12 days - 11 nights



tatacoa DESERT popayán



san josé de isnos san agustín


car transfer

day 1 |


Arrival to El Dorado airport in Bogotá on an intercontinental flight. Reception and transfer to the hotel. Check-in. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

Bogotá - Half Day City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to the historic centre known as La Candelaria. This antiquated barrio is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “sta tely homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simon Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as 112 | colombian journeys

textiles and artwork that has been collected over four centuries. The Capilla del Sagrario is located just beside the Cathedral and is a gem of religious architecture and which houses valuable pieces of colonial religious art by Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos. The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. The central area of the Capitol, known as the Salon Eliptico, is where congress meets and is the actual chamber for politicians and the Senate. In the internal plazas are busts of former presidents such as General Tomás Cipriano Mosquera, president on four occasions, and Rafael Núñez, the composer of the Colombian national anthem. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are the Palacio de Justicia, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Edificio Liévano, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Casa de los Comuneros to remember those who participated towards the end of the XVII Century in some of the first movements towards independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic. The visit continues with the Museo Botero, a colonial house filled with works of art done by and donated by Fernando Botero in addition to artwork from his own personal collection that includes pieces by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Museo del Oro which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinu, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Museo del Oro is considered as one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been functioning since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete overhaul to make this an interactive museum that would awake senses to the objects on display and it belongs to the International Network of Museums (ICOM). Free afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / -

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday.

Bogotá - Zipaquirá & Guatavita

Depart from Bogotá and head north passing the towns of Tocancipá and Gachancipá, travel for approximately 1.5 hours until reaching the legendary Guatavita Lake. The lake is located within the forest reserve of Cacique Guatavita and Cuchilla de Peñas Blancas. In this magical and mystical place, formerly inhabited by the Muisca people, it is possible to observe a great variety of flora and fauna endemic to the high-altitude Andean woodlands. See hummingbirds, hawks, blackbirds flitting between the trees. There is also a great variety of interesting trees with exotic names such as Mano de Oso, Uvos de Monte and Té de Bogotá. The legend of El Dorado came about from Muisca traditions. When the Muisca elected a new cacique or chief he would be accompanied to the lake bathed first in honey and then in gold dust before being launched out into the lake on a raft with offerings of gold and precious stones to later throw them into the depths of the water. This ceremony and act of transformation created the legend known as El Dorado. Visit the town of Guatavita and the lake of Tominé, striking with its white painted houses, beautiful square and tranquility. Sunday is market day and so there is much more activity in town. After lunch, depart towards Zipaquirá. After a journey of roughly 45 minutes reach the impressive Salt Cathedral, a true achievement of engineering. The name Zipaquirá refers to Zipa, the leader of the Muisca tribe and the chief of these rich salt mines. The excursion will begin by visiting the cathedral in a tunnel that passes the fourteen Stations of the Cross and continues on to the dome. The dome is lit in such a way that it allows one to contemplate the universe and the relationship between man and nature. Later, reach the enormous cross carved into the saline rock and finally the three naves of the Cathedral that represent the birth, life and death of Christ. In the central nave is the main altar, above which is the cross that measures 16m in height and 10m in breadth, made by the Colombian artist Carlos Enrique Rodriguez. This is the largest cross made from salt in the world. Next, we visit the mine where there is an excellent auditorium that can seat up to two hundred people, host film screenings and events such as fashion shows. The trip ends at a mirror of water where it is possible to experience the amazing visual effects of water on carved saline rock. Return to Bogotá. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / -

Note: Guatavita Lake is closed on Mondays except when Monday is a national holiday, in that case it is closed on Tuesday. day 4 |

Bogotá - Neiva - Tatacoa Desert - San Agustín

Transfer to the local airport for flight to Neiva. Arrival at Neiva airport and immediate transfer to the north to visit the town

of Villavieja and the Museo Paleontológico. Then, visit the Tatacoa Desert crossing crevices eroded by wind and water. The trip continues 217km to the south over a paved road to San Agustín. This scenic journey allows enjoying views of the extensive floodplains of the Magdalena River valley from 700masl all the way up to 1730masl and in balmy temperatures of 20ºC just as in San Agustín. After a journey of roughly 6 hours arrive at San Agustín, check into the hotel. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / -

San Agustín - Full Day San Agustín Archaelogical Park and Magdalena Strait

day 5 |

Morning visit to San Agustín Archeological Park, World Heritage Site declared by the UNESCO in 1995. See these enormous stone statues up close with your own eyes. The raised plateaus are manmade and have been created specifically for the stone monuments, making where you are treading, holy and sacred ground. You will walk on to the ceremonial Fuente de Lavapatas before heading up the hill to the Lavapatas terrace from which you can enjoy a remarkable view over the surrounding countryside. Also visit the small Museo Arqueológico. After lunch (not included), visit to the wonderful Colombian massif and the source of the Magadalena River, a spectacular rocky gorge that forces the river to pass through only 2.20 meters. Drive back to San Agustín and short visit to the town. Return to the hotel. Overnight stay MEALS: B / - / day 6 |

San Agustín - Full Day Isnos - San Agustín

After breakfast, set off for the rural town of Isnos to see further Archaeological Parks such as the Alto de los Ídolos and the Alto de Las Piedras where there are some well-preserved tombs that still show some of the original paintwork and some of the largest stone figures found so far. Moving between these sights gives you the breathtaking view of the Macizo Colombiano and the incredible waterfalls of Salto del Mortiño (180 Mts) and Salto de Bordones (320 Mts). Then, visit La Chaquira, a very special place is in the edge of a river canyon mixing a beautiful geographical site with an archeological site, where is a woman’s figure carved in a large rock. Drive back to San Agustín and short visit to the town. Return to the hotel Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 7 |

San Agustín - Popayán

After breakfast, leave on a 6 hours unpaved drive to Popayán, the capital of the department of Cauca. Enjoy the journey surrounded by the Andean scenery of mountains and high-altitude plains. Arrival at Popayán and check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

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day 3 |

tour circuits

day 8 |

Popayán - Half Day City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to the historic center of town founded in 1537, concentrating on Parque Caldas. Around the Parque Caldas are the main religious and government edifices, as well as the city’s original buildings such as the Torre del Reloj, considered one of the symbols of the city, built between 1673 and 1682 and set in 1737. Continue towards the Puente de Humilladero, built in 1873 to facilitate access from the city center to El Callejón (currently barrio Bolívar) up a steep rise, particularly for those pilgrims making the journey on their knees. Visit to the Iglesia de Santo Domingo, a baroque style church designed by the Spanish architect Antonio García and commissioned by the Arboleda family, the Iglesia de San Francisco, considered the most beautiful baroque church in town, and the Panteón de los Próceres. Visit the Museo de Arte Religioso, which houses an interesting collection of religious art, and the Casa Museo Mosquera, the Settecento style house that belonged to General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera. Return to hotel. Overnight stay.

Cartagena (vía Bogotá). Upon arrival, transfer and hotel checkin. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / -

| Cartagena - Half Day Walking Tour in Cartagena day 10

Half day visit to the city’s colonial district, starting in Parque Bolívar, which is surrounded by large trees and four fountains with a statue of El Libertador in the center. Around the square, the Museo del Oro, which exhibits pre-Hispanic objects, and the Palace of the Inquisition, recognizable from its baroque entrance door. The meetings of the tribunal took place in the palace, and it housed the prison and torture chambers for the alleged opponents of the Catholic Church. The visit continues to the Santo Domingo church and the cathedral to end in the Ramparts and the Museo de Las Fortificaciones. Free afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -


MEALS: B / - / -

day 11 |

Note: An optional excursion to the Silvia market can be offered (only

Free day for individual activities. An excursion to the Archipiélago del Rosario is recommended. Overnight stay.

on Tuesdays). day 9 |

Popayán - Cartagena

After breakfast, transfer to the local airport for flight to

114 | colombian journeys

MEALS: B / - / day 12 |

Cartagena - Bogotá

Breakfast and transfer to the airport for flight to Bogotá. MEALS: B / - / -

In the El Virrey Park, 10 minutes walking from 93 Park and Zona T. Personalized service, new culinary trends, exclusive


COLOMBIA by road


santa marta

tayrona national park

cartagena rosario ISLAND o barú


tour circuits


cali popayán



san agustín



day 1 |


Arrival to El Dorado airport in Bogotá on an intercontinental flight. Reception and transfer to the hotel. Check-in. Overnight stay. meals: - / - / day 2 |

Bogotá - Half Day City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to the historic centre known as La Candelaria. This antiquated barrio is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “stately homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simon Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as textiles and artwork that has been 116 | colombian journeys

collected over four centuries. The Capilla del Sagrario is located just beside the Cathedral and is a gem of religious architecture and which houses valuable pieces of colonial religious art by Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos. The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. The central area of the Capitol, known as the Salon Eliptico, is where congress meets and is the actual chamber for politicians and the Senate. In the internal plazas are busts of former presidents such as General Tomás Cipriano Mosquera, president on four occasions, and Rafael Núñez, the composer of the Colombian national anthem. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are the Palacio de Justicia, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Edificio Liévano, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Casa de los Comuneros, thus named to remember those who participated in one of the first independence movements towards the end of the XVII Century. The visit continues with the Museo Botero, a colonial house filled with works of art done by and donated by Fernando Botero in addition to artwork from his own personal collection that includes pieces by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Museo del Oro which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinu, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Museo del Oro is considered as one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been functioning since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete overhaul to make this an interactive museum that would awake senses to the objects on display and it belongs to the International Network of Museums (ICOM). Free afternoon for individual activities (we recommend visiting the city’s various museums). Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday. day 3 |

Bogotá - Neiva - Tatacoa Desert - San Agustín

In the morning, transfer to the local airport for flight to Neiva.

MEALS: B / - / -

Note: Guatavita Lake is closed on Mondays except when Monday is a national holiday, in that case it is closed on Tuesday. day 4 | San Agustín - Full Day San Agustín Archaelogical Park and Magdalena Strait

Morning visit to San Agustín Archeological Park, World Heritage Site declared by the UNESCO in 1995. See these enormous stone statues up close with your own eyes; how the each raised plateau is man-made and has been created specifically for the stone monuments, making where you are treading, holy and sacred ground. Walk on to the ceremonial Fuente de Lavapatas before heading up the hill to the Lavapatas terrace from which you can enjoy a remarkable view over the surrounding countryside. Also visit the small Museo Arqueológico. Then visit the wonderful Colombian massif and of the source of the Magadalena River, a spectacular rocky gorge that forces the river to pass through only 2.20 meters. Return to the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 5 |

San Agustín - Popayán

After breakfast, leave on an approximately 5-hour unpaved transfer to Popayán, the capital of the department of Cauca. Enjoy the journey surrounded by the Andean scenery of mountains and high-altitude plains. Upon arrival check-in and. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 6 |

Popayán - Half Day City Tour - Cali

Half day visit to the historic center of town founded in 1537, concentrating on Parque Caldas. Around the Parque Caldas are the main religious and government edifices, as well as the city’s original buildings such as the Torre del Reloj, considered one of the symbols of the city, built between 1673 and 1682 and set in 1737. Continue towards the Puente de Humilladero, built in 1873 to facilitate access from the city center to El Callejón (currently barrio Bolívar) up a steep rise, particularly

for those pilgrims making the journey on their knees. The Morro de Tulcán, Popayán’s main archaeological site, is next and consists of a pre-Columbian truncated pyramid. Visit the Iglesia de Santo Domingo, a baroque style church designed by the Spanish architect Antonio García and commissioned by the Arboleda family, the Iglesia de San Francisco, considered the most beautiful baroque church in town, and the Panteón de los Próceres. Resting in the pantheon are the remains of some of the most illustrious sons of Popayán, including Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera and the botanist Francisco José de Caldas. Visit the Museo de Arte Religioso, which houses an interesting collection of religious art, and the Casa Museo Mosquera, the Settecento style house that belonged to General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera. Then, transfer to Cali, arrival after approximately 3 hours, arrival and check-in. Cali is the third largest city in Colombia. Officially known as Santiago de Cali, this is the capital of the department of Valle del Cauca and is a city that enjoys a warm climate, as well as being known for its exciting salsa and warm hospitality due to its friendly and good-natured citizens. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / day 7 |

Cali - Half Day City Tour - Coffee Triangle

Half day visit to the most important historic and cultural sights in the city such as the Teatro Municipal Enrique Buenaventura, built in the XIX century and known as being of a creole yet classic design with a capacity for 1200 spectators; the Casa Proartes; the Centro Cultural; the Museo de Oro Calima, known for its fine golden ceremonial ornaments created by the Calima people in preHispanic times; and finally, the viewpoint in Cali’s historical San Antonio district and for a breathtaking view of the city and visit the antique church of the same name. The Iglesia San Antonio houses some well preserved and interesting artwork and wooden sculptures from the Escuela de Quito. The visit continues also to the Iglesia Sebastián de Belalcazar and the Iglesia de la Ermita. Continuing to other interesting sights of the city such as the architectural complex of “la Merced”, the first construction in the city; the Plazoleta de San Francisco, striking with its Mudejar style tower; the Plaza de Caycedo, the city’s main square; La Tertulia Museum; and the monument to Cristo Rey on the Cerro los Cristales. Then, transfer to Pereira. After approximately 3 hours, arrival and check-in in a typical hacienda. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Pereira - Buenavista - San Alberto Plantation and Coffee Processing - Pereira

day 8 |

Half day visiting the coffee plantations along the steep hills typical of this area. On a secondary pathway view the green colombian journeys | 117

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Arrival at Neiva airport and immediate transfer to the north to visit the town of Villavieja and the Paleontological Museum. Then, visit the Tatacoa Desert crossing crevasses eroded by wind and water. The trip continues 217km to the south over a paved road until San Agustín. This scenic journey allows enjoying views of the extensive floodplains of the Magdalena River valley from 700MAMSL all the way up to 1730MAMSL and in balmy temperatures of 20ºC just as in San Agustín. After a journey roughly 6 hours arrive at San Agustín, check into the hotel. Overnight stay.

tour circuits

carpet of coffee plants that spread out as far as the horizon interrupted only by fincas and heliconia flowers Visit to Hacienda San Alberto one of the coffee estates typical of the region and located near the town of Buenavista Quindío. The tour begins with an introductory talk about coffee, its preparation, toasting, the characteristics of quality and the properties that allows for such a variety of coffees in the world. The route continues through the plantations, appreciating the work of the coffee pickers as well as understanding the famous humid coffee that is characteristic of Colombian coffee. Walk through the coffee plantations and learn about the production system in minute detail, including the harvest, the drying to the sun and treatment in this land of volcanic terrain along the Central Andes Mountain Range which has been declared a world Heritage site by UNESCO and that offers the perfect climatic conditions for coffee growing. The harvest in Colombia takes around a year, although the main period is between October and May/June. Most of the plantations in Colombia produce Arabica beans which produce a delicate and light tasting coffee which is widely recognized and consumed. The process begins from when the bean is planted and takes approximately 75 days to germination. The seedling is then placed in a plastic bag and placed in partial sunlight until its base dries. Two years after plantation the tree bears its first fruit which is harvested when the bean is red in color and dry and ripe. Once the fruit has been picked, the pulp is stripped away, and the bean is cleaned and dried in the sun (the big haciendas now use a special machinery to strip and dry the beans in a short period of time). The beans are exported or dried in preparation for sale, before being ground up and made ready for human consumption. Free remainder of the afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 9 |

Pereira - Valle del Cocora & Filandia - Pereira

After breakfast, leave for the Valle de Cocora which is located in the central mountains of the department of Quindío. This makes part of the Parque Nacional de los Nevados and is the ideal place to marvel at the “Quindian wax palm” (Ceroxylon quincense), the national tree of Colombia. This tree can reach a staggering height of 60m. Around here a great number of species of birds live, in particular some types of hummingbird and the orejíamarillo or the palm parrot (Ognorhynchus icteroti) which is endangered. Upon arrival in the valley, either hiking or on horseback (not included), head into the cloud forest to enjoy the biodiversity of flora and fauna. On the return journey, cross the River Quindío while walking along an ecological pathway which takes one past the tallest wax palms in the world. Learn why the indigenous people here worshipped this tree. Then you can have a typical 118 | colombian journeys

lunch (not included) and enjoy some free time here. In the afternoon, continue 10km towards the traditional town of Salento to enjoy a city tour that visits the Plaza de Bolívar with its colorful balconies, the calle real, the handicrafts shops and the Cocora viewpoint. Then, transfer to the traditional village of Filandia to enjoy a city tour that includes the viewpoint, the colonial homes, the Plaza de Bolívar and the coffee shops. Here, enjoy some time soaking up the regional atmosphere and perhaps some local spirits before returning to the hotel. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / - / day 10 |

Pereira - Medellín

After breakfast, go on an approximately 6-hour transfer to Medellín. Arrival and check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

| Medellín - Half Day Medellín’s Social Transformation Tour

day 11

Half day tour to visit those places that best represent the social transformation that has taken place in Medellín. The tour will show the symbolic areas of Medellín from the 1980s, when the city was one of the most dangerous in the world, up to today many projects that fostered the city’s change. Enjoy an exciting tour through the history and present of Medellín and learn more about the transformation of this fascinating metrópolis. 20 years ago, Medellín was one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Back in the early 90s, when the hunt for Pablo Escobar took place, the head of Medellín’s drug cartel was at its peak. Thus, the reign of “El Patrón” came to its end. Until the turn of the millennium the struggles about Escobar’s successor continued, but since 2002 Medellín began to change. Intelligent local politicians started to invest heavily in infrastructure and public education. Today the “City of Eternal Spring” is one of the most innovative metropolises in the world. Visit the barrio San Javier, which used to be one of the most unsafe suburbs of Medellín Located some 7km from the city centre, it is a clear example of the social transformation that has taken place in the last few years. Arrive here by the metrocable car that joins the north-east area with the city centre, which has been life changing to many of the inhabitants of Medellín. Learn more about the city’s transformation after the death of Pablo Escobar and also get to know the innovative transport-system in the poorer neighborhoods at first hand. Explore Medellín’s newest invention: the electric stairways of the district Comuna 13, discover stories about its past by visiting the most important places marked by historical events and see some graffiti that symbolizes a form of expression of the community. Here it is possible to have a beautiful view over the city from the balconies of San Javier.

MEALS: B / - / day 12 |

Medellín - Cartagena

After breakfast, transfer to the airport to catch a flight to Cartagena. Arrival in Cartagena, transfer to the hotel, check-in and overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 13 |

Cartagena - Half Day Panoramic City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to Cartagena starting with a panoramic view of the city from the Monasterio and Iglesia de La Popa. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140masl from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe fortress, erected in honor of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa”. It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and learn how the castle was constructed, the engineering feats, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then, go on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convert and Church of the San Pedro Claver compound which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, follow to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center to appreciate local handcraft. Return to the hotel and free remainder of the day for individual activities Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Cartagena - Full Day Archipiélago Islas del Rosario National Park - Cartagena

day 14 |

Caribbean Sea and is ringed by coral reefs and lapped by clear blue waters and is the habitat for a large variety of marine fauna. Three ecosystems thrive here: coastal lagoons, the mangroves surrounding them, and tropical forest and the average yearround temperature is 24.7 ºC. In addition, this is one of 46 National Parks in Colombia and it was created to protect one of the most important coral reefs bordering the Colombian Caribbean coastline: the Nuestra Señora del Rosario archipelago as well as the islands of Tesoro, Rosario, Barú, Múcura and Maravilla. Covering 120,000 hectares, the park consists of 23 coral islands and islets were formed some 5000 years ago, due to ancient volcanic activity that pushed up the continental shelf and create these coral reefs. During the colonial period, the islands were peopled by African slaves who dedicated their time to fish and gather mollusks. Nowadays, the islands are a tourist destination for their natural wealth and beaches. Return to the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / -

NOTE: This excursion can be offered in different islands and the place where it is taken varies according to the confirmation. On the return trip the boat will be going against the current, so it is possible for some water to splash into the boat. This being said, passengers may get wet. We suggest for you to sit on the right side of the boat. day 15 |

Cartagena - Tayrona National Park

After breakfast, four to five-hour transfer to Tayrona National. Arrival and check-in. Rest of the day free to relax. Overnight day. MEALS: B / - / day 16 |

Tayrona National Park

Free day to relax on the beach or enjoy individual activities such as mini treks to Pueblito, snorkeling, or rent horses as a means of visiting other beaches. MEALS: B / - / day 17 |

Tayrona National Park - Santa Marta - Bogotá

After breakfast, 1-hour transfer to Santa Marta airport to take flight to Bogotá. MEALS: B / - / -

All day excursion to one of the islands of the Archipiélago del Rosario, located approximately one hour (45km) by boat from Cartagena. During the transfer, observe the impressive and beautiful landscapes of the islands with its clear waters and gentle breezes. Upon arrival to one of these islands, you will have free time to enjoy the beach, snorkel and relax. Lunch is served on the island and in the afternoon, return to Cartagena. The Rosario and San Bernardo National Park is located in the colombian journeys | 119

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Then, go on to La Plazoleta located in the city centre, in an area that fell into decline in the 1980s and today houses 23 sculptures of Fernando Botero, donated by this famous local artist in year 2000. Since that time, the city has undergone a social and cultural transformation around these works placed in a public space.Free afternoon for individual activities Overnight stay.


COLOMBIA colonial towns

11 days - 10 nights


santa marta

tayrona national park



tour circuits


cali popayán



san agustín



day 1 |


Arrival at El Dorado airport in Bogotá with an international flight. Reception and transfer to the hotel. Check-in. Overnight stay.

meals: - / - / day 2 |

Bogotá - Half Day City Tour with Monserrate

Enjoy a half day visit to the historic centre of Bogotá known as La Candelaria. This archaic suburb has great significance in the country´s history due to its cultural heritage and is also a great example of Spanish colonial time architecture. Visit the main square Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great emancipator Simon Bolívar is located. The plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes such as a marketplace, a bullring and it was also the place where many executions were held. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the same spot where the first church was built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artifacts such as textiles and artworks, collection that has been built over four centuries. The Capilla del Sagrario 120 | colombian journeys

is located just beside the Cathedral and is a gem of religious architecture, it houses valuable pieces of colonial religious art by Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos. The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it was the first example of republican civil architecture. The central area of the Capitol, known as the Elliptic Hall, is where congress meets and is the actual chamber for politicians and the Senate. In the internal squares are busts of former presidents such as General Tomás Cipriano Mosquera, president over four terms, and Rafael Núñez, the composer of the Colombian National Anthem. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are buildings such as the Palacio de Justicia, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Edificio Liévano, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Casa de los Comuneros, named after the leaders that participated towards the end of the XVII Century in some of the first movements towards independence from Spain and the formation of the Republic. The visit continues with the Botero Museum, a colonial house exhibiting some of Fernando Botero´s works of art and in addition pieces from his own personal collection that includes works by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Gold Museum which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinu, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Gold Museum is considered one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been operating since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete renovation making it possible for visitors to enjoy an interactive experience. The Museum belongs to the International Network of Museums (ICOM). End the visit in the Santuario de Monserrate, a symbol of Bogotá. Ride the cable car or funicular up to it, at 500 mts above Bogotá (total of 3140masl). The site offers the incredible panorama of the city on one side and the Andes on the other Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday.

Bogotá - Zipaquira - Villa de Leyva

Depart from Bogotá and head north, towards Zipaquirá. After a journey of roughly 1.15 hours reach the impressive Salt Cathedral, a true achievement of engineering. The name Zipaquirá refers to Zipa, the leader of the Muisca tribe and the chief of these rich salt mines. The excursion will begin by visiting the cathedral in a tunnel that passes the fourteen Stations of the Cross and continues on to the dome. The dome is lit in such a way that it allows one to contemplate the universe and the relationship between man and nature. Later, reach the enormous cross carved into the saline rock and finally the three naves of the Cathedral that represent the birth, life and death of Christ. In the central nave is the main altar, above which is the cross that measures 16m in height and 10m in breadth, made by the Colombian artist Carlos Enrique Rodriguez. This is the largest cross made from salt in the world. Next, we visit the mine where there is an excellent auditorium that can seat up to two hundred people, host film screenings and events such as fashion shows. The trip ends at a mirror of water where it is possible to experience the amazing visual effects of water on carved saline rock. Continue on a 2-hour trip to Villa de Leyva in the afternoon. Upon arrival to Villa de Leyva check in at the hotel. Villa de Leyva, one of the area’s most beautiful towns, was founded in 1572 by Hernàn Suàrez de Villalobos who named it after Andrès Dìas Venero de Leyva, the first president of Nueva Granada. In colonial times, Villa de Leyva played a central role in independence developments and the Viceroy and his entourage spent much time here. Today, the city is a colonial jewel with a main square measuring 14.000 m2 surrounded by Spanish style houses, small alleys, cobblestone streets and the XVII century parochial church. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: Guatavita Lake is closed on Mondays except when Monday is a national holiday, in that case it is closed on Tuesday. day 4 |

Villa de Leyva and surroundings

Enjoy this colonial jewel visiting its cultural and ecological attractions such as the Colonial Art Museum; the Monastery and Convent del Carmen and the Museum of Maestro Acuña, which exhibits works of this important painter, sculptor and writer, who along with other artists, created the Bachue movement, which sought to recover the roots of our Chibcha ancestors. Then visit The Fossil Museum, founded in 1977 and located 5,5 km away from Villa de Leyva. The museum was built exactly at the place where a kronosaurus, a marine reptile of more than 120 million years and 20 metres in length, was discovered. On the outskirts of the town, there is also “El Infiernito”, a preHispanic Muisca site, where around 30 stone columns known

as megaliths are located. It is believed that these columns are about 2,200 years old, and that this space was reserved for the cult of fertility by the phallic shape of the stones, others, on the other hand, affirm that it was used as an astronomical observatory. A few kilometres from Villa de Leyva, not to be missed is the Convento del Santo Ecce Homo founded by the Dominicans in 1620 and considered a most outstanding Spanish legacy. The pavement is made of local stone full of fossils and ammonites, and the chapel has a magnificent golden altarpiece with a small Ecce homo image. Return to the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

NOTE: Only the Santo Ecce Homo, El Infiernito, and The Fossil tickets are included. day 5 |

Villa De Leyva - Barichara

Depart Villa de Leyva and travel for approximately 5 hours to Barichara. On arrival to Barichara transfer to hotel for check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 6 |


Barichara - Half Day City Tour Barichara &

Departure for Barichara, located 25km from San Gil or 100km from Bucaramanga along the rim of the river Suarez valley. This town was declared a National Architectural Monument in 1975 for the wellpreserved urban structure and colonial Spanish-style architecture. The houses are expansive and encompass a cloister style design around internal gardens, intricate stonework and clay tiles on the rooftops. The cobblestone streets speak volumes for the culture and the population of this Santanderean town that is known for its cuisine, stonemasonry, weaving, obacco growing and gathering “hormigas culonas”, large ants (fried up and eaten and considered an aphrodisiac). The tour starts on foot in the town centre in the Plaza Principal which is elegantly ringed by tall palm trees and leafy foliage. On the western edge of the park is the Alcaldia, a truly colonial edifice with large balconies, internal stone columns and the monument to the Hormiga Culona in its central patio. The churches of note are La Inmaculada Concepción and San Lorenzo Mártie which have altars bathed in gold. At the top of the town is the Capilla de Santa Barbara built at the end of the XVIII century and on one side is a huge ceiba tree. This tree was scared to the indigenous Guane people that inhabited these lands prior to the arrival of the Spanish. The Parque para Las Artes Jorge Delgado Sierra is littered with interesting stone sculptures contributed by both local artists and international ones. colombian journeys | 121

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day 3 |

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The Casa Natal de Aquileo Parra, the 11th President of Colombia, is today a small museum and also an elderly peoples’ recreation centre where they can work on handicrafts. There are outstanding viewpoints from which one can enjoy views of the Suarez river valley as well as the town’s streets and architectural offerings. Afterwards, visit the Casa de Arte de Oficios, where local artists display their works such as cotton and fique weavings. The trip continues on the Guane, a small town located on a tiny plateau beside the hills and alongside the majestic Suarez River. This journey can be made on foot (1 hour approximately) along the old Camino Real which extends 5km connecting the Guane with the town of Barichara. This ancient pathway was paved in stones by the pre-Columbian Guane people. During this walk one can appreciate beautiful landscapes, valleys and fossils all the while treading in the footsteps of a past culture. After the walk or a 10-minute drive, arrive in Guane. This perfectly preserved colonial village, with a pre-Columbian past, dating to the XVII century is at an altitude of 1100m. Visit the Archeo paleontological Museum and the Plaza Central. Return to Barichara. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Barichara - Visit to Chicamocha National Park - Bucaramanaga day 7 |

Leave Barichara and head towards Bucaramanga making a stopover at the theme park which is part of the Chicamocha National Park approximately 1 hour from Barichara and on the road that leads to Bucaramanga. This is home of the majestic Chicamocha Cayon and in the background runs the river with the same name that created the second largest cayon in the world. The park extends for approximately 342 hectares. The heat of this region tempered only by a refreshing breeze is ideal for hiking the pathways and trails which lead to various attractions in this rugged and unique terrain. A cable car runs for 6,3km of the canyon over a period of 30 minutes. This is one of the largest and longest cable car rides in the world. Within the park it’s worth taking the time to visit the replica Santander town, the Guane Museum, the Monument to Santaderean culture, the Viewpoint and the Goat and Ostrich park amongst other things. Later continue the journey to Bucaramanga the capital city of Santander, with approximate travel time of 1 hour. Arrival at the hotel and check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

day 8 | Barichara - Visit to Chicamocha National Park - Bucaramanaga

Leave Barichara and head towards Bucaramanga making a stopover at the theme park which is part of the Chicamocha National Park approximately 1 hour from Barichara and on the road that leads to Bucaramanga. This is home of the majestic Chicamocha Cayon 122 | colombian journeys

and in the background runs the river with the same name that created the second largest cayon in the world. The park extends for approximately 342 hectares. The heat of this region tempered only by a refreshing breeze is ideal for hiking the pathways and trails which lead to various attractions in this rugged and unique terrain. A cable car runs for 6,3km of the canyon over a period of 30 minutes. This is one of the largest and longest cable car rides in the world. Within the park it’s worth taking the time to visit the replica Santander town, the Guane Museum, the Monument to Santaderean culture, the Viewpoint and the Goat and Ostrich park amongst other things. Later continue the journey to Bucaramanga the capital city of Santander, with approximate travel time of 1 hour. Arrival at the hotel and check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 9 |

Cartagena - Half Day City Tour Panoramic

Start with a panoramic view of the city from the Monasterio and Iglesia de La Popa. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140masl from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe Fortress, erected in honor of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa” It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and learn how the castle was constructed, the engineering feats, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then continue on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convert and Church of San Pedro Claver which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, continue to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center where one can appreciate local handcraft. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 10 |


Free day for individual activities. A full day tour to the Archipiélago del Rosario is recommended. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 11 |

Cartagena - Bogotá

Breakfast and transfer to the airport for flight to Bogotá. MEALS: B / - / -




You r re lia b l e p a r tn e r fo r i n b o u n d and de st in at ion m a n a g e m e n t s e r v i c e s i n Ve n e z ue la m a r ke t i n g @ d e l f i n o t o u rs . c o m w w w. d e l f i n o t o u rs . c o m


highlights of COLOMBIA

11 days - 10 nights




tour circuits


cali popayán



san agustín



day 1 |


Arrival at El Dorado airport in Bogotá with an international flight. Reception and transfer to the hotel. Check-in. Overnight stay.

meals: - / - / day 2 |

Bogotá - Half Day City Tour

After breakfast, half day visit to the historic centre known as La Candelaria. This antiquated barrio is of great architectural and cultural heritage and is made up of old “stately homes” or large Spanish colonial buildings with iron windows, thick and sturdy wooden doors, balconies and internal patios with beautiful yet hidden gardens. Visit the Plaza de Bolívar, where a statue of the great liberator Simon Bolívar is located. This Plaza, originally called the Plaza Mayor, was used for civil and military purposes, as a marketplace, at one time a bullring and a gallows. The Cathedral, on the eastern side of the plaza, is constructed on the remains of the first church built in Bogotá in 1539 and houses an important collection of religious artefacts such as 124 | colombian journeys

textiles and artwork that has collected over four centuries. The Capitol, built between 1847 and 1926, shows its renaissance and neoclassical influences with its carved stonework and tall columns and, it is the first republican piece of civil architecture. Around the Plaza de Bolívar are the Palacio de Justicia, the Mayor of Bogotá’s offices called the Edificio Liévano, the oldest school in the county called San Bartolomé and the Casa de los Comuneros, so called to honour one of the earliest movements for independence from Spain towards the end of the XVII Century. The visit continues with the Museo Botero, a colonial house filled with works of art done by and donated by Fernando Botero in addition to artwork from his own personal collection that includes pieces by Picasso, Renoir, Dalí Matisse, Monet and Giacometti. Next is the Museo del Oro which has a permanent exhibition of some 32,000 pieces of gold, 20,000 stones, ceramics and textiles all precious to the Quimbaya, Calima, Tayrona, Sinu, Muisca, Tolima, Tumaco and Magdalena cultures. The Museo del Oro is considered as one of the most important museums of its type internationally and it has been functioning since 1939. In 2007 it underwent a complete overhaul to make this an interactive museum that would awake senses to the objects on display. Free afternoon for individual activities (we recommend visit several museums in the city). Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Note: The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays and the Botero Museum is closed on Tuesday.

Bogotá - Pereira - Buenavista - San Alberto Plantation and Coffee Processing - Pereira

day 3 |

Transfer to the airport and flight to Pereira. Arrival, transfer and hotel check-in. Half day visiting the coffee plantations along the steep hills typical of this area. On a secondary pathway view the green carpet of coffee plants that spread out as far as the horizon interrupted only by fincas and heliconia flowers Visit to Hacienda San Alberto one of the coffee estates typical

MEALS: B / - / -

Note: Guatavita Lake is closed on Mondays except when Monday is a national holiday, in that case it is closed on Tuesday. day 4 |

Pereira - Valle del Cocora & Filandia - Pereira

After breakfast, leave for the Valle de Cocora which is located in the central mountains of the department of Quindío. This makes part of the Parque Nacional de los Nevados and is the ideal place to marvel at the “Quindian wax palm” (Ceroxylon quincense), the national tree of Colombia. This tree can reach a staggering height of 60m. Around here a great number of species of birds live, in particular some types of hummingbird and the orejíamarillo or the palm parrot (Ognorhynchus icteroti) which is endangered. Upon arrival in the valley, either hiking or on horseback (not included), head into the cloud forest to enjoy the biodiversity of flora and fauna. On the return journey, cross the River Quindío while walking along an ecological pathway which takes one past the tallest wax palms in the world. Learn why the indigenous people here worshipped this tree. Then you can have a typical

lunch (not included) and enjoy some free time here. In the afternoon, continue 10km towards the traditional town of Salento to enjoy a city tour that visits the Plaza de Bolívar with its colorful balconies, the Calle Real, the handicrafts shops and the Cocora viewpoint. Then, transfer to the traditional village of Filandia to enjoy a city tour that includes the viewpoint, the colonial homes, the Plaza de Bolívar and the coffee shops. Here, enjoy some time soaking up the regional atmosphere and perhaps some local spirits before returning to the hotel. Overnight stay.

MEALS: B / L / -

NOTE: Only the Santo Ecce Homo, El Infiernito, and The Fossil tickets are included. day 5 |

Pereira - Orchids Farm La Romelia- Medellín

After breakfast, transfer to the city of Medellín, which is 6 hours from Pereira. On the route visit Finca Romelia, just outside of La Cabaña –close to Manizales– to observe their wonderful collection of orchids. The owners, José and Maria have dedicated the vast majority of their lives to the agriculture, collection and preservation of orchids (amongst other plants), coupled with the conservation and preservation of the flora and fauna of the region. They have over 6,000 orchids and 832 different species as well as a variety of carnivorous plants, bonsais and have seen 165 different species of wild birds on the grounds. The tour begins with a walk around the grounds of the Finca where visitors can observe cultivation of avocados and citrus plants and enjoy the native forests of this beautiful part of the coffee region. Guests are then taken around the orchid nursery and farmhouse where the cultivation process is explained as well as an explanation of the Finca’s contribution to preservation projects. Visitors will then have a chance to try some of the produce grown on the farm. Continue towards Medellín. Upon arrival, transfer and check in at the hotel. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

Medellín - Half Day Medellín’s Social Transformation Tour

day 6 |

After breakfast, half day tour to visit those places that best represent the social transformation that has taken place in Medellín. The tour will show the symbolic areas of Medellín from the 1980s, when the city was one of the most dangerous in the world, up to today many projects that fostered the city’s change. Enjoy an exciting tour through the history and present of Medellín and learn more about the transformation of this fascinating metropolis. 20 years ago, Medellín was one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Back in the early 90s, when colombian journeys | 125

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of the region and located near the town of Buenavista Quindío. The tour begins with an introductory talk about coffee, its preparation, toasting, the characteristics of quality and the properties that allows for such a variety of coffees in the world. The route continues through the plantations, appreciating the work of the coffee pickers as well as understanding the famous humid coffee that is characteristic of Colombian coffee. Walk through the coffee plantations and learn about the production system in minute detail, including the harvest, the drying to the sun and treatment in this land of volcanic terrain along the Central Andes Mountain Range which has been declared a world Heritage site by UNESCO and that offers the perfect climatic conditions for coffee growing. The harvest in Colombia takes around a year, although the main period is between October and May/June. Most of the plantations in Colombia produce Arabica beans which produce a delicate and light tasting coffee which is widely recognized and consumed. The process begins from when the bean is planted and takes approximately 75 days to germination. The seedling is then placed in a plastic bag and placed in partial sunlight until its base dries. Two years after plantation the tree bears its first fruit which is harvested when the bean is red in color and dry and ripe. Once the fruit has been picked, the pulp is stripped away, and the bean is cleaned and dried in the sun (the big haciendas now use a special machinery to strip and dry the beans in a short period of time). The beans are exported or dried in preparation for sale, before being ground up and made ready for human consumption. Free remainder of the afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay.

tour circuits

the hunt for Pablo Escobar took place, the head of Medellín’s drug cartel was at its peak. Thus, the reign of “El Patrón” came to its end. Until the turn of the millennium the struggles about Escobar’s successor continued, but since 2002 Medellín began to change. Intelligent local politicians started to invest heavily in infrastructure and public education. Today the “City of Eternal Spring” is one of the most innovative metropolises in the world. Visit the barrio San Javier, which used to be one of the most unsafe suburbs of Medellín Located some 7km from the city centre, it is a clear example of the social transformation that has taken place in the last few years. Arrive here by the metrocable car that joins the north-east area with the city centre, which has been life changing to many of the inhabitants of Medellín. Learn more about the city’s transformation after the death of Pablo Escobar and also get to know the innovative transportsystem in the poorer neighborhoods at first hand. Explore Medellín’s newest invention: the electric stairways of the district Comuna 13, discover stories about its past by visiting the most important places marked by historical events and see some graffiti that symbolizes a form of expression of the community. Here it is possible to have a beautiful view over the city from the balconies of San Javier. Then, go on to La Plazoleta located in the city centre, in an area that fell into decline in the 1980s and today houses 23 sculptures of Fernando Botero, donated by this famous local artist in year 2000. Since that time, the city has undergone a social and cultural transformation around these works placed in a public space. Back to the hotel. Free afternoon. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

| Medellín - Full Day El Peñol Rock and Guatapé - Medellín

day 7

Leaving Medellín and heading to the town of Guatapé in order to visit the enormous rock. Guatapé is located in the outskirts of Medellín and has a reservoir created by the Colombian government for a hydro-electric dam, in the middle of the reservoir it is the Peñol Rock. The Peñol Rock is possibly a meteorite due to its size. From the top by foot up the stairs if you are full of energy (there are 654 steps to get to the top), the whole Guatapé reservation can be seen, this is an optional activity. Visit the picturesque village of Guatapé where all of the houses are painted in quaint pastel colours. The way to El Peñol takes around two hours, during which passengers can appreciate the outstanding landscape of Antioquia. After lunch, visit to the Guatapé reservoir, which tour of 30 minutes is made by boat. Return to Medellín. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / -

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day 8 |

Medellín - Cartagena

After breakfast, transfer to Medellín airport for departure by direct flight to Cartagena. Upon arrival, transfer and hotel check-in. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 9 |

Cartagena - Half Day Panoramic City Tour

Start with a panoramic view of the city from the Monasterio and Iglesia de La Popa. Formerly known as the “Popa del Galeon” and famous for resembling the stern of a galleon. Constructed in 1606 this church and monastery are located at a height of 140masl from where one can enjoy 360º views of the city and the sea as well as the port zone, one of the most important in the Caribbean. Continuing to the San Felipe fortress, erected in honor of the poet from Cartagena, Don Luis Carlos López, made famous for his sonnet “A mi ciudad nativa”. It was built on San Lázaro hill to defend the city from pirate attacks. Walk around the fortress and learn about how the castle was constructed, the engineering feats, the tunnels, underground galleries and passageways. Then, go on to the Ciudad Vieja (old city) to visit the Convent and Church of the San Pedro Claver compound which was built in the middle of the XVII century and owes its name to the “apóstol de los esclavos”. Lastly, follow to the handicrafts zone of the Bóvedas, a collection of archways built into the city wall of Cartagena and that were used until the end of the 1700s to house armaments and then later as a prison in the XIX century. Nowadays it’s an artisan center to appreciate local handcraft. Free afternoon for individual activities. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / -

day 10 | Cartagena Free day for individual activities. A full day tour to the Archipiélago del Rosario is recommended. Overnight stay. MEALS: B / - / day 11 |

Cartagena - Bogotá

Breakfast and transfer to the airport for flight to Bogotá. MEALS: B / - / -

adventure & trekking

adventure & trekking

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El Cocuy National Park is located roughly a 10 to 12 hour journey by bus to the north east of Bogotá. This National Park comprises of two parallel chains of mountains with more than 22 snow peaks that extend over an area of approximately 306,000 hectares. Landscapes offer heights ranging from 600m up to 5,339m. Silent summits, glaciers, lakes, waterfalls and cliffs make up the scenery of this trip. Hard working and humble mountain folk continue to live here amidst this area of wild beauty and amazing remote territories. Theirs is a truly beautiful land which is worth being discovered and protected. This is a high altitude paradise for hikers and climbers in Colombia. day 1 |

Bogotá - El Cocuy

Departure at 8:00 pm from Bogotá on a regular or private bus to El Cocuy (10-12 hours from Bogotá). meals: - / - / day 2 |

El Cocuy - El Cocuy Viewpoint

Arrival at El Cocuy at 2,800 meters above sea level. Check-in and breakfast at the hotel. All hotels here offer basic yet clean and comfortable accommodation (basic amenities, standard rooms with private facilities and hot water). Start with an acclimatization trek to El Cocuy Viewpoint: 3800m Cerro Muhammad. Lunch in the village of El Cocuy. Free afternoon. Dinner and rest at the hotel. MEALS: B / L / D

Pulpito del Diablo Glacier & Pan de Azúcar Peak day 3 |

Breakfast. Departure from El Cocuy in a private vehicle to the entrance of the National Park (1.5 hr.). Continue by foot on a 45-minute trek to the Cabañas of the National Park in Valle del Lagunillas. Then, set off from here for 6 to7-hour trek to the edge of the Pulpito del Diablo Glacier and then the imposing Pan de Azúcar peak which reaches an altitude of 5,000 meters. Return to El Cocuy. Dinner and accommodation. MEALS: B / L / D

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day 4 |

6 days - 5 nights

Laguna Grande de la Sierra

After breakfast, departure from El Cocuy in a private vehicle to the entrance of the National Park. Trek to Laguna Grande de la Sierra and arrive at the snow line at the Concave peak. (5000 m). Here you will see the emblematic landscape of the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy. Views from here stretch over peaks and different stone balconies and finally come to rest on the Laguna Grande. At sunset, the spectacle of colours and reflections is unforgettable. Return to El Cocuy. Dinner and accommodation. MEALS: B / L / D day 5 |

Ritacuba Blanco

After breakfast, departure from El Cocuy in a private vehicle to the entrance of the National Park. Trek around the trails which lead to the sector of Ritacuba Blanco. Here you will make the ascent to the edge of the Ritacuba Blanco glacier peak. Return to El Cocuy. Dinner and accommodation. MEALS: B / L / day 6 |

Cocuy - Bogotá

Return by regular bus or private transfer to Bogotá. MEALS: B / - / -

SOME IMPORTANT DETAILS: Currently, camping and overnight stays are prohibited within the park. Regular buses depart from Bogotá or private transfers can be organized. The average altitude at Sierra Nevada de El Cocuy is 4000MAMSL. This tour it is not recommendable for people with cardiac or lung deficiency. It is recommendable to avoid high season (end of December, the beginning of January and Easter Week) as campsite might be busy as well as the rainy season from end of September, October and November. Dry season is December to April and July to August and is the best time to visit the National Park. Even though, during dry month can also rain and/or being very fogy. Temperature can drop below -0ºC during the night. Travelers should bring their own sleeping bag. Camping equipment will be provided by us. One expert guide in the area will be provided each 4 travellers.


A trip to the extreme northern tip of Colombia between the desert, salt marshes, thorny paths, sand dunes, deserted beaches and stunning seas. It’s not all about the scenery as the other side to La Guajira is above all about the discovery of the indigenous Wayúu culture, its traditions, living and gastronomy. Calm days, peaceful and starry skies are the order of the day...the only thing that rushes is the wind which whistles constantly over the dunes and through the rancherias. La Guajira was of no interest to the Spanish crown due to its climatic conditions, isolation and the valiant advocacy of the Indigenous people here. Alonso de Ojeda was the Conquistador to admire the coast of the peninsula and it became a favourite scenario for pirates such as the Englishman Sir Francis Drake. During this adventure, you will be able to visit indigenous communities and discover magnificent landscapes. By taking part in this in this trip, you promote social enterprise, not dependent on extractive mining. Approximately 17 local people benefit from every tour. day 1 |

Riohacha - Cabo de La Vela

Arrival to Riohacha airport and immediate departure for Cabo de La Vela. On the way you pass through Uribia, the indigenous capital of Colombia, where you will have an explanation of the place and visit the artisan center where you can admire the patient weaving of beautiful hammocks and bags. The trip continues on a dirt road that runs parallel to the railway used by the trains that transport coal from the mine to the port of Bolívar where it is exported on cargo ships. Beyond the railway, the road goes into the desert sporadically interrupted by cacti and Wayúu housing. Arrival to Cabo de La Vela. Visit to the Sacred Hill of the Wayúu Community, the Kamaichi Hill, the Golden Beach and enjoy the sunset at El Faro del Cabo. Check-in to a rustic but well-kept accommodation. Cabo de La Vela is considered by the Wayúu religion as the road where the souls of the dead begin their journey into the unknown. meals: - / L / D day 2 |


4 days - 3 nights

to Nazareth. Take an unpaved road through San Martin, Puerto Nuevo, Bahía Portete and stop in Pusheo. Lunch. Tour around the Guajiro desert towards Nazareth to visit the Macuira National Natural Park. Entrance to the Médano de Aleiwolu, activities with children in Ranchería and visit the craft center. Walk to the dune inside the Macuira. Finally, dinner and accommodation in Nazareth in a hostel with swimming pool. MEALS: B / L / D day 3 |

Punta Gallinas

After breakfast, journey towards Punta Gallinas, the northernmost point of South America. From Cabo de La Vela onwards, one must forget conventional roads and use the hidden paths that only local inhabitants manage to recognize. You will see inhospitable nature and run into herds of goats owned by local herdsmen or find solitary walkers who seem to appear from out of nowhere. Upon arrival, you will enjoy a tour through the dunes of Taroa, which could easily transport you to the Sahara, and get to know the lighthouse that is located further north of South America. Lunch is taken at Alexandra or Luz Mila Lodging. After lunch, afternoon of weaving with artisan women in Bahía Hondita, boat ride to visit the islets, possible sighting of flamingos according to season and sunset at Punta Aguja. Overnight stay in a bed or a hammock, depending on your preference. Punta Gallinas, the northernmost area of the peninsula, where the magic of the wind, the solitude and the color of the sea are hypnotic, offering impressive starry nights that keeps us company in our sleep. MEALS: B / L / D day 4 |

Manaure and Mayapo - Riohacha

After breakfast, departure to the salt marshes of Manaure, enormous salt pools whose tonalities change from white to deep purple. The strong sun and wind generate evaporation that leaves long white stretches which, through the manual work of the Wayúu community, turn into shiny white hills. Afternoon in a Rancheria with the Wayúu indigenous community, lunch at the Mayapo beaches and sunset at Mayapo. Return to Riohacha. MEALS: B / L / -

Departure from Cabo de La Vela towards Alta Guajira, direct colombian journeys | 129

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adventure & trekking


Ciudad Perdida or Teyuna is at the base of Pico Bolívar and Pico Colón within the national park and is surrounded by exuberant nature, a perfect habitat for various bird species. The Ciudad Perdida was the most important urban center for the ancient Tayrona culture. The city, a true feat of engineering, was built on a system of terraces connected by stone paths and supported by a canal circuit. At the time, the population was of between 1.400 and 3.000 who lived in circular stone houses with thatched roofs on about 250 terraces. Today’s inhabitants, such as the Kogui, Arhuaca and Wiwa, are descendants of the Tayrona and continue to preserve their traditions. day 1 |

Santa Marta - Mamey Region

Departure from Santa Marta or Tayrona Park in a 4X4 jeep to Machete Pelao. Hike in the Mamey Region with mules to carry the bags. Lunch in a peasant farm in the Vereda of Honduras. Hike to the first Wiwa Indigenous camp on the shores of Buritaca River. Dinner and accommodation in hammock in the Indigenous camp. meals: - / L / D day 2 |

Mutanyi - Buritaca River

Hike in the valley of Buritaca stopping by the Kogui Village of Mutanyi and the Vereda of Koskunguena with a beautiful panorama over the Sierra Nevada. Crossing of the Buritaca River up to the farm of a Mamo Kogui’s (spiritual head). Lunch, swimming in Buritaca River and a beautiful waterfall. Dinner and accommodation in hammocks in the Mamo Kogui’s farm. MEALS: B / L / D day 3 |

Ciudad Perdida Archaeological Park

Hiking to the entrance of the Lost City and climbing of the 2000 steps of a stone stairs to arrive to the archaeological site. This spectacular city was built by the Tayrona between 500 and 1.700 A.C. The Ciudad Perdida is considered the nucleus of the Tayrona culture: it probably was the capital of the region. On the banks of the Buritaca river, it extends for 2 km2 between 800 and 1.300 meters above sea level, in the foothill of Cerro 130 | colombian journeys

5 days - 4 nights

Correa. The central part consists of a stairway that starts in the river bank and reaches the mountain top branching out to the left and the right towards the numerous terraces and platforms that served to build ceremonial centres, houses and storage. The site has been submitted for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Visit of the site, its numerous terraces, ceremonial centres in the middle of the jungle. Lunch on the shores of a waterfall with miraculous properties according to the legend. Return to previous day camp. Dinner and accommodation in hammock in the farm. MEALS: B / L / D day 4 |

Mamey Region

Hiking in the Sierra Nevada and return to the Mamey Region. Lunch near Mutanyi. Dinner and accommodation in hammock in the Indigenous camp. MEALS: B / L / D day 5 |

Santa Marta o Parque Tayrona

Four-hour trek t to the village of Machete Pelao visiting a magnificent waterfall on the route. Lunch and return to Santa Marta or the Tayrona Park. MEALS: B / L / -

Approximate trekking hours and kilometres: Day 1: El Mamey-Camp 1: 4 Hours: 6.8Km Day 2: Camp 1-Camp 3: 8 Hours 14.7 Km

Day 3: Camp 3-Lost City-Camp 2: 7 Hours 6 Km Day 4: Camp 2- Camp 1: 4 Hours 9.7Km

Day 5: Camp 1- El Mamey: 4 Hours 6.8 Km


The Colombian Massif, also called Nudo de Almaguer, is a mountain range covering the departments of Cauca, Huila and Nariño. day 1 |

Bogotá - Pitalito - San Agustín - Quinchana

Meeting at the airport with the tour leader. Flight Bogotá Pitalito. Transfer to San Agustín. Lunch during the transfer. Arrive to San Agustín and take a Willys Jeep 4x4 to the village of Quinchana (30 km on unpaved road). At 5:00 pm arrive to Quinchana; walk around the town and visit some ancient statues carved in stone, very similar to those of San Agustín. Arrival and check in at a rural house. Dinner and overnight stay. meals: - / L / D day 2 |

Quinchana - San Antonio

After breakfast, begin a 5-hour trek to San Antonio, a farm in the peak of the Andean mountain, which is surrounded by exotic orchids. Enjoy the river Magdalena along some parts of the trail. Arrival to a rural house and overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D day 3 |

San Antonio - Páramo de Las Papas

Early in the morning begin a 6 hour walk through a narrow and muddy path surrounded by orchids, vines and foggy forest. Walk along the area called El Chontadural and the steep hill of Aguarisca. Lunch during the excursion. Arrival at the rural lodge which is very near to the Puracé National Park. Dinner and overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D

7 days - 6 nights

Páramo de Las Papas - La Magdalena Lake - Páramo de Las Papas day 4 |

After breakfast, head to La Magdalena Lake where the source of the Magdalena River is found in the Puracé National Park. This is a Paramo ecosystem, which means it is very high above sea level, with vegetation adapted to cold weather and a very beautiful landscape. This is a protected area, due to its environmental importance. Lunch and snacks on the road back to the same rural house of the night before. Dinner and overnight. MEALS: B / L / D

day 5 | Páramo de Las Papas - Cusiyaco Lagoon Páramo de Las Papas

After breakfast, start a demanding walk to the beautiful Cusiyaco Lagoon, source of the important Caquetá River. Walk through cloud forest and paramo. Return to the same rural house. Lunch during the excursion. Dinner and overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D day 6 |

Páramo de Las Papas - San Antonio

Back to San Antonio along the same path of Day 2. Lunch during the excursion. Dinner and overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D

San Antonio - San Agustín Archaeological Park - Pitalito - Bogotá

day 7 |

After breakfast transfer to San Agustín Archaeological Park, World Heritage Site declared by the UNESCO in 1995. See these enormous stone statues up close with your own eyes; how each raised plateau is man-made and has been created specifically for the stone monuments, making where you are treading, holy and sacred ground. Return by car to Pitalito. Lunch on the road. Flight back to Bogotá. MEALS: B / L / -

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adventure & trekking



Found out in the great jungle plains of the Inírida region there are three incongruous rock structures known as the Tepuyes which stand out erratically against the scenery. As if superimposed against the Colombian jungle, these granite Tepuyes are named: El Mono, El Pajarito and El Mavecure and for this reason they are referred to as the Cerros de Mavecure. Here, you will have the opportunity to interact with local indigenous communities and learn their traditions and culture. day 1 |

Puerto Inírida - Venado Community

Arrival in Inírida, lunch and transport to the harbor. Departure in a speedboat to La Ceiba community. On the way, you may see pink and grey river dolphins in the Matraca lagoon, Caño Bocón and Caño Caimán. You will see the Starch and Caranacoa indigenous communities and arrive at the reservation to observe its fascinating project Abejas sin Aguijón (Bees without sting). Overnight in an indigenous hut. meals: - / L / D day 2 |

Cerros de Mavecure

After breakfast embark for the table-top mountains of Mavecure, Llanito Pájaro and Mono (Tepuy). This is a sacred place for the native people. Continue climbing up the Tepuy to appreciate the view over the landscape of the region. After a cold packed lunch on the trailhead, rest up your aching joints with a bathe in the Caño San Joaquín. Return to the Venado community. Overnight in an indigenous hut. MEALS: B / L / D

132 | colombian journeys

5 days - 4 nights

day 3 |

Cerros de Mavecure - Remanso Community

After breakfast, visit the Remanso community and climb up the Cerro Diablo. After lunch, walk through the savannah of Inírida. Overnight in an indigenous hut. MEALS: B / L / D day 4 |

Cerros de Mavecure - MORU

After breakfast visit the source of the Orinoco River. Recognize the fluvial star of Inírida and the natural water tributaries of Inirida, Guaviare, Atabapo and Orinoco. Pass by the Amanayen inspection in the department of Vichada. On the way, enjoy bathing in the waters of the Atabapo River and in the Piedra de Maviso on the border with Venezuela. Finally arrive at the MORU Nature Reservation to have lunch. In the afternoon visit the La Primavera community and view the caves that flow into the Lajas Lisas community. Overnight in hammocks at MORU MEALS: B / L / D

| Cerros de Mavecure - Mateven Jungle Puerto Inirida

day 5

After breakfast, hike in the MORU Nature Reserve to see the Mataven Forest. After lunch, you transfer back to the Inírida airport. MEALS: B / L / -


3 days - 2 nights

San José del Guaviare is located on the border between the Llanos Orientales and the Amazon jungle and boasts an average year-round temperature of 25 ºC. This is the capital of the department of Guaviare and is an unknown destination which brings you up close to forests, savannas, rivers and different indigenous ethnic groups. The most fascinating sights to see are the strange rocky formations and a huge rock covered in ancient indigenous paintings known as the Cerro Azul.

day 2 |

Bogotá - San José - Guayabero River


day 1 |

Catch the 5:50am Flight from Bogotá to San José. Reception at the San José del Guaviare Airport and then meet your guide. Transfer to Palma Real Hotel. Check in at the Hotel. Transfer by 4x4 Jeep to the sector of the Guayabero Raudal. Lunch in the Guayabero community. Navigation around the Guayabero river. Visit the cave paintings of the Guayabero. Transfer to the hotel. Dinner and overnight stay. meals: - / - / D

San José - Cerro Azul

Breakfast. Transfer by 4x4 jeep to the community of Cerro Azul. It’s a 30-minute walk from the Cerro Pintado to Cerro Azul. Here you will have a cave immersion for 30 minutes. Visit the second sector of the rocking paintings. Lunch at a jungle viewpoint. Then discover the third sector of cave paintings. Return to San José del Guaviare. Dinner and overnight stay. MEALS: B / L / D day 3 |

Visit the Tucano Orientales Community -

Breakfast. Visit the Tucano Orientales indigenous community. Interact with the indigenous people. Visit to the “chagras” (indigenous sacred place) and learn about their traditions and farming practices. Indigenous typical lunch followed by an example of some traditional indigenous dance and then peruse the handicraft workshop. Transfer to the airport to catch the 5:00 pm flight back to Bogotá MEALS: B / L / -

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general information getting there BY AIR

general information

Colombia offers optimal air connections with Europe, North and South America. Colombian Airlines are Avianca, Latam Airlines, Copa Airlines, Easy Fly, Wingo, Satena and Viva Colombia. Which offer connections with Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Fort Lauderdale, Washington, Mexico City, Curaçao, Caracas, Aruba, Panamá City, San José de Costa Rica, La Habana, Quito, Guayaquil, Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo; Additionally, American Airlines, Spirit, Jet Blue Airways, United Airlines and Delta fly from their respective hubs in the USA.


+57. 1.650 6002 A D D R E S S : Carrera 9A No 99 - 07. Torre 1. Piso 5, Bogotá. W E B : P H ONE :

A v i an c a P H ONE :

+57. 1. 401 3434

018000 953434 Calle 26 No 59-15, Bogotá W E B : T O LL

FR E E :


A m er i c an A i r l i nes

+57. 1. 745 7646 Calle 100 No 18A - 30, Bogotá W E B : P H ONE :

Aerolíneas Argentinas, Copa Airlines, Latam Airlines and Tame fly from South America; Copa Airlines from Central America and Avianca, Iberia, Air France, KLM and Lufthansa from Europe.


Copa A i r l i nes

+57. 1. 320 9090 Carrera 9A con Calle 99-02, Local 108, Edif. City Bank, Bogotá W E B : P H ONE :

The exchange rate fluctuates from day to day and has the U.S. dollar as the official reference rate. Payment is made on the basis of the official daily rate, after discounting commissions and services, which vary between 2 and 3%. We recommend changing only in authorized money exchange bureau or “casas de cambio”, in banks and hotels and never on the street. The USA dollar is the easiest currency to exchange. Traveler’s checks are rarely used as it is difficult to change them outside of Bogotá. The most convenient brand to use is American Express, but they need to be changed in a bank and these have limited bank hours. Major credit cards are widely accepted in most important tourist destinations where Visa and Master Card can also be used in cash machines or “cajeros automáticos” to withdraw cash.


I b er i a

+57. 1. 508 7515 Carrera 19A No. 85-11, Bogotá W E B : P H ONE :



+57.1. 745 2020 Carrera 11 con Calle 84 - 09, Local 2. W E B : P H ONE :


L u fthansa

+57.1. 296 6333 A D D R E S S : Calle 100 N 8A-49, Torre B, Piso 8 World Trade Center, Bogotá W E B : P H ONE :


+57.1.650 6008 Carrera 9A Nro. 99-07, Torre 1 Piso 5 W E B : P H ONE :


134 | colombian journeys

+57.1. 743 3232 A D D R E S S : Calle 92 No. 11 - 51, Local 1 W E B : P HO NE:

S atena

+57.1. 605 2222 Av. El Dorado No. 103 - 08, entrada 1, interior 11 W E B : P HO NE:



+57.1.745 8882 Carrera 7 No 70 - 24, Local 105 W E B : P HO NE:


W i n g o

+57. 1.307 8133 Cra. 103 No. 25F - 12, Bogotá W E B : P HO NE:



Colombia has road connections with Venezuela and Ecuador. From Venezuela, entrance is possible to Cúcuta from San Antonio del Táchira and to Macao from Maracaibo. The least popular entry points are Puerto Carreño, Colombia and Puerto Páez or Puerto Ayacucho in Venezuela. Ecuador is connected from Tulcán to Ipiales in Colombia through the Carretera Panamericana. It is possible to reach Colombia from Brazil via Leticia through crossings of the Tabatinga river. There are also boats from Manaos (about four days) and Iquitos in Perú.


Colombia has four main ports, three in the Caribbean Sea: Cartagena, Barranquilla and Santa Marta, and another one in the Pacific Sea: Buenaventura. Some maritime companies dock in Colombian ports, mostly Cartagena’s, coming from the Gulf of Mexico and different places of Europe.


To enter Colombia, you need a valid passport. A visa is not required for stays up to 90 days but is required for longer stays and must be requested in the respective Colombian consulate. It is also possible to request a 30 day extension from the DIAN (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales de Colombia). Check with your embassy if you require a visa to enter Colombia.


The unit of Colombian currency is the Colombian Peso. The

notes are in denominations of $1.000, $2.000, $5.000, $10.000, $20.000, $50.000 and $100.000; and the coins are $20, $50, $100, $200, $500 and $1.000. The exchange rate fluctuates from day to day and has the U.S. dollar as the official reference rate. Payment is made on the basis of the official daily rate, after discounting commissions and services, which vary between 2 and 3%. We recommend changing only in authorized money exchange bureau or “casas de cambio”, in banks and hotels and never on the street. The USA dollar is the easiest currency to exchange. Traveler’s checks are rarely used as it is difficult to change them outside of Bogotá. The most convenient brand to use is American Express, but they need to be changed in a bank and these have limited bank hours. Major credit cards are widely accepted in most important tourist destinations where Visa and Master Card can also be used in cash machines or “cajeros automáticos” to withdraw cash.


A Departure tax of USD$34 is currently levied on international flights. At the moment, international tourist (not resident in Colombia) do have an exemption on this tax.


Most immunizations are not necessary to travel to Colombia. We nevertheless recommend asking your physician or a specialized center for more detailed information. For those travelling to the southern Amazon a vaccination for yellow fever and tetanus 15 days in advanced is recommended as the diseases are endemic in some areas, as well as for passengers continuing to Brazil.


All of Colombia is on the same time zone, five or six hours behind Greenwich Mean Time depending on the season.


All of Colombia uses 110 volt electricity with US type flat two pin plugs. It is best to bring an adapter.


Colombia is located near the Equator which allows for relatively minor climate variations over the year. Temperatures vary according to altitude creating different climate zones: Temperatures above 24°C in altitudes lower than 1.000 meters, which comprises 80 % of the territory. Tempered: Temperatures between 17°C and 24°C above 1.000 and 2.000 meters Co l d : Temperatures between 12°C and 17°C above 2.000 and 3.000 meters. War m :

colombian journeys | 135

general information

R y ana i r - A i r E u ropa

Páramo (altiplano): Temperatures below12°C with altitudes above3.000 meters.

February or March in Barranquilla

Altitudes also generate differences in temperature between day and night. Clearly, as the altitude increases, so does the difference in climate. There are no variations in the low lands where days and nights are warm.

I b ero A m er i c an T heatre

Internat i ona l

F est i v a l


general information

E ve

D e c l arat i on



T he A s c ens i on


Corp u s

Chr i st i

S a c red

H eart |

Independen c e Batt l e


S a i nt P a u l

Bo y a c á

Co l u m b u s


April 19


Day |

T he A ss u m pt i on

A l l

Independen c e

May 13 June 3 June 11

S a i nt P eter and



July 20 August 7


June 29

O u r Lad y |

October 12 November 1

August 15

Day |

S a i nts


Independen c e


Con c ept i on

Chr i st m as

December 25


November 11 December 8

Carta g ena |

I m m a c u l ate


Colombia is prolific in carnivals, festivals and popular celebrations, all rich in tradition and culture. Main celebrations are: Carna v a l


B l an c os y N e g ros

Beginning of January in Pasto F er i a de

Man i za l es

January in Manizales H a y F est i v a l

January in Cartagena Barranq u i l l a Carn i v a l

136 | colombian journeys

Co l o m b i a Moda

July in Medellín Bo g otá

Internat i ona l


Fa i r

August in Bogotá F l o w er F a i r

August in Medellín W i nd and

K i te

fest i v a l

August in Villa de Leyva N at i ona l

Bea u t y Contest

November in Cartagena Fa i r


May 1

La b or D a y |

l a Le y enda Va l l enata

December in Cali

January 1 T he T hree W i se Men | January 6 S a i nt Joseph | March 19 E aster | March or April N e w Year ’ s

F est i v a l

April in Valledupar

Ca l i


F est i v a l

March or April in Bogotá, every two years

Mede l l í n ´ s

Colombia experiences two seasons: the “dry” season or summer and the “rainy” season or winter. The length of the seasons and the amount of rain vary according to the regions. The Andes, for instance, have two dry and two rainy seasons a year. The main dry season stretches from December to March and July and August are rainy as well. The Llanos have a dry season from December to March and are rainy over the rest of the year. There is no uniform climate in the Amazon which is quite rainy all year round.


February or March in Cartagena

El Dorado Airport (Bogotá) is the main international hub and has connections to the most important tourist areas and cities. Most frequent air routes are Cartagena, San Andrés, Santa Marta, Riohacha, Cúcuta, Montería, Medellín, Cali, Pasto, Neiva, Pereira, Armenia, Valledupar and Leticia. Main domestic airlines are Avianca, LAN, Copa Airlines, Satena, Aires, Searca, Viva Colombia, Wingo and Ada. Colombia has an extensive internal road network which is relatively safe and in good condition. Nevertheless, in some areas, air transport is preferable. Numerous bus connections between the various cities offer night routes.


S w i ss

E m b ass y

+57.1.349 7230 A D D R E S S : Carrera 9 con Calle 74 - 08, Edif. Profinanzas W E B :รก PH ONE :

Br i t i sh

E m b ass y

+57.1. 326 8300 A D D R E S S : Carrera 9 con Calle 76-49 W E B : P HO NE:

E m b ass y of the S tates

Un i ted

of A m er i c a

+ 57.1.275 2000 Calle 24 Bis con Carrera 48-50 W E B : PH ONE :

E m b ass y of

F ran c e

+57.1.638 1400 Carrera 11 con Calle 93-12 W E B : P HO NE:



E m b ass y of Ita l y

+57.1.218 6680 / 218 7206 Calle 93B con Carrera 9-92 W E B : P HO NE:


E m b ass y of E m b ass y of

S pa i n

+57.1.628 3910 Calle 92 con Carrera 12 - 68 W E B :รก/es/Paginas/ inicio.aspx P HO NE:



+57.1.317 5001 A D D R E S S : Carrera 7 No. 71 - 21 Torre D Piso 11 W E B : PH ONE :

Ger m an y

+57.1.423 2600 A D D R E S S : Calle 110 No. 9 - 25, Piso 11, Edificio Torre Empresarial Pacific, P.H. W E B : PH ONE :

In accordance with provisions set out and required under article 17 of Law 679 of 2001, Colombian Journeys warns tourists that the exploitation and sexual abuse of underage persons in the country carries penal and administrative sanctions in terms of the current legislation.

colombian journeys | 137

general information

E m b ass y of

general information G ENER A L C O O R DI NAT I O N :

Guillermo Villoria TEX T:

Guillermo Villoria, Luisa Forero, and Adriana Gรณmez P H O T O G R A P H Y:

Stockphoto G R A P H IC

D E S IG N :

Claudia Leal P R I NTI NG :

Zetta Comunicadores

138 | colombian journeys

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

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general information


general information

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 140 | colombian journeys


2018 2019


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