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Making Communities Better Through Print.™ VOL. CXXXI, NO. XXXIV
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Taco Time! Local resident wins free tacos for a year
TCSD Discusses Water Supply Policy Which Could Release 95 Units
Órale Taqueria Selects Winner th For 5 Anniversary Taco Giveaway
PRJUSD Continues Discussion and Drafts Response to Grand Jury Report By CAMILLE DeVAUL camille@pasoroblespress.com PASO ROBLES — The Paso Robles Joint Unified School District (PRJUSD) met at 8:30 a.m. this morning Sat. Jan. 30. to continue discussions regarding the Grand Jury Report “Paso Robles School District: A Cautionary Tale.” At the previous Grand Jury meeting on Jan. 19, the board requested staff bring suggestions for potential law firms if voted to seek legal counsel in their response to the Grand Jury Report. During today’s meeting, the board approved to seek legal counsel for their response with a 5-1 vote, with Board President Chris Arend voting no and Lance Gannon not present. Arend voted not to seek legal counsel because he would rather have the funds go elsewhere in the district to benefit the students. After some discussion regarding which firm to move forward with, the board voted 6-0 approval to seek counsel from Jeffrey Minnery and Linda Somers Smith from Adamski Moroski Madden Cumberland & Green LLP with a $5,000 budget cap. Before discussing agenda item D.2. Grand Jury Report: Draft Response from the Board of Education, Trustee Tim Gerhart mentioned he had received many comments from people regarding new board members and their knowledge of events leading to the Grand Jury report. Gerhart asked, “The questions remains, have you folks had the time to go into our history, pull out the different information items about these different items in the district office, and educated yourself well enough to be able to do this, or are you relying on rumor and hearsay?” Newly elected board member Dorian Baker responded with, “I was sitting in the boardroom for the majority of this. I was very involved, so I feel I have the institutional knowledge to sit here today and be a part of this discussion.” Gehart said Baker had been there only three years, to which Baker responded with, “not just three years. Many years.” Joel Peterson, a PRJUSD former board member from 2012 to 2020, called in during public CONTINUED ON PAGE A15
Board votes to amend the Templeton Recreation Foundation bylaws to allow it to function independently By MELISSA MATTSON melissa@pasoroblespress.com
The coalition has become a support system for business owners in SLO County. It is a place where business owners can share their experiences, fears or get feedback from one another. Daugherty shares that the coalition helps lower businesses’ anxiety and fear and feel more confident in opening their business if they want or have to do. When asking Daugherty how he has kept Cider Creek Bakery afloat throughout the pandemic, he says he did it by simply staying open.
TEMPLETON — The Templeton Community Services District (TCSD) met on Tuesday, Feb. 2, for closed session, before going into regular public session, with nothing to report on during the closed session. The first item on the agenda was a COVID-19 update, which General Manager Jeff Briltz addressed. “Ruling out the regional stay at home order will allow us to offer some new sports programs,” stated Briltz, “though there are still many that cannot be offered under the purple tier.” He expressed the optimism of offering the spring softball program if the county moved into the red tier, while other high contact sports would have to hold until the orange tier. The next agenda item was the discussion of the water buffer supply, which was presented by the District Engineer, Tina Mayer. In 2016, a Water Supply Buffer Policy was established to ensure District water supply reliability and redundancy for current and future District residents and customers. The policy provides a reliable process for evaluating water availability within the District’s water portfolio. The policy reserves a percentage of District’s water supply to provide a buffer against potential problems with existing water supply sources. This year’s model update indicates that a 20 percent water supply buffer has been achieved at the current supply levels, freeing up 16.6AF (~25 water units) of unallocated water. The model also predicts that more water units will become available once the Nacimiento water is relocated, which involves a longer timeline and significant infrastructure to complete. Staff recommendation is to release the 25 available water units for sale. Board Member Geoff English proposed that based on the available water and the buffer supply model, there could be up to 95 units released with some small revisions. Board Members Pam Jardini and Wayne Peterson expressed interest
Órale Taqueria owners Kristin and Joel Casillas (top left) selected local resident Nicole Erbstoesser (bottom right) of Atascadero as the winner to receive free tacos for a year in honor of their 5th Anniversary in business. Photo courtesy of Kristin Casillas.
By CONNOR ALLEN connor@pasoroblespress.com
or the past week, the local talk on social media has been buzzing about one thing, the opportunity for someone to win free tacos for an entire year. On
Saturday afternoon Órale Taqueria selected their winner, Nicole Erbstoesser, who quickly turned into the most popular lunch date in all of SLO County. “I feel like I won the lottery,” Erbstoesser told the Atascadero News. “Who wins tacos for a year!”
Órale Taqueria, a locally owned and operated Mexican restaurant in Paso Robles, came up with the idea to give away a year’s worth, yes, 365, of tacos to one lucky person as a way to celebrate its five year anniversary of CONTINUED ON PAGE A15
Cider Creek Bakery Perseveres Through the Pandemic Business owner Brad Daugherty forms a small business coalition due to California’s ever-changing guidelines By CAMILLE DeVAUL camille@pasoroblespress.com PASO ROBLES — On Dec. 3, 2020, California went into a regional lockdown, which included San Luis Obispo County under the Southern California region. This second lockdown forced retailers to operate at 20 percent capacity and restaurants to revert back to takeout only. When Brad Daugherty, owner of Cider Creek Bakery in Paso Robles, learned about this second lockdown, he contemplated his next move. “I laid in bed one night just going ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do.’ If I have to close my doors again, I’m going to lose this place. To-go orders were just not enough to sustain [us],” said Daugherty. Daugherty and 10-15 other business owners in North County went back and forth with each other on what to do until 3 a.m. that night. Daugherty suggested that the business owners hold a meeting to discuss their options. What should they do? When Daugherty met for that meeting, he expected 10-15 people to attend. When he showed up, to his surprise, there were 40 San Luis Obispo County business owners.
Cider Creek Bakery owner Brad Daugherty (right) and his two sons Wade and Logan. Contributed photo
That was when the San Luis Obispo County Small Business Coalition (SLOCSBC) was formed. Now, the coalition is made up of 130 businesses and counting. Daugherty explains the coalition as, “An outlet for people to express what’s going on. Talk about their experiences and gain knowledge so they can share their experience.” One example Daughtery gave was, “Say somebody had ABC come to them, that business owner shares their experience with everybody, that way everybody knows what to expect.” Most people fear the unknown, especially when it comes to their business.
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CEASE-AND-DESIST LETTER Claims Defamation Against Paso Robles Daily News and KPRL | A2
SECTION OF HWY 1 Washes Out at Rat Creek on Big Sur Coast | A4
SLO COUNTY HEALTH DID YOU KNOW? Limits Second Doses of Vaccines in Dive in the history of an iconic landmark: response to CDC updated guidelines | A5 The Atascadero Printery | A13
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PAGE A-2 • Thursday, February 4, 2021
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PRJUSD Cease-and-Desist Claims Defamation Against Paso Robles Daily News and KPRL By HAYLEY MATTSON
e are not Paso Robles Daily News. We are the registered newspaper serving the community of Paso Robles since 1889. We print a weekly newspaper, and we publish daily online. We are The Paso Robles Press. This need for clarification comes immediately following a cease-and-desist letter we received from Paso Robles Joint Unified Scholl District Superintendent Dr. Curt Dubost and Kim Holmes, his interim executive assistant. The letter from the PRJUSD in reference to the article by Paso Robles Daily News stated: The reporting today relative to tomorrow’s Special Board Meeting to continue drafting the District and Board response to the recent Grand Jury Report contains factually inaccurate assertions that Deputy Superintendent Jennifer Gaviola is the target of a criminal investigation. The publicly available Grand Jury Report in no way implicates Deputy Superintendent Gaviola. There is no pending investigation of her. No allegations with respect to any matter addressed in the Grand Jury Report have been shown to implicate Deputy Superintendent Gaviola in any way. Both the Board President, Mr. Arend, and I have publicly stated that any person possessing evidence of any wrongdoing by any current employee should come forward now. To my knowledge, nothing has been received to date. Because these untrue statements are defamatory in nature and harm the District and its employee, Deputy Super-
intendent Jennifer Gaviola, we request that you immediately correct your story and retract the statement. Enclosure: Letter from Board President Christopher Arend The article that Dr. Dubost is referring to was a piece published online by Scott Brennan, Paso Robles Daily News, and KPRL Radio, both in no way affiliated with our publications. The cease-and-desist letter above from Dr. Dubost was sent to other media outlets and distributed internally throughout the district. Upon receiving the letter, we immediately responded with clarification that we are NOT Paso Robles Daily News, nor are we affiliated with Scott Brennan or KPRL. PRJUSD Board President Chris Arend, Dr. Dubost, and Kim Holmes immediately acknowledged the error and stated it would be rectified. Holmes sent over a formal letter of apology and assured that all parties received the correction. Letter of apology: Dear Ms. Mattson, I write to offer my humble apology for a grave error made today in preparing and transmitting a letter as part of my work with Paso Robles Jt. Unified School District. I am currently serving as an interim executive assistant to help the district through a period of turnover and vacancy in this key position. The letter was prepared in response to both radio and print articles from KPRL Radio and Paso Robles Daily News (NOT Paso Robles Press). Their stories contained misinformation that we felt needed to be retracted and corrected immediately as the Board will be meeting in the morning regarding the recent
Grand Jury Report, the subject of their allegations. The content of the letter was prepared by Superintendent Dubost, and this is where his attention was focused in reading what I prepared. It was MY error to confuse the two media names when I was searching for contact information, as the day was coming to a close and I needed to get the letter out. I did not take the time to review background where I might have seen my error in time. None of these factors excuse my mistake. I feel especially bad given the context of the letter and the current situation. As the school district felt the need to defend itself and its employees against perceived defamation, my error placed your newspaper in a position to also feel defamed – by misleading readers to think the “bad press” against the district came from you, when it most certainly did not. Please accept my deepest and sincere apology. We have revised the letter and retransmitted it to our staff and to the correct recipients. Anyone listening to or reading about these current events should be assured that the Paso Robles Press never disparaged the district, nor did we intend to disparage the Press through this correspondence. Sincerely, Kim Holmes Unfortunately, this is a common error that seems to repeat itself and leads to no clarification on the other side. Paso Robles Daily News is a website that started in 2012. The Brennan’s chose a name that obscured the copyrighted name of the existing newspaper of record and has proven to cause consumer confusion over the past eight years. Early Saturday morning, we started
PRJUSD Board Finalizes Response to Grand Jury Report With a motion passed by the board with a 7-0 vote, the response will be submitted to the District Attorney By CAMILLE DeVAUL PASO ROBLES — The Paso Robles Joint Unified School District met at 4:30 pm on Tuesday, Feb. 2, to continue their Jan. 19 meeting, drafting the board’s response to the Grand Jury Report. Trustees continued to edit language and discuss President Chris Arend’s drafted response to the Grand Jury report. Some notable points in the Grand Jury Report are related to the Aquatics Complex. The Grand Jury Report’s Recommendation 13 says: Under the conditions that exist today, the district trustees and administration should determine if the Aquatic Complex is viable. The board wrote the following response to Recommendation 13: “Timeframe, scope, parameters of study and discussion of R13: Input of community partners will be part of the update to be provided by May 17, 2021. Explanation: The Aquatics complex is an ongoing issue. Unfortunately, the PRJUSD has only purchased the stainless steel components currently stored in two shipping containers on the Paso Robles High School site. The steel components are not subject to deterioration in the containers, according to information provided by the manufacturer. No vinyl components or adhesives, or other materials that would degrade in the coming year or two have been delivered. However, the current board recognizes that the current containers cannot remain in place as a permanent monument to a failed project. Therefore, the PRJUSD will continue to investigate whether the Aquatics Complex project is viable.” Recommendation 14 reads as follows: The PRJUSD should consider the possibility of collaborating with the City of Paso Robles to use purchased equipment to upgrade current municipal swim facilities. The board’s response to Recommendation 14 is below: “R14 will not be implemented because it is not warranted or reasonable. Recommendation R14: PRJUSD has considered the possibility of collaborating with the City of Paso Robles to use the purchased equipment to upgrade current municipal swim facilities. It has been determined that the district stainless steel components are incompatible with the gunite construction of the current municipal swim facilities.” Recommendation 15 reads: There should be a comprehensive audit and report made available to the public of 4A Foundation funds that were dedicated to the aquatic complex construction. The board’s response to Recommendation 15 is below: “Explanation: The 4H Foundation has retained a local bookkeeper to conduct a review. The board expects the results of the review to be delivered to the board by May 11.” After the board finished making their edits to their response, Trustee Dorian Baker made the following comment to the board and public: “Over the past two days, I want the board and the public to know that I made a request to review specific items that would be included in a personnel file, such
as performance evaluations and job resumes. I have been denied access to this information. I believe that I and the board cannot adequately respond to the Grand Jury’s report without reviewing this information. Being that I have not had an official legal opinion from the district attorney as of yet, I think that I should have access should be referred back to the grand jury and judge Duffy. This is relevant because we have watered down some of Chris Arend’s original responses based on Mr. Gerhart’s contention that the previous board actively worked with Chris Williams, seeking better and accurate information from him as well as an improvement in his managerial style. I would expect these areas of concern to be reflected in his performance evaluations, and that was what I was wanting to verify. Having been denied such access to this information, which I believe the whole board should be reviewing, I was able to find the minutes from the Dec. 6 meeting, during which Chris Williams rendered his resignation. There president Joan Summers announced that in a closed session, after receiving his 9th consecutive, positive evaluation that met and exceeded standards, our superintendent initiated his resignation. So what that tells me, if there was push back, it didn’t make it to any performance evaluation.” Baker’s point was throughout reviewing the Grand Jury Report, previous and current trustees have suggested board members did make complaints about previous Superintendent Chris Williams. There should be included with Williams’s personal files if those complaints were made. Tim Gearhart said, “What he did with the academic development of our kids at that time was significant. I think most of them gave him credit for those and was focusing on not everything in a general way except for the financial section.” Gearhart’s response refers to why there may not be many if any, complaints filed against Chris Williams. Trustee Chris Bausch agreed with Baker that Williams documents should be available to the board. The board motioned to approve their response to the Grand Jury Report. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-0 vote. Nathan Williams, Dorian Baker, and Chris Arend will be on an editing committee to fine-tune grammar and the format of the board’s response to the Grand Jury Report. The board motioned to submit the Grand Jury Report and the district’s response to the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney. Trustee Nathan Williams said, “We are not looking for additional things. We are looking to have this addressed. We are not trying to find more names in here. We are addressing this report as it states.” Bausch said, “[Some] items I thought may warrant additional investigation. Some of them could be evaluated as fraud. Some of them could be interpreted as violating trust laws - there’s a repercussion to those. We are not here as judge and jury.” The board hopes that sending the report and its response to the District Attorney will give the community and district closure regarding allegations of fraud involving previous Superintendent Chris Williams. The motion to send the Grand Jury Report and the district’s response to the District Attorney passed with a 6-0 vote. Gearhart recused himself, seeing it as a conflict of interest since he served on the board during the time the Grand Jury Report refers to. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 9 at 4:00 pm.
receiving emails and comments online regarding this defamatory article that Paso Robles Daily News and KPRL wrote. In response, we did reach out to local resident Jennifer Martinez and Jennifer Gaviola to clarify that we did not write the article. Jennifer Gaviola’s response: Thank you for your email. I have always appreciated your coverage of our district, and as a community member, the fair journalism practices your paper adheres to. I am sorry there was this confusion, and I never wanted to be the story. Our students’ stories should always be our focus. I am saddened that this type of unfounded reporting has turned to this. The professional ramifications for this defamation are a great concern to me, but I will try to focus on the good and our mission to safely get kids back in school. Thanks again, Jen Gaviola Jennifer Martinez corrected her social media post and “apologized for causing any problems for the Paso Robles Press Publication.” Our mission is to “Make Communities Better Through Print and Communication.” We have a high level of responsibil-
ity for being the newspaper of record for the City of Paso Robles. Our pages will be read for years to come and held in the historical archives. We take immense pride in our journalistic efforts for our community. We employ local writers that live in and love our town. Over this last year, we met the same challenges as all other small businesses did, and we are still here, still writing and still printing every week, the good news, the real news, your hometown news, thanks to our loyal subscribers and advertisers. As the Publishers of the Paso Robles Press, we will continue to bring the community our very best with dedicated journalists and well-researched information following a journalistic code of ethics with every story. We appreciate everyone for their support and thank the PRJUSD for making public statements regarding the confusion. Hayley and Nic Mattson Publisher’s Paso Robles Press and Owners of 13 Stars Media To read the cease-and-desist letter from PRJUSD and the letter from Board President Arend visit pasoroblespress. com/news/prjusd-cease-and-desist-letterclaims-defamation-against-paso-roblesdaily-news-and-kprl/
City Council Approves Joint Oversight Committees for Measures J-20 and Existing N-12 Council considers recommendation to raise City’s sewer rates starting in July By CAMILLE DeVAUL PASO ROBLES — Paso Robles City Council discussed creating an oversight committee for Measure J-20, which passed in November 2020. Measure J-20 is a local one-cent sales tax to maintain fire, police, and public safety services. When the measure was proposed, it was promised that an oversight committee would be set in place to ensure the measure funds are appropriately used. In November 2012, Measure N-12, a half-cent supplemental sales tax, was passed for road repair and maintenance. After the measure passed, a supplemental sales tax revenue expenditures oversight committee was created to report to the City Council and the public on the generated funds’ expenditure. The staff recommended that the Council combine the proposed J-20 and existing N-12 oversight committees. From agenda item 11: On Nov. 12, 2020, the Council directed staff to return to Council with draft bylaws that create single citizens’ oversight and advisory committee for both measures to ensure that the existing half-cent sales tax revenues, as well as J-20 revenues, are spent on the high-priority areas identified by the Council and to provide the needed feedback to the public. As part of the motion, the Council included the following direction to staff. The Committee should: • Include up to 17 Members • Includes Representatives From Community Organizations • Incorporate members of the existing half-cent SST Oversight Committee • Include residents from each of the four Council districts • Provide liaisons from the City Council and Executive Managers in Police, Fire, and Public Works. Current members of the N-12 oversight committee can apply for the new, combined committee. Staff suggested that affiliated members be made up of education, general business, and service
providers. Members will serve in three-year staggered terms. Council approved the proposed bylaws for the oversight committee, with a 5-0 vote except for a few changes. There will be seven, rather than six, at-large members and four, instead of five, members nominated by local organizations. Council also updated the current code of ethics to require a report be made to the Council after every regular meeting and a similar report made to the public. Staff presented a recommendation to raise the City’s sewer rates. The City last increased their wastewater rates on Jul. 1, 2016. Currently, Paso Robles has the lowest sewer rates on the Central Coast at $7.80 per unit. Each single-family household uses on average six units. Council seemed to favor Option A “Transition to 42 percent Fixed and 58 percent Volumetric Rates while maintaining $7.80/HCF usage rate.” Option A would allow single-family homes to remain at the volumetric rate at the current level of $7.80 per HCF, and fixed monthly rates would phase-in. The first-rate increase would occur on Jul. 1, at a monthly charge of $11.40, and increase by approximately $4 per year until 2025. Councilman John Hamon said, “We’re not allowed to charge any more than it costs to run a system. So it’s not like the City is making a profit on this - we’re already behind the eightball here.” Council motioned and approved, 5-0, for staff to bring back Option A to the Feb. 16 meeting for further review. City Council will be holding a Special Meeting on Friday, Feb. 5, at 8 a.m. to discuss the City Manager position as a closed session item. Per the agenda, the Council expects to reconvene from the closed session between 4 and 4:30 p.m. Another special meeting is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 12 at 8 a.m. to conduct City Manager second interviews. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 6:30 p.m.
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 • PAGE A-3
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Downtown Atascadero Spreads Love in February Thousands of Paper Hearts Decorate Downtown Business Storefronts STAFF REPORT ATASCADERO — Throughout February, Atascadero’s downtown will be full of love. Thousands of paper hearts will adorn over 30 storefronts and agencies in Downtown Atascadero’s Business District. The community is invited to drive through or stroll down-
Low-cost, No-cost Childcare is Available Through CAPSLO STAFF REPORT SAN LUIS OBISPO — The Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County (CAPSLO) has space available in its many child care options throughout San Luis Obispo County. The Early Education and Child Care Programs provide families with low and no-cost services throughout San Luis Obispo County for children from birth to 5 years of age. Program options include: 1. The Family Child Care (FCC) option provides child care in a licensed family child care home. The small group size and home setting provide a nurturing, warm learning environment for infants and toddlers. 2. The center-based option provides early childhood education for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Center schedules range from part-day to full-day and part-year to full-year. 3. The home-based option supports children and their families through weekly home visits and group socialization experiences. Home visits provide comprehensive services to support and strengthen parenting skills and the parent’s ability to be their child’s “first teacher.” All CAPSLO programs are specifically designed to support low-income individuals and families. To enroll your child or learn more about the program, please call (888)315-6741.
town to feel the love. Jenna Hartzell of Honey Jo Creative Co. designed a fun scavenger hunt for children, along with content to help businesses and community members spread the love on social media, using the hashtag #ATownWithHeart. Some businesses will also be offering discounts or curbside pick-up specials on their social media accounts. “The hearts send a simple but heartfelt message that we love our downtown and are committed to ensuring it thrives,” says downtown business owner Janet Wallace. “We also want to send a little love note to
the Atascadero community for their ongoing support of local businesses.” For more details, contact: • Zoe Zappas at zoe@zvillages.com or • Janet Wallace at janet@olearywallace.com. About:
Downtown Atascadero Business Improvement District, currently chaired by Zoe Zappas, helped sponsor the hearts. The Business Improvement District spans from the 101 Freeway to Lewis Avenue and Highway 41 to Rosario Avenue. Heart hunters can use these boundaries to search for the hearts.
San Luis Obispo Offers Socially Distant February Events STAFF REPORT SAN LUIS OBISPO — San Luis Obispo continues to find ways to connect, learn, and inspire even through social distancing. February provides many events no matter your interests. SLO Repertory Theatre Presents The Intermission Show – Through Apr. 2 Enjoy San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre every Friday for their video talk show series: The Intermission Show. Hosted by SLO REP’s highly enthusiastic and captivating executive director, Kevin Harris, The Intermission Show is sure to add some fun, wit, education, and inspiration to your week as you enter the weekend. These 15-20 minute video segments share the voices and work of BIPOC theatre-makers, spotlight noteworthy playwrights and
plays from around the country, and update the local theatre community with news and information. Watch The Intermission Show on SLO REP’s YouTube channel and learn more about each week’s spotlighted playwrights at slorep.org/about/exploring-diverse-voices-in-theatre/. SLO Classical Academy Presents Being Human: A Virtual Retreat – Feb. 6 San Luis Obispo Classical Academy on Feb. 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. via Zoom to explore classical education’s purpose and the role of education related to Black American History during their On Being Human: A Virtual Retreat event. Hear from guest speakers and classical educators Angel Adams Parham and Dr. Anika Prather as they discuss classical education as a bridge across divides, and stick around for the Q&A and discussion to follow.
Parents and educators are encouraged to attend this deeply enriching opportunity to dig deep into who San Luis Obispo Classical Academy is as a classical school. Register today to explore complicated questions alongside multiple understandings of the purpose of education while also addressing timeless themes such as freedom, oppression, democracy, and citizenship. Tickets available at sloclassical.org/onbeinghuman. Virtual Symphony Mozart and More – Feb. 6 San Luis Obispo Symphony is offering a virtual concert experience. Enjoy San Luis Obispo Symphony’s upcoming event, Mozart and More available online as part of the SLO Symphony’s Virtual Event Series. Purchase tickets today for the Virtual Event at slosymphony.org.
World Surf League Announces ‘We Are One Ocean’ Campaign
Capturing California’s Flowers: Natural History in the Digital Age
STAFF REPORT LOS ANGELES — The World Surf League (WSL) announced the We Are One Ocean campaign calling for the protection of 30 percent of our one ocean by 2030, or 30x30. The WSL encourages people around the world to join the global movement in support and sign the We Are One Ocean petition at weareoneocean.org. We Are One Ocean is building support for the 30x30 biodiversity targets designed to protect nature and life on earth, with a specific call to fully and highly protect 30 percent of the global ocean. Those who sign the petition will be part of a growing international community urging world leaders to adopt 30x30 at an upcoming United Nations Convention where these targets will be decided. The campaign is inspired by WSL PURE, WSL’s non-profit, which has built a growing coalition of more than 60 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and corporations in support of We Are One Ocean, including the Natural Resources Defense Council, Conservation International, Surfrider Foundation, Sea Legacy, Lonely Whale, PADI, and World Sailing. “Establishing fully and highly protected areas is an incredible way to build resiliency in our ocean. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to protect critical ocean habitat and biodiversity for generations to come,” said Reece Pacheco, SVP Ocean Responsibility, WSL. “This isn’t just about the ocean. It’s about people. By protecting the ocean and hitting 30x30, we guarantee a healthier future for all.” The WSL is launching a content series sharing the unique stories of six people’s connection to the ocean and their personal motivation for signing the petition. The series will launch on Feb. 9 and feature prominent surfers, scientists, and environmentalists,
including reigning WSL Champion Italo Ferreira from Brazil. “As a surfer, the ocean is my home and my place of work. It’s really important to me to do what I can to protect it,” said Ferreira. “I hope that by sharing my story and my love for the ocean, it will inspire people to sign the petition.” In celebration of We Are One Ocean, the WSL will be asking everyone to sign the petition and share a message of love for the ocean over the upcoming Valentine’s Day weekend. In addition, WSL will be hosting a series of virtual experiences designed to connect people with their love for the ocean and inspire them to take action to protect it. The experiences include a conversation with writer Siraad Dirshe and Leah Thomas, founder of Intersectional Environmentalist, as well as a charcoal wave drawing lesson with Championship Tour surfer Courtney Conlogue. Shiseido has joined the WSL as an official partner of We Are One Ocean. Gillette Venus has also joined as an official partner of the campaign as part of their ongoing commitment to using fewer resources by 2030. In addition, the all-new Jeep 4xe hybrid electric has joined the WSL as an official partner of We Are One Ocean. To learn more, please visit: World Surf League, WorldSurfLeague.com WSL PURE, wslpure.org Shisheido, international.shiseido.co.jp
Annual Wine 4 Paws Weekend Fundraiser Coming in April
STAFF REPORT SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY — April is time once again to enjoy the Central Coast while helping animals in need during the Annual Wine 4 Paws Weekend benefiting Woods Humane Society. This year, participants can choose from supporting the fundraiser by ordering from home or venturing out safely with a reservation and your mask. Throughout the Pandemic, Woods Humane Society has been caring for homeless pets and finding them forever homes. At the same time, many programs remain postponed until further notice, and essential fundraising events may not return again this year. According to Woods, incoming funds for services have been reduced significantly, but expenses have not slowed down. That is why the 2021 Wine 4 Paws weekend is more crucial than ever. Wine 4 Paws Weekend can help support local businesses (and get people out of the house or not) and enjoy some great Central Coast offerings; in return, the funds raised will help support Woods’ ongoing efforts. The wineries are now open for outdoor
tastings by appointment. However, if you don’t feel comfortable going out, you can participate in Wine 4 Paws from afar, just like last year – order online, by phone, or by email. Have it shipped with one of the many shipping deals that will be offered, or swing by the tasting room and take advantage of curbside pickup. Jeffry’s BBQ in Paso Robles will be offering up their delicious BBQ, whether you want to take it home or enjoy it on their heated outdoor patio. Last year’s event went virtual and was a huge success, thanks to all the committed participants and longtime supporters. Wood’s was able to help the homeless animals during one of their most significant times of need and enjoy quality Central Coast offerings. To join in on the event, visit wine4paws. com to see the more than 70 small businesses throughout SLO County that are donating a percentage of sales to Woods Humane Society on Apr. 10-11. Each winery’s logo on the site will directly link to their website where participants can make a tasting reservation for that weekend. It is advised to book your reservation early because those spots fill up fast. If you wish to stay close to home, there are some pre-shopping and planning items you can choose from. When you buy wine anytime on Apr. 10-11, a percentage of your purchase will be donated to Woods. Everyone will be offering shipping deals as well as specials, and if you’re a local, you can even
go out and do a “curbside pickup.” The list of participating wineries is long, in addition to an olive oil producer and Jeffry’s Wine Country BBQ in Paso Robles. Visit wine4paws.com to learn more. The community support is critical. By participating in Wine 4 Paws, Woods wants to remind everyone that you are not only helping the animals, but you are also helping small businesses during this difficult time. Woods Humane Society cares for over 3,000 cats and dogs each year at their San Luis Obispo and Atascadero facilities until they can be united with loving families. In November of 2018, they opened the first North County low-cost spay and neuter clinic in Atascadero. Any pet owner can utilize this clinic. During the pandemic, Woods has continued to give the highest level of care, providing dogs and cats food, shelter, primary veterinary care, exercise, and enrichment. Many animals have been sent to foster care, and Woods continues to do appointment-based adoptions to fulfill their mission. For Woods to continue to provide the same level of care to homeless companion animals and offer them second chances in 2021, the community’s help is needed. Wine 4 Paws helps ensure that Woods can continue to offer our community animals the highest level of care. For additional information, please contact Sarah Tomasetti, Director of Wine 4 Paws, at info@wine4paws.com.
SAN LUIS OBISPO — The San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden is excited to welcome Cal Poly botanist Dr. Jenn Yost to discuss how California’s plants are shifting their flowering times in response to a warmer or drier world. Dr. Yost will explain how natural history collections allow us to look into the past to see what plants were up to 100 years ago. Along with ways you can get involved from home. Capturing California’s Flowers: Natural History in the Digital Age will be a Zoom talk on Saturday, Feb. 20, from 1-2 p.m. A donation of $5 for SLOBG members and $10 for the public is suggested. Register and learn more at slobg.org.
About Dr. Jenn Yost is a faculty member at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California in the Biology department. Jenn is a botanist and director of the Hoover Herbarium, a collection of dried plant specimens. She teaches general botany, plant taxonomy, and field botany. She is leading a statewide effort to digitize herbarium specimens for the student of flowering time and has spearheaded the creation of a new database the CCH2 where anyone can access the data.
NICK’S BARBER SHOP & HAIR DESIGN Nick & his team are back to work! Open 7 Days a Week M-S: 8am-6pm Sunday: 8am - 5pm (805) 238-6246 631 Creston Road Paso Robles
PAGE A-4 • Thursday, February 4, 2021
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Section of Highway 1 Washes Out at Rat Creek on Big Sur Coast STAFF REPORT COUNTY — Debris flowed down the hillside above Rat Creek and Highway 1 on the Big Sur coast, which overwhelmed the drainage infrastructure, then flowed across the highway and eroded the road resulting in the complete loss of a segment of Highway 1. Rat Creek is located at PM 30.2 and is two miles south of the Esalen Institute. It is about 1 mile south of the origin of the Dolan Fire in the Dolan Canyon area of Big Sur and within the burn scar area. On Thursday Jan. 28, Caltrans crews, working from the north, performed a post rainstorm assessment of the roadway after discovering
debris flow across the highway at Rat Creek. Before nightfall on Thursday, the lane on the coast side of the road had been completely washed out. Late Thursday evening, Caltrans entered into a $5 million emergency contract with Papich Construction of San Luis Obispo County to assist with repair of the highway slide out. On Friday Jan. 29, Caltrans assessment crews and emergency contractors arrived at daybreak to discover that both lanes of the highway had washed out. At this stage the damage assessment team has not issued a report on the current findings and will continue to work on a full assessment. The current closure of Highway 1 from Ragged
Point to Fuller’s Point just south of Deetjen’s Big Sur in remains in effect. Businesses on Highway 1 from Carmel to Big Sur and south to the full closure remain open. Barricades, cones, as well as message and directional signs are in place at both ends of the closure to alert motorists traveling in the area. Caltrans reminds motorists to move over and slow down when driving through highway work zones. For traffic updates on other state highways in Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties, travelers may contact Caltrans District 5 Public Affairs at (805)549-3318 or can visit the District 5 website at dot.ca.gov/caltransnear-me/district-5
Heavy Rainfall, Flash Flood Warnings Hit SLO County STAFF REPORT
Paso Robles Fire and Emergency Services were dispatched to rescue a person surrounded by water in the Salinas riverbed. Photo by Paso Robles Police Department.
NORTH COUNTY — A series of winter storms hit San Luis Obispo County last week, and the North County received up to 9-12 inches of rain. The heaviest winds and rainfall came on Tuesday night and continued through Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, Jan. 27, wind speeds near 60 mph were reported in San Luis Obispo County at times; high-winds peaked closer to 70 mph throughout the day. On Thursday, Jan. 28, Atascadero Fire and Emergency Services reported that over 36 hours since the storm began, they responded to over 65 calls for service. According to the Emergency Team, the strong winds have brought down trees and power lines, all
while the continuous rainfall has caused multiple floods in certain areas. California Highway Patrol (CHP) reported that heavy rain and strong winds caused dangerous road conditions, power lines, and fallen trees, and other incidents affecting roadways. A flash flood alert was issued as heavy rains continued to increase over the Central Coast as rain rates exceed 1” per hour. In Paso Robles, N. River Road from Wellsona Road to Estrella Road closed due to flooding. Flooding was reported at Highway 58 and Parkhill Road in Santa Margarita. Paso Robles Fire and Emergency Services were dispatched to the area south of the Niblick bridge for a person surrounded by water in the Salinas riverbed
at approximately 1:55 p.m Thursday, Jan. 28. Officials reported the first units arrived at the scene within approximately 3 minutes. The stranded person was located, and it was determined that the Paso Robles Fire and Emergency Services personnel using water rescue equipment could safely access and relocate the individual. Two fire engines, one rescue, one squad, and two battalion chiefs from Paso Robles responded. Paso Robles Police Department also responded and assisted in locating the person and providing traffic control. Additionally, San Luis Ambulance Service responded with a unit and remained on standby through the duration of the rescue. The person denied any medical complaints and was relocated to a safe location.
Atascadero Fire and Emergency Announce Appointment of Two Battalion Chief Officers STAFF REPORT ATASCADERO — Atascadero Fire and Emergency Services announced on Tuesday, Feb. 3, the recent appointment of two new Battalion Chief Officers. Atascadero Fire Captain Matt Miranda was recently promoted to Fire Battalion Chief of Operations. The position was vacated last year when former Battalion Chief, Bill White, retired from the fire service. Captain Miranda had been serving as Interim Battalion Chief and was selected by Fire Chief Casey Bryson after an internal testing process. Miranda began his fire service career as a reserve firefighter with Atascadero in 1999. He was hired full-time with the department as a firefighter in 2001. Miranda later earned a Bachelor of Science in Occupation Studies from Cal State Long Beach while working full-time. After two years, Miranda was promoted to Fire Engineer then became a Fire Captain for the department in 2009. Miranda has been heavily
involved with a variety of programs during his time with Atascadero, perhaps most notably in department training. Miranda is a founding member of the North County Technical Rescue Team and also took a lead role in fundraising efforts to purchase and customize the Disaster Relief Trailer. Miranda’s service to the Atascadero community also goes beyond the fire service. He has spent many years coaching youth sports, is very active in the Atascadero Bible Church, and volunteers his time with multiple city-sponsored events and community fundraisers. According to Fire Chief Bryson, “Matt brings many years of local fire service experience to his new position and has proven to be an effective leader in our organization. I know he will do amazing things in his new role to continue to support and develop our organization.” Miranda is a long-time resident of Atascadero along with his wife, Megan, and their two children. Atascadero Fire and Emergency
Services congratulates and welcomes a new face to the organization: Dave Van Son. He has been appointed as the new Fire Battalion Chief of Community Risk Reduction. The position has been vacant since the departure of Tom Peterson, who is now the Fire Chief of Templeton Fire and Emergency Services. Van Son grew up in the Santa Barbara area and began his fire service pursuit after high school by attending the Allan Hancock College Fire Academy. His fire service career began in 1988 when he started three fire seasons with the Santa Barbara County “Hot Shot Crew.” He then joined the United States Air Force and served three years as a Firefighter/ Senior Airman. Van Son was then hired in 1995 as a Firefighter with the city of Great Falls in Montana. Van Son later went on to obtain his Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Human Resources from Columbia Southern University. Van Son left Great Falls Fire Rescue as a Battalion Chief after serving the department for 25 years.
Van Son was selected as the best candidate from a nationwide recruitment and will take on fire marshal duties for Atascadero City. Additionally, Van Son will be the lead for the many programs that operate under Community Risk Reduction. As Fire Chief Bryson announced the appointment, he stated, “We are eager to have Dave as our new Battalion Chief of
Community Risk Reduction. This role is incredibly important in our organization and for the residents of Atascadero. We look forward to the experience he brings to support and continue the growth of these vital programs within our community.” Van Son and his wife, Jill, now reside in Atascadero with their 14-year-old twins. They also have two older sons who live in Las Vegas and Chicago.
Templeton Rec. Dept. Opens Signs-Ups for Flag Football Pods
Cal Poly Opens Practice Friday Afternoon for 2021 Baseball Season STAFF REPORT
STAFF REPORT TEMPLETON — Templeton Community Services District’s Recreation Department announced they are offering a four-week youth flag football program beginning Feb. 22 through Mar. 19. Youth in Grades K-8 will learn skills and drills with an emphasis on fun in a purely non-contact setting. Players will be assigned to PODS (player group) that will stay together the entire play season. PODS may be coed. Physical distancing of six feet will be maintained, and a stable group/POD of no more than 14 participants will be allowed. Sign-ups are now through Feb. 12. The cost is $100 per player. The registration fee includes a POD play t-shirt and football. Sessions will be held two times per week. Extra fee of $15 for addresses outside of Templeton CSD boundaries. $25 for addresses outside of Templeton CSD & Templeton Unified School District boundaries. To register online, go to leaguelineup.com/trff (most recommended). You may also e-mail Recreation Assistant Ken Zink at kzink@templetoncsd.org to request a form fillable pdf. In-person sign-ups are permitted following COVID-19 requirements (masks/limited number of people in the lobby) at the Templeton Recreation Department Office located at 599 S. Main Street, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, please contact the Templeton Recreation Department at (805)434-4909.
SAN LUIS OBISPO — For years, Cal Poly has been known to develop some of the best hitters on the West Coast. That development has slowed over the past few years. “We’re should be much better than we have been the last four or five years offensively,” said Larry Lee as he enters his 19th season at the helm of the Mustangs. “A number of players have developed their hitting skills from last year, and, with the addition of several newcomers, we hope to put together a more stressful lineup.” Catcher Myles Emmerson led the squad a year ago with his .317 average, but no other Mustang starter finished above .280. Emmerson is the only one of the five seniors on last year’s squad who is returning this season under the NCAA rule allowing every 2020 spring sport athlete another year of eligibility due to COVID-19. Cal Poly also lost starting righthanded pitcher Taylor Dollard to the Major League Draft (Seattle Mariners, fifth round) and outfielders Bradlee Beesley (Cubs) and Elijah
Greene (Angels), both of whom signed free agent contracts last summer. Dollard one of just 12 players from California colleges selected in the 2020 draft. However, the 2021 Mustang roster has been bolstered by the addition of three transfers from Boise State, which dropped its baseball program last summer, and one from Washington State, first baseman/designated hitter Matt Lopez. Last year’s freshman class, which includes the likes of shortstop Brooks Lee, infielder Nick Marinconz and pitchers Drew Thorpe, Derek True, and Kyle Scott, is considered one of Lee’s strongest. The lineup will also feature veterans Cole Cabrera’s likes in center field, Taison Corio at second base, and Tate Samuelson, who will move from first base across the diamond to third base this year. In addition to Thorpe, Scott, and True, the pitching staff will be led by returnees Andrew Alvarez and Bryan Woo in the starting rotation and Dylan Villalobos out of the bullpen. All three Boise State transfers figure to play prominent roles with
the Mustangs this spring. Southpaw Travis Weston could be Cal Poly’s Saturday starter, Joe Yorke is penciled on the depth chart No. 1 at first base, and Reagan Doss is listed No. 1 in right field. “I am excited about this year,” Lee said. “This year’s team has the best culture and work ethic that we’ve had in a number of years. We have some talent in a variety of areas, and overall, the players have worked hard to be competitive in all facets of the game. “We have a few players who can play anywhere in the country,” Lee added, “and that creates a competitive and successful mindset that carries over to the other players within the program. “When you have better players on the field, it affects all the other players. It’s hard to quantitate what that brings to the team, but it’s what we need to get back to a winning culture.” Only eight Mustangs were able to play summer ball, which was greatly curtailed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Northwoods League, Brooks Lee finished seventh in the North-
woods League with his .345 batting average and was tied for fourth with 35 RBIs and tied for second in hits with 51 while playing for the Willmar Stingers. Scott pitched well for the Stingers, Marinconz played at St. Cloud, Corio at Rochester, Samuelson with the Long Boarders of the San Diego Collegiate League, and Warrecker and True helped the Santa Barbara Foresters capture their eighth National Baseball Congress Semi-Pro World Series championship at Wichita, Kansas. “Our players who were able to play summer ball benefitted greatly,” said Lee. “It gave them much-needed playing experience, whether it was getting at-bats or innings pitched.” The Mustangs also have benefitted from dry weather and clearance from public health officials to practice the maximum number of days in the fall. “We were one of the more fortunate colleges in California to have a very productive fall, probably the best fall in recent memory,” Lee said. “We had plenty of healthy players, and the position players got more reps than in any fall since I’ve been here.”
US Highway 101/State Route 135 Bridge Replacement Project Begins in February STAFF REPORT SANTA BARBARA COUNTY — A project to reconstruct the bridges on US Highway 101 at the Interchange with State Route 135 in Los Alamos will begin on Monday, Feb. 1. Motorists will encounter lane closures on US 101 at State Route 135 in both directions Monday through Friday during the overnight hours from 7 p.m. until 6 a.m. and ramp closures in both direc-
tions between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. One-way reversing traffic control will take place on State Route 135 between Main Street and San Antonio Boulevard Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. and during the overnight hours from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. This project will include intermittent full daytime and overnight closures of State Route 135 for bridge demolition and the installation of girders. These closures are expected to take place
in May, July, and October of this year and January and April of next year. Motorists may exit US 101 in both directions at Cat Canyon Road to reach Los Alamos. A shuttle service will be provided for pedestrians, bicyclists, and those using wheelchairs during the closure of State Route 135. Traffic delays are not expected to exceed 15 minutes. Electronic message boards will be posted to advise all travelers about lane closures and detours.
The contractor for this $10 million project is Cal Portland Construction of Santa Maria, CA. It is scheduled to be complete by the summer of 2022. Caltrans reminds motorists to move over and slow down when driving through highway construction zones. For traffic updates in Santa Barbara County, motorists may call Caltrans District 5 Public Affairs (805)549-3318 or can visit our website at: dot. ca.gov/caltrans-near-me/district-5
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 • PAGE A-5
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SLO County Health Limits Second Doses of Vaccines
CDC updated their vaccine administration guidance for second doses STAFF REPORT
SAN LUIS OBISPO — San Luis Obispo County Public Health officials announced on Jan. 27 that due to limited supply of the COVID-19 vaccines, people in San Luis Obispo County who received or will receive their first dose might
need to wait up to six weeks to get a second dose, stating that this is within guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Local health officials say that at this time, second-dose appointments may be limited but that they do not expect it to last long as more doses are received each week. People eligible for vaccination can expect to be notified of a second-dose appointment about one month after receiving their first dose. “Do not be alarmed if you
cannot receive your second dose of vaccine on the exact day that you are eligible to,” advised Dr. Penny Borenstein, County Public Health Officer. “While the goal is to administer second doses close to the recommended interval, a few-weeks delay poses no health risks to recipients and will not require that they restart the vaccine series.” According to public health officials, there are currently more people waiting for their second dose than the County has in its vaccine supply. As of Friday, Jan. 22,
the County Public Health Department had only received a total of 9,035-second doses and administered 10,539 first doses. More vaccine shipments are received each week. On Thursday, Jan. 21, the CDC updated their vaccine administration guidance, indicating that second doses of vaccine may be administered up to six weeks after the first dose, but no earlier than the required waiting period (three weeks for Pfizer, four weeks for Moderna). “Everyone will be able to get
their second dose of vaccine safely and in a timely manner following guidelines put forth by the CDC,” Dr. Borenstein said. “Limited vaccine supply from the State means that second-dose appointments may be delayed, but we are very carefully allocating vaccine so that recipients can get their second dose within that six-week period.” For more information about COVID-19 vaccines in SLO County, visit RecoverSLO.org/ vaccine or call the recorded Public Health Information Line at (805)788-2903.
County Health Urges Residents to Celebrate the Super Bowl Safely Safe celebrations are key to preventing local surge in COVID-19 cases STAFF REPORT SAN LUIS OBISPO — San Luis Obispo County Health Officer Dr. Penny Borenstein reminds community members to celebrate the Super Bowl safely this year to prevent a subsequent surge in COVID-19 cases and slow the spread locally. County officials urge residents to keep Super Bowl fun virtual this year and choose safer ways to celebrate, following recent recommendations issued by the CDC. On Jan. 8 the CDC released an updated report regarding “Considerations for Events and Gatherings.” It states that as some communities in the United States begin to plan and hold events and gatherings, the CDC offers a list of considerations for enhancing protection for individuals and communities and preventing the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). They go on to say that event planners and officials can determine, in collaboration with state and local health officials, whether and how to implement these considerations, making adjustments to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the local community. Because COVID-19 virus circulation
varies in communities, these considerations are meant to supplement—not replace— any state, local, territorial, or tribal health and safety laws, rules, and regulations with which gatherings must comply. As advised throughout the pandemic, the risk of COVID-19 spreading at events and gatherings increases as follows: Lowest risk: Virtual-only activities, events, and gatherings. More risk: Smaller outdoor and in-person gatherings in which individuals from different households remain spaced at least 6 feet apart, wear masks, do not share objects, and come from the same local area (e.g., community, town, city, or county). Higher risk: Medium-sized in-person gatherings that are adapted to allow individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and with attendees coming from outside the local area. Highest risk: Large in-person gatherings where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and attendees travel from outside the local area. “Celebrating the Super Bowl is a beloved tradition for many and, this year, we ask you to focus on celebrating safely without risking our community’s health. We simply can’t afford a surge in cases like we’ve seen after other holidays,” said Dr. Penny Borenstein, County Health Officer. “Fly your team’s flag, wear your game-day jersey, make your favorite nachos. But please avoid large gatherings
and do your part to keep SLO County safe and healthy.” According to Dr. Borenstein, COVID19 infections in SLO County tend to surge two to three weeks following holidays and traditional celebrations. This was the case after Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. Contact investigations show that family and friend gatherings continue to fuel the transmission of the virus both locally and nationwide. This advice from county health officials and the CDC remains the same even after the vaccine has been in circulations since mid-December 2020. In a recent report from the CDC on Jan. 25, when asked, “Do I need to wear a mask and avoid close contact with others if I have gotten two doses of the vaccine?” The CDC’s answer was: “Yes. Not enough information is currently available to say if or when CDC will stop recommending that people wear masks and avoid close contact with others to help prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. Experts need to understand more about the protection that COVID-19 vaccines provide in real-world conditions before making that decision. Other factors, including how many people get vaccinated and how the virus is spreading in communities, will also affect this decision. We [CDC] also don’t yet know whether
getting a COVID-19 vaccine will prevent you from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to other people, even if you don’t get sick yourself. CDC will continue to update this page as we learn more. While experts learn more about the protection that COVID-19 vaccines provide under real-life conditions, it will be important for everyone to continue using all the tools available to help stop this pandemic.” One response to this report was, “if that is the case, and we don’t know enough about the effects of the vaccines, nor if it helps in contracting the virus, then why are people being urged to receive it if masks and social distancing are the only key in preventing the spread?” The CDC has not responded as of yet. County health officials ask that if you choose to gather, do so responsibly “like a BOSS,” by keeping social gatherings Brief, Outside, Small and Symptom-free, and to take precautions during the gathering. It is important to stay six feet away from others, frequently wash your hands and sanitize, avoid shared food and beverages, and wear a face covering. “Let’s keep the end in sight and do everything we can do to get there without jeopardizing our loved ones’ health and our community’s path to reopening,” said Dr. Penny Borenstein, County Health Officer. For updates on COVID-19 in SLO County, visit ReadySLO.org and cdc.gov
AUSD Closes Santa Rosa For Week Due To COVID-19 Outbreak By CONNOR ALLEN ATASCADERO — The Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD) decided to move Santa Rosa Academic Academy (SRAA) Elementary School off-campus into distance learning this past week due to a COVID19 outbreak among staff at the site. According to AUSD’s COVID19 Positive Notification Data page, which can be accessed on the school site, four staff members have tested positive. “With our nursing staff who are professionally certified contact tracers and our partnership with
County Public Health, we really ended up moving that campus to distance learning this week out of really just an abundance of caution,” AUSD Superintendent Tom Butler told the Atascadero News. “We want to make sure that our students and our staff are healthy; we also want to make sure we are being good partners to the community and not positively contributing to any spread.” The data online is from the week of Jan. 18 through Jan. 24 and shows that SRAA has had 195 student and staff members in person, bringing their positivity rate to just over two percent.
Property Tax Exemption Deadline Approaches
Publisher’s Note The Paso Robles Press and The Atascadero News will continue to provide updates and publish releases from the County Public Health Department regarding COVID-19 as it relates to the county residents for informational purposes. No information presented should be construed as medical advice or a suggestion as to how to respond in the protection of either your personal health or your personal freedoms. Each of our readers are expected to research as needed to inform themselves about their individual health needs and responsibilities. Our County Health Off icer, Dr. Penny Borenstein, is an MD with a Masters in Public Health.
COVID-19 RESOURCES • Latest News & Updates pasoroblespress.com/covid-19 • SLO County Official Info readyslo.org • SLO County Official Coronavirus COVID-19 Page bit.ly/SLOcovid19 NORTH SLO COUNTY • Paso Robles Chamber pasostrong.org • Templeton Chamber Templeton Strong page bit.ly/tempopenbiz • Atascadero Chamber bit.ly/atasopenbiz OTHER COVID-19 RESOURCES • California COVID-19 (coronavirus) Response Page covid19.ca.gov • CDC – Center for Disease Control bit.ly/cdccovidcases • WHO – World Health Organization bit.ly/whocovidadvice • Center of Systems Science and Engineering by Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Tracking bit.ly/covidtrackmap
Santa Rosa Academic Academy was closed last week due to four positive tests for COVID-19. File photo
There were eight total positive tests last week, with six staff members and two students testing positive. Monterey Road Elementary School and San Benito Elementary School accounted for
one of the students, while Santa Margarita Elementary and Carissa Plains accounted for the two additional staff positive tests. SRAA resumed school on Monday, Feb. 1.
The District had 1,083 students and staff on elementary campuses and registered 13 positive tests since Jan. 4. For more information, visit Atasusd.org.
APD Chief Updates Statement on Controversial Sign
SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY — On Feb. 1, County Assessor Tom J. Bordonaro reminds all homeowners, disabled veterans, and eligible non-profit organizations that they may file claims for exemptions. The Homeowner’s Exemption exempts up to $7,000 in taxable property value if the claim is timely filed or postmarked by Feb. 16 and up to $5,600 if filed late (postmarked by Dec. 10). If you received your Homeowner’s Exemption last year and still own and occupy the same property this year, you do not need to file again. Your exemption automatically remains in place. The Disabled Veteran’s Exemption is available to exempt taxable value of a property owned by a veteran who is 100 percent disabled due to service-related illness or injury. The exemption may be up to $221,304 if timely filed or postmarked by Feb. 16 and up to $213,927 if filed late (postmarked by Dec. 10). To be eligible for either of the above exemptions this year, claimants must have owned and occupied the property as their principal place of residence as of 12:01 a.m. Jan. 1. Please call the Assessor’s office or visit the website for eligibility requirements and claim forms. Certain non-profit organizations may be eligible for an exemption from property tax if they were using the property for exempt purposes on Jan. 1. For the full exemption, the organization must file or postmark their claim for Church, Religious, or Welfare Exemption by Feb. 16. Claimants may be eligible for 90 percent of the exemption if the claim is postmarked by Dec. 31. The Assessor’s main office is located in Room D-360 of the County Government Center, 1055 Monterey Street, in San Luis Obispo. The telephone number is (805)781-5643. There is a branch office in Atascadero at 6565 Capistrano Ave. Information is available on the website at slocounty.ca.gov/Assessor.
ATASCADERO — Atascadero Police Chief Robert Masterson released an updated statement regarding the sign posted in a resident’s yard that suggested that law enforcement officers also served as members of the Klu Klux Klan on Jan. 14 read original story: atascaderonews. com/news/statement-from-apd-policechief-on-blue-by-day-white-by-nightsign/ The sign, which read “Blue by day; White by night,” was divided down the middle, splitting an image of a person in half. The sign’s left side displayed an illustration of a police officer next to the words’ Blue by day.’ The sign’s right side was a depiction of someone in the KKK hood with the words’ White by night’ printed next to it. Together, the two
images combined to make one person. In his updated statement, Masterson states that the house occupants where the sign was posted have called into Atascadero Police Station and were unaware of the sign being posted and have since removed it. The Chief also reinforced his feeling on creating a dialogue between the community and the police force by stating he is exploring how to do so in the future. In closing, Masterson apologized for any concern and potentially exposing the occupants by sharing the photo as it was sent. Chief Masterson’s entire updated statement is posted below: “Thank you all for your comments and rest assured I take them all to heart. I wanted to let you know that we received a call from the occupants of the house. There is
a post from a friend of theirs in the thread as well. The occupants were unaware of the sign and have removed it. I would still like to have a meaningful conversation with the person who placed the sign and am hopeful. I have read most, if not all of the comments on this thread and now more than ever, feel that a dialog between your police department, your police chief and the community members would be beneficial for us all. I will explore ways in which we can do this for the future and look forward to the conversation we can share. It was never my intention to cause concern to the occupants, nor expose them in any manner, but I attached the photo the way it was sent to me by community members. I apologize if this gave concerns to any of you. Again, thank you for sharing your concerns and comments with me, the police department and the city.”
Highway 41 Roll-over Traffic Collision Ends in Fatality STAFF REPORT ATASCADERO — On Saturday, Jan. 30, at approximately 8:17 p.m., the Atascadero Police Department (APD) and Atascadero Fire and Emergency Services were dispatched to a reported vehicle roll-over traffic collision on Hwy 41 near Frog Hollow Drive involving a blue Ford Mustang.
Upon arrival, officers discovered a 59-year-old male, the sole occupant of the vehicle, had sustained fatal injuries from the collision, despite emergency lifesaving efforts made by passers-by and emergency personnel at the scene. The identity of the victim is not being released at this time. Officers determined the blue Mustang was driving westbound on
Hwy 41 at a high rate of speed when the driver lost control of the vehicle and struck an embankment and telephone pole. Investigators are looking into the possibility of a ‘street race’ with a black or dark-colored vehicle prior to the collision. Anyone with information are asked to contact the APD Sergeant, Jeff Wilshusen, at (805)470-3242.
Mail Theft and Fraud in South SLO County STAFF REPORT GROVER BEACH — The Sheriff ’s Office is asking for the public’s help in identifying a suspect who is linked to a case of check fraud and mail theft in southern San Luis Obispo County. On Dec. 23, 2020, a male suspect entered the Guadalajara Meat Market in Grover Beach and fraudulently cashed a check that was stolen from a mailbox in the 1400 block of Old Oak Park Road in rural Arroyo Grande between Dec. 15, 2020, and Dec. 20, 2020. This suspect may be associated with a number of thefts from mailboxes that have occurred in the county. The suspect is described as an adult male, 18-25 years old, medium build, dark hair, black ball cap with the letters “SF” on the front. The male subject was also wearing a black t-shirt with the Raiders football team logo and letters “LV ESTABLISHED 1960 RAIDERS FOOTBALL” in camouflage lettering on the front of the t-shirt and a face cover that had a silkscreen image of a panting dog face. The Sheriff ’s Office requests the public’s help with identifying this suspect. Please contact the Sheriff ’s Office with any information at (805)781-4550.
PAGE A-6 • Thursday, February 4, 2021
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UPCOMING EVENTS UPCOMING EVENTS • Monthly Dinner First Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Reservations required. ewarbirds.org/museum/reservations.shtml or 805-296-1935 CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES • Estrella Warbird Museum is looking for a few good volunteers. See website for more info.
• Visit calendar at slofoodbank.org
IN THE BULLETIN CONTACT US office@13starsmedia.com 805.237.6060 | 805.466.2585
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES • See website for more information BOARD MEETINGS See contact info at slofoodbank.org CONTACT INFORMATION SLO FOOD BANK 1180 Kendall Road San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-238-4664 slofoodbank.org
See contact info at ewarbirds.org
ESTRELLA WARBIRD MUSEUM 4251 Dry Creek Road Paso Robles, CA 93446 805-238-9317 ewarbirds.org
• Information Available at pryaf.org/enrollement
UPCOMING EVENTS • See echoshelter.org for more info.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES • echoshelter.org/volunteer
Paso Robles Youth Arts Foundation Seeks Human Resources and Financial Professionals to join our Board of Directors PRYAF’s mission is to: Enrich the lives of area youth with free, after-school classes in the visual and performing arts, in a safe and nurturing environment. We hope you will consider sharing your talents with this fantastic organization. We have an incredible team! Our Board of Directors, Administrative Staff and Teaching Staff all work together to create an environment where students are first priority.
REDWINGS HORSE SANCTUARY 47240 Lockwood Jolon Road P.O. Box 58, Lockwood, CA 93932 805-238-4664 info@redwingshorsesanctuary.org
See echoshelter.org for more info.
Friends of The Paso Robles Library
• We are a governing board with individuals willing to serve and take on oversight responsibilities. • 2-year term commitments • Attend monthly meetings and serve on committees • Participate as a PRYAF Ambassador to promote the mission of our organization, its growth and opportunities for local youth.
UPCOMING EVENTS • Gift Shop Hours Temporarily Closed Thank you for your continued support!
Please contact: Emily Jagger, Director of Development at emilyjagger@ pryaf.org or 805-238-5825.
Campus Monitor | Overnight Chaperone Greeter | Registration Shower Monitor | Laundry Angel
The mission of Redwings Horse Sanctuary is to eliminate the causes of equine suffering through educational and community outreach programs, rescue abused, abandoned, and neglected equines and provide permanent sanctuary or selected foster/ adoptive homes for those equines.
4th Wednesday of the Month, 5pm
• Support the Library through your Friends of the Library Membership starting as low as $10 a year. The Friends of the Library appreciates your donations, which are either added to the library’s collection or are used to generate considerable funds towards the purchase of new books, library materials, programs or services. Due to COVID19, we are not accepting any donations at this time.
Call 805-237-3870 for info.
EL CAMINO HOMELESS ORGANIZATION 6370 Atascadero Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 echoshelter.org 1-805-462-FOOD (3663)
PASO ROBLES YOUTH ARTS FOUNDATION P.O. Box 4699 Paso Robles, CA 93447 www.pryaf.org Katherine@pryaf.org
FRIENDS OF THE PASO ROBLES LIBRARY 1000 Spring Street Paso Robles, CA 93446 805-237-3908 https://www.prcity.com/
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic: The Friends of the Paso Robles Library is Temporarily CLOSED.
We appreciate your continued support.
Paso Here We Come!
INTERESTED IN YOUR NONPROFIT BEING FEATURED? Call 805.237.6060 or 805.466.2585 for more information.
COVID-19 Response Youth Arts Fund Drive
Opening at our new location in the Spring of 2021
(831) 386-0135
47240 Lockwood Jolon Road P.O. Box 58, Lockwood, CA 93932
Tuesday - Saturday 10am-3pm by Appointment Only
Donations can be made: www.redwingshorsesanctuary.org info@ redwingshorsesanctuary.org
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 • PAGE A-7
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hirley Ann McNamara, 91, of Atascadero, passed away peacefully at her home from complications due to a stroke on November 16, 2020, surrounded by her family. She was born July 10, 1929, in Streator, Illinois, and became a very talented musician at an early age singing hymns on the street corner for a nickel when she was only four years old. Music became the love of her life from then on. Shirley became an accomplished singer and pianist by taking piano and organ lessons at the University of Minnesota while attending Minnesota Bible College. She toured the United States for two years, singing gospel music with five other Shirley’s called the “Shirley Sextet. “She cherished that time in her life until the day of her passing. In 1957 she moved to Atascadero with her family. Shirley quickly became a well-known leader in the music industry of San Luis Obispo County, where she was a piano, organ, and vocal teacher, choir director, music arranger, and accompanist. Dedicated to the community, she had
RICHARD BLANCO 1946 - 2021
ichard peacefully went home to the Lord on Jan 2, 2021. He
been the pianist and organist for The Christian Church, Church of the Nazarene, The Family Church, and the Atascadero Bible Church. For many years she was the accompanist for the Atascadero High School Choir, countless weddings, funerals, and community events, all usually for free, just for the love of music. She would say it was her “contribution.” She passed the gift of music on to her family, who lovingly called her Great One, Gramma Mac, or Gramma. There were so many people in the community, young and old, who were also taught the gift of music. Shirley was an only child and left her legacy leaving behind her daughters Paula Bywater, Diana Sommers (Frank), Pamela Vert (Don), and sons William “Bill” McNamara lll (Nancy) and David McNamara (Shelly). 14 Grandchildren and their spouses and 27 Great-Grandchildren. She was predeceased by her parents, Clarence Stewart, Lucille Defenbaugh Stewart, stepmom Alice Stewart and son in law Ronald Bywater. Due to Covid, no service has been planned at this time. She was laid to rest at Atascadero District Cemetery. She loved God and prayed daily for each one of us. Those who had mentioned a need or if you mentioned someone who had a need, she would say, “My list is getting longer”! Shirley loved life, her family, and her friends. She was truly one of the reasons they were called “The Greatest Generation.” was born to Jesus and Ignacia Blanco in Gilroy, Ca. Richard grew up in Gilroy with his ten brothers and sisters. He worked for Gentry Company as a dehydrator. He loved hanging out with his friends at Steinmetz Cigar Shop/pool Hall, fishing, and 49er games. At the age of 21, he married Gloria Arebalo they had five children together. After 13 years of marriage, they went their separate ways. Later, Rich-
ulian Alexander Morinini entered into eternal life on Friday, January 22, 2021, in Paso Robles, California. He and his wife, Sharon, have resided in their lovely neighborhood home in Paso Robles for the last 12 years. He was born in King City, California, on August 14, 1937, to Aquilino and Mariann “Annie” Morinini. Julian grew up on the family ranch in Greenfield, California. He attended Greenfield Elementary School and King City High School, where he was very popular and head cheerleader for the Mustangs. Alongside his siblings, he assisted with ranch work and worked parttime during his teens at Tiny’s Market in Greenfield. Following high school graduation, he enlisted and served in the Navy. After he served in the military, Julian returned to Tiny’s Market and enrolled in butchering school in Toledo, Ohio, to expand his butchering skills. He later purchased Azcona’s Market in Greenfield and became
known for his father’s version of “Morinini Swiss Sausage,” a tradition carried on by his brother, Leno. Julian will be remembered for being one of the best bartenders in Central California through his ownership of Nina’s Cantina in King City, California, and the Buckhorn Saloon in North Fork, California, where his wife Sharon and family lived for many years prior to returning to South Monterey County. Many would-be amazed at how quickly he would remember their drinks and the generous spirit of the conversation. Among his many talents, he was an amazing cook. His love for his family’s Swiss heritage showed through in his skills in making polenta and stew or his renowned gnocchi and cioppino always accompanied with his rendition of unique pie creations and, more recently, his rum cakes, which he willingly and generously provided for family and friends. The family aspires to replicate his recipes and use his famous motto’ cooking is all in the imagination’. It would be hard to find anything Julian prepared that was not delicious, imaginative, and made with love. Julian was a compassionate and kind individual who was gifted with a generous heart, as shown by his decision to help others as an organ donor. He was a voracious reader who loved mysteries, biographies, and nonfiction books. Julian also loved country music, especially
Willie Nelson, and enjoyed watching NBA games rooting for his favorite team, the Lakers. He was a great storyteller, showing a sharp wit while sharing a lifetime of memories and experiences. His sister recently found a quote that encapsulates Julian: “When I stand before God at the end of my life - I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say ‘I used everything you gave me.’” Julian is survived by his wife Sharon; daughters Julianne (Ken), Melanie, Lisa (Kreg), Lori (Larry), and Tami. His grandchildren J.T (Alexandria), Aleck (Kiley), Nick, Carson, Cameron, Kyler, Ainsley, Colt, Jesse, and Riker; and his great-grandchildren Maci, Tinley, Isla, and Grayson. He is also survived by his brothers Arthur and Leno (Linda), and sister, Esther. He leaves behind many nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends who knew and loved him. He will be greatly missed but not forgotten by those left behind. He was preceded in death by his parents, Aquilino and Annie; his brother-in-law, Barney; his son-in-law, Kenny; and his nephew, Tim. Donations can be made to: • Wounded Warriors WCO Project at HonorWarriors.org • Mission San Antonio de Padua at preservemissionsanantonio.org. Due to the current pandemic situation, memorial plans are pending.
ard moved to San Luis Obispo County, where his children were and other family members. He worked for a car washing service and a car dealership. He met his long time companion Karen Perry; they spent time at yard sales, crabbing at Pismo Pier, fishing. Richard started going to DaVita Dialysis Center for treatments. He visited his children and grandchildren as often as he could. Richard and Karen ended their relationship, and
he stayed a short time with his daughter Marcella before going to Mountain View Health Center and French Hospital, where he passed away. Richard is survived by his children Richard (Dianna) Raymond, Marcella Galvez (Charles Clark), Marlene Cisneros (Tomas) Ruben(Yvonne), his former wife Gloria Blanco, and 21 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, his siblings Mercy Molina(Damacio) Yolanda
Betancourt (Ramon) Daniel Blanco, Rosemarie Berry, Mary Seidor (Sam). His two close nieces, Darla Blanco and Anna Bolayog, many other nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, brothers Tony Adame, Jesus, and Lawrence Blanco. His sister’s Margarita Cruz and Martha Ponce. Dad, you left this earth to go home but never left our hearts. No celebration of life is planned at this time.
with just a day to hug his family. His system let go at dawn. Richard leaves behind a very bright life of business travel on four continents, often with his wife Laurie and daughter Vincenza. He enjoyed any appetizer, salad, or dessert Vincenza prepared as a sous chef at Paso Terra and supported Laurie’s spirited work with Wine Country RICHARD ZENOBIO Theatre. He also leaves behind his mother 1953 - 2020 and sister, three nieces and three nephews, extended family in Italy, California, and ichard Zenobio, a husband, father, on the East Coast. and business owner, passed away He is missed by dozens of friends, many Saturday, December 19, 2020. of whom he had known since childAfter 67 dynamic years as an artist hood, who enjoyed a game of golf and the in Italy and an entrepreneurial granbounty of the Zenobio summer crops as ite importer, Richard enjoyed a very guests in Paso each year. A Celebration of full summer writing his second novel Life will be held in June 2022 when family and tending his gardens and olive grove and friends can gather safely. just outside downtown Paso Robles. A Those inspired to share Richard’s surprising loss of strength in October led community spirit for Paso Robles can from local clinics to Stanford Specialty savor an appetizer at Paso Terra or by Clinics, revealing a very rare blood cancer saving a seat for Ben Franklin at an affecting multiple organs. Chemo started upcoming Wine Country Theatre producthe next week. Richard returned home tion.
arry Lindberg, age 64, passed away peacefully in his home in Paso Robles on December 19,
2020. He was born September 10, 1956, to Ellis and Selah Lindberg and was raised in Paso Robles, along with his siblings Kent, Scott, and Kathy. Barry loved sports and played football throughout high school, earning awards as a defensive lineman, and CIF champions his senior year with his hometown team, the Bearcats. Barry graduated from Paso Robles High
school in 1974. After high school, he moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where he lived and worked as a carpenter for many years. Barry was a very skilled carpenter and helped construct homes locally and for family members. Later in life, Barry returned to Paso Robles, where he spent his time helping family and friends with smaller building projects, property maintenance, and reconnecting with old friends. Barry was known for always having a smile on his face, constantly joking, his love for lottery scratchers and the Miami Dolphins. Barry is survived by his brothers Kent, Scott, and his wife Marcy, of Paso Robles, and sister, Kathy of Prather. As well as his aunt, LaRee Lasueur, nieces and nephew April, Amy, Ryan & Alisa Lindberg, and cousins. A celebration of life service will be held for Barry this Saturday, February 6, 10:00 am, at the Paso Robles Cemetery for family and close friends to attend.
DEATHS COTTER — Gladys Grace Cotter, 93, of San Luis Obispo passed away on January 23, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel of Grover Beach. TANNER — Lyle Hammer Tanner, 91, of Oceano passed away on January 24, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel of Grover Beach. WALTERS — Nancy Ann Walters, 85, of San Luis Obispo passed away on January 21, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel of Grover Beach. MUNRO — Mary Munro, 68, of Atascadero passed away on January 20, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Blue Sky Cremation Service. BOYD — Kari Boyd, 49, of Paso Robles passed away on January 17, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Blue Sky Cremation Service. SEARBY — James Searby, 63, of Morro Bay passed away on January 20, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Blue Sky Cremation Service. WEST — Linda West, 69, of Atascadero passed away on January 25, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Blue Sky Cremation Service. WISNIEWSKI — Agnus Wisniewski, 86, of Cayucos passed away on January 26, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Blue Sky Cremation Service. SANDS — David Sands, 73, of Paso Robles passed away on January 20, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Blue Sky Cremation Service. COLVARD — Thomas Colvard, 79, of Paso Robles passed away on January 21,2021. Arrangements are in the care of Blue Sky Cremation Service. PHILLIPS — Ila Phillips, 73, of Pismo Beach passed away on January 22, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Blue Sky Cremation Service. WALTER — Othmar Herbert Walter, 86, of Paso Robles passes away on January 28, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home. KEAN — Jack Kean, 79, of Grover Beach, passed away January 19, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach. MOON — Mary Moon, 91, of Arroyo Grande, passed away January 24, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach. GOMEZ — Henry Gomez, 71, of Nipomo, passed away January 25, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach. GARKOVICH — Frances Garkovich, 72, of Oceano, passed away January 28, 2021. Arrangements are in the care of Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach.
RESERVOIR LEVELS SANTA MARGARITA LAKE (Salinas Reservoir): 73.2% capacity LOPEZ LAKE: 40.3% capacity LAKE NACIMIENTO: 41% capacity LAKE SAN ANTONIO: 19% capacity WHALE ROCK: 77.89% capacity
TO READ THE FULL WEEK’S REPORT, GO TO OUR WEBSITES: ATASCADERONEWS.COM • PASOROBLESPRESS.COM ATASCADERO POLICE DEPARTMENT JANUARY 26, 2021 • 02:19— Eshaya Gilbert Eshaya, 56, of Modesto was arrested at NB 101 / Santa Cruz and cited for outside warrantmisdemeanor [o/w-m]; case no. 210197 • 17:04— Gabriel Valanty Netz, 27, of Atascadero was arrested at El Camino Real at Highway 41 and cited for possess unlawful paraphernalia [11364(a)]; case no. 210202 • 18:23— Jesse Ray Easterday, 29, transient, was arrested on the 9300 block of El Camino Real and cited for possess unlawful paraphernalia [11364(a)], shoplifting [459.5]; case no. 210203 JANUARY 27, 2021 • 11:01— Simon Bently Lorden, 19, of Atascadero was arrested on the 9400
block of El Camino Real and cited for possess narcotic controlled substance [11350(a)], possess unlawful paraphernalia [11364(a)], manufacture/sale/ possess/etc metal knuckles [21810]; case no. 210209 JANUARY 29, 2021 • 12:45— Kyle Frederick Pflum, 33, of Atascadero was arrested on the 8700 block of El Camino Real and cited for drive w/license suspended/revoked for drunk/refuse chem test [14601.5(a)]; case no. 210229 PASO ROBLES POLICE DEPARTMENT JANUARY 25, 2021 • 01:55— Suzanne Joyce Garcia, 51, of Coalinga was arrested on the 1100 block of Black Oak Dr. and booked and released for trespass/refuse to leave
property [602(o)(1)pc]; case no. 21-0199 • 02:28— Savannah Dakota Savage, 26, of Canoga Park was arrested on the 2600 block of Buena Vista Dr. and booked and released for being under influence of controlled substance [11550(a)h&s], possession of specified controlled substance [11377(a)h&s], possession of unlawful paraphernalia [11364(a)h&s]; case no. 210200 • 16:39— Jamal Mitchell Daniel, 20, of Paso Robles was arrested on the corner of 28th St. and Park St. and booked and released for willful disobedience of a court order [166(a)(4)pc]; case no. 210209 JANUARY 26, 2021 • 08:55— Angel Garcia, 29, of Paso Robles was arrested on the 500 block of Fein St. and released to another agency for outside warrant- felony
[o/w-f]; case no. 210213 • 09:02— Jose Manuel Garcia, 31, transient, was arrested on the 300 block of Fein St. and released to another agency for being under influence of controlled substance [11550(a)h&s]; case no. 210213 • 09:06— Ernesto Cerbantes Flores, 28, of Paso Robles was arrested on the 300 block of Fein St. and booked and released for possession of unlawful paraphernalia [11364(a)h&s], under influence of controlled substance [11550(a)h&s]; case no. 210213 JANUARY 27, 2021 • 04:44— Ezequiel Espinozamartinez, 30, of Santa Maria was arrested on the 800 block of 4th St. and booked and released for being under influence of controlled substance [11550(a)h&s]; case no. 21-0221
66º | 37º
JANUARY 28, 2021 • 15:09— Mitchell Robert Vernon Cryer, 29, of Delta was arrested on the 1200 block of Lana Dr. and booked and released for outside warrant- misdemeanor [o/w-m], outside warrantfelony [o/w-f]; case no. 210228 • 20:36— Marjorie Elise Foster, 34, of Paso Robles was arrested on the 200 block of Melody Dr. and released to another agency for willful cruelty to child:possible injury/death [273a(a)pc], driving under the influence of alcohol [23152(a)vc], dui alcohol/0.08 percent [23152(b)vc]; case no. 210230 • 22:54— Miguel Angel Guerrero, 38, of Paso Robles was released to a third party for local warrant-felony [b/w-f], outside warrant- misdemeanor [o/wm], local warrant-misdemeanor [b/wm]; case no. 210232
69º | 38º SUNDAY
71º | 40º MONDAY
63º | 39º TUESDAY
64º | 40º WEDNESDAY
65º | 39º
PAGE A-8 • Thursday, February 4, 2021
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‘Irony: Newsom Breaks Up the Bay Area Clique’
Francisco congresswoman. Before Newsom became governor, ex-Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown had just spent two terms in the state’s top office, while ex-Marin County Supervisor Barbara Boxer spent 24 years as a California senator, retiring in 2016 and giving way to Harris. Newsom broke up this ensemble when THOMAS ELIAS he chose Padilla, California’s secretary of COMMENTARY state for six years and before that a state assemblyman from the San Fernando lex Padilla’s taking the oath of Valley area of Los Angeles. Padilla, an office as California’s junior U.S. MIT graduate, once was the “boy wonder” senator marks a political landof the Los Angeles City Council. mark: it ends the longest regional domiThen, to accent what he was doing, nation modern California political life has Newsom named Democratic Assemblyseen. woman Shirley Weber of San Diego to Since Arnold Schwarzenegger left Padilla’s slot as California’s chief elections the governor’s office in early 2011, every official. major statewide elective office had been Maybe it took a former San Francisco held by San Francisco Bay Area Demomayor to ease the oversized influence of crats, several first anointed by former state the Bay Area on this state and nation, Assembly Speaker and San Francisco where two San Franciscans now stand Mayor Willie Brown. Nos. 1 and 2 in the line of succession The ascent of Kamala Harris to the vice behind new President Joe Biden. presidency triggered this sea change. Prior Newsom didn’t approach it in terms to that, Newsom, a former San Francisco of regional identity. Pressured to make mayor, was joined in high office by U.S. Oakland’s longtime Democratic Rep. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, another former San Barbara Lee a senator, he went with Francisco mayor; former Sen. Harris, a Padilla, despite the numerous Black onetime district attorney of San Francisco, women who lamented that Harris’ deparand House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a San ture from the Senate leaves it with no
Black females. Instead, Newsom went with personal loyalty in choosing Padilla, one of his earliest and most consistent backers, while he spent more than eight years seeking to become governor. There was also the fact that Padilla, a Latino and more moderate than Lee, might be a stronger candidate for election on his own next year. For sure, Padilla will face Democratic competition in that upcoming primary, possibly from the likes of Burbank Congressman Adam Schiff, who spearheaded the impeachments of Donald Trump; Silicon Valley Rep. Ro Khanna, a darling of the Democratic left; Lee, current San Francisco Mayor London Breed or Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, a perpetual short-lister for other big jobs who never seems to land them. Orange County Congresswoman Katie Porter, Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf also are possible entrants. Schiff, a hero to many Democrats, and Padilla are by far the best known in that group, making Khanna, Breed, Lee, and Schaaf longshots in any contest. This Senate seat appears likely to stay with a non-Bay Area resident. Many of these folks could also be entrants in any race for Feinstein’s Senate spot, who will be 91 when her term is up.
Two Weeks In
and gas leases on federal lands and prohibiting fracking. His bans affect private lands and Native American lands’; royalties and state balance sheets depend upon resource extraction. States heavily dependent upon fossil fuel extraction include Democratic strongholds like New Mexico, which derives about 1/3 of their budget from oil/ gas royalties. Nearly 2 million workers AL FONZI are directly impacted by his bans, which COMMENTARY also terminated the XL Keystone Pipeline project, which was to bring oil from wo weeks into the Biden presiCanada through America to Gulf ports. dency, those who’ve been politEnvironmental groups are overjoyed, but ically asleep are likely reaching the oil will still be exported, just at the for a bottle of antacid tablets. Who would expense of the American working class. have thought that he would actually carry This project had been vetted repeatedly out the most extreme demands of the for its environmental impacts, including angry, delusional Left? multiple federal court cases, legislative In his first week in office, President reviews, and no less than five reviews by Biden has put more Americans out of the U.S. State Department. No signifiwork via executive orders (governing by cant impacts upon the environment were fiat) than any other president managed cited, with the pipeline being the most to accomplish in their first year in office. environmentally safe method of transport. Signing 40 executive orders on a multiIts cancellation immediately put 11,000 tude of subjects, Biden exploded campaign Americans out of work. What is the point promises to return the country to normalcy of years of environmental reviews, congresand to observe the role of the legislature in sional hearings, and court reviews if, after making national policy. all of that, one man can simply cancel He promised not to end fracking nor multi-billion dollar projects on a whim? destroy the fossil fuel industry while That’s not rule of law; it’s lawless autocracy, campaigning, promises made to Pennsylthe short version of tyranny. vanian union workers, then banned new oil Using the same pen, the president
Paso Robles School Board, Let’s Move Forward Dear Editor,
The Paso Robles School Board is demonstrating how disconnected they are from the immediate needs of the district they serve. Rather than focusing on ways to get students back to school or bringing unity to racial divisions, the elected trustees have been using their time to go through details of what led to the district’s financial issues during Chris Williams’ time as Superintendent. The SLO County Grand Jury has thoroughly reviewed the information, found several errors and failures by the district, and made recommendations. At a time to rebuild, to adhere to the recommendations of the grand jury, the board has decided to use more energy attempting to dig up criminal evidence on and attack respected individuals of our community. One of those people is Deputy Superintendent of PRJUSD, Jennifer Gaviola. It is time to repair, not further divide. Jennifer Gaviola is a Bearcat. She was a PRHS student-athlete. She is a person with an
destroyed years of civil rights law, especially Title IX, which established protections for women and girls sports. He mandated the integration of transgender male accommodation in all school and college sports. Young female athletes have been losing athletic competitions for several years due to the politically mandated acceptance of former and still genetic males into women’s competition, locker rooms, and restrooms. Studies have shown that there are currently over 300 male high school athletes of average ability who can best women’s world records in the Olympic 400 meter race along with other competitions. Women are losing scholarships, awards, and recognition to biological males whose bodies developed through adolescence as males, later to compete as females. It’s not fair and not right, but Biden validated this via executive order, also declaring he would sign the Equality Act. The legislation not only guarantees transgender rights as a protected category but also ends freedom of conscience. No longer will religious groups be able to claim that a demand to change cherished religious doctrines is unconstitutional and protected by the First Amendment. Parochial schools are to be targeted and forced to adopt classroom dogma from public schools endorsing the new gay theology or lose accreditation. The Little Sisters of
that you want to put out to students and staff that rely on and have great confidence in Mrs. Gaviola? We should look back and learn from the experience over the last few years so that we can move forward together in a productive manner rather than trying to divide our community further. Board members, your platform should be aligned with PRJUSD’s Guiding Principles. It is not to intimidate or bully individuals who stand up to you or think differently. Focus on the real issues. Listen to your students, teachers, and residents. Work with us to come together- all of us- by embracing differences rather than fearing them. Authored by and in agreement of Paso Robles community members:
Alisa Bredensteiner Susana A. Lopez, PhD Laura Parker Yessenia A. Echevarria Juanetta Perkins Carey Alvord-Schof Bill Stansbury Robert J. Ellsworth Laura Esquivel
Let your voice be heard and write a letter to the editor!
Deadline is every Friday for possible placement in Thursday’s paper depending on space available. Letters can be up to 300 words. We do not publish anonymous letters, and we reserve the right to edit for clarity and style. Limit one per month.
Email: editor@13starsmedia.com
If she serves out the term, several of them would no doubt run to succeed her in 2024, even though Feinstein improbably set up a reelection committee the other day. What’s evident now is that any of the prominent Southern California possibilities would likely make a stronger statewide candidate next year or in 2024 than any Bay Area figure. That’s a major change for the geographic tilt in California politics, one that could become even more significant if the current recall drive aiming to oust Newsom a year before his term is up should proceed to an election and succeed. The last major recall, against ex-Gov. Gray Davis gave California its only non-Democrat, non-Bay Area occupant of a top office since 2002, as movie muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger catapulted into office by that route. Two San Diego area figures, former Mayor Kevin Faulconer and businessman John Cox, a Donald Trump loyalist beaten by Newsom in 2018, figure to be on that ballot if it arrives and either could change the state’s politics even more than Newsom and Padilla already have. Thomas Elias is an independent opinion columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email him at tdelias@aol.com.
the Poor will be forced to provide contraceptives and abortion coverage, although they’ve won their case in court, and such mandates are a religious abomination to the faithful. Pastors who speak out against radical gay agendas as unscriptural will see their churches lose tax-exempt status. Some will say that’s ok, but the power to tax is the power to destroy. We are becoming a nation of intolerance and mandated ideological conformity. The event of January 6 (the storming of the Capitol by angry rioters) is being used as an excuse to promote harsh internal security laws by Congress. The Capitol riot was inexcusable, but dismissing the anger of working-class America while holding them in disdain only assists those who would destroy our nation. Overlooking the economic wasteland created in large swaths of the country by corporate outsourcing and shortsighted policies designed to assuage environmental campaign donors is an equal outrage and one guaranteed to feed political rage, as is vindictive persecution and “canceling” of political opponents. Failure to unify will undermine and weaken the Republic to the delight of the world’s tyrants. Al Fonzi is an independent opinion columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email him at atascaderocolumnist@gmail.com
incredible work ethic and integrity. She literally does two fulltime jobs for the district, doing all with expertise and creativity. Jennifer is the lead in all of the district’s return to school documents, preparation, and implementation of agreements with staff and county health. She runs the personnel department and is the lead negotiator with both unions. She remains very active in her support of the high school and still finds time to recognize a colleague, applaud staff ... and most importantly, does anything possible to support a kid. Any kid, Any grade. Any color. Any level of ability. Instead of focusing on a conspiracy theory, board members should be following Jennifer’s lead to get things done within the school district. Why has the board recently thrown her name out there? Jennifer had recently spoken as a community member at a school board meeting requesting three things from the trustees: that they “lead with kindness, integrity, and be future-focused”. Shortly thereafter, she was accused by the board. Trustees, is this the message
MLK Scholarship BBQ Canceled But Donations Still Critical Dear Editor,
Here comes Super Bowl Sunday, and for many here on the Central Coast, that means it’s time for the Martin Luther King Jr. Chicken Barbecue. Usually... But nothing is “usual” this year. A local tradition for many years, the annual barbecue raises money for The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. High School Memorial Scholarship Fund. Since 1968, the organization has been awarding scholarships to college-bound teens graduating from local high schools. But because of health and safety precautions brought about by COVID-19, the annual chicken barbecue won’t be happening this year. Yet, your support of the scholarship fund has never been more important. Amid the pandemic, special challenges face students who are graduating from high school and setting their sights on college. Freshman college enrollment is down 15 percent nationwide, primarily because of financial hardships brought about by COVID19, according to figures from the
Topics That Were of Interest to Me This Week • FBI Miami Special Agent in Charge George Piro’s Remarks at Press Conference Regarding Agent-Involved Shooting fbi.gov/contact-us/fieldoffices/miami/news/ press-releases/fbi-miamispecial-agent-in-chargegeorge-piros-remarks-atpress-conference-regardingagent-involved-shooting • NASA Pays Tribute to Fallen Heroes with Day of Remembrance nasa.gov/press-release/nasapays-tribute-to-fallen-heroeswith-day-of-remembrance • Study identifies brain areas that support social semantic accumulation medicalxpress.com/ news/2021-02-brainareas-social-semanticaccumulationhtml?utm_ source=nwletter&utm_ medium=email&utm_ campaign=daily-nwletter • GameStop Saga Continues As Reddit Users Battle Wall Street forbes.com/sites/ jonathanponciano/2021/01/25/ gamestopshortsqueeze-citronreddit/?sh=368c73af4af6 • Hormones are key in brain health differences between men and women medicalxpress.com/ news/2021-02-hormoneskey-brain-health-differences. html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_ medium=email&utm_ campaign=daily-nwletter • Neutrons probe molecular behavior of proposed COVID-19 drug candidates phys.org/news/202102-neutrons-probemolecular-behavior-covid-. html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_ medium=email&utm_ campaign=daily-nwletter • Mathematical method developed to predict cancer and drug-specific immunotherapy efficacy medicalxpress.com/ news/2021-02-mathematicalmethod-cancer-drugspecific-immunotherapy. html?utm_ source=nwletter&utm_ medium=email&utm_ campaign=daily-nwletter
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Among minority students, the numbers are even higher. This fall, freshman enrollment at community colleges was down 30 percent among Black, Hispanic, and Native American students. So now, more than ever, our scholarship recipients need your help. We’re asking you to celebrate Super Bowl Sunday this year by barbecuing your own chicken or Quote of the Week: whipping up another favorite dish to enjoy while watching the game. • New Year’s Day! “Never bend your head. Always But before you do, please go to hold it high. Look the world our website (mlkfund.org) and click straight in the eye.” Helen Keller on “Donate” to make your annual, tax-deductible contribution to the Word of the Week: MLK High School Memorial Scholarship Fund. Or send your auspicious check to P.O. Box 1693, San Luis [aus·pi·cious] Obispo, CA 93406. adjective Stay home, stay well, stay safe. showing or suggesting that future Enjoy the game. And just think how success is likely good that MLK Barbecue chicken is going to taste next year. Good things are worth waiting for. But while you’re waiting, local college-bound students are still depending on you. Please donate now.: Scan the QR
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 • PAGE A-9
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PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20202583 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: TB3D PRINTING, 1856 CORRALITOS AVENUE, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: TESS BOEHM, 1856 CORRALITOS AVENUE, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93401 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ TESS BOEHM This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 12/29/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/11/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office.
Includes the Participating (in GA: Designated) Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Product not available in all states. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN); Rider kinds B438/B439 (GA: B439B). 6255
TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By EBROOKHART, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/29/2025 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 10
TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SKING, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/05/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 12
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20202511 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: ATASCADERO DENT TECH, 9018 CASCADA ROAD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: YUKIHARU KIYAMA, 9018 CASCADA ROAD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ YUKIHARU KIYAMA This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 12/18/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/18/2025 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 11
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20202546 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: GOLDEN ANCHOR FINANCIAL SERVICES, GOLDEN ANCHOR REALTY, 2671 TREE TRAP RD, BRADLEY, CA 93426, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: GOLDEN ANCHOR GROUP, 2671 TREE TRAP RD, BRADLEY, CA 93426 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ GOLDEN ANCHOR GROUP, DEBRA M GARCIA, PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 12/22/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/12/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SCURRENS, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/22/2025 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 13
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210025 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: STILSON CELLARS, STILSON FARMS, 5895 FORKED HORN PL, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: STILSON, INC., 5895 FORKED HORN PL, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ STILSON, INC., DEBORAH STILSON, SECRETARY This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/05/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office.
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210042 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: RED ROAD LEATHERWORKS, 6370 LOMITAS ROAD, ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: ALEXANDER P GONZALES, 6370 LOMITAS ROAD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ALEXANDER P. GONZALES, INDIVIDUAL This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/06/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS
DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/06/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 14 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210038 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: REAL ESTATE TEAM 29:11, MACI GIOVANNA REAL ESTATE TEAM, THE WINE COUNTRY TEAM, 711 12TH STREET, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: RCA PROPERTIES, INC., 711 12TH STREET, PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ RCA PROPERTIES, INC., PETER W. DAKIN - PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/06/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/06/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 15 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NEW FILE NO. 20210037 OLD FILE NUMBER. 20181604 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S) TO BE ABANDONED: REAL ESTATE TEAM 29:11, 711 12TH STREET, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME WAS FILED IN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ON: 06/20/2018 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) HAVE ABANDONED THE USE OF THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: CENTRAL COAST INVESTMENT HOME BUYERS, LLC, 1804 TERRABELLA COURT,
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J OLVERA, 364 LILY PAD LANE, TEMPLETON, CALIFORNIA 93465 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ TIMOTHY J OLVERA This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/07/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/07/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 18 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210064 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: CENTRAL COAST CLASSICS, 6947 SYCAMORE RD A, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: OLIVER GUILLERMO CRUZ, 7685 SANTA YSABEL AVE #A, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ OLIVER GUILLERMO CRUZ This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/08/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/08/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 19 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210062 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: ROCKY CANYON FARMS, 8555 ROCKY CANYON RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN
LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: GREG L NAUTA, 8555 ROCKY CANYON RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, LISA M NAUTA, 8555 ROCKY CANYON RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ GREG L. NAUTA This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/07/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 04/01/2000 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/07/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 20 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210076 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: CRI & ASSOCIATES GENERAL CONTRACTING, 1210 DEL MAR DRIVE, LOS OSOS, CA 93402, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: CHRISTOPHER RYAN ISLER, 1210 DEL MAR DRIVE, LOS OSOS, CA 93402 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ CHRISTOPHER RYAN ISLER, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/08/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 08/11/1993 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/08/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 22 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
Cities Financial Transactions Report Summary and Statistics
PAGE A-10 • Thursday, February 4, 2021 File No 20202547 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: LEGENDS SALON AND DAY SPA, 4855 EL CAMINO REAL, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: KATHERINE ANN MCNAMARA, 5120 PALMA AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, JOEL MARTIN DUNBAR, 5120 PALMA AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ KATHERINE ANN MCNAMARA This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 12/23/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/23/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/23/2025 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 23 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210073 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: ALIYAH’S KITCHEN, 575 S MAIN ST, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: CLAUDIA TERESA ZARATE ROMAN, 5175 STAGG HILL PL, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ CLAUDIA TERESA ZARATE ROMAN, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/08/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SCURRENS, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/08/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 24 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20202580 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: EDDIE COLEMAN WINES, 1321 SPRING STREET, UNIT 202, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: VINCENT HUCKS, 1321 SPRING STREET, UNIT 202, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ VINCENT HUCKS, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 12/29/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/29/2025 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 25 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210019 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: EARTHTONES GIFTS GALLERY & CENTER FOR HEALING, WHOLE BALANCE, 1319 PARK STREET, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: MARY B UEBERSAX, 1319 PARK STREET, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, GREGORY C CARROLL, 1319 PARK STREET, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ MARY UEBERSAX, CO-OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/04/2021
TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 05/01/2005 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/04/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 26 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210070 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: CLEVENGER COMPANIES, CLEVENGER CATTLE, CLEVENGER EQUIPMENT, 1365 PLUM ORCHARD LANE, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: SAM MICHAEL CLEVENGER, 2496 STARLING DRIVE, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ SAM MICHAEL CLEVENGER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/08/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/08/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 27 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210014 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: COOP ON THE HILL, 7685 SOMBRILLA AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: CLAUDIA ELENA GUZMAN, 7685 SOMBRILLA AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ CLAUDIA ELENA GUZMAN, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/04/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/04/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 28 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210097 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: CAMPOS CERAMIC, 2138 SPRING ST STE A, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: IAT DIVERSIFIED INC, 2138 SPRING ST STE A, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ IAT DIVERSIFIED INC, ISIDORO ALARCON TORRES SECRETARY This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/12/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 09/08/2015 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/12/2026 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 29 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20202541 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: BROKEN EARTH WINERY, 6465 VON DOLLEN ROAD, SAN MIGUEL, CA 93451, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED
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BY: A CORPORATION: CASTORO CELLARS, 6465 VON DOLLEN ROAD, SAN MIGUEL, CA 93451 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ CASTORO CELLARS, NIELS UDSEN, PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 12/22/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/18/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By EBROOKHART, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/22/2025 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 30 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20202522 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: TOPANGA TRAIL RENTAL, 8605 SANTA MONICA BLVD., #79420, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069, LOS ANGELES COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: ANTHONY MICHAEL FRESCH, 8605 SANTA MONICA BLVD. #79420, WESST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ANTHONY FRESCH, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 12/18/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 10/17/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/18/2025 PUB: 01/14, 01/21, 01/28, 02/04/2021 LEGAL CM 31 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210051 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: FINCA LOS AGAVES, WINDROSE HERB CO., 5750 EL PHARO DR, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: WINDROSE FARM, LLC, 5750 EL PHARO DR, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ WINDROSE FARM, LLC, JUSTIN WELCH, MANAGER MEMBER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/06/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/06/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 32 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210052 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: EDGE INTEGRATED, 9148 PALOMAR AVENUE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: AARON LUDERS, 9148 PALOMAR AVENUE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ AARON LUDERS This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/06/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 1/1/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business
Name Statement, Expires 01/06/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 33 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210091 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: THIRD ACT SENIOR PLANNING, 5075 DULZURA AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: FRANCESCA LOPORTO, 5075 DULZURA AVE, ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ FRANCESCA LOPORTO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/11/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/11/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 34 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210100 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: ULLOA CELLARS, 3310 RAMADA DR. SUITE A, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: NANCY A GONZALEZ ULLOA, 1225 CORRAL CREEK AVE APT 2, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ NANCY A GONZALEZ ULLOA, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/12/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/06/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/12/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 35 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210103 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: SAN LUIS OBISPO ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, 4251 HIGUERA STREET, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: SCENIC COAST ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, 830 MORRO BAY BOULEVARD, MORRO BAY, CA 93442 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ SCENIC COAST ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, LISA L. J. KEELAN, CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/12/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/12/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 36 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210087 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: BELLA BLOOM EVENTS, 480 SAN MARCOS ROAD, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: MEGAN MARIE TANNEHILL, 480 SAN MARCOS ROAD, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or
she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ MEGAN TANNEHILL, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/11/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/11/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 37 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210093 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: NICOLE MCCALL PROCESSING, 1073 HERDSMAN WAY, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: NICOLE ELAINE MCCALL, 1073 HERDSMAN WAY, TEMPLETON, CA 93465 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ NICOLE ELAINE MCCALL This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/11/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/11/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SKING, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/11/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 38 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210122 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: DEROSE THERAPY GROUP, 1026 PALM STREET, SUITE 215, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: DEROSE MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY CORPORATION, 1026 PALM STREET, SUITE 215, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ DEROSE MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY CORPORATION, LEAH DEROSE, CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/13/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SCURRENS, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/13/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 39 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210136 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: BEELINE MOBILE AUTO REPAIR, 6060 MUSTARD CREEK RD, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: SHAWN COPEN, 6060 MUSTARD CREEK RD, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ SHAWN COPEN This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/15/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SKING, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/15/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 40 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210109 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: MR. C’S KITCHEN RENTALS,
8550 #C EL CAMINO REAL, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: DONALD WAYNE CURL, 5705 ROSARIO AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ DONALD WAYNE CURL, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/12/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/31/2016 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/12/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 41 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210132 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: HIGHROCK PLANT CO., 2396 SAN BERNARDO CREEK ROAD, MORRO BAY, CA 93442, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: EMILIA M TIETJE, 2396 SAN BERNARDO CREEK ROAD, MORRO BAY, CA 93442 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ EMILIA M. TIETJE This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/14/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/14/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 42 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210115 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: BOWMAN AIRE HEATING & AIR, 65 BREWER STREET, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: TIMOTHY PATRICK BOWMAN, 65 BREWER STREET, TEMPLETON, CA 93465 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ TIMOTHY P. BOWMAN, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/13/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 11/06/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/13/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 43 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210054 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: HAIR OF THE DOG, 634 SPRING ST, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: JUDY NELL ENGER, 785 OXEN ST, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ JUDY N ENGER, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/06/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/28/2004 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/06/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021
LEGAL CM 44 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210124 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: RK APPRAISALS, 2025 SAN FERNANDO RD, ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: REBECCA LEE KLEINCHMIDT, 2025 SAN FERNANDO RD, ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ REBECCA LEE KLEINSCHMIDT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/13/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/11/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SKING, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/13/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 45 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210041 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: GREAT PACIFIC WOODWORKS, 120 DAY STREET, NIPOMO, CA 93444, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: PETER L SKARDA, 120 DAY ST, NIPOMO, CALIFORNIA 93444-9732 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ PETER L SKARDA This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/06/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/02/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/06/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 46 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210021 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: POPPY, 911 EMBARCADERO, MORRO BAY, CA 93442, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: SOPHIA BOUTIQUE LLC, 10635 SAN MARCOS RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ SOPHIA BOUTIQUE LLC, WALA TOLLE, MANAGING MEMBER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/04/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 11/02/2015 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/04/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 47 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20202573 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: BONDING ORGANICS LLC, 1616 SKYVIEW DRIVE, PASO, ROBLES, CA, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: BONDING ORGANICS LLC, 1616 SKYVIEW DRIVE, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ BONDING ORGANICS LLC, MARISELA MENDOZA - MANAGING MEMBER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis
Obispo County on 12/28/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/28/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/28/2025 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 48 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210146 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: COAST TO COAST PEST CONTROL, 525 BAKEMAN LANE, ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: ERIC JOHN HONEGGER, 525 BAKEMAN LANE, ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ERIC JOHN HONEGGER, OFFICER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/15/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/15/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 49 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20202597 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: SLO COVID CENTER, 1551 BISHOP ST STE 210, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: JAMES B CARR, MD, INC, 1551 BISHOP ST STE 210, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ JAMES B CARR, MD, INC, JAMES B CARR, PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 12/30/2020 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 12/30/2025 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 50 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210118 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: ACUMEN APPRAISALS, 2865 FERROCARRIL RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: ADRIENNE E BECK, 2865 FERROCARRIL RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ADRIENNE E BECK, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/13/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/23/2015 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SCURRENS, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/13/2026 PUB: 01/21, 01/28, 02/04, 02/11/2021 LEGAL CM 51 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210104 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: OAK AND HONEY, SURREAL WEDDING FILMS, 1109 CADDIE LN, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: CORY ELDEN WILLIAMS, 1109 CADDIE LN, PASO ROBLES, CA
93446, SAMANTHA LEIGH WILLIAMS, 1109 CADDIE LN, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ CORY WILLIAMS, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/12/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/12/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 52 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210145 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: CONFLUX, 22804 EL CAMINO REAL, SANTA MARGARITA, CA 93453, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: ISAAC BLAISE MINARIK, 22804 EL CAMINO REAL, SANTA MARGARITA, CA 93453, MICHELLE MINARIK, 22804 EL CAMINO REAL, SANTA MARGARITA, CA 93453 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ISAAC MINARIK This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/15/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 07/01/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/15/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 53 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210152 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: STRAIGHT UP STRINGS, 9190 HARVEST WAY, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: ROGER HENRY SIMINOFF, 9190 HARVEST WAY, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ROGER H SIMINOFF, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/19/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/19/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 54 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210083 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: HFG COASTAL INSURANCE SERVICES, 1818 SPRING STREET, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: ACRISURE OF CALIFORNIA, LLC, 100 OTTAWA AVENUE SW, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 49503 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization MICHIGAN I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ACRISURE OF CALIFORNIA, LLC, COURTNEY KOLENDA, VICE PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/11/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/31/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy
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New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/11/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 55 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210164 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: RANCHO CIELO VACATION RENTAL, 3800 HIGH GROVE, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: ALISON RUSH CARSCADEN, 3800 HIGH GROVE, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, DOUGLAS RUSSELL CARSCADEN, 3800 HIGH GROVE, TEMPLETON, CA 93465 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ALISON R. CARSCADEN, OWNER/OPERATOR This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/20/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/26/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/20/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 56 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210193 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: NORTH COUNTY FENCE CO, 735 7TH STREET, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: LEOPOPLDO ESPINOSA CORTES, 735 7TH STREET, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ LEOPOLDO CORTES, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/25/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/25/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 57 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210140 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: SMITTY’S PROPERTIES, 2639 VINEYARD CIR, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: JENNIFER FANNING, 2639 VINEYARD CIRCLE, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a
crime.) /S/ JENNIFER FANNING This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/15/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/15/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SKING, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/15/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 58 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210003 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: PLATINUM PROPERTIES, PLATINUM TEAM PROPERTIES, 1117 VINE ST., PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: PLATINUM REO SALES CORP, 1117 VINE ST., PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ PLATINUM REO SALES CORP, HEATHER RODA, PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/04/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 03/06/2009 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By EBROOKHART, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/04/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 59 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210172 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: SLO CHILL’N, 3860 S HIGUERA STREET SPC C12, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93401, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: TAMARA LAKEN, 3860 S HIGUERA STREET SPC C12, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ TAMARA LAKEN This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/20/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 10/10/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SCURRENS, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/20/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 60 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210191 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: GUTIERREZ INVESTMENTS & SERVICES, 1916 CRESTON ROAD #100, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO
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COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: MARIA DE LOS ANGELES GUTIERREZ, 265 CHEYENNE DR, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ MARIA DE LOS ANGELES GUTIERREZ, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/22/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 02/11/2012 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/22/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 61 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210090 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: KKG GENERAL CLEANING COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL, 2181 SEAVIEW AVE APT B, MORRO BAY, CA 93442, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP: LETICIA DELABRA MORALES, 2181 SEAVIEW AVE APT B, MORRO BAY, CA 93442, EFRAIN HERRERA MONTES, 2181 SEAVIEW AVE APT B, MORRO BAY, CA 93442 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ LETICIA DELABRA MORALES This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/11/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 12/04/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/11/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 62 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210203 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: CENTRAL COAST 101 BARBERSHOP, 7800 EL CAMINO REAL, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: RAFAEL SANCHEZ GONZALES, 4393 CASCADE WAY, PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ RAFAEL SANCHEZ GONZALES This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/25/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/25/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business
Name Statement, Expires 01/25/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 63 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210029 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: SOAK IT UP, 1477 EUREKA LANE, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: ROBERT LOUIS WUNSCH, 1477 EUREKA LANE, TEMPLETON, CA 93465 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ROBERT WUNSCH, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/05/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/15/2015 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/05/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 64 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210179 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: WORKSMART CONSULTING, 1922 TRAFFIC WAY, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: LARRY WALTERS, 1922 TRAFFIC WAY, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ LARRY WALTERS, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/21/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SCURRENS, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/21/2026 PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 65 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NEW FILE NO. 20210213 OLD FILE NUMBER. 20173163 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S) TO BE ABANDONED: SIMINOFF BANJO AND MANDOLIN PARTS, 9500 AZOR LANE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME WAS FILED IN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ON: 12/27/2017 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) HAVE ABANDONED THE USE OF THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: KALI NOWAKOWSKI, 9500 AZOR LANE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 THIS BUSINESS WAS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL.: KALI NOWAKOWSKI THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ON: 01/26/2021 CERTIFICATION I HERBY CER-
TIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. TOMMY GONG, COUNTY CLERK BY NBALSEIRO, DEPUTY CLERK PUB: 01/28, 02/04, 02/11, 02/18/2021 LEGAL CM 66 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210206 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: FLUBOMB, 65 BREWER ST, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: GAIL LYNN RUSSO, 65 BREWER ST, TEMPLETON, CA 93465 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ GAIL LYNN RUSSO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/25/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 08/03/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/25/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 67 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210142 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: ANGEL’S GROUP HOME LLC, 2648 VINEYARD CIRCLE, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: ANGEL’S GROUP HOME LLC, 1950 TRAFFIC WAY, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ ANGEL’S GROUP HOME LLC, YOUNG WON / MANAGING MEMBER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/15/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 11/13/2020 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/15/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 68 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210217 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: COASTAL ACCOUNTING, 9720 CRESTON RD., PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 , SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: CATHY E. SLUIS, 9720 CRESTON ROAD, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.)
/S/ CATHY E. SLUIS This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/26/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/21/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/26/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 69 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210239 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: KAYLA PAGE BOOKKEEPING, 9005 VIA TORTUGA, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: KAYLA PAGE MCKENZIE, 9005 VIA TORTUGA, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ KAYLA PAGE MCKENZIE, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/29/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By GUGALDE, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/29/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 70 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210185 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: MINTYWORKS, 24681 LA PLZ, STE 270, DANA POINT, CA 92629, ORANGE COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: SIGN BIZ, INC., 24681 LA PLZ, STE 270, DANA POINT, CA 92629 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ SIGN BIZ, INC., TERESA M. YOUNG, PRESIDENT & CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/21/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NA CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/21/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 71 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210226 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: YOUNGIN, 3800 OBISPO RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: CLYDE CARSEL YOUNG, 3800 OBISPO RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SUSAN YOUNG, 3800
OBISPO RD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ CLYDE C. YOUNG, OWNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/28/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/28/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/28/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 72 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210244 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: SLOMIXX, 1295 NOYES RD, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP: SANDRA STAUCH, 1285 NOYES RD, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420-5012, RICHARD STAUCH, 1295 NOYES RD, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420-5012 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ SANDRA STAUCH, PARTNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 02/01/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/06/2012 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 02/01/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 73 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210053 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: THE IRON JUNGLE OF PASO ROBLES LLC, 580 LINNE ROAD SUITE 100, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: THE IRON JUNGLE OF PASO ROBLES LLC, 580 LINNE ROAD, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ THE IRON JUNGLE OF PASO ROBLES LLC, JOE A THOMAS, OWNER, PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/06/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 10/01/2015 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk
By JAANDERSON, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/06/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 74 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210238 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: NOVEDADES LA BELLA, 9965 EL CAMINO REAL STE E, ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP: LETICIA SILVA MEDINA, 1811 CANOPY DR, SANTA MARIA, CALIFORNIA 93458, MARIO GUTIERREZ ESPINOZA, 320 VINE STREET, PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ LETICIA SILVA MEDINA, PARTNER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/29/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/29/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/29/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 75 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210156 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: VIGO CELLARS, 3092 ANDERSON ROAD, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: DANIEL M RODRIGUES, 1975 CALLE PATTITO, TEMPLETON, CA 93465, KIMBERLY J RODRIGUES, 1975 CALLE PATTITO, TEMPLETON, CA 93465 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ KIMBERLY J RODRIGUES This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/19/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/19/2021 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By SKING, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/19/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 77 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20210237 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: BEAR CITY SOCIAL, 1482 14TH ST, LOS OSOS, CA 93402, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A MARRIED COUPLE: MEGHAN NOEL BEHRENS, 1482 14TH ST, LOS OSOS, CA 93402, SHAUN RYAN BEHRENS, 1482 14TH ST, LOS OSOS, CA 93402 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ MEGHAN N. BEHRENS This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 01/29/2021 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 04/03/2018 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. TOMMY GONG, County Clerk By NBALSEIRO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 01/29/2026 PUB: 02/04, 02/11, 02/18, 02/25/2021 LEGAL CM 78 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ATASCADERO DATE: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: City of Atascadero Council Chambers 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 At the time of this publishing, it is expected that this meeting will be held virtually. Should circumstances change, which would allow for the meeting to be physically open to the public, the change will be noted on the City’s website with the posting of the agenda and agenda packet. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated above to consider the following project and proposed environmental determination. 1) The proposed project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map for the conversion of three existing units into condominiums at 4905 Traffic Way (SBDV20-0048). Staff’s recommendation is to approve the project with conditions. Interested individuals will be given an opportunity to speak in favor or opposition to the above-proposed project and are invited to call 669-900-6833 to listen and submit written public comments to pc-comments@ atascadero.org by 5:00 pm on the day of the meeting. Email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. The comments will be read into the record, with a maximum allowance of 3 minutes per individual comment, subject to the Chairperson’s discretion. All comments should be a maximum of 500 words, which corresponds to approximately 3 minutes of speaking time. If a comment is received after the agenda item is heard but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as a part of the record of the meeting but will not be read into the record. Information regarding the hearing is filed in the office of the Secretary of the Commission. If a challenge to the above applications is made in court, persons may be limited to raising only those issues they or someone else raised at the public hearing described in the notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Commission. If you have any questions, please call Planning Services at 805-470-3402 Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. DATED: Feb. 2, 2021 S/ P Dunsmore, Community Development Director PUBLISH: Feb. 4, 2021 LEGAL CM 76
PAGE A-12 • Thursday, February 4, 2021
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Feb. 1 and I’m Another Year Older Today
WORSHIP DIRECTORY ATASCADERO BIBLE CHURCH Atas. Mall & Fwy. 101 (6225 Atas. Mall); Sunday Worship 8 a.m., 9:15 a.m.& 11 a.m.*; *kids programming available at these services; Rejoice Service 5:30 pm; Middle School ministries – Tuesdays 6:30 High School ministries– Wednesday 6:30 p.m.; Celebrate Recovery, Thursdays 7p.m.; Pastor Tom Ferrell, 466-2051; abcchurch.org. ATASCADERO GOSPEL CHAPEL 8205 Curbaril Ave. (corner of Curbaril & Atascadero Ave.): Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. Ted Mort, Pastor. 805-466-0175. atascaderogospelchapel.org AWAKENING WAYS SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY A New Thought Spiritual Community! Living the Consciously Awakened Life. Dr. Terry and Dr. Frank zumMallen; For information about Sunday gatherings, classes and workshops, go to: awakeningways.org or call 805 460-0762 GRACE CENTRAL COAST NORTH COUNTY CAMPUS 9325 El Bordo Avenue; Sunday Services at 9:30 and 11 a.m.; 805-543-2358; gracecentralcoast.org; Helping people find and follow Jesus. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH 238 17th St. Paso Robles; Sunday Worship 10 a.m.; Sunday School 10 a.m.; Our Wednesday Testimony; Meeting is the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.; Reading room-same location after services & by apportionment. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 9925 Morro Road, Atascadero; “The Church on the Hill”; An independent church committed to the teaching of God’s Word.; Sunday School – 9:45 a.m.; Morning Worship – 11 a.m.; Evening Bible Study – 6 p.m.; Wed Prayer – 7 p.m.; Nursery care provided.; Pastor Ken Butler, Jr.; (805) 461-9197. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 535 Creston Rd., Paso Robles ; (805) 238-3549 ; Dr. Gary M. Barker, Pastor; Goal of church: To teach Believers to love God and people.; Sundays: 9 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Fellowship ; 10:30 a.m. Service; 6 p.m. Eve Service; Wednesdays: 7 p.m. prayer meeting. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Facebook Live at 10 am during Covid19 restrictions. 10 am Outdoor Modern Worship Service and music, weather & Covid19 restrictions permitting. Masks and social distancing required. Regular schedule: When Covid restrictions are lifted. 8 a.m. Traditional Liturgical Service; 9:05 a.m. Education and Sunday School; 10 a.m. Modern Worship Service with staffed nursery care provided; Holy Communion on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays; Pastor Russ Gordan, Interim Pastor; 8005 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero; 805-461-0340; ourhopelutheran.org. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER-LCMS 4500 El Camino Real, Atascadero; 466-9350; Morning Bible class at 9 a.m. Sunday; Coffee and Sunday Worship with Holy Communion at 10 a.m. Sunday; Thursday morning Bible class 10 a.m. followed by refreshments and fellowship; Developmentally disabled Bible class 1st and 3rd Saturday mornings; redeemeratascadero.org; redeemeratascadero@gmail.com; Pastor Wayne Riddering. PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UCC We honor ancient scriptures, responding to God’s contemporary call to be just and kind.; Join us for Worship Sunday, 10 a.m.; Church School Sunday, 10:15 a.m.; Coffee Fellowship 11 a.m.; Men’s Bible Study, Wednesday, 8 a.m.; Women’s Bible Study, Friday, 10 a.m.; Youth Group; 1301 Oak St., Paso Robles; 805-238-3321 ST. ROSE OF LIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH 820 Creston Rd., Paso Robles; (805) 238-2218- Parish Office open Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; website: www.saintrosechurch.org; Mass times;; Daily MassMon-Fri 7 a.m., Sat 8 a.m.; Spanish Mass- Tues 7 p.m.; Sunday Mass times:; Saturday, 5 p.m. Vigil Mass; Sunday, 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 5 p.m.; Spanish Mass12:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. ST. WILLIAMS CATHOLIC CHURCH 6410 Santa Lucia Rd., Atascadero; Father Edwin Limpiado, Father Martel Ramos, Priest in residence; stwilliams.org; Confession:; Sat .3 p.m. or appt.; Mass or Communion Service; M-F 8:30 a.m.; Weekend Mass Schedule; Saturday: 4:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Sp), 4:30 p.m. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 940 Creston Road; Has Sunday worship services at 9:30 a.m; For more information, call the church at (805) 238-3702. Ext. 206. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF ATASCADERO 11605 El Camino Real, Atascadero; Sunday Service Time: 10 a.m.; Nursery Care Provided:; 9:45 a.m.- 12:15 p.m.; Mid-week student ministry; PreK-12th grade Sept-April, Weds, 4 p.m.; 805-466-2566; Pastor Steve Poteete-Marshall; atascaderoumc.org. ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 513 Palma Ave., Atascadero; Sunday services: Holy Eucharist — 9 a.m., Taize — 8 p.m.; the Rev. W. Merritt Greenwood, interim director; the Rev. James Arnold, Deacon; the Rev. Jacqueline Sebro, Deacon; office 805-4660379, fax 805-466-6399; website stlukesatascadero.org; email office@ stlukesatascadero.org.
barbie butz
ow about that rain last week? I called it a “twig and leaf cleansing.” Now it’s “pick up the rake time” and “watch the weeds pop up time.” Oh my, the seasonal cycles never change. But who would want to live in a concrete jungle where those cycles don’t exist? Seriously, we live in an oak forest, and we watch our trees very closely when we have so much rain. We dodged the bullet this past storm and didn’t have any trees fall. That was a good thing! As I write, it’s Feb. 1 and I’m another year older today. This is the first year in my long life that I find myself wearing a mask. The only good thing about the mask is that it hides my wrinkles, and I save money on lipstick since no one ever sees my lips! So much for a little levity. Now it’s time to continue with the menu for the Superbowl this Sunday (Feb. 7). Go Chiefs! This first recipe has only three ingredients and is a great recipe for veggies or chips. It should only take about 3 minutes to prepare, thus the name. Three-Minute Tomato Green Chili Dip Ingredients: • 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened • 1 can (14 ½ ounces) Mexican-Style stewed tomatoes, drained well • 1 can (4 ounces) chopped green chilies, drained, or 2 to 4 fresh jalapeňo peppers, seeded and finely chopped
Directions: Combine cream cheese and tomatoes in a food processor; blend until smooth. Add chilies; blend well. Serve with fresh veggies or tortilla chips. Makes about 4 cups. Use diced green onion or chopped cilantro for garnish on top of the dip.
21 Seasoning Salute; mix well. Season with freshly ground black pepper if using. Refrigerate, covered, for several hours. Serve as a dip for vegetables or chicken nuggets. Makes 1 cup.
Jazzy Spaghetti Sauce Dip Ingredients: • 1 jar (26 ounces) spaghetti sauce Herb Dip • ½ cup chopped green bell pepper Ingredients: • ¼ cup finely chopped onion • ½ cup mayonnaise • 1 package (8 ounces) pepperoni, thinly • ¼ cup sour cream sliced • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice • 1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, cut • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley into chunks • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh tarra- • Grated Parmesan cheese gon or 1 teaspoon dried • Breadsticks or garlic chips for dipping • 1 tablespoon snipped fresh chives or 1 Directions: teaspoon dried In a medium saucepan, combine • 1 clove garlic, minced spaghetti sauce, bell pepper, onion, • 1 green onion chopped (green and pepperoni, and cream cheese. Cook over white parts) low heat until cream cheese is melted • 2 tablespoons red sweet pepper strips, and the mixture is hot. Pour hot dip into diced (I use marinated strips that come a fondue pot or casserole dish. Sprinkle in a jar) with Parmesan cheese. Serve warm dip • 1 teaspoon Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning with warm breadsticks or garlic chips. Salute Makes 4 cups. • Freshly ground black pepper (optional) As my husband says, don’t forget the Directions: Onion Dip! Cheers!! Combine mayonnaise, sour cream, and Barbie Butz is an independent columnist lemon juice; mix well. Stir in parsley, for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles tarragon, chives, garlic, green onion, diced Press; you can email her at barbiewb@ red sweet pepper strips, and Trader Joe’s hotmail.com.
Please, Go West Young Man
So he moseyed on up to Nebraska, where he shot first and asked questions later. After having vaccinated two loads of steers with pour-on, he was invited to leave. Next, lee pitts he was hired on by a Kansas COLUMNIST feedlot to ride sick pens, and e’d read too many sure enough, the Drugstore Louis L’Amour Cowboy got sick the very books and seen one first day. So the Jersey Kid too many John Wayne movies. sashayed on over to Wyoming, Now the kid from Newark where two ranchers were wanted to be a cowboy. fighting over his services. It The Jersey Kid rode into was there that The Jersey Kid the sleepy west Texas town in discovered he hated horses. his Mustang, swung wide the And the feeling was mutual. doors of the Spanish History The Kid mounted the snorMuseum/Thrift Shop, and tin’ bronc looking the part inquired as to where he might in his designer jeans, Chaps find wrangling work. cologne, a colorful kerchief Due to his vast experience at round his neck, and a widethe McDonalds in Newark, the brimmed hat with a feather Jersey Kid’s first job was assis- in it. It was shaped square tant to the camp cookie for in front with a straight low a West Texas rawhide outfit. crown and creased in three When he served chicken pate places... at least his head was and weak coffee for the first after getting bucked off. The meal, the cowboys told him foreman made the comment politely to “Go West Young that the Kid was “dumber Man” in no uncertain terms. than a barrel of hair.” To
which the Kid replied in his Jersey accent, “Smile when you say that, mister.”... but the foreman already was. In search of the cowboy life, the kid from Newark rode the Missouri River in a pick-up truck and let a roll of barbed wire tumble down the Rockies. The last words out of Bozeman were...”And don’t let the door hit you in your #@! on the way out.” When he showed up in Ritzville, Washington, to work cattle, Jake, the cow boss, said it was like losing three good men. Not wanting to get on another horse, the Jersey Kid became part of the ground crew. One of the real cowboys roped a single leg, and Jake told the Jersey Kid to go put another foot in the loop. The Kid looked a little stupid standing there with his right leg in the loop. In Adel, Oregon, he asked the Buckaroo boss what he was paying. “We’ll pay you what you’re worth,” he said.
Looking Up
tion is to make it a spiritual practice for yourself to look up throughout the day. I love to be out in nature as I feel connected to all of rev. elizabeth rowley life when I am outdoors. The sense of oneness is palpable for COLUMNIST me. I believe that is attributed tudies by neuroscientists primarily to the amount of have shown that raising time I spend looking up when your gaze changes your outside. patterns of thought. When When we enter extraordiwe look up, we activate the nary buildings, our eyes natubrain area that is also activated rally look upwards. Think of during meditation, creativity, a visit to a massive cathedral, and dreaming. That part of the a large courthouse, or even a brain is called the pineal gland, corporate headquarters. These a tiny pea-sized pine conelarge spaces cause us to crane shaped gland. Also known as our heads in awe and engage the third eye or Ajnâ chakra with the Infinite. Next time in spiritual circles, it’s located you’re out and about in the in the middle of the forehead world, look up. between your eyes. I remember visiting the As a society, we have grown Sistine Chapel at the Vatiaccustomed to looking down can for the first time. Looking at our devices or looking up, it took my breath away. I directly ahead at our computer had to bend my neck to look screens. As such, the invitadirectly above, and it filled me
S (805)
with awe and wonder. I could have spent hours studying the intricate details of each vignette. I also recall visiting Michelangelo’s David. I walked into the museum, and it was dark and cold. When I turned the corner, a massive white marble statue seemingly nine feet tall, with light shining down upon it, stopped me in my tracks. I looked up at David’s face, amazed as if I were looking at an angel. Let’s not forget St. Peter’s basilica and the immense splendor of it, Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, walking the John Muir trail for hours looking up at the mighty Mt. Whitney, or the breathtaking view of Yosemite’s Half Dome and Yosemite Falls. Awe. When things get hard or seem to stagnate in dullness, it’s time to look up. When
The Kid wouldn’t work for that, so he rode off into the sunset as one of the Buckaroos asked, “Who was that idiot?” The Jersey Kid rode long and hard for months, searching for that cowboy kind of life he had seen on television. He came close in California, as a consultant to a lawyer who was crossing Ayrshires and Shorthorns. He called them “Airhorns.” He lost that job when they changed the tax laws. Finally, when the Jersey Kid had gone about as far west as he could go without swimming, he found a place where the cows were gentle, the whiskey smooth, the boots were ostrich, the women were fast, and the horses pretty. And the sign on the hill overlooking the town said HOLLYWOOD. Lee Pitts is an independent columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email them at leepitts@ leepittsbooks.com.
I do, I recognize I am looking up to connect with my God. I rise above fear and enter into the ethers with my beloved God who adores me. It works every time. I disconnect from doubt and concern and remember that God has my back. It must. If I were to believe otherwise, then I would be deserting the Truth in my hour of need. But oh, my dearly beloved, heavenly God, you are with me now and always. My faith makes me whole. My belief keeps me company. God is on my side and whoever has God lacks nothing. This week, let us all spend time looking up, connecting with nature and the Divine. And so it is. Rev. Elizabeth Rowley is an independent columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email her at revelizabeth@cccsl.org.
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 • PAGE A-13
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Did You Know:
History of the Atascadero Printery By Connor Allen
Photos courtesy of Rick Evans and the Printery Foundation
here are many old, statuesque buildings throughout Atascadero but perhaps none as impressive and mysterious as the Printery Building located on Olmeda Avenue. It now sits quiet and abandoned since the earthquake of 2003 shook its foundation and jeopardized the integrity of the structure. Yet still, in its silence, the building has many secrets to tell as it was a hub for Atascadero for nearly half a century. Atascadero’s founder, E.G. Lewis, built several large civic buildings during the City’s formation, but the first finished was the Printery Building in 1915. Lewis had acquired a small fortune while living in University City, Missouri, through his Women’s National Weekly publication. In total, the brick structure that we see today cost only 34,000 dollars to build, not including equipment. However, once it was fully furnished and up and running, the entire printing facility came with a price tag of $250,000, according to the Atascadero Historical Society’s records. The Printery Building was designed by the San Francisco based firm Bliss and Faville and boasted 19,354 square feet. At its completion, the Printery was one of the most beautiful buildings west of Mississippi. Not happy with merely a beautiful structure, Lewis brought in renowned artist Ralph Holmes, formerly of the Chicago Art Institute, to paint large, vibrant murals that would captivate each person that entered through the front doors. Marguerite A. Travis is quoted in L.W. Allan’s Book “Atascadero the Vision of One -- the Work of Many” saying, “The walls of the entrance hall and giant staircase were beautifully decorated with elaborate murals painted from local scenery by Ralph Holmes, noted artist of Chicago who came to make his home in Atascadero.” Luckily, some small portions of the murals have been saved and relocated for safekeeping. Today, only specs of paint can be found as you enter the building. The illustrations have been worn off over the years and become victim to graffiti by vagabonds and skaters looking for a place out of sight and supervision. Not only was the building itself pristine, but so was the machinery inside. Lewis installed the first and largest rotogravure press complex on the west coast, and the first Atascadero News was published on January 2, 1916. In its prime, between the years of 1916 and 1920, the Printery employed up to 125 people and had publications on newsstands from California to Time Square in New York. At its printing peak, the Atascadero News wasn’t the only publication being printed in Atascadero. For two years, the Sunday rotogravure supplement to the San Francisco Chronicle was produced at the Printery as was a rotogravure magazine for the Los Angeles Sunday Times.
Eventually, the reign of the mighty Printery came to an end with massive layoffs in 1924. The next year the Atascadero News was sold to Ted Bishop when Lewis went into involuntary receivership by a group of creditors. In 1928 the Printery building was sold to Frank G. Moran of Seattle, who turned it into Moran Junior College. The Printery took on a magical transformation inside, adding a full gymnasium, indoor heated swimming pool, classrooms, and dorms for 28 as it became a prep school for boys. According to Allan’s text, it cost $1,400 to attend school for the year. The most renowned of the graduates was American artist Rober Burns Motherwell, who is now considered to be one of the founders of the abstract expressionist movement. Eventually, Moran Junior College dissolved into the Miramonte School and Junior College in 1935. Several years after the two schools folded, the Printery building was leased by a federal program called the National Youth Administration. The new governmental program was designed for “at-risk” youth. The boys would be provided with some money each week in exchange for community service and their education. In 1941, the NYA brought in one assistant athletic director by the name of Jackie Robinson. Yes, that Jackie Robinson. Just barely out of college at UCLA, Robinson took a job in Atascadero and stayed in the Printery for a short time. While Robinson was only here briefly, it was long enough for tales of his athletic feats to make their way through the generations. There are legends about Robinson crushing home runs into the Atascadero Creek and leading the staff team to a 14th consecutive victory of Camp Roberts. The Printery was retired again before it was brought back during the war when it was leased to the U.S. Army to serve as a barracks for men assigned to Sherwood Air Field in Paso Robles. In May of 1950, the once palatial Printery Building was sold to a group of Masons for $25,000 and took on many different forms over the next 50 years, including Karate studios, District school offices, and Sheriff substations. Sixty-seven years later, on May 15, 2017, the Atascadero Printery Foundation won the building for 300,000 dollars at a tax auction. Since that time, the Printery Foundation has worked tirelessly to bring back one of Atascadero’s iconic buildings and restore it to its former glory. The Foundation is currently working to raise money to restore and revitalize the building, starting with a performing arts center where the former basketball court now sits. Those interested in volunteering time and/or money to refurbish an iconic building listed on the National Register of Historic Places should visit atascaderoprintery.org
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 • PAGE A-15
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comment to address agenda item D.2. Peterson said, “I’m here to tell you that many board members, perhaps all at one point, spoke up at meetings and asked the right questions both in open and closed doors about several of these decisions. The board member who thinks he was acting alone knows he wasn’t. Look at the meeting minutes, the binders, the budgets full of notes, and the record. There was push back. I know because I was there -- ultimately, the board and the district were misled in several areas. Specifically in regards to the projected budget and enrollment.” The board moved forward to modify a drafted response to the Grand Jury Report written by Board President Arend. Arend’s draft was initially presented to the board at the Jan. 19 meeting and was determined to be used as a starting point to begin drafting their response to the Grand Jury Report. Trustees went through the draft, evaluated to make edits regarding language, and refined details of the document. The special meeting was slated to be adjourned at 12:30 p.m. At F4 in the response document, the board motioned to continue the meeting at another date due to the time. The next special meeting was held Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 4:30 p.m. to continue drafting the district’s response to the Grand Jury Report and discuss the next steps. At the end of the meeting, before adjournment, Superintendent Curt Dubost gave the following statement: “I need to make a public apology. Last night my office made an error and sent a communication that was intended to go to Paso Robles Daily News. There was a miscommunication between myself and my assistant over the word Press, and she, in error, sent it to the Paso Press. It was quickly corrected. A formal letter of apology has been sent, but I wanted to publicly acknowledge that error and apologize to the Paso Robles Press.” Dubost was referring to a cease-and-desist letter claiming defamation against KPRL and Paso Robles Daily News, which reported several inaccuracies. The letter was mistakenly sent to Paso Robles Press rather than Paso Robles Daily News. To see the article below and to view the letter of apology, cease-and-desist letter and more information on the two publications’ confusion, visit: pasoroblespress.com/news/prjusd-cease-anddesist-letter-claims-defamation-against-pasorobles-daily-news-and-kprl/
“By staying open -- I played their game in the beginning. March, April, and May were rough, rough months,” said Daugherty. Cider Creek Bakery had a record year of sales for 2019 and, based on sales for January and February 2020, was on track for being another record-breaking year for sales. During California’s first lockdown, issued on Mar. 19, 2020, Daugherty had to lay off eight employees, and the bakery’s sales were down 50 percent. In April of 2020, Daugherty received his Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan and used it to bring back most of his staff. When the PPP money ran out, Daugherty knew he had to stay open to keep his business. Since May, Daugherty has remained open with a full staff of 16 employees. “I’ve kept my doors open. I’ve put myself on every county watchlist. There hasn’t been an enforcement agency that hasn’t had contact with me,” Daugherty said. Cider Creek Bakery has remained open with social distancing, masks, and sanitization procedures. December 2020 sales ended up beating the bakery’s 2019 record year sales.
Now for January, the bakery is operating at 80 percent sales. When asked what he thinks the rest of the year will look like with COVID regulations and sales, Daugherty says he’s not sure what could happen. But he does know what he will be doing. “I can tell you what I’m not going to change here -- I’m not going to change how I’m operating. I can’t control what the public does. Whether they come through my doors or not but they will be open -- They literally will have to force me to close this time,” says Daugherty. Daugherty explained that businesses like his that don’t require a liquor license have been left alone for the most part with no significant threats. So why does Daugherty continue to push back? “This fight is for every business that is being crushed by our government, especially those that have recently been targeted by the ABC and threatened to have their liquor licenses suspended,” says Daugherty. Daugherty says he and the SLOCSBC are very close to filing a lawsuit against the California Governor or the State of California. The SLOCSBC is essentially fighting for businesses’ Right to Earn a Living Act, which states, “The right of individuals to pursue a chosen profession, free from arbitrary or excessive government
Cydney Armas (left )and Maiya Reynoso (right) working hard through the lunch rush at Cider Creek Bakery! Contributed photo
interference, is a fundamental civil right.” Anyone interested in joining the coalition can contact Brad Daugherty at brad@protectpaso.org. Publishers Note: The right to earn a living is the shared sentiment of each of these business owners and why they joined SLOCSBC. Throughout the pandemic, most have felt as if they did not have an advocate that could help them navigate through these unprecedented times. As a community, it is important to remember that each of these business owners are a part of what makes our community and economy thrive. They are your friends,
being in business. “Going into the restaurant business, we already knew that sixty percent of restaurants don’t make it past the first year and 80 percent go out of business within five years--so this is a huge milestone for us,” said restaurant owner Joel Casillas in the press release announcing the competition. On Jan. 15, 2016, Órale opened their doors for the first time. Five years later, it was on the same day that they announced their big giveaway, which flooded their social media pages with hungry SLO County residents salivating at the idea. In just a week, they accumulated over 4,000 entries. Those interested could enter several different ways starting with liking their post announcing the giveaway, following the company social media pages, commenting and tagging friends, and of course, sharing the post, which was worth ten additional entries. “This last year was the toughest yet due to the pandemic and shutdowns, but our customers and community have continued to support us, and we wouldn’t be here today without them.” Co-owner Kristin Casillas said. “This is our way of saying thank you for making us a part of your lives these past five years.” Orale Taqueria owners Joel and Kristin Casillas Saturday afternoon, with the help of a social media give away a year of free tacos to celebrate their 5th scraping tool, Casillas pushed the magic button, and Anniversary in business. Erbstoesser was selected. Photo courtesy of Kristin Casillas.
in seeing this idea written up for a future discussion. The Board came to an agreement that for now, the 25 units available would be released, and a future discussion would be held on how the staff does calculations of the gallons per day and whether that calculation needs to be adjusted. The next discussion was on amending the Templeton Recreation Foundation (TRF) bylaws to make it more independent from the Templeton CSD. “This is a request by the group so that they can function more effectively,” stated English. The TRF was created by the District and Community Members in 2009, and its fundraising efforts have supported TCSD Parks and Recreation facilities and programs. The existing bylaws require all meetings to be conducted in accordance with the Brown Act, which includes only holding meetings where there is a quorum, which becomes problematic given the volunteer nature of the members of the TRF. Peterson, who served on the TRF board in the past, explained how during his tenure, it was common that the TRF was not allowed to meet three or four times a year because they didn’t have a quorum, which significantly impacted what they were able to accomplish. Jardini, as one of the founding members of the TRF, said she always thought it should be independent. The motion was presented by English to approve the
neighbors, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, children, and grandparents. They follow strict sanitation protocols are held to a higher standard of cleanliness by all the California Health Code laws that were already in place before COVID. Together we can choose to make 2021 great by going the extra mile for each other. If you want people to wear masks, offer to supply places you visit with extras. Or stay home even more often to prevent conflict with personal space in public areas. There is always more we can give so that other people can be more free, safe, and comfortable.
“I have eaten at Órale-- I’m not even sure how many times,” Erbstoesser said. “I live in Atascadero, so anytime we are in Paso, we typically eat at Órale. I knew Joel when he was first at El Compadre in Atascadero. That’s how I originally got to know him. He was always so kind and personable. Then I became obsessed with his California burrito.” While owning and operating a local restaurant might lead one to believe that food is the owner’s number one passion, for Joel and Kristin, it has always been about what food does for a community and creating relationships for those who wander in looking for a hot meal. “We will go on walks around our neighborhood or wherever, and he will point someone out and be like ‘Hey, there’s John, Asada burrito with no cheese,’” Casillas says of her husband. “He just knows people’s orders because he cares. It is amazing to me.” Once selected, Erbstoesser’s phone quickly began blowing up with friends inviting themselves to lunch with her, surprisingly all with a hankering for Mexican cuisine. Not wasting any time at all, the lucky winner made her first trip to order tacos for herself, her husband Ryan, and two kids Elyse and Reid, on the very first night. While the giveaway was advertised as free tacos, Casillas has confirmed the winner can order whatever she pleases off the menu with her virtual gift card loaded with more than $1,000. “I’m excited to see when she is able to finish it,” Casillas added. “That’s over 100 dollars a month of tacos.”
change of bylaws and allow the TRF to operate independently of the TCSD and was passed by all board members in a 5-0 vote. The last item addressed was the Measure A Oversight Committee. On Aug. 27, 2019, the Templeton CSD successfully conducted an election on Measure A, which obtained authorization from voters to impose a special tax of $180 per parcel to fund Templeton Fire and Emergency Services with 24/7 staffing. As part of this measure, the District is obliged to establish a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to satisfy the accountability requirements of Measure A. This requires a minimum of three citizens, and members would be allowed to apply for two back to back terms before being required to take a term off. It was suggested that the committee would have to meet no more than two times per year, once after the end of the fiscal year and again after the audit is complete, so the committee can review and comment on the audit. The Board approved the bylaws as well as the application for committee members, and English recommended Rod Hewitt to be one of the citizen members of the committee. The meeting concluded with a report from General Manager Briltz. He reported on the storm responses from the previous week, where Templeton had reports of areas receiving up to seven inches of rain over 48 hours. The next TCSD meeting is set for Feb. 16. For agenda items and join link visit templetoncsd.org/AgendaCenter
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