The Colorado Auctioneer 1st Quarter 2018

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the First Quarter • 2018

The Quarterly Newsletter of the Colorado Auctioneers Association

60th Anniversary Convention Success! There's nothing quite like Spring.

Flowers are blooming, temperatures are warming and hometown ballparks everywhere are echoing with that hollow ding that only an aluminum baseball bat swung by a Little League kid can make. I believe that the 2018 CAA 60th Anniversary Convention could be classified as a “Homerun” for all that attended and worked on the event to make it successful! We had an increase in attendees, sponsorships, competition and a Challenge of Champions. I’m not going to lie and say that I wasn’t a little bit nervous this year about our convention and hoping that everything would come out successfully with all of the events, details and management of everything Mike Nichols put together with the support from the Board of Directors. Standing on the sidelines this year, I got to listen and hear many comments and compliments for the success of celebrating 60 years for the Colorado Auctioneers Association! Hooray! The food was great, the refreshments were plentiful, the entertainment was endless and there were some fun moments of good ‘ol fashion camaraderie between members recounting stories during the weekend. I would

even say that our “Hospitality Suite” knocked it out of the ballpark for continuing entertainment and building friendships during the convention weekend. Our association Board Of Directors has chosen to provide members with multiple learning topics during our convention unlike most other associations that provide, mainly 1 session at a time, and I feel that this is another “success at bat” in continuing education for our diverse industry in trying our best to reach as many members as possible for our convention and in learning since we don’t host bi-annual conventions as some other associations do or require continuing education for your membership. Weekends like this cannot be successful without all the team members working together with volunteers and association members who give their time and resources, planning, creative strategy and just tying up loose ends. A sincere “Thank you to everyone.” If you haven’t attended our annual convention in a while, please let me encourage you to not miss out next year! Plan ahead. It’s the 1st weekend in January. Take advantage of your membership, network, find old friends, make new ones, let others know what you’re doing and become a bigger, more engaged part / member of our association. An association cannot be successful without the support and participation of it’s members, so… Play Ball!

CAA attends the NAA State Leadership Conference this month. Cissy Tabor (Executive Secretary), Scott Shuman (NAA President & CAA Member), Bryce Elemond (2nd Vice President), Mike Heitmann (1st Vice President) and David Whitley (CAA Director & NAA Director), attended the Annual NAA State Leadership Conference in Kansas City, MO. State Association Leadership and Executive Directors are invited to take part in this annual event dedicated to educating them on effective nonprofit management, strategic planning, association marketing and more. FISRT QUARTER • 2018


From the President


t is hard to believe how quickly 2018 arrived and we are several months into our new year. I would like to, “Thank everyone who helped organize, attend and celebrate our 60th Anniversary CAA Convention.” The Board of Directors heard nothing but positive comments from our great membership about our educational classes, bid-calling contests and great line-up of speakers. I truly hope that everyone came away with something that will benefit them in their auction business or their everyday lives. I want to extend my “Congratulations” to our Champion Auctioneers; Shawn Hagler, Dean Gunter and Rylee Nichols. I believe we have started off on the right foot in 2018 and I pledge to you that I will give you my best effort as your CAA President. I first joined this fine organization at the 2012 Convention shortly after auction school in the Fall of 2011, and was fortunate enough to be elected to the Board of Directors in 2014 and now stand as your President. I do not say this to boast, I say this because of how the members of the CAA have welcomed me in and treated me like family. There has always been members and friends there to answer any question I have or give me the direction I needed at the time. I cannot thank our members enough for their hospitality, encouragement and professionalism. We have several activities planned for the year and perhaps a few extra. At the beginning of March we are sending several Board members of our association to the NAA State Leadership Conference in Kansas City, also this spring the annual “Day at the Capitol” to represent our auction industry to our elected officials and commemorate “National Auctioneers Week” at the Colorado State Capitol building. A fan favorite, as always, is our Summer Picnic and horseshoe contest. Please stay tuned for details. I can say with the utmost confidence that the Board of Directors that the members have elected is a fine group of professionals and I look forward to serving with them this year. My goal as your President is to set a path of continued success for the CAA and strengthening our membership by getting them more engaged and active in our association. Your Board of Directors, of course, has a membership committee, but as I look at it if you are a member of the CAA and you are looking to grow your business or our auction industry, you can consider yourself as a membership recruiter. Our goal as an association should not be to just get new members, but to get that new member or past member engaged and active. I understand that this is more easily said than done. I’m sure you have all heard the wise saying, “people may not remember exactly what you said, but they WILL remember how you made them feel.” If we can make people feel welcome and have fun in the process they will return as a member. As professional businesspeople and auctioneers we are communicators, so I challenge you to go and recruit a member, either new or previous member this year. I wish you a successful and profitable new year and look forward to seeing you at our association’s events. Please don’t hesitate to get ahold of me or any of your Board of Directors if you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully, Michael Nichols, 2018 CAA President 2

BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Michael Nichols Nichols Auctioneers 22300 County Rd. 9 • Flagler, CO 80815 719-765-4756 • Cell 719-350-0126 • 1st VICE PRESIDENT: Mike Heitmann MH Bar Auctions, Inc. 27275 Mid Jones Rd. • Calhan, CO 80808 406-450-2051 • 2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Bryce Elemond Affordable Auctioneering, LLC 25800 E. Byers Pl. • Aurora, CO 80018 720-229-5832 • CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Eric Arrington The Auction Team 2478 Industrial Blvd. • Grand Junction, CO 81505 970-245-1185 • Cell 970-623-9161 • TREASURER: Rob Hart, CAI, ATS Hall & Hall Auctions 100 S. Cherry Ave., Suite D• Eaton, CO 80615 970-716-2120 • Cell: 918-510-3866 • Casey Giddings (2018-2019) Rocky Mountain Estate Brokers, Inc. 24 Oak Ave. • Eaton, CO 80615 970-454-1010 • Cell: 970-222-1625 • Shawn Hagler (2018 – 2019) 25800 E Byers Pl. • Aurora, CO 80018 303-709-3725 • Rob Hart, CAI, ATS Hall & Hall Auctions 100 S. Cherry Ave., Suite D• Eaton, CO 80615 970-716-2120 • Cell: 918-510-3866 • Josh Larson (2017-2018) 310 N. Wayne • Haxton, CO 80731 970-520-2946 • Lance Nichols (2017-2018) Nichols Auctioneers 38241 WCR 23 • Eaton, CO 80615 970-302-6185 • John Schaffner (2018-2019) Schaffner Auctions 36470 CR Z • Wray, CO 80758 970-630-3402 • Mike Whitfield (2018 - 2019) Schur Success Group 366 Second Street, Suite B • Monument, CO 80132 719-667-1000 • Cell 719-238-8300 • David P. Whitley (2017-2018) Rocky Mountain Estate Brokers, Inc. 24 Oak Ave. • Eaton, CO 80615 970-454-1010 • Cell: 970-539-1269 • Cissy Tabor • Executive Secretary 846 Cactus Ct • Rifle, CO 81650 Cell 970-985-8228 • FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

2018 CAA


Day At The Capitol

Monday, April 30th @ 8:15 am Meet & Greet Representative Perry Buck @ 8:30 am 2018 Colorado State Champion, Dean Gunter, will Auction a Colorado Flag on the floor as attending members assist.

Please RSVP - Bryce Elemond (720) 229-5832 FISRT QUARTER • 2018

Parking on Grant Street in the metered parking lot is best for the day.



NAA Spotlight


NAA Update

ast fall, 12 NAA members and staff tuned into CSPAN to watch Congressman Jeff Duncan, NAA member and a U.S. Congressman from South Carolina read a resolution on the floor of the House of Representatives naming the first Saturday of May as National Auctioneers Day and the week preceding that day as National Auctioneers Week. It was very exciting to hear this being read from NAA member on the floor of Congress.

more people are understanding what is happening in the auction industry - #AuctionsWork gets spread.

In January, the NAA Promotions Committee was in the building to discuss what we could do to maximize the exposure for the auction industry. As we have said many times, we aren’t a large organization with a lot of financial resources. However, we have a membership base that is located in all 50 states as well as a dozen countries. And we can use them and all of their friends and family to help us promote the great work that this industry accomplishes.

Thanks! And enjoy that week in April/May!

In the next few weeks, the March issue of Auctioneer will be out. If you are a member, please check out the suggested activities the Promotions Committee is planning. And if you are not a member, please work with your own state association to accomplish some similar activities. We use the hashtags, #NAAPro and #AuctionsWork to help the public understand that this week is more than just celebrating one person’s activities. It is about celebrating our industry.

And to supplement all of that “free” publicity, NAA is paying for content that is directed to specific groups. So the word gets around. We can’t afford to pay for an ad that appears on national television. But we are spreading the word none-the-less! And we will help you with National Auctioneers Week. If you are not a member of NAA and want to be involved, Send me an email: - we’ll make sure you get what you need to participate!


Why limit our work on social media? First, we don’t. We have content that is provided on a monthly basis to USA Today, which in 2017, showed an average daily PAID circulation of 812,971. So each month those folks get a “dose” of what is happening within the auction industry and what auction professionals are doing. Second, we do spend time and financial resources on social media – particularly on Facebook. As of the 4th Quarter of 2017, Facebook had 2.2 BILLION monthly active users. Active users are defined as logging in once a month. 2.2 BILLION – that’s with a B! Those are crazy numbers. Now obviously we aren’t reaching all 2.2 billion. But let me give you a quick illustration: let’s say I currently have 500 friends. I post something and all 500 have the opportunity to see what I post. Maybe half of them are people in the auction business – but I have lots of family on Facebook and I have worked at several other places – and people from those work experiences are my Facebook friends. So 250 people who are not in the auction industry can see my posts. Then some of them “share” that post to their friends and family. What happens? More and 4

The program built for you. Join our next class: May 2-3, 2018 Chicago, Illinois / Chicago Mariott Northwest Learn more about CAS: FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer


South Dakota vs. Wayfair

IMPORTANT STATEMENT FROM NAA PRESIDENT Scott Shuman, CAI: If you have not seen, heard, or read recently, the United States Supreme Court will be ruling on a case in a few months that could have a tremendous negative impact on the auction industry. The Court is expected to have its ruling as quickly as June, on a case brought forth from South Dakota. In March 2017, the State of South Dakota passed a law. This law allows South Dakota to collect sales tax on any taxable item purchased outside of South Dakota if the buyer takes possession of the purchased item within the South Dakota border, i.e. has the item shipped to them. This law has been challenged, and the U.S. Supreme Court chose to hear arguments. Many auction companies currently have auctions with buyers from out of state. If it stands, auction companies

an Amicus brief – a legal document that advises the court of relevant, additional information or arguments that the court might wish to consider, including unforeseen ramifications. We believe it is NAA’s responsibility to contribute resources, including monetary, to help defend its members and the auction industry from such potential hardships. Watch for more information in the coming weeks from NAA, including updates, as the timeline progresses. Keep in mind the general key times as well: - April 2018: The Supreme Court will hear the case. - June 2018: Ruling expected. In the meantime, also refer to and for an easy-to-follow, complete overview of all that has occurred to this point. You also can submit questions to David P. Whitley, John Schultz or Hannes Combest. We will provide updates as they become available. Scott H. Shuman, CAI, NAA President

that do business in South Dakota would be tasked with the enormous burden of determining the applicable sales tax, collecting it, and remitting it to the buyer’s local taxing jurisdiction if the item is shipped to them. In March 2014, there were 9,998 tax jurisdictions. More importantly, this case has many eyes on it. In fact, 25 other states have similar pending legislation. And, 35 states filed a brief in this case in support of South Dakota. This potentially affects all of us in the auction industry. That point cannot be overstated. In response, the National Auctioneers Association is working as part of a coalition that believes this proposed legislation would significantly and negatively impact the auction industry and small businesses. The coalition is in the process of filing FISRT QUARTER • 2018



CAA Foundation

Congratulations to CAF Scholarship Recipients! Preston Carpenter

"Thank You" Letters have been posted to the CAF Facebook Page

Peyton Flack

6 FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

CAA Foundation FISRT QUARTER • 2018



World Wide College of Auctioneering Advanced Bid Calling Seminar

“Become a Champion”


Saturday, Sunday & Monday, May 19, 20 & 21, 2018 Best Western, Clear Lake, Iowa Get Ready for the 2018 Contest Season!

Learn what it takes to become a CHAMPION – From the CHAMPIONS! Your “Dream Team” Instructors

Shane Ratliff World Champion Auto Auctioneer International Champion Auctioneer

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Matt Lowery

Shannon Mays

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$1,495 Whether you want to improve your bid calling skills or become a champion, this course is for you!

World Wide College of Auctioneering For More Information Call 1-800-423-5242 FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

What Are Your Top Two?

By Jennifer Hope he older I get, the more I realize that principles from our personal life can also be applied to our profession. Our adult Sunday school class recently started a study discussing the topic of what you would do if you knew you had 30 days to live, and one of the exercises we were to do at home on our own really struck a chord with me. It made me really reflect on my life as a wife and a mom; however, the exercise also made me realize the theory could also benefit many people as they think about their business. It goes something like this…


Take out a piece of paper and write down your top 10 business or career priorities. These could be current duties within your job or perhaps goals you would like to accomplish. Once you have completed your top 10, scratch five of them off your list, leaving your top five. Now, take your top five and scratch off three more. This may be more difficult than you initially think it might be; however, you will be left with your top two business priorities. I can see where many of these might be something like expanding business; increasing customer service; being a better manager; becoming more effective as a leader; utilizing time management skills; becoming more profitable… On the bottom of the same piece of paper, draw a large circle. Take that circle and divide it up like a pie chart breaking down how you spend your day at work. Do you find you spend 50% of your time doing the same task? Are you surprised at how you actually spend your time at work? Here comes the interesting part….compare your top two business priorities with the way you spend your day at work. Are you spending the majority of your time working toward your top two goals or priorities? Many of you might be pleasantly surprised to realize that you are doing just that. Perhaps though, you may find you need to make some adjustments in how you structure your day. You may not be able to completely alter your work schedule, but if you take the first hour of every day to work toward your top two, it could definitely be a step in the right direction. Jennifer Hope has been serving the advertising and marketing needs of auctioneers and their clients for over 20 years. Before opening her own graphic design company, Auction Ink, in 2005, she previously worked for Halderman Farm Management & Real Estate Services as marketing director and for Schrader Auction Company as the graphics department manager. She also taught an auction marketing class for Reppert School of Auctioneering before it relocated. You can find her at www.

Good Design is

Good Business Specializing in print graphics and logo & identity branding. Proud Designer for the 2016 NAA Marketing Award Winners for The Colorado Auctioneer newsletter. 10+ years of experience in design!

Sarah Krautschun 970.590.3235

Real Estate  Business Liquidation Personal Property

Eric Arrington Auctioneer

Phone: (970) 245-1185 Cell: (970) 623-9161 1610 Hwy 50 Grand Junction, Colorado 81503 FISRT QUARTER • 2018



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Board of Directors

Meet Your Newly Elected 2018 Board of Directors


hawn was a member of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association for 15 years and qualified for numerous Mountain States Circuit Finals in Team Roping. This is how he met his now wife of nearly 14 years, from sharing their common love of horses and rodeo. They have one son, Reece, who also enjoys roping, is a high brown belt in Tae Kwon Do and enjoys all sports, but his true passion is football. He may get that love of football from his dad who played defensive tackle at the University of Northern Colorado where he was a member of the National Championship Team. Mandy does equine balance work and helps manage Hagler Auction Group. Shawn first joined the CAA in 2003, where he won the Troil Welton Bid Calling Award. Shortly thereafter, he found his way into the Auto Auction industry and discovered his love for the fast paced and demanding car auction world. In 2008, he won the Colorado State Auctioneer Championship and the 2009 World Automobile Auctioneers Championship World Champion Ringman. After the past nine years of flying over 200 flights per year and working five auto auctions weekly in four different states, Shawn decided to slow down, be at home more and shift his business focus more to his Fundraising Auction business and to start a new venture. Shawn feels that he has been blessed in the auction business and wants to give back to the profession that has given so much to him. Shawn and his long-time friend Vaughn Long, 2007 WAAC World Champion Ringman, have started a new school, World Champion Ringman College, to train Ringmen. Shawn feels that there is a large need for more advanced Ringman training and that while Shawn and Vaughn both received several years of on-the-job training at the auto auctions while under the tutelage of World Champion Paul C. Behr and several other world class auctioneers, not many new auctioneers and Ringmen ever get that opportunity to learn and develop their skills and they want to give them that opportunity. Their first session will be September 21 - 23, 2018 in Denver. This year Shawn is also using his Professional Speaking background to give motivational speeches, emcee all the concerts at the Greeley Stampede and to also speak at several State Auctioneer Association Conventions. He looks forward to the next several years of serving on the CAA Board of Directors and hopes be able to once again give back to a great association that has given him so much over the past 15 years.


've been involved in a number of sales and marketing careers before joining the auction industry, including Auto Finance Collections, Trucking Logistics, Retail Management, Non-Profit Membership Development, Print Advertising Sales, Graphic Design, Political Fundraising, and most notably, Casino Table Games Management. I had never attended an auction until my mid 20's. I fell into this industry completely by accident. In the early 2000's, I started a company selling computer parts online. A friend of mine told me about some government surplus auctions in my area, and I started attending them whenever I could. For the longest time, I had a negative view of the auction industry. However, as I got to meet more and more auctioneers, I started gravitating to the companies conducting sales in an organized, coordinated matter. I started asking auctioneers about their business and how they got started. Several of them suggested I go to auction school and "just try it." In 2013, I made the decision that I would go to auction school and spent an entire year studying as many auction companies, different types of asset sales and absorbed as much knowledge as I could before walking in the door. From the moment I first met the faculty at auction school, I knew that I wanted to make this industry my career. I have immersed myself in as many education opportunities as I can avail myself to, including 4 CAA conventions and multiple NAA designations. I am the Auction and Appraisal Manager for the Schur Success Group in Monument. I coordinate and manage all auction operations, staffing and sales development on the personal property side of the business. I chose to be on the CAA Board because I have received so much in my auction career, and I wanted to do my part to make the CAA membership the best professional and personal development opportunity for all Colorado Auctioneers.

Back Row: Shawn Hagler, Rob Hart, Josh Larson, Mike Nichols, Eric Arrington, Lance Nichols Front Row: David Whitley, John Schaffner, Casey Giddings, Bryce Elemond, Mike Whitfield, Mike Hietmann 12 FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer


Adaptation And Customer ServiceBy Cissy Tabor

ustomer Service, in my opinion, is The Most Important Aspect of any successful business. The auction industry and your company is no exception. As the generation of Millennials begins to take over the larger percentage of the buying base from Baby Boomers, it would benefit us to become aware of the changes and preferences of our customers. Our companies must change to meet the level of service the Millennial Generation expects. The Millennial “expects” to have their questions and concerns answered quickly. They want to interact on their platform, and they prefer selfservice options, whenever possible. When they have a question about a service you provide or an item you are selling and they reach out to you with a question, they expect a timely response. Do you even expect a customer to write you a letter and then mail it to your office inquiring about the services you provide? No, I highly doubt that. Normally, people give your office a phone call, send an email, ask a question on social media or even send a text. When a person takes the time to send you a question, they typically expect a reply within hours or minutes. A study by the Edison Group found that 42% of those who reached out to a brand, product or company through social media expected a response in 60 minutes. When you receive a question through whatever forum, respond quickly – the Millennials expect it. Even more so, within the past 2 years, I have read in various auction industry Facebook Groups and have heard it stated at conventions quite clearly, “Answer your phone.” There is a growing number of auction companies that are losing business due to the fact that auctioneers / auction companies are not answering their phones, OR… are not getting back with potential clients in a timely manner and you’re losing out to others who are. When responding to this new era of customers, it is suggested to respond through the same channel that the question came to you. If someone sends a message to you via Facebook, they prefer to have you reply on Facebook and not via email. If someone leaves a voicemail they likely will prefer a phone call, not a text message response. Don’t switch the channel of communication that the customer initiated. For example, they will often check on Facebook for your response or keep their phone handy if that is how they contacted you versus checking their email or such for your reply unless they directed you to reply in that manner. Consumers are becoming much more tech savvy. Most prefer to look for answers to their questions on your website rather than making a phone call to your office. Mobile friendly websites that can address your customer’s frequent questions can,

of interacting with your customers, matching your services to their preferences will provide your customers with a positive impression of your company. As stated in Wikipedia, “Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. The perception of success of such interactions is dependent on employees "who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest".” This adaptation has the ability to enhance and grow your customer base.

A Colorado Auction Company

H.L. (Butch) Hagelstrom, Jr. 140 Denver Ave., Ste. F Ft. Lupton, CO 80621

Office: 303-857-2399 Mobile: 303-827-5157

not only save you time from replying to questions, but will increase the satisfaction of the customer’s experience.

Auctioneers are in the people business and the business of customer service. Learning to adapt your methods and ways FISRT QUARTER • 2018



2018 CAA

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CAA Website

The Colorado Auctioneers Association:

User Registration ______________________________________________________________________ ➢ The end user creates an account on the auctioneer’s association website ○ The information required for this account is a First+Last Name, username/password, and an e-mail address. ■ On the Colorado Association site, the user goes to the upper righthand corner and clicks “Member Login” and then clicks “Register Now” on the right side of the screen as shown below.

Member Login Button (Pictured Above)

16 FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer FISRT QUARTER • 2018



How Important Is It To Display Your CAA & NAA Affiliation For


Your Business?

came across an article by one of my fellow CAI Classmates in which she relayed an experience she had with a potential seller and the recognition she made as a State & National Auctioneers Association Member for business and in establishing an opportunity for success as shared in the following. “Less than a month ago I received a call from a prospective client about selling the remainder of their unsold items after an estate sale. At first, I was not sure if we were the right fit for their needs, yet after several additional conversations, an appointment was set with the seller. After a lengthy discussion and review of the remaining items, a sold receipt copy from a well-known estate sale company was presented. The list simply listed a dollar amount per sold item and the seller asked if I could “interpret” the list, since it was missing any sort of item description or break- down. The seller went on further to share details about missing items, items being tagged and sold far below their potential values and the lack of insurance by the vendor when they tried to file a claim. After taking the time to discuss our role as auctioneers and the many layers of expertise which we provide to sellers; access technology, competitive bidding platform (via live or online auctions), code of ethics, targeted marketing strategies, sell through rate and most important our state li- censing requirements, it became clear to the seller the significant difference between estate sale companies and auctioneers. At that moment I realized how important it is that we as association members proudly display State & NAA logos on our website, print material, contracts and other areas to further educate the public and professionals (attorneys, bankers, insurance agents) about the many additional steps which we take as professionals to become licensed auctioneers.” Anne Nouri VAA Board Director, NAA Member Do YOU proudly display your association logos for your company advertising? Do you have the correct and current CAA Logo? If not, please be encouraged to contact me,, and I will gladly email you the logo in different formats, if needed. You can also contact Laina Gunsallus at the National Auctioneers Association,, for your NAA logos.

18 FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

Chaplain’s Corner By John Schaffner


s old as I am, and as up totally lost in one of those areas where the streets many experiences as are at strange angles. I was going in circles and getting I have had, I should extremely frustrated knowing I would be late for my never be surprised at how auction. I was stopped at a traffic light surrounded by GOD works things out for cars and trucks when I heard someone holler my name. good, but I am still amazed I looked around and there in a car right next to me was at how things happen to a young lady who attends some of my auctions. We both fall into place at the right rolled down our windows and she said, “My daughters time. Here is a case in point. go to school right over there.” I said, “I’m lost trying to get to As usual, I am running my auction.” In the time it took the light to turn green up against a deadline in she gave me directions that took me right to where I getting this article written. needed to go. Nobody can convince me that it was a For several days I have coincidence that of the millions of people driving in had ideas running around Denver that morning, Jessica happened to be at the in my head about a topic. I knew I wanted to write right place at the right time. something about new beginnings in the New Year, but I just couldn’t get anything to really click. Then, this PRAYER REQUESTS morning, the final day before the deadline, this country boy was driving to downtown Denver to see a real estate • Keep Safe Our Military / Police Officers auction client. Coming from a small town with a total of & Civil Personnel two stoplights, I tend to tense up when I get in big city traffic. This morning was no exception. As I was driving down Colfax Avenue, I could see a long string of red PRAISE REPORTS traffic lights impeding my progress and I was getting • Multiple CAA Members have been impatient. As I was stopped at one of those stop lights, I looked at the car ahead of me and lo and behold, there successful in fighting Cancer in 2017 & was the inspiration that I had been hoping to find for 2018. Please keep them in your prayers this article! On the back window was a bumper sticker with a cross in the corner. The wording said, “2018, MY for complete healing. YEAR OF NEW POSSIBILITIES”. I feel certain that all of us in the auction industry have had years that we would just as soon forget about totally for some reason or another. In those cases especially, it is refreshing when a new year rolls around to give us a “YEAR OF NEW POSSIBILITIES.” It is my hope that each person reading this article can look ahead in 2018, and see some of those “NEW POSSIBILITIES” and to be able to turn those into “NEW REALITIES.” To help those possibilities turn into realities, it is good to remember a favorite saying of my cowboy mentor who was born in 1882 and lived through some very tough times. Many times I heard him say, “Perseverance overcomes all obstacles.” Those words can help turn possibilities into realities. Since this column is called “Chaplain’s Corner” I feel that I should remind my readers that Christ has made it a “REALITY” that we can all have “NEW POSSIBLITIES” in the way we conduct our daily lives so that we can live with HIM For Eternity. If you have any questions or any special prayer requests feel free to Auction technology should help your call me at (970) 630-3402. business accelerate, not slow you down. I want to close this article with another story about how GOD’s Timing Is So Amazing. It is another Denver traffic story. Recently I was trying to find a new and quicker route to one of my storage unit auctions in learn more at: or Denver. I thought I had it all mapped out and FISRT everything QUARTER thecoloradoauctioneer 19 • 2018 was going as planned, but I took a wrong turn and ended



Meet Your New


2018 Colorado State Auctioneer Champion

rowing up in a small logging town in Northwestern Washington State, I can remember my father taking me to estate auctions as a boy in Seattle. I enjoyed the fast-paced excitement of auctioneering and bid-calling. That enjoyment has never gone away, as I still think auctions are just as fun and as exciting as I did then. When I entered the Marines just out of high school, I completed infantry training school and later, Basic Underwater Diving training with the Navy Seals. Eventually, I received orders to Marine Corps Drill Instructor School where I was meritoriously promoted to the rank of SGT. I learned some helpful skills in the Marine Corps that later served me well in the auction industry. Leadership, focus and a “never quit” attitude are certainly essential for auctioneers. As a Drill Instructor, we also called marching cadence, which is a skill, not unlike that of an auctioneer. After my service in the Marine Corps, I started on the ground floor of the automotive industry, selling cars in Washington State. I’ve been a car dealer in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for over 17 years, attending weekly auctions all over the country. Over those years, I’ve become friends with a number of auctioneers and have always been fascinated by auctioneering. After developing a friendship with Paul C. Behr, I decided to attend the World Wide College of Auctioneering and graduated in September 2010. In 2011, I won the Troil Welton Memorial Award for auctioneering at the Annual Colorado Auctioneers Association First Timers Competition. Later, I received my "Benefit Auctioneer Specialist" designation from the National Auctioneer's Association. Most of the auctions I perform are benefit related, helping to raise money for a variety of charities including military, Friends of the NRA, the Colorado Independent Automobile Dealers Charity Fund and church benefit auctions. I consistently attend the Annual Colorado Convention and I have competed in the Colorado Auctioneer State Competition from 2012 to 2018. This year, as in most years, we had an excellent group of competitors from all over the State of Colorado. Our esteemed panel of judges included state, as well as, International Champion Auctioneers. The state convention is always worth attending. I learn something new every year and have developed many lifefor a limited time long friendships. This year, I shared with the Colorado Auctioneer’s Association my passion for auctioneering and the Contact: importance of passing on to those who are entering the auctioneering profession. So many others have helped me and I have a heart for helping others as I have been helped. Being the 2018 Colorado State Auctioneer Champion is truly an honor, as I stand on the shoulders p Design of all those who went before me. Custom Ap er Special Off Dean Gunter nth $25 per mo 2018 Colorado State Auctioneer Champion

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20 FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer


2018 Jr. Bid Calling Champion


n the Fall of 2011, I had just graduated from auction school and my son, Rylee Nichols, was about 5 years old. When he would ride with me in my pickup from town or checking cattle, I always had Neal Davis’s CD in and playing. Rylee would listen intently and ask questions about number drills and tongue twisters. He would count with me and practice, I think he could recite Betty Botter when he was about 7 years old. As he progressed he asked for some of my training CD’s that I had. He had a Lightning McQueen player that he would use to listen to his CD’s in. I gave him my training CD from World Wide College of Auctioneering and Neal Davis. I caught him a number of times sitting at his desk with a note pad listening and taking notes, trying to soak it all up as best he could. He would ask me about filler words and what I used and what ones he was trying to say and get comfortable with. Rylee would always go with me when I had small benefit auctions, mostly for FFA member sales or benefits of some sort in our community and neighboring communities, always trying to listen and learn something. This last summer he said he wanted to sell a little bit on his own. We were in Arriba, CO, at the Volunteer Ambulance Service Benefit and Dinner. We had about 30 or so pies to auction off to help raise money for the ambulance service. I sold a few pies and asked if he was ready and he said, “Yeah.” I introduced him, told the crowd his age and said, “This is his first time he has ever auctioneered.” I handed him the mic and his face was about as red as you could get and he didn’t appear to be breathing. He looked at the crowd and was quiet for a second or two and then we started counting 20 -25 and away he went! The crowd was bidding like there was no tomorrow and he kept up with every “Yes!” and “Yep!” I let out and kept his numbers going right on track. When he said, “SOLD” for the first time, the crowd was hollering and screaming, “Keep going!!! Keep going!!!” and he did just that. He sold about the next 10 pies and settled down and his breathing was great. When he concluded, the crowd gave him a thunderous applause and I could not have been a prouder father to a son. Next time he may sell the whole thing and I’ll just catch bids for him! If you were at the 2018 CAA Convention, there was a Jr. Bid Calling Competition and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to compete or not. I told him, “If you want to compete that’s fine, if not that was fine too.” He decided to compete, and he did a great job. I’m

sure you all remember your first time in front of your peers and your mentors. It is a very difficult position for anyone. I would like to thank the CAA for putting on the Jr. Bid Calling Competition. It is a great platform for our young auctioneers to get a start and direction. Rylee said one of the highlights of the 2018 CAA Convention was getting the chance to meet and talk with Neal Davis, the man on the CD that he had listened to for several years. I could have not been more proud of my son and I hope he feels like he can continue with his auction education. Respectfully submitted, Michael Nichols, Proud father


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Challenge of Champions


his year marked our 60th Anniversary of auction professionals in Colorado as an association. Being such a historical mile marker in any association must be honored with some type of event. At our 2018 Annual CAA Convention we hosted an additional bid-calling contest to commemorate this anniversary. We kicked off our convention with our 1st ever Challenge of Champions contest. This contest was only available for our past State Champions to compete in. We had a pretty good turn out of out past champions to participate. Those that chose to compete were: Doug Carpenter, Josh Larson, David Whitley, Mike Heitmann, Shawn Hagler, Scott Schuman and Sammy Hamblen. After a great Preliminary run there were 3 auctioneers chosen to compete in the Finals. Scott Schuman, Sammy Hamblen and Shawn Hagler were the Top 3 point earners and each had another great run it the finals. The evening was kept in high spirits with some comedy relief from our emcee for the evening, Lance Nichols. After the points were all tallied there were just a few points separating our finalists. After a Steve Harvey moment at the podium, the Champion was announced. Mr. Shawn Hagler came away with the Challenge of Champions title, a championship belt buckle and money winnings. Congratulations Shawn and all of our contestants for earning the honor to compete. All of our Past Champions were in fine form and represented themselves and our association in the highest professional manner. I would like to “thank our exceptional panel of judges that represented the best of our auction industry.“ Thank you to all of the CAA members that made the evening possible and very memorable. Looking forward to the 2019 CAA Convention and wishing all of you a successful and prosperous 2018. Respectfully submitted, Michael Nichols

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Thank You 2018 Sponsors • Dealers Auto Auction • Manheim Denver • AuctionLook • Greater Giving • Five Rings Financial • Proxibid • SCI Colorado • Land and Farm • Ritchie Bros • Barn Media • Auction Flex Hi-Bid • IT Risk Managers • FISRT QUARTER • 2017 2018


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AUCTION DAY - EVERY THURSDAY AT 9AM. | 303.289.7716 | 7176 York Street | Denver, CO 80229 FISRT QUARTER • 2018


Colorado Auctioneers Association, Inc. PO Box 1133 Rifle, CO 81650 • 303-729-1195

CALENDAR EVENTS March 18 – 22, 2018 Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI), Bloomington, IN April 9 & 10, 2018

PCA Summit (Personal & Commercial Assets)

Raleigh, NC

April 30, 2018

Day At The Capitol for CAA Members Colorado State Capitol, Denver, CO

May 2 & 3, 2018

Contract Auction Specialist (CAS) Designation

Hoffman Estates, IL

July 17 – 21, 2018

NAA Conference & Show Jacksonville, FL FISRT QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

July 30, 2018

CAA Summertime Picnic

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