The Colorado Auctioneer 3rd Quarter 2018

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the Third Quarter • 2018

The Quarterly Newsletter of the Colorado Auctioneers Association

Also Also Inside: Inside: • • 44 Underused Underused Hot Hot Spots Spots • • Exciting Exciting Foundation Foundation News News • • International International Auctioneer Auctioneer Championship Championship thecoloradoauctioneer • • and more... and so so much much more... THIRD QUARTER • 2018

From the President

It is almost ridiculous how fast the 2018 year has gone by and how busy I’m sure everyone of you still are with your work and families. The auction industry, like most others, is an ever expanding, fast paced occupation that doesn’t slow down for anybody or anything. We all do our best to keep up with our careers while balancing our family life. The Colorado Auctioneers Association membership has had a great year thus far and a proud showing at the National Auctioneers Association Conference and Show in July 2018. We had members compete in the IAC Competition and represent our state as the NAA Chairman, NAA Director and various other positions. The CAA has had many individuals, in the past and present, show why Colorado is one of the strongest associations in the nation. As most of you already know, we had one of our members win the IAC Women’s division. Emily Wears Kroul, earning the IAC title for 2018 and we are proud of her and her accomplishments. Congratulations Emily!!! The CAA recently held our Annual Summer Picnic and Horseshoe Contest for 2018. There was a pretty good turnout and a great time was had by all who attended. Thank you to Jon Flack, Bryce Elemond and Lance Nichols who donated the food for the meal and planned the event. After all the dust settled, the Horseshoe Championship team for 2018 turned out to be Rob Hart and Eric Arrington. If you haven’t been able to attend our CAA Summer Picnic in the past number of years, we want to encourage your participation and enjoy fellowship with each other during this annual event. Your CAA Board and Executive Secretary have been busy planning the 2019 CAA Convention. We will be at a different venue for our 2019 Convention and we are looking forward to providing our membership with a quality educational, informative and fun convention. We will also be adding a new contest this year with a State Championship Ringman Competition. Stay tuned for details. I would like to close this short letter with a couple scripture readings that I try to remember to help me balance work and family and I would like to encourage out membership to spend as much time as possible with their families and enjoy the limited time that we have with them on this earth. Children grow up fast and time passes quickly, try to make every moment count. “Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and the Master you are serving is Christ.” - Colossians 3: 23-24 “The Lord helps the fallen and lifts up those bent beneath their loads.” - Psalm 145:14 “Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.” - Proverbs 22:6 Respectfully, Michael Nichols, 2018 CAA President


BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Michael Nichols Nichols Auctioneers 22300 County Rd. 9 • Flagler, CO 80815 719-765-4756 • Cell 719-350-0126 • 1st VICE PRESIDENT: Mike Heitmann MH Bar Auctions, Inc. 27275 Mid Jones Rd. • Calhan, CO 80808 406-450-2051 • 2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Bryce Elemond Affordable Auctioneering, LLC 25800 E. Byers Pl. • Aurora, CO 80018 720-229-5832 • CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Eric Arrington The Auction Team 2478 Industrial Blvd. • Grand Junction, CO 81505 970-245-1185 • Cell 970-623-9161 • TREASURER: Rob Hart, CAI, ATS Hall & Hall Auctions 100 S. Cherry Ave., Suite D• Eaton, CO 80615 970-716-2120 • Cell: 918-510-3866 • Casey Giddings (2018-2019) Rocky Mountain Estate Brokers, Inc. 24 Oak Ave. • Eaton, CO 80615 970-454-1010 • Cell: 970-222-1625 • Shawn Hagler (2018 – 2019) 25800 E Byers Pl. • Aurora, CO 80018 303-709-3725 • Rob Hart, CAI, ATS Hall & Hall Auctions 100 S. Cherry Ave., Suite D• Eaton, CO 80615 970-716-2120 • Cell: 918-510-3866 • Josh Larson (2017-2018) 310 N. Wayne • Haxton, CO 80731 970-520-2946 • Lance Nichols (2017-2018) Nichols Auctioneers 38241 WCR 23 • Eaton, CO 80615 970-302-6185 • John Schaffner (2018-2019) Schaffner Auctions 36470 CR Z • Wray, CO 80758 970-630-3402 • Mike Whitfield (2018 - 2019) Schur Success Group 366 Second Street, Suite B • Monument, CO 80132 719-667-1000 • Cell 719-238-8300 • David P. Whitley (2017-2018) Rocky Mountain Estate Brokers, Inc. 24 Oak Ave. • Eaton, CO 80615 970-454-1010 • Cell: 970-539-1269 • Cissy Tabor • Executive Secretary 846 Cactus Ct • Rifle, CO 81650 Cell 970-985-8228 • THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer


By Scott Ginsberg

Everyone has a personal brand, whether they know it or not. But only those who actively and consistently create, maintain and imprint their personal brands on the people with whom they interact will sizzle! Here are four different places you probably aren't promoting your personal brand. I’ll never forget what my mentor told me: “Don’t communicate in any way to any person without the stamp of your personal brand.” Everyone has a personal brand, whether they know it or not. And everyone has a personal brand, whether they like it or not. But only those who actively and consistently create, maintain and imprint their personal brands on the people with whom they interact will sizzle! But what is a personal brand? Peter Montoya, author of The Brand Called You, defines it as “a personal identity that stimulates precise, meaningful perceptions in its audience about the values and qualities that person stands for.” But your personal brand is only as strong as the moments in which it is manifested. Now, because YOU are the product, because YOU are what people want, and because YOU need to make an UNFORGETTABLE first impression; everything must be stamped with your personal brand. And I’m not just talking about the obvious hot spots like your website, business cards, marketing materials and promotional items. I’m talking about those underused and overlooked places that could benefit from a little more of you.

The “From” Line

Recently, my friend Paul told me to change my “from line” on my outgoing mail. It used to simply have my email address, but then I changed it to say HELLO, my name is Scott, my personal brand, which also happens to be my website URL and the title of one of my books. And as soon as I made the change, Paul said it stood out amidst all the other emails and enticed him to read my message first! The “from” line is a perfect, yet underused hot spot to stamp your personal brand. Let’s say you’re known as “The Tax Law Queen.” Great. Put that instead of your email! It will stand out among the hundreds of emails in your recipients’ inboxes. Try this quick exercise – it’s deliciously fun. Go to your inbox right now, start at the top, and slowly scroll down through ALL of your emails. Then look at the “from” lines. Which ones stand out?

Here are some of the “from” lines in my inbox: • J-RITZ (Rapper/Producer in Portland, OR) • Paul & The Ripples Project (The President of a non-profit) • Warp Speed Errands (Personal Concierge Business) • Dan Poynter & Para Publishing (Author/ Publisher/Seminar Leader) • EZ Way Web Connections (Website Designer) • DON the IDEA GUY (Writer/Creative Consultant) NOTE: My inbox has 511 emails, and these were the only 6 that stood out. That’s exactly 1.1%. What does that tell you?!


Email signatures are wonderful. Use them. But don’t put TOO much information. Whatever program you use for email – Outlook, Eudora, Yahoo, Hotmail – find out how to customize your signature. There’s nothing more frustrating than receiving an email from someone who wants to talk further, get together or have you send her something, that doesn’t have any personal information in the email. At the end of every email you send, cross reference the following information: • Name • Title • Company/Organization • Mailing address • Phone numbers • Email address • Website • A few sentences about yourself, your company or your job Think how many emails you send out each day: what if each one reinforced your personal brand?

Answering the Phone

I once read an article about a seedy bar in North Carolina called “He’s Not Here.” The name originated from an owner THIRD QUARTER • 2018

(Continued on page 4)



4 U N D E RUSED HO T SPO T S FOR YOUR PERSONAL BRANDING IRON who was accused of attracting customers of the, shall we say, unfaithful nature. And because of the fear of jealous wives rampaging for their husbands, the bartender always answered the phone by saying, “He’s not here!” Now, although the personal brand of that business isn’t exactly proper, you’ve got to admit – that’s a damn clever way to answer the phone. And consistent. And memorable. And funny. Sadly, only a small percentage of people do this; either because they’re too lazy, they’d rather just utter the canned “This is Jim…” or they can’t think of anything creative to say. A few years ago I was invited to be a guest on a local morning show to talk about my first book, HELLO, my name is Scott. But I knew the DJ’s would give me a hard time. So, when they dialed my number (on the air) and waited for me to pick up, I answered with, “HELLO, my name is Scott…?” The three DJ’s started laughing so hard, I had to hold the phone away from my ear! They were dying! They even complimented my creative approach to answering the phone. And so, ever since then, I’ve never answered the phone another way – and people still laugh almost every time.

and say. But don’t forget to make it manifest in all the media through which you do and say it.


Who’s got the best voicemail you’ve ever heard? Is yours that good? Scott Ginsberg is a professional speaker, "the world's foremost field expert on nametags" and the author of HELLO my name is Scott and The Power of Approachability. He speaks to companies and associations who want to become UNFORGETTABLE communicators – one conversation at a time. For booking or more information, go to


Among all the mediums through which we communicate, voicemail always gets treated like the redheaded stepchild: “Hi this is Randy. Leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you.” This is an example of a typical outgoing message that makes callers feel like they really are talking to a machine. Now, we all hear this cookie cutter message about a dozen times daily. And it doesn’t necessarily make a voicemail message bad; but it does mean the voicemail is not being fully leveraged. My friend Gina owns a company called It’s Your Stuff. She is a Professional Home Stylist who creates a designer look in people’s homes with their existing furnishings, art and accessories. I called her the other day, and although I missed her, here’s what her voicemail said: “Hi you’ve reached Gina of It’s Your Stuff. Sorry I missed your call, but I’m out making someone’s home beautiful! Please leave a message.” Perfect. These examples should stimulate some great ideas to find ways to incorporate more of you in all that you do. Remember: your personal brand underscores all that you do 4

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"It was very exciting to represent Colorado in the International Junior Auctioneer Championships for the second year in a row. I would have rather just won the first year but each year of competing has taught me more about myself and has allowed me to work on my chant and auction skills. It has been fun to meet other competitors from across the United States. We have become friends and will probably know each other throughout our careers. I am already looking forward to competing in New Orleans next July. My goal is to make it to the finals and I am already practicing. Thank you for your support." Shelby Shuman

Paul C Behr was inducted into the NAA Hall of Fame as a recognized leader within the auction industry as established in 1961. His bronze-etched portrait plaque will hang at the thecoloradoauctioneer National Auctioneers Museum at theTHIRD QUARTER • 2018 NAA Headquarters.

CAA Website

Change Happens

By Cissy Tabor

There are always going to be the naysayers - the ones that just can't get their heads around the advantages of embracing new ideas, alternative ways and new technology. And as we look back, some changes can be considered “No Brainers.” Take for instance, the internet. When it first opened up we had information available to us. I can still hear the sound of dial-up internet. And with the increase in technology, our smart phones are a more powerful computer in the palm of our hands than the first computer built! As the CAA continues to move forward, so must the technology that we use. Even though our CAA website,, functioned well and managed our membership and information, our association needed to make the growth change in upgrading our website for a mobile, user-friendly site. The CAA Board and Website Committee worked hard on making the change for the new website to provide us with all of the essential features we have had and added new features. This is a new world of opportunity for all of us to participate in if we choose. For some, you may disagree, but I believe that there are great advantages to be gained and it’s not going to take any more effort than you have already put forth if you are willing to embrace new concepts of how we have improved upon our association’s presence. A toolbox ½ full can only do a limited amount of work. So where does that leave us? Well, if we want more, we do more. Take charge of the future and embrace whatever we can to improve what we are doing in the marketplace for our members and our clients.

Our new website allows us the opportunity to have the following features. • Mobile Friendly • More Detailed Bio & Streamlined Categories • Social Media Integration • Search Optimization of Members • Newsletter Online • Online Registration I’ve written this article with one singular purpose in mind – Don’t turn away from newfangled ideas, concepts or processes that you don’t first agree with or understand. My request: Keep an open mind and support our organization in this new technology and be willing to embrace change. 1. UTILIZE YOUR MEMBERSHIP – Review / Update & Manage Your Profile. 2. Post Your Auctions on our website so we can continue to promote our members. I am here to assist members with these services along with our Website Committee (David Whitley: and can be contacted.

Don’t get left behind. THIRD QUARTER • 2018





8 THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

How an Embarrassing Failure Lead Me to Marketing Success

By Ryan George

Back in 2004, I became an author. I released a book of 41 discussions of interesting Bible characters. In 2003, it was the highest-rated manuscript on a service ( that faith-based publishers use to find authors without agent representation. At the one publisher who legitimately considered it, the editorial staff loved my writing and the compilation; but their accounting and marketing teammates did not. I ended up using a selfpublishing service to print the manuscript.

By commercial standards, the book was a flop. A horrible salesman, I’ve sold fewer than 200 copies across all retailers; and many of those were copies I’ve bought to give to people. My church, where my wife is on staff and where I’ve lead multiple environments, sold one whole copy of Word on the Street during the years it was on their bookstore’s shelf. That wouldn’t be so embarrassing, except that more than 3,000 people attend our church on most Sundays. Oh, it gets better: that bookstore’s manager found a signed copy of my book—at Goodwill. When Amazon showed a “collector’s edition” of the book, my curiosity pushed me to buy it. When the box arrived, I learned that someone else with a signed copy had hocked it. So, I had probably bought that same book twice. My book’s failure became one of the most important marketing lessons of my life. It cemented an unpopular platform from which I’ve taught auction professionals for the past decade. It became one of the underpinning premises of the Auction Marketing Management designation program. See, one of the primary reasons my book failed turned out to be the reason so much auction marketing doesn’t reach its full potential.

The audience determines what gets read. If the people we want to interact with our content don’t like it or engage with it, our message will not get heard. That applies to both authors and advertisers. No matter how much of ourselves we put into the creation, we don’t determine what people like, what gets absorbed, or whether something sells. No matter how much we believe in something, we can’t make the world want it. Also, it doesn’t matter what our peers think of our work or how many industry awards we win. Editors loved my prose,

but they got to read it for free. My capstone writing portfolio became the first to earn a perfect score from the Dean of Education at my alma mater, but she didn’t buy a copy of my book. I won an adult poetry contest in high school and a medal for writing achievement in college. My undergrad internship included authoring a magazine cover story about the first school administrator to participate in Florida’s voucher program. None of that mattered.

Thankfully, I got to see the big, fat failure. I’m grateful it was so obvious. Many auctioneers don’t get that same opportunity. They don’t know how many postcard recipients didn’t become bidders but would have (Continued on page 10) THIRD QUARTER • 2018



How an Embarrassing Failure Lead Me to Marketing Success

with different messaging or design. They don’t see how much money they didn’t make off Facebook scrollers who might have clicked on a better ad. They don’t know how much their auctioneer-centric email subject lines kept them from bigger commissions.

graphic designer and marketing consultant with more than 120 national awards and projects spanning 48 states. On nights and weekends, Ryan blogs about auction marketing, adventure travel, and spiritual discoveries.

For auctioneers, the auction method is their instinctive headline. Auction and open house dates are the rhythm of their lives and get most of the real estate on their advertising media. I’ve even seen auctioneers put their office’s address in prominent or multiple locations—not the auction site’s address but their return mailing address. The problem with all of these emphases is that those aren’t priorities to consumers. It’s not that this content isn’t important. It’s just that people only need that information after they already want what you’re selling. That tertiary information can be shown in smaller font lower on the piece—or on your website. By the way, the same holds true when prospecting for sellers, who don’t primarily care how many years you’ve been in business. They don’t care if your chant won a bid calling contest, especially if you’re selling their asset online. They don’t know what those letters behind your name mean and don’t really want you to take their time explaining them. They don’t want clichéd, ambiguous tag lines or unsupported claims. They want empathy to their specific situation, their pain points. They want evidence that you consistently solve the problems of other sellers in their same situation.

Our audience wants the book to be about them. Our prospects will give us only a few seconds to prove it’s about them. If we don’t connect to their need or want in that time, we may not get more time. It doesn’t matter how pretty the inside of the brochure is behind a horrible mailer panel. It doesn’t matter what’s in the email hidden behind an “AUCTION!!!” subject line. It doesn’t matter how robust the content is on the other end of the link from an uninteresting Facebook ad. All we’re trying to say doesn’t get said, if nobody reads it.

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George Bernard Shaw summed it best: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Ryan George leads his church's "Dude Group" and a parking team of almost 50 volunteers. During business hours, he's a 10 THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer






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Auc t i o n eer Ch ampionsh ip Imagine standing directly in front of the starting gate at the Kentucky Derby with a clipboard in your hand at the precise moment the doors snap open and a lineup of startled thoroughbreds burst into frantic activity.

Contestants, representing all phases of auctioneering -cattle, cars, property, and benefit specialists -- displayed remarkable talent revealing years of preparation collectively -- nary a nag on this fast track.

That's exactly how I felt in Jacksonville Friday, July 20th serving as one of seven judges at the 2018 International Auctioneer Championship, the world's premier showcase of auction talent.

Colorado contestants shined -- Halie Behr; David Whitley; Dean Gunter; Emily Wears Kroul; and Scott & Krista Shuman's thirteen-year-old daughter Shelby who competed in the junior championship.

Chaired by John Nicholls, the Secretariat of thoroughbred auctioneers, and NAA President Scott Shuman, officially the nicest human being on planet earth, seventy-seven auctioneers competed for the two titles of 2018 International Auctioneer Champion, men's and women's division.

Halie Behr, exuberant after Uncle Paul C.'s induction the night before into the National Auctioneers Hall of Fame, took command early on with her impeccable chant, impressive stage presence, and throughbred confidence and ability. She also dispatched the interview portion with precision and grace.

Everybody's auction hero, Spanky Assiter -- the industry's consummate professional -- emceed the event in classic form, verbally escorting each competitor to the stage with natural ease and typical good humor, glasses perched as if surgically implanted into the top of his head, demonstrating once and for all he sees everything everywhere all the time.


David Whitley's intelligence is legendary among CAA members who've been enlightened by his insight and guidance for years. But this time another David showed up -- GQ David -- handsome with shiny shoes, buttoned down and dapper in his new suit, winning smile, and smooth delivery. On top of that, he channeled his comical side seldom seen in a national arena. David is one funny dude. THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

Shuman! offense here ...but let's face it have a match in the nicest-guy-inthe-world competition ...Dean Gunter. A Marine through and through, a Colorado State Champion, having endured deep melanoma surgery on his left tricep just a few short months before, Dean displayed award-winning skill encased in what Coloradans know him to be... a true gentleman and a fine auctioneer. At the risk of carrying this horse metaphor too far (ok ok... too late, huh?), let it be said the Shumans' daughter Shelby placed well as the only filly and the youngest in a field of frisky colts competing in the International Junior Auctioneer Championship. She did her mom, dad, sister Amanda, and brother Walker proud, holding up the Shuman tradition of excellence. Iconic derby jockey Eddie Arcaro once mused, "Pay closest attention in every race to the first-place finisher and the one dragging in dead last. They are without doubt the two hardest workers." Emily Wears Kroul came in first. The 2012 Colorado winner was crowned this year's International Auctioneer Champion, women's division. Her lightning-quick melodic chant had already thrilled the nation's television viewers on Storage Wars and as a contestant on American Idol. Oklahoma auctioneer Barrett Bray won the men's division championship. Not sure who came in last, but to every single competitor this year, you can be sure of one thing. You are indeed a champion. THIRD QUARTER • 2018

---- Gary Corbett, Benefit Auction Specialist




12 THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

Summertime Picnic Fun FOR EVERYONE

The Colorado Auctioneers Association Annual Summer Picnic and Horseshoe Tournament was held in Windsor, CO, on Monday, July 30th. Mike Heitmann and John Schaffner got busy grilling hotdogs and hamburgers, which were donated by Nick Brooks from the Affiliated Group Elite. CAA provided all the fixings, sides and drinks. Baked goods consisting of doughnuts and buns were donated by Mark Parizotto from Baker Boy - and we’re also grateful to Georganne and Bryce Elemond for baking cinnamon rolls and cookies. Delicious! Following a great meal and fellowship, the Annual Horseshoe Tournament began! There was some tough talk among the 15 horseshoe teams, as everyone wanted to take home the coveted traveling trophy. Dorothy Unrein was able to attend the picnic this year after a few years away, and as a previous championship team, she and Harold had the other competitors shaking in their boots. Last year’s champions, Jon Flack and Butch Hagelstrom, both had to leave the picnic early, but they teamed up to defend their championship in the first round. And as Butch says, they “soundly defeated the team of Paul C. Behr and Mark Lautenschlager!” In the end, it came down to Rob Hart and Eric Arrington against Josh Larson and Graig Medvesk. As goes the saying, age came before beauty and Rob and Eric were the victors! There were approximately 40 people in attendance and those who were unable to attend for various reasons were greatly missed. We are already looking forward to next year’s picnic and… The Board welcomes your suggestions and comments.

Congratulations to the new horseshoe champs, Rob Hart and Eric Arrington! A big shout out of “Thank you” goes to Bryce Elemond and the Nichols families for getting donations. THIRD QUARTER • 2018




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CAA Foundation

EXCITING FOUNDATION NEWS! Thanks to all who participated by donating or bidding and buying in our first ever, Online Foundation Fundraising Auction. Your generous support helped us to generate nearly $7,000. We have two projects in the works to utilize these funds towards education and the betterment of our organization.

Colorado Auctioneers Foundation Summit Monday October 15, 2018 at the Historic Stanley Hotel

You don’t dare miss this exciting and educational day in Estes Park! Beginning at 8 AM, this event will feature an exciting lineup of speakers in a fast paced “Ted Talk” ( 30 minutes +/- ) format. Speakers from both, inside and outside the auction profession, will be included. Here is an exciting feature - IT IS FREE! NO CHARGE! GRATIS! That’s right, this event will be at No Charge to all CAA members. Even lunch at the Stanley Hotel will be provided by The Foundation at No Charge. Non-members can attend by simply, joining the CAA and paying their membership dues for 2018. We are working to finalize the list of speakers but it will be a fantastic lineup. Filmmaker and mountaineer, Alex Harz, will discuss his recent summit of Mount Everest to film his upcoming TV movie series, The Quest, Nepal. Newly elected NAA 2nd Vice President, Jason Winter, and NAA Director, Tricia Brauer, will be presenters. International singer and vocal coach, Carol Joy Evans, will share her decades of knowledge about vocal performance and care. Are you interested yet?

By OJ Pratt Additional segments are being finalized involving Contract Negotiation, Improv Performance to hone your skills, Auction Law and much more. The event is at No Cost, but you will need to register so we can plan accordingly. If you plan to stay on Sunday night to avoid an early Monday drive, we have a discount rate at the Stanley Hotel. If you prefer a less expensive option there are literally hundreds of other choices in Estes Park in every price range. Rocky Mountain National Park is moments away and there are many things to keep you and your family, entertained, if you come early or stay longer. Watch your e-mail for detailed schedule and registration forms.

But wait…There’s more!

The CAF Board has also been hard at work with the National Western Stock Show Association to create a new event to showcase the talent of auctioneers. During the 2019 National Western Stock Show, we will host an Open Bid Calling Championship! The event will be held Saturday afternoon, January 26, 2019, in the Beef Palace. There will be a significant CASH Prize, as well as, the fantastic exposure of selling on the big stage! Brian Almer of Barn Media will broadcast online and we are negotiating for post event television broadcasting in Denver. We are assembling sponsorship packages and actively seeking sponsors for the event. It will be a great opportunity to showcase the Colorado Auctioneers Association and The Foundation. Stay tuned for details. If you have any questions, thoughts or want to actively help feel free to call or e-mail me… OJ Pratt, President, Colorado Auctioneers Foundation, 303-598-8585 or THIRD QUARTER • 2018



18 THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer THIRD QUARTER • 2018



Chaplain’s Corner By John Schaffner

Over the 4th of July week we were in Red River, New Mexico, with our chuckwagon cooking for a Michael Martin Murphey event. A Cowboy Church service was planned for that Sunday morning and Michael asked me to bring the message. For the main scripture I used Hebrews 12: 1-3 which says, “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before HIM, he endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of GOD. 3 Consider HIM who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” I pointed out that sometimes, bad things happen in our lives that make us feel like giving up on our professional lives or even on our Christian lives. I told the people that day about my old cowboy mentor I had as a teenager whose favorite saying was, “Perseverance overcomes all obstacles.” That saying has gotten me through a lot of tough times in my life. It seems like in the past several months, many in our CAA Family have gone through some hardships and trials that would make the need for perseverance relative to them. In that same message in Red River, I pointed out another scripture, John 10:10, where Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” In other words, GOD wants HIS children to enjoy life to the fullest extent. Many times it takes some trials and tribulations where perseverance is necessary to make us realize how good our lives really are.

PRAYER REQUESTS • Please keep Rachel Repine in your thoughts and prayers from the sudden passing of her husband, Mark. • Please keep Cissy Tabor's Family in your thoughts and prayers from the passing of her mother (Requested by Sarah Krautschun) • Please keep Gary Adler in your prayers as he continues his recovery from heart surgery and the complications • Keep Safe Our Military / Police Officers & Civil Personnel

PRAISE REPORTS • Multiple CAA Members have been successful in fighting Cancer in 2017 & 2018. Please keep them in your prayers for complete healing. • Thank You to the Firefighters for saving the Colorado Wild lands and Keep them in our prayers

My family and I would like to say, “Thank you” to each and everyone who sent us cards, letters, condolences, personally contacted us or attended my Mother’s funeral services. Your outpouring of kindness is Greatly Appreciated and will never be forgotten! - Cissy Tabor, Bob and John Jones

If you happen to be one of those people who have been going through some sad or difficult times lately I encourage you to, “hang in there and let perseverance get you through.” 20 THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

Board of Directors


AUCTION DAY - EVERY THURSDAY AT 9AM. | 303.289.7716 | 7176 York Street | Denver, CO 80229 THIRD QUARTER • 2018


Speaker Sneak Peak Art Parker

Emily Wears Kroul

George Michak Aaron Traffas

Don't Forget...

Coming Soon...

You can REGISTER on the new, CAA Website to RENEW Your Membership! Colorado Auctioneers Association Members Savings Program 22 THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

Hall of Fame

Did You Know‌?

Election to the Colorado Auctioneers Hall of Fame is an opportunity to recognize those individuals who have made great contributions to the CAA, the Auction Industry in general, and to the community. Do you know someone like that? Do you know someone who has been a great help and mentor to your growth in the Auction Industry? If so, why not nominate them to the CAA Hall of Fame? Any CAA member can submit a nomination. Each year during our convention the Hall of Fame members review nominations and votes are cast for induction into the Hall of Fame for the following year. This year nominations will be accepted until Dec 1, 2018. This is Your Association and Your Opportunity To Be Part Of The Nominating Process.

A Great Member Benefit ...and Tool for Your Toolkit THIRD QUARTER • 2018



COLORADO AUCTIONEERS ASSOCIATION HALL OF FAME Award Nomination Form Deadline Submission: December 1, 2018 Hall Of Fame Guidelines I. Qualifications that weigh heavily in the selection include the contributions made by the Auctioneer to the Colorado Auctioneers Association, Inc. and if possible, the NAA. The honoree needs to have had an active interest in CAA, Inc. for ten years or more. Have they been an officer or a member of the Board of Directors; have they been on various committees; have they attended seminars and conventions; have they been a speaker or a member of a panel discussion at the conventions or seminars. II. The second area looked at closely is their auction business. It doesn’t make any difference as to the size of their auctions, the area that they encompass or the type of auctions or variety they may conduct. What is important is that they have been an active Acutioneer for more than ten years, and their professionalism, integrity and high standards have made them an auction leader in their area. III. A third area that adds some weight is the individual’s contribution to their community. Have they been active in community projects, civic organizations, elective office or any other community area? IV. Nominations will not be accepted from the nominee’s spouse or immediate family.


Personal and Confidential to the CAA Hall Of Fame Name of Nominee _____________________________________________ Residence Address _____________________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________________________ City _________________________ State ________ Zip _______________ BUSINESS INFORMATION Name of Firm ________________________________________________ Position _____________________________________________________ Number of Associates or Partners in Business _______________________ Business Address ______________________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________ PERSONAL AND FAMILY INFORMATION Spouse’s Name _______________________________________________ Does spouse participate in the auction profession: Yes No (circle one) If yes, please explain ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Children (Please give names and ages): _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ GENERAL PROFESSION INFORMATION How long has the nominee been associated in the auction business: ______ What percentage of the nominee’s time is actively spent in the auction business: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Has the nominee specialized in any particular field of auctioneering: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ Walt Partridge ____________________________________________________________ 6577 Winfield Ave Parker, CO 80134 ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer Revised January 9, 2017

COLORADO AUCTIONEERS ASSOCIATION HALL OF FAME Award Nomination Form Page 2 of 2 Personal and Confidential to the CAA Hall Of Fame List the educational background of the nominee, including offices held, current and past: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ List regular auctions conducted, if any, and / or any special individual auctions conducted, which have brought attention and credit to the profession of Auctioneering: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Previous recipients of the CAA Hall of Fame Award have established some general qualifications which they feel each nominee should possess or have shown. Please reflect your personal assessment of the nominee with respect to the following categories: 1. Honesty 2. Willingness to Share With Others 3. Standing in His or Her Communityw 4. State and National Associations 5. Contributions To The CAA and The Auction Profession Narration: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Submitted by (please print name):_______________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State ___________________ Zip _____________

Signature of Submitter: _________________________________________________________________________ THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer


2019 Membership Renewal January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019


NAME __________________________________________________________DATE______________________ COMPANY _________________________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE (home/work) _______________________________ (cell) ____________________________________ EMAIL __________________________________________ WEB SITE ________________________________ PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS: ____________________________




LIST MEMBERSHIP IN OTHER STATE AUCTIONEER ASSN ____________________________________________



Active Member (annual). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DUES

“any person who is actively engaged in directly facilitating the auction method of marketing for profit” This includes bid-calling auctioneers and auction business owners.


Membership includes unlimited posting of Auctions on the CAA website.

Associate Member. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DUES

“any person who is engaged in supporting the auction method of marketing” This includes auction staff members and auction-related businesses, including vendors. Does not include unlimited posting of Auctions on the CAA website.

$ 35.00

By completing and submitting this form, I hereby renew membership in the Colorado Auctioneers Association, Inc. I will abide by its Bylaws, support its objectives, comply with the CAA’s Code of Ethics and pay the established dues. Signature ______________________________________________________________________________________________

PAYMENT INFORMATION Check # _____________________

Total Amount Paid $________________

MC _____ VISA ____ Discover ____

Credit Card # ____________________________________________Total $ ___________ Card Exp: _____________CSV:______ Name on Card ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address of Card Holder _____________________________________________________________________________________

COMPLETE FORM AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT Mail Payment: Colorado Auctioneers Association PO Box 1133 Rifle, CO 81650 ~ Email: ~

Credit Card Information Accepted By Phone - OR - Online at website (Join / Renew) Web Site:

For Questions Contact: Cissy Tabor, Executive Secretary (303) 729-1195 *Email: Tax deductible contributions or gifts should be made payable to the Colorado Auctioneers Association Foundation 501(c)(3). Rev 08-18-2018 THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

We will be having the Junior Bid Calling Championship again at the CAA Convention in January 2019! It is a great opportunity for your children or grandchildren under the age of 18. They will have the opportunity to showcase their talents and win the Jr Bid Calling Championship custom design championship jacket. This is a great way for them to enhance their confidence, public speaking abilities and stage presence. And you can get quality Family time by practicing together!! Let's make this a good turn out and support the kids...our future Auctioneers!

2019 JUNIOR BID CALLING CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST ENTRY FORM Contest is Saturday, January 5, 2019 Marriott DIA at Gateway Park - Aurora, CO

NAME _________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________

AGE ___



CITY / STATE / ZIP _________________________________________________ PHONE___________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS


PARENT SIGNATURE (authorizes the use of contestants name and photo for promoting the Colorado Auctioneers Association) Rules for participation in the Colorado Auctioneers Association Jr Bid Calling Championship Contest:  All participates are between the ages of 13 and under 18 at time of the contest.  All auction items will be provided by the Colorado Auctioneers Association.  Contestants must sign up by 5:00 p.m. on Friday of the convention.  Competing order will be determined prior to the event.  The Junior Bid Calling Championship contest will be held in the designated ballroom at the convention site intermittent with the Colorado State Auctioneer Championship Contest on Saturday, January 5, 2019.  2019 Convention will be held at the Marriott DIA at Gateway Park Hotel, 16455 East 40th Ave., Aurora, CO 80011  Questions: John Schaffner - Phone: (970) 630-3402; Email:


The new, CAA Website, will be available to REGISTER for the 2019 CAA Convention Registration as of October 1, 2018.

If you Register for the convention, you will also be able to Renew your Membership at the same time! THIRD QUARTER • 2018


Colorado Auctioneers Association, Inc. PO Box 1133 Rifle, CO 81650 • 303-729-1195

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Aug. 26 - 28, 2018

BAS Summit - St Petes Beach, FL

Sept. 6, 2018

NAA Day On The Hill - Washington DC

Sept. 10 - 12, 2018 AMM Designation - Birmingham, AL Oct. 15, 2018

CAA Education Summit - Stanley Hotel

Nov. 5 – 6, 2018

Women in the Auction Industry Summit

Dec. 1, 2018

Hall of Fame Nomination Deadline

Jan. 3 - 6, 2019

2019 CAA Convention THIRD QUARTER • 2018 thecoloradoauctioneer

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