5 minute read
Executive Director’s Report
Executive Director’s Message
The Impact We Have
PGA Championship week always has great memories for me. As we all know, until recently the Championship used to be played in August, the month I was born. In 1985 we were living in Clovis, New Mexico, as my father had been stationed at Cannon Air Force Base. He took me to the PGA Championship at Cherry Hills Country Club for my birthday and I fell in love with Colorado! I remember driving by the United States Air Force Academy and saying to myself, “I’m going to manage that golf course someday.” In 1998 those words became a reality and I got to meet “Coach,” Gene Miranda. When I think of incredible people in our industry, I think of “Coach,” a man who served our nation faithfully as an Air Force Officer, retiring in the rank of Lt. Colonel. He continued to serve our nation even after he retired when he became the Air Force Falcons Golf Coach which helped shape the future leaders of our United States Air Force. I have always known the game of golf can make an impact in people’s lives. The difference it makes by bringing people together and by teaching values, there is just something special in our game. Today I continue to believe in the power of golf, but in a completely new way. Since we started working with the soldiers at Fort Carson with Colorado PGA Professional Paul Surniak, it amazed me the number of soldiers that have shared with us, “Golf saved my life!” When the PGA of America, through PGA REACH, launched PGA HOPE it was very easy for us to jump on board because we knew firsthand the impact golf is making in the lives of our Veterans. We have now grown to eight PGA HOPE Programs across the Section. We have added PGA HOPE Ambassador Retired Army Sergeant First Class Joseph Robinson, and we are looking to continue to do whatever we can to support our Troops. Whether it is spending a few hours a year visiting our Veterans Valentine’s Week at the Denver VA, playing a round of golf with them during our “IVY” Pro Am at Fort Carson, partnering with Military Warriors Support Foundation to award a mortgage-free home, or hosting a PGA HOPE Program, there are plenty of opportunities to give back to those who have done so much for all of us! I never could have imagined that my trip to Cherry Hills in 1985 to watch the PGA Championship would be the beginning of a future beyond my wildest dreams. To have the honor to call men like PGA Master Professional Gene Miranda my friend, and to serve the 850 PGA Members and Associates of the Colorado PGA as they continue to be the driving Eddie Ainsworth, PGA force in golf throughout Colorado, Eastern Wyoming, and parts of South Dakota has been CEO/Executive Director incredible! Colorado PGA eainsworth@pgahq.com In closing, all I can think of is stay tuned, as we have only just begun to make a positive C | (719) 761-6125 difference in the lives of others through the game of golf!!! All the Best. Eddie Ainsworth, PGA CEO/Executive Director Colorado PGA 6630 Bear Dance Drive Larkspur, CO 80118 eainsworth@pgahq.com C (719) 761-6125
Thursday, July 15, 2021 Cheyenne Shadows GC Fort Carson, CO
W E N E E D Y O U ! O N E P R O F E S S I O N A L O R A S S O C I A T E W I L L B E P A I R E D U P W I T H 3 M I L I T A R Y P E R S O N N E L T O F O R M A T E A M I N T H I S 1 8 - H O L E S C R A M B L E !
S c h e d u l e o f E v e n t s
1 2 0 0 P M 1 3 0 P M L u n c h W a r m u p P r o s o n R a n g e
4 0 0 P M
5 3 0 P M 1 3 0 P M
6 3 0 P M S h o t g u n S t a r t
F a m i l y G o l f E x p e r i e n c e
6 3 0 P M D i n n e r S c o r i n g A w a r d s
V I S I T H T T P : / / B I T . L Y / I V Y P R O A M T O R E G I S T E R T O D A Y !
PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere) is a year-round program designed to keep interested veterans playing golf in order to embrace their wellbeing. PGA HOPE includes an introduction to the sport of golf, golf instruction, playing opportunities and social events.
Home for a Hero
Since 2016, Colorado PGA REACH has presented keys to seven (7) Combat Wounded Veterans. The recipient of the 2021 home will be presented at the Colorado PGA REACH Invitational on July 21, 2021, at The Golf Club at Bear Dance.
PGA REACH Invitational
The Colorado PGA REACH Invitational is the Foundation’s largest annual fundraiser and has become a “can’t miss event!” The all-inclusive experience will again be hosted at the home of the Colorado PGA, The Golf Club at Bear Dance. Register to play using the QR code!
We have partnered with Mile High Golf Trail, a team that is dedicated to consistently providing an award-winning and diverse golf experience for every patron, everyday. Play one (1) round at each of these 4 Award Winning Properties for $249! Bear Dance | Plum Creek | Colorado National | Riverdale
Proceeds from Mile High Golf Trail Fore Pack Purchases help fund our Home
Colorado PGA REACH is the 501(c)(3) charitable foundation of the Colorado PGA. To learn more about the MILITARY PILLAR of Colorado PGA REACH, visit us online at coloradopga.com or call 303-681-0742