On the Road 2024 Program

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SavingPlaces OntheRoad...

in Steamboat Springs

September 6th - 8th, 2024 Presentedby

we are colorado preservation, INc.

Since 1984, Colorado Preservation, Inc. (CPI) has diligently worked to make a difference in communities throughout the state Energized around a central theme of “building a future with historic places,” CPI was founded by visionary leaders who identified a need for a statewide nonprofit organization structured around preserving, protecting, and promoting Colorado’s historic places. Historic preservation is much more than keeping “old” buildings standing; preservation is about creating a sense of place, enhancing communities, and revitalizing economies. Our organization promotes the critical connection between people and place.

CPI works to ensure historic places across Colorado are protected and will be preserved for future generations with a small staff of four supported by a board of 18, and a devoted volunteer corps. CPI advances its mission by partnering with property owners, non-profit organizations, educators, and local governments through its signature initiatives Preservation Services (technical assistance), Colorado’s Most Endangered Places Program (EPP), its annual Saving Places® Conference and its Dana Crawford & State Honor Awards

The On the Road Event is a weekend program focusing on the role of historic preservation planning and practice in creating healthy and vibrant communities. CPI is thrilled to present this year's program in northwest Colorado! Throughout the program, CPI seeks participation from local stakeholders to share information about the area resources in order to understand the unique opportunities and challenges of historic preservation planning and practice.

Thank you to the many people, organizations, and supporters who have helped (and continue to help) make the conference what it is today! CPI is particularly grateful to History Colorado - State Historical Fund for their generous support, which has made this weekend possible. Thank you for joining us and please find us throughout the event introduce yourself to our Executive Director, Jennifer Orrigo Charles, CPI Board and Staff.


Orrigo Charles


Garrett Briggs (Ignatio)

Kathy Corbett (Denver)*

Andy Duckett-Emke (Golden)

Michael Gayle (Denver)

Betsy Kellums (Greeley)

Ann Mullins (Aspen)*

Sandra Ortega (San Luis)

Jeff Owsley (Alamosa)

Andy Spencer (Park County)

Steve Turner (Denver)

Natasha Krasnow (Grand Junction)

James Kroll (Denver)*

Dave Lively (Grand Lake)

Mary Jane Loevlie (Idaho Springs)

Greg Movesian (Denver)*

Meg Touborg (Denver)

Jane Watkins (Littleton)

Tom Witt (Denver)*

*Executive Committee


Thank you sponsors!


OntheRoad Sponsors



Supporting Sponsors


Colorado Preservation Inc. would like to thank the many people who contributed to the production of Saving Places on the Road in Steamboat Springs. We are humbled by their support. Thank you!

Arianthe Stettner

Director Emeritus, Historic Routt County

Kristen Rockford

Executive Director, Historic Routt County

Tammie Delaney

Historic Hayden Granary

Candice Bannister

Tread of Pioneers Museum

Caitlin Berube-Smith

Historic Preservation Planner, City of Steamboat Springs

Erica Hewitt

Hewitt Design Studios

Dagny McKinley

Executive Director, Undiscovered Earth

Special thanks to Arianthe Stettner, without whom this event would not have been possible. Her tireless dedication and invaluable contributions have left an indelible mark on Steamboat Springs and Routt County. Arianthe's efforts will be felt for generations to come.


Schedule of Events

Friday, September 6th

Evening Schedule

4:00 - 5:00 PM


(Meet at the Historic Steamboat Springs Depot, 1001 13th Street)

5:00 - 8:00 PM


*Dinner on your own. Please see restaurant suggestions in materials provided.

Saturday, September 7th


8:00 - 9:00 AM



(Steamboat Springs Community Center, 1605 Lincoln Ave.)

NOTE: All Saturday morning and afternoon tours will leave from here The bus will take walking tour participants to the first stop of the tour then return to pick up bus tour participants

Saturday, September 7th



Historic Preservation Opportunities and Challenges, Mineral Springs, and Olympic Heritage Walking Tour

Walking Tour

This guided walking tour will showcase the rich history of Steamboat Springs, with a focus on its mineral springs, skiing, and Olympic heritage The mineral springs portion of the tour will be led by Dagny McKinley, author of the book "Springs of Steamboat", and will take you on an easy-to-access, approximately 1-mile walk to visit 13 natural mineral springs, each with its own unique history, medicinal uses, and geologic properties Learn about the curative properties of the springs, the mysterious caves, the worms unique to Steamboat, and how and why Steamboat was once a world-class spa destination

The tour will also provide insights into the City's current Historic Preservation Program, including the development of its first-ever Historic Preservation Plan and update to existing Historic Design Guidelines, as well as community education, outreach, and engagement strategies. You will gain a deeper understanding of the historic designation of multiple natural mineral springs, including the utilization of scientific research and ongoing studies to develop three designation boundaries with different levels of criteria for physical work within each boundary to ensure potential disruption to those natural features does not occur due to future planned infrastructure and development.

Additionally, the tour will explore Steamboat Springs' Olympic heritage and ski history and will be led by a local expert from the Tread of Pioneers Museum. Discover why Steamboat is home to more Olympic athletes than any other town in the nation, and learn about the history of Howelsen Hill, the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club, Nordic Combined and ski jumping, the tremendous impacts of Carl Howelsen, and Steamboat's unmatched Olympic Heritage

Saturday, September 7th

Morning Schedule

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM *PLEASE BOARD BUS AT 9:00AM


What makes Routt County different from some of the other counties across the state? On this tour you will learn about Routt County’s ranching, agricultural, and mining history and the tools it is using to preserve the land. The tour will be led by local rancher, Jay Fetcher, and will include a visit to his ranch and a discussion of the conservation easements he used to protect his land and keep it in agriculture. Joining Jay will be Owen Yager, Regional Manager of External Relations, for the Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust. He will talk about the formation of this trust and how it conserves Colorado's western heritage and working landscapes for the benefit of future generations. Finally, Historic Routt County board member, Leslie Lovejoy, will lead the group on a tour of the Hahns Peak area. Once a thriving gold mining camp, Hahns Peak is the oldest permanent settlement in northwest Colorado’s Routt County and served as the county seat from 1877 to 1912. Leslie will lead a tour of its museum and discuss the efforts to protect Hahns Peak Lookout Tower, an Endangered Places Program "save". 12:00 PM - 1:oo PM (ish)

Saturday, September 7th

Afternoon Schedule

1:00 PM -4:00 PM *Please board bus at 12:40 pm to be taken to first tour stop

Downtown Steamboat Springs: Its History and Its Tax Credit Projects


Join Erica Hewitt, local Historic Preservation Consultant / Designer, for a walking tour of historic building sites that have or are in the process of using Colorado Historic Preservation Tax Credits to help complete their historic rehabilitation Sites include: the Veterans Center currently under a facade removal, historic rehabilitation, and addition; the old Yampa Valley Electric Building, winner of the 2019 State Historic Preservation Honor Award; Safeway Store/Nelson Building, now Straightline Sports, - a contributing resource to the Steamboat Downtown Historic District; and, St Paul's Episcopal Old Stone Church listed on the local register of historic places This tour will end at the Tread of Pioneers Museum which is housed in the historic Zimmerman House, a Queen Anne–style home with its own interesting history

Note: You will be visiting active construction sites on this tour. Please be sure to wear closed toe shoes.

1:00 PM -4:00 PM *Please board bus at 1:00 pm

South Routt County

Bus Tour

What makes Routt County different from some of the other counties across the state? In 2003, Routt County voters made the decision to support history through the museum mill levy The funds raised through this mill levy are earmarked for museums, preservation, and landscapes and is managed by the Museum & Heritage Advisory Board This tour will highlight how this funding mechanism is shaping the county Todd Hagenbuch, local resident, long-time rancher, and agriculture and natural resources specialist for the CSU extension office, will lead the tour It will start in Yampa where you will learn about the Crossan's Market, once listed as an Endangered Places Program site It is a program "save" and now serves as a small town, grassroots-led rehabilitation success story that can serve as a model for other traditional mercantile buildings. The lower level of the building contains an interpretive space and a genealogical research station, while the upper floor is home to the new Town Hall. We will then visit the Tracks & Trails Museum in the old Oak Creek Town Hall that features exhibits telling the stories of miners, railroaders, and founding families You will also have an opportunity to view a massive, 40 cubic yard dragline bucket, located in the adjacent Bucket Park, that was used at the historic Edna Strip Mine.

Saturday, September 7th

LateAfternoon/Evening Schedule

4:30 PM -5:30 PM

Tour of Hayden

Walking Tour

Historic Walking Tour of Hayden - Stroll through the downtown and residential streets of this small, lively Western town. Led by Laurel Watson, curator of the Hayden Heritage Center, the tour begins in the impressive brick Moffat Railroad Depot (now the Hayden Heritage Museum) listed on the National Register of Historic Places as well as Routt County's Register The tour will continue around town ending at the historic Hayden grain elevator

Location: Hayden Heritage Museum, 300 Pearl St, Hayden, CO

5:30 PM -9:00 PM

Taste of Hayden (included with registration)

Taste of Hayden highlights local culture and traditions of the region with an evening celebration of local offerings (included with On the Road registration and open to the public for a fee) Continuing Hayden’s heritage of country dances from back in the early 1900’s, the Historic Hayden Granary (on the local, State and National Registers of Historic Places) will host a barn dance (and dance lessons!); along with a variety of food hosted by local vendors; a historic walking tour of Hayden and the Hayden Granary, and an evening of great live music and dancing in the Granary warehouse.

Location: Historic Hayden Granary East Warehouse, 198 E Lincoln Ave, Hayden

Sunday Schedule

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


( Julie Harris Theater at the Perry-Mansfield Arts School and Camp, 40755 Co Rd 36, Steamboat Springs, CO)

10:00 AM -12:00 PM


Tour of the Historic Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School and Camp

The Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School & Camp is a performing arts and equestrian camp situated on 74 acres of land in Strawberry Park, just outside of Steamboat Springs. This tour will provide you with an insight into its history and ambitious vision. The school was established in 1913 by Charlotte Perry and Portia Mansfield, and it is the oldest continuously operating dance and theater school in the United States The site was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1995

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