t will have been eighteen long months since we’ve been able to entertain you with live music in Boettcher Concert Hall. While it feels like ages, we’re grateful for your unwavering support along every step of this journey. As we continue to navigate the daily challenges brought on by this once-in-a-century event, your Colorado Symphony remains committed to rebuilding a safe environment for live concerts once more, while bringing the best in live symphonic music you’ve come to expect and cherish. Though our operations have been limited, we’ve by no means let the music stop. Over the last year we've brought you dozens of virtual mini and full-length concerts, virtual community events, and even limited in-person concerts across the state. With all this activity we’ve been bringing our musicians together for no-audience rehearsals throughout the winter and spring to prepare for an ambitious summer outdoor concert season and to bring you a traditional classics subscriber season that will have been worth the wait. While you study these next few pages, we want to express gratitude for your investment in us. Without your support through donations, virtual ticket purchases, and sharing of our story, we would not be in the position to bring you a 2021/22 Season. On behalf of the musicians, leadership team, Board of Trustees, and administrative staff, we thank you and hope you are as thrilled as we are to experience the majesty of live music once more. Welcome back. Sincerely,
Jerome H. Kern