An Evening of Copland | Program Notes

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MASTERWORKS • 2014/15 AN EVENING OF COPLAND COLORADO SYMPHONY ANDREW LITTON, conductor Friday, November 28, 2014 at 7:30 pm Boettcher Concert Hall


An Outdoor Overture


Billy the Kid, Ballet in One Act Open Prairie: The Pioneers A Street in New Mexico (ca. 1877) Billy Kills His Mother’s Murderer, Alias (as Cowhand) Billy Grows Up (ca. 1885), Kills Alias (as Land Agent) Billy Cheats Garrett at Cards: Their Quarrel Billy Besieged, Captured by Garrett, Turned Sheriff: Battle Dance After Battle: Cowboys and Gun-girls Billy in Prison, Kills Alias (as Jailer) and Escapes Billy Lost, Betrayed by Alias (as Indian Guide) Billy Finds Refuge with His Mexican Sweetheart Garrett, Led by Alias (as Guide), Kills Billy Billy’s Funeral (ca. 1886): Mourning Mexicans Open Prairie: The Pioneers —INTERMISSION—


El Sálon México


Rodeo, Ballet in One Act Buckaroo Holiday Corral Nocturne Ranch House Party Saturday Night Waltz Hoe-Down

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