Chinese Chris an Fellowship Newsle er April 2015
CCF COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON : Berenize Ling - 076 615 4173 SECRETARY : Adelia Queton - 079 795 6062 TREASURER : Andy Chu - 082 456 7158 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Barbara Forsdike : 083 516 1667 Easelane Gin : 072 456 1615 Val Hoy : 082 424 6339 Daphne Manley : 083 448 8617 Lindsay Manley : 073 116 6106 Susanna Manley : 084 701 8843 Rosemarie Ting Chong: 082 292 2467 Andy Young : 083 302 6057 Jackie Young : 083 563 4403
THE CAPE TOWN CHINESE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP WELCOMES ALL SPORTING PARTICIPANTS AND VISITORS TO THE EASTER TOURNAMENT IN CAPE TOWN. YOU ARE WARMLY INVITED TO OUR EASTER MORNING SERVICE AT 7 AM AT THE CAPE TECHNIKON A light breakfast will be served a erwards For more informa on contact : Easelane Gin 072 456 1615 or Daphne Manley 083 448 8617 The Story of Jody-Ann Jody-Ann performed at our Christmas Programme in December, and it was a wonderful tesƟmony to see and hear her use the amazing talents that God has bestowed upon her despite her blindness. Jody-Ann touched the hearts of all the folk who were present by playing the many musical instruments and singing. Read her interesƟng story below: Jody-Ann was born on 27 June 1980 - blind - as a result of severe brain damage. Her biological parents were divorced when she was one year old. IniƟally doctors believed she would not live to be four. She turned four and five - and then stopped growing - she was expected to be a midget. With an IQ of less than 80, she was cerƟfied to be untrainable and ineducable - in other words she was mentally retarded. The turning point in Jody-Ann's life came about when, at the age of eight, she entered into the lives of the MaƩhee family, and gave her heart to the Lord. She was blessed with such above average intelligence and memory that she was able to memorize approximately 200 Bible verses over a period of Ɵme. She started to grow again - an amazing 7.4 cenƟmetres with her foster parents. She also went on to learn ALL the Braille abbreviaƟons (in English and Afrikaans) in ONE year - something that normally takes three to four years. At the same Ɵme Jody-Ann's wonderful musical talent was discovered and developed. She has brought home numerous Gold, A++, and A cerƟficates when compeƟng in talent compeƟƟons - in both classical and light music. Currently she plays 21 musical instruments and writes her own lyrics and music. She has made six albums, one of which is a piano album, and eight of the twelve items being her own composiƟons. On the vocal
albums, nearly all of the songs were wriƩen and composed by Jody-Ann herself. With the recording of the last vocal album, she also sat in on the mixing and did some of the arrangements herself. The two most recent albums are being performed on the Yamaha Keyboard - one with a collecƟon of own composiƟons and the other with some piano arrangements of her own. Recently, Jody Ann gave specific aƩenƟon to the church organ. So rapid was her progress that she is able to act as accompanist during church services. This she does at her own church as well as in others. She has also been a regular member of the worship team at her church for the past ten years. In this respect she currently loves to play the drums when not at the piano, keyboard or organ. It has long been a dream of Jody-Ann to work on "music and arrangements" for film, video and adverƟsing. Not being able to see, she has to rely on the wriƩen word or text being read to her. But with her natural 'sensing' and her ability to create music, the results just seem to flow from her fingers. "No music or words cam describe the Greatness of my Lord. All my thanks to the Heavenly Father who restored my health, making it possible for me to realise my dream" - Jody AnnDANCING WITH GOD by Berenize Ling When I meditated on the word “Guidance”, I kept seeing “dance” at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God’s will Is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn’t low with the music. And everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, Both bodies begin to low with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back, Or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It’s as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, And attentiveness from one person And gentle guidance and skill from the other. My eyes drew back to the word “Guidance”. When I saw “G”, I thought of God, followed by “u” and “I”. “God’, “u” and “I” “dance”. God, you and I dance. As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust That I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead. My prayer for you today is that God’s blessings And mercies are upon you this day and every day. May you abide in God, as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead And to guide you through each season of your life. Trevor Howard
WANT TO LEARN TO LINEDANCE? Join us at the CHINESE COMMUNITY CENTRE Every Sunday at 3 pm (beginners) Wear comfortable clothes and shoes (no slip-ons) Contact: Berenize Ling - 076 615 4173 or Linna Wong - 071 606 0096
Service, sacrifice and success - the 3 s's
by Jackie Young
Some people define success in terms of power, posi on, pres ge and popularity. S ll others say success is achieving the goals you set for yourself. The ques on is the external picture of success does not necessarily guarantee internal happiness. Real success is becoming what God wants you to become. Doing what God wants you to do & possessing what God wants you to own. Success means different things to different people depending on God's purpose for their life. I truly believe when you let go of what is in your hand into God's kingdom in whatever way God chooses to use you, God will let go of what is in his hand. When the small lad released the loaves & fish into the hands of Jesus, the mul plica on began. Every seed contains an invisible instruc on, it will create more! In the spirit of the Israelites who contributed with an overwhelmingly generous heart, may we all find ways to serve and make sacrifices for God’s purposes. Let us do so with joy, sa sfac on, and the feeling of true success. Good thoughts precede great deeds. Great deeds precede success.
CCF CraŌ mornings
by Barbara Forsdike
“CCF Cra is about - Fellowship Blessings and Fun"- an exci ng Ministry to get connected, to Pray with each other, keeping our Families covered in Prayer, to use your talents in various ways of Cra . Ladies in the North we welcome your presence. With God all things are possible. There is no distance in the realm of the Spirit. What a Blessing!! We meet every alternate Tuesday morning from10am to 1pm. How about just a visit and,,,who knows??? Do not hesitate to contact us – just a phone call can heal a broken heart. And set a person free. God Bless you and we value your connec on. You may call: Barbara Forsdike – 083 516 1667 / Patsy Keeson – 083 321 9275
An Easter perspecƟve
by Rosemary Ting Chong
We cannot live without giving thanks and praise to God every day of our lives. He loves and cares for us regardless of our walk with Him! Let us adopt an a tude of gratefulness and give Him all the Glory and praise. A er all He died for every one of us! Thank you Lord that You are the Resurrec on and the Life and for choosing to be our Saviour! Blessings everyone.
Report on visit to Princess ChrisƟan Home
by Easelane Gin
A wonderful aŌernoon was spent with the folk of the above Home in Kirstenhof (this Home used to be next to the old Mowbray Chinese Community Centre). A variety programme of Tai Chi, Puppetry, AcƟon Songs, and music played by James on piano, and Keri Mei on violin accompanied by Jackie was presented and much enjoyed by all. A few of our CraŌ Ladies also joined us in having fellowship with the folk, and a very blessed Ɵme was had by all. We had the folk singing and clapping in Ɵme with the music! Praise God for His leading and guiding Hand!
Life is like a journey on a train
by Jackie Young
Life is like a journey on a train…with its sta ons…with changes of routes…and with accidents! At birth, we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some sta on our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As me goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be significant I.e. Our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of our life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unno ced that we don’t realize that they vacated their seats! This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expecta ons, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. Success consists of having a good rela onship with all passengers…requiring that we give the best of ourselves. The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which sta on we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way – Love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the me comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty — This Easter Tournament, leave behind beau ful memories for those who are boarding your train.
A Prayer
by Mrs F C Young
Let your living water flow over my soul Let your holy spirit come and take control Of every situa on that has troubled my mind All my cares and burdens unto you I roll. Wonderful grace, That gives what I don't deserve Pays me what Christ has earned then lets me go free. Wonderful grace that gives me the me to change, Washes away the stains that once covered me And all that I have, I lay at the feet of the wonderful Saviour who loves me. Day by day and hour by hour, Your love for me from heaven flows; Like streams of water in the desert, living water flow - You walk beside me, gently guiding, Leading me through every storm. Everlas ng never changing grace and divine I am carried in the arms of grace and love divine. I am held by hands of healing, washed by water pure, Li ing up my heavy heart, head in graces scarred hands I am carried in the arms of grace and love divine.
This Life on Earth By Joanna Fuchs Easter means that this life on earth is not all there is. Jesus went "to prepare a place for us" in His Father’s heavenly mansions for all eternity. Jesus died for our sins, paying our penalty, so that we could be forgiven. He was resurrected, to prove that death has no hold on those who repent and accept Him as Savior. This life on earth is a prelude to eternal joy with our Lord. Easter is a celebra on of our eternal des ny.
It is wriƩen: Man shall not live on bread alone but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God. (MATTHEW 4 vs 4)
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (JOHN 3 v 16)
I am the resurrecƟon and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; And whoever lives and believes in me, will never die. (JOHN 11 v 25)
I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never go thirsty. (JOHN 6 v 35)
I AM HELPED BY THE LORD AND I WILL NEVER BE AFRAID The Lord is my helper, I shall not be afraid. (PSALM 118 v 6)
I AM TOTALLY PROTECTED BY THE LORD AND THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY Lord you hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such joy is too wonderful, too loŌy for me to aƩain. (PSALM 139 v 5)
You hold me by my right hand and you guide me with your counsel, and aŌerwards you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you. (PSALM 73 v 23)
I AM STRONG, COURAGEOUS AND UNAFRAID BECAUSE GOD IS WITH ME. Be strong and courageous, Do not be terrified; Do not be discouraged, For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (JOSHUA 1 v 9).
by Arthur Song
We normally close our eyes to pray, to shut out the distractions of the world. Of course we cannot and dare not do this while driving! We often speak the heartaches and the joys in silent thought And vocalize our prayers with measured reluctance when called upon to do so. We speak with Someone, Some Being, Somewhere, A Being we cannot see, One who does not often respond vocally We breathe, think, or say the closing word, "Amen" and shut down this process. Is this then the mechanics of the all important discipline we call PRAYER? We bend the knee, or bow our heads to show respect and reverence We breathe with hope and attempt to picture the One to whom we pray. Yet there is no real flesh and blood image of the Divine Being, Except one of many pictorial representations by artists of the Man-God Jesus. We were taught by Jesus to pray to OUR FATHER - His and ours, in Heaven. Yet we cannot picture Our Father except an eternal Grandfather type. We struggle to be on familial terms with this GREAT creator God, unknown and unknowable. One to whom we pour out our frustrations and joys, sorrows and needs. How exactly does PRAYER help me, - the equivalent of an ant among billions world-wide, An insignificant grain of sand when compared to the world's beaches, and in a universe composed of billions of planets and stars of unknowable sizes and numbers. And I expect the Creator of all that and possibly much more, to hear my silent utterances? Does it help me to share a mere concern in order to "get it out of my system"? Do I apply the principle: "a burden shared is a burden halved"? Am I sowing my frustrations into the spiritual wind, or perhaps an emotional vortex? Or do I need a special password, a key, an escort of authority to make contact with the HEARER? How in fact do I expect this Great Gatherer of Prayers to respond to my whispered sigh, Or perhaps an agonized and rebellious shout to WhoEver He is, to LISTEN and to DO something! What am I?, Who am I to demand an audience, a response, an action, a miracle to answer me? And how am I ever to know that the Great Listener will in future, or has already, or is about to respond? The one thief on the cross said to Jesus: "Lord, remember me when you enter into your kingdom". A dying man, a final request, a WHISPERED prayer, born in agony and pain - to another dying man The God-Man responded: "This day you will be with me in Paradise!� AN ANSWERED REQUEST! Prayers and requests ARE heard and Christ responded to this man's heartfelt desire! God knows our needs even before we utter them... He knows us better than we know ourselves. He cares for us and wishes us to have the best. He provides strength, wisdom and understanding. And above all else, He has sent His Holy Spirit to minister to us, His Spirit makes intercession on our behalf to the Father and to Him. This is done even if we fail to realize our own needs. "Our Prayers" are always supported by the Holy Spirit! So, do prayers make any difference in our lives? YES! We learn to establish a communication lifestyle with our creator. YES, We are taught to be patient when the answers do not come immediately. YES, We need to learn humility because Prayer is not I WANT, I WANT IT NOW! Prayer is a wonderful means to say THANK YOU to GOD for Life, FOR whatever level of health we possess, for whatever sight we retain. FOR whatever capabilities God has graciously granted to us FOR whatever we are able to do to help improve His World. Prayer is a means to test our spiritual temperature: OF our level of commitment to our spiritual growth and maturity, OF our love and commitment to Him, OF the opportunity to read the Word, OF the joy of family He has given us, including the fellowship of the Church. DOES PRAYER MAKE A DIFFERENCE? You be the judge! (Arthur Song. 5 March 2015.)
Barriers to hearing from God
By Rick Warren — Feb 26, 2015
“The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptaƟon.” (Luke 8:13 NLT) To cul vate an open mind so that you can hear from God, you’ve got to allocate me to listen. That means you’ve got to slow down. You’ve got to be quiet. You’ve got to put it in your schedule so you have me to hear God speak. The first barrier to hearing God speak is resistance. But the second barrier to hearing God is hurry. When we live hurried lives, God gets shuffled to the sidelines. We say, “God, I want to hear from you. But hurry up! I’ve only got five minutes!” God wants more than your le overs and your spare moments. He wants to be the center of your life. The way that you prove he’s the center of your life is by alloca ng me to listen. Jesus says in Luke 8:6, “Other seed fell among rocks. It began to grow, but the plant soon wilted and died for lack of moisture” (NLT). Israel is not a very fer le country; most of it is a thin layer of topsoil over bedrock of limestone. If you plant something on this rocky soil, the seed will sprout — but it can’t get deep roots, so it withers and dies. In Luke 8:13 Jesus explains that this kind of soil represents “those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptaon.” The shallow soil represents a superficial mind. Some mes we react superficially to God’s Word. We get excited. We get emo onal. We’re moved impulsively. But we don’t let God’s Word sink into the bedrock of our personality, so there’s no real change. How do you grow beyond superficiality? How do you develop spiritual roots? There are two very prac cal ways. First, schedule a daily quiet Ɵme with God. It can be 10 or 15 minutes. You sit, be quiet, listen to God, and ask him, “Is there anything you want to say to me through your Word?” You can review your notes from church or journal or sing your praises. Nothing will build spiritual roots faster than a daily quiet me with God. Second, join a weekly small group. That’s where God can speak to you through other people as you discuss and interact and learn from each other. Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up the habit of mee ng together .... Instead, let us encourage one another” (TEV). Both of these habits require you to be inten onal with your me. When you allocate part of your day for a quiet me and part of your week for small group, you are showing God that you want him at the center of your life and that you want to hear from him.
May the Lord bless you on this auspicious day of Easter, and may it be a new beginning of greater prosperity, success and happiness. Wishing you a Happy Easter.
Because of The Gospel
by Lindsay Manley
Because of The Gospel, because of The Hope that is given through The Gospel, we are able to pick up the pieces of our lives Because of The Hope Granted through The Gospel, Meaning to our lives is established Every event in our lives has some purpose to it whether good or bad GOD has Promised it thus "In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (ROMANS 8:28) We can faithfully endure all struggles knowing that there is a greater purpose to it all knowing that there is another Greater Reality wai ng for us and that this greater reality is to live with JESUS to be restored to GOD's Glory! Heaven Have you been called to this Greater Purpose? You must come through the Narrow Door You must come via The Cross - of JESUS Sins must be paid for, dealt with, Forgiven no unclean thing will enter the Home of Righteousness The Kingdom of GOD To miss out on this Greater Purpose is Hell! To be under GOD's Curse for unforgiven sin and not to live under GOD's Blessing Enter GOD's Kingdom! Why disconnect ourselves from GOD and His Rule? Why disconnect ourselves from The Source of Life from what is right and good and honourable? Why disconnect ourselves from the comfort of knowing that He is in Charge of our lives and that we have been given a Purpose? To Glorify GOD! (This is what we were created for...!) (This is what we were meant to do) To take part in GOD's Glory In JESUS' Name, Amen!