
1. PRUNE IN LATE WINTER - The best time to prune is late winter or early spring , before the tree begins to produce new leaves and after the coldest winter weather passes.
2. LET LIGHT IN - Pruning fruit trees is primarily focused on making pathways for sunlight to reach into all parts of the tree. Have you noticed that the best fruit on apple, cherry, and peach trees for example is usually found at the top of the tree? That’s because the top of the tree receives the most light. Selectively pruning out closely spaced interior branches will make way for light to reach more branches, encouraging fruit development throughout the canopy not just at the hard-to -harvest tip top.
3. TAME GROWTH IN YOUNG TREES - Fruit trees less than 10 years old tend to produce many vigorous upright shoots called water sprouts. These non-fruiting sprouts don’t contribute to the overall structure or health of the tree and are best removed before they gain size.
4. ENCOURAGE NEW GROWTH IN OLD TREES - Pruning old fruit trees often brings many back into fruit production. The goal is to jolt the tree back into fruiting by removing years of old growth. Old, overgrown apple and pear trees take to rejuvenation pruning well.
Pruning is not a one-time event. When pruning is an annual late winter activity, the tree will respond with healthy growth and more fruit than an unpruned tree. Call or email us for an estimate!
EMAIL: DDanner@CBPP.com
DebraDanner.com or ColdwellBankerPrime.com
SUNDAY, DEC. 1 – ANNUAL CRAFT FAIR hosted by D.M. Hamilton Steamer Co. 2, 117 Mansion St., Coxsackie, 10 to 3. Come grab those last-minute gifts. Lunch cooked by the Auxiliary at a great price. Pictures with Mr. & Mrs. Clause.
MONDAY, DEC. 2 & FRIDAY, DEC. 20 – GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP for adults & adult children who have lost a loved one in a drug related death. Meeting at 6pm on the first Monday & third Friday each month, at the Leeds Firehouse on Route 23B. Registration required – space limited. Email: jeanettec708@gmail.com.
MONDAYS, DEC. 2 & 16 – COXSACKIE S ENIOR CLUB meets the first & third Monday of each month, 2PM. Join us for meetings & lectures. Fun programs, games, snacks, coffee, some trips & lots of new friends. Coxsackie Senior Center, 127 Mansion Street. For info, 518-857-4780.
WEDNESDAYS, DEC. 4 , 11, 18, 25 – GREENVILLE QUILTERS S EW & CHAT – Love fabric arts and quilting? Learn new quilting techniques & meet others with similar interests. Free – open to all. Every Wednesday, 12:30 – 3:30pm in the Greenville Library. Info 518-966-5217.
FRIDAY, DEC. 6 – COXSACKIE ANNUAL PARADE OF LIGHTS presented by the Coxsackie Fire Department. Line up on Kings Road; step off at 6:30pm. Free family fun! To participate contact Chief Stephen Salluce Jr., firechief@villageofcoxsackie.
FRIDAY, DEC. 6 – ATHENS PADDOCK CLUB ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY at The Stewart House, Athens. Open to the public. Will include food and music. Tickets available from any member, at the door or on The Athens Community Facebook Page or The Athens Paddock Club Facebook Page through Venmo.
SATURDAY, DEC. 7 – ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR at the Greene County YMCA, 9am –2pm. Buy crafts & goodies from local vendors. Call 518-731-7529 for more info.
SATURDAY, DEC. 7 – TOY DRIVE FOR LOCAL CHILDREN –7 pm, at the Blackthorne Resort Bar, 348 Sunside Road, East Durham for a night of fun and helping the children of our community. Please bring a toy for a boy or girl. LIVE music by Mixtape Revival. Toys will be distributed to local children by: Meghan Stalter, LCSW School Social Worker C-D Elementary. Everyone is welcome!
SATURDAY, DEC. 7 – E VENING WITH SANTA: at the Greene County YMCA. FREE; 4:30-6PM. Children can wear their Christmas pajamas and take pictures with Santa! Letter writing station for the North Pole, hot cocoa, arts & crafts! Pre-register required, call 518-731-7529.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11 – FOOD & FELLOWSHIP – New Baltimore Reformed Church, 52 Church Street. All are welcome! Baked Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Broccoli, Rolls & Butter, Gingerbread with glaze. Donations accepted; no payment required. 12 noon drive-thru pickup; some seating for eating in. Reservations please at 518-7568764.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11 – B INGO at the Catskill Elks Lodge. Doors open 5pm (no early arrivals), early bird games start at 6:10pm; regular bingo begins at 6:40pm. Kitchen closed – feel free to bring a light snack and/or non-alco-
holic beverage. No takeout deliveries to the hall please. 45 North Jefferson Avenue, Catskill.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11 – CAIRO GOLDEN AGE CLUB –Meeting at 1:30pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, Acra community center, Old Route 23, Acra. All seniors welcome. Call 518 821-6508 or 518 821-8048.
THURSDAY, DEC. 12 – CATSKILL " SILVER LININGS" S ENIORS meet on the second Thursday of each month at 1pm for informative speakers, fun games, and friendly conversation. Join us at the Robert Antonelli Senior Center, Thompson Street, Catskill. 518-943-1343.
SATURDAY, DEC. 14 – H UDSON MOHAWK CHORALE CONCERT at New Baltimore Reformed Church, 52 Church Street, 3pm, to benefit the NBRC Steeple Restoration Fund. Donations kindly accepted at the door.
SATURDAY, DEC. 14 – ANNUAL HOMEMADE COOKIE SALE & HANDMADE CRAFT FAIR at the Catskill United Methodist Church, 40 Woodland Ave., Catskill. 9am – 3pm. 518-943-2042.
SATURDAY, DEC. 14 – TERRARIUM WORKSHOP – Cornell Cooperative Extension, 479 New York 66 Hudson. Create your own mini garden! Join a Master Gardener to craft a custom terrarium with plants and decor. A perfect indoor gift for any season! Contact: Xandra Powers, amp422@cornell.edu, 518-828-3346 x106.
SATURDAYS, DEC. 14 & 28 – COXSACKIE GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP – meets monthly on the 2nd & 4th Saturday, 5-6pm, Bethany Village Van Heest Hall, Coxsackie. Contact Jeffrey at 518-478-5414; jhaasrph@aol.com; on Facebook at Coxsackie Grief Support Group.
SUNDAY, DEC. 15 – B REAKFAST WITH SANTA hosted by the Catskill Elks Lodge. Goodie bags and free hot buffet breakfast to kids 12 and under; others $10. 9am or 10:30am seatings. Must be reserved by 12/11 by calling Brenda at 518-945-1179.
FRIDAY, DEC. 19 – CLEMATIS GARDEN CLUB meets the third Friday of the month, March thru December, at 1:00 at the American Legion Post 291, 54 Maple Ave., Greenville. Guests welcome. Call for more info, 518-424-9000.
SATURDAY, DEC. 21 – SOLSTICE STROLL – Main Street, Catskill. 5pm Procession; 5-8pm Entertainment, Dining, Shopping. Information: CultivateCatskill.org
SUNDAY, DEC. 22 – BR EAKFAST hosted by D.M. Hamilton Steamer Co. 2, 117 Mansion St., Coxsackie, 8am to 12noon. Good will offering.
MONDAY, DEC. 30 – WINTER B REAK B LAST – keep your kids busy during Winter Break, at the Greene County YMCA, 1-3PM for arts and crafts, games & other activities! Members $10, non-members $12. Call 518-731-7529 to register.
SATURDAY, DEC. 14 – ANNUAL ATHENS VICTORIAN STROLL up and down the historic Village’s Second Street and allaround town, 1 to 5pm. Businesses, residents and community organizations host family-friendly activities, free goodies to eat and entertainment galore, with nods to Athens’ past. Presented by the Athens Cultural Center.
12/03 - Patriot Pen Ceremony, Windham VFW, 7pm
12/04 - Tannersville A.L. Meeting, Rescue Squad Building, 7pm
12/05 - Catskill American Legion Mtg., Elks Lodge, 7pm
12/05 - Greenville American Legion Mtg., Greenville Post, 7pm 12/06 - Greenville Legion Spaghetti Dinner at Post, 4:30-7pm
12/06 - Irish Music, Athens Post, 7:3 0pm
12/07 - Pearl Harbor Ceremony, Athens Triangle, 11am
12/07 - Pearl Harbor Ceremony, Greenville Post, 2pm
12/10 - Cairo American Legion Meeting, Masonic Lodge, 7pm
12/11 - Athens American Legion Meeting, Athens Post, 7pm
12/11 - Windham VFW Meeting, Windham Post, 7 pm
12/14 - Holiday Fair, Athens Post, 12 – 4:30pm
12/18 - New Baltimore A.L. Meeting at Firehouse, 7pm
12/18 - Marine Corp League M tg., E. Durham Firehouse, 7pm
12/21 - Catskill VFW Meeting, Catskill Post, 11am
UPSTAIRS ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent. Route 81, Earlton. $800 per month, heat & hot water included. Must have references. No smoking, no pets. 518-731-6332.
APARTMENT RENTALS IN CAIRO & EAST DURHAM – Studios, one bedrooms & two bedrooms. Includes heat, hot water, electric, cable TV, garbage, and laundry. $1100 - $1900 per month. 518-622-3393.
WANTED: JUNK VEHICLES & OLD MOTORCYCLES – Parts or whole, any condition, no tires needed. Keeping Greene County green. Call Mike, 518-634-2134.
HAY FOR SALE – First cut square bales, $6.00 each; round bales in net, $40.00 each. Second cut to be determined. 518-588-9292.
FOR SALE: SURPLUS EXTERIOR CLADDING – Shou Sugi Ban (traditional Japanese charred wood) siding and spindles manufactured by reSawn Timber Co. Check out their website: resawntimberco.com/shousugi-ban-exterior. Siding – approximately 609 SF of varying lengths and widths, 3/4” thick. 1.5”X1.5” Spindles – 1,864 LF varying lengths 8’ to 16’. Also, clear (non-charred) treated siding, weathers to a light gray. Approximately 287 SF of varying lengths and
widths, 3/4” thick. Material is in pristine condition. Stored in a climate-controlled space. Sabael, NY 12842. $24K value; asking $10K for everything. Call 610-730-2802.
FOR SALE: BASKETBALL CARD COLLECTION, including Michael Jordan, Shaquille O’Neal, Kobe Bryant & many more. STEREO SYSTEMS – turntables, receivers, speakers, 2 consoles. 518-330-3860.
FOR SALE: 1971 Honda 175 Twin Motorcycle $500. Timberwolf Wood Splitter, 20-ton, Honda motor $800. Pacific Energy Wood Stove $600. Husqvarna 372 XP Chainsaw, runs $500. Dolmar PS 540 Chainsaw, runs $75. Stihl MS 250 Chainsaw, runs $100. Makita DCS 460 Chainsaw, runs $75. Granberg Alaskan Sawmill $100. Woodchuck (cant hook) $75. Call 518-419-5123.
LEMONY FRESH CLEANING – Weekly/ daily cleans provided; full house/rental cleaning/commercial; organizing; move ins & move outs, deep cleans/post-construction cleaning. Eco clean. Fully insured. Call for a FREE quote. 518-947-0661. lemonyfreshcleaningservices@yahoo.com.
JOE THE HANDYMAN & SON – HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS – House painting, interior, sheetrock repair, ceiling and wall-skimming, insulation, repairing wood decks, wood siding and fascia, flooring, drop ceilings, wall accents, light carpentry, tiling, light fixtures, electrical, hanging picture frames and other
decorative items, fall and yard clean ups, gardening, roof repairs, doors and door locks, exterior holiday lighting install & take down, and more. Call today and get it done. Friendly, honest, and quality work. No job too small. 518-947-4111.
AUTO & TRUCK MECHANIC – full time & part time positions available. Located in Hunter. Please call 518-263-3535.
EXPERIENCED PIZZA MAKERS WANTED – Full and part-time positions available. Catskill. Please call 518-821-6975.
WANTED FOR AUCTION: Gold, silver, jewelry, and coins. Call for more info, 518-634-2300. mooneysauction.com Email: mooneysauction@mail.com.
PUPPIES FOR SALE – Biewer Yorkies –shots & wormed; 3 girls, one boy. Ready to go. Please call 845-255-5472.