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Written & Illustrated by KATIE BEATON

To Dana, my very best friend,

And the journeys we’ve taken together.

Elizabeth Street Books

The BEST FRIEN Text & Illustrations Copyright Š 2013 KATIE BEATON. All Right Reserved.

NDS in the SEA Written & Illustrated by KATIE BEATON

Gather ‘round dear fishies, Gather ‘round my chair. Gather ‘round to hear the tale, Of one courageous dare. There was a time when I was young, When I, no bigger than a pea, Had set out on a journey to find, The Best Friends in the Sea!



When I started on my journey My age was only two, And that's when I found, just outside town, A fish that looked like a shoe. He said, “I've heard of a friendly place. It is across the sea. Come with me, I'll take you there, It's where I want to be!�

But the journey was tough, the water was rough, And my shoe friend said to me, “I'm sorry my friend, my journey must end, But my buddy you'll always be!”



When I left my shoe friend, My age was only three, And that's when I came, on the side of the lane, Upon a fish that looked like a tree. She said, “I've heard of a friendly place, It is across the sea. Come with me, I'll take you there, It's where I want to be!�

But the journey was tough, the water was rough, And my tree friend said to me, “I'm sorry my friend, my journey must end, But my buddy you'll always be!�



When I left my tree friend, My age was only four, And that's when I met, beneath a fisherman's net, A fish like a bug on the floor. He said, “I've heard of a friendly place, It is across the sea. Come with me, I'll take you there, It's where I want to be!�

But the journey was tough, the water was rough, And my bug friend said to me, "I'm sorry my friend, my journey must end, But my buddy you'll always be!"



I swam and swam,

For a long time.

Finally, I reached the place, That I was told would be, Full of the very, very best friends, Anyone could find in the sea.


There were smiling fish and crying fish,


And angry fish and laughing fish.

There were eye fish and ear fish,

And dog fish and deer fish.

I stayed there for a while, Until I could finally see, The best friends in the whole wide world, Were a shoe, a bug, and a tree.


I swam and swam for a very long time, I swam through day and night,

I swam through waters dark and gray,

And waters clear and bright.



When I found my old friends, My age was only five. I found my shoe, my tree and my bug, And then we danced a dive! I said, “I went to the friendly place, Way across the sea, But you're my friends, I'll stay right here. It's where I want to be!�

And so you see dear fishies, You need not travel far. To find good friends, just be a friend! Look around you! Here they are!


Elizabeth Street Books Katie Beaton is a writer from the village of Creemore, Ontario. It is difficult to not be inspired by a place this green and flourishing. This is Katie's first published title. Watch for MISS IRINA'S GARDEN coming soon. Text & Illustrations Copyright Š 2013 KATIE BEATON. All Right Reserved.

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