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Do your onions suffer from onion thrips infestations and bacterial bulb rot? If you grow dry bulb onions, our research findings might interest you.
Onion Thrips, Bacterial Bulb Rot
Onion thrips (Fig. 1) is considered one of the most important insect pests of onions because they cause leaf damage that can not only reduce bulb yield by decreasing photosynthesis efficiency, but their feeding also creates wounds on leaves, making the plant more vulnerable to disease-causing pathogens.
Bacterial bulb rot (Fig. 2) is also a serious problem in dry bulb onion production. Bulb rot-causing bacteria are everywhere in the soil and can infect onion bulbs through wounds on either
leaves or bulbs as well as through the neck opening in the leaf axils.
When onion thrips and bulb rot-causing bacteria infest onion plants simultaneously, it is possible that leaf damage caused by thrips feeding could facilitate bacterial infections. In dry bulb onion production in Michigan, an increase in thrips densities and damage was correlated with an increase in bacterial leaf and stalk necrosis incidence; however, the subsequent bacterial bulb rot incidence was not measured. In contrast, no consistent association has been found between onion thrips abundance and bacterial bulb rot incidence in conventionally produced onions in muck fields in New York.
Recently, we further examined the relationship between onion thrips and bacterial bulb rot incidence, specifically in organic onion production systems in New York.
Figure 2. Bacterial bulb rot affects the inner (top) and outer (bottom) scales.
2020 Wayne County (NY)
High Onion Thrips / Low Bulb Rot
Percent rot
Bradley USDA Maia Linear (Bradley) Linear (USDA Maia)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0123456
Season mean larvae/ leaf/ date
2021 Ontario County (NY)
Low Onion Thrips / High Bulb Rot
Percent rot
Bradley: P = 0.7; USDA Maia: P = 0.92
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0123456
Season mean larvae/ leaf/ date
2021 Wayne County (NY)
Low Onion Thrips / High Bulb Rot
Percent rot
Bradley: R2 = 0.19; P = 0.03; USDA Maia: R2 = 0.27; P = 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0123456
Season mean larvae/ leaf/ date
Bradley: P = 0.78; USDA Maia: P = 0.45
Figure 3. Relationships shown in scatter plots with linear regressions between season mean number of thrips larvae per leaf per sampling date and percent bacterial rot incidence in “Bradley” (waxy) and “USDA Maia” (semi-glossy) in Wayne County 2020 (top), Wayne County 2021 (middle) and Ontario County 2021 (bottom). Overall, thrips pressure was high and bulb rot incidence was low in Wayne County 2020 when positive relationship was found, while thrips pressure was low and bulb rot incidence was high in 2021 in both Wayne and Ontario counties when no relationship was found between thrips abundance and bulb rot incidence.
Field trials were conducted in 2020 and 2021 on two certified organic farms in Ontario County and Wayne County, New York. Two onion storage varieties, “Bradley” (waxy leaf) and “USDA Maia” (semi-glossy leaf), were transplanted in raised beds covered with reflective mulch and equipped with drip irrigation.
We designed the study to have a range of thrips infestation levels, which were created by making foliar applications of Entrust SC to small plots at varying frequencies based on thresholds of one, three or five thrips per leaf. Thrips abundance was assessed weekly, and the season average number of thrips larvae per leaf was used in our analysis.
Onions were harvested at the end of the season, and a subsample of the largest bulbs were cut in half longitudinally to assess the number of bulbs with bacterial rot.
Incidence of bacterial bulb rot was very high in all three trials (trial average bulb rot incidence: Wayne County 2020: 48 percent; Wayne County 2021: 44 percent; Ontario County 2021: 62 percent). Thrips abundance ranged from 1.2 to 5.5 thrips/ leaf in Wayne County 2020, 1.2 to 4.6 thrips/leaf in Wayne County 2021, and 1.4 to 4 thrips/leaf in Ontario County 2021.
For both onion varieties, there was no relationship between the incidence of bacterial bulb rot and the season mean thrips density in two of three trials (Fig. 3 middle, bottom). Higher thrips abundance resulted in more bulb rot in the trial in Wayne County 2020 (Fig. 3 top). The incidence of bacterial bulb rot was high overall in 2021 regardless of thrips abundance (Fig. 3 middle, bottom), which was most likely due to extensive rainfall in July and August 2021 (total precipitation in July and August 2021 in Wayne County: 10.2 inches; Ontario County: 12.1
inches) that created favorable conditions during bulbing for bacterial bulb rot disease to develop.
The higher incidence of bulb rot in “USDA Maia” in 2021 (Fig. 3 middle, bottom) may catch your eye. However, “USDA Maia” was actually not more susceptible to bulb rots than “Bradley.” In four of six trials, “USDA Maia” had the same or lower bacterial bulb rot incidence than “Bradley” (Fig. 4). The only times when “USDA Maia” had higher bulb rot incidence than “Bradley” was in 2021 when there was an extremely wet period during bulbing.
Based on our results and previous studies in conventionally grown onions, high thrips infestations may occasionally increase the threat of bacterial bulb rot infection, but only when thrips pressure is very high (season average >3 thrips/leaf). Therefore, we do not recommend spraying more intensively for thrips to reduce bacterial bulb rot as the benefits of doing so are not guaranteed. On the other hand, wet growing conditions during bulbing appear to be the most important factor exacerbating bacterial bulb rot disease development.
Authors’ note: Information in this article is part of research that has recently been published: Lai, P. C., Iglesias, L., Groves, R. L., Havey, M. J., & Nault, B. A. (2022). Performance of a semi-glossy onion hybrid in certified organic onion fields infested with Thrips tabaci and bulb rot-causing bacteria. Crop Protection, 106037, www.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2022.106037).
Please contact Pin-Chu Lai (pl484@cornell.edu) with any questions or comments.
NS = not significant
NS = not significant
Figure 4. Mean (±SEM) percent bacterial bulb rot incidence in “Bradley” (waxy) and “USDA Maia” (semi-glossy) shown in bar graphs in Wayne County and Ontario County from 2019 to 2021. There were no consistent trends between varieties for their relative susceptibility to bulb rot.
Figure 4. Mean (±SEM) percent bacterial bulb rot incidence in “Bradley” (waxy) and “USDA Maia” (semi glossy) shown in bar graphs in Wayne County and Ontario County from 2019 to 2021. There were no consistent trends between varieties for their relative susceptibility to bulb rot.
Figure 4. Mean (±SEM) percent bacterial bulb rot incidence in “Bradley” (waxy) and “USDA Maia” (semi glossy) shown in bar graphs in Wayne County and Ontario County from 2019 to 2021. There were no consistent trends between varieties for their relative susceptibility to bulb rot.
Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market EXPO
DeVos Place Conference Center Grand Rapids, Mich. www.glexpo.com
Dec. 7-10
National Onion Association Annual Convention
Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia Scottsdale, Ariz. www.onions-usa.org
Feb. 6–7
Empire State Producers Expo
The Oncenter Syracuse, N.Y. www.nysvga.org
Four Rivers Cultural Center Ontario, Ore.
Sarah Freeman, (208) 888-0988, sarah@amgidaho.com
Bridgerland Technical College Brigham City, Utah
Dan Drost, (435) 770-4484, dan.drost@usu.edu
Editor’s note: To have your event listed, please email Denise Keller at editor@columbiamediagroup. com. Please send your information 90 days in advance.
New short day yellow granex introduction: Strong upright tops with great plant habit. High yielding deeper granex shape, strong root system, and firm bulbs. Pink root and bolting resistance.
Earliness: Early main Sowing period: 09-15 - 09-25
Taste: Sweet Pyruvates: 3.6 Lacrymatory Factor: 2.8 Shape: Granex IR: Foc; Pt
Early maturing grano red. Strong healthy tops. Pink root resistance. Excellent bulb firmness and color. Uniform round bulbs. Good internal color. Widely adapted across short day growing regions. High percentage single centers.
Earliness: Early Sowing period: 09-25 - 10-05 Taste: Very sweet Shape: Grano IR: Foc; Pt
Late season short day yellow granex with upright tops. Deeper high yielding granex shape. Bolting resistance and very uniform. Strong outer skin layers. Produces well sized bulbs that result in good yields. Great option to fill later season slot in Vidalia.
Earliness: Late Sowing period: 09-25 - 10-05 Taste: Very sweet Pyruvates: 3.5 Lacrymatory Factor: 2.4 Shape: Granex IR: Foc; Pt
Main Season short day yellow granex. Attractive lighter colored skin. Uniform and extra firm bulbs with high yielding deeper granex shape. High percentage of jumbos. Great post harvest appearance. A widely adapted variety across many short day regions.
Earliness: Main Sowing period: 09-18 - 09-28 Taste: Sweet Pyruvates: 3.4 Lacrymatory Factor: 2.6 Shape: Granex IR: Foc; Pt
Bejo Seeds Inc. (main office) 1972 Silver Spur Pl. Oceano, CA | T: 805- 473-2199 | E: info@bejoseeds.com
With dwindling efficacy of tools to manage Stemphylium leaf blight in onion, the search is on for new products and practices.
Stemphylium leaf blight (SLB) is an important foliar disease of onion in North America that is caused by the fungal pathogen Stemphylium vesicarium. SLB was first observed in the Holland Marsh, Ontario, Canada, in 2008 and has since become the most dominant onion disease in the Great Lakes region of North America.
In Ontario, symptom development begins at the beginning of July (3-4 leaf stage) and continues until harvest (Fig. 1). SLB lesions initially appear as yellow streaks on the lower leaves, developing into tan, water-soaked lesions (Fig. 2a). Tip dieback is common in Ontario onions (Fig. 2b), leading to premature leaf death, which can reduce the size and quality of bulbs.
Controlling SLB is critical as there are no commercial cultivars with strong resistance to the disease. Management relies on disease forecasting combined
with foliar fungicides. Periods of warm (77 degrees Fahrenheit) and wet (leaf wetness period > 24 hours) weather are ideal for SLB development. Currently, there are only six fungicides registered in Ontario for SLB management in onion: Quadris Top (azoxystrobin/difenoconazole), Luna Tranquility (fluopyram/pyrimethanil), Sercadis (fluxapyroxad), Aprovia Top (benzovindiflupyr), Miravis Duo (pydiflumetofen/ difenoconazole) and Merivon (pyraclostrobin/fluxapyroxad). Most of these fungicides contain group 7 chemicals. Unfortunately, fungicide effectiveness against SLB has declined in recent years, likely because of fungicide resistance.
SLB is considered high risk for resistance development. Studies in New York and Michigan have demonstrated S. vesicarium resistance to multiple fungicides, including those in groups 2, 3, 7, 9 and 11. From 2015 to 2020, there were reports that fungicide applications
did not reduce SLB severity relative to the untreated check.
In 2020, 30 isolates from a total of nine fields were evaluated for resistance to the active ingredients in the fungicides Quadris Top (azoxystrobin) and Luna Tranquility (fluopyram) by examining spore germination and fungal growth. The majority of isolates were resistant to both active ingredients. In all, 97 percent of isolates were resistant to azoxystrobin based on spore germination. All the isolates were resistant to fluopyram. The fungal growth assessment provided similar results with 90 percent of isolates with resistance to azoxystrobin.
This study found that fluopyram no longer prevents spores from germinating but can reduce the growth of the fungus after the spores germinate – so it may still have a small effect on SLB. Historically, Luna Tranquility (containing fluopyram) was valued as one of the most effective products for SLB management. Over time, we have seen a lack of SLB control in the field, most likely because of this resistance. There
are differences between resistance to fungicides in New York and Ontario. Growers in New York, and most states, have more fungicides registered for use against S. vesicarium than in Ontario. When a grower can rotate through fungicides in different groups, it takes longer for fungicide resistance to develop.
In 2021, a field trial was conducted to evaluate fungicides for SLB management. Small trial plots were sprayed on four dates, starting June 30. Products used were T-77 (Trichoderma atroviride), Prev Am (orange oil), Miravis Duo (pydiflumetofen/ difenoconazole), Sercadis (fluxapyroxad), Merivon (pyraclostrobin/fluxapyroxad),
T-77 alternated with Miravis Duo, and T-77 alternated with Sercadis. An untreated check was included. Just before lodging, 20 plants from each treatment were removed and percent leaf dieback evaluated to calculate disease severity (DSI).
Stemphylium incidence was moderate in 2021 and increased through July. Onions treated with Miravis Duo, Sercadis, Merivon, or Miravis Duo alternated with T-77 had lower SLB severity compared to the untreated check (Fig. 3). The differences between the treatments were small. However, there were differences in yield. Onions treated with Miravis Duo or Sercadis alone or alternated with T-77 had significantly higher yield compared to the untreated check. This study indicates that the biological product T-77 does not provide adequate disease control on its own but could be very useful when alternated with an effective fungicide.
In the Holland Marsh, foliar fungicide applications begin when the disease is first reported or when the pest management program indicates a high risk of disease. Recent studies suggest that the current disease forecasting systems trigger too many sprays.
In a previous study, two spray timing models were evaluated. Both BSPcast and TOMcast models use temperature and leaf wetness duration to guide spray timings. BSPcast is designed for brown spot (Stemphylium vesicarium)
of pear and recommends optimal spray timings based on a three-day cumulative risk factor. TOMcast was designed for anthracnose (Glomerella cingulata) and septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici) of tomatoes. A disease severity value (DSV) is calculated each day and sprays are recommended when cumulative DSVs reach a defined threshold. In this case, the thresholds were 15 and 25 DSVs.
A spray timing trial was performed in 2021 in the Holland Marsh to compare the TOMcast and BSPcast models. The treatments were TOMcast with a
SEEDWAY_Onion World_Oct2021_Layout 1 10/4/2021 2:52 PM Page 1
threshold of 15 or 25, BSPcast and a calendar-based spray program (7-10-day interval starting at the 4 true leaf stage). There were two untreated checks, one with Evergol Prime (penflufen) seed treatment and one without any form of seed treatment. Evergol Prime is registered for the control of onion smut but has shown effectiveness against SLB in recent years. All models used fungicides Miravis Duo (pydiflumetofen/ difenoconazole) and Dithane (mancozeb) in rotation. As in the fungicide trial, a disease severity index (DSI) was
Lancaster & San Joaquin Valley (661) 9785342
Desert Southwest (928) 4467737
Colorado & New Mexico (970) 3969728
Idaho, East Oregon, Utah & Nevada (208) 9411421
Skagit Valley, Washington (360) 9417503
Rio Grande Valley & West Texas (956) 6185574
Torreón, Coahuila (461) 1173878
Colima, Col. (461) 1040134
San Luis Potosi (461) 1409452
Chihuahua (461) 1719401
Tamaulipas (461) 1342421
Irapuato, Gto. (461) 5465792
Figure 3. Stemphylium leaf blight disease severity in relation to fungicide application in a 2021 trial. The letters above the bars represent different statistical categories.
Figure 4. Stemphylium leaf blight disease severity values using different disease forecasting programs in a 2021 trial
calculated by evaluating percent leaf dieback.
All disease forecasting models reduced disease severity in the final assessment compared to the control without seed treatment (Fig. 4). The differences in disease reduction between treatments were relatively small, demonstrating that the models triggered more fungicide sprays than needed. The calendar program recommended six sprays, TOMcast (threshold of 15) recommended four sprays, TOMcast (threshold of 25) recommended three sprays, and BSPcast recommended six sprays. There were no differences in yield among the treatments (53-63 t/ha).
An integrated management approach is recommended as the best way to control SLB. The loss of effective fungicides for management of this disease in Ontario from 2012 and 2020 has been rapid and is expected to continue. Therefore, new modes of action, more effective disease forecasting and alternative methods for management of SLB are needed to maintain onion quality and yield. Other sustainable disease management methods are being explored, including identifying less susceptible varieties, the role of toxins in SLB development, alternative fungicide treatments and identifying overwintering hosts of the pathogen.
This material is provided courtesy of Bhabesh Dutta, Associate Professor and Vegetable Disease Specialist, University of Georgia Ron Gitaitis, Professor Emeritus, Phytobacteriologist, University of Georgia
Onions can be affected by a variety of diseases, the colorful symptoms of which are often reflected in their names.
Below are four photos of diseases of onion, along with some key information about each. Can you identify each disease? (Hint: each disease includes a color in its name.)
Answers on page 21
1. This disease caused by a soil-borne fungus derives its name from the distinctive color of the plant organ affected.
2. The first above-ground symptoms of this disease include yellowing and dieback of leaf tips, followed by a collapse of the affected leaves. Then, a white, fluffy mold and soft rot can be observed on bulbs. Masses of tiny black sclerotia can also be observed. Infected bulbs can rot in storage boxes and stain other bulbs. Typically, this disease develops in patches in the field and is less of a roblem under warm and dry conditions.
3. The species of the fungus causing this disease is different than the one studied by Alexander Fleming and produces a mold on bulbs with a distinctive color from which the disease gets its name.
4. The first symptoms of this disease in young onions are yellow streaks at the base of the first true leaves. All leaves developing after initial appearance of symptoms have yellow streaks to complete yellowing of leaves. Leaves are sometimes crinkled, flat and tend to lodge. Bulbs are small and undersized.
The 12-month profitability outlook from Northwest Farm Credit Services suggests profitable onion returns. According to the lender’s quarterly Market Snapshot report released in October, drivers in the industry include harvest delays, favorable prices and stable demand for onions.
This year’s Northwest onion production was lighter than historical averages, with spring planting issues causing harvest delays and impacting onion size profiles. Additional heat units in July and August improved onion quality.
The report goes on to say that favorable onion prices placed Northwest growers in a strong financial position to mitigate elevated input expenses and 2023 production cost uncertainties. Market demand is stable for all onion colors, with high demand for jumbos and larger. Producers with larger size profiles will benefit from high prices and strong demand, according to the report.
Restrain is the manufacturer of a unique generator that converts ethanol into ethylene gas for the control of sprouts in onions and potatoes. New to the U.S., but used in over 40 countries, the technology has been proven effective to control sprouts in long-term storages. According to the company, the process is safe for storage managers, leaves no residue and is the only post-harvest sprout control for onions, shallots and garlic.
Visit www.restrain.io.
This early Northeastern type has early- to mid-season maturity, being slightly earlier than Mountaineer. Bulbs are tight and firm with a globe shape and good size with thin necks. Trailblazer has strong resistance to Botrytis, is slow to bolt and is excellent for storage.
This Northeastern type has high pack-outs, and its extra-early maturity makes it ideal for many northern long-day areas. The variety is good for transplant as well as direct seeding. Highlander has resistance to Botrytis and downy mildew and is well suited for fresh market and short-term storage. It’s best if grown under irrigation.
Trekker is an early- to mid-season maturing (95-100 days), storage-type variety. A very uniform variety, its extra-firm bulbs are globe shaped with dark skin with an attractive sheen. Slow to bolt, Trekker will store until May under optimum conditions. It has strong resistance to basal rot and neck rot and is perfect for fresh and storage markets.
Extra-early maturing (approximately 85 days), Outlander has excellent uniformity, strong tops and roots with intermediate resistance to Fusarium. Ideal for transplants, it performs best in the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada. Outlander is best suited for fresh and short storage markets.
301 Natividad Rd. Salinas, CA 93906
Phone: (831) 443-4901 www.takii.com info@takii.com
This new variety is a later-maturing (approximately 115 days) northern storage type with strong roots and tops. Hard bulbs are uniform, have attractive skin and high yield potential, good heat tolerance and resistance to pink root. (photo coming soon)
This mid-season onion is a yellow Spanish type with hard bulbs that are slightly elongated globe in shape with excellent skin quality. With medium maturity, Ridgeline has good roots with the potential to produce jumbo-sized bulbs.
Anillo is a very attractive yellow long-day onion with beautiful shiny, copper-brown skin and amazing white interior flesh. Its attractive skin, bulb firmness, extremely high uniformity, single centeredness and longterm storage make it an ideal fresh market variety. The 120-day variety is suitable for the Northwest under either sprinkler or drip irrigation.
Its robust roots and vigorous foliage make Joaquin one of the most highly productive long-day onion varieties. These attributes give Joaquin the ability to withstand some of the harshest conditions from pink root and Fusarium to Iris yellow spot virus. It’s a full season variety of 130-day maturity. Joaquin is highly consistent in producing jumbo size and larger bulbs with excellent uniformity and medium- to long-term storage potential.
Rhea shares many similarities to the widely used and popular Cometa. One of its differences is a slightly early maturity of 122 days. Its brilliant white color and high productivity have set the standard for longday white onions in U.S. markets. In addition to being highly resistant to pink root and Fusarium, Rhea also has shown improved tolerance to Iris yellow spot virus, higher bolting tolerance and improved quality through storage.
1200 Anderson Corner Rd. Parma, ID 83660
Phone: (800) 733-9505 www.nunhems.com
1972 Silver Spur Place Oceano, CA 93445
Phone: (805) 473-2199 www.bejoseeds.com info@bejoseeds.com
Bridewhite offers full-season maturity with a very uniform round shape. Bulbs are bright white and suited for long-term storage. This is a productive variety with upright, dark green foliage adapted to overhead sprinklers.
Hamilton is a classy, exceptionally hard, full-season blocky globe with deep-copper skins. It performs nicely on gravity, drip and overhead irrigation systems. This onion’s extremely long-term storage ability positions it as a leader to satisfy latemarket needs, providing high quality.
Yakama is a new opener for the market. It retains a nice skin, develops to very large jumbo sizing and has the ability to cut single centers. It is a very firm 116-day onion, giving shippers a quality early-tomarket onion for their customers.
P.O. Box 520 301 Warehouse Caldwell, ID 83606-0520
Phone: (208) 459-7451 www.crookham.com ccoinfo@crookham.com
Brundage is a later main-season variety that is dazzling white in color with consistent globeshaped bulbs. It has strong roots and erect tops that help with stress and make spraying easier. Brundage demonstrates solid pink root and Fusarium tolerance and is also tolerant to bolting.
Caliber is a late-season yellow long-day onion for the western United States known for vigor, disease resistance, yield and storage capabilities. Caliber is a healthy plant with solid roots and strong, erect tops that assist in providing thrips tolerance and make applications easier. Caliber has a consistent rich bronze scale in super colossal bulbs with single centers that do very well with mechanical harvest. Caliber has a reputation for storing very well long term. It is highly tolerant to pink root, Fusarium and thrips and tolerant to bolting.
Defender is a main-season yellow long-day onion for the western United States. It is a vigorous plant with strong, erect tops and roots that give it a strong canopy. Defender has a high percentage of single centers, good ring separation, and uniformity in bulb shape with a rich bronze-colored scale. Defender can store for six or more months, giving growers a high degree of market flexibility. It is highly tolerant to pink root and Fusarium and tolerant to bolting.
Red Beret is a productive red long-day onion that has rich external and internal color. The deep internal color creates distinct rings. In comparison to other red onions, it produces a nice firm bulb and has excellent storage capabilities. It has high tolerance to pink root and Fusarium and good tolerance to bolting.
Caldwell is a variety specially bred in Caldwell, Idaho, that has shown wide adaptability. It has performed very well in the western U.S. and other Spanish onion markets. It produces a nice globe onion with a rich bronze scale and demonstrates a high ratio of single centers. The plant has a solid structure with a refined neck, a robust root system and a good disease package. It is highly tolerant to pink root and Fusarium and tolerant to bolting.
Trident is an early main-season yellow longday onion with proven wide adaptability in extensive trials in the Northeast, Midwest and western United States. This highyielding variety produces consistent deep bronze-colored bulbs, large to jumbo size, with small necks. The outer scale has a nice sheen and is durable, making it a great variety for mechanical harvest. It is highly tolerant to pink root, Fusarium and bolting.
Brundage Caliber Red Beret TridentCherry Mountain F1 is a large, brilliant colored, dark-red Grano onion with excellent storage capabilities. This variety produces round bulbs that are uniform in shape with a refined neck. The variety is highly single centered and ideal for the fresh market. Plant in early spring
8269 E. US Hwy. 95
Yuma, AZ 85365
Phone: (928) 341-8494 www.dpseeds.com info@dpseeds.com
Diamond Swan F1 Hybrid
Diamond Swan F1 is an early, intermediate/ long-day variety with excellent storage capabilities. This variety features a round, very white bulb with a refined neck and is highly single centered.
Saffron F1 is a large, yellow intermediate/ long-day Grano onion with excellent storage capabilities. This is an early variety with a refined neck and beautiful dark yellowbronze skin. This highly single centered variety will do well in North Carolina and in the northern U.S.
Barolo is an early- to mid-season long-day red onion with attractive dark red interior, shiny exterior color and globe shape. Strong against root diseases, and adaptable to overhead, furrow and drip irrigation, Barolo makes a fine choice for the red onion grower’s mid-season crop. Marketing flexibility is increased by Barolo’s three- to four-month storage window.
Tannat is a dark red medium- to late-maturing long-day onion with excellent exterior and interior color. Tops are large, giving Tannat the opportunity to make larger red bulbs. Root system is vigorous, showing good tolerances to both pink root and Fusarium. Expected storage is four to eight months.
This early- to main-season hard globe variety has a 105-day maturity with a proven record of high quality storability. In addition, this conventionally bred hybrid offers high resistance to downy mildew. Trialing collaborators have been continually impressed with the quality Haeckero offers after long storage.
3155 SW 10th Street, Suite 6L
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Phone: (954) 429-9445 www.hazera.us.com info@hazera.us.com
Redstone is an early-maturing (100 days) long-day red variety with excellent storage and shipping quality. It offers upright tops with trim necks to ensure good closure and successful curing. This hardy red variety is very firm and has an excellent dormancy, making it suitable for long storage. Redstone has been tested under many conditions throughout North America and continues to perform well in the early red slot using both transplants and direct sowing methods.
This early- to main-season long-day hybrid allows growers the flexibility to decide what to do with their crops. This variety matures in 105 to 110 days and has been tested in many areas of the Midwest, Northeast and Pacific Northwest as number 37-120. In these trials, it demonstrated high yield and produced mainly jumbo-sized onions. Traits including dark skins and strong skin retention, along with very firm bulbs mean that Thunderstone can deliver quality pack-outs after a long storage period. This onion has erect, vigorous tops that make it suitable in adverse weather conditions and able to perform under a variety of irrigation methods including overhead and drip.
Almanzoro is a long-day storage onion for the Pacific Northwest region in the U.S. With strong, erect tops and consistent tolerance to bolting, Almanzoro provides a strong plant above and below ground. Growers can expect a globe-shaped, bronze bulb with great scale quality and thickness. This earlyseason onion has a 118-120-day maturity.
Crusher is a long-day Spanish onion with a high level of single centers, deep globe shape and attractive bronze color. Crusher offers high yield potential and good processing recovery. Well-suited for processing or retail markets and demonstrating good scale quality, this mainseason variety has a maturity of 112-114days.
Hatchet is a versatile long-day Spanish yellow onion for the Pacific Northwest region in the U.S. It performs well under overhead and drip irrigation, providing growers with management options. Hatchet delivers a large, attractive bulb with good scale thickness that centers well. This fullseason onion has a maturity of 118-120days.
Yawbridge is a long-day Spanish onion that can produce a high percentage of single centers. With a deep globe shape and attractive bronze color, Jawbridge offers high yield potential and high processing recovery. This main-season onion has a 116-118-day maturity.
Perfect for growers looking for flexibility, Tucannon is a dark-skinned onion that performs well in long storage and in hot seasons and is adaptable to either furrow or overhead irrigation methods. This early-season onion has a 112-114-day maturity.
XP 07716000 is a high-yielding variety perfect for processors thanks to its high percentage of single-center bulbs and low pungency. A main-season onion, this variety has a 118-120-day maturity.
Holland, MI 49424
Phone: (800) 962-4999 www.stokeseeds.com customerservice.us@stokeseeds.com
At a maturity of 110 days, SV4643NT bulbs have medium to dark red exteriors and good internal color. The variety is suitable for transplants or direct seeding in the Northeast.
At 105 days, Overlook is an excellent
At 110 days, Pocono produces very attractive, uniform bulbs with very small necks. The variety is widely adapted to areas that use Fortress and has shown excellent quality out of storage.
At 105 days, Catskill produces large bulbs