USMC Mud Run Volunteer Handbook - April 2012

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Page 3

Mud Run At‐A‐Glance

Page 4

Getting Started

Page 5‐7

Volunteer Position Descriptions

Page 7

Key Contacts

Page 8

Volunteer Perks

Page 8

Rules of the Road

Page 9

Copy of Volunteer Release Form

Page 10

Event Map

Page 11‐14 Course Map & Obstacles Page 15

Getting There: Map

Page 15

Getting There: Directions

Page 16‐17 FAQs Page 18

Partner Information

Page 19

Volunteer Appreciation Party Information/Invitation

Page 20

Volunteer Parking Pass (print and place in driver’s side BACK windshield)

Volunteer Handbook 2012 Mud Run | April 21, 2012 1

Introduction Thank you for volunteering for the April 21, 2012 Mud Run! Every year in the spring and fall, the Greater Columbia Marine Foundation hosts one of the largest Mud Runs in North America. The race attracts thousands of people from all over the Southeast and beyond. The Greater Columbia Marine Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, sponsors the event bi‐annually to raise money to support Marines and their families from the Columbia area who have been wounded or killed while serving on active duty. Profits from the race are also used to support several local college scholarships named after Marines killed serving their country and local events which promote the Marine Corps in the community. By volunteering, you become the face of the Mud Run, the Greater Columbia Marine Foundation, COR | Columbia Opportunity Resource, the volunteer forces behind the event, as well as the many other groups and teams that make the annual event a huge success and a vital asset to our community. We have compiled the following information to help you become an instant Mud Run expert. Read it over, bring it with you for reference and use it to help make your experience – and that of the runners – AWESOME! Thank you again for sharing your time to make the April 2012 Mud Run the best ever!

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Date: Saturday, April 21, 2012 (First Start Time: 7:30 AM/Final Start Time: 2:04 PM/14:04)

Location: The Leatherneck (Exit 125 on I‐26) 1215 Valley Ridge Road Gaston, SC 29053

Cost: $140 / Team of 4

Please note: registration is closed April 1 and on‐site registrations are not accepted

Web site:

General Information: Every year the Greater Columbia Marine Foundation hosts the largest bi‐annual Mud Run in North America. The race attracts thousands of people from all over the Southeast and beyond. The USMC Ultimate Challenge Mud Run is a 5.2 mile all‐terrain race conducted on dirt roads, improved and unimproved trails through the training area. These trails include mud holes, walls, trenches and other obstacles that require swimming, crawling, climbing and jumping. Teams of four compete to finish the 36 obstacles using teamwork, determination and creativity. Some people come to compete, but many come just to complete! In fall 2010, 3,600 teams competed, which made the USMC Mud Run the largest in North America. Following the success of that event, organizers decided to hold two per year and cap the number of teams at 2,400 per event. 1,621 teams have registered for the April 21, 2012 USMC Mud Run. THIS IS OFFICIALLY THE LARGEST MUD RUN IN NORTH AMERICA.

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Getting Started Dress for success   

All volunteers MUST WEAR the official Mud Run volunteer t‐shirt (provided when you check in). Wear comfortable slacks/shorts and tennis shoes. You may get some mud on you and if it rains, you may get wet. Please do not wear flip‐flops or sandals. Other items to consider: hat, sunscreen, insect repellent and rain gear.

Arrive early  

Please to report to volunteer check‐in tent at 6 a.m. and 12 p.m., according to your shift. Early arrivals receive first selection of shift assignments. If you are volunteering with a friend, please check‐in together (and early!) so that we may assign you together. Arriving early will allow enough time to get to your station, meet your captain and your team members, familiarize yourself with the set‐up and get any last minute instructions. In order to arrive early, you need to be sure to . . .

Allow plenty of time for traffic, parking, walking, check‐in, etc.   

The Leatherneck, the Mud Run’s location, is located in Sandy Run, about 30 minutes south of downtown Columbia, so you’ll want to be sure to allow ample time to make your way there. With more than 15,000 people converging on The Leatherneck, you’ll want to allow sufficient time to park upon arrival. Parking Pass (page 20, last page of handbook): Don’t forget to print and place the pass on your dashboard so you’ll have convenient access to the volunteer parking area. Otherwise, you’ll be asked to park in the main lot.

Carpooling is highly encouraged! 1st STOP: Volunteer Check in SEE MAP FOR LOCATION Report to the volunteer check‐in station promptly at 6 a.m. or 12 p.m. to pick up your t‐shirt & shift assignment.

2nd STOP: Volunteer Station After checking in, report to your assigned location. Once all of your team has arrived at the location, your team captain will go over instructions, answer any questions and you’ll be set to go!

Volunteer Support 

In addition to your shift captain, COR volunteer captains will be checking in periodically to see that everything is running smoothly and to respond to any needs you may have.

Water, soda and snacks will be provided throughout the day. You will be provided lunch or dinner, depending on your shift.

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Volunteer Position Descriptions This gives you an idea of what you’ll be doing as a volunteer.

Registration Tent: 

Waivers: Collect four signed waivers from each team. If they do not have a waiver with them or said they mailed it in, we will have extra blank ones that they MUST sign before signing in. Your captain will help you deal with any problems that arise.

Numbering teams: You will number ALL four participants with their team number with a permanent marker on both forearms, biceps, calves and thighs. Numbers should be written clearly and vertically. Allergies will be written on the racers with sharpies upon the runner’s request. Timing Chip Pick Up: At the start line once teams have been numbered, they will move to the start line chute where you will give each team captain one (1) timing chip. Two members of the team MUST wear these when competing on the right or left hip. Team members wearing the timing chips must safety pin all four corners. You will also be responsible for making sure the teams are in the correct category – Open Coed, Open Male, Open Female, JROTC, Homeland Heroes, Military or Corporate.

Bag Check/Key Valet Tent: 

Key Valet: We will have zip lock bags, index cards and pens for you. Have the participant put their team number and a cell phone number on the card and place in the bag with the keys. Ziplocks will be filed by team number.

Bag Check: We will have labeling tape and pens for you. Have the participant put their team number on the label and attach it to the bag. Place the bags on the tables designated. There should be 100 in a series with odd numbers placed on the tables and even numbers placed on the ground., i.e. ODD = ON TABLE; EVEN = GROUND

Food Station @ Finish Line:  We will have oranges that need to be quartered and bananas that need to be pulled apart from bunches and peeled for muddy runners. We will have granola bars in bins and bottled water that needs uncapping. You will be responsible for making sure snacks are stocked at all times. The station for cutting and housing all fruit will be located just behind the service tent.

Start Line: 

You will be responsible for getting teams lined up in numerical order in the team chute. Teams go off every 15 seconds and you are responsible for counting down and sending teams out. You’ll also have the opportunity to call the teams as they start and help cheerlead the runners.

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Finish Line:  Continue to keep the lanes clear so you and runners can see finish times on the other side of the timing tent.  Keep teams moving from finish line area through finish line chute – photography, first aid, food, water, etc. Avoid a bottleneck at the finish line by directing people towards the hand wash stations and food area.

T‐Shirt Tent:  Pre‐stuffed bags with all the shirts for each member of a team will be labeled with their team number. One member of each team will pick up shirts for entire team. There will be a check in tent in front of the T‐shirt tent where they will get a preprinted label with their team number and the shirt sizes they pre‐registered for and then proceed to one of the two lanes to get shirts. Odd numbers on one side of tent and even numbers on opposite side. At this time they MUST get shirt sizes they registered for in advance online, and if they want to exchange their shirt for a different size, then direct them to the T‐Shirt exchange tent. We will try and accommodate them provided shirts are available.

Showers/Changing Tents:  Your job is keeping these areas clean and moving smoothly. Changing tents are also provided separately for men and women and are clearly marked. Please check inside the tents often for discarded clothes and trash.

Trash/Recyclables:  Your job is to patrol the area for trash and recyclables. Please take full receptacles to the garbage truck that will be located near the parking area. Ensure recyclables are deposited in the proper containers.  You will also be responsible for collecting lost clothing and putting it in the lost and found boxes (located at the information tent) and helping the shoe collection team with their efforts.  You will be making rounds every hour in your designation section.

Devil Pup Challenge (previously the Pollywog Children’s Race):  Registration: Check‐in pre‐registered participants and give them their shirts. Register kids for $15 each and give them shirts as requested if they are available. Shirts are only for kids that register and are not for sale. Pre‐registered participants are the only ones guaranteed to get their requested shirts. At the beginning of the day, a number of shirts should be pulled for those who have already registered and kept separate.

Pay‐Per‐Shower (Hot Shower) Area:  Check receipts before allowing people to enter the pay‐per‐shower area.  Sell pay‐per‐shower tickets, $10

Information Tent 

This is a centralized location where all media, lost children, sponsors/VIPs, etc. will be sent or report. You will be the front line greetings runners and attendees. You will need to be familiar with the map to be able to direct people and answer questions. Media should present credentials and the GCMF Board should be contacted for interviews. Please keep a log of media in attendance.

Vendor Area:  Designated to assist vendors as needed to make sure they are all good! Please rotate the entire festival area every hour. The vendor area volunteers should also assist with recycling and trash monitoring.

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Volunteer Tent:  Assist volunteers who come to the tent to eat lunch or dinner and make sure they are good to go.  Check‐in for Volunteers: This will be a station for all Volunteers to check in. We will check them off the list and give them the appropriate size t‐shirt.

Volunteer Captains:  Volunteer captains will be at each station or tent and can be recognized by their red Captain t‐shirt.  Captains will oversee each station’s operations and assist with any questions or problems.  Captains will make sure everyone receives a break and will fill in as needed. They will be checking in with you regularly to make sure you have the tools and information you need.  Unsure about something? Ask your captain! They are your resource and will be in touch with the volunteer key contacts throughout the day.

Key Contacts: 

Nick Gentry Volunteer Coordinator Columbia Opportunity Resource Office: 803.733.2511 (The COR office will close at Noon, 12 p.m., Friday, April 20.) Cell: 803.479.7535 Katherine Swartz Executive Director Columbia Opportunity Resource Office: 803.733.1123 (The COR office will close at Noon, 12 p.m., Friday, April 20.) Cell: 803.979.4097 Maj. Bill Toomey (ret.) Operations Director Greater Columbia Marine Foundation Cell: 803.451.1204 Lisa Toomey Assistant Operations Director Greater Columbia Marine Foundation Cell: 803.451.1197

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Volunteer Perks

FREE event T‐shirt

FREE lunch or dinner depending upon your volunteer shift

FREE drinks and snacks

Meet like‐minded people and make new friends! 

An amazing not‐to‐be forgotten experience

Volunteer Appreciation Party, held after the run. The party will kick off at 6 pm, so stick around for the festivities. Please see page 19 for details!

Rules of the Road . . . Mud!

       

Read the Volunteer Handbook. Provide GREAT customer service! Keep your space clean and organized. Be flexible! An important aspect of volunteering is that you are a member of a team of volunteers, all collaborating to deliver the right sort of atmosphere, the right sort of experience. Always be helpful and informative. Take care of your colleagues. Be a good neighbor and help out other volunteers when needed. Be alert to any potential safety issues and notify a staff person immediately. Volunteers may enjoy the vendor area before or after their shifts. Please note: alcohol consumption is expressly prohibited prior to and while volunteering.

Have fun! You will be part of an amazing experience that makes a significant difference to the lives of so many Columbians and South Carolinians.

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Volunteer Release Form April 21, 2012 Mud Run V o l u n t e e r s Whereas, The Greater Columbia Marine Foundation, hereinafter described as GCMF, has for sixteen years sponsored what is commonly known and designated as the USMC Ultimate Challenge Run and Devil Pup Challenge Kids Race; and Whereas, the GCMF is organized for charitable and eleemosynary purposes and requires as a condition of participating that the undersigned participant, in consideration of permission to enter this activity, does hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, assigns, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, irrevocably release and forever discharge the GCMF, Columbia Opportunity Resource, its officers, agents, servants, associated partners and employees; sponsors; the Culler family, the owners of the property; promoters; managers; inspectors; officials; volunteers of the road race; and any and every other person participating in the race from any and all claims for damages for injury or liability of any kind, illnesses alleged to result from the race, or damages of any and every kind suffered by me as a result of my participating in or travel to or from this event and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless those released for costs, attorneys fees, or other expenses should I or any person for or on my behalf file a legal action against GCMF or any of those described in this document. I also give permission to the GCMF for the full, free and unconditional use of my name and photograph in connection with this event in any type media, written account, broadcast or telecast of this event from beginning to end for any legitimate purpose. Additionally; I understand that as a volunteer, I am an important resource to the success of the Mud Run and the enjoyment of Mud Run participants. I will read and understand the contents of the volunteer guide and agree to abide by the rules and guidelines set forth for volunteering. I understand that failure to abide by the event rules and guidelines will result in removal from the event and no invitation to the volunteer party. I agree to show up for my volunteer shift on time and, if I must cancel, I will notify the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible by email to By signing below, I agree to the above:



Print Name

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Event Map

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Course Map

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Course Info Course descriptions are below. These are guidelines — NOT RULES! The goal is to adapt, adjust and overcome each obstacle. What can you expect? A wide course layout‐ no congestion! Some obstacles will remain the same ... but get ready for some new additions … and lots of MUD! OBSTACLES START 0.15 mi of flat, open terrain #1 — Leatherneck Welcome 3 — 5' Walls — Each team member must navigate over #2 — The Perfume River Wall Climb with Rope ‐ each team member must navigate creek and use ropes provided to exit creek A bit of history: The Perfume River (called Huong River in Vietnam) is a 30 km long river leading to the city of Hue, in the central Vietnamese Province of Thua Thien Hue. #'s 3, 4, and 5 — Funchilin Pass #3 — Under Bar Slide 15' length X 8' high — Each team member jumps up and grabs the bar and slides down the bar feet first; #4 — Mud Hole Each team member crawls under the logs through the mud #5 — Culverts Each team member crawls through the tunnel on hands and knees A bit of history: Funchilin Pass is a 4,000' high pass, which was held by Colonel Chesty Puller and his Marines, during the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir (known as the "Frozen Chosin" for the extreme cold) during the Korean War.

#'s 6, 7 and 8 — The Ho Chi Minh Trail #6 — Rope Swing Each team member runs up jumps to grab a rope and swings across the mud pit to the other side #7 — Low Crawl Under Logs Each team member crawls on their chest underneath Logs #8 — Wall Climb 15' height ‐ Each team member climbs to the top of the wall and up and over then down the other side #'s 9, 10, and 11 — Bunker Hill #9 — Log Crossing Each team member walks the length of the log across the top of the pit to the other side without falling #10 — Mud Hole Over under logs, each team member crawls through the logs alternating between going over and under the logs #11 — Rope Bridge Each team member crosses the pit by walking across the steel cable and not falling in A bit of history: The Battle of Bunker Hill took place on 17 June 1775 as part of the Siege of Boston, during the American Revolutionary War. It is where Colonel William Prescott is known as the officer who said, "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" #12 — Mud Hole Crawl Each team member crawls through the logs alternating between going over and under the logs #13 — Parallel Bars Each team member grabs the bottom bar, pulls themselves up to the top bar, 8' high, then they must go over the top bar and lower themselves back down to the ground (Marines will direct maneuvering)

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#14 — HeartBreak Ridge Each team member runs the path along the ridge A bit of history: Heartbreak Ridge is a fictional movie about Marine Gunnery Sergeant Highway (played by Clint Eastwood). The actual Battle of Heartbreak Ridge was fought during the Korean War by the Army's 2nd Infantry Division. #15 — Monkey Bars Each team member grabs each bar in their hands and swings from bar to bar without falling in the pit. #16 — Rice Paddy With Logs Each team member crawls under the logs from one end to the other #17 — Parris Island Grinder Each team member must pass over the top of each log #18 — Parallel logs Each team member must pass over the top of each log ‐ 3' high #19 — Hamburger Hill Triple Hills (10', 15', 20') ‐ each team member runs over the top of each hill A bit of history: The Battle of Hamburger Hill was a battle of the Vietnam War which was fought between the United States and South Vietnam against North Vietnamese forces from May 10‐20, 1969. Although the heavily fortified Hill 937 was of little strategic value, U.S. command ordered its capture by direct assault, only to abandon it soon later. The debacle caused an outrage both in the American military and public. #20 — Chosin Reservoir Water Hole (10' deep, 48' long) ‐ each team member jumps in to the water and swims to the opposite end and exits the pit (if you can't swim you may take a penalty of 1 min and walk around)

A bit of history: The Battle of Chosin Reservoir, also known as the Chosin Reservoir Campaign or the Changjin Lake Campaign was a decisive battle in the Korean War. Shortly after the People's Republic of China entered the conflict, the People's Volunteer Army 9th Army[nb 1] infiltrated the northeastern part of North Korea and surprised the US X Corps at the Chosin Reservoir area. A brutal seventeen day battle in freezing weather soon followed. In the period between 27 November and 13 December 1950, 30,000 United Nations (UN) troops (nicknamed "The Chosin Few") under the command of Major General Edward Almond were encircled by approximately 60,000 Chinese troops under the command of Song Shi‐Lun. Enter Belleau Woods A bit of history: The Marines were first called Devil Dog (Teufelshunde) by the German soldiers of WWI, during the Battle of Belleau Wood in 1918. It is also where Dan Daly made his now‐famous battle cry, "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" Sergeant Major Daly is one of only two Marines to receive the Medal of Honor for two separate acts of heroism (Major General Smedley Butler is the other). #'s 21 and 22 — Belleau Woods #21 — Trench low crawl Each team member crawls under the cammie net from one end to the other #22 — Z trench (2 lanes of mud) ‐ each team member runs through the trench from one end to the other and climbs the hill at the end of the trench A bit of history: The Battle of the Pusan Perimeter, during the Korean War, was a textbook example of teamwork and its use in infantry tactics. It is still used as a case study today. #'s 23, 24 and 25 — Hellfire Valley #23 — Parallel Logs Each team member must pass over the top of each log, 5' high #24 — Cargo Net Each team member must climb the net to the top and over climbing back down the other side, 12' high

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#25 Mud Pit Each team member must run through the waist deep pit A bit of history: Hellfire Valley was a strategic battle during the Korean War. #'s 26 through 30 — DI'S DELIGHT #26 — Weaver Each team member crawls through the logs alternating between going over and under the logs without touching the ground #27 — The Wall Each team member must get all members over the top of the 10' wall and down the other side #28 — Euphrates River Each team member negotiates the creek from one end to the other. #29 — Mud Pit Each team member crawls under the logs from one end to the other #30 — Tarzan Each team member grabs each rope in their hands and swings from rope to rope without falling in the pit. #31 — Mud Hole Each team member crawls under the logs from one end to the other A bit of history: THE D.I. (DRILL INSTRUCTOR) is the most feared and most revered Marine in the Corps. As

a matter of fact, the course was designed by DIs. His is the Marine you learn very quickly to hate, but the first one you seek out on Graduation Day to thank and introduce to your family. . . because he has brought you to the place where you finally become a Marine. #32 — Mt. Suribachi Stairway to Heaven Each team member climbs to the top of the 15' wall, goes over and then down the other side A bit of history: Mt. Suribachi, on Iwo Jima, is where AP photographer, Joe Rosenthal, took one of the most famous photographs of WWII. The photo of 5 Marines and a Navy Corpsman raising the U.S. flag was taken atop Mt. Suribachi on 23 February 1945. #'s 29, 30 and 31 — Heartbreak Ridge #33 — Island Hopping Each team must move through the water and over the Islands the entire length of the obstacle #34 — Arm Walk Each team member must walk the length of the obstacle on their hands without falling or touching the ground #35 — Switch Backs Each team member must run the length of the obstacle back and forth across the top of the hill #36 — Sandy Run Carry your team member 100 yards to the ... FINISH LINE!

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Getting There ‐ MAP



Take I‐26 East towards Charleston Take EXIT 119 toward Gaston Highway Patrol will be there beginning at 6 A.M. to direct

Take I‐77 South to Columbia Take EXIT 119 toward Gaston Highway Patrol will be there beginning at 6 A.M. to direct

Enter at VOLUNTEER ENTRANCE, lot to right toward the end of the general parking.

Enter at VOLUNTEER ENTRANCE lot to right toward the end of the general parking.

FROM I‐26‐ CHARLESTON Take I‐26 West towards Columbia Take EXIT 129 Highway Patrol will be there beginning at 6 A.M. to direct Enter at VOLUNTEER ENTRANCE lot to right toward the end of the general parking.

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FAQS How Do I Get there? Please refer to the map and directions in this guide. Where do I park? The field for volunteer parking will be marked as you arrive. You will receive a parking pass that you must print off and put on your dash the day of the event. Please refer to the event map on page 10 of this guide. Where do I report when I arrive? You will report to the Volunteer tent that is marked with a big banner. Please refer to the event map on page 10 of this guide. See #9, right next to the main entrance. What do I wear? It is usually a very hot day so shorts are recommended, but you are welcome to wear pants. Please wear sturdy, comfortable shoes, e.g. tennis shoes. DO NOT wear sandals or flip flops. Volunteers must wear the Volunteer t‐ shirt, which you will receive upon check in. Will I get muddy? The Leatherneck is a working farm and you will be working in open fields with dirt at a Mud Run event, so you might get dirty. If you would like to change we do have changing tents for your use. What do I need to bring? You might want to bring Insect repellent, sunscreen and sunglasses. There will be a Mud Run merchandise tent, so you might bring a small amount of cash or ATM card with you. Consider wrapping either in a plastic baggie so they are not destroyed by mud. Drinks, snacks and lunch or dinner will be provided for volunteers. If you have any unique dietary or nutritional needs, please feel free to bring your own snacks and such. What should I NOT bring? Do not bring purses, wallets or key chains. Bring only your car key, ATM card/cash (for Mud Run merchandise). We discourage cell phones and cameras because they may become damaged. If you bring any items, please insert them into a plastic baggie to avoid damage. Please DO NOT BRING ANYTHING OF VALUE. There will not be a place to store valuables and the event is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged valuables. What are the volunteer shifts? All Day: 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. Morning: 6 a.m. – 1 p.m. Afternoon: 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. Can I choose my shift? Yes, until a shift is fully staffed. Volunteer Handbook USMC Mud Run | April 21, 2012 16

What kind of work will volunteers be doing? Volunteers will be assigned to any number of tasks from checking people in to picking up trash. Examples include: Parking ‐ Registration – Key Valet – Bag Check ‐ Info ‐ Start Line ‐ Finish Line ‐ Food Tent ‐ T‐Shirt Distribution ‐ Shower Area ‐ Changing Area ‐ Devil Pup Challenge ‐ Vendor Support ‐ Trash Patrol ‐ Recycling – Volunteer Tent Can I choose my assignment? You may request an assignment upon check‐in. Assignments are first‐arrived, first reserved. An effort will be made to accommodate your request, but we cannot guarantee your assignment. Flexibility is of paramount importance. Please be prepared to be assigned to any duty. Can I be assigned with my friend? Yes, if you check‐in early and together. Again, first arrived, first reserved. Can I volunteer with a group? Yes, if you indicated your group when you registered. Volunteers who did not indicate their group may not be paired with the group. I can’t work an entire shift, but would love to help. Can I Help? Yes, simply let us know when you can work and we’ll put you to work! Is there an age minimum or maximum required to volunteer? We recommend 18 as a general rule, but do have minors age 13+ who volunteer, especially with scout troops and the like. Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a consent form signed by a parent or guardian. I am limited in my physical ability/mobility. Is there any way I can be helpful? Yes, simply let us know what your limitations are and we’ll put you to work! Can I volunteer and also run? Absolutely, IF you are already registered to run as registration is full. We ask that you volunteer in the AM shift and run in the afternoon. What if I need a restroom or a rest break? Volunteers have access to the bathrooms and changing areas. Please make sure your post is covered and your captain is aware you are leaving before taking a break. Be considerate of fellow volunteers while on break. Can I register & volunteer on site? Yes, volunteers can register on site. You will need to complete a registration form and waiver. What if it rains? This is a rain or shine event. Please check the weather and e‐mail updates. Bring rain gear accordingly.

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Partners COR | Columbia Opportunity Resource connects young, talented professionals in the greater Columbia area to diverse and meaningful networks for leadership, service and fun. We believe: Vibrant networks attract, retain and motivate talented people; Motivated and talented people create exciting communities; and Exciting communities continually renew their talent pool. Our vision is an innovative, energized and successful Columbia community that attracts, inspires, develops and retains the best talent in the world.

The Greater Columbia Marine Foundation is organized to promote the value of the United States Marine Corps within the Greater Columbia area through its leadership and actions. The Foundation activities will provide the state with a greater awareness of the presence of Marine Corps organizations and promote the important functions these organizations serve relative to the social and economic welfare of the Greater Columbia area and when feasible South Carolina. The Foundation will also promote and support the quality of life of all Marines, active and retired, and their families, thus placing into action our standard of "Marines taking care of our own."

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Volunteer Appreciation Party Invitation

Volunteers Make IT Happen! You’re Invited to the USMC Mud Run

Volunteer Appreciation Party

Saturday, April 21

Beginning at 6 p.m. The Leatherneck | Sandy Run, SC Food | Beverages | DJ | Fun | Friends Admission: Your Volunteer T‐shirt

Sponsored by

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Print and place in the driver’s side BACK windshield.


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