P872 Advanced Study in Faith and Human Development Dawson This seminar assumes that participants are familiar with a basic understanding of the classic developmental theories such as Piaget, Kohlberg, Fowler, Freud, Erikson, and Gilligan. Students focus in the area of faith, spiritual, and religious development, looking at different ways of conceptualizing the Christian life from historical and current theorists. Emphasis is placed on child and adolescent spirituality in particular in the exploration of best practices for presenting the gospel at different ages. 3 credits P882 Prophetic, Imaginative Preaching for God’s Changing World Myers Imagination “empowered by the Spirit” is the lifeblood of prophetic preaching. Drawing upon traditional and contemporary approaches to preaching, this course will lead students to innovate upon said styles and to incorporate preaching styles across cultures and denominations. Particular attention will be paid to inductive, narrative, performative, and poetic preaching styles. 3 credits P885 Transformative Pastoral Leadership Tribble Explores the role of the pastor as spiritual leader embracing key adaptive issues for personal, congregational, and communal transformation. Acknowledging that leading a congregation through processes of deep change may be risky and costly, we explore current interdisciplinary ministry approaches for pastors leading congregations through processes of transition involving time and learning where identity, mission, culture, and operating procedures are fundamentally altered. This class is a seminar for students to work on actual case studies from their church and ministry contexts. Hybrid. 3 credits 106