I721 Church and Ministry Introductory Seminar Watkins The Doctor of Ministry Introductory Seminar in Church and Ministry creates a safe space for conversation about the nature of the Church and the complex challenges and opportunities encountered in the practice of ministry. Skills and competencies for mature pastoral leadership are developed by selection of one critical pastoral issue in ministry for practical theological research, diagnosis, and action. 3 credits I722 Gospel, Culture & the Transformation of the Church Introductory Seminar Hartman, Shin, Thomas Gospel and Culture Introductory Seminar encourages participants to develop a new paradigm for their ministry, aimed at supporting the local congregation of Christian people to understand their call to mission in a post-Christian, globalizing culture. Developing theological approaches to cultural analysis, participants, in readings, reflection with teachers and conversations with colleagues, describe their own setting in ministry and develop faithful ways of bearing witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of witness, service, and transforming mission. 3 credits I730 DMin Introduction to Research Methodologies Seminar Campbell, Tribble Students will be introduced to qualitative research methodologies to utilize for ministry as well as for extensive research in their final projects. In depth library research methods will also be introduced to enhance information literacy. Online 1.5 or 3 credits
I731 Project Proposal Workshop Campbell, Tribble Toward the end of the program coursework, each student participates in a project development and design seminar to clearly articulate the topic and design of the student’s final DMin project. This seminar, together with the Introduction to Research Methodologies offered near the beginning of the students’ program, is offered to prepare the students to articulate well-designed project proposals before writing their final projects. Required for DMin/ DEdMin students. 1.5 or 3 credits I732 Project Literature Review Staff After students successfully complete their project proposals, they will critically review relevant literature for their projects with the careful guidance of their first readers. The culmination of the literature review may be the completion of the chapter outlining the theoretical and theological framework of the student’s project. The student must receive satisfactory evaluation from the first and second readers in order to pass the course. 3 credits I735 DMin Doctoral Project Staff Elements of the degree converge in the Doctor of Ministry Project. The student must complete a DMin project, comprised of a detailed, expanded research and a shorter summary article of the research. In order that the project can be an integrating focus for the entire course of study, students should start thinking about the proposal for the project early in the program. Ordinarily, the student’s ministry setting is the context of the DMin research project. 6 credits