Master of Arts in Practical Theology Aims of the Program
congregations, faith communities, and the wider world. THE PURPOSE OF THE MASTER OF ARTS IN PRACTICAL • Engage in theological action and reflection by THEOLOGY DEGREE IS TO EQUIP PERSONS FOR A experiencing and reflecting on actual ministry BROAD ARRAY OF MINISTRIES WITH RIGOROUS, settings, practicing public theology, and CREATIVE, INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSEWORK. completing integrative theory and practice The degree program integrates a core curriculum of assignments within their concentration. theological studies with particular focus in practical • Develop the habitus of Christian identity for theology through three areas of concentration: Eduservice in the church and world. “Habitus” cational Ministries, Pastoral Care/Pastoral Theology, involves the habits, movements, and or Worship, Preaching, and the Arts. dispositions of daily life that often go unnoticed but that inform and ascribe meaning to • Educational Ministries focuses on the teaching, persons and communities. Students demonstrate learning, and spiritual formation of people and this learning goal in a professional portfolio that communities through liberative forms of includes a statement of faith, grounding education. spiritual practices, vocational discernment, work• Pastoral Care/Pastoral Theology integrates ing metaphor for practical theology, and selftherapeutic practices of care with attention to understanding as a practical theologian. intercultural and global structures that affect and inform suffering and healing. These are the student learning outcomes for the • Worship, Preaching, and the Arts focuses on Master of Arts in Practical Theology degree how arts and aesthetics support transformational program. practices of worship and preaching. The degree may be appropriate for ordination in traditions that do not require a three-year Master of Divinity program, or for lay people who desire theological education in order to carry out their professional or volunteer ministries in congregational settings and beyond.
Components of Program
The Master of Arts in Practical Theology requires 48 credit hours and can be completed in two years and one summer if pursued on a full-time basis. Typically, the summer will be used to complete the supervised ministry requirement. Over the course of the 48 credit hours in this program, all students will complete the Introduction to Practical ONCE A STUDENT HAS CONCLUDED THE DEGREE Theology and Capstone Course in Practical PROGRAM, THE STUDENT IS EXPECTED TO BE ABLE TO: Theology (6 credit hours total) and a supervised • Understand the nature and task of practical ministry course (6 credit hours). In addition, theology by using different frameworks, methods, metaphors and issues of concern within students will complete a core set of general courses in biblical studies, history, and doctrine totaling 15 the field of practical theology to understand 13