GOSPEL, CULTURE, AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE CHURCH: Equipping leaders for a new, more faithful
church, reformed not through accommodation to contemporary culture, but through critical engagement.
focus on leadership in ministries (such as congregations, non-profit agencies, social entrepreneurial enterprises, etc.)
Student Learning Outcomes for New DMin curriculum
Addressing a pervasive need in the Church for a new paradigm for relating gospel and culture, this DMin OVERALL DMIN PROGRAM GOALS: program in Gospel and Culture enables pastors to • Design and implement a final project that engage the mission field of North American, postdemonstrates theologically informed modern, post-Christian society. As students engage interdisciplinary integration with evidence of in disciplined cultural analysis, they will find that critical awareness of cultural context(s) and familiar biblical texts, doctrines, and ethics take on employs a social scientific methodology. new meanings as they confront the challenges of • Develop an informed plan of identifying, today. They will see the emergence of new readings framing, and responding to a crucial ministry of the Church’s situation and the human project issue in the student’s context that identifies alongside their own renewed and enlivened sources and resources. commitment to theological truths. • Embody personal and spiritual maturity to reinvigorate and deepen their vocational calling Launch of New DMin Curriculum by relating their ministry to clearly identified communities of support and accountability. and Concentrations in Summer
CTS will transition to a new DMin curriculum and new concentrations in summer term 2022. Student pursuing the DMin in our existing concentrations will be supported with the required courses and electives to complete their degree. DMin students admitted in 2021 will have the option of transferring to one of the two new concentrations: Justice Studies and Leadership Studies.
Concentration Descriptions for New DMin Curriculum
Demonstrate capacity to articulate biblically informed theologies and theories of inclusive l eadership to ground strategies and practices relevant to specific ministry contexts. JUSTICE CONCENTRATION GOAL
Demonstrate capacity to articulate biblically informed theologies and theories of justice that articulate multidimensional aims, outline strategies, and identify practices for responsible action in specific ministry contexts.
Students pursuing a DMin in this area will gain conceptual and practical tools for the work of justice in their ministry contexts. In their program, students may explore justice in the arenas of ecology, race, sexuality and gender, disability, or other forms of social justice. LEADERSHIP STUDIES
Students pursuing a DMin in this area will gain fresh conceptual and practical tools for leadership in their ministry contexts. In their program, students may