Biblical Area Faculty: Brennan Breed, William P. Brown, Raj Nadella, Love L. Sechrest, Mitzi J. Smith, Christine Roy Yoder B501 Essentials of Greek Holmes (adjunct), Smith Provides intensive study of the essentials of Koine Greek grammar, syntax, and vocabulary preparatory to reading the Greek New Testament. 3 credits B505 Introductory Biblical Hebrew Brown Introduces the essentials of Hebrew grammar, syntax, and vocabulary preparatory to study of the Hebrew Old Testament. 3 credits B520, B521 Old Testament Interpretation I & II Breed, Brown, Yoder This two-semester course (Parts I and II) studies the diverse literature of the Old Testament, considers the historical and cultural contexts of the ancient world that produced it, introduces critical methods of biblical interpretation, and highlights the significance of the Old Testament for Christian faith. 3 credits each semester. 6 credits B530 New Testament Interpretation Nadella, Smith This course introduces the content, major forms, and contexts of the New Testament documents, the history and development of earliest Christianity, as well as methods of biblical interpretation. Online section available. 3 credits
B540 Ruth, Jonah, and Esther: Hebrew-based Exegesis Yoder Explores the Hebrew text of the short stories of Ruth, Jonah, and Esther, with particular attention to their ancient contexts, literary features and character development, depictions of life in the Diaspora and the “foreigner,” and theological perspectives. Considers a range of interpretive approaches to the stories, their reception in different communities, and how each is significant for Christian faith, life, and proclamation. Prerequisite: B505 Introductory Biblical Hebrew or equivalent. 3 credits B547 Pentateuch, Prophets, and Psalms: Hebrew-based Exegesis Brown This Hebrew-based exegetical course guides students through a variety of genres of the Old Testament, from narrative to poetry, covering portions of Genesis, Amos, and the Psalms. Prerequisite B505 Introductory Biblical Hebrew or equivalent. 3 credits B549 Song of Songs: Hebrew-based Exegesis Yoder A Hebrew-based biblical exegesis course focusing on the Song of Songs. Prerequisite is B505 Introductory Biblical Hebrew or equivalent. 3 credits