B832 Womanist and Feminist Biblical Interpretation and Social Justice Smith This online course will critically engage womanist and feminist biblical interpretation with a focus on contemporary justice issues. The pandemic has highlighted and aggravated existing racialized and gendered disparities, injustices, and violence. Biblical texts and contexts will be analyzed in dialogue with scholarship on medical apartheid, history of black transexuals, and sexual violence. Conversations around gendered sexual violence will include sustained discussion of the crucifixion of Jesus and #MeToo. Online. 3 credits B833 Revelation, the Church and Politics Sechrest This course engages close readings of selected passages in the book of Revelation, with attention to literary genre, socio-historical context, and postcolonial theory. The course will deploy womanist and feminist critiques of its imagery while paying special attention to the theo-political implications of its ecclesiology. Hybrid. 3 credits B855 Ecclesiastes and Its Consequences Breed Traces the interpretation of the book of Ecclesiastes in Jewish and Christian communities in various modes (e.g. theology, liturgy, visual art, music, philosophy, film). Focuses on important questions raised by the book of Ecclesiastes as well as crucial interpretive problems as they feature in the reception history of this biblical text. 3 credits