Vantage Fall 07

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At Columbia, people of faith seek to witness to God’s creative power, redemptive action, transforming justice, and reconciling love, in a pluralistic society and interdependent world. We understand Christian faith to include , faithfulness to Jesus Christ, , disciplines of the Christian life, ministries of proclamation, nurture,

worship of God cultivation of the mind


Laura S. Mendenhall 2000 President David Bartlett 2005 Distinguishe Professor of New Testament compassion, and justice, William Patrick Brown 2004 Professor of Old Testament expression of faith Language, Literature, andExegesis Charles L. Campbell through the arts, and 1991 Peter Marshall Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Th.M. participation Our special mission Program Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi 1994 in the service of the Associate Professor of World Christianity in the life Church, and especially Leon Carroll, Jr. 1983 Associate Professor the Presbyterian Church ofR.Supervised Ministry Thomas Erskine Clarke of the (USA), is to educate women1973 Professor of American Religious History and and men for leadership in Director the International Program Dent C. Davis Church. ordained and lay ministries;2002 to Deanofand Vice President of Lifelong Learning Kathy offer first degree, graduateDawson degree, 2004 Assistant Professor of Christian Education and continuing education Mark programs; Douglas 1999 Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and to provide theologicaland resources forthe M.A.T.S. Program Anna Carter Florence Director of Our Xer the denomination, for 1998 the ecumenical Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship John William od ming enit nostr church, and for persons with a Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care minIp erosto commodo leni Harkins III 1999 special utat num nulla commolore tio variety of theological concerns. Stephen Hayner 2003 Peachtree Associate Professor of Evangelism and consectem doleniatum ex ea co Because we are anChurch education E. Elizabeth Johnson 1998 J. Davison Philips Professor of mission heniamc onsequisim zzriustru institution, our calling is toGrowth prepare magnisi blandio nsequam, vu New Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis Martha Moore-Keish 2004 luptat. Duis endrem iuremS persons to lead congregations in of Theology D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. 1996 Dean of the Assistant Professor in the corperosto worship, witness, mission, and Faculty, Executive Vice-President, and Professor of Ministry Rodger Yutaka Nishioka consecte eu service; to 2000 pursue learning that of Christian Education faci ero od magniam et joins mind andAssociate heart; toProfessor develop Kathleen M. O’Connor 1995 William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament ro odiametu personal and professional skills Charles E. Raynal III 1999 Associate Professor of Theology and Director of Advanced Studies Marcia Y. Riggs facipsum nia To To for leadership in the church; to of Christian Ethics Stanleyticipate quat aliqui 1991 J. Erskine Love Professor P.parSaunderseducate 1991 Associate Professor of New men and feumzzrit iuscipwb with the learnTestament from the George worldwide Church, women W. Stroup 1986 J. B. Green Professor ofchurch Theology Haruko Nawata Ward 2002 Assistant for leadeum in from education, ership inLanguage, Literature, and Exegesis ero eugait d of Church History Christinethe Royarts, Yoder 1998 Associate Professorformaofthe Old Testament service Professor ortion of Barbara politics, economics, dained et del dolorp J. Johnson 2005 Adjunct Assistant Brown Taylor 2002 Adjunct Professor To Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care students and lay parat dunt lupt for of the Church, Paul and science, and PROFESSORS Dana B. Campbell minof Christian Spirituality ADJUNCT/VISITING Chuck Denison Jane Fahey Jerry A. Gladson ticipate pastoral istries with the vocathose outside through Rod Hunter John C. Knapp from Cheryl Maddox Victor McCracken Carol Pitts Norman Shanks Marvin Simmers PROFESSORS church tions and especially its in the in the Emeritus the centers of M.Div. EMERITI/AE C. Benton Kline, Jr. President Emeritus J. Davison Philips President Douglas W. Oldenburg President formachurch and tion of and and the the Presbyterian influence; M.A.T.S. Emeritus F. Sidney Anderson,power Jr.students George Thompson Brown Walter Brueggemann Charles Blanton Cousar James Gailey, Jr. world by degree for providto pastoral consider proCatherine Gunsalus González Douglas W. Hix Brian A. Wren Laura S. Mendenhall 2000 President David Bartlett 2005 Distinguishe Professor of N ing Church (USA), is to grams; vocapreemicritically from of Old Testament Language, Literature, To enTestament William Patrick Brown 2004 Professor and Exegesis Charles L. Campbell 1991 Peter Marshall tions nent hance in thethe Th.M. Program Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi theoeducate women and Professor the perspective the of Homiletics and Director of 1994 Associate Professor of World Christianity R. Leon Carro logical minisand the eduofchurch the Christian 1983 Associate Professor of Supervised Ministry Thomas Erskine Clarke 1973 Professor of American Religious History and Director of the Internatio world by men for leadership providfaith, ideological, Program Dent C. Davis 2002 Dean and Vice President of Lifelong Learning Kathy Dawson 2004 Assistant Professor of Christian Education Mark Dou ing preemiin ordained and lay and 1999 Associate Professor of Christiantechnical, Ethics and Director of the M.A.T.S. Program Anna Carter Florence 1998 Associate Professor of Preaching and nent theoWorship John William Harkins III 1999scientific Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care Stephen Hayner 2003 Peachtree Associate Professor of logical ministries; to offer first edu- Johnson 1998 J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testament Language, Literature, and ExegesisMartha Moo assumptions Evangelism and Church Growth E. Elizabeth degree, including our Murchison, Jr. 1996 Dean of the Faculty, Executive Vice-President, and Professor of Ministry Rod Keish 2004 Assistant Professor of Theology D. Cameron own about the Yutaka Nishioka 2000 Associate Professor of Christian Education Kathleen M. O’Connor 1995 William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament graduate human Charles E. Raynal III 1999 Associate Professor of situation. Theology and Director of Advanced Studies Marcia Y. Riggs 1991 J. Erskine Love Professor of Christian Et degree, and Stanley P. Saunders 1991 Associate Professor of New Testament George W. Stroup 1986 J. B. Green Professor of Theology Haruko Nawata Ward 2002 Assi Because a confessional of Church History Christine Roy Yoder we 1998are Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis Paul J. Johnson 2005 Adju continuing Professor ofAssociate theBrown Church, we Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theologycommunity and Care Barbara Taylor Adjunct Professor of Christian Spirituality ADJUNCT/VISITING PROFESS education Dana B. Campbell Chuck Denison Jane Fahey live under authority of 2002 A.the Gladson Rod Hunter John C. Knapp Cheryl Maddox Victor McCracken Carol Pitts Norman Shanks M JesusJerry Christ asPresident witnessed Simmers PROFESSORS EMERITI/AE C. Benton Kline, Jr. J. Davison Philips President Emeritus Douglas W. Oldenburg President Emer programs; to in Walter the scriptures ofEmeritus F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. George Thompson Brown Brueggemann Charles Blanton Cousar James Gailey, Jr. Catherine Gunsalus González Douglas W. H and to Brian A. Wren Laura S. Mendenhall 2000 President the OldDavid and Bartlett New 2005 Distinguishe Professor of New Testament William Patrick Brown 2004 Professor o Testaments, in1991 Peter Marshall Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Th.M. Program Carlos Testament Language, Literature, andExegesis Charles L. Campbell provide Cardoza-Orlandi the Church 1994 Associate Professor of World Christianity R. Leon Carroll, Jr. 1983 Associate Professor of Supervised Ministry Thomas Erskine Clark theological 1973 Professor of American Religious History and Director of the International Program Dent C. Davis 2002 Dean and Vice President of Lifelong Learning Dawson 2004 Assistant Professor of Christian Education Mark Douglas 1999 Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Director of the M.A.T.S. Prog resources Kathy Carter Florence 1998 Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship John William Harkins III 1999 Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care for the Anna Stephen Hayner 2003 Peachtree Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth E. Elizabeth Johnson 1998 J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testam At Columbia, people of faith seek to Language, Literature, and Exegesis Martha Moore-Keish 2004 Assistant Professor of Theology D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. 1996 Dean of the Faculty, Executive President, and Professor of Ministry Rodger Yutaka Nishioka 2000 Associate Professor of Christian Education Kathleen M. O’Connor 1995 William Marcellus witness to God’s creative power, redemptive McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Charles E. Raynal III 1999 Associate Professor of Theology and Director of Advanced Studies Marcia Y. Riggs 1991 J. Er Love Professor of Christian Ethics Stanley P. Saunders 1991 Associate Professor of New Testament George W. Stroup 1986 J. B. Green Professor of Theology Ha action, transforming justice, and reconciling love, Nawata Ward 2002 Assistant Professor of Church History Christine Roy Yoder 1998 Associate Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis Pa Johnson 2005 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care Barbara Brown Taylor 2002 Adjunct Professor of Christian Spirituality ADJUNCT/VISITIN PROFESSORS Dana B. Campbell Chuck Denison Jane Fahey Jerry A. Gladson Rod Hunter John C. Knapp Cheryl Maddox Victor McCracken Carol Pitts Norman Sha Marvin Simmers PROFESSORS EMERITI/AE C. Benton Kline, Jr. President Emeritus J. Davison Philips President Emeritus Douglas W. Oldenburg President Emeritu Sidney Anderson, Jr. George Thompson Brown Walter Brueggemann Charles Blanton Cousar James Gailey, Jr. Catherine Gunsalus González Douglas To foster W. Hix Brian A. W To and othprovide Laura S. Mendenhall 2000 President David Bartlett 2005 Distinguishe Professor of New Testament Patrick Brown 2004 Professor of Old Testament Language, sustain erleadforms William a church, Columof cal envi- bia’s Literature, and Exegesis Charles L. Campbell 1991 Peter Marshall Professor of Homiletics ership and Director of the Th.M. Program Carlosronment F.physiCardoza-Orlandi 1994 Associate and perby sons withErskine Clarke 1973 Professor connecthat Professor of World Christianity R. Leon Carroll, Jr. 1983 Associate Professor of Supervised educatMinistry Thomas of American Religious History a variety tion to men ing them contribof theotheof Presand 2002 Dean and Vice President of Lifelong in its Learning We Christian faith toDirector include worship of God, utes to To of the International Program Dent C. Davis Kathy Dawson 2004 Assistant Professor Christian Education logical byterian women Th.M., an atmoparconcerns for leadsphere Douglas 1999 Associate Professor ofticipate Christian Ethics and Director of the M.A.T.S. ProgramD.Min., Anna Carter Florence 1998 Associate Professor of Church Preaching and Worship Jo through (USA), the ership in D.Ed. for with the its ecuordained Min., to Jesus Christ, of Professor effective church Williamcultivation Harkins III 1999 Assistant of Pastoral 2003 Peachtree Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth E. lifelong menical and lay Theology and Care Stephen Hayner and learnin the learning church, minTh.D. ing; formaElizabeth Johnson 1998 J. 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Gr environTo parical rees in to in the ment in ticipate grams; sources order church Professor of Theology Haruko Nawata Ward 2002proAssistant Professor of Church History Christine Roy Yoder 1998 Associate Professor of Old Testament Language, Litera which with the Toenfor the provide and the theochurch hance denomicompassion, andand Exegesis Paul , expression quality world byAssistant J. Johnson 2005 Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care Barbara Brown Taylor 2002 Adjunct Professor of Christian Spirituality logical in the the minnation educaprovideducaistries of the tion ing pre- B. Campbell ADJUNCT/VISITING PROFESSORS Dana Gladson Rodand Hunter John C. Knapp Cheryl MaddoxformaVictor McCracken Carol P tion tion of men Chuck Denison Jane Fahey Jerry A.Presbyboth eminent formastu- of W. Oldenburg Presid and of faith through arts, in the Douglas theoNorman Shanksthe Marvin Simmers PROFESSORS EMERITI/AE C. 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Leon Jr. 1983 Associate Professor of Supervised Ministry Thomas Erskine Clarke 1973 Professor of American Religious History and To edu- Dent other Director of the International Program C. Davis 2002 Dean and Vice President of Lifelong Learning Kathy Dawson 2004 Assistant the church in the Professor of Christian Education cate Mark Douglas 1999 Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and participateofwith Director of the M.A.T.S. Program Anna students for pastoral Carter Florence 1998 Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship John William Harkins III 1999 formation Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theolog in the church and the world Our special Care mission Stephen in Hayner 2003 Peachtree Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth E. vocations Elizabeth Johnson 1998 J. Davison Philip providing preeminent theological Professor of New Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis Martha Moore-Keish 2004 Assistant by Professor of Theology D. Cameron Mur within the Reformed tradition; the service of the Jr. 1996 Dean of the Faculty, Executive Vice-President, and Professor of Ministry Rodger Yutaka education Nishioka 2000 Associate Professor of C educate men and women for Education Kathleen M. O’Connor 1995 William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament To Charles E. Raynal III 1999 Associate Pro in ordained and lay ministries C h u r c h , and of Theology and Director of Advanced Studies Marcia Y. Riggs 1991 J. Erskine Love Professor of leadership Christian Ethics Stanley P. Saunders through its M.Div. and M.A.T.S. degree Associate Professor of New Testament George W. Stroup 1986 J. B. Green Professor of Theologyprograms; Haruko Nawata Ward 2002 Assista To enhance the ministries of men and women Language, Literature, and Exegesis Professor of Church History Christine Roy Yoder 1998 Associate Professor of Old Testament who are currently in ordained and other Johnson 2005 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care Barbara Brown Taylor forms of leadershipengaged 2002 Adjunct Professo by educating them in its Th.M., D.Min., D.Ed.Min., and Christian Spirituality ADJUNCT/VISITING PROFESSORS Dana B. Campbell Chuck Denison Jane Fahey Jerry A. Gladson To provide theological resources for the denomination of the Presbyterian Church Hunter John C. Knapp Cheryl Maddox Victor McCracken Carol Pitts NormanTh.D. programs; Shanks Marvin Simme the ecumenical church, and persons with a variety of theological concerns through its lifelong President Emeritus Do especially PROFESSORS EMERITI/AE C. Benton Kline, Jr. President Emeritus J. Davison Philips(USA), programs; To provide a learning environment in which theological education and formation W. Oldenburg President Emeritus F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. George Thompson Brownlearning Walter Brueggemann ministry flourish; To provide a physical environment that contributes to an atmosphere for the Presbyterian Charles Blanton Cousar James Gailey, Jr. Catherine Gunsalus González Douglas W. for Hix Brian A. Wren Lau learning; To be a good steward of its resources in order to provide quality education both Mendenhall 2000 President David Bartlett 2005 Distinguishe Professor of New effective Testament William Pa the present and the future; and To foster and sustain Columbia’s connection to the Presbyterian Church (USA), Brown 2004 Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis Charles inChurch L. Campbell 1991 Pete (USA), the ecumenical church, the greater Atlanta community, and beyond. Marshall Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Th.M. Program Carlos F. Cardoza- participate Orlandi 1994 Associat with the church in the formation of students for pastoral vocations in the church is to educate Professor of World Christianity R. Leon Carroll, Jr. 1983 Associate Professor of Supervised Ministry T the world by providing preeminent theological education within the Erskine Clarke 1973 Professor of American Religious History and Director of the and International Program tradition; To educate men and women for leadership in ordained women and men C. Davis 2002 Dean and Vice President of Lifelong Learning Kathy Dawson 2004 Reformed Assistant Professor of lay ministries through its M.Div. and M.A.T.S. degree programs; Christian Education Mark Douglas 1999 Associate Professor of Christian and Ethics and Director of enhance the ministries of men and women who are for leadership in M.A.T.S. Program Anna Carter Florence 1998 Associate Professor To of Preaching and Wors engaged in ordained and other forms of John William Harkins III 1999 Assistant Professor of Pastoral currently Theology and Care St by educating them in its Th.M., Hayner 2003 Peachtree Associate Professor of leadership Evangelism and Churc D.Ed.Min., and Th.D. programs; To provide Philips Professor of Ne Growth E. Elizabeth Johnson 1998 J. Davison D.Min., resources for the denomination ; to Testament Language, Literature, and theological ExegesisMartha Moore the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Murchison, Jr. 1996 De 2004 Assistant Professor of Theology D. Cameron of church, and persons offer first degree, graduate the Faculty, Executive Vice-President, and ecumenical Professor of Ministry a variety of theological K Yutaka Nishioka 2000 Associate Professor of with Christian Education through its lifelong degree, and continuing M. O’Connor 1995 William Marcellus concerns McPheeters Professor programs; To provide a Testament Charles E. Raynal IIIlearninglearning 1999 Associate Profe in which education programs; and Theology and Director oftheologicalenvironment Advanced Studies M and formation Riggs 1991 J. Erskinefor ministry education Love Professor of C flourish; To provide a to provide theological E t h i c s Stanley P. Saunders 1991 Asso environment that contributes Testament George Professor of Newphysical for effective learning; Professor of Theolo resources for the Stroup 1986 J. B. Greento an atmosphere To be a good steward H a r u k o Nawata Ward 2002 Assistan in order denomination, for Professor of Church of its resources History Christine R provide quality Yoder 1998 A s s o c i a t e to Professor of Old Testam tion both in the ecumenical Language, Literature, ethed u c apresent and Paul J. Johnson 2005 the future; Adjunct Assistant Profes and church, and for Pa s t o r a l T h e o l o g yTo foster and and Care Barbara Brow sustain T a y l o r Columbia’s 2002 Adjunct Professo persons C h r i s t i a n connection to Spirituality ADJUNCT VISITING PROFESSO Presbyterian Church Dana B. the Campbell Chuck Denis U S A ) , the J a n e (ecumenical Fahey Jerry A. Gladson H u n t e r church, the greater John C. Knapp Cheryl M Atlanta Victor McCracken Car beyond. P i t t s N o r m a n community, and Shanks Marvin Simme PROFESSORS EMERIT participate C . Benton Kline, Jr. President Emer with the J . D a v i s o n Philips Pres church in Emeritus Douglas W the formation of Oldenburg President students Emeritus F. S i d n e y Anderson for pastoral Jr. George Thompson Brown Walter vocations in Brueggemann Charles Blanton the church and the James Gailey, Jr. Catherine world by providing Gunsalus González Douglas W. preeminent Hix Brian Wren E PH E S I ANS 3 : 2 0 O uA. r theological s p e c i a l m i s s i o n in the service of the Church, and especially the Presbyterian O u r s p e c i a l m i s s i o n in the service of Church (USA), is to educate women and men for leadership in ordained and lay ministries; to offer first degree, graduate degree, and continuing education the Church, and especially the Presbyterian programs; and to provide theological resources for the denomination, for the O u r Church (USA), is to educate women and men s p e c i a l m i s s i o n in the service of the Church, and especially the Presbyterian Church (USA), is to educate women and men for leadership in ordained and lay minisfor leadership in ordained and lay ministries; to tries; to offer first degree, graduate degree, and continuing education programs; and to offer first degree, graduate degree, and continuing provide theological resources for the denomination, for theor the denomination, for Our the ecumenicalmchurch, and for persons with a variety of theological cons p e c i a l i s s i o n in the education programs; and to provide theological service of the Church, and especially the Presbyterian Church (USA), is to educate women and cerns. or the denomination, men for leadership in ordained and lay ministries; to offer first degree, graduate degree, and continuing resources for the denomination, for the O u r s p e c i a l for the education programs; and to provide theological resources for the denomination, for the O u r s p e c i a l m i s s i o n in the service of the Church, and especially the Presbyterian Church (USA), is to educate women andecumen m i s s i o n in the service of the Church, and especially the



ting 2006–200 7 Celebra

9 th Ye a




in a pluralistic society and interdependent world. understand faithfulness

Christian life







ordained and lay ministries

to the one who by

the power at work within us

is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

for leadership in ordained and lay ministries; to offer first degree, graduate degree, and continuing education programs; and to provide theological resources for the denomination, for theor the denomination, for the ecumenical church, and for persons with a variety of theological

Am in esecte ercin ut lore modolob orperiu scillaore Cipissit lutpat do commy nosting euissequipis dolore minisis alit, conse feLorper iustincinci tismolor aliquat. Duip etue minit ing euis ad eugait in eu feugiamet essi. Ipsummy nullan ut lore ex erci tatue exeros alisi.Ilis el eu faci blandre tat, quiscil iquismo doloborem vel dionsed magnim vel iureriure modigna faci blaortisci blam quat lor ipis at lorer sit at. Magna facilluptate ming exeraes equat. Alis ad magniam consed dit vel dolobore tet, quametue feuisi blaortie min hendign ismodio ea feu feu faccum in henisci blandre faci blaore magnis ad etuero del ut praestrud te moloboreet at delenim iril ing eros aut lor amcon et loboreet, con eugait nummodio od do od el eugait lore molore eu facipsum eui tate veriusc ilisim dolor alisi tet adipsusto odolor aliquis eugiam, quip enis dolutatem zzriuscinit wis accum dolenismod mincip euis nis auguero eu faccum velent laor il ing er sed tatuerosto odio exerost incillu ptatuerat et, commy nulputpate eum dunt utem am aci te diatumsandio dolobore vel ipit prat luptat, sed mincincidunt verat praestrudEctem ing eu faccum vendre exerostrud tet incil ex esto consed tincilit in vel del utet iureet dunt nonulputpat. Ut lum quatis at aliquisit, sum quamet, sequam, volum delit augue veros adit vel dunt alis nim zzriustrud do estie modigna facil ut wisl utat, quissenibh et alit augiam ad modolutet nos adionsecte miniam, consequis at nim vel dolore conulputet luptat dio odigna corperiure conulla faciliq uissi. Henim vel iurero eugiam diamet wissi et dionse feu feum zzrit volore mincin ver sustrud tionsed dolent la feu feui ercilit augue tat. Duismod olendia mconulput er si te tatue doloreet, velis nos dit nos doloborem dunt aliscing eum del ipsustio doloreetuer eugiam diamet wissi et dionse feu feum zzrit volore mincin ver sustrud tionsed dolent la feu feui ercilit augue tat. Duismod olendia mconulput er


Presbyterian Church (USA), is to educate women and men for lead-





D. CAMERON MURCHISON, JR. Dean of the Faculty, Executive Vice-President, and Professor of Ministry

25. BARBARA BROWN TAYLOR Adjunct Professor of Christian Spirituality

17. CHARLES L. CAMPBELL Peter Marshall Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Th.M. Program

26. CARLOS F. CARDOZA–ORLANDI Associate Professor of World Christianity

18. STEPHEN HAYNER Peachtree Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth

27. STANLEY P. SAUNDERS Associate Professor of New Testament


JOHN WILLIAM HARKINS III Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care


PAUL J. JOHNSON Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care

19. E. ELIZABETH JOHNSON J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis


MARTHA MOORE–KEISH Assistant Professor of Theology

20. GEORGE THOMPSON BROWN Professor Emeritus


DENT C. DAVIS Dean and Vice President of Lifelong Learning


10. ANNA CARTER FLORENCE Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship 11. MARCIA Y. RIGGS J. Erskine Love Professor of Christian Ethics

Associate Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis

Assistant Professor of Christian Education

Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Director of the M.A.T.S. Program



J. B. Green Professor of Theology








32 31


24 14

13 1




13. BRIAN A. WREN John and Mirian Conant Professor of Worship (now professor emeritus)

President Emeritus

Former Associate Dean of the Faculty

27 24



23 22

President Emeritus

Associate Professor of Supervised Ministry

24. WILLIAM PATRICK BROWN Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis

5 4

16 17

18 19

15 6






23. RODGER YUTAKA NISHIOKA Associate Professor of Christian Education



Distinguished Professor of New Testament

22. THOMAS ERSKINE CLARKE Professor of American Religious History and Director of the International Program


15. SARA MYERS Director of the John Bulow Campbell Library



12. EMMANUEL LARTEY Former Professor of Pastoral Theology

14. JOHN WHITE Dean of Students and Vice President of Student Affairs

Associate Professor of Theology and Director of Advanced Studies

16. KATHLEEN M. O’CONNOR William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament


9. ANN CLAY ADAMS Associate Dean for Academic Administration (former Director of Admissions)



HARUKO NAWATA WARD Assistant Professor of Church History

3. WILLIAM SCHEU Chair of the Board of Trustees



10 9 11

President Emeritus



VA N TAGE Vol. 99, No. 1, Fall 2007 Published quarterly by Office of Institutional Advancement Columbia Theological Seminary Periodicals postage paid at Decatur, GA Circulation: 13,000

A P P R E C I AT I O N A letter from the President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NEWS Colloquium 2008, Rural Ministry Fellow, Distinguished Service Awards, Alumni/ae Reunion pictures, and more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 W I T N E S S P ROT E C T I O N P RO G R A M Baccalaureate Sermon, by Liz Forney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


Genie Addleton A S S I S TA N T E DI TORS

John Clark, Karen Fleming ’08 DE S I G N A N D C OV E R ART


Ben Beasley ’10 Jet Harper Bullock Bob Burchette Scott Chester Kim Clayton ’84 Richard DuBose Sarah Erickson ’03 Liz Forney Gibbs Frazeur Chris Henry ’07 Ron Kerr Nelda Mays John McCrea ’49 Laura Mendenhall Linda Morningstar (MATS ’98) Barbara Poe Jody Sauls Jim Summey (DMin ’91) John Summey Sandra Taylor DO N O R RE COGN I T I ON

C.J. Drymon Sandra Taylor Diane Thorne Jami Moss Wise

C E L E B R AT I O N A N D T H A N K S G I V I N G For the Class of 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 THE FIRST FRUITS Year’s Best Sermon, by Chris Henry ’07. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 N A R R AT I V E I N A C T I O N About Jim Summey (D.Min. ’91) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 FOR THE RECORD Alumni/ae news, in memoriam, blessed events, faculty and staff activities, transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 LIFELONG LEARNING Lay Leader Training, S3 Program, Events November 2007–March 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 G I F T S T O T H E S E M I N A RY Grateful acknowledgement of the generosity of donors who contributed to the seminary between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


S P E C I A L M I S S I O N in the service of the Church, and especially the Presbyterian Church (USA), is to educate women and men for leadership in ordained and lay ministries; to offer first degree, graduate degree, and continuing education programs; and to provide theological resources for the denomination, for the ecumenical church, and for persons with a variety of theological concerns. — from the Statement of Mission, Mission Emphases


Send address changes to Vantage Columbia Theological Seminary P. O. Box 520 Decatur, GA 30031-0520

This issue of Vantage is available online at Go to News and Events, then Vantage newsletter.


D E A R F R I E N D S, T O P L A N F O R C O L U M B I A ’ S F U T U R E , we have to know how well we have been

Over the years,

our ways of

listening have


even as

Columbia’s reach and

influence within the church has


serving our mission to prepare leaders for Christ’s church. So all of us who serve the seminary listen eagerly for insights, and we gratefully receive all encouragement, as well as concerns. Listening is an important part of our history, as well as the Reformed tradition. Over the years, our ways of listening have expanded, even as Columbia’s reach and influence within the church has grown. We enjoy having more and more ways to increase the flow of anecdotal information through information technology and personal visits with congregations and individuals. At the same time, we are also engaged in formal studies of this institution’s effectiveness. Just this spring, as part of our research, we sent a questionnaire to all 505 of our M.Div. graduates from 1996 to 2006. We asked them about what they are doing now, and what they think about their experience at Columbia. The response rate was 44 percent, and what we see in preliminary findings is important enough to share with you in Vantage as we celebrate and thank God for Columbia’s 179th year. Here are highlights of preliminary findings of this alumni/ae study: V O C A T I O N A L C H O I C E A N D J O B S AT I S F A C T I O N

• 82 percent of the respondents are ordained Ministers of the Word and Sacrament and 90 percent are PCUSA. • 77 percent received their first call within six months of graduation. • 73 percent are currently working in a local congregation. • 83 percent “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement “I am able to use my skills and talents sufficiently in my current position.” • Of those respondents serving congregations: o 57 percent are located in towns of fewer than 50,000 people, while 43 percent serve churches in urban areas, larger cities, and suburbs. o 93 percent “frequently” or “occasionally” encourage a young person to consider theological education.



• When asked, “If you had it to do over again, would you choose Columbia Seminary?” 90 percent of graduates answered “definitely yes” or “probably yes.” • 83 percent of respondents came to Columbia with the goal of pursuing a religious occupation or profession, and 81 percent are currently employed in a religious occupation. An additional three percent are currently pursuing further theological education full-time. Alumni/ae: When you began your theological education,


did you plan to pursue a religious

• 45 percent of graduates incurred debt while at Columbia. • 74 percent describe their finances for current needs as “adequate” or “very adequate.”

occupation or profession?

• 69 percent have made a financial contribution to Columbia since graduating. We believe that these findings are clear indication that Columbia Theological Seminary is “on mission.” As we discerned in day-to-day interaction with students, the study confirms that the vast majority of students who come here arrive with a commitment to religious vocation. That is, they have a strong sense that God has called them to ministry. We also see in these results evidence that this sense of call is affirmed and strengthened as students prepare for ministry at Columbia. And, even more important, we see that they remain committed after graduation, that they find satisfaction and fulfillment in ministry, and that they feel well-prepared for ministry by their experience here. As we probe further into results of the study, we are looking and listening not just for affirmation of what we have done, but also for ways to improve and strengthen the seminary. Our listening will inform and inspire our doing to keep Columbia Theological Seminary on mission. We are grateful for your generous support, and we ask that you continue, because we know that God is at work here, accomplishing far more than we can ask or imagine. To God be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen!


WILLIAM SCHEU Chair of the Board of Trustees


Source: CTS Study, M.Div. graduates, 1996–2006


Board of


Howell E. Adams, Jr. Atlanta, GA E. Lane Alderman ’80 Roswell, GA F. Hutton Barron Linville, NC Sidney F. Batts Greensboro, NC Lee W. Bowman Lexington, KY Ann D. Cousins Atlanta, GA Claire L. Cross Atlanta, GA

Charles C. Heyward ’88, D.Min. ’94 Charleston, SC

J. Derrick Quattlebaum Greenville, SC

Hayne Hollis Dothan, AL

William E. Scheu Jacksonville, FL Chair

Scott Black Johnston Atlanta, GA

John F. (Sandy) Smith Atlanta, GA

William G. Jones ’96 Brownsville, TN

Lonnie J. Stout Nashville, TN

Harvie C. Jordan Mobile, AL

Lois M. Stroman Dublin, GA Vice Chair

In Soo Jung Atlanta, GA Edward L. Kelly Jacksonville, FL

J. Walter Drake Decatur, GA Secretary

Dennis M. Love Atlanta, GA

Charles M. Durham Tuscaloosa, AL

Hamilton W. McKay Charlotte, NC

Judy W. Gregory Quincy, FL

Laura S. Mendenhall Decatur, GA

Joseph S. Harvard III ’66 Durham, NC

Stephen R. Montgomery ’92 Memphis, TN

Susan N. Haskell Birmingham, AL

William S. Morris, III Augusta, GA

George J. Hauptfuhrer Atlanta, GA

Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Atlanta, GA



David D. Weitnauer Decatur, GA Searcy A. Wilcoxon ’08 Decatur, GA Sue S. Williams Atlanta, GA Thomas L.Yount Nashville, TN


What’s happening at Columbia

in our campus. We’re working on plans for a new energy-efficient residence hall that will provide affordable apartments and suites especially attractive to single students. Our goal is to lessen students’ financial burdens—and to enhance the seminary’s community life. We’re also upgrading educational and information technology to enhance the classroom experience, streamline administrative processes, and facilitate communication among degree students, faculty, staff, alumni/ ae, and lifelong learners everywhere.

Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Decatur, GA Victor D. Pentz Atlanta, GA Lena B. Prewitt Tuscaloosa, AL

This issue of Vantage is available online at 4

Go to News and Events, then Vantage newsletter.


Colloquium 2008 April 14-16, 2008

Making Disciples Christian Education as Spiritual Formation

J E S U S C O M M I S S I O N E D T H E B E L I E V E R S to go therefore and make disciples

of all nations. Ultimately the task of Christian education is spiritual formation. It is forming children, youth, and adults to be followers of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to do Christian education as spiritual formation? What does it mean to make disciples? What does it mean to move beyond the simple transmission of knowledge to empower all ages to lead lives worthy of the calling to which they have been called? Come explore with us at Colloquium 2008. Leadership will include Jerome Berryman, Nancy Blakely, Carol Lakey Hess, Eileen Lindner, Anne Streaty Wimberly, and Columbia faculty members Kathy Dawson and Rodger Nishioka.

Kansas Pastor Awarded Rural Ministry Fellowship


What’s happening at Columbia

We’re increasing the size of our . Three outstanding newcomers are joining our distinguished faculty. Bringing their own extraordinary gifts for teaching, scholarship, and ministry, and years of experience in the church, they are Paul Huh, assistant professor of worship and director of Korean American ministries; Kim Long, assistant professor of worship and coordinator of worship resources for congregations; and Jeffery Tribble, assistant professor of ministry.


Marilyn Wullschleger, the pastor of three small Presbyterian congregations near Marysville, KS, has been awarded the Rural Ministry Fellowship. The fellowship begins this fall and will provide Wullschleger with financial support to attend Lifelong Learning events during the year. She in turn will provide leadership for the “Strengthening Rural Ministry” conference to be held at the seminary May 6-8, 2008. Born in Kansas, Wullschleger grew up as the child of “home missionaries” in Appalachia. S S E M I N A R J A N UA RY She earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Kentucky and established herself as a clinical researcher and medical editor at both her alma mater and with the Humana Heart Institute in Louisville, KY. Called to ministry, she completed her M.Div. degree in 1996 at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond,VA, then received a call to be a pastor in her home state. NY AS TESTIMO PREACHING J A N U A RY Developed by the seminary’s Center for Lifelong Learning, the Rural Ministry 28-30 fellowship and conference are funded by generous gifts from individuals and 2 0 0 8 What will congregations. The fellowship is awarded to a pastor or commissioned lay pastor you be doing serving a congregation in a rural setting. then? For more information about the “Strengthening Rural Ministry” conference and to register online, go to > Lifelong Learning > Courses and JA NUA RY S EMINARS Events. Then click on May 6. INFO R MATION AND


R EGIST R ATION Go to >Lifelong Learning >Courses and Events and click on January 28.

News Morehouse College



Service Awards

Walter Brueggemann and

for 2007

John Knapp (MATS ’95)


Professor emeritus Walter Brueggemann and adjunct professor John Knapp (MATS ’95), were inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr., Collegium of Scholars of Morehouse College on April 5. The event was part of the college’s annual College of Ministers and Laity Program honoring ministers, scholars, and laypersons whose work showed a strong identification with the philosophical and ethical tradition of Dr. King.

John Knapp

Walter Brueggemann


g lon a t i s s e pariend or colleagu , to a f ur it to yo e k a t r o rhoondter. o b h g i ne cling ce recy


the 2007 Distinguished Service Awards were presented to Wade Huie ’46 and Lib McGregor Simmons ’79. The awards are presented annually to two graduates who have shown outstanding Christian service in ministry. Professor emeritus Wade Huie taught at Columbia from 1957 to 1991, retiring as the Peter Marshall Professor of Homiletics emeritus. His teaching experience also includes Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA, and Union, Princeton, and San Francisco Presbyterian seminaries. Within the Presbyterian Church (USA), he has served on the General Assembly’s Board of Christian Education, General Council, Permanent Theological Committee, and Ordination Examination Committee. His son Scott received his M.Div. from Columbia in 1994. He has three other sons: Wade III, John, and David, and is married to Emily Williams. Lib McGregor Simmons has been a pastor for 28 years serving congregations in Jacksonville, FL, and St. Louis, MO, as well as her current church, University Presbyterian, in San Antonio, TX, since 1993. She serves as her congregation’s youth pastor and is also directly involved in their Children’s Center daycare program. Simmons was chosen moderator for the Committee on Preparation for Ministry for all three presbyteries where she has served, and she is currently the chairperson of stewardship and finance for Mission Presbytery. She is married to Gary Simmons, and they have one son, Stewart McGregor (Mac) Simmons. 6


1953-1956 (l to r) Hubert Taylor, Bill Crosland, Chive Jacks, Bonneau Dickson, Phil Noble, Bill Lee

1962 – (l to r) Ray Howe, Cecil Moore, Tom Roddy, Jack Taylor, Charles Castles, Clyce Hurst

1997 – (l to r) back: Marianne Romanat, Billy Robinson, Sandy Hill, David Rollins, Scott Ramsey; middle: Becky Burton, Kyle Henderson, Mary Katherine Robinson, Libby Rollins; front: Jackie Lindberg, Chris Dungan, Jim Cook, Hannah Vaughan

1972 Caroline Leach

1957 (l to r) Bob Dendy, Bill Shouse, Tom Rogers, Jerry Hammet, Joe Conyers

2006 (l to r) Jerry Long, Karen Dukes, James Rogers, Craig Topple

2002 Phillip Dennis, Peggy McClure

1982 (l to r) Mark Jumper, Randal Kirby, Gwin Pratt

1992 (l to r) Walt Tennyson, Andy Walton, Ann Kelly, Sam McGregor

1987 (l to r) Stephen Nickle, Gail Perkins, Mary Huie-Jolly, Bob Reno Coming in November, a new issue of the faculty’s online journal! Have we put the whole creation on the cross, groaning for redemption? a call to care for God’s creation . . . a biblical vision of genuine engagement with the earth . . . Join Terence Fretheim, professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary, plus Columbia scholars George Stroup, Stan Saunders, and Kim Clayton in an environmental and creational discussion. Back issues, including last spring’s “The Church is on the Move,” are still available at “IT IS FINISHED” 8" X 10" photograph by Chuck Douglas



Witness Protection Program Isaiah 43:1-13 I Corinthians 1:18-25 by LIZ B ARRINGTON FORNEY

While all of us here can testify to the saving God has done in our past, we might be a bit sketchy on the saving God will do in the future. So just to be sure we know what types of situations God is promising to redeem us from, they are spelled out for us.

Adapted from the baccalaureate sermon preached on May 18 at Columbia Presbyterian Church But now thus says the Lord, the One who created you, O Jacob, the One who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

D I D Y O U N O T I C E T H E M ? The small, magic

signal words, “But now…”? Like the beginning of a good detective movie, those two words almost demand a swirly flashback cutaway shot so that we have an idea of the value of the story being told in this passage. It is like “Amazing Grace . . . I once was lost, But now am found.” The past modifies and emphasizes the present. It doesn’t matter that you are found if you haven’t been lost.You have no choice but to look at the “before” so that you can fully appreciate the “now.” So what was going on with the people of God in this story, before the “but now”? What are the people of God always doing that causes God such aggravation? What is the primary narrative that is repeated over and over again in the Old Testament? Yes, they were being blind and deaf to God, disobedient and chasing after golden calves of one form or another. So here in the preview section, the place of before, God lets loose with furious, righteous anger. But now! “But now thus says the Lord . . . ” God is telling us that, in this present, God chooses to claim us as handmade works of art, each one signed by the creator. God calls each of us by name and reminds us that it is God who does the saving, past, present, and future.

Did you notice the little words again? It did not say “if you pass through….” It said “When.” What all of us have signed up for, whether in our baptism or pastoral vocation, is a ministry, a life, which summons us into the deep water and calls us to be fire walkers. You don’t notice at first. The waters start small, just ankle deep, just the small trickle of hardship and sadness from a few members of the community, but you can handle it.You’ve got good boots.You are theologically trained after all.You can put on the waders of biblical interpretation and the raincoat of pastoral care. But before you know it, you come near to drowning in the suffering and misery you see in the congregation, and then in the world, and sometimes even inside yourself.You are waterlogged with sorrow.You might even begin to feel adrift on the waves of minutiae, and Lord help you if you have to paddle your way through another meeting of any kind. As the tide seems to swallow you, remember the promise God offers us in this word: Fear not, I have called you by name, you are mine. I will be with you. 8



news with the world anyway, for God has called us to be witnesses. It will seem like foolishness, this witnessing to the power and grace of God. It makes us seem odd and sets us apart from many folks in the world, but we’re in this deep now, we have left our old lives behind. This is the next page of our new identity as witnesses to the kingdom, and Isaiah has clearly outlined the witness protection program.

Climb into God’s lifeboat and remember it’s not all up to you.You have a Savior who knows your name, stills the storm, and grants you safe passage. If the floods don’t come for you the fires will. The fires are real, burning so hot in you and at you that at times you begin to radiate the heat yourself.You will have fury at the injustice, the apathy, the ignorance both of the people of God and those who reject the one we call Messiah.You will blister with the pain of being hated for being female, gay, intellectual, young,Yankee, Southern, white male, liberal, evangelical, old, divorced, emotional, stoic, mystic or missionary . . . . When you feel the fire and are tempted to take up that weapon, remember the voice of the one who calls us by name and recall the promise that is for each of us. Beneath clamoring of voices in the heat of battle is the voice of the prince of peace speaking to each one of us saying

Fear not, I have called you by name, you are mine. You are precious in my sight and honored, and I love you. We are called out from this place with a new name and a fresh purpose. At times we will feel like fools for holding fast to this truth we know and for testifying to the Light as though it were real and gives our lives meaning. When that season of unease comes, do not be afraid to witness to what you have seen and heard and known of God. Instead, listen deeply and hear the voice of the One who has anointed each of us with the Holy Spirit and calls us the beloved. Hear the whispers from the prophet; empowering us to be God’s witness, afraid of nothing because we are hidden in Christ. On this threshold, no matter where you go from here, take this love letter and identity marker with you wherever you travel:

You are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you AND They are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love THEM too. While there are many excellent causes and even more worthy opportunities and tasks at which to set our hands, there is actually only One Voice worth listening to and one job description for every single one of us here no matter where you go and what you do from here on.You can pastor a tall steeple, or teach youth at Mo Ranch.You can sell real estate, or run a Cokesbury Bookstore.You can get a Ph.D. in Ugaritic, write books, run vacation Bible school, chaplain an ER, open a soup kitchen, start a band, go to Haiti, or retire in Montreat. But no matter what you do God has given us all one common task and one task only:

You are my witnesses, says the Lord, and my servants whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am God. I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior. Liz Forney served as associate director of the Certificate in Spiritual Formation program from 2001 until 2005 when she was called to be parish associate for evangelism and nurture at Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta.This summer, she and her family moved to Clarksville,TN, where her husband, David, formerly associate dean of faculty, is now pastor of First Presbyterian Church.

You are my witnesses, says the Lord. And this is the part that is harder than floods and fires. We’ve got to testify to what we’ve seen, and heard, and believe of God. The world, while starving for this good news, is also broken and bitter and rejecting of the hope that is offered because the cost is high. Share the good 9



2007 Prizes and Awards


M O R G A N H AY A N D NICK REED The William Rivers Waddey Award Fund was established by Walter and Cecilia Waddey in memory of their son, William, who was an active and vital part of the youth program at Peachtree Presbyterian Church, in Atlanta. The fund supports an award given to a graduating basic degree student possessing extraordinary gifts for youth ministry and pursuing such a call in the church.

James T. and Celeste M. Boyd Book Fund Award is given to a Master of Divinity student who, in the judgment of the faculty, would be a good steward of a theological library and has demonstrated a desire through studies to build a personal theological library. Kim Donahue Wadlington is from Westfield, NJ, and holds the B.A. from Tufts University in Boston, MA, and the M.F.A. from CarnegieMellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. She and her husband, Derek ’06, have accepted a call to serve as co-pastors at Middle Spring Presbyterian Church in Shippensburg, PA.

Morgan Hay of Birmingham, AL, holds the B.A. from Presbyterian College. She has accepted the position of Associate Pastor for Youth, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA.

Nick Reed from Hoover, AL, holds the B.A. from Auburn University in Auburn, AL. He will be associate pastor for youth at First Presbyterian Church in Lebanon, TN.

Leigh Jones, a native of Atlanta, holds the B.S. and B.A. from Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, and the J.D. from the University of Georgia in Athens. She is doing supply preaching at Bremen Presbyterian, in Bremen, GA, and is pursuing candidacy for ordained ministry, concentrating on pastoral care and Christian education under care of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

Alumni/ae: Do you encourage young people to consider or religious vocation for their

ministry life’s work?

Reggie Weaver, who is from Mobile, AL, holds the B.A. from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. He has accepted the Lake Fellow Residency with Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, IN.

Source: CTS Study, M.Div. graduates, 1996–2006






The Wilds Book Prize is Columbia’s highest academic honor, given annually to the graduating student selected by the faculty for having the highest academic distinction throughout the Master of Divinity program.

The William Dudley Award Fund is given to a Master of Divinity graduate who has shown significant achievement, interest, and commitment in the area of evangelism and church growth.

The Harvard A. Anderson Fellowship was established by the Rev. and Mrs. Harvard A. Anderson of Orlando, FL. The fellowship is awarded to the graduating student determined by the faculty to have the greatest potential for future academic achievement.

Glen Hunihan, originally from Davidson, NC, holds the B.S. from Lowell Technological Institute in Lowell, MA. Glen filled in for the pastor at Faithbridge Presbyterian Church in Frisco, TX, for two weeks this summer and is seeking a call under care of Charlotte Presbytery.

The Paul T. Fuhrman Book Prize in Church History was established in 1962 by an alumnus of the seminary to honor the late Rev. and Mrs. Harvard A. Anderson of Orlando, FL. The fellowship is awarded to the graduating student determined by the faculty to have the greatest potential for future academic achievement.

Daniel Loffredo, who is from Miami Shores, FL, holds the B.A. from University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL. He has accepted the position of associate pastor for youth and outreach at Miami Shores Presbyterian Church in Miami, FL.

The Samuel A. Cartledge Biblical Studies Award is given to the basic degree student who prepared the best New Testament exegesis during the academic year. The winner is determined by a judging committee of professors of New Testament. A cash award is given along with a copy of the Greek New Testament.

Paul Hoang, from Tuscaloosa, AL, holds the B.S. from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. This summer he worked as a volunteer staff member with the college ministry at Church of All Nations in Minneapolis, MN. Paul is a candidate for pastoral ministry under care of Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery.

The Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of St. Andrew Preaching Award is a cash prize given for the best sermon preached by a student during the academic year. Chris Henry’s award-winning sermon is on page 19.

Chris Henry, from Jefferson City, MO, holds the A.B. from Duke University in Durham, NC. He is currently serving as a pastoral intern at Morningside Presbyterian Church, in Atlanta, as a Faith-based Community Organizer for the Georgia Minimum Wage Campaign, as Overnight Host at Clifton Sanctuary Ministries, and he is teaching a weekly Bible study at Metro State Women’s Prison. He is a candidate for ministry under care of New Hope Presbytery in North Carolina.






The Harold J. Riddle Memorial Book Award is given to a Master of Divinity student who has shown high distinction in the field of pastoral care, especially with terminally ill patients.

The Columbia Friendship Circle Fellowship, given to an outstanding graduate, recognizes superior academic achievement and provides support for further study.

Jo Anderson is a native of Marietta, GA, and holds the B.M. from Mercer University in Atlanta, the M.M. from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, the M.T.S. from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, and the D.M.A. from University of Georgia. She is doing volunteer work, providing therapeutic harp music at Piedmont Hospital and Compassionate Care Hospice, while awaiting a call to ministry in the Atlanta area under care of Cherokee Presbytery.

Sarah Walker Cleaveland, of Rochester, NY, holds the B.A. from Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY. She is working part-time in the Communications/Publications Office at Princeton Theological Seminary and has begun work there on a Th.M. degree.


The Fannie Jordan Bryan Fellowship was established through a generous legacy left to Columbia by the late Fannie Jordan Bryan of Columbia, SC.

The Columbia Leadership Award is presented to a Master of Divinity graduate who shows promise of providing outstanding leadership to the church and who demonstrates unusual leadership qualities as well as spiritual depth and integrity.

Monica Wedlock is from Baltimore, MD, and holds the B.S. from the University of Maryland in College Park. She is employed at Columbia Theological Seminary as interim director of recruitment and is a candidate for ministry with the Disciples of Christ denomination. She will be ordained October 21, 2007, at Ray of Hope Christian Church in Decatur, GA.


The Toms-McGarrahan Award recognizes outstanding achievement in the area of Christian theology. The award is given in honor of the Rev. Russell Toms, a 1951 graduate of Columbia, and his daughter, Eunice McGarrahan.

What’s happening at Columbia

We’re giving our students

rich opportunities

Robert McClellan is originally from Bloomington, IN, and holds the B.A. from the University of Iowa in Iowa City, the M.A. from Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis, IN, and the M.A. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI. He is serving as the interim associate pastor, with a focus on youth and college students, at Bryn Mawr (PA) Presbyterian Church.


experience ministry in a

variety of contexts.

Required courses, including supervised ministry in congregations and clinical settings, along with opportunities for international study, help prepare Columbia graduates to be resilient, imaginative leaders for Christ’s church.




The Fannie Jordan Bryan Fellowship was established through a generous legacy left to Columbia by the late Fannie Jordan Bryan of Columbia, SC.

The Anna Church Whitner Memorial Fellowship is given periodically from a legacy left to the seminary in 1928 by the late William C. Whitner of Rock Hill, SC, in memory of his mother.

Abdullah Award The three Abdullah Awards are cash prizes made available each year by the Rev. Gabriel Abdullah, an alumnus of the seminary. Sheena received the award for the best paper setting forth a plan for the teaching of the Bible in public schools.

Althea Williams-Waters, a native of Stone Mountain, GA, holds the B.S. from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. She is serving at the Greenforest Community Baptist Church in Decatur, GA, where she is teaching, preaching, leading small groups, and doing pastoral care. She plans to pursue a doctoral degree in 2008.

Sheena Mayrant is a native of Lawrenceville, GA, and holds the B.A. from Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, NY, and the M.S. from the New School for Social Research in New York, NY. Sheena is currently the interim business systems coordinator at Columbia and has also been approved for the 2007-2008 Black Women in Ministerial Leadership Fellowship which will allow her to create and execute an educational program for African American women in ministry and church leadership.

HANA JOHNSON The Emma Gaillard Boyce Graduate Fellowship was established by the Rev. David Gaillard Boyce, an alumnus of the seminary, in honor of his mother. It is awarded to a graduating senior or clergyperson who enrolls in a graduate program of music and/or worship.


Hana Johnson, of Bloomington, IN, holds the B.A. from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. This summer she did clinical pastoral education at Metro State Women’s Prison in Atlanta and is seeking a call under care of the Ohio Valley Presbytery.

Abdullah AwardThe three Abdullah Awards are cash prizes made available each year by the Rev. Gabriel Abdullah, an alumnus of the seminary. Terriann received the award for the best paper designing a program for the development of moral and spiritual values in the public schools. Jill’s award was for the best paper on the subject “How to make the church school hour the most interesting hour of the week.”


Terriann Lawrence, from Jamaica, NY, holds the B.S. from Excelsior College (SUNY) in Albany, NY. She is serving at First Congregational Church in Atlanta, where she works with high school youth and the media ministry. She is also working with middle school children to create the “First Church Video Legacy Project,” which records the stories of the elders of this historic African American church. She is seeking a call under care of First Congregational Church.

The James and Clara Terry Fellowship was established by Desert Ministries and is given to a graduating senior who demonstrated excellence in practical theology and has a high potential for parish ministry. Kelly Walsh, from Spokane, WA, holds the B.A. and M.F.A. from Eastern Washington University in Cheney. She has accepted a position as associate pastor at St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian in New Orleans, LA.

Jill Tolbert is originally from Greenville, SC, and holds the B.A. from Mercer University. She is working part-time with Presbyterian Campus Ministry at Emory University in Atlanta, as well as writing Presbyterian denominational adult curriculum, and preaching and teaching at various churches in the greater Atlanta area. She hopes to be ordained later this fall. 13



S TA C Y C H E RO N E S The Columbia Graduate Fellowship is awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated exceptional academic ability. The fellowship may be applied to any advanced degree beyond the Master of Divinity.

2007 M.Th., D.Min., and Th.D. graduates

The Florrie Wilkes Sanders Prize in Theology is given by the family of Florrie Wilkes Sanders of Atlanta, Georgia. A cash award is given to the student presenting the best paper showing sound theological scholarship and relevance to the needs of Christian people in the contemporary world. Special attention is given to papers relating theology to the education, professions, and avocations of laypersons.

2 0 0 7 G R A D U AT E S Doctor of Theology April CheriĂŠ Wells Lawrenceville, Georgia

B.B.A., Howard University M.Div., Interdenominational Theological Center

Stacy Cherones is a native of Atlanta and holds the B.S. from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. In August, she began Ph.D. work at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, where she will focus on religious studies with a specialization in Christian ethics.

Doctor of Ministry Kurt Thomas Appel Gulfport, Mississippi

B.S., Louisiana Tech University M.Div., Perkins School of Theology


Patricia May Baxter Johannesburg, South Africa

B.A., M.Th., University of South Africa T.Thd., Johannesburg College of Education M.A., Presbyterian School of Christian Education M.Th., Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education

The Indiantown Country Church Award was established by the family of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Stuckey in their honor to highlight the work of ministry in churches in rural areas. The cash prize is awarded annually to a student who has done outstanding work in the summer in a rural ministry.

Margaret Willis Boles Temple, Texas

B.S., Western Connecticut State College M.Div., San Francisco Theological Seminary

Chris Erde, from Conway, SC, holds the B.A. from University of South Carolina in Columbia. He has accepted a call as senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Quincy, FL.

Graeme Evan Carruth Gatineau, QuĂŠbec

B.A., Trent University M.Div., Emmanuel College




Henry Carson

John Carroll Doubles

Kitty Cooper Holtzclaw

Decatur, Georgia

Summerton, SC

Simpsonville, South Carolina

B.S., Morris Brown College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

B.A., Wofford College M.Div., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia

B.S., Presbyterian College M.Ed., University South Carolina M.Div., Erskine Theological Seminary

Andrew Derby Chaney

Stuart R. Gordon

Janet E. Hoover

Princeton, New Jersey

Nashville, Tennessee

New Hartford, New York

B.A., Rhodes College M.L.S., University of Tennessee M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary

A.B., Davidson College M.Div., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia

Mike Jackson Yvonne Hope Gordon

Robert L. Cooke Icard, North Carolina

B.A., Gardner-Webb University M.Div., Th.M., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Kingston, Jamaica

B.Ed., University of West Indies M.A., United Theological College of West Indies

Land O’Lakes, Florida

Th.B., Northern Presbyterian Seminary Th.M., Evangelical Center of Mission

Valdosta, Georgia

B.A., University of Florida M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary

Atlanta, Georgia

B.A., Shorter College M.Div., Candler School of Theology

Burlington, Washington

B.S., State University of New York M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Carol Leavitt DiGiusto

Garrett Brian Hoffman

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Fayetteville, Georgia

B.A., Jacksonville University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

B.S., Tennessee Wesleyan College M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary James Bruce Lancaster B.B.A., Northeast Louisiana University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary Thomas Livengood Atlanta, Georgia

George Douglas Hilliard Ginny Dempsey

Knoxville, Tennessee

Greenville, Mississippi

Richard Carl Hart Valdir Xavier de Franca

B.A., B.A., University of Iowa M.Div., Phillips Theological Seminary

B.A., DePauw University M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary

B.A., Adrian College M.Div., Candler School of Theology Ann Pierson Lukens Bellevue, Washington

B.A., Brown University M.Div., Seattle University Roger Dale McAbee Louisville, Kentucky

B.A., Furman University M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary B. Michelle McClendon Greenville, South Carolina

B.S., Texas Tech University M.R.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Lynne Elizabeth McNaughton Vancouver, British Columbia

B.A., University of Alberta M.Div., Vancouver School of Theology

2007 M.Div. and M.A.T.S graduates




Carson O. Mouser

D. Andrew Richardson

Carolyn J. Visser

Gloversville, New York

Summerside, Prince Edward Island

Monroe, South Dakota

B.A., San Jose State University M.Div., Colgate Rochester Divinity School

B.A., Dalhousie University M.Div., Atlantic School of Theology Jacqueline D. Rose-Tucker

Melanie Greer Nogalski Louisville, Kentucky

B.A., Western Kentucky University M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dallas, Georgia

B.A., University of Maryland M.Div., Interdenominational Theological Seminary Daniel Paul Schrock

Jule Madeline Nyhuis Nashville, Tennessee

B.A., Valparaiso University M.Div., Vanderbilt University Divinity School

Goshen, Indiana

B.A., Goshen College M.A., Chicago Theological Seminary

Lithia Springs, Georgia

B.A., California State University M.P.A., Pepperdine University M.Div., North Park Theological Seminary Walter Ward Peters Westminster, Maryland

B.A., Baylor University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary J. C. Pezini

B.A., Clemson University M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary

Lucas de Paiva Pina Marietta, Georgia

B.Th., Seminario Presbiteriano do Sul-Campinas

Bartlett, Tennessee

B.A., University of Arkansas M.Div., Memphis Theological Seminary

B.S.N., St. Mary of the Plains College M.Div., Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Jason Scott Whitener B.A., Presbyterian College M.Div., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia

York, South Carolina

B.A., Rhodes College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Otto Gareth Beyers Johannesburg, South Africa

B.Th., University of Pretoria

Leonard Michael Steele

Betsy Taylor Flory

St. Andrew, Jamaica

Conyers, Georgia

B.A., Northern Caribbean University M.P.H., Loma Linda University

B.V.A., Georgia State University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Dana W. Sutton Kyongkuk Han

Ona, West Virginia

B.A., Youngstown State University M.Div., Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Seoul, Korea

B.A., Honam University M.Div., Th.M., Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary

Craig S. Troutman Raleigh, North Carolina

Michael Lee Qualls

Greeneville, Tennessee

Master of Theology

James Todd Speed

Marietta, Georgia

B.Th., Seminario Presbiteriano do Sul-Campinas

M. Katherine White

Stuarts Draft, Virginia

Lanneau Holton Siegling, Jr. Marion, South Carolina

Robert L. Owens

R.N., Barnes Hospital School of Nursing B.S.N., Christian College of America M.Div., Houston Graduate School of Theology

B.A., Moravian College M.Div., Moravian Theological Seminary

Kristi E. Holler Sioux Falls, South Dakota

B.A., Augustana College M.Div., North American Baptist Seminary

Marlene Medefind Van Brocklin John Karanja Kamau

Lima, Peru

B.A., Whitworth College M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary


Kiambu District, Central Province, Kenya

B.S., University of Nairobi B.D., St. Paul United Theological College



Sarah Leer

Sarah Walker Cleaveland

Morgan Morse Hay

Fort Smith, Arkansas

Rochester, New York

Birmingham, Alabama

B.A., Wake Forest University M.A.T.S., Columbia Theological Seminary

B.A., Hobart & William Smith Colleges

Christopher Andrew Henry Deidra C. Crosby

Susan Ellen Thomas Novi, Michigan

B.S., Madonna University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

B.A., Presbyterian College

Jefferson City, Missouri

Anderson, South Carolina

A.B., Duke University

B.A., Lander University Christine Crane Hill William John Davis

Charlotte, North Carolina

B.A., M.C.E., Pfeiffer University

Columbia, Maryland

B.M., Appalachian State University Paul Kim Hoang

Master of Divinity

Ashley Anne DeVore

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

B.S., University of Alabama

Decatur, Georgia

B.A., Vanderbilt University Jo Ewing Anderson Marietta, Georgia

B.M., Mercer University M.M., Westminster Choir College M.T.S., Candler School of Theology D.M.A., University of Georgia

Daren James Hofmann Frank Mason Eldridge, Sr. B.A., J.D., Vanderbilt University L.L.M., New York University

Irving, Texas

B.A., University of South Carolina

B.A., Samford University M.A., University of Alabama

Roswell, Georgia

Hana Denise Johnson Elizabeth Gabbard

Bloomington, Indiana

B.A., University of Michigan

B.A., Lyon College Keith Wood Jones

Leland, Mississippi

B.B.A., Mississippi State University

Cheryl Foree Gans

Richwood, Kentucky

Roswell, Georgia

Claire L. Butler Charleston, South Carolina

B.S., B.S., University of Tennessee M.S., University of North Carolina

B.A., Presbyterian College

Irving, Texas

B.A., B.A., Case Western Reserve University Leigh Hearnburg Jones

James Samuel Goodlet III Catherine Carrie Cavazos

B.S., B.S., Lowell Technological Institute

A.B.J., University of Georgia

Fort Smith, Arkansas

Tom Bryson

Glen John Hunihan Davidson, North Carolina

Lynne Fisher Mackey Frech Guntersville, Alabama

B.A., Florida State University

Conway, South Carolina

B.S.B.A., B.J., University of Missouri John Brock

Christopher Aaron Hooker Atlanta, Georgia

Christopher Otto Erde Ryan James Baer

Decatur, Georgia

B.S., Illinois College

Atlanta, Georgia

Marietta, Georgia

B.A., Furman University

Atlanta, Georgia

B.S., B.A., Presbyterian College J.D., University of Georgia

B.A., University of Texas J. Caleb Clarke III Atlanta, Georgia

A.B., University of Georgia J.D., Emory University

Keith Maxwell Gunter

Antoinette Del Kemp

Marietta, Georgia

Decatur, Georgia

B.A., Kennesaw State University

B.S., Saint Augustine’s College

Leslie Sue Hand

Laura Kuster

Piedmont, Alabama

Burnsville, Minnesota

B.A., Birmingham Southern College M.A., University of Alabama


B.A., Washington University M.A., University of Oklahoma



Sandra Elaine Lacey

Kyle L. Schmidt

Silverhill, Alabama

Scottsdale, Arizona

B.S., Florida State University

B.S., University of Florida

Terriann Lawrence

Sharon Acton Schuler

Jamaica, New York

Birmingham, Alabama

B.S., Excelsior College SUNY

B.S., Auburn University

Daniel Loffredo

William McKissack Shelburne

Miami Shores, Florida

Kingsport, Tennessee

B.A., University of Central Florida

B.A., Presbyterian College

Kimberly Anne Losee

Karen Stout

Danville, Virginia

Columbus, Georgia

B.A., University of Tennessee

B.M., University of Georgia Sheryl Sumlin-Barclay

Bloomington, Indiana

Duluth, Georgia

B.S., Concordia University Jill Patterson Tolbert Greenville, South Carolina

B.A., Mercer University Kate Malarney Spartanburg, South Carolina

B.S., Carson-Newman College M.P.A., University of Georgia

B.A., Wake Forest University

Newton, North Carolina

B.S., M.A., Appalachian State University

Ashley-Anne Masters

Sheena Marie Mayrant

Kimberley Donahue Wadlington Westfield, New Jersey

B.A., Tufts University M.F.A., Carnegie-Mellon University

Lawrenceville, Georgia

B.A., Stony Brook University (SUNY) M.S., New School for Social Research Rachel Erin Parsons

Catherine Kelly Walsh Spokane, Washington

B.A., M.F.A., Eastern Washington University

Louisville, Kentucky

B.A., Presbyterian College

Reggie Arnez Weaver Mobile, Alabama

Kendall Leigh Pearson

B.A., Rhodes College

Charlottesville, Virginia

B.A., Roanoke College

Monica Lynnell Wedlock Baltimore, Maryland

Nicholas Kyle Reed

B.S., University of Maryland

Hoover, Alabama

B.A., Auburn University

Stacy Cherones Atlanta, Georgia

B.S., Northwestern University

Ellenwood, Georgia

B.A., Morris Brown College M.A., Atlanta University Ph.D., Emory University Beatrice Ebikela Ezonnaebi Powder Springs, Georgia

B.S., Kennesaw State University Jeff Lee

Bernadette F. Lester Montgomery, Alabama

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

B.A., Presbyterian College

A.B., Sweet Briar College M.B.A., Georgia State University

B.S., North Carolina State University

Atlanta, Georgia

Sara Varnado

Taylors, South Carolina

Atlanta, Georgia

Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina

Scott L. Tucker

Michael Manaugh B.A., B.A., University of Tulsa

Jane Lauderdale Armstrong

Grady Sylvester Daniel-Elijah Culpepper

Robert Matthew McClellan B.A., University of Iowa M.A., Indiana University-Purdue University M.A., University of Wisconsin

Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Jeremy Cain Wilhelmi Hot Springs, Arkansas

B.A., Arkansas Tech University 18

B.A., Fisk University M.S.W., Howard University D.S.W., University of Alabama Joseph M. Wanjao Nairobi, Kenya

B.D., St. Paul United Theological College Althea Williams-Waters Stone Mountain, Georgia

B.S., Wayne State University Priscilla Lovetta Young Atlanta, Georgia

B.A., M.P.H., M.D., Emory University



The First Fruits

power of death that rules that place. Whatever healing or comfort might come has to be bigger than me, more powerful than medicine or surgery. Paying close attention to the letters of Paul this semester has convinced me that we live in a Corinthian culture. Many among us have become too wise to believe in something as primitive as resurrection. Like the Corinthians, our enlightened society has no use for such a ridiculous idea. A large number of books have been written in the past few years that downplay the importance of resurrection from the dead. And many of these books have become popular among members of socalled mainline Protestant denominations—the very folks whom you and I will be serving in a matter of months. The Jesus Seminar is only the most well-known group of scholars who are trying to reason with Christians—let’s get real, let’s think of the resurrection as a metaphor, full of symbolic meaning. It’s not that Jesus was actually raised (or that resurrection is something we should hope for). The point is that the community of disciples thought he was raised. The resurrection is an image that created feelings of life in a broken and grieving community. A broken and grieving community. I can think of no more appropriate words than those to describe Columbia Seminary during this fall semester. Many among us have experienced loss and pain that cut so deeply that words are not enough. All of us were filled with grief as we watched Ginger Kaney [Director of the Faith and the City program], who worked so hard for justice in our midst, die an unjust death. And it is not only those whom we know—tens of thousands of human beings have been killed in Iraq as a result of a preemptive and ill-advised war. Genocide continues in Darfur. Millions in our global community have no choice but to cry out, “Is it today, Lord?” because human power and ingenuity and goodwill have not been enough. It’s going to take something big. Simple praise of the moral example of Jesus will not be enough. Human effort can’t do it. Without the resurrection, our faith may be more palatable, more credible, more believable, but it will not be Christian. To the Corinthians who were considering throwing out this resurrection stuff, Paul was clear and concise: If you let go of that, your faith is wasted, your

1 Corinthians 15:12-20 November 27, 2006 Sermon by C H R I S H E N RY ’ 0 7 Selected as the best student sermon in 2007


arly in this semester, Beth [Johnson, J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testament] asked us if we woke up every day and looked out the window and shouted, “Is it today, Lord?” Like some of you, I had to admit that I did not. During the class discussion, I realized that I did not ask God that question every morning because I believed that if we humans were given enough time we could set the world right. Somewhere along the way, I had convinced myself that we could bring on the kingdom, or at least something close to it. So of course I did not want the end to come, because how then would we (or I) get the credit for all this hard work. But now I know that I need the resurrection. I have to believe that the first fruits of something new have appeared in Jesus Christ and that there is more to come after this. This semester has left me with no other alternative. Each Thursday I have gotten up early and headed north to Children’s Hospital of Atlanta. There I have met parents who have been sleeping in hospital chairs for months and are not sure that the insurance check will come through. I have held a five-month-old baby who had a fractured skull because Mom and Dad were drunk and fighting. I met an eight-year-old who was in for her fifty-first surgery and doesn’t seem to be getting better. I played video games for two hours with one teenager before he finally could bear to say, “You know, I probably won’t live to be your age.” Riding home on MARTA, all I could do was cry. I have been so angry because there is nothing I can do to fix it. I can’t heal these diseases or relieve the pain. I am helpless against the




If Christ has not been raised,

people go from bad to worse. hope is gone. Resurrection, Paul Regularly there is violence on proclaims, is not a disposable part of the Gospel—without it your faith is futile and you are still the street just a few blocks from the home. On an almost the narrative about Christ has in your sins. But…. no power. Without it, there is Christ has been raised daily basis there are reports of no hope for the Corinthians, and is the first fruits of those who street children who are abused or killed by so-called police or for us, because resurrection have died. And so we foolishly forces charged with keeping the reveals the nature of hope. It peace. Michael is not a Pollyanna is the first fruits of what is to in a world that is captivated optimist: to sit at his feet is come: because of Easter we are by despair. to begin to understand Haiti no longer enslaved to sin. This is and its unsolvable problems. But Michael is a person of something really big. It is world-changing. It is beyond our resurrection faith. human ability and best efforts. Paul can’t explain it, he can’t I had just finished my freshman year in college, arriving rationalize it. All he can do is preach it, like the prophet in Port-au-Prince the wisest I had been in my life. I was before him: “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O so intelligent and sophisticated that I could hardly stand death, is your sting?” to be in the same room with myself. My Christian beliefs This is why we preachers have no choice but to stand were waning, but I had found some wonderful substitutes: behind pulpits and on street corners and in houses of Aristotle and Nietzsche and my own growing ego. power and proclaim the gospel. This is why we, like Paul, Late in the week, Michael told us how he had come must preach resurrection! Our faith is not in vain, because to Port-au-Prince and how he had decided to remain Jesus Christ is risen and loose on the world. This is the there even when it meant separation from the Catholic beginning of our hope and the end of our wisdom. order that had become his family. He told of setbacks and Because of the resurrection, we know that the future failures and the thousands of street children that he could is securely in the hands of God, we know that Jesus Christ never reach. Throughout the evening, I could feel my heart still reigns over death, that Christ is at work in the world softening, my eyes tearing up, my philosophical certainties to redeem the principalities and powers. Because of vanishing. When he was finished, he asked if anyone had the resurrection, we know that there is more to come, questions to ask. My hand shot up. “Michael, I am just because the resurrection of Jesus is not the final chapter wondering how you keep doing what you are doing in the in this story. face of so much despair. What keeps you going?” Paul calls the resurrection of Jesus the first fruits, Michael’s answer was simple, “Well, I guess I believe the beginning of something new. As the first fruits, Jesus’ that if God could raise Jesus from the dead then there resurrection is both incomplete and hopeful. Incomplete is hope even for the people of Haiti. And for us all.” The because the end has not yet come. Hopeful because the truth of that wisdom rolled over me like a stone. end is coming and in Christ we see what is possible for When my vision is failing and my hope has run out, the whole creation: renewal, resurrection. More than when I am immobilized by the pain of the world and my a mere historical fact that can be refuted or proven, inability to stop it, I turn to these resurrection stories. In a resurrection is a way of seeing the world that will not world of despair, the hope they offer isn’t much. But it is a surrender to hopelessness. glimpse of what is to come. And, by the grace of God, it is Michael is a former Catholic monk who directs a enough. home for boys in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He has been there for 20 years and has seen that country and the lives of its

pronounce hope






The John Nelsen Award is presented to the best Doctor of Ministry project which focuses on Old Testament texts, images, and themes as resources for transforming a local congregation into an example of a missional church. This award is given by Dan Winn, Jr. in honor of his friend and counselor, John M. Nelsen. Reverend Nelsen received his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary, and he is presently pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. For over 25 years John has devoted his ministry to the challenging, sustaining, and transforming of his congregations. The missional Church has been his primary focus for several years.

The George and Sally Telford Award is given to an outstanding Doctor of Ministry graduate who shows exceptional ability for congregational leadership with an emphasis on social justice issues and vision for the church. Janet Hoover of New Hartford, NY, holds the B.A. from University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA and the M.Div. from Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa, OK. She is the pastor of New Hartford Presbyterian in New Hartford, NY. An abstract of Hoover’s D.Min. project appears below. The full text can be found on Columbia’s Web site, Go to Degree Programs, then Advanced Degrees and Doctor of Ministry.

Dana Sutton, from Ona, WV, holds the B.A. from Youngstown State University in Youngstown, OH, and the M.Div. from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He is campus minister at the Campus Christian Center at Marshall University in Huntington, WV. An abstract of Sutton’s D.Min. project appears below. The full text can be found on Columbia’s Web site, Go to Degree Programs, then Advanced Degrees and Doctor of Ministry.

We Gather Together: Worship Which Connects Modern and Postmodern Christians In her project, Hoover recognizes that one challenge facing the church in the twenty-first century is that congregations often include worshipers operating from both modern and postmodern worldviews. The paper proposes the possibility that liturgical elements of worship can serve to connect these worldviews. Worship theology, history, and practice are her bases for analyzing the worship practices in a particular congregation from modern and postmodern perspectives. She then describes particular worship connections, as well as a hermeneutics of worship that offers guidance for authentic and faithful worship during paradigm shifts.

Home Turf: A Multicultural Community at Play This project focuses on issues regarding the formation of a multicultural community around an ongoing pick-up soccer game at Shawnee Park in Institute,WV. Sutton’s own experiences with pick-up soccer games and as part of this community serve as the primary background. Sociological and theological resources regarding play are evaluated, with particular interest in how the “unwritten” rules of a play community help to structure that community. Sutton “maps” the game’s rules using descriptors applied by ritual studies expert Ronald Grimes, and suggests corollary rules for the church in its efforts to build multicultural community.

Corrections The organization Terriann Lawrence ’07 wrote about in her student history paper is the American Missionary Association (not Society, as it appeared in the title of the article). Throughout the article, the title is correct. In the introductory paragraph to the history article by John McCrea ’49, the church celebrating its 50th anniversary was incorrectly identified because of an editing error as Memorial Presbyterian Church, Lake Worth, FL. That should be Lake Osborne Presbyterian Church, which was founded as a mission of the Memorial church in West Palm Beach. The information is correct elsewhere in the article. In the editor’s note at the end of the article, there is a typographical error in John’s name. And it should be noted that the original title of the hymn by alumnus Daniel Iverson is “Spirit of the Living God, Fall Fresh on Me.” The word “Fresh” has since been modified (as it was for Vantage) to “A-fresh.” To these generous, gracious contributors, the editor offers sincere apologies.





in Action About Jim Summey (D.Min. ’91) After Colloquium 2006, we had to admit that we couldn’t identify one graduate in a reunion group shot. Embarrassing as it was, we ran the picture and asked for help. And now we know: he is Jim Summey, a pastor for 33 years, who earned a degree in 1982 from Wake Forest’s Southeastern Theological Seminary and, in 1991, his Doctor of Ministry from Columbia. His son, John, saw the picture in Vantage and sent a gracious letter identifying his father. John also sent a copy of a newspaper article that featured his father and his ministry in the tough West End neighborhood of High Point, North Carolina. We received John’s letter and the article early this year and since then have been in touch with Jim Summey. What a story there is behind that name and face! As Jim himself says, “This is NARRATIVE in action, something I learned years ago from George Stroup’s book [The Promise of Narrative Theology: Recovering the Gospel in the Church] . . .” Here’s a little of how that story goes.


ifteen years ago, Jim Summey began a ministry at English Road Baptist Church, in High Point’s rough West End neighborhood. The area was infested with crack dealers, prostitutes, and thugs, but Jim was determined to help his neighbors regain control of their streets. He and his congregation reached out to everyone—including the criminals. Eventually his congregation and He and his congregation two others in the neighborhood—First reached out Reformed United Church of Christ and Rankin Memorial United Methodist to everyone— Church—began West End Ministries including the (WEM) to tackle the problems together. . WEM provides meals, shelter, and other services. As Jim Summey says, “We are working together as ONE in this adventure because we can do more together than if our churches worked on the same problems separately.” Criminals continued to wreak havoc in the neighborhood, however, until three years ago when WEM became involved in a unique community program called the West End Initiative. This brought WEM together with High Point’s police department, city government, and U.S. and county district attorneys. “We had



been praying for and begging for this help for years,” Jim says. As WEM and other community agencies have continued their services in the neighborhood, the police and district attorneys offer drug dealers a deal: they can avoid arrest by going out of business. Astonishingly, and quickly, nearly all the crack dealers, prostitutes, and thugs left West End—or they got out of the crime business. Jim Summey, along with representatives of the High Point police and other government agencies, is telling the West End Initiative story across the country (including Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government on May 15 of this year). High Point’s program made the front page of the Wall Street Journal and other communities are developing programs based on that model. So that’s a little of the story. Jim says he’s got plenty more to share, and he invites you to be in touch.You can reach him at 336-870-1114 (cell), 336-887-2626 (office), or Some information in this article came from John Summey and from an article by Bob Burchette in The Guilford Record, December 24, 2006.




1980s Bob Murphy ’81 has a new call as pastor at Southminster church, Missouri City, TX. . . . . Dan Sansbury ’81 is 2007 moderator for East Tennessee Presbytery. He has been pastor of Rivermont church in Chattanooga since 1991. . . . . Robert Gamble ’82 lives and works in Odessa, Ukraine. He is director of the non-profit organization This Child Here ( The program helps the thousands of street children in that country. He reports that so far he has been detained by the police, robbed, had two exhibitions of his photography, and been interviewed four times by Ukrainian television. Recently, he introduced the important seminary course Frisbee golf to children who live at the center where he works. . . . . Laurie Murphy ’82 has been called to be pastor at Spring Branch church, Houston, TX. . . . . Tino Skordallos (ThM ’82) was elected by the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese as Chief Secretary of the Synod. . . . . Ralph Milligan (DMin ’86) retired as executive director of Presbyterian Samaritan Counseling Center in Charlotte and has just spent six months as interim pastor of Hurunui Presbyterian Parishes on the South Island of New Zealand. . . . . Bob Reno ’87 is pastor of First church, El Paso, TX. . . . . Lynn Williamson (DMin ’88) serves as pastor of Shepherd of the Hills church in Casper, WY.

1960s Richard Carter ’63 has retired as pastor of Grace church, Crystal City, MO. . . . . Bob Moss ’67 was honorably retired as of June 1, 2007. He and his wife, Mary, will continue to live in Rock Hill, SC. . . . . Hunter Coleman ’68 retired from First church, Highlands, NC, August 5, 2007. . . . . Alan Elmore ’69 retired as General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Charlotte in 2001. Since then, he has served as interim pastor at North Anderson Community church and First church, Anderson, SC, and is now at Fort Hill church, Clemson, SC.

1970s James McNaull ’72 is interim pastor of First church, Fort Lauderdale, FL. . . . . Fahed Abu-Akel ’74 led two mission groups visiting the Land and the Christians Community. The first group, from First church, Douglasville, GA, visited Israel and Palestine. The second group, from North Avenue church, Atlanta, visited Israel, Palestine and Egypt. . . . . Bill Carr ’74 serves the Gainesville-Hall County, GA, community as a therapist with the Community Service Center and as chaplain for the Gainesville Fire Department. . . . . Anna Case-Winters ’78 spoke this summer at Eastern Nazarene College’s first Open Theology and Science Seminar. The seminar brings together the best open theologians to converse with prominent scientists, building a new field in the science and religion discussion to explore the issues of cosmology, biology, and human sciences as they relate to open theology. She is a professor of theology at McCormick Theological Seminary.

1990s James Dant (DMin ’91) has a new book, The Truth Is Sensational Enough: Meditations for the Church Year, published by Mercer University Press. Added to prominent holy days are sermons and thoughts for Saint Valentine’s Day, All Saints Day, national holidays, and even Stewardship Sunday. . . . . Mike Fitze ’91 (DMin ’95) left Providence church in Greenville, SC, where he had served as organizing pastor for 10 years, to accept a call from Charleston/Atlantic Presbytery as organizing pastor of the East Cooper New Church Development. On Pentecost Sunday, May 27, Palmetto Presbyterian in Mt. Pleasant held its first service for a standing-room-only crowd of 400-plus at Laing Middle School. The new church will be built on 14 acres in Carolina Park, a new development in upper Mt. Pleasant. . . . . Joseph Muchemi ’91 received his D.Min. degree May 19, 2007, from San Francisco Theological Seminary . . . . Polly Deppen ’92 has accepted a call as associate pastor at Christ church, Ormond Beach, FL . . . . . Sam McGregor ’92 reports that his wife, Kathryn, has become associate presbyter for education and resourcing in Providence Presbytery. . . . . Denise Hall (DMin ’93) is pastor of Orange church, Orange,VA. . . . . Richard Hawks (DMin ’93) has retired from Eastminster church, Knoxville, TN. . . . . David Bradley ’95 is a pastoral counselor in Asheville, NC. He and his family have moved to Montreat, NC. . . . . Peg Brinck ’95 received board certification as a chaplain last April

arly in the history of First Presbyterian Church, Albany, NY, the Rev. Eliphalet Nott wrote a stirring and potent sermon against the practice of dueling with pistols as a way to make a point or settle a score. His parishioner Alexander Hamilton had just been killed by Aaron Burr. Nott’s sermon, added to the efforts of others, helped lead the abolition of the practice. Taking a stand against the wrongs of the world is still a central part of the mission of First Presbyterian Church of Albany.


GLEN and MIRIAM LAWRENCE LEUPOLD (DMin ’06), co-pastors




as associate pastor of First church, Liverpool, NY, and Joe is in a yoked call as pastor of Westminster and Elmwood churches in Syracuse. . . .Melanie Mitchell ’99 serves in Madrid, Spain, at the Iglesia de Cristo for immigrants. . . . . Wendy Neff ’99 serves Highland church in Maryville, TN.

in San Francisco. There were only three new candidates present from Tennessee and all three were from Peg’s presbytery of East Tennessee. She is serving as chaplain and director of pastoral services at Wood (Presbyterian) Village, Sweetwater, TN. . . . . Carol Seaman ’95 is interim pastor of the Community church, Smoke Rise, NJ. . . . . Louly Hay ’96 recently attended her 50th reunion at Hollins University in Roanoke,VA. She is parish associate at First church, Covington, GA. . . . . Sam Henderson (DMin ’96) is pastor of First church, Marietta, GA. . . . . Insook Lee ’96 is associate professor of pastoral care and counseling at Hood Theological Seminary, Salisbury, NC. . . . . Libby Rollins ’97 has a new call as associate pastor at First church, Huntsville, AL. . . . Jill Middlemas ’97, has joined the faculty of University of Aarhus in Denmark. She has a Ph.D. in Old Testament from Oxford University. . . . . Becca Young ’97 has been appointed by the PCUSA as a mission worker to Indonesia. She will teach systematic theology at Jakarta Theological Seminary. Most recently she has been a liaison for tsunami recovery on the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance staff. . . . . Todd Green ’98 received his Ph.D. in the history of Christianity at Vanderbilt University on August 10. He will serve as an adjunct professor at Vanderbilt Divinity School for the spring semester of 2008. . . . . Bill Garrison ’99 moved from Hendersonville, NC, to Philadelphia, PA, to attend optometry school. After serving a small church in North Carolina he became interested in the medical field and was involved with mission work and a group of orphan boys from Liberia. . . . . Joe Hinds ’99 and Kazy Blocher Hinds ’00 have accepted calls in the Syracuse, NY, area. Kazy has accepted a call


Alumni/ae: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

“I am able to use

my skills and talents

sufficiently in my current position.

Source: CTS Study, M.Div. graduates, 1996–2006


Kathleen Crighton ’00 has a new call as designated pastor of the Metairie Ridge church, Metairie, LA, in suburban New Orleans. She was installed June 10 by the Presbytery of South Louisiana. Kathy is also serving as a director of the Board of Pensions, class of 2008. Kitty Clark Manson ’00 took part in the service. . . . . Wain Wesberry ’00 formerly associate pastor at Fourth church, Greenville, SC, has been called as pastor at First church, Clinton, SC. . . . . Shelaine Bird ’03 and Kyle Segars ’99 have accepted calls as co-pastors of Saint Andrews church in Beulah, MI. They and their two-year-old daughter, Sedona Grace, left Arizona this summer where they’ve been serving as co-pastors of First church, Florence, AZ. . . . . Rebecca Close LeMon ’03 graduated from Emory Law School with a J.D. degree May 14, 2007, and her husband, Joel, received a Ph.D. in Old Testament Studies from Emory the same day. Rebecca began law practice in September with Alston & Bird in Atlanta . . . . . Lloyd Looney (DMin ’03) has passed exams for licensing as a marriage and family therapist in Georgia, and has been approved as a nationally certified counselor. . . . . Nancy Oehler ’03 was married to Larry Love on August 18 in Crawfordsville, IA. . . . . James Wells ’03 is solo pastor of First church, Jacksonville, AL. . . . . John Frye (DMin ’04) has been called as pastor at First church, Gastonia, NC. . . . . Elizabeth Parker ’04 has moved to Austin, TX, and will be seeking a call in that area. She will be married in early October to Derek Pang. . . . . Tina Sweet ’04 enjoyed a two-week study tour in Israel this spring, visiting Nazareth, Galilee and Jerusalem. . . . . Jaina Anderson ’05 remains at First church, Athens, AL, where she is now associate pastor. Her son, Colter, is playing football for last year’s 5A state champions, the Athens Golden Eagles. . . . . Jessica Derise-Mendez ’05 has a new position as chaplain at John Knox Village/St. Joseph’s Baptist Healthcare,Tampa, FL, and is director of church relations for Habitat for Humanity/East Polk County,Winter Haven. . . . . Susan Thomas ’04 (ThM ’07) has been named national coordinator of CLOUT (Christian Lesbians OuT) and provided leadership for the national gathering held in Atlanta in July; she has also preached for Henry Memorial church, Dublin, GA; Greenville, GA, church; Norris Lake church, Snellville, GA; Presbyterian Village,Austell, GA; and Kirkwood church, Kennesaw, GA. . . . . Sue Riggle ’05 has been called as pastor of First church, Jonesboro, GA. . . . . Paul Shupe (DMin ’05) is pastor at Lake Edge United Church of Christ, Madison,WI. . . . .



In Memoriam

Blessed Events

Ira Brown ’80 ................................................................. July 29, 2007 Don Collins ’61 ........................................................ March 25, 2007 Sally Lorey ’92............................................................... July 18, 2007 Kirk Nesbit ’51.................................................... February 15, 2007 Paul Smith ’47.................................................................May 3, 2007 Richard Scoggins ’44 .....................................December 13, 2006 Tom Stallworth ’58 .................................................... May 14, 2007 Charles C.Talley ’63 ......................................November 19, 2006 Charles R.Tapp ’48..................................................... May 20, 2007

David Bradley ’95 and Margaret Rada a son, Heath Blake, March 29, 2007 Wendy Neff ’99 and Brian Shelby a son, Isaac Herron, January 16, 2007 Cynthia Montgomery ’00 and Jim a daughter, Melissa Leigh Montgomery, July 1, 2007 Rebecca Close LeMon ’03 and Joel a son, James Grant Parker LeMon, April 26, 2007 Kyongkuk Han ’07 and his family a son, Charles Han, June 27, 2007

Martha Thorson (DMin ’05) is part-time pastor at the Winchester United Methodist Church, Winchester, CA. . . . . Christine Vogel (DMin ’05) has been named McCormick Theological Seminary’s dean of students and vice president for student affairs. She had been serving on the faculty there as the Jean and Frank Mohr Professor of Ministry. . . . . Ed Wegele ’05 is pastor at First church, Seminole, TX. . . . . Brandon Brewer ’06 has accepted a position as director of youth programs at Woods Memorial church, Severna Park, MD. . . . . Jihyun Oh ’06 has accepted a call as associate pastor for contemporary worship and children and family ministry at First church, Arlington Heights, IL. . . . . Kaye Florence ’06 was examined by Holston Presbytery on June 2 and ordained at Jonesborough church on June 17. She will be a hospice chaplain with Caris Healthcare of Tennessee. Mindy Serafin ’06 participated as a corresponding member of the Ordination Commission. . . . . Leslie Bethel-Roper ’06 has a new call as associate pastor of First church, Batesville, AR. She was ordained July 16 in Fort Smith, AR, at her home church . . . . . Meg Flannagan ’06, Jerry Long ’06, Leslie Bethel-Roper ’06, and John Richardson ’06, members of the Company of New Pastors, caught up with each other at Montreat’s Worship and Music week. Meg, Jerry, and Leslie (see above) are serving congregations. John is vice president for development at Montreat Conference Center.

Faculty and Staff David Bartlett, Distinguished Professor of New Testament, co-taught a course on preaching from the lectionary with Robert Wilson at Yale Divinity School; taught a course on apologetic preaching for the Chicago Cluster D.Min. program; and preached at the Holden Beach (NC) Chapel. . . . . William P. Brown, professor of Old Testament, has published “The Moral Cosmologies of Creation,” in Character Ethics and the Old Testament: Moral Dimensions of Scripture, edited by M. Daniel Carroll R. and Jacqueline E. Lapsley (Westminster John Knox Press); presented “The Bible and Creation: Genesis 1-2” to Presbytery de Cristo, Benson, Arizona; led the Summer Seminar, “The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and Ecology,” at Trinity church, Tucson, AZ; presented “Having Dominion over the Earth: Genesis 1 and Stewardship” at Central church, Atlanta, GA. . . . . Erskine Clarke ’66, professor of American religious history, lectured at the University Church, Chapel Hill, NC; in Ghana, participated in a conference on Domestic and International Consequences of the First Governmental Efforts to Abolish the Atlantic Slave Trade. The conference is sponsored by the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, the Historical Society of Ghana, the University of Cape Coast; traveled to Gabon for research on John Leighton Wilson, a member of the first graduating class at CTS, pioneer missionary, anti-slavery advocate, and scholar of West African civilizations and people . . . . John A. Clark, communications specialist, co-taught “Gospel for Dummies: Paul’s Letter to the Galations” at Church of the Redeemer,

Meg Flannagan, Jerry Long, Leslie Roper, and John Richardson




Atlanta, GA. . . . . Dent Davis (DMin ’89), dean and vice president for Lifelong Learning, presented a paper, “The Pedagogy of Experience: A Case Study of Pilgrimage as Experiential Learning,” at the international meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education and the Adult Education Research Conference at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia; met with the Educator Certification Council of the National Leadership Division, Leadership and Vocation office of the General Assembly; participated in the board meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Continuing Education in Ministry; spoke at the 60th anniversary celebration of Sequoyah Hills church, Knoxville, TN; taught at Northminster church, Chattanooga, TN; preached at Springfield Baptist Church, Athens, GA; and led the youth leaders retreat for Alpharetta (GA) church. . . . . Sarah Erickson ’03, associate director of Lifelong Learning, led worship at the Druid Hills (Atlanta), John Knox (Kennesaw), Loyd (LaGrange) and First, Jonesboro churches; served as a member of the commission to ordain Reggie Weaver ’07 at Springhill church, Mobile, AL; participated in worship at First church (Bremen, GA) with Leigh Jones ’07; led a workshop titled “Tips and Tools for Evaluating the Theology of Church School Music” at the TriPresbytery Fall Leadership Event in Atlanta; serves as member of the program planning team for the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta’s monthly educator group. . . . . Steve Hayner, Peachtree Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth, published “The Shape of Things to Come?!” in Columbia’s online journal, (Spring 2007); attended the board meeting of World Vision US Board in Federal Way, WA; for Peachtree church (Atlanta) taught “Psalms for All Seasons” for the Single Horizons Sunday school class and “Theology of Biblical Justice” for the Latitude & Longitude class; attended, as chairman of the board, the International Justice Mission Board Meeting for 2007; served on the Leadership Coordinating Committee for the Presbyterian Global Fellowship Conference in Houston, TX. . . . . Laura Mendenhall, president, participated in a meeting of heads of theological institutions related to the World Alliance of Reformed Churches; participated as a board member of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation; participated in the national Boy Scouts of America meeting; participated in the ordination service of Catherine Cavazos ’07, at the East Brentwood (TN) church. . . . .

Martha Moore-Keish, assistant professor of theology, published “Is a Prophetic Movement Emerging?” in Columbia’s online journal, (Spring 2007); was co-convener for the Faculty Initiative Group of the ReForming Ministry project of the PC(USA)’s Office of Theology and Worship; was liturgist at Montreat Music and Worship conferences sponsored by the Presbyterian Association of Musicians; preached at the ordination of Tom Bryson, First church, Columbus, MS. . . . . Cam Murchison, dean of faculty/executive vice president, taught in the summer studies program at Central church, Atlanta, on the growth of the concept of stewardship in the U.S., from funding ministry to the care of creation. . . . . Marcia Y. Riggs, J. Erskine Love Professor of Christian Ethics, was keynote speaker and faculty for The Fund for Theological Education Conference for Doctoral Students at Duke Divinity School; lectured at Montreat in the lectures series on religion in the South; was a consultant to the Roundtable on Teaching and Issues of Diversity in Theological Education at Texas Christian University. . . . . Jeffery L.Tribble, Sr., assistant professor of ministry, provided leadership in the Michigan Annual Conference of the AME Zion Church, convening in Detroit, as a teacher and examiner in the ministerial course of studies, chairman of the state of the church committee, and participant in the ordination services; served as adjunct faculty for a Doctor of Ministry course, “Cultural Values in Congregational Life,” at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary; preached at Greater Walters and St. Mark AME Zion churches in Chicago; provided an endorsement for a new book in Black Church studies; reviewed an article for the International journal of Practical Theology, and submitted a book review to Teaching Theology and Religion. . . . . Cheryl Vaughan ’05, associate dean of students, performed a proclamation of the Book of Ruth for Greater Atlanta Christian educators and for two sessions of the Horizons Women’s Bible Study. . . . . Christine Roy Yoder, associate professor of Old Testament language, literature, and exegesis, preached at Ginter Park church, Richmond,VA; completed a sabbatical year in residence at the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ; co-hosted at Columbia the second meeting of a two-year Wabash-funded consultation titled “Teaching Biblical Exegesis in Theological Schools.”


Doug MacMillan has been named associate director of development in the Office of Institutional Advancement. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Union-PSCE. Most recently he served as pastor of Church in the Pines, a new church development in Flint River Presbytery. He has also served as associate pastor for young adults and mission at First church, Dalton, GA, and co-pastor with his wife, Nikki, at First church, Warren, AR. Nikki is associate executive presbyter of Flint River Presbytery.

Brian A. Wren has been named professor emeritus. He retired in May as the John and Miriam Conant Professor of Worship. Dr.Wren, an internationally acclaimed hymn writer, has given the seminary library his books, papers, and numerous other collected objects.

Natasha Nichols has joined the library staff as cataloging assistant. She is a graduate of Rutgers University and is enrolled in the Master of Public Administration program at Georgia State University.

Transitions Thank you!

Deedra Rich has been named program coordinator for the Certificate in Christian Spirituality. A graduate of Candler School of Theology (M.Div. and Th.M.), she is an ordained Baptist minister and serves as minister of congregational life at Emory Presbyterian Church.

For 15 years of service < Dana Campbell, instructor of writing > Golden Griffieth, maintenance staff

Godspeed! Congratulations! Cheryl Vaughan (formerly Mack) ’05 has been named associate dean of students. She had served previously as manager of the seminary bookstore. She also serves as pastor of Fellowship Presbyterian Church near Jackson, GA.

David Forney, associate dean of the faculty and director of institutional research, resigned in July to become pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Clarksville, TN. He had been with the seminary for eight years.

Ann Clay Adams has been named associate dean for academic administration, a new position. She had been director of admissions since late 1994.

Larry Griffin, a member of the maintenance staff, resigned in June. He had 16 years service with the seminary.

Welcome! Susan Thomas ’04 (ThM ’07), staff associate in Lifelong Learning, has accepted a position as district administrator of the Massachusetts Bay District of the Unitarian Universalist Association, in Cambridge, MA. She will also serve in a part-time capacity as new member/lay leadership development coordinator for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lynn, in Swampscott, MA. She had been with the seminary as an employee since graduating in 2004, serving first in the Office of Communications.

Sue Crannell ’05 has been named manager of the seminary bookstore. She is a graduate of Agnes Scott College and has experience in training, organizational development, and customer service. Paul Huh, who will join the faculty in January, was on campus in late August for the faculty retreat. An article announcing Dr. Huh's appointment as assistant professor of worship was published in the summer issue of Vantage (no photo was available at the time).You can read the article online at > News and Events > Vantage.

Raymond Wright, part-time media services assistant, resigned in May to accept a full-time position with Turner Broadcasting.

Jami Moss Wise, director of the annual fund, resigned in July to become director of development for Duke University’s Divinity School. During her five-year tenure, the annual fund has grown from yearly revenue of $415,000 to more than $900,000, the number of donors from 907 to 1,354, and the alumni/ae participation rate from 17 percent to more than 24 percent.

Jennie Law has joined the library staff as copy cataloger. She is a graduate of Emory University and has a Master of Library and Information Science degree from Florida State University. She has worked as an acquisition specialist at Pitts Theology Library and at the architecture library at Georgia Institute of Technology. 27


Alumni/ae: How often during the past year did you take part in some form of continuing education for ministry that lasted at least a full day?

Source: CTS Study, M.Div. graduates, 1996–2006

Lay Leader Training Program (LLTP) Courses Begin in January T H RO U G H T H E C E N T E R F O R L I F E L O N G L E A R N I N G ,

the seminary offers the Lay Leader Training Program (LLTP). Three tracks are offered—Spanish, Portuguese, and English—for missional leaders for immigrant new church developments. The program includes 10 prescribed courses which lead to certification. Course work covers such topics as Reformed theology, history and polity, worship and the sacraments, Bible, evangelism, and church development and leadership. Courses in all tracks begin in January of 2008. Classes meet on the seminary campus. For information, please contact the coordinator for the track that is of interest to you. IN ENGLISH

The Rev. Dr. Lucas de Paiva Pina 770-402-0402 E N E S PA Ñ O L (Spanish)

The Rev. Nelson Donado 404-209-0830 E M P O R T U G U Ê S (Portuguese)

The Rev. Dr. José Carlos Pezini 770-998-9321, ext. 311


Lay Lea

er Training Program offd ering Certificate s in EN GLISH

en ESPAÑOL Courses begin Ja

em PORTUG nuary 2008



What’s happening at Columbia We’re helping and other organizations connect with students seeking calls. Each spring we offer a Call Fair where students can meet with pastor nominating committees and other prospective employers who have open leadership positions. We also offer information online about our seniors and recent graduates who are seeking calls. For more information go to or contact Student Services at 404.687.4523.




S3 Program Concludes with 263 Participants The seminary’s S3 Program (Sabbath, Study and Service) convened its fifth and final Orientation Retreat August 20-24.The final cohort of ten peer learning groups joined the 18 other groups that are completing or at the mid-point of their projects. S3, funded by a grant from the Lilly Foundation’s Sustaining Pastoral Excellence initiative, began in 2003 and all projects under the current grant will conclude by December 2008. Including new learning groups, 263 individuals (in 44 groups) have participated in the program since its inception.

The Feast. From St. Augustine Presbytery, members of The Feast have a passion for ministering to young people and for spiritual direction. At a local retreat center, they plan to experience Sabbath through solitude, guided meditation and prayer, and immersing themselves in spiritual direction. Separately, but traveling alongside them in their journey, will be a group of young people. Members of The Feast hope to help empower these youth to discern vocational calling and service to the church. (l to r) back: Amy Lehr Camp ’01, Tara Thomson, Michelle Thomas-Bush ’94; front: Becci Curtis, Katie Heard Day ’06 (not pictured: Laurie Furr-Vancini ’99).

God’s Creation and Our Landscape: Testifying in Word and Deed to God’s Promised Newness. Through experience and proclamation of the promised

newness in God’s creation, members of this S3 group hope to help people of faith understand that caring for the environment is vital to Christian discipleship. (l to r) back: Clay Fouse ’05, Leah Hrachovec ’05, Rob Mark; front: Schaap Freeman ’05, Kate McGregor Mosley ’06, Kate Murphy.

SC Five. What might a presbytery or group of presbyteries look like as missional community? That is the question the SC Five are considering for their S3 project. The group is made up of South Carolina executive and general presbyters who will plan and implement a five-presbytery retreat for church educators and clergy on the theme of what it means to be a missional community. (l to r) back: George Wilkes, Donnie Woods, Alan Arnold; front: Judd Shaw ’80 and Mark Verdery ’71.


What’s happening at Columbia We’re providing

opportunities for

lifelong learners, church professionals and lay leaders alike. For more information on personal and professional development opportunities, travel/study and certificate programs—and more—offered through our Center for Lifelong Learning, go to > Lifelong Learning. 29

For more information about opportunities listed below, to register online, or to download a registration form, go to

LIFELONG LEARNING EVENTS > Lifelong Learning > Courses and Events. Then click on the dates of the courses and events you wish to attend. You may also call the registrar, Pat Roper, at 404-687-4587, for more information or to register by phone. Unless otherwise noted, events take place on the seminary campus, in Decatur, GA.

November 1, 8, 15 Telling the Stories of Our Lives. Re-visit times in your own life and learn to recognize the holy places where God continues to dwell. A three-session lunchtime course. Register by October 24. Leader: Paul A. “Skip” Johnson, adjunct assistant professor of pastoral theology and care. $75 (includes three lunches; prepayment required); $50 (program only).

January 28-30 Blurring the Boundaries: Preaching as Testimony (January Seminars) featuring Anna Carter Florence, associate professor of preaching and worship, author of Preaching as Testimony (WJKP 2006). Includes workshops. $225 (includes two meals). February 7–10 Eastern Christian Spirituality (Certificate in Spiritual Formation). In community, explore and engage elements of the embodied spirituality of our Orthodox friends. We will experience Sunday liturgy with a nearby Orthodox community. Leader: V. Bruce Rigdon, distinguished scholar and church historian. $250.

November 11 & 18 Religion and Slavery: White Southerners, Good Intentions, and Difficult Choices. During two Sunday evenings explore issues faced by three young white southerners in the 1830s. Register by November 2. Presenter: Erskine Clarke, professor of American religious history and author of the award-winning history Dwelling Place: A Plantation Epic. $75 (includes 2 suppers).

March 7–8 Big Three: Worship, Mission and Fellowship (Youth Ministry Leadership Certificate program) Leader: Troy Bronsink ’06. Facilitators Neema Cyrus-Franklin and Sarah Erickson ’03. $150 (includes two meals).

November 12 Eberhard Busch. Lunchtime lecture with this professor from the University of Göttingen, Germany. Busch is an expert in the theology of Karl Barth and the Reformation—in particular, the role of the church in advocating for social change. Advance payment required; due November 5. $12 (includes lunch).

March 9–14 Spiritualities of Creation: Knowing God and Self in a Broken World (Certificate in Spiritual Formation). Take a look at ways the Old Testament deals with creation, particularly in light of our broken world that is crying out for restoration and renewal. From Genesis 1 to Proverbs 8 and Psalm 104, you will explore texts theologically, ecologically, and experientially. Leader: William P. Brown, professor of Old Testament. $350.

December 7–8 Know Where to Turn When Youth Turn to You. Practical pastoral care with youth and families. Offered in conjunction with the Youth Ministry Leadership Initiative (YMLI) certificate program; non-certificate participants welcome. Facilitators: Neema Cyrus-Franklin, Sarah Erickson. $150 (includes 2 meals).

March 27–30 Group Spiritual Guidance (Certificate in Spiritual Formation). In today’s busy world we want postcards—if not e-mails—that tell us what God has in mind for us. And we want these communiqués to be quick and to the point. Postcards or those sudden revelations that clearly define a mission or even a direction aren’t God’s usual means of communication. God seems to work more regularly through the Word, a community of believers, and for our good, rather slowly because our formation, our soul’s well-being is as important to God as a particular task or ministry. In this course, you will learn about and experience a way of being together in covenanted group community that is anchored in 1) scripture using Lectio Divina, 2) silence using a structured process with facilitators to hold the space made, 3) prayer both silent and spoken and 4) listening to self and one another to hear over time what God might be speaking into the community and into us. This structured process was developed by Lisa Myers and Judy Durff. The experience of Group Spiritual Guidance at The La Canada Presbyterian Church has been life giving and life changing for the men and women who participated. Leader: Judy Durff. $250.

January 18–20 and January 21–23 January Adventures: Spiritual Maturity in a Time of Christian Conflict and Change (St. Simon’s Island). Leaders: Barbara Brown Taylor and Walter Brueggemann. For information, including registration and housing, go to Sponsored by the Cooperative Christian Fellowship of St. Simons. January 24–27 Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life (Certificate in Spiritual Formation). Join us for this feast for the soul and exploration of the origins of the Christian spiritual tradition. This course is the starting place for the Certificate in Spiritual Formation. Occasional students are welcome. $300.


Gifts to the Seminary July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007 Table of Contents Partners in Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Columbia Gift Societies Presidents’ Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Marshall Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Marcellus McPheeters Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodrow Wilson Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agnes Law Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Stillman Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society . . . . . . . . . . .

34 34 34 36 37 38 40

Giving by Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gifts to Endowed Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorials & Tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia Founders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. McDowell Richards Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

44 47 47 51 52

Key to Special Notations * Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle † Raised to the Church Triumphant

Pa rt n e r s i n Ministry This Annual Report includes donors whose gifts were received between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007. Gifts received after June 30, 2007, will be acknowledged in next year’s annual report. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Annual Report. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention. Please report any corrections to Diane Thorne, Gift Records Coordinator at 404 687-4590 or

Partners in Ministry

Partners in Ministry began in 2003 to provide opportunities for people to learn about how God is working through this seminary and to garner financial support for its students and programs through multiyear gifts. For more information about Partners in Ministry, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 404 687-4588.

Leadership Partners Pledged $50,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Mr. James A. Adams, Jr. Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mrs. Claire L. and Mr. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Eun First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Giguere Mrs. Judy and Dr. Scott Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Harris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Morlok Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Pattillo Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pellett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Price St. Luke's Presbyterian Church Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland

Faith Partners Pledged $25,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Candler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Samuel B. Hay, Jr. Mr. John R. Jones, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Leland, Jr. Mrs. Gay M. Love Gay and Erskine Love Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William E. Matthews IV Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Whisenant Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount

Impact Partners Pledged $5,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. John R. Adams Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Allen, Jr. The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos Dr. Stephen A. and Mrs. Edna M. Bacon Mr. and Mrs. James S. Balloun Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Bishop Ms. Beverly Blake Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bradshaw

The Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Candler Ms. Poppy T. Cantrell Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Carswell Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Chapman Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Mr. Roger C. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. William Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Collinsworth, Jr. The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. George W. Cox Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cozad Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton Ms. Janet S. Davenport Drs. Dent C. Davis and Mary Ziegler Dr. and Mrs. James H. Dew, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Dillingham Ms. Wilda H. Dodson and Mr. Bill Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. John E. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose The Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Durham Mrs. Eve F. Eckardt Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Evans The Rev. Jane E. Fahey Dr. David B. and the Rev. Liz Forney Mr. William J. Funk and Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ghegan Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Glover The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Mr. and Mrs. James C. Graves Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Griffin, Jr. Mr. Perry E. Gwinn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Hall III Dr. and Mrs. Earl Haltiwanger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hamilton The Rev. and Mrs. C. Jarred Hammet Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Harper Mrs. Sara R. Harrington Ms. Mary Clark Caldwell-Hartsfield Susan and Wyatt Haskell The Rev. Helen R. and Mr. Scott E. Heffington Mr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson III Mrs. Gladys C. Hiles Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hoffman III Mr. and Mrs. Archibald R. Hooks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tennent Houston Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Howington Mr. and Mrs. David C. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mrs. Stephanie S. Ibach Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen The Rev. Laura Aull Johnston and Dr. George H. Johnston Mrs. Catherine D. Jones The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn L. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Harvie C. Jordan III Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kline Dr. and Mrs. James F. Langford Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilford Lyon, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Magnus III The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Manners Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Maull, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. McGinnis Dr. and Mrs. L. Dennis McKeever Mr. and Mrs. John E. McKinley III Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Mrs. Eleanor L. McNeel Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee McVey Dr. and Mrs. James A. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Mosley Dr. Jami E. Moss Wise and Mr. W. Frederic Wise Dr. and Mrs. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Myrick, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Newton, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby The Rev. W. Larry Owens Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Park Mr. and Mrs. Sunny K. Park Mr. and Mrs. William John Park Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Victor D. Pentz Personal Care, Inc. Dr. Kerri S. and the Rev. Jeffrey D. Peterson-Davis Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Powell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III Mr. and Mrs. C. Niles Ray Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rearden Mrs. Jean C. Reed Dr. and Mrs. H. Stanley Reid Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Rollins Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu The Rev. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shepherd Mr. Hyun Uk Shin The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr.† and Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sizemore Mr. and Mrs. B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson V. Smith, Jr. Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. William M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. St. John Mr. and Mrs. James S. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Tolly III Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Towers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Turner II Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Vance Burt and Martha Vardeman Mr. Kennon Walthall Mr. James A. Webb III Dr. and Mrs. David D. Weitnauer Mr. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Whiten Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams, Sr. Mrs. Sue S. and Mr. L. Neil Williams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hunter E. Woodall Mr. and Mrs. Robert U. Wright Dr. and Mrs. M. Neely Young II Mr. and Mrs. S. Zach Young

Pa rt n e r s i n Ministry Contributors Made commitments to the Partners in Ministry program at other levels Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Abbott, Jr. Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Mr. and Mrs. David P. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Albright Dr. and Mrs. E. Lane Alderman Mr. Stephen W. and Dr. Carolyn S. Ashworth Rick and Beth Atkerson Ms. Edith W. Atkins Mr. Kevin S. Austin The Rev. and Mrs. Walter P. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Barfield Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. N. William Bath Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baxter Dr. and Mrs. Dwight S. Bayley II The Rev. Maggie F. and Mr. David K. Beamguard Mrs. Mary K. Bowles Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Emmett L. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. James W. Braddock Mr. and Mrs. Barrett D. Brantley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Breast Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown III Dr. and Mrs. Juan A. Brown Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Bruce Dr. and Mrs. William T. Bryant Mrs. Marguerite P. Bullard Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Buntin The Rev. and Mrs. Sidney M. Burgess Mrs. Gretta W. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Callaway Dr. and Mrs. Erskine D. Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. James F. Casselberry The Rev. Doris E. Chandler Ms. Sara D. Clark Ms. Beth S. Clayton Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Dr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Collier Ms. Sheila M. Cook Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Cordell Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Craft Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Crawford, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland Dr. and Mrs. R. Linton Dangar Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Darden Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Daughtry Ms. Linda D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Wingfield A. Davis, Jr. Ms. Joan Dawson Dr. Laura W. Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. Rudy H. Driftmier, Jr. Mr. Carter H. Dukes, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer Dye Mr. and Mrs. William F. Edmonds Mr. Charles W. Edwards The Rev. A. Coile Estes and Mr. Mike Mears Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Farmer Ms. Faye Farmer Mr. William J. Farrar Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Felner Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze Mr. and Mrs. Chad Folk The Rev. Jennifer E. Fouse Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fryer

Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilford Fuqua Ms. Barbara M. Gajewski Drs. James L. and Carol M. Garner Mr. and Mrs. John B. Garrott Mr. and Mrs. Marbut G. Gaston, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Sherrick Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Greenway Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Gregg Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Mrs. Nell F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hammack Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamrick Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hardcastle Mr. and Mrs. Reid M. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Larron C. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Hefferly Mrs. Will G. Holmes Dr. Paul K. Hooker Mr. and Mrs. Paul M.L. Hopkins Dr. and Mrs. William C. Horton III Dr. James and the Rev. Heidi Hudnut-Beumler Mr. and Mrs. James V. Hunt, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Huseman Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Huss Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins The Rev. Alice A. Johnson The Rev. and Mrs. Chris Joiner Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Jones The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Kennedy, Jr. Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn Mr. William N. Kirby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Klimko Mrs. Beverly T. Krannich Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lamberth Mrs. Rita M. Lang The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Dr. and Mrs. David S. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks Link Ms. Stephanie Lyas Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mace Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Manning Mr. and Mrs. T. Greg Martin Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCann Dr. and Mrs. William M. McClatchey The Rev. Peggy S. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne K. McLemore III Mr. and Mrs. A. Wesley Miller Dr. and Mrs. Billy R. Mills Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moody Mr. J. Michael Morgan and Mr. Richard D. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Mr. Charles H. Moses, Jr. Mrs. Leigh S. and Mr. Carroll E. Mullis II Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nading Dr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Noe Mrs. Andromedia B. Noel Ms. M. Winnifred O’Dell Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David K. O’Leary Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth Ms. Jeanette T. Parker Mr. David Bate Parsons and Ms. Theresa Ball Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Partridge


Dr. and Mrs. John H. Patton Mr. Kevin W. Patton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Pellett Mr. and Mrs. Craig K. Pendergrast Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Penuel Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Pinkerton Ms. Jeanette Pinkston Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Posey Mr. and Mrs. A. Milburn Poston Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Powers Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Mr. and Mrs. W. Brian Reames The Rev. Stacy K. Rector Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed The Rev. and Mrs. Timothy A. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John R. Richardson Dr. and Mrs. L. Thomas Richie Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Mrs. Mel D. Robinson Ms. Anne T. Rutherford Ms. Susan L. Rutherford Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schleusner Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Sciarrone Mr. and Mrs. John A. Secrist III Dr. and Mrs. Conrad C. Sharps Ms. Jacqueline B. Shrago Mr. and Mrs. James J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Sandy F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. G. William Speer Dr. and Mrs. Anderson Spickard Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey Spivey Mr. Jimmy Spradley Mr. Thomas W. Spraker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Spransy Mrs. Janet P. Stange The Rev. Daniel D. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Stewart Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Stumb Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Swerlick Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Swinson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Taylor Mrs. Edythe T. Tebbs Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Tennent Mr. Roger D. Thomas The Rev. Michelle and Mr. David Thomas-Bush Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Tillman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Topple Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Volman Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Wade Mr. Howard P. Walthall Dr. and Mrs. D. Scott Weimer Dr. Steven G. Werdehoff Dr. Dewey A. White, Jr. Mr. Fred C. White Mr. Lewis E. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Wick II Mr. and Mrs. E. Keith Williams Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Williams Dr. and Mrs. William W. Williamson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson The Rev. and Mrs. Amos L. Wilson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Wilson The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright

Columbia Gift Societies

Presidents’ Society $15,000 or more I n d i v i d ua l s

Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. The Rev. Lucy R. and Mr. John G. Aldridge Mrs. Marguerite M. Appleby† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Dr. Lee W. and the Rev. S. Davis Bowman Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bradfield Dr. Edwin L. Bryan Mr. John A. Conant† Mrs. Claire L. and Mr. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mrs. C.W. Fargason† Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr. and Mrs. J. Phillips Noble Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Pattillo Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Pinkerton Mrs. Ina B. Poston† Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Mrs. Helen C. Richardson† Mr. and Mrs. B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Spencer Mrs. Mary A. Staples† Mrs. Julia M. Woodward*



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA The Center for Special Needs Trust Administration, Inc., Clearwater, FL Davidson College, Davidson, NC First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL* Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC* Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* North Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Schwab Charitable Fund, San Francisco, CA St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA*

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation Gay and Erskine Love Foundation Patrick Family Foundation Presbyterian Foundation The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation John I. Smith Charities, Inc. Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher Foundation, Inc.

Peter Marshall Society $5,000 to $14,999 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous The Rev. Gabriel E. Abdullah Mr. James A. Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hutton Barron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. Drs. Janice L. and Joseph A. Blissit Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Bradwell Mrs. G. Scott Candler Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Candler, Jr. Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Ms. Wilda H. Dodson and Mr. Bill Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake Dr. and Mrs. H. James Free Dr. Joseph M. Gettys, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Giguere Mrs. Judy and Dr. Scott Gregory Mrs. Mildred R. Harding† Susan and Wyatt Haskell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Samuel B. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayne Hollis Mr. and Mrs. W. Tennent Houston Mrs. Stephanie S. Ibach Mr. John R. Jones, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Leland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Little Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mrs. Gay M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Manners Dr. and Mrs. L. Dennis McKeever Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Miller III Mrs. Ellen R. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Morlok The Rev. and Mrs. Cecil B. Murphey Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. James D. Philips, Jr. Mr. David H. Pritchard Mrs. Mabel Stowe Query† Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Ms. Jackie H. Richardson Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Smith Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Turner II The Rev. and Mrs. Jack W. Walker† Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Whisenant Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland Mr. Ralph E. Wilgus Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC* Cherokee Presbytery, Cartersville, GA* Chicago Presbytery, Chicago, IL Christ Presbyterian Church, Ormond Beach, FL Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Albuquerque, NM First Presbyterian Church, Bryan, TX First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Hammond, LA First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Starkville, MS First Scots Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC


Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA* Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine, FL* Myers Park Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC Omore Taya, Inc., Tucker, GA Reformed Church in America, Chicago, IL Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery, Birmingham, AL* South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, NC St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Taylors, SC St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA Synod of the Sun, Irving, TX Vienna Presbyterian Church, Vienna, VA Rew E. & Edna H. Walz Memorial Scholarship Trust, Rapid City, SD Woodhaven Presbyterian Church, Irving, TX

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

CF Foundation, Inc. Christian International Scholarship Foundation The Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area Desert Ministries, Inc. The Ellis Foundation Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Fowler Family Foundation David H. and Mary Lou S. Garrett Foundation William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation The National Christian Foundation The Price Family Foundation The Rockdale Fund for Social Investments, Inc. Shaw Family Foundation Jimmie Ullery Charitable Trust Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Yount Family Foundation

William Marcellus McPheeters Society $1,000 to $4,999 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Abbott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. John R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Adle* Mr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Allen, Jr. Dr. Mary Virginia Allen The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos Mr. F.N. Anderton Dr. Stephen A. and Mrs. Edna M. Bacon Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Barfield Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Barnette, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Dr. and Mrs. John H. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Bishop Ms. Beverly Blake Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. James W. Braddock The Rev. David P. Bridges Mr. Henry P. Bridges, Jr. Mr. S. Powell Bridges The Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brown

Columbia Gift Societies

Dr. and Mrs. Ross Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Bryant Ms. Mary Clark Caldwell-Hartsfield Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Candler Ms. Poppy T. Cantrell Bert and Kaye Carmichael* Mrs. Margaret H. Carr Lee and Betty Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Chapman Drs. Evelyn B. and Ralph C. Christensen Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Ms. Beth S. Clayton Mr. Roger C. Clayton The Rev. Roy W. Coker Mr. and Mrs. W. Warren Cole, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Collinsworth, Jr. The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Dr. and Mrs. George W. Cox Dr. and Mrs. Julian F. Craig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William N. Crosby Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton Ms. Janet S. Davenport Drs. Dent C. Davis and Mary Ziegler Dr. Kathy L. Dawson Dr. and Mrs. James H. Dew, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Dillingham Mr. and Mrs. John E. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Rudy H. Driftmier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway The Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Durham Mrs. Eve F. Eckardt Mr. Charles W. Edwards Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Evans* Dr. David B. and the Rev. Liz Forney Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gandy The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr. David C. Garrett Mrs. Louise Y. Garrett Mr. William J. Funk and Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ghegan Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Glover Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goff, Jr. Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Mr. and Mrs. James C. Graves Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Griffin, Jr. Mrs. Vivian H. Guthrie Mr. Perry E. Gwinn, Jr. Mrs. Betty J. and Mr. Travis E. Halford Mrs. Nell F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Hall III Dr. and Mrs. Earl Haltiwanger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hamilton The Rev. and Mrs. C. Jarred Hammet Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hardcastle Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Harmon Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Harper Mr. and Mrs. C. Miner Harrell Drs. Susan M. Heafield and Brian A. Wren The Rev. Helen R. and Mr. Scott E. Heffington Mr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson III Mrs. Gladys C. Hiles

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hoffman III Mr. and Mrs. Archibald R. Hooks, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Howington Mr. and Mrs. David C. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Irwin Dr. and Mrs. D. Orvin Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen The Rev. and Mrs. J. Ernest Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Jones Mrs. Catherine D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones* The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr. The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Mrs. Carolyn L. Jordan* Mr. and Mrs. Harvie C. Jordan III The Rev. and Mrs. In Soo Jung Mr. Thomas F. Keller Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruffin King Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lamberth Mrs. Rita M. Lang* Dr. and Mrs. James F. Langford Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Mr. and Mrs. Julian LeCraw, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee The Rev. and Mrs. James S. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilford Lyon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Magnus III The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. McClenny Mr. and Mrs. W. Sloan McCrea Dr. Janet McDonald† Mr. Jeffrey D. McEwen Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. McGinnis Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton W. McKay, Jr. Mrs. Adele D. McKee Mrs. Eleanor L. McNeel Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee McVey Dr. Margaret G. and Mr. Charles E. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Billy R. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mitchener, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Morgan Mrs. Eugenia S. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Dr. Jami E. Moss Wise and Mr. W. Frederic Wise Dr. and Mrs. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mr. Rodger Y. Nishioka Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Ms. M. Winnifred O’Dell Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby The Rev. W. Larry Owens Mr. and Mrs. Ashley D. Pace, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Park Mr. and Mrs. Sunny K. Park Mr. and Mrs. William John Park Mrs. Geraldine A. Patrick* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Payne Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbon Pender Dr. and Mrs. William C. Pender Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Victor D. Pentz Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Dr. Kerri S. and the Rev. Jeffrey D. Peterson-Davis Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. A. Milburn Poston Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Powell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Powers Mr. and Mrs. A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Derrick Quattlebaum Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III Mr. and Mrs. C. Niles Ray Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rearden Dr. and Mrs. H. Stanley Reid Dr. and Mrs. J. Steve Rhodes Dr. E. Joyce Rimes* Col. and Mrs. John F. Roberson Dr. Ruth A. Schmidt The Rev. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt Ms. Jacqueline B. Shrago Mr. L. William Silzle, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Simmons* Mr.† and Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Sims The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sizemore Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sloop Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson V. Smith, Jr. Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. Sandy F. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. St. John Dr. B. Lynn Stall and Mr. G. Edward Bruce Dr. and Mrs. Travis B. Stevenson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie J. Stout II Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Strickland Mrs. Lois M. and Mr. Shellie Stroman* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Swinson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hubert V. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Tennent Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Tolly III Mr. and Mrs. James H. Topple Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Towers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Vance Burt and Martha Vardeman Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wallingford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Ware Mr. James A. Webb III Dr. and Mrs. David D. Weitnauer The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mrs. Sue S. and Mr. L. Neil Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Williams, Jr. Mr. Darrell R. Winegar Dr. and Mrs. Hunter E. Woodall The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Robert U. Wright

Columbia Gift Societies



O r g a n i z at i o n s

A Christian Ministry in the National Parks, Freeport, ME Belton Presbyterian Church, Belton, SC Brentwood Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, CA Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS* Brittains Cove Presbyterian Church, Weaverville, NC Calvin Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL* Central Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte, NC Christ Presbyterian Church, Daphne, AL Coastal Carolina Presbytery, Elizabethtown, NC Conardt Charitable Trust, Atlanta, GA Crossroads Presbyterian Church, Mequon, WI DDY Dynamite Soccer, Decatur, GA Druid Hills Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Easley Presbyterian Church, Easley, SC First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, FL First Presbyterian Church, Grand Haven, MI First Presbyterian Church, Grand Junction, CO First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS First Presbyterian Church, Hartwell, GA First Presbyterian Church, Hickory, NC First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First Presbyterian Church, Johnson City, TN First Presbyterian Church, Lynchburg, VA First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, OH First Presbyterian Church, Midland, TX First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA First Presbyterian Church, St. Marys, GA First Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL* First Southeast Capital, Birmingham, AL Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, SC* Grand Chapter of Kentucky, LaGrange, KY Gretna Presbyterian Church, Gretna, FL Helen Davis Brown Trust, Lake City, FL Henry Memorial Presbyterian Church, Dublin, GA* Highland Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, NC Immanuel Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons, Mediapolis, IA John Knox Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, Kennesaw, GA* Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church, Lawrenceville, GA* Leland Presbyterian Church, Leland, MS M & T Investment Group, Baltimore, MD Mackinac Presbytery, Petoskey, MI Madison Presbyterian Church, Madison, GA* Martin & Company, Knoxville, TN Miami Shores Presbyterian Church, Miami, FL Mississippi Presbytery, Hattiesburg, MS* Monticello Presbyterian Church, Monticello, GA Moorings Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL Mountain Brook Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL

Muskingum Valley Presbytery, New Philadelphia, OH National Capital Presbytery, Chevy Chase, MD National Ministries, Valley Forge, PA New Hope Presbytery, Rocky Mount, NC North Alabama Presbytery, Huntsville, AL* Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Athens, GA* Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC* The Palmetto Bank, Trust Department, Laurens, SC The Palms Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville Beach, FL Peace Presbyterian Church, Winterville, NC Peek Rearden Charitable Trust, Atlanta, GA Real Estate Management Services, Naples, FL Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA* Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC* Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Silvercrest Asset Management Group, New York, NY South Alabama Presbytery, Daphne, AL* Spring Hill Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* St. Andrew Presbytery, Oxford, MS St. Augustine Presbytery, Jacksonville, FL* St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, FL St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Reno, NV Synod of Living Waters, Franklin, TN* Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, Richmond, VA Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Trinity Presbyterian Church, Canton, GA Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC* Twin Cities Area Presbytery, Minneapolis, MN University Presbyterian Church, Chapel Hill, NC University Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX Venice Presbyterian Church, Venice, FL* Washington Street Presbyterian Church, Dublin, GA Westminster Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Hot Springs, AR Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, DE White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

The Argo Foundation Churches Homes Foundation, Inc. Eaton Deadening Plantation, Inc.* Foundation for the Carolinas General Building Maintenance, Inc. The Graves Foundation McCrea Foundation Missionary Emergency Fund MSPC Foundation, Inc. Personal Care, Inc. The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation Presbyterian Publishing Corporation Printpack, Inc. Regions Bank Salisbury Community Foundation, Inc. Southwest Florida Community Foundation Vicarage Builders Inc. Waccamaw Community Foundation


Woodrow Wilson Society $500 to $999 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Dr. Alicia W. and Mr. David A. Abell Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Akers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Albright Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman The Rev. Anne H.K. and Mr. James M. Apple Rick and Beth Atkerson Ms. Edith W. Atkins Dr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Barfield Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bassett Dr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Batts Dr. and Mrs. Dwight S. Bayley II The Rev. Janet Aldridge Briscoe and Dr. R. Page Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown III Dr. and Mrs. Juan A. Brown Mr. Harold M. Bryant Mr. John A. Bullard and Ms. Kathryn Scofield Mr. Leland E. and the Hon. Margaret G. Burch Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Callaway Dr. and Mrs. Erskine D. Carmichael Dr. and Mrs. William B. Carr, Jr. Dr. Janet N. Carter Ms. Julie M. Cline and Mr. Thomas E. Frey The Rev. Martha J. Clinkscales The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton Cooke Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cozad Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Darden Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Wingfield A. Davis, Jr. Dr. Bonneau H. Dickson† Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Dobbs Ms. C.J. Drymon Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Drs. M. Julian and Sue M. Duttera Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer Dye The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Eckstine Mr. and Mrs. William F. Edmonds The Rev. S. Elizabeth Fairleigh Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Foster Mr. and Mrs. John B. Garrott Mr. and Mrs. Marbut G. Gaston, Jr. The Rev. Joan S. and Mr. William A. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Larron C. Harper The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart and Mr. Charles T. Hart The Rev. Sharol R. and Dr. Stephen A. Hayner Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Hefferly Mr. Curtis T. Henson, Jr. The Rev. Carolyn K. and Dr. Charles C. Heyward, Sr. Dr. Paul K. Hooker Dr. and Mrs. William C. Horton III The Rev. and Mrs. Ray A. Howe Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hunter The Rev. Alice A. Johnson The Rev. Laura Aull Johnston and Dr. George H. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn Dr. and Mrs. Jin S. Kim Mr. Robert F. Krause, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. William Lee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Manning

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. William M. McClatchey Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. McCormick Ms. Sara S. McDaniel Mr. Robert J. McEwen IV The Rev. and Mrs. Rob Roy McGregor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. and Mrs. Champney A. McNair Mr. and Mrs. William G. McNairy Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moody The Rev. and Mrs. A. Cecil Moore, Jr. Drs. Wanda S. and William K. Neely Dr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Noe Drs. Kathleen M. O’Connor and James H. Griesmer Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lamar Oglesby Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg Mr. and Mrs. David K. O’Leary Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth Dr. and Mrs. John H. Patton Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Mr. and Mrs. W. Brian Reames Mr. and Mrs. James B. Reaves Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed Mr. and Mrs.† Francis M. Ripley Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Mrs. Mel D. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Rutland Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mr. and Mrs. Mack D. Secord Mr. and Mrs. John A. Secrist III The Rev. Martha C. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Shields, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Shouse Mr. T. Clark Simmons* Ms. Barbara M. Snelling* Dr. and Mrs. Anderson Spickard Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey Spivey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Spransy Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Stewart The Rev. and Mrs. Dean R. Strong Drs. George W. and Donna F. Stroup Dr. and Mrs. Augustus E. Succop III Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Swensson Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus Mr. and Mrs. C. Brent Trexler The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Dr. and Mrs.† Robert M. Urie Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Rev. Dr. Augusta B. Vanderbilt Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Wade Mrs. Laurie Taylor Weicher and the Rev. John V. Weicher The Rev. and Mrs. John E. White Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wideman Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Williams The Rev. and Mrs. Amos L. Wilson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Wilson Dr. and Mrs. M. Neely Young II



O r g a n i z at i o n s

ASK Research & Development, Duluth, GA The Association of Theological Schools, Pittsburgh, PA Brookmeade Holdings, LP, Jamestown, NC Covenant Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA Covenant Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS Disability Research & Consulting, LLC, Atlanta, GA East Tennessee Presbytery, Knoxville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK First Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Willmar, MN Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC* Hebron Zion Presbyterian Church, Johns Island, SC Korean American Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* Middle Tennessee Presbytery, Franklin, TN Mid-South Presbytery, Memphis, TN* Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* New Providence Presbyterian Church, Raphine, VA Paoli Presbyterian Church, Paoli, PA Peace River Presbytery, North Port, FL* Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Southminster Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL* St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Altamonte Springs, FL* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Gadsden, AL Walhalla Presbyterian Church, Walhalla, SC Warren Point Presbyterian Church, Fair Lawn, NJ

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

The Claude Bennett Family Foundation, Inc. The CBT Charitable Trust The Maribill Foundation, Inc. Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Agnes Law Society $250 to $499 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. E. Lane Alderman The Rev. Robert B. Allman The Rev. M. Ellen Anderson Mr. Stephen W. and Dr. Carolyn S. Ashworth Dr. and Mrs. David L. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baxter The Rev. Maggie F. and Mr. David K. Beamguard The Rev. and Mrs. Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Bell The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Dr. Richard D. Blake and Ms. Sandy Chen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Bowling Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brown Dr. and Mrs. William P. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Morgan W. Bunch Mrs. Elizabeth B. Burgess Dana B. and Charles L. Campbell Drs. Anna L. Case-Winters and R. Michael Winters III Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cheatham The Rev. and Mrs. Jae H. Chung The Rev. Molly C. and Mr. Colquitt Clark III Mrs. Marjorie M. Claytor Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn The Rev. Sharon K. Core and Mr. Nicholas J. Kuhn


Dr. and Mrs. John W. Craven Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cromie The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Cross The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Denny Mrs. Diane L. and Mr. Thomas K. Duane Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Felner Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Forsythe The Rev. Jennifer E. Fouse Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Frampton The Rev. and Mrs. M. McCoy Franklin Drs. Lewis F. Galloway and Eleanor H. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore Mrs. William F. Graves The Rev. and Mrs. Larry J. Green Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Mr. and Mrs. W. Richmond Hammond Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Harris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Harris, Jr. Ms. Martha L. Hatcher The Rev. and Mrs. Roy W. Hicks The Rev. Sandra B. and Mr. Robert M. Hill Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Hix Mr. and Mrs. Paul M.L. Hopkins Mrs. Cameron B.R. and the Rev. E. Cader Howard Dr. James and the Rev. Heidi Hudnut-Beumler The Rev. and Mrs. Scott W. Huie The Rev. and Mrs. C. William Hull Mr. and Mrs. James V. Hunt, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ramon E. Hunt The Rev. Robert F. Hunt The Rev. and Mrs. William C. Hunt, Jr. Mac and Jan Irvin The Rev. and Mrs. Scott Black Johnston The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Kennedy, Jr. The Rev. Shannon J. and Mr. Gregory J. Kershner The Rev. Susan Dobbs Key Mrs. Beverly T. Krannich Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster The Rev. Laury W. Larson Dr. and Mrs. John H. Law The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry W. Long The Rev. and Mrs. Frederick W. Lupton II Dr. and Mrs. Arch L. MacNair Mr. and Mrs. William M. Malloy, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. C. David Markle Mr. and Mrs. T. Greg Martin Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Mattison Mr. and Mrs. A. Wesley Miller Mr. and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. Mr. James H. Montgomery Mrs. Linda S. and Mr. Gregory L. Moore Mrs. Martha W. Morrow Mr. Charles H. Moses, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Charles Moye Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nading The Rev. and Mrs. Richard W. Paddon Dr. and Mrs. David B. Pedersen Ms. Elizabeth L. Pendergrast* The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Roberts The Rev. and Mrs. Jack C. Robinson Mr. Jack H. Ross Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Sadler Mr. and Mrs. Stuart K. Sammis Mrs. Hayden S. Sams Mrs. Jody D. and Mr. D. Ed Sauls Dr. Stanley P. Saunders and Ms. Brenda Smith

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Shackelford, Jr. Ms. Olive P. Simpson Dr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Slagle Mr. and Mrs. Ross M. Sloop Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. G. William Speer Mr. Thomas W. Spraker Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Squires, Jr. The Rev.† and Mrs. Thomas A. Stallworth Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Starnes Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Streetman* Drs. Frank S. and Josephine Y. Sullivan The Rev. Todd W. and Mrs. Ceska M. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Swerlick Dr. Barbara Brown Taylor and Mr. E. Edward Taylor Mrs. Edythe T. Tebbs Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Tillman, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. James S.R. Tippens The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Vogel Mrs. Lee Pruett Walker and the Rev. Bradley K. Walker Ms. Grace C. Walter Dr. Haruko N. and Mr. Peter H. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Ward Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Colin G. White Mr. Lewis E. Whitehead Ms. Frances J. Whitt Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Williams, Jr. Mr. R. Dan Winn, Jr. Walter and Emily Wood* Mrs. Margaret C. and Mr. William D. Young, Jr.



O r g a n i z at i o n s

College Park Presbyterian Church, College Park, GA First Presbyterian Church, Beaufort, SC* First Presbyterian Church, DeFuniak Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Eufaula, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Foley, AL First Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Oakland, FL* Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, VA Holston Presbytery, Kingsport, TN Loyd Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, GA* Morrow Presbyterian Church, Morrow, GA* Newnan Presbyterian Church, Newnan, GA Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Forest Park, GA* Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* The Presbyterian Church, Fredericksburg, VA Rivermont Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Rogersville Presbyterian Church, Rogersville, TN Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN St. John Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, TN Trinity Presbyterian Church, Meridian, MS* Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church, Spokane, WA

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

The Community Foundation, Inc. The Malloy Foundation

Charles Stillman Society $100 to $249 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Columbia Friendship Circle* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Dr. J. Don Aderhold The Rev. and Mrs. Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Aker Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright The Rev. and Mrs. Joe E. Albright Dr. Jerry L. Alexander The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Alexander* The Rev. Kelly S. Allen and Mr. John P. Rezentes Mrs. Ann S. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. J. Eade Anderson Mrs. F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Louie V. Andrews, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul O. Ard, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Armistead Dr. Mark A. Douglas and the Rev. Lindsay P. Armstrong Drs. William V. Arnold and Margaret Ann Fohl Ms. Elizabeth V. Atkinson* Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Mrs. Jane E. Bailey Ms. Dorothea B. Baird* The Rev. and Mrs. Walter P. Baldwin The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros The Rev. Alan D. Bancroft Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bankhead The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert B. Barks, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Earle P. Barron, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. N. William Bath The Rev. and Mrs. C. Frank Beall Dr. and Mrs. John H. Bell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bennett, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. Walter A. Bennett Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Berry Mr. H. Peter Bisschop The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. The Rev. Dorothy T. and Mr. Russell S. Blackwelder The Rev. and Mrs. Frank I. Blankinship III Drs. Martha M. and Richard L. Blount Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Booth The Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Boston Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Botsford Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bovee The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Bowden Dr. and Mrs. Dewey T. Bowen Mrs. Mary K. Bowles Mr. and Mrs. Emmett L. Bowman The Rev. William H. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Barrett D. Brantley Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown Dr. and Mrs. G. Thompson Brown Dr. Loretta G. Brown Dr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. F. Sibley Bryan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John C. Bryan, Sr. Ms. Ann W. Bullard The Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Bullock Mrs. Miriam C. Burch The Rev. and Mrs. Sidney M. Burgess Dr. and Mrs. William W. Burns Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Burriss


The Rev. Constance M. Button The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. Mrs. Johnsye C. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. William S. Campbell Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi and Mrs. A. Lizette Oquendo The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Carothers III Mr. and Mrs. James F. Casselberry The Rev. Doris E. Chandler Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt Mr. Ray M. Clanton Ms. Sara D. Clark The Rev. and Mrs. E. Gil Clary, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Colclough Dr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Collier Dr. and Mrs. William R. Conine, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Pemberton Cooley III Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Coon Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Cordell Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Craft The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Crawford* Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cushman Perky Daniel, PhD, and Mr. J. Wallace Daniel III The Revs. Beth M. and Thomas R. Daniel IV Dr. and Mrs. J. Millen Darnell The Rev. and Mrs. Archie Davis The Rev. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis The Rev. E. Rebecca Davis Mrs. Harriet S. Davis The Rev. Kathryn Heard Day and Mr. Kevin M. Day Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy Drs. Susan L. Denne and David C. Stover The Rev. Thomas M. Dews Ms. Lois E. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Dickson Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Donaldson The Rev. and Mrs. James L. Doom Dr. Laura W. Dorsey Dr. Barbara D. and Mr. Lou J. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Clarke B. Dowling The Rev. and Mrs. Cantey C. DuBose Mr. Carter H. Dukes, Sr. The Rev. Christine K. Dungan Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer Durrett, Jr. The Rev. Martha M. and Mr. Paul E. Ebel The Rev. Sherry P. and Mr. Stephen D. Edwards The Rev. Virginia Simmons Ellis and Mr. Harry W. Ellis The Rev. Sarah F. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew The Rev. and Mrs. C. Phil Esty Dr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Etheredge Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Eure The Rev. Katherine S. Evans The Rev. Lisa R. Eye Mrs. Claire H. Fairley Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. George W. Farr Mr. William J. Farrar Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze The Rev. and Mrs. George H. Fitzgerald Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Floyd The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Foil, Jr. Mrs. Tia A. and the Rev. R. Michael Foley Mr. and Mrs. Chad Folk Mr. J. Larry Fossett Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. A. Daniel Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Freeman Ms. Jane C. Frost* Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fryer

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilford Fuqua Dr. James H. Gailey, Jr. Ms. Frances E. Gaillard The Rev. and Mrs. Irwin P. Gates, Jr. Mr. Michael A. Gerber and Ms. Barbara A. Brandt Mrs. Myron G. Gibbons Dr. and Mrs. J. Sherrick Gilbert Dr. Jerry A. Gladson Dr. and Mrs. John J. Gleason Dr. and Mrs. Bill S. Goforth The Rev. and Mrs. Craig N. Goodrich Dr. Cheryl A. Gosa Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe T. Green, Jr. Mr. William J. Greene, Jr. The Rev. C. Patrick Griffin, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Griffin The Rev. and Mrs. George A. Grissom Dr. and Mrs. Ford F. G’Segner Dr. and Mrs. J. Decherd Guess The Rev. and Mrs. R. Yale Gunn Dr. Thomas H. Guthrie The Rev. and Mrs. Leroy P. Gwaltney III The Rev. Phil A. Hagen Dr. Denise M. Hall The Rev. Barbara B. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hammack Dr. and Mrs. D. Scott Hargrove Dr. and Mrs. M. Douglas Harper, Jr. Colonel and Mrs. H. Eugene Harris The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard Dr. C. Alan Harvey Dr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood Hassell The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Hay Dr. Huibing He The Revs. Marilyn T. and Ingram P. Hedgpeth Dr. and Mrs. Armand E. Hendee The Rev. and Mrs. A. Kyle Henderson The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Henning, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hal Henschen Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Hester The Rev. Alice E. and Mr. C. Woodbridge Hickcox Dr. and Mrs. Basil V. Hicks The Rev. Christina P. Hindley The Revs. Kathryn Blocher Hinds and Joseph M. Hinds III Ms. Vivian J. Hodo The Rev. and Mrs. Charles J. Hollingsworth Dr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Hollyfield The Rev. and Mrs. Charles H. Horne Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Horton, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Gary E. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Carey B. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Hufford II Dr. and Mrs. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hull Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Huseman The Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Hutcheson The Rev. Glen F. Hutchison The Rev. and Mrs. William D. Hyers Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Inacker Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Inman Dr. Sarah E. Jackson* Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. James, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Jenkins Mrs. Betty N. Johnson Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson Mrs. Shirley S. Johnston Chaplain William A. Jokela and Ms. Jane L. Hughes Dr. and Mrs. G. William Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Walk C. Jones IV Mrs. Mary Jane Jordan The Rev. and Mrs. Ervin R. Joslin Drs. Sara C. and Daniel P. Juengst The Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Kackley Mrs. Maurice F. Kahlmus* Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kaylor* Mrs. Barbara T. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Keller III Dr. and Mrs. Gene M. Kelly Dr. Adelia D. Kelso Ms. Mary Alice Kemp Mr. Michael W. Woods and Ms. Myong Sun Kim Mr. and Mrs. James D. King* The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald H. Kirby Dr. Deborah A. Kirk The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Kirstein Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Krause Dr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Kropp The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Kryder Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Land Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lang Dr. and Mrs. C. Ed Lanier Dr. and Mrs. John W. Larson Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. and Mrs. Richard G. Laurens The Revs. Caroline Leach and Gibson P. Stroupe The Rev. and Mrs. Myung Jong Lee Dr. and Mrs. Seung Tae Lee Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Leland Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Letterman Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Leupold The Rev. and Mrs. S. Edwin Lewis Dr. Thomas G. Lewis and Ms. Sebring Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Lightsey The Rev. Jacqueline H. Lindberg Dr. and Mrs. David S. Lindsay Dr. and Mrs. J. Miller Liston The Rev. and Mrs. Clayton K. Little, Jr. Ms. Betty Long* Mr. Raiford N. Long The Rev. Sally L. Lorey† Dr. and Mrs. Louis R. Lothman Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lyons Mrs. Bae K. Magruder Dr. Tom G. Malone Ms. Julia D. Markley Dr. and Mrs. Carl B. Marshall Mr. John D. Marshall The Rev. Joan C. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John D. Massey Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III Mrs. Jacqueline W. Mathes The Rev. M. Beecher Mathes The Rev. and Mrs. Bronson T. Matney, Jr. Dr. Doris H. Mattison The Rev. Rebekah A. and Mr. Derek S. Maul The Rev. and Mrs. Arvie L. Maynard Dr. and Mrs. G. Daniel McCall Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCann The Rev. Peggy S. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. McCrae, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCrea Dr. and Mrs. George H. McDonald The Rev. and Mrs. Emmett S. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne K. McLemore III Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. McMullen Mr. Robert S. McMullen Dr. and Mrs. George E. McRae Mr. and Mrs. O. Jon McRae


Alan and Lynn Merrill The Rev. Dr. John N. Miller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller* Dr. and Mrs. Billy R. Mills The Rev. Sandra E. and Mr. Eugene F. Monroe Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Montgomery Dr. Martha and the Rev. Chris Moore-Keish Mr. J. Michael Morgan and Mr. Richard D. Ezell The Rev. and Mrs. Edwin L. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Morrison Ms. Elizabeth A. Moss and Mr. Garry D. Fesler The Rev. and Mrs. Robert O. Moss III Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Mowbray* Mr. Sam Mozley and Ms. Karen M. Calloway Mr. and Mrs. Dale K. Mullis Drs. Laurey Hartwell Murphy and Robert F. Murphy, Jr. Chaplain and Mrs. Roy R. Myers, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Neelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Neldon The Rev. Laurel D. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Neuenschwander Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Newman Dr. and Mrs. William Newton Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Nichols The Rev. and Mrs. H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. Mrs. Andromedia B. Noel Mr. Lee F. Noel The Revs. Nancy Graham Ogne and Paul M. Ogne Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Neal Dr. and Mrs. William D. O’Neal Mrs. Jean M. Palmer Mrs. Maxine M. Pankonin Mrs. June B. Pannell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Patterson* Dr. and Mrs. John H. Paylor Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Pearce III Dr. and Mrs. Mills J. Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Pellett Mr. and Mrs. Craig K. Pendergrast Dr. William J. Pendergrast Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Penuel Dr. and Mrs. John H. Per-Lee Dr. and Mrs. Grady J. Perryman Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips Dr. Wendell B. Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Phipps The Rev. Robert P. Piephoff Ms. Jeanette Pinkston The Rev. Lori E. Pistor The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Platt Mr. and Mrs. H. Sadler Poe Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Posey The Rev. Vanessa C. Potter Dr. and Mrs. A. Lamar Potts Mr. and Mrs. John M. Preston Mr. and Mrs. John M. Preston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Price The Rev. Harold B. Prince Ms. Laura Pritchard Ms. Joan W. Quattrocchi Ms. Linda S. Quick Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rakes Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey The Rev. and Mrs. John M. Reagan, Jr. The Rev. Stacy K. Rector Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Redd* The Rev. and Mrs. James P. Reinarz Dr. and Mrs. P. David Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. George B. Richardson The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr.

Columbia Gift Societies

Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Robinson The Revs. Judith Gabel Roeling and Ted W. Roeling The Revs. Libby McIntosh Rollins and David N. Rollins The Rev. Marianne McMasters Romanat and Mr. A. Kyle Romanat The Rev. A. Paul Romjue Mr. David F. Root and Ms. Barbara W. Banks The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Roper Dr. Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Rowland* Mary Julia Royall Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Russell Ms. Anne T. Rutherford Mrs. Kathryn H. and the Rev. Joe W. Sandifer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schleusner Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. G. Dal Schreck Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Sciarrone The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott The Rev. Erin C. Sharp and Mr. David B. Bailey Mrs. Alethia F. Shartzer†Dr. and Mrs. Angus R. Shaw III Mr. Wade H. Sherard III Mrs. Sherri P. and the Rev. Timothy F. Simpson Mrs. Alice B. Smith* The Rev. and Mrs. Carl D. Smith, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Earl J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James J. Smith Mrs. Margaret C. Smith Dr. R. Millie Snyder and Mr. Leif T. Aus Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. J. Todd Speed Mr. and Mrs. Cephas H. Starnes* Dr. and Mrs. John L. Stevenson Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart The Rev. Cory S. Stott Mrs. Nancy J. and Mr. Benjamin L. Stouffer Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Stumb Mr. and Mrs. John E. Swink The Rev. Susan P. Takis Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot The Rev. and Mrs. John E. Talmage Dr. and Mrs. B. Harrison Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. L. Jackson Taylor Ms. Sandra D. Taylor The Rev. Sally-Lodge Henderson Teel and Judge Thomas W. Teel The Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. Tennyson, Jr. The Revs. Jannan Wertzbeger Thomas and James H. Thomas The Rev. Michelle and Mr. David Thomas-Bush Mrs. Amanda H. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Thompson III The Rev. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen Dr. and Mrs. Chilton F. Thorington Mrs. Martha B. Tissington Dr. and Mrs. William H. Tomlinson Dr. Richard M. and the Rev. Davette L. Turk The Rev. and Mrs. Mac N. Turnage Mr. Thomas Turnbull IV The Revs. Carrie Rhoads Tuttle and Chris S. Tuttle The Rev. Jerry L. Utt II Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vande Linde Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale Vetrovsky Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Volman Mrs. Joyce Walters

Mr. Howard P. Walthall Dr. and Mrs. Jim O. Watkins, Jr. Mrs. Megan Graham Watson and Mr. Scott B. Watson The Rev. J. Ed Wayland, Jr. Mrs. Auwina V.D. Weed Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Weitnauer The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Wells, Jr. Dr. Steven G. Werdehoff The Rev. Karen Whelchel-Redwine Dr. Dewey A. White, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Raymon L. White The Rev. and Mrs. Scott M. White The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Whitner Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Widmer Mrs. Janice P. and Mr. James A. Wiesner The Rev. J. Mark Wilburn The Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Williams The Rev. and Mrs. Reginald C. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williamson Dr. and Mrs. William W. Williamson, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick J. Willson Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson The Rev. and Mrs. Eugene D. Witherspoon, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Wood Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Wright The Rev. and Mrs. Jia De Wu Dr. E. Barbara Yonteck The Rev. and Mrs. Samuel T. Young The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel E. Youngblood Mrs. Mary H. Zealy



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA* Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Collierville Presbyterian Church, Collierville, TN* Columbia Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Community Presbyterian Church, Howey in the Hills, FL* Concord Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* Darlington Presbyterian Church, Darlington, SC* East Point Presbyterian Church, East Point, GA* Frances D. Fabrick Revocable Trust, Gainesville, FL Faith Presbyterian Church, Melrose, FL* Faith Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* Fayette Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Alachua, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Bessemer, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Corning, NY First Presbyterian Church, Deland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Green Cove Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, GA First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Kissimmee, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Maitland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Ocala, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Owensboro, KY* First Presbyterian Church, Palatka, FL First Presbyterian Church, Rosedale, MS First Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Selma, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Sevierville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Valdosta, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Vicksburg, MS* Fort Gaines Presbyterian Church, Fort Gaines, GA*


Grace Chapel Presbyterian Church, Madison, MS* Grace Presbyterian Church, Bartlett, TN* Hillwood Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN* Honea Path Presbyterian Church, Honea Path, SC Indian River Presbyterian Church, Fort Pierce, FL* Intellisponse Inc., Waterbury, CT The MacIntyre Fund, Thomasville, GA Manning Presbyterian Church, Manning, SC* Markham Woods Presbyterian Church, Lake Mary, FL* Mountain Presbyterian Church, Blairsville, GA Northminster Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA* Park Lake Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL* Pawleys Island Presbyterian Church, Pawleys Island, SC* Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL* Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection, Conyers, GA* Providence Presbytery, Rock Hill, SC* Round Pond Presbyterian Church, Franklin, KY* Sandy Springs Christian Church, Atlanta, GA Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA* Spring Lake Presbyterian Church, Sebring, FL* St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Sun City Center, FL* St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA* St. Cloud Presbyterian Church, St. Cloud, FL* Synod of the Rocky Mountains, Centennial, CO Tallapoosa Presbyterian Church, Tallapoosa, GA* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* United Presbyterian Church, Sandersville, MS Western Kentucky Presbytery, Hopkinsville, KY* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rome, GA* J.J. White Memorial Presbyterian Church, McComb, MS* Ysabel Odom Sunday School Class, Marietta, GA

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

East Lake Community Foundation North Georgia Psychotherapy, P.C.

Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 to $99 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Anonymous Mrs. Elizabeth Soileau Acton and the Rev. M. Andy Acton Dr. and Mrs. Normer M. Adams The Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Akers Ms. Adina Allen* Mr. and Mrs. Bona Allen IV* Mr. and Mrs. William B. Allison, Jr. Dr. Catherine L. Allsbury and the Rev. James B. Miller The Rev. Jaina W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Anderson Dr. William R. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Louis V. Andrews III The Rev. and Mrs. Michael L. Andrews Ms. June M. Andros Dr. and Mrs. David B. Antonson Dr. and Mrs. Dan C. Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Arnold The Rev. and Mrs. Joe P. Arnold Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Asbell The Rev. and Mrs. John N. Ashenfelder Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ault, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Ayers Dr. and Mrs. Eugen G. Bach, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr.

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. George E. Bailey Dr. Edna J. and Mr. Warren L. Banes, Jr. Mrs. Peggy B. Barnett Dr. Harry H. and Mrs. Madeline Barrow The Rev. and Mrs. D. Clyde Bartges Ms. Martha J. Becker* The Rev. and Mrs. Clark D. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Berry Dr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Blacklaw The Rev. and Mrs. Buren Blankenship Ms. Mary Bollinger Ms. Mary Alverta “Bertie” Bond Dr. George C. Boone Ms. Laura G. Bordeaux and Dr. Michael T. Lacey Mrs. Scarlette K. and Mr. Bob Bostick Mr. and Mrs. R. Wendell Bowen The Rev. David G. Boyce The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Boyer The Rev. and Mrs. William P. Boyle Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brearley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Breast Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brennan The Rev. Margaret B. and Mr. William L. Brinck Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Brown Ms. June A. Buechner* Ms. Susan D. Buell The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Bumgardner Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Buntin Mrs. Anne O. Burks* Mrs. Mary B. Butler* Mrs. Jimmie M. Byal Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul Cadenhead Mrs. Zoe Anne Henderson Cagle and the Rev. David A. Cagle The Revs. Margaret Adams Caine and Stephen R. Caine The Rev. and Mrs. J. Reid Cameron The Revs. Amy Lehr Camp and W. Hunter Camp II Mr. Curtis W. Campbell The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon C. Campbell The Rev. and Mrs. Kevin M. Campbell Dr. Jerry L. Cannon The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Cannon, Jr. Dr. Anna and the Rev. W. David Carter Florence Mr. and Mrs. Len B. Cason Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cason Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Castor Mr. and Mrs. Craig L. Castor The Revs. Brandi and Andrew Casto-Waters Mrs. Orlean Y. Castronis The Rev. and Mrs. David H. Chai Dr. and Mrs. J. Harley Chapman The Rev. and Mrs. Frank K. Chapo Dr. and Mrs. Huw M. Christopher Mr. Bradley J. Church Dr. Ashley Cook Cleere and Mr. William R. Cleere The Rev. and Mrs. Charles W. Clubb Ms. Ana T. Collantes* Ms. Nancy D. Collins* The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Conner Ms. Sheila M. Cook The Rev. and Mrs. R. Donald Cooke Dr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Cooley Dr. and Mrs. W. Franklin Covington Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Craigmile Ms. Sue W. Crannell Drs. James L. and Virginia Cross The Rev. Belinda M. Curry Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Cuthill The Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana and Mr. Robert Dana Dr. and Mrs. R. Linton Dangar Dr. and Mrs. James C. Dant The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Dantzler

Mr. David C. Dault The Rev. Jean L. Davidson Dr. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Ellen Q. Davis Mrs. Julia L. Davis* Ms. Joan Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Deer, Jr. The Rev. Elizabeth M. and Dr. Richard I. Deibert Ms. Diane G. DeLuna The Rev. and Mrs. E. Peter Denlea Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Densmore* The Rev. Polly K. Deppen The Rev. Jessica Derise-Mendez The Rev. and Mrs. William C. Dinwiddie, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Dixon Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dobbins, Jr. Ms. Janine B. Dobbs Dr. Charles L. Donnell The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. Doom, Sr. Ms. Pauline E. Doty Ms. Margaret D. Downs* Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Drew Ms. Marilyn C. Duncan* Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Dunivant Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dusing Ms. Ella K. Edwards* The Rev. Charles L. Evans Mrs. Joan C. Everett* Dr. Fairfax F. Fair Ms. Faye Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Fechter, Sr.* Dr. and Mrs. Mahlon S. Felkins Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fenton The Rev. and Mrs. Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. The Rev. Mary M. Flannagan Mrs. Kaye W. and Mr. Joseph A. Florence Mrs. Barbara Benton Flynt and Mr. Bradley S. Flynt The Rev. and Mrs. H. Thomas Foley Mrs. Mary S. Foster The Rev. A. Schaap Freeman and Mr. Clarence D. Fouse III Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Fowlkes Dr. Sandra M. and Mr. Thomas F. Fox Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Franck* The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Franklin Dr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Frazier Ms. Barbara M. Gajewski Mrs. Burney H. Gardner Drs. James L. and Carol M. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gilreath Ms. Suzanne M. Ginn* Ms. Deborah P. Gipson Mrs. Ann H. Gisch Dr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Gittner Dr. Sadie H. Goldsmith The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. Googe Mr. Everett E. Gourley, Jr. Ms. Sue P. Granade* Mrs. Judy K. and Mr. Roy Graves The Rev. and Mrs. Todd H. Green Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Greene Mrs. Jacqueline A. and Mr. Jim K. Griffeth Mr. Larry M. Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Mark F. Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Griffis Dr. and Mrs. John D. Guedes Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Gunter* Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman Dr. and Mrs. John H. Haberer, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hackett The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. Mrs. Anna D. Haley Dr. and Mrs. C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. Ms. Mary A. Hammett* Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamrick Mr. C. Davis Hankins Mr. and Mrs. E. Victor Hanson Dr. and Mrs. Graham W. Hardy Mrs. Ann T. Hare Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Harkey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Reid M. Harmon Dr. George D. Harper Ms. Gussie Harris* Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss The Rev. and Mrs. Abel M. Hart Mrs. Eugenia H. Hart Mrs. Marian P. Hassler* The Rev. and Mrs. Bill R. Havens Dr. Pam C. Hawkins The Rev. and Mrs. William V. Hawkins The Rev. Linda W. and Mr. Charles W. Hawthorne Dr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Hay The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Hay Dr. Henry A. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Hellgren* The Rev. Susanna C. Hendy Mr. and Mrs. Buford A. Hill* Dr. H. Keith Hill Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hill Ms. Martha F. Hillman* The Rev. Maryellen S. and Mr. Glenn P. Hittel Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hobson Ms. Ethel K. Hodges* The Rev. Jeanne Hoechst-Jackson Mrs. Doris E. Hoenig* Dr. and Mrs. Adlai C. Holler, Jr. Mrs. Frances Q. Holley The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Hollis, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Holloway, Jr. Mrs. Lela M. Holmes* Mrs. Will G. Holmes The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Holmes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Hoopes* The Rev. and Mrs. Edward L. Hopper The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Horel The Rev. and Mrs. R. Eugene Horne, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Horne Mr. John R. Hornick and Ms. Betty R. Bacon The Rev. Elizabeth L. Hoskins Dr. and Mrs. Ira G. Howard Mr. Jeff T. Howell Mr. and Mrs. William B. Howell Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hoyt Drs. William R. and Sara L. Hoyt Dr. and Mrs. R. Steven Hudder Dr. and Mrs. James H. Huffaker Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hughes Mr. John E. Huie Mr. Samuel R. Humphreys Dr. Sonjia L. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Huss Mr. L. William Ice The Rev. Elizabeth E. Inman The Rev. C. Anderson James Mr. and Mrs. Virgil W. Jensen The Rev. Barbara R. Johnson The Revs. Carolyn M. and Kermit D. Johnson The Rev. Jennifer A. Johnson and Mr. Mark S. Riggs Mrs. Karen E. Johnson* Mr. W. Lee and Dr. Yolanda O. Johnson, Jr. Ms. Karen Jolly and Mr. Steve Kopp The Rev. and Mrs. Christopher M. Jones Ms. Elinor M. Jones*

Columbia Gift Societies

Colonel and Mrs. LaVert W. Jones* Mr. Ezra B. Jones III Dr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Jones Mrs. Linda P. Jones The Rev. Mary N. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Jones Dr. W. Jones-DuCille Mr. and Mrs. Jere V. Keiser* The Rev. and Mrs. David P. Keister Dr. and Mrs. Fred L. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller The Rev. and Mrs. Paul L. Kendall Dr. and Mrs. James M. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. L. Alan Kenton The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Kepler, Jr. Mrs. Martha D. Kerby* Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kesler Dr. and Mrs. Douglass D. Key Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kinard* The Revs. Randal V. and Barrie M. Kirby The Rev. Dorothy M. Kirk The Rev. Charles E. Kirkpatrick Mrs. Jewel E. and Mr. Ronald H. Kirkus Mrs. Marianne A. Klecka The Rev. Dr. Marcella L. Klimas and the Rev. V. Richard Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Klimko Mr. and Mrs. William F. Knichel* Cmdr. and Mrs. Glen A. Kohlhagen Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kuhn* Dr. and Mrs. David E. Kunselman The Rev. and Mrs. David Y. Kwon The Rev. and Mrs. Jimmie L. Lancaster, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. P. Berke Landrum The Rev. Edward C. Langham, Jr. Mr. Rhett H. Laurens Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lavington Mr. Samuel B. Ledbetter The Rev. Connie S. and Mr. Gentle G. Lee Ms. Jennifer A. Lee and Mr. Joe Dan Walker Mr. and Mrs. Sun Bong Lee Dr. and Mrs. Philip W. Leftwich Ms. Rebekah Close LeMon and Mr. Joel M. LeMon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Lewis The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Lewis, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Ley Mrs. Mary Caroline Lindsay* The Rev. and Mrs. W. Marvin Lindsay III Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie D. Lindsey* Mrs. Jane L. Liston† Mrs. W.G. Littlefield Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Locey* Dr. and Mrs. George W. Long, Jr. Ms. Kay L. Long* Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott Mr. and Mrs. R.O. Love* Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Lovelady The Rev. and Mrs. Gregory J. Lund Ms. Stephanie Lyas Dr. and Mrs. John S. Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Lyman Dr. and Mrs. Grant A. MacLean, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas H. Makin Mrs. Diana W. and Mr. W. Blair Malcom Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield Ms. Madelyn Mansfield The Rev. Jodi B. and Mr. Joseph B. Martin IV Ms. Lisa M. Martin-Hansen Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Marvin Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruce Mather Mrs. Nancy R. McCain Dr. and Mrs. John K. McCallum, Jr. Dr. Clyde T. McCants

Dr. and Mrs. John M. McClearen Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. McCully, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony W. McDade Mr. Fred W. McDaniel, Jr. Mrs. LaBelle D. McDow Dr. and Mrs. Elliott W. McElroy The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. McGehee Mrs. Carolyn B. McGough Dr. and Mrs. Matthew McGowan The Rev. and Mrs. Sam E. McGregor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Davis McGregor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McInnis* The Rev. and Mrs. Woodrow McKay, Jr. Mr. Robert L. McKemie The Rev. and Mrs. William P. McKinnon The Rev. and Mrs. Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. Chaplain and Mrs. Douglas S. McLeroy The Rev. Larry R. McQueen The Rev. Dan A. McRight The Revs. Sarah Speed McTyre and J. Andrew McTyre Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Medford The Revs. Shannon O’Leary and Andy M. Meyers The Rev. J. Chris Michael and Ms. Becky Baker Dr. and Mrs. Vaughn J. Michael Dr. Gordon C. Miller Mr. Mark Miller Dr. and Mrs. Roger G. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Milligan Dr. and Mrs. James H. Milsap, Jr. Dr. T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Mixon The Rev. Joseph G. Moore, Jr. The Rev. Kathryn McLean Moore and Mr. Glenn E. Moore The Rev. and Mrs. Lardner C. Moore, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Matt E. Moore The Rev. and Mrs. Park H. Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David R. Moorefield The Rev. and Mrs. H. Edward Morren The Rev. and Mrs. Alex J. Morrison Ms. Mabel Jean Morrison The Rev. and Mrs. W. Harvey Morrison, Sr. Mrs. Gloria H. Moss* Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mounts* Dr. Mark C. and the Rev. Toby E. Mueller Dr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Murray Mrs. Lisa N. and Dr. Eric T. Myers Ms. Carol R. Naughton The Rev. and Mrs. George V. Naze II The Revs. Lisa Traynham Nelson and Ron E. Nelson The Rev. and Mrs. Arnold K. Newman Mrs. Dorothy A. Newton The Rev. Susan M. and Mr. Taylor S. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Nichols, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Norris Dr. and Mrs. M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. The Rev. Joseph A. Orehosky The Revs. Peggy C. and William F. Owens Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Pace Ms. Jeanette T. Parker Ms. Pauline J. Parker The Rev. Rebecca S. Parker and Mr. Wilmer Parker Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Partridge Mr. and Mrs. William R. Patterson* Mr. Kevin W. Patton The Rev. James L. Peacock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fay Pearce, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Lyle W. Peterson Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Phillips The Rev. and Mrs. William G. Phipps


The Rev. Ann L. Pitman Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Pittenger The Rev. and Mrs. William L. Platt Dr. and Mrs. Andral B. Plexico Mrs. Barbara G. and Mr. William J. Poe Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. Poole The Rev. Mary M. Porter Mrs. Katherine L. Potter* Mrs. Andrea C. Price The Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Price Dr. and Mrs. Loren D. Pugh Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Punnett Dr. and Mrs. James H. Quillin Mrs. Lee T. and the Rev. Timothy T. Read Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reardon* The Rev. Greta S. Reed Ms. Barbara D. Reeves* The Rev. and Mrs. Dennis E. Reid Dr. Robert P. Reno Dr. Jeanne C. and the Rev. Jeffry L. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Joshua F. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Richards Dr. and Mrs. L. Thomas Richie Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius G. Riddle* Dr. and Mrs. Joe W. Rigsby Dr. and Mrs. James W. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Robinson The Rev. and Mrs. Richard D. Rodda Dr. Jeannette G. and Mr. Charles D. Rodenbough Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers* Mrs. Ruby M. Rogers* Mrs. Sara H. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Rollins* The Rev. Ramiro Ros Chaplain Etta C. Rossman Ms. Susan L. Rutherford Ms. Patricia J. Rydell* Mr. and Mrs. Dallas M. Ryle, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald E. Sabo Dr. and Mrs. Carson L. Salyer, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Bertram H. Saunders Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Scharer The Rev. Merritt Nickinson Schatz and Mr. Noel R. Schatz Mr. Donald P. Schiesswohl Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Scott* Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Seager* Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Sells Dr. and Mrs. Rex R. Selters The Rev. Melinda S. and Mr. Joseph Serafin Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sessions Mr. and Mrs. Monte W. Shannon* Dr. and Mrs. Conrad C. Sharps Dr. Sandy P. Shawhan Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Shelor Dr. James C. Shelton Mr. William S. and Dr. Anne T. Sherren The Rev. and Mrs. Earle F. Sickels Dr. Richard M. Simpson The Rev. A. Sevastianos Skordallos Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Slemmons Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith The Rev. J. Hoge Smith, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. L. Ted Smith Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Smith* The Rev. M. Joy Smith and Mr. Charles R. Paulson Dr. Robert E. Smith Mrs. Dorothy L. Smythe* The Rev. Maetta M. and Mr. D. Sam Snyder The Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Sockwell The Rev. Lynette D. and Mr. John M. Solomon Mrs. Margaret D. Somers Mrs. Fred E. Spain* Mrs. Dale B. Spears*

Columbia Gift Societies

The Rev. James B. Spencer Mrs. Janet P. Stange Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stauffacher Mr. and Mrs. Andy M. Steinmann* The Rev. Daniel D. Stephens Dr. and Mrs. A. Mac Stinson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Stodghill Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Stone Ms. Judith F. Stone The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald E. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stowell* The Rev. and Mrs. Sefton B. Strickland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sturdivant The Rev. and Mrs. Walter H. Styles Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Summerlin The Rev. and Mrs. Bert C. Swearingen The Rev. Tina E. Sweet The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Swindall The Rev. and Mrs. Lowell B. Sykes Mrs. Cynthia S. Tarrant Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Taylor, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. L. Sherwood Taylor Mrs. Muriel H. Teague The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Terrell The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel R. Thomas, Jr. Mr. Roger D. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thompson Mrs. Diane K. and Mr. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. R. Kenyon Thweatt The Rev. and Mrs. C. Craig Topple The Rev. and Mrs. Benton J. Trawick Ms. R. Miranda Trussell Dr. and Mrs. Claude O. Tucker Mr. Trenton Tunnell III The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Tyre Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Uhl Mrs. Wende P. Veeder* The Rev. and Mrs. Jose Vera Mr. Eugene M. Vereen, Jr. Mrs. Luan B. Vinson* Dr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Voye Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Eldon D. Wadsworth Dr. and Mrs. G. Oliver Wagner Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wallace, Jr. The Rev. Milford B. Walters The Rev. and Mrs. Andrew I. Walton Mrs. Anne F. Waltz* Mrs. Evamay F. Ward* The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas D. Warters Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Watkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. H. Darrell Watson Dr. Cora A. Wayland Chaplain Frank D. Weathersby Dr. and Mrs. James S. Welch, Jr. Dr. Kathleen L. and Mr. Samuel C. Weller Dr. and Mrs. William A. Wendt Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Shelburn M. Wilkes Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Wilkins Dr. and Mrs. Alex W. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keith Williams Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Williams Mrs. Jennifer L. and Mr. Marc T. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson

Bob and Lynda Wilson Mrs. Sara R. Wyatt* The Rev. M. Elizabeth Yarborough Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. York Ms. Elizabeth H. Young The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Young The Rev. Lucy K. Youngblood The Rev. Mary L. Young-Ward and Mr. Dann Ward



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Alta Vista Presbyterian Church, North Miami, FL* Arlington Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Aveleigh Presbyterian Church, Newberry, SC* Bishopville Presbyterian Church, Bishopville, SC* Blountville Presbyterian Church, Blountville, TN* Booneville Presbyterian Church, Booneville, MS* Boston Presbyterian Church, Boston, GA* Carrollton Presbyterian Church, Carrollton, GA* Center Point Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL* Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Cold Springs Presbyterian Church, Bristol, TN* Community Presbyterian Church, Atlantic Beach, FL* Conyers Presbyterian Church, Conyers, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Albany, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* Fairfield Highlands Presbyterian Church, Midfield, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Andalusia, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Auburn, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Bennettsville, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Brunswick, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Canton, MS* First Presbyterian Church, Cheraw, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Chipley, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Clarkesville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Cornelia, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Dade City, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Fort Walton Beach, FL* First Presbyterian Church, High Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Lake Charles, LA First Presbyterian Church, Lake City, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Live Oak, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Lucedale, MS* First Presbyterian Church, Lynn Haven, FL* First Presbyterian Church, McColl, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Moncks Corner, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Orangeburg, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Piedmont, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Port Charlotte, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Reform, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Starke, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Thomaston, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Union, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Wetumpka, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Winter Haven, FL* First Presbyterian Church of Jonesboro, Jonesboro, GA* First-Trinity Presbyterian Church, Laurel, MS* Fort Caroline Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Fraser Memorial Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC*


Gardendale Presbyterian Church, Gardendale, AL* Glen Leven Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN* Goodwater Presbyterian Church, Goodwater, AL* Government Street Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Conyers, GA* Grace Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL* Grace Presbyterian Church, Trussville, AL* Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church, Gulf Breeze, FL* Highlands Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, FL* Hillside Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Indiantown Presbyterian Church, Hemingway, SC* Jekyll Island Community Presbyterian Church, Jekyll Island, GA* John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC* John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL* Lake Square Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, FL* Lakewood Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, Laurel Hill, FL* Liberty Presbyterian Church, Rogersville, TN* Lickville Presbyterian Church, Pelzer, SC* Lyons Presbyterian Church, Lyons, GA* Madison Cross Roads Presbyterian Church, Toney, AL* McDowell Presbyterian Church, Greeleyville, SC* Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Stone Mountain, GA* Midway Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Montgomery Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA* New Providence Presbyterian Church, Maryville, TN* Northminster Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* Northside Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Prosperity, SC Old Bethel Presbyterian Church, Dillon, SC Parkway Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL* Peace Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC* Southminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* Spanish Fort Presbyterian Church, Spanish Fort, AL* St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* St. Francis Episcopal Church, Holden, MA St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL* Summerville Presbyterian Church, Summerville, SC* Sumner Presbyterian Church, Sumner, MS* Timmonsville Presbyterian Church, Timmonsville, SC* Washington Presbyterian Church, Washington, GA* Wekiva Presbyterian Church, Longwood, FL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, AL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Natchez, MS* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Snellville, GA* Williston Presbyterian Church, Williston, SC* Woodland Presbyterian Church of Quincy, Gretna, FL*

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

Atlanta Bar Association Bayswater Group, Inc. Marshall Hendon Minter & Associates

Giving by Classes Alumni/ae names are listed by year of first degree only.

P Presidents’ Society $15,000 or more PM Peter Marshall Society $5,000 – $14,999 WM William Marcellus McPheeters Society $1,000 – $4,999 WW Woodrow Wilson Society $500 – $999 AL Agnes Law Society $250 – $499 CS Charles Stillman Society $100 – $249 TG Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 – $99 1933 Bonneau H. Dickson† WW

1936 John E. Talmage CS

1937 Anonymous CS





John N. Ashenfelder TG J. Phillips Noble P Walter H. Styles TG

John A. Cannon, Jr. TG E. Gil Clary, Jr. CS William A. Crosland AL M. Douglas Harper, Jr. CS Edward L. Hopper TG William R. Hoyt TG Richard G. Laurens CS Matthew McGowan TG John M. Reagan, Jr. CS J. Ed Wayland, Jr. CS Samuel T. Young CS

Malcolm M. Bullock CS Robert I. Doom, Sr. TG Dan A. Dunaway WM Leroy P. Gwaltney III CS William F. Lee WM Ralph Lightsey CS Robert M. Marvin TG James S.R. Tippens AL Joseph C. Whitner CS

Robert C. Bankhead CS Gordon C. Campbell TG Robert L. Conner TG Charles B. Cousar WM J. Millen Darnell CS Paul L. Kendall TG Fred W. McDaniel, Jr. TG Alex J. Morrison TG Angus R. Shaw CS Thomas A. Stallworth† AL Sefton B. Strickland, Jr. TG Eldon D. Wadsworth TG G. Dana Waters III AL

1946 Wade P. Huie, Jr. CS Lyle W. Peterson TG

1947 Gabriel E. Abdullah TG John W. Craven AL Hubert V. Taylor WM

1948 Roy W. Coker WM Thomas W. Horton, Jr. CS John A. Kirstein CS

1949 Thomas M. Dews CS John T. McCrea CS

1950 J. Eade Anderson CS Burney H. Gardner TG H. Keith Hill TG Park H. Moore, Jr. TG L. Sherwood Taylor TG

1951 J. Don Aderhold CS J. Calvin Chesnutt CS Joseph C. Eckstine WW Albert G. Harris, Jr. AL Charles E. Kirkpatrick TG George W. Long, Jr. TG Charles L. Moffatt WM David R. Moorefield TG

1953 Julian F. Craig, Jr. WM Robert A. Dobbins, Jr. TG C. Phil Esty CS Abel M. Hart TG Roy W. Hicks AL Douglas W. Hix AL John R. Hornick TG Robert L. Montgomery CS Lardner C. Moore, Sr. TG H. Edward Morren TG Spencer C. Murray TG William M. Schotanus CS Ernest R. Tufft WW

1954 Louie V. Andrews, Jr. CS Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. AL Kenneth P. Craig CS Archie Davis CS Richard A. Dodds CS Cantey C. DuBose CS R. Yale Gunn CS Lewis S. Hay TG Edward C. Langham, Jr. TG Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. WM Roy R. Myers, Jr. CS William D. O'Neal CS Jack C. Robinson AL Richard G. Shelor TG James B. Spencer TG B. Harrison Taylor CS

1939 Arch L. MacNair AL

1940 Clark D. Benson TG

1941 Francis B. Benton† P Curry W. Davis CS James H. Gailey, Jr. CS Thomas H. Makin TG

Kenneth E. Boyer TG W. Robert Floyd CS William F. Henning, Jr. CS Robert F. Hunt AL Gerald H. Kirby CS Bronson T. Matney, Jr. CS Emmett S. McDowell CS W. Harvey Morrison, Sr. TG Chilton F. Thorington CS

1957 Robert B. Allman AL Frank M. Brown CS Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. WW Robert S. Dendy CS George H. Fitzgerald CS H. Thomas Foley TG Irwin P. Gates, Jr. CS George A. Grissom CS C. Jarred Hammet, Sr. WM Robert H. Hull CS Glen F. Hutchison CS Rob Roy McGregor, Jr. WW William P. McKinnon TG William F. Shouse WW James O. Speed, Jr. WM

1959 Herbert B. Barks, Jr. CS Robert W. Boston CS William R. Conine, Jr. CS William A. Dantzler TG Robert M. Horne TG Frederick W. Lupton II AL Eugene B. Norris TG David B. Pedersen AL Mills J. Peebles CS Lawrence H. Richards TG Lowell B. Sykes TG

1960 Earle P. Barron, Jr. CS David G. Boyce TG Frank K. Chapo TG William C. Dinwiddie, Sr. TG James H. Huffaker TG John H. Law AL Clayton K. Little, Jr. CS G. Daniel McCall, Sr. CS Andral B. Plexico TG Harold B. Prince CS

1961 Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. CS Michael L. Andrews TG Stephen A. Bacon WM Bill S. Goforth CS John D. Guedes TG Gary E. Howell CS Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. CS Paul S. Mixon TG Robert G. Newman CS Carl D. Smith, Sr. CS Robert V. Sturdivant TG Gerald K. Taylor, Jr. TG

1962 George C. Boone TG Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. TG George D. Harper TG Charles J. Hollingsworth CS Wallace G. Hollyfield CS Ray A. Howe WW Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. CS Calvin W. Kropp CS Robert M. Lewis, Sr. TG A. Cecil Moore, Jr. WW Bobby E. Pettit CS John G. Taylor, Jr. TG

1942 D. Clyde Bartges TG J. Hoge Smith, Jr. TG Robert E. Smith TG

1943 Walter A. Bennett† CS William H. Boyd CS James L. Doom CS Basil V. Hicks CS J. Davison Philips WM

1944 Frederick W. Widmer CS








Robert L. Armistead CS C. Frank Beall CS Charles C. Bovee CS Ann W. Bullard CS Martin L. Harkey, Jr. TG S. Edwin Lewis CS James L. Peacock, Jr. TG William D. Russell WW Dorothy D. Smith AL L. Jackson Taylor CS Raymon L. White CS

John S. Bacot, Sr. TG Juventino R. Ballesteros CS Dwight S. Bayley II WW R. Leon Carroll, Jr. WM Edwin L. Morrison CS William G. Phipps TG Thomas A. Sizemore WM G. Douglas Slagle AL Robert M. Wallace, Jr. TG Shelburn M. Wilkes TG

Harry H. Barrow TG William B. Carr, Jr. WW S. Elizabeth Fairleigh WW A. Lamar Potts CS John A. Roper CS Etta C. Rossman TG


Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. AL H. Alan Elmore WM Charles H. Horne CS James M. Kennedy TG Philip W. Leftwich TG P. David Reynolds CS Charles F. Scott CS Michael E. Williams WW

David J. Bailey CS Donald R. Frampton AL J. Decherd Guess CS James E. Hollis, Jr. TG John A. Hunter WW Randal V. Kirby TG Rebekah A. Maul CS Laurey Hartwell Murphy CS Grady J. Perryman CS Harry H. Phillips TG A. Sevastianos Skordallos TG Ronald E. Stone TG Janice P. Wiesner CS

Thomas A. Cheatham AL James L. Cross, Jr. TG Curry W. Davis TG Adlai C. Holler, Jr. TG Clyde T. McCants TG George V. Naze II TG Gail R. Perkins AL Jeri Parris Perkins AL Robert P. Reno TG B. Lynn Stall WM Frederick H. Talbot CS Karen Whelchel-Redwine CS Ronald A. Wilkins TG Robert D. Williams TG

Martha M. Blount CS James E. Bowden CS M. McCoy Franklin AL John E. Hill TG C. Ed Lanier CS Rex R. Selters TG Jack W. Walker† PM Alex W. Williams TG Robert A. Wilson TG Lawrence A. Wood CS

1965 Ewell C. Black, Jr. CS J. Reid Cameron TG J. Harley Chapman TG Richard A. Cushman, Sr. CS R. Eugene Horne, Jr. TG William D. Hyers CS Mary Jane Jordan CS Kenneth M. Kepler, Jr. TG Richard W. Paddon AL James T. Richardson CS Frank R. Sells TG Robert E. Smith AL Bert C. Swearingen TG Cora A. Wayland TG Frank D. Weathersby TG Donn W. Wright WM

1966 Anonymous TG David B. Antonson TG Joe P. Arnold TG William V. Arnold CS Joseph W. Berry CS T. Erskine Clarke WM John S. Franklin TG D. Scott Hargrove CS Joseph S. Harvard III CS C. William Hull AL James S. Lowry WM Elliott W. McElroy TG Jack H. Ward AL Daniel E. Youngblood CS


1970 James H. Bumgardner TG Charles W. Clubb TG John J. Gleason CS Ford F. G’Segner CS Bill R. Havens TG William C. Hunt, Jr. AL G. William Jones, Jr. CS Ervin R. Joslin CS Cecil B. Murphey PM John W. Stodghill TG Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. CS Eugene D. Witherspoon, Jr. CS

1971 William R. Anderson TG Raymond D. Barfield WW Ronald A. Botsford CS Wayne D. Griffin CS Fred L. Keith TG John W. Larson CS Tom G. Malone CS John K. McCallum, Jr. TG Kenneth J. Terrell TG Jim O. Watkins, Jr. CS Patrick J. Willson CS E. Barbara Yonteck CS

1972 J. Lawrence Cuthill TG J. Ernie Johnson WM Mary N. Jones TG Gene Lassiter CS Caroline Leach CS Dan A. McRight TG David E. Swindall TG



Dan C. Armstrong TG John C. Bryan, Sr. CS Bert K. Carmichael III WM Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. CS C. Pat Griffin, Jr. CS Robert H. Horel TG J. Miller Liston CS Robert O. Moss III CS Arnold K. Newman TG H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. CS Robert P. Piephoff CS Loren D. Pugh TG Thomas D. Warters TG

Dewey T. Bowen CS E. Victor Hanson TG H. Eugene Harris CS William J. Holmes, Jr. TG William P. Lancaster AL Richard P. Neldon CS James H. Quillin TG E. Joyce Rimes WM J. Mark Wilburn CS

1975 Ralph J. Aker CS William P. Boyle TG John S. Carothers III CS J. Steve Rhodes WM Gibson P. Stroupe CS Joyce C. Tucker AL

1976 R. Donald Cooke TG Joan S. Gray WW Winona Jones-DuCille TG Albert F. Masters III CS William O. Nisbet, Jr. WM Cary G. Speaker WM Milford B. Walters TG R. Michael Winters III AL Mary L. Young-Ward TG

1977 James H. Foil, Jr. CS Gerald P. Jenkins CS Alice A. Johnson WW M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. TG

1978 Anonymous AL Paul O. Ard, Jr. CS Anna L. Case-Winters AL David H. Chai TG Virginia Simmons Ellis CS Charles L. Evans TG R. Daniel Holloway, Jr. TG William A. Jokela CS George H. McDonald CS Sally-Lodge Henderson Teel CS

1979 Joanna M. Adams WW Paul H. Akers TG Cheryl A. Gosa CS Kathryn H. Sandifer CS Lib McGregor Simmons WM Jose Vera TG

1980 E. Lane Alderman AL Buren Blankenship TG Richard H. Brooks WM D. Raymond Guterman TG R. Steven Hudder TG Carolyn M. Johnson TG Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. TG William C. Pender WM William B. Wade, Jr. TG

1981 Janet Aldridge Briscoe WW Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. CS Mary Jane K. Cornell WM Cecil D. Etheredge CS Jeanne Hoechst-Jackson TG Robert F. Murphy, Jr. CS Carson L. Salyer, Jr. TG Stephen R. Vance WM


1983 Francis M. Burriss CS Charles L. Donnell TG Alice E. Hickcox CS Sara C. Juengst CS Joseph A. Orehosky TG

1984 Frank L. Arnold TG Jon M. Coon CS A. Daniel Freeman CS Robert S. Hay TG Walter M. Jones, Jr. WM Adelia D. Kelso CS Jonathan W. Lovelady TG Robert A. McCully, Jr. TG James W. Platt CS Scott M. Poole TG Raymond R. Roberts AL Joseph A. Scharer TG Merritt Nickinson Schatz TG Kathryn E. Thoresen CS Charles C. Williamson CS Richard B. Wilson TG

1985 Mary G. Amos WM Jae H. Chung AL Julie M. Cline WW Martha J. Clinkscales WW Sandra M. Fox TG C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. TG Ira G. Howard TG Robert F. Inman CS Wanda S. Neely WW R. Page Shelton WW Gerald L. Voye TG Lee Pruett Walker AL

1986 Normer M. Adams TG Catherine L. Allsbury TG Janice L. Blissit PM Perky Daniel CS Eugene R. Donaldson CS C. Alan Harvey CS Henry A. Haynes TG James B. Miller TG Ralph W. Milligan TG T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. TG William Newton CS L. Thomas Richie TG Joe W. Rigsby TG L. Ted Smith TG William J. Tyre TG David D. Weitnauer WM Charles P. Wright CS

1988 John H. Bell, Jr. CS Jerry E. Blacklaw TG Edwin M. Cooley TG Pemberton Cooley III CS Laura W. Dorsey CS Pauline E. Doty TG Charles C. Heyward, Sr. WW David P. Keister TG Sarah Speed McTyre TG Jeffrey S. Price TG M. Joy Smith TG Dean R. Strong WW Claude O. Tucker TG

1989 Jean L. Davidson TG Dent C. Davis III WM Richard I. Deibert TG E. Peter Denlea TG Susan L. Denne CS Barbara Benton Flynt TG Jacqueline A. Griffeth TG John H. Haberer, Jr. TG Lina Robinson Hart WW J. Richard Hobson TG Ramon E. Hunt AL Susan Dobbs Key AL Louis R. Lothman CS Arvie L. Maynard CS Wendell B. Phillips, Jr. CS Judith Gabel Roeling CS Samuel F. Rutland WW Maetta M. Snyder TG Augusta B. Vanderbilt WW Bradley K. Walker AL

1990 Lucy R. Aldridge P Sidney M. Burgess CS Elizabeth M. Deibert TG Laura Aull Johnston WW Douglas S. McLeroy TG Joan W. Quattrocchi CS James W. Roberts TG Martha C. Sexton WW Earl J. Smith CS Lynette D. Solomon TG Philip H. Summerlin TG

Giving by Classes 1991





Huw M. Christopher TG Sharon K. Core AL James C. Dant TG Michael L. Dusing TG Michael L. Fitze CS Elizabeth L. Hoskins TG Jeffrey L. Hutcheson CS Thomas F. Keller WM Eric T. Myers TG William L. Platt TG Greta S. Reed TG Harold M. Stone TG Deborah D. Wells WM Kenneth L. Young TG

Zoe Anne Henderson Cagle TG Kathy L. Dawson WM Barbara D. Douglass CS Craig N. Goodrich CS Robert G. Googe TG Christina P. Hindley CS Scott W. Huie AL Marcella L. Klimas TG W. Marvin Lindsay III TG John M. McClearen TG Vaughn J. Michael TG Peggy C. Owens TG John R. Ragsdale II WW Jeanne C. Reynolds TG Michelle Thomas-Bush CS William W. Williamson, Jr. CS

Christopher M. Ayers TG M. Becky Burton WW Christine K. Dungan CS A. Kyle Henderson CS Sandra B. Hill AL Linda P. Jones TG Jacqueline H. Lindberg CS Kathryn McLean Moore TG James P. Reinarz CS David N. Rollins CS Libby McIntosh Rollins CS Marianne McMasters Romanat CS Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. CS

Joe E. Albright CS Louis V. Andrews III TG Anne H.K. Apple WW Amy Lehr Camp TG W. Hunter Camp II TG Andrew Casto-Waters TG Larry J. Green AL William V. Hawkins TG Barbara P. Jordan WM Bettina B. Kilburn WW Dorothy M. Kirk TG David Y. Kwon TG Myung Jong Lee CS Anthony W. McDade TG Sandra E. Monroe CS Joshua F. Rice TG J. Ronald Wilson WW Lucy K. Youngblood TG

John C. Brearley TG Janet N. Carter WW Ashley Cook Cleere TG Beth M. Daniel CS Kevin M. Day CS Sadie H. Goldsmith TG Thomas L. Griffis TG Phil A. Hagen CS Walter M. Hall III WM Huibing He CS Cameron B. R. Howard AL Barbara R. Johnson TG W. Lee Johnson, Jr. TG Christopher M. Jones TG Shannon O’Leary TG Daniel D. Stephens TG Tina E. Sweet TG H. Darrell Watson TG John V. Weicher WW

1992 Kelly S. Allen CS W. Franklin Covington TG Polly K. Deppen TG Graham W. Hardy TG Elizabeth E. Inman TG Kenneth S. Letterman CS Sally L. Lorey CS M. Beecher Mathes CS Sam E. McGregor, Jr. TG Stephen R. Montgomery WW Lisa N. Myers TG Lisa Traynham Nelson TG Susan M. Newton TG William F. Owens TG Lori E. Pistor CS Jeffrey A. Sockwell TG Robert A. Stauffacher TG Andrew I. Walton TG

1993 Richard C. Atkerson WW J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. CS Belinda M. Curry TG Kenneth A. Dunivant TG Martha M. Ebel CS Mahlon S. Felkins TG Denise M. Hall CS Linda W. Hawthorne TG Sonjia L. Hunt TG David E. Kunselman TG Carl B. (Jake) Marshall CS George E. McRae CS Ron E. Nelson TG Nancy Graham Ogne CS Jeffrey D. Peterson-Davis WM Kerri S. Peterson-Davis WM Ann L. Pitman TG Vanessa C. Potter CS Jeffry L. Reynolds TG Jeannette G. Rodenbough TG Patricia L. Senterfitt WM J. Todd Speed CS A. Mac Stinson, Jr. TG Walter B. Tennyson, Jr. CS Benton J. Trawick TG

1995 M. Ellen Anderson AL Frank I. Blankinship III CS Benjamin S. Booth CS Margaret B. Brinck TG David A. Cagle TG Margaret Adams Caine TG Eleana M. Garrett WM Barbara B. Hamilton CS Ingram P. Hedgpeth CS Deborah A. Kirk CS P. Berke Landrum TG Gregory J. Lund TG Larry R. McQueen TG John A. Schmidt CS James C. Shelton TG Sherri P. Simpson CS Timothy F. Simpson CS Timothy M. Slemmons TG Ernest T. Thompson III CS Jia De Wu CS

1996 Anonymous PM Constance M. Button CS Stephen R. Caine TG Doris E. Chandler CS Molly C. Clark AL Katherine S. Evans CS Fairfax F. Fair TG Herbert S. Frazier TG Calvin H. Gittner TG Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. TG Louly F. Hay PM Marilyn T. Hedgpeth CS Jennifer A. Johnson TG Jennifer A. Lee TG Diana W. Malcom TG Stacy K. Rector CS Earle F. Sickels TG John D. Wells WM

1998 Jocelyn C. Bauer P Kevin M. Campbell TG Laura A. Cunningham AL Todd H. Green TG Mark F. Griffin TG Helen R. Heffington WM Carolyn K. Heyward WW Walk C. Jones IV CS J. Christopher Michael TG Roger G. Miller TG Paul M. Ogne CS H. Scott Ramsey AL Timothy T. Read TG Daniel D. Robinson TG James S. Welch, Jr. TG

1999 Carol L. DiGiusto CS Ralph W. Hawkins CS Joseph M. Hinds III CS Caroline M. Kelly AL Gregory J. Kershner AL Shannon J. Kershner AL Seung Tae Lee CS David S. Lindsay CS Doris H. Mattison CS Dennis E. Reid TG Ronald E. Sabo TG Erin C. Sharp CS M. Beth Yarborough TG

2000 Robert M. Alexander CS Susan D. Buell TG Brandi Casto-Waters TG E. Rebecca Davis CS Sherry P. Edwards CS Kathryn Blocher Hinds CS Thomas G. Lewis CS Joan C. Martin CS Jeanette Pinkston CS Lee T. Read TG Augustus E. Succop III WW


2002 Eugen G. Bach, Jr. TG Maggie F. Beamguard AL David B. Cozad WW David C. Dault TG Lisa R. Eye CS Jennifer E. Fouse AL Susanna C. Hendy TG Connie S. Lee TG Sun Bong Lee TG Grant A. MacLean, Jr. TG Jodi B. Martin TG Peggy S. McClure CS Elizabeth A. Moss CS Todd W. Sutton AL Richard M. Turk CS Carrie Rhoads Tuttle CS Jerry L. Utt II CS Kathleen L. Weller TG William A. Wendt TG Jennifer L. Wilson TG

2003 Jimmy R. Asbell TG Edna J. Banes TG Cynthia M. Benz AL MaryAnn McKibben Dana TG Thomas R. Daniel IV CS Diane G. DeLuna TG Sarah F. Erickson CS Michael J. Hoyt TG Jeffrey S. Kackley CS Douglass D. Key TG Rebekah Close LeMon TG Andy M. Meyers TG Joseph G. Moore, Jr. TG Laurel D. Nelson CS Ian C. Punnett TG Sandy P. Shawhan TG R. Millie Snyder CS Susan P. Takis CS James H. Thomas CS Jannan Wertzberger Thomas CS Chris S. Tuttle CS Megan Graham Watson CS James W. Wells CS Scott M. White CS

2005 Alicia W. Abell WW Elizabeth Soileau Acton TG M. Andy Acton TG Jerry L. Alexander CS Jaina W. Anderson TG Alan D. Bancroft CS Bradley J. Church TG Sue W. Crannell TG Jessica Derise-Mendez TG Clarence D. Fouse TG A. Schaap Freeman TG Paul G. Hackett TG Betty J. Halford WM Travis E. Halford WM C. Davis Hankins TG Pam C. Hawkins TG E. Cader Howard AL C. Anderson James TG Jin S. Kim WW Glen A. Kohlhagen TG Mark C. Mueller TG Richard M. Simpson TG Laurie Taylor Weicher WW

2006 Dorothy T. Blackwelder CS Russell S. Blackwelder CS Scarlette K. Bostick TG Joseph Brown III WW Kathryn Heard Day CS Meg M. Flannagan TG Kaye W. Florence TG Sharol R. Hayner WW Susan M. Heafield WM Maryellen S. Hittel TG Karen E. Jolly TG Jerry W. Long AL John R. Richardson CS Melinda S. Serafin TG Cory S. Stott CS C. Craig Topple TG R. Miranda Trussell TG G. Oliver Wagner TG W. Fred Wise TG Michael W. Woods CS

Gifts to Endowed Funds Funds established or added to during the fiscal year are listed. Abdullah Award Jefferson K. Aiken, Sr. and Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Scholarship Fund James T. Anderton Scholarship Fund Asian-American Students Scholarship Fund Jane and Donald Bailey Scholarship Fund N.G. Barron Scholarship Fund Ruby Barron Scholarship Fund Benton Chair of Christian Education Emma Gaillard Boyce Memorial Fund Brother Bryan Scholarship Fund Dr. Harry H. Bryan Scholarship Fund Walter Brueggemann Fund for Faculty Development The Rev. and Mrs. A.H. Bullard Memorial Scholarship Fund Betsey B. Burgess Staff Award Edward Norris and Mary Clarke Caldwell Scholarship Fund Elizabeth and Mayson Cheshire Scholarship Fund Ann Graham Coker Memorial Fund Charles Blanton Cousar Scholarship Fund Presbyterian Women of Decatur Presbyterian Church Scholarship Fund William Patrick and Louanna Norris Dickson Scholarship Fund Dan Alexander Dunaway Fund First Scots Presbyterian Church Charleston Scholarship Fund Dr. McCoy and Mary Franklin Scholarship Fund Dr. Paul T. Fuhrmann Endowment Fund Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Scholarship Fund David H. Garrett Family Fund Dr. Joseph M. Gettys Scholarship Fund Ruth and L. B. Gibbs Scholarship Fund J. Frank and Dorothy Hall Gilleylen Fund Hal and Anita Gilmore Fund J. B. Green Chair of Theology Shirley Guthrie Memorial Fund Joseph E. Hannah Memorial Scholarship Fund William W. Hatcher Scholarship Fund Jefferson T. Howell, Jr. and Martha A. Howell Scholarship Fund Wade and Vee Huie International Scholarship Fund Willard B. and Pat Hurlburt Scholarship Fund Douglas Henry Jenkins Memorial Scholarship Fund Catherine Boyd Johnson Scholarship Fund Jasper N. Keith, Jr. and Betty Morgan Keith Fund for Supervised Ministry Vanessa Knight Memorial Scholarship Fund

Lois and Lucy Lampkin Scholarship Fund John H. Law Scholarship Fund John H. Leith Chair of Reformed Theology Aaron W. Leland Memorial Scholarship Fund Lydia’s Fund Arch L. MacNair Scholarship Fund Mansfield Memorial Loan Fund Mathes-Woolfolk Memorial Scholarship Fund Joseph and Bessie W. McDonald Scholarship Fund Rob Roy McGregor, Sr. and Albert J. Axmann Endowment Fund Mildred and Dean McKee Fund William J. and Ellen R. Mitchell Scholarship Fund John Nelsen Award Scott Noble Memorial Scholarship Fund Douglas W. Oldenburg Scholarship Fund Oldenburg Quadrangle Joseph and Geraldine Patrick Scholarship Fund Jack and Susanne Neal Pinkerton Scholarship Fund Tommy Pritchard Scholarship Fund Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Christian Leadership Award James B. Reaves Scholarship Fund J. McDowell and Evelyn Knight Richards Fund for Continuing Education James McDowell Richardson Endowment Fund James T. and Sally Gillespie Richardson Scholarship Fund Teck Kyle Scott and Nell Scott Buice Scholarship Fund The Rev. C. Walker and Louise M. Sessions Scholarship Fund Shepherd-Johnston Scholarship Fund Elizabeth McGregor Simmons International Fund Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. Fund for Supervised Ministry John I. Smith Scholarship Fund Smith-Thompson Scholarship Fund Robert and Cola Stamper Scholarship Fund J. Walton and Margaret Stewart Scholarship Fund George W. Stowe Scholarship Fund James Samuel Ross Tippens Scholarship Fund Edmond and Ruby A. Torbush Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Uthlaut Scholarship Fund William Rivers Waddey Scholarship Fund G. Dana and Catherine Yancey Waters Scholarship Fund Ralph E. and LaDonna C. Wilgus Scholarship Fund Emily Wood Scholarship Fund

Memorials & Tributes Memorials Mrs. Helen Ayers Akers By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford The Rev. F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. By Mrs. F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hubert V. Taylor The Rev. Donald B. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey The Rev. Charles Barnett By Mrs. Peggy B. Barnett The Rev. Narciso Gonzalez Barron By Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston

Dr. Ron Baughman By The Rev. C. Patrick Griffin, Jr. Mr. Herman Bemberg By Bert and Kaye Carmichael Mrs. Lois Bemberg By Bert and Kaye Carmichael Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Mr. Jim Bender By The Rev. Katherine S. Evans The Rev. Francis B. Benton By The Community Foundation, Inc., Jacksonville, FL Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Williams, Jr.

The Rev. Ben J. Bass By The Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Boston


Dr. C. Charles Benz By Ms. June M. Andros The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz East Tennessee Presbytery, Knoxville, TN Mr. J. Larry Fossett Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Freeman The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart and Mr. Charles T. Hart The Rev. and Mrs. Jimmie L. Lancaster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Leupold Mountain Presbyterian Church, Blairsville, GA Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Athens, GA Ms. Pauline J. Parker Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips Dr. E. Joyce Rimes Rivermont Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN Mr. and Mrs. Dallas M. Ryle, Jr. Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery, Birmingham, AL Ms. Judith F. Stone Synod of Living Waters, Franklin, TN

Memorials & Tributes Mrs. Patricia J. Bisschop By Mr. H. Peter Bisschop

Sarah Gray Glaucier By Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield

Ms. Mary Ann Kemp By Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vande Linde

Mrs. Emma Gaillard Boyce By Ms. Frances E. Gaillard

Mr. John Gordon By Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Gordon

The Rev. Roy N. Lewis, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doyle

The Rev. Marion Gilson Bradwell By Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Bradwell

Dr. Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Barrow Dr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Louis R. Lothman The Revs. Shannon O’Leary and Andy M. Meyers Drs. Laurey Hartwell Murphy and Robert F. Murphy, Jr. The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell The Rev. and Mrs. Earle F. Sickels

Dr. R. Bruce Logue By Dr. and Mrs. Armand E. Hendee

Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Mary Alice Brown By Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III Mr. Robert David Brown By Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mrs. Roberta W. Bullard By Ms. Elizabeth L. Pendergrast The Rev. Robert E. Burns By Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Neldon Mr. James Cason By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA Mr. Frank Christian By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA Mrs. Christine H. Clark By First Presbyterian Church, Alachua, FL Dr. E. Joyce Rimes St. Augustine Presbytery, Jacksonville, FL Mr. Joseph W. Conyers, Sr. By The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. Mrs. Lois Cozad By The Rev. Martha M. and Mr. Paul E. Ebel The Rev. C. Edward Davis By Mrs. Harriet S. Davis Dr. Ludwig R. Dewitz By Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Carothers III The Rev. James S. Dunovant By The Rev. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Dr. Marling Elliott By Dr. and Mrs. C. Ed Lanier The Rev. Donald R. Esty By The Rev. and Mrs. C. Phil Esty The Rev. N. Stephen Floeck By The Rev. M. Elizabeth Yarborough Mrs. Marcia Mansfield Fox By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Dr. Paul T. Fuhrmann By Dr. and Mrs. Dan C. Armstrong Mrs. Virginia Templin Gailey By Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Dr. and Mrs. Hubert V. Taylor Mrs. Jane H. Gardiner By Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe T. Green, Jr. Mr. Rhett H. Laurens Mr. and Mrs. E. Fay Pearce, Jr.

Dr. John A. Hare By Mrs. Ann T. Hare The Rev. William D. Hart By Mrs. Eugenia H. Hart The Rev. William W. Hatcher By Ms. Lois E. Dickey Ms. Martha L. Hatcher

Mr. Erst Long, Jr. By Mr. Raiford N. Long Mrs. Helen G. Mansfield By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Sr. By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. William E. Mansfield II By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Miss Caroline Matthews By The Rev. Mary M. Porter Mr. Samuel David McAbee By Dr. Bonneau H. Dickson†

Mrs. Martha Hoskins By The Rev. Elizabeth L. Hoskins

Dr. Charles R. McCain By Mrs. Nancy R. McCain

Dr. J. Trent Howell, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cason Mr. and Mrs. Len B. Cason Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Castor Mr. and Mrs. Craig L. Castor Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Drew Mr. and Mrs. George W. Farr Mr. Jeff T. Howell Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell Mr. and Mrs. William B. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lavington

Dr. Neely D. McCarter By Dr. and Mrs. Julian F. Craig, Jr. The Rev. Dan A. McRight Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Newman Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith

Joseph and Bessie Walden McDonald By The Estate of Dr. Janet McDonald

The Rev. William Hufham’s mother By Dr. and Mrs. Loren D. Pugh

The Rev. Henry D. Mooney By Dr. and Mrs. J. Miller Liston

Mrs. Vee Huie By The Rev. and Mrs. Scott W. Huie

The Rev. James V. Morrow By Mrs. Martha W. Morrow

Mrs. Margaret G. Hutchison By The Rev. Glen F. Hutchison

Mr. Robert L. Moss By Ms. Elizabeth A. Moss and Mr. Garry D. Fesler

The Rev. William B. Johnson By Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murdock By Mrs. Jean M. Palmer

Mr. G. W. “Bill” Jones By Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Turner II

The Rev. Kirk N. Nesbit By Bert and Kaye Carmichael Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt

Mrs. Ginger Kaney By The Rev. Jaina W. Anderson Bert and Kaye Carmichael East Lake Community Foundation, Atlanta, GA Mrs. Judy K. and Mr. Roy Graves Ms. Lisa M. Martin-Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Orth Mr. and Mrs. William J. Poe Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Dr. Ruth A. Schmidt

The Rev. Dr. M. Scott McClure By The Rev. Peggy S. McClure

Mr. William O’Connor By Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Dr. J. Will Ormond By The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Ms. Dree M. Pace By Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Pace Dr. Janos Pasztor By Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke


Memorials & Tributes Mrs. Virginia D. Philips By The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart and Mr. Charles T. Hart The Rev. Richard R. Potter By Mrs. Katherine L. Potter The Rev. Marcus Brown Prince III By Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Mr. Thomas Scot Pritchard By Mr. Mark Miller Mr. David H. Pritchard Mr. Richard G. Pruett By The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr. David C. Garrett Mrs. Mabel Stowe Query By The Rev. and Mrs. James S. Lowry Ms. Pauline Rambo By Mrs. W.G. Littlefield The Rev. James Brown Reaves By The Rev. and Mrs. James S.R. Tippens Mrs. Evelyn Richards By Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Dr. J. McDowell Richards By The Rev. Gabriel E. Abdullah Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Mrs. Mary Green Ripley By Mr. Sam Mozley and Ms. Karen M. Calloway Mrs. Dorothy A. Newton Dr. Ben Lacey Rose By Mr. and Mrs. W. Warren Cole, Jr. Dr. Lucy Rose By Mr. and Mrs. W. Warren Cole, Jr. Mr. Hansford Sanford Sams, Jr. By Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield Mrs. Hayden S. Sams Dr. Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Ross Brown Drs. Evelyn B. and Ralph C. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Payne Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sloop Mr. and Mrs. Ross M. Sloop Mr. Sam Smith By Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield The Rev. Thomas A. Stallworth By Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Mrs. Cola B. Stamper By Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Krause Mrs. Joyce Walters Dr. Robert L. Stamper By Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Scott

The Rev. Charles R. Tapp By Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke

The Rev. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. By Mr. Ezra B. Jones III

Gilbert and Ruth Taylor By Dr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor, Jr.

Chuck and Dana Campbell on their 30th anniversary By Mrs. Johnsye C. Campbell

Mr. Robert Thompson By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA

Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi By Dr. and Mrs. Augustus E. Succop III

Mr. William Rivers Waddey By Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Jones Mr. L. William Silzle, Jr. Dr. Ronald S. Wallace By Dr. and Mrs. J. Miller Liston The Rev. Thurlow Benjamin Weed By Mrs. Auwina V.D. Weed The Rev. Robert A. White, Jr. By Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr. The Rev. Frank C. Wilkinson By Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roland Young By Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Gordon Mr. Rudolph Zak By Dr. and Mrs. William S. Campbell The Rev. Samuel H. Zealy By Mrs. Mary H. Zealy

Tributes The Rev. M. Ellen Anderson By Dr. and Mrs. John H. Per-Lee Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Mrs. Jane Lauderdale Armstrong By Mr. Trenton Tunnell III Dr. David J. Bailey By Central Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC Mrs. Jane E. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Mr. F. Hutton Barron By Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Mr. John T. Benton, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller Mrs. Suzanne B. Benton By Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller Mrs. Mary B. Berry By Dr. Joseph W. Berry Dr. Richard Blake and Ms. Sandy Chen By Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Brown Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann By Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton Mrs. Elizabeth B. Burgess By Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Berry


Bert K. Carmichael III By The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. Harvard III The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright Dr. Anna Carter Florence By The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry W. Long Dr. and Mrs. H. Darrell Watson The Rev. Lester H. Comee, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Dr. Charles B. Cousar By The Rev. M. Ellen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bowen Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton Mr. and Mrs. William G. McNairy Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mitchener, Jr. Mr. James H. Montgomery The Rev. Gail R. Perkins The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald E. Stone The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Young Dr. W. Franklin Covington By Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Ley The Rev. Christopher L. Crotwell By New Providence Presbyterian Church, Raphine, VA The Rev. Laura A. Cunningham By Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey Dr. Kathy L. Dawson By Ms. Karen Jolly and Mr. Steve Kopp Dr. Bonneau H. Dickson†By Ms. Laura G. Bordeaux and Dr. Michael T. Lacey Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto By Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Dickson Mr. Richard T. DuBose By Dr. and Mrs. Scott Black Johnston Ms. Mary Elizabeth Ethridge By Mrs. Geraldine A. Patrick Faculty and Staff By Ms. Cara Jo Drymon Ms. Jean Wardlaw Gallacher By The Rev. Karen Whelchel-Redwine The Rev. Eleana M. Garrett By Trinity Presbyterian Church, Canton, GA Dr. Joseph M. Gettys, Sr. By Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kesler Dr. and Mrs. Travis B. Stevenson, Jr. Mr. Hal M. and Mrs. Anita Gilmore By Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore

Memorials & Tributes Mrs. John Gordon By Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Gordon

Ms. Emily R. Martin By The Rev. Dr. John N. Miller, Sr.

Mrs. Lou H. Reaves By Mr. and Mrs. James B. Reaves

Ms. L. Christine Gurley By Ms. Virginia Holloway

Ms. Ashley-Anne Masters By Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III

Mr. Nicholas K. Reed By The Rev. Daniel D. Stephen

Ms. Mary A. Hammett By Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Fechter, Sr.

Mr. Robert M. McClellan By The Rev. Todd W. and Mrs. Ceska M. Sutton

The Rev. and Mrs. David Allen Rice By The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Kryder

Mrs. Phyllis Harlan By Mr. Samuel R. Humphreys

Mr. Mike McManus By Ms. Madelyn Mansfield

Dr. E. Joyce Rimes By Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips

The Rev. Meda Stamper Harrison By Dr. Sarah E. Jackson

Dr. Laura S. Mendenhall By Drs. Lewis F. Galloway and Eleanor H. Alexander Dr. and Mrs. G. Daniel McCall, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wallingford

Mrs. Peggy M. Rowland By Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart

The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart By Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robinson Dr. Mattie E. Hart By The Rev. Kathryn McLean Moore and Mr. Glenn E. Moore The Rev. Samuel P. Hart By Mrs. Ann H. Gisch The Rev. Louly F. Hay By Ms. Mary Bollinger Dr. Douglas W. Hix By Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. Scott W. Huie The Rev. and Mrs. Cecil B. Murphey Dr. Oscar J. Hussel By Mrs. Elsie D.† and Dr. Robert M. Urie The Rev. Stephen T. Jackson By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford The Rev. Alice A. Johnson By Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Dr. Ben C. Johnson By The Revs. Nancy Graham Ogne and Paul M. Ogne Dr. William J. Pendergrast Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt

Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III By Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN The Rev. and Mrs. Mac N. Turnage Dr. Charles L. Moffatt By Ms. Wilda H. Dodson and Mr. Bill Hudgins Mrs. Rebecca D. Morlok By Mr. Theodore C. Morlok Dr. Jami E. Moss Wise By Dr. Bonneau H. Dickson† Dr. Jami E. Moss Wise and Mr. W. Frederic Wise on their marriage By Ms. Sandra D. Taylor The Rev. A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bennett, Jr. Dr. C. Gray Norsworthy By Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart Mrs. Claudia S. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg Dr. Douglas W. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg Dr. John H. Patton By Dr. Huibing He Peachtree Students By Mrs. Nell F. Hall

Dr. Jasper N. Keith, Jr. By Mrs. Adele D. McKee

Mrs. Peggy Pellett By Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Pellett

Dr. C. Benton Kline, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dusing Dr. C. Alan Harvey The Rev. and Mrs. Cecil B. Murphey

Dr. J. Davison Philips By Ms. Mary Alverta “Bertie” Bond Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones, Jr.

Dr. John H. Law By St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA Dr. Kenneth S. Letterman By Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williamson Dr. Arch L. MacNair By Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. McMullen

The Rev. R. Mickey Shealy By Ms. Wilda H. Dodson and Mr. Bill Hudgins The Rev. Michael Sorrell By Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC Dr. Cary G. Speaker By Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker Dr. J. Todd Speed By Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. McCrae, Jr. Dr. George W. Stroup III By The Rev. and Mrs. Larry J. Green Mrs. June B. Pannell Mrs. Ann M. Taylor By The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel R. Thomas, Jr. Dr. Hubert V. Taylor By The Rev. and Mrs. H. Thomas Foley Mac and Jan Irvin The Rev. James S.R. Tippens By Mrs. Lou H. Reaves The Rev. James S.R. Tippens and their family By Mrs. James S.R. Tippens Mrs. Jill P. Tolbert By Mrs. Anna D. Haley

Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson By Mrs. Betty J. and Mr. Travis E. Halford

Mrs. Rita M. Lang By Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lang

Dr. Stanley P. Saunders By Mrs. Betty J. and Mr. Travis E. Halford Dr. and Mrs. Anthony W. McDade

Mrs. Katherine W. Philips By Ms. Mary Alverta “Bertie” Bond The Rev. William K. Price III By The Price Family Foundation, Atlanta, GA Mrs. Esther Heath Massey Prince By Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins The Rev. H. Scott Ramsey By Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey

The Rev. C. Craig Topple By Mrs. Eugenia S. Morse The Rev. Carol S. Wade By Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Russell Mrs. Janie L. Ward By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford The Rev. Reggie A. Weaver By Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III The Rev. John H. White By Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr. Dr. Olin M. Whitener, Jr. By Mr. Curtis W. Campbell Mrs. Emily C. Wood By Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Berry Ms. Emily J. Zeig By The Rev. Todd W. and Mrs. Ceska M. Sutton


Columbia Founders The Columbia Founders have demonstrated extraordinary levels of support for the seminary, some over the course of a lifetime. Words cannot adequately express the depth of appreciation felt by all friends of Columbia for the sacrificial ways in which the Founders have contributed to the seminary’s programs, buildings, and grounds. Their generosity calls all of us to practice better stewardship of what we have been given. Thanks be to God!

Individuals Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. The Rev. Lucy R. and Mr. John G. Aldridge Mr.and Mrs. Ralph R. Almand† Dr. Harvard A. Anderson† Ms. Bonnie Arnall† Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† The Rev. N.G. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer Mrs. Nellie M. Beatie† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mrs. John T. Benton† Mr.† and Mrs. John Blue III Dr. Vernon S. Broyles, Jr.† Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Clotfelter Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cornelson IV Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Mrs. Claire L. and Mr. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Mr.† and Mrs. J.K. Dickson Mr. H. Talmage Dobbs, Jr.† Mrs. Boyce Edwards† Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ellis† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Mr. and Mrs.† Langdon S. Flowers Mr. John P. Garrard† Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie Ms. Sara Gibbs† Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Gillespie† Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Goulding† Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Griffith Mr. Harry C. Hannah, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth Harpster† Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington Ms. C. Virginia Harrison† Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev.† and Mrs. Fred J. Hay Dr. George Howe† Dr. Charles C. Jones† Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mr.† and Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr. Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth R. McDonald Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Mr. T.S. McPheeters† The Rev. James L. Merrick† Mr. and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev.† and Mrs. Max Milligan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr. and Mrs. W. Donald Munson

Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Mr. and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr. Dr. J. Will Ormond† Dr. B.M. Palmer† Mr.† and Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer Mr.† and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Query† Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Dr. and Mrs. J. McDowell Richards† Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† The Rev. Paul E. Smith, Jr.† Mrs. Agnes D. Spivey† Dr. Charles A. Stillman† Mr. H.A. Street† Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas Mr. Clyde H. Thompson† Mr.† and Mrs. Malcolm A. Thompson Dr. James H. Thornwell† Mr. J.M. Tull† Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland Mr. and Mrs.† Ralph E. Wilgus The Rev. John L. Wilson† Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff Mrs. Julia M. Woodward

Churches and Organizations

Agape Christian Council, Decatur, GA Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Camden, SC Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte, NC Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Easley Presbyterian Church, Easley, SC First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, SC First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA First Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, FL First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, SC First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, LA First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC First Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Indiantown Presbyterian Church, Hemingway, SC Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX


New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Athens, GA Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church, Signal Mountain, TN South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA Synod of Living Waters, Franklin, TN Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Winter Park Presbyterian Church, Winter Park, FL

Foundations and Corporations The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations The Bailey Foundation CF Foundation, Inc. The J. Bulow Campbell Foundation Churches Homes Foundation, Inc. The Citizens & Southern Fund The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation The Florence C. and Harry L. English Memorial Fund English Memorial Fund Lettie Pate Evans Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Garrett Foundation Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation David H. and Mary Lou S. Garrett Foundation Griffith Theological Research Foundation H.P. Bridges Ministers’ Trust The Hack Foundation, Inc. John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. The William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc. Heart of the City Foundation William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation Lilly Endowment, Inc. Gay and Erskine Love Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. The Outreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church Patrick Family Foundation The Pattillo Foundation The Pellett Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts The Pittulloch Foundation Presbyterian Foundation The Rockdale Foundation Schumann Foundation, Inc. Shaw Family Foundation The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation John I. Smith Charities, Inc. Nora Smith Foundation SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher Foundation, Inc. Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning The Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation David, Helen, Marian Woodward Foundation

J.McDowell Richards Society The J. McDowell Richards Society was inaugurated to recognize those who have made provisions for a gift to Columbia in the course of their estate planning. Planned gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, life estate gifts of residences or other real estate holdings, or an intended bequest to the seminary, all qualify a contributor for membership in this society. Those interested in learning more about the tax and income advantages of planned giving are invited to contact Columbia’s Office of Development at 404 687-4525 or toll-free at 1 888 601-8918. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Dr. Millard E. Agerton† Mrs. Jane H. Aiken† Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. Mary Virginia Allen Mr. K.F. Anderson† The Rev.† and Mrs. James T. Anderton Mrs. Marguerite M. Appleby† The Rev.† and Mrs. Donald B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James J. Baird, Jr. Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† Ms. Myra A. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron The Rev. Eugene G. Beckman† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton Mrs. John T. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Ms. Julia C. Boswell† Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bradfield Dr. Cecil Brearley, Jr.† Mrs. Helen D. Brown† Mr. Leonard T. Brown† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann Dr. Harry H. Bryan† Dr. and Mrs. John C. Bryan Ms. Mary C. Campbell† Ms. Anne C. Carr† Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Castles Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chambless Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt Mr. Scott Clayton The Rev. Roy W. Coker Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† The Rev. Franklin G. Colladay Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† The Rev. Mary Jane K. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar Ms. Margaret I. Dalzell† Mr. J. Kenneth Davis† Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. Doom, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Fred C. Douglas, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ector† The Rev.† and Mrs. R. Foster Edwards Dr. and Mrs.† Sterling J. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris Edwards† Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew Mrs. Frances D. Fabrick† Mrs. C.W. Fargason† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Ms. Verna Freeman†

Dr. and Mrs.† James H. Gailey, Jr. The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr. David C. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie Ms. Sara Gibbs† Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Grafton† Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman Ms. Ruth C. Hambright† Mrs. Elliott K. Harbison† Mrs. Edna M. Harman Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard Dr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood Hassell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Fred J. Hay† Dr. and Mrs. Basil V. Hicks Mr.† and Mrs. John G. Hiles Mrs. Helen R. Hodgson Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Hoffmann Mrs. A.C. Huber† Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. Walter Ingram† Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Johnson Mr. William R. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Jones Mrs. Walter M. Jones† Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. William C. Keller† Mr. Berthold S. Kennedy† Mrs. Elza D. Kirckhoff† Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Dr. John H. Leith† Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland Ms. Madeline S. Lewis† Mrs. Jane L. Liston† Dr. and Mrs. David A. Long III Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Louise O. Manning† Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Ms. Pearl I. Mayo† The Rev. R. Donnell McCall† Mrs. Elizabeth G. and Mr. James F. McCallen Mr. and Mrs. W. Sloan McCrea Dr. Janet McDonald† Mrs. Dorothy E. McEwen† Ms. Celeste S. McGill† Dr. Angus M. McGregor† The Rev. Angus W. McGregor Mrs. Adele D. McKee Ms. Dorothy E. McKuen† The Rev.† George R. and Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Ms. Theo McNeil† Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr. and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev. Max Milligan, Jr.† The Rev. J. Fred Moore† Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Dr.† and Mrs. Chester W. Morse The Rev. and Mrs. David W. Nash Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Dr. and Mrs. J. Phillips Noble Mr. and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. T. Russell Nunan

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Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Dr. J. Will Ormond† Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer The Rev. and Mrs. Stanford Parnell† Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Ms. Ailene S. Phillips† Mrs. Aubrey Pogue† Mrs. Ina B. Poston† Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Price The Rev. and Mrs.† Harold B. Prince Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Dr.† and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal, Jr. Ms. Harriet Reeves† Mrs. J. McDowell Richardson† Dr. and Mrs. Keith L. Riddle Mr. John J. Robertson† Mrs. Susan V. Russell† The Rev. John H. Sadler The Rev.† Richard W. and Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun The Rev. Anne J. Sawyers† The Rev. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Schwanebeck† The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Ms. Bonnie J. Shoemaker Ms. Jane E. Silkworth† Mr.† and Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. T. Clark Simmons The Rev. John D. Simpson† The Rev. Glenn W. Small, Jr. Mrs. Nancy H. Small† Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mrs. Edward D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† Mr. William T. Smith† Mr.† and Mrs. James M. Smyth Ms. Barbara M. Snelling Dr. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stamper† Mrs. Mary A. Staples† The Rev. and Mrs. Russell L. Strange Mrs. Varnelle C. Swanson† Dr. B. Harrison Taylor Mrs. Mary G. Terry Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas Mrs. Vera C. Thompson† Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mrs. Eva G. Towne† The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Mr. Richard L. Turner† Mr. Raymond C. Turpin† Mrs. Lillian T. Urschel† Mrs. Nancy M. Van Deventer† Mr.† and Mrs. Roland Walker The Rev. Thomas B. Warren† Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III The Rev. E. McKinley Weaver† Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Annie Weltner Mrs. Lulu S. Westcott† Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Wham† Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson The Rev.† and Mrs. Jack J. Wolf Walter and Emily Wood Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff Mr. Charles A. Wyatt† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount


BONNEAU HARRIS DICKSON March 4, 1908 – July 13, 2007 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, says the Spirit. They rest from their labors, and their works follow them. REV. 14:13

A F T E R A F U L L A N D V I C TO R I O U S Bonneau’s “retirement” in 1973 ushered in an L I F E , Bonneau Dickson has returned to his exceptional extension of his ministry. During the first heavenly home. He died “in his hundredth eight years, he was engaged in a succession of fruitful year,” as he liked to say, on July 13 at the Presbyterian interim pastorates, serving congregations in Georgia, Village Rehabilitation Center in Austell, GA, from Alabama, and South Carolina. complications following a broken hip. In1981 he joined Columbia’s Development/Public The descendant of many generations of Relations Office. That proved to be a fulfilling late-life Presbyterians from Northern Ireland, Scotland, vocation for him. Fellow workers became an extended England, France, and this country, he was born in family for him. He cherished the office space, the Pickens, SC, a town named for his “Field Representative” title, and his ancestor General Andrew Pickens, who place on the seminary’s Founders list. fought in the War for Independence. He was honored with the Alumni/ae The seventh child of William Distinguished Service Award in 1992. Patrick and Louanna Norris Dickson, Bonneau was a keen gardener. Bonneau was reared in Seneca, SC. He loved camellias and served as Orphaned in childhood due to the president of the Camellia Society in death of his father in a railroad accident Atlanta as well as the Buckhead Men’s and his mother from complications of Garden Club. He cultivated, air-layered, diabetes, he was taken in by relatives. In rooted, and grafted camellias and gave spite of extraordinary hardship and being away thousands of them over the course nearly penniless, he graduated in 1929 of his involvement with this avocation. The Dickson family in the mid-1950s. from Presbyterian College, in Clinton, He is said to have worried that he was SC, where he worked for his meals in the college dining hall. better known for his camellias than his preaching. In 1933, he graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary After suffering from Alzheimer’s disease for almost 20 years, and was the recipient of the Wilds Book Prize, awarded to the Bettie Dickson died in 1998. Bonneau cared for her devotedly later student ranked highest academically in the graduating class. He was in their home until the last few months of her life, a remarkable ordained that same year as a Presbyterian minister by the Presbytery testimony and example of a Christian marriage. of Charleston, SC, and began his ministry at the New Wappetaw He is survived by his and Bettie’s three sons: Bonneau H. Presbyterian Church in McClellanville, SC. There he met and Dickson, Jr., of Berkeley, CA; William Patrick Dickson, East married, on July 23, 1935, Elizabeth Legare Beckman, his distant Lansing, MI; and Sam G. Dickson, Atlanta, GA; and by four cousin through French Huguenot ancestors. grandchildren: Andrew Peterson Dickson, Joshua Peterson From 1935-1942, he served as Chapels Minister of the Dickson, Elissa Peterson Dickson, and Franzeska Dickson Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah, GA. In the early days Bonneau Dickson’s life and ministry were celebrated in a of America’s entry into WW II he came to Atlanta, GA, where he memorial service at Rock Spring Presbyterian Church on July 21. served as the pastor of Rock Spring Presbyterian Church for 14 years. The Rev. Walter Cook ’60 of McClellanville, SC, presided, assisted Between the manse and the church on Piedmont Road, he planted a by the Rev. Deborah Wells ’91. Victory Garden during the war and raised a flock of chickens. Memorial gifts may be made to the Bettie and Bonneau He was awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree by Presbyterian Dickson Scholarship Fund at Columbia Theological Seminary. College in 1956. He served as Executive Secretary of Church Extension for the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta from 1956-1960 Information in this tribute is from Bonneau Dickson himself, from his and subsequently as Executive Secretary of that presbytery until his sons, from friends, and from a tribute by Kay Powell published in the retirement in 1973. His prime responsibility was the creation of July 19, 2007, edition of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. new churches of the presbytery, which grew during his service to have one of the highest number of members in the world. B D




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