Vantage Fall 08

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Gifts and Graduates 2007 — 2008 the

1 8 0 th y e a r

Formation | Transformation




Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship


PAMELA COOPER-WHITE Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling

2. ANN CLAY ADAMS Associate Dean for Academic Administration


D. CAMERON MURCHISON, JR. Dean of the Faculty, Executive Vice-President, and Professor of Ministry



5. WILLIAM SCHEU Chair of the Board of Trustees


JANE FAHEY Director, Faith and the City


MARTHA MOORE-KEISH Assistant Professor of Theology


KIMBERLY B. LONG Assistant Professor of Worship; Coordinator of Worship Resources for Congregations


DENT C. DAVIS Dean and Vice President for Lifelong Learning

10. JOHN WILLIAM HARKINS Senior Lecturer, Pastoral Theology and Care

11. PAUL J. HUH Assistant Professor of Worship; Director of Korean American Ministries



William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament

Associate Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis


Associate Professor of Christian Education



Professor Emeritus

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care

28. THOMAS ERSKINE CLARKE Professor of American Religious History



Director of Recruiting

Distinguished Professor of New Testament


Associate Professor of Christian Education

21. STEPHEN A. HAYNER Peachtree Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth; Director of International Programs

President Emeritus


31. STANLEY P. SAUNDERS Associate Professor of New Testament


Assistant Professor of Ministry



Professor of Old Testament

Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Services

34. CHARLES E. RAYNAL, III Director of Advanced Studies and Associate Professor of Theology; Director of the Program in Presbyterian and Reformed History and Theology

24. MARK DOUGLAS Associate Professor of Christian Ethics; Director of the MATS program 27



31 30





19 12



Peter Marshall Professor of Homiletics







22 14




23 15







18 9

President Emeritus



Associate Professor of Supervised Ministry







Professor of World Christianity

Associate Professor of Church History

J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testament

J.B. Green Professor of Theology


Director, John Bulow Campbell Library; Professor of Theological Bibliography


J. Erskine Love Professor of Christian Ethics; Director of the Th.M. Program



President Emeritus



Vantage Vol. 100, No. 1, Fall 2008 Published quarterly by Office of Institutional Advancement Columbia Theological Seminary Periodicals postage paid at Decatur, GA Circulation: 13,000

A P P R E C I AT I O N A letter from the President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 NEWS Columbia’s new Web site, four students receive FTE fellowships, Columbia honors Florida Ellis, results of student elections, and the COTE award winner, alumna Sara Covin Juengst ’83 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5


Genie Hambrick A S S I S TA N T E DI TORS

Carol Boe, Duncan Meadows ’11, Laura Neely ’11

LIFE WITH LAITY Baccalaureate Sermon, by William H. Willimon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 C E L E B R AT I O N A N D T H A N K S G I V I N G For the Class of 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10



TIME FOR THE LORD TO ACT Year’s Best Student Sermon, by Marci Auld Glass ’08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Ben Beasley ’10 CO N T RI BU TO RS

Ann Clay Adams Walter Brueggemann Randy Calvo, Jr. ’81 Scott Chester Kim Clayton ’84 (DMin ’08) Mary Lynn Darden Sarah Erickson ’03 Karen Fleming ’08 Jane Gleim Judy Graves Carlton Heustes Kent Kessinger Cynthia Matyi Laura Mendenhall Linda Morningstar (MATS ’98) Cam Murchison Barbara Poe Linda Sabo Jody Sauls Kerry Traubert William Willimon Neely Young DO N O R RE COGN I T I ON

Pam Cottrell C. J. Drymon Rachel Ezzo Karen Hawkins Sandra Taylor Diane Thorne

TRIBUTE TO ERSKINE CLARKE By Walter Brueggemann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 FOR THE RECORD Distinguished Service awards, alumni/ae news, in memoriam, faculty and staff activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 LIFELONG LEARNING Fall courses and a report on the 2008 Montreat History Lectures, Religion in Appalachia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 GIFTS TO THE SEMINARY Grateful acknowledgement of the generosity of donors who contributed to the seminary between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 O U R S P E C I A L M I S S I O N in the service of the Church,

and especially the Presbyterian Church (USA), is to educate women and men for leadership in ordained and lay ministries; to offer first degree, graduate degree, and continuing education programs; and to provide theological resources for the denomination, for the ecumenical church, and for persons with a variety of theological concerns. — from the Statement of Mission, Mission Emphases


Send address changes to Vantage Columbia Theological Seminary P. O. Box 520 Decatur, GA 30031-0520

This issue of Vantage is available online at Go to News & Publications, then Vantage.



C O L U M B I A T H E O L O G I C A L S E M I N A RY has just concluded its 180th year, and we have much to celebrate. Enrollment growth in our master’s programs has steadily increased over the past decade. Students are choosing Columbia because they understand this seminary as the place to prepare for Christ’s ministry. Eighty-three percent of our alumni who graduated in the last 10 years tell us they came to Columbia with the intention of pursuing a religious vocation, and 82 percent in fact are now ministers of the Word and Sacrament. Columbia graduates are affirming that, after 180 years, we’re still on mission— investing in leaders for Christ’s church, preparing them for ministry and helping sustain them in their calls. Staying on mission requires us to listen for the church’s greatest needs and to make sure that we are in position to respond. We listen, now as always, knowing that the church is always in some stage of transformation. So how do we equip our students for this future church and yet maintain our service to the church we know, the church with needs now, the church of our history and traditions? The Chinese symbol for “crisis” comprises the characters for the words “danger” and “opportunity.” And in these difficult, confusing days for the Presbyterian Church (USA), we do see opportunity and danger. We are


and to make sure that we are in position to respond. We listen, now as always, knowing that the church is always



Staying on mission requires us to listen for the church’s greatest needs

in some stage of transformation.

attracting students and producing graduates committed to serving in parish ministry now, yet we are preparing them for an uncertain future. We are committed to keeping Columbia rooted in its traditions, even as we invest in exciting new faculty members, innovative programs, and impressive facilities that promise to transform our work in the years ahead. God is in control here, and Columbia is on the right mission for this time— and for the future—of Christ’s church. We thank you for your commitment to this seminary. Your encouragement of those with potential for leadership in the church and your financial support are what keeps Columbia strong and on mission. Gratefully,






I n A p p r e c i at i on

Board of Trustees E. Lane Alderman

Charles C. Heyward

Lena B. Prewitt

Roswell, GA

Charleston, SC

Tuscaloosa, AL

F. Hutton Barron

R. Hayne Hollis

J. Derrick Quattlebaum

Linville, NC

Dothan, AL

Greenville, SC

Sidney F. Batts

Scott Black Johnston

Timothy J. Reed

Greensboro, NC

New York, NY

Greenville, SC

Lee W. Bowman

William G. Jones

Margaret C. Reiser

Lexington, KY

Brownsville, TN

Atlanta, GA

Bennett A. Brown

Harvie C. Jordan

William E. Scheu

Carrollton, GA

Mobile, AL

Jacksonville, FL Chair

Ann D. Cousins

In Soo (James) Jung

Atlanta, GA

Duluth, GA

Claire L. Cross

Edward L. Kelly

Atlanta, GA

Jacksonville, FL

John F. (Sandy) Smith

Atlanta, GA Lonnie J. Stout

Nashville, TN Thomas R. Daniel

Dennis M. Love

Decatur, GA

Atlanta, GA

J. Walter Drake

Hamilton W. (Peter) McKay

Decatur, GA

Lois M. Stroman

Dublin, GA Vice Chair

Charlotte, NC

David D. Weitnauer

Decatur, GA

Charles M. Durham

Tuscaloosa, AL

Laura S. Mendenhall

Decatur, GA

Sue S. Williams

Atlanta, GA

Silvana M. Franca

Naples, FL

Stephen R. Montgomery

Memphis, TN

Judy W. Gregory

Quincy, FL

William S. Morris

Augusta, GA

Joseph S. Harvard

Durham, NC

Philip S. Noyes

Atlanta, GA

Susan N. Haskell

Birmingham, AL

Richard A. Oglesby, Jr.

Atlanta, GA

George J. Hauptfuhrer

Atlanta, GA

James D. Philips

Decatur, GA



C O L U M B I A T H E O L O G I C A L S E M I N A R Y ’ S N E W W E B S I T E 

includes tools for congregations and agencies with position openings and for those interested in serving as a location for interns completing the supervised ministry requirement. For pastor search committees, the website includes the names and profiles of seniors and recent graduates seeking a call to ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA). These profiles list the skills, backgrounds, and specific ministry interests of these potential church leaders. For more information, go to and select Student Placement & Internships, then Senior Placement or Supervised Ministry.


The Fund for Theological Education (FTE) has selected four Columbia students to receive national, competitive fellowships. Sara Dorrien, Zeena Regis, and Kristin Reinhold, entering Master of Divinity students, were awarded 2008 FTE Congregational Fellowships. These awards are given to young leaders who demonstrate exceptional gifts for ministry. Stephanie Crumpton, a student in the Doctor of Theology program, was awarded a 2008 FTE North American Doctoral Fellowship. This award recognizes

rising young scholars from an underrepresented racial/ethnic group who aspire to teach religion and theology in theological schools and universities. Sara Dorrien is from New York, NY, and earned a B.A. in sociology and religion at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. Her current church is First church, Kalamazoo. Zeena Regis is from Sacramento, CA, and has a B.A. in political science from Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA. She attends Oakhurst church in Decatur. Kristin Reinhold, originally from Ontario, Canada, grew up in Clemson, SC. She completed a B.A. in philosophy and religion at Queens University of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, and attends Fort Hill church, Clemson, SC. Stephanie Crumpton is from Chicago, IL. She completed a B.A. in broadcast 5

journalism from Langston University, Oklahoma City, OK, and an M.Div. from the Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, GA. She is a member of Sankosa United Church of Christ, Atlanta, GA. The Fund for Theological Education is a leading ecumenical advocate for excellence and diversity in Christian ministry and theological scholarship. It supports the next generation of leaders among pastors and scholars, annually providing $1.5 million in fellowships and support to gifted young people from all denominations and racial/ethnic backgrounds. Since 1954, FTE has awarded nearly 6,000 fellowships in partnership with those committed to the future of quality leadership for the church.


of Greater Atlanta, she has served as moderator, as chair of the presbytery council, on the long-range planning committee, in the Ambassador Program and Presbytery Resource Partners, and is on the examinations committee. She was a commissioner to the General Assembly twice and has served three times on the board of the Outreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church. She serves on the board of the Fund for Theological Education. She has also served two terms on the Board at Trinity School, chaired the board of the FCS Urban Ministries, served on the board of the East Lake Commons, as a trustee for Renewal Ministries, on the advisory committee for the Year for the Common Good, and as a mediator at the Justice Center of Atlanta. Presenting the Lay Leadership Award, President Laura Mendenhall cited Ellis’s years of service to the seminary, as well as to the church at the local, presbytery, and national level, and quipped, “All this is particularly impressive since Florida probably would have been perfectly content as an Episcopalian had she not married Doug Ellis, a lifelong Presbyterian. “One of the definitions of a leader is someone who takes you to places you cannot go without a leader . . . “You have helped to shape and form what God is doing here to prepare pastors and leaders for Christ’s ministry in the world today and tomorrow. . . we thank you, Florida. We thank God for you.”


Florida Ellis


lorida Ellis, who served as a member of the Board of Trustees from 1986-2005, received the John A. Conant Distinguished Lay Leadership Award during the spring meeting of the Board of Trustees. The award recognizes gifts of time, talents and lay leadership within the seminary community as well as in the wider church. For 17 of the 19 years she served on the Board, Ellis served as chair of the academic affairs committee. She was on the long-range planning committee that wrote Vision 2020, which continues to direct the seminary’s work. She served on countless search committees and on the steering committee for the self-studies required periodically by the seminary’s two accrediting agencies: the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Association of Theological Schools. Ellis serves now as co-chair of the advisory council for the Center for Lifelong Learning, through which she completed the Certificate in Spiritual Formation. Ellis is a member of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, where she served two terms on the session and then an additional seven years as clerk of the session. She has taught Bible studies there for many years, is a Stephen Minister there, and with her husband recently cochaired a successful capital campaign. For the Presbytery Coming in November, a new issue of the faculty’s online journal!

Feasts and Famines: Christians Think About Food There may be no acts that are more common, more basic, or more freighted with social implications than the production and consumption of food. Yet in spite of this—or perhaps because of this—few of us think about making and eating food from a theological perspective. Join conversations with Shannon Jung, professor at St. Paul School of Theology and author of Food For Life: A Spirituality and Ethics of Eating, as well as Columbia’s own Charlie Raynal (director of advanced studies and associate professor of theology), Kim Long (assistant professor of worship), and Walter Brueggemann (professor of Old Testament, emeritus), as they help us all think about what, why, how, and with whom we eat. Back issues of the journal, including last spring’s “The Seduction of the Familiar,” are available at 6


The new leaders are all working on their Master of Divinity degree and are members of Presbyterian churches from across the U.S. The new officers and their home churches are as follows: STUD EN T CO O RDI N ATI N G C OU N C I L ( SC C ) P R E SID E N T

Kevin Weber ’09 First Presbyterian Church Brandon, FL SC C VICE - P RE S I D E N T

Kathy Wolf ’09 First Presbyterian Church Bloomington, IN SC C TR E A S U R E R

Jillian Embrey ’09 Pine Street Presbyterian Church Harrisburg, PA, and Central Presbyterian Church Atlanta, GA SC C SE CRE TA RY

Susan Robin Williamson ’09 First Presbyterian Church Charlottesville, VA

Columbia Alumna



ara Covin Juengst ’83, a former member of the seminary’s faculty and staff, received the 2008 Award for Excellence in Theological Education from the Committee on Theological Education (COTE) for the Presbyterian Church (USA). Given each year since 1997, the award honors individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to theological education. Juengst was nominated and chosen by COTE, which is made up of PC (USA) seminary presidents and representatives, as well as 13 church members-atlarge. She was recognized at the 218th General Assembly of the PC (USA) in San Jose, CA, on June 26. In 1994, Presbyterian College awarded her an honorary doctorate. From 1985 to 1993, Juengst was director of continuing education at Columbia and was an instructor in Christian education. She has also served as a church educator, a missionary in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), a campus minister, and a mission board staff member. Juengst has published six books on children and mission, as well as a Presbyterian women’s Bible study. Currently she is a temporary supply pastor at Lincolnton church, Lincolnton, GA.

What are you doing?


What is God calling you to do?

Julie Hobson Bailey ’09 First Presbyterian Church Hernando, MS SENIO R CLA S S R E P R E S E N TAT I V E

Katelyn Gordon ’09 Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church Cary, NC

What is worthy of your whole life adventure?

What about seminary?


Laura Palmer ’10 Trinity Presbyterian Church Pensacola, FL MID D L E R CLA S S R E P R E SE N TAT I V E

Kelly Fitzgerald ’10 Faith Presbyterian Church Tallahassee, FL

CONFERENCE ON MINISTRY FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS NOV EMBER 7–9, 2008 FEBRUA RY 20–22, 2009 | NOV EMBER 6–8, 2009 INFORMATION / REGISTRATION 1.877.548.2817 (toll-free) | 404.687.4517 (Atlanta area)


G r a d u at e s

 Life With

Laity by William H. Willimon

From the baccalaureate sermon preached on May 16, 2008, at Columbia Presbyterian Church. Dr. Willimon’s complete sermon will be published late next spring in the Pentecost 2009 issue of Journal for Preachers.

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his suffering by becoming like him in his death...I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own…I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord….Help these women, for they have struggled beside me in the work of the gospel….(Philippians 3:10, 12b; 4:2, 3b) All your study has come to this. Most of you, if not already, soon will be clergy, a condition I have had for 33 years . . . But I’ll tell you the truth: I would rather be made at gunpoint to drive to New York City backwards, listening to Britney Spears, than to go back and do church with any of those laity ever again. As bishop, one of my jobs is to cop the credentials of clergy calling it quits. And I can tell you novices, I’ve never had pastors throw in the towel because they were fed up with Jesus. It’s the laity who do them in! The greatest challenge of the Christian ministry in any form is Jesus’ command to work with the people whom Jesus has called to work with him. In support of my argument I call my clerical colleague St. Paul. Here is Paul waxing eloquently to First Church Philippi on the glories of Christ, His death and resurrection, calling in his most impressive theological artillery: Though he was in the form of God, Did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, But emptied himself…that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess (2:5ff.)


Here the grandeur of the Christian faith, the full sweep of our theology! Then, as if he has finally gotten to what is really bugging him, Paul blurts out, “Euodia! Syntyche! Behave! Stop fighting. Be reconciled!” Amid the grandest theological affirmations, Paul calls out (by name, no less) two squabbling laity. What’s this? It’s the church! I once asked one of my M.Div. students, “Why are you headed toward ministry?” He answered, “Because I enjoy working with people.” I replied, “Dear, have you actually met any of the people with whom you will be working? What sort of masochist finds enjoyment in that?” I have never had anyone withdraw from a church where I served saying, “Jesus’ demands upon us are just too much.” No, why they leave is, “We think the world of Jesus, but we just can’t stand his friends.” Take my first congregation. It was rural Georgia and as many of you have learned, rural doesn’t get much more rural than that. Squabbling, one failure after another typified my days there. Euodia and Syntyche dooking it out in the parking lot after a wedding. It was more than I could take. One day, in youthful despair I poured out my frustration to my favorite Emory professor. My professor sympathetically listened to my tale of woe. He agreed to the injustice of someone like me forced to serve people like them. The laity are lousy. “And worst of all…,” he said, “Jesus says that whores and tax collectors get to go into the Kingdom of God before us good people.” Jesus teaches, preaches, heals and finally suffers and dies. And on his way to paradise, deserted by his own disciples, hanging in agony on the cross, Jesus enters paradise with nothing to show for his trouble but one slightly informed, somewhat penitent thief. Some



church believes that the homeless ought always to be served by the church on china rather than plastic.) “I think it’s wonderful that you are here, washing dishes for the homeless,” I said. “Good for you,” he mumbled, not looking up from his work. “Have you always enjoyed ministry with the homeless?” I asked. “Who told you I enjoyed working with the homeless?” he asked. “Have you met any of the homeless out there? Most of them are crazy, so addicted or messed up that nobody, not even their family wants them home.” “Well, I, er, uh, think that makes it all the more remarkable what you are here doing,” I said. “How did you get here?” He looked up from the dishwater and replied, “I’m here because Jesus put me here. How did you get here?” Ah, the laity! Budding theologians, fledgling leaders of the Body of Christ, I have little with which to commend to you the church, the People of God. I have no rationale that justifies throwing away your time and talents on the likes of Euodia or Syntyche. Except this: these are the ones whom the very Son of God loved and for whom he died and to whom he rose. Amen. William H. Willimon was elected in July 2004 as Bishop of The United Methodist Church. He leads the 157,000 Methodists and 792 pastors in North Alabama. For 20 years he was dean of the chapel and professor of Christian ministry at Duke University.

Bishop William Willimon and Karen Fleming ’08 with Fred the Cat.

If we look directly at the human race, says Calvin, unaided by God, we will feel more hate than love. We must look upon people as God looks at people.


trophy. And yet Karl Barth designates this gathering of Jesus and the two thieves as the birthday of the church. The Kingdom of God is a great banquet where though really nice people are the first invited, they find other things to do. In anger the master of the banquet goes out and invites everybody—the maimed, the lame, and the blind, the broken hearted, Republicans, Rotarians, rejects, racists, and reprobates. That’s God’s Table—a bunch of losers whom no nice person would be caught dead with on a Saturday night. So says Jesus. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection… says Paul. To whom did the resurrected Christ appear? Not to the cognoscenti cleros but to the squabbling laos— fearful, misunderstanding women, according to the gospels. You know not the “power of his resurrection” until you know that Christ returned to those who forsook and disappointed him, to Euodia and Syntyche, and thus to you and thus to me. It’s a heck of a way to run a Kingdom of God, but it appears to be His way. In response to the question, “Who is my neighbor?” John Calvin said of course we think well of our friends and family, no great surprise in that. The odd thing is that Christ commands us to love our enemies. How is that possible? Calvin answers, “All should be contemplated in God, not in themselves.” If we look directly at the human race, says Calvin, unaided by God, we will feel more hate than love. We must look upon people as God looks at people. The ability not only to endure but also to love Euodia and Syntheche arises from our theological commitments. Bless you for the guts to try to live with, to lead, and maybe by God’s grace even to love the laos in Jesus’ name. The only good reason to be here is Christological. And the only means of persevering to the end is that Jesus, in his wisdom, means this to be so. One of my churches serves breakfast to close to 200 homeless people every morning. I was there a while back and on my way in noticed a man in the kitchen, washing dishes, up to his elbows in dishwater. (The pastor of the

G r a d u at e s

 2 0 0 8 PR I Z E S A N D AWA R D S

KAREN WARE JACKSON LIBBY SHANNON ELIZABETH THONNEY The James T. and Celeste M. Boyd Book Fund Award is given to a Master of Divinity student who, in the judgment of the faculty, would be a good steward of a theological library and has demonstrated a desire through studies to build a personal theological library. Karen Ware Jackson is from Corpus Christi, TX, and holds the B.S. from Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. She has accepted a call to be the associate pastor at Covenant church in Columbus, OH.

Libby Shannon, a native of Bonita Springs, FL, holds the B.A. from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL. She is seeking a call under care of Peace River Presbytery.

Elizabeth Thonney, who is from Ithaca, NY, holds the B.A. from Cornell University in her hometown. She is a Latin teacher at Annie Sullivan Middle School in Franklin, MA.

PHIL BROWN KATHRYN THREADGILL The William Rivers Waddey Award Fund was established by Walter and Cecilia Waddey in memory of their son, William, who was an active and vital part of the youth program at Peachtree Presbyterian Church, in Atlanta. The fund supports an award given to a graduating basic degree student possessing extraordinary gifts for youth ministry and pursuing such a call in the church. Phil Brown, of Estes Park, CO, holds the B.A. from Truman State University in Kirksville, MO. Phil is serving as associate pastor to youth at St. Luke’s church in Dunwoody, GA. Kathryn Threadgill is from Fairhope, AL, and holds the B.A. from Montreat College in Montreat, NC. She is serving as associate pastor to youth and young adults at Westminster church in Greensboro, NC.

SARA HAYDEN The Ludwig Richard Max Dewitz Old Testament Studies Award is a cash award given along with a copy of the Hebrew Old Testament to the basic degree student who prepared the best Old Testament exegesis during the academic year. A judging committee of professors of Old Testament nominates a person to the faculty for election.


G r a d u at e s

 The Paul T. Fuhrmann Book Prize in Church History This prize was established in 1962 by an alumnus of the seminary to honor the late Dr. Paul T. Fuhrmann, former professor church history. The cash award is made annually to the student who has shown the most outstanding achievement in church history.

MARCI GLASS The Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of St. Andrew Preaching Award is a cash prize given for the best sermon preached by a student during the academic year. Marci Glass, of Decatur, GA, holds the B.A. from Trinity University in San Antonio, TX. She has accepted a call as pastor at Southminster church in Boise, ID. She was ordained by Santa Fe Presbytery August 16 and began her ministry at Southminster on September 2. Glass’s sermon is on page 17.

The Columbia Friendship Circle Graduate Fellowship, given to an outstanding graduate, recognizes superior academic achievement and provides support for further study. Sara Hayden, of Overland Park, KS, holds the B.A. from Truman State University in Kirksville, MO. She is a hospice chaplain through Emory University Center for Pastoral Services.

SHARON JUNN CHARLES REED The William Dudley Award Fund is given to a Master of Divinity graduate who has shown significant achievement, interest, and commitment in the area of evangelism and church growth.

BUZ WILCOXON The Wilds Book Prize is Columbia’s highest academic honor, given annually to the graduating student selected by the faculty for having the highest academic distinction throughout the Master of Divinity program.

Sharon Junn, originally from Duluth, GA, holds the B.A. from Smith College in Northampton, MA, and is doing CPE residency at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, GA.

The Anna Church Whitner Memorial Fellowship is given periodically from a legacy left to the seminary in 1928 by the late William C. Whitner of Rock Hill, SC, in memory of his mother.

Charles Reed, from Wilmington, NC, holds the B.S. from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. He is serving as pastor at Warm Springs church in Warm Springs, VA.

Buz Wilcoxon, of Fairhope, AL, holds the B.A. from Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC. He was ordained by South Alabama Presbytery on May 31 and is serving as associate pastor for youth, young adults, and mission at Fourth church in Greenville, SC.

This issue of Vantage is available online at Go to News & Publications, then Vantage.


G r a d u at e s



The Harold J. Riddle Memorial Book Award is given to a Master of Divinity student who has shown high distinction in the field of pastoral care, especially with terminally ill patients.

The Harvard A. Anderson Fellowship was established by the Rev. and Mrs. Harvard A. Anderson of Orlando, FL. The fellowship is awarded to the graduating student determined by the faculty to have the greatest potential for future academic achievement.

Catherine Neelly is from Anderson, SC, and holds the B.A. from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. She is a pastoral resident at Central church in Atlanta, GA.

Daniel Webb, originally from Brentwood, TN, holds the B.A. from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. He will be attending Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, MA, doing MTS graduate studies.

MICHAEL MCLAUGHLIN The Toms-McGarrahan Award recognizes outstanding achievement in the area of Christian theology. The award is given in honor of the Rev. Russell Toms, a 1951 graduate of Columbia, and his daughter, Eunice McGarrahan.


Michael McLaughlin is originally from Knoxville, TN, and holds the B.S. from the University of Tennessee. He has accepted a call as pastor of First church, Manchester TN.

The Fannie Jordan Bryan Fellowship was established through a generous legacy left to Columbia by the late Mrs. Fannie Jordan Bryan of Columbia, SC. Greg Sims is from Nashville, TN, and holds the B.A. from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. He is serving as the Southeast field organizer with Bread for the World, covering Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

EMILY ZEIG The Columbia Leadership Award is presented to a Master of Divinity graduate who shows promise of providing outstanding leadership to the church and who demonstrates unusual leadership qualities as well as spiritual depth and integrity.

Emily Smith, from Pauline, SC, holds the B.A. from Davidson College. She is director of Christian education and family life at Cannon’s Campground United Methodist Church in Spartanburg, SC, and hopes to begin further graduate studies within the next few years.

Emily Zeig, of Sterling Heights, MI, holds the B.A. from Hope College in Holland, MI. She has accepted a call as pastor of First church in Waterford, PA.


G r a d u at e s

 CATHERINE SCHREIBER The Emma Gaillard Boyce Graduate Fellowship was established by the Rev. David Gaillard Boyce, an alumnus of the seminary, in honor of his mother. It is awarded to a graduating senior or clergyperson who enrolls in a graduate program of music and/or worship. Catherine Schreiber, of Dunwoody, GA, holds the B.A. from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. She is completing her CPE residency at a hospital in the Atlanta area.

JAEHONG KIM The James and Clara Terry Fellowship was established by Desert Ministries and is given to a graduating senior who demonstrated excellence in practical theology and has a high potential for parish ministry. Jaehong Kim, of Seoul, Korea, holds the B.A. from Mercer University in Macon, GA. He is pursuing ThM graduate studies at Columbia.

STEVEN HERNANDEZ The Columbia Graduate Fellowship is awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated exceptional academic ability. The fellowship may be applied to any advanced degree beyond the Master of Divinity. The Florrie Wilkes Sanders Prize in Theology is given by the family of Florrie Wilkes Sanders of Atlanta, GA. A cash award is given to the student presenting the best paper showing sound theological scholarship and relevance to the needs of Christian people in the contemporary world. Special attention is given to papers relating theology to the education, professions, and avocations of laypersons. Steven Hernandez, originally from Waco, TX, holds the B.A. from Baylor University. He is pursuing an advanced degree in theology at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ. Read Hernandez’s paper online at Go to News & Publications, then Vantage.

ROBIN HUMPHREYS The Indiantown Country Church Award was established by the family of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Stuckey in their honor to highlight the work of ministry in churches in rural areas. The cash prize is awarded annually to a student who has done outstanding work in the summer in a rural ministry. Robin Humphreys, of Raleigh, NC, holds the B.S. from Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. She is doing a CPE residency in Atlanta.



G r a d u at e s

 2 0 0 8 G R A D U AT E S


Daphne Clement

Yoonmin Kim

Gyeong Kim

Decatur, Georgia B.A., Marylhurst College M.Div., Starr King School for the Ministry

Seoul, South Korea B.A., Yonsei University M.Div., Presbyterian Theological Seminary Th.M., Candler School of Theology

Johns Creek, Georgia B.A., HanNam University M.Div., Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Th.M., Candler School of Theology

Stephen Albert Clotfelter East Point, Georgia B.A., Atlanta Christian College M.Div., Emmanuel School of Religion

Sophia So-Hee Park

David D. Colby

Seoul, South Korea B.A.,Westmont College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

St. Paul, Minnesota B.A., Macalester College M.Div., McCormick Theological Seminary

George F. Coleman, Jr. DOCTOR OF MINISTRY

Charleston, South Carolina B.A., University of Virginia M.Div., Union Theological Seminary

David Michael Bender Indian Land, South Carolina B.A., Clemson University J.D., Wake Forest University School of Law M.A., Wake Forest University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Baron Eliason

Frederick L. Brooks III

Matthew Marshall Fry

Bay St. Louis, Mississippi B.S., Mississippi State University M.Div., Candler Theological Seminary

Devin de’Vaughn Brown Jacksonville, Florida B.S., Edward Waters College M.Div., Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology

W. Hunter Camp II Green Cove Springs, Florida B.A., Flagler College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Kimberly L. Clayton Decatur, Georgia B.A., Birmingham-Southern College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Johnson City, Tennessee B.B.A., Southern Methodist University J.D., University of Texas M.Div., Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Duluth, Georgia B.A., Flagler College M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary

John Donnelly Hambrick Alpharetta, Georgia B.A., Pepperdine University M.Div., Fuller Theolgical Seminary

Charles Scott Kinder-Pyle Spokane, Washington B.A., Pennsylvania State University M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary

Daehyun Kwon Seoul, South Korea B.A., M.A., M.Div., Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary M.A.C.E., Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education

Randolph Lee Flower Mound, Texas B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., University of Southern California M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary

Taklin Lee Seoul, South Korea B.A., Han Young Theological University M.Div., Church of God Theological Seminary Th.M., Candler School of Theology

Donnafaith Lodge Kingston, Jamaica B.A., University of the West Indies M.A., M.Div., Caribbean Graduate School of Theology

Nancy Lund David Alan Holmes Calgary, Alberta B.A., University of Alberta M.Div., Vancouver School of Theology

Arlington, Virginia B.A., University of Minnesota M.Div., Luther Theological Seminary

Joan C. Martin James Kearny Seattle, Washington B.A., Yale University B.F.A., Cornish College of the Arts M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Gastonia, North Carolina B.S., Juniata College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Bryan H. Mickle Lakeland, Florida B.A., Presbyterian College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary


G r a d u at e s

 Murray Daniel Milford

William Wain Wesberry

Phil Brown

Sand Springs, Oklahoma B.A., Texas A&M University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Clinton, South Carolina B.A., Presbyterian College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Estes Park, Colorado B.A., Truman State University

Juan A. Quintanilla

Eddie Calvin Williams

Canton, Georgia B.S., University of Nuevo Leon M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary

Bamberg, South Carolina B.A., South Carolina State University M.Div., Interdenominational Theological Center

Sarah Diane Chamberlain

Susan MacDonald Roddey Charlotte, North Carolina B.A., Davidson College M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary

Plymouth, Minnesota B.A., Macalester College

Andy S. Chambers Cornelia, Georgia B.B.A., University of Georgia

Brian Christopher Wyatt Greeneville, Tennessee B.A., Furman University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Caroline Vinson Dennis

Atlanta, Georgia B.A., Tougaloo College M.Div., Interdenominational Theological Center


Wendy R. Dewberry

Nancy Mumma Salisbury

Atlanta, Georgia B.S., Taiwan Chung Hsing University M.A.T.S., Columbia Theological Seminary

Willie Roy Rogers, Sr.

Decatur, Georgia B.A., Antioch College M.S., The Ohio State University M.Div., Methodist Theological School in Ohio

Debra von Fischer Samuelson Sioux Falls, South Dakota B.M., St. Olaf College M.Div., Luther Seminary

Harvey Gray Southern Durham, North Carolina B.A., University of North Carolina M.Div., Yale Divinity School

Leo Chen-Chu Chang

Sharon Gettys Stanley Fresno, California B.A., St. Andrews Presbyterian College M.Div., San Francisco Theological Seminary

Decatur, Georgia B.A., Samford University M.S.W., University of Alabama

Luke Simmons Ellis

Martin Mwangi Ndirangu

Decatur, Georgia B.S., B.A., Presbyterian College

Nyahururu, Kenya B.D., St. Paul’s University, Limuru

Debbie Feagin

Shively T. J. Smith Lexington, Kentucky B.A., Fisk University M.Div., Candler School of Theology

Taekhan Yoon Bu-Cheon City, South Korea B.A., Hanshin University M.Div., Candler School of Theology

Keith A. Spencer Pembroke Pines, Florida B.S., United States Naval Academy M.Div., The Lutheran Theological Seminary

Monticello, Georgia B.A., Davidson College M.A., Oglethorpe University


Vestavia Hills, Alabama B.S., Birmingham-Southern College/ University College M.P.H., University of Alabama at Birmingham

Julie Lyn Ferguson Cartersville, Georgia B.A., University of Georgia

Karen Linette Fleming Edinboro, Pennsylvania B.S., College of Charleston

Tully M. Fletcher IV

Blairsville, Georgia B.A., Tusculum College

Durham, North Carolina B.S., University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Amy Lynn Baer

Lawrence James Gamble

Collin Blair Adams

Kansas City, Missouri B.A., B.A., University of Missouri

Decatur, Georgia B.S., Delaware Valley College

Columbus, Georgia B.A., Georgia Southern University M.Div., Candler School of Theology

Davis Bailey

Katherine Parker Giguere

Hernando, Mississippi B.A., University of Mississippi

Greenville, South Carolina B.A., Davidson College

Jill Ulrici

Richard Norman Baxter

Marcella Auld Glass

John E. Stephens

Atlanta, Georgia B.S., Medical College of Georgia M.Div., Yale Divinity School

Atlanta, Georgia B.S., University of Southwestern Louisiana M.S., Louisiana State University


Decatur, Georgia B.A., Trinity University

G r a d u at e s

 James R. Goff

John T. Lattimore

Elizabeth Carol Thonney

Guysville, Ohio B.S., Ohio University

Greenville, South Carolina B.S., Clemson University

Ithaca, New York B.A., Cornell University

Kevin Willis Hay

Johanna K. Lee

Kathryn Kim SongAe Threadgill

Birmingham, Alabama B.A., Rhodes College

Atlanta, Georgia B.S., M.B.A., M.P.H., University of Alabama at Birmingham

Fairhope, Alabama B.A., Montreat College

Sara Anne Hayden Overland Park, Kansas B.A., Truman State University

Daniel Norman Webb John Stokes Martin, Jr. Alpharetta, Georgia B.S., Auburn University

Esteban Ariel Hernandez Waco, Texas B.A., Baylor University

Brentwood, Tennessee B.A., Rhodes College

Lucy Appel Waechter Webb Michael D. McLaughlin Knoxville, Tennessee B.S., University of Tennessee

Christopher Samuel Hobson

Midland, Michigan B.A., Rhodes College

Searcy Allen Wilcoxon IV

Decatur, Georgia B.S., Lees McRae College M.A., Appalachian State University

Catherine Crenshaw Neelly

Robin Lynn Humphreys

Charles Lytton Pope III

Raleigh, North Carolina B.S., Appalachian State University

Maryville, Tennessee B.S., Auburn University

J. Robert Jackson

Charles Reed

Summerville, Georgia B.A., Georgia State University

Wilmington, North Carolina B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology

Karen Ware Jackson

Faye C. Rivers

Corpus Christi, Texas B.S., Texas A&M University

John’s Island, South Carolina B.A., Limestone College M.A., Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education

Anderson, South Carolina B.A., Rhodes College

Fairhope, Alabama B.A., Presbyterian College

Whitney Lee Wilkinson Victoria, Texas B.S., Texas A&M University

Andrew Wing Weaverville, North Carolina B.A., Montreat College

Heather Elaine Wood

Susan Balmer Jacobson Watkinsville, Georgia B.A., State University of West Georgia M.Ed., University of Georgia

Hickory, North Carolina B.A., Appalachian State University

Emily Joan Zeig Sterling Heights, Michigan B.A., Hope College

Andrea Dawn Roche

Sharon Junn

Cumming, Georgia B.A., Furman University

Duluth, Georgia B.A., Smith College


Kathryn Nicole Schneider

David Cary Antman

Erin M. Keys

San Antonio, Texas B.A., St. Lawrence University

Asheville, North Carolina B.A., Elon University

Catherine Larson Schreiber

Jaehong Kim

Dunwoody, Georgia B.A., Emory University

Seoul, South Korea B.A., Seoul National University

Elizabeth Hunter Shannon

Andrew K. Kim

Bonita Springs, Florida B.A., Eckerd College

Seoul, South Korea B.A., Mercer University

Gregory Alan Sims

Andy King

Nashville, Tennessee B.A., Rhodes College

Indianapolis, Indiana B.A., Purdue University

Jean Elizabeth Sparks

Atlanta, Georgia B.A., College of Charleston

Ann Elizabeth Misner Atlanta, Georgia B.A., Albion College

Claudia Lizette Aguilar Rubalcava Mexico City, Mexico B.A., Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Port Charlotte, Florida B.S., Florida Southern College


Jeremiah Sauber Atlanta, Georgia B.S. Georgia Institute of Technology

Emily Kathleen Smith Pauline, South Carolina B.A., B.A., Davidson College

G r a d u at e s

 Selected

Time for the Lord to Act 2 Kings 18 and 19


the best student s


for 2007-2


October 5, 2007

M a r ci Au ld Gl a ss This sermon has been modified slightly for publication in Vantage. The complete sermon is available online at > News & Publications > Vantage.


s I prepared this sermon] I’ve been reading some of the daily lectionary to my kids. And what a relief it was to get to Hezekiah, because after reading through this whole narrative of first and second Kings, where king after king is more evil in the sight of the Lord than the king before, where Kings refuse to follow the Lord, and they worship false gods, lead the people in wickedness—after a while, it’s a little depressing. But then King Hezekiah shows up and led the people into confession. Turns them back to God. Clears away the temples to the false gods. Re-establishes the practices of the people. He does what is right in the eyes of the Lord. It was such a relief to hear about a king that did the right thing, whatever his motives. My kids even noticed. “Mom. Did you just say that this king did what was RIGHT in the eyes of the Lord?” “Yes, I did.” “Does this mean that things are going to get better for the people then?” “Well….” “When they did what was wicked, they get punished. So if they do what’s right, things should be good, right?” Whose bright idea was it for me to read the Bible to my kids? With great fear and trepidation, I read on in the story. For a short time—like three verses in chapter 18—things went well. God was with them and they wupped up on the Philistines, and Hezekiah decided not to obey the King of Assyria. And then Sennacherib starts talking smack about the Lord at the gates of Jerusalem. He tells the people—in Hebrew, no less, to make sure they’d understand him—that they are just plain silly to rely on their God. Didn’t they see how all of the “gods” of the other towns failed to protect them as he burned their cities and carted them all off to exile. He tells them lies about their God, about their King, and about how well they will be treated if they walk away without a fight. And Hezekiah orders the people not to respond to Sennacherib’s taunts. The Assyrian rant is met with silence. They stand their ground in silence. How deafening must that silence have been? Picture this. You are one of the few Hebrew people who have not yet been carted off to exile. You are standing on the wall of Jerusalem, looking out over the Assyrian army. You have a stick and some rocks. They have cavalry, shields and swords. You are so non-threatening to this King that he is making jokes. He is enjoying this. You are a mouse to his cat. Luckily for the people, standing with knocking knees on the wall of Jerusalem, Hezekiah 17

entrusted to our care. Yet God acts with justice and mercy to remembered God. He tells Isaiah to lift up a prayer for the redeem creation. remnant that is left. Then Hezekiah prays to God, making And how did God act? In this brief shining moment clear that he does not share Sennacherib’s comparison of the when the people remember their end of the covenant and one God to all of those other false gods of wood and stone. pray to God, turn to God for help, what happens? A spirit of And then, Hezekiah reminds God that the people have not a rumor…. forgotten the covenant. They are only a remnant of the My children, needless to say, were a little disappointed covenant people. But, nonetheless, it is time for the Lord to that after all that smack talking by the Rabshakeh, all God act to protect the remnant. did to show God’s awesomeness was to send a spirit of a Hezekiah doesn’t ask for this for himself —“Please God rumor so that Sennacherib would be killed back home. save us because I like my lifestyle here and because I’ll look “So their victory was that the Assyrian army left?” like a fool if you don’t.” “Yeah, pretty much.” He doesn’t even ask it only for the people in stunned While this was somewhat lost on my children, whose silence on the wall. This isn’t about pity or favoritism or lives have thankfully not been besieged too much, I could homeland security. Hezekiah prays for deliverance so that understand why Judah would count this as a victory. all the kingdoms of the earth will know that the Lord God Haven’t there been times in our lives when enemies are is God alone. Hezekiah can go into the house of the Lord at our gates? You stand there, knees and pray because he KNOWS what knocking, ready for the assault, and it the Rabshakeh does not know. All of It was time for the Lord to act. doesn’t come. You peek out between those other gods were wood and stone, The Lord acted. your fingers, only to find that they but the God of Israel called the people have turned around and are leaving. together in covenant and this God, the But not perhaps in the way we You have been delivered—not in a one God, listens to the people when would have scripted it. way that makes you look powerful and they call. What does the Rabshakeh successful—but in a way that allows know about being in a relationship with you to enjoy another day. God? Clearly, nothing. Our passage leaves us with a bit of a God listened to the cries of the people. It was time for cliffhanger. I hate to give anything away, but since you have the Lord to act. The Lord acted. But not perhaps in the way your own Bibles, I guess you can find out what happens to we would have scripted it. Israel was not restored to power Sennacherib on your own. and glory. Remnant is the operative word to describe them I’ll tell you what doesn’t happen. Lightning does not from this point on, but isn’t being a remnant better than total come out of the sky, smiting Sennacherib and his Rabshakeh extinction? where they stand. The 126 people left inside the city walls It was time for the Lord to act, and act God did, but do not leave Helms Deep and demolish all of the Orks. unfortunately, it is hard to keep God to the script. The script Aslan does not show up at the last minute and eat the King I want to write is one where other people’s wickedness is of Assyria. Dumbledore does not return to save Hezekiah. punished, and our faithfulness, our one shining moment, Perhaps that’s what would happen if J.R.R. Tolkein, is rewarded. C. S. Lewis or J. K. Rowling were telling the story of H. E. Instead, God’s script is full of instances where God zekiah. But then this would be fiction. about a god of wood acts for God’s people, but never in the way we could have or stone. predicted or would have requested. And thank God for that. But it isn’t. This is the story of God’s people in The one God became flesh and invited us to join him at the relationship with the one God. And this might be a shining Table, we who should never have been invited. God listened moment for the people to the cries of God’s people and it was time for the Lord to As we know, God’s people don’t have a lot of shining act. We will come to this table to celebrate the One God, moments in the biblical text. Or in the texts of our lives, whom we worship, who hears our cries, who became one of for that matter. We are, shall we say, people who err. us, and who moves among the church today, setting us free to We ignore God’s commandments, we violate the image of accept ourselves and to love God and neighbor. God in others and ourselves, accept lies as truth, exploit Amen. neighbor and nature, and threaten death to the planet




G r a d u at e s


DAVID A. HOLMES The George and Sally Telford Award is given to an outstanding Doctor of Ministry graduate who shows exceptional ability for congregational leadership with an emphasis on social justice issues and vision for the church.

The unsustainable consumer culture that dominates North American society empowers, and is empowered by, a particular spirituality. This spirituality makes it difficult to say “no” to opportunities and obligations, and difficult to say “yes” to community and loving relationships. This project explores the hypothesis that the practice of Sabbath might free a community from consumerism through the practice of an alternative spirituality. Robert McClure United Church undertook an experiment in congregational Sabbath practice in Lent of 2007, discovering that this practice was beginning to help them become more relaxed, more aware, and more connected to God and one another.

David Holmes is pastor of McDougall United Church (United Church of Canada), in Calgary, Alberta. He received the B.A. degree from the University of Alberta, and the M.Div. degree from Vancouver School of Theology. An abstract of his D.Min. project appears at right. The full text can be found online in the Fall 2008 issue of Vantage Online ( NewsPubs/Vantage.aspx).





Why join the church? That question is a crucial one for contemporary Christians. The United Methodist Church advertises to invite the unchurched, “dechurched”, and inactive to its life. Regardless of how well the invitation to participate is given, or how warm the welcome, the question of what it means to join remains. Even in congregations that are succeeding at attracting new members and are open to growth’s issues, I have not perceived a widespread understanding of what it means to “join the church” or even to join a given congregation, beyond the idea that the person joining will help maintain that particular institutional expression of the church by actions such as giving money or serving on committees. The question has new power as increasing numbers of people now identify themselves as “unchurched but spiritual” or “spiritual but not religious.” Jim Wallis of the Sojourners Community suggests that churched Christians should regard these brothers and sisters “as another denomination.” My pastoral experience, and the reported experience of other pastors, is that this lack of clarity about the meaning of church membership is endemic to our culture and to the culture of the church. Why should anyone join the church?

The John Nelsen Award is presented to the best Doctor of Ministry project which focuses on Old Testament texts, images, and themes as resources for transforming a local congregation into an example of a missional church. This award is given by Dan Winn, Jr., in honor of his friend and counselor, John M. Nelsen. Nelsen received his M.Div. and D.Min. from Princeton Theological Seminary, and he is now pastor of First church in Sapulpa, OK. For more than 25 years, Nelsen has devoted his ministry to challenging, sustaining, and transforming of his congregations. The missional church has been his primary focus for several years. H. Gray Southern, of Durham, NC, received the B.A. degree from the University of North Carolina, and the M.Div. from Yale Divinity School. He is a district superintendent in the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church. An abstract of his D.Min. project appears at right. The full text can be found online in the Fall 2008 issue of Vantage Online ( 19



Portrait by W. Scott Chester, Decatur, GA.

Erskine: A Most Careful Listener by Walter Brueggemann




t is known to his intimates that Erskine Clarke has very poor hearing in one ear. It is known to all of us that, through his long, brilliant career at Columbia Theological Seminary, Erskine has been an uncommonly good listener: • He has listened well to the deepest impulses of his beloved southern Presbyterian Church; • He has listened well to the cries and hopes of the world that yearns beyond the way things are; • He has listened well to the promises and commands of God that have propelled him to a vocation of passion and erudition and service to the coming kingdom. Through its long history, Columbia has had more than its fair share of intellectual, ecclesial luminaries. In his generation, the seminary has not had any faculty person who has exhibited and enacted the gifts of mind and heart and spirit with the same sustained energy and institutional effectiveness as has Erskine. Every one of us at Columbia has an inventory of matters for which he is to be commended at retirement. I am glad to line out my list with appreciation and gratitude. ...he has worked Erskine’s scholarly life is one of steadfastness and of acute perceptiveness. with primary sources Since he published Wrestlin’ Jacob (1979), he has been preoccupied with to trace the way in “The American Dilemma” of racism, the ways in which that malady continues which racism has to vex and debilitate both church and society. Good historian that he is, he has been at the heart of worked with primary sources to trace the way in which racism has been at the our society and the heart of our society and the way in which it has permeated the life of the church in way in which it has every dimension. His remarkable focus on the family of Charles Colcock Jones has permeated the life of permitted him to articulate the anguish and intractability of the issue for women the church in every and men of good will. His recent works, Southern Zion and Dwelling Place, have dimension. placed him in the forefront of scholars on this issue, even now as he is at work on linkages back to the slave trade in Africa. Erskine’s careful and remarkable recovery of hidden data and his capacity to draw narrative coherence from that data is witness to the cruciality of careful, imaginative research for the health and faithfulness of our society, and not least for the Seminary.






[ was Erskine who dreamed the possibility of what became “alternative context” whereby middler M. Div. Students—along with faculty members—are dispatched for an extended January term into church settings around the world.


Because of his passion for the life of preachers, Erskine has evoked and nurtured a cadre of writers and contributors to the Journal who make it—issue after issue—a first-rate publication with uncommon pertinence.


Erskine’s commitment to the life of the church is evident in many ways, not least in his vision and persistence with the Journal for Preachers that he founded and continues to edit. It is no small matter to sustain such a publishing project with only a very thin infrastructure and with finances that are thin enough to match the infrastructure. Because of his passion for the life of preachers, Erskine has evoked and nurtured a cadre of writers and contributors to the Journal who make it—issue after issue—a first-rate publication with uncommon pertinence. Erskine’s capacity to continue to identify and explicate cutting-edge issues in the life of the church and in the life of the preacher attest to his practical sensibility. His passion for the life of the church is most recently evidenced in his singular devotion to the project of bringing to Columbia a significant portion of the archives and library that had been housed at the Presbyterian Historical Society's Montreat branch. Erskine’s efforts in this regard, alongside that of other members of the seminary community, assure that in time to come the church and its scholars will have access to first-rate memory. Beyond his scholarly life and beyond his passion for the church, it is his work as an institutional citizen of the seminary that I most wish to celebrate. Every seminary, like every congregation, finally depends on a few steadfast “carriers” of the institution who put extra energy, resources, and imagination into the life of the institution in ways that run beyond normal obligation or expectation. In recent decades in the life of Columbia, Erskine has been that institutional carrier who has been informed by the deep rootage of tradition, propelled by a large vision, and has been willing to put in effort and energy to move the seminary toward that vision. As Columbia began to reach beyond its more-or-less self-contained history, it was Erskine who dreamed the possibility of what became “alternative context” whereby middler M. Div. students—along with faculty members—are dispatched for an extended January term into church settings around the world. Venues for such education in the life of the church have included Mexico, Jamaica, Hungary, China, Appalachia, and a variety of other contexts. And recognizing our own urban context as a missional environment, the alternative context program regularly includes a venture into urban Atlanta. As the faculty worked a decade ago on a fresh and explicit “Statement of Purpose,” Erskine was among the faculty colleagues who formulated the lyrical statement that continues to be a primal guide for institutional planning. That wondrous statement that takes seriously the missional demands of the new century and dares to imagine Columbia’s role in the renewal of the church. When the seminary received the enormous Campbell endowment, Erskine was among the faculty colleagues who insisted that a portion of the endowment should be “tithed” in some way in a generous investment beyond ourselves. That conviction eventuated in “The Campbell Scholars,” a periodic and well-funded program that regularly brings church leaders from other contexts of the world





Academics are notorious for being disconnected from reality in church and in world. One has the sense that it all “connects” for Erskine.

church to the campus for an extended period of sustained study and reflection. Erskine has invested untold amounts of time and energy with the seminar that has been an uncommon benefit to the seminary. On the one hand, the seminar has brought a steady stream of representatives of other church contexts to our campus and to the collegial life of the faculty. On the other hand, these visitors to our campus have enormously enriched, broadened, and deepened the educational process for our students. With memory from the ancient days of the seminary in Columbia, South Carolina, Erskine has reflected long and well on “the middle way” that has characterized the seminary over its history. One can conclude, moreover, that the “middle way” is how Erskine has understood himself in our midst, midway between a settled, treasured tradition and a demanding missional summons. For some among us Erskine is too much a traditionalist because he attends to the mind and the heart of the seminary constituency. For others among us, Erskine has pressed the issues of responsible theological education and scholarly excellence too insistently in order to bring that memory to its full stature concerning the most stringent public questions that now face U.S. society. On all counts as scholar, churchman, educator, and institutional citizen Erskine is a prize among us. His departure from the seminary faculty means, moreover, that others will need to “step up” to carry on much of the work that he has shouldered. In the midst of his multi-faceted work among us—that he does with grace, dignity, generosity, and largeness of spirit—what comes through is Erskine’s own genuine piety and faith. Academics are notorious for being disconnected from reality in church and in world. One has the sense that it all “connects” for Erskine. Our common debt to him is enormous, and perhaps will become more visible through his absence. The good news is Erskine will continue his passionate research in ways that remind us all of who we are, from where we have come, and where we are going. We may anticipate that his continued interpretive gifts will trickle down from North Carolina into the life and faith and work of the seminary. We expect, moreover, that he will continue to do that with his self-deprecating good humor. With his one bad ear, Erskine has listened well and has acted on all he has heard. He is, back behind his South Carolina legacy, a child of Mount Sinai among those who pledge to “do and hear.” The rabbis have made much of the fact of the word order in Exodus 24:7, first “to do” and then “to hear.” Maybe that is the inevitable sequence for people with a bad ear, to do and then to hear. Erskine has done well and heard well. Would that we could all listen as well as he has listened! Walter Brueggemann is professor emeritus, retiring from Columbia’s faculty in 2003 as the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament. Erskine Clarke, professor of American religious history, retired at the end of the 2007-2008 academic year. He and his wife, Nan, live now in Montreat, North Carolina.


For the


Alumni/ae 1960s Harold Prince ’60, emeritus professor, was featured in the USTA South Carolina Summer Magazine, published in June 2008.

Maake Masango and Joseph Harvard Receive Distinguished Service Awards Alumni Maake Jonathon S. Masango and Joseph (Joe) S. Harvard received this year’s Distinguished Service Awards on April 15 during Colloquium 2008. Maake Masango, a distinguished theologian and church leader, received an M.T.S. in 1981 and a Th.D. in 1994. He serves a global ministry that stretches from his native South Africa to the United States and Europe. He is professor of practical theology at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, a published author, and member of numerous teaching associations, bodies, and committees. Dr. Masango served as moderator of the Presbyterian Church of South Africa from 19761977 and is an executive member of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. In a lifelong quest for social justice, 1966 graduate Joe Harvard’s ministry has reached out to people of all classes, races, and ethnicities. He served his local community as co-chair of the Durham Racial Understanding Committee, was a founder of the Durham Habitat for Humanity, and a board member of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. Harvard has served the Presbyterian Church as chair of the Committee on Assembly Operations and the Assembly’s Urban Ministry Committee, and as Moderator of the Presbytery of New Hope. His numerous public service awards include the Freedom Award from the NAACP, and St. Andrews College awarded him a Doctor of Divinity degree.

1970s Victor Hanson ’73 and his wife, Joanne, formed a non-profit

corporation and distribute three publications: To Grow in Jesus, a Guide to Christian Growth; A Journey Together In Christ, a book for new Christians or new church members; and The Story of Jesus, a booklet published by the International Bible Society.

1980s Julie Cline ’85, Susan Bryan ’85 and Larry Bates ’86 started an online group where people associated with Columbia can share news and keep in touch. Join the group at p.php?i=633720266&k=Y6165XPRS44M5BGDSD55SU&r&v=2 …….Brad Walker ’89 accepted a call to be pastor at First church in Topeka, KS.

1990s Kyle Fedler ’92 moved to Montgomery, AL, to become vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty at Huntingdon College. Last fall he won the U.S. double ironman championships in Virginia. He and his wife are expecting their first child this fall……. Ken Letterman ’92 received a Pioneer Award for outstanding contributions to suicide prevention in Tennessee over the last ten years. His efforts have helped save hundreds of lives…….Dean Brown ’93 has accepted a call to be senior pastor at Salem Covenant Church in Duluth, MN. He is pursuing ordination in the Evangelical Covenant Church…….Robert Morgan (DMin ’93) retired as pastor of Parsells Avenue Community church, Rochester, NY…...Don Stribling ’93 is pastor of First church, Jerseyville, IL…….Marvin Lindsay ’94 moved to Richmond, VA, to pursue a ThM Degree at Union-PSCE…….Dan Thornton (DMin ’96) is interim pastor of First church, Marion, NC…….Mike Capron ’98 and Lynn RubierCapron ’98 moved to Hopewell, NJ, where Mike accepted a call to Hopewell church.

continued on page 25 23

For the


Colloquium 2008 CLASS OF 1958.

(l to r) Charlie Cousar, Millen Darnell, Dana Waters, Angus Shaw, Bob Bankhead, Gordon Campbell, Ed Townsend, Jim Thompson, Gary Barber, Bill Mounts.

CLASS OF 1963.

CLASS OF 1968. Lee Carroll (l),

Ron Case

Tino Ballesteros

CLASS OF 1998. Front Row (l to r): Susannah Cook ’99, Laura Cunningham. Back Row (l to r): Laura Smith Conrad, Paul Brokaw, Scott Ramsey

CLASS OF 1983.

Sara Juengst CLASS OF 1988.

(l to r) Joy Smith, Chip Hatcher, Laura Dorsey


CLASS OF 1978. Front Row: (l to r) Lee Bowling, Ginny Simmons Ellis. Back Row: (l to r) Stuart Wilson, Frank Colladay, Paul Ard

CLASS OF 2007. (l to r)

Morgan Hay, James Goodlet, Catherine Cavazos (back to camera)

For the



Faculty and Staff

Chris Crotwell ’01 is pastor at South Aiken church in Aiken, SC, after serving seven years as pastor of New Providence church in Raphine, VA…….Ruth Lovell ’01 is a member-atlarge in the Presbytery of the Mid-South and is now a family care coordinator for the Mid-South Transplant Foundation for organ and tissue donation in Memphis, TN…….Paul Nam Min ’01 is pastor of Bethlehem church in New Windsor, NY…….Dorie Griggs ’02 led a faith-based session titled “Journalism, Trauma, and Self-care” for the communications staff of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in Richmond, VA. She has developed a ministry of presence for journalists who cover traumatic events…….Greg Moore ’04 married Ilona Braxton on August 24 at Trinity church in Canton, GA……. Stephanie Coble ’06 married Davis Hankins ’05. Stephanie works with Emmaus House, Atlanta, GA. Davis is doing graduate work at Emory University and works part-time in Columbia’s library……. Brandon Hood ’06 was commissioned as a lieutenant junior grade in the United States Navy and will move to Atsugi, Japan, in December to serve as a chaplain to Carrier Air Wing 5 on the USS George Washington……. Kyongkuk Han ’07 is working on his theology doctorate degree at Knox College, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada……Kim Losee Justice ’07 has accepted a call as pastor at Sherwood church in Fayetteville, NC…….AshleyAnne Masters ’07 and Reggie Weaver ’07 were married August 3 in Montreat, NC. They are both at Second church in Indianapolis. Reggie continues his Lake Fellow Residency and Ashley-Anne is the interim associate for children and families.

Carol Boe, communications specialist, served as a voting delegate to the Southeastern Synod Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, representing St. John’s Lutheran Church, Atlanta….…G. Thompson (Tommy) Brown, professor emeritus of missions and world Christianity, authored the book How Koreans are Reconverting the West, published by Xlibris Corporation…….William Brown, professor of Old Testament, published “The Psalms and ‘I’: The Dialogical Self and the Disappearing Psalmist,” in Diachronic and Synchronic: Reading the Psalms in Real time: Proceedings of the Baylor Symposium on the Book of Psalms, published by T & T Clark; published “Calvin and Qoheleth Meet after a Hard Day’s Night, or Does Ecclesiastes Have a ‘Protestant’ Work Ethic?” in Reformed Theology: Identity and Ecumenicity II: Biblical Interpretation in the Reformed Tradition; preached at the ordination of Alan Jenkins at Oakhurst church, Decatur, GA; taught a week-long retreat session, “A Spiritual Field Guide to Creation,” at Ring Lake Ranch, Dubois, WY; presented the paper “Here Comes the Sun! The Metaphorical Theology of Psalms 15-24” at the Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense LVII conference, Leuven, Belgium; presided as president of the Colloquium for Biblical Research at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH…….Randy Calvo ’81, director of alumni/ae and church relations, preached at Oconee church, Watkinsville, GA; preached at the homecoming service at Central church, Anderson, SC……Jane Fahey, director, Faith and the City program, led a workshop on “Christians, Muslims, and Jews: Partnering with God and Each Other to Heal Divisions,” at Mo-Ranch Conference Center 2008 Women’s Conference; preached at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Atlanta, GA; spoke on “Religion and the State,” at the Steinberg Glass Leadership Institute, Atlanta, GA….…Charles Cousar, professor emeritus of New Testament, published the book Philippians and Philemon for Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY……. Kathy Dawson, associate professor of Christian education, wrote an article titled “Blooming Where We Are Planted” in From Midterms to Ministry: Practical Theologians on Pastoral Beginnings, published by Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, MI; led a workshop on children’s spiritual

In Memoriam Donald B. Smith ’60 ...............................October 9, 2007


For the


formation as part of the Tri-Presbytery’s (Greater Atlanta, Cherokee and Northeast Georgia) leadership event; led two workshops, one on “Parker Palmer’s plan for Christian education, and the other on children in worship, as part of the STEPS fall leadership event for the Charleston-Atlantic presbytery; preached at Oakhurst (SC) church and Dorchester (SC) church; preached at Grace church, Trussville, AL; participated in the Godly Play conference titled “Souls Old and Young,” Berkeley, CA; and took part in an online learning course through the Wabash Center, Crawfordsville, IN; is teaching an adult class on the “Female Ancestors of Jesus” at Central church, Atlanta, GA…….Mark Douglass, associate professor of Christian ethics, concluded work as member of “The Scandal of Particularity” Colloquy, a three-year project on Jewish-Christian relations; taught at Sandia church, Albuquerque, NM; taught and preached at Second church, Albuquerque, NM; taught at “Growing Together ’08” for the Presbytery of New Hope, Rocky Mount, NC…….Sarah Erickson ’03 (DEdMin ’10), associate director, the Center for Lifelong Learning, led worship at First church, Moultrie,




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GA; North Decatur church, Decatur, GA; and Church of the Resurrection, Conyers, GA.……Beth Johnson, J. Davison Phillips Professor of New Testament, had articles on “Central’s Teaching Elders and Their Seminaries” and “Central’s Ministers” published in On Our Way Rejoicing: The 150th Anniversary of Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta (GA); led worship and served on the commission to ordain Buz Wilcoxon in Fairhope, AL; taught a 12-week beginning Greek class for laypeople at the Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, GA; led the 2008 Campbell Scholars in September in “The Mission of the Global Church in an Age of Pandemics”….…Kimberly Bracken Long, assistant professor of worship and coordinator of worship resources for congregations, published “The Lord Be With You: The Language of Gesture in Eucharistic Prayer,” in Reformed Worship; published “Speaking Grace, Making Space: The Art of Worship Leadership” in the Journal of Religious Leadership; wrote homiletical essays on Luke 1:26-38, Luke 2:1-14, and John 1:1-14 for Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, Year B, published by Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY; wrote editorials on scripture and lectionary aids for Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts; served as liturgist and taught at the Montreat Worship and Music Conference, Montreat, NC; was worship leader and workshop presenter for “Baptism and Eucharist: Ancient Practices in a Time of Renewal”as part of the CTS Summer Scholars program; hosted the Association of Reformed and Liturgical Worship and consulted with representatives from 15 Reformed seminaries, in Decatur, GA; led a congregational event on worship and preached at First church, Greensboro, NC.……Sheena Mayrant ’06, business systems coordinator, coauthored lesson plans for professor emeritus Erskine Clarke’s convocation address “The Seductiveness of the Familiar,” which were published in Columbia’s online faculty journal, @ this point: theological investigations in church and culture; completed a year-long academic fellowship on “Black Women in Ministerial Leadership” with the office of Black Women in Church and Society at the Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, GA, where she developed a workshop and Bible study on “Being A Fully Embodied Black Woman”….… Laura Mendenhall, president, preached at Montreat, NC;


For the


ed! t i v n i You’re APCseEReception

s e nd Che i/ae and friend Wine a n m mbia alu for Colu 5:30 – 6:30 PM 2009 ary 29, ay, Janu d s otel r u h T unter H G n o t exas Shera tonio,T San An

attended the board meeting of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation; represented Columbia at the PC (USA) General Assembly; spoke at the Association of Presbyterian Church CTS students and alumni/ae with GA moderator Bruce Reyes-Chow. Educators; preached at Carrollton church, Carrollton, GA; represented the Committee on Theological Education at STUDENTS ATTEND GA the meeting of the Middle Governing Body leaders at the Eight students attend 218th General Assembly. Brian Coulter ’09 General Assembly Council….…Brian Wren, professor and Kathy Wolf ’09 were theological student advisory delegates. emeritus of worship, was honored for his work as a hymnStudent assistants were Maggie Leonard ’09, Jenny Sumner ’10, and poet by the General Assembly of the United Reformed Robin Williamson ’09. Attending as students in an academic course Church, United Kingdom; wrote the book Advent, Christmas offered during GA were Julie Bailey ’09, Kelly Fitzgerald ’10, and Emily Nisbet ’10. and Epiphany: Liturgies and Prayers for Public Worship, published by Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY…….John White, dean of students and vice president of student services, preached at the Montreat Youth Conference, Montreat, NC......Anna Carter Florence, associate professor of preaching, completed a year-long writing assignment for the weekly “Preaching the Lesson” column in Lectionary Homiletics; contributed a chapter on “Imagination” to Teaching Preaching as a Christian Practice: A New Approach to Homiletical Pedagogy (Westminster John Knox Press); preached for the installation of Robert Henderson at Covenant church, Charlotte, NC; preached for Women’s Sunday at Second church, Chattanooga, TN; preached at Duke Chapel, Durham, NC; preached and lectured at the Festival of Homiletics, COLUMBIA LEADERS AT THIS SUMMER’S Minneapolis, MN.......Stephen Hayner, MONTREAT YOUTH CONFERENCE Top (l to r): John Weicher ’04, Peachtree Associate Professor of Jeff Kackley ’03, Melissa McNair ’10, Tricia Dillon Thomas ’05, Laurie Taylor Evangelism and Church Growth, Weicher ’05, Clay Fouse ’05, Tully Fletcher ’08. Bottom (l to r): Cader Howard ’05, preached at Kairos Atlanta (GA) church; AJ Mealor ’09, Wes Brandon ’03, Michael Copeland ’04, Eric Dillenbeck ’03, Maggie Beamguard ’02, John White, dean of students/vice president for student services.


For the

Record taught a covenant class on “Saul: The Great Might Have Been” at Peachtree church, Atlanta; taught a Bible class on “John,” at Whitworth Institute for Ministry, Spokane, WA; served as track leader and board member at the Presbyterian Global Fellowship Conference, Long Beach, CA; led a retreat in Toxaway, NC, called “Reframing Our Lives,” for the Celebration class at Peachtree church, Atlanta, GA; attended the board of trustees meeting for World Vision International, Monrovia, CA; gave the sanctuary dedication address at First church, Walla Walla, WA; attended the board of trustees meeting for World Vision US, Seattle, WA.


Pamela Cooper-White has joined the faculty as professor of pastoral theology, care, and counseling. She served previously on the faculty of Lutheran Theological Seminary, in Philadelphia. Her appointment was announced this spring with a news release and Vantage article. Erica Durham ’97 has been named public services librarian. She is a graduate of Presbyterian College, and received the Master of Library Science degree from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. She has been the pastor of churches in Pilot Mountain, NC, and Tuscaloosa. She also served for four years as director of the resource center and co-operative video library of the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley in Birmingham and as interim associate executive presbyter for that presbytery for two years. Most recently she has been a public and outreach services intern at the W. S. Hoole Special Collections Library at The University of Alabama. She also worked in Gorgas Library and the Center for Public Television at that university.

Students Hamilton Barnes ’10, completed an internship at Waverly Road church, Kingsport, TN…….Marty Cauley (DMin ’09), published “Why we are losing ground” in Leading Ideas Online Journal at Wesley Seminary, Washington, DC, and served as director of ministry for young people for the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church, Lake Junaluska, NC……Nancy Meehan Yao ’09 preached at Conyers church, Conyers, GA; preached at Atlanta Taiwanese church, Atlanta, GA; completed a year-long chaplain residency at Northside Hospital, Atlanta, GA…….Jim Yao ’09, co-presided at Conyers church, Conyers, GA; preached at Atlanta Taiwanese church; and served as chaplain summer intern at Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, GA.

Rosemary Raynal has been named writing instructor. She will continue as editorial associate for Journal for Preachers, a position she has held since 2007. Her previous experience includes teaching writing and literature at Davidson College and The University of North Carolina (Charlotte), and teaching writing at Central Piedmont Community College and Southeastern Louisiana University.



Sara Varnado ’07, media services assistant, resigned in May. She and her husband Matt Schlageter ’05 have moved to Nashville, TN, where he is serving as a chaplain at Vanderbilt University Hospital.

C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! Charles Raynal, associate professor of theology and director of advanced studies, will also serve as director of Columbia’s Presbyterian and Reformed History and Theology program. He succeeds Erskine Clarke, who retired from the seminary in May.

Ashley DeVore ’07, admissions assistant, resigned in May. She is chaplain/assistant operations manager for the Outreach and Advocacy Center of Central church, Atlanta.

Marcia Riggs, J. Erskine Love Professor of Christian Ethics, has been named director of the Master of Theology program. She succeeds Charles Campbell, who is leaving the seminary at the end of the fall term to join the faculty of Duke Divinity School.

Henry Lartey, processing assistant in the John Bulow Campbell Library, resigned in May and moved back to Birmingham, England. Tia Foley, faculty secretary since 2001, resigned in August. She has moved to Cincinnati, OH. 28


To register for most of these events, go to > Lifelong Learning > Courses and Events. Or call the registrar at 404-687-4587. Most Lifelong Learning programs require a $50 deposit when you register. Ask us about on-campus lodging and meals, generally available at an additional cost (unless otherwise noted). Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for most events. Inquire at time of registration.

November 9–14 Certificate in Spiritual Formation—Contemplation Through the Ages. At the Calvin Center in Hampton, GA. Examine four classics in contemplation from various historic periods, focusing on one classic each of four days and—on the fifth day integrating discernment and empowerment for life. Engage in interactive lectures, share in small groups, practice silence together, and find solitude in the quiet of the Calvin Center. Special feature: Liturgy of the Hours led by Paul and Sarah Lang. Leader: Ben Campbell Johnson. Program Fee: $350.

October 23–25 God in Ordinary Time: Faith Practices for Today. People are re-discovering the value of such Christian practices as walking labyrinths, going on pilgrimages, hammering nails, and keeping prayer journals. In this weekend course, explore some of the reasons why physical practice strengthens the human spirit in ways mental exercise can only envy, as you experiment with new and old practices for deepening faith day by day. Leader: Barbara Brown Taylor. Program Fee: $150 includes Friday/Saturday lunch. Limited housing available on campus.

December 5–6 YMLI Soul Tending: Finding Spirituality in Youth Ministry. Nurture your own spirituality as you incorporate spiritual practices into your ministry with youth. Engage in discussions about and exploration of spiritual practices—indoors and out! A time of learning, waiting, and preparation during Advent. Leaders: Anne and Jim Apple. Facilitators: Neema CyrusFranklin, Sarah Erickson. Program fee: $150 (includes two meals). Housing available on campus for additional cost.

October 23–26 Certificate in Spiritual Formation—Spiritual Leadership (at Montreat Conference Center). In a lecture/discussion format, explore what spiritual leadership is, the characteristics of an effective spiritual leader, how the Holy Spirit empowers spiritual leaders, and what kinds of disciplines are needed. Reflect on your own leadership settings. Be encouraged to write a personal Rule of Life that can help you be a better spiritual leader. Widely focused, this course will be helpful whether you are growing into spiritual leadership within or outside a church setting. Leader: Joan Gray. Program fee: $378.

2009 January 26–29 Celtic Christian Spirituality for Today: January Seminars. We live in the midst of a growing awareness of the unity of creation—and at the same time, amidst terrible brokenness and fragmentation. Come explore Celtic Christian spirituality as a way of being transformed in our consciousness of the earth’s oneness and passionately engaged as Christians in the human journey towards wholeness. Plenary sessions, daily worship, and workshops. Leaders: J. Philip Newell, John Bell, and Celtic artist Cynthia Mayti. Program Fee $250 ($125 CTS faculty/staff/spouses; also a limited number of free spaces for CTS students/spouses).

October 27–31 Guthrie Scholars. Offered twice each year on an application basis. Guthrie Scholars are invited to the campus to pursue a topic of their choice that engages a pressing issue of the church from a Reformed perspective. The seminary covers all costs, except travel. For more information: education/guthrie_scholars.asp.

January 29–February 1 Certificate in Spiritual Formation—Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life. During this feast for the soul, explore the origins of the Christian spiritual tradition. Study the formative elements of biblical, monastic, and Reformed spirituality. Take the opportunity for personal reflection through guided meditative journaling, exploring your unique journey with the living God. Experience community and practical application of knowledge. This course is the starting place for the Certificate in Spiritual Formation. Occasional students are welcome. Leader: TBA. Program fee: $300.

November 1 Spiritual Gift & Ministry (Lay Leader Training/English). For lay leaders and ordained pastors interested in discovering their spiritual gifts and ministries, and how to use them in a new church development setting. Leader: Lucas de Paiva Pina. To enroll, you must first be a paid registrant in the Immigrant Lay Leader Training program. Program fee: $50 residents in tri-presbytery (Greater Atlanta, Cherokee, Northeast Georgia); $100 residents outside tri-presbytery; $75 each additional person from same presbytery, outside tri-presbytery.

Contact us today for a free subscription to Journeying Together, the Center for Lifelong Learning's quarterly newsletter. or 404.687.4587



Religion in Appalachia t h e     M o n t r e at H i s t o r y L e c t u r e s ray


Above, Freeman Owl and a sample of his stonecarving. Right, Jane Spencer and shape-note singers demonstrate their combined talents; and below, an aerial view of a mountain top removal site illustrates the devastation described by Denise Giardina.

mong this year’s distinguished lecturers were Cherokee elder and stonecarver Freeman Owl, novelist and Episcopal priest Denise Giardina, and shape-note singer and teacher, Jane Spencer. Speaking on Cherokee religion from his perspective as a member of that Indian nation, Owl’s message was one of forgiveness and reconciliation for oppressed and oppressor. “We are all one,” he said. Giardina spoke on the devastating effects of the coal industry’s practice of mountain top removal. She noted that while the process is illegal, government regulatory agencies at all levels have allowed coal companies to continue. According to Giardina, irreversible damage has been done to the environment and thousands of people have been displaced. Jane Spencer, along with several accomplished singers, gave a demonstration (shape-note singers do not “perform”) to a large group of enthusiastic participants. The Montreat lecture series is part of Columbia’s program in Presbyterian and Reformed History and Theology and is offered through the seminary’s Center for Lifelong Learning.




Columbia Theologic

al Seminary Lecture

July 20–24, 200 9 Montreat, NC

Aerial photography by Kent Kessinger


Missional Churc h/ Global Church From the 19th cent ury into the 21st, missional challenge s have been embrac ed in the Presbyterian fam ily both nationally and internationally. Des igned to help us lea rn from the past and cast a new vision for the future, these presentations will address ways in which Presbyterian and Re formed traditions ha ve engaged and are en gaging mission in North America and other areas of the wo rld. Co-sponsored by Mon treat Conference Ce nter, Presbyterian Heritag e Center at Montreat, and Montreat Adult Summ er Club

30 30

Gifts to the Seminary July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008 Table of Contents Partners in Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Formation|Transformation:

The Campaign for Columbia Theological Seminary . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Columbia Gift Societies

Presidents’ Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Marshall Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Marcellus McPheeters Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodrow Wilson Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agnes Law Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Stillman Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

36 36 36 38 39 40 43

Giving by Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gifts to Endowed Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorials & Tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia Founders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. McDowell Richards Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

46 49 49 54 55

Key to Special Notations

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle † Raised to the Church Triumphant

Pa rt n e r s i n Ministry This Annual Report includes donors whose gifts were received between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008. Gifts received after June 30, 2008, will be acknowledged in next year’s annual report. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Annual Report. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention. Please report any corrections to Diane Thorne, Gift Records Coordinator at 404 687-4590 or

Partners in Ministry

Partners in Ministry began in 2003 to provide opportunities for people to learn about how God is working through this seminary and to garner financial support for its students and programs through multiyear gifts. For more information about Partners in Ministry, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 404 687-4588.

Leadership Partners Pledged $50,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Mr. James A. Adams, Jr. Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Ms. M. Kate Brearley and Mr. Stuart Buckley Mrs. Claire L. and Mr. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Eun First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Giguere Mrs. Judy and Dr. Scott Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Morlok Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Pattillo Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pellett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Price St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland

Faith Partners Pledged $25,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Candler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Dunlap, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Samuel B. Hay, Jr. Mr. John R. Jones, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Leland, Jr. Mrs. Gay M. Love Gay and Erskine Love Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William E. Matthews IV Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Whisenant Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount

Impact Partners Pledged $5,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. John R. Adams Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Allen, Jr. The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos

Dr. Stephen A. and Mrs. Edna M. Bacon Mr. and Mrs. James S. Balloun Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Bishop Ms. Beverly Blake Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bradshaw The Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brown The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Bryant Ms. Mary Clark Caldwell-Hartsfield Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Candler Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Carswell Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Chapman Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Dr. Kim L. Clayton Mr. Roger C. Clayton Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cochran The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr. Ms. Janet S. Davenport Drs. Dent C. Davis and Mary Ziegler Dr. and Mrs. James H. Dew, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Dillingham Ms. Wilda H. Dodson and Mr. Bill Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. John E. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose The Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Durham Mrs. Eve F. Eckardt Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Evans The Rev. Jane E. Fahey Mr. William J. Funk and Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ghegan Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Glover The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Mr. and Mrs. James C. Graves Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Griffin, Jr. Mr. Perry E. Gwinn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Hall III Dr. and Mrs. Earl Haltiwanger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hamilton The Rev. and Mrs. C. Jerry Hammet Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Harper Mrs. Sara R. Harrington Susan and Wyatt Haskell The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. The Rev. Helen R. and Mr. Scott E. Heffington Mr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson III Mrs. Gladys C. Hiles Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hoffman III Mr. and Mrs. Archibald R. Hooks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tennent Houston Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Howington Mr. and Mrs. David C. Huffman Mrs. Poppy T. Hughey Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Hyde Mrs. Stephanie S. Ibach Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Drs. Laura Aull Johnston and George H. Johnston Mrs. Catherine D. Jones


The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn L. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Harvie C. Jordan III Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kline Dr. and Mrs. James F. Langford Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilford Lyon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Magnus III The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Manners Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. McGinnis Dr. and Mrs. L. Dennis McKeever Mr. and Mrs. John E. McKinley III Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Mrs. Eleanor L. McNeel Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee McVey Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meier Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Mosley The Rev. and Mrs. W. Frederic Wise Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Muir Dr. and Mrs. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Myrick, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Newton, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby The Rev. W. Larry Owens Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Park Mr. and Mrs. Sunny K. Park Mr. and Mrs. William John Park Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Victor D. Pentz Personal Care, Inc. Dr. Kerri S. and the Rev. Jeffrey D. Peterson-Davis Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III Mr. and Mrs. C. Niles Ray Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rearden, Jr. Mrs. Jean C. Reed Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves Dr. and Mrs. H. Stanley Reid Mrs. Margaret C. and Mr. Robert E. Reiser Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Rollins Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu The Rev. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shepherd Mr. Hyun Uk Shin The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sizemore Mr. and Mrs.† B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson V. Smith, Jr. Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. William M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. St. John Mr. and Mrs. James S. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Tolly III Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Towers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Turner II Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Vance Burt and Martha Vardeman Mr. Kennon D. Walthall Mr. James A. Webb III Dr. and Mrs. David D. Weitnauer

Pa rt n e r s i n Ministry Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams, Sr. Mrs. Sue S. and Mr. L. Neil Williams Dr. and Mrs. Hunter E. Woodall The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Robert U. Wright Dr. and Mrs. M. Neely Young II Mr. and Mrs. S. Zach Young

Contributors Made commitments to the Partners in Ministry program at other levels Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Abbott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Adams III Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Albright Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis Amos, Jr. Rick and Beth Atkerson Ms. Edith W. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. A. Kelley Atkinson Mr. Kevin S. Austin The Rev. and Mrs. Walter P. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Ballance, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Barham Ms. Jane C. Barwick Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. N. William Bath Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan Beard Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Bell Bethany Presbyterian Church The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer A. Bomar Mr. Charles G. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Brannon Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Brock Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brooke III Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown III Dr. and Mrs. Juan A. Brown Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Brown Dr. and Mrs. William T. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Walton C. Bryde Mrs. Marguerite P. Bullard† Mr. Louis E. Bunte Mrs. Gretta W. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Callaway Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. David Choi Ms. Beth S. Clayton Mrs. Jane F. Cofer Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton Cooke Mr. and Mrs. W. Reynolds Couch Mr. and Mrs. R. Marty Counts, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt H. Covington Mr. Harry L. Crawford, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland Dr. and Mrs. R. Linton Dangar Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Daughtry Ms. Edwina B. Davis Ms. Linda D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Wingfield A. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Herbert Daws Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Hazen H. Dempster

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ditzel, Jr. Mr. Mark B. Dodson Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer Dye Mr. and Mrs. William F. Edmonds Mr. Richard D. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Felner Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze Mr. and Mrs. P. Alec Fraser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Gardner, Jr. Drs. James L. and Carol M. Garner Dr. and Mrs. J. Sherrick Gilbert The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gilreath Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith Colonel Thomas C. Grissom Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Hackney Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Mrs. Nell F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hammack Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hardcastle Mr. and Mrs. Reid M. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Heimbigner Dr. Paul K. Hooker Mr. and Mrs. Paul M.L. Hopkins Dr. William C. Horton III and the Rev. Leah M. Horton Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Huss Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III The Rev. Alice A. Johnson The Rev. and Mrs. Chris Joiner Mr. W. Seaborn Jones Mr. and Mrs. Reginald M. Jones The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Kennedy, Jr. Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn The Rev. Stephen C. Kolderup and Ms. Janice P. Hiland Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Mr. Robert F. Krause, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. LaGrone Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lamberth Mrs. Rita M. Lang Lee’s Golden Buddha Dr. and Mrs. David S. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks Link Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Mace Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Manning Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Marston The Rev. Elizabeth D. McAliley Dr. and Mrs. William M. McClatchey Dr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDonald Mr. James T. McDonald, Jr. Mrs. Ann H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie L. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Billy R. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Kent D. Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Moon, Jr. Mr. J. Michael Morgan and Mr. Richard D. Ezell Mr. Charles H. Moses, Jr. Mrs. Leigh S. and Mr. Carroll E. Mullis II Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nading Mr. and Mrs. John C. Norton Ms. M. Winnifred O’Dell Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David K. O’Leary Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Moon D. Pack


Mr. and Mrs. George L. Parson Mr. David Bate Parsons and Ms. M. Theresa Ball Mr. and Mrs. Craig K. Pendergrast Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pendleton Ms. Martha L. Perusek Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Petty Ms. Susan H. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pierce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Milburn Poston Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Purdon Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Miss Sylvia P. Ratchford Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed The Rev. and Mrs. Timothy A. Reynolds Mr. John R. Richardson Dr. and Mrs. L. Thomas Richie Richmond Sterling Inc. Ms. Julie M. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Russell Ms. Anne T. Rutherford Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Schafer Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Sciarrone The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Ms. Betty M. Seely Ms. Georgia W. Segal Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shevlin Ms. Jacqueline B. Shrago Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sides Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers Mr. and Mrs. John D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Garrett P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Sandy F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Forrest W. Speed Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey Spivey Mr. and Mrs. James W. Spradley, Jr. Mr. Thomas W. Spraker Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Squires, Jr. The Rev. Daniel D. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Swerlick Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Tennent Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Tillman, Jr. Mr. John B. Tirrill, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Tomlinson Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Tschappat Mr. and Mrs. John W. Turner Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut Mr. Alan L. Valerius Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walker Mr. Howard P. Walthall Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III Dr. and Mrs. D. Scott Weimer Mr. Michael D. Weitnauer Mr. Fred C. White Mr. Lewis E. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wideman Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Williams Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Wilson Ms. Susan S. Wilson Mr. Harrington G. Witherspoon, Sr.

Formation | Transformation

Margaret H. Spencer Planned Gift An important contribution to Columbia Seminary’s Capital Campaign By Neely Young


n 2000, when I first visited Margaret Spencer, she was living in a cottage at the Presbyterian Home in Clinton, SC. A lifelong Presbyterian and member of the First Presbyterian Church of Greenville, SC, she described herself as a “blue hose Presbyterian,” and she had already generously supported a number of Presbyterian institutions. She was always well informed about Columbia and always had questions for me about the latest developments. When I first met her, she told me she had already decided to put Columbia in her will because “Columbia Seminary has always been around, has been important to my family, and has supported Presbyterian churches in South Carolina.” Barely five feet tall, this diminutive woman knew that over time her estate would increase in value, thus greatly increasing the amount of the gift that would eventually come to Columbia. What she did not tell me was that many years previous, she had established a scholarship fund at the seminary in honor of her father, John H. Spencer, another lifelong Presbyterian and supporter of the seminary when it was in Columbia, SC, and after it was moved to Decatur, GA. Margaret Spencer died in March 2007 at the age of 91, and even though we knew that she had included Columbia in her estate planning, the size of her gift—$1.4 million—was quite a surprise. Approximately half of her gift went to endow the scholarship fund in her father’s name; the other half for general support of the seminary. She also left gifts for a variety of other Margaret Spencer Presbyterian institutions, including the Presbyterian Home of Clinton, SC. belonged to According to Ann Snyder, the home’s administrator, Ms. Spencer’s gift a generation for the home’s healthcare program was comparable to the one she gave serious about Columbia. their responsibility Margaret Spencer belonged to a generation serious about their responsibility to support their denomination. In fact, living today on the to support their same hall at the Presbyterian Home where she spent her last years are denomination. two of her contemporaries: Harold Prince, a Columbia alumnus, professor emeritus, and a longtime supporter of the seminary, and Joseph Gettys, who has endowed a scholarship at the seminary. Like Margaret Spencer, their support has been quiet, never seeking attention, and never faltering. Southern writer Ferrol Sams would say that these three devoted Christians were “raised right.” Neely Young retired from the seminary in late 2007. Formerly associate director of development, he continues to work on special projects for the Office of Institutional Advancement. He and his wife, Myra, live in Lexington, VA.

Each planned gift executed at this time is an important part of Formation/Transformation, Columbia’s $60 million capital campaign. A variety of planned giving options (gift annuity, trust, bequest, etc.) allows you to make the gift in a way that best fits into your estate plans. For more information about planned giving to Columbia Seminary, please contact Richard DuBose,, or 404.687.4568

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The structure of Columbia’s new $9.6 million student residence hall is “topped out” and on schedule to be completely under roof by December 2008. Students will be able to move in by June 2009. The design of the building’s exterior complements the seminary’s traditional, brick gothic architecture. It will be one of the first in Decatur, GA, to earn Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

Looking for Leaders

Faculty Development at Columbia


olumbia is invigorated this year by the prospect of bringing by the summer of 2009 five new teaching colleagues. Perhaps our most well-known search is for the first occupant for the Wade Huie Chair in Preaching. This new position includes participation in the development of a center that will seek to strengthen the practice of preaching throughout the church. But as energy is focused on the Huie Chair, the search committee will first look to fill the shoes of Chuck Campbell whose teaching ministry is taking him to Duke Divinity School. The good news is that by year’s end, we should have two new teachers of preaching. But that is only the beginning. Erskine Clarke’s recent retirement means that we are actively looking for a new professor of American religious history. In addition, given the retirement plans of other colleagues, the Board has authorized two other searches. One of these will expand the director of supervised ministry position into a director of contextual education, while the other will seek a new director of advanced studies, with special emphasis on the D. Min. and D. Ed. Min. programs.

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Columbia Gift Societies

Presidents’ Society $15,000 or more

Peter Marshall Society $5,000 to $14,999

I n d i v i d ua l s

I n d i v i d ua l s

Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Drs. Janice L. and Joseph A. Blissit Dr. Lee W. and the Rev. S. Davis Bowman Mrs. Nell Scott Buice† Ms. Martha Frances Burgess† Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Mrs. Claire L. and Mr. John J. Cross Mrs. Sara R. Harrington Mrs. Helen R. Hodgson† Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayne Hollis Mrs. Helen J. Kohl† Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. William E. Matthews IV Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr. J. Will Ormond† Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Pinkerton Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Mrs. Helen C. Richardson† Mr. and Mrs.† B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Spencer Mrs. Sue S. and Mr. L. Neil Williams



O r g a n i z at io n s

Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL* Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC* Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA* Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Schwab Charitable Fund, San Francisco, CA The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust, Wilmington, DE

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

CF Foundation, Inc. The Effie and Wofford Cain Foundation Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Lettie Pate Evans Foundation John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. Harrington Family Foundation Gay and Erskine Love Foundation The National Christian Foundation Patrick Family Foundation Presbyterian Foundation SEI Giving Fund John I. Smith Charities, Inc. Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher Foundation, Inc.

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. F. Hutton Barron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Bill Brown Mrs. G. Scott Candler Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Dunlap, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Eun Dr. Joseph M. Gettys, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Giguere Ms. Katherine P. Giguere Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Mrs. Judy and Dr. Scott Gregory Dr. and Mrs. Earl Haltiwanger Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hardcastle Mrs. Mildred R. Harding† Susan and Wyatt Haskell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Samuel B. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tennent Houston The Rev. and Mrs. Ray A. Howe Mr. Charles E. Irvin† Dr. and Mrs. D. Orvin Jenkins Mr. John R. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Little Mrs. Gay M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Manners Mr. Jeffrey D. McEwen Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton W. McKay, Jr. Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Miller III Mrs. Ellen R. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Muir The Rev. and Mrs. Cecil B. Murphey Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Noyes Mrs. Jean M. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbon Pender Mr. and Mrs. James D. Philips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Price Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Query Mrs. Margaret C. and Mr. Robert E. Reiser Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Roddy Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Mrs. Lois M. and Mr. Shellie Stroman* Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Whisenant Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount



O r g a n i z at io n s

Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte, NC Chicago Presbytery, Chicago, IL First Presbyterian Church, Bryan, TX First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Lexington, NC First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Idlewild Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Korean Presbyterian Council, Columbus, GA Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine, FL* Myers Park Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC

36 0

National Capital Presbytery, Chevy Chase, MD National Korean Presbyterian Council, Edmonds, WA Nazareth Presbyterian Church, Moore, SC New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC* North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* North Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, NC St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA* St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA Synod of Mid-Atlantic, Richmond, VA Synod of the Sun, Irving, TX University Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

H.P. Bridges Ministers’ Trust The Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area Desert Ministries, Inc. The Ellis Foundation Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Foundation for the Carolinas Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation David H. and Mary Lou S. Garrett Foundation Golden Stella, Inc. William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation The Price Family Foundation Printpack, Inc. Jimmie Ullery Charitable Trust Yount Family Foundation

William Marcellus McPheeters Society $1,000 to $4,999 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Adle* Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman The Rev. Lucy R. and Mr. John G. Aldridge Mr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Allen, Jr. The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos Mr. F.N. Anderton The Rev. and Mrs. Louie V. Andrews, Jr. Dr. Stephen A. and Mrs. Edna M. Bacon Mrs. Jane E. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James S. Balloun Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Barnette, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Dr. and Mrs. John H. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Bell The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Bradwell Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Bryant Dr. and Mrs. William T. Bryant Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton Ms. Mary Clark Caldwell-Hartsfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Candler, Jr. Mrs. Margaret H. Carr

Columbia Gift Societies

Lee and Betty Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Carswell Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Chapman Mr. Roger C. Clayton The Rev. Martha J. Clinkscales and Mr. David Forquer Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cochran Mrs. Jane F. Cofer The Revs. Susannah A. and John R. Cook The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Mr. and Mrs. William N. Crosby Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr. Mrs. Betty S. Daniel† Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Daughtry Drs. Dent C. Davis and Mary Ziegler Dr. Kathy L. Dawson Dr. and Mrs. James H. Dew, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Mrs. Eve F. Eckardt Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Evans* The Rev. S. Elizabeth Fairleigh Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Folks Dr. and Mrs. H. James Free Mr. William J. Funk and Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gandy Mrs. Jane H. Gardiner† The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr. David C. Garrett Mrs. Louise Y. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ghegan Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Glover The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Mr. and Mrs. James C. Graves Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Griffin, Jr. Mr. James H. Groome, Jr. Mr. Perry E. Gwinn, Jr. Mrs. Betty J. and Mr. Travis E. Halford Mrs. Nell F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Hall III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hamilton The Rev. and Mrs. C. Jerry Hammet Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Harper Mr. and Mrs. C. Miner Harrell The Rev. Helen R. and Mr. Scott E. Heffington Mr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson III Mrs. Gladys C. Hiles Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hoffman III Mr. and Mrs. Archibald R. Hooks, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Howington Mr. and Mrs. David C. Huffman Mrs. Poppy T. Hughey Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jeter Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. William R. Johnson Drs. Laura Aull Johnston and George H. Johnston Mrs. Catherine D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones* The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr.

The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Mrs. Carolyn L. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Harvie C. Jordan III Dr. and Mrs. Jasper N. Keith, Jr. Mr. Thomas F. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruffin King Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kline The Rev. Stephen C. Kolderup and Ms. Janice P. Hiland Mr. Robert F. Krause, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James F. Langford Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Mr. and Mrs. Julian LeCraw, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks Link The Rev. and Mrs. James S. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilford Lyon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Magnus III The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. William A. McClenny Mr.† and Mrs. W. Sloan McCrea Mr. James T. McDonald, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. McGinnis Mrs. Adele D. McKee Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Mr. and Mrs. Champney A. McNair Mrs. Eleanor L. McNeel Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee McVey Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meier Mrs. Ann H. Miller Dr. Margaret G. and Mr. Charles E. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Billy R. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mitchener, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. A. Cecil Moore, Jr. Mr.† and Mrs. Tom B. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Morlok Mrs. Eugenia S. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Juli and Ralph Mosley Dr. and Mrs. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Dr. and Mrs. J. Phillips Noble Mr. and Mrs. John C. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg The Rev. W. Larry Owens Mr. and Mrs. Ashley D. Pace, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Park Mr. and Mrs. Sunny K. Park Mr. and Mrs. William John Park Mrs. Geraldine A. Patrick* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Pattillo Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pattillo Dr. and Mrs. William C. Pender Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Victor D. Pentz Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pierce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Milburn Poston Mr. and Mrs. J. Derrick Quattlebaum


Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rearden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Reed Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves Ms. Jackie H. Richardson Dr. E. Joyce Rimes Col. and Mrs. John F. Roberson Mrs. Jervey D. Royall Mrs. Hayden S. Sams Dr. Ruth A. Schmidt Mr. Thomas L. Shields, Jr. and Ms. Charlotte G. Montague The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Shouse Ms. Jacqueline B. Shrago Mr. L. William Silzle, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Simmons* The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. and Mrs. John Sirockman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson V. Smith, Jr. Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Sandy F. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Spradley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. St. John Dr. B. Lynn Stall and Mr. G. Edward Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie J. Stout II Dr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Swetenburg, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hubert V. Taylor The Rev. and Mrs. George B. Telford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Towers, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut Burt and Martha Vardeman Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wallingford Mr. Kennon D. Walthall Mr. James A. Webb III Dr. and Mrs. David D. Weitnauer Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mr. Ralph E. Wilgus Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Hunter E. Woodall The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Robert U. Wright Mr. and Mrs. S. Zach Young



O r g a n i z at io n s

Ailene Phillips Trust, Decatur, GA Bethany Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA Brentwood Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, CA Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS* Brittains Cove Presbyterian Church, Weaverville, NC Helen Davis Brown Trust, Lake City, FL Calvin Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL* Central Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC* Chatham Capital, Atlanta, GA A Christian Ministry in the National Parks, Freeport, ME Coastal Carolina Presbytery, Elizabethtown, NC Conardt Charitable Trust, Atlanta, GA Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC

Columbia Gift Societies

Easley Presbyterian Church, Easley, SC Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA Faith Presbyterian Church, Cape Coral, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Bay Minette, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, FL First Presbyterian Church, Grand Junction, CO First Presbyterian Church, Hastings, NE First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, OH First Presbyterian Church, Midland, TX First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA First Presbyterian Church, St. Marys, GA First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* Grand Chapter of Kentucky, Order of the Eastern Star, LaGrange, KY Gretna Presbyterian Church, Gretna, FL Holston Presbytery, Kingsport, TN* Immanuel Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons, Mediapolis, IA Leland Presbyterian Church, Leland, MS Madison Presbyterian Church, Madison, GA Martin & Company, Knoxville, TN McBee Presbyterian Church, McBee, SC Monticello Presbyterian Church, Monticello, GA* Moorings Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL Morrow Presbyterian Church, Morrow, GA Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Muskingum Valley Presbytery, New Philadelphia, OH Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte, NC National Korean Presbyterian Women, Fayetteville, NC New Hope Presbytery, Rocky Mount, NC Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Athens, GA* Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC Oconee Presbyterian Church, Watkinsville, GA Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg, PA The Presbyterian Church of Stanley, Overland Park, KS Real Estate Management Services, Naples, FL Timothy J. Reed Family Ltd Partnership, Greenville, SC Reformed Church in America, Chicago, IL Rehoboth Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA* Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC* Servants of the King Missionary Fellowship, Walloon Lake, MI Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery, Birmingham, AL* Silvercrest Asset Management Group, New York, NY South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Andrew Presbytery, Oxford, MS* St. Augustine Presbytery, Jacksonville, FL* Standard Candy Company, Nashville, TN Synod of Living Waters, Franklin, TN* Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL* Tampa Bay Presbytery, Clearwater, FL* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC* Vienna Presbyterian Church, Vienna, VA

Washington Street Presbyterian Church, Dublin, GA Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, DE White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC Winter Park Presbyterian Church, Winter Park, FL Woodhaven Presbyterian Church, Irving, TX

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The Argo Foundation Christian International Scholarship Foundation Eaton Deadening Plantation, Inc.* Fowler Family Foundation Fulcrum Venture Partners, Inc. General Building Maintenance, Inc. Goodrich Foundation The Graves Foundation The Lord’s Foundation McCrea Foundation Missionary Emergency Fund The Mosley Family Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Personal Care, Inc. The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation Regions Bank Southwest Florida Community Foundation Vicarage Builders Inc. Waccamaw Community Foundation

Woodrow Wilson Society $500 to $999.99 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Dr. Alicia W. and Mr. David A. Abell Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Albright Dr. and Mrs. E. Lane Alderman The Rev. Anne H.K. and Mr. James M. Apple Ms. Edith W. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Bishop Ms. Beverly Blake Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bowen The Rev. and Mrs. John R. Bradshaw The Rev. Janet Aldridge Briscoe and Dr. R. Page Shelton Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown III Dr. and Mrs. Juan A. Brown Mr. Harold M. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Walton C. Bryde Mr. John A. Bullard and Ms. Kathryn Scofield Mrs. Marguerite P. Bullard† Mr. Leland E. and the Hon. Margaret G. Burch Dr. and Mrs. William B. Carr, Jr. Dr. Janet N. Carter Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Ms. Julie M. Cline and Mr. Thomas E. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Collinsworth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton Cooke Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cozad Dr. and Mrs. Julian F. Craig, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cromie Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cunningham Ms. Linda D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Wingfield A. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Dillingham

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Ms. C.J. Drymon Mrs. Diane L. and Mr. Thomas K. Duane Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose The Rev. Christine K. Dungan Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Dusenbury Drs. M. Julian and Sue M. Duttera The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Eckstine Mr. and Mrs. William F. Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Foster The Rev. and Mrs. M. McCoy Franklin Mrs. Jeanne B. Giguere Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten The Rev. Barbara B. Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. M. Douglas Harper, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Harris, Jr. The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard Ms. Martha L. Hatcher The Rev. Sharol R. and Dr. Stephen A. Hayner Mr. Curtis T. Henson, Jr. The Rev. Carolyn K. and Dr. Charles C. Heyward, Sr. Dr. Paul K. Hooker Dr. William C. Horton III and the Rev. Leah M. Horton Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell Dr. and Mrs. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins The Rev. Alice A. Johnson The Rev. and Mrs. J. Ernest Johnson Mr. W. Seaborn Jones Ms. Arlene W. Kelly The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. LaGrone Mrs. Rita M. Lang* Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Manning Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Marston Mrs. Vivienne L. McCain Dr. and Mrs. William M. McClatchey Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. McCormick Ms. Sara S. McDaniel Dr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDonald The Rev. and Mrs. Rob Roy McGregor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. and Mrs. Kent D. Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Montgomery Drs. Kathleen M. O’Connor and James H. Griesmer Ms. M. Winnifred O’Dell Mr. and Mrs. M. Lamar Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Neal Dr. and Mrs. William D. O’Neal Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Moon D. Pack Mr. and Mrs. George L. Parson Mr. David Bate Parsons and Ms. M. Theresa Ball Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Petty Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Mr. Jack H. Ross Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Rutland Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. G. Dal Schreck The Rev. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt

Columbia Gift Societies

The Rev. Martha C. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shepherd Mr. T. Clark Simmons* Dr. and Mrs. John F. Sloop Mr. and Mrs. John D. Smith Ms. Barbara M. Snelling* Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Squires, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Randall H. Street The Rev. and Mrs. Dean R. Strong Drs. George W. and Donna F. Stroup Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Tolly III Mr. and Mrs. C. Brent Trexler The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. John W. Turner Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Vaughan Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walker Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III Mr. Fred C. White The Rev. and Mrs. John E. White Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wideman Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Williams Ms. Susan S. Wilson Drs. Brian A. Wren and Susan M. Heafield Dr. Christine Roy Yoder and Mr. Reinald S. Yoder



O r g a n i z at io n s

ASK Research & Development, Duluth, GA Brookmeade Holdings, LP, Jamestown, NC Cherokee Presbytery, Cartersville, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA Covenant Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS Disability Research & Consulting, LLC, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC First Presbyterian Church, Galesburg, IL First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS First Presbyterian Church, Hartwell, GA First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN* Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC* Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, SC The Georgia Society Dames of the Court of Honor, Bonaire, GA Highland Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, NC Highlands United Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church, Lawrenceville, GA Lee’s Golden Buddha, Morrow, GA Mississippi Presbytery, Hattiesburg, MS* National Ministries, Valley Forge, PA North Alabama Presbytery, Huntsville, AL* Riverside Presbyterian Church, Cocoa Beach, FL* The SoL Center at University Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX South Alabama Presbytery, Daphne, AL* St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Reno, NV Tres Rios Presbytery, Midland, TX Warren Point Presbyterian Church, Fair Lawn, NJ

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The CBT Charitable Trust Intown Apartments, LLC Richmond Sterling Inc. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Agnes Law Society $250 to $499.99 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Anonymous Columbia Friendship Circle* Mr. and Mrs. David P. Adams III Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Eade Anderson Mr. Stephen W. and Dr. Carolyn S. Ashworth Rick and Beth Atkerson The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros Dr. and Mrs. William R. Barron Dr. and Mrs. David L. Bartlett Dr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Batts Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Baxter The Rev. and Mrs. C. Frank Beall The Rev. Maggie F. and Mr. David K. Beamguard Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan Beard The Rev. and Mrs. Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Bell Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Berry Mr. H. Peter Bisschop The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. Dr. Richard D. Blake and Ms. Weishiuan Chen The Rev. and Mrs. Frank I. Blankinship III Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Blincow Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Brown Dr. and Mrs. William P. Brown Dr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Bullock Mr. and Mrs. Morgan W. Bunch Mrs. Elizabeth B. Burgess Dana B. and Charles L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Candler Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carr, Jr. Drs. Anna L. Case-Winters and R. Michael Winters III Mr. Philip P. Cave Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Childress Mr. and Mrs. David Choi The Rev. Molly C. and Mr. Colquitt Clark III Ms. Beth S. Clayton The Rev. Sharon K. Core and Mr. Nicholas J. Kuhn Dr. and Mrs. John W. Craven Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Crawford* Mr. and Mrs.† Harry L. Crawford, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Darden Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Davis Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Dirvin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ditzel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer Durrett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Felner The Rev. and Mrs. George H. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Flowers Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Frampton Mr. and Mrs. P. Alec Fraser, Jr. Mrs. Myron G. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gilreath Mr. and Mrs. Clark M. Goodwin Mrs. William F. Graves Dr. and Mrs. Ford F. G’Segner


Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Hackney Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Harris, Jr. The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart and Mr. Charles T. Hart The Revs. Marilyn T. and Ingram P. Hedgpeth Dr. and Mrs. Hal Henschen Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Hester The Rev. and Mrs. Roy W. Hicks The Rev. Sandra B. and Mr. Robert M. Hill Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Hix Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson Hull Dr. and Mrs. Ramon E. Hunt Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. The Rev. Glen F. Hutchison Mac and Jan Irvin The Rev. and Mrs. Scott Black Johnston Chaplain William A. Jokela and Ms. Jane L. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones, Jr. Mrs. Mary Jane Jordan Drs. Sara C. and Daniel P. Juengst Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Kennedy, Jr. Ms. Virginia H. Klettner Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster The Rev. Laury W. Larson Dr. and Mrs. John H. Law The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry W. Long The Rev. and Mrs. Frederick W. Lupton II Dr. and Mrs. Arch L. MacNair Dr. and Mrs. C. David Markle Mr. and Mrs. John D. Massey Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Mattison The Rev. Rebekah A. and Mr. Derek S. Maul The Rev. Elizabeth D. McAliley The Rev. Anna H. and Mr. Bryan R. McArthur Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie L. Miller Mr. James H. Montgomery Mr. Charles H. Moses, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Charles Moye Dr. Sara J. Myers and Dr. David L. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Neldon Mr. and Mrs. David K. O’Leary The Rev. and Mrs. Richard W. Paddon Dr. and Mrs. John H. Patton Mrs. Diane S. Pedersen The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Dr. and Mrs. John H. Per-Lee Dr. Kerri S. and the Rev. Jeffrey D. Peterson-Davis The Rev. Robert P. Piephoff The Rev. Lori E. Pistor and Mr. Terry L. Allebaugh Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Price The Rev. Harold B. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Redd Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed Dr. and Mrs. H. Stanley Reid Dr. and Mrs. George B. Richardson The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Richardson Mr. Francis M. Ripley Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Sadler Mr. and Mrs. Stuart K. Sammis Mrs. Jody D. and Mr. D. Ed Sauls Dr. Stanley P. Saunders and Ms. Brenda Smith The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Shackelford, Jr. Mr. Thomas C. Shelton, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sides

Columbia Gift Societies

Dr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Slagle Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Earl J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. G. William Speer Mr. Thomas W. Spraker Dr. and Mrs. James I. St. John The Rev. Todd W. and Mrs. Ceska M. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Swerlick Dr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor, Jr.* Ms. Susan E. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Thompson III Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Tillman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Tschappat Ms. Katherine H. Tucker The Rev. Jerry L. Utt II Dr. and Mrs. T. Mark Verdery Mrs. Lee Pruett Walker and the Rev. Bradley K. Walker Dr. Haruko N. and Mr. Peter H. Ward Mrs. Auwina V.D. Weed The Revs. Laurie Taylor Weicher and John V. Weicher Mr. Lewis E. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Williams, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Reginald C. Williams The Rev. and Mrs. W. Frederic Wise Walter and Emily Wood* Dr. and Mrs. M. Neely Young II The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel E. Youngblood



O r g a n i z at io n s

Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA* College Park Presbyterian Church, College Park, GA Commerce Presbyterian Church, Commerce, GA* Druid Hills Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Dunnellon Presbyterian Church, Dunnellon, FL* Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Hogansville, GA Faith Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Alachua, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Beaufort, SC* First Presbyterian Church, DeFuniak Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Ocala, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Somerset, KY* First Presbyterian Church, Vicksburg, MS* Harbor View Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC* Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL* Korean American Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* Long Beach Presbyterian Church, Long Beach, MS Mid-South Presbytery, Memphis, TN* Peace River Presbytery, North Port, FL* Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Forest Park, GA* Providence Presbytery, Rock Hill, SC* Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Rogersville Presbyterian Church, Rogersville, TN St. John Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, TN St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Altamonte Springs, FL* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Gadsden, AL Trinity Presbyterian Church, Meridian, MS* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* Union Springs Presbyterian Church, Union Springs, AL Walhalla Presbyterian Church, Walhalla, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rome, GA*

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The Claude Bennett Family Foundation, Inc. Community Foundation of Greater Memphis The Community Foundation, Inc. The Malloy Foundation

Charles Stillman Society $100 to $249.99 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mrs. Elizabeth Soileau Acton and the Rev. M. Andy Acton The Rev. and Mrs. Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Aker Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Frank Alexander Dr. Jerry L. Alexander Mrs. Ann S. Anderson Mrs. F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. The Rev. M. Ellen Anderson Dr. Kurt T. Appel The Rev. and Mrs. Paul O. Ard, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Armistead Drs. William V. Arnold and Margaret Anne Fohl Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey The Rev. and Mrs. Walter P. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Ballance, Jr. The Rev. Alan D. Bancroft Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bankhead The Rev. and Mrs. Gary D. Barber, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Barham Dr. and Mrs. Earle P. Barron, Jr. Dr. Harry H. and Mrs. Madeline H. Barrow Mrs. Dorothy H. Barry Mr. and Mrs. N. William Bath Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. John H. Beale* Ms. Rosemary E. Begemann* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Bell Mrs. Edith H. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bennett, Jr. Dr. James D. Bernard Dr. and Mrs. Harry B. Beverly The Rev. Dorothy T. and Mr. Russell S. Blackwelder Drs. Martha M. and Richard L. Blount Ms. Mary J. Bollinger Dr. and Mrs. R. Jerome Boone Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Booth Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Botsford Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bovee The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Bowden Dr. and Mrs. Dewey T. Bowen The Rev. William H. Boyd† Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bradley Ms. M. Kate Brearley and Mr. Stuart Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Brock Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brooke III Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown Dr. and Mrs. G. Thompson Brown Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Brubeck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sibley Bryan, Jr. The Revs. Aimee W. and William S. Buchanan Ms. Ann W. Bullard Mr. Louis E. Bunte Mrs. Miriam C. Burch* The Rev. and Mrs. Sidney M. Burgess Dr. and Mrs. William W. Burns Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Burriss The Rev. Constance M. Button

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The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Cameron The Rev. Amy Lehr Camp and Dr. W. Hunter Camp II Dr. and Mrs. William S. Campbell Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi and Mrs. A. Lizette Oquendo Bert and Kaye Carmichael Dr. and Mrs. John S. Carothers III The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Carroll, Jr. Dr. Anna and the Rev. W. David Carter Florence Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt The Rev. and Mrs. William R. Childress Dr. and Mrs. Huw M. Christopher Mr. Ray M. Clanton The Rev. and Mrs. Franklin B. Clark, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. E. Gil Clary, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie M. Claytor Dr. Ashley Cook Cleere and Mr. William R. Cleere Mrs. Hazel W. Cofield* Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Colclough, Sr. The Rev. Ernestine B. Cole The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Connolly Dr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Cooley The Rev. and Mrs. Pemberton Cooley III Mrs. Pamela W. and Mr. Chris L. Cottrell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reynolds Couch Mr. and Mrs. R. Marty Counts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt H. Covington Dr. and Mrs. W. Franklin Covington The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Craig The Rev. Kathleen N. Crighton Dr. Grady S. Culpepper Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cushman, Sr. The Revs. Beth M. and Thomas R. Daniel IV Dr. and Mrs. James C. Dant Ms. Mary Lynn Darden Dr. and Mrs. J. Millen Darnell The Rev. Jean L. Davidson The Rev. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Sr. The Rev. E. Rebecca Davis Mrs. Harriet S. Davis Ms. Linda K. Davis and Mr. Mark A. Maharg Ms. Susan L. DeHoff Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy Drs. Susan L. Denne and David C. Stover Mrs. Caroline V. and the Rev. Phillip D. Dennis The Rev. Thomas M. Dews Ms. Lois E. Dickey Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto The Rev. and Mrs. James L. Doom Dr. Laura W. Dorsey Mr. Beverly Douglas, Jr. Dr. Mark A. Douglas and the Rev. Lindsay P. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Clarke B. Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Drew Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dunaway The Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Durham Dr. Priscilla B. Durkin Dr. Christopher H. Edmonston The Rev. Sherry P. and Mr. Stephen D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Elkind The Rev. Virginia Simmons Ellis and Mr. Harry W. Ellis Mr. Richard D. Ellison The Rev. and Mrs. Christopher O. Erde The Rev. Sarah F. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew The Rev. and Mrs. C. Phil Esty Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Eure The Rev. Katherine S. Evans

Columbia Gift Societies

Ms. Barbara L. Faga and Mr. Paul C. Kulinski Mrs. Claire H. Fairley The Rev. and Mrs. L. Franklin Fant, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fenton The Rev. and Mrs. Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. Mrs. N. Carol Fife Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Floyd The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Foil, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. H. Thomas Foley Ms. Tia A. Foley Mr. J. Larry Fossett, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. The Rev. Jennifer E. Fouse Dr. and Mrs. Merle W. Fowler, Jr. Dr. James H. Gailey, Jr. Ms. Frances E. Gaillard Drs. Lewis F. Galloway and Eleanor H. Alexander Mrs. Juana D. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Gardner, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Irwin P. Gates, Jr. Mr. Michael A. Gerber and Ms. Barbara A. Brandt Dr. and Mrs. J. Sherrick Gilbert Mrs. Rachael S. Glass Dr. and Mrs. John J. Gleason Dr. and Mrs. Bill S. Goforth The Rev. Joan S. and Mr. William A. Gray Mr. William J. Greene, Jr. Mrs. Jacqueline A. and Mr. Jim K. Griffeth The Rev. C. Patrick Griffin, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith The Rev. Elizabeth J. and Dr. David N. Grimshaw The Rev. and Mrs. George A. Grissom Colonel Thomas C. Grissom Mr. and Mrs. A. George Grove III Dr. and Mrs. J. Decherd Guess The Rev. and Mrs. R. Yale Gunn Dr. Thomas H. Guthrie The Rev. and Mrs. Leroy P. Gwaltney III Dr. and Mrs. John H. Haberer, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. Dr. Denise M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hammack Ms. Mary A. Hammett* Mr. and Mrs. W. Richmond Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Hankins Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Harkey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. William Harkins III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Harmon Colonel and Mrs. H. Eugene Harris Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss Dr. Mattie E. Hart Dr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood Hassell The Rev. and Mrs. Robert A. Hatcher, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hawkins The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Hay Dr. Huibing He Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Head, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Heimbigner Dr. and Mrs. Armand E. Hendee The Rev. and Mrs. A. Kyle Henderson The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Henning, Jr. The Rev. Alice E. and Mr. C. Woodbridge Hickcox Dr. and Mrs. Basil V. Hicks The Revs. Penny J. and Richard G. Hill Ms. Vivian J. Hodo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Holcombe Mrs. Nancy C. Hollingsworth Dr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Hollyfield The Rev. S. Ellen Hopkins Ms. Eva L. Horn*

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Horton, Jr. Mr. Jeff T. Howell The Revs. Wilbur H. and Michele L. Howie Mr. and Mrs. Carey B. Hubbard Dr. and Mrs. James H. Huffaker Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Hufford II Dr. Paul Junggap Huh Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hull Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Hurley The Rev. and Mrs. Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. The Rev. Elizabeth E. Inman Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Inman The Rev. C. Anderson James Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. James, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Jenkins Mrs. Betty N. Johnson The Revs. Carolyn M. and Kermit D. Johnson Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson Mrs. Shirley S. Johnston Mr. Ezra B. Jones III Dr. and Mrs. G. William Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Jones Mr. and Mrs. Reginald M. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Walk C. Jones IV The Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Kackley Mrs. Barbara T. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Keller III Dr. and Mrs. Gene M. Kelly Mrs. Martha D. Kerby* Dr. and Mrs. Jin S. Kim The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald H. Kirby Dr. Deborah A. Kirk The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Kirstein Dr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Kropp The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Kryder The Rev. and Mrs. David Y. Kwon Mr. and Mrs. K. David Lake, Jr. Mrs. Muriel H. Lake Mr. and Mrs. Auburn C. Lambeth Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Land Mrs. O’Neal H. Lannon Dr. and Mrs. John W. Larson The Rev. and Mrs. Richard G. Laurens The Revs. Caroline Leach and Gibson P. Stroupe The Rev. and Mrs. Myung Jong Lee Dr. and Mrs. Seung Tae Lee Dr. and Mrs. Philip W. Leftwich The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Lewis, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. S. Edwin Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Lightsey The Rev. Jacqueline H. Lindberg Dr. and Mrs. J. Miller Liston The Rev. and Mrs. Clayton K. Little, Jr. Ms. Norma K. Lockwood The Rev. Robert F. and Dr. Kimberly H. Lohmeyer Ms. Betty D. Long* Drs. Kimberly B. and Thomas G. Long Mr. Raiford N. Long The Rev. and Mrs. Gregory J. Lund Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Mace The Revs. Douglas B. and Nichole MacMillan Mrs. Bae K. Magruder Mr. and Mrs. William M. Malloy, Jr. Dr. Tom G. Malone The Rev. and Mrs. Michael D. Manaugh Mrs. Catherine C. and Mr. S. Ken Manson Dr. and Mrs. Carl B. Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III Mrs. Jacqueline W. Mathes The Rev. M. Beecher Mathes Dr. Doris H. Mattison


The Rev. and Mrs. Arvie L. Maynard Dr. and Mrs. G. Dan McCall, Sr. Mrs. Jean A. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. McCoy The Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCrea Dr. and Mrs. George H. McDonald The Rev. and Mrs. Emmett S. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McEwen IV The Rev. and Mrs. Woodrow McKay, Jr. Mr. Robert L. McKemie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McLeod Mr. Robert S. McMullen Dr. and Mrs. George E. McRae Mr. and Mrs. John C. Merchant Dr. and Mrs. Vaughn J. Michael The Rev. Dr. John N. Miller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller* The Rev. Sandra E. and Mr. Eugene F. Monroe Dr. Ann Marie and the Rev. David M. Montgomery Dr. Robert L. Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Moon, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Lardner C. Moore, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Park H. Moore, Jr. Dr. Martha and the Rev. Chris Moore-Keish Mr. J. Michael Morgan and Mr. Richard D. Ezell The Rev. and Mrs. Edwin L. Morrison Ms. Mabel Jean Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Morrison Mrs. Martha W. Morrow Ms. Elizabeth A. Moss and Mr. Garry D. Fesler The Rev. and Mrs. Robert O. Moss III Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mozley Mr. and Mrs. Dale K. Mullis Drs. Laurey Hartwell Murphy and Robert F. Murphy, Jr. Chaplain and Mrs. Roy R. Myers, Jr. The Rev. Laurel D. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Neuenschwander Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Newman The Rev. and Mrs. H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Nichols The Rev. and Mrs. Stephen R. Nickle Mr. Lee F. Noel Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet and Mr. Larry E. Arney Mrs. Mary H. O’Dwyer The Revs. Nancy Graham Ogne and Paul M. Ogne Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oliver The Revs. Robin W. and W. David Palmer Mrs. Maxine M. Pankonin Mrs. June B. Pannell Mrs. Lee R. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Pearce III Dr. and Mrs. Mills J. Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Craig K. Pendergrast Ms. Elizabeth L. Pendergrast* Dr. William J. Pendergrast Dr. and Mrs. Grady J. Perryman Ms. Martha L. Perusek Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips Ms. Susan H. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Phipps Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pickhardt The Rev. and Mrs. William L. Platt Mr. and Mrs. H. Sadler Poe The Rev. Vanessa C. Potter Dr. and Mrs. A. Lamar Potts Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Price Ms. Mary Ellen Priester Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Punnett Ms. Joan W. Quattrocchi Ms. Linda S. Quick Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rakes

Columbia Gift Societies

Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey Miss Sylvia P. Ratchford The Rev. and Mrs. John M. Reagan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Reaves The Rev. Stacy K. Rector Dr. Walton H. Reeves, Jr. and Ms. Catharine A. Enright The Rev. and Mrs. James P. Reinarz Dr. and Mrs. P. David Reynolds Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Rives III The Rev. and Mrs. Jack C. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Robinson, Jr. The Revs. Judith Gabel Roeling and Ted W. Roeling The Rev. A. Paul Romjue The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Roper Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Rowland* Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rozier Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Russell Ms. Anne T. Rutherford The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald E. Sabo Ms. Janet P. Sammons Mrs. Kathryn H. and the Rev. Joe W. Sandifer, Jr. Dr. Mary Kay and the Rev. S. Franklin Sapp, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Schafer The Rev. Merritt Nickinson Schatz and Mr. Noel R. Schatz Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mrs. Sandra J. Schrohenloher Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Sciarrone Ms. Betty M. Seely Ms. Georgia W. Segal Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Sells The Rev. Erin C. Sharp and Mr. David B. Bailey Dr. and Mrs. Angus R. Shaw III Dr. Wade H. Sherard III Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shevlin Ms. Olive P. Simpson The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sizemore Mrs. Anna C. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Smith The Rev. and Mrs. Carl D. Smith, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Garrett P. Smith Mrs. Margaret C. Smith Dr. Robert E. Smith Dr. R. Millie Snyder and Mr. Leif T. Aus Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. J. Todd Speed Ms. Frances M. Spence Dr. and Mrs. W. Anderson Spickard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Spransy Mr. and Mrs. Cephas H. Starnes* Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Starnes The Rev. Daniel D. Stephens Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart Dr. and Mrs. John W. Stodghill Mrs. Berkeley S. Stonebraker The Rev. Cory S. Stott Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Streetman*

The Rev. and Mrs. Sefton B. Strickland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sturdivant Dr. and Mrs. Augustus E. Succop III Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Swensson The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Swindall The Rev. and Mrs. Lowell B. Sykes The Rev. Susan P. Takis Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot Mrs. Mary Louise Tapp Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Taylor Ms. Sandra D. Taylor The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Terrell The Revs. Jannan Wertzberger Thomas and James H. Thomas III The Rev. Michelle and Mr. David Thomas-Bush Mrs. Amanda H. Thompson Dr. James K. Thompson The Rev. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen Dr. and Mrs. Chilton F. Thorington The Rev. and Mrs. James S.R. Tippens Mr. John B. Tirrill, Jr. Mrs. Martha B. Tissington Dr. and Mrs. William H. Tomlinson The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend The Rev. Lucy E. Turner Dr. Robert M. Urie Mr. Alan L. Valerius The Rev. and Mrs. Jose Vera Dr. Carolyn J. Visser Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. The Revs. Kimberley Donahue Wadlington and Derek A. Wadlington The Rev. and Mrs. Eldon D. Wadsworth The Rev. J. Gary Waller Mr. and Mrs. Paul H.L. Walter* Mr. Howard P. Walthall Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Watkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jim Watkins Dr. and Mrs. David T. Watson The Rev. Megan Graham Watson and Mr. Scott B. Watson The Rev. J. Ed Wayland, Jr. The Rev. Connie S. and Mr. Joe F. Weaver Mr. Michael D. Weitnauer The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Wells, Jr. Dr. Jennifer S. and Mr. J. Michael Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Colin G. White The Rev. and Mrs. Raymon L. White Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr.* The Rev. and Mrs. Scott M. White Mr. and Mrs. Simon A. Wicks Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Widmer Mrs. Janice P. and Mr. James A. Wiesner The Rev. J. Mark Wilburn The Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Wilkins Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson Mr. Gerald G. Willenborg* Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Williamson The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick J. Willson Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Wilson Mr. James A. Wilson The Rev. and Mrs. Eugene D. Witherspoon, Jr. Mr. Harrington G. Witherspoon, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Woodmansee Dr. and Mrs. K. Nicholas Yoda Dr. E. Barbara Yonteck Ms. Elizabeth H. Young The Rev. and Mrs. Samuel T. Young Mrs. Mary H. Zealy 42 0



O r g a n i z at io n s

Arlington Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Austell Presbyterian Church, Austell, GA Bethany Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN* Big Creek Presbyterian Church, Hannibal, MO Burke Presbyterian Church, Burke, VA Central Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA* Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Community Presbyterian Church, Howey in the Hills, FL* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA* Darlington Presbyterian Church, Darlington, SC* East Brentwood Presbyterian Church, Brentwood, TN East Point Presbyterian Church, East Point, GA* East Tennessee Presbytery, Knoxville, TN* Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN* Faith Presbyterian Church, Canton, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Andalusia, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Cartersville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Corning, NY First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Dadeville, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Deland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Green Cove Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, GA First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Laurens, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Live Oak, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Maitland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Milledgeville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Moncks Corner, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Oakland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Orangeburg, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Port St. Joe, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Sevierville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Somerville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Sylacauga, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Tupelo, MS First Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL First Presbyterian Church, Union, SC First Presbyterian Church, Valdosta, GA* Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL* Grace Chapel Presbyterian Church, Madison, MS* Grace Presbyterian Church, Bartlett, TN* Honea Path Presbyterian Church, Honea Path, SC Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church, Tarboro, NC John Knox Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* Lake Murray Presbyterian Church, Chapin, SC* Lake Square Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, FL* Loyd Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, GA* The MacIntyre Fund, Thomasville, GA Manning Presbyterian Church, Manning, SC* Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Murrells Inlet Presbyterian Church, Murrells Inlet, SC* North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake, FL* Northminster Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA* Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Pawleys Island Presbyterian Church, Pawleys Island, SC* Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL* Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* Port Orange Presbyterian Church, Port Orange, FL* Rivermont Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Sun City Center, FL* St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA* Synod of the Rocky Mountains, Centennial, CO

Columbia Gift Societies

Tallapoosa Presbyterian Church, Tallapoosa, GA* United Presbyterian Church, Sandersville, MS Venice Presbyterian Church, Venice, FL* Washington Presbyterian Church, Washington, GA* Wekiva Presbyterian Church, Longwood, FL* Westminster-by-the-Sea, Daytona Beach, FL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, MS* Ysabel Odom Sunday School Class, Newnan, GA

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

ignition, Inc.* Krevolin & Horst, LLC Menden, Freiman & Zitron, LLP Sizemore Financial Services

Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 to $99.99 I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Abernathy Mr. and Mrs. C. Gary Adams* Dr. J. Don Aderhold Ms. Adina Allen* Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis Amos, Jr. The Rev. Jaina W. Anderson The Rev. Jo E. and Mr. John M. Anderson III Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Anderson Dr. William R. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Louis V. Andrews III The Rev. and Mrs. Michael L. Andrews Dr. and Mrs. David B. Antonson The Rev. Melissa L. Archer The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Arnold Ms. Constance L. Atkins* Mr. and Mrs. A. Kelley Atkinson Mrs. Annye E. Atteberry Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ault, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. Mrs. Lynn Holladay Bagley and Dr. Thomas O. Bagley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Baile* Mr. and Mrs. Foster E. Bailey The Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Bailey Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ball Dr. Edna J. and Mr. Warren L. Banes, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Barfield The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert B. Barks, Jr. Mrs. Peggy B. Barnett Dr. Janie T. and Mr. Marvin H. Barrows The Rev. and Mrs. D. Clyde Bartges Ms. Martha J. Becker* Mrs. Clark D. Benson Dr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Blacklaw Mrs. Esthere O. Blakeslee Ms. Mary Alverta “Bertie” Bond Dr. George C. Boone Ms. Laura G. Bordeaux and Dr. Michael T. Lacey* The Rev. Scarlette K. and Mr. Bob H. Bostick Mrs. Louise K. Bounds* The Rev. David G. Boyce The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Boyer Mrs. Ella Banks W. Boyle Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brearley The Rev. and Mrs. E. LeRoy Brewton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Claude S. Bridges The Rev. Margaret B. and Mr. William L. Brinck Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Britt The Rev. Donald E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Brown*

Mrs. Anne O. Burks* Mr. and Mrs. Willie C. Bussey* Mrs. Jimmie M. Byal Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul Cadenhead Mrs. Zoe Anne Henderson Cagle and Dr. David A. Cagle The Revs. Margaret Adams Caine and Stephen R. Caine The Rev. and Mrs. Murdoch M. Calhoun Mr. Curtis W. Campbell The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon C. Campbell The Rev. and Mrs. Kevin M. Campbell The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Cannon, Jr. The Rev. Katherine L. Carpenter and Dr. Jim Klagge Mr. and Mrs. William R. Carpenter The Revs. Brandi and Andrew Casto-Waters Mrs. Orlean Y. Castronis The Rev. Catherine C. Cavazos Dr. and Mrs. J. Harley Chapman The Rev. and Mrs. Frank K. Chapo The Rev. Lorna D. Clark Mrs. Sarah C. and Mr. Adam Walker Cleaveland Dr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Collier Ms. Marianne M. Cone Miss Mary M. Conner The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Conner The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. Ms. Verline P. Copenny* Dr. W. Lee Corder Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Craft Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Craigmile Drs. James L. and Virginia Cross Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Cummings III Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Cuthill Ms. Elizabeth K. Dalziel* Dr. and Mrs. R. Linton Dangar The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Dantzler Dr. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Jr. Ms. Edwina B. Davis Mrs. Ellen Q. Davis Mrs. Julia L. Davis* Mr. and Mrs. E. Herbert Daws Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Deer, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Jey Deifell, Jr. Ms. Diane G. DeLuna The Rev. and Mrs. E. Peter Denlea The Rev. and Mrs. Christopher F. Denny The Rev. Polly K. Deppen The Rev. Jessica Derise-Mendez The Rev. and Mrs. James F. Dickenson The Rev. and Mrs. Mark E. Diehl The Hon. Mary Grace Diehl and Mr. Michael K. Jablonski Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Donaldson The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. Doom, Sr. Ms. Margaret D. Downs* The Rev. and Mrs. Pierre W. Dubose, Jr. Ms. Marilyn C. Duncan* Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dusing Dr. and Mrs. James A. Eidson* Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ellis The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ellis Mrs. Joan C. Everett* Mrs. Rachel B. and Mr. Zack Ezzo Dr. Fairfax F. Fair Mr. William J. Farrar The Rev. David S. Felton† and Dr. Darlene K. Flaming


Mrs. Kaye W. and Mr. Joseph A. Florence The Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. Floyd Ms. M. Frances Forbes Reed Dr. David B. and the Rev. Liz Forney Mrs. Mary S. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Fowlkes Dr. Sandra M. and Mr. Thomas F. Fox The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Franklin Dr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Frazier Dr. and Mrs. James T. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Teryl K. Frey* Mrs. Emilie B. Friese* Ms. Jane C. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Fusco* The Rev. and Mrs. James C. Gable Mrs. Cheryl and the Rev. Andrew J. Gans Mrs. Burney H. Gardner Drs. James L. and Carol M. Garner Dr. and Mrs. F.O. Garrison* Mr. and Mrs. Bryan S. Gartman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gasque Mrs. Dora D. Gaston Kay and Phil Gehman Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gilreath Ms. Suzanne M. Ginn* Ms. Deborah P. Gipson Mrs. Ann H. Gisch Dr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Gittner Dr. Jerry A. Gladson Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Godwin, Jr. Dr. Sadie H. Goldsmith Mr. Eugene R. Goodwyn The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. Googe Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Gordon Mr. Everett E. Gourley, Jr. The Rev. C. Annette and Mr. Jeffrey S. Graham The Rev. and Mrs. Todd H. Green Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Griffis Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Grimes* Dr. and Mrs. John D. Guedes Ms. Kelly K. Gunter* Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman Mrs. Anna D. Haley Mr. and Mrs. E. Victor Hanson Dr. Graham W. Hardy Mrs. Ann T. Hare Mr. and Mrs. Reid M. Harmon Dr. George D. Harper The Rev. and Mrs. Abel M. Hart Mrs. Eugenia H. Hart Mrs. Marian P. Hassler* The Rev. and Mrs. Bill R. Havens Mrs. Karen I. and Mr. David L. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Hay The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Hay Dr. Henry A. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Hellgren* Dr. and Mrs. Ross T. Hightower, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hill The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Hinkle, Jr. The Rev. Maryellen S. and Mr. Glenn P. Hittel Mrs. Doris E. Hoenig* The Rev. William H. Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Holahan* Dr. and Mrs. Adlai C. Holler, Jr. Mrs. Frances Q. Holley Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Hollingsworth* The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Hollis, Jr. Mrs. Lela M. Holmes*

Columbia Gift Societies

Dr. Kitty C. and Mr. P. George Holtzclaw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Hoopes* The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Horel The Rev. and Mrs. R. Eugene Horne, Jr. Mr. John R. Hornick and Ms. Betty R. Bacon Dr. and Mrs. Ira G. Howard The Rev. and Mrs. Gary E. Howell Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hoyt Drs. William R. and Sara L. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hudak Dr. and Mrs. R. Steven Hudder Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hughes Mr. John E. Huie The Rev. Mary R. Huie-Jolly Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Huseman Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Huss Mr. L. William Ice Dr. Dennis J. Jarvis and Ms. Ann MacKinnon The Rev. and Mrs. J. Todd Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Virgil W. Jensen The Rev. and Mrs. Young Chul Jeon Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson The Rev. Jennifer A. Johnson and Mr. Mark S. Riggs Mrs. Karen E. Johnson* Colonel and Mrs. LaVert W. Jones* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jones Dr. W. Jones-DuCille Dr. David M. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. Fred L. Keith Ms. Mary Alice Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kemp III The Rev. and Mrs. Paul L. Kendall The Rev. and Mrs. Jack M. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. James M. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. L. Alan Kenton The Rev. Shannon J. and Mr. Gregory J. Kershner Dr. and Mrs. Douglass D. Key Mr. and Mrs. James D. King* The Revs. Randal V. and Barrie M. Kirby The Rev. Dorothy M. Kirk The Rev. Charles E. Kirkpatrick Mrs. Jewel E. and Mr. Ronald H. Kirkus Mrs. Marianne A. Klecka Mr. and Mrs. William F. Knichel* The Rev. Lori Knight-Whitehouse and Mr. Howard Whitehouse Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Knoespel* Cmdr. and Mrs. Glen A. Kohlhagen Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lamb* The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick W. Laney Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Lang The Rev. Edward C. Langham, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. Shelton R. Latham Mr. Samuel B. Ledbetter The Rev. Connie S. and Mr. Gentle G. Lee Ms. Jennifer A. Lee and Mr. Joe Dan Walker Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lewis* Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Ley Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Leyburn, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Tod A. Linafelt Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Lindeman Mrs. Mary Caroline Lindsay* The Rev. and Mrs. W. Marvin Lindsay III Mrs. Gloria G. Lindsey* Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Lindsley Ms. Frances Line*

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Locey* Dr. and Mrs. David A. Long III Dr. and Mrs. George W. Long, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. John L. Losee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Lott, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott Mr. and Mrs. R.O. Love* Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Lovelady Dr. and Mrs. John S. Lyles Dr. and Mrs. Grant A. MacLean, Jr. Mrs. Diana W. and Mr. W. Blair Malcom Ms. Julia D. Markley Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Marvin Dr. Perry C. McCallen Dr. and Mrs. John K. McCallum, Jr. Dr. Clyde T. McCants Dr. and Mrs. John M. McClearen Mr. Charles H. McCoy* Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. McCully, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony W. McDade Mrs. LaBelle D. McDow Dr. and Mrs. Elliott W. McElroy The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. McGehee Mrs. Carolyn B. McGough Dr. and Mrs. Matthew McGowan The Rev. and Mrs. Sam E. McGregor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McInnis, Jr.* Mrs. Anne T. McKinley Ms. Joy M. McKnight Chaplain and Mrs. Douglas S. McLeroy The Rev. Larry R. McQueen The Revs. Sarah Speed McTyre and J. Andrew McTyre Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Medford Ms. Jane L. Meeks Dr. and Mrs. Roger G. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Milligan The Rev. William E. Mills Dr. and Mrs. James H. Milsap, Jr. Dr. T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Mixon Mr. James E. Moore The Rev. Joseph G. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matt E. Moore Dr. and Mrs. David R. Moorefield The Rev. and Mrs. H. Edward Morren Ms. Patricia M. Morrison* The Rev. and Mrs. S. Keith Morrison Mrs. Sara D. Morrison The Rev. and Mrs. W. Harvey Morrison, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mounts* Dr. Carson O. Mouser and Ms. Christina S. Klaus Mrs. Margaret A. Moyse Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Muller, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Murray Mrs. Lisa N. and Dr. Eric T. Myers The Rev. John J. Napoli III The Revs. Lisa Traynham Nelson and Ron E. Nelson Mrs. Wilhelmenia T. Nesbit Mr. and Mrs. William G. Neville, Jr. The Rev. Susan E. Moorefield The Rev. and Mrs. A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Norris Dr. and Mrs. M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. The Rev. Joseph A. Orehosky Ms. Mary Anne Padget* Mrs. Hepsy G. Parham* Mrs. Helen Parker The Rev. Rebecca S. and Mr. Wilmer I. Parker

44 0

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Parks* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Patterson* The Rev. William R. Patterson Mr. Kevin W. Patton The Rev. and Mrs. Lyle W. Peterson Dr. and Mrs. Jose C. Pezini Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Phillips The Rev. and Mrs. William G. Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Pidgeon Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Pittenger The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Platt Dr. and Mrs. Andral B. Plexico Mrs. Barbara G. and Mr. William J. Poe Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. Poole Mrs. Katherine L. Potter* Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Price, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Loren D. Pugh Dr. and Mrs. James H. Quillin Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ray The Rev. Greta S. Reed Mrs. Barbara D. Reeves* The Rev. and Mrs. Dennis E. Reid Dr. Robert P. Reno Mr. and Mrs. James D. Reynolds Dr. Jeanne C. and the Rev. Jeffry L. Reynolds The Rev. Jane G. Rhodes Dr. Thomas F. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Richards Mr. and Mrs. John N. Richardson, Jr.* Mr. John R. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius G. Riddle* Dr. and Mrs. Keith L. Riddle Ms. Julie M. Riggs Dr. and Mrs. Joe W. Rigsby Dr. Jeannette G. and Mr. Charles D. Rodenbough Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers* Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rogers Mrs. Sara H. Rogers The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rogers The Rev. Marianne McMasters Romanat and Mr. A. Kyle Romanat The Rev. Ramiro M. Ros Dr. and Mrs. Beryl G. Rosenberger The Rev. and Mrs. J. Robert Ross Chaplain Etta C. Rossman Dr. Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rumer Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Russell Ms. Patricia J. Rydell* The Rev. and Mrs. Bertram H. Saunders Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Scharer Mr. Donald P. Schiesswohl Mr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Schuetz* The Rev. Sharon Acton Schuler and Mr. John W. Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Scott* Dr. and Mrs. Rex R. Selters The Rev. Melinda S. and Mr. Joseph Serafin Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shaffer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Monte W. Shannon* Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Shaw III* Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Shelor Dr. James C. Shelton Mr. Charles R. Sheppard Mr. William S. and Dr. Anne T. Sherren The Rev. and Mrs. Earle F. Sickels Dr. L. Holton Siegling, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. James Simpson* Mrs. Anne J. Sims Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Slemmons

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. Greg R. Smith Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith The Rev. James H. Smith, Jr.† The Rev. M. Joy Smith and Mr. Charles R. Paulson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith The Rev. Susan S. Smith Mrs. Dorothy L. Smythe* Mrs. Margaret D. Somers† Dr. John W. Sonnenday and the Rev. Kristine A. Haig Dr. H. Gray Southern Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Spach The Rev. and Mrs. J. David Speering The Rev. James B. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Spil Ms. Theodora G. St. Clair* Ms. Winifred M. Steadley-Campbell* Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Stone Ms. Judith F. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stowell* The Rev. and Mrs. Russell L. Strange The Rev. and Mrs. Walter H. Styles Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Summerlin Dr. and Mrs. Dana W. Sutton The Rev. and Mrs. Bert C. Swearingen Mrs. Virginia F. Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Tafta* Mrs. Patricia M. Talley Mrs. Cynthia S. Tarrant Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Taylor, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. L. Sherwood Taylor Mrs. Muriel H. Teague Mr. and Mrs. George B. Telford III Mr. and Mrs. John Telford Mr. and Mrs. Filmore F. Thach* The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel R. Thomas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Thomas, Sr.* Mr. Roger D. Thomas The Rev. and Mrs. L. Casey Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thompson Mrs. Diane K. and Mr. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. C. Craig Topple The Rev. and Mrs. Benton J. Trawick Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Tribble, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Claude O. Tucker Mr. John H. Tucker Mr. Thomas Turnbull IV Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Tveit Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Uhl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vande Linde Dr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Voye Dr. G. Oliver Wagner Dr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Wall Mr. and Mrs. Marcus H. Wall The Rev. Milford B. Walters The Rev. and Mrs. Andrew I. Walton Mrs. Evamay F. Ward* Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Wasserman Dr. and Mrs. H. Darrell Watson Ms. Cynthia V. Weckbacher Dr. Kathleen L. and Mr. Samuel C. Weller Dr. M. Katherine and Mr. Ray A. White Mrs. Sue C. White The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Whitner Ms. Adelaide L. Wigren Ms. Patricia B. Willard Dr. and Mrs. Alex W. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Williams Dr. and Mrs. William W. Williamson, Jr. Bob and Lynda Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Wilson Ms. E. Anne Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wilson

Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Winter Mrs. Helen F. Woodward† Dr. and Mrs. James H. Wright The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Young The Rev. Lucy K. Youngblood The Rev. Sharon K. Youngs The Rev. Mary L. Young-Ward and Mr. Dann Ward Dr. and Mrs. A. Lee Zehmer



O r g a n i z at io n s

Alta Vista Presbyterian Church, North Miami, FL* Anchor Counseling, Lexington, KY Aveleigh Presbyterian Church, Newberry, SC* Bishopville Presbyterian Church, Bishopville, SC* Blountville Presbyterian Church, Blountville, TN* Booneville Presbyterian Church, Booneville, MS* Buntyn Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN Carrollton Presbyterian Church, Carrollton, GA* Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Cocoa Presbyterian Church, Cocoa, FL* College Park Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL* Collierville Presbyterian Church, Collierville, TN* Columbia Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Community Presbyterian Church, Atlantic Beach, FL* Conyers Presbyterian Church, Conyers, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Albany, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL* Fairfield Highlands Presbyterian Church, Midfield, AL* Fayette Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Auburn, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Bennettsville, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Bessemer, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Brunswick, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Canton, MS* First Presbyterian Church, Cedartown, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Cheraw, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Chipley, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Cornelia, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Dade City, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Elberton, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Fort Walton Beach, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, High Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, TN First Presbyterian Church, Jonesboro, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Lucedale, MS* First Presbyterian Church, Lynn Haven, FL* First Presbyterian Church, McColl, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Milton, FL First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Mt. Airy, NC First Presbyterian Church, Piedmont, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Port Charlotte, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Quitman, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Reform, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Starke, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Thomaston, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Wetumpka, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Winter Haven, FL* First-Trinity Presbyterian Church, Laurel, MS*


Flint River Presbytery, Albany, GA* Fort Caroline Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Fort Gaines Presbyterian Church, Fort Gaines, GA* Fraser Memorial Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* Glen Leven Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN* Glencliff Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN Goodwater Presbyterian Church, Goodwater, AL* Government Street Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Conyers, GA* Grace Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL* Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church, Gulf Breeze, FL* High Bridge Presbyterian Church, Natural Bridge, VA Hillside Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Hillwood Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN* Indiantown Presbyterian Church, Hemingway, SC* John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC* John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL* Lake Shore Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Lakewood Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, Laurel Hill, FL* Lickville Presbyterian Church, Pelzer, SC* Lyons Presbyterian Church, Lyons, GA* McDonough Presbyterian Church, McDonough, GA* McDowell Presbyterian Church, Greeleyville, SC* Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Stone Mountain, GA* Midway Presbyterian Church, New Zion, SC* Northminster Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* Northside Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Old Bethel Presbyterian Church, Dillon, SC Park Lake Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL Parkway Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL* Peace Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Roberts Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC Sandpiper Residents Fund, Mt. Pleasant, SC Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC* Southminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL* Summerville Presbyterian Church, Summerville, SC* Sumner Presbyterian Church, Sumner, MS* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Surfside Beach, SC* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Venice, FL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, AL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Snellville, GA* Williston Presbyterian Church, Williston, SC* Woodland Presbyterian Church of Quincy, Gretna, FL*

F o u n d at io n s


Atlanta Bar Association

C o r p o r at io n s

Giving by Classes

Alumni/ae names are listed by year of first degree only. Class giving percentages are added to note the importance of each alumni/ae’s contributions to the work of Columbia Seminary.

P Presidents’ Society $15,000 or more PM Peter Marshall Society $5,000 – $14,999 WM William Marcellus McPheeters Society $1,000 – $4,999 WW Woodrow Wilson Society $500 – $999 AL Agnes Law Society $250 – $499 CS Charles Stillman Society $100 – $249 TG Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 – $99

1937 (100% participation) Anonymous CS

1939 (100% participation) Arch L. MacNair AL 1941 (66.67% participation) Curry W. Davis, Sr. CS James H. Gailey, Jr. CS 1942 (40% participation) D. Clyde Bartges TG J. Hoge Smith, Jr.† TG Robert E. Smith CS 1943 (100% participation) William H. Boyd† CS James L. Doom CS Basil V. Hicks CS J. Will Ormond† P J. Davison Philips WM 1944 (66.67% participation)

J. Frank Alexander CS Frederick W. Widmer CS

1945 (66.67% participation) J. Phillips Noble WM Walter H. Styles TG 1946 (40% participation)

Wade P. Huie, Jr. WW Lyle W. Peterson TG

1947 (40% participation) John W. Craven AL Hubert V. Taylor WM 1948 (50% participation) Thomas W. Horton, Jr. CS John A. Kirstein CS 1949 (50% participation) Thomas M. Dews CS John T. McCrea CS

1950 (38.46% participation) J. Eade Anderson AL Burney H. Gardner TG Jack M. Kennedy TG Park H. Moore, Jr. CS L. Sherwood Taylor TG 1951 (53.85% participation) J. Don Aderhold TG J. Calvin Chesnutt CS Joseph C. Eckstine WW Albert G. Harris, Jr. WW Charles E. Kirkpatrick TG George W. Long, Jr. TG Charles L. Moffatt WW David R. Moorefield TG 1952 (32.26% participation) John A. Cannon, Jr. TG E. Gil Clary, Jr. CS William A. Crosland AL M. Douglas Harper, Jr. WW William R. Hoyt TG Richard G. Laurens CS Matthew McGowan TG John M. Reagan, Jr. CS J. Ed Wayland, Jr. CS Samuel T. Young CS 1953 (42.86% participation) Julian F. Craig, Jr. WW C. Phil Esty CS Abel M. Hart TG Roy W. Hicks AL Douglas W. Hix AL John R. Hornick TG Robert L. Montgomery CS Lardner C. Moore, Sr. CS H. Edward Morren TG Spencer C. Murray TG William M. Schotanus CS Ernest R. Tufft WM 1954 (42.86% participation) Louie V. Andrews, Jr. WM Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. AL Murdoch M. Calhoun TG Kenneth P. Craig CS Richard A. Dodds AL Pierre W. Dubose, Jr. TG R. Yale Gunn CS Lewis S. Hay TG Edward C. Langham, Jr. TG Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. WM Roy R. Myers, Jr. CS William D. O’Neal WW Jack C. Robinson CS Richard G. Shelor TG James B. Spencer TG

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1955 (41.67% participation) Malcolm M. Bullock AL William R. Childress CS Robert I. Doom, Sr. TG Dan A. Dunaway WM Leroy P. Gwaltney III CS William F. Lee WM Ralph Lightsey CS Robert M. Marvin TG James S.R. Tippens CS Joseph C. Whitner TG

1960 (28.13% participation) Earle P. Barron, Jr. CS David G. Boyce TG Frank K. Chapo TG James H. Huffaker CS John H. Law AL Clayton K. Little, Jr. CS G. Daniel McCall, Sr. CS Andral B. Plexico TG Harold B. Prince AL S. Franklin Sapp, Jr. CS

1956 (25.93% participation) Kenneth E. Boyer TG W. Robert Floyd CS William F. Henning, Jr. CS Gerald H. Kirby CS Emmett S. McDowell CS W. Harvey Morrison, Sr. TG Chilton F. Thorington CS

1961 (28.95% participation) Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. CS Michael L. Andrews TG Stephen A. Bacon WM Bill S. Goforth CS John D. Guedes TG Gary E. Howell TG Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. AL Paul S. Mixon TG Robert G. Newman CS Thomas R. Roddy PM Carl D. Smith, Sr. CS Robert V. Sturdivant CS Gerald K. Taylor, Jr. TG

1957 (43.33% participation) Frank M. Brown CS Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. TG Robert S. Dendy CS Thomas E. Ellis TG George H. Fitzgerald AL H. Thomas Foley CS Irwin P. Gates, Jr. CS George A. Grissom CS C. Jerry Hammet WM Robert H. Hull CS Glen F. Hutchison AL Rob Roy McGregor, Jr. WW Thomas J. Rogers TG William F. Shouse WM James O. Speed, Jr. WM 1958 (48.57% participation) Robert C. Bankhead CS Gary D. Barber, Sr. CS Harry B. Beverly CS Gordon C. Campbell TG Robert L. Conner TG Charles B. Cousar WM J. Millen Darnell CS Paul L. Kendall TG Mills J. Peebles CS Angus R. Shaw III CS Russell L. Strange TG Sefton B. Strickland, Jr. CS George B. Telford, Jr. WM James K. Thompson CS Edwin G. Townsend CS Eldon D. Wadsworth CS G. Dana Waters III WW 1959 (20.93% participation) Herbert B. Barks, Jr. TG John R. Bradshaw WW William A. Dantzler TG James T. Frazier TG Frederick W. Lupton II AL Eugene B. Norris TG Lawrence H. Richards TG Lowell B. Sykes CS J. Gary Waller CS

1962 (45.16% participation) George C. Boone TG Franklin B. Clark, Jr. CS Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. CS George D. Harper TG Wallace G. Hollyfield CS Ray A. Howe PM Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. CS Calvin W. Kropp CS Robert M. Lewis, Sr. CS A. Cecil Moore, Jr. WM Bobby E. Pettit CS Beryl G. Rosenberger TG J. Robert Ross TG John G. Taylor, Jr. AL 1963 (24.32% participation) Robert L. Armistead CS C. Frank Beall AL Charles C. Bovee CS Ann W. Bullard CS Martin L. Harkey, Jr. CS S. Edwin Lewis CS William D. Russell WW Dorothy D. Smith AL Raymon L. White CS 1964 (21.95% participation) James E. Armstrong TG Elizabeth H. Ball TG Martha M. Blount CS James E. Bowden CS M. McCoy Franklin WW John E. Hill TG A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. TG Rex R. Selters TG Alex W. Williams TG Robert A. Wilson TG

Giving by Classes

1965 (27.91% participation) Ewell C. Black, Jr. AL J. Harley Chapman TG Richard A. Cushman, Sr. CS R. Eugene Horne, Jr. TG Mary Jane Jordan AL David A. Long III TG Richard W. Paddon AL James T. Richardson AL Frank R. Sells CS Robert E. Smith AL Bert C. Swearingen TG Don L. Wilson TG Donn W. Wright WM 1966 (21.57% participation) Anonymous TG David B. Antonson TG William V. Arnold CS Joseph W. Berry AL T. Erskine Clarke WW J. Jey Deifell, Jr. TG John S. Franklin TG Joseph S. Harvard III WW James S. Lowry WM Elliott W. McElroy TG Daniel E. Youngblood AL

1967 (26.19% participation)

William R. Barron AL Bert K. Carmichael III CS Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. CS C. Pat Griffin, Jr. CS Ross T. Hightower, Sr. TG Robert H. Horel TG J. Miller Liston CS Robert O. Moss III CS H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. CS Robert P. Piephoff AL Loren D. Pugh TG

1968 (19.51% participation) John S. Bacot, Sr. TG Juventino R. Ballesteros AL R. Leon Carroll, Jr. WM Philip R. Gehman TG Edwin L. Morrison CS William G. Phipps TG Thomas A. Sizemore CS G. Douglas Slagle AL 1969 (22.58% participation)

Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. AL H. Alan Elmore WM James M. Kennedy TG Philip W. Leftwich CS P. David Reynolds CS Charles F. Scott AL Michael E. Williams WW

1970 (28.13% participation) John J. Gleason CS Ford F. G’Segner AL Mattie E. Hart CS Bill R. Havens TG G. William Jones, Jr. CS Cecil B. Murphey PM John W. Stodghill CS Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. CS Eugene D. Witherspoon, Jr. CS 1971 (39.39% participation) William R. Anderson TG Raymond D. Barfield TG Ronald A. Botsford CS Wayne D. Griffin CS Fred L. Keith TG John W. Larson CS Tom G. Malone CS John K. McCallum, Jr. TG Kenneth J. Terrell CS T. Mark Verdery AL Jim O. Watkins CS Patrick J. Willson CS E. Barbara Yonteck CS 1972 (17.86% participation) J. Lawrence Cuthill TG J. Ernie Johnson WW Gene Lassiter TG Caroline Leach CS David E. Swindall CS 1973 (38.46% participation)

Dewey T. Bowen CS E. Victor Hanson TG H. Eugene Harris CS William P. Lancaster AL Elizabeth D. McAliley AL Richard P. Neldon AL James H. Quillin TG E. Joyce Rimes WM John F. Sloop WW J. Mark Wilburn CS

1974 (28% participation) Harry H. Barrow CS William B. Carr, Jr. WW S. Elizabeth Fairleigh WM A. Lamar Potts CS Jane G. Rhodes TG John A. Roper CS Etta C. Rossman TG

1975 (23.53% participation) Ralph J. Aker CS John S. Carothers III CS Gibson P. Stroupe CS Joyce C. Tucker WW 1976 (32% participation) Joan S. Gray CS Winona Jones-DuCille TG Albert F. Masters III CS William O. Nisbet, Jr. WM Cary G. Speaker WM Milford B. Walters TG R. Michael Winters III AL Mary L. Young-Ward TG 1977 (21.43% participation)

James H. Foil, Jr. CS Gerald P. Jenkins CS Alice A. Johnson WW William E. Mills TG M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. TG R. Scott Woodmansee CS

1978 (25% participation)

Anonymous AL Paul O. Ard, Jr. CS Anna L. Case-Winters AL Virginia Simmons Ellis CS William A. Jokela AL George H. McDonald CS James I. St. John AL

1979 (17.14% participation) Joanna M. Adams AL Jasper N. Keith, Jr. WM Christopher A. Price AL Kathryn H. Sandifer CS Lib McGregor Simmons WM Jose Vera CS 1980 (13.46% participation) E. Lane Alderman WW Mark E. Diehl TG D. Raymond Guterman TG R. Steven Hudder TG Carolyn M. Johnson CS William C. Pender WM William B. Wade, Jr. CS 1981 (26.67% participation) Elliotte LeRoy Brewton TG Janet Aldridge Briscoe WW William T. Bryant WM Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. CS Robert L. Carroll, Jr. CS Mary Jane K. Cornell WM Ronald J. Gilreath AL Robert F. Murphy, Jr. CS


1982 (24.07% participation) David J. Bailey CS Donald R. Frampton AL J. Decherd Guess CS James E. Hollis, Jr. TG John A. Hunter WW Randal V. Kirby TG John L. Losee TG Rebekah A. Maul AL Laurey Hartwell Murphy CS Grady J. Perryman CS Harry H. Phillips TG Janice P. Wiesner CS E. Anne Wilson TG 1983 (28% participation) Thomas O. Bagley, Jr. TG Francis M. Burriss CS James C. Gable TG Alice E. Hickcox CS Sara C. Juengst AL Joseph A. Orehosky TG J. David Speering TG 1984 (25.86% participation) Frank L. Arnold TG Lynn Holladay Bagley TG Robert S. Hay TG William H. Hoff TG Walter M. Jones, Jr. WM Arlene W. Kelly WW Jonathan W. Lovelady TG Robert A. McCully, Jr. TG James W. Platt TG Scott M. Poole TG Raymond R. Roberts AL Joseph A. Scharer TG Merritt Nickinson Schatz CS Kathryn E. Thoresen CS Charles C. Williamson CS Richard B. Wilson TG 1985 (14.04% participation) Mary G. Amos WM Julie M. Cline WW Martha J. Clinkscales WM Sandra M. Fox TG Ira G. Howard TG Robert F. Inman CS R. Page Shelton WW Gerald L. Voye TG Lee Pruett Walker AL 1986 (9.88% participation) Janice L. Blissit P Eugene R. Donaldson TG Henry A. Haynes TG Penelope J. Hill CS Mary R. Huie-Jolly TG Ralph W. Milligan TG T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. TG Joe W. Rigsby TG David D. Weitnauer WM

1987 (22.58% participation) James L. Cross, Jr. TG Curry W. Davis, Jr. TG Richard G. Hill CS Adlai C. Holler, Jr. TG Clyde T. McCants TG Stephen R. Nickle CS Gail R. Perkins AL Jeri Parris Perkins AL Robert P. Reno TG B. Lynn Stall WM Frederick H. Talbot CS Jennifer S. Whitaker CS Ronald A. Wilkins CS Sharon K. Youngs TG 1988 (16.90% participation) Janie T. Barrows TG Jerry E. Blacklaw TG Edwin M. Cooley CS Pemberton Cooley III CS Laura W. Dorsey CS Robert A. Hatcher, Jr. CS Charles C. Heyward, Sr. WW Sarah Speed McTyre TG William R. Patterson TG M. Joy Smith TG Dean R. Strong WW Claude O. Tucker TG 1989 (21.43% participation) R. Jerome Boone CS William J. Connolly CS Jean L. Davidson CS Dent C. Davis III WM E. Peter Denlea TG Susan L. Denne CS Jacqueline A. Griffeth CS John H. Haberer, Jr. CS Lina Robinson Hart AL Ramon E. Hunt AL Arvie L. Maynard CS Judith Gabel Roeling CS Samuel F. Rutland WW Bradley D. Smith CS Bradley K. Walker AL Thomas W. Walker WW 1990 (17.14% participation) Lucy R. Aldridge WM Sidney M. Burgess CS Wilbur H. Howie, Jr. CS J. Todd Jenkins TG Laura Aull Johnston WM Lori Knight-Whitehouse TG Douglas S. McLeroy TG Joan W. Quattrocchi CS Mary Kay Sapp CS Martha C. Sexton WW Earl J. Smith AL Philip H. Summerlin TG

Giving by Classes

1991 (22.22% participation) Huw M. Christopher CS Lorna D. Clark TG Sharon K. Core AL James C. Dant CS Michael L. Dusing TG Michael L. Fitze CS Thomas F. Keller WM Tod A. Linafelt TG Eric T. Myers TG William L. Platt CS Greta S. Reed TG Keith L. Riddle TG Harold M. Stone TG Lucy E. Turner CS Deborah D. Wells WM Kenneth L. Young TG 1992 (16.90% participation)

Anonymous AL W. Franklin Covington CS Polly K. Deppen TG Graham W. Hardy TG Elizabeth E. Inman CS M. Beecher Mathes CS Sam E. McGregor, Jr. TG Stephen R. Montgomery WW Lisa N. Myers TG Lisa Traynham Nelson TG Susan E. Moorefield TG Lori E. Pistor AL Andrew I. Walton TG

1993 (16.33% participation) Richard C. Atkerson AL J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. AL Katherine L. Carpenter TG Denise M. Hall CS Paul H. Lang TG Carl B. (Jake) Marshall CS George E. McRae CS Ron E. Nelson TG Nancy Graham Ogne CS Jeffrey D. Peterson-Davis AL Kerri S. Peterson-Davis AL Vanessa C. Potter CS Jeffry L. Reynolds TG Jeannette G. Rodenbough TG Patricia L. Senterfitt WW J. Todd Speed CS Benton J. Trawick TG C. Arthur Wall TG 1994 (13.43% participation) Zoe Anne Henderson Cagle TG Kathy L. Dawson WM Robert G. Googe TG John A. Hinkle, Jr. TG W. Marvin Lindsay III TG John M. McClearen TG Vaughn J. Michael CS John R. Ragsdale II WW Jeanne C. Reynolds TG Michelle Thomas-Bush CS William W. Williamson, Jr. TG

1995 (20.48% participation) M. Ellen Anderson CS Frank I. Blankinship III AL Benjamin S. Booth CS Margaret B. Brinck TG David A. Cagle TG Margaret Adams Caine TG Eleana M. Garrett WM Barbara B. Hamilton WW Ingram P. Hedgpeth AL Deborah A. Kirk CS Gregory J. Lund CS Larry R. McQueen TG W. David Palmer CS John A. Schmidt CS James C. Shelton TG Timothy M. Slemmons TG Ernest T. Thompson III AL 1996 (20.22% participation) Anonymous PM Aimee W. Buchanan CS William S. Buchanan CS Constance M. Button CS Stephen R. Caine TG Molly C. Clark AL Katherine S. Evans CS Fairfax F. Fair TG Herbert S. Frazier TG Calvin H. Gittner TG Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. CS Louly F. Hay PM Marilyn T. Hedgpeth AL Jennifer A. Johnson TG Jennifer A. Lee TG Diana W. Malcom TG Robin W. Palmer CS Stacy K. Rector CS Earle F. Sickels TG John D. Wells WM

1997 (12.35% participation) M. Becky Burton WM Christine K. Dungan WW Elizabeth J. Grimshaw CS A. Kyle Henderson CS Sandra B. Hill AL Jacqueline H. Lindberg CS Stephen B. Lindsley TG James P. Reinarz CS Marianne McMasters Romanat TG Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. TG 1998 (16.92% participation) Jocelyn C. Bauer P Kevin M. Campbell TG Laura A. Cunningham AL C. Annette Graham TG Todd H. Green TG Helen R. Heffington WM Carolyn K. Heyward WW Walk C. Jones IV CS Roger G. Miller TG Paul M. Ogne CS H. Scott Ramsey AL K. Nick Yoda CS

1999 (16.88% participation) John R. Cook WW Susannah A. Cook WM Carol L. DiGiusto CS Richard A. Floyd TG Ralph W. Hawkins CS Caroline M. Kelly WW Gregory J. Kershner TG Shannon J. Kershner TG Seung Tae Lee CS Robert F. Lohmeyer CS Doris H. Mattison CS Anna H. McArthur AL Dennis E. Reid TG Ronald E. Sabo CS Erin C. Sharp CS 2000 (12.50% participation) Michael R. Bailey TG Edward J. Britt TG Brandi Casto-Waters TG Kathleen N. Crighton CS E. Rebecca Davis CS Sherry P. Edwards CS Guy D. Griffith CS Catherine C. Manson CS S. Keith Morrison TG Augustus E. Succop III CS Connie S. Weaver CS 2001 (10.76% participation)

Louis V. Andrews III TG Anne H.K. Apple WW Donald E. Brown TG Amy Lehr Camp CS W. Hunter Camp II CS Andrew Casto-Waters TG Linda K. Davis CS Barbara P. Jordan WM Bettina B. Kilburn WW Dorothy M. Kirk TG David Y. Kwon CS Myung Jong Lee CS Anthony W. McDade TG Sandra E. Monroe CS Agnes W. Norfleet CS J. Ronald Wilson CS Lucy K. Youngblood TG

2002 (13.48% participation) Maggie F. Beamguard AL David B. Cozad WW Phillip D. Dennis CS Christopher F. Denny TG Jennifer E. Fouse CS Connie S. Lee TG Grant A. MacLean, Jr. TG Elizabeth A. Moss CS Todd W. Sutton AL Jerry L. Utt II AL Kathleen L. Weller TG A. Lee Zehmer TG

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2003 (22.77% participation) Edna J. Banes TG Cynthia M. Benz WM Thomas R. Daniel IV CS Diane G. DeLuna TG Priscilla B. Durkin CS Sarah F. Erickson CS Elizabeth C. Goodrich WM Michael J. Hoyt TG Dennis J. Jarvis TG David M. Jordan TG Jeffrey S. Kackley CS Douglass D. Key TG Joseph G. Moore, Jr. TG Laurel D. Nelson CS Ian C. Punnett CS R. Millie Snyder CS John W. Sonnenday TG Susan P. Takis CS James H. Thomas III CS Jannan Wertzberger Thomas CS Megan Graham Watson CS James W. Wells, Jr. CS Scott M. White CS 2004 (19.18% participation) John C. Brearley TG Janet N. Carter WW Ashley Cook Cleere CS Beth M. Daniel CS L. Franklin Fant, Jr. CS Sadie H. Goldsmith TG Thomas L. Griffis TG Walter M. Hall III WM Huibing He CS Susan S. Smith TG Daniel D. Stephens CS Susan E. Thomas AL H. Darrell Watson TG John V. Weicher AL 2005 (20.48% participation) Alicia W. Abell WW Elizabeth Soileau Acton CS M. Andy Acton CS Jerry L. Alexander CS Jaina W. Anderson TG Alan D. Bancroft CS David S. Felton†TG Andrew J. Gans TG Betty J. Halford WM Travis E. Halford WM C. Anderson James CS Young Chul Jeon TG Jin S. Kim CS Glen A. Kohlhagen TG Shelton R. Latham TG John J. Napoli III TG L. Casey Thompson TG Laurie Taylor Weicher AL Jessica Derise Zolondek TG

2006 (23.36% participation) Melissa L. Archer TG Dorothy T. Blackwelder CS Russell S. Blackwelder CS Scarlette K. Bostick TG Joseph Brown III WW W. Lee Corder TG Christopher H. Edmonston CS Kaye W. Florence TG Sharol R. Hayner WW Susan M. Heafield WW Maryellen S. Hittel TG Patrick W. Laney TG Jerry W. Long AL Perry C. McCallen TG Ann Marie Montgomery CS Thomas F. Rice TG John R. Richardson TG John W. Schuler TG Melinda S. Serafin TG Robert C. Spach TG Cory S. Stott CS C. Craig Topple TG Derek A. Wadlington CS G. Oliver Wagner TG Patricia B. Willard TG W. Fred Wise AL 2007 (15.74% participation) Jo E. Anderson TG Kurt T. Appel CS Catherine C. Cavazos TG Sarah C. Walker Cleaveland TG Daniel-Elijah Culpepper CS Christopher O. Erde CS Cheryl F. Gans TG Morgan M. Hay CS Kitty C. Holtzclaw TG Michael D. Manaugh CS Carson O. Mouser TG Jose C. Pezini TG Sharon Acton Schuler TG L. Holton Siegling, Jr. TG Dana W. Sutton TG Carolyn J. Visser CS Kimberley Donahue Wadlington CS M. Katherine White TG 2008 (4.44% participation) Richard N. Baxter CS Caroline V. Dennis CS Kate P. Giguere PM H. Gray Southern TG

Gifts to Endowed Funds Funds established or added to during the fiscal year are listed.

Wade Huie Chair Douglas Henry Jenkins Memorial Scholarship Fund Catherine Boyd Johnson Scholarship Fund Jasper N. Keith, Jr. and Betty Morgan Keith Fund for Supervised Ministry Vanessa Knight Memorial Scholarship Fund John H. Law Scholarship Fund John H. Leith Chair of Reformed Theology Aaron W. Leland Memorial Scholarship Fund Lydia’s Fund Arch L. MacNair Scholarship Fund Mansfield Memorial Loan Fund Mathes-Woolfolk Memorial Scholarship Fund Rob Roy McGregor, Sr. and Albert J. Axmann Endowment Fund Mildred and Dean McKee Fund William J. and Ellen R. Mitchell Scholarship Fund Oldenburg Quadrangle Mary B. Ormond-J. Will Ormond Scholarship Fund Joseph and Geraldine Patrick Scholarship Fund Jack and Susanne Neal Pinkerton Scholarship Fund G. Richard and Susanne L. Query Fund for Spirituality James B. Reaves Scholarship Fund J. McDowell and Evelyn Knight Richards Fund for Continuing Education James McDowell Richardson Endowment Fund Rural Ministry Endowment Fund Teck Kyle Scott and Nell Scott Buice Scholarship Fund Shepherd-Johnston Scholarship Fund Elizabeth McGregor Simmons International Fund Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. Fund for Supervised Ministry John I. Smith Scholarship Fund Smith-Thompson Scholarship Fund J. Walton and Margaret Stewart Scholarship Fund George and Sally Telford Award James Samuel Ross Tippens Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Uthlaut Scholarship Fund William Rivers Waddey Scholarship Fund G. Dana and Catherine Yancey Waters Scholarship Fund Wilds Book Prize Winter Park Church Scholarship Fund

Jefferson K. Aiken, Sr. and Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Scholarship Fund James T. Anderton Scholarship Fund Asian-American Students Scholarship Fund Steve Bacon Scholarship Fund Jane and Donald Bailey Scholarship Fund N.G. Barron Scholarship Fund Ruby Barron Scholarship Fund William R. Barron Fund in Ministry and Mission Benton Chair of Christian Education Walter Brueggemann Fund for Faculty Development The Rev. and Mrs. A.H. Bullard Memorial Scholarship Fund Edward Norris and Mary Clarke Caldwell Scholarship Fund Campbell-Freeland Memorial Library Fund Elizabeth and Mayson Cheshire Scholarship Fund Charles Blanton Cousar Scholarship Fund Presbyterian Women of Decatur Presbyterian Church Scholarship Fund Bettie and Bonneau Dickson Scholarship Fund Betty and Dick Dodds Scholarship Fund Dan Alexander Dunaway Fund Foothills Presbyterian Women Scholarship Fund – Sarah Payne Dr. McCoy and Mary Franklin Scholarship Fund Dr. Paul T. Fuhrmann Endowment Fund Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Scholarship Fund David H. Garrett Family Fund Georgia Society Dames of the Court of Honor Scholarship Fund Dr. Joseph M. Gettys Scholarship Fund Ruth and L. B. Gibbs Scholarship Fund J. Frank and Dorothy Hall Gilleylen Fund Hal and Anita Gilmore Fund J. B. Green Chair of Theology Shirley Guthrie Memorial Fund Joseph E. Hannah Memorial Scholarship Fund William W. Hatcher Scholarship Fund Jefferson T. Howell, Jr. and Martha A. Howell Scholarship Fund Wade and Vee Huie International Scholarship Fund

Memorials & Tributes Memorials Mrs. Lois Adams By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Mrs. Eva D. Anderson By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford The Rev. Donald B. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Mrs. Ella M. Baker By Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vande Linde The Rev. Charles Barnett By Mrs. Peggy B. Barnett The Rev. Narciso Gonzalez Barron By Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston

Dr. Walter A. Bennett By Mrs. Edith H. Bennett

The Rev. Donald W. Bracken By Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke

Dr. C. Charles Benz By The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Ms. Judith F. Stone

Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Mary Alice Brown By Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III

Mrs. Patricia J. Bisschop By Mr. H. Peter Bisschop Mr. and Mrs. Ewell C. Black By The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. The Rev. Leonard C. Blanton By Mr. and Mrs. F. Sibley Bryan, Jr. Dr. Lila Bonner-Miller By The Rev. Dr. John N. Miller, Sr.

Dr. Mary C. Brown By Mr. James E. Moore Mr. Robert David Brown By Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. Travis Cale By Ms. Jane C. Frost The Rev. Samuel Christopher, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Bryant Vicarage Builders Inc., Atlanta, GA Mr. Tony Condello By Mr. Roger D. Thomas

Dr. Wade H. Bell, Jr. By Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart


Memorials & Tributes

Mrs. Nellie Cook By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA The Rev. W. Larry Crocker By Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Dickson By Ms. Susan L. DeHoff

The Rev. John Archie Haley By Mrs. Anna D. Haley

The Rev. Hugh Eichelberger, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit

Mrs. Mildred Rebecca Meire Harding By Estate of Mrs. Mildred Rebecca Meire Harding

Mrs. Laura W. Crook By Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Holahan ignition, Inc., Fitzgerald, GA Mr. Charles H. McCoy Mr. Gerald G. Willenborg

The Rev. J. Frederick Fife By Mrs. N. Carol Fife Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter

Dr. John A. Hare By Mrs. Ann T. Hare

Mrs. Anita M. Cummings By Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Cummings III Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Godwin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mozley Mr. John H. Tucker The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker Ms. Katherine H. Tucker Ms. Adelaide L. Wigren Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Winter Ed and Mary Darden By Ms. Mary Lynn Darden The Rev. C. Edward Davis By Mrs. Harriet S. Davis Dr. Ludwig R. Dewitz By Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. The Rev. Jane G. Rhodes Dr. Bonneau H. Dickson By Mrs. Jane E. Bailey Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. Ms. Susan L. DeHoff Kay and Phil Gehman Mr. Eugene R. Goodwyn Dr. and Mrs. M. Douglas Harper, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Mrs. Jewel E. and Mr. Ronald H. Kirkus The Rev. and Mrs. Gregory J. Lund Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Mr. James D. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Muller, Sr. Mrs. Wilhelmenia T. Nesbit The Rev. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Pattillo Mrs. Barbara G. and Mr. William J. Poe Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rumer Mr. Charles R. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Simmons Ms. Sandra D. Taylor Mrs. Diane K. and Mr. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. W. Frederic Wise Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wood, Jr.

Ms. Olivia Paige Floyd By Mrs. Juana D. Gamble Mrs. Marcia Mansfield Fox By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus

Dr. W. Frank Harrington By Dr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Collier The Rev. William D. Hart By Mrs. Eugenia H. Hart

The Rev. and Mrs. C. McCoy Franklin By The Rev. and Mrs. William R. Childress

The Rev. William W. Hatcher By Ms. Lois E. Dickey Ms. Martha L. Hatcher

The Rev. Robert E. Frost By The Rev. Barbara B. Hamilton

The Rev. Charles J. Hollingsworth By Mrs. Nancy C. Hollingsworth

Dr. Paul T. Fuhrmann By Dr. and Mrs. Ross T. Hightower, Sr.

Dr. J. Trent Howell, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden

The Rev. Roger A. Gallion By Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit

Mrs. Vee Huie By The Rev. Susan M. and Mr. Taylor S. Newton

Mrs. Jane H. Gardiner By Atlanta Bar Association, Atlanta, GA Mrs. Dorothy H. Barry The Hon. Mary Grace Diehl and Mr. Michael K. Jablonski Ms. Barbara L. Faga and Mr. Paul C. Kulinski Krevolin & Horst, LLC, Atlanta, GA Ms. Jane L. Meeks Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shaffer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Simmons Mrs. Virginia F. Sykes

Jesus Christ By The Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Bailey

Charlsie Gober Garland By The Rev. and Mrs. Louie V. Andrews, Jr.

Mrs. Ginger Kaney By The Rev. S. Ellen Hopkins

Dr. Felix Gear By Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Norris Mr. John Gordon By Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Gordon

Mrs. Idabelle B. King By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Mrs. Dorothy L. Kirkpatrick By The Rev. Charles E. Kirkpatrick

Mr. Carroll C. Grinnell By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford

Mr. Wendall R. Kitchens By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford

Dr. Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Barrow Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton The Rev. Kathleen N. Crighton The Rev. Alice E. and Mr. C. Woodbridge Hickcox Ms. Virginia H. Klettner Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Dr. Jeannette G. and Mr. Charles D. Rodenbough The Rev. Marianne McMasters Romanat and Mr. A. Kyle Romanat Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell The Rev. and Mrs. Dean R. Strong The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick J. Willson

The Rev. Vanessa G. Knight By The Rev. Vanessa C. Potter

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Mrs. Catherine Boyd Johnson By Mr. and Mrs. William R. Johnson The Rev. William B. Johnson By Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson Mr. John Raymond Jones By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford

The Rev. Donald E. Lannon By Mrs. O’Neal H. Lannon Mr. J. Erskine Love, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Harry B. Beverly The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mrs. Helen G. Mansfield By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Sr. By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus

Memorials & Tributes

Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. William E. Mansfield II By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus The Rev. Joseph A. McConnell III By Mrs. Jean A. McConnell The Rev. George R. McMaster By Mrs. Myron G. Gibbons Mr. James D. Miller, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Abernathy Mr. and Mrs. William R. Carpenter Miss Mary M. Conner First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hudson Ms. Joy M. McKnight Menden, Freiman & Zitron, LLP, Atlanta, GA Mrs. Helen Parker Mr. and Mrs. James D. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Greg R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Dr. Patrick D. Miller By The Rev. Dr. John N. Miller, Sr. The Rev. Henry D. Mooney By Dr. and Mrs. J. Miller Liston The Rev. James V. Morrow By Mrs. Martha W. Morrow Mr. Robert L. Moss By Ms. Elizabeth A. Moss and Mr. Garry D. Fesler Dr. Theron Nease By Dr. and Mrs. John J. Gleason Dr. William G. Neville By Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr.

The Rev. James Brown Reaves By Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gasque The Rev. and Mrs. James S.R. Tippens Mrs. Evelyn Richards By Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Dr. J. McDowell Richards By Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Mrs. Mary Green Ripley By Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Lott, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott Mr. Francis M. Ripley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Uhl Dr. Lucy Rose By The Rev. and Mrs. J. Todd Jenkins The Rev. Marianne McMasters Romanat and Mr. A. Kyle Romanat The Rev. M. Joy Smith and Mr. Charles R. Paulson

Mrs. Elsie D. Urie By Kay and Phil Gehman Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Hix Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Dr. Robert M. Urie The Rev. Thurlow Benjamin Weed By Mrs. Auwina V.D. Weed The Rev. Robert A. White, Jr. By Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr. Dr. David E. Wilkinson By Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson The Rev. Frank C. Wilkinson By Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson Mrs. Cookie Wilson By Mr. James A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roland Young By Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Gordon

Mr. Hansford Sanford Sams, Jr. By Mrs. Hayden S. Sams

The Rev. Samuel H. Zealy By Mrs. Mary H. Zealy

The Rev. Richard W. SauerBrun By Dr. James D. Bernard


Dr. Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. Bill Brown Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Payne Dr. and Mrs. John F. Sloop Ms. Ann F. Smith By Mrs. Anne T. McKinley The Rev. Paul Edmund Smith, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy

Drs. Fahed L. Abu-Akel and Mary Zumot By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Dr. Ann Clay Adams By Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Lindeman Mrs. Jane E. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Mrs. Ruby H. Barron By Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston

Mr. Milton Scott Noble By Dr. and Mrs. J. Phillips Noble

The Rev. Ridley G. Smith, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Jones Sandpiper Residents Fund, Mt. Pleasant, SC Ms. Cynthia V. Weckbacher

Mr. J. Fred O’Connell By Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Redd

Dr. Peter Soteres By Dr. and Mrs. James S. Soteres

Dr. J. Will Ormond By The Rev. Gail R. Perkins

The Rev. Thomas A. Stallworth By Dr. and Mrs. J. Decherd Guess

Mr. William R. Patterson By Mrs. Lee R. Patterson

Dr. Robert L. Stamper By Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Scott

Dr. David B. Pedersen By Mrs. Diane S. Pedersen

The Rev. Ray M. Stover By Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry By Dr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor, Jr. The Rev. Richard R. Potter By Mrs. Katherine L. Potter

Mrs. Virginia Straub By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Dr. Charles C. Talley By Mrs. Patricia M. Talley

The Rev. Marcus Brown Prince III By Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy

The Rev. Charles R. Tapp By Mrs. Mary Louise Tapp

Dr. W. Hunter Camp II By Dr. Mattie E. Hart

Mrs. Mabel Stowe Query By Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Query

Mr. Charles M. Taylor By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford

Dr. Charles L. Campbell By The Revs. Susannah A. and John R. Cook Dr. William C. Horton III and the Rev. Leah M. Horton


Mrs. Mary B. Berry By Dr. Joseph W. Berry Ms. Carol A. Boe By Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose The Rev. C. Fritz Bogar By Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Lindeman Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann By Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton Mr. Thomas C. Shelton, Sr. The Rev. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. By Ms. Mary A. Hammett Mr. Ezra B. Jones III Dr. Walton H. Reeves, Jr. and Ms. Catharine A. Enright The Rev. Amy Lehr Camp By Dr. Mattie E. Hart

Memorials & Tributes

Mrs. Dana B. Campbell By The Revs. Susannah A. and John R. Cook Dr. William C. Horton III and the Rev. Leah M. Horton Dr. Anna Carter Florence By Dr. and Mrs. H. Darrell Watson The Rev. Andy S. Chambers By Ms. Mary A. Hammett The Rev. Gary W. Charles By Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Davis Mrs. Sarah C. Walker Cleaveland By Ms. Mary A. Hammett Dr. Charles B. Cousar By The Rev. M. Ellen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bowen Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton Ms. Jennifer A. Lee and Mr. Joe Dan Walker The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sturdivant Dr. and Mrs. David E. Swindall The Rev. Susan P. Takis The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Young Dr. W. Frank Covington By Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Ley The Rev. Laura A. Cunningham By Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey The Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana By Burke Presbyterian Church, Burke, VA The Rev. Kathryn Heard Day By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto Mr. Kevin M. Day By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto The Rev. Shannon Dill By Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Brown Mr. Richard T. DuBose By Ms. Mary A. Hammett Dr. and Mrs. Scott Black Johnston Dr. P.C. Enniss, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Faculty and Staff By The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey Ms. Susan E. Thomas

Mrs. Emilie B. Friese By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

Mr. Jaehong Kim By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

The Rev. Lauren Louise Furr-Vancini By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto

Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. By Ms. Mary Alverta “Bertie” Bond Dr. Laura W. Dorsey

Mrs. Kathrine Getske By Collierville Presbyterian Church, Collierville, TN Mr. Hal M. and Mrs. Anita Gilmore By Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore

Dr. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Drs. Susan L. Denne and David C. Stover Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dusing The Rev. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen

Mr. James R. Goff By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

Mrs. Martha Knichel By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

The Rev. Elizabeth Goodrich By Mr. Howard P. Walthall

The Rev. Andrew Kukla By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto

Mrs. Leta Gordon By Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Gordon

Dr. and Mrs. Arch L. MacNair By Mr. Robert S. McMullen

Harbor View Presbyterian Church Staff, Charleston, SC By Harbor View Presbyterian Women, Charleston, SC

Mr. Andrew S. Marshall By Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Cuthill Ms. Mary A. Hammett Ms. Mary Ellen Priester

The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart By Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robinson

The Rev. Ashley-Anne Masters By Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III

Mrs. Karen I. Hawkins By Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose

The Rev. Peggy S. McClure By Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller

The Rev. Louly F. Hay By Ms. Mary J. Bollinger

The Rev. Michael D. McLaughlin By First Presbyterian Church, Somerset, KY

Dr. Douglas W. Hix By Drs. Sara C. and Daniel P. Juengst Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot

Dr. Asa M. Meadows By Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Whisenant

Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell By Mr. Jeff T. Howell Mr. Wilbur H. Howie, Sr. By The Revs. Wilbur H. and Michele L. Howie Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Lewis, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Cecil B. Murphey Mr. Seong C. Im By Ms. Mary A. Hammett The Rev. Alice A. Johnson By Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Dr. Ben C. Johnson By Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt

Mrs. Debbie Feagin By Dr. James K. Thompson

Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson By Mrs. Betty J. and Mr. Travis E. Halford

Mrs. Julie L. Ferguson By Mrs. Anne J. Sims

Dr. Julie A. Johnson By The Revs. Nancy Graham Ogne and Paul M. Ogne

The Rev. Clarence D. Fouse III By The Rev. Jennifer E. Fouse The Rev. A. Schaap Freeman By The Rev. Jennifer E. Fouse

Mrs. Nancy N. Jones By Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Dr. Jasper N. Keith, Jr. By The Estate of Mrs. Helen J. Kohl

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Dr. Laura S. Mendenhall By Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cromie Ms. Mary A. Hammett The Rev. Sharon K. Youngs Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall By Drs. Lewis F. Galloway and Eleanor H. Alexander Ms. Clinta Moore By Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Ms. Betty D. Long Mrs. Cynthia M. Montgomery By Mr. James H. Montgomery Mrs. Rebecca D. Morlok By Mr. Theodore C. Morlok Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III By Dr. and Mrs. G. Daniel McCall, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bennett, Jr. Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka By The Revs. Aimee W. and William S. Buchanan Drs. Laurey Hartwell Murphy and Robert F. Murphy, Jr. Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor By Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams

Memorials & Tributes

Mrs. Claudia S. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg Dr. Douglas W. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg

Mrs. Loy W. Reddick By The Georgia Society Dames of the Court of Honor, Bonaire, GA The Rev. Steven H. Rhodes By Mr. and Mrs. K. David Lake, Jr.

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Orth By Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose

Dr. E. Joyce Rimes By Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips

The Rev. David Parker By First Presbyterian Church, Galesburg, IL

Mr. David W. Rogers By Ms. Barbara M. Snelling

The Rev. Sarah Mark Parker By First Presbyterian Church, Galesburg, IL

Ms. Camille Ruddick By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

Dr. John H. Patton By Dr. Huibing He

Dr. Stanley P. Saunders By Mrs. Betty J. and Mr. Travis E. Halford

Dr. William C. Pender By First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN

Seven Parishes in which I have served God and communities By The Rev. and Mrs. J. David Speering

Dr. J. Davison Philips By Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones, Jr. Mrs. Doris H. Platt By The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Platt Mrs. Barbara G. Poe By Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose Ms. Mary A. Hammett The Rev. William K. Price III By The Price Family Foundation, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. James K. Price The Rev. Robert W. Prim By Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Jenkins Ms. Elaine Prock By Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Ms. Betty D. Long Mr. David A. Quattlebaum III By Mr. and Mrs. J. Derrick Quattlebaum Dr. John R. Ragsdale II By Dr. Mattie E. Hart The Rev. H. Scott Ramsey By Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey Dr. Charles E. Raynal By Dr. and Mrs. John H. Per-Lee The Rev. Dennison P. Read By The Claude Bennett Family Foundation, Inc., Birmingham, AL Mr. and Mrs. David K. O’Leary The Rev. Noelle Henry Read By The Claude Bennett Family Foundation, Inc., Birmingham, AL Mr. and Mrs. David K. O’Leary The Rev. Nicholas K. Reed By Dr. and Mrs. W. Frank Covington Mrs. Lou H. Reaves By Mr. and Mrs. James B. Reaves

Dr. Marvin L. Simmers By The Rev. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons By The SoL Center at University Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX University Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX

The Rev. James S.R. Tippens By Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Dr. A. Taylor Todd By Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr. The Rev. Jill P. Tolbert By Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Bryant Vicarage Builders Inc., Atlanta, GA The Rev. Joel L. Tolbert By Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Bryant Vicarage Builders Inc., Atlanta, GA The Rev. C. Craig Topple By Mrs. Eugenia S. Morse Dr. Margaret C. Torrey By Mr. and Mrs. James D. Reynolds Mrs. Luan B. and Mr. Fritz Vinson By Mrs. Caroline V. and the Rev. Phillip D. Dennis Dr. Thomas W. Walker By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto The Rev. Reggie A. Weaver By Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III Mr. Daniel N. Webb By Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jones

Mrs. Jeanne S. Simpson By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

Mrs. Lucy A. Waechter Webb By Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jones

Byron and Sarah Smith By Dr. Jennifer S. and Mr. J. Michael Whitaker

Mrs. Stacy and Mr. Tom Wanchick By The Rev. Katherine S. Evans

Dr. Cary G. Speaker By Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker

Mr. Kevin Weber By Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Petty

The Rev. George B. Spransy, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Spransy

Ms. Mary Weber By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

Dr. J. William Stonebraker By Mrs. Berkeley S. Stonebraker

The Rev. John H. White By Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr.

Mrs. Mary Bell Streetman By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

Dr. and Mrs. Olin M. Whitener, Jr. By Mr. Curtis W. Campbell

Dr. George W. Stroup III By Mrs. June B. Pannell

The Rev. and Mrs. George C. Wilson By Mr. and Mrs. William John Park

Mrs. Claribel C. Taylor By Mac and Jan Irvin

Dr. Christine Roy Yoder By Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams

Ms. Sandra D. Taylor By Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose

Mr. Joseph E. York By Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart

The Rev. George B. Telford, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Brubeck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Telford III Mr. and Mrs. John Telford

Dr. M. Neely Young II By Mr. and Mrs. S. Zach Young

Karl and Jackie Thiele By Dr. Jeanne C. and the Rev. Jeffry L. Reynolds Dr. Chilton F. Thorington By Mr. Ezra B. Jones III Mrs. Diane K. Thorne By Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose


Ms. Emily J. Zeig By The Rev. Todd W. and Mrs. Ceska M. Sutton

Columbia Founders

The Columbia Founders have demonstrated extraordinary levels of support for the seminary, some over the course of a lifetime. Words cannot adequately express the depth of appreciation felt by all friends of Coumbia for the sacrificial ways in which the Founders have contributed to the seminary’s programs, buildings, and grounds. Their generosity calls all of us to practice better stewardship of what we have been given. Thanks be to God!

Individuals Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. The Rev. Lucy R. and Mr. John G. Aldridge Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Almand† Dr. Harvard A. Anderson† Ms. Bonnie Arnall† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† The Rev. N.G. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer Mrs. Nellie M. Beatie† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mrs. John T. Benton† Mr.† and Mrs. John Blue III Dr. Vernon S. Broyles, Jr.† Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Clotfelter Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cornelson IV Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Mrs. Claire L. and Mr. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Mr.† and Mrs. J.K. Dickson Mr. H. Talmage Dobbs, Jr.† Mrs. Boyce Edwards† Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ellis† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Mr. and Mrs. Langdon S. Flowers† Mr. John P. Garrard† Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie† Ms. Sara Gibbs† Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Gillespie† Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Goulding† Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Griffith

Mr. Harry C. Hannah, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth Harpster† Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington Ms. C. Virginia Harrison† Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev.† and Mrs. Fred J. Hay Dr. George Howe† Dr. Charles C. Jones† Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr.† and Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr. Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth R. McDonald Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Mr. T.S. McPheeters† The Rev. James L. Merrick† Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev.† and Mrs. Max Milligan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr. and Mrs. W. Donald Munson Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Mr. and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr. Dr. J. Will Ormond† Dr. B.M. Palmer† Mr.† and Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer Mr.† and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pellett, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips The Rev. Harold B. Prince Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Query† Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Dr. and Mrs. J. McDowell Richards† Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Mr. and Mrs.† B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† The Rev. Paul E. Smith, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Spencer Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Mrs. Agnes D. Spivey† Dr. Charles A. Stillman† Mr. H.A. Street† Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas Mr. Clyde H. Thompson† Mr.† and Mrs. Malcolm A. Thompson Dr. James H. Thornwell† Mr. J.M. Tull† Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland Mr. and Mrs.† Ralph E. Wilgus The Rev. John L. Wilson† Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff Mrs. Julia M. Woodward

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Churches and Organizations Agape Christian Council, Decatur, GA Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Camden, SC Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte, NC Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Easley Presbyterian Church, Easley, SC First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, SC First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA First Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, FL First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, SC First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, LA First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC First Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Indiantown Presbyterian Church, Hemingway, SC Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Athens, GA Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church, Signal Mountain, TN South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA St. Luke's Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA Synod of Living Waters, Franklin, TN Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Winter Park Presbyterian Church, Winter Park, FL

Columbia Founders

Foundations and Corporations The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations The Bailey Foundation CF Foundation, Inc. The J. Bulow Campbell Foundation Churches Homes Foundation, Inc. The Citizens & Southern Fund The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation The Florence C. and Harry L. English Memorial Fund English Memorial Fund Lettie Pate Evans Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Garrett Foundation Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation

David H. and Mary Lou S. Garrett Foundation Griffith Theological Research Foundation H.P. Bridges Ministers’ Trust The Hack Foundation, Inc. John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. The William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc. Heart of the City Foundation William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation Lilly Endowment, Inc. Gay and Erskine Love Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. The Outreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church Patrick Family Foundation The Pattillo Foundation The Pellett Foundation

The Pew Charitable Trusts The Pittulloch Foundation Presbyterian Foundation The Rockdale Foundation Schumann Foundation, Inc. Shaw Family Foundation The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation John I. Smith Charities, Inc. Nora Smith Foundation SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher Foundation, Inc. Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning The Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation David, Helen, Marian Woodward Foundation

J. M c Dowell Richards Societ y

The J. McDowell Richards Society was inaugurated to recognize those who have made provisions for a gift to Columbia in the course of their estate planning. Planned gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, life estate gifts of residences or other real estate holdings, or an intended bequest to the seminary, all qualify a contributor for membership in this society. Those interested in learning more about the tax and income advantages of planned giving are invited to contact Columbia’s Office of Development at 404 687-4525 or toll-free at 1 888 601-8918. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Dr. Millard E. Agerton† Mrs. Jane H. Aiken† Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. Mary Virginia Allen Mr. K.F. Anderson† The Rev.† and Mrs. James T. Anderton Mrs. Marguerite M. Appleby† The Rev.† and Mrs. Donald B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James J. Baird, Jr. Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† Ms. Myra A. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron The Rev. Eugene G. Beckman† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† Mrs. John T. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Ms. Julia C. Boswell† Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bradfield Dr. Cecil Brearley, Jr.† Mrs. Helen D. Brown† Mr. Leonard T. Brown† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann

Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann Dr. Harry H. Bryan† Dr. and Mrs. John C. Bryan Mrs. Nell Scott Buice† Ms. Mary C. Campbell† Ms. Anne C. Carr† Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Castles Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chambless Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt Mr. Scott Clayton The Rev. Roy W. Coker Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† The Rev. Franklin G. Colladay Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† The Rev. Mary Jane K. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland Ms. Margaret I. Dalzell† Mr. J. Kenneth Davis† Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. Doom, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Fred C. Douglas, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ector† The Rev.† and Mrs. R. Foster Edwards Dr. and Mrs.† Sterling J. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris Edwards† Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew Mrs. Frances D. Fabrick† Mrs. C.W. Fargason† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Ms. Verna Freeman†


Dr. and Mrs.† James H. Gailey, Jr. Mrs. Jane H. Gardiner† The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr. David C. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie† Ms. Sara Gibbs† Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Grafton† Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman Ms. Ruth C. Hambright† Mrs. Elliott K. Harbison† Mrs. Mildred R. Harding† Mrs. Edna M. Harman Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard Dr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood Hassell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Fred J. Hay† Dr. and Mrs. Basil V. Hicks Mr.† and Mrs. John G. Hiles Mrs. Helen R. Hodgson† Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Hoffmann Mrs. A.C. Huber† Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. Walter Ingram† Mr. Charles E. Irvin† Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Johnson Mr. William R. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Jones Mrs. Walter M. Jones† Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. William C. Keller† Mr. Berthold S. Kennedy†

J. M c Dowell Richards Societ y

Mrs. Elza D. Kirckhoff† Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mrs. Helen J. Kohl† Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Dr. John H. Leith† Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland Ms. Madeline S. Lewis† Mrs. Jane L. Liston† Dr. and Mrs. David A. Long III Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Louise O. Manning† Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Ms. Pearl I. Mayo† The Rev. R. Donnell McCall† Mrs. Elizabeth G. and Mr. James F. McCallen Mr.† and Mrs. W. Sloan McCrea Dr. Janet McDonald† Mrs. Dorothy E. McEwen† Ms. Celeste S. McGill† Dr. Angus M. McGregor† The Rev. Angus W. McGregor Mrs. Adele D. McKee Ms. Dorothy E. McKuen† The Rev.† George R. and Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Ms. Theo McNeil† Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev. Max Milligan, Jr.† The Rev. J. Fred Moore† Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Dr.† and Mrs. Chester W. Morse The Rev. and Mrs. David W. Nash Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Dr. and Mrs. J. Phillips Noble Mr. and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr. Dr. T. Russell Nunan† Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Dr. J. Will Ormond†

Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer The Rev. and Mrs. Stanford Parnell† Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Ms. Ailene S. Phillips† Mrs. Aubrey Pogue† Mrs. Ina B. Poston† Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Price The Rev. and Mrs.† Harold B. Prince Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Dr.† and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal, Jr. Ms. Harriet Reeves† Mrs. J. McDowell Richardson† Dr. and Mrs. Keith L. Riddle Mr. John J. Robertson† Mrs. Susan V. Russell† The Rev. John H. Sadler The Rev.† Richard W. and Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun The Rev. Anne J. Sawyers† The Rev. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Schwanebeck† The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Ms. Bonnie J. Shoemaker Ms. Jane E. Silkworth† Mr.† and Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. T. Clark Simmons The Rev. John D. Simpson† The Rev. Glenn W. Small, Jr. Mrs. Nancy H. Small† Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mrs. Edward D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† Mr. William T. Smith† Mr.† and Mrs. James M. Smyth Ms. Barbara M. Snelling Dr. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stamper† Mrs. Mary A. Staples† The Rev. and Mrs. Russell L. Strange Mrs. Varnelle C. Swanson† Dr. B. Harrison Taylor Mrs. Mary G. Terry Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas Mrs. Vera C. Thompson† Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake

Mrs. Eva G. Towne† The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Mr. Richard L. Turner† Mr. Raymond C. Turpin† Mrs. Lillian T. Urschel† Mrs. Nancy M. Van Deventer† Mr.† and Mrs. Roland Walker The Rev. Thomas B. Warren† Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III The Rev. E. McKinley Weaver† Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Annie Weltner Mrs. Lulu S. Westcott† Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Wham† Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson The Rev.† and Mrs. Jack J. Wolf Walter and Emily Wood Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff Mr. Charles A. Wyatt† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount Dr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Zorn

This issue of Vantage is available online at Go to News & Publications, then Vantage.

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Michael Morgan [Columbia’s seminary efore seminary, I served for 13 years musician] invited me to play with him at as the music director in a mediumCentral Presbyterian Church in downtown size church. It was this ministry that Atlanta. After a beautiful service of shaped my faith and brought me and traditional and contemporary music, my family to Atlanta, to a culture far with piano, organ, and choir all blending removed from my mountain home and together to offer praise and worship, from the German heritage of my wife, God clubbed me over the head with a Karen. 2x4. Well, actually, it wasn’t a 2x4; it was All my life, I’ve been torn between the sweet generosity of a couple in that cultures. As a defensive lineman on my by David Hawkins ’09 church, who felt led by God at that very high school football team, I would leave moment to offer me, a complete stranger, about five minutes before half-time After a beautiful service the gift of their grand piano, a piano so that I could change into my drum of music with all blending which had been their wedding gift to each major outfit to lead the marching band. together to offer other several years before. As a jazz musician, I had to defend It was a gift so stunning, so precious, my love of backbeat and bebop to my praise and worship, so unexpected, and so complex that I classically trained piano professor, who God clubbed me over the head am still, two years later, unable to fully looked down on such common music. with a 2x4. comprehend what really happened, or I’ve defended my military service to my what it really means. But it was this gift pacifist friends in the church, explained that helped me accept who I really am: a musician, a student of my liberal tendencies to my conservative friends in Colorado, theology, but above all, a child of God, shaped and molded by attempted to explain American politics to my German friends in God, for God’s own pleasure. The professors at Columbia have Berlin, and insisted on the necessity to engage contemporary culture helped continue this process, challenging me to expand my limited to my traditional friends in the PC(USA). And of course, as an heir understanding of God’s mysterious plan for all of us. Somehow, of John Calvin, I can never figure out if I’m part of the Elect, or the God is working through the mess of our lives, and God doesn’t Reprobates. At times, I feel like that soldier who during the Civil want just part of us, that little part that thinks about theology, War put on blue pants and a grey shirt one morning, and was shot that little part that preaches, that little part that reads the Bible. by both sides. God wants all of us, those parts that hope, fail, cry, laugh, sing, I thought that when I left my church in Colorado and came to shout, despair, rage, regret, and even play piano. God wants all the seminary that I could finally choose one path, one way, one culture. good stuff, all the bad stuff, and everything in between, and this It was a relief. I would let go of music, and learn theology. For the has been the hardest part for me to come to grips with—that God last six years I’ve considered the possibility of going to school to be would welcome even my confusion and ambivalence about my own a pastor. And if that meant I was supposed to sacrifice all that nonidentity. theological music stuff, then so be it. If being a pastor meant that I And I’m scared to death of what it might mean, that God needed to give up something that I had done professionally for 24 would take something that I felt so strongly I was supposed to give years, well, I could do that. up, and shove it in my face and say, “David, what are going to do And so, as a symbolic, grand gesture of turning my back on with this? I gave it to you, who are you to throw it away?” No, of music, I donated my beautiful baby grand piano to my church. course I’m not going to throw it away! God forbid! It’s who I am! After all, what is a life of discipline, beauty, and creative fulfillment The good news is, I’m not being asked to. I still have no idea when compared to the riches that would await me as a Minister of how I’m going to put all this together, but God has surrounded me the Word and Sacrament? It was an easy decision. with a community at Columbia who care enough to kick me out of Well, no, it wasn’t. It was a terrible decision, and deep down, my comfort zone, while giving me a safe place to make the journey. I resented God for forcing me to make it. And I’m excited to see where I finally end up, because I know for But here I came to seminary, nose to the grindstone, serious in certain, that not only will God will be waiting for me when I get that comical way that only seminary students can be serious, none there, God will be with me every step of the way. of that musical frivolity to distract me. And I thought Columbia would support my single-mindedness. But, instead, I was invited This article is a testimonial David Hawkins ’09 gave at a Partners to play piano in our Chapel worship services, and, you know, the in Ministry event in Atlanta last spring. David and his wife, Karen, world didn’t come to a halt. I could quote Calvin and Chris Rice, have an 11-year-old son, Wiley. Karen is a member of the seminary’s Ignatius and Isaac Watts, and not be corrupted. Institutional Advancement staff. But I didn’t really begin to integrate what it means to be a musician and theologue, until one Sunday when my dear friend

God’s 2 x 4

Celtic Christian Spirituality F O R T O D AY


27–29 2






midst terrible brokenness and fragmentation in our lives and world with

there is growing awareness of the unity of creation. Come explore Celtic Christian


spirituality as a way of being transformed in our


consciousness of the earth’s


oneness and passionately


engaged as Christians in > Lifelong Learners > Areas of Study > Spiritual Formation

the human journey towards wholeness. $250

C OV E R A RTWinds of Change, from an original painting by Cynthia Matyi. Used with permission of the artist. The knotwork was drawn from an old pattern found on the walls of McKinley Elementary School in Cincinnati and adapted to zoomorphics which suggest a pulling in opposite directions. Change is inevitable but not often comfortable. The school, one of the oldest in the city was closed in 2005. Ms. Matyi is part of the leadership team for “Celtic Christian Spirituality,” January 27-29, 2009. See page 29 for more information.

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