Vantage Summer 09

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Vantage s u m m e r

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good ews!

Witness the

in the work of the presidential search committee, in gifts that built a new residence hall, in an alumna’s pilgrimage with lament

c o l u m b i a ’ s ne w s t u dent r e s i den c e h a l l i s o pen ! — page 8

President’s Message

Scott Chester

Dea r Fr i e n d s ,

Steve Hayner uses to post links to online articles, videos, and other information he wants to share with colleagues and students. Visit his blog gleanings at

Columbia Theological Seminary has been my home for the past six years, and I am so honored to be a part of God’s work here. Every day, I see Good News—our salvation and life of service through Jesus Christ—in the community of Columbia’s students, faculty and staff, alumni/ae, and friends. While I did not seek to be Columbia’s president, I know, without doubt, that this is God’s calling for me now, and I am dedicated to serving the Lord in this new role. I will work with all the energy, intelligence, imagination, and love that God graciously provides. For Columbia, I see wonderful opportunities ahead to build up the body of Christ and to participate in what God is doing now and into the future. We are challenged to identify and join God’s new work relentlessly and creatively as we hold fast to the foundation of our biblical faith I am committed to Christ, to Christ’s church, and to Columbia’s mission as we help students discern and engage in ministry as agents of transformation–and with a great sense of hope. According to God’s plan, and building on Laura Mendenhall’s great legacy, we are moving into a new chapter, and I am blessed to be a part of that. It will be fun to do it together!


Steve Hayner

Van tag e

Vol. 100, No. 4, Summer 2009 Published quarterly by Columbia Theological Seminary Periodicals postage paid at Decatur, GA Circulation: 13,000 Edito r Genie Hambrick Assista n t E d i tor Cinda Gillilan ’10 (MATS) Laura Neely ’11 Desig n Lucy Ke Contri b u to r s Scott Chester Ben Beasley ’10 Kim Clayton ’84/’08 (DMin) Jamison Collier ’10 Pamela Cooper White Richard DuBose Sarah Erickson ’03 2

VANTAGE Summer 2009

Rachel Ezzo Jack Haberer Louly Fowler Hay ’96 Steve Hayner Stanley Leary Melissa McNair ’10 Susan Woolf MATHABO Martha Moore-Keish Steve Montgomery ’92 (DMin) Linda Morningstar ’98 (MATS) Rodger Nishioka Kathleen O’Connor Elizabeth Orth Barbara Poe Marty Sadler William Scheu Jody Sauls George Stroup Christine Roy Yoder

On the Cove r Pamela Cooper-White Peony Flame digital photograph Used with permission of the artist. The cover image is part of an exhibition of Cooper-White’s photography on display through September 10 in the seminary’s Harrington Center. The exhibit is a visual meditation on the Feast of Pentecost, and especially the figure of living tongues of fire: “Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:3-4a) Cooper-White is the Ben G. and Nancye Clapp Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling. Before her doctoral studies and work in pastoral theology, Cooper-White was a visual artist, professional church musician, and opera singer. A book in progress, Holy Places, Healing Spaces: The Transforming and Empowering Potential of Sacred Environments, incorporates her training in visual arts with her current field.

Stephen A. Hayner Named President of Colu m bia by Jack Hab er e r Following a nationwide search for a successor to Laura S. Mendenhall, who served Columbia since 2000, the [seminary’s] board turned to its own Peachtree Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth to lead the school. His appointment is effective July 1, 2009 . . .


leading proponent of the missional church movement, Hayner overviewed that movement in an article published in The Presbyterian Outlook, August 20, 2007:

Photo by scott chester

I have heard Steve speak with pastors and educators about strengthening and renewing congregational life and mission. He will be a strong, creative advocate for our work in preparing Columbia graduates to do that, and I am excited about working with him. Kim Clayton ’84/’08 (DMin) Director of Contextual Education

Churches that are growing see the primary purpose of the church as joining God’s mission in the world, rather than focusing on what happens in their clubhouses. … In the old way of doing church, what church leaders wanted was for the institution to grow—for more people to do “church work,” for the budget to be balanced—so that they looked successful. But in this new way of being church, leadership is helping everyone to turn their faces toward the world and to join Jesus in a lifestyle of witness, reconciliation, compassion, and justice. An ordained minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for more than 36 years, Hayner has served in a wide range of roles, and accumulated a diverse education. He earned an undergraduate degree in English literature from Whitman College, a M.T.S. degree in Semitic languages and literature at Harvard University, a Th.M. from Gordon-

Those of us on the CTS faculty who have gotten to know Steve over the last six years quickly learned that it is a serious mistake to fit him into stereotypes. He’s a deeply committed Christian who values the Reformed tradition but who also recognizes that God is calling the church to new forms and new ways of doing ministry in the 21st century. None of us, including Steve, know how that is going to play out, but we all recognize it will have serious implications for the church and for theological education. What I find exciting about Steve is his willingness to look to what God is going to do in the future and not be captive to the battles Protestant churches have fought the last 50 years. I think that is also one reason Steve is such a popular teacher among younger seminary students. His appointment means CTS will continue to value its tradition but will also confidently look forward to the future God is creating.

G eorge S tro u p J. B. Green Professor of Theology

God has called a person of integrity, vision, and joy to this office.The trustees are grateful for the search committee’s expansive and diligent process that led them to discern God’s call and recommend Steve to the Board. W i ll i am E . S che u Chair of the Board of Trustees Jacksonville, FL

How happy I was to learn that Steve Hayner had been named the ninth president of our beloved seminary! I was privileged to be a part of a group from our church who consulted with him, and I am excited to see where his vibrant leadership gifts and gracious manner will take Columbia! L o u ly F owler H ay ’ 9 6 Parish Associate First Presbyterian Church Covington, GA

Thompson Scholars 2009, “Exploring the Missional Church,” led by Steve and Sharol Hayner, who is seated in the middle row, far left. VANTAGE Summer 2009


K athleen O ’ C onnor William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament

I am committed

to Christ, to Christ’s church, and to Columbia’s mission as we help students to discern and to engage in vocations

of service.

Through his remarkable and authentic humility, a deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ, and a love of Christ’s Church, Steve calls everyone to participate in building the reign of God for the glory of God. I look forward to serving on the faculty under his bridgebuilding leadership. R odger N i sh i oka Benton Family Associate Professor of Christian Education


VANTAGE Summer 2009

Conwell Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Old Testament from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He served first as “university pastor” at University Church in Seattle for 11 years. After earning the Ph.D., he served as president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational discipleship ministry with students on college campuses. In 2001 he returned to parish ministry as associate pastor in two multi-ethnic congregations in Madison, Wisc. In 2003, he joined the Columbia faculty. He serves on the boards of directors for World Vision, the International Justice Mission, Christian International Scholarship Foundation, and the Presbyterian Global Fellowship. He has been scholar-in-residence for Peachtree Church in Atlanta, where wife, Sharol, serves as associate pastor for discipleship. Hayner knows that his broad range of schools and organizational affiliations will raise some eyebrows. “I’m always leery about getting labeled. When I was appointed as president of InterVarsity, the word on the street was, ‘What has I-V done, putting a mainline Presbyterian in charge?’” he told the OUTLOOK today. Hayner does have a long track record of doing justice ministry and promoting evangelism. “That’s just because that’s what I think the kingdom of God is all about—following where Jesus has gone, and doing what Jesus is doing.” “I received good advice many years ago from Bruce Larson. ‘Be careful about what labels you give yourself. You’ll spend the rest of your life defending them.’” So, he says, “The only label I like to use for myself is, ‘follower of Jesus.’ . . . Hayner reflects, “Students have been a consistent theme throughout my life, and I look forward to serving them in new ways in yet another role. I am committed to Christ, to Christ’s church, and to Columbia’s mission as we help students to discern and to engage in vocations of service.” He adds, “I love what’s going on in this faculty. We are so united not only in our focus on preparing men and women for leadership in the church but also to be about the biggest thing— the praise of God’s glory.” He added that after the trustees announced his appointment, “the faculty spontaneously surrounded me, laid hands upon me, and prayed.” Then the staff did the same.

scott chester

As a Catholic, I have really appreciated the way Steve can reach into the Presbyterian tradition and through it to the larger world. And of course, he has a Ph.D. in Old Testament. What more does one need to be president?

I think that Steve has team taught with more faculty members than anyone else at Columbia, in both the M.Div. and the D.Min. program. He brings real joy to teaching and is ever eager to learn more, both from his colleagues and his students. His enthusiasm, openness, and collaborative spirit make him a delight to teach with.

M artha M oore - K e i sh Assistant Professor of Theology

Steve is a connected and accessible teacher. Students appreciate that he not only relates well in person but is also a sophisticated user of technology and the many ways people communicate today. J am i son C oll i er M.Div. ’10

Jack Haberer is editor of The Presbyterian Outlook. This information is excerpted from an article published in the July 13, 2009, issue of that magazine. Republished with permission. To read the complete article, go to Steve Hayner has vitally important parish, academic, and administrative experience, but what strikes me most emphatically is the way he combines a strong personal faith with a passionate concern for the role of the global church in social outreach and justice. I think he will be a magnet for a wider and more diverse student body than Columbia has ever known. S teve M ontgomery ’ 9 2 ( D M i n ) Pastor, Idlewild Presbyterian Church Memphis, TN

Kimberly Clayton ’84 Named Director of Contextual Educ ation Kimberly Clayton has been named director of contextual education, a new position in which she will oversee the seminary’s supervised ministry program as well as Faith and the City. Associate Professor Lee Carroll, who had been director of supervised ministry, retired from the seminary at the end of May. Announcing the appointment, Cam Murchison, dean of faculty and executive vice-president, said, “Kim Clayton is committed to the church and brings to this position broad pastoral experience and a passion for theological education. At Columbia we look forward to the leadership she will provide in ensuring that our students continue to have abundant opportunities to experience a variety of ministry contexts.” An ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Clayton is a graduate of Birmingham-Southern College and received the Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Columbia. She joined the seminary staff four years ago as

holly sasnett

Christine Roy Yoder is the author of Proverbs, a new commentary in the series Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries (Nashville: Abingdon). Yoder is associate professor of Old Testament language, literature, and exegesis at Columbia. This new work has brought Yoder high praise from Old Testament scholars, among them Richard Clifford of Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, and Walter Brueggemann, her former colleague at Columbia. Clifford says, “Drawing on her extensive work on Proverbs, Yoder has given us a well written, imaginative, and pastorally sensitive commentary on this difficult but rewarding book.” “The wisdom teaching of Proverbs is a great gift to ‘progressive thinkers’ who want to move beyond primitive supernaturalism and yet attend to the starchy givenness of the world governed by God,” says Brueggemann. “Yoder sees clearly how that interpretation mattered in the ancient world in order to maintain a viable social life. She knows as well how it may matter to contemporary readers to whom she offers the wondrous gift of this book.”

stanley leary

New Commentary on Proverbs by Christine Roy Yoder

continued on page 10

Pamela Cooper-White Appointed to New Ac ademic Chair

ben beasley

Pamela Cooper-White has been named the Ben G. and Nancye Clapp Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling. This new academic chair is supported by a gift from the Gautiers in memory of their daughter, Yvonne Louise Gautier, who struggled for years to find spiritual guidance as she battled the disease of schizophrenia. “We made this gift to Columbia,” says Ben Gautier, “to help prepare pastors who can minister effectively not only to those who have mental illness, but also to their family members, especially parents. Sadly, early responses to my wife’s search for pastoral guidance left her feeling that our daughter’s mental illness resulted from her mother’s lack of faith. Only toward the end of our daughter’s life did she receive the professional care necessary to treat her mental illness and to allow her to accept herself as a child of God.” Cooper-White, who joined the seminary faculty last summer, is widely regarded as one of the most influential scholars in the field of pastoral theology. She is the recipient of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors’ 2005 national award for “Distinguished Achievement in Research and Writing,” continued on page 10

VANTAGE Summer 2009


A Pilgrim age with L a ment by N an c y C . L ee ’93


or 20 years I’ ve been doing biblical, religious, and cu lt u r a l resear ch on l a ment. I have met and lived with folks in different parts of the world whose laments in poetry, liturgy, song, or simple conversation embody an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colors, cultures, languages, and spiritual traditions. I listen, learn, and try to be an encouragement. My pilgrimage with lament formally began at Columbia Seminary and went from there to Union Theological Seminary, in Richmond, VA, then to Sarajevo, to Europe’s concentration camps, to South Africa, to Chicago’s city schools, to New Orleans, to a Cherokee medicine man, and many places in-between and back again. Most of the communities I’ve been in have suffered in gravely debilitating circumstances, often because of war, political violence or oppression. Out of this come cries and songs for help to God and to all of us. Yet on my journey I have witnessed not only sufferings, but resilience, extraordinary faith, and hope, love, joy, and wisdom—all in spite of the fact that these individuals and communities often have very little materially. I have witnessed humbling, inspiring good news among these people, and I am grateful for this opportunity to pay tribute to a few of them. In 1996, before departing for my year in Croatia and Bosnia, I met a young Muslim Fulbright fellow from Tunisia. At the Fulbright orientation, we had lunch together, my first intercultural/


VANTAGE Summer 2009

interreligious conversation with someone of the Muslim faith. While it is not religiously sensitive or accurate to say I saw the “good news” in him (a Christian phrase referring to Christian truth), I sensed his devout, gentle, and genuine faith in God (Allah) that was inspiring and comforting. I was strengthened by him as I was about to embark to a land where Muslims had been persecuted and victimized with genocide. Soon after I arrived at the Evangelical Seminary in Osijek, Herzegovina, I learned

about the agonized Jeremianic lament poetry of Marija, a Christian from Mostar. We also met on a train, between Zagreb and Vukovar. Before the Bosnian war, Marija had dreams and premonitions of the disaster about to fall, and like a reluctant prophet tried to warn the residents of that picturesque ancient town. She escaped with her husband and daughter and eventually went to Vukovar to help with the reconstruction, living among what can only be described as sorrowful and ghastly ruins everywhere. In her was prophetic and sacrificial good news. With their family and house-church members, Lela and Zeljko in Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina, barely survived

years of war bombardments and hunger deprivation, postwar tensions, and poor healthcare. They survived some misguided, power-hungry American missionaries, made it through seminary with little money (risking their lives at times to get through dangerous checkpoints) to care for family and congregation, yet exhibited such love and hospitality to strangers visiting, like me. Today God is greatly blessing their ministry as they continue to build the little church in Tuzla and have embarked on new church-plantings all over Bosnia, Croatia, and also in Serbia.

This maquette, carved from a variety of woods, is the design for 11 metal sculptures by South African artist Susan Woolf MATHABO. Collectively reading UBUNTU, the sculptures will cast shadows every day between 10 and 11 a.m. throughout the year. UBUNTU represents respect and generosity towards all people—as Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, “… a sense that my humanity is bound up in your humanity.” Intended for outdoor installation in a large, open space, the completed work will be nearly six feet at its highest point and span approximately 120 feet. Woolf MATHABO lives in Johannesburg, South Africa. Describing her design, she writes, “The sculptures all lean toward the ground at a 30-degree angle. This creates a tension in the space and is significant semantically across many cultures. We lean towards each other in friendship. We lean over backwards to accommodate one another.” For more information about the artist and her work, and about UBUNTU, go to

In Western thought we could say that

good ews!

Susan Woolf MATHABO Witness: Shadow of UBUNTU Wood carving (design for metal sculpture) Used with permission of the artist.

we are a family; we depend on A Cherokee medicine man, who is Christian, has lifted

each other; we need one another;

a veil with regard to my cultural we must appreciate understanding and experience of each other . . . nature/creation, restoring me to the huge spiritual world of nature We depend on each that seeks to embrace us all. One other no matter who will “never walk on the earth the the other is. same way again,” as he suggested after sharing a portion of his spiritual wisdom. In him is good news for us languishing in destructive American cultural habits, and poignantly, the forgiving Native American grace that still longs to share a saving understanding of being and living respectfully in harmony with nature. For several years, I have been co-leader for groups of U.S. college students participating in a service-learning program in South Africa. In the shantytown of Langa, in Cape Town, my student and I arrived early one rainy morning at the Chris Hani School only to find the school strangely quiet and empty. From a couple of remaining teachers, we learned that all the school’s children and the teachers and staff were at the community center, where they were gathering for the funeral of Sikelela, a third-grader (one of precious millions) who had died of AIDS. As the rain turned unpaved streets to mud, we walked to the center and found the students lining up for the processional. Having done this so many times before, the children slowly started walking down the township street, in procession, behind the hearse, a station wagon, bearing Sikelela’s body. They began singing a slow, mournful song as they walked. My student and I followed in silence, as they wound through pathways between shacks arriving at one with a makeshift courtyard nestled among all the

others. The neighborhood adults and the ministers who conducted the funeral joined the children who stood shoulder to shoulder in their school uniforms. I could barely hold myself together: the strength of the people, and the children, was beyond words. What was the good news in this? Was it conveyed in the ministers’ words? Was it in the people gathered to practice a faith that believes in a life eternal? Was it in the little girl whose premature death reminded a community of the values they hold dear and the gift of her life and each of our lives? Was it in each of the children, who hold the promise of a better future, as they expressed strength and devotion for their lost friend? Was it in God’s large embrace holding every one of these people together— again and again and again at these funerals? I don’t know. I believe that all these encounters, seeing the good news in others on my pilgrimage of lament, are examples of ubuntu, the South African worldview I learned about from my South

African colleague, Oliver Lawrence. An anti-apartheid activist from Cape Town, Dr. Lawrence explains the meaning of the term in Ubuntu: Truth and Reconciliation Training, 2004-2009 : Ubuntu is a South African term that Archbishop Desmond Tutu (who spoke at Columbia’s commencement in 19xx) suggests is very difficult to define for Westerners. Some would describe it with the sentiment that I am who continued on page 14

VANTAGE Summer 2009


Capital Campaign Builds a New Residence Hall

C apital

$13.2 million

$12.7 million

Yet to be designated

$17.8 million Operating

$7.3 million Total as of June 3 0 , 2 0 0 9 $51 million C a mpa i g n Goa l $60 million


hen 55 students arrived on campus in early July to begin summer Greek School, Columbia’s new $9.6 million residence

hall was ready for its first occupants. Built with generous gifts to the seminary’s capital campaign, this remarkable building blends gracefully into Columbia’s wooded campus and its classic gothic buildings of red brick. Yet this structure is distinctly different from every other one on campus. It was designed and built as a “green” building, and is expected to be one of the first in Decatur, GA, to earn LEED certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high-performance green buildings. Designed by the award-winning architectural firm Lord, Aeck & Sargent, the residence hall is expected to use approximately 50 percent less energy than a conventionally constructed facility. The building is sited to minimize east and west exposures to reduce unwanted glare and heat gain, and many nearby trees were preserved to provide natural sun shading. Large windows take advantage of natural light, with sunscreens reducing direct solar gain where appropriate. Lighting includes motion sensor switching, energy efficient lamps, and generous amounts of natural light.

Formation | Transformation

Endow ment

Other design strategies include an exterior building envelope with above-average insulation values, energy-efficient windows, and a geothermal mechanical system that will provide low operating costs and a long lifecycle. Water efficiencies include rainwater collection for landscape irrigation, and water saving plumbing fixtures. Recycled and regional construction materials were used, and indoor air quality protected through the use of low VOC adhesives and coatings. Even construction waste was recycled or reused to the greatest extent possible. The residence hall includes studio and one-, two- and four-bedroom apartment units; a recreation/ workout area accessible to students, staff and faculty; a community kitchen with indoor and outdoor seating and fireplaces; a laundry area for residents, and mechanical and facilities support spaces. The building’s layout efficiently locates residential units on both sides of a central organizing spine on three residential floors. Major common spaces are located

VANTAGE Summer 2009


on the level below the main entry level, which overlooks recreation fields.

In the mechanical room, Russell Rourk (foreground), junior engineer, and David McArthur, facilities manager.

During and after construction of this building, our most important value has been environmental stewardship. We used regional and recycled building materials as much as possible and diverted construction waste from landfills. The geothermal HVAC and electric systems, monitored by an energy display panel (below), are designed to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. Jim Philips Chair, Residence Hall Shepherding Committee

Thanks to MDiv students Kate Buckley, Trip Porch, and Kristin Stroble who opened their rooms for photography. These images and others by Stanley Leary will be included in a virtual tour available soon at Leary’s wife is Dorie Griggs ’02. He began the photo shoot in the exercise room, commenting, “This is great! Dorie would have loved using this when she was a student here.”

At Columbia Theological Seminary, we are growing in our commitment to the theology and practice of creation care. Sustainable building has been a primary goal for the design of this residence hall as we seek to be good stewards of God’s creations. So, as we transform our campus living spaces, we share the witness of stewardship with others. J . M ar t i n S adler Vice President for Business and Finance

Rain chains, instead of gutters, allow water to drain into a collecting tank for use in irrigation.

VANTAGE Summer 2009


Conference on Ministry for Prospective students Register now for

N ov em b e r 6–8, 2009 ConferenceMinistry.aspx 1.877.548.2817 404.687.4517 (Atlanta area) There is no charge for the conference, lodging, or meals.Your $20 registration deposit is refunded when you arrive on campus.

C o ope r- White continued from page 5 she is the author of Many Voices: Pastoral Psychotherapy and Theology in Relational Perspective (2006), Shared Wisdom: Use of the Self in Pastoral Care and Counseling (2004), and The Cry of Tamar: Violence Against Women and the Church’s Response (1995) which won the 1995 Top Ten Books award from the Academy of Parish Clergy. An Episcopal priest and pastoral psychotherapist, Cooper-White is certified as a clinical Fellow in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, and currently serves as publications editor of the Journal of Pastoral Theology.


VANTAGE Summer 2009

clayton continued from page 5 director of Lifelong Learning events, coming from Asheville, NC, where she was pastor/head of staff for Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church. Previously she served as associate pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, and Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Hopewell, NJ. In service to the larger church, Clayton has taught in the Commissioned Lay Pastors training program and chaired the Personnel Committee for the Presbytery of Western North Carolina. She has also served on Columbia’s Board of Trustees and Alumni/ae Council, on the Board of Church Relations for Warren Wilson College, and on the Board of Church Visitors for Maryville College. A retreat speaker and leader and the featured preacher for numerous conferences and events, Clayton has edited and written several denominational publications including Members Together: A Guide for New Members; Peacemaking in Nehemiah; and Older Adult Ministry: A Guide for Sessions and Congregations. She has also been a contributor to the Journal for Preachers and to several volumes of Feasting on the Word. New I ssue of Online Journal Availa ble Now! In the midst of economic turmoil, what might the church think, say, do? At the same time, into what kind of lives are we called, and even commanded? Perhaps now we are all Keynesians—but isn’t it more important now to figure out how we are to be Christians?

Mammon in the Maelstrom

alumni/ae 1950s Chilton Thorington ’56 has moved to Presbyterian Village in Austell, GA. 1960s Joe Pack Arnold ’66 has retired as pastoral counselor at Pine Grove Counseling Center, Hattiesburg, MS….Lewis Trotter ’66 has retired as pastor of First church, Granite City, IL….Michael Williams ’69 has retired after many years of service to the Presbytery of St. Augustine. 1970s L. Wayne Meredith ’71 retired as pastor of Northminster church, Madison Heights, VA. 1980s Bowling Yates ’80 has retired as pastor of Ruby and White Oak Churches in Ruby, SC….Mark Jumper ’82 received the PhD from Salve Regina University of Newport, RI, following defense of his dissertation, “Jus Post Bellum [Justice After War]: Contours of Construction.” He is senior pastor of Hope Evangelical church in Grayslake, IL and moderator of the EPC’s Presbytery of Mid-America….Ray Jones ’84 has been named coordinator of evangelism for the Evangelism and Church Growth ministry area in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He will oversee the new offices of Personal and Congregational Evangelism, as well as the newly formed Youth and Collegiate ministries office. He will also provide leadership for camps and conferences and for the Asian-American leadership office….Joey Byrd ’87 has been selected to serve as the 1st Armored Division Deputy Division Chaplain in Wiesbaden, Germany. He has served on active duty since 2002….Lynn Stall ’87 (DMIN) is the new pastor at Rumple Memorial Church in Blowing Rock, NC….David Jones ’88 retired as pastor of Harpeth Church, Brentwood, TN. 1990s Jack Daniels ’90 was awarded the Doctor of Theology degree in New Testament from the University of South Africa. His dissertation identifies traditions in the Fourth Gospel describing gossip about Jesus and seeing how the gossip is operative along with other social-cultural processes in constituting Jesus as a social personage. Jack is a visiting instructor in religion at Flagler College and works full-time in the college’s library….James Roberts ’90 (DMIN) is associate pastor for congregational care at First church, Charleston, WV….Totok Wiryasaputra ’90 (THM) is director of the Center of Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The center belongs to HKBP Nommensen University, one of the oldest Christian universities in Indonesia….Kelly Allen ’92 has returned from England where she was pastor of St. Andrew’s United Reformed Church and

F or t h e

[r e c o r d ]

completed a masters degree in politics and religion at the University of Birmingham, England. She is the new pastor at University church, San Antonio, TX…. Ann Pitman ’93 is interim pastor at First church of St. Louis, University City, MO….Eleana Garrett ’95 is a trustee for Presbyterian Homes of Georgia….Tom Blair ’95 (DMIN) is pastor of Second church of Baltimore, MD….Larry McQueen ’95 (THM) is pursuing a PhD in Pentecostal Theology at Bangor University, Wales….Will Jones ’96 has accepted a position to teach religion in the philosophy department at the University of Mississippi….Laurie Valentine ’96 is the minister of Outreach and Education at Starmount church in Greensboro, NC….Todd Green ’98 is teaching in the department of religion at Luther College, Decorah, IA….Ron Watson ’99 (DMIN) was installed as senior pastor of Trinity church in Palm Coast, FL, April 24, 2009. 2000s Jonathan Carroll ’00 has the DMIN degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary….David Kwon ’01 and wife, Hyojin, announce the birth of their second son, Elijah Oheon Kwon, born March 16, 2009….David Dault ’02 successfully defended his dissertation, “The Covert Magisterium: Theology, Textuality and the Question of Scripture.” During the spring he presented papers at conferences in Indiana, North Carolina, and Manhattan. In March he was invited to the University of Virginia to present a series of lectures on scripture. He graduated in May from Vanderbilt University with a doctorate in theological studies. He and his wife live in Nashville, where she works as a hospital chaplain and he is a professor and chair of the department of Bible and Theology at American Baptist College….Jody Moore ’03 is interim pastor of Westminster church in Raleigh, NC…. Louis Imsande ’04 is pastor at First church, Johnson City, TN…. Leah Hrachovec ’05 is engaged to Nathaniel Houston Cooper of Stillwater, OK. They will be married October 3, 2009…. Kim Warwick McCoy ’05 is campus pastor at the University of Cincinnati working through the Presbytery of Cincinnati…. Jessica Derise Zolondek ’05 is an arts and humanities instructor at Fort Berthold Community College (tribal college of the Mandan/ Hidatsa/Arikara Nation) in New Town, ND…Devon Ducheneau ’06 is pastor at Westminster and South Park churches, Charleston, WV….April Love-Fordham ’06 has been called as pastor at Oak Mountain church, Carrollton, GA….Andrew Chaney ’07 (DMIN) is the new senior minister at Kenilworth Union church, Kenilworth, IL….Daniel Schrock ’07 (DMIN) is the author of The Dark Night: A Gift of God, published by Herald Press…. Caroline Dennis ’08 and husband Phillip Dennis ’02 have moved to Indianapolis, IN, where Caroline is associate pastor for children and families at Second church….Jim Goff ’08 recently accepted a call as solo pastor at Williamsburg church, Williamsburg, OH…. Larry Gamble ’08 has accepted a call to be pastor at Marlinton church, Marlinton, WV. He was ordained and installed May 24, 2009….Karen Jackson ’08 is the new associate pastor at Covenant VANTAGE Summer 2009


Church, Columbus, OH….Rob Jackson ’08 is the new pastor at New California church, Marysville, OH….Johanna Lee ’08 was ordained March 22, 2009, at North Avenue church, and is serving as a chaplain at Emory University Hospital….Catherine Neelly ’08 was ordained April 26, 2009, at Central church, Atlanta.

in memoria m F R EDERIC K WID ME R ’44 May 5, 2009 TYLE R C . BAILEY ’52 January 7, 2009 J A MES M OSS ’55 February 27, 2009 HAR RISON MO R GAN ’68 April 1, 2009 WILLIA M McKINNEY ’86 May 26, 2009 ROBERT WILSON ’85 ( DMIN) January 8, 2009 ARTHU R CROSSWELL ’94 ( THD ) February 6, 2009 DOROTHY KI RK ’01 ( DMIN ) January 9, 2009

f a c u l t y / s t a ff David Bartlett, professor of New Testament, preached at All Saints Episcopal Church and Morningside church, Atlanta, and Oakhurst Baptist Church, Decatur; led a Bible study series at Trinity and Decatur churches; taught a six-week Bible study for Village church, Kansas City, via closed-circuit TV…. Randy Calvo ’81, director of alumni/ae and church relations, preached at First church, Covington, GA….Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi, professor of world Christianity, published “Gospel, Border, Mestizaje, and Testimony: Notes for a Historical-Missional Hispanic/Latino Matrix,” a chapter in Los Evangélicos: Portraits of Latino Protestantism in the United States, Lindy Scott & Juan Martinez, eds. (Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2009); gave public and class lectures at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University; lectured at the Lilly Conference on Globalization and Diversity, Presbyterian College; spoke at First church, Tuscaloosa, AL….Pamela Cooper-White, Ben G. and Nancye Clapp Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling, published “From Empathy to Justice: Loving the Other(s) Within and Without,” in Reflective Practice, Vol. 29 (2009), and “Forgiveness: Grace, not Work,” in Journal for Preachers; was featured speaker for CareNet Pastoral Care and Counseling conference, Raleigh, NC; was a featured lecturer at Yale Divinity School….Kathy Dawson ’94, associate professor of Christian education, published children and youth materials for One Great Hour of Sharing; led a workshop at Savannah Presbytery on vacation Bible school and children’s ministry; was curriculum writer and teacher for John Calvin’s 500th birthday celebration for children at Oakhurst church, Decatur, GA; led Bible study at the Montreat associate pastor’s conference; met with PC(USA) Educator Certification Council in Louisville….Sarah F. Erickson ’03, director of lifelong learning, co-led two confirmation retreats for North Decatur church with Libba Fairleigh ’74, and served as liturgist on Palm Sunday at North Decatur church; completed work


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on The Present Word curriculum for summer 2010, written with Jill Tolbert ’07 and to be published by Congregational Ministries Publishing of the PC(USA)….Anna Carter Florence, Peter Marshall Associate Professor of Homiletics, gave the keynote address at the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center Association, Lake Tahoe, NV; taught a group of Methodist I.C.E. pastors in Alabama; led a weekend retreat for the women of Riverside church, Jacksonville, FL; served as adult leader for the youth group of Central church, Atlanta, GA, for its trip to the inauguration of President Obama….Genie Hambrick, director of communications, was co-leader for a workshop on church newsletters during the meeting for the Presbyterian Communicators Network at Big Tent….Steve Hayner, Peachtree Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth, preached for the mission conference at First church, Thomasville, GA; was “Technology and the Missional Church” seminar leader at the Presbyterian Global Fellowship conference, Atlanta, GA; gave the McPherson lectures at First church, Durham, NC; preached at Kairos Church, Atlanta; was mission conference speaker for First church, Murfreesboro, TN; attended the board meeting for World Vision International, Nairobi, Kenya; attended the International Justice Mission board meeting, Washington D.C.; was the conference speaker at Clairmont church, Atlanta….Kimberly Bracken Long, assistant professor of worship and coordinator of worship resources for congregations, preached at the ordination of Heather Wood ’08, First church, Hickory, NC; participated in the Valparaiso Project consultation on practical theology at Vanderbilt University; led worship and presented a workshop for the Society for the Advancement of Continuing Education in Ministry which met on the Columbia campus; preached for the Listening is Performing, Performing is Listening conference at Yale Divinity School; preached at Eastminster church, Stone Mountain, GA; led worship for Colloquium 2009; participated in the ordination of Catherine Neelly ’08, Central church, Atlanta….Sheena M. Mayrant ’07, business systems coordinator, gave a presentation for Haruko Ward’s Introduction to Church History class; was keynote speaker at Presbyterian Women of Holston Presbytery’s spring gathering at Colonial Heights church, Kingsport, TN; presented a paper at the annual conference for The National Council for Black Studies…. Martha Moore-Keish, assistant professor of theology, published “Pentecost in India: What Does the Birthday of the Church Mean for Churchless Christians?” in Journal for Preachers, Pentecost 2009; was a participant leader for the Re-Forming Ministry conference in Durham, NC; preached the installation sermon for her husband, Chris Moore-Keish, at First church, Atlanta; participated in an interfaith panel discussion on liturgical practices for the National Council of Jewish Women’s annual luncheon, The Temple, Atlanta; was a presenter at Colloquium 2009; presented a paper as part of a panel with professors Kathy Dawson and Haruko Ward, in Geneva at the Calvin and His Influence conference; gave Sunday school presentations at Trinity church and First church, Atlanta…. Michael Morgan, seminary musician, gave organ recitals at Trinity

United Methodist Church, Colloquium 2009, and First church, Kerrville, TX; lectured for the “Women Translators of the English Bible,” Women in Theology group, Atlanta; gave three lectures at Union University, Jackson, TN….Linda Morningstar ’98 (MATS), associate director of lifelong learning, served as worship leader for the spring retreat for the women of Northminster church, Roswell, GA; completed a two-year term as spiritual growth moderator for Northminster church’s Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating Team….David Musil, food service director, received an honorable mention certificate of excellence from the ARAMARK Outstanding Volunteer Awards (in partnership with the Jefferson Awards for Public Service) for work with Atlanta’s Project Open Hands, which provides meals for the elderly, shut-ins, and disadvantaged families….Rodger Nishioka, Benton Family Associate Professor of Christian Education, preached at the Faith in 3-D conference for middle school and high school youth at Disney World, Orlando; preached at Druid Hills church, Atlanta; was keynote speaker for the Northeast Georgia Presbytery leader event; preached at the Central Florida Presbytery meeting, Orlando; preached at First church, LaGrange, GA; preached and delivered a keynote to the Missouri River Valley Presbytery meeting, Omaha, NE; preached at the Presbyterian Church of the Master, Omaha, NE; was keynote speaker at the national youth leader event for the Christian Church Disciples of Christ, Jacksonville, FL; was keynote speaker for a Re-tooling Ministry pastor’s conference for Palisades, Elizabeth, and Newark presbyteries, Newark, NJ; preached at the bicentennial celebration for First church, Pittsford, NY; lectured at the Emerging Adulthood conference at Princeton Theological Seminary; preached at the Nu’uanu Congregational Church, Honolulu, HI….Jeffery Tribble, assistant professor of ministry, presented a course syllabi for the Church and Society group at the Theological Education for Abundant Life conference at Vanderbilt Divinity School; attended the spring board meeting of the United Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, TN; attended the Association of Theological Schools Consultation to Enhance Ethnic Diversity, Pittsburgh, PA; convened the cluster meeting of the A. M.E. Zion Augusta District Conference meeting, Girard, GA; participated in the steering committee meeting of the A.M.E. Zion South Atlantic District Faith and Order Conference, Rock Hill, SC….Rhonda Payne Weary ’04 (MATS), staff associate for contextual education, served as the 2009 Minister of Arts for Spelman College Sisters Chapel Wisdom Center; wrote and directed “Losing Hope, Finding Faith,” a drama performed by students of Spelman College, Morehouse College, and Clark Atlanta University on Resurrection Sunday morning; receive a Women’s Ministerial Leadership award from Spelman College…. Christine Roy Yoder, associate professor of Old Testament, published Proverbs (Abingdon Old Testament Commentary Series; Abingdon, 2009), “Psalm 103” in Psalms for Preaching and Worship: A Lectionary Commentary, ed. Roger E. Van Horn and Brent Strawn (Eerdmans, 2009), and “Psalm 30, Exegetical Perspective” in Feasting on The Word, Year B, Volume 3, ed. David Bartlett and

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Barbara Brown Taylor (Westminster John Knox, 2009); gave a paper at a conference on Theology and Desire hosted by the Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo, Norway; taught a six-week course on Proverbs at Central church, Atlanta; gave the Barbara Noojin Walthall Lectures at Independent church, Birmingham, TN.

students Toby Mueller ’10 (DMIN) is serving as interim pastor, Overlook church, Mobile, AL….Michael Brent Norris ’12 (DMIN) is serving as rector, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Asheville, NC ….Cecil Owens ’11 (DMIN) is the author of Presbyterians in Covenant with Children Study Guide, 2008, Child Advocacy Office, PC(USA)….Kay Pendleton ’12 (DMIN) is serving as advisor to Black Women In Ministerial Leadership, Interdenominational Theological Center; led a contingent to Port Harcourt, Nigeria, for missions and preaching, and launched a broadcast, Taking it to the Street!....David Rogers ’09 preached at Henry Memorial church, Dublin, GA, and at the Atlanta Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (English-speaking service)….Rebecca Shillingburg ’10 preached at Church of the Savior (UCC), Roswell, GA, taught a session on Wiki’s for faculty and staff, and is serving a summer internship with Jason Whitener ’07 (DMIN) at Tinkling Spring church, Fishersville, VA.

transitions Congratulations Sarah Erickson ’03, formerly associate director of lifelong learning, has been named director of lifelong learning. She is also a student in the DEdMin program.

Mike Medford, formerly administrative assistant for Advanced Studies, has been named registrar, succeeding Linda Sabo who retired at the end of May. Medford received the M.A. in religion and science from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. With his wife and children, he is an active member of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, in Atlanta. More Transitions on page 14

Let us know whe r e yo u are ! Please send your e-mail and USPS address updates to 404-687-4566 VANTAGE Summer 2009


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[r e c o r d ] We l c o m e Matthew Flemming has joined the faculty as an instructor in homiletics. He is a Ph.D. candidate at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. Flemming is a graduate of Calvin College and received the Master of Divinity and Master of Theology degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is under the care of Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta. Ashley DeVore Pieper ’07 has been named staff associate in the Office of Admissions, succeeding Jewel Kirkus, who retired at the end of June.

Godspeed Dent Davis (DMin ’89), dean and vice president for lifelong learning since December 2003, is leaving to become pastor of Tryon (NC) Presbyterian Church. He served congregations in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia before coming to Columbia as director of continuing education in 2002. He has overseen the efforts to mold several of Columbia’s non-degree programs into a comprehensive lifelong learning program, and he has taught courses in the DMin and MDiv programs. Marvin Simmers will serve as interim director of advanced professional studies. He has worked in the Christian education offices of the Presbyterian Church, both in Atlanta and Louisville, and, more recently, has taught in the MDiv program. The seminary said goodbye at the end of May to full-time employees whose positions were eliminated because of budget cuts: (Top to bottom) Carol Boe, communications specialist; Karen Hawkins, seminary receptionist; and Cheryl Vaughan ’04, associate dean of students. Carol is print media director at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Decatur. Karen and her family will remain in the area while her husband, David ’09, completes a summer CPE residency at Grady Hospital. Cheryl continues to serve as pastor of Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Jackson, GA.

NOTE Tributes to President Laura Mendenhall and retiring faculty and staff members will be published in the Annual Report issue of Vantage. Those retiring from seminary service are Lee Carroll, Golden Griffieth, Jewel Kirkus, Charles Raynal, and Linda Sabo. 14

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A P i lg r i m a g e w i t h L a m en t continued from page 7 I am because you are who you are. In another sense, I am who I am because you let me be who I am, and you are who you are, because I let you be who you are . . . . . . In Western thought we could say that we are a family; we depend on each other; we need one another; we must appreciate each other. If the cobbler did not cobble I would be without shoes; if the bricklayer did not lay bricks I would be without shelter; if the farmer did not farm I would be without food. We depend on each other no matter who the other is. The major difference between a Western and an African understanding is that Africans will value and appreciate the homeless person for being a person and thereby help us to be persons too; a Western mind may not be as appreciative of persons who do not produce direct services of value; an African mind can appreciate human value without being provided direct proof of human value. In Africa every older person is my mother, my father, my uncle or my aunt. My peers are my brothers, sisters, and cousins. And all children are my children. This is a direct result of Ubuntu in action. In a sense Ubuntu is like a religion even though it is a philosophy of living. It can be compared to the Christian view of grace of God, provided liberally, not earned but freely given. So what do I know about Good News? I know that in

my pilgrimage to learn about lament the Good News is so much more than I had known before. In the incarnation, Jesus spent years conveying his teachings and embodiment of God’s grace that comprise the Good News. So now I believe that no one of us, no denomination, ever has the knowledge or the experience of the Good News completely in our grasp, and we never have. That would be idolatry and a limitation of God’s freedom with all people and creation. For me, a Christian, experiencing the Good News in another person is encountering a “child of God,” who may witness to God in sublime ways, who glows with a spiritual presence from beyond, who understands what it means to try to be a selfless servant of God, compassionate and just. This is what I know. Nancy C. Lee (’93) is completing a book with a companion Web page, Lyrics of Lament: From Tragedy to Transformation (forthcoming Fortress Press, 2009), a study of lament in sacred texts, poetry, song, and liturgies from the Abrahamic traditions and across cultures. She earned the Th.M. from Columbia with Walter Brueggemann; the Ph.D. in biblical studies from Union-PSCE where William P. Brown was her advisor, and she has worked with Kathleen O’Connor in the Lament group of the Society for Biblical Literature. She is professor of Hebrew Bible and religious studies at Elmhurst College (UCC) in Chicago and was founding director of the Niebuhr Center there and the center’s Callings for the Common Good, a Lilly program.

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For more information and to register for events listed below, go to > Lifelong Learning > Courses and Events, and scroll to the dates of the events you wish to attend. Or contact the Center for Lifelong Learning at 404-687-4587. Unless otherwise noted, all events take place on the seminary campus. Meals and lodging may be extra. Courses that are listed as part of a certificate program are open to occasional students.

events Strengthen your practice of ministry with an S3 group learning project. Participants receive $500 each to fund their group’s self-directed work. For details and application materials go to Bro_App_July7_2009.pdf or contact Sarah Erickson at Applications are due September 28.

August 9–14 Teaching Spiritual Formation in the Congregation Jane Vennard. Certificate in Spiritual Formation. $370. August 21–22 Know Where to Turn When Youth Turn to You Skip Johnson, Neema Cyrus Franklin, Sarah Erickson. Certificate in Youth Ministry Leadership. $165. August 29 The Earth, New Creation, and the Church’s Witness Stan Saunders, Bill Brown, Mark Douglas; Alan Jenkins; GSU professor Dabney White Dixon; ECM president Alan Jenkins. $36. August 29 Theological Reflection (Spanish—Immigrant Lay Leader Training) $50 residents in tri-presbytery (Greater Atlanta, Cherokee, Northeast Georgia); $100 residents outside tri-presbytery; $75 each additional person from same presbytery, outside tri-presbytery. September 17–20 Worship and Spirituality Martha Moore-Keish, Kimberly Bracken Long. Certificate in Spiritual Formation. $265. September 22–24 Rural Ministry Today: Retooling the Toolbox Betty Grit, Rodger Nishioka, others. $165.

F o l low Colu mbia on Twitte r! W e’re

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September 26 Presbyterian History & Polity (Spanish—Immigrant Lay Leader Training) Marissa Galvan. $50 residents in tri-presbytery (Greater Atlanta, Cherokee, Northeast Georgia); $100 residents outside tri-presbytery; $75 each additional person from same presbytery, outside tri-presbytery. October 1–4 Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life CTS Faculty. Certificate in Spiritual Formation, Immersion Experience. $315. October 9–11 Youth Ministry Leadership Beginning Retreat Rodger Nishioka, Neema Cyrus-Franklin. Certificate in Youth Ministry Leadership. $165. October 22–25 Mysticism and Christian Spirituality John Kloepfer. At Montreat Conference Center. Certificate in Spiritual Formation. $378. October 31 Old Testament Survey & Interpretation (Spanish—Immigrant Lay Leader Training) [Instructor TBA] $50 residents in tri-presbytery (Greater Atlanta, Cherokee, Northeast Georgia); $100 residents outside tri-presbytery; $75 each additional person from same presbytery, outside tri-presbytery. November 1–6 Introduction to Spiritual Direction Joan Gray. Certificate in Spiritual Formation. $370. November 15–20 Interfaith Spirituality Ben Johnson. Certificate in Spiritual Formation. $350 November 28 Homiletics (Spanish—Immigrant Lay Leader Training) Jorge Restrepo. $50 residents in tri-presbytery (Greater Atlanta, Cherokee, Northeast Georgia); $100 residents outside tri-presbytery; $75 each additional person from same presbytery, outside tri-presbytery.

VANTAGE Summer 2009


C o n f e s s i o n s o f a R e l u c ta n t P r e a c h e r M e l i s s a McNa i r ’ 1 0


hen I enrolled in the Introduction to Preaching and Worship course my second semester at Columbia, I was afraid of pulpits, terrified. I had no idea how I would go about writing—much less preaching—a sermon. But this is a basic, required course, as my faculty advisor reminded me: I had to take it, and so I did. Over the course of that semester, I dragged my feet, I cried in my professor’s office, and I struggled with a shift in my identity. I was a student, not a preacher. I could crank out an essay or study to make a good grade on a test, but this was an entirely different ball game. Preaching took me out of the comfort of my desk and the security of a classroom, and pushed me into the terrifying, sacred space of a pulpit, where I stood, in humility, before a congregation and before God. At some point, as I struggled through that course I dreaded so much, I began to realize that my real struggle was never about

preaching. My struggle then and even now is about acknowledging God’s call in my life and having the courage to follow. Columbia has given me abundant opportunities to learn to do this. Since I took that course, I have assisted in funerals, led kindergarteners for vacation Bible school, blessed softball games, and attended my first-ever Montreat youth conference. I have visited church members in their homes, in hospitals and assisted living facilities. I have taught a mid-week Bible study and attended countless meetings. And, yes, I have led worship and preached. I love it! Your gift to the Columbia Annual Fund supports seminarians who, like me, are responding to God’s call, developing the courage to follow, and who are being transformed into leaders for Christ’s church. For all my classmates, I thank you and ask that you continue your support by sending a gift today.

VA N TA G E P.O. Box 520

Decatur, GA 30031 404-378-8821

Contents President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 good n e w s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–7 Columbia’s new president. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Proverbs by Christine Roy Yoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Kim Clayton named director of contextual education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pamela Cooper-White appointed to new academic chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A Pilgrimage with Lament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Capital Campaign Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 For the Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Lifelong Learning Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

summ e r 2009

Periodicals Postage Paid at Decatur, GA Publication No. 124160

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