ASIAN STUDIES New & Noteworthy Titles 2014
JAPANESE LITERATURE Forthcoming September
Japanese Literature......................................... 2 Japanese Tradition & Culture......................... 7 Japanese History & Politics.......................... 10 Chinese Literature.........................................13 Chinese History & Politics........................... 19 Chinese Religion & Philosophy.....................31 Himalayas & Tibet........................................ 34 East Asian Tradition & Culture..................... 37 Asian Cinema................................................ 41 South/Southast Asian History & Politics....46 Indian Tradition & Culture...........................48 Korean Literature, Politics & Culture............51 Asian American Studies............................... 54 Pan-Asian Studies......................................... 56 Buddhism.................................................... 60 Asian Languages........................................... 65 Order Form...................................................66 Manuscript queries and proposals can be sent to the Asian Studies editor, Jennifer Crewe at jc373@ For a complete listing of Columbia’s titles or for more information about any book in this catalog, visit our web site: Most titles in this catalog pulished by Columbia University Press are available worldwide from the Press. If no UK price appears, it is most likely from Columbia only in the United States, its possessions, and Canada
The Columbia Anthology of Japanese Essays Zuihitsu from the Tenth to the TwentyFirst Century Edited and translated by Steven D. Carter This anthology presents a representative selection of more than one hundred zuihitsu from a range of historical periods written by close to fifty authors—from well-known figures, such as Matsuo Bashō, Natsume Sōseki, and Kōda Aya, to such writers as Tachibana Nankei and Dekune Tatsurō, whose names appear here for the first time in English. Writers speak on the experience of coming down with a cold, the aesthetics of tea, the physiology and psychology of laughter, the demands of old age, standards of morality, childrearing, the Great Kantō Earthquake of 1923, sleeplessness, undergoing surgery, and training a parrot to say “thank you.” Varying in length from paragraphs to pages, these works also provide moving descriptions of snowy landscapes, foggy London, Ueno Park’s famous cherry blossoms, and the appeal of rainy vistas, and relate the joys and troubles of everyone from desperate samurai to filial children and ailing cats. $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-16771-0 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-16770-3 September 2014 512 pages
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The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Drama
Light and Dark
Edited by J. Thomas Rimer, Mitsuya Mori,
Natsume Sōseki
A Novel
and M. Cody Poulton
“Unusual, in several respects, Light and Dark
“Affords rich and detailed insights into the
is nevertheless an accomplished work of art
development of modern drama and provides
and a fascinating example of Japanese fiction
an intimate sense of how theater contrib-
of its time.” — Complete Review
utes to Japan’s modern history, culture and
“Sōseki’s Light and Dark is one of the most
self-identity. Thoroughly researched and
gripping novels in modern Japanese litera-
beautifully presented, it will be an essential
ture. It represents a historical turning point
companion to the study of theater in Japan
in the development of Japanese fiction. John
in the last century.” — Peter Eckersall, City
Nathan, a distinguished translator, has pro-
University of New York
duced a masterful rendition that captures the
“This anthology provides an excellent rep-
subtle nuances of the original.”
resentative sampling of modern Japanese
— Haruo Shirane, Columbia University,
drama and makes a substantial contribution
author of Japan and the Culture of the Four
not only to Japanese literature in translation,
but also to the body of Japanese scripts avail-
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16142-8
able in English for western theatre artists.”
2013 464 pages / 188 illus.
— Kevin J. Wetmore Jr., Loyola Marymount
Weatherhead Books on Asia
University $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-12830-8 2014 736 pages / 26 illus.
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Wondrous Brutal Fictions
Kiku’s Prayer
Eight Buddhist Tales from the Early Japanese Puppet Theater
A Novel
Translated with an Introduction by R. Keller
Translated by Van C. Gessel
Endō Shūsaku;
“Deftly plotted and well researched, the novel
”R. Keller Kimbrough offers us a key missing
is tinged with affection for Nagasaki.”
link between medieval Japanese popular
— The Japan Times
culture before 1600 and the early modern era.
“A wonderful, poignant and beautiful work of
Buddhist tales were the core of the itinerant storytelling tradition, which joined with puppet troupes to perform in newly-established urban theaters in the early 17th century. The eight works he translates were the bedrock upon which Jôruri (Bunraku) developed. The
historical fiction – highly recommended!” — Historical Novels Review $29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-16282-1 2012 328 pages / 16 illus. Weatherhead Books on Asia
archetypes in these tales reverberated in later theater. Kimbrough’s previous work on medieval popular Buddhist culture prepared him effectively to analyze how the stories were transmitted and transformed into the new urban theater context, and to present us with accurate and enjoyable translations.” — C. Andrew Gerstle, SOAS, University of London $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-14658-6 2013 288 pages / 53 illus.
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The Tale of Genji
Traditional Japanese Literature
Translation, Canonization, and World Literature
An Anthology, Beginnings to 1600,
Michael Emmerich
Edited by Haruo Shirane
“A stunning tour de force, The Tale of Genji reveals the manner in which the work was ‘replaced’ by various texts and how it was made from the late-nineteenth century into a world classic both in and outside of Japan. Throughout, Michael Emmerich engages with translation studies, reception theory, and current notions of world literature, writing in a transnational, trans-lingual context. This book makes us profoundly aware of the transformation of the material Tale of Genji and reading practices in Japan from the late, early-modern through the postwar period, thus bridging the gap between early-modern and modern literary studies as well as that between Japanese literary studies and contemporary translation studies.”
Abridged Edition
“An invaluable compilation of and guide to pre-modern Japanese literature.” — Times Literary Supplement “The field has been waiting for a comprehensive anthology like this. It provides not only a representative but a generous sampling of the best of Japanese prose and poetry.” —Sonja Arntzen, University of Toronto $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-15731-5 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15730-8 2012 600 pages/ 8 illus. Transalations From the Asian Classics
— Haruo Shirane, Columbia University, author of Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-16272-2 2013 512 pages / 129 illus.
for more information , visit :
Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons
Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature
Nature, Literature, and the Arts
Abridged Edition
Haruo Shirane
Edited by J. Thomas Rimer and Van C. Gessel
Choice Outstanding Academic Title
Praise for the Columbia Anthology of Modern
“A comprehensive view of the subject, replete with fascinating detail, and full scholarly apparatus.” — Japan Times “As accessible as it is erudite, this volume will appeal to those with interest in any aspect of the arts...Highly recommended.” — Choice “Shirane’s wide-ranging study tracks the culture of nature in Japan, and especially waka’s central role in constructing a vision of nature that impacted all the arts. In its breadth, depth, and accessibility, the book is of great value not only to scholars and students of Japan, but anyone interested in the intersections of art and nature.”
Japanese Literature: “The most comprehensive overview of modern Japanese literature available in translation.” — Bloomsbury Review $45.00 / £30.95 paper 978-0-231-15723-0 $135.00 / £93.00 cloth 978-0-231-15722-3 2011 896 pages Modern Asian Literature Series
— Andrew M. Watsky, Princeton University $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-15281-5 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-15280-8 2012 336 pages/ 33 illus.
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An Encouragement of Learning
The Winter Sun Shines In
Yukichi Fukuzawa; Introduction by Shunsaku
A Life of Masaoka Shiki
Nishikawa, Translated by David A. Dilworth
Donald Keene
“In An Encouragement of Learning, Yukichi
“In this new biography of Masaoka Shiki,
Fukuzawa wrote that freedom and equality
Donald Keene tells Shiki’s story with a won-
are inherent in man’s nature, and presented
derful blend of brio and depth. Meticulously
ideas that John Locke or Thomas Jefferson
researched and beautifully written, the work
would immediately have recognized. His logic
delves into hitherto slighted aspects of
justified the move from a highly stratified,
Shiki’s oeuvre and personality. Readers of
four-class society to one in which any person
Japanese and world literature will welcome
could aspire to any occupation. He deliber-
this book for its rich portrait of one of mod-
ated on the obligations between humans in
ern Japan’s most important writers.”
society and generalized from these to rela-
— Janine Beichman, author of Masaoka
tions between nations. Reading his book, you can just imagine life in a society that has suddenly become free, in which all of the
Shiki: His Life and Works “This biography excels.” — Japan Times
trammels of caste and class have been dis-
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16488-7
solved. How might have Fukuzawa’s words
2013 240 pages / 14 illus.
of encouragement helped late nineteenth-
Asia Perspectives: History, Society, and Culture
century Japanese as they faced their future?” — Albert M. Craig, Harvard University $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16714-7 2013 192 pages Asia Perspectives: History, Society, and Culture
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The Frontier Within Essays by Abe Kōbō
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan
Abe Kōbō; Edited, translated, and with an intro-
The Nihon ryõiki
duction by Richard F. Calichman
Translated by Burton Watson
“The Frontier Within redresses the lopsided
“Compiled by a low-ranking monk active in
and biased understanding of Abe Kōbō as
the capital, the Nihon ryõiki is the earliest
solely a writer of fiction. First and foremost
example of setsuwa (explanatory tale) litera-
a thinker, he was extremely conscious of the
ture in Japan and, as such, is a foundational
fundamental conditions in which language
work. Burton Watson’s turns of phrase are
operated and human existence was formed.
really delightful, very smooth, and very accu-
The essays in this volume provide wonder-
rate” — Charlotte Eubanks, Pennsylvania State University
ful insight into Abe Kōbō’s engagement with imperialism, border creation, postwar ‘democracy,’ U.S.–Japan relations, and postwar Japanese Marxism.” — Atsuko Ueda, Princeton University, coeditor of Theory of Literature and Other Critical Writings $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16386-6 2013 224 pages Weatherhead Books on Asia
This collection of setsuwa, or “explanatory tale” literature, compiled by a monk in eighth- or ninth-century Japan, records the spread of Buddhist ideas in Japan and ways in which Buddhism’s principles were adapted to the conditions of Japanese society. Beginning its survey in the time before the introduction of Buddhism to Japan, the text captures the effects of the nation’s initial contact with Buddhism—introduced by the king of the Korean state of Paekche—and the subsequent adoption and dissemination of these new teachings among towns and cities. $24.50 / £17.00 paper 978-0-231-16421-4 $74.50 / £51.50 cloth 978-0-231-16420-7 2013 224 pages Translations from the Asian Classics
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Contact Moments
Sayonara Amerika, Sayonara Nippon
The Politics of Intercultural Desire in
A Geopolitical Prehistory of J-Pop
Japanese Male-Queer Cultures
Michael Bourdaghs
Katsuhiko Suganuma
“For music, history, or cultural fans of con-
“This book forces readers to think—not just about fetishized ‘Japan’ but also about themselves, about the power and politics involved in what passes for knowledge about other cultures, and their own investment and involvement in those politics.”
temporary Japan, this book is a chart-topper.” — Japan Times $27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-15875-6 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15874-9 2012 304 pages/ 13 illus. Asia Perspectives: History, Society, and Culture
— J. Keith Vincent, Boston University Focusing on a range of Japanese as well as English male-queer materials including magazines, memoirs and cybertexts, Suganuma shows how the interactions of the two cultures affected the subject formation process of queer selves.
Structure, Audience, and Soft Power in East Asian Pop Culture Beng Huat Chua "In this excellent introductory text, Chua Beng Huat captures East Asia's cultural and capi-
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-988-808-371-8
talist vibrancy. The book's regional in scope
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-808-370-1
and conceptual clarity make it a welcome
2012 293 pages/ 6 illus.
tool for teaching students who are captivated
Hong Kong University Press
by the topic and informing scholars seeking expert guidance in an emerging field of scholarship." — Peter J. Katzenstein, Cornell University $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-988-813-904-0 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-813-903-3 2012 224 pages Hong Kong University Press
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The Sarashina Diary
Lust, Commerce, and Corruption
A Woman's Life in Eleventh-Century Japan Sugawara no Takasue no Musume
An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an Edo Samurai
Translated, with an introduction, by Sonja Arntzen
Translated by Mark Teeuwen, Kate Wildman
and Moriyuki Itō
Nakai, Miyazaki Fumiko, Anne Walthall, and John Breen
"As the first translation to do justice to the complexity of the Sarashina nikki, Arntzen’s work offers a fresh perspective into pre-
“This translation of Seiji kenbunroku is a wonderful and invaluable addition to our view of nineteenth-century Japan, and covers
modern Japanese diary literature as well
an amazing range of social groups and pro-
as an accessible yet scholarly window into
fessions, with detailed accounts of the back-
Heian culture, the life of one woman, and
side of everyday lives. His unadulterated
the transformation of a life into literature."
views and his vivid vignettes defy the text-
— Christina Laffin, University of British Columbia, author of Rewriting Medieval
book stereotypes. It will change forever what
Japanese Women
you thought Japan was like at the beginning of the nineteenth century.”
This translation and its introduction draw attention to the poetry in the Sarashina Diary and the juxtaposition of poetic passages and narrative prose, which brings meta-meanings into play. The translators commentary offers insight into the author’s family and world, as well as the fascinating textual legacy of her work.
— Haruo Shirane, Columbia University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16644-7 2014 496 pages / 3 illus. Translations from the Asian Classics
$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16718-5 July 2014 272 pages / 20 illus. Translations from the Asian Classics
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Tomohito Shinoda
The Great Kantō Earthquake and the Chimera of National Reconstruction in Japan
"Changes in Japan's political environment
J. Charles Schencking
Contemporary Japanese Politics Institutional Changes and Power Shifts
over the last decade make for a unique and
“In vivid detail this timely book explores the
important study. Shinoda analyzes how these
many ways the Japanese responded to the
reforms introduced new power dynamics
earthquake of 1923 – from debates about the
within Japanese governance and correctly
meaning of the disaster, through representa-
notes that ‘institutions do not produce
tions of the event in popular culture, to the
leadership, they only enable it.’ An excel-
rough-and-tumble politics of reconstruction.
lent reference of Japan’s political environ-
Deeply researched and well written, it is a
ment, governance, and leadership today."
major contribution to the urban history of
— Richard L. Armitage, Former Deputy
modern Japan as well as to the burgeoning
Secretary of State
field of disaster studies.”
$27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-15853-4 $82.50 / £57.00 cloth 978-0-231-15852-7 2013 352 pages / 14 illus. Contemporary Asia in the World
— Peter Duus, Stanford University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16218-0 2013 400 pages / 61 illus. Contemporary Asia in the World
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The Company and the Shogun
An Imperial Concubine’s Tale
The Dutch Encounter with Tokugawa Japan
Scandal, Shipwreck, and Salvation in Seventeenth-Century Japan
Adam Clulow “In this original and penetrating study, Adam
G. G. Rowley
Clulow brilliantly dissects the process
“G. G. Rowley tells the extraordinary story
through which Dutch merchants and their
of an aristocratic woman whose sexual
sponsors became subordinates rather than
escapades brought her unexpected notori-
colonizers in Japan. The book masterfully
ety. The cast of characters includes every-
weaves together storytelling and analysis
one from the emperor and the founder of
while impressively mining both Dutch and
the Tokugawa military regime to servants,
Japanese sources. The result is not only the
nuns, and farmers. Of particular note is
best available account of the Dutch East
the amazing array of documents germane
India Company in Japan but also an impor-
to this account, from poetry and court
tant contribution to the history of empire,
documents to a temple diary and a fic-
piracy, law, and diplomacy in the early mod-
tional narrative that purports to tell the
ern world. A remarkable achievement.”
‘true story.’ In Rowley’s skillful hands, they
— Lauren Benton, New York University
are all brought to bear in portraying life as it was lived in the early seventeenth
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16428-3
century.” — Anne Walthall, University of
2013 352 pages / 11 illus
California, Irvine
The Columbia Studies in International and Global History
$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-15854-1 2012 280 pages, 15 illus.
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T h E
c o l u m B I a
a n T h o l o G Y
o F
E D I T E D ,
w I T h
c r I T I c a l
X I a o m E I
I n T r o D u c T I o n ,
c h E n
Yuan drama C. T. HSia, Wai-yee Li, & GeorGe Kao
a B r I D G E D
E D I T I o n
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama
The Columbia Anthology of Yuan Drama
Abridged Edition
Edited by C. T. Hsia, Wai-yee Li, and George Kao
Edited, with a critical introduction, by
“A landmark in the translation of Chinese liter-
Xiaomei Chen
ature. Not only are the renditions exception-
“The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese
ally lively, engaging, and beautifully crafted,
Drama is a great piece of historical and
but the thematic range of the ten plays—
analytical scholarship, evincing a breadth of
each accompanied by an informative introduc-
history and depth of ideological critique hard
tion— illustrates the richness of the early
to find in critics preoccupied with body and
corpus of Chinese song-drama. Meticulously
performance. The plays are not simply mate-
annotated and responsive to the complexi-
rial for historical survey; their line-up forms
ties of the textual history, the translations
an argument on China’s pursuit of modernity,
will enchant scholars, undergraduates, and
social justice, and equality.”
general readers alike."
— Ban Wang, Stanford University
— Patricia Sieber, Ohio State University
$45.00 / £30.95 paper 978-0-231-16503-7
$40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-12267-2
$125.00 / £86.50 cloth 978-0-231-16502-0
$120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-12266-5
2014 656 pages
2014 432 pages
Weatherhead Books on Asia
Translations from the Asian Classics
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Beyond Sinology chineSe writing and the ScriptS of culture
From the Old Country
Beyond Sinology
Stories and Sketches of China and Taiwan
Chinese Writing and the Scripts of Culture
Zhong Lihe
Andrea Bachner
“Zhong Lihe has a well-deserved major repu-
“The story of Chinese writing as told by
tation in Taiwan as a writer of “homeland
Andrea Bachner is traversed by necrophilia,
literature” and was an inspiration to many
hallucination, fetishism, patriotism, identity/
later Taiwanese writers. Here he presents
alterity politics, new age mediality, and mul-
one of the most vivid depictions of rural life
tiple other passions; it is also one in which
in Taiwan in the 1940s and 1950s.”
the controversial protagonist, the sinograph,
— Edward Gunn, Cornell University
has resiliently stood its ground. No other contemporary study I know of showcases
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16630-0
sino(graph)philia with as much verve and
2014 336pages / 16 illus.
aplomb. This is an impressively ambitious
Modern Chinese Literature from Taiwan
and innovative book.” — Rey Chow, Duke University, author of Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16452-8 2014 296 pages / 8 illus. Global Chinese Culture
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Sinophone Studies A Critical Reader
The Matchmaker, the Apprentice, and the Football Fan
Edited by Shu-mei Shih, Chien-hsin Tsai, and
More Stories of China
Brian Bernards
Zhu Wen
“The emergence of Sinophone studies within the last decade has been one of the most
Translated by Julia Lovell
“Zhu’s quirky rogue’s gallery is both enter-
interesting developments. Most exciting is
taining and revealing, as murderers (”The
that nearly all of the very foundations and
Football Fan”) and apostates (all the rest)
earliest adumbrations of this novel concept
illuminate the volatile period that preceded
are to be found in Sinophone Studies, which
contemporary China’s espousal of capitalist
makes it a unique resource for introducing this fresh field to student and scholar alike.” — Victor H. Mair, University of Pennsylvania “This pathbreaking anthology maps out a bold and heterogeneous terrain for the field of Sinophone studies. China is one of the oldest extant empires as well as one of
enterprise—if not democratic reform.” — Publishers Weekly “A fascinating, often bleakly amusing, snapshot of China’s urban anomie.” — The Wall Street Journal “Sly humor . . . suffuses these stories, which,
the most powerful countries in the world
unlike some of the lives [Zhu Wen] describes,
today, yet the term ‘Sinophone’ is not part
are never dreary.”
of our vocabulary the way ‘Anglophone’ and ‘Francophone’ are. This expansive collection
— The New York Times Book Review $26.95 / £18.95 cloth 978-0-231-16090-2
will change that. Postcolonial, diaspora, area,
2013 184 pages / 6 illus.
immigration, and ethnic studies will never be
Weatherhead Books on Asia
the same.” — David L. Eng, University of Pennsylvania $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-15751-3 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-15750-6 2013 472 pages / 3 illus. Global Chinese Culture
for more information , visit :
Trees Without Wind
A Novel
The Archaeology of an Imaginary City
Li Rui
Dung Kai-cheung
Translated by John Balcom
Best Translated Book Award Fiction, long
“Elegant and spare, Trees Without Wind is a valuable, authentic work that lays bare the
form category “Seamless, yet eccentric...a playful yet
corruption of the Cultural Revolution.” — Washington Independent Review of Books “Li Rui is one of China’s boldest literary
poignant invitation to begin layering new symbols and projections over the city’s landscape.” — South China Morning Post
voices, and after several decades, he continues to push the envelope. His bold literary
“Readers pleased by cliff-hanging, nail-biting, page-turning adventure will not be satisfied
experiments with dialect and tense, combined with his honest expose of the brutalities of modern Chinese history, have set him apart from his peers and crafted one of the most fascinating and unique literary land-
with “Atlas.” Devotees of writers as curious as Borges, Calvino and Eco, will love this map of maps of an imaginary city.” — Japan Times $24.50 / £17.00 cloth 978-0-231-16100-8
scapes in modern Chinese literature.”
2012 192 pages
— Michael Berry, author of A History of
Weatherhead Books on Asia
Pain: Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film $22.50 / £15.50 paper 978-0-231-16275-3 $69.50 / £48.00 cloth 978-0-231-16274-6 2012 208 pages Weatherhead Books on Asia
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Scribes of Gastronomy
Mu Shiying
Representations of Food and Drink in Imperial Chinese Literature
China’s Lost Modernist: New Translations and an Appreciation
Edited by Isaac Yue and Siu-fu Tang
Andrew David Field
The culture of food and drink occupies a central role in the development of Chinese civilization, and the language of gastronomy has been a vital theme in literary productions through many different eras and genres. From stanzas on food and wine in the Book of Odes to the articulation of refined dining in The Dream of the Red Chamber and Su Shi's literary recipe for attaining culinary perfection, lavish textual representations help explain the unique appeal of food and its overwhelming cultural significance within Chinese society. These eight essays offer a colorful tour of Chinese gourmands whose work exemplifies the interrelationships of social and literary history surrounding food, with careful explication of such topics as the importance of tea in poetry, "the morality of drunkenness", and food's role in the objectification of women in cer-
"Better than that of any other writer, Mu Shiying's fiction encapsulates the cosmopolitan life of 1930s Shanghai (with its foreign concessions, cinemas, cafés and cabarets) that underlay modernist Chinese writing. Andrew Field's book is exciting not only because it is a new appreciation of this writer but because, through its translations of Mu's stories, it reveals the extent to which Shanghai-based writing was inspired by the styles of international modernism." – Lynn Pan, author of Shanghai Style and Old Shanghai: Gangsters in Paradise $18.00 / £12.50 paper 978-988-8208-14-2 2014 160 pages Hong Kong University Press
tain classic texts. $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-988-8139-98-9 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-8139-97-2 2013 176 pages Hong Kong University Press
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Real Life in China at the Height of Empire
Revealed by the Ghosts of Ji Xiaolan
Translated by Patrick Hanan
Edited and Translated by David E. Pollard Toward the end of the eighteenth century, the scholar and wit Ji Xiaolan published five collections of anecdotes and discourses on the interaction between the mundane and the spirit worlds, incorporating earthly life stories and happenings. Containing Ji’s thoughts and others’ experiences, these tales concern peasants, servants, merchants, governors, and ministers; take place throughout the Qing empire; and recount comedy and tragedy, cruelty and kindness, corruption and integrity, and erudition and ignorance. Some stories use ghosts to satirize men and manners; others straightforwardly examine beliefs and practices. Altogether, they draw a portrait of the time unmatched in scope and variety. Selections are organized thematically and include a contextualizing preface. An introduction appraises Ji’s own career and the atmosphere in which he lived.
The Chinese University Press
The Chinese University Press
on select
conventions of Shuihu zhuan. 2014 450 pages
July 2014 250 pages
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The young son of the Chinese traders’ association head, who dealt with foreign merchants in the port of Guangzhou, is suddenly burdened with the responsibility of his powerful family. A latter-day Baoyu, but with far stronger sexual impulses, this son must learn to tame his libido while conducting himself prudently in Guangzhou society. This little-known novel, titled Shenlou zhi, is translated here for the first time. Published in 1804, it is the earliest novel to deal with the opium trade and is closely connected to events that occurred in Guangzhou and Huizhou just before its publication: the arrival of a new superintendent of customs in Guangzhou and the outbreak of rebellion in Huizhou. This strikingly original work advances the culture of adolescence first depicted in Honglou meng and showcases, in its account of the rebellion, the romantic $55.00 cloth 978-962-996-581-5
$45.00 cloth 978-962-996-601-0
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Security and Profit in China’s Energy Policy
Breaking with the Past
Hedging Against Risk
The Maritime Customs Service and the Global Origins of Modernity in China
Øystein Tunsjø
Hans van de Ven
“Øystein Tunsjø offers a comprehensive
“Far more than an institutional history of
approach to China’s energy strategy with a
the Customs Service, this book is effectively
conceptually original and balanced analy-
a complete new history of China’s rocky
sis of Chinese behavior. This book reflects
entrance into the global political economy.
impressive research and scholarship on an
There is no better book written at this level
important development in both Chinese
of historical research and archival detail on
security and twenty-first-century international
the subject of “China and the West.”
politics." — Robert Ross, Boston College
— Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia
“Øystein Tunsjø has scored an important coup with his book. His work clearly demonstrates the interaction of strategic and market elements in Beijing’s thirsty search for energy reserves. Tunsjø presents a realistic analysis of China’s strategic maritime and economic situation. His book is a valuable resource for academics and security policy makers." — Bernard D. Cole, National War College $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-16508-2 2013 336 pages / 5 illus.
“This is the story of China’s economic internationalization in the century before the Communist conquest.... The eminent Cambridge historian, Hans van de Ven, has written this history in full for the first time, using an extraordinary array of Chinese and international sources. Today, as China looks to its pre-Communist past as a guide to its future, this is an important book.” — William C. Kirby, Harvard University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-13738-6 2014 432 pages / 34 illus.
Contemporary Asia in the World
for more information , visit :
Early Medieval China
Return of the Dragon
A Sourcebook
Rising China and Regional Security
Edited by Wendy Swartz, Robert Ford
Denny Roy
Campany, Yang Lu, and Jessey J. C. Choo
“Denny Roy has contributed a thoughtful,
“This magisterial volume is of singular impor-
insightful, and up-to-date study of China’s
tance to the study of early medieval Chinese
security environment, policies, and activities.
history, literature, thought, and religion.
It covers a lot of ground in an informative
Written by the Who’s Who in a field that has
manner for both unitiated and well-versed
grown exponentially in recent years, this
readers. Roy anticipates China becoming
sourcebook presents up-to-date scholarship
more assertive as its power increases, and
at the highest level. Wide-ranging in scope,
his study helps to undestand why this may
rich in detail, and thoroughly interdisciplinary,
be the case.” — David Shambaugh, George
it serves as the principal guide to the world
Washington University
of early medieval China and as a wonderful inspiration to students.”
“This book, well organized and clearly and cogently written, is unique among a range
— Martin Kern, Princeton University
of books dealing with recent Chinese foreign $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-15987-6
relations, offering an up-to-date focus on
$120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-15986-9
China’s effect on the security dynamic in
2014 744 pages / 1 illus.
Asia and on the interests of the United States, especially in Asia.” — Robert Sutter, George Washington University $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15900-5 2013 288 pages Contemporary Asia in the World
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The Birth of Chinese Feminism
China’s Secret Salvage of Britain’s Lost Submarine
Essential Texts in Transnational Theory
Steven R. Schwankert
Dorothy Ko
“Schwankert’s tale of a lost submarine, its discovery and secret salvage by the Chinese is a compelling, real-life exposé. Exciting, suspenseful, filled with intrigue, Poseidon is a must-read to set lost history on the track to truth." — Clive Cussler, author of Raise the Titanic and Poseidon’s Arrow
Edited by Lydia H. Liu, Rebecca E. Karl, and
“He–Yin Zhen was one of the most original—yet today least well-known—feminist theorists of the late Qing era. Her intellectual/political project, which she approached via a wide-ranging (and uncompromising) critique of patriarchy, capitalism, liberalism, and imperialism, was to link gendered
“Poseidon is the gripping story of the dra-
forms of subjugation to global systems of
matic final moments of a British submarine -
power. The Birth of Chinese Feminism not
the survivors’ compelling story and the awful
only sheds light on the unique vision of
fate of those trapped inside. But Poseidon is
a remarkable turn-of-the century radical
also the story of Schwankert’s dogged quest
thinker but also, in so doing, provides a fresh
and maritime detective work to uncover the
lens through which to examine one of the
truth on that dreadful day in Royal Navy
most fascinating and complex junctures in
modern Chinese history.” — Amy Dooling,
— Paul French, author of Midnight in Peking
Connecticut College
$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-988-8208-18-0 2014 256 pages / 33 illus. Hong Kong University Press
$29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16291-3 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16290-6 2013 328 pages / 6 illus. Weatherhead Books on Asia
for more information , visit :
CHINA A New Cultural History
Cho-yun Hsu
China’s Uncertain Future
A New Cultural History
Jean-Luc Domenach
Cho-yun Hsu
Translated by George Holoch Jr.
“Hsu’s book is unique in the field, and makes a distinct contribution above the many
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title “Now that the world’s most populous country
other grand narratives of Chinese history.
has ceased to be an abstraction . . . French
Impeccably researched and consistently
books are suddenly among the most down-
insightful, this is precisely the sort of book
to-earth. The latest is Jean-Luc Domenach’s
that every serious scholar of China should keep within arm’s reach.” — China Journal
excellent La Chine m’inquiète, written after his stay in the country from 2002 to
“An important and original book on a perma-
2007. Through a hailstorm of statistics, an
nently important topic by one of the world’s
outline of contemporary China appears. . . .
leading historians of China. The writing is
Domenach has a sharp nose for Chinese
lucid, often elegant, and has been beautifully
paradoxes.” — Times Literary Supplement
translated into English.” — William C. Kirby, director of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University
“Informed, accessible, engaging...Highly recommended.” — Choice $32.50 / £22.50 cloth 978-0-231-15224-2
$40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-15921-0
2012 208 pages
$120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-15920-3 2012 632 pages / 62 illus. Masters of Chinese Studies
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Andrew J. Nathan
Andrew Scobell
Andrew J. Nathan and Andrew Scobell
The Formation of the Chinese Communist Party
“Comprehensive, persuasive, and empathetic,
Ishikawa Yoshihiro
China’s Search for Security
China’s Search for Security offers a fresh look.”
“Joshua Fogel has rendered Ishikawa
— e-International Relations
Yoshihiro’s Japanese study into a lucid and
“[Nathan & Scobell] skillfully and fairly
scrupulously prepared English edition. This
explore this complex and contradictory American-Chinese competition—without themselves being complex or contradictory.” — New York Review of Books $32.95 / £22.95 cloth 978-0-231-14050-8 2012 432 pages / 2 illus.
Translated by Joshua A. Fogel
account of the international aspects of the founding of the CCP is built on vivid detail and impeccable archival research. It is an important new contribution to Englishlanguage scholarship and an invitation to comparative scholars of modern Chinese history, Sino-Japanese relations, and world Marxism.” — Timothy Cheek, University of British Columbia $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-15808-4 2012 520 pages / 11 illus.
for more information , visit :
Discovering History in China
Protest with Chinese Characteristics Demonstrations, Riots, and Petitions in the Mid-Qing Dynasty
American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past Paul A. Cohen With new introduction by the author
Ho-fung Hung
Winner of the President’s Book Award, Social Science History Association
“Every historian of China should read this book. For what Paul A. Cohen has done here
“Ambitious, informative, and stimulating, this study deserves to be widely read. Summing up: Essential.” — Choice
is lay bare the hidden assumptions that have informed and skewed much American research on 19th- and 20th-century China. He shows that the questions most American
“Hung’s clear articulation of protest cycles
historians have asked about the Chinese
in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century China
past, and consequently the kind of histories
demands the attention of scholars interested
they have written, have been determined
in specific episodes of rebellion and resis-
as much by their own cultural biases as by
tance in this period as well as scholars of
the historical realities of China itself. . . . A
Qing political economy.”
consciousness-raising experience.”
— Journal of Asian Studies
— American Historical Review
$27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-15203-7
$29.00 / £20.00 paper 978-0-231-15193-1
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15202-0
$90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15192-4
2011 (cloth) 288 pages / 36 illus.
2010 296 pages Weatherhead Bo0ks on Asia
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New in paper
Shanghai Lalas
Never Forget National Humiliation
Female Tongzhi Communities and Politics in Urban China
Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations
Lucetta Y. L. Kam
Zheng Wang Yale H. Ferguson Award from the
“Weaving between her own queer biography
International Studies Association - Northeast
and extensive ethnographic data of twenty-
“Wang gives us a critically important book
five lala women, Lucetta Yip Lo Kam pres-
that provides a solid blueprint for under-
ents the up-to-date lesbian communities
standing contemporary China.”
and politics in urban China which contribute to the international debates of same-sex
“A future world where the Chinese are at
intimacies, coming out politics, and the nature of homophobia.” — Travis S. K. Kong, University of Hong Kong $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-988-8139-46-0 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-8139-45-3 2013 152 pages Hong Kong University Press
— Virginia Review of Asian Studies peace with their own past seems a long way away. But that is the place, as this useful study of such a difficult area, where we need to get to.” — Asian Review of Books “A powerful, convincing, and timely discussion about one of the most important and sustaining factors shaping China’s modern history and its tortuous course of integration into the international community. ” — Chen Jian, Cornell University $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-14891-7 $32.50 / £22.50 cloth 978-0-231-14890-0 2012 (cloth) 312 pages / 23 illus. Contemporary Asia in the World
for more information , visit :
New in paper
The China Threat
Green Innovation in China
Memories, Myths, and Realities in the 1950s
China’s Wind Power Industry and the
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker
Global Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy
“Any collection strong in China culture and
Joanna I. Lewis
politics or U.S. political history will find this a winning addition.” — Midwest Book Review
“Lewis's work is a lucid look at the development of a key green-tech sector, and the
“A crisply written, judicious, and comprehen-
larger lessons it holds for China's innovative capacity." — Asian Review of Books
sive appraisal of the Eisenhower administration’s policy towards China. It will be of
"Essential reading for everyone interested in
greatest use to undergraduates and laymen.”
the Chinese wind energy industry, providing
— H-War
a compelling and well-researched overview,
“Highly recommended for students of U.S.-
including the industry’s history and pros-
China relations in general and U.S.-China
pects for its future." — International Affairs
policy during the 1950s in particular.”
"By taking us deep into the competitive
— Journal of American History
world of wind power—from research and development to the cutthroat global market-
$27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-15925-8
place—Joanna Lewis provides fascinating
$39.50 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-15924-1
insights into China’s broader clean tech
2012 312 pages / 12 illus.
innovation strategy.” — Elizabeth Economy Council on Foreign
Relations $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-15330-0 2012 304 pages / 32 illus. Contemporary Asia in the World
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Poverty in the Midst of Affluence
HKU Memories from the Archives
How Hong Kong Mismanaged Its Pro
Stacy Belcher Gould and Tina Yee-wan Pang
Leo F. Goodstadt
In 2011, the University of Hong Kong cel-
"In this latest volume in his series on Hong
ebrated its centenary as the first and for
Kong’s economic, social, and political devel-
many years only university in Hong Kong
opment, Goodstadt has again given us a
providing a Western, English-language edu-
most timely intervention in policy discussion
cation for the region. An exhibition entitled
and public debate. This is a critical reflection
“HKU Memories from the Archives,” held at
on Hong Kong’s path of social development
the University Museum and Art Gallery from
and a most discerning analysis of the Third
December 2011 to March 2012, featured
World mentality espoused by the government
more than two hundred artifacts from the
and the business community in the area of
collections of the university archives and loans from private collections. This richly
social welfare." — Lui Tai-lok, The University of Hong Kong "This well-argued, well-documented and pas-
illustrated publication presents a selection of documents and artifacts primarily from the first fifty years of the university’s history.
sionate book should be required reading for anyone that wishes to comment on Hong
$38.00 cloth 978-988-19021-6-0
Kong politics, economics or society."
2014 288 pages / color illustrations throughout
— Asian Review of Books
University Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong University
$38.00 / £26.00 cloth 978-988-8208-21-0 2014 276 pages Hong Kong University Press
for more information , visit :
My First Trip to China
China in Revolution
Scholars, Diplomats, and Journalists Reflect on their First Encounters with China
The Road to 1911
Edited by Kin-ming Liu
Heung Shing Liu ”This book is simply superb. Liu Heungshing travelled the world to secure the rare collec-
“An absorbing and entertaining volume. It is
tion of photographs that present the last 100
also an illuminating one....My First Trip to
years of China’s tumultuous history in the
China invites readers to relive those voyages
most vivid, searing light yet achieved in a
of discovery and to reflect on the complexi-
single volume.” — James Kynge, author of
ties of modern-day China, whose new open-
China Shakes the World
ness, material progress and limited freedoms
The 1911 Revolution ended dynastic rule in China and paved the way for the founding of Asia’s first republic. Triggered by an accidental bomb explosion in Wuchang (modernday Wuhan), the revolution marked the culminating point of decades of internal rebellion, foreign aggression and political decline; its leaders drew on a ferment of reformist and revolutionary ideas produced by some of China’s greatest modern thinkers. China in Revolution assembles a remarkable survey of historical photographs from leading collec-
were unimaginable just a generation ago.” — Wall Street Journal “My First Trip to China offers an engaging array of first encounters.” — Asian Review of Books “[A] wonderful book that manages to be a great read for the China novice, the China expert, and everyone in between.” — Asia Unbound
tions around the world.
$28.00 paper 978-988-16046-2-0
2013 316 pages
/ £69.00 cloth 978-988-8139-50-7
2012 568 pages / 300 illus.
East Slope Publishing Ltd. (Muse, Hong Kong)
Hong Kong University Press
Hong Kong University Press
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Democracy on Trial
The Great Difference
Social Movements and Cultural Politics in Post-authoritarian Taiwan
Hong Kong’s New Territories and Its People 1898-2004
Ya-Chung Chuang
James Hayes
Writing “an ethnography of democracy,” Ya-Chung Chuang masterfully describes and analyzes a multifaceted Taiwanese society. Contradicting mainstream research on political cultures, which relies heavily on survey data and statistical analysis, Ya-Chung Chuang produces an anthropologically inspired, contextually rich study using original source materials. He traces a genealogy of pivotal concepts, such as sovereignty, identity, and locality, at the heart of Taiwan’s democratic discourse and relates the experience of democracy as “a way of life” from the viewpoints of a variety of subjects, including social movement participants, urban community members, and ethnic activists. His book explores the loaded meaning of democracy.
“A richly textured account of this fascinating
$45.00 cloth 978-962-996-546-4 2013 270 pages The Chinese University Press
region.” — The China Journal In 1898, Great Britain added to its colony at Hong Kong a 368-square-mile expanse of mountainous countryside and islands, leased from China for a term of 99 years, which became known as the New Territories. The colonial official, James Stewart Lockhart, after an inspection of the newly acquired extension, called it “the great difference,” describing the gulf between the people of the New Territories and their counterparts in the existing, largely urban, British colony. In this book, First published in 2006, and now appearing in this paperback edition with a new preface, The Great Difference covers the whole period of the lease and embodies the fruits of its author’s studies of the territory and indigenous population over several decades. $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-988-8139-75-0 2013 340 pages Hong Kong University Press
for more information , visit :
China at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century
Europe and China
Edited by Łukasz Gacek and Ewa Trojnar
Roland Vogt
Strategic Partners or Rivals?
China at the beginning of the 21st century intrigues many researchers around the world. No different was the enthusiasm widely shared among the participants of the students’ conference China at the beginning of the 21st century organized by the Institute of Middle and Far East Studies of Jagiellonian University in Kraków in April 2010. Research enthusiasm and inquisitive attitude of presenters and discussants observed during the conference inspired to go beyond the university walls and put this publication together. The problems discussed within this volume provide the readers with a background of most vital issues in modern China. They are related to the challenges of the Chinese society and state’s international skirmishes. Each article is separately concluded by the author’s findings, which is highly admirable, since the authors are young, but promising adepts in the field. At the same time, being open for criticism, the authors invite us to take a long hard look at China’s modern challenges.
"This volume makes an important contribution to the literature on EU-China relations, particularly with its emphasis on how rhetoric and lack of incentives on both sides create major obstacles to upgrading the relationship. Bringing together ten contributions by leading scholars and new voices, the book offers both solid scholarship and fresh insights." — Ingrid d'Hooghe, The Netherlands Institute of International Relations $30.00/ £20.50 paper 978-988-808-388-6 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-808-387-9 2012 276 pages / 3 illus. Hong Kong University Press
$40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-83-233-3590-0 2014 152 pages Jagiellonian University Press
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Unearthing the Changes
The Complete Works of Zhuangzi
Recently Discovered Manuscripts of the Yi Jing (I Ching) and Related Texts
Translated by Burton Watson
Edward L. Shaughnessy
"Burton Watson...possesses all the qualities which distinguish a master translator. As a
“This deeply researched book breaks new ground for the study of Chinese manuscripts and China’s methods of divination, with penetrating contributions to the scholarly handling of fragments, the recovery of lost literature and the problems of textual criticism.” — Michael Loewe, University of Cambridge
craftsman and as a poet, he has inspired and challenged two generations." — Asian Affairs "Translation of any of the classics...from the hand of Burton Watson is an event to be welcomed with gratitude." — Journal of Asian Studies
“Shaughnessy has written the definitive account of these materials. Nothing like it
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16474-0
exists, in any language. Closely argued, and
2013 368 pages / 2 illus.
drawing on impeccable control of the litera-
Translations from the Asian Classics
ture, this study re-forms our understanding of how and what the Yijing might have been.” — Kidder Smith, Bowdoin College $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16184-8 2014 200 pages Translations from the Asian Classics
for more information , visit :
The Resurrected Skeleton
The Essential Huainanzi
From Zhuangzi to Lu Xun
Translated and edited by John S. Major, Sarah
Wilt L. Idema
A. Queen, Andrew Seth Meyer, and Harold D. Roth
“Idema’s translations trace the legend of an
“The Essential Huainanzi is highly multifac-
ancient Chinese philosopher’s encounter
eted, dealing with an astonishing variety of
with a skeleton over two millennia of devel-
topics ranging from the mundane to the
opment, from its treatment in a great ancient
cosmic. Major and his collaborators have
philosophical text to the religious retellings
produced an English version that is both
that incorporated Daoism’s views on life,
readable and reliable.”
death, and social values. This is yet another example of Idema’s superior scholarly work." — Shuen-fu Lin, University of Michigan
— Victor Mair, University of Pennsylvania $27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-15981-4 $84.50 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-15980-7
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16504-4
2012 272 pages
June 2014 288 pages/ 7 illus.
Translations from the Asian Classics
Translations from the Asian Classics
The Huainanzi A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China, by Liu An, King of Huainan Translated and edited by John S. Major, Sarah A. Queen, Andrew Seth Meyer, and Harold D. Roth “An excellent and richly annotated translation.” — Journal of the American Oriental Society “Users of this magnificent contribution to the study of Chinese thought will find here almost everything imaginable.” — Religious Studies Review $80.00/ £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-14204-5 2010 1016 pages Translations from the Asian Classics
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t r a n s l at e d a n d e d i t e d b y pa u l F i s c h e r
shizi c h i n a’ s F i r s t s y n c r e t i s t
The Dao of the Military
Liu An’s Art of War
China’s First Syncretist
Translated, with an Introduction, by Andrew
Seth Meyer; Foreword by John S. Major
Translated by Paul Fischer
“The Dao of the Military is a valuable addition to the body of early China’s military texts
“Paul Fischer’s translation of Shizi shows us that the world of thought in ancient China
available in English. Meyer’s learned intro-
is a vast space, like a starry sky, and the
duction and admirably readable translation
famous thinkers such as Kongzi, Mozi, and
provide new and fascinating insights into the
Laozi are only the brightest of so many stars.
intellectual world and the military thinking of
Fischer provides a way to find many forgot-
ancient Chinese philosophers. It is an essen-
ten thinkers that should be reexamined, as
tial read for everyone interested in how the
in fact they are treasure boxes of knowledge.”
Chinese tradition has understood warfare.”
— Li Ling, Peking University
—Nicola Di Cosmo, Princeton University
$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-15906-7
$19.50 / £13.50 paper 978-0-231-15333-1
2012 256 pages
$60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-15332-4 2012 176 pages Translations from the Asian Classics
An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies Steve Coutinho “Steve Coutinho insightful and comprehensive overview of the plurality of approaches within this tradition and succeeds in making the Daoist texts philosophically relevant and significant.” —Hans-Georg Moeller, University College Cork $19.50 / £13.50 paper 978-0-231-15333-1 $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-15332-4 2012 176 pages Translations from the Asian Classics for more information , visit :
HIMALAYAS & TIBET New in paper
The Yogin and the Madman
Memories of Life in Lhasa Under Chinese Rule
Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet's Great Saint Milarepa
Tubten Khétsun
Andrew Quintman
"A powerful indictment of the physical and
"The most important study yet published
psychological exploitation of the Tibetan
about the literary tradition surrounding the greatest single work in Tibetan literature. It does more than any previous study to give
people and natural environment in the service of building a “new” China." — The Journal of Asian Studies
historical access to the life (and lives) of Tibet’s most revered and influential yogin
“A welcome and informative addition on
and poet."
this little-understood and highly polemicized
— Roger R. Jackson, Carleton College
subject." — Times Literary Supplement "This book provides an important piece of
"This book studies the making of perhaps
the puzzle for those seeking to understand
the greatest masterpiece in Tibetan history.
the experience of ordinary Tibetans since
Quintman shows how a bare account of
1959." — Far Eastern Economic Review
events is transformed into a human story that touches the lives of both its author and
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-14287-8
its avid readers, making a signal contribu-
$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-14286-1
tion to the study of literature and its place in religion."
2007 (cloth) 344 pages / 16 illus.
— Janet Gyatso, Harvard Divinity School $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16415-3 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16414-6 2013 336 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
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Sources of Tibetan Tradition
The Tibetan History Reader
Edited by Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Matthew
Edited by Gray Tuttle and Kurtis R. Schaeffer
T. Kapstein, and Gray Tuttle
“[A] superb collection...give[s] an extraordi-
“Represents a mammoth and long-overdue contribution to the field, both as a basic reference tool for scholars and as a keystone of
nary sense of perspective.” — Asian Review of Books
undergraduate and graduate education.”
“This single volume offers a thorough edu-
—Annabella Pitkin, Barnard College
cation in Tibetan history from the founding of the Tibetan empire in the seventh century
“The editors have done a remarkable job of
through 1951. In thirty-three topical and
selecting sources from a 1,500-year-old civili-
absorbing essays, leading historians of Asia,
zation for a single volume. They provide not
Europe, and North America explain exactly
only representative texts on Tibetan religion
what the original documents say and why
from all eras but also significant sources on
historians of Tibet interpret them in such
history, politics, society, law, medicine, art,
dramatically different ways. Anyone who
architecture, and literature.”
wants to learn more about Tibetan history
— Roger R. Jackson, editor of The Crystal
should begin here.”
Mirror of Philosophical Systems: A Tibetan
— Valerie Hansen, Yale University
Study of Asian Religious Thought $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-13599-3 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-13598-6 2013 856 pages / 2 illus
$40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-14469-8 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-14468-1 2013 752 pages / 15 illus.
IIntroduction to Asian Civilizations
for more information , visit :
HIMALAYAS & TIBET Forthcoming in paper October
New in paper
The Culture of the Book in Tibet
When a Woman Becomes a Religious Dynasty
Kurtis R. Schaeffer
The Samding Dorje Phagmo of Tibet
"[A] brilliant study."
Hildegard Diemberger
— The Journal of Asian Studies
"Exhibits that rare combination of meticu-
"This elegant, readable work portrays the considerable traditional Tibetan enterprise of book production."
lous historical research and lively prose in recounting a tale that is sure to intrigue readers." — Buddhadharma
— Religious Studies Review
"A significant contribution to Tibetan cul-
"Written by one of the leading scholars of
tural history and gender studies."
Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism in the coun-
— Journal of the American Academy of Religion
try, The Culture of the Book in Tibet is very timely, contributing to a lively field while drawing attention to the distinctive historical contribution of Tibetan texts and writ-
"A fascinating account of the women who constituted the most famous of all female incarnation lineages in Tibet, perhaps the most intriguing series of women in recent
Tibetan history."
— Cynthia Brokaw, Ohio State University
— Robert Barnett, Columbia University, and author of Lhasa: Streets with Memories
$26.00 / £18.000 paper 978-0231-14717-0 $50.00 / £34.00 cloth 978-0-231-14716-3
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-14321-9
2009 (cloth) 264 pages / 2 illus.
$60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-14320-2 2007 (cloth) 416 pages / 64 illus.
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ExEmplary WomEn of Early China The Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang
annE BEhnkE kinnEy T r a n s L aTo r a n d e d i To r
Exemplary Women of Early China
The Land of the Five Flavors
The Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang
A Cultural History of Chinese Cuisine
Translated and edited by Anne Behnke Kinney
Thomas O. Höllmann
“Exemplary Women of Early China is essential for understanding China’s premodern gender
“Photos, posters, paintings and sketches
regime, Confucian ideology, and women’s
alternate with recipes in this fascinating book,
sense of self. The Lienü zhuan provided
which takes ingredients from several types
later authors and artists with an endlessly
of available sources: part cookbook, part
rich source of moral exemplars to reveal
cultural history of China through its kitchen."
behavioral norms for both genders. Kinney’s
— William H. Nienhauser, University of
elegant and erudite translation brings to life
the words and deeds of these remarkable
"Höllmann deftly blends descriptive text and
women. A wonderfully inspiring read.”
illustrations together with dozens of brief,
— Robin D. S. Yates, McGill University
amusing tidbits from an amazing spectrum of
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16309-5
Chinese historical sources. The book’s great attraction is the presentation of many com-
$105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16308-8
plex, extremely disparate materials in nimbly
2014 384 pages
condensed, accessible form. Höllmann makes
Translations from the Asian Classics
it look easy." — Anne Mendelson, author of Milk: The Surprising Story of Milk Through the Ages $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16186-2 2013 216 pages / 48 illus. Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History
for more information , visit :
Chinese Opera
Finding Wisdom in East Asian Classics
The Actor’s Craft
Edited by Wm. Theodore de Bary
Siu Wang-Ngai with Peter Lovrick
“This collection of essays about East Asian great books, by outstanding scholars in the field, addresses the issue of why these books are classics. Wm. Theodore de Bary’s essays offer approaches to reading these books that are essential to understanding them.” —Patricia Greer, St. John’s College, Santa Fe $29.50 / £20.50
paper 978-0-231-15397-3
$89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15396-6 2011 432 pages / 1 illus.
The Great Civilized Conversation Education for a World Community Wm. Theodore de Bary “Wm. Theodore de Bary has been a tremendous influence on western understanding of Neo-Confucianism and late Ming thought, as well as a seminal figure in the creation and implementation of Asian studies programs
Chinese opera embraces over 360 different styles of theatre that make one of the richest performance arts in the world. It combines music, speech, poetry, mime, acrobatics, stage fighting, vivid face-painting and exquisite costumes. First experiences of Chinese opera can be baffling because its vocabulary of stagecraft is familiar only to the seasoned aficionado. Chinese Opera: The Actor’s Craft makes the experience more accessible for everyone. This book uses breath-taking images of Chinese opera in performance by Hong Kong photographer Siu Wang-Ngai to illustrate and explain Chinese opera stage technique. The book explores costumes, gestures, mime, acrobatics, props and stage techniques. Each explanation is accompanied by an example of its use in an opera and is illustrated by in-performance photographs. $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8208-26-5 2014 232 page / 227 illus.
and other related curriculums throughout the
Hong Kong University Press
United States. This book is... the culmination of his illustrious career.” — Charles Lindholm, Boston University $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16276-0 2013 432 pages
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Rethinking Visual Narratives from Asia
Visualizing Beauty
Intercultural and Comparative Perspectives
Edited by Aida Yuen Wong
Gender and Ideology in Modern East Asia
Edited by Alexandra Green
"A fascinating collection....Every essay is theoreti-
Rethinking Visual Narratives covers topics from the first millennium B.C.E. through the present day, testifying to the enduring significance of visual stories in shaping and affirming cultural practices in Asia. Contributors analyze how visual narratives function in different Asian cultures and reveal the multiplicity of ways that images can be narrated beyond temporal progression through a particular space. The study of local art forms advances our knowledge of regional iterations and theoretical boundaries, illustrating the enduring importance of pictorial stories to the cultural traditions of Asia. $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-988-8139-10-1 2013 352 pages / 122 illus. Hong Kong University Press
cally informed and well-researched." — Woman's Art Journal Visualizing Beauty examines the intersections between feminine ideals and changing socio-political circumstances in China, Japan, and Korea during the first half of the twentieth century. Eight essays present a broad range of visual products that informed concepts of beauty and womanhood, including fashion, interior design magazines, newspaper illustrations, and paintings of and by women. Studying “Traditional Woman” and “New Woman” as historical categories, this anthology contemplates the complex relations between feminine subjectivity and the promotion of modernity, commerce, and colonialism. $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-988-8083-90-9 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-8083-89-3 2012 196 page / 68 illus. Hong Kong University Press
for more information , visit :
A Perpetual Fire
Media in China, China in the Media
John C. Ferguson and His Quest for
Processes, Strategies, Images, Identities
Chinese Art and Culture
Edited by Adina Zemanek
Lara Jaishree Netting
This volume brings together eleven essays that offer a complex approach to both media in the PRC and the way China and the Chinese are presented in the media of other countries. Individual chapters discuss images constructed, persuasive techniques employed, political undertakings and official stances reflected, as well as popular feeling expressed in the Chinese official and popular press, information websites, Internet forums, and more.
"Art collectors continuously shape and reshape our view of the artistic past, determining what later generations are able to see and how they see it. Between 1912 and 1943, the CanadianAmerican John C. Ferguson led a public career in Republican China that would have made a Chinese scholar proud, serving as a major government advisor and influential academician. From deep inside of the Beijing and Nanjing cultural circles, as a private collector and buyer for American museums (the Metropolitan Museum and Cleveland Museum of Art among others), he helped to dramatically redirect American interests in Chinese art from the taste of Japanese aficionados to that of the Chinese literati. Lara Netting's thorough study brings
$42.00 / £29.00 paper 978-83-233-3621-1 2014 208 pages Jagiellonian University Press
Humour in Chinese Life and Letters Classical and Traditional Approaches Edited by Jessica Milner Davis and Jocelyn Chey “This volume highlights how well humor works as an ‘entry point’ into Chinese culture:
the remarkable and complex John Ferguson
making visible both deeply rooted cultural
back to life. She restores to him the credit he has long deserved, while at the same time using his example to demonstrate how our definition of ‘art’ is an ever-changing construct."
patterns, as well as novel developments as a result of economic progress, technological changes, and increasing cultural exchange.” — Giselinde Kuipers, University
— Jerome Silbergeld, Princeton University
of Amsterdam
$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8139-18-7
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-988-8139-24-8
2013 304 pages / 120 illus.
$75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-988-8139-23-1
Hong Kong University Press
2013 312 pages, 13 illus. Hong Kong University Press
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Satyajit Ray on Cinema
Satyajit Ray; Edited by Sandip Ray; Foreword by Shyam Benegal
Celluloid Obscenity and Popular Cinema in Bangladesh
“The work of Satyajit Ray presents a remark-
Lotte Hoek
ably insightful understanding of the relations
“Hoek’s journeys to towns with consider-
between cultures, and his ideas remain perti-
able distance from Dhaka are a thrill to read;
nent to the great cultural debates in the con-
viewings of Mintu the Murderer are vivid in
temporary world, not least in India.”
no small terms, and the local color of hang-
— The New Republic
ing out at tea stalls and backrooms were
“Satyajit Ray is among the world’s greatest
page-turners. This is an inspired book, show-
directors, and has influenced so many other
ing the life of a film from its conception to
film makers in all parts of the world.”
exhibition, or in this case to its ban.”
— James Ivory
— Lalitha Gopalan, University of Texas at
“A joy to read...highly recommended” — Choice $19.50 paper 978-0-231-16495-5 $69.50 cloth 978-0-231-16494-8 2013 184 pages / 24 page insert
Austin Imagine watching an action film in a smalltown cinema hall in Bangladesh, and in between the gun battles and fistfights, a short pornographic clip appears. This is known as a cut-piece, a strip of locally made celluloid pornography surreptitiously spliced into the reels of action films in Bangladesh. Exploring the shadowy world of these clips and their place in South Asian film culture, Lotte Hoek builds a rare, detailed portrait of the production, consumption, and cinematic pleasures of stray celluloid $27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-16289-0 $82.50 / £57.00 cloth 978-0-231-16288-3 2013 272 pages / 11 illlus. South Asia Across the Disciplines
for more information , visit :
The Cinema of Aki Kaurismäki
The Cinema of Takeshi Kitano
Contrarian Stories
Flowering Blood
Andrew Nestingen
Sean Redmond “An imaginatively written self-reflexive academic’s journey through the films of Kitano
"In this engaging investigation of the aesthetics and the interpretive frames of Aki
Takeshi.” — Isolde Standish, School of
Kaurismäki’s films, Andrew Nestingen
Oriental and African Studies
scrutinizes the conventional readings of Kaurismäki as a romantic outsider, an
“A bold and provocative attempt at pinning
idiosyncratic Finn and a social critic – and
down this most mercurial and misunder-
goes beyond them. Nestingen discusses Kaurismäki’s filmmaking at the intersection of national film culture and politics, transnational festival circuits and world cinema
stood of Japanese directors.” — Midnight Eye $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16333-0
market, offering it not as a case of Finnish or
$80.00 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-16332-3
European cinema but as an illustrative case
2013 256 pages / 20 Illus.
of the multi-local and multinational composi-
Wallflower Press
tion of all national cinemas. In Nestingen’s account, Kaurismäki stands out as an auteur of contemporary world cinema, a director whose films trade in contradictions, engage with multiple times and places and speak in several registers." — Anu Koivunen, Stockholm University $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16559-4 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16558-7 2013 224 page / 24 Illus. Wallflower Press
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Eastwood’s Iwo-Jima
Rising Sun, Divided Land
Critical Engagements With Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima
Japanese and South Korean Filmmakers
Edited by Anne Gjelsvik and Rikke Schubart
Rising Sun and Divided Land provides a comprehensive, scholarly examination of the historical background, films, and careers of selected Korean and Japanese film directors. It examines eight directors: Fukasaku Kinji, Im Kwon-teak, Kawase Naomi, Miike Takashi, Lee Chang-dong, Kitano Takeshi, Park Chanwook, and Kim Ki-duk and considers their work as reflections of personal visions and as films that engage with globalization, colonialism, nationalism, race, gender, history, and the contemporary state of Japan and South Korea. Each chapter is followed by a short analysis of a selected film, and the volume as a whole includes a cinematic overview of Japan and South Korea and a list of suggestions for further reading and viewing.
With Flags of Our Fathers (2006) and Letters from Iwo Jima (2006), Clint Eastwood made a unique contribution to film history, being the first director to make two films about the same event. Eastwood’s films examine the battle over Iwo Jima from two nations’ perspectives, in two languages, and embody a passionate view on conflict, enemies, and heroes. In this volume, international scholars in political science and film, literary, and cultural studies undertake multifaceted investigations into how Eastwood’s diptych reflects war today. $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-16565-5 $85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-16564-8 2013 256 pages / 15 illus Wallflower Press
Kate E. Taylor-Jones
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-16585-3 $85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-16586-0 2013 224 pages / 16 illus. Wallflower Press
for more information , visit :
Beyond Bruce Lee
Wang Renmei
Chasing the Dragon Through Film, Philosophy, and Popular Culture
The Wildcat of Shanghai (With DVD of Wild Rose)
Paul Bowman
Richard J. Meyer "Wang Renmei is one of the most dynamic
“No one writing today has a keener eye for delineating the logic of contemporary cultural politics than Paul Bowman. In Beyond Bruce Lee he powerfully demonstrates how and why Bruce Lee matters to a whole host of fields (cinema studies, cultural studies, politics, philosophy, sociology) without ever limiting himself to writing from the narrow perspective of any one of those disciplines. Regardless of where you position yourself in or out of any of those still must read this book.” — Samuel Chambers, Johns Hopkins
full of tensions and self-contradictions that revealed in part the violence and turmoil of her times and the political complexity of the film industry. This fine book on one of China’s most exciting film artists will appeal to both scholars and general readers interested in early Chinese cinema." — Poshek Fu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Wang’s life is emblematic of the experiences of many left-wing and Communist Party members from the Shanghai film community who were viewed with suspicion and enmity by the Yan’an clique headed by Mao and later the Gang of Four. Wang’s performances in World War II for the Nationalist troops as well as her work with the US forces in China had a dire effect on her career after 1949. Yet today, her films are being discovered again.
University $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-16529-7 $85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-16528-0 2013
and talented film actors in Chinese history,
224 page / 18 illus
Wallflower Press
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-988-8139-96-5 2013 204 pages / 44 illus. Hong Kong University Press
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The Cinema of China and South East Asia
Southeast Asian Independent Cinema
Edited by Ian Hadyn Smith
Edited by Tilman Baumgärtel
Over the past three decades, films from China and South East Asia have become a major component of international festivals. The Chinese Fifth and Sixth Generations, Taiwanese New Wave, and many other movements not only highlight the rise of new and exciting filmmakers, but they also draw attention to the region’s rich cinematic past. China and South East Asia is the latest in Wallflower Press’s 24 Frames series on national and regional cinemas, considering, through the prism of twenty-four compelling films, the changing face of the region’s output over the past eighty years. $29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-190-666-007-9 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-190-666-008-6 2013 288 pages Wallflower Press
“That there is a vibrant independent cinema in Southeast Asia is now known thanks to the awards won by Brillante Mendoza, Apichatpong and others. But what is the sociopolitico-cultural context within which they are working? How do these iconoclastic, cutting-edge, independent filmmakers view the cinema and how are they forging their own highly original paths? This book provides revealing glimpses into their worlds through insightful essays and lively interviews with the directors.” — Aruna Vasudev, Founder-Editor of Cinemaya, The Asian Film Quarterly $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-988-808-361-9 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-808-360-2 2012 304 pages / 47 illus. Hong Kong University Press
for more information , visit :
Democracy and Islam in Indonesia
The Millennial Sovereign
Edited by Mirjam Künkler and Alfred Stepan
Sacred Kingship and Sainthood in Islam A. Azfar Moin
“Democratization literature in political science has few in-depth studies of democratic transitions in Muslim-majority societies. The abundant literature on Islam and politics in Indonesia has largely neglected to compare
Best First Book in the History of Religions from the American Academy of Religion “Moin deserves the highest praise for venturing into this contested terrain and writing a
Indonesia’s transition with those in other parts of the world. In this well-written and
most interesting book about it.”
theoretically engaging volume, Künkler and
— American Historical Review
Stepan bring together leading figures from
“[Moin] has thrown an entirely new light
political science and Indonesian studies to address both of these intellectual shortcomings. The result is the best volume currently available on the role of Islam and Muslims in Indonesia’s democratic transition.”
on how early monarchs of India’s greatest dynastic house asserted their claims to royal authority. His book should be read not just by historians of South Asia but equally by those of Central Asia and Iran, as well as by
— Robert W. Hefner, Boston University
specialists in Islamic studies.”
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16191-6
-Journal of Interdisciplinary History
$90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16190-9 2013 272 pages / 3 illus.
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-16037-7
Religion, Culture, and Public Life
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16036-0 2012 368 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
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Mahatma Gandhi
Sources of Vietnamese Tradition
Nonviolent Power in Action
George Dutton, Jayne Werner, and John K.
Dennis Dalton; With a New Afterword by the
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title
“The product of seasoned research and of several decades of teaching, reading, thinking, and acting on Gandhi’s ideas. It is a rich stew, and a feast for those who appreciate careful scholarship and the continuing power of Gandhian thought.”
“This is more than a biography or a political history. We are offered a penetrating analysis of Gandhian philosophy as revealed in his most individual operations.”
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15959-3 $84.50 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-15958-6 2012 336 pages
indispensable for students interested in Vietnamese society and political theory. . . . Essential." — Choice "This addition to the venerable Introduction
— Journal of Asian Studies
— English Historical Review
"[Sources of Vietnamese Tradition] will be
to Asian Civilizations series marks a major step in the maturation of Vietnam Studies in the American academy." — Foreign Affairs “An essential research tool for anyone interested in Vietnamese history. The editors have done a marvelous job of locating, interpreting, and translating key documents written in a variety of languages.” — Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Harvard University $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-13863-5 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-13862-8 2012 664 pages Introduction to Asian Civilizations
for more information , visit :
INDIAN TRADITION & CULTURE Forthcoming June w rit
g r
s r e e ck
ra r. la u b
The Rhetorical Imagination of Hindi Dalit Literature
ta n c e
Writing Resistance
Sources of Indian Traditions
The Rhetorical Imagination of Hindi Dalit Literature
Modern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh Vol. 2 third edition
Laura R. Brueck
Edited by Rachel Fell McDermott, Leonard
"An original and timely contribution to scholarship on Hindi literature, modern Indian
A. Gordon, Ainslie T. Embree, Frances W. Pritchett, and Dennis Dalton
literature and Dalit studies. The work is well
“The third edition of Sources of Indian
researched, using a judicious combination of
Traditions is fascinating, easy to read, pro-
Hindi and English sources and provides, for
vocative, and relevant to the present. Two
the first time in English, an overview of the
narrative lines flow, like an underground river,
central concerns of Hindi Dalit literature as
through the book: colonialism and the search
both a political and aesthetic movement."
for independence and the struggle with the
— Allison Busch, Columbia University
ever-changing questions of nationalism. An excellent expansion of the second edition,
“In a wide-ranging investigation of origins,
this anthology is masterly organized, making
motivations and genres, Laura Brueck
it a unique teaching text on South Asia.”
addresses the fundamental questions of what
— Owen M. Lynch, New York University
makes this literature Dalit, and what makes it literary; her fine book offers a sympathetic
$75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-13830-7
and yet penetrating guide to a vivacious new
2014 1024 pages / 11 illus
canon of Hindi prose." — Rupert Snell, University of Texas at Austin
Introduction to Asian Civilizations
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16605-8 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16604-1 June 2014 288 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
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The Bhāgavata Purāna Sacred Text and Living Tradition
Text to Tradition The Naisadhīyacarita and Literary Community in South Asia
Edited by Ravi M. Gupta and Kenneth R. Valpey
Deven M. Patel
group of contemporary scholars who bring
"The Bhāgavata Purāna gathers a superb
“Deven M. Patel builds a nuanced, complex,
a new dimension of appreciation for this
and compelling picture of the cultural roles
religious masterpiece of Vaisnava Hinduism.
the Naisadhīyacarita fulfilled over a period of
Their essays plumb the breadth and depth of
some 700 years. The result is a fascinating
the influence of one of the world’s religious
case study of the ways the Sanskrit tradition
masterpieces with its unique devotional inten-
sought to come to grips with a major work."
sity and metaphysical subtlety. The Bhāgavata
— David Shulman, Hebrew University of
"Text to Tradition is the first reception history of any classical Indian text. It is studded with brilliant insights and thoughtful readings of sometimes very difficult, and often unpublished, materials."
2014 280 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
theological discourse. Hinduism in all its varieties cannot be understood without first understanding The Bhāgavata Purāna. Ravi M. Gupta and Kenneth R. Valpey are to be thanked for gathering these important contributions to its scholarship.”
— Sheldon Pollock, Columbia University $50.00 / £34.50 9 cloth 978-0-231-16680-5
Purāna’s special genius heightens devotional intensity to Krishna while presenting profound
— Daniel P. Sheridan, Saint Joseph’s College of Maine $34.50 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-14999-0 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-14998-3 2013 296 pages / 2 illus.
for more information , visit :
Unifying Hinduism
Tamil Love Poetry
Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History
The Five Hundred Short Poems of the Ainkurunuru
Andrew J. Nicholson
Translated and edited by Martha Ann Selby
Best First Book in the History of Religions from the American Academy of Religion
“In Selby’s exquisite translation, the Ainkurunuru can finally speak to an Englishlanguage audience. In these brief, densely packed verses, all the varieties of desire, erotic longing, jealousy, anger, infidelity, and domestic romance find their own natural landscapes. By rendering the entire anthology, Selby enables an appreciation of both the evocative individual poems and the subtle gathering architecture of the whole.”
“This path-breaking work is very helpful and a must read for scholars of Indian history, Hinduism and south Asian religious traditions.” — Metapsychology “Nicholson has created a tour-de-force that puts India’s premodern thinkers in conversation with its postmodern intellectuals.” — Journal of the American Academy of Religion
— Richard Davis, Bard College $28.00 / £19.50
paper 978-0-231-15065-1
$85.00 / £58.50
cloth 978-0-231-15064-4
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14987-7
2011 256 pages
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14986-0
Translations from the Asian Classics
2010 (cloth) 280 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
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Contentious Activism and InterKorean Relations Danielle L. Chubb
DMZ Crossing Performing Emotional Citizenship Along the Korean Border Suk-Young Kim
"In this meticulously researched book, Danielle L. Chubb reveals that South Korean
"Expertly braiding testimony from witnesses
policies toward the North are about far more
on both sides of the Korean border, Kim
than strategic considerations. Reaching
reminds us that political and ideological divi-
beyond prevailing state-centric foreign policy
sions are often no match for the intensity and
accounts, she convincingly argues that inter-
duration of emotional ties. This book is an
Korean relations have been significantly
important contribution to performance stud-
shaped by the legacy that several decades
ies, postcolonial theory, and affect theory. It
of contentious political activism have left on
should be read by all scholars interested in
South Korean society and politics."
Korean life and culture on both sides of the
— Roland Bleiker, University of Queensland
DMZ." — Peggy Phelan, Stanford University
"A comprehensive and penetrating analysis of the dynamic interplay of democracy, unifica-
"DMZ Crossing will have a profound impact
tion, and inter-Korean relations. The book is
not only on the ways we approach the histori-
original and innovative in theory and method-
cal significance of the Korean demilitarized
ology, rigorous in empirical investigation, and
zone, the multilayered meanings produced
rich in policy implications. A must read for
by acts of border crossing, and the issue of
students of Korean politics and East Asia stud-
national division in Korea but also on our
ies." — Chung-in Moon, Yonsei University
understanding of border crossing as sociocul-
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16136-7 2014 296 pages Contemporary Asia in the World
tural performance and its relation to the idea of affective and statist citizenship globally." — Theodore Hughes, Columbia University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16482-5 2014 224 pages / 29 illus.
for more information , visit :
River of Fire and Other Stories O Chong-hui
Literature and Film in Cold War South Korea
Translated by Bruce Fulton and Ju-Chan Fulton
Freedom's Frontier Theodore Hughes
“River of Fire and Other Stories tracks the career of one of South Korea’s most consummate writers, subtly suggesting the violent
Choice Outstanding Academic Title “Hughes delivers a postcolonial study of
undertones of life under military dictatorship
Korea’s modern literary and cinematic his-
and the malaise of urban life, and coming to
tory that no East Asian collection can be
a close with a moving meditation upon aging.
without. . . . Highly recommended.”
The themes here are universal, yet their
— Choice
expression is unique to the controlled precision and delicate interior description that are so characteristic of O Chŏnghŭi’s style. A
“Head and shoulders above its competition.” — Cross Currents $27.00/ / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-15749-0
highly enjoyable read.”
$55.00/ / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-15748-3
— Janet Poole, University of Toronto “A strong addition to any international fiction collection, not to be overlooked.” — Midwest Book Review $27.50 / £19.00 cloth 978-0-231-16066-7 2012 2328 pages
Weatherhead Books on Asia
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A Korean War Captive in Japan, 1597–1600 The Writings of Kang Hang Edited and translated by JaHyun Kim Haboush and Kenneth R. Robinson “A Korean War Captive in Japan, 1597-1600 by Kang Hang has been repeatedly published in both Korea and Japan before 1900 and has long enjoyed a great reputation among scholars as a text that in various ways sheds light on the Japanese invasions of Korea at the end of the sixteenth century (an event that was of tremendous significance for the whole of East Asia) and on the nonmilitary aspects of Korean-Japanese contacts. This is an important work for both the political and intellectual history of East Asia for anyone who wants to understand how national identities are formed and maintained and the manner in which concepts of civilization may influence the relations between different ethnic groups.” — B.C.A. Walraven, Sungkyunkwan University $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-16370-5 2013 272 pages
for more information , visit :
Mongolia and the United States
Theos Bernard, the White Lama
A Diplomatic History
Tibet Yoga, and American Religious Life
Jonathan Addleton
Paul G. Hackett “A lively and significant study.”
“Must reading for professional diplomats
and business people preparing to work in Ulaanbaatar. Well organized and authoritative,
“A detailed and engrossing story about this
Ambassador Addleton’s book will be wel-
enigmatic figure’s life.”
comed by libraries and academic research-
— Journal of Buddhist Ethics
ers seeking a work that puts all the data on US-Mongolia relations in one place. Lively descriptions of past history lead up to informative treatments of contemporary USAID measures to reform the Mongolian banking system, security cooperation between our
“Part mystic, part explorer, and part con man, Theos Bernard comes to life in a tale that is both captivating and enlightening. It is a must read for anyone interested in Eastern religions in America.” — Robert A. F. Thurman, Jey Tsong Khapa
military establishments, and Peace Corps
Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies,
people-to-people relationships. A valuable
Columbia University
contribution to the literature on a strategic Asian country.”
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15887-9
— Nicholas Platt, President Emeritus, Asia Society
$32.95 / £22.95 cloth 978-0-231-15886-2 2012 520 pages / 48 illus.
$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8139-94-1 2013 200 pages Hong Kong University Press
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New in paper
Anna May Wong
Troubled Apologies Among Japan, Korea, and the United States
From Laundryman’s Daughter to Hollywood Legend
Alexis Dudden
Graham Russell Gao Hodges “Graham Russell Gao Hodges’ fascinating biography of Anna May Wong is an important contribution to not only film studies but Asian American history and women’s history. The facts of Wong’s life — her humble origins as laundryman’s daughter, her tragic
“Dudden engagingly explores how the nexus of politics, war memory and apology shapes contemporary trilateral relations between Korea, Japan and the United States.” — Japan Times “A significant contribution on the issue of
love affairs, her international political activ-
historical apologies . . . This book should be
ism, and her celebrity status as the nation’s
required reading.” — Pacific Affairs
first Chinese American movie star — are far more compelling than any of her roles on film.” — Iris Chang, author of The Rape of Nanking and The Chinese American: A
“Rich with insights.” — Journal of World History $27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-14177-2 $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-14176-5 2008 (cloth) 184 pages / 30 illus.
Narrative History $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-988-8139-63-7 2012 320 page , 33 illus. Hong Kong University Press
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History and Popular Memory
Thai Stick
The Power of Story in Moments of Crisis
Surfers, Scammers, and the Untold Story
Paul A. Cohen
of the Marijuana Trade
"A remarkable and fascinating foray by a distinguished Chinese historian into the realms
Peter Maguire and Mike Ritter; Foreword by David Farber
“An extraordinary work, at once a participatory
of history, memory, and ‘history stories,’ those tales we tell about past events that
anthropology, detached sociology, cultural
help us understand and instill meaning into
history, remarkable example of oral history,
the present, even at the cost of distorting
series of smuggling stories, and many other
the past. Analyzing several celebrated cases
things to boot.”
of refashioned distant historical moments,
— Anders Stephanson, Columbia University
ranging from Masada and King Goujian to the Battle of Kosovo and Joan of Arc, Cohen
“From the dank highlands of Siam to the
lucidly demonstrates how at times of crisis
sage-blown point breaks of Alta California,
modern societies reach back for succor and
Thai Stick explores the relationship between
inspirationto the stories and myths of their
surf culture and the ‘funny business.’
greatest triumphs and defeats."
Maguire—grounded in law, history, and the
— Omer Bartov, author of Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day
surfing life—is exactly the right author for this street-level breakdown of smuggling in the 1970s.”
— The Surfer’s Journal $35.00/ £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16636-2
$27.95/ £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16134-3
May 2014 304 pages / 24 illus.
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2013 272 pages / 36 illus.
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Asian and Feminist Philosophies in Dialogue
Africa, India, and the Afrasian
Liberating Traditions
Edited by Jennifer McWeeny and Ashby Butnor
Gaurav Desai
"This path-finding book exhibits a subtle
Commerce with the Universe
“In Gaurav Desai’s capable hands, the Indian
awareness of a cross-fertilization between
Ocean emerges as both a historical and criti-
empowerment of gender and inclusion of
cal contact zone, an area that models how to
diverse voices in philosophy. A valuable and
think in interdisciplinary, historically broad,
meaningful resource for rediscovering our
generically diverse, and critically nuanced
own intellectual landscape."
ways not just about this particular geography
— Robin R. Wang, Loyola Marymount
or its shaping of events (slavery, colonialism,
migration, trade, decolonization, national-
"This collection performs in practice what numerous feminist philosophers have called for in theory—an exercise in world-traveling. Readers will find rich debates on multiple traditions and texts in Asian philosophy as well as innovative and wide-reaching essays on religion, epistemology, care ethics, free
ism, and globalization) but also about the very categories of ethnic history and ethnic identity.” — Vilashini Cooppan, University of California, Santa Cruz $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16454-2 2013 352 pages
will, and subjectivity. A must read." — Linda Martín Alcoff, Hunter College $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16625-6 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16624-9 2014 336 pages
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Aid Dependence in Cambodia
How Finance Is Shaping the Economies of China, Japan, and Korea
How Foreign Assistance Undermines Democracy
Edited by Yung Chul Park and Hugh Patrick
Sophal Ear “Using cross-national statistical evidence
"In juxtaposing the financial systems of
and his immense knowledge of Cambodian
China, Japan, and Korea over the past two
society, Sophal Ear has produced an impor-
decades, this book provides some striking
tant book on the perverse effects of develop-
contrasts in their evolution and responses to the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 and the U.S.-induced crisis of 2007-09. It raises important issues about countries’ interaction with a global financial system largely beyond their control."
ment aid on governance. If this could be the starting point from which future discussions began, there would be a much greater chance of outsiders truly helping poor countries to develop.”
— Barry Bosworth, Brookings Institution
— James Robinson, Harvard University
"Finance and its regulation are controversial,
“Offers valuable lessons not just for policy-
and nowhere are they more controversial
makers working on Cambodia but also for
than in Asia. But no one can claim more
other countries emerging from conflict or
experience and knowledge of the controversy
upheaval.” — Asia Times
than Yung Chul Park and Hugh Patrick. This
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16112-1
volume will be of equal interest to China,
2012 240 pages / 8 illus.
Japan, and Korea specialists, and general readers alike." — Barry Eichengreen, University of California, Berkeley $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-16526-6 2013 376 pages Columbia Business School Publishing
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New in paper
Burma Redux
Bonded Labor
Global Justice and the Quest for Political Reform in Myanmar
Tackling the System of Slavery in South Asia
Ian Holliday
Siddharth Kara
[An] astute book.” — Publishers Weekly
”Passionate...yet data-driven and absent of sensationalism, Kara’s spotlight on debt bondage, “at once the most ancient and
“Not many books have been written on Myanmar, so Holliday’s extensive and inten-
most contemporary face of human servitude,”
siveexamination of the this country’s state of
warrants profound attention.”
affairs in this book is a pioneering contribu-
— Publishers Weekly
tion to understanding its problems and help-
“A valuable resource for policy makers,
ing its people achieve freedom and foster
human-rights activists, legal experts and aca-
economic development.” — Bizindia
demics, as well as for businesses with supply
“This is a fine introduction to the modern history of Burma and in particular to the history of Burma since 1948.” — H-Diplo $29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16127-5
chains in developing countries.” — Asia Literary Review $22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15849-7 $29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15848-0 2012 336 pages / 26 illus.
$89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16126-8
Sex Trafficking
2012 304 pages
Inside the Business of Modern Slavery Siddharth Kara
Co-winner of the Frederick Douglass Book Prize from Yale University’s Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History $18.95 / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-13961-8 $29.95 / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-13960-1 2008 320 pages/ 26 illus.
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Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra: Chapters XI–XII (The Creation Stage)
A Catalogue of the Comparative Kangyur (bka' 'gyur dpe bsdur ma)
Tsong Khapa Losang Drakpa. Translated and
Paul G. Hackett
Introduced by Thomas F. Yarnall
This is the first volume of a two volume set
Tsong Khapa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra (Sngags rim chen mo)—considered by the present Dalai Lama to be one of Tsong Khapa’s two most important books (along with his Lam rim chen mo)—is his masterful synthesis of the principles and practices of all four classes of Tantra, which formed the basis of his innovation in creat ing the esoteric “Tantric College” institution and curriculum in the early fifteenth century. With detailed reference to hundreds of works from the Tibetan Kangyur and Tengyur, the chapters presented and studied in this volume concern his treatment of the creation stage (bskyed rim) meditations of Unexcelled Yoga Tantra. This includes a detailed analysis emphasizing how and why such creation stage practices—utilizing deity yoga to transform death, the between, and life into the three bodies of buddhahood— are indispensible to creating a foundation for successfully entering the culminal yogic practices of the perfection stage. (A subsequent volume will present the perfection stage chapters of this essential masterwork.)
providing detailed cataloging information for the recently published Comparative (dpe bsdur ma) recension of the Tibetan Tripitaka. The catalogue includes cross-references to seven other Kangyur recensions used in the compilation of the Comparative Kangyur, including the previously uncataloged “Litang” (li thang) Kangyur. In addition, errors found in the “tables of contents” (dkar chag) and “cross-reference tables” (re’u mig) to the published edition have been corrected and verified against the published volumes and original blockprints. Indices to Tibetan and Sanskrit titles, translators, and revisers have been added, along with concordance tables aligning catalog numbers between the various recensions. $56.00 / £38.50 cloth 978-1-935011-14-9 2013 414 pages American Institute of Buddhist Studies
$56.00 / £38.50 cloth 978-1-935011-01-9 June 2014 408 pages American Institute of Buddhist Studies
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Forthcoming August
New in paper
Spells, Images, and Mandalas
Brains, Buddhas, and Believing
Tracing the Evolution of Esoteric Buddhist Rituals
The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and CognitiveScientific Philosophy of Mind
Koichi Shinohara “This book will transform the scholarly discourse concerning the relationship between Dharaṇi scriptures and esoteric Buddhism in the late Mahayana. In an area rife with confusing and competing theories concerning Dharaṇi scriptures and their relationship to the rise of the tantras, Shinohara has waded in and done the nitty-gritty textual work necessary to advance a coherent thesis
Dan Arnold
Winner of the Toshihide Numata Book Prize “Strong both philosophically and philologically, with Arnold’s characteristic erudition, analytic rigor, interpretive sensitivity, and enthusiasm evident throughout.” — H-Buddhism "The book admirably shows how the
on the evolution of the use of images and
philosophical views of Dharmakīrti and
the emergence of practices of visualization."
others are not just exhibits in the Indian
— Charles D. Orzech, Glasgow University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16614-0 August 2014 368 pages / 10 illus. Sheng Yen Series in Chinese Buddhism
Wing of the Museum of the History of Ideas, but positions that are of considerable importance in our attempts of addressing contemporary philosophical problems." — Religions of South Asia $27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-14547-3 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14546-6 2012 328 pages
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BUDDHISM New in paper
The Awakened Ones
Meditations of a Buddhist Skeptic
Phenomenology of Visionary Experience
A Manifesto for the Mind Sciences and Contemplative Practice
Gananath Obeyesekere
B. Alan Wallace
“In a world subjugated by the reification, if
“This book is a stirring attack on the hubris
not deification, of rationality and science, this is a sorely needed antidote. . . . Highly
and blind spots of the scientific establish-
recommended.” — Choice
ment, combined with an engaging presentation of Buddhist wisdom as the antidote.”
“The Awakened Ones is the most sustained
— Japan Times
and powerful treatment since William James of the forms of knowledge and life that
“In his description of the tenets and practices
visionary experience makes possible....A
of Buddhism, Wallace is a true master. His
remarkable combination of panoramic refer-
range and depth of knowledge is astounding
ence, detached analysis, and the most per-
and his linking of this knowledge to the prac-
sonal intensity of feeling and style.”
tices and views of science is nearly unique.”
— Akeel Bilgrami, Columbia University
— Arthur Zajonc, professor of physics, Amherst College
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-15362-1 2012 644 pages/11 illus.
$18.95 / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-15835-0 $27.95 / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-15834-3 2011 (cloth) 304 pages
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New in paper
New in paper
Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism
The Lovelorn Ghost and the Magical Monk
History, Semiology, and Transgression in the Indian Traditions
Practicing Buddhism in Modern Thailand
Christian K. Wedemeyer
Justin Thomas McDaniel
Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion: Historical Studies from the American Academy of Religion
George McT. Kahin Book Prize on Southeast Asia, Association for Asian Studies
An important new work in Buddhology"
“This book informs, entertains, and provokes...
— Choice
anyone interested in Thailand today, in Buddhism, in ghosts, or in why CentralWorld
"Highly recommended" — South Asia
was burned down should read this brilliant
“A milestone in the field....Christian K. Wedemeyer’s methodological precision sheds light on traditional and modern historiography alike and makes a critical intervention in the scholarship that will have a major impact for generations to come.” — Janet Gyatso, Harvard University
book.” — Bangkok Post “Will likely serve for years to come as a benchmark in the study of Thai Buddhism, and McDaniel’s arguments, claims and interpretations will be advanced, debated and critiqued by future scholars seeking to
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-16241-8
elucidate Thai Buddhism with the same care
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16240-1
and insight he has displayed.”
2012 336 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
— New Mandala Blog $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15377-5 $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-15376-8 2011 (cloth) 384 pages / 20 illus.
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Buddhism in America, Revised and Expanded
Readings of the Platform Sutra
Richard Hughes Seager
Reading through these essays, one gains
Praise for the previous edition:
both a sense of how Bodhidharma’s lineage
Edited by Morten Schlütter and Stephen F. Teiser
“Provides a comprehensive survey of a variety of Buddhist traditions in the contemporary
took root in East Asia as well as the dynamics at play between the early Chinese Buddhist masters.” — Buddhadharma
U.S. . . . [Its] strength, apart from being a
$29.00 / £20.00 paper 978-0-231-15821-3
mine of information, is Seager’s insistence on taking a historically informed and comparative perspective.”—Religious Studies Review
$90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15820-6 2012 232 pages Columbia Readings 0f Buddhist Literature
“This book cries out for use as a textbook for classes on Buddhism in America.”
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
—The Journal of Religion
Philip Yampolsky
This edition updates existing text and adds three new essays on contemporary developments in American Buddhism, particularly the aging of the baby boom population and its effect on American Buddhism’s modern character. New material includes revised information on the full range of communities profiled in the first edition; an added study of a second generation of young, Euro-American leaders and teachers; and an accessible look at the increasing importance of meditation and neurobiological research.
with a new foreward and updated glossary
“[Yampolsky] has...has given us the most comprehensive and most scholarly account of the subject in English.” —Journal of the American Oriental Society Remarkable....Yampolsky’s study is characterized by a clarity of presentation and a thoroughness of exploration of Chinese and Japanese sources.” —Philosophy East and West $34.00 / £23.50 paper 978-0-231-15957-9 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15956-2
$27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-15973-9
2012 276 pages
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Translations From The Asian Classics
2012 384 pages Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series
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How to Read Chinese Poetry Workbook Zong-qi Cai and Jie Cui ”This is, by far, the most comprehensive and useful collection of traditional Chinese poems that will serve a broad range of readers and purposes for many years to come. .... Teachers won’t have to pore through numerous anthologies of Chinese poetry for course material any more. The impressive breadth and depth, the thoughtful design and organization, of this workbook, meets all of their pedagogical and intellectual needs.” — Michelle Yeh, University of California, Davis. $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-15658-5
Chaoyue: Advancing in Chinese A Textbook for Intermediate & Pre-Advanced Students Yea-Fen Chen, Meng Yeh, Frances Yufen Lee Mehta, Mei-Ju Hwang, Yuanchao Meng, and Natasha Pierce Illustrated by Amanda Wood $42.00 / £29.00 paper 978-0-231-14529-9 $125.00 / £86.50 cloth 978-0-231-145282010 464 pages
Chaoyue Workbook Advancing in Chinese Practice for Intermediate & Pre-Advanced Students Meng Yeh, Frances Yufen Lee Mehta, Mei-Ju Hwang, Yuanchao Meng, and Natasha Pierce Illustrated by Amanda Wo0d
2012 232 pages
How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978--231-15623-3 2010 216 pages / 140 illus.
Edited by Zong-qi Cai $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-13941-0 $110.00 / £76.00 cloth 978-0-231-13940-3 2007 464 pages
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