2014 Columbia Literary and Cultural Studies Catalogue

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Literary & Cultural Studies New and Noteworthy Titles 2014



Literary Studies & Critical Studies................. 2 American Literature & Culture.....................24 UK & European Literature............................ 27 Modernist Studies........................................30 Poetry............................................................ 33 Animal Studies..............................................35 Asian Literature & Culture............................ 38 Film Studies.................................................. 50 Journalism & Media Studies.........................58 Other Titles of Interest.................................62

The Generation of Postmemory

Order Information........................................ 63

Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust Marianne Hirsch “Significant contributions to Holocaust literature, women’s and gender history, and memory studies.” — Women’s Review of Books

Cover Photo: ©Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen} Manuscript queries and proposals can be sent to the Literary & Cultural Studies editors: for Film Studies, Asian Literature, and titles for the Gender & Culture series — Jennifer Crewe at jc373@ columbia.edu. For Literary Studies and Journalism titles — Philip Leventhal at pl2164@columbia.edu For a complete listing of Columbia’s titles or for more information about any book in this catalog, visit our web site: www.cup.columbia.edu Most titles in this catalogue published by Columbia University Press are available worldwide from the Press. If no UK price appears for a title, it is most likely available from Columbia only in the United States, its possessions, and Canada.

“A brilliant text that movingly examines the ineluctable abyss between reality as we find it now and trauma as it was lived by those who were forced to undergo the Holocaust.” — Brett Kaplan, author of Landscapes of Holocaust Postmemory $27.50 / £19.00  paper 978-0-231-15653-0 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15652-3 2012 320 pages 57 illus Gender and Culture Series

Titles published by The Chinese University Press, The University of Tokyo Press, Edinburgh University Press, Wallflower Press, Auteur Press, European Consortium for Political Research Press, and the Social Science Research Council are available from Columbia only in North America. To order titles from these publishers in other parts of the world, please contact each press directly.


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Rites of Return

The Homoerotics of Orientalism

Diaspora Poetics and the Politics of Memory

Joseph Allen Boone

Edited by Marianne Hirsch and Nancy K. Miller “A stellar cast of scholars, writers, engaged

“A veritable tour de force. Joseph Boone’s brilliant The Homoerotics of Orientalism offers a groundbreaking and timely dialogue

journalists, and public intellectuals explore

between the neglected homosexual subtext of

some of the most pressing issues of our time.

Anglo-European orientalist narratives and the

Writing (and speaking) in voices urgent and

emerging field of Islamicate queer studies. He

intimate, public and political, these contribu-

challenges us to revisit a wide range of oriental-

tors transport readers across generations and

ist textual and visual artifacts produced over the

national borders to ask what it means to belong

last four hundred and fifty years and recognize

to a place or a people in an age of overlapping

not only the extent to which homoerotic desire

claims and occupied territories.” — Michael

haunts literary, visual, and cultural produc-

Rothberg, author of Multidirectional Memory:

tions, but also how its appearance contests

Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of

heterosexual norms, colonial control, and race


and gender hierarchies. The wealth of textual

$29.00 / £20.00  paper 978-0-231-15091-0

and visual materials that Boone has excavated

$90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15090-3 2011  328 pages /21 illus. Gender and Culture Series

and the broad selection of figures that illustrate “The Homoerotics of Orientalism” are, in and of themselves, extraordinary contributions to scholarship. A must read for scholars both of Anglo-European-American and of MiddleEastern and Islamicate gender and sexuality studies.” — Sahar Amer, Professor, University of Sydney (Australia) $50.00 / £34.50 cloth  978-0-231-15110-8 April 2014   520 pages / 250 illus.

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



No Country

Cut of the Real

Working-Class Writing in the Age of Globalization

Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy

Sonali Perera

Katerina Kolozova

“A powerful new theorizing of working-class

"Cut of the Real is an important and original con-

literature in a global dimension. Gender

tribution to the complex discussions relating to

inflections are given in unprecedented detail,

subjectivity and identity. Through her nuanced

through deeply learned and meticulously

reading of Lacan and Laruelle, Kolozova creates

documented close readings of an astonishingly

a powerful argument for a notion of democratic

diversified collection of texts. Her readings of

love that allows us to break through some of

Marx are relevant to contemporary realities.”

the ambiguities that have attended discussions

— Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University Professor, Columbia University “A timely, intellectually ambitious, and original piece of work. It hopes both to reinvigorate critical interest in a complex genre/period category and, in the same movement, to provoke

of subjectivity, human nature, and the possibility of meaningful or radical social change. Her book will be a must-read in fields as diverse as philosophy, anthropology, and law."

— Drucilla Cornell, Rutgers University "An important contribution to ongoing debates

new thinking about such major categories as

in feminist theory, queer theory, gender theory,

class, history, and literature itself.”

and race theory, as well as the newly emerging

— Ellen Rooney, Brown University

philosophical trend of speculative realism....

$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15194-8

Kolozova’s book is the best introduction to

February 2014 248 pages

Laruelle’s thought to date." — Levi R. Bryant, Collin College $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16610-2 2014 208 pages Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture


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Night Passages

Are the Lips a Grave?

Philosophy, Literature, and Film

A Queer Feminist on the Ethics of Sex

Elisabeth Bronfen

Lynne Huffer

"Elisabeth Bronfen's Night Passages will take

"Against the persistent rumor that feminism

readers not only to the end of the night, but

and queer theory can never be friends, Lynne

to its beginnings and middle as well. The

Huffer recovers a wide—and at times wild—

nocturnal world of the ancient Greeks, of

range of shared political and critical lineages.

Shakespeare, Hegel, Freud, and film noir, of

Provocative, impassioned, and at times deeply

Mozart, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Bronte, George

personal, Are the Lips a Grave? is the first full-

Eliot, Edith Wharton, and Virginia Woolf, of E.

length defense of ‘queer feminism.’" — Robyn

T. A. Hoffmann and Martin Scorsese--it is all

Wiegman, Duke University

here. No other work deals so profoundly with what the human mind has imagined about life between sunset and sunrise." — William Sharpe, Barnard College $32.50 / £22.50 paper 978-0-231-14799-6 $105.00 / £72.00 cloth 978-0-231-14798-9 2013 496 pages 21 illus.

"This book is an important and timely intervention into current debates within queer and feminist theory on the respective limits of these scholarly fields. By recuperating a rich sense of ‘ethics,’ Lynne Huffer argues we must rethink the false boundaries between these two fields to arrive at a more robust understanding of the ethics of sexuality, sexual difference, and gender." —Shannon Winnubst, Ohio State University $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16417-7 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16416-0 2013 264 pages 4 illus

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



In Translation

A Little Gay History

Translators on Their Work and What It Means

Desire and Diversity Across the World

Edited by Esther Allen and Susan Bernofsky “A strong introduction to the field.” — Publishers Weekly “Knowledgeable and articulate . . . . the book raises and clarifies a variety of significant issues about the many decisions translators must contend with.” — Kirkus Reviews “An obvious choice for writers and readers inter-

R. B. Parkinson “Parkinson successfully shows that same-sex love and desire are an integral part of human history.” — Publishers Weekly “Moving and fascinating.” — The Sunday Times “This little gay history is a little terrific book... highly recommended.” — Library Journal $19.95 paper 978-0-231-16663-8 2013 128 pages / 80 color photos

ested in translation; challenging but also accessible to the nonacademic reader.” — Library Journal $29.50 / £20.50  paper 978-0-231-15969-2 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15968-5 2013 288 pages / 1 illus.


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Philosophical Temperaments From Plato to Foucault

The Incident at Antioch/ L’Incident d’Antioche A Tragedy in Three Acts / Tragédie en trois actes

Peter Sloterdijk Translated by Thomas Dunlap

“Sloterdijk is not only an original thinker, he is probably on the way to being one of the world’s most prominent ‘public philosophers.’ In this book, he provides brief, highly charged and

Alain Badiou Introduction by Kenneth Reinhard and Translated by Susan Spitzer

“Between three Pauls, the apostle, Claudel, and

colorful readings of the character, life, and ideas

Jean-Paul Sartre, Badiou revives the tradition of

of the leading Western philosophers.”

political theater. In language of unprecedented

— Carl Raschke, University of Denver

beauty, he portrays a city--both archaic and

"Philosophical Temperaments is in fact a creative reworking of the idea of an introduction to philosophy. It invites readers to taste philosophy itself, to somehow catch that elusive sense of what it means to think." — Ward Blanton, University of Kent $19.95 / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-15373-7 $59.50 / £41.00 cloth


2013 136 pages Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture

ultra-contemporary--whose prince is, or will be, a woman.” —Catherine Malabou, University of Kingston

Written with striking eloquence and extraordinary poetic richness, and shifting from highly serious emotional and intellectual drama to surreal comic interlude, Badiou’s play features statesmen, workers, and revolutionaries struggling to reconcile the nature and practice of politics. $22.95 / £16.00 paper 978-0-231-15775-9 $69.50 / £48.00 cloth 978-0-231-15774-2 2013 216 pages Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Social Acceleration:


A New Theory of Modernity

The Evolution of the Preliterate Imagination

Hartmut Rosa

Christopher Collins

Translated by Jonathan Trejo-Mathys

"Hartmut Rosa has put forward the most devel-

“Exploring the bodily roots of rhetoric and poetry by combining insights from Aristotle to

oped and most important social theoretical

Heidegger, from Benveniste to Langacker, and

analysis of the acceleration of time from the

from Gestalt psychology to Merlin Donald’s

perspective of critical theory. His theory of

theory of human cognitive evolution and mod-

social acceleration is of great importance, since

ern neuroscience, Paleopoetics represents a

it explains how our social lives are speeding

bold synthesis that helps bring closer the ‘two

up, and extends critical theory into a new and

cultures’ of science and the humanities, extend-

fruitful avenue of inquiry—and maybe even

ing it further towards performance art and

into a new generation of social theorizing and

literature. This book deserves to be read by all

critique." — Jerald Wallulis, University of

interested in the emerging fields of cognitive

South Carolina

poetics and cognitive semiotics.” — Jordan

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-14834-4

Zlatev, Lund University, coeditor of Moving

2013 512 pages 16 illus

Ourselves, Moving Others: Motion and Emotion in

New Directions in Critical Theory

Intersubjectivity, Consciousness, and Language $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16092-6 2013 272 pages / 7 illus.


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Commerce with the Universe

Placing America

Africa, India, and the Afrasian

American Culture and its Spaces


Edited by Michael Fuchs and

Gaurav Desai

Maria-Theresia Holub

“In Gaurav Desai’s capable hands, the Indian Ocean emerges as both a historical and critical contact zone, an area that models how to think in interdisciplinary, historically broad, generically diverse, and critically nuanced ways not just about this particular geography or its shaping of events (slavery, colonialism, migration, trade, decolonization, nationalism, and globalization) but also about the very categories of ethnic history and ethnic identity.” — Vilashini Cooppan, University of California, Santa Cruz, author of Worlds Within: National Narratives and Global Connections in Postcolonial Writing $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16454-2 2013   352 pages

In Call Me Ishmael, Charles Olson exclaims “SPACE to be the central fact to man born in America.” Indeed, from the start, history and identity in America have been intricately tied to issues of space: from the idea of the “city upon a hill” to the transnational (soft) power of the United States, space has always served as an important parameter of power gained or lost and of the struggles to maintain or resist it. With contributions that range from the construction of America in (European) academic discourses to children’s fiction, this collection provides an extensive and insightful study of how space influences our understanding of America. $40.00 paper 978-3-8376-2080-1 2013  214 pages / 11 illus. Transcript-Verlag

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Situating Existentialism

Critical Pulse

Key Texts in Context

Thirty-Six Credos by Contemporary Critics

Edited by Jonathan Judaken and Robert

Edited by Jeffrey J. Williams and Heather



A Choice Outstanding Academic Title "The essays are uniformly of high quality...highly recommended." — Choice “If existentialism had any one overriding aim, it was to convince us that we can transcend our contexts, defy convention, and rebel against historical destiny. Yet, with the passage of time,

“Both autobiography and declaration of principle, these credos are dispatches from the trenches of literary criticism. They will inspire future scholars even as they register the uncertainties of an increasingly precarious profession.” — Martin Puchner, Harvard University, author of The Drama of Ideas: Platonic Provocations in Theater and Philosophy

existentialism has seemed more and more an expression of a specific moment and milieu

Contributors: Andrew Ross, Amitava Kumar,

that are no longer our own. These learned and

Lisa Lowe, Vincent B. Leitch, Craig Womack,

insightful essays provide ample evidence of the

Jeffrey J. Williams, Marc Bousquet, Katie Hogan,

parallax vision needed to situate existentialism

Michelle A. Massé, John Conley, Heather

in its multiple temporal and spatial contexts

Steffen, Paul Lauter, Cary Nelson, David B.

while allowing us to believe it may still have

Downing, Barbara Foley, Michael Bérubé, Victor

enduring meaning beyond them all.”

Cohen, Gerald Graff, William Germano, Ann

—Martin Jay, University of California, Berkeley $34.50 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-14775-0

Pellegrini, Bruce Robbins, Kenneth Warren, Diana Fuss, Lauren Berlant, Toril Moi, Morris

$105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-14774-3

Dickstein, Rita Felski, David R. Shumway,

2012 440 pages

Mark Bauerlein, Devoney Looser, Stephen Burt, Mark Greif, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Mark McGurl, Frances Negrón-Muntaner, Judith Jack Halberstam $27.50 / £19.00  paper 978-0-231-16115-2 $82.50 / £57.00 cloth 978-0-231-16114-5 2012 288 pages


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Transatlantic Cultural Exchange

Theory and the Politics of Knowing

African American Women’s Art and Activism in West Germany

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o “In an ever-shrinking world, this book demonstrated the need to understand the similarities and differences in the stories we tell each other.” — Publishers Weekly “Ngũgĩ’s writing style seamlessly blends personal narratives with complex theoretical discussions, taking the reader on a journey that combines his indisputable literary skills with an acute awareness of the theoretical landscape.” — ID: International Dialogue “An outstandingly succinct, grounded, and widereaching study that will be of interest, and an inspiration, to many scholars, especially those working and teaching in the fields of globalization and of postcolonial and comparative literary studies.” — Modern Langauge Review

Katharina Gerund From Josephine Baker’s performances in the 1920s to the 1970s solidarity campaigns for Angela Davis, from Audre Lorde as “mother” of the Afro-German movement in the 1980s to the literary stardom of 1993 Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison, Germans have actively engaged with African American women’s art and activism throughout the 20th century. The discursive strategies that have shaped the (West) German reactions to African American women’s social activism and cultural work are examined in this study, which proposes not only a nuanced understanding of African Americanizations as a form of cultural exchange but also sheds new light on the role of African American culture for (West) German society, culture, and national identity.

$20.00 / £14.00  paper 978-0-231-15951-7

$55.00 paper 978-3-8376-2273-7

$24.00 / £16.50 cloth 978-0-231-15950-0

2013  320 pages

2012 120 pages 16 illus


Wellek Library Lectures

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu


European Perspective Series, Edited by Lawrence Kritzm New in paper

The Philosopher’s Touch

The Severed Head

Sartre, Nietzsche, and Barthes at the Piano

Capital Visions

François Noudelmann

Julia Kristeva "Through her wonder and her doubt Kristeva

"An elegant ode to the emotional and intellec-

sets forth a compelling account of the sacred

tual importance of music and solitude."

and of the intimate visionary capacity of the

— Publishers Weekly

human soul.” — The Ecclesial University Blog

"A remarkable and revealing book."

— Library Journal "Noudelmann's book is musically sophisticated and informed by deep knowledge of the

“The Severed Head is a reminder that art can be the best teacher, particularly when the topic is an uncomfortable one.” — New Pages.com “This beautifully written and richly layered

piano...This little book is a unique chapter in

meditation on mortality and representation will

the aesthetics of the piano, and serves as a

undoubtedly appeal to those readers interested

wonderful opening beat for a suite of others

in semiotic and psychoanalytically informed

to follow."

readings of art.” — Library Journal XPress Reviews

— Notre Dame Philosophical Review

$29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15999-9 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15998-2

$29.00 / £20.00 cloth 978-0-231-15394-2


2012 304 pages

2012 176 pages

European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought

European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism

and Cultural Criticism

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man —20th Anniversary New in paper

Imaginary Ethnographies Literature, Culture, and Subjectivity Gabriele Schwab A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Hatred and Forgiveness

"Though a series of interrelated essays, this is a

Julia Kristeva

powerful book presenting a unified argument...

Translated by Jeanine Herman

Highly recommended." — Choice

“Julia Kristeva’s book is a memorable source of reflections on the temptation and quest of being.”— Metapsychology

Julia Kristeva refracts the impulse to hate (and our attempts to subvert, sublimate, and otherwise process it) through psychoanalysis and text, exploring worlds, women, religion, portraits, and the act of writing. Her inquiry spans themes, topics, and figures central to her writing, and her paths of discovery advance the theoretical innovations that are so characteristic of her thought. $24.00 / £16.50 paper 978-0-231-14325-7 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-14324-0 2010 336 pages

"[Gabriele Schwab] has given us another work whose clarity of prose reflects a clarity of thought that crosses the often restrictive boundaries of disciplines. She marshals philosophy, psychoanalysis, anthropology, and politics in a reading of literature and culture that adds a distinctive Schwabian voice to critical theory. Imaginary Ethnographies consolidates her wellestablished reputation." — Ngugwi Thiong'o, author of Globalectics: Theory and the Politics of Knowing $27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-15949-4 $82.50 / £57.00 cloth 978-0-231-15948-7 2012 240 pages

European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



A Hunger for Aesthetics Enacting the Demands of Art Michael Kelly “Weaving careful attention to the aesthetic, social, and ethical claims of particular artworks with an investigation of a range of philosophical and critical responses to them, Kelly shows that the very possibilities of art as critique and of the critique of art demand—even ‘hunger for’—an aesthetics that addresses the moralpolitical stakes and limits of art. Kelly’s explication and defense of aesthetics as the grounds of art critique—rather than inimical to it—will interest not only philosophers of art and aestheticians of all stripes. In developing theoretical resources to renew the relations between aes-

Hospitality of the Matrix Philosophy, Biomedicine, and Culture Irina Aristarkhova "Original and thought-provoking." — Hospitality and Society “Beautifully written and full of insight, Aristarkhova’s book not only examines but also refigures the notion of matrix/maternal within western intellectual history. Her analysis is compelling, contributing to debates in feminist bioethics, biomedical ethics in general, Continental philosophies of hospitality and ethics, and feminist discussions of reproduction.” —Kelly Oliver, Vanderbilt University $29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15929-6

thetics and ethics, social theory, and political

$89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15928-9

economy, it will command the close attention of

2012 248 pages / 3 illus.

curators, historians, sociologists, and practitioners of the arts, especially those who have been tempted to abandon aesthetics." —Whitney Davis, University of California, Berkeley $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15292-1 2012 272 pages 16 illus. columbia themes in philosophy, social criticism, and the arts


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Heritage, Culture, and Politics in the Postcolony

Parting Ways

Daniel Herwitz

Judith Butler

"Thoughtfully crafted and elegantly written, this

Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism

"An incredibly important and timely book. As

book is pleasant reading for everyone interested

always, Judith Butler generates a brilliant and

in learning about the status of cultural studies

rich argument through a series of readings, in

around the world. . . . Recommended."

this case complex and nuanced engagements with the work of Edward Said, Emmanuel

— Choice "A work of ebullient imagination, zest, and wit, Heritage, Culture, and Politics in the Postcolony explores the double life of heritage in the making of modern political identities—as both the fixed capital of national hegemony and the fluid currency of novel visions and claims. The book may evoke an aura of timeless homage, but heritage is also a riff in real time. In this acute exploration of its recent, postcolonial iterations, Daniel Herwitz shows that while its role remains much the same, its substance is constantly, ingeniously changing." —Jean Comaroff, Harvard University

Levinas, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, Primo Levi, and Mahmoud Darwish. Her book is intent on showing that one can develop from Jewish sources a perspective on Israel-Palestine that is non-Zionist, and that it might even be possible to assert resistance to Zionism as itself a ‘Jewish’ value. These scare quotes are Butler’s, who constantly questions what it means to be Jewish." —Amy Hollywood, Harvard University $19.95 / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-14611-1 $27.95/ £19.50 cloth 978-0-231-14610-4 2012 256 pages new directions in critical theory

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16018-6 2012 232 pages / 24 illus.

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Subjects of Desire

The Global and the Intimate

Hegelian Reflections in TwentiethCentury France

Feminism in Our Time

Judith Butler "Butler’s book . . . is an outstanding one, and

Edited by Geraldine Pratt and Victoria Rosner “Balancing feminist theory’s commitment to the everyday with a keen understanding of the

deserves to be read by anyone interested in the

structures that shape lives, The Global and the

question of the survival(s) of Hegel in contem-

Intimate demonstrates how the site-specific

porary French philosophy."

material practices undertaken by embodied

— Annals of Scholarship

agents both connect with and affect other

"What [Butler’s] account suggests is that the

people and places across the globe. It is a

most damaging aspect of contemporary French

richly textured book that merits a wide audi-

Hegel reception is that its highly critical empha-

ence while inviting a reconsideration of hier-

sis on the metaphysical issues of identity, ratio-

archies of space and scale and their relevance

nality, and historical closure have so obscured

to feminist investigations.” — Sallie Marston,

Hegel’s original idealism...that the rejection of

University of Arizona

Hegel brings with it, with a kind of dialectical

$29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15449-9

necessity, the return of the pre-Hegelian, even

$89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15448-2

the pre-Kantian, a kind of naive hope for ‘imme-

2012   344 pages / 20 illus.

diacy’ and, paradoxically, a commitment to a

Gender and Culture Series

realism that the idealist tradition was to have finished off."— The Philosophical Review $29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15999-9 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15998-2 2012 304 pages


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Uncreative Writing

Stalking Nabokov

Managing Language in the Digital Age Kenneth Goldsmith Association for the Arts of the Present (ASAP) Book Prize

this book: he writes lucidly about complex and avant-garde ideas. As a result, he opens up a vital debate for anyone who cares about literature, between notions of traditional creative writing and the set of practices he labels ‘uncreative writing’.” — Times Higher Education “Selected writers and their practices are reviewed in a series of accessible essays perfect — Midwest Book Review

“Boyd’s graceful style and passionate advocacy achieves the goal of the best literary criticism: it compels us to pick up Nabokov and read, or

“Goldsmith achieves a very difficult feat with

for college-level writers.”

Brian Boyd

read again, the work of a master.” — Publishers Weekly “Ambitious . . . . Fervent . . . . Epiphanic.” — Martin Amis “There is much here that will inform, enliven, and enlighten the work of one of the greatest novelists of his century.” — New York Times Book Review $26.00 / £18.00  paper 978-0-231-15857-2 $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15856-5 2011 464 pages

$23.95 / £15.95  paper 978-0-231-14991-4 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-14990-7 2011 272 pages / 27 illus.

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



New in paper

Critical Children

The Novel After Theory

The Use of Childhood in Ten Great Novels Richard Locke

Judith Ryan “The profusion of examples and careful atten-

“Using the portrayal of childhood as his eye-

tion to detail will be appealing to the initiated

opening theme and total immersion as his

and the novice alike, and will offer both a rich

critical method, Richard Locke brilliantly reex-

fund of sources and examples from which to

amines classic novels we complacently thought

draw...” — Modern Language Review

we understood. He enlarges and freshens our insight into modern works by Salinger, Nabokov, and Philip Roth by placing them in a line that reaches back to masterpieces by Dickens and Twain. This is an intense, subtle, elegantly written, and exceptionally illuminating work.” — Morris Dickstein, author of Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression

“A brilliantly lucid, learned, and readable book demonstrating persuasively the inherence of high theory in a wide range of ‘postmodern’ novels. The work of De Man, Derrida, Lacan, Kristeva, Foucault, Baudrillard, Deleuze, and Guattari is shown in convincing detail to have instigated both the form and theme of novels by Swift, DeLillo, Pynchon, Kristeva, Coetzee, and many others.” — J. Hillis Miller,

“Incisive and entertaining.” — Wall Street Journal

University of California, Irvine

“While remaining sensitive to the historical and

$22.00 / £15.00  paper 978-0-231-15743-8

cultural specificity of texts, Locke celebrates

$32.00 / £22.00 cloth 978-0-231-15742-1

these novels; he subjects character to the clos-

2011 272 pages

est of close readings; he immerses himself and revels in the words on the page.” — Times Literary Supplement $24.00 / £16.50  paper 978-0-231-15783-4 $29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15782-7 2011 232 pages


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Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique: Dialogues

Mute Speech

Edited by Gabriel Rockhill and Alfredo Gomez-

Jacques Ranciere


Literature, Critical Theory, and Politics

“Ranciere is refreshingly unorthdox in unearthing

“A book full of insights. Ten of the world’s most

examples of ‘mute speech’ not from modernism,

important critical theorists reflect on the inter-

but from relatively prosaic realist and naturalist

sections of biography, history, and theory and the

novels.” — Times Literary Supplement

interviews shed new light both on their thought and on the process of thinking.” — Craig Calhoun, New York University

“Mute Speech counts among Jacques Rancière’s most intensive and compelling studies of the origins and consequences of modern literature.

$28.00 / £19.50  paper 978-0-231-15187-0

Taking German Romantic philosophy as a point

$85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-15186-3

of departure and setting his sights on Flaubert,

2011 288 pages

Mallarmé and Proust, Rancière draws his read-

New Directions in Critical Theory

ers through the many contradictions that give rise to the aesthetic turn of our age.” — Tom Conley, Harvard University $29.00 / £20.00  paper 978-0-231-15103-0 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15102-3 2011 208 pages New Directions in Critical Theory

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Memory, Trauma, and History

French Global

Essays on Living with the Past

A New Approach to Literary History

Michael S. Roth

Edited by Christie McDonald

“Exceptional and wide-ranging.” — Times Higher Education “Not only does it stand out as a profound interdisciplinary study on the multilayered facets of (collective) memory and its (re)construction, but it is in itself a valuable record of contemporary discourses on memory, since its essays were written over more than twenty years.” —

and Susan Rubin Suleiman “A powerful and persuasive revision of the monumental and monolithic idea of French literature, redefined as a multifaceted process fraught with differences and contradictions and bearing the stamp of transnational movements.” — French Studies “An innovative work first and foremost for reintro-

Modern Language Review

ducing literary history as an approach to reading

$29.00 / £20.00 paper 978-0-231-14569-5

texts.”— European Legacy

$90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-14568-8 2011   336 pages / 15 illus.

$32.00 / £22.00 paper 978-02-3114741-5 $95.00 / £65.50 cloth 978-0-231-14740-8 2011   576 pages / 2 illus.


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Course in General Linguistics


Ferdinand de Saussure Translated by Wade Baskin. Edited by Perry Meisel

Figures of Following in Modern Thought and Aesthetics

and Haun Saussy

Gerhard Richter

“I am delighted that Wade Baskin’s classic trans-

“For Richter, coming after should not be mis-

lation is back in print, especially since Saussy

understood as merely derivative, belated, or

and Meisel’s judicious updating and summary

secondary. Instead, he convincingly argues for

of recent scholarly discoveries make this an

the recognition of an ‘essential’ anachronism

invaluable resource for English readers.”—

inherent in any thought that authentically

Jonathan Culler, Cornell University

attempts to understand time and history. . . .

This is the first critical edition of Course in General Linguistics to appear in English and restores Wade Baskin’s original translation of 1959, in which the terms “signifier” and “signified” are introduced into English in this precise way. Baskin renders Saussure clearly and accessibly, allowing readers to experience his shift of the theory of reference from mimesis to performance and his expansion of poetics to include all media, including the life sciences and environmentalism. An introduction situates Saussure within the history of ideas and describes the history of scholarship that made Course in General Linguistics legendary. New endnotes enlarge Saussure’s contexts to include literary criticism, cultural studies, and philosophy.

Richter convincingly connects lucid close readings of particular passages with larger issues of aesthetics, political theory, and philosophy.” — German Studies Review $55.00 / £38.00  cloth 978-0-231-15770-4 2011   272 pages / 2 illus. Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts

$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15727-8 $85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-15726-1 2011 336 pages

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Globalized Arts

The Rey Chow Reader

The Entertainment Economy and Cultural Identity

Edited by Paul Bowman

J. P. Singh Best Book Award, Information Technology and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association “Singh has thus made an important and exciting contribution capturing the nuanced debates and complexities surrounding symbolic expressions of identity and cultural politics that necessitate policies to accommodate creative expressions in a globalized society.” — International Studies Review $28.00 / £19.50  paper 978-0-231-14719-4

“Rey Chow is one of the most interesting and iconoclastic theorists cited in the United States and writing in English today. She crosses fields and areas of study with such assurance and brio as to make one wonder why no one else has done so before.” — Caren Kaplan, University of California at Davis “Rey Chow has opened up postcolonial, cultural, and feminist studies to the most rigorous and self-aware political and theoretical questioning. In doing so, she has shown us how to think more clearly and carefully about elaborating new modes of political and intellectual engage-

$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-14718-7

ment”. — Elizabeth Grosz, Rutgers University

2010 240 pages 20 illus

$28.00 / £19.50  paper  978-0-231-14995-2 $84.50 / £58.50  cloth  978-0-231-14994-5 2010   320 pages / 2 illus.


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Music, Madness, and the Unworking of Language John T. Hamilton "As a study of a literary obsession, Hamilton’s book will remain a key text for those interested in the genesis of the idea of ineffable music." —Eighteenth Century Music "[A] superb book . . . a living testimony that philological learning and literary sensibility can be happily compatible." —Modern Language Quarterly "Having illuminated Pindaric obscurity in his last book, Hamilton now attends to music in its ‘blood relation’ to madness as it undoes the language of canonical works of Greek, French, and German literature even in the act of being represented. The sweep and the lights of his survey are dazzling." — Stanley Corngold, Princeton University $27.00 / £18.50 p a p e r 97 8 - 0- 23 1 - 1 4 221 - 2 $50.00 / £34.50 c l o t h 97 8 - 0- 23 1 - 1 4 220- 5 2008 (cloth) 2 7 2 p a g e s Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts

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The Other Blacklist

Toward the Geopolitical Novel

The African American Literary and Cultural Left of the 1950s

U.S. Fiction in the Twenty-First Century

Mary Helen Washington “Mary Helen Washington’s study is a wonder-

“Irr has written a superb study, one that contributes greatly to our appreciation of the

ful combination of careful research, adept

new dimensions of contemporary U.S. fiction.

historicizing, and insightful close reading.

Perhaps the most exciting aspect lies in Irr’s

Her book brings needed critical attention to

willingness to conceive of her subject, not on

understudied figures and helps readers rethink

the basis of a handful of texts, but on a volumi-

the careers of others whom they believe they

nous array of novels. The historical nuance and

already know.” — James Smethurst, author of

theoretical edge of this broadly based inquiry

The African American Roots of Modernism: From

exhibit both her grasp of interpretative subtle-

Reconstruction to the Harlem Renaissance

ties and her luminous powers of synthesis. It

“A groundbreaking and eye-opening study. In Mary Helen Washington’s sure hands, biography, politics, and cultural history combine to open new intellectual vistas.” — Alan M. Wald, University of Michigan $35.00 / £24.00  cloth 978-0-231-15270-9 April 2014   352 pages / 28 illus.


Caren Irr

is simply the best book we have yet on the literature of this century.” — Gordon Hutner, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign $30.00 / £20.50  paper 978-0-231-16441-2 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16440-5 2013  280 pages Literature Now

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Scotch Verdict

Double Agents

The Real-Life Story That Inspired “The Children’s Hour”

Espionage, Literature, and Liminal Citizens

Lillian Faderman; with a new Foreword by Judith

Erin G. Carlston


“A brilliant study of the Dreyfus Affair, the

“Faderman continues her valuable excavations

Cambridge spy scandal, and the Rosenberg trial,

of the archaeology of erotic relationships

in which national anxieties about homosexu-

between women. . . . [She] has succeeded in

als and Jews as ‘invisible others’ undermining

recreating an absorbing, often peculiarly mov-

the state from within not only erupt into public

ing courtroom drama.” — Signs

view but also inspire surprising imaginative

“The records are fascinating: they open up for us the worlds of the young female student and the schoolmistress, as well as the workings of the judicial system of early nineteenth-century Scotland. Beyond that, they make us privy to a unique glimpse of what lesbianism was considered to be at the time. . . . A brilliant find.” — Women’s Review of Books $24.00 / £16.50  paper 978-0-231-16325-5 2013  320 pages

responses. Making double agency a virtue rather than a vice, writers such as Marcel Proust, W. H. Auden, and Tony Kushner redefine conceptions of citizenship, loyalty, and difference to illuminate how society may evolve. Erin G. Carlston’s research is impeccable, her touch deft, and her analysis compelling.” — Joseph A. Boone, University of Southern California $29.50 / £20.50  paper 978-0-231-13673-0 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-13672-3 2013   352 pages / 8 illus.

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American Literature’s Aesthetic Dimensions

This Place, These People

Edited by Cindy Weinstein and Christopher

David Stark, Photographs by Nancy Warner

Looby “This indispensable book recuperates questions of beauty, form, sensuousness, and taste after they have been largely discarded by the politi-

Life and Shadow on the Great Plains

“Richly nuanced.” — Publishers Weekly “A melancholy, touching look at a vanishing way of life.” — St. Louis Post-Dispatch

cally engaged criticism of the last two to three

“Each photo presents a snapshot of a place

decades. Understandably wary about a renewal

vacated. Together, they tell a larger story of

of the aesthetic as the absolute horizon of

an America fading into the landscape. . . .

interpretation, Weinstein and Looby—and their

Conversations, captured by Stark, are sprinkled

contributors—make a compelling case for rein-

throughout the book, bringing insight and

tegrating formalism and historicism. I can think

understated humor to the inanimate beauty of

of no other collection with similar richness

Warner’s photographs.” — The Omaha World

and revisionary scope; its appearance marks a


watershed in the study of American literature.” — Michael T. Gilmore, Brandeis University $35.00 / £24.00 paper  978-0-231-15617-2

$39.95 / £27.95 cloth 978-0-231-16522-8 2013   128 pages / 70 photos

$105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15616-5 2012  440 pages


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Deaths in Venice

Why Jane Austen?

The Cases of Gustav von Aschenbach

Rachel M. Brownstein

Philip Kitcher

“An intriguing discussion of one of history’s liter-

"Deaths in Venice is to the twenty-first century

ary giantesses.” — The Midwest Book Review

what Nietzsche’s literary and musical criti-

“[Brownstein’s] brilliant critical insights and

cism was to the nineteenth: a philosopher’s

comprehensive survey of Austen studies

profound, shrewd, learned, sharp-eyed, and humane interpretation of art, which is also a profound interpretation of daily life. Starting from the doomed, lonely passion of Thomas Mann’s Aschenbach, Philip Kitcher explores three millennia of thinking and the hidden mysteries of the individual mind as it confronts itself, its neighbors, and the universe." — Edward Mendelson, Columbia University

- including its excesses - merit a wide readership.” — Elsa Solender, JASNA News “This vital handbook for Janeites is both a store house of diverting facts and a history of literary obsession, gracefully steering the reader through a maelstrom of conflicting views on Jane Austen’s life and times.” — Fay Weldon, author of Chalcot Present $22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15391-1

"A thorough discussion of the possible relation of literature, and art in general, to philosophical thinking. It is this double intensity of perspec-

$29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15390-4 2011 320 pages / 20 illus.

tives—a double intensity that is never sacrificed in the one or the other direction—that makes reading the book a unique experience." — Rudiger Campe, Yale University $30.00 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-16264-7 2013 280 pages 17 illus. Leonard Hastings Schoff Lectures

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New in paper

Unlikely Collaboration

The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Carl Van Vechten, 1913-1946

Gertrude Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and the Vichy Dilemma Barbara Will “Brilliant and fascinating . . . . This exceptional study provides new insights into previously hidden corners of Stein’s life.” — Publishers Weekly (starred review) “A fine-grained, unflinching, and nuanced history.” — New York Review of Books “Exceptionally well researched and elegantly written, this book is certain to make an impor-

Edited by Edward Burns “[Burns] has arranged and annotated these [letters] with extraordinary skill and diligence.” — Times Literary Supplement “Burns’s editing is a monument of patient scholarship.” — New York Times Book Review “Important . . . detailed and copious annotations plus cross-references supplement the first-rate editorial job. . . . The correspondence tells the story of a writer sustaining her hard-won

tant contribution to and beyond Stein studies. . .

independence and a supporter who tirelessly

. Highly recommended.” — Choice

promoted her work.” — Journal of Modern

$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15263-1


$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15262-4

$50.00 / £34.50 paper 978-0-231-06309-8

2011  320 pages / 20 illus.

1986 (cloth)  920 pages

Gender and Culture series


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Gilbert and Sullivan

The Fabulous Imagination

Gender, Genre, Parody

On Montaigne’s Essays

Carolyn Williams

Lawrence D. Kritzman

“Williams substantive study is all the more

“This is one of the few books on Montaigne

praiseworthy because her biting insights into

that fuses analytical skill with humane aware-

gender and sexuality, sharpened through the

ness of why Montaigne matters.” —Harold

lens of contemporary critical theory, are tucked

Bloom, Sterling Professor of Humanities, Yale

within what could pass as a much more staid


study of Gilbert and Sullivan.”

“In this exhilarating and learned book on

— Nineteenth Century Gender Studies

Montaigne’s essays, Lawrence D. Kritzman

“Unmodified rapture should best describe the

contemporizes the great writer. Reading him

scholarly reponse to this exciting contribution

from today’s deconstructive America, Kritzman

to a broad swath of disciplines.”

discovers Montaigne always already deep into a dialogue with Jacques Derrida and psychoanaly-

— Victorian Studies

sis. One cannot but admire this fabulous act of “[A] triumphant cultural history.”

translation.” —Hélène Cixous

— Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 $27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-14805-4 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-14804-7

$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-11993-1 $75.00 / £52.o0 cloth 978-0-231-11992-4 2009  240 pages

2010   480 pages / 76 illus.

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The Problem with Pleasure

Prose of the World

Modernism and Its Discontents

Modernism and the Banality of Empire

Laura Frost

Saikat Majumdar

“An original and useful revision to our understanding of modernism.” — Publishers Weekly “Fresh, invigorating, witty and profound, her book impresses on every page. . . . This is criticism at its very best and it deserves to top any reading list on Modernism.” — Times Higher Education “[Frost] is an irreverent, imaginative guide to modernism, and her own writing throughout this impressive study is a pleasure and a delight.” — Los Angeles Review of Books $35.00 / £24.00  cloth 978-0-231-15272-3 2013   304 pages / 6 illus.

“Thorough and challenging, this study offers the reader . . . a new way of thinking about latecolonial modernist fiction’s deployment of the banal . . . [and] offers a powerful if indirect commentary on the considerable failings of postcolonial modernity.” — Times Literary Supplement “There are many impressive things in this book: it provides us with a powerful rethinking of the vexed relationship between empire and modernism, an unprecedented probing of the internal logic of the modernist movement, and a smart meditation on the role of the ordinary and banal in the making of the language of modernism.” — Simon Gikandi, Princeton University $40.00 / £27.50  cloth 978-0-231-15694-3 2013  248 pages


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Modernist Commitments Ethics, Politics, and Transnational Modernism Jessica Berman

Feminist Aesthetics and the Politics of Modernism Ewa Ptonowksa Ziarek “Elegantly argued and often brilliant in its han-

“An important contribution that graciously

dling of diverse theoretical traditions, Ziarek’s

integrates politics and ethics into a comparative

book will speak equally to those interested

study of transnational modernism while provid-

in the longer history of post-Kantian art-

ing new directions for future work in postcolo-

philosophy and to those working in the more

nial and global studies.”

recent discourses of critical theory... a major

— Modern Fiction Studies

contribution to several scholarly fields at once,

“Readers will emerge from these ambitious

likely to become a touchstone for those seeking

encounters with a profound appreciation for

rigorous but enabling language for the ways in

Berman’s patient erudition, fluid critical voice,

which modernism continues to matter.”

and beautifully structured analyses.”

— Dan Blanton, UC Berkeley

— Virginia Woolf Miscellany

$29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16149-7

$29.50 / £20.50  paper 978-0-231-14951-8

2012 288 pages

$89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-14950-1

Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts

$89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16148-0

2012   384 pages / 13 illus. Modernist Latitudes

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Lao She in London

In the Company of Strangers

Anne Witchard

Family and Narrative in Dickens, Conan Doyle, Joyce, and Proust

Lao She remains revered as one of China great modern writers. His life and work have been the subject of volumes of critique, analysis and study. However, the four years the young aspiring writer spent in London between 1924 and 1929 have largely been overlooked. Anne Witchard, a specialist in the modernist milieu of London between the wars, reveals Lao She’s encounter with British high modernism and literature from Dickens to Conrad to Joyce.

Barry McCrea Samuel and Ronnie Heyman Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Publication

“In this transformative account, McCrea shows how the stranger becomes a foundational figure, the random encounter the foundational event for the modern novel, prompting and justifying its formal innovations. The modernist embrace of non-genealogical forms of human connection

$18.00 / £12.50 paper 978-988-8139-60-6

is the great story recounted in this book, an

2012   176 pages / 15 illus.

exhilarating, utterly original, and moving work.”

Hong Kong University Press

— Maria DiBattista, author of Novel Characters: A Genealogy $29.00 / £20.00  paper 978-0-231-15763-6 $90.00 / £62.00  cloth 978-0-231-15762-9 2011  280 pages Modernist Latitudes


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Everyday Reading

Our Savage Art

Poetry and Popular Culture in Modern America

Poetry and the Civil Tongue

Mike Chasar

William Logan “There is a grain of truth in almost everything

“Chasar shows us that if we can rethink our ideas about poets and poetry, we will find that poems have always been part and parcel of modern life. This is an important—really, a necessary—book for anyone interested in modern poetics, the history of reading, and the many appearances of poetry in the era of its supposed disappearance.” — Virginia Jackson,

[Logan] writes.” — Times Literary Supplement “Logan’s prose is polished, witty, authoritative, and courageous …. Highly recommended.” — Choice $25.00 / £17.50  paper 978-0-231-14733-0 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-14732-3 2009  368 pages

University of California, Irvine “Highly recommended.” — Choice “The originality of Chasar’s close readings, the sheer amount of research informing each chapter, and the speculations on what can be learned from such careful analyses of popular cultural practices make Everyday Reading not so everyday and well worth reading.” — The Journal of American History $27.50 / £19.00  paper 978-0-231-15865-7 $84.50 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-15864-0 2012  336 pages / 50 illus.

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Bright Wings

The Poetics of the Everyday

An Illustrated Anthology of Poems About Birds

Creative Repetition in Modern American Verse

Edited by Billy Collins;

Siobhan Phillips

Paintings by David Allen Sibley “This little book is a reminder that everything

century poetry are not likely to find a more

important about birds can’t be found in guide

dedicated or intelligent interpreter than Siobhan

books or scientific papers.”

Phillips. Her focus on the everyday makes pos-

— Minneapolis Star Tribune

sible fresh and valuable insights on each of the

“Rarely has poetry and art been so deftly partnered. . . . A truly impressive anthology.” — The Midwest Book Review “Collins has done his homework, ponying up those who should never be forgotten nor hidden away in an English Lit syllabus.” — The Folio $16.95 / £11.95  paper 978-0-231-15087-3 $22.95 / £15.95 cloth 978-0-231-15084-2 2009   288 pages / 58 color illus.


“The everyday and the ordinary in twentieth-

poets she encounters and on twentieth-century poetry in general.” — Nick Halpern, author of Everyday and Prophetic: The Poetry of Lowell, Ammons, Merrill, and Rich “A compelling study of the function of ‘everyday time’ in the works of Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth Bishop, and James Merrill.... Recommended.” — Choice $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14930-3 2009  336 pages

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Animal Studies

Beyond the Cyborg

Animalia Americana

Adventures with Donna Haraway

Animal Representations and Biopolitical Subjectivity

Margret Grebowicz and Helen Merrick

Colleen Glenney Boggs

Epilogue by Donna Haraway

"In chapters that stand out for their admirable

"This is a book about Fido and Derrida, about

lucidity of thought and language, Grebowicz and

Sparky and Levinas, about animals and major

Merrick retrace major dimensions of Haraway’s

twentieth-century (and now twenty-first cen-

thought and provide impressively detailed

tury) theorists of subjectivity such as Lacan,

descriptions and comparisons of her arguments

Agamben, and Foucault. Such unexpectedness

with those of such thinkers as Sandra Harding,

and daring supplies a refreshing tonic not

Jacques Derrida, Chantal Mouffe, and Jean-

only for American literary criticism but also for

François Lyotard. The overall result is a carefully

other intellectual endeavors such as philosophy,

elaborated, clear outline of Haraway's work from

ethics, and psychoanalysis indebted to spe-

which scholars and students in many disci-

cies logic. Boggs shows how productive the

plines will learn immensely."—Ursula K. Heise,

interdisciplinary work of animal studies is, and

University of California, Los Angeles

it is a task she accomplishes with grace and

$27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-14929-7

perspicacity."—Russ Castronovo, University of

$84.50 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-14928-0


2013 208 pages

$29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16123-7 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16122-0 2013 312 pages 7 illus. Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science and Law

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu


Animal Studies

Being Animal

Thinking Animals

Beasts and Boundaries in Nature Ethics

Why Animal Studies Now?

Anna L. Peterson

Kari Weil

"In this provocative and beautifully written book,

“From J.M. Coetzee and Bill Viola to Virginia

Anna L. Peterson challenges us to think about

Woolf and Sam Taylor-Wood, Kari Weil plumbs

real animals, not abstractions of them, as part

our thick entanglements with non-human

of nature and, therefore, as a necessary con-

animals as companions, as abjected others, as

sideration for a complete environmental ethic

subjects of grief and mourning—those dense

and theology....Peterson calls for an alternative

contact zones in which art and literature may

nature ethic, one that is holistic and includes

well ‘think’ non-human animals better, or at

serious consideration of animals. As she claims

least more patiently, than theory and philoso-

and supports through carefully researched

phy. Anyone interested in love, life, and death

examples, and a fascinating reinterpretation of Marx, nonhuman animals are the 'proletariat

across species will want to read this book.” — Cary Wolfe, author of Animal Rites: American

of environmental thought' and as such they

Culture, the Discourse of Species, and the

'demand and embody the negation of human

Posthumanist Theory

exceptionalism.' Peterson makes a powerful

$29.00 / £20.00 paper 978-0-231-14809-2

contribution to environmental and animal eth-

$90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-14808-5

ics, building a necessary bridge between these

2012  216 pages

two natural allies." — Laura Hobgood-Oster, Southwestern University, author of The Friends We Keep: Unleashing Christianity's Compassion for Animals. $29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16227-2 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16226-5 2013 240 pages Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science, and Law


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Animal Studies

Experiencing Animal Minds An Anthology of Animal-Human Encounters

Animals and the Human Imagination

Edited by Julie A. Smith and Robert W. Mitchell

A Companion to Animal Studies

"In Experiencing Animal Minds, Julie Smith and Robert Mitchell bring together a stellar

Edited by Aaron Gross and Anne Vallely “A strong addition to psychology, literary, and

group of scholars ranging, literally, from A (art

wildlife collections, enthusiastically recom-

historians) to Z (zoologists), all of whom are

mended and fascinating reading.”

concerned with our ability to understand the minds of other species. Readers will contemplate topics such as whether apes make art, dolphins as cultural icons, Caesar Milan’s view of dog psychology, the neural basis of elephant sociality, and the animal mind/animal body connection. The result is a wonderfully eclectic intellectual ride held together by the authors’ perspectives on the question “What is it like to be a____________ ?”

— Midwest Book Review “Intellectually exciting, smart, and accessible, this volume will intrigue and revolt, surprise and inspire. The opening overview by Gross is a tour de force and each essay fascinates. Collectively they offer an invitation to think in new ways about what we, perhaps wrongly, call our humanity. I can’t imagine a better introduction to the essential new field of critical animal studies.” — Jonathan Safran Foer

(Insert the species of your choice.)"

—Hal Herzog, Western Carolina University

$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15297-6 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15296-9

$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16151-0

2012   392 pages / 25 illus.

$105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16150-3 2012 400 pages 29 illus. Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science, and Law

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama

Light and Dark

Abridged Edition

Natsume Sōseki

Edited, with a critical introduction, by Xiaomei Chen “The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese

A Novel

“Natsume Sōseki’s Light and Dark is one of the most gripping novels in modern Japanese literature. It represents a historical turning

Drama is a great piece of historical and analyti-

point in the development of Japanese fiction.

cal scholarship, evincing a breadth of history

John Nathan, a distinguished translator, has

and depth of ideological critique hard to find in

produced a masterful rendition that captures

critics preoccupied with body and performance.

the subtle nuances of the original.”

The plays are not simply material for histori-

— Haruo Shirane, Columbia University,

cal survey; their line-up forms an argument on

author of Japan and the Culture of the Four

China’s pursuit of modernity, social justice, and


equality.” — Ban Wang, Stanford University

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16142-8

$45.00 / £30.95  paper 978-0-231-16503-7

2013   464 pages / 188 illus. Weatherhead Books on Asia

$125.00 / £86.50  cloth 978-0-231-16502-0 $125.00 / £86.50 978-0-231-11790-6 April 2014  656 pages


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Wondrous Brutal Fictions

The Tale of Genji

Eight Buddhist Tales from the Early Japanese Puppet Theater

Translation, Canonization, and World Literature

Translated with an Introduction by R. Keller

Michael Emmerich


“Michael Emmerich’s astute analyses and

“Wondrous Brutal Fictions is the first work of its kind in English. It provides insights into every-

imaginative interpretations are likely to radically change our view of Japanese literature and the

day life, folklore, and religion in early modern

role translation has played in its constitution,

Japan and illuminates the origins of the jōruri

and they expand even the notion of translation

(Bunraku) puppet theater. R. Keller Kimbrough

itself. This discerning study gives a refreshing

possesses a superb command of classical

look at how an Edo-period illustrated book was

Japanese, and his English renditions of these

put together and how it functioned. Anyone

gripping, sometimes supernatural stories are

interested in the visual culture of Japan should

lively and very well done.” — Paul S. Atkins, author of Revealed Identity: The Noh Plays of Komparu Zenchiku $55.00 / £38.00 cloth  978-0-231-14658-6

read this book.” — Yoshiaki Shimizu, Princeton University $60.00 / £41.50  cloth 978-0-231-16272-2 2013    512 pages / 129 illus.

2013   288 pages / 53 illus.

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



The Winter Sun Shines In

Kiku’s Prayer

A Life of Masaoka Shiki

A Novel

Donald Keene

Endō Shūsaku;

“In this new biography of Masaoka Shiki, Donald Keene tells Shiki’s story with a wonderful blend

Translated by Van C. Gessel

“Deftly plotted and well researched, the novel is

of brio and depth. Meticulously researched and

tinged with affection for Nagasaki”

beautifully written, the work delves into hitherto

— The Japan Times

slighted aspects of Shiki’s oeuvre and personality. Readers of Japanese and world literature will welcome this book for its rich portrait of one of modern Japan’s most important writers.” — Janine Beichman, author of Masaoka Shiki:

“A rewarding journey.” — New Pages “A powerful and suspenseful read.” — Asian Review of Books “A wonderful, poignant and beautiful work of

His Life and Works

historical fiction – highly recommended!”

“This biography excels” — Japan Times

— Historical Novels Review

$35.00 / £24.00  cloth 978-0-231-16488-7 2013   240 pages / 14 illus.

$29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-16282-1 2012   328 pages / 16 illus. Weatherhead Books on Asia

Asia Perspectives: History, Society, and Culture


ORDER ONLINE AND SAVE 30% on select titles. enter code CONF.


Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature

Traditional Japanese Literature

Abridged Edition

An Anthology, Beginnings to 1600 Abridged Edition

Edited by J. Thomas Rimer and Van C. Gessel

Edited by Haruo Shirane

Praise for the Columbia Anthology of Modern

Praise for Traditional Japanese Literature: An

Japanese Literature:

Anthology, Beginnings to 1600:

“A timely and needed addition to the scholarship on Japanese literature... Highly recommended.”

“A comprehensive and innovative anthology. . . . All of the introductions are excellent.”

— Choice

—Journal of Asian Studies

“The most comprehensive overview of modern

“One of those impressive, erudite, must-have

Japanese literature available in translation.”

titles for anyone interested in Asian litera-

— Bloomsbury Review

ture.”—Bloomsbury Review

$45.00 / £30.95 paper 978-0-231-15723-0

“An anthology that comprises superb transla-

$135.00 / £93.00 cloth 978-0-231-15722-3

tions of an exceptionally wide range of texts. . . .

2011  896 pages

Highly recommended.”— Choice

Modern Asian Literature Series

“A wealth of material.”—Monumenta Nipponica $35.00/ £24.00 paper 978-0-231-15731-5 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15730-8 2012   600 pages / 1 illus. translations from the asian classics

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons

The Frontier Within Essays by Abe Kōbō

Nature, Literature, and the Arts

Abe Kōbō; Edited, translated, and with an

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

introduction by Richard F. Calichman

Haruo Shirane “A comprehensive view of the subject, replete

“The Frontier Within redresses the lopsided and biased understanding of Abe Kōbō as solely a

with fascinating detail, and full scholarly appa-

writer of fiction. First and foremost a thinker, he

ratus.” — Japan Times

was extremely conscious of the fundamental

“As accessible as it is erudite, this volume will appeal to those with interest in any aspect of the arts...Highly recommended.” — Choice “A vital contribution to our understanding of the

conditions in which language operated and human existence was formed. The essays in this volume provide wonderful insight into Abe Kōbō’s engagement with imperialism, border creation, postwar ‘democracy,’ U.S.–Japan relations, and postwar Japanese Marxism.”

literature, art, and daily practices of Japan over

— Atsuko Ueda, Princeton University, coedi-

the centuries.” — Monumenta Nipponica

tor of Theory of Literature and Other Critical

$25.00 / £17.50  paper 978-0-231-15281-5


$75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-15280-8

$40.00 / £27.50  cloth 978-0-231-16386-6

2012   336 pages / 33 illus.

2013  224 pages Weatherhead Books on Asia


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Beyond Sinology

Sinophone Studies

Chinese Writing and the Scripts of Culture

A Critical Reader

Andrea Bachner

Brian Bernards

“The story of Chinese writing as told by Andrea Bachner is traversed by necrophilia, hallucination, fetishism, patriotism, identity/alterity politics, new age mediality, and multiple other passions; it is also one in which the controversial protagonist, the sinograph, has resiliently stood its ground. No other contemporary study I know of showcases sino(graph)philia with as much verve and aplomb. This is an impres-

Edited by Shu-mei Shih, Chien-hsin Tsai, and “The emergence of Sinophone studies within

the last decade has been one of the most interesting developments. Most exciting is that nearly all of the very foundations and earliest adumbrations of this novel concept are to be found in Sinophone Studies, which makes it a unique resource for introducing this fresh field to student and scholar alike.” — Victor H. Mair, University of Pennsylvania “This pathbreaking anthology maps out a bold

sively ambitious and innovative book.” — Rey Chow, Duke University, author of

and heterogeneous terrain for the field of

Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese

Sinophone studies. China is one of the old-


est extant empires as well as one of the most

$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16452-8

powerful countries in the world today, yet the

2014   296 pages / 8 illus. Global Chinese Culture

term ‘Sinophone’ is not part of our vocabulary the way ‘Anglophone’ and ‘Francophone’ are. This expansive collection will change that. Postcolonial, diaspora, area, immigration, and ethnic studies will never be the same.” — David L. Eng, University of Pennsylvania $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-15751-3 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-15750-6 2013 472 pages / 3 illus. Global Chinese Culture

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Humour in Chinese Life and Culture


Resistance and Control in Modern Times

The Archaeology of an Imaginary City

Edited by Jessica Milner Davis and Jocelyn Chey

Dung Kai-cheung

“Humor is one of the best ways to gain a deep understanding of a culture, as it reflects a cul-

Longlist — Best Translated Book Award Fiction

“Seamless, yet eccentric...a playful yet poignant

ture’s ideals and anxieties, its taboos and its

invitation to begin layering new symbols and

obsessions—but often in ways only understand-

projections over the city’s landscape.”

able to those well versed in the culture. This

— South China Morning Post

volume highlights how well humor works as an ‘entry point’ into Chinese culture: making visible both deeply rooted cultural patterns, as well as novel developments as a result of economic progress, technological changes, and increasing cultural exchange.” — Giselinde Kuipers, University of Amsterdam $25.00 / £17.50  paper 978-988-8139-24-8 $75.00 / £52.00  cloth 978-988-8139-23-1 2013   320 pages / 55 illus. Hong Kong University Press

“Readers pleased by cliff-hanging, nail-biting, page-turning adventure will not be satisfied with Atlas. Devotees of writers as curious as Borges, Calvino and Eco, will love this map of maps of an imaginary city.” — Japan Times “Well worth the experiment.” — Asian Review of Books $24.50 / £17.00  cloth 978-0-231-16100-8 2012  192 pages Weatherhead Books on Asia


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The Matchmaker, the Apprentice, and the Football Fan

From the Old Country

More Stories of China

Stories and Sketches of China and Taiwan

Zhu Wen; Translated by Julia Lovell

Zhong Lihe

“Zhu’s quirky rogue’s gallery is both entertaining and revealing, as murderers (”The Football

“Zhong Lihe has a well-deserved major reputation in Taiwan as a writer of “homeland lit-

Fan”) and apostates (all the rest) illuminate

erature” and was an inspiration to many later

the volatile period that preceded contemporary

Taiwanese writers. Here he presents one of

China’s espousal of capitalist enterprise—if not

the most vivid depictions of rural life in Taiwan

democratic reform.” — Publishers Weekly

in the 1940s and 1950s.” — Edward Gunn,

“Zhu Wen’s plotting is brilliant, and his writing

Cornell University

is cinematic and evocative. These eight stories

$35.00 / £24.00  cloth 978-0-231-16630-0

are both funny and complex, and offer a true

February 2014  336pages / 16 illus.

insight into the life of the modern Chinese.”

Modern Chinese Literature from Taiwan

— Star Tribune “A fascinating, often bleakly amusing, snapshot of China’s urban anomie.” — The Wall Street Journal “Sly humor . . . suffuses these stories, which, unlike some of the lives [Zhu Wen] describes, are never dreary.” — The New York Times Book Review $26.95 / £18.95 cloth 978-0-231-16090-2 2013  184 pages / 6 illus. Weatherhead Books on Asia

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Trees Without Wind

Shanghai Lalas

A Novel Li Rui

Female Tongzhi Communities and Politics in Urban China

Translated by John Balcom

Lucetta Y. L. Kam

“Elegant and spare, Trees Without Wind is a valuable, authentic work that lays bare the cor-

“Weaving between her own queer biography and extensive ethnographic data of twenty-five

ruption of the Cultural Revolution.”

lala women, Lucetta Yip Lo Kam presents the

— Washington Independent Review of Books

up-to-date lesbian communities and politics in

“Li Rui is one of China’s boldest literary voices, and after several decades, he continues to push the envelope. His bold literary experiments with dialect and tense, combined with his honest

urban China which contribute to the international debates of same-sex intimacies, coming out politics, and the nature of homophobia.” — Travis S. K. Kong, University of Hong Kong

expose of the brutalities of modern Chinese

$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-988-8139-46-0

history, have set him apart from his peers and

$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-8139-45-3

crafted one of the most fascinating and unique literary landscapes in modern Chinese literature.” — Michael Berry, author of A History of

2013  152 pages Hong Kong University Press

Pain: Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film $22.50 / £15.50  paper 978-0-231-16275-3 $69.50 / £48.00 cloth 978-0-231-16274-6 2012  208 pages / 6 illus. Weatherhead Books on Asia


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Buying Beauty

River of Fire and Other Stories

Cosmetic Surgery in China

O Chŏnghŭi

Wen Hua

Translated by Bruce Fulton and Ju-Chan Fulton

Cosmetic surgery in China has grown rapidly in recent years of dramatic social transition. Facing fierce competition in all spheres of daily life, more and more women consider cosmetic surgery as an investment to gain “beauty capital” to increase opportunities for social and career success. Building on rich ethnographic data, this book presents the perspectives of women who have undergone cosmetic surgery, illuminating the aspirations behind their choices. Wen Hua explores how turbulent economic, sociocultural, and political changes in China since the 1980s have produced immense anxiety that is experienced both mentally and corporeally. This book will appeal to readers who are interested in gender studies, China studies, anthropology and sociology of the body, and cultural

“River of Fire and Other Stories tracks the career of one of South Korea’s most consummate writers, subtly suggesting the violent undertones of life under military dictatorship and the malaise of urban life, and coming to a close with a moving meditation upon aging. The themes here are universal, yet their expression is unique to the controlled precision and delicate interior description that are so characteristic of O Chŏnghŭi’s style. A highly enjoyable read.” — Janet Poole, University of Toronto $27.50 / £19.00 cloth 978-0-231-16066-7 2012  232 pages Weatherhead Books on Asia

studies. $26.00 / £18.00  paper 978-988-8139-82-8 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-988-8139-81-1 2013  272 pages / 28 illus. Hong Kong University Press

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu


ASIAN LITERATURE & CULTURE Forthcoming paper, March

Literature and Film in Cold War South Korea

Rethinking Visual Narratives from Asia

Freedom’s Frontier Theodore Hughes

Intercultural and Comparative Perspectives

Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Edited by Alexandra Green

“Head and shoulders above its competition.” — Cross Currents “Hughes delivers a postcolonial study of Korea’s modern literary and cinematic history that no East Asian collection can be without. . . . Highly recommended.” — Choice $27.00 / £18.50  paper 978-0-231-15749-0 $55.00 / £38.00 cloth  978-0-231-15748-3 2012  304 pages / 19 illus. Weatherhead Books on Asia

Rethinking Visual Narratives covers topics from the first millennium B.C.E. through the present day, testifying to the enduring significance of visual stories in shaping and affirming cultural practices in Asia. Contributors analyze how visual narratives function in different Asian cultures and reveal the multiplicity of ways that images can be narrated beyond temporal progression through a particular space. The study of local art forms advances our knowledge of regional iterations and theoretical boundaries, illustrating the enduring importance of pictorial stories to the cultural traditions of Asia. $35.00 / £24.00  paper 978-988-8139-10-1 2013  352 pages / 122 illus. Hong Kong University Press


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Chinese Shakespeares

A History of Pain

Two Centuries of Cultural Exchange

Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film

Alexander C. Y. Huang Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies, Modern Language Association

Michael Berry “Beautifully written, this book is ‘educational’ in

ICAS Colleagues Choice Award

the very best sense. . . . Essential.” — Choice

“A splendid book, ... well written and illustrated. Highly infused with theory, it adds to our understanding of the ways in which great cultures interpenetrate and enrich each other.

“The book is significant for its extensive survey of the discourse of trauma.” — JumpCut $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14163-5

It is a truly path-breaking book. I recommend

$85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-14162-8

it strongly not only to all those interested in

2008   432 pages / 100 illus.

Chinese culture but those interested in theatre

Global Chinese Culture

and drama and the many ways in which the performing arts inform societies and cultures.” — MCLC: Modern Chinese Literature and Culture $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14849-8 $85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-14848-1 2009   368 pages / 26 illus. Global Chinese Culture

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Continental Strangers

Hollywood and Hitler, 1933-1939

German Exile Cinema, 1933-1951

Thomas Doherty

Gerd Gemünden “A necessary and most compelling pendant to Thomas Doherty’s Hollywood and Hitler, 1933– 1939. Indeed, these two recent releases provide an impressive ensemble. Doherty depicts how American film studios reacted to Nazi terror in both direct and less overt ways. Gemünden fills out the picture in a series of intriguing case studies devoted to filmmakers who fled Hitler and settled in Southern California. Sensitive to

“Wide-ranging and brightly written.” — The New York Times Book Review “A witty writer familiar with Hollywood history and manners, Doherty places the studios’ craven behavior within a general account of the political culture of the movies in the thirties and forties.”— David Denby, The New Yorker “Mr. Doherty fully understands the studio system and how it juggled interference from

the variety of ways in which German film artists

its own internal agency, the Production Code

experienced emigration and exile, Gemünden’s

Administration.” — Wall Street Journal

book remains admirably attentive to the his-

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16392-7

torical determinations and textual shapes of

2013   448 pages / 72 illus.

Hollywood’s anti-Nazi features.”

Film and Culture Series

— Eric Rentschler, Harvard University $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16679-9 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16678-2 2014   296 pages / 40 illus. Film and Culture Series


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Finding Ourselves at the Movies

The Utopia of Film

Philosophy for a New Generation

Cinema and Its Futures in Godard, Kluge, and Tahimik

Paul W. Kahn "A brilliant venture in the lost art of bringing theoretical insight to bear on popular cul-

Christopher Pavsek “At a time when older conceptions of political

ture. Finding Ourselves at the Movies defends

film have become outmoded, if not forgotten

another relationship between the thinker and

altogether, Christopher Pavsek unexpectedly

the public, enacting what it theorizes in illumi-

reinvents this form through his pathbreaking

nating commentaries on films. Kahn makes us

examination of three neglected but extraordi-

reconsider movies as reflections of our collec-

nary filmmakers. The Utopia of Film is a revela-

tive imagination and public commitments." —

tion and a resource.” — Fredric Jameson, Duke

Samuel Moyn, Columbia University

$29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16099-5

"Drawing on everything from war movies to

$89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16098-8

romantic comedies, from horror films to family

2013 304 pages / 37 illus.

dramas, Kahn shows us how the movies mir-

Film and Culture Series

ror the ways we communally invest our lives and our world with meaning. His readings of popular films and the shared world these films reflect are at once astute and provocative." — Susan Wolf, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16438-2 2013 256 pages

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Satyajit Ray on Cinema


Satyajit Ray; Edited by Sandip Ray;

Celluloid Obscenity and Popular Cinema in Bangladesh

Foreword by Shyam Benegal “The work of Satyajit Ray presents a remark-

Lotte Hoek

ably insightful understanding of the relations

“Hoek’s journeys to towns with considerable

between cultures, and his ideas remain perti-

distance from Dhaka are a thrill to read; view-

nent to the great cultural debates in the con-

ings of Mintu the Murderer are vivid in no small

temporary world, not least in India.”

terms, and the local color of hanging out at tea

— The New Republic

stalls and backrooms were page-turners. This is

“Satyajit Ray is among the world’s greatest directors, and has influenced so many other film makers in all parts of the world.” — James Ivory “A joy to read...highly recommended” — Choice

an inspired book, showing the life of a film from its conception to exhibition, or in this case to its ban.” — Lalitha Gopalan, University of Texas at Austin $27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-16289-0 $82.50 / £57.00 cloth 978-0-231-16288-3

$19.50 paper 978-0-231-16495-5

2013 272 pages, 11 illlus.

$69.50 cloth 978-0-231-16494-8

South Asian Across the Disciplines

2013  124 pages / 24 page insert


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Cinematic Appeals

Indie 2.0

The Experience of New Movie Technologies

Change and Continuity in Contemporary American Indie Film

Ariel Rogers

Geoff King

“Ariel Rogers’s fascinating book looks at the

“Indie 2.0 offers a valuable combination of close

affective addresses of technologically-innovative

critical analyses of several key works, discus-

periods in film history to explore the differ-

sions of film production and distribution prac-

ent notions of spectatorial embodiment these

tices, and considerations of critical and cultural

technologies provide, from the immersive

reception. Geoff King weaves these different

participation of the widescreen era to the rela-

kinds of commentary together into a convincing

tive disembodiment of the fragmented and

and timely study on the renewal of indie cinema

alienated spectator in the digital era. She has

that draws on many of the historically rooted

made an important intervention in the ongoing

conventions and appeals of alternative film

discussions of spectatorship and embodiment

practice in the twentieth century.”

in the cinema that will determine the direction

— Michael Z. Newman, author of Indie: An

of future scholarship in those fields.”

American Film Culture

— John Belton, Rutgers University

$30.00 paper 978-0-231-16795-6

$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15917-3

$90.00 cloth 978-0-231-16794-9

$90/00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15916-6

2013 288 pages

2013 352 pages / 68 illlus. film and culture series

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu




Eastwood’s Iwo-Jima

An American Film Culture

Critical Engagements With Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima

Michael Z. Newman “This concrete, objective study makes an important contribution to the ongoing coversation. Highly recommended.” — Choice “Makes a significant contribution to the literature on American independent cinema, one that is likely to reshape debates and discussions for several years to come.... Newman’s book beautifully captures the multi-dimensional quality of American independent cinema in the nineties and “naughts”: its formal play, its multicultural appeal, and its “branding” as offHollywood product.” — Jeff Smith, University of Wisconsin $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14465-0 $85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-14464-3 2011  304 pages/ 30 illus. Film and Culture Series

Edited by Anne Gjelsvik and Rikke Schubart With Flags of Our Fathers (2006) and Letters from Iwo Jima (2006), Clint Eastwood made a unique contribution to film history, being the first director to make two films about the same event. Eastwood’s films examine the battle over Iwo Jima from two nations’ perspectives, in two languages, and embody a passionate view on conflict, enemies, and heroes. Together these works tell the story behind one of history’s most famous photographs, Leo Rosenthal’s “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima.” In this volume, international scholars in political science and film, literary, and cultural studies undertake multifaceted investigations into how Eastwood’s diptych reflects war today. Fifteen essays explore the intersection among war films, American history, and Japanese patriotism. They present global attitudes toward war memories, icons, and heroism while offering new perspectives on cinema, photography, journalism, ethics, propaganda, war strategy, leadership, and the war on terror. $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-16565-5 $85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-16564-8 2013 256 pages, 15 illus Wallflower Press


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FILM STUDIES Forthcoming paper, March

Electric Dreamland

American Showman

Amusement Parks, Movies, and American Modernity

Samuel “Roxy” Rothafel and the Birth of the Entertainment Industry, 1908-1935

Lauren Rabinovitz

Ross Melnick

“An excellent pick for any collection strong in

“Book of the Year” Award from the Theatre Historical Society of America

entertainment and social analysis.” “[An] eye-poppingly informative new book. . .

— Midwest Book Review “Thought-provoking, theoretically savvy, and sometimes even amusing study...highly recom-

— Washington Post “American Showman is at the cutting edge

mended.” — Choice

“Amusement parks and motion pictures, Lauren Rabonovitz argues, served as unique venues of mass culture for people to adapt to modernity by experiencing its pleasures and dangers first hand and to share in the emergence of a new American national identity.” — Richard Abel, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

First-rate cultural history.”

of contemporary film studies. It is to this book that future generations of film scholars engaged in cultural history will turn.” — John Belton, Rutgers University, author of American Cinema/American Culture “Dr. Melnick skillfully captures the substance and durability of Rothafel’s prolific life.” — New York Times

$27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-15661-5 $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15905-0 $82.50 / £57.00 cloth 978-0-231-15660-8

$37.50 / £26.00 cloth 978-0-231-15904-3

2012 256 pages / 49 illus.

2012   576 pages /27 illus.

Film and Culture Series

Film and Culture Series

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu


FILM STUDIES New in paper

Hollywood’s Copyright Wars

Hideous Progeny

From Edison to the Internet

Disability, Eugenics, and Classic Horror Cinema

Peter Decherney “Both scholarly and readable, this will be of interest to movie history buffs and those who deal with copyright issues.” — Library Journal “Peter Decherney shows how the copyright

Angela Smith “A terrific book on a fascinating topic that seems, in certain ways, to have been hiding in plain sight: the connection of images and discourses of disability to those wildly influen-

system shaped the American film industry and

tial, iconic American horror films of the 1930s.

how film in turn shaped copyright. This is cul-

In those films, such as Dracula, Frankenstein,

tural history at its best.” — Siva Vaidhyanathan,

and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, monstrosity came

University of Virginia, author of Copyrights and

to the screen in such indelible forms that their

Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and

cinematic descendants continue to haunt us

How it Threatens Creativity

to this day. But where did those images of

“A splendid new study of the legal, technological,

monstrosity come from in the first place?” —

and aesthetic wrangling over motion picture

Michael Bérubé, Pennsylvania State University

copyright wrongs and rights, particularly timely.”

$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15717-9

—Moving Image Source $26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15947-0 $34.50 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15946-3

$90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15716-2 2012  368 pages, 26 illus. Film and Culture Series

2012   304 pages /40 illus. Film and Culture Series


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FILM STUDIES New in paper

Shivers Down Your Spine

Knock Me Up, Knock Me Down

Cinema, Museums, and the Immersive

Images of Pregnancy in Hollywood Films


Kelly Oliver

Alison Griffiths

"Clearly written...this book could serve...as a

“This volume is a stunning work, rich in research, sharp in its own analysis of that research, and far-reaching in its implications

core text in a course on women in film." — Choice "Oliver's convincing conclusion is that in

for further scholarship in cinema studies,

Hollywood films pregnant women may have

pre-cinema historiography, visual culture, and

become objects of desire, but they are not

cultural studies in general.” — Dana Polan, New York University

allowed to become desiring subjects"

— Times Literary Supplement

“With this volume, Griffiths has established

"In her characteristically lucid prose and with her

herself as one of the most ambitious scholars

incisive wit, Oliver easily engages the reader in

now straddling the various fields that com-

this very timely and much needed analysis of

prise visual studies.” — Museum Anthropology

representations of the pregnant body and birth


in Hollywood film, ranging from the romantic

$27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-12989-3

comedy to horror and science fiction. Knock Me

$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-12988-6

Up, Knock Me Down is as enjoyable and acces-

2008 (cloth)  392 pages / 79 illus. Film and Culture Series

sible as it is insightful." — Pleshette DeArmitt, The University of Memphis $26.50 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-16109-1 $79.50 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-16108-4 2012 248 pages

for more information , visit : www . cup . columbia . edu



Beyond News

Moving Data

The Future of Journalism

The iPhone and the Future of Media

Mitchell Stephens

Edited by Pelle Snickars and Patrick Vonderau

“With his customary intelligence and brio, Mitchell Stephens argues for a more ambitious,

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

more valuable journalism. Stephens embod-

“The well-written essays in this wonderful little

ies the virtues of his hero Benjamin Franklin,

book range from insightful to downright fun...

writing with pungent wit and sharp insights.

Highly recommended.” — Choice

He has mined U.S. history for telling anecdotes showing that conventional news reporting is

“Readers interested in the impact of digital

insufficient. He boldly makes the case that

media will find in this collection a rich source of

interpretation of news could redeem both jour-

new ideas and perspectives”

nalism and journalism professionals; moreover,

— PsycCritiques

since wisdom journalism both produces and

“Like the iPhone itself, Moving Data provides

requires knowledge, his vision sets the course

a panoply of options for the interested reader.

for journalism education.”

Detailed without falling into homage, this

— Linda Steiner, University of Maryland

volume should appeal to technology historians

$26.00 / £18.00 cloth 978-0-231-15938-8

and ultural critics alike.” —Mobile Media and

April 2014  256 pages / 2 illus.


Columbia Journalism Review Books

“An extremely useful and timely collection with a range of essays that do justice to the multifaceted possibilities bound together as the iPhone.” — William Uricchio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Comparative Media Studies $29.50 / £20.50

paper 978-0-231-15739-1

$89.50 / £62.00

cloth 978-0-231-15738-4

2012  360 pages / 2 illus.


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Under Suspicion

Media of Reason

A Phenomenology of Media

A Theory of Rationality

Boris Groys

Matthias Vogel

Translated by Carsten Strathausen

Matthias Vogel challenges the belief, promoted by many contemporary philosophers, that reason is determined solely by our discursive, linguistic abilities as communicative beings. In his view, the medium of language is not the only force of reason— music, art, and other nonlinguistic forms of communication and understanding are also significant factors. Introducing an expansive theory of the mind that accounts for highly sophisticated, penetrative media, Vogel advances a novel conception of rationality while freeing philosophy from its attachment to linguistics.

Advancing the field of media studies in a truly innovative way, Boris Groys focuses on the media’s affect of sincerity and its manufacture of trust to appease skeptics. Groys identifies forms of media sincerity and its effect on politics, culture, society, and conceptions of the self. He relies on different philosophical writings thematizing the gaze of the other, from the theories of Heidegger, Sartre, Mauss, and Bataille to the poststructuralist formulations of Lacan and Derrida. He also considers media “states of exception” and their creation of effects of sincerity—a strategy that feeds the media’s predilection for the extraordinary and the sensational, further fueling the public’s suspicions. Emphasizing the media’s production of emotion over the presentation (or lack thereof) of “facts,” Groys launches a timely study boldly challenging the presumed authenticity of the media’s worldview.

$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-15058-3 2011 400 pages / 12 illus New Directions in Critical Theory

$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14618-0 2012 232 pages columbia themes in philosophy, social criticism, and the arts

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The Art of Making Magazines

Second Read

On Being an Editor and Other Views from the Industry

Writers Look Back at Classic Works of Reportage

Edited by Victor S. Navasky and Evan Cornog

Edited by James Marcus and The Staff of the

“This delightfully eclectic collection is full of

Columbia Journalism Review

exceptional gems, of value to anyone interested

“Contemporary journalists offer fresh looks at

in magazines, journalism, and good editing and

the work of previous generations in this rich

writing.” — Tom Goldstein, Former dean, jour-

collection.” — Daily News

nalism schools at Columbia and Berkeley

“A deeply satisfying collection of reflections

“Bold, brash, and on target . . . This is a book

on nonfiction writing. The result is a wealth of

not to be missed by working editors and jour-

history exciting to reencounter and a richness

nalists, print newbies and magazine junkies.”

of matured analysis that is equally stirring.” —

— Publishers Weekly

Vivian Gornick, essayist and critic

“A useful, even timely collection.”

$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15931-9

— Kirkus Reviews “These 12 essays will appeal to professionals as well as sophisticated readers interested in

$75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-15930-2 2011  208 pages Columbia Journalism Review Books

the nuts and bolts of how magazines are put together.” — Library Journal $22.50 / £15.50 paper 978-0-231-13137-7 $69.50 / £48.00 cloth 978-0-231-13136-0 2012  200 pages Columbia Journalism Review Books


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The Best American Magazine Writing 2013 Edited by Sid Holt for The American Society of Magazine Editors; Introduction by James Bennet, editor in chief of The Atlantic “If this anthology were a magazine, everybody would want to subscribe.” — Publishers Weekly “Another exemplary collection of the finest magazine writing in the United States …. A brilliant compilation.” — Kirkus $17.95 / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-16225-8 2013  560 pages

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Polishing Your Prose

Mothers in Academia

How to Turn First Drafts Into Finished Work

Edited by Mari Castañeda and Kirsten Isgro

Steven M. Cahn and Victor L. Cahn; Foreword by Mary Ann Caws

“The authors, both exceptionally talented writers and teachers, present the material at the right level of detail, organize it well, and engage their readers. The book is an invaluable resource for anyone serious about writing well.” — Peter Markie, University of Missouri “If you would like to improve your writing, read this wondrous book, then read it again.” — Christine Vitrano, Brooklyn College $14.95 / £9.95 paper 978-0-231-16089-6 $49.50 / £34.00 cloth 978-0-231-16088-9 2013 104 pages

Featuring forthright testimonials by women who are or have been mothers as undergraduates, graduate students, academic staff, administrators, and professors, Mothers in Academia intimately portrays the experiences of women at various stages of motherhood while theoretically and empirically considering the conditions of working motherhood as academic life has become more laborious. Hoping to push reform as well as build recognition and a sense of community, this collection offers several potential solutions for integrating female scholars more wholly into academic life. Essays also reveal the often stark differences between women’s encounters with the academy and the disparities among various ranks of women working in academia. Contributors—including many women of color—call attention to tokenism, scarce valuable networks, and the persistent burden to prove academic credentials. They also explore gendered parenting within the contexts of colonialism, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, ageism, and heterosexism. $27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-16005-6 $82.50 / £57.00 cloth 978-0-231-16004-9 2013 288 pages


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A Short Course in Reading French Celia Brickman “The perfect companion for the student or scholar wishing to develop reading skills in French. Not only does this book provide clear, concise explanations but it also offers a wide range of carefully designed and relevant tasks based on short phrases, more complex sentences, and authentic reading passages. These carefully selected texts also cover a breadth of

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subjects, eras, and styles of interest. For teachers, this book represents a considerable time

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