2015 Columbia UP History Catalogue

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history 2015

New and noteworthy titles

w w w. c u p . c o l u m b i a . e d u

Letter from the editors: We’re very excited to be sharing with you the Columbia University Press History catalog for 2015. These titles reflect the various areas we cover in our growing history list, including Asian history, Food history, International history, Middle East history, and U.S. history. The books reflect the global and interdisciplinary approach of our list and exemplify our commitment to high-­‐quality scholarship. Among the many excellent books in this year’s catalog several deserve special attention. In U.S. history, Doug Rossinow’s The Reagan Era: A History of the 1980s provides a compelling account of the decade and how Reagan’s policies shaped the nation’s politics, economy, culture, and relation to the world. The Wrong Carlos: Anatomy of a Wrongful Execution, by James Liebman and the Columbia DeLuna Project, and Michael Yudell’s Race Unmasked: Biology and Race in the Twentieth Century are both powerful histories race and its profound effects on the justice system and other institutions in American life. On a different note, Chop Suey USA: The Story of Chinese Food in America, by Yong Chen, provides a fascinating history of America’s first “fast food” and the Chinese immigrant experience. We have recently published three new works that highlight New York City’s economic, political, and cultural history. Capital of Capital: Money, Banking, and Power in New York City, by Steven Jaffe and Jessica Lautin, was published with the Museum of the City of New York and is the first book from our Columbia Studies in the History of Capitalism series. Frederick Douglass Opie’s Upsetting the Apple Cart: Black-­‐Latino Coalitions in New York City from Protest to Public Office recounts how a powerful social movement transformed the city’s neighborhoods, education, and workplaces. Finally, A Coney Island Reader offers a panoramic view of the beach resort through the words of some of America’s most famous writers. New titles in Middle East and Asian history reflect the range and depth of our list. Jie Li’s Shanghai Homes offers a highly original microhistory of residential life in Shanghai in the twentieth century, told through the author's family history. Wendy Law-­‐Yone’s A Daughter’s Memoir of Burma is an adventure story, love story, and political memoir set against Burma’s turbulent twentieth century. Hans van de Ven’s Breaking with the Past: The Maritime Customs Service and the Global Origins of Modernity in China brilliantly recounts China’s rocky entrance into the global political economy. Jerusalem Unbound: Geography, History, and the Future of the Holy City, by Michael Dumper, plots a history of Jerusalem that makes sense of the city’s many, often overlapping borders to better understand its possible future. Finally, we have also recently published four noteworthy books that examine the theory and practice of history, including Moved by the Past: Discontinuity and Historical Mutation, by Eelco Runia; History and Popular Memory: The Power of Story in Moments of Crisis, by Paul A. Cohen; Regimes of Historicity: Presentism and Experiences of Time, by François Hartog; and Autobiography of an Archive: A Scholar’s Passage to India, by Nicholas B. Dirks. We hope you share our excitement about these new books, and we look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Philip Leventhal, senior editor for U.S. History and New York City History Anne Routon, senior editor for Asian History, International History, and Middle East History

un i t e d s t a t e s H i s t o r y contents

United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 United States Cultural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9





New York City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14


Asian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 European  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44


The Reagan Era

A History of the 1980s

Ancient & Medieval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47

Doug Rossinow

Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Other Books of Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

"One of the best books on the 1980s written to date. Rossinow offers a deeply researched and compelling account of the decade in its many facets: political, economic, cultural, and international."

Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

—Jeremi Suri, University of Texas at Austin

Intellectual & Historiography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Culinary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Manuscript queries and proposals can be sent to Philip Leventhal at pl2164@ columbia.edu for U.S. and New York City History, and Anne Routon at akr36@ columbia.edu for Asian, International, and Middle East History. For a complete listing of Columbia’s titles or for more information about any book in this catalog, visit our web site: cup. columbia.edu Most titles in this catalog published by Columbia University Press are available worldwide from the Press. If no UK price appears for a title, it is most likely available from Columbia only in the United States, its possessions, and Canada.

"With rare eloquence and erudition, Doug Rossinow captures the many contradictions of the 1980s, years when the cultural, political, and economic landscape of the United States was decisively reconfigured by the rise of Ronald Reagan and his conservative movement. This book not only paints a vivid portrait of a momentous historical turning point, it illuminates dynamics that continue to shape our world even now. There is no better introduction to the Reagan years." —Joseph A. McCartin, Georgetown University $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16988-2 2015 392 pages

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un i t e d s t a t e s H i s t o r y

Biology and Race i n t h e 2 0 t h c e n t u Ry

Michael yudell F o R e wo R d B y J. c R a i g V e n t e R

Race Unmasked Biology and Race in the Twentieth Century Michael Yudell

“Race Unmasked is a terrific guide to the often invisible, intertwined terrain of science and politics around race. Re-reading the past with an eye toward nuance and clarity, Michael Yudell understands how ‘race’ comes to be unintentionally hidden yet still can be uncovered and critiqued. This book should find its way into classrooms across the curriculum.” —Susan M. Reverby, Wellesley College “Michael Yudell has given us a fascinating and perceptive study of ‘man’s most dangerous myth.’ This insightful book on race should be read widely by anyone concerned with the multiple uses, misuses, tangled history, and persistent confusions over this vexed and potent concept.” —Keith Wailoo, Princeton University

The Columbia Sourcebook of Mormons in the United States Edited by Terryl L. Givens and Reid L. Neilson

"The most expansive and comprehensive collection of documents ever compiled about the LDS Church in the United States. Dealing with subjects varied and frequently controversial, from theology and polity to race and sexuality, Terryl L. Givens and Reid L. Neilson include glimpses of Mormonism as revealed, proscribed, and lived in many times and places....An indispensable resource and starting point for anyone interested in the history and ongoing story of the Mormon faith for years to come." — Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp, Washington University in St. Louis $80.00 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-14942-6 2014 480 pages

$40.00 / £27.50 978-0231-16874-8 2014 304 pages

4  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

un i t e d s t a t e s H i s t o r y

Forthcoming June 2015

The Wrong Carlos

Anatomy of a Wrongful Execution James S. Liebman and the Columbia DeLuna Project

Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality

Progress and Poverty in the Gilded Age Edward T. O'Donnell

"Liebman and his coauthors tell an important story of alleged wrongful execution. The story of Carlos DeLuna highlights several important yet often overlooked problems plaguing our criminal justice system, ranging from the pitfalls of eyewitness identification to the disadvantages of the restrictions of habeas corpus." -Meghan Ryan, Southern Methodist University School of Law "Wrenching . . . death penalty opponents now have a definitive example to cite; death penalty proponents have an agonizing case to consider." -Kirkus (Starred Review) $27.95 / £19.90 paper 978-0-231-16723-9 2014 448 p a ge s / 9 9 i l l us .

"A beautifully written, deeply researched, carefully argued, and analytically nuanced book. O'Donnell's own prodigious research, as well as his talent for synthesizing the findings of other scholars, makes this a social and political history of Gilded Age America as seen through the lens of Henry George’s extraordinary life." -—Daniel Czitrom, Mount Holyoke College Edward T. O’Donnell’s exploration of Henry George’s life and times merges labor, ethnic, intellectual, and political history to illuminate the early militant labor movement in Gilded Age New York. O’Donnell locates in George’s rise to prominence the beginning of a larger effort by American workers to regain control of the workplace and obtain economic security. George’s accessible, forward-thinking ideas on democracy, equality, and freedom have tremendous value to ongoing debates over the future of unions, corporate power, Wall Street recklessness, regulation, and political polarization. $38.00 / £26.00 cloth 978-0-231-12000-5 June 2015 368 pag es / 23 illu s. Columbia History of Urban Life

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un i t e d s t a t e s H i s t o r y

Thai Stick

Surfers, Scammers, and the Untold Story of the Marijuana Trade Peter Maguire and Mike Ritter

“An extraordinary work, at once a participatory anthropology, detached sociology, cultural history, remarkable example of oral history, series of smuggling stories, and many other things to boot.” — Anders Stephanson, Columbia University “From the dank highlands of Siam to the sageblown point breaks of Alta California, Thai Stick explores the relationship between surf culture and the ‘funny business.’ Maguire— grounded in law, history, and the surfing life— is exactly the right author for this street-level breakdown of smuggling in the 1970s.” —The Surfer’s Journal $27.95/ £19.95 cloth 97 8 - 0 - 2 31 - 1 6 1 3 4 - 3

Shifting Sands The United States in the Middle East Joel S. Migdal

“Exquisitely timely. . . . Read this benchmark study at your earliest opportunity.” —Israel Studies Review “A compelling narrative of American policy in the Middle East since World War II. Joel S. Migdal dissects America’s static strategic model in a region that has undergone four periods of profound change....Eschewing visions of grand change, Migdal suggests the temperate yet more effective approach of building alliances and fostering gradual change.” — Daniel Kurtzer, Princeton University, former U.S. ambassador to Egypt and Israel $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16672-0 2014  424 pages / 14 illus.

2013 272 pages / 36 illus.

6  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

un i t e d s t a t e s H i s t o r y

religion in america a political history

The Columbia Guide to

RELIGION IN AMERICAN HISTORY Paul Harvey & Edward J. Blum, editors

denis lacorne t r a n s l a t e d

b y

g e o r g e

h o l o c h

foreword by tony judt

Religion in America

The Columbia Guide to Religion in American History

Denis Lacorne

Edited by Paul Harvey and Edward J.

A Political History

“Anyone interested in religion and politics in the U.S. stands to be deeply informed by Lacorne’s lucid, intelligent book.” — Booklist “It’s an edifying read for someone seeking grounding in the subject as well as a userfriendly course adoption.” — History News Network “Provides a much welcomed viewpoint from outside our ongoing religious squabbles in American politics. Lacorne admirably avoids oversimplification while remaining eminently readable.” — Library Journal


“An important reference work, welcome for its breadth and portability. Highly Recommended.” — Choice “Innovative approaches, new areas of inquiry, up-to-date scholarship, and profound insights are to be found in twenty essays ranging from topics such as ‘Colonial Encounters’ to ‘Religion and the Environment.’ I highly recommend this profound contribution to the field of religion in American history.” — Curtis J. Evans, University of Chicago Divinity School

$25.00 / £17.50   paper 978-0-231-15101-6

$75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-14020-1

2011 248 pages / 1 illus.

2012 480 pages

Religion, Culture, and Public Life

Columbia Guides to American History and Cultures

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un i t e d s t a t e s H i s t o r y

Taking It Big

C. Wright Mills and the Making of Political Intellectuals Stanley Aronowitz

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title “Stanley Aronowitz—himself a towering public intellectual—has written the definitive book on one of the towering public intellectuals of twentieth-century America. Don’t miss it.”—Cornel West, Princeton University “The book’s broad scope and brilliant analyses of Mills’s writings trump any of the existing overviews of his work . . . . This is indeed an invaluable addition to the existing literature.” — Journal of American Culture

Mongolia and the United States A Diplomatic History Jonathan Addleton

“Well organized and authoritative, Ambassador Addleton’s book will be welcomed by libraries and academic researchers seeking a work that puts all the data on US-Mongolia relations in one place. Lively descriptions of past history lead up to informative treatments of contemporary USAID measures to reform the Mongolian banking system, security cooperation between our military establishments, and Peace Corps people-to-people relationships. A valuable contribution to the literature on a strategic Asian country.” — Nicholas Platt, President Emeritus, Asia Society

$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-13541-2

$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8139-94-1

2012 288 pages

2013 200 pages Hong Kong University Press

8  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

un i t e d s t a t e s cu l t u r a l H i s t o r y

Winnebago Nation

The RV in American Culture James B. Twitchell

"Winnebago Nation draws on James B. Twitchell’s own experiences as well as historical and sociological sources to explain the tremendous appeal of the RV for its aficionados, the disdain many Americans feel toward it, and the paradoxical qualities of a population of motorized nomads who seem to seek both individualistic escape and communitarian society. Twitchell locates his interpretation of these questions in the enduring mythos of the road and the frontier; in a lingering Puritanism that demands accountability along with freedom; and in the RV’s ability to reconcile autonomy and belonging, wilderness and domesticity." —Cathy Stanton, Tufts University

"It's the Pictures That Got Small" Charles Brackett on Billy Wilder and Hollywood's Golden Age Edited by Anthony Slide

"Reading Charles Brackett’s diary entries is like stepping into a time machine. It provides a vivid and valuable account of day-to-day life in the heyday of Hollywood’s studio system and a bittersweet chronicle of his volatile relationship with Billy Wilder. I couldn’t put the book down." -Leonard Maltin “Anyone interested in the golden age of film should enjoy this very entertaining and illustrative look at the film industry of the 1930s and 1940s. —Library Journal $34.95 / £23.95 cloth 978-0-231-16708-6 2014 448 pages / 18 illus.

"A historical, psychological, and cultural romp through the quirky landscape of RVing in America.” -Doreen Orion, author of Queen of the Road

Film and Culture Series

$19.95 / £13.95 cloth 978-0-231-16778-9 2014 192 p a g e s / 3 8 i l l u s .

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un i t e d s t a t e s cu l t u r a l H i s t o r y

A Life in the Harlem Renaissance and the Transatlantic Caribbean

James Davis

Eric Walrond James Davis

After the Silents

Eric Walrond

Michael Slowik

James Davis

"Slowik not only sketches out the important trends and developments of this nascent period of classical film music history but also makes a compelling argument that there are important continuities that connect the mature silent period with the early sound period." —Jeff Smith, author of The Sounds of Commerce: Marketing Popular Film Music

"Eric Walrond...may have been the most promising literary talent of the Harlem Renaissance. His collection, Tropic Death, was an astonishing succes d'estime. A Guggenheim Fellowship certified the promise of The Big Ditch, Walrond's bildungsroman of capitalism, underdevelopment, and race. In one of the more mysterious losses in American letters, the book never appeared and its author disappeared. James Davis’s finely written, beautifully paced Eric Walrond is a major biography of a fascinating figure, a triumph of archival sleuthing that reintroduces readers to almost everybody known to his peripatetic protagonist." —David Levering Lewis , New York University

Hollywood Film Music in the Early Sound Era, 1926-1934

"With a thorough investigation of hundreds of conversion-era feature films, Michael Slowik has provided an important revision of film music history to account for a wide range of scoring practices. After the Silents is impressive scholarship and a valuable resource for anyone with an interest in film sound." -Jennifer Fleeger, author of Sounding American: Hollywood, Opera, and Jazz

A Life in the Harlem Renaissance and the Transatlantic Caribbean

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15784-1 2015 440 pages / 17 illus.

$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16583-9 2014 400 pages / 60 illus. Film and Culture Series

1 0  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

un i t e d s t a t e s cu l t u r a l H i s t o r y CoNtiNENtal StRaNGERS

German Exile Cinema 1933-1951


Cold War Modernists

Continental Strangers

Art, Literature, and American Cultural Diplomacy

German Exile Cinema, 1933-1951 Gerd Gemünden

Greg Barnhisel

"A thoughtful, well-written reexamination of the use of modernism in American arts and letters as a diplomatic and cultural tool in the early Cold War. It is sure to become the standard text on cultural diplomacy in the early Cold War." —Robert Genter, author of Late Modernism: Art, Culture, and Politics in Cold War America "Greg Barnhisel’s important new study combines an assured grasp of historical context with sensitive readings of artworks and literary texts to illuminate previously obscure aspects of the 'Cultural Cold War.'” —Hugh Wilford, author of The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America and America's Great Game "Barnhisel mobilizes rich archival sources to show not only the accommodation of modernism to anti-Communism but also the entanglement of the highbrow and the middlebrow....This lively, fascinating book contributes to the histories of both cultural diplomacy and cultural hierarchy." —Joan Shelley Rubin, University of Rochester

“Gerd Gemünden combines perceptive close readings of select films with sharp archival investigation to show how some key movies of classical Hollywood came—in often fraught manner—to engage with the evils of fascism. By understanding cinema as a complex negotiation over political meanings, from production to final results onscreen, this volume represents a major contribution to the literature on the Hollywood emigrés and their cultural work.” —Dana Polan, New York University “A lucid and comprehensive account of German filmmakers in American exile, this book also offers a poetics of displacement and alienation. It adds another chapter to the story about Hitler and Hollywood and contributes to a deeper historical understanding of political cinema at a moment of crisis.” —Anton Kaes, University of California, Berkeley $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16679-9 2014  296 pages / 40 illus. Film and Culture Series

$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16230-2 2015 336 pages / 24 illus.

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un i t e d s t a t e s cu l t u r a l H i s t o r y

hollywood and


Electric Dreamland

Amusement Parks, Movies, and American Modernity Lauren Rabinovitz

“Amusement parks and motion pictures, Lauren Rabonovitz argues, served as unique venues of mass culture for people to adapt to modernity by experiencing its pleasures and dangers first hand and to share in the emergence of a new American national identity.” —Richard Abel, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor “Electric Dreamland is part of a growing body of work that builds an inter-medial reading of cinema’s relationship to other earlytwentieth-century phenomena. It draws on a wealth of archival materials, ephemera, and experiential data to demonstrate the remarkable inter-dependence of amusement parks and early motion pictures.” —Shelley Stamp, author of Movie-Struck Girls: Women and Motion Picture Culture after the Nickelodeon

1933–1939 Thomas doherTy

Hollywood and Hitler, 1933-1939 Thomas Doherty

Named one of the Best Film Books of the year by the Huffington Post “Wide-ranging and brightly written.” — The New York Times Book Review “A witty writer familiar with Hollywood history and manners, Doherty places the studios’ craven behavior within a general account of the political culture of the movies in the thirties and forties.” — David Denby, The New Yorker “Hollywood and Hitler tracks the advance of fascism, and the movie industry’s reaction on screen and in private.... [A] fascinating work.” — Kate Muir $22.95 / £15.95 paper 978-0-231-16393-4 $35.00 / £24.00 cloth


2013   448 pages / 72 illus. Film and Culture Series

$27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-15661-5 2012 256 pages / 49 illus. Film and Culture Series

1 2  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

New in paper

Until the Fires Stopped Burning

9/11 and New York City in the Words and Experiences of Survivors and Witnesses Charles Strozier $22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15899-2 $28.95 / £19.95 cloth 9 78-0-231-15898-5 2014 312 pages / 20 illus.

American Showman

Samuel “Roxy” Rothafel and the Birth of the Entertainment Industry, 1908-1935 Ross Melnick

“Book of the Year” Award from the Theatre Historical Society of America $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15905-0 $37.50 / £26.00 cloth 978-0-231-15904-3 2012   576 pages / 27 illus.

Foundations of the American Century

The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power Inderjeet Parmar $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-14629-6 $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-14628-9 2014 368 pages

The Columbia Guide to American Indians of the Southwest Trudy Griffin-Pierce $25.00 /£17.50 paper 978-0-231-12791-2 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-12790-5 2014 320 pages / 35 illus. The Columbia Guides to American Indian History and Culture

Film and Culture Series

The Columbia History of Post-World War II America Edited by Mark C Carnes $27.00 /£18.50 paper 978-0-231-12127-9 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-12126-2 2014 544 pages

new york city history

A Coney Island Reader

Through Dizzy Gates of Illusion

Upsetting the Apple Cart

Edited by Louis J. Parascandola

Black-Latino Coalitions in New York City from Protest to Public Office

and John Parascandola

Frederick Douglass Opie

"A timely, important addition to anthologies of New York writing. A Coney Island Reader will be welcomed by urban historians and a general public that continues to be fascinated by Coney Island’s ramshackle roller coaster of a history." —Bryan Waterman, New York University

“Upsetting the Apple Cart outlines for the first time an important part of the American working class history and race relations. Opie’s narrative delineates how Black and Latino coalitions supported by organized labor can become a formula to attain power. He focuses on how these coalitions work and how they become contentious based on mutual suspicions. Provocative and engaging.” —Miguel “Mickey” Melendez, author of We Took the Streets...Fighting for Latino Rights with the Young Lords

"An amazing Americana anthology of Coney fact-fiction-poetry-tabloid news and government propaganda, many pieces obscure, a few famous yet so hard to find all bound together in what now becomes the definitive and best beach book read about the Island that invented beach leisure." —Dick Zigun, Artistic Director, Coney Island USA

$79.50 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-16572-3

"Through extensive use of oral histories, Opie provides fascinating and original insight on social movements and electoral politics in the 1970s and 1980s." —Martha Biondi, Northwestern University, author of The Black Revolution on Campus

2014 360 pages / 25 illus.

$30.00 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-14940-2

$26.95 / £18.95 paper 978-0-231-16573-0

2014 312 pages /28 illus. Columbia History of Urban Life

new york city history

Forthcoming June 2015

A Lever Long Enough

Race and Real Estate

Robert McCaughey

Kevin McGruder

"Begun in 1864 as the School of Mines, engineering at Columbia oscillated from a pioneer leader of its field to near irrelevance and back to national distinction. McCaughey relates these vicissitudes with candor and grace, drawing on his unparalleled knowledge of the university’s history. Besides providing a uniquely valuable contribution to higher education history, this volume opens a window on enduring issues of university leadership and technological education." —Roger L. Geiger, Pennsylvania State University

"Kevin McGruder’s meticulous study shows us exactly how black migrants to Harlem between 1890 and 1920 created a community. His analysis of the role of black real estate agents and black churches in ‘opening’ Harlem to black residents is fascinating, and his attention to the ways that ethnicity structured white responses to the movement of blacks to white neighborhoods is nuanced and insightful." —Beryl Satter, Rutgers University

Conflict and Cooperation in Harlem, 1890-1920

A History of Columbia's School of Engineering and Applied Science Since 1864

$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16914-1 June 2015 288 pages / 15 illus.

$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16688-1 2014 368 pages /35 illus.

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new york city history

Capital of Capital

Money, Banking, and Power in New York City Steven H. Jaffe, Jessica Lautin, and Museum of the City of New York

“Anyone interested in exploring how Manhattan came to rule the nation’s, then the world’s, banking system should tread the trail expertly blazed by Capital of Capital, which is as beautifully written as it is exquisitely illustrated.” —Robert E. Wright, author of Bailouts: Public Money, Private Profit “The book... includes a fascinating array of primary materials ranging from antebellum bank notes and ledgers to early credit cards and advertisements. Lavishly illustrated, Capital of Capital provides a multifaceted, original understanding of the profound impact of banking on the life of New York City and the world’s economy.” —Capital Spectator $45.00 cloth 978-0-231-16910-3 2014 304 pages / 150 illus.

The Greatest Grid

The Master Plan of Manhattan, 1811-2011 Edited by Hilary Ballon

“You don’t have to be a geometry major to love The Greatest Grid.” —New York Times Laying out Manhattan’s street grid and providing a rationale for the growth of New York was the city’s first great civic enterprise, not to mention a brazenly ambitious project and major milestone in the history of city planning. The Greatest Grid incorporates archival photos and illustrations, primary documents and testimony, and magnificent maps with essential analysis. The text follows the grid’s initial design, implementation, and evolution, and then speaks to its enduring influence. Constituting the first sustained examination of this subject, this text describes the social, political, and intellectual figures who were instrumental in remaking early New York, not in the image of old Europe but as a reflection of other American cities and a distinct New World sensibility.

Columbia Studies in the History of U.S. Capitalism $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-15990-6 2012 224 pages / 200 illus; gatefold

1 6  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

new york city history

Reds at the Blackboard

Picturing Power

Communism, Civil Rights, and the New York City Teachers Union

Portraiture and Its Uses in the New York Chamber of Commerce

Clarence Taylor

Karl Kusserow

“Clarence Taylor’s superb history of the left-led New York City Teachers’ Union (1916-1964), fills a void in the historical record of teacher unionism and education in the United States, providing important background on recurring controversies of curriculum, due process, academic freedom, testing, transfers, community involvement, civil rights, and the need for more Black and Latino teachers.” — Jeffrey B. Perry, author of Hubert Harrison: The Voice of Harlem Radicalism, 1883-1918 “Offers a highly readable and engaging story of the rise of [the Teacher’s Union] model, as well as the ferocious onslaught against it during the McCarthy era...a must-read.” —Socialist Worker.org $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15269-3 2011 384 pages / 10 illus.

With contributions by David L. Barquist, Elizabeth Blackmar, Daniel Bluestone, and Paul Staiti

“An ambitious, interdisciplinary study of the New York Chamber of Commerce’s substantial portrait collection. Picturing Power uses the Chamber’s collection as a compelling case study to explore larger questions surrounding art’s social production of meaning. The book offers a sophisticated ‘portrait’ of how high art was used by a wealthy and powerful group of men to fashion an identity that suited their corporate and civic needs. This volume is a significant and welcome addition to the literature on American art and culture.” — Martin A. Berger, University of California at Santa Cruz $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-12358-7 2013 424 pages / 200 illus.

AS i a n H i s t o r y

Historical Atlas of Northeast Asia, 1590-2010 Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia Li Narangoa and Robert Cribb

"This superb atlas greatly enhances our knowledge of the region of Asia comprising north China, Korea, Japan, Russia, Mongolia, and Manchuria. The authors define the region ecologically instead of politically, focusing on the interaction of nomadic conquerors with the expanding empires of Russia and China and the Korean state. They outline boundaries with vivid colors and carefully locate major towns and geographic features, while also providing a concise integrated political narrative for each decade over nearly five hundred years....An essential resource for anyone researching or teaching about this critical region of Asia." —Peter C. Perdue, Yale University

Autobiography of an Archive A Scholar's Passage to India Nicholas B. Dirks

"Using the conceit of an autobiography, this book dazzles with luminous reflections on the archive of knowledge on India....Nicholas Dirks offers original insights on the history and politics of scholarship, on Empire and its entailment in the production of knowledge, and the career of history and anthropology as disciplines. " —Gyan Prakash, author of Mumbai Fables "Nicholas Dirks’s account of the interconnections of anthropology and history and his commitment to the internationalization of liberal learning make his book a vital contribution to contemporary discussions of globalization and education." —Michael S. Roth, President, Wesleyan University $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16967-7

$150.00 / £103.50 cloth 978-0-231-16070-4 2014 352 pages / 78 maps

2015 400 pages Cultures of History

AS i a n H i s t o r y

A Daughter's Memoir of Burma

The Pariah Problem

Caste, Religion, and the Social in Modern India

Wendy Law-Yone

Rupa Viswanath

“Viswanath powerfully argues that there was a government–missionary nexus that sought to turn the pariah from traditional forms of slavery to modern forms of dispossessed labor. Most remarkably, she shows that the initiative for conversion to Christianity came not from missionaries but from Dalits who were motivated not by abstract ideas of emancipation but by strategic considerations of material advantage in their daily struggles.” —Partha Chatterjee, Columbia University and the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-16306-4 2014 416 pages

"Beautifully written with a keen sense of humor, [this] book is bound to become a classic in the genre of personal books written about modern Myanmar. . . . [Wendy Law-Yone] has done her famous journalist and rebel father justice in a volume that is a must-read for anyone interested in modern Myanmar history" —Asia Times "An important testimony to the almost unbelievable courage, determination and patience of those who choose a hazardous path of political dissent in the face of state tyranny and oppression.” —Times Literary Supplement $30.00 cloth 978-0-231-16936-3 2014 328 pages

Cultures of History

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AS i a n H i s t o r y

Forthcoming February


Be ing Hum an in a


BuddHist World An IntellectuAl HIstory of MedIcIne In eArly Modern tIbet

Janet Gyatso

Shanghai Homes

Being Human in a Buddhist World

Palimpsests of Private Life

An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet

"Shanghai Homes recounts the lives of three generations of residents in Shanghai’s alleyway neighborhoods, once vibrant communities that have all but disappeared since the late 1990s. In her detailed and wonderfully written account, Li treats her subjects with a rare combination of personal engagement and academic rigor. A remarkable work in urban cultural studies." —Hanchao Lu, author of Beyond the Neon Lights: Everyday Shanghai in the Early Twentieth Century

Janet Gyatso

Jie Li

“A real gem...Shanghai Homes is that unique work that effortlessly moves between and cuts across several disciplinary areas: family history, Cultural Revolution politics, urban architecture, and above all personal and collective memory and its place in postSocialsit and globalized China.” —Leo Ou-Fan Lee, author of Shanghai Modern: The Flowering of a New Urban Culture in China

"An amazing book and a stellar contribution to Columbia University Press's growing catalog of Tibetan and Tibetan Buddhist studies, for it will be the key book on medicine and religion in Tibet for this generation. Like Gyatso's book on autobiography, her new book on medicine will simply be field defining.." — Kurtis R. Schaeffer, The University of Virginia "A landmark in the study of South Asian medical traditions." — Daud Ali, University of Pennsylvania $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-16496-2 2015 544 pages / 51 illus.

$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16717-8 2014 280 pages / 49 illus. Global Chinese Culture

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AS i a n H i s t o r y

The Tibetan History Reader

Sources of Tibetan Tradition Edited by Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Matthew

Edited by Gray Tuttle and Kurtis R.

T. Kapstein, and Gray Tuttle


“Sources of Tibetan Tradition represents a mammoth and long-overdue contribution to the field, both as a basic reference tool for scholars and as a keystone of undergraduate and graduate education.” — Annabella Pitkin, Barnard College “The editors have done a remarkable job of selecting sources from a 1,500-year-old civilization for a single volume. They provide not only representative texts on Tibetan religion from all eras but also significant sources on history, politics, society, law, medicine, art, architecture, and literature.” —Roger R. Jackson, editor of The Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems: A Tibetan Study of Asian Religious Thought $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-13599-3

“This single volume offers a thorough education in Tibetan history from the founding of the Tibetan empire in the seventh century through 1951. In thirtythree topical and absorbing essays, leading historians in Asia, Europe, and North America explain exactly what the original documents say and why historians of Tibet interpret them in such dramatically different ways. Anyone who wants to learn more about Tibetan history should begin here.” —Valerie Hansen, Yale University “[A] superb collection...give[s] an extraordinary sense of perspective.” — Asian Review of Books $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-14469-8 2013  752 pages / 15 illus

2013  856 pages Introduction to Asian Civilizations

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AS i a n H i s t o r y

ExEmplary WomEn of Early China The Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang

annE BEhnkE kinnEy T r a n s L aTo r a n d e d i To r

The Birth of Chinese Feminism

Exemplary Women of Early China

Essential Texts in Transnational Theory

The Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang

Edited by Lydia H. Liu, Rebecca E. Karl,

Translated and edited by Anne Behnke

and Dorothy Ko


“This magnificent volume opens up a past and conjures a future. Anarcho-feminist He-Yin Zhen published her passionate and closely reasoned essays more than a century ago, yet the issues she raises have yet to be addressed adequately in China or anywhere else. The Birth of Chinese Feminism offers us the best of her writing and that of her feminist male contemporaries, with whom she did not always agree. The editors and translators have restored to visibility a world crackling with debate about equality, hierarchy, property, and justice. They challenge us to keep one appreciative eye on history and another on the conundrum of our own moment.” —Gail Hershatter, author of The Gender of Memory: Rural Women and China’s Collective Past

“Exemplary Women of Early China is essential for understanding China’s premodern gender regime, Confucian ideology, and women’s sense of self. The Lienü zhuan provided later authors and artists with an endlessly rich source of moral exemplars to reveal behavioral norms for both genders. Kinney’s elegant and erudite translation brings to life the words and deeds of these remarkable women. A wonderfully inspiring read.” —Robin D. S. Yates, McGill University $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16309-5 2014 160 pages Translations from the Asian Classics

$29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16291-3 2013   328 pages / 6 illus. Weatherhead Books on Asia

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AS i a n H i s t o r y Edwar d l. shaughnEssy

Unearthing the Changes recently discovered manUscripts of the yi jing (i Ching ) and rel ated texts

Early Medieval China

Unearthing the Changes

A Sourcebook

Edited by Wendy Swartz, Robert Ford Campany, Yang Lu, and Jessey J. C. Choo

“This magisterial volume is of singular importance to the study of early medieval Chinese history, literature, thought, and religion. Written by the Who’s Who in a field that has grown exponentially in recent years, this sourcebook presents up-to-date scholarship at the highest level. Wide-ranging in scope, rich in detail, and thoroughly interdisciplinary, it serves as the principal guide to the world of early medieval China and as a wonderful inspiration to students.” — Martin Kern, Princeton University $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-15987-6 2014   744 pages

Recently Discovered Manuscripts of the Yi Jing (I Ching) and Related Texts Edward L. Shaughnessy

"In his skillful presentation of three groups of bamboo-strip manuscripts discovered in China since the 1970s, Shaughnessy gives new meaning and pleasure to reading one of the two oldest works of Chinese literature.... These manuscripts bring to life the significance of divination in early Chinese culture, while remaking our understanding of the ‘Changes.’" — Donald Harper, University of Chicago "[Shaughnessy's] deeply researched text breaks new ground for the study of Chinese manuscripts and China’s methods of divination, with penetrating contributions to the scholarly handling of fragments, the recovery of lost literature, and the problems of textual criticism." — Michael Loewe, University of Cambridge $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16184-8 2014 400 pages Translations from the Asian Classics

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AS i a n H i s t o r y

A Korean War Captive in Japan, 1597–1600

The Writings of Kang Hang

Edited and translated by JaHyun Kim Haboush and Kenneth R. Robinson

“This important text offers a fascinating glimpse into early modern Japan and Japanese-Korean relations from the perspective of a Korean official captured by Japanese invaders in 1597, contributing significantly to the growing body of scholarship on the largest military conflict (in terms of numbers) in the world in the sixteenth century. The translation is smooth and erudite and the notes are full of useful historical and cultural information, making it invaluable for students and academics.” — Kenneth M. Swope, University of Southern Mississippi $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-16370-5 2013  272 pages

Sources of Indian Traditions

Modern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

Third edition; volume two

Edited by Rachel Fell McDermott, Leonard A. Gordon, Ainslie T. Embree,

Frances W. Pritchett, and Dennis Dalton

“The third edition of Sources of Indian Traditions is fascinating, easy to read, provocative, and relevant to the present. Two narrative lines flow, like an underground river, through the book: colonialism and the search for independence and the struggle with the ever-changing questions of nationalism. An excellent expansion of the second edition, this anthology is masterly organized, making it a unique teaching text on South Asia.” —Owen M. Lynch, New York University $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-13830-7 2014 1024 pages / 11 illus.

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AS i a n H i s t o r y

Sources of Vietnamese Tradition

Breaking with the Past

The Maritime Customs Service and the Global Origins of Modernity in China

George Dutton, Jayne Werner, and John K. Whitmore

“This addition to the venerable Introduction to Asian Civilizations series marks a major step in the maturation of Vietnam Studies in the American academy.” —Foreign Affairs

Hans van de Ven

“An essential research tool for anyone interested in Vietnamese history. The editors have done a marvelous job of locating, interpreting, and translating key documents written in a variety of languages.” —Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Harvard University $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-13863-5 2012  664 pages Introduction to Asian Civilizations

“Far more than an institutional history of the Customs Service, this book is effectively a complete new history of China’s rocky entrance into the global political economy. There is no better book written at this level of historical research and archival detail on the subject of China and the West.” —Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia “This is the story of China’s economic internationalization in the century before the Communist conquest....Hans van de Ven has written this history in full for the first time, using an extraordinary array of Chinese and international sources. Today, as China looks to its pre-Communist past as a guide to its future, this is an important book.” — William C. Kirby, Harvard University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-13738-6 2014    432 pages / 34 illus.

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AS i a n H i s t o r y

Lust, Commerce, and Corruption

The Company and the Shogun

Translated by Mark Teeuwen, Kate

Adam Clulow

An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an Edo Samurai

Wildman Nakai, Miyazaki Fumiko, Anne Walthall, and John Breen

“This translation of Seiji kenbunroku is a wonderful and invaluable addition to our view of nineteenth-century Japan, and covers an amazing range of social groups and professions, with detailed accounts of the back-side of everyday lives. His unadulterated views and his vivid vignettes defy the textbook stereotypes. It will change forever what you thought Japan was like at the beginning of the nineteenth century.” —Haruo Shirane, Columbia University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16644-7 2014  496 pages

The Dutch Encounter with Tokugawa Japan

“Adam Clulow brilliantly dissects the process through which Dutch merchants and their sponsors became subordinates rather than colonizers in Japan. The book masterfully weaves together storytelling and analysis while impressively mining both Dutch and Japanese sources. The result is not only the best available account of the Dutch East India Company in Japan but also an important contribution to the history of empire, piracy, law, and diplomacy in the early modern world. A remarkable achievement.” —Lauren Benton, New York University $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16428-3 2013  352 pages / 11 illus

Translations from the Asian Classics

The Columbia Studies in International and Global History

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AS i a n H i s t o r y

East River Column

Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After Sui-jeung Chan

The Great Kantō Earthquake and the Chimera of National Reconstruction in Japan J. Charles Schencking

“In vivid detail, this timely book explores the many ways the Japanese responded to the earthquake of 1923—from debates about the meaning of the disaster through representations of the event in popular culture and the rough-and-tumble politics of reconstruction. Deeply researched and well written, it is a major contribution to the urban history of modern Japan as well as to the burgeoning field of disaster studies.” —Peter Duus, Stanford University $50.00 / £34..50 cloth 978-0-231-16218-0 2013  400 pages / 61 illus. Contemporary Asia in the World

"Here for the first time in English is a comprehensive account of the huge contribution made by Chinese guerrillas to Hong Kong's resistance in the Second World War. In rescuing this story from oblivion through 25 years of interviews and documentary research, Chan Sui-jeung has rendered a major service to the history of Hong Kong and Guangdong province." —Philip Snow, author of The Fall of Hong Kong $23.00 / £14.95 paper 978-9-622-09193-1 2014 200 pages Hong Kong Univesity Press

AS i a n h i s t o r y

Y.K. Pao

My Father

Portugal, China, and the Macau Negotiations, 1986–1999

Anna Pao Sohmen

Carmen Amado Mendes

“This book is more than a memoir, as the subject lived an extraordinary life in an extraordinary time.” — South China Morning Post “Y. K. Pao made many selfless contributions to China’s modernization, especially in the educational sector....He emphasized the need to stabilize investment and prevent the outflow of capital and talent....Mr. Pao played a significant role during Hong Kong’s return to China, enhancing communication between the PRC and British governments on the issue of Hong Kong’s sovereignty by utilizing his special relationship with senior British officials. Mr. Pao deserves to be called ‘the Unofficial Ambassador’ between China and the United Kingdom.” —Lu Ping, former director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China

“ Setting Portugal’s approach to the Macau

question in the context of broader domestic and international political dilemmas, Mendes provides a nuanced picture of the institutional inertias, party rivalries, and postcolonial exhaustion that shaped the entire negotiation process. She shows, paradoxically, that although these factors weakened Portugal’s position relative to China, this weakness sometimes put Portugal in the driver’s seat at the negotiating table.” — Cathryn Clayton, author of Sovereignty at the Edge: Macau and the Question of Chineseness $35.00 / £24.00  cloth 978-988-8139-00-2 2013 166 pages / 2 illus. Hong Kong University Press

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-988-8083-31-2 2013 240 pages / 69 illus. Hong Kong University Press

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AS i a n H i s t o r y

Merchants of Canton and Macao

Forgotten Souls

Paul A. Van Dyke

Patricia Lim

"Merchants of Canton and Macao is an invaluable addition to our knowledge of SinoWestern trade in the eighteenth century.... Culled from a rich source base in multiple languages, Van Dyke brings the financial actors in this complex commercial story vividly to life.” — Jonathan Spence, author of The Search for Modern China

"For the historian or genealogist, Patricia Lim's exhaustive cataloguing of the Hong Kong Cemetery is both comprehensive and easy to use. For the curious and intrigued whovever passed the Cemetery and wondered who lies within, Forgotten Souls is a wonderful collection of facts, anecdotes and lost Hong Kong tales." —Paul French, author of The Old Shanghai A-Z

Politics and Strategies in EighteenthCentury Chinese Trade

$80.00 / £55.00 cloth 978-988-8028-91-7 2011 672 pages / 195 illus. Hong Kong University Press

A Social History of the Hong Kong Cemetery

$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-962-209-990-6 2011 624 pages / 200 illus Hong Kong University Press

AS i a n H i s t o r y

Escape from Hong Kong

Admiral Chan Chakâ’s Christmas Day Dash, 1941 Tim Luard

"Tim Luard tells this exciting and little known story with great skill. Some of us departed from Hong Kong much more comfortably! But we missed this extraordinary adventure.” —Chris Patten, governor of Hong Kong, 1992-19997 Escape from Hong Kong offers a full account of the Great Sino- British Escape of Christmas Day, 1941-the day Hong Kong surrendered to the Japanese, less than three weeks after Pearl Harbor. $38.00 / £26.00 cloth 978-988-808-376-3 2012 384 pages / 68 illus. Hong Kong University Press

Pacific Crossing

California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong Elizabeth Sinn

“In this definitive statement about Hong Kong’s roots as the catalyst for the rise of a trans-Pacific world, Elizabeth Sinn forces us to rethink how migration connected China and North America. Sinn examines the movement of not only people but also goods in shaping how ‘Gold Mountain’ fueled the rise of Hong Kong and how migrating Chinese and the companies they created built a corridor across the Pacific.” —Henry Yu, author of Thinking Orientals: Migration, Contact, and Exoticism in Modern America $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8139-71-2 2013  460 pages / 23 illus. Hong Kong University Press


When a Woman Becomes a Religious Dynasty

The Samding Dorje Phagmo of Tibet Hildegard Diemberger $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-14321-9 $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-14320-2 2014 416 pages / 64 illus.

Robert Morrison and the Protestant Plan for China

The Millennial Sovereign

Christopher A. Daily

A. Azfar Moin

"Through a brilliant analysis of hitherto unexplored archival material, Christopher Daily offers important new insights into Robert Morrison’s missionary career at the gates of the Chinese Empire. This eminently readable book demonstrates with great clarity how the implementation of the Gosport ‘mission template’ was religiously observed by Morrison in an exceedingly hostile environment." — R. G. Tiedemann, Shandong University $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-988-8208-03-6 2013 272 pages Hong Kong University Press

Sacred Kingship and Sainthood in Islam Best First Book in the History of Religions from the American Academy of Religion $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-16037-7 $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16036-0 2014 368 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines

China’s Uncertain Future Jean-Luc Domenach $24.00 / £16.50  paper 978-0-231-15225-9 $32.50 / £22.50  cloth 978-0-231-15224-2 2014  208 pages

Bonded Labor

Tackling the System of Slavery in South Asia Siddharth Kara $22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15849-7 $29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15848-0 2014  336 pages / 26 illus.


China’s Search for Security Andrew J. Nathan and Andrew Scobell

Memories of Life in Lhasa Under Chinese Rule Tubten KhÉtsun

$24.00 / £16.50 paper 978-0-231-14051-5

Translated and with an

$32.95 / £22.95 cloth 978-0-231-14050-8

Introduction by Matthew Akester

2014 432 pages / 2 illus.

$25.00 /£17.50 paper 978-0-231-14287-8 $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-14286-1 2014 344 pages / 16 illus.

Never Forget National Humiliation

Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations

The Six-Day War of 1899

Hong Kong in the Age of Imperialism Patrick H. Hase

Zheng Wang

$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-9-888-13954-5

$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-14891-7

$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-9-622-09899-2

$32.50 / £22.50 cloth 978-0-231-14890-0 2014  312 pages / 23 illus.

2014 304 pages / 2 illus. Hong Kong University Press

Contemporary Asia in the World

The China Threat

Troubled Apologies Among Japan, Korea, and the United States

Nancy Bernkopf Tucker

Alexis Dudden

$27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-15925-8

$27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-14177-2

Memories, Myths, and Realities in the 1950s

$39.50 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-15924-1 2014  312 pages / 12 illus.

Conflict, Conquest, and Conversion Two Thousand Years of Christian Missions in the Middle East Eleanor H. Tejirian and Reeva Spector Simon

$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-14176-5 2014 184 pages / 30 illus.

Islam Through Western Eyes From the Crusades to the War on Terrorism Jonathan Lyons

Choice Outstanding Academic Title $26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15895-4

$25.00 / £17.50  paper 978-0-231-13865-9 $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-13864-2 2014  296 pages

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15894-7 2012 272 pages

Middle East History

a semite A Memoir of Algeria

Denis Guenoun Fore word b y Judith Butler

Jerusalem Unbound

A Semite

Geography, History, and the Future of the Holy City

A Memoir of Algeria

Michael Dumper

Foreword by Judith Butler

“A clearly organized, meticulously researched, highly readable guide to Jerusalem’s complex social and political landscape.” —Washington Report on Middle East Affairs “An original look at a city in flux amidst impasse. Jerusalem Unbound presents a new argument about how to think about this contentious city, asserting that its fluid, ‘many-bordered’ nature constrains the unilateral imposition of political power and opens up new alternatives for political compromise.” — Scott A. Bollens, author of City and Soul in Divided Societies $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16196-1 2014 360 pages / 37 illus.

Denis Guénoun

“This is a complex engagement with the unique temporal, linguistic, and embodied qualities of family and cultural heritage. It is philosophically important and politically engaging, speaking to the necessities of repetition and distortion in the accuracies of memory and historical truth. It is also a delicate prose work of exceptional literary quality, an important contribution to contemporary studies in trauma and testimony and to the field of autobiography.” —Penelope Deutscher, Northwestern University “Drawing on his own recollections as well as documents that offer an official chronicle and letters and journals that pour out personal desires, Guénoun explores the complications of family and identity.” —Booklist $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16402-3 2014 176 pages / 2 illus.

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Middle East History


SIEGE PLO decisionmaking during the 1982 War


A History of Legal Thought and Social Practice

marion holmes katz

RASHID KHALIDI with a new preface by the author

Women in the Mosque

A History of Legal Thought and Social Practice Marion Holmes Katz

Under Siege

PLO Decisionmaking During the 1982 War Rashid Khalidi

With a new preface by the author

”A scholarly milestone. Women in the Mosque is a comprehensive, categorical treatment of the question of women’s mosque access in Islamic law and history. Marion Holmes Katz is one of the most widely respected scholars of Islamic law and ritual in the West, and, in its scope and detail, this work is peerless to my knowledge.” —Jonathan Brown, Georgetown University

“A gold-mine of empirical evidence and insights for students of decision-making under crisis. Khalidi is first and foremost an involved historian . . . [his] work is a much needed and welcome contribution to the modern literature on Middle Eastern history and politics.” — Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies)

“Women in the Mosque will become an essential part of the library of every scholar concerned with Islamic ritual law, women in religion, women in Islam, and even religious architecture. There is something here for students of Islamic law, Ottoman history, Arab social history, and modern Muslim intellectual history.” — Kevin Reinhart, Dartmouth College

“Khalidi presents an objective and closely reasoned analysis of the defeat of the P.L.O. and its allies. The study reveals the effect of battlefield events on the complex quadrilateral diplomacy between the P.L.O., the Lebanese government, the U.S. and Israel.” — Publishers Weekly

$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16266-1

$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16669-0 2014  256 pages

2014 432 pages / 2 illus.

3 4  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

Middle East History


Images of Transition: Perspectives on Visuality in Egypt, 2011-2013 Edited by Mikala Hyldig Dal

Cairo: Images of Transition offers a broad range of artistic and academic works that examine the relationship between aesthetics and politics in the wake of the Egyptian revolution of January 25, 2011. With an emphasis on the political processes of 2011-2012, contributors trace the shifting status of the image as a communicative tool, a witness to history, and an active agent for change. $35.00 paper 978-3-8376-2615-5 2014  286 pages Transcript-Verlag

Women in Iraq

Past Meets Present Noga Efrati

“A very well-researched, accessible, and wellwritten piece of important scholarship, filling a gap in the existing literature on the history of Iraq and the more specific history of Iraqi women’s rights activism.” — Nadje Al-Ali, School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London “Efrati’s book is a remarkable study that deserves much praise.” — Taarii Newsletter $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-15814-5 2012 256 pages

Eu r o p e a n H i s t o r y charity scribner

after the red army faction gender, culture, and militancy

After the Red Army Faction Gender, Culture, and Militancy Charity Scribner

"The most innovative discussion of the RAF to date. This book provides a much-needed, nuanced understanding of the influence of the RAF on German cultural memory and will revolutionize the study of militant politics and aesthetics." —Sabine von Dirke, University of Pittsburgh, author of “All Power to the Imagination!”: Art and Politics in the West German Counterculture Masterminded and led by women, the Red Army Faction (RAF) terrorized West Germany from the 1970s to the 1990s, and afterimages of its leaders persist in the works of pivotal artists and writers, including Gerhard Richter, Elfriede Jelinek, and Slavoj ŽiŽek. Why were women so prominent in the RAF? What does the continuing cultural response to the German armed struggle tell us about the representation of violence, power, and gender today? Charity Scribner engages critical theory to address these questions and analyze signal works that point beyond militancy and terrorism.

Crowds and Democracy

The Idea and Image of the Masses from Revolution to Fascism Stefan Jonsson

“In his strikingly choreographed and beautifully written study, Jonsson traverses an extensive archive, delving into novels and artworks, philosophy, historiography, and psychoanalysis. From this remarkable interdisciplinary bricolage emerges a profound set of insights into the shifting notions of the masses during the interwar years.” —Kerstin Barndt, University of Michigan “A magnificent sociocultural analysis, written with the erudition of the intellectual historian and the vision of a photographer in the captivating prose of the experienced journalist.” —Göran Therborn, University of Cambridge $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16478-8 2013    336 pages / 33 illus. Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts

$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16864-9 2014 312 pages / 30 illus

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Eu r o p e a n H i s t o r y


The Treblinka Death Camp

Edited by Matthew Feldman

Chris Webb and Michal

and Paul Jackson


"Feldman and Jackson have collected an impressive range of contributors who analyse the language of the far- and extreme-right with both historic breadth and linguistic detail. This volume demonstrates, in a clear and precise manner, the ways extremists camouflage their language in a series of elaborate codes and euphemisms in order to conceal their anti-democratic nature and appear more moderate. This vitally important collection will prove stimulating and useful for all opponents of right-wing extremism, both inside and outside academia. I cannot recommend this book highly enough." —John Richardson, Loughborough University

This book offers a definitive account of one of history’s most infamous death factories, where approximately 800,000 people lost their lives. From the Nazis who ran it to the Ukrainian guards and maids, the Jewish survivors, and the Poles living in the camp’s shadows, the book represents a multitude of perspectives. It provides biographies of the Jews who perished in the death camp as well as those who escaped from Treblinka in individual efforts or as part of the mass prisoner uprising on August 2, 1943. It also includes previously unpublished sketches of the camp’s ramp area and gas chamber, drawn by survivors.

The Rhetoric of the Far Right Since 1945

$53.00 / £36.50 paper 978-3-8382-0554-0 2014 336 pages / 3 illus. Ibidem Press

History, Biographies, Remembrance

$53.00 / £36.50 paper 978-3-8382-0546-5 2014 400 pages Ibidem Press

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Eu r o p e a n H i s t o r y

A Life Dedicated to the Republic

Vavro Srobár's Slovak Czechoslovakism Josette Baer

Josette Baer retraces the life of Slovak politician Vavro Srobár the principal figure in the implementation of Czechoslovak democracy in Slovakia. From his student days and fight for Slovak civil rights in Upper Hungary to his active resistance to German fascism, Srobár shaped Czechoslovakia’s turbulent history in the first half of the twentieth century. Baer’s comprehensive biography makes archival materials available to English-speaking audiences for the first time and offers insight into Czechoslovakia’s underresearched political history. $46.00 / £31.50 paper 978-3-8382-0346-1 2014 280 pages / 25 illus. Ibidem Press

History as Therapy

Alternative History and Nationalist Imaginings in Russia Konstantin Sheiko and Stephen Brown

"Sheiko's work marks a milestone in the analysis of one of the main currents of contemporary Russian nationalist thought, hitherto quite unknown to scholars." —International Affairs This book explores the delusional imaginings of Russia’s “pseudo-scientific alternative history” movement, which diligently rewrites Russia’s past and rediscovers its hidden greatness. Alternative history has become a popular therapy for Russians still coming to terms with the reality of post-Soviet life. It is one of the forces shaping a new Russian nationalism and an important factor in the geopolitics of the twenty-first century. $39.00 / £27.00 paper 978-3-8382-0565-6 2014 240 pages Ibidem Press

3 8  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

Eu r o p e a n H i s t o r y

The Moscow Bombings of September 1999

The Elephant in the Room

Corruption and Cheating in Russian Universities

Examinations of Russian Terrorist Attacks at the Onset of Vladimir Putin's Rule

Serghei Golunov

John B. Dunlop

"Dunlop draws on investigative reporting by Russian journalists, accounts of Russian officials in law enforcement agencies, eyewitness testimony, and the analyses of Western journalists and academics. The evidence he provides makes an overwhelming case that Russian authorities were complicit in these horrific attacks." —The New York Review of Books The five chapters of this volume focus on the complex and tumultuous events occurring in Russia during the five months from May through September 1999. They sparked the Russian invasion of Chechnya on October 1st and vaulted a previously unknown former KGB agent into the post of Russian prime minister and, ultimately, president. $46.00 / £31.50 paper 978-3-8382-0608-0

Serhei Golunov offers a long overdue account of the vast corruption and cheating practices in Russian higher education, including bribery, financial fraud, clientelism, plagiarism, and exam cheating. Golunov uncovers the recent social trends that have created a favorable ground for such malpractices and evaluates the efficiency of measures taken against corruption and fraud by various actors. Although corruption and cheating are widespread, the value of most Russian diplomas is not disputed. Golunov shows how problems are not prioritized by higher education managers nor by foreign actors such as partner universities, participants of the Bologna process, or the authors of global university rankings. $34.00 / £23.50 paper 978-3-8382-0670-7 2014 102 pages Ibidem Press

2014 290 pages Ibidem Press

f o r mo r e in f o r ma t ion , v isi t cu p.co l umbia.e d u  4 5 |


Eu r o p e a n H i s t o r y

Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist

Our Glorious Past

Fascism, Genocide, and Cult

Lukashenka's Belarus and the Great Patriotic War

Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe

David R. Marples

“A major contribution to the discourse on the meaning of modern Ukrainian history.” —John-Paul Himka, University of Alberta This volume is the first comprehensive biography of the Ukrainian far-right leader Stepan Bandera and the first in-depth study of his political cult. Grzegorz RossolinskiLiebe illuminates the life of a mythologized personality and scrutinizes the history of the most violent twentieth-century Ukrainian nationalist movement: the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and its Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Elucidating the circumstances in which Bandera and his movement emerged and functioned, Rossolinski-Liebe explores the impact of fascism and racism on Ukrainian revolutionary and genocidal nationalism.

David Marples examines how the regime of President Aliaksandr Lukashenka has used the “Great Patriotic War” (1941-45) as a key element in state and identity formation in Belarus. Marples focuses in particular on the years 2009 and 2010, which commemorated two 65th anniversaries: the liberation of Minsk (July 3, 1944) and the end of World War II in Europe (May 9, 1945). He examines the official interpretations of the war including the initial invasion, occupation, the Partisans, historic sites and monuments, films, documentaries, museums, schools, and public occasions commemorating some of the major events. Marples explains and measures the effectiveness of Lukashenka's program. He assesses the successes and weaknesses of the campaign as well as its long term effects and prospects.

$45.00 / £30.95 paper 978-3-8382-0684-4

$54.00 / £37.50 paper 978-3-8382-0674-5

2014 670 pages /20 illus.

$79.00 / £54.50 cloth 978-3-8382-0675-2

Ibidem Press

2014 400 pages / 12 illus. Ibidem Press

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Bu s i n e s s H i s t o r y

The Origins of Business, Money, and Markets

The World’s First Stock Exchange Lodewijk Petram

Keith Roberts

“Petram’s informed and lively account of Amsterdam’s 17th-century securities market demonstrates that when it comes to investing and speculating we have not progressed much in four centuries. Although a company’s dividend may sometimes have been paid in East Indian spices as well as cash, in most respects Dutch financial markets were surprisingly modern, with not just shares and bonds, but also forward contracts, derivatives, even repo financing with haircuts. And, of course, the Dutch experienced frauds, bankruptcies, crises, and corporate governance problems. While modern Wall Street may have succeeded Amsterdam as the leading market, what goes on there is hardly new.” —Richard Sylla, New York University Stern School of Business

“ Keith Roberts knows his history and is highly informed on the nature of today’s comparable instruments and institutions. By placing his story within changing political, social, and cultural settings and by presenting it in a fascinating, well-written way unencumbered by technical jargon, he opens a new field in the discipline of business history.”

“A fascinating book.” — Investing.com

— Alfred D. Chandler, winner of the Pulitzer Prize “Roberts’s well-documented, readable book provides valuable insight into the past and lessons for the present....highly recommended.” —Choice $21.95 / £14.95 paper 978-0-231-15327-0 $29.95 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15326-3 2015  368 pages / 22 illus Columbia Business School Publishing

$29.95 / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16378-1 2014 304 pages / 20 illus. Columbia Business School Publishing

f o r mo r e in f o r ma t ion , v isi t cu p.co l umbia.e d u  4 5 |


B U SI N ESS H i s t o r y

Forthcoming MARCH 2015

Passion for Reality

The Extraordinary Life of the Investing Pioneer Paul Cabot Michael R. Yogg

“Passion for Reality is a special kind of social history, a piece of Harvard’s history, and a compelling biographical study, but above all it is a history of major financial developments. ” —Bernard Bailyn, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, Harvard University “An intelligent and well-written account of the career of an important figure in the formation of the modern investment management business.” — Financial Analysts Journal $29.95 / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16746-8 2014 296 pages Columbia Business School Publishing

Genealogy of American Finance Robert E. Wright and Richard Sylla

"Wright and Sylla have produced an extremely valuable edition on the history of the 50 institutions central to American economic life. Highly recommended to anyone with an interest in business history." —Charles R. Geisst, author of Wall Street: A History and Beggar Thy Neighbor In this unique, gorgeously illustrated book, readers learn how fifty financial corporations came to dominate the U.S. banking system and their impact on the nation’s political, social, and economic growth. A story that spans more than two centuries of war, crisis, and opportunity, this account reminds readers that American banking was never a fixed enterprise but has evolved in tandem with the country. $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-17026-0 March 2015 336 pages / 300 illus. Columbia Business School Publishing

4 2  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

B U SI N ESS H i s t o r y

Forthcoming MAY 2015

Symbols of Power

Free Trade’s First Missionary

Edited by Thomas Hockenhull

Philip Bowring

This revelatory history of ten major currencies details the trajectory of world civilization tied to the movement of money. From the earliest measurements of precious metals to the global fiat currencies we use today, the evolution of these dominant money systems plots the rise and fall of influential rulers, governments, and imperial powers. These coins have acted as powerful symbols of political expression and continuity despite deeply disruptive social, economic, and political change. Rich with illustrations from the famous collections at the British Museum and elsewhere, this book charts the fascinating path of each coin as it has traveled through history.

Reformer, intellectual, colonial governor, Sir John Bowring made Britain a leading global power in the nineteenth century. Born to a modest trading family, he showed an aptitude for languages which led him to literature, then to radical politics. He became a high-profile advocate of free trade and a liberal foe of Karl Marx. As member of parliament he supported full suffrage and other radical causes. He modernized Britain’s public accounts, invented the florin as a first step to decimalization, and became an industrial entrepreneur. Losing his money in the 1848 slump, Bowring took a job as consul in Canton, which led to the governorship of Hong Kong. This book brings Bowring’s life and disparate achievements together with a particular emphasis on his role in promoting free trade and his much criticized career in Asia.

Ten Coins That Changed the World

$19.95 paper 978-0-231-17408-4 May 2015 144 pages

Sir John Bowring in Europe and Asia

$48.00 / £33.00 cloth 978-988-8208-72-2 2014 336 pages / 32 illus. Hong Kong University Press

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Global History

The Evolution of the Global Terrorist Threat

From 9/11 to Osama bin Laden’s Death Edited by Bruce Hoffman and Fernando Reinares

“Leading authorities on terrorism ably dissect the exact scope and nature of the threat posed by al-Qaeda and allied groups in the decade after 9/11 in a work that is both comprehensive and authoritative.” — Peter Bergen, author of Manhunt: The Ten Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad Examining major terrorist acts and campaigns undertaken in the decade following September 11, 2001, internationally recognized scholars study the involvement of global terrorist leaders and organizations in these incidents and the planning, organization, execution, recruitment, and training that went into them. Their work captures the changing character of al-Qaeda and its affiliates since the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the sophisticated elements that, despite the West’s best counterterrorism efforts, continue to exert substantial direction over jihadist terrorist operations.

Crowded Orbits

Conflict and Cooperation in Space James Clay Moltz

"A long-needed book that explains ‘space basics,’ the importance of space to the general public, the challenges of operating in space, and the political conundrums of international cooperation and competition in space....[Moltz’s] book is scholarly, readable, and fills a significant gap in the literature." —Joan Johnson-Freese, U.S. Naval War College "Moltz’s book is the best available general introduction to the past, present, and alternative futures in all areas of space activity." —John Logsdon, The George Washington University, and founder of The George Washington University’s Space Policy Institute "A concise, accessible, and very timely account of the history of space development, and the possible futures we could build for ourselves." —Publishers Weekly $30.00 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15912-8 2014 240 pages

$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-16898-4 2014  696 pages Columbia Studies in Terrorism and Irregular Warfare

4 4  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

Global History

From Mutual Observation to Propaganda War Premodern Revolts in Their Transnational Representations Edited by Malte Griesse

Global Population

History, Geopolitics, and Life on Earth Alison Bashford

“With this engaging, wide-ranging, and impressively researched book, which tracks the global history of the ‘world population problem’—including fascinating forays into debates on eugenics, birth control, colonization, soil, food, agriculture, and the carrying capacity of the earth—Bashford joins a very select group of historians who have recently taken the familiar narratives of world history in an entirely new direction: toward the historical origins of modern ‘planetary consciousness.’ A timely and brilliant piece of work.” — Dipesh Chakrabarty, University of Chicago “This is the most fascinating and informative history on global population that this reviewer has ever read... Highly recommended.” —Choice $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14766-8 2014 480 pages / 15 illus. Columbia Studies in International and Global History

The Arab Spring, protest movements in the EU, Russia, Turkey or elsewhere, are often labeled as Twitter-revolutions. With the dissemination of print, revolts in early-modern times faced the challenge of a similar media-revolution. This volume focuses upon the crucial role played by new media in shaping the world’s preception of revolts cross-boarder revolts and protests. $40.00 paper 978-3-837-62642-1 2014 354 pages /14 illus. Transcript-Verlag

Global History New in paper

Mankind Beyond Earth

The History, Science, and Future of Human Space Exploration Claude A. Piantadosi $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16243-2 $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16242-5 2014 336 pages / 20 illus.

A Little Gay History

Desire and Diversity Across the World R. B. Parkinson

“Parkinson successfully shows that same-sex love and desire are an integral part of human history.” — Publishers Weekly “Moving and fascinating.” — The Sunday Times “This little gay history is a little terrific book... highly recommended.” — Library Journal $19.95 paper 978-0-231-16663-8 2013 128 pages / 80 illus.

Anc i e n t & M e d i e v a l H i s t o r y New in paper





The Originall & Progress of Mahometanism



Prophecy, Alchemy and the End of Time

John of Rupescissa in the Late Middle Ages Leah DeVun

Henry Stubbe and the Beginnings of Islam

The Originall & Progress of Mahometanism Edited by Nabil Matar

John Nicholas Brown Prize, Medieval Academy of America "A compelling introduction to the effort made by medieval authors to use human reason in approaching the secrets of God." —Laura Ackerman Smoller, University of Arkansas at Little Rock "An excellent study...not only for its careful description of an underappreciated figure, but also because of the important theoretical contributions [DeVun] makes to a more holistic approach to our understanding of the history of science and to late medieval culture." —H-German

“Stubbe’s manuscript treatise, which drew for the first time on Arabic and nonChristian sources in Latin translation, was revolutionary in its methodology and understanding of Islam. He presented the first historical biography of the Prophet and told the story of the spread of Islam, dispelling many untruths, such as conversion by the sword, while recognizing Muslim toleration for other religions. Nabil Matar’s work illuminates an important moment in the late seventeenth century.” — Donald R. Dickson, Texas A&M University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15664-6 2013  288 pages

$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14539-8 2014 272 pages / 4 illus.

f o r mo r e in f o r ma t ion , v isi t cu p.co l umbia.e d u  4 5 |


Anc i e n t & M e d i e v a l H i s t o r y

Cultures in Motion

Studies in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods Edited by Adam Izdebski and Damian Jasinski

This volume offers a collection of thirteen studies covering intercultural contact and exchange in the medieval and early modern periods beginning with Late Antiquity and encompassing both the Renaissance and its immediate aftermath. Geographical areas that are often studied separately — including the Middle East, the Caucasus, the Latin West and Central Europe (especially Poland, Germany and Hungary)— are here presented together in order to allow for crossperiod and cross-regional comparisons. $50.00 /£34.50 paper 978-83-233-3631-0 2014 310 pages Jagiellonian University Press

Divine Men and Women in the History and Society of Late Hellenism Edited by Maria Dzielska and Kamilla Twardowska

This volume gathers many eminent scholars, who bring with them new perspectives on ancient sources, presenting divine men and women of Neoplatonic era, their multifaceted activities, and the entire range of their scientific pursuits and virtues. $42.00 / £29.00 paper 978-83-233-3679-2 2014 168 pages / 11 illus. Jagiellonian University Press

H i s t o r y o f Sc i e nc e

The Collapse of Western Civilization

Race in a Bottle

The Story of BiDil and Racialized Medicine in a Post-Genomic Age

A View from the Future

Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway

Jonathan Kahn

“ Oreskes and Conway provide us with a glimpse of the dystopian future we may ACTUALLY face should we fail to head the warning of the world’s scientists regarding the looming climate change crisis.” — Michael E. Mann, director, Penn State Earth System Science Center, and author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars

“Race in a Bottle is lucid and energetic, with fascinating and little-known evidence about clinical trials, the federal regulatory and patent systems, and the history of racial classification...Kahn offers a heartfelt and persuasive case against allowing race to be reduced to biology.” —Journal of American History

“Oreskes and Conway’s startling and alltoo-plausible history of the century to come is in the spirit of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley and all the writers who have turned to prophecy in the attempt to ward off an oncoming disaster. Witty in its details and disturbing in its plausibility, this is an account of the Long Emergency we’re entering that you will not soon forget.” —Kim Stanley Robinson, author of Shaman, 2312, Science In the Capital, and the Mars trilogy $9.95 / £6.95  paper 978-0-231-16954-7

"[Race in a Bottle] tackle[s] one of the most important concerns pertaining to race facing our society today. . . . Must-read material." —New Scientist "Mr. Kahn deserves credit for teasing out all the daunting complexities behind these events, including the details of genetic analysis, the perils of racial determinations, and the minutiae of patent law." — New York Times $27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-16299-9 2012 328 pages

2014  104 pages

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H i s t o r y o f Sc i e nc e

Biology and Race i n t h e 2 0 t h c e n t u Ry

Michael yudell F o R e wo R d B y J. c R a i g V e n t e R

Race and the Genetic Revolution Science, Myth, and Culture

Edited by Sheldon Krimsky and Kathleen Sloan

"There is perhaps no issue that is of more interest and relevance to the social study of science and public health than race and genetics, and Sheldon Krimsky and Kathleen Sloan are leaders in the field. Novel and forward thinking, this book will be a valuable addition to a literature that needs to be brought up to speed." —David Rosner, Columbia University "Essential reading for researchers, students, and policymakers seeking to challenge the new racial genetics." —Dorothy Roberts, author of Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-First Century $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-15697-4 2011 304 pages / 14 illus

Race Unmasked

Biology and Race in the Twentieth Century Michael Yudell

“Race Unmasked is a terrific guide to the often invisible, intertwined terrain of science and politics around race. Re-reading the past with an eye toward nuance and clarity, Michael Yudell understands how ‘race’comes to be unintentionally hidden yet still can be uncovered and critiqued. This book should find its way into classrooms across the curriculum." —Susan M. Reverby, Wellesley College "A challenging, well-researched work that clearly shows the interconnectedness of scientific and social thought." —Kirkus Reviews "This intensely deliberative book unearths many subtle and not-so-subtle examples of this complex historic relationship." —Publishers Weekly $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16874-8 2014 304 pages

5 0  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

intellectual History & historiography

H i s t o r y o f Sc i e nc e

regimes of historicity T H E P L AC E B O presentism and


experiences of time




hartog t r a n s l at e d by saskia brown

J O H N S. H A L L E R J R .

Shadow Medicine

Regimes of Historicity

The Placebo in Conventional and Alternative Therapies

Presentism and Experiences of Time FranÇois Hartog

John S. Haller Jr.

Translated by Saskia Brown

"Shadow Medicine explores the foundations of both reductionist biomedicine and complementary and alternative medicine. John S. Haller Jr. shows why the former is unable to deal adequately with the placebo effect and the latter cannot judge the efficacy of its individualistic interventions. This book is an important contribution to an understanding of the contemporary health scene and merits a wide audience." —Gerry Grob, Rutgers University

"Since his classic, Mirror of Herodotus, FranÇois Hartog has emerged as the most significant theorist of history, and chronicler of our changing relationship to our own past, that France has produced. In this series of meditative chapters, he takes us from the Greeks to the present once more, emphasizing how the theory of history must move from diagnosing the modern gap between expectation and experience to confronting the exigency of historical crisis today." —Samuel Moyn, Columbia University

"This provocative book is aimed at challenging the research community, and the questions it raises are important for patients and doctors alike." —Publishers Weekly "A great read... Brilliantly presented.” —ZME Science $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16904-2

"In a book that should be required reading for anyone interested in history's role in contemporary society, Hartog shows how unexamined assumptions about the past shape our understandings of ourselves and our place in history.” —Lynn Hunt, Distinguished Professor, UCLA

2014 288 pages $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16376-7 February 2015 288 pages European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism

f o r mo r e in f o r ma t ion , v isi t cu p.co l umbia.e d u  4 5 |


intellectual History & historiography

History and Popular Memory

The Power of Story in Moments of Crisis Paul A. Cohen

"A remarkable and fascinating foray by a distinguished Chinese historian into the realms of history, memory, and ‘history stories,’ those tales we tell about past events that help us understand and instill meaning into the present, even at the cost of distorting the past. Analyzing several celebrated cases of refashioned distant historical moments, ranging from Masada and King Goujian to the Battle of Kosovo and Joan of Arc, Cohen lucidly demonstrates how at times of crisis modern societies reach back for succor and inspiration to the stories and myths of their greatest triumphs and defeats." —Omer Bartov, author of Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine "A seminal work of extraordinary scholarship....very highly recommended." —Midwest Book Review

Moved by the Past Discontinuity and Historical Mutation Eelco Runia

"In elegant and exhilarating prose, these brilliant discussions of historical discontinuity, the presence of the past, selfinvention, and related topics set the field on a new track. The result is essential reading for anyone interested in what history is and can be." — Brian Fay, Wesleyan University “Runia lays the fundaments of a new philosophy of history. A fascinating book." — Jörn Rüsen, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Essen $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16820-5 2014 264 pages European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16636-2

2014 304 pages / 24 illus.

52  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

intellectual History & historiography who’s A F RA ID of

Ac A D e m Ic F Ree D om ?

edited by

akeel bilgrami & jonathan R. cole

Who's Afraid of Academic Freedom? Edited by Akeel Bilgrami and Jonathan R. Cole

In these seventeen essays, distinguished scholars discuss the conceptual issues surrounding the idea of freedom of inquiry and scrutinize a variety of obstacles to such inquiry that they have encountered in their personal and professional experience. Their discussion of threats to freedom traverses a wide disciplinary and institutional, political and economic range covering specific restrictions linked to speech codes, the interests of donors, institutional review board licensing, political pressure groups, and government policy, as well as phenomena of high generality, such as intellectual orthodoxy, where coercion is barely visible and often self-imposed. $35.00 / £24.00   cloth 978-0-231-16880-9 2015 448 pages

intellectual History & historiography

the plebeian experience

Global Intellectual History

a discontinuous history of political freedom

martin breaugh translated by lazer lederhendler

EditEd by

Samuel Moyn & Andrew Sartori

The Plebeian Experience

A Discontinuous History of Political Freedom Martin Breaugh

“The Plebeian Experience is a rich, discontinuous history of plebeian uprisings from the founding of republican Rome to the present. Martin Breaugh writes vividly of these holidays of the oppressed in ancient Rome, Renaissance Italy, and modern Europe as seen through the eyes of Livy, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Marx, Thompson, Soboul, and Abensour. Those who follow the Occupy or the Aboriginal Idle No More Movements will obtain fresh insight and exhilaration from Breaugh’s highly readable account of these spontaneous struggles for dignity.” — Ed Andrew, University of Toronto $55.00 / £38.00   cloth 978-0-231-15618-9 2013 344 pages Columbia Studies in Political Thought / Political History

Global Intellectual History Edited by Samuel Moyn and Andrew Sartori

“A milestone, a collection of the first importance for global historians and intellectual historians alike.” — David Armitage, Harvard University, author of Foundations of Modern International Thought “This volume is among the first to focus on the comparative merits of global intellectual history....[It] will be widely welcomed by a variety of historians.” — Duncan Kelly, University of Cambridge, author of The Propriety of Liberty: Persons, Passions, and Judgement in Modern Political Thought $27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-16049-0 2013  352 pages Columbia Studies in International and Global History

5 4  |   o r d e r on l ine an d sa v e 3 0 % on his t o r y t i t l es , en t e r co d e : c o n f .

New in Paper

The Great Civilized Conversation Education for a World Community Wm. Theodore de Bary $24.00 / £16.50 paper 978-0-231-16277-7 $35.00 / £24.00  cloth 978-0-231-16276-0 2014    432 pages

Memory, Trauma, and History

Essays on Living with the Past Michael S. Roth

The Lives of Erich Fromm Love’s Prophet

Lawrence J. Friedman

“Exceptional and wide-ranging.” —Times Higher Education

$19.95 / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-16259-3

“Not only does it stand out as a profound interdisciplinary study on the multilayered facets of (collective) memory and its (re)construction, but it is in itself a valuable record of contemporary discourses on memory, since its essays were written over more than twenty years.” — Modern Language Review

2014 410 pages / 15 illus.

$29.00 / £20.00 paper 978-0-231-14569-5 2011   336 pages / 15 illus.

$29.95 / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16258-6

Culinary history


chop the


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Chop Suey, USA

The Story of Chinese Food in America Yong Chen

“A thoroughly researched, highly readable account of the development of Chinese American food, this book fills important gaps in the literature of ethnic and food studies, while incorporating an appealing personal memoir into the narrative.” —Jeffrey Pilcher, University of Toronto “A perceptive view of an America built on abundance and consumption.” —Kirkus “Well organized and breathtakingly broad in its geographic scope, Chop Suey, USA is an utterly original and significant contribution to the field. Yong Chen has done a superb job. No one has attempted anything like this.” —Hasia Diner, New York University Chop Suey, USA offers the first comprehensive interpretation of the rise of Chinese food, revealing the forces that made it ubiquitous in the American gastronomic landscape and turned the country into an empire of consumption.

The Winemaker’s Hand

Conversations on Talent, Technique, and Terroir Natalie Berkowitz

“Few if any wine writers have devoted as much time and care as Berkowitz to the disparate paths to evolution of the winemaker’s emotional intelligence that result in memorable wines from around the world.” —Armand Gilinsky, Sonoma State University “Special wines come from special places. And special wines are made by special people. This book is special, too-worthy of its subject and deserving of your attention. Savor it as you would the wines of the talented enologists who inspire its story.” —Anthony Verdoni, “The Wine Professor” and host of Eat Drink Italy with Vic Rallo In these fascinating interviews, winemakers from the United States and abroad clarify the complex process of converting grapes into wine, with more than forty vintners candidly discussing how a combination of talent, passion, and experience shape the outcome of their individual wines. $27.95 / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16756-7

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16892-2 2014 312 page / 18 illus Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History

2014 336 pages / 58 illus. Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History

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Culinary history l

Religion, Food,

Eating in


North America &

e Edited by

Benjamin e. Zeller, marie W. Dallam, reiD l. neilson, & nora l. ruBel

Italian Identity in the Kitchen, or Food and the Nation

Religion, Food, and Eating in North America

Massimo Montanari

Edited by Benjamin E. Zeller, Marie W.

Translated by Beth Archer Brombert

Dallam, Reid L. Neilson, and Nora L. Rubel

“From a Georgia farm to the salmon runs of the Pacific Northwest, from Sylvester Graham to hip vegans, Americans draw tight links between their food and their faith. These essays investigate a broad set of religious traditions, and the results are theoretically rich yet accessible to nonspecialists. The volume helps us think about what it means to be American, as well as what it means to be religious, and forces us to broaden our definition of religion, with implications for health, commerce, and the environment.” —Daniel Sack, author of Whitebread Protestants: Food and Religion in American Culture “A welcome addition to the literature on food and religion. No other work compares with it.” —Ken Albala, coeditor of Food and Faith in Christian Culture $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16031-5

"A delightful excursion into the cuisine and culture of Italy." —Booklist Massimo Montanari draws readers into the far-flung story of how local and global influences came to flavor Italian identity. The fusion of ancient Roman cuisine, which consisted of bread, wine, and olives, with the barbarian diet, rooted in bread, milk, and meat, first formed the basics of modern eating across Europe. From there, Montanari highlights the importance of the Italian city in the development of gastronomic taste in the Middle Ages, the role of Arab traders in positioning the country as the supreme producers of pasta, and the nation’s healthful contribution of vegetables to the fifteenth-century European diet. $26.50 / £18.50 cloth 978-0-231-16084-1 2013 128 pages Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History

$105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16030-8 2014 376 pages / 11 illus. Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History

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Fashioning Appetite

Restaurants and the Making of Modern Identity Joanne Finkelstein

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The Land of the Five Flavors

A Cultural History of Chinese Cuisine Thomas O. HÖllmann

Wnner of Academic Award in Culinary Arts and Sciences "Photos, posters, paintings and sketches alternate with recipes in this fascinating book, which takes ingredients from several types of available sources: part cookbook, part cultural history of China through its kitchen." —William H. Nienhauser, University of Wisconsin-Madison "Anyone interested in China or in food history needs this book, an insightful introduction to China’s food traditions that is anchored in an understanding and appreciation of centuries of Chinese history and culinary culture.” —Naomi Duguid, author of Burma: Rivers of Flavor $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16186-2 2013 216 pages/ 48 illus. Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History

cu l i n a r y h i s t o r y

The Metamorphoses of Fat


A History of Obesity

A Culinary History

Georges Vigarello

Edited by Jean-Louis Flandrin and

Translated by C. Jon Delogu

"Georges Vigarello’s history of obesity is at heart a history of condemnation, how its shape has shifted in response to larger social, cultural, economic, and scientific transformations. A powerful and disturbing read that highlights the role of modern science in defining the very heavy as unfit for membership in the community of valued citizens." —Susan Greenhalgh, Harvard University “Gluttony—whether perceived or real— has become the ultimate deadly sin in our secularized Western world. The Metamorphoses of Fat tackles with depth and breadth the history of obesity from the Middle Ages to the present from a wide interdisciplinary and cultural perspective.” —Jean-Jacques Courtine, University of Auckland "At once compelling and ground-breaking... This work represents all that is best in new histories of the body.” —Modern Language Review $29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15976-0 2013 296 pages / 25 illus. European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism

Massimo Montanari Translated by Albert Sonnenfeld

"From the Bible and ancient Egypt to the 'banquets'of the Middle Ages and the 'McDonaldization'of Europe, Food: A Culinary History covers the immense history of the table throughout the world. Well researched and scholarly, it is essential reading for the historian and the lover of social studies as well as the modern cook and gourmet.” —Jacques Pepin "Essential reading for students of the rich and influential culinary tradition rooted in the Mediterranean. It is provocative in providing a framework for a more general history of European foodways." —Journal of Social History $24.95 / £16.95 paper 978-0-231-11155-3 $55.00 / £38.00 cloth


1999 624 pages European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism

Culinary history

Let the Meatballs Rest

And Other Stories About Food and Culture Massimo Montanari

“Montanari’s erudition is manifest throughout the book. He assiduously avoids both commonplaces and pedantry and provokes thought, thrilling anyone looking to understand on a profound level why we eat what we eat.” — Booklist “Delectable.” — Times Literary Supplement “A textured, surprising, and brightly astringent read.” — Boston Globe

Eating History

Thirty Turning Points in the Making of American Cuisine Andrew F. Smith

“Easy-to-digest prose and modest portions make these stories compulsively readable, and reveal new angles on old stories.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Eating History covers an enormous amount of ground and is something of a miniencyclopedia with many entries, each densely packed with information. Smith is a talented storyteller, so the copious facts and figures are presented well, nicely sprinkled with interesting anecdotes.” —Gastronomica $19.95 / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-14093-5

$26.50 / £18.50  cloth  978-0-231-15732-2

2009 392 pages / 30 illus.

2012  192 pages Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History

Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History

Culinary history

Drinking History

Fifteen Turning Points in the Making of American Beverages Andrew F. Smith

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Creamy and Crunchy

An Informal History of Peanut Butter, the All-American Food Jon Krampner

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