2016 Columbia UP Political Science Catalog

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POLITICAL SCIENCE new and noteworthy titles 2015

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS w w w. c u p . c o l u m b i a . e d u

letter from the editor: We are delighted to present the Columbia University Press Political Science Catalog for our new books in 2015. The titles featured here strengthen our lists in international relations in Asia and the Middle East, political theory, foreign policy, security studies, and terrorism. We offer two important books that speak to the current electoral debate. According to Gloria Steinem, The Hillary Doctrine: Sex and American Foreign Policy, by Valerie Hudson and Patricia Leidl, is “the first book about high-level efforts to create a foreign policy as if women mattered.” The second book, Ballots, Bullets, and Bargains: American Foreign Policy and Presidential Elections, by Michael H. Armacost, elucidates how the contours of the U.S. presidential-election system influence the content and conduct of American foreign policy. Other highlights include Karen Barkey and Elazar Barkan’s Choreographies of Shared Sacred Sites, published in cooperation with the Institute of Religion, Culture and Public Life at Columbia University, and Étienne Balibar’s Violence and Civility: On the Limits of Political Philosophy. Our new Columbia Studies on Middle East Politics series, edited by Marc Lynch, seeks academically rigorous, well-written, relevant, and accessible books for an interested academic and policy audience. We begin it proudly with Marc Lynch’s critically acclaimed edited volume The Arab Uprisings Explained: New Contentious Politics in the Middle East and Frederic Wehrey’s Sectarian Politics in the Gulf: From the Iraq War to the Arab Uprisings. We are also proud to announce our new partnership with the Woodrow Wilson Center Press, extending our program in publishing outstanding scholarly and public-policy books for a worldwide readership, beginning with Gabriel Weimann’s Terrorism in Cyberspace: The Next Generation and Saeid Golkar’s Captive Society: The Basij Militia and Social Control in Iran. We are also pleased to announce the new CIAO database. The renowned international affairs website launched in 1998 and has now undergone a complete overhaul to enhance the user experience. The new CIAO features a redesigned user interface that standardizes the access and presentation of content, a live Twitter feed, and improved search functionality. The site has long been praised for its think-tank content, available nowhere else on the Web, and we are excited to bring this valuable research onto a new platform. The revamped website also features a new section of Columbia University Press books on international relations.

Sincerely Anne Routon, senior editor, Political Science


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CONTENTS American Politics & Government..................4 Globalization, Economics & Policy................6 International Relations...................................8 CIAO..............................................................11 Terrorism & Security..................................... 12 Political Theory & Philosophy...................... 16 Asian Politics................................................20 Middle East Politics......................................24 European Politics..........................................26 Other Books of Interest.................................31 Ordering Information....................................31 Manuscript queries and proposals can be sent to Political Science Editor:

Terrorism in Cyberspace The Next Generation Gabriel Weimann p. 12

Anne Routon (akr36@columbia.edu) For a complete listing of Columbia’s titles or for more information about any book in this catalog, visit our web site: www.cup.columbia.edu Most titles in this catalog published by Columbia University Press are available worldwide from the Press. If no UK price appears, it is most likely from Columbia only in the United States, its possessions, and Canada.

Rawls's Political Liberalism Edited by Thom Brooks and Martha C. Nussbaum p. 17

The Japan-South Korea Identity Clash East Asian Security and the United States Brad Glosserman and Scott A. Snyder p. 21 for more information , visit :




Ballots, Bullets, and Bargains

The Reagan Era

American Foreign Policy and Presidential Elections

A History of the 1980s

Michael H. Armacost

“This comprehensive work is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to understand the politics of a pivotal decade." — Washington Independent Review of Books

“A superb discussion of U.S. foreign policy in the context of presidential politics since the elections of 1948. With less than two years to go before our next presidential contest, this is an especially timely and thoughtful read." — John Negroponte, former deputy secretary of state Drawing on twenty-four years of experience in government, Michael H. Armacost explores how the contours of the U.S. presidential election system influence the content and conduct of American foreign policy. He examines how the nomination battle impels candidates to express deference to the foreign policy DNA of their party and may force an incumbent to make wholesale policy adjustments to fend off an intra-party challenge for the nomination. He describes the way reelection campaigns can prod a chief executive to fix long-neglected problems, kick intractable policy dilemmas down the road, settle for modest course corrections, or scapegoat others for policies gone awry.

Doug Rossinow

"With rare eloquence and erudition, Doug Rossinow captures the many contradictions of the 1980s, years when the cultural, political, and economic landscape of the United States was decisively reconfigured by the rise of Ronald Reagan and his conservative movement. This book not only paints a vivid portrait of a momentous historical turning point, it also illuminates dynamics that continue to shape our world even now. There is no better introduction to the Reagan years." — Joseph A. McCartin, Georgetown University $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16988-2 2015 392 pages

$35.00  / £24.00  cloth 978-0-231-16992-9 2015 304 pages


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Faces of Power Constancy and Change in United States Foreign Policy from Truman to Obama THIRD EDITION Seyom Brown “[An] analysis with difference-an important difference. Seyom Brown discusses United States policy from the perspective of how decision makers in the United States viewed their adversaries and the alternatives as those decision makers saw them....Well worth the effort of a careful reading." — American Political Science Review Seyom Brown’s authoritative account of U.S. foreign policy from the end of the Second World War to the present challenges common assumptions about American presidents and their struggle with power and purpose. Brown’s analyses of Obama’s policies for countering terrorist threats at home and abroad, dealing with unprecedented upheavals in the Middle East, preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and containing new territorial expansion by China and Russia reinforce the book’s “constancy and change” theme, which shows that serving the interests of the most powerful country in the world transforms the Oval Office’s occupant more than its occupant can transform the world.

Mormonism and American Politics Edited by Randall Balmer and Jana Riess “The best single collection of essays on Mormonism and American politics, a topic that is both rich and deserving of sustained scholarly treatment." — Patrick Q. Mason, Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies, Claremont Graduate University From Brigham Young's skirmishes with the federal government over polygamy to the Mormon involvement in California's Proposition 8, contributors combine sociology, political science, race and gender studies, and popular culture to track Mormonism's rapid integration into American life. With essays from both Mormon and non-Mormon scholars, this anthology tells a big-picture story of a small sect that became a major player in American politics. $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16599-0 $90.00 / £62.00  cloth  978-0-231-16598-3 December 2015  272 pages /  13 illus.

Religion, Culture, and Public Life

$45.00 / £30.95 paper 978-0-231-13329-6 2015 864 pages for more information , visit :




Modern Dilemmas

Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa

Understanding Collective Action in the 21st Century

Edited by Akbar Noman and Joseph E. Stiglitz “An invaluable guide for Africa's pursuit of economic transformation and for those concerned with the "what" and "how" of government's role. The book highlights where government and industry can collaborate to design and execute a transformation agenda, and sharply details why industrial policies should be central to

Edited by Dylan Kissane and Alexandru Volacu Foreword by Adrian Miroiu

government strategies." — K.Y. Amoako, President, African Center for Economic Transformation “An outstanding collection of essays that should be read not only by those interested in Africa's industrialization but also by readers from other parts of the world who have sought to bring industrial policy back into their own development thinking and endevours." — Thandika Mkandawire, London School of Economics $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-17518-0


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$81.00 / £56.00  cloth 978-3-8382-0733-9


Initiative for Policy Dialogue

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$54.00 / £37.50  paper 978-3-8382-0741-4

2015  350 pages / 22 illus.

October 2015 328 pages / 40 illus.


Collective action problems are ubiquitous in situations involving human interactions and therefore lie at the heart of economy and political science. In one of the most salient statements on this topic, Elinor Ostrom, corecipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, claims that 'the theory of collective action is the central subject of political science.' The collection of essays presented in this timely volume targets the problem of collective action from both a theoretical and applied perspective. Its multidisciplinary approach makes it a valuable reading for students and scholars working in a number of different areas of study, such as political science, economy, political philosophy, public policies, comparative politics, and international relations.

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The Age of Sustainable Development Jeffrey D. Sachs Foreword by Ban Ki-moon

“The best, most comprehensive and most articulate exposition of sustainable development ever written....I would make this book compulsory reading for all politicians and business leaders.” — Nature “My candidate for most important book in current circulation. Inspirational, encyclopedic in coverage, moving smoothly from discipline to discipline as though composed by multiple experts, the book explains why humanity must attain sustainability as its highest priority—and outlines the best ways to do it.” — Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University $34.95 / £23.95 paper 978-0-231-17315-5 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-17314-8 2015 544 pages / 300 illus.

Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement Causes, Consequences, and Socio-Legal Context Bogumil Terminski Today, so-called 'development-induced displacement and resettlement' (DIDR) is one of the dominant causes of internal spatial mobility worldwide. Each year over 15 million people are forced to abandon their homes to make space for economic development infrastructure. The construction of dams and irrigation projects, the expansion of communication networks, urbanization and re-urbanization, the extraction and transportation of mineral resources, forced evictions in urban areas, and population redistribution schemes count among the many possible causes. Terminski presents the issue of development-caused displacement as a highly diverse, global social problem occurring in all regions of the world. As a human rights issue it poses a challenge to public international law and to institutions providing humanitarian assistance. A significant part of this book is devoted to the current dynamics of development-caused resettlement in Europe. $68.00 / £47.00  paper 978-3-8382-0723-0 2015  580 pages / 21 illus. IBIDEM PRESS

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New in paper

The Quest for Security

The Hillary Doctrine

Protection Without Protectionism and the Challenge of Global Governance

Sex and American Foreign Policy

Edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Mary Kaldor

Foreword by Swanee Hunt

Valerie M. Hudson and Patricia Leidl

“This is a near-perfect text for contemporary graduate courses outside any disciplinary 'box.'" — Journal of Global Faultlines "This book takes the many and varied challenges facing the world, from the financial crisis to global warming, and explores how new forms of governance and cooperation can be developed to solve some of them or at least mitigate their effects. This book is original and pathbreaking, and its contributors are at the forefront of thinking about these questions." — Andrew Gamble, Cambridge University "A great book for our time." — Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize-Winning Economist, Harvard University $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15687-5 2015 432 pages / 29 illus.

“Through a combination of case studies, interviews and meticulous research including perhaps the most exhaustive compilation of data ever assembled on the subject, Hudson and Leidl make the case that the equality of women is not simply an issue of fairness. It is fundamental to peace and prosperity globally....The carefully assembled facts and the often searing voices of women themselves tell a compelling story. Hudson and Leidl follow a concise historical treatment of women's rights with illuminating case studies, setting the stage for focused policy recommendations.... The authors argue for an expansion of the Hillary Doctrine as U.S. national policy to an international Right to Protect Women. This book is required reading for policy makers and implementers as well as anyone concerned about where we are going as a nation and a world." — Ryan Crocker, former ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq, and dean, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University $65.00 / £45.00  cloth 978-0-231-16492-4 2015 456 pages


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Choreographies of Shared Sacred Sites

Govern Like Us U.S. Expectations of Poor Countries M. A. Thomas “Govern Like Us delivers a thought-provoking and valuable reminder that sanctimonious insistence on moral perfection can be as selfdefeating as moral indifference." — The Wall Street Journal “In recent years, there has been a broad recognition in rich countries that poor government is a leading cause of poverty, and they have undertaken vast programs to stem corruption and dysfunctional politics. In Govern Like Us, M. A. Thomas exposes the illusions that have undergirded this effort and shows why the vast sums invested in places like Afghanistan and Iraq have yielded such meager results. This book should be required reading for anyone in the development field." — Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University $45.00 / £30.95  cloth 978-0-231-17120-5 2015 264 pages / 10 illus.

Religion, Politics, and Conflict Resolution Edited by Elazar Barkan and Karen Barkey "Sacred sites are ideally intimate possessions, inviolable and holy. Sharing them with other communities is like splitting an atom. This timely collection allows readers to examine the choreographies of theological politics and political theologies scripted to contain potential eruptions of violence, and these highly readable case studies will fuel discussions of the post-Ottoman era for many years to come." — Charles Stewart, University College London This anthology explores the dynamics of shared religious sites in Turkey, the Balkans, Palestine/Israel, Cyprus, and Algeria, indicating where local and national stakeholders maneuver between competition and cooperation, coexistence and conflict. $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16994-3 2014  440 pages / 14 illus. Religion, Culture, & Public Life

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Russia in the Arctic

For Kin or Country

Hard or Soft Power?

Xenophobia, Nationalism, and War

Alexander Sergunin and Valery Konyshev

Stephen M. Saideman and R. William Ayres

In this timely book, the authors assess Russia's domestic discourse on the High North's role in the system of national priorities as well as Moscow's bi- and multilateral relations with major regional players, energy, environmental, socio-cultural, and military policies in the Arctic. Sergunin and Konyshev argue that Moscow pursues a double-sided strategy in the region; defending her legitimate economic interests in the region while also being open to cooperate with foreign partners willing to exploit Arctic natural resources. The authors conclude that in the foreseeable future Moscow's strategy in the region will be predictable and pragmatic rather than aggressive or spontaneous. They suggest a proper international environment in the Arctic should be created by common efforts with other regional players willingness to solve existing and potential problems on the basis of international law.

With a New Introduction by the Authors,

"The most comprehensive and nuanced account to date of irredentism.... A useful reference and an important touchstone for comparative politics and international relations scholars interested in irredentism, secessionism, and kin-state nationalism." — Nationalities Papers "Sophisticated and accessible.... [Saideman & Ayres] bring a wealth of academic knowledge and policy experience to bear on a timely and important topic." — International Studies Review $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-14479-7 October 2015  320 pages / 16 illus.

$36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-3-8382-0783-4 September 2015 160 pages IBIDEM PRESS


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COLUMBIA INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ONLINE (CIAO) Announcing the new, updated CIAO database The renowned international affairs website launched in 1998 and has now undergone a complete overhaul to enhance the user experience. The new CIAO features a redesigned user interface that standardizes the access and presentation of content, more video assets, a live Twitter feed, and improved search functionality.

COLUMBIA INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ONLINE Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is the world's largest full-text online resource

for political science, diplomatic history, international law and business, policy formation, and country analysis. Encompassing more than 400,000 pages of working papers, policy briefs, interviews, journal articles, and e-books in the field of international relations, CIAO is a dynamic resource that is constantly growing. More than 180 leading academic and research institutions, publishers, government agencies, and journals worldwide contribute to CIAO. CIAO features original case studies written by leading experts in their fields, course packs of background readings for history and political science classes, and interviews with the world's leading international relations experts.

Special Features • Complete updating and additional materials—more than 45,000 new pages during a twelve-month period • Detailed country maps as well as in-depth political and economic data from the Economist Intelligence Unit • A monthly CIAO focus—an outstanding tool for classroom discussions • Textbook instruction for undergraduate, and graduate/postgraduate courses and research opportunities for lecture preparation and reference

Praise for CIAO Named one of the top 300 websites by the International Political Science Association "So rich in content and so well suited to the needs of serious researchers that we recommend it without hesitation."—Library Journal "Highly recommended."—Choice For subscription information, contact: Herbert Plummer hp2356@columbia.edu, (212) 459-0600, ext. 7112 To contribute, contact: Robert Sedgwick rs2499@columbia.edu, (212) 459-0600, ext. 7149 For a free trial, log onto www.ciaonet.org or e-mail columbiaonline@columbia.edu.

WWW.CIAONET.ORG for more information , visit :




Terrorism in Cyberspace

Talking About Torture

The Next Generation

How Political Discourse Shapes the Debate

Gabriel Weimann

Jared Del Rosso

Foreword by Bruce Hoffman

“By tracing the evolution of Congress's conversations on topics ranging from Abu Ghraib to waterboarding, Jared Del Rosso shows how facts, policies, and principles can be created, challenged, and changed. His painstaking analysis offers both a careful history of recent claims about torture and a model for those who want to penetrate officials' language about other issues."

“A compelling portrait of tomorrow's threat landscape, this is a book to be reckoned with." — Jane Harman, former U.S. representative "A timely and indispensable resource for all those concerned about effectively countering terrorists' exploitation of the Internet's and the dark elements that can reside there." — Perspectives on Terrorism This book addresses three major questions: why and how terrorism went online; what recent trends can be discerned—such as engaging children and women, promoting lone wolf attacks, and using social media; and what future threats can be expected, along with how they can be reduced or countered. To answer these questions, Weimann analyzes content from more than 9,800 terrorist websites, selects the most important kinds of web activity, describes their background and history, and surveys their content in terms of kind and intensity, the groups and prominent individuals involved, and effects. $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-70449-6 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-70448-9 2015  344 pages / 6 illus.

— Joel Best, University of Delaware Jared Del Rosso reviews transcripts from congressional hearings and scholarship on denial, torture, and state violence to document the wholesale change in rhetoric and attitude toward the use of torture by the CIA and the U.S. military during the War on Terror. He plots the evolution of the "torture issue" in U.S. politics and its manipulation by politicians to serve various ends. Most important, Talking About Torture integrates into the debate about torture the testimony of those who suffered under American interrogation practices and demonstrates how the conversation continues to influence current counterterrorism policies, such as the reliance on drones. $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-17092-5 2015  296 pages



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Dangerous Trade

Global Alert

Arms Exports, Human Rights, and International Reputation

The Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challenge to the Liberal Democratic World

Jennifer L. Erickson “Dangerous Trade is a signal advance in scholarship that helps us understand major changes in international relations since the Cold War's end." — William C. Wohlforth, Dartmouth College Jennifer L. Erickson explores the reasons top arms-exporting democracies have put aside past sovereignty, security, and economic worries in favor of humanitarian arms transfer controls, and she follows the early effects of this about-face on export practice. Using statistical data and interviews conducted in France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Erickson challenges existing IR theories of state behavior while providing insight into the role of reputation as a social mechanism and the importance of government transparency and accountability in generating compliance with new norms and rules.

Boaz Ganor "In Global Alert Boaz Ganor addresses the fundamental dilemmas that confront the liberal democratic state in combating contemporary terrorist groups. He makes the point that terrorism is not mindless violence. Today's terrorist leaders think strategically. They have benefitted from decades of experience, observing their predecessors, enabling them to create new kinds of organizations and formulate strategies that exploit the disadvantages of the democratic state. Intellectually, states have not kept up, and radical rethinking is in order. Global Alert starts us in a new direction." — Brian Jenkins, senior advisor to the president of the RAND Corporation $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-17212-7 2015 240 pages / 8 illus. Columbia Studies in Terrorism and Irregular Warfare

$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-17096-3 2015 288 pages / 17 illus.

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The Political Impossibility of Modern Counterinsurgency

Mental Health in the War on Terror

Strategic Problems, Puzzles, and Paradoxes

Culture, Science, and Statecraft Neil Krishan Aggarwal

M. L. R. Smith and David Martin Jones "As the 'success' of counterinsurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan is increasingly called into question, The Political Impossibility of Modern Counterinsurgency offers valuable insights that are likely to be both timely and enduring. The authors demonstrate with admirable lucidity that 21st century counterinsurgency has often been a catechism rather than a real strategy, with technocratic and modernizing zeal frequently blinding its practitioners to historical and contemporary reality. Vital for those seeking to understand the past, present, and future of counterinsurgency in theory and practice." — Austin Long, Columbia University $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-17000-0 2015 272 pages Columbia Studies in Terrorism and Irregular Warfare

"Aggarwal has written a theoretically sophisticated, multisided exploration of how the War on Terror and mental health are powerfully connected through the 'culture' of psychiatry, psychoanalysis, hospitals, courts, the military, and Islam. His argument is that science, religion, and moral experience are not just infiltrated with cultural meanings but come to create new cultural forms such as 'trauma,' forensic processes, and 'terrorism,' which in turn remake the world. An important achievement." —Arthur Kleinman, Harvard University "Very few people are able to synthesize the disciplines of anthropology, mental health, cultural studies, political theory, religious studies, bioethics, and forensics in the way Neil Krishan Aggarwal does in this book. He offers a balanced and insightful account of the challenges of forensic psychiatry in assessing and managing terrorism suspects." —Hamada Hamid, Yale University $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16664-5 2015 232 pages


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The Evolution of the Global Terrorist Threat

Nuclear Nightmares

From 9/11 to Osama bin Laden's Death

Joseph Cirincione

Securing the World Before It Is Too Late

Edited by Bruce Hoffman and Fernando Reinares “Leading authorities on terrorism ably dissect the exact scope and nature of the threat posed by al-Qaeda and allied groups in the decade after 9/11 in a work that is both comprehensive and authoritative." — Peter Bergen, author of Manhunt: The Ten Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad "One of the most intensive studies focused on world terrorism in the decade following 9/11." — 15 Minutes Magazine"One of the most intensive studies focused on world terrorism in the decade following 9/11."

“Cirincione's gripping, harrowing account of the arms race debate is essential reading for those concerned with a fickle world prone to threats and terrorism." — Publishers Weekly "The author is a clear-eyed, straight-talking, highly influential sage on the spread of nuclear weaponry." — Political Studies Review $18.95 / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-16405-4 2015  280 pages

— 15 Minutes Magazine $45.00 / £30.95  cloth 978-0-231-16898-4 2014  696 pages Columbia Studies in Terrorism and Irregular Warfare

for more information , visit :




Marx after Marx

Beyond Individualism

History and Time in the Expansion of Capitalism

The Challenge of Inclusive Communities George Rupp

Harry Harootunian

"Essential reading for leadership and citizenship in today's complex world of religious and cultural difference. As scholar, administrator, and activist, Rupp has seen the crisis of community first-hand, and offers readers a timely proposal for ethical, informed leadership in a global context." — Diana Eck, Harvard University

"A landmark study within Marxist thought. Drawing largely upon Marx's later works for its conceptual tools and theoretical method, this study analyses how different regions under differing circumstances, throw up a plurality of developmental forms all under the general code of capitalist accumulation." — Michael Dutton, author of Policing Chinese Politics This book deprovincializes Marx and the West's cultural turn by returning to the theorist's earlier explanations of capital's origins and development, which followed a trajectory beyond Euro-America to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Engaging with the texts of Lenin, Luxemburg, Gramsci, and other pivotal theorists, Harootunian strips contemporary Marxism of its cultural preoccupation by reinstating the deep relevance of history.

Drawing on decades of research and experience, George Rupp pushes modern individualism beyond its foundational beliefs to recognize the place of communal practice in our world. Affirming the value of communities and the productive role religion plays in many lives, he advocates new solutions to such global challenges as conflicts in the developing world, income inequality, climate change, and mass migration. $30.00 / £20.00 cloth 978-0-231-17428-2 2015 224 pages

$35.00 / £24.00  cloth 978-0-231-17480-0

Religion, Culture, & Public Life

October 2015 312 pages


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Rawls's Political Liberalism

Violence and Civility On the Limits of Political Philosophy Étienne Balibar Translated by G. M. Goshgarian “Violence and Civility offers both a probing philosophical exploration of the relationship of violence to politics and a political philosophy of 'anti-violence' responding to the structural and overt violences of capitalist modernity. Balibar's philosophical archive is extensive and deep —he thinks with Hobbes, Spinoza, Hegel, Weber, Luxemburg, Lacan, Derrida, and, of course, his beloved and inexhaustible Marx. Braided together by his singular philosophical imagination and passion for justice, Balibar's subtle readings result in nothing less than revolutionary political theory for the twenty-first century." — Wendy Brown, University of California, Berkeley and author of Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism's Stealth Revolution $30.00 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15398-0 2015 232 pages The Wellek Library Lectures

Edited by Thom Brooks and Martha C. Nussbaum “These essays by leading political, moral, and legal theorists provide significant interpretations and reassessments of the central ideas of Rawls's Political Liberalism. Martha Nussbaum's introduction is a real service, a must read particularly for those new to the field. Frank Michelman's essay is the best work of its kind on the constitutional specification of the basic liberties, and Jeremy Waldron presents significant new challenges to the idea of public reason. Highly recommended." —Samuel Freeman, University of Pennsylvania "By querying the potential international reach of political liberalism, probing its capacity to account for constitutional and legal arrangements, and reexamining its appeal to conceptions of the good, the authors bring to light new aspects of the work's depth." —Henry S. Richardson, Georgetown University $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-14971-6 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-14970-9 2015 224 pages Columbia Themes in Philosophy

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The Highway of Despair

The Origin and Future of a Political and Legal Concept

Critical Theory After Hegel Robyn Marasco

Dieter Grimm Translated by Belinda Cooper

"Grimm surveys the thousand-year history of the idea of sovereignty— emphasizing its changing meanings as Western ideas of political legitimacy transform themselves over the centuries. Grimm's work is the first on this subject that combines historical mastery with a sense of the present need to redefine our political understandings." — Bruce Ackerman, Yale Law School Dieter Grimm's accessible introduction to the concept of sovereignty ties the evolution of the idea to historical events, from the religious conflicts of sixteenth-century Europe to today's trends in globalization and transnational institutions. Grimm wonders whether recent political changes have undermined notions of national sovereignty, comparing manifestations of the concept in different parts of the world. Geared for classroom use, the study maps various notions of sovereignty in relation to the people, the nation, the state, and the federation, distinguishing between internal and external types of sovereignty.

"The Highway of Despair masterfully puts patient interpretation in the service of a powerful political and theoretical vision. By following the thread of negativity that joins Hegel to Adorno, Bataille, and Fanon, Marasco shows that 'despair' is not a feeling of impotence but a mode of comportment through which people register and engage the torn, divided character of their world. In drawing out and analyzing despair's surprising power to energize praxis and sustain thought, she simultaneously recasts critical theory's history and scrambles the tired oppositional coordinates through which we too often debate its future." — Patchen Markell, University of Chicago Analyzing the works of an eclectic cast of thinkers, Robyn Marasco considers the dynamism of despair as a critical passion, reckoning with the forms of historical life forged along Hegel's highway. $50.00/ £34.50  cloth 978-0-231-16866-3 2015 240 pages   New Directions in Critical Theory

$25.00 / £17.50 paper  978-0-231-16425-2 $75.00/ £52.00  cloth  978-0-231-16424-5 2015 192 pages   Columbia Studies in Political Thought/ Political History


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Starve and Immolate

Poverty in theRight Midst of A Freedom's The Social Foundations of Democratic Life Affluence

The Politics of Human Weapons Best First Book Prize, FPT Section of APSA Banu Bargu “Starve and Immolate is more than a rigorously documented account of a major resistance movement; it is a complex and erudite, yet lucid, theoretical analysis of the politics of life and death that draws upon, but ultimately moves beyond, Foucault's and Agamben's readings of sovereignty and biopolitics to make a major contribution to thinking about relations of power and reseatance in contemporary society... A much-discussed literature is made fresh again through Bargu's impressive skill." — Radical Philosophy "In this remarkable book, Bargu frames a political ethnography of hunger strikes in Turkish prisions with debates about Foucault's critique of biopolitical power... Elegently written and argued, this text is a compelling empirical and theoretical contribution." — Choice

How Hong Kong Mismanaged Its Axel Honneth Prosperity “Honneth has provided us with a central referChoice Outstanding Academic ence point for future debates on theTitle nature of modernity, freedom, justice, and the social Leo F. Goodstadt world." Hong Kong is among the richest cities — Review of Politics in the world. Yet over the past 15 years, living conditions fordominant the average "Breaking with the stylefamily of have deteriorated. Successive governcontemporary political philosophy, Axel ments have been reluctant invest itincan Honneth demonstrates howtofruitful services for thea elderly, the disabled, the be to develop theory of social justice not long-term sick, and the poor, while educasimply by appealing to common beliefs and tion has become more elitist. The political intuitions but more fundamentally by undersystem has helped to entrench a mistaken standing the characteristic institutions of consensus that social spending is a threat modern society. Freedom's is a brilliant to financial stability. In thisRight trenchant work by of today'smismanagement, leading philosophers." attack onone government Leo Goodstadt traces Brown how officials have — Charles Larmore, University created a 'new poverty' in Hong Kong $25.00 paper 978-0-231-16247-0 and argues that their misguided policies December 2015 448 pages are both a legacy of the colonial era and New Directions in Critical Theory a deliberate choice by modern governments, and not the result of economic crises.

$65.00 / £45.00 cloth 978-0-231-16340-8 2014 512 pages

$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-988-82082-2-7

New Directions in Critical Theory

$38.00 / £26.00 cloth 978-988-82082-1-0 2015 288 pages HONG KONG UNIVERSITY PRESS

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ASIAN POLITICS Forthcoming November

The Capitalist Unconscious

The China Boom

From Korean Unification to Transnational Korea

Why China Will Not Rule the World Ho-fung Hung

“Ho-fung Hung's acessible and clear-eyed assessment of China's prospects, rooted both in the longer patterns of China's own history and in global economics, reaches unexpected and reassuring conclusions." — Robert A. Kapp, former President of the U.S.-China Business Council Through a cutting-edge historical, sociological, and political analysis, Ho-fung Hung exposes the competing interests and economic realities that temper the dream of Chinese supremacy—forces that are stymieing growth throughout the global South. His work reveals how much China depends on the existing order and how the interests of the Chinese elites maintain these ties. Through its perpetuation of the dollar standard and its addiction to U.S. Treasury bonds, China remains bound to the terms of its own prosperity, and its economic practices of exploiting debt bubbles are destined to fail. Hung warns of a postmiracle China that will grow increasingly assertive in attitude while remaining constrained in capability. $35.00 / £24.00  cloth 978-0-231-16418-4 November 2015  256 pages / 22 illus.

Hyun Ok Park “Combining broad theoretical insights into Korea's rapidly changing political economy with vivid ethnographic details of migrant workers' experiences, Hyun Ok Park's The Capitalist Unconscious challenges us to reimagine the region's present, as well as its future. It will provoke lively debates about the construction of 'transnational Korea' in the twenty-first century." — Gay Seidman, University of WisconsinMadison Based on extensive archival and ethnographic research in South Korea and China, The Capitalist Unconscious shows how the hegemonic democratic politics of the postCold War era (reparation, peace, and human rights) have consigned the rights of migrant laborers—protagonists of transnational Korea—to identity politics, constitutionalism, and cosmopolitanism. Park reveals the riveting capitalist logic of these politics, which underpins legal and policy debates, social activism, and media spectacle. $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-17192-2 2015 400 pages / 17 illus. Cultures of History

Contemporary Asia in the World


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The Japan-South Korea Identity Clash

Intimate Rivals

East Asian Security and the United States

Japanese Domestic Politics and a Rising China

Brad Glosserman and Scott A. Snyder

Sheila A. Smith

"A thoughtful and enlightening read."

“This well-informed study explains, with admirable clarity, the increasingly involved and complex attitudes in Japanese domestic politics regarding China... A fine-grained analysis.”

— Japan Times "I can think of no book on Japan and South Korea together and on their relationship that is a serious rival." — Gilbert Rozman, Princeton University

— Publishers Weekly

Glosserman and Snyder isolate competing notions of national identity as the main obstacle to a productive partnership between Japan and South Korea. Through public opinion data, interviews, and years of observation, they show how fundamentally incompatible, rapidly changing conceptions of national identity in Japan and South Korea--and not struggles over power or structural issues—have complicated territorial claims and international policy.

No country feels China's rise more deeply than Japan. Through intricate case studies of visits by Japanese politicians to the Yasukuni Shrine, conflicts over the boundaries of economic zones in the East China Sea, concerns about food safety, and strategies of island defense, Sheila A. Smith explores the policy issues testing the Japanese government as it tries to navigate its relationship with an advancing China. ted territorial claims and international policy.

$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-17170-0

$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16788-8

2015 240 pages / 12 illus.

2015 384 pages / 30 illus.

Contemporary Asia in the World

A Council on Foreign Relations Book

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Literature and Ideas

Hong Kong Land for Hong Kong People

Sudipta Kaviraj

Fixing the Failures of Our Housing Policy

The Invention of Private Life

Yue Chim Richard Wong

“Sudipta Kaviraj is one of the foremost scholars anywhere in the world working on South Asia. A master of the essay form, his writings on political theory and Indian politics show him to be a scholar of vast erudition, subtle analytical skill, and brilliant humor.” —Partha Chatterjee, Columbia University A longtime political analyst and thinker, Sudipta Kaviraj proves in this probing collection that he is also an acute writer on literature and politics. In these works, which lie at the intersection of the study of literature, social theory, and intellectual history, Kaviraj locates serious reflections on modernity’s complexities in the vibrant currents of modern Indian literature, particularly in the realms of fiction, poetry, and autobiography. $30.00 / £20.50  paper 978-0-231-17439-8

2015  224 pages / 14 illus.

2015  376 pages

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resold or leased in a free market. $58.00 / £40.00  cloth 978-988-82086-5-4

$90.00 / £62.00  cloth 978-0-231-17438-1


In this volume, Yue Chim Richard Wong traces the history of Hong Kong's postwar housing policy. He then discusses current housing problems and their solutions, drawing on examples from around the world. Wong argues that housing policy in Hong Kong, with its multiple, often incompatible objectives, and its focus on supply over demand, can no longer satisfy the needs of a diverse and dynamic population. He recommends three simple low-cost policies to promote home ownership and social mobility: sell public rental housing units to the sitting tenants; make subsidized homes more affordable; and reform the public housing program along lines adopted in Singapore, where government-built housing may be


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on of APSA

rigorously stance ite, yet tics of life mately mben's ics to make out relantemporary e is made sive skill."

ames a ikes in t Foucault's ently writelling on."


Poverty in the Midst of Affluence

Contentious Activism and InterKorean Relations

How Hong Kong Mismanaged Its Prosperity

Danielle L. Chubb "In this meticulously researched book,

Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Danielle L. Chubb reveals that South Korean

Leo F. Goodstadt

policies toward the North are about far more

Hong Kong is among the richest cities in the world. Yet over the past 15 years, living conditions for the average family have deteriorated. Successive governments have been reluctant to invest in services for the elderly, the disabled, the long-term sick, and the poor, while education has become more elitist. The political system has helped to entrench a mistaken consensus that social spending is a threat to financial stability. In this trenchant attack on government mismanagement, Leo Goodstadt traces how officials have created a 'new poverty' in Hong Kong and argues that their misguided policies are both a legacy of the colonial era and a deliberate choice by modern governments, and not the result of economic crises.

than strategic considerations. Reaching

$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-988-82082-2-7 $38.00 / £26.00 cloth 978-988-82082-1-0 2015 288 pages HONG KONG UNIVERSITY PRESS

beyond prevailing state-centric foreign policy accounts, she convincingly argues that interKorean relations have been significantly shaped by the legacy that several decades of contentious political activism have left on South Korean society and politics." — Roland Bleiker, University of Queensland Danielle L. Chubb traces the development of various policy disputes and perspectives from the 1970s through South Korea's democratic transition. Focusing on four case studies— the 1980 Kwangju uprising, the June 1987 uprising, the move toward democracy in the 1990s, and the decade of "progressive" government that began with the election of Kim Dae Jung in 1997—she tracks activists' complex views on reunification along with the rise and fall of more radical voices encouraging the adoption of a North Koreanstyle form of socialism. $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16136-7 2014 296 pages Contemporary Asia in the World

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Faces of Power MIDDLE EAST Constancy POLITICS and Change in United States Foreign Policy from Truman to Obama THIRD EDITION Seyom Brown

Schools for Conflict or for Peace in Afghanistan 2015 W. Gabriel Carras Research Award from New York University 2015 Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award from the Comparative and International Education Society Dana Burde "Public education in conflict-ridden societies should be a force for peace and stability, if done well. But Dana Burde shows that international aid to education in Afghanistan sowed conflict when its political goals prioritized jihad against the Soviet occupation or favored some ethnic groups over others. Impeccably researched, this book has global implications for thinking about politics, education policy, and foreign aid." — Jack Snyder, Columbia University Dana Burde shows how aid to education in Afghanistan bolstered conflict both deliberately in the 1980s through violence-infused, anti-Soviet curricula and inadvertently in the 2000s through misguided stabilization programs. She also reveals how dominant humanitarian models that determine what counts as appropriate aid have limited attention and resources toward education, in some cases fueling programs that undermine their goals.


P olitical S cience

Saeid Golkar Banu Bargu "This is the first full-length study of this criti“Starve and Immolate more than a rigorously cal organization in theis Iranian power strucdocumented account of a major resistance ture. Saeid Golkar provides a comprehensive movement; it isBasij's a complex and erudite, yet account of the organizational struclucid, theoretical analysis of the politics ture, insight into the social backgroundofoflife its and death thatthe draws upon,and butindoctrination ultimately membership, training moves beyond, Foucault's and Agamben's of the members, and the Basij's extensive readings of sovereignty and biopoliticsrole to make security, watchdog, and propaganda in a major contribution to thinking about relaIranian society." tions of power and reseatance in contemporary — Shaul Bakhash, George Mason University society... A much-discussed literature is made Iran's Organization for the Mobilization fresh again through Bargu's impressive skill." of Oppressed (Sazeman-e Basij-e —the Radical Philosophy Mostazafan), commonly known as the Basij, "Ina this remarkable book, Bargu frames a is paramilitary organization used by the political ethnography of hunger strikes in regime to suppress dissidents, vote as a bloc, Turkish prisions with debates about Foucault's and indoctrinate Iranian citizens. Captive Society the Basij's history, structure, critiquesurveys of biopolitical power... Elegently writand sociology, asthis welltext as its on ten and argued, is ainfluence compelling Iranian society, its economy, and its educaempirical and theoretical contribution." tional system. Saied Golkar's account draws — Choice not only on published materials—including $65.00 / £45.00 cloth 978-0-231-16340-8 Basij and Revolutionary Guard publications, 2014 512 pages allied websites, and blogs—but also on his New Directions Critical Theory own informalin communications with Basij members while studying and teaching in Iranian universities as recently as 2014. $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-70442-7 2015  256 pages / 9 illus. Columbia University Press

2014 232 pages / 6 illus.

S ave 30%

The Politics of Human Weapons The Basij Militia and Social Control in Iran Best First Book Prize, FPT Section of APSA

Woodrow Wilson Center Press /

$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16928-8


Starve and Immolate Captive Society

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Poverty Affluenc

How Hon Prosperity

Choice Ou

Leo F. Goo

Hong Kon in the worl living cond have deteri ments hav services fo long-term tion has be system has consensus to financia attack on g Leo Goods created a 'n and argues are both a a deliberat ments, and crises.

$28.00 / £19.5

$38.00 / £26.0

2015 288 pag



Sectarian PoliticS in the Gulf


From the Iraq War to the arab UprIsIngs

Frederic M. Wehrey

The Arab Uprisings Explained

Sectarian Politics in the Gulf

New Contentious Politics in the Middle East

From the Iraq War to the Arab Uprisings Frederic M. Wehrey

Edited by Marc Lynch "This valuable collection of essays provides a thoughtful treatment of one of the most important turning point in the history of the modern Middle East... an essential book for those who wish to step back and assess what happened to the Middle East." — Survival “This extremely useful and timely book directs the reader toward thematic and topical arguments that provide a broader understanding of the Arab uprisings. Expected topics such as diffusion, media, the military, and elections are joined by analyses of less examined themes like labor, political space, and banking systems.... An excellent contribution to the most important questions facing scholars of Middle East politics.” — F. Gregory Gause, III, author of The International Relations of the Persian Gulf

“One of FP’s Best Books on the Middle East for 2013...Wehrey’s new book offers a theoretically sophisticated and empirically rich overview of the politics of Sunni-Shiite relations across the Gulf. His extensive research on the ground across the Gulf comes through powerfully, as does his balanced analytical sensibility.” — Foreign Policy $55.00/ £38.00 paper 978-0-231-16512-9 2013  352 pages Columbia Studies in Middle East Politics

$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15885-5 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth  978-0-231-15884-8 2014  352 pages Columbia Studies in Middle East Politics

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Voices of the Arab Spring

Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe

Personal Stories from the Arab Revolutions Asaad al-Saleh

Memory, Aesthetics, Art

"Humane and sensitive storytelling."

Edited by Frank Peter, Sarah Dornhof,

— New Statesman

and Elena Arigita

“There’s a wonderful cumulative power to reading the personal narratives. They’re gripping, extremely poignant, often heartbreaking, and astonishing. It’s long overdue to finally have unmediated access to “regular” citizens’ experiences and recollections.” — Mona El-Ghobashy Featuring participants from a variety of social and educational backgrounds and political commitments, these personal stories of action represent the true phenomenon of the Arab Spring’s united though broad social movements, collective identities, and youthful character. Their testimony speaks to the multifaceted emotional, psychological, and cultural factors motivating citizens to join together and fight, putting a human face on events that might seem abstract or impersonal to many in the West.

Debates surrounding the "new presence of Muslims" in Europe tend to be understood in terms of European values, multicultural policies and secularism. The conflict-ridden transformation of European identities set in motion by this phenomenon is currently discussed with reference to normative orders, historical legacies, public philosophies, and political ideologies. This volume extends the analysis by examining transformations in European cultural politics. In the past decade, multiple images of Islam and Muslims have become part of the processes shaping the cultural particularities and sensibilities that define European identities. This volume examines these developments in the fields of memory politics, cultural production and Islamic art. $45.00 paper 978-38-376-2176-1 2014 280 pages / 35 illus. TRANSCRIPT-VERLAG

$22.95 / £15.95 paper 978-0-231-16319-4 $65.00 / £45.00 cloth 978-0-231-16318-7 2015 272 pages


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Europe in the Time of Crisis Stanislaw Konopacki This volume, prepared in conjunction with the academic course European Integration at the Turn of the Twentieth and Twenty-first Century, features a collection of papers delivered during a series of lectures and seminars organized by the Faculty of International Studies and Political Science at the University of Lódz from 2011 to 2014. Some essays in the volume argue that the European Union is the most successful model of supranational governance since the rule of history's largest empires. Other works focus on various aspects of the European Union that have contributed to almost ten years of crisis. $45.00 / £30.95 paper 978-83-233-3809-3 2015 236 pages Jagiellonian University Press

Interest Representation and Europeanization of Trade Unions from EU Member States of the Eastern Enlargement Edited by Christin Landgraf and Heiko Pleines This book examines the integration of trade unions from the six biggest countries of the EU's Eastern enlargement of EU governance structures. Based on more than 150 in-depth interviews, comprehensive data, document research, and eight detailed case studies, contributions describe the activities and perceptions of the trade unions under investigation and different levels of engagement, including European umbrella organizations, interregional cooperation, and European Works Councils. The book contributes to political science research on interest representation and Europeanization, as well as sociological research on labor relations. $48.00 / £33.00 paper 978-3-8382-0744-5 2015 248 pages IBIDEM PRESS

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Ukraine's Euromaidan

An Agenda for the Western Balkans

Analyses of a Civil Revolution

From Elite Politics to Social Sustainability

Edited by David R. Marples

Edited by Nikolaos Papakostas

and Frederick V. Mills

and Nikolaos Passamitros

The essays in this volume analyze the civil uprising known as Euromaidan that began in central Kyiv in late November 2013, when the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych opted not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. Topics covered include the motivations and expectations of protesters, organized crime, nationalism, gender issues, mass media, the Russian language, and the impact of Euromaidan on Ukrainian politics, the EU, Russia, and Belarus. An epilogue looks at the Russian annexation of Crimea and the creation of breakaway repub-

"A fresh look at Southeast Europe, exploring the region's tangled Europeanization process and its discontents. Highly recommendable to scholars and practitioners at a time of complex changes in both Europe and the wider world." — Dimitar Bechev, European Council on Foreign Relations, Sofia

lics in the east, leading to full-scale conflict. $41.00 / £28.50 paper 978-3-8382-0700-1 2015  304 pages / 6 illus. IBIDEM PRESS

In this volume a team of theorists and practitioners provide a multidisciplinary approach to Western Balkans reality. Contributors engage areas of the social sciences (political science, international relations, sociology, historiography, geography, political economy) and levels of analysis (local, national, regional, European, global), to propose a theoretical and practical guide towards a sustainable future for the Western Balkans. $48.00 / £33.00 paper 978-3-8382-0698-1 2015 240 pages / 16 illus. IBIDEM PRESS


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The Dark Side of European Integration Social Foundations and Cultural Determinants of the Rise of Radical Right Movements in Contemporary Europe Alina Polyakova Across Europe, radical right-wing parties are winning increasing electoral support. The Dark Side of European Integration argues that this rising nationalism and the mobilization of the radical right are the consequences of European economic integration. The European economic project has produced a cultural backlash in the form of nationalist radical right ideologies. Contrary to popular belief, economic performance and immigration rates are not the only factors that determine the far right's success. There are other political and social factors that explain why in post-socialist Eastern European countries such parties had historically been weaker than their potential, which they have now started to fulfill increasingly. Using in-depth interviews with radical right activists in Ukraine, Alina Polyakova also explores how radical right mobilization works on the ground through social networks, allowing new insights into how social movements and political parties interact.

Changing Images of the Left in Bulgaria An Old-and-New Divide? Boris Popivanov Boris Popivanov reassesses the Bulgarian Socialist Party—arguably, the most important political entity in Bulgaria's postcommunist history. Considering its internal problems and challenges from a radical grassroots Left, Popivanov explores how the party was the only political organization to remain important after the end of communism. He analyzes the current social and political situation threatening the Socialists and argues for a complete reformulation of the concept of the "Bulgarian Left." $41.00 / £28.50 paper 978-3-8382-0717-9 September 2015 176 pages / 4 illus. IBIDEM PRESS

$36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-3-8382-0796-4 $69.00 / £47.50 cloth 978-3-8382-0816-9 September 2015 182 pages / 13 illus. IBIDEM PRESS

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Explaining Russian Foreign Policy Behavior

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

Theory and Practice

2015/2: Double Special Issue: Back from Afghanistan: The Experiences of Soviet Afghan War Veterans and: Martyrdom & Memory in Post-Socialist Space

Alexander Sergunin Alexander Sergunin examines Russian foreign policy discourse with a particular focus on the major foreign policy schools of Atlanticism, Eurasianism, derzhavniki, realpolitik, geopolitics, neo-Marxism, radical nationalism, and post-positivism. He critically assesses the evolution of Russian foreign policy decision-making over the last 25 years and analyzes the roles of various governmental agencies, interest groups and subnational actors. Concluding that a foreign policy consensus is gradually emerging in contemporary Russia, Sergunin argues that this consensus aims, not only at the formulation of an international strategy, but also at the search for a new national identity. In addition, Sergunin points to Russia's current domestic situation, defined by numerous socio-economic, inter-ethnic, demographic, environmental, and other problems, as indicating a need to abandon superpower ambitions for more modest foreign policy goals. $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-3-8382-0782-7 October 2015 220 pages / 10 illus.

Edited by Julie Fedor, Andriy Portnov, and Andreas Umland. Guest editors: Felix Ackermann, Michael Galbas, and Uilleam Blacker "A splendid analysis of the changing narrative of 'Putinism' and of the nature of the political thought that lies at the heart of the Putin system…should be required reading and a starting point for Western foreign policy-makers with an interest in the former Soviet space…quite simply the best thing I've read on what is driving Russian foreign and domestic policy today." —David White, University of Birmingham This double special issue investigates the experiences of Soviet Afghan veterans and the ongoing impact of the Soviet-Afghan war (1979-89); and the new and reconstituted narratives of martyrdom that have been emerging in connection with 20th-century history and memory in the post-socialist world. $39.00 / £27.00 paper 978-3-8382-0726-1 2015 130 pages


$39.00 / £27.00 paper 978-3-8382-0806-0 September 2015 250 pages IBIDEM PRESS


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