religion new & noteworthy titles
A Letter from the Religion Editor It is with great pleasure that I present the Columbia University Press religion catalog for 2015. These titles, which span subjects from philosophy of religion to South and East Asian religions, American religions, and Middle Eastern religions, reflect the interdisciplinary and global approach of our list and exemplify the quality of scholarship that we value. Among the many outstanding titles in this year’s wide-ranging catalog several deserve special attention. Cloud of the Impossible, by ecotheologian Catherine Keller, offers a history of the unknown, the impossible, the unspeakable, and the unthinkable, a progressive force that disrupts traditional religion, globalism, and imperialism, from the multiple perspectives of continental philosophy, feminist and ecological theology, quantum theory, literature, and politics. Blood: A Critique of Christianity, by philosopher and religion scholar Gil Anidjar, is a profound examination of the symbol of blood throughout Western Christian history and culture and how it has shaped our vision of everything from religion and community to biology to law and nation to our concept of commerce. Teresa, My Love, by psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva, is a monumental work of hybrid genres—fiction, history, psychoanalysis, and personal fantasy—which interweaves elements of biography, autobiography, epistolary exchanges, theatrical dialogue, musical scores, and photographs of sculptures and paintings to reconstruct the life of Saint Teresa of Avila. Janet Gyatso’s Being Human in a Buddhist World is a groundbreaking work describing how Tibetan medicine arose from its Buddhist origins and became a distinct area of knowledge. And Evan Thompson’s Waking, Dreaming, Being sheds new light on consciousness and the profound mysteries of our existence from cutting-edge neuroscience, philosophy, and contemplative traditions. Other innovative authors and projects include The Columbia Sourcebook of Mormons in the United States, edited by Terryl Givens and Reid Nielson, the first collection of primary sources of the LDS Church in America; Ibn Sina’s Remarks and Admonitions: Physics and Metaphysics, translated and edited by Shams Inati, the first English translation of these important mature books by the renowned medieval Islamic thinker; and Religion, Food, and Eating in North America, based on a four-year seminar held at the American Academy of Religion. I am sure that you will find much to enjoy and ponder in these pages. I, and my colleagues at Columbia University Press, look forward to continuing our dialogue. Wendy Lochner Publisher, Philosophy, Religion, Political Theory, Animal Studies 2
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Religion in America........................................ 3 Christianity......................................................6 Islamic Studies...............................................9 Jewish Studies ...............................................11 South Asian Religion ....................................13 New In Paper ................................................16 American Institute of Buddhist Studies........17 East Asian Religion .......................................18 Religion & Philosophy ..................................22 Religion & Science ........................................27 Religion, Ethics & Animal Studies................31
The Columbia Sourcebook of Mormons in the United States
Other Books of Interest ...............................33
Edited by Terryl L. Givens and Reid L.
Ordering Information .................................36
Religion & Politics ....................................... 29
Manuscript queries and proposals can be sent to the Philosophy editor, Wendy Lochner, at For a complete listing of Columbia’s titles or for more information about any book in this catalog, visit our web site: Most titles in this catalogue published by Columbia University Press are available worldwide from the Press. If no UK price appears for a title, it is most likely available from Columbia only in the United States, its possessions, and Canada.
"This is the most expansive and comprehensive collection of documents ever compiled about the LDS Church in the United States. Dealing with subjects varied and frequently controversial, from theology and polity to race and sexuality, Terryl L. Givens and Reid L. Neilson include glimpses of Mormonism as revealed, proscribed, and lived in many times and places. It will surely be an indispensable resource and starting point for anyone interested in the history and ongoing story of the Mormon faith for years to come." — Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp, Washington University in St. Louis $80.00 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-14942-6 2014 480 pages
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Atheists in America Edited by Melanie E. Brewster "Atheists in America is a unique contribution to the literature on atheism touching on topics rarely discussed or researched. I do not know of any other book on the market that seeks to bring together individual narratives of deconversion and the challenges faced afterward." — Amarnath Amarasingam, York University This collection features more than two dozen narratives by atheists from different backgrounds across the United States. Ranging in age, race, sexual orientation, and religious upbringing, these individuals address deconversion, community building, parenting, and romantic relationships, providing a nuanced look at living without a god in a predominantly Christian nation. $28.00 / £19.502 cloth 978-0-231-16358-3
Religion, Food, and Eating in North America Edited by Benjamin E. Zeller, Marie W. Dallam, Reid L. Neilson, and Nora L. Rubel "From a Georgia farm to the salmon runs of the Pacific Northwest, from Sylvester Graham to hip vegans, Americans draw tight links between their food and their faith. These essays investigate a broad set of religious traditions, and the results are theoretically rich yet accessible to nonspecialists. The volume helps us think about what it means to be American, as well as what it means to be religious, and forces us to broaden our definition of religion, with implications for health, commerce, and the environment." — Daniel Sack, author of Whitebread Protestants: Food and Religion in American Culture
2014 272 pages $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16031-5 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16030-8 2014 376 pages / 11 illus. Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History
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Buddhism in America, Revised and Expanded Richard Hughes Seager Praise for the previous edition: “A comprehensive survey of a variety of Buddhist traditions in the contemporary U.S. ... [Its] strength, apart from being a mine of information, is Seager's insistence on taking a historically informed and comparative perspective.”—Religious Studies Review “This book cries out for use as a textbook for classes on Buddhism in America.” —The Journal of Religion This edition updates existing text and adds three new essays on contemporary developments in American Buddhism, particularly the aging of the baby boom population and its effect on American Buddhism’s modern character. New material includes revised information on the full range of communities profiled in the first edition; an added study of a second generation of young, Euro-American leaders and teachers; an accessible look at the increasing importance of meditation and neurobiological research; and a provocative consideration of the mindfulness movement in American culture.
The Birth of Conservative Judaism Solomon Schechter’s Disciples and the Creation of an American Religious Movement Michael R. Cohen "This path-breaking and provocative volume challenges Conservative Judaism's founding myth and rewrites its subsequent history. The most important study of early Conservative Judaism in more than half-acentury, it should be required reading for all students of American Judaism and for anyone who cares about the Conservative movement's past, present, and future." — Jonathan D. Sarna, Brandeis University, author of American Judaism: A History "Should quickly become the standard work on the emergence of the movement." — H-Judaic $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15635-6 2012 232 pages / 10 illus.
$27.50 / £19.00 paper 978-0-231-15973-9 $79.50 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-15972-2 2012 384 pages Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series
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A Materialism for the Masses
A Critique of Christianity
Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life
Gil Anidjar "Ambitious and daring... Blood is bound to provoke heated discussion." — Immanent Frame "In this highly original book Anidjar deconstructs 'Christianity' into its element: blood. In doing so he demonstrates, with impressive skill, the ubiquity of blood–and its metamorphoses–in Christian history. In this exploration of the circulation of blood as the life of nation, state, and capital, the reader is presented with an extraordinary account of modernity no less. Scholars of modernity will learn to see 'Christianity' as something at once more and less than 'religion'–even though it is, as Anidjar argues, the (misleading) prototype of all religions.' This is a work to be read carefully and its implications pondered over." —
Talal Asad, CUNY Graduate Center
$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16720-8 2014 464 pages
Ward Blanton “Ward Blanton further solidifies his reputation as the most adventurous and rigorous scholar of his generation as he reimagines the historical meaning and political impetus of early Christianity and its ongoing...effect on the most enduring philosophical and ethical questions of our time.” — Hent de Vries, Johns Hopkins University "Ward Blanton’s handling—and mastery—of Western philosophical traditions provides a much more convincing account of Christian origins as well as a greater appreciation of the ways in which power works in the present." — James Crossley, University of Sheffield $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16691-1 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16690-4 2014 264 pages Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture
Religion, Culture, and Public Life
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Christ Without Adam
Promised Bodies
Subjectivity and Sexual Difference in the Philosophers’ Paul
Time, Language, and Corporeality in
Benjamin H. Dunning
Patricia Dailey
"An outstanding contribution not only to Pauline studies and critical theory but also to contemporary Christian theological anthropology." — David Brakke, Ohio State University Christ Without Adam is the first book to examine the role of gender and sexuality in the turn to the apostle Paul in recent Continental philosophy. It builds a constructive proposal for embodied Christian theological anthropology in conversation with—and in contrast to—the “Paulinisms” of Stanislas Breton, Alain Badiou, and Slavoj Žižek. $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16765-9 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16764-2 2014 176 pages Gender, Theory, and Religion
Medieval Women's Mystical Texts “Promised Bodies is a contribution at once to the study of medieval Christian mystical theology and to that of medieval women’s religious writing. These two fields are adjacent and have been in dialogue for more than a century, yet they have never engaged with the intellectual energy that Patricia Dailey brings to bear on them here." — Nicholas Watson, Harvard University "Both learned and delightful, both sweeping and precise, Promised Bodies sets a new standard for the study of the mystical tradition in the Western Middle Ages. Reading across linguistic, temporal, and institutional boundaries, Patricia Dailey provides a compelling new perspective on the eternally perplexing nature of embodiment and its formal incarnation in writing." — Bruce Holsinger, University of Virginia $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16120-6 2013 272 pages Gender, Theory, and Religion
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The Virgin Mary and Catholic Identities in Chinese History
Robert Morrison and the Protestant Plan for China
Jeremy Clarke
Christopher A. Daily
"In this path-breaking work the author asks, ‘How are Chinese Catholic identities expressed through images?’ In answering this, he skilfully interweaves the different ways in which the Virgin Mary has been depicted in Chinese iconography with the changing circumstances of the local church, China’s tumultuous history, and how this relates to broader ecclesiastical, cultural and international developments. Anyone interested in religion, modern China, or cultural exchange, should read this book." — Richard Rigby, Executive Director of The China Institute, Australian National University
"Through a brilliant analysis of hitherto unexplored archival material, Christopher Daily offers important new insights into Robert Morrison’s missionary career at the gates of the Chinese Empire. This eminently readable book demonstrates with great clarity how the implementation of the Gosport ‘mission template’ was religiously observed by Morrison in an exceedingly hostile environment." — R. G. Tiedemann, Shandong University 60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-988-8208-03-6 2013 272 pages Hong Kong University Press
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-988-8139-99-6 2013 312 pages / 26 illus. Hong Kong University Press
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Women in the Mosque A History of Legal Thought
Henry Stubbe and the Beginnings of Islam
and Social Practice
The Originall & Progress of
Marion Holmes Katz
"A scholarly milestone. Women in the Mosque is a comprehensive, categorical treatment of the question of women’s mosque access in Islamic law and history. Marion Holmes Katz is one of the most widely respected scholars of Islamic law and ritual in the West, and, in its scope and detail, this work is peerless to my knowledge.”
Edited by Nabil Matar
— Jonathan Brown, Georgetown University “Women in the Mosque will become an essential part of the library of every scholar concerned with Islamic ritual law, women in religion, women in Islam, and even religious architecture. There is something here for students of Islamic law, Ottoman history, Arab social history, and modern Muslim intellectual history.”
“Stubbe’s manuscript treatise, which drew for the first time on Arabic and non-Christian sources in Latin translation, was revolutionary in its methodology and understanding of Islam. He presented the first historical biography of the Prophet and told the story of the spread of Islam, dispelling many untruths, such as conversion by the sword, while recognizing Muslim toleration for other religions. Nabil Matar’s work illuminates an important moment in the late seventeenth century.” — Donald R. Dickson, Texas A&M University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15664-6 2013 288 pages
— Kevin Reinhart, Dartmouth College $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16266-1 2014 432 pages / 2 illus.
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Muslim Identities An Introduction to Islam
Ibn Sina’s Remarks and Admonitions
Aaron W. Hughes
Physics and Metaphysics: An Analysis
“[A] truly extraordinary book .... the very best introduction currently available in English for non-Muslims seeking a sound approach to Islam.” — Journal of Islamic Studies “[Huges] book is neither an apology for nor a critique of Islam. It is an ideal introduction for those who prefer not to be told what Islam should be yet seek to understand the complex and differing ways Islam has been and is understood by Muslims.” — Herbert Berg, University of North Carolina Wilmington $29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16147-3 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16146-6 2013 328 pages / 8 illus.
and Annotated Translation Shams C. Inati "An important text by one of the leading writers on Islamic philosophy and the first English translation of high quality. It will be heavily used by those in the discipline." — Oliver Leaman, University of Kentucky "In providing a clear and accessible translation of difficult text with very useful annotations, Inati has made a major contribution to Avicenna’s studies and has put students of Islamic as well as Western medieval philosophy in her debt." — Seyyed Hossein Nasr, George Washington University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16616-4 2014 248 pages
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A Semite
Jerusalem Unbound
A Memoir of Algeria Denis Guénoun
Geography, History, and the Future of the Holy City
Foreword by Judith Butler
Michael Dumper
"Drawing on his own recollections as well as documents that offer an official chronicle and letters and journals that pour out personal desires, Guénoun explores the complications of family and identity." — Booklist René Guénoun called himself a Semite, a word that he felt united Jewish and Arab worlds and best reflected a shared origin. He also believed that Algerians had the same political rights as Frenchmen. Although his Jewish family was rooted in Algeria, he inherited French citizenship and revered the principles of the French Revolution. His steadfast belief in liberty, equality, and fraternity led him into trouble, including prison and exile, yet his failures as an activist never shook his faith in a rational, generous future.
“A clearly organized, meticulously researched, highly readable guide to Jerusalem’s complex social and political landscape.” — Washington Report on Middle East Affairs “An original look at a city in flux amidst impasse. Jerusalem Unbound presents a new argument about how to think about this contentious city, asserting that its fluid, ‘manybordered’ nature constrains the unilateral imposition of political power and opens up new alternatives for political compromise.” — Scott A. Bollens, author of City and Soul in Divided Societies $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16196-1 2014 360 pages / 37 illus.
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16402-3 2014 176 pages / 2 illus.
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Parting Ways
The Generation of Postmemory
Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism
Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust
Judith Butler "An incredibly important and timely book. As always, Judith Butler generates a brilliant and rich argument through a series of readings, in this case complex and nuanced engagements with the work of Edward Said, Emmanuel Levinas, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, Primo Levi, and Mahmoud Darwish. Her book is intent on showing that one can develop from Jewish sources a perspective on Israel-Palestine that is nonZionist, and that it might even be possible to assert resistance to Zionism as itself a ‘Jewish’ value. These scare quotes are Butler’s, who constantly questions what it means to be Jewish." —Amy Hollywood, Harvard University $19.95 / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-14611-1 $27.95/ £19.50 cloth 978-0-231-14610-4 2012 256 pages
Marianne Hirsch “Significant contributions to Holocaust literature, women’s and gender history, and memory studies.” — Women’s Review of Books "With her crucial distinction between ‘familial’ and ‘affiliative’ postmemory, Marianne Hirsch shows how the transmission of traumatic experiences occurs not only within families but also across a much wider social field. Her emphasis on the role of gender in this mediating process is illuminating. The Generation of Postmemory will be a major reference in Holocaust and genocide studies for years to come." — Susan Rubin Suleiman, author of Crises of Memory and the Second World War $27.50/£19.00 paper 978-0-231-15653-0 $89.50 /£62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15652-3 2012 320 pages / 57 illus. Gender and Culture Series
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Paving the Great Way
Love and Liberation
Vasubandhu's Unifying Buddhist Philosophy
Autobiographical Writings of the Tibetan
Jonathan C. Gold
Sarah H. Jacoby
"Jonathan Gold has given us the definitive book on Vasubandhu's philosophy. Paving the Great Way is a masterpiece of philosophical exposition, synthesis and creative commentary. Gold addresses every facet of Vasubandhu's considerable and varied corpus, and integrates them in his articulation of Vasubandhu's original synthesis of Buddhist ideas. Gold brings to this project great philological erudition, deep philosophical insight, scrupulous commentarial skills and a marvelous lucidity in exposition. This book is a major contribution not only to Vasubandhu scholarship, but to Yogācāra studies; not only to Yogācāra studies but to the history of Indian philosophy; not only to the history of Indian philosophy but to the history of world philosophy and to the engagement between Western and Buddhist philosophical scholarship." — Jay L. Garfield, Yale-NUS College
Buddhist Visionary Sera Khandro "Sarah H. Jacoby’s study of gender and sexuality is pathbreaking in the field of Tibetan studies. Because the main research materials were authored by a noncelibate woman, this book gives rich insight into one woman’s conception of the complex social, political, and even medical aspects of tantric consort practices. Jacoby grounds Buddhist theory in the lived experience of an actual practitioner and illuminates this topic based on her fieldwork in Tibet. Her work reveals modern Tibetan history like never before—not by tracking political or institutional history, but through attention to the life of a runaway girl who transforms herself from lowly servant to famous teacher through her extraordinary vision of her life." — Gray Tuttle, Columbia University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14768-2 2014 456 pages / 19 illus.
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16826-7 2014 336 pages
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When a Woman Becomes a Religious Dynasty The Samding Dorje Phagmo of Tibet Hildegard Diemberger "A significant contribution to Tibetan cultural history and gender studies." — Journal of the American Academy of Religion "A fascinating account of the women who constituted the most famous of all female incarnation lineages in Tibet, perhaps the most intriguing series of women in recent Tibetan history." — Robert Barnett, Columbia University, and author of Lhasa: Streets with Memories $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-14321-9 $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-14320-2 2007 416 pages / 64 illus.
Sources of Indian Traditions Modern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh Third edition; volume two Edited by Rachel Fell McDermott, Leonard A. Gordon, Ainslie T. Embree, Frances W. Pritchett, and Dennis Dalton "The third edition of Sources of Indian Traditions is fascinating, easy to read, provocative, and relevant to the present. Two narrative lines flow, like an underground river, through the book: colonialism and the search for independence and the struggle with the ever-changing questions of nationalism. An excellent expansion of the second edition, this anthology is masterly organized, making it a unique teaching text on South Asia." — Owen M. Lynch, New York University $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-13830-7 2014 1024 pages / 11 illus. Introduction to Asian Civilizations
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The Pariah Problem Caste, Religion, and the Social in Modern India Rupa Viswanath “Viswanath powerfully argues that there was a government–missionary nexus that sought to turn the pariah from traditional forms of slavery to modern forms of dispossessed labor. Most remarkably, she shows that the initiative for conversion to Christianity came not from missionaries but from Dalits who were motivated not by abstract ideas of emancipation but by strategic considerations of material advantage in their daily struggles.” — Partha Chatterjee, Columbia University and the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-16306-4
The Bhāgavata Purāna Sacred Text and Living Tradition Edited by Ravi M. Gupta and Kenneth R. Valpey “Highly recommended.” — Choice “The Bhāgavata Purāna gathers a superb group of contemporary scholars who bring a new dimension of appreciation for this religious masterpiece of Vaisnava Hinduism. Their essays plumb the breadth and depth of the influence of one of the world’s religious masterpieces with its unique devotional intensity and metaphysical subtlety.” — Daniel P. Sheridan, Saint Joseph’s College of Maine $34.50 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-14999-0 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-14998-3 2013 296 pages / 2 illus.
2014 416 pages / 1 illus. Cultures of History
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The Millennial Sovereign
Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism
Sacred Kingship and Sainthood in Islam A. Azfar Moin
History, Semiology, and Transgression in the Indian Traditions
Best First Book in the History of Religions
Christian K. Wedemeyer
from the American Academy of Religion
Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion: Historical Studies from the American Academy of Religion
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-16037-7 2014 368 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-16241-8 2014 336 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
Brains, Buddhas, and Believing The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and CognitiveScientific Philosophy of Mind
Conflict, Conquest, and Conversion Two Thousand Years of Christian Missions in the Middle East
Winner of the Toshihide Numata Book Prize
Eleanor H. Tejirian and Reeva Spector Simon
Dan Arnold
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-13865-9 2014 296 pages
$27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-14547-3 2014 328 pages
Unifying Hinduism
The Yogin and the Madman
Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History
Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet’s Great Saint Milarepa
Andrew J. Nicholson
American Academy of Religion’s Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion–Textual Studies
Best First Book in the History of Religions from the American Academy of Religion $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14987-7 2013 280 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
Andrew Quintman $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16415-3 2013 336 pages South Asia Across the Disciplines
Meditations of a Buddhist Skeptic A Manifesto for the Mind Sciences and Contemplative Practice B. Alan Wallace $18.95 / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-15835-0 2013 304 pages
Mind in the Balance Meditation in Science, Buddhism, and Christianity B. Alan Wallace $18.95 / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-14731-6 2014 264 pages Columbia Series in Science and Religion
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Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra: Chapters XI–XII (The Creation Stage) Tsong Khapa Losang Drakpa Translated and Introduced by Thomas F. Yarnall
A Catalogue of the Comparative Kangyur (bka' 'gyur dpe bsdur ma) Paul G. Hackett This is the first volume of a two volume set providing detailed cataloging information for the recently published Comparative (dpe bsdur ma) recension of the Tibetan Tripitaka. The catalogue includes cross-references to seven other Kangyur recensions used in the compilation of the Comparative Kangyur, including the previously uncataloged “Litang” (li thang) Kangyur. In addition, errors found in the “tables of contents” (dkar chag) and “cross-reference tables” (re’u mig) to the published edition have been corrected and verified against the published volumes and original blockprints. Indices to Tibetan and Sanskrit titles, translators, and revisers have been added, along with concordance tables aligning catalog numbers between the various recensions.
Tsong Khapa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra (Sngags rim chen mo)—considered by the present Dalai Lama to be one of Tsong Khapa’s two most important books (along with his Lam rim chen mo)—is his masterful synthesis of the principles and practices of all four classes of Tantra, which formed the basis of his innovation in creat ing the esoteric “Tantric College” institution and curriculum in the early fifteenth century. With detailed reference to hundreds of works from the Tibetan Kangyur and Tengyur, the chapters presented and studied in this volume concern his treatment of the creation stage (bskyed rim) meditations of Unexcelled Yoga Tantra. This includes a detailed analysis emphasizing how and why such creation stage practices—utilizing deity yoga to transform death, the between, and life into the three bodies of buddhahood— are indispensible to creating a foundation for successfully entering the culminal yogic practices of the perfection stage. $56.00 / £38.50 cloth 978-1-935011-01-9 2013 408 pages Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences (AIBS)
$56.00 / £38.50 cloth 978-1-935011-14-9 2013 414 pages Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences (AIBS)
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Tsong Khapa's Illumination of the Hidden Meaning
The Kojiki
Mandala, Mantra, and the Cult of the Yognis: A Study and Annotated Translation of Chapters 1-24 of the sbas don kun sel
Ō no Yasumaro
David B. Gray This is the first in a two-volume annotated translation of Tsong Khapa's Illumination of the Hidden Meaning (sbas don kun sel). A magnificent and massive commentary on the Cakrasamvara Tantra, this is first English translation of a work that marks a milestone in the Tibetan assimilation of the Indian Buddhist tantras. This first volume, which includes Tsong Khapa's detailed introduction to chapters 1 to 24 of the 51 chapter root tantra, covers the history of the tradition, its interpretation, and a range of topics including the construction of the mandala, the consecration therein, and the decoding of mantras and their ritual applications, as well as extensive details concerning the clans of the yoginis and the procedures to win their favor. David B. Gray situates the work in context and explores in depth the sources used in composing this commentary.
An Account of Ancient Matters Translated by Gustav Heldt "Heldt’s new, complete, and contemporary translation brings vibrancy and clarity to this often politicized work of ancient Japan. The poetry is rendered exquisitely, the narratives unfold with clarity; the translation itself is at once impeccable and imaginative. A master work that will generate discussions far into the future." — James E. Ketelaar, University of Chicago Japan’s oldest surviving narrative, the eighth-century Kojiki, chronicles the mythical origins of its islands and their ruling dynasty through a diverse array of genealogies, tales, and songs that have helped to shape the modern nation’s views of its ancient past. $27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-16389-7 $80.00 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-16388-0 2014 312 pages / 2 illus. Translations from the Asian Classics
$56.00 / £38.50 cloth 978-1-935011-09-5 2014 500 pages Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences (AIBS)
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Spells, Images, and Mandalas
Living Karma
Tracing the Evolution of Esoteric
The Religious Practices of Ouyi Zhixu
Buddhist Rituals
Beverley Foulks McGuire
Koichi Shinohara
"An ingeniously conceived and deeply researched study of one of the four great Buddhist masters of the late Ming dynasty. The book reveals Ouyi Zhixu to be a far more interesting and intellectually complex person than we knew. By giving primacy to the theme of karma, McGuire finds a unity to Ouyi’s conduct and textual practice that has gone unremarked until now."
"Spells, Images, and Mandalas is the first study of early Buddhist Tantra to make full use of a vast trove of Chinese sources that predate, often by many centuries, extant Sanskrit and Tibetan materials. Through exacting detective work, Koichi Shinohara reconstructs the evolution of Buddhist Tantra from its origins in simple incantation rituals to more elaborate forms of image worship and finally to full-blown mandala and visualization rites. The result is a groundbreaking account of the development of Buddhist ritual traditions." — Robert Sharf, University of California, Berkeley $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16614-0 2014 352 pages / 10 illus. Sheng Yen Series in Chinese Buddhism
— Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia Ouyi Zhixu (1599–1655) was an eminent Chinese Buddhist monk who, contrary to his contemporaries, believed karma could be changed. Through vows, divination, repentance rituals, and ascetic acts such as burning and blood writing, he sought to alter what others understood as inevitable and inescapable. Drawing attention to Ouyi’s unique reshaping of religious practice, Living Karma reasserts the significance of an overlooked individual in the modern development of Chinese Buddhism. $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16802-1 2014 240 pages / 6 illus. Sheng Yen Series in Chinese Buddhism
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The Body Incantatory
The Resurrected Skeleton
Spells and the Ritual Imagination in
From Zhuangzi to Lu Xun
Medieval Chinese Buddhism
Wilt L. Idema
Paul Copp "This book engages a wide range of new materials, primarily unstudied texts and new archaeological evidence. It advances some key discussions that have recently been occupying the field of the study of Chinese religions and is filled with some real gems of scholarship that will excite the reader and inspire reflection." — James Robson, Harvard University Paul Copp examines inscribed stones, urns, and other objects unearthed from anonymous tombs; spells carved into pillars near mountain temples; and manuscripts and prints from both tombs and the Dunhuang cache. Focusing on two major Buddhist spells, or dhāranī, and their embodiment of the incantatory logics of adornment and unction, he makes breakthrough claims about the significance of Buddhist incantation practice not only in medieval China but also in Central Asia and India.
"Wilt Idema’s translations trace the legend of an ancient Chinese philosopher’s encounter with a skeleton over two millennia of development, from its treatment in a great ancient philosophical text to the religious retellings that incorporated Daoism’s views on life, death, and social values.... Superior scholarly work." — Shuen-fu Lin, University of Michigan "Idema is the master translator of Chinese popular and religious culture. Here he offers the first English-language translations of enchanting texts, both famous and rare, around one classic story: Zhuangzi’s encounter with a skeleton. The anthology speaks both to universal concerns and to Chinese literature’s unique way of blending religion, philosophy, poetry, and farce." — Vincent Goossaert, coauthor of The Religious Question in Modern China $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16504-4 2014 344 pages / 7 illus
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16270-8
Translations from the Asian Classics
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Unearthing the Changes Recently Discovered Manuscripts of the
An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies
Yi Jing (I Ching) and Related Texts
Steve Coutinho
Edward L. Shaughnessy "In his skillful presentation of three groups of bamboo-strip manuscripts discovered in China since the 1970s, Shaughnessy gives new meaning and pleasure to reading one of the two oldest works of Chinese literature, the Classic of Changes. These manuscripts bring to life the significance of divination in early Chinese culture, while remaking our understanding of the ‘Changes.’"
"A rich, stimulating introduction to Daoist thought that is also an engaging entrée to Chinese philosophy more generally.... Countinho treats Daoism as a philosophical tradition to be taken seriously, subjecting Daoist ideas to friendly but searching criticism and constructively exploring possible Daoist responses. This book will inform and challenge students, the general reader, and even specialists in Chinese philosophy."
— Donald Harper, University of Chicago
— Chris Fraser, University of Hong Kong
"[Shaughnessy's] deeply researched text breaks new ground for the study of Chinese manuscripts and China’s methods of divination, with penetrating contributions to the scholarly handling of fragments, the recovery of lost literature, and the problems of textual criticism."
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-14339-4 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-14338-7 2013 248 pages
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The Complete Works of Zhuangzi Translated by Burton Watson Zhuangzi elucidates this mystical philosophy through humor, parable, and anecdote, deploying non sequitur and even nonsense to illuminate a truth beyond the boundaries of ordinary logic. Boldly imaginative and inventively worded, the Zhuangzi floats free of its historical period and society, addressing the spiritual nourishment of all people across time. One of the most justly celebrated texts of the Chinese tradition, the Zhuangzi is read by thousands of Englishlanguage scholars each year, yet only in the Wade-Giles romanization. Burton Watson’s pinyin romanization brings the text in line with how Chinese scholars, and an increasing number of other scholars, read it. $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16474-0 2013 368 pages / 2 illus.
Cloud of the Impossible Negative Theology and Planetary Entanglement Catherine Keller "Long intent on crafting ways of thinking theologically that resist common and oversimplified oppositions between divine and fleshy things, Catherine Keller leads us via ancient, medieval, and recent traditions of unsaying certainties into a rich understanding of divine entanglement as a basis for communal thriving and just democracy. This is a monumental contribution to Christian theology, especially regarding its foundational claims of divine embodiment and love." — Laurel C. Schneider, Vanderbilt University $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-17115-1 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-17114-4 December 2014 408 pages Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture
Translations from the Asian Classics
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Teresa, My Love
The Severed Head
An Imagined Life of the Saint of Avila
Capital Visions
Julia Kristeva
Julia Kristeva
"Julia Kristeva’s psychoanalytic investigation of love leads her to the extraordinary case of Teresa of Avila, and to the “inoperable” rapport of desire and the need to believe. Kristeva remains faithful to psychoanalysis and to non-belief while offering this thoroughly engaging “imagined life” of Saint Teresa. It is of the greatest pertinence in a world that seems to have revived the need to believe in aggressive forms." — Peter Brooks, Princeton University Mixing fiction, history, psychoanalysis, and personal fantasy, Teresa, My Love follows Sylvia Leclercq, a French psychoanalyst, academic, and incurable insomniac, as she falls for the sixteenth-century Saint Teresa of Avila and becomes consumed with charting her life. Traveling to Spain, Leclercq, Kristeva’s probing alterego, visits the sites and embodiments of the famous mystic and awakens to her own desire for faith, connection, and rebellion. $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-14960-0 2014 648 pages / 18 illus.
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Informed by a provocative exhibition at the Louvre curated by the author, The Severed Head unpacks artistic representations of severed heads from the Paleolithic period to the present. Surveying paintings, sculptures, and drawings, Julia Kristeva turns her famed critical eye to a study of the head as symbol and metaphor, as religious object and physical fact, further developing a critical theme in her work-the power of horror--and the potential for the face to provide an experience of the sacred. $22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15721-6 $36.00 / £25.00 cloth 978-0-231-15720-98 2011 176 pages / 18 illus. European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism
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Kant and the Meaning of Religion
Rawls and Religion
Terry F. Godlove
Edited by Tom Bailey and Valentina Gentile
Terry F. Godlove discovers in Immanuel Kant's theoretical philosophy resources that have much wider implications beyond Christianity and the philosophical issues that concern monotheism and its beliefs. For Godlove, Kant’s insights, when properly applied, can help rejuvenate our understanding of the general study of religion and its challenges. He therefore bypasses what is usually considered to be the “Kantian philosophy of religion” and instead focuses on more fundamental issues, such as Kant's account of concepts, experience, and reason and their significance in controversial matters. $30.00 paper 978-0-231-17033-8
"John Rawls’s liberal theory of justice is one of the most exciting and influential developments in political philosophy for over a century. Yet, the place of religion for his philosophy remains underexplored. Rawls and Religion is the best collection available and essential reading on this topic with groundbreaking essays by leading philosophers in this field." — Thom Brooks, Professor of Law and Government, Durham University $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16799-4 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16798-7 January 2015 328 pages
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Recovering Place Reflections on Stone Hill
Asian and Feminist Philosophies in Dialogue
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Liberating Traditions
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Edited by Jennifer McWeeny and Ashby Butnor "A serious yet creative examination of current feminist theories as they may be applied to or refined through Asian philosophical and religious perspectives. I know of no edited volume that considers such a wide range of Asian philosophies in a feminist light." — Erica Fox Brindley, Pennsylvania State University Hailing from the discipline of philosophy in addition to Asian, gender, and religious studies, the contributors offer a fresh take on the classic concerns of free will, consciousness, knowledge, objectivity, sexual difference, embodiment, selfhood, the state, morality, and hermeneutics. $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16625-6 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16624-9 2014 336 pages
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Encountering Religion
The Problem with God
Responsibility and Criticism After Secularism
Why Atheists, True Believers, and Even Agnostics Must All Be Wrong
Tyler Roberts "Tyler Roberts’s work is the single most consequential programmatic work on the study of religion in the past several decades. It takes seriously, and treats charitably, a range of thinkers from J. Z. Smith and Rowan Williams to Saba Mahmood and Stanley Cavell, learning from them while (and sometimes through) critiquing them. It also lucidly lays out an alternative vision of a truly humanistic form of the study of religion— one open to a response to religious themes, figures, and texts, not just permitting an explanation or critique of those objects....A tremendous accomplishment." — Charles Mathewes, University of Virginia $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-14752-1 2013 320 pages Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture
Peter J. Steinberger "A timely, spirited, and analytically rigorous meditation on a pressing contemporary concern: whether or not it is conceptually meaningful to predicate God’s existence. Lucidly written and brimming with helpful illustrations, it offers an indispensable perspective on the intellectual history of the present." — Richard Wolin, City University of New York Peter J. Steinberger’s commonsense account is by no means disheartening or upsetting, leaving readers without anything meaningful to hold on to. To the contrary, he demonstrates how impossible it is for the common world of ordinary experience to be all there is. With patience, clarity, and good humor, Steinberger helps readers think critically and constructively about various presuppositions and modes of being in the world. $29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-16354-5 2013 240 pages
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Being Human in a Buddhist World
Waking, Dreaming, Being
An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet
Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy
Janet Gyatso "An amazing book and a stellar contribution to Columbia University Press's growing catalog of Tibetan and Tibetan Buddhist studies, for it will be the key book on medicine and religion in Tibet for this generation. Like Gyatso's book on autobiography, her new book on medicine will simply be field defining. Little of this literature has received attention to date, and in fact much of it has only been available to a contemporary international scholarly audience for a decade or so." — Kurtis R. Schaeffer, The University of Virginia "A landmark in the study of South Asian medical traditions." — Daud Ali, University of Pennsylvania $45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-16496-2 february 2015 544 pages / 51 illus.
Evan Thompson Foreword by Stephen Batchelor
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Foundations of the Earth
Worlds Without End
Global Ecological Change and the Book
The Many Lives of the Multiverse
of Job
Mary-Jane Rubenstein
H. H. Shugart "In this engaging and illuminating primer on environmental science, world ecosystems scholar Shugart ... demonstrates that science knows a lot about the questions God asked Job, questions pertaining to the birth of the universe, the taming of wild beasts, the course of the stars and heavenly bodies... and more." — Library Journal (starred review) "H. H. Shugart provides valuable insights into the foundational ecological issues we are grappling with today, using the ‘whirlwind’ questions to illustrate his points and including Job’s message of ‘man in nature’ instead of ‘master of nature,’ a distinction that is particularly relevant in today’s world of climate change and species extinctions."
"Rubenstein's witty, thought-provoking history of philosophy and physics leaves one in awe of just how close Thomas Aquinas and American physicist Steven Weinberg are in spirit as they seek ultimate answers." — Publishers Weekly "Wonderful... A fun, mind-stretching read, clear and enlightening." — San Francisco Book Review $28.95 / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-15662-2 2014 360 pages / 12 illus.
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Choreographies of Shared Sacred Sites Religion, Politics, and Conflict Resolution Edited by Elazar Barkan and Karen Barkey “Understanding the complexity of shared sites is essential to grasping the ways in which multiple religions jointly inhabit this plural world. Choreographies of Shared Sacred Sites is a valuable and timely volume in a field critical to the present moment in history.” — Anna Bigelow, North Carolina State University “Sacred sites are ideally intimate possessions, inviolable and holy. Sharing them with other communities is like splitting an atom. This timely collection allows readers to examine the choreographies of theological politics and political theologies scripted in order to contain potential eruptions of violence. These highly readable case studies will fuel discussions of the post-Ottoman area for many years to come.”
Boundaries of Toleration Edited by Alfred Stepan and Charles Taylor “Alfred Stepan and Charles Taylor have played a leading role in getting us to rethink the meaning of political secularism, above all to undermine the simplistic notions that secularism means an absolute separation of ‘church and state,’ that this is essential to democracy, and that there is only one institutional template for achieving a secular polity. In this collection of essays, they have assembled a set of contributors who look at the varied ways in which quite different societies, past and present, Western and non-Western, have tried to achieve multireligious coexistence and the role of the state in that process. This is just the kind of historical and theoretical inquiry we need as we work through the challenge of crafting a suitably multiculturalized set of secularisms." — Tariq Modood, University of Bristol $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16567-9 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16566-2 2014 328 pages Religion, Culture, and Public Life
— Charles Stewart, University College
London $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16994-3 2014 440 pages / 14 illus. Religion, Culture, and Public Life
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The Power of Tolerance A Debate
Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference
Wendy Brown and Rainer Forst; Edited by
Edited by Linell E. Cady and Tracy Fessenden
Luca Di Blasi and Christoph F. E. Holzhey "As a practice and a concept, tolerance counts as a major historical discovery in struggles against domination. Yet by casting the tolerant as the figure of virtue, and the tolerated or intolerant as its other, political discourses of toleration often mask and sustain relations of domination. In this brilliant exchange between the two leading theorists of toleration in contemporary political theory, Wendy Brown and Rainer Forst trace the tangled embrace of power and toleration in all its intricacy. The clarity, grace and humor of the dialogue make for highly enjoyable reading, as accessible to students as it is illuminating for experts."
"Many feminists have hoped–and many fundamentalists have feared–that the decline of religion would lead inevitably to women’s liberation. This bold, thought-provoking book shows how, around the world, the gender politics of secularism are confounding the easy assumptions of progressives and conservatives alike." — Joseph Kip Kosek, George Washington University
2014 112 pages
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New Directions in Critical Theory
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$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16249-4 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16248-7 2013 344 pages Religion, Culture, and Public Life
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The Question of the Animal and Religion Theoretical Stakes, Practical Implications Aaron S. Gross "With this highly original and exciting book, Aaron Gross stands at the cutting edge of a radical reconsideration of the nature of religiosity and theological reflection." — Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College "Starting from the scandal evoked by the revelation of grossly cruel practices in kosher slaughterhouses in the United States, and the subsequent defense of these practices by leading figures in Orthodox Jewry, Aaron Gross proceeds to a wide-ranging exploration into the justification of slaughter in Abrahamic religion and into our willed blindness to the animal as a religious subject. His philosophical and theological inquiries are driven by well-justified ethical concern at what factory farming, buttressed by so-called animal science, tells about the age we live in." — J.M. Coetzee $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16751-2 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16750-5 2014 304 pages / 1 illus.
Interspecies Ethics Cynthia Willett "Distancing herself from the traditional anthropocentrism regarding other animals and the ethics that we apply, Cynthia Willett integrates recent scientific discoveries with a careful reading of philosophy and literary analysis. The result is a rich, enlightening book about the relation between us and our evolutionary fellow travelers." — Frans de Waal, author of The Bonobo and the Atheist $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16777-2 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16776-5 2014 232 pages 7 illus. Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science and Law
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Religion and Ecology Developing a Planetary Ethic
Animals and the Human Imagination
Whitney A. Bauman
A Companion to Animal Studies
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Edited by Aaron Gross and Anne Vallely “Intellectually exciting, smart, and accessible, this volume will intrigue and revolt, surprise and inspire. The opening overview by Gross is a tour de force and each essay fascinates. Collectively they offer an invitation to think in new ways about what we, perhaps wrongly, call our humanity. I can’t imagine a better introduction to the essential new field of critical animal studies.” — Jonathan Safran Foer $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15297-6 $89.50 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15296-9 2012 392 pages / 25 illus.
Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science and Law
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OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST Religion, Tradition, and the Popular Transcultural Views from Asia and Europe Edited by Judith Schlehe and Evamaria Sandkühler
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A rapid development of religious popular cultures and lifestyles can be observed across the globe. This book provides unique case studies from Asia and Europe illustrating new religious practices, forms of articulation and mass mediatization, all of which render religious traditions significant for contemporary issues and concerns. The essays examine experiences of spirituality in combination with commercialization and expressive performative practices as well as everyday politics of identity. Based on innovative theoretical reflections, the essays take into consideration what the transcultural negotiation of religion, tradition and the popular signifies in different places and social contexts. With contributions by Anthony Reid, Hubert Knoblauch, Ariel Heryanto, Stefanie von Schnurbein and others. $50.00 paper 978-3-8376-2613-1 2014 286 pages / 8 illus. Transcript-Verlag
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