Social Work 2016
New and Noteworthy Titles
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LETTER FROM THE SOCIAL WORK EDITOR: I am delighted to present the latest offerings in social work from Columbia University Press. A number of our newest books explore the complexities of family dynamics. Adult Sibling Relationships by Geoffrey L. Greif and Michael E. Woolley analyzes the powerful, yet rarely studied, role that siblings can play in our lives as we age. Rhonda M. Roorda vividly describes the benefits and challenges of transracial adoption in In Their Voices, as do Rowena Fong and Ruth McRoy in their comprehensive edited volume, Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions. Alexandra Butler, a young and highly gifted new writer (and recent MSW) offers a searing account of what it was like to care for her dying mother in Walking the Night Road. And in The Lioness in Winter, Ann Burack-Weiss offers a poetic and moving account of one social worker’s attempts to come to terms with her own experience of aging. I hope that these and all our wonderful new works are not only beneficial on a professional level, but also profoundly moving on a personal one. Jennifer Perillo, Senior Executive Editor jp3187@columbia. edu
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New & Forthcoming Titles.............................3 Generalist Practice........................................ 12 Child Welfare................................................. 16 Family Practice.............................................. 18 Mental Health............................................... 19 Social Work with Diverse Populations.........19 Social Policy.................................................. 23 Community Practice .................................... 25 Ethics............................................................26 Theory............................................................28 Social Work Research....................................29
Adult Sibling Relationships
Geoffrey L. Greif and Michael E. Woolley
Social Work and Criminal Justice.................30 Ordering Information....................................31 Manuscript queries and proposals can be sent to the Social Work editor, Jennifer Perillo at For a complete listing of Columbia’s titles or for more information about any book in this catalog, visit our web site: Most titles in this catalog published by Columbia University Press are available worldwide from the Press. If no UK price appears for a title, it is most likely available from Columbia only in the United States, its possessions, and Canada.
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"An exciting presentation of the authors' study of middle and late adulthood relationships. It debunks generalizations that lob siblings into a static category, such as birth order. The brothers and sisters in this study demonstrate that this significant relationship is not static. Covering frequently overlooked topics such as parental interference in adult siblings' lives, emergency health crises, and sibling cut-offs, as well as extensive case studies, this is an excellent resource book for clinicians and for brothers and sisters." —Karen Gail Lewis, coeditor, Siblings in Therapy With in-depth case studies of more than 260 siblings over the age of forty and interviews with experts on mental health and family interaction, this book offers vital direction for traversing the emotional terrain of adult sibling relations. It pursues a richer understanding of ambivalence, a normal though little explored feeling among siblings, and provides specific suggestions for realizing new, productive avenues of friendship in middle and later life—skills that are particularly important for siblings who must cooperate to care for aging parents or give immediate emotional or financial support to other siblings or family members. $30.00 / £20.00 paper 978-0-231-16517-4 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16516-7 2015 320 pages
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In Their Voices Black Americans on Transracial Adoption
Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions
Rhonda M. Roorda
Cultural Guidance for Professionals
"In the fourth installment of In Their Voices, Roorda delivers the missing voice of black and biracial non-adopted adults on the topic of race, family, identity and adoption. The transcribed interviews, laid bare without analysis, convey the keen insights of her participants as well as pieces of her own story." — Gina M. Samuels, University of Chicago Rhonda Roorda examines how social attitudes and federal policies concerning transracial adoption have changed over the last several decades. She also includes suggestions on how to revise transracial adoption policy to better reflect the needs of transracial adoptive families and advice for parents who are invested in nurturing a positive selfimage in their adopted children of color and the crucial perspectives those parents should consider when raising their children.
Edited by Rowena Fong and Ruth McRoy "This excellent book notes the increasing diversity in American families, many of which have been formed through transracial and/ or intercountry adoption. The book will be a valuable resource for mental health practitioners, medical doctors, teachers, child welfare workers, even adoptive parents." —Malinda Seymore, Texas A&M University, School of Law
$27.95 / £19.95 paper 978-0-231-17221-9
For social workers, child welfare workers, psychologists, physicians, teachers--any practitioner in need of an up-to-date, broadranging reference--this book addresses key developmental, cultural, health, and behavioral issues that can emerge during the transracial and international adoption process. It also provides recommendations for avoiding fraud and coercion and techniques for navigating domestic and foreign adoption laws.
$85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-17220-2
$35.00/ £24.00 paper 978-0-231-17255-4
2015 352 pages
$105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-17254-7 2016 400 pages / 11 illus.
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Un sIGhT sEEn GEn
anD Ra
cE T h R OUGh Bl
Ellyn KaschaK Spiritual Assessment in Social Work and Mental Health Practice
Sight Unseen
David R. Hodge
Ellyn Kaschak
"This text is a great synthesis of the author's many years of study and numerous articles researching the topic of spiritual assessment... An excellent textbook for both social work students and practitioners... Authoritative and practical." — Journal of Teaching in Social Work "A unique and indispensible resource for all helping professionals who are committed to holistic, strengths-oriented, ethical, and competent practice, regardless of their personal spiritual or religious beliefs. Evidence-based and scholarly, clearly written and trans-disciplinary, client-focused and practical." — David Sherwood, Editor-in-chief, Social Work & Christianity $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16396-5 2015 224 pages / 20 illus.
Gender and Race Through Blind Eyes
"A tour de force. Ellyn Kaschak gives readers fascinating portraits of the life worlds of blind people—people who experience the social world and themselves without recourse to the visual. How, she asks, do blind people conjure up race, gender, sexual orientation, desire, and desirability? Her answers continually upend commonsense. By showing us what and how the blind 'see,' Kaschak makes evident the filters and lenses that all of us see through." — Jeanne Marecek, Swarthmore College "From one of the most fertile and creative minds of our generation comes this original and innovative narrative of the social construction of race and gender among the blind and the sighted. The reader is first startled and then entrenched to learn the invisibility of assumptions about race and gender built right in to ordinary vision. It teaches us about privilege, compassion and our powerful search for belonging." — Judge Elizabeth Odio Benito, Former Vice President and Judge, International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-17290-5 2015 208 pages
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Critical Issues in Child Welfare
Adolescents in Public Housing
Second Edition
Addressing Psychological and Behavioral Health
Joan Foster Shireman "Joan Shireman's second edition is an excellent comprehensive resource on policies and practices impacting child welfare service delivery today, such as family preservation, permanency planning, child protective services decision making, open adoptions, transracial adoptions, kinship care, international adoptions, and service delivery to youth in transition and youth with disabilities. This book provides a unique contextual look at the intersection between systems (juvenile justice, mental health, and child welfare) and social issues (poverty, substance abuse, and violence in the community)." — Ruth McRoy, Boston College Graduate School of Social Work New material highlights the recent discoveries of the impact of early trauma and stress on children's development, and the modifications currently taking place in the child welfare system in response to this new information. $75.00 / $52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16078-0
Von E. Nebbitt "This book purposefully analyzes and incorporates community context to advance a strengths-based approach to intervention with troubled youth. The environmental systems on which it draws are extensive (family, community, and neighborhood), and their influence on both the positive and negative aspects of adolescent mental health are analyzed in depth." —Elizabeth Danto, professor of social work emeritus, Hunter College Adolescents in Public Housing incorporates data from multiple public-housing sites in large U.S. cities to shine much-needed light on African American youth living in nonHOPE VI public-housing neighborhoods. With findings grounded in research, the book gives practitioners and policy makers a solid grasp of the attitudes toward deviance, alcohol and drug abuse, and depressive symptoms characterizing these communities, and links them explicitly to gaps in policy and practice.
2015 368 pages
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14858-0
Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series
2015 256 pages / 17 illus.
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To Live and Work in a Social Welfare Home
The Lioness in Winter
Sociological Study of Interactions Between Personnel and Mentally Disabled Wards
Ann Burack-Weiss
Writing an Old Woman's Life
Jakub Niedbalski This book follows the treatment of a mentally disabled person from an institutional perspective, in which a unit is presented as an objectified subject of other people's actions. From the patient's perspective, this situation creates a feeling of isolation and personal dependence, and from the personnel's perspective, it illumniates how they respect the autonomy and self-determination of their charges. Niedbalski shows how to create, maintain, and reconstruct social order within a nursing home and achieve internal balance and stabilization within a care institution. $50.00 / £34.50 paper 978-83-233-3808-6 2015 300 pages Jagiellonian University Press
"Filled with warmth, wisdom, and knowledge, Burack-Weiss's work eloquently encourages dialogue and understanding about the inner and outer life of aging women." —Publisher's Weekly (Starred Review) When she started working with the aged more than forty years ago, Ann BurackWeiss began storing the knowledge and skills she thought would help when she got old herself. It was not until she hit her mid-seventies that she realized she had packed sneakers to climb Mount Everest, not anticipating the crevices and chasms that constitute the rocky terrain of old age. The professional gerontological and social work literature offered little help, so she turned to the late-life works of such beloved women authors as Maya Angelou, Colette, Simone de Beauvoir, Joan Didion, Marguerite Duras, M. F. K. Fisher, Doris Lessing, Mary Oliver, Adrienne Rich, May Sarton, and Florida Scott-Maxwell. This book is filled with powerful passages from women who turned their experiences of aging into art, and Burack-Weiss ties their words to her own struggles and epiphanies, framing their collective observations with key insights from social work practice. $30.00 / £20.00 cloth 978-0-231-15184-9 2015 208 pages
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Walking the Night Road
A Transition
A Coming of Age in Grief
Monika Renz Translated by Mark Kyburz and John Peck
"A bold, probing investigation into how analogies and metaphors provide fresh access to dying as the ultimate mystery of human potential. A skillful analysis of patient vignettes render palpable many ineffable and unconscious dynamics of patients' experiences as they move from conventional ego-based schema through personal, transformative, beautiful, and even painful transitions. This insightful work is a compass for reducing suffering among the dying and the living." —Bruce L. Arnold, University of Calgary Drawing on decades of work with terminally ill cancer patients and a trove of research on near-death experiences, Monika Renz encourages practitioners to not only safeguard patients' dignity as they die but also take stock of their verbal, nonverbal, and metaphorical cues as they progress, helping to personalize treatment and realize a more peaceful death.
Alexandra Butler "A detailed, beautifully written, insightful account of the process of dying and of living— it's difficult to put down. Butler is able to use her words to breathe life into the people she is writing about and provide the reader with an ability to enter their lives as observers who can nearly feel the sun, shudder in the cold, and hear the creak of the floors." —Jeanette Takamura, Dean, Columbia School of Social Work More than a memoir of dying and grief, Butler's account also tests many of the theories her parents pioneered in their work on healthy aging. Authors of such seminal works as Love and Sex After Sixty, Butler's parents were forced to rethink many of the tenets they lived by while Myrna was incapacitated, and Butler's father found himself relying heavily on his daughter to provide his wife's care. $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16753-6
$38.00 / £26.00 cloth 978-0-231-17088-8
$75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16752-9
2015 176 pages
2015 184 pages
End-of-Life Care: A Series
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Ageing and Technology Perspectives from the Social Sciences
Understanding Brain Aging and Dementia
Edited by Emma Domínguez-Rué
A Life Course Approach
and Linda Nierling
Lawrence J. Whalley
The booming increase of the senior population has become a social phenomenon and a challenge to our societies, and technological advances have undoubtedly contributed to improve the lives of elderly citizens in numerous aspects. Technology, however, has largely ignored the "human factor" and has often viewed the ageing individual as a malfunctioning machine whose deficiencies must be diagnosed—or as a set of limitations to be overcome by means of technological devices. This volume aims at focusing on the subjective needs and fears of human beings deriving from the development and use of technology: this change of perspective —taking the human being and not technology first—may help us to become more sensitive to the ambivalences involved in the interaction between humans and technology, as well as to adapt technologies to the people that created the need for its existence, thus contributing to improve the quality of life of senior citizens.
"In this towering, comprehensive, and beautifully written book, Whalley weaves together many intimately linked threads regarding the human brain across the life course: risk and resilience; disease and symptoms; the gene and the environment; nature's evolution and mankind's intervention. All of these are placed within the context of the achievable aim of 'prevention.' Framed in this way, one feels progress in dementia research is secured." —Craig W. Ritchie, University of Edinburgh "For millennia, scholars have disagreed about the physical and psychological changes that often accompany aging: Are they inevitable or avoidable? Whalley takes a wide-ranging and inclusive approach to this question and provides answers that bridge sociology, biology, and psychology." — Peter V. Rabins, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine $50.00 / £34.50 paper 978-0-231-16383-5
$40.00 paper 978-3-8376-2957-6
$150.00 / £103.50 cloth 978-0-231-16382-8
2015 250 pages
2015 440 pages / 50 illus.
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The Thirteenth Step
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
Addiction in the Age of Brain Science
Beyond Victims and Villains
Markus Heilig
Alexandra Lutnick
"Markus Heilig sums up what he has learned during his twenty years as a physician and researcher in the treatment of alcohol and other addictive disorders.... An informative and compassionate chronicle." — Kirkus Reviews "Heilig outlines the newest treatments that should be offered to every patient suffering from addiction. He shows that treatments today can be based on recent scientific knowledge about what is happening in the brains of alcoholics and describes new treatments based on current knowledge about the disease. Heilig, a world-class expert, has done a tremendous service for patients and their families by writing this book." — Charles P. O'Brien, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania $29.95 / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-17236-3 2015 320 pages
"The most comprehensive and sophisticated book on this topic on the market. Conventional depictions portray minors involved in prostitution monolithically and stereotypically, but Lutnick's book points to important complexities and variations at every stage—from entry to exit. Drawing on life-course theory, the book documents diversity in pathways into prostitution, in relations between minors and third parties, in work experiences, in access to needed services, and in state laws and enforcement patterns." —Ronald Weitzer, George Washington University Urging policymakers and practitioners to move beyond the simple framework of "rescuing" victims and "punishing" villains, this book calls for policies and programs that focus on the failure of social and cultural systems and respond better to the young people caught in this web. $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16921-9 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16920-2 2016 192 pages
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Sex Crimes
Mental Health in the War on Terror
Transnational Problems and Global Perspectives
Culture, Science, and Statecraft Neil Krishan Aggarwal
Edited by Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman "The editors successfully analyze the complexity of sex crimes beyond the emotive outrage that some, not other, sex crimes elicit in the public eye. Instead, they propose a transnational framework to look at such crimes, exploring legal approaches as well as policies of treatment, prevention, and support. The excellent and diverse presentation of case studies and contexts, from trafficking to war crimes, animal rights, and masculinity studies, helps highlight links between and disruptions in the way sex crimes are seen and dealt with in international and domestic law and policy." —Jelke Boesten, King's College London Introducing an array of tools for reducing the prevalence and consequences of sex crimes, leading scholars discuss topics ranging from sex trafficking and sex tourism to pornography, cyberstalking, and sexual abuse in the military and the Catholic church.
"The questions it poses are valuable, difficult, and without easy answers—for clinicians, military leaders, or even civilians, all of whom must live with a medical culture deeply marked by the war on terror." —Publishers Weekly "Should be required reading for psychiatrists and mental health professionals interested in the psychology of Islamist terrorism... It is an exemplar of the manner in which the lens of transcultural psychiatry can clarify our perspective." —Psychiatric Services "Aggarwal's argument is that science, religion, and moral experience are not just infiltrated with cultural meanings but come to create new cultural forms such as 'trauma,' forensic processes, and 'terrorism,' which in turn remake the world. An important achievement." —Arthur Kleinman, Harvard University $40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16664-5 2015 232 pages
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16949-3 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16948-6 2015 264 pages / 11 illus.
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Social Work Value-Guided Practice for a Global Society Cynthia Bisman "Bisman provides a truly twenty-first-century approach to social work practice by integrating ethical reasoning and the concept of global consciousness in the discussion of assessment, relationship, communication, and intervention. Students at all levels will appreciate her blending of theory and ethical principles with reflections and insights from practitioners." —Lynne M. Healy, University of Connecticut School of Social Work This innovative textbook reconfigures generalist social work practice for the twenty-first century. Incorporating historical, ethical, and global perspectives, the volume presents new conceptualizations, definitions, and explanations for social work practice and principles in the areas of assessment, relationships, communication, best practices, intervention, and differential use of self. $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-15982-1
Handbook of Social Work Practice with Vulnerable and Resilient Populations Third Editon Edited by Alex Gitterman "This thoughtfully updated and expanded third edition of Gitterman's popular handbook is firmly rooted in the most important ideas in social work: our biopsychosocial perspective on human challenges, our reliance on multiple theories and a risk and resilience framework, our appreciation of the sociopolitical context of what we do, and our growing insistence on having an evidenceinformed basis for our programs and interventions. Readers will not only be better equipped to understand and empathize with the profound and complex challenges that clients face but also to act competently and compassionately to help facilitate change." —Kia J. Bentley, Virginia Commonwealth UniversityGitt $95.00 / £65.50 cloth 978-0-231-16362-0 2014 616 pages / 7 illus.
2014 312 pages
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New Edition
Supervision in Social Work
The Social Work Interview
Fifth Edition
Fifth Edition
Alfred Kadushin and Daniel Harkness
Alfred Kadushin and Goldie Kadushin
“The continuation of a classic! As always, this book is a joy to read, replete with numerous case examples to illustrate the major principles.” — Cynthia D. Bisman, Bryn Mawr College This fifth edition takes into account the sizable number of articles and books published on supervision since 2002. Changes in public health and social welfare policy have intensified concern about the social work supervision of licensed practitioners. Tax and spending limitations at all levels of government, combined with the unfolding effects of welfare reform and managed health care, have increasingly emphasized the need for efficient and accountable administration of health and social services in the private and public sectors. Kadushin and Harkness address issues raised by these developments, including budgetary allocation and staff management, the problems of worker burnout and safety, and the changing demographics and growing diversity of the supervising workforce. $90.00 / £63.00 cloth : 978-0-231-15176-4 2014 432 pages / 6 illus.
"This book is timeless! The authors have updated and enriched their newest edition and have added perceptive insights on crosscultural interviewing and new problem-solving interventions. They provide a dynamic examination of the helping process and present ideas and illustrations with eloquence and clarity. This seminal book is a gift to the profession." — Alex Gitterman, University of Connecticut School of Social Work "This fifth edition updates content, examples, and supporting research for welldeveloped principles. Practical dialogues representing a range of social work practice are a particular strength. The book also emphasizes culturally competent practice and guides social workers in difficult situations such as sharing bad news." — Ronald Rooney, University of Minnesota $50.00 / £35.00 paper 978-0-231-13581-8 $130.00 / £91.00 cloth 978-0-231-13580-1 2013 432 pages
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Decision Cases for Advanced Social Work Practice
The Columbia Guide to Social Work Writing
Confronting Complexity
Edited by Warren Green and Barbara Levy Simon
Terry A. Wolfer, Lori D. Franklin, and Karen A. Gray "One of the great challenges in teaching social work practice is helping students move beyond tidy, textbook formulations to wrestle with the messiness of true practice. This book provides a range of honest, nuanced decision cases that can be used in classes to help students identify, articulate, and sort through the ethical, practice, and personal issues they will face in their careers. Each case focuses on a thematic area (e.g. client autonomy, supervisory conflict) with a depth and complexity that precludes easy answers. An immensely helpful tool for any educator seeking to sharpen students’ critical thinking and ability to ‘think like a social worker.’" —Anna Sheyett, University of South Carolina $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-15985-2
"A valuable acquisition....Highly recommended." — Choice "An essential reference work for students, faculty and social work practitioners at all levels. Encompassing social work as both a discipline and a profession, its chapters provide expert advice on writing clearly, cogently, soundly and effectively in academic, practice and advocacy settings. Clinical practice, administration, policy, specific fields of practice, and international work all present specific challenges in explication that are thoughtfully and creatively addressed. A critical resource for journal editors and reviewers as well, this volume is a new classic." —Jeane W. Anastas, New York University, President of NASW $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-14295-3 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-14294-6 2012 336 pages
$105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15984-5 2013 224 pages
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On Being and Having a Case Manager
Teaching in Social Work
A Relational Approach to Recovery in Mental Health
An Educators' Guide to Theory and Practice
Jeffrey Longhofer, Paul M. Kubek,
Jeane W. Anastas
and Jerry Floersch "This book is a 'must read'—not just for case
managers but for anyone who works in or relies on the mental health system....[It] uses the findings from research to provide well-grounded tips and guidance on how productive human relationships are developed and sustained." — Michael Hogan, Former Commissioner of the New York State Office of Mental Health $37.00 / £25.50 paper 978-0-231-13266-4
"Teaching in Social Work is truly original in the way Jeane W. Anastas brings together a range of ideas, draws from theory and empirical findings, and provides links to educational practice. Beyond a 'how to,' this book integrates educational theory and educational practice, offering a model for what educators are trying to do with students: help them integrate social work theory and social work practice." — Marion Bogo, University of Toronto $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-11525-4
$110.00 / £76.00 cloth 978-0-231-13265-7
$110.00 / £76.00 cloth 978-0-231-11524-7
2010 256 pages / 10 illus.
2010 320 pages / 16 illus.
Social Work Practice Concepts, Processes, and Interviewing Marion Bogo "Valuable to students on placement and fieldwork educators because of its rich content, integrative nature and practice relevance." — Social Work Review "An intuitively satisfying, easy-to-understand practice model." — Smith College Studies in Social Work $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-12547-5 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-12546-8 2006 368 pages
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for the 21st Century
A Handbook of Practices, Policies, and Programs, 2d Ed.
G E R A L D P. M A L L o n
Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare
Child Welfare for the Twenty-first Century
Marian S. Harris
A Handbook of Practices, Policies & Programs Second Edition
"A welcome edition to the literature on a topic of continued importance to the field of child welfare." —PsycCritiques "Harris has written a comprehensive and definitive book for academics, policymakers, practitioners, students, and caring citizens.... It uniquely presents the voices of parents, children, and professionals to humanize their experiences and illuminate the difficulties that must be overcome." —Ada Skyles, Associate Director, Chapin Hall Center for Children, University of Chicago $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-15047-7 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15046-0 2014 360 pages
Edited by Gerald P. Mallon and Peg McCartt Hess "Mallon and Hess offer an extraordinarily comprehensive account of child welfare practice, policy, and programming in this updated version of their 2005 classic.... Highly recommended." — Choice "A comprehensive handbook that contains crucial material for individuals and organizations seeking information on the most contemporary child welfare issues in the United States. It provides hands-on, practice-oriented material while staying connected to the most relevant, legislatively driven policy issues and the associated front-line realities faced by those intimately connected to the field of child welfare." — Lorraine R. Tempel, Hunter College School of Social Work $100.00 / £69.00 cloth 978-0-231-15180-1 2014 776 pages
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Children Living in Transition Helping Homeless and Foster Care
Addressing Racial Disproportionality and Disparities in Human Services
Children and Families
Multisystemic Approaches
Edited by Cheryl Zlotnick
Edited by Rowena Fong, Alan Dettlaff, Joyce James, and Carolyne Rodriguez
"A well-researched and valuable addition to the literature on homelessness." —PsycCritiques
"This is the most comprehensive book on the topic of racial disproportionality across both populations and systems." — Dorothy Roberts, University of Pennsylvania Law School
"An important contribution to the field of child welfare." —Journal of Children and Poverty "This unique volume highlights a major public health problem—the plight of vulnerable children in the foster care and homelessness systems. Within a social justice framework, Zlotnick and her co-authors give these children a voice to express the oppression, bias, racism and power differentials underlying their care. By viewing these children as members of transitional families, the book describes how to reduce treatment disparities and unify service systems. It’s a mustread that will change your views of how to best understand and care for these children." — Ellen L. Bassuk, founder, The National Center on Family Homelessness $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-16097-1 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16096-4 2014 264 pages / 4 illus.
Addressing Racial Disproportionality and Disparities in Human Services examines a wide range of systems that often affect and interact with child welfare. Chapters are devoted to the juvenile justice system, mental health, the courts, education, and healthcare, making it the only book to offer a multisystemic approach to disparities and disproportionality. Filled with in-depth case studies, key terms, study questions, and resources, and written to reflect CSWEmandated competencies, this expansive book gives students, educators, policymakers, practitioners, and administrators new knowledge for providing culturally competent services while simultaneously addressing disproportionality across various systems of care. $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16081-0 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16080-3 2014 432 pages
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Ramona W. Denby and Carla M. Curtis
Cultural Adaptation of Services
African American Children and Families in Child Welfare
Domestic Violence
Cultural Adaptation of Services
Intersectionality and Culturally Competent Practice
Ramona W. Denby and Carla M. Curtis
Edited by Lettie L. Lockhart and Fran S. Danis
"An extremely informative ‘how to’ book that provides a very comprehensive analysis of child welfare service delivery to African American children and families from historical, cultural, policy, research, and practice perspectives. Calling for the utilization of culturally adapted interventions, the authors convincingly provide the justification, challenges, and specific examples of this approach in successfully achieving the outcomes of safety, permanency, and well-being." — Ruth G. McRoy, The University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work "A brilliantly conceptualized and creatively executed cultural adaptation approach for serving the needs of African American families and children in the child welfare system." — Sadye L. M. Logan, University of South Carolina College of Social Work $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-13185-8 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-13184-1 2013 320 pages / 13 illus.
“An excellent book that addresses a serious social problem from a new and unique perspective. It is a book that should be in the professional libraries of all social workers." —Carol A. Heintzelman, University of Pennsylvania Experts working with twelve unique groups of domestic abuse survivors provide the latest research on their populations and use a case study approach to demonstrate culturally sensitive intervention strategies. Chapters focus on African Americans, Native Americans, Latinas, Asian and Pacific Island communities, persons with disabilities, immigrants and refugees, women in later life, LGBT survivors, and military families. They address domestic violence in rural environments and among teens, as well as the role of religion in shaping attitudes and behavior. $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-14027-0 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-14026-3 2010 456 pages / 21 illus. Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series
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COLOR Implications for Social Work Policy and Practice
Trauma Transformed
Baby Boomers of Color
An Empowerment Response
Implications for Social Work Policy and Practice
Edited by Marian Bussey and Judith Bula Wise "An excellent overview of various forms of trauma and trauma treatment covering a wide array of presenting problems and holistic interventions." — Social Work in Groups "There is a wealth of knowledge in these pages.... The use of personal narratives by practitioners who have worked in various aspects of trauma therapy—with children, with disaster victims, with war veterans—is an extremely effective style of presentation. The situations of relationship, refugee, combat, historical-cultural, and collective trauma are all covered." —Katherine van Wormer, author of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Micro Level $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-13833-8 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-13832-1 2007 352 pages / 16 illus. Empowering the Powerless: A Social Work Series
Melvin Delgado "[This book] is an important exposure of the impending ethical and practice issues confronted by gerontologists who must now make concerted efforts to train and support social workers who reflect the racial and ethnic composition of baby boomers of color." — Heung Bong Cha, President of the IAGG Because researchers often treat baby boomers of color as belonging to one group, quality data on the individual status of specific racial populations is lacking, leading to insufficiently designed programs, policies, and services. Using specific data, Melvin Delgado grounds an understanding of boomers’ financial, medical, and emotional needs within a historical, socioeconomic, cultural, and political context, resulting in tailored recommendations for meeting the challenges of African American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Native American older adults. $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16301-9 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16300-2 2014 296 pages
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URBAn OBESITY CRISIS Implications for Social Work
M E LV I n d E LG A d O
Social Justice and the Urban Obesity Crisis
Transgender 101
Implications for Social Work
Nicholas M. Teich
Melvin Delgado "A valuable primer for students, scholars, and practitioners new to the field of obesity. The book offers examples of innovation and cites resources that will benefit even seasoned obesity experts." — Journal of Children and Poverty "Melvin Delgado effectively presents associated statistics and concepts that assist in analyzing the complexity of the problem and identify directions for addressing this epidemic. The shift to social, economic, and political actors to explain this phenomenon is direly needed in social work education." — Betty Garcia, California State University, Fresno $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-16009-4
A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue "A fascinating read... effectively raising questions and prompting discussions about assumptions we've always taken for granted." — Library Book List "Highly recommended reading as a userfriendly introduction." — Youth Today "Like any emerging concept, the terms transgender and transgenderism have sometimes led to confusion and are subject to a myriad of interpretations. Nicholas M. Teich has written an insightful book that brings clarity and understanding to this subject. The information he transmits will be helpful to those experienced with the transgender population as well as those new to the concept." — Bonnie R. Strickland, fomer president of the American Psychological Association
$105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16008-7
$20.00 / £14.00 paper 978-0-231-15713-1
2013 288 pages
$65.00 / £45.00 cloth 978-0-231-15712-4 2012 160 pages / 17 illus.
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The Lives of Transgender People
Falling Through the Cracks
Genny Beemyn and Susan Rankin
Psychodynamic Practice with Vulnerable and Oppressed Populations
"With their substantial empirical study, Genny Beemyn and Susan Rankin have accomplished what no other research has managed to do: through numerical analysis and narrative, they have represented the diversity of transgender people, explored in depth the range of experiences of these communities, and described the challenges many of us face.... An invaluable reference for researchers, activists, and policymakers." —Paisley Currah, Brooklyn College, City University of New York "An excellent resource for those wishing to know more about transgender experiences, as well as those endeavoring to highlight the challenges these communities continue to face in everyday life." —GLAAD Blog $30.00/ £20.50 paper 978-0-231-14307-3 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-14306-6 2011 248 pages / 30 illus.
Edited by Joan Berzoff "A rich, validating, and educative resource. It offers readers a comprehensive and holistic understanding of complex human challenges." —Journal of Teaching in Social Work "This exceptional work successfully questions the commonly held notion that psychodynamic theory and treatment is outdated, intended for the worried well, and not appropriate for ethnically diverse, indigent clients. Joan Berzoff and her contributors share a deep conviction in the efficacy of the contemporary psychodynamic approach, and each provides a detailed description of the engagement and treatment process, complete with candid countertransference reactions readers can readily identify." — Carol Tosone, New York University Silver School of Social Work and editor in chief, Clinical Social Work Journal $65.00 / £45.00 cloth 978-0-231-15108-5 2011 448 pages
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Coming Out, Coming Home Helping Families Adjust to a Gay or Lesbian Child Michael C. LaSala "An informative and accessible book that contains myriad insights into the many obstacles, both internal and external, that families face as gay and lesbian children reach out for acceptance and support." —Journal of Homosexuality "Essential reading for anyone involved in a counseling position and even parents who are having difficulties with helping their children to come out." — Out in Perth $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-14383-7 $85.00 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-14382-0 2010 304 pages
The Myth of the Missing Black Father Edited by Roberta L. Coles and Charles Green This volume captures the meaning and practice of black fatherhood in its many manifestations, exploring two-parent families, cohabitation, single custodial fathering, stepfathering, noncustodial visitation, and parenting by extended family members and friends. Contributors examine ways that black men perceive and decipher their parenting responsibilities, paying careful attention to psychosocial, economic, and political factors that affect the ability to parent. Chapters compare the diversity of African American fatherhood with negative portrayals in politics, academia, and literature and, through qualitative analysis and original profiles, illustrate the struggle and intent of many black fathers to be responsible caregivers. $32.00 / £22.00 paper 978-0-231-14353-0 $95.00 / £65.50 cloth 978-0-231-14352-3 2009 400 pages / 26 illus.
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Losing Tim
New Strategies for Social Innovation
How Our Health and Education Systems Failed My Son with Schizophrenia
Market-Based Approaches for Assisting the Poor
Paul Gionfriddo
Steven G. Anderson
"A memoir that makes a strong argument: the public policy around mental illness is in shambles.... Gionfriddo's story is powerful, persuasive, and sad." —Publishers Weekly "Combining the perspectives of a loving father and a mental health policy expert, Gionfriddo describes the unintended results of a mental health system for children that places responsibility for responding to mental disorders on those afflicted by them. He makes an incontrovertible case for restructuring public policies and child mental health services to build upon the child and family and its strengths and needs as the foundation for continuous, respectful, flexible, and adaptive systems response." — Charles Bruner, executive director, Child and Family Policy Center $24.95 / £16.95 cloth 978-0-231-16828-1 2014 264 pages
"This groundbreaking book analyzes the most recent trends in market-oriented approaches to social development. Through a rigorous assessment of corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, private sustainable development, and fair trade, Steven G. Anderson delivers a sound understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches." — Neil Gilbert, University of California, Berkeley "Anderson has done a masterful job in pulling together the fragmented literature on social innovation....Not only does he offer a set of clear-headed recommendations for harvesting thoughtful interventions but he is respectful toward all sides of the ongoing debate about what does and does not merit consideration as social innovation." — Paul C. Light, New York University $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-15923-4 $110.00 / £76.00 cloth 978-0-231-15922-7 2014 344 pages
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The Assault on Social Policy
Confronting Injustice and Oppression
Second Edition
Concepts and Strategies for Social Workers
William Roth and Susan J. Peters
David G. Gil
"The Assault on Social Policy is even more relevant today, in its second edition....In the first edition, William Roth investigated poverty, welfare, health, the social security system, and disability in children. I was impressed then, and I am impressed now by his analysis of economic politics, the role of corporations in shaping public life, the media, and the globalization of our economic policies....[Roth and Susan J. Peters] have written an impressive book that should be read by all members of Congress and anyone who is concerned with the wellbeing of our basic democratic institutions." — Bernard Sanders, Independent United States Senator, Vermont $32.00 / £22.00 paper 978-0-231-16007-0 $95.00 / £65.50 cloth 978-0-231-16006-3 2014 264 pages
Updated with a new preface
"An excellent theoretical framework for implementing policies and strategies to overcome the degrading conditions of injustice and oppression." — Readings: A Journal of Reviews and Commentary in Mental Health Clarifying the meaning, sources, and dynamics of injustice, exploitation, and oppression and certifying the place of the social worker in combating these conditions, Gil promotes social-change strategies rooted in the nonviolent philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. He shares suggestions for transition policies intended to alleviate poverty, unemployment, and discrimination and examines modes of radical social work practice compatible with the UN “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and President Roosevelt’s “Economic Bill of Rights.” In addition, Gil explores the ramifications of the Middle East’s “Arab Spring” and the Occupy Wall Street movement. $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-16399-6 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-16398-9 2013 192 pages Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series
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STEVEN D. SoifEr , JoSEph B. McNEEly,
Social Work and Human Rights,
Community Economic Development in Social Work
A Foundation for Policy and Practice Second Edition
Steven D. Soifer, Joseph B. McNeely, Cathy
Elisabeth Reichert
Costa, and Nancy Pickering-Bernheim
Praise for the first edition: “A human rights compass—a preliminary guide for the translation of human rights for social workers.” —European Journal of Social Work Social Work and Human Rights has become a standard text highlighting the role of social work in protecting the rights of vulnerable populations. New material covers international events, such as the United Nations' Millennium Declaration (2000) and its effort to reduce the poverty and suffering of billions worldwide. The volume now emphasizes cultural rights and includes a probing lesson in cultural relativism. It turns a critical eye toward the failure in the United States to address social welfare issues and its reluctance to rectify policies favoring one group over another. $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-14993-8 $110.00 / £76.00 cloth 978-0-231-14992-1 2011 280 pages
"As inequality has grown, economic development aimed at specific, low income neighborhoods is even more important than when the field first developed in the 1960s. This book provides a very comprehensive introduction to the varieties of economic development strategies, quite specific guidance on how to implement them, and good case studies to see this all in context." —Wim Wiewel, President, Portland State University "An important book that fills a gap in community development literature, demonstrating the juxtaposition of community development theories and practice in social work. More important, it traces our history in community development from its origins in civil rights, women's rights, labor organizing, and civic boosterism to community building, where we are today." —Diane Lupke, president, Diane Lupke and Associates $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-13395-1 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-13394-4 2014 584 pages/ 11 illus. Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series
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Community Practice Skills
Risk Management in Social Work
Local to Global Perspectives
Preventing Professional Malpractice, Liability, and Disciplinary Action
Dorothy N. Gamble and Marie Weil "The interrelationship between the processes of community practice and the value base of social justice, human rights, and social, economic, and environmental well-being makes this a valuable book for community practice workers." —Terry Mizrahi, Hunter College School of Social Work $50.00 / £34.50 paper 978-0-231-11003-7 $150.00 / £103.50 cloth 978-0-231-11002-0 2009 496 pages / 21 illus.
Community Practice Skills Workbook Local to Global Perspectives Dorothy N. Gamble, Marie Weil, and Emily MacGuire Designed to accompany the comprehensive and exceptional Community Practice Skills: Local to Global Perspectives, this workbook enhances the discussion of skills and competencies for community practice. Featuring direct exercises, project ideas, and role plays, it contains a range of activities that focus on a host of practice and theory issues designed for use in class groups, field settings, and career practice.
Frederic G. Reamer "Frederic G. Reamer's work is a significant contribution to the field. Containing vital details on changing ethical issues and laws related to cybertherapy, social networking, social media, and healthcare ethics, this book is a must-have for practitioners and managers and is perfect for advanced classes in both clinical and administrative social work education." —Deborah Borman, Northwestern University School of Law Reflecting on recent legal cases and research, Reamer identifies a variety of problems in the social work field relating to privacy and confidentiality, improper treatment and delivery of services, impaired practitioners, supervision, consultations and referrals, fraud and deception, and termination of service. He also explores the unprecedented ethical challenges created by new digital technologies— such as online counseling, video counseling, and practitioners' use of social networks and social media. $40.00 / $27.50 paper 978-0-231-16783-3 $120.00 / $83.00 cloth 978-0-231-16782-6 2014 384 pages
$24.00 / £16.50 paper 978-0-231-15133-7 2009 152 pages / 5 illus.
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Social Work Values and Ethics Fourth Edition
Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in the Human Services
Frederic G. Reamer
Frederic G. Reamer
"With dozens of case vignettes and exact scholarship, this volume is required reading for students and seasoned professionals." —Dominic Sisti, University of Pennsylvania
"A vital reference source for contemporary practice." — Canadian Association of Social Workers Bulletin (on the third edition) This new edition incorporates the legal and technological realities now facing individuals in the field, featuring a discussion of the ethical issues that arise from practitioner use of online services and social networking sites, as well as an overview of ethical standards that protect confidential information transmitted electronically.
Praise for the first edition: “This book makes a unique contribution to the literature on professional values and ethics. The review of concepts, the typologies of boundary issues and examples, and the importance of practitioner alertness, reflection, and consultation will all lead to higherquality decision making under uncertainty.” —International Social Work “An essential reader for human service practitioners and students engaged in clinical practice.” —Social Work Education $36.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-15701-8 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15700-1 2012 264 pages
$40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-16189-3 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-16188-6 2013 352 pages Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series
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N a r rat i N g Social Work t h ro u g h au to e t h No g ra p h y
e dit ed by
Stanley l Witkin
Narrating Social Work Through Autoethnography Choice Outstanding Academic Title Edited by Stanley L Witkin "Not only does this book have a set of fascinating well-referenced stories that show life as social and the social as central to life, it is also a unique, emotive, social work text which... is so engaging as to be hard to ignore." —Journal of Social Work This collection illustrates the value of autoethnography as an inquiry approach for social work practice. Covering such topics as international adoption, cross-dressing, divorce, cultural competence, life-threatening illness, and transformative change, contributors showcase the ambiguities, doubts, contradictions, insights, tensions, and epiphanies that accompany their experiences. $40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-15881-7 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-15880-0 2014 384 pages
Social Construction and Social Work Practice Interpretations and Innovations Edited by Stanley Witkin "Written in a style which is both scholarly and accessible, both professional and personal, it should be of value to students, practicioners, and educators." —Families in Society "A work to be celebrated—an exciting feast of challenging, passionate, and informative contributions to social work practice. Here we move away from the traditional regimentation of relationship—along with its categories, testing, and measurements—to working pragmatically and resourcefully with clients in context. These offerings illuminate and expand upon the rich potentials of a constructionist orientation to relating effectively with challenges to change." — Kenneth J. Gergen, president, The Taos Institute $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-15246-4 2011 368 pages / 7 illus.
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Allan Kellehear • • • • • • • • •
The Inner Life of the Dying Person
Qualitative Research in Social Work
The Inner Life of the Dying Person
Second Edition
Allan Kellehear
Edited by Anne F. Fortune, William J. Reid, and Robert L. Miller "This edition continues with an emphasis on qualitative program evaluation and ends with some exemplary studies in strong practice domains in our field." — Deborah Gioia, University of Maryland, School of Social Work
Praise for the first edition: “A landmark book in the important debate about the direction social work research should take in the future. A balanced, fair, and scholarly but very readable analysis of the strengths and limitations of quantitative versus qualitative approaches.” —Katherine M. Wood, Rutgers University $65.00 / £45.00 paper 978-0-231-16139-8 $150.00 / £103.50 cloth 978-0-231-16138-1 2013 624 pages / 4 illus.
"I hope this innovative, thought-provoking, and at times brilliant work of public sociology will be read not only be end-of-life care professionals...but by anyone curious about what their own end, and the ends of those they love, might be like." —Sociology of Health and Illness "Rather than focusing on institutional dying, Kellehear draws from the personal accounts of people who are dying from illnesses such as cancer and dementia, as well those facing execution in prison, contemplating suicide, or suffering from the aftereffects of an accident. His project also takes him into the world of literature, poetry, autobiography, and internet blogs, where he sympathetically reviews people’s experiences of suffering, fear, courage, sadness, anger, hope, love, reminiscence, aloneness, and transformation. This is an exceptional text that sensitively draws the reader into the inner lives of dying people. It is not only groundbreaking but heartfelt and, perhaps strange to say, incredibly uplifting. I would like to have this book beside me as I near my own end of life." —Glennys Howarth, Plymouth University $35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16785-7 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16784-0 2014 288 pages End of Life Care: A Series
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D O N A J. R E E S E
Hospice Social Work Dona J. Reese "Social work educators, clinicians and researchers would be well served utilizing this comprehensive text. Dr. Reese’s book provides a historical perspective for new hospice social workers but also offers substantial content for the seasoned team social worker. The chapter on self care should be required reading for all hospice/palliative social workers." — Sherri Weisenfluh, LCSW ACHP-SW $46.00 / £31.50 paper 978-0-231-13435-4 $125.00 / £86.50 cloth 978-0-231-13434-7 2013 360 pages End of Life Care: A Series
Survivors of Slavery Modern-Day Slave Narratives Laura T. Murphy "An 'open condemnation' of modern slavery that builds powerfully by testimony." — Kirkus "As awareness of modern slavery explodes, the least heard but most important voices we need to hear belong to slavery survivors. It is a simple fact that if you have always lived in freedom the lived truth of slavery is unimaginable. For the slaves and ex-slaves this creates a deep gap, a sense that they will never be understood. Laura T. Murphy's superlative Survivors of Slavery bridges that gap and opens the door to understanding and healing. There are plenty of books to read if you want to understand modern slavery in your head, but if you want to understand the truth of slavery in your heart, read this book." —Kevin Bales, cofounder of Free the Slaves $32.00 / £22.00 paper 978-0-231-16423-8 $95.00 / £65.50 cloth 978-0-231-16422-1 2014 344 pages
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