The Watchdog That Didn’t Bark The Financial Crisis and the Disappearance of Investigative Journalism Dean Starkman How m ainstr eam bu s i n e ss n e ws fa i le d i ts re ad er s and wh at i t m e a n s fo r t h e fu t u r e of th e p r of ess ion .
In this sweeping, incisive study, Dean Starkman exposes the critical shortcomings that softened coverage during the mortgage era and the years leading up to the financial collapse of 2008. Dividing journalism into two competing approaches—access reporting and accountability reporting—he connects the financial collapse to what happens when the former overwhelms the latter and reporters lose sight of their public role. Starkman travels back to the early twentieth century and juxtaposes the work of reporters against other forms of journalism, particularly muckraking. These two genres merged when mainstream American news organizations institutionalized muckraking in the 1960s and created a powerful watchdog for the public interest. For many reasons, access journalism came to dominate business reporting in the 1990s, a process Starkman calls “CNBCization,” and rather than examine risky, even frankly corrupt corporate behavior, mainstream reporters focused instead on profiling executives and informing investors. This is why mostly outside reporters picked up on the brewing mortgage crisis while insiders failed to connect the dots. Starkman concludes with a critique of digital-news ideology and corporate influence, which threatens to further undermine investigative reporting, and shows how financial coverage, and journalism as a whole, can reclaim its bite. Dean Starkman
“The Watchdog That Didn’t Bark, given its in-depth analysis across the landscape and Dean Starkman’s keen understanding of the business of journalism, will stand as a potentially enduring case study of what went wrong and why.” —Alec Klein, Northwestern University, director of The Medill Justice Project and award-winning investigative reporter formerly with the Washington Post
is editor of the Columbia Journalism Review’s
business section, “The Audit,” and is the magazine’s Kingsford Capital Fellow. A former reporter for the Wall Street Journal and other newspapers, he was part of an investigative team that won a Pulitzer Prize for the Providence Journal.
$24.95t / £16.95 cloth 978-0-231-15818-3 $23.99 / £16.50 ebook 978-0-231-53628-8 J a n u a r y 288 pages C u r r e nt E v e nt s / J o u r na l i s m / B u s i n e s s Co lumb i a J o u r na l i s m R e v i e w B o o k s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 1
A Little Gay History
Desire and Diversity Across the World R. B. Parkinson P r ovi n g t he hi sto ry o f huma n desi re i s a n yt hi n g bu t a st ra i ght fo rwa rd a ffa i r.
When was the first chat line between men established? Who was the first “lesbian”? Were ancient Greek men who had sex with each other necessarily “gay,” and what did Shakespeare think about crossdressing?
“A Little Gay History succeeds in a whirlwind tour of the history of representation of same-sex desire through a wide-ranging series of snapshots of art and literature, from ancient Persia and the Roman Empire to medieval Europe and modern-day Britain. It is both entertaining and enlightening.”
A Little Gay History answers these questions and more through close readings of art objects from the British Museum’s far-ranging collection. Consulting ancient Egyptian papyri, the Roman Warren Cup’s erotic figures, David Hockney’s vivid prints, and dozens of other artifacts, R. B. Parkinson draws attention to a diverse range of same-sex experiences and situates them within specific historical and cultural contexts. The first of its kind, A Little Gay History builds a complex and creative portrait of love’s many guises.
“This is a very attractive book—felicitously written with
—Michael Bronski,
an impeccable and subtle understanding of the history
Harvard University, author of
and a clear eye for the artworks. There is much that
A Queer History of the United States
is new and original here, and even the well-known ‘suspects’ are discussed with insight, thoughtfulness, and wit.” —Robert Aldrich, University of Sydney, author of Gay Life Stories
© s i m o n d av i s 2 0 0 7
R. B. Parkinson ,
a curator of ancient Egyptian
culture at the British Museum, is internationally recognized as a specialist in ancient Egyptian poetry. His other publications include Voices from Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Middle Kingdom Writings; The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems, 1940–1640 B.C.; and Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt: A Dark
$19.95t paper 978-0-231-16663-8 S e p t e m b e r 128 pages / 80 color illustrations / 5.5” x 7” H i s to r y / A r t H i s to r y / G ay an d L e s b i an Stu d i e s
English-language Rights in the United States and Canada: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: The British Museum Company Limited
2 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Side to Perfection.
Thai Stick
Surfers, Scammers, and the Untold Story of the Marijuana Trade Peter Maguire and Mike Ritter With a Foreword by David Farber Th e m en and wom e n w h o t u r n e d Tha i pot i nto th e wor l d ’s most po pu la r h i g h .
Thailand’s capital, Krungtep, known as Bangkok to Westerners and “the City of Angels” to Thais, has been home to smugglers and adventurers since the late eighteenth century. During the 1970s, it became a modern Casablanca to a new generation of treasure seekers: from surfers looking to finance their endless summers to wide-eyed hippie true believers and lethal marauders leftover from the Vietnam War. Moving a shipment of Thai sticks from northeast Thailand farms to American consumers meant navigating one of the most complex smuggling channels in the history of the drug trade. Peter Maguire and Mike Ritter are the first historians to document this underground industry, the only record of its existence rooted in the fading memories of its elusive participants. Conducting hundreds of interviews with smugglers and law enforcement agents, the authors recount the buy, the delivery, the voyage home, and the product offload. They capture the eccentric personalities who transformed the Thai marijuana trade from a GI cottage industry into one of the world’s most lucrative commodities, unraveling a rare history from the smugglers’ perspective. Peter Maguire
“Thai Stick is a remarkable story, rich in untold details about a vastly lucrative yet little known trade.” —Anne McClintock, University of Wisconsin–Madison
“An extraordinary work, being at once a participatory anthropology, a detached sociology, a cultural history, a remarkable example of oral history, a series of smuggling stories, and many other things to boot.” —Anders Stephanson, Columbia University
is the author of Law and War and Facing Death in
Cambodia. He is a historian and former war-crimes investigator whose writings have been published in the International Herald Tribune, New York Times, The Independent, Newsday, and Boston Globe. He has taught law and war theory at Columbia University and Bard College. Mike Ritter
dropped out of the University of California at Santa Cruz
in 1967 and set off on the Hippie Trail to Afghanistan and India, where he began smuggling hash and marijuana in 1968 and continued for eighteen years. He recently graduated from the University of Hawaii with an undergraduate degree in astronomy and physics.
$27.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16134-3 $26.99 / £18.50 ebook 978-0-231-53556-4 N o v e m b e r 288 pages / 29 b&w illustrations and
7 maps H i s to r y
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 3
Anticipating a Nuclear Iran Challenges for U.S. Security Jacquelyn K. Davis and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr. t h e st rat egi c a n d p o li t i ca l i mp li cat i o n s o f a n a lrea dy- n uclea r ro gue p ower.
This volume assumes the worst: a defensive, aggressive Iran already possesses a nuclear arsenal. How should the United States handle this threat, and can it deter the use of such weapons? Through three scenario models, this study explores the political, strategic, and operational challenges facing the United States in a post–Cold War world.
The authors concentrate on the type of nuclear capability Iran might develop; the conditions under which Iran might resort to threatened or actual weapons use; the extent to which Iran’s military strategy and declaratory policy might embolden Iran and its proxies to pursue more aggressive policies in the region and vis-à-vis the United States; and Iran’s ability to transfer nuclear materials to others within and outside the region, possibly sparking a nuclear cascade. Drawing on recent post–Cold War deterrence theory, the authors consider Iran’s nuclear ambitions as they relate to its foreign policy objectives, domestic politics, and role in the Islamic world, and they suggest specific approaches to improve U.S. defense and deterrence planning.
“Jaquelyn K. Davis and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr. have chosen to tackle a subject few others have: Iran actually succeeding in its quest to get ‘the bomb’ and how it might behave as a result. Their assessment is invaluable to U.S. policy makers who are forced, by necessity, to think about the ‘day after’ Iran goes nuclear and what that might mean for U.S. policy.” —Ilan Berman, vice president, American
Jacquelyn K. Davis
Foreign Policy Council
is executive vice president
© guy nofsinger
of the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc.
Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr.
is president of the
Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc., which he cofounded in 1976, and the Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of International Security Studies at the Fletcher School, Tufts University. $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16622-5 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53594-6 D e c e m b e r 272 pages / 3 charts S e cu r i t y Stu d i e s / C u r r e nt A f fa i r s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
4 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Nuclear Nightmares
Securing the World Before It Is Too Late Joseph Cirincione the p ol ic ies , p ol it i c s , a n d pe r i ls o f the s e ter r ib l e we a po n s a n d H ow w e c a n li ve saf ely am ong t h e m .
There is a high risk that someone will use, by accident or design, one or more of the 17,000 nuclear weapons in the world today. Many thought such threats ended with the Cold War or that current policies can prevent or contain nuclear disaster. They are dead wrong—these weapons, possessed by states large and small, stable and unstable, remain an ongoing nightmare. Joseph Cirincione surveys the best thinking and worst fears of experts specializing in nuclear warfare and assesses the efforts to reduce or eliminate these nuclear dangers. His book offers hope: in the 1960s, twenty-three states had nuclear weapons and research programs; today, only ten states have weapons or are seeking them. More countries have abandoned nuclear weapon programs than have developed them, and global arsenals are just onequarter of what they were during the Cold War. Yet can these trends continue, or are we on the brink of a new arms race—or worse, nuclear war? A former member of President Obama’s nuclear policy team, Cirincione helped shape the policies unveiled in Prague in 2009, and, as president of an organization intent on reducing nuclear threats, he operates at the center of debates on nuclear terrorism, new nuclear nations, and the risks of existing arsenals. Joseph Cirincione
“Joseph Cirincione lucidly provides a greater understanding of the threats still posed by the 17,000 nuclear weapons in the world and the risk of their use, and he analyzes the efforts to reduce and eliminate these threats. He also provides an original contribution in his analysis of the debate surrounding the nuclear policy of the Obama administration.” —Lawrence Korb, Center for American Progress
is president of Plough-
shares Fund, a global security foundation, and the © w e b e r sh i h
author of Bomb Scare: The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons and Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Threats. He serves on the secretary of state’s International Security Advisory Board and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. $26.95t / £18.95 cloth 978-0-231-16404-7 $25.99 / £18.00 ebook 978-0-231-53576-2 N o v e m b e r 256 pages S e cu r i t y Stu d i e s / C u r r e nt A f fa i r s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 5
The Best American Magazine Writing 2013
The American Society of Magazine Editors Edited by Sid Holt for the American Society of Magazine Editors With an introduction by James Bennet, editor in chief of The Atlantic O u r p o p ula r a n t ho lo gy o f t he yea r’ s b est i n m aga z i n e wri t i n g p roves t he co n t i n ui n g v i ta li t y o f t he cra ft.
Additional nominees include: “The Blind Faith of the One-Eyed Matador,” by Karen Russell (GQ) “School of Hate,” by Sabrina Rubin Erdely (Rolling Stone) “The Throwaways,” by Sarah Stillman (New Yorker) “Why Do They Hate Us?” by Mona Eltahawy (Foreign Policy) “A Life Worth Ending,” by Michael Wolff (New York) “Blasphemy Is Good for You,” by Katha Pollitt (The Nation) “The $200,000 Nanny Club,” by Adam Davidson (New York Times Magazine) “Where Is the Liberal Outrage?” by Dalia Lithwick (Slate) “Over the Wall,” by Roger Angell (New Yorker) “State of the Species,” by Charles C. Mann (Orion)
A perennial hit, our Best American Magazine Writing chooses from the nominees and winners of the coveted National Magazine Awards in the categories of public interest reporting, features, criticism, commentary, and fiction.
This year’s selections include Iraqi War veteran Brian Mockenhaupt (Byliner) on modern combat in Afghanistan and its ability to both forge and challenge friendships; Mac McClelland (GQ) on her nightmarish stint picking and packing at an online shipping warehouse; Daniel Alarcón (Harper’s) on the strange social and political dynamics of Peru’s most infamous prison; Melissa del BosqueMarch (Texas Observer) on the secret dealings of Mexico’s deadliest smuggling corridor; Ta-Nehisi Coates (The Atlantic) on the complex racial terrain traversed by African American politicians; and Frank Rich (New York) on the late Nora Ephron and her invaluable contribution to American culture. The American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME)
the principal organization for magazine journalists in the United States. ASME sponsors the National Magazine Awards in association with the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Sid Holt
is chief executive of the American Society of Magazine
Editors and the former editor in chief of Adweek Magazines. James Bennet
has been the editor in chief of The Atlantic since 2006.
Before joining The Atlantic, he was the Jerusalem bureau chief for the New York Times. $17.95t / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-16225-8 $16.99 / £11.50 ebook 978-0-231-53706-3 D e c e m b e r 544 pages J o u r na l i s m
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: McCormick Williams Agency
6 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Worlds Without End
The Many Lives of the Multiverse Mary-Jane Rubenstein An e xc iting look at co n t e m po r a ry s c i e n t i fi c cos m ologies and t h e i r r e lat i o n sh i p to phi los op h y and r e li g i o n .
“Multiverse” cosmologies imagine our universe as just one of a vast number of others. While this idea has captivated philosophy, religion, and literature for millennia, it is now being considered as a scientific hypothesis—with different models emerging from cosmology, quantum mechanics, and string theory.
© heidi green photography
Beginning with ancient Atomist and Stoic philosophies, Mary-Jane Rubenstein links contemporary models of the multiverse to their forerunners and explores their current emergence. One reason is the so-called fine-tuning of the universe: nature’s constants are so delicately calibrated, it seems they have been set just right to allow life to emerge. For some theologians, these “fine-tunings” are proof of God; for others, “God” is an insufficient explanation. One compelling solution: if all possible worlds exist somewhere, then it is no surprise one of them happens to be suitable for life. Yet this hypothesis replaces God with an equally baffling article of faith: the existence of universes beyond, before, or after our own, eternally generated yet forever inaccessible. In sidestepping metaphysics, multiverse scenarios collide with it, producing their own counter-theological narratives. Rubenstein argues, however, that this interdisciplinary collision provides the condition of its scientific viability, reconfiguring the boundaries among physics, philosophy, and religion. Mary-Jane Rubenstein
“This is a text that performs the ‘many-oneness’ of this multiverse whose history and potentiality it maps. As she traces the startling philosophical depths, mystical ancestry, and scientific shocks of this cosmic boundlessness, Mary-Jane Rubenstein’s brilliance sparkles like its innumerable stars.” —Catherine Keller, author of Face of the Deep: A Theology of Becoming
“Grounds the current debate on the plurality of universes on solid scholarship, skillfully exploring its historical and philosophical roots.”
is associate professor
of religion at Wesleyan University and the author
—Marcelo Gleiser, Dartmouth College
of Strange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe.
$28.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-15662-2 $27.99 / £19.50 ebook 978-0-231-52742-2 F e b r u a r y 400 pages / 12 b&w illustrations P h i lo s o ph y / Sc i e nc e
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 7
What Is Relativity?
An Intuitive Introduction to Einstein’s Ideas and Why They Matter Jeffrey Bennett B lac k ho les do n ’ t suck—a n d ot her surp ri si n g s c i e nt i fi c fi n di n gs p resen t ed i n a way a n yo n e c a n u n dersta n d.
It is common knowledge that if the Sun suddenly turned into a black hole, it would suck Earth and the rest of the planets into oblivion. Yet as bestselling author and astrophysicist Jeffrey Bennett points out, black holes don’t suck. With that simple idea in hand, Bennett begins an entertaining introduction to Einstein’s theories, describing the amazing phenomena readers would actually experience if they took a trip through a black hole.
“A well-written and uniquely readable book that serves beautifully as an introduction to special and general relativity. Jeffrey Bennett carefully avoids bombastic statements and ‘spectacularization’ of the subject, sticking with well-established facts and presenting them in a clear and compelling manner.” —Alberto Nicolis, Columbia University
The theory of relativity also gives us the cosmic speed limit of the speed of light, the mind-bending ideas of time dilation and curvature of spacetime, and what may be the most famous equation in history: e = mc2. Indeed, the theory of relativity shapes much of our modern understanding of the universe, and it is not “just a theory:” every major prediction of relativity has been tested to exquisite precision and its practical applications include the Global Positioning System (GPS). Bennett proves anyone can understand the basics of Einstein’s ideas. His intuitive, nonmathematical approach gives a wide audience its first real taste of how relativity works and why it is so important not only to science but also to the way we view ourselves as human beings. Jeffrey Bennett
holds a B.A. in biophysics
from the University of California, San Diego, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is the lead author of best-selling textbooks in astronomy, astrobiology, mathematics, and statistics and numerous award-winning books for the general public and children.
$25.95t / £17.95 cloth 978-0-231-16726-0 $24.99 / £17.95 ebook 978-0-231-53703-2 F e b r u a r y 224 pages / 48 b&w illustrations s c i e nc e
All Rights: Columbia University Press
8 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
The Call of Character Living a Life Worth Living Mari Ruti How to F ind f ul f i llm e n t i n a n i m pe r fe c t wo r l d.
Should we feel inadequate for failing to be healthy, balanced, and well-adjusted? Is such an existential equilibrium realistic or even desirable? Condemning our cultural obsession with cheerfulness and “positive thinking,” Mari Ruti calls for a resurrection of character that honors our more eccentric frequencies, arguing that sometimes the most tormented and anxiety-ridden life can also be the most rewarding.
Ruti critiques our current search for personal meaning and the pragmatic attempt to normalize human beings’ unruly and idiosyncratic natures. Exposing the tragic banality of a happy life commonly lived, she instead emphasizes the advantages of a lopsided life rich in passion and fortitude. Ruti shows what counts is not our ability to evade existential uncertainty but to meet adversity in such a way that we do not become irrevocably broken. We are in danger of losing the capacity to cope with complexity, ambiguity, melancholia, disorientation, and disappointment, she argues, leaving us feeling less “real,” less connected, and unable to metabolize a full range of emotions. Heeding the call of our character means acknowledging the marginalized, chaotic aspects of our being, for they carry a great deal of creative energy, and it is precisely this energy that makes us inimitable and irreplaceable. Mari Ruti
“This book engages questions of perennial interest to philosophers, theorists, and all individuals, and Mari Ruti is uniquely qualified to write it. She has an uncanny ability to translate complex theoretical issues into clear and readable yet not the least bit dumbed-down prose. Her treatment of a timeless question is both original and insightful.” —Amy Allen, Dartmouth College
was educated at Brown University
© Bohdan Turok
and Harvard University and is professor of critical theory at the University of Toronto. She is also the author of Reinventing the Soul: Posthumanist Theory and Psychic Life, A World of Fragile Thing: Psychoanalysis and the Art of Living, The Summons of Love, and The Singularity of Being: Lacan and the Immortal Within.
$25.00 / £17.50 cloth 978-0-231-16408-5 $24.99 / £17.00 ebook 978-0-231-53619-6 N o v e m b e r 208 pages P s ych o lo g y
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: The Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 9
Fashioning Appetite
Restaurants and the Making of Modern Identity Joanne Finkelstein H ow di d t he self b eco me det ermi n ed by where, w h e n, how, a n d wi t h who m we eat ?
With gastronomy now divided between the golden arches of McDonalds and the prized stars of Michelin, we are no longer what we eat but also how. In this follow-up to her classic Dining Out: A Sociology of Modern Manners, Joanne Finkelstein takes a fragment of social life—dining out in restaurants—and uses it to examine the nature of modern manners and social relations.
“Joanne Finkelstein examines the emergence of restaurant patronage as a vital expression of aspirational and acculturated societal behaviors— by groups and individuals, along with the physical restaurant itself, as a public stage for the realization, refinement, and reinvention of selfidentity in wealthy Western societies. An engaging read with an original examination of the role and place of the restaurant in the West at the beginning of the twenty-first century.” —Alexander Lobrano, author of Hungry for Paris: The Ultimate Guide to the City’s 102 Best Restaurants
Considering body images on billboards, social documentaries on food’s human and environmental costs, and the abundance of choice in cosmopolitan cities, Finkelstein builds a cultural portrait in which every forkful is weighted with meaning. When food is fetishized and identity becomes a capitalist commodity, the solitude of the restaurant transforms appetite into both a pleasure and a torment. In Fashioning Appetite, the restaurant becomes a liminal space in which public and private boundaries are constantly renegotiated, in which our personal celebrations and seductions are conducted within full view of the next table, and where eating alone has become a minefield so perilous, we need how-to guides to help traverse it safely. Applying new research in emotional capitalism to popular culture’s pervasive images of conspicuous consumption, Finkelstein reveals how being satisfied with one’s meal is now essential to being satisfied with oneself. Joanne Finkelstein
is dean of the School of Humanities and Social
Sciences at the University of Greenwich and received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign. She was recently the director of the Board of Food Science Australia and has held positions at Victoria University and the University of Sydney and research posts at Monash University and the University of Melbourne.
$35.00 cloth 978-0-231-16796-3 O c t o b e r 224 pages Food A r t s an d T r a d i t i o n s o f th e Tab l e : P e r s p e ct i v e s o n C u l i na ry H i s to ry
English-language Rights in the United States and Canada: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: I. B. Tauris
10 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
The Land of the Five Flavors A Cultural History of Chinese Cuisine Thomas O. Höllmann Translated by Karen Margolis A fe ast for h istory bu ffs a n d fo o d lov e r s , trac ing th e evolu t i o n , r i t ua ls , a n d m e a n i n g of Ch i n es e cooking t h r o u g h o u t t h e c e n t u r i e s .
World-renowned sinologist Thomas O. Höllmann tracks the growth of Chinese food culture from early burial rituals to today’s Western fast food restaurants, detailing Chinese cuisine’s geographical variations and local customs, indigenous factors and foreign influences, trade routes, and ethnic associations. Höllmann describes the food rituals of major Chinese religions and the significance of eating and drinking in rites of passage and popular culture. He also enriches his narrative with thirty of his favorite recipes and a selection of photographs, posters, paintings, sketches, and images of clay figurines and other objects excavated from tombs.
This history recounts the cultivation of what are probably the earliest grape wines, the invention of noodles, the role of butchers and cooks in Chinese politics, and the recent issue of food contamination. It discusses local crop production, the use of herbs and spices, the relationship between Chinese food and economics, the import of Chinese philosophy, and traditional dietary concepts and superstitions. Höllmann cites original Chinese sources, revealing fascinating aspects of daily Chinese life. His multifaceted compendium inspires a rich appreciation of Chinese arts and culture as a whole. Thomas O. Höllmann
“Thomas O. Höllmann deftly blends descriptive text and illustrations together with dozens of brief, amusing tidbits from an amazing spectrum of Chinese historical sources. His book’s great attraction is the presentation of many complex, extremely disparate materials in nimbly condensed, accessible form. Höllmann makes it look easy.” —Anne Mendelson, author of Milk: The Surprising Story of Milk Through the Ages
is a professor of Chinese
studies and ethnology at the Ludwig Maximilian © klaus haag
University in Munich and vice president of the Bavarian Academy of Science. His publications include The Silk Road and The Old China: A Cultural History. Karen Margolis
is a writer and translator
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16186-2 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53654-7
living in Berlin. She is also the translator
D e c e m b e r 304 pages / 48 b&w illustrations
of The Art of Philosophy by Peter Sloterdijk.
F o o d / A s i an Stu d i e s A r t s an d T r a d i t i o n s o f th e Tab l e : P e r s p e ct i v e s o n C u l i na ry H i s to ry
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: Verlag Beck cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 11
An Improbable Life
My Sixty Years at Columbia and Other Adventures Michael I. Sovern Forewords by Walter F. Mondale and Lee C. Bollinger A pe rso n a l acco un t o f a un i versi t y’ s st ruggles a n d success es a n d CAN DID resp o n ses to ISSUE S T H AT TROUBLE HIGHER EDUCATION.
Columbia University began the second half of the twentieth century in decline, bottoming out with the student riots of 1968. Yet by the close of the century, the institution had regained its stature as one of the greatest universities in the world.
According to the New York Times, “If any one person is responsible for Columbia’s recovery, it is surely Michael Sovern.” In this memoir, Sovern, who served as the university’s president from 1980 to 1993, recounts his sixty-year involvement with the institution, as well as his experiences growing up poor in the South Bronx and attending Columbia. Sovern addresses key debates in academia, such as how to make college available to all, whether affirmative action is fair, whether great researchers are paid too much and valuable teachers too little, what are the strengths and weaknesses of lifetime tenure, and what is the government’s responsibility for funding universities. A labor-law specialist, Sovern also discusses his personal and professional accomplishments off campus, particularly his work to compensate victims of racial exploitation and his recommendations as chairman of the Commission on Integrity in Government.
“This book can be read as the story of a poor boy who made good by dint of intellect and skills. It is also the story of a great university, under siege in the Sixties, and of how Mike Sovern helped restore its integrity and reputation. . . . I hope you will enjoy his story and give thought to his ideas about where our country should be heading.” —From the foreword by Walter F. Mondale
Michael I. Sovern
is president emeritus of
© John Madere
Columbia University and the Chancellor Kent
$30.00 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-16762-8 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53705-6 F e b r u a r y 256 pages / 20 b&w photos Memoir
Distributed by Columbia University Press
12 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Professor of Law at Columbia Law School.
Indie 2.0
Change and Continuity in Contemporary American Indie Film Geoff King Appr ec iating th e a lt e r n at i v e ac h i e v e m e n ts of t wenty- f ir st c e n t u ry i n d e pe n d e n t c i n e m a .
After the American indie cinema boom of the 1990s and the creation by Hollywood studios of their own “specialty” divisions, many predicted an end to the indie sector’s viability and the making of films with ambitions beyond the commercial mainstream. Yet, as Geoff King demonstrates, plenty of distinct indie productions continue to thrive, even in the face of difficult economic circumstances.
Recasting the term “indie” to denote a particular form of twenty-first-century independent feature production, King draws attention to the new opportunities available to indie filmmakers, including low-cost digital video and a range of Internet and social-media ventures offering funding, distribution, promotion, and sales. He covers the ultra-lowbudget “mumblecore” movement; the social realism of such filmmakers as Kelly Reichardt and Ramin Bahrani; the “digital desktop” aesthetics of Jonathan Caouette’s Tarnation (2003) and Susan Buice and Arin Crumley’s Four Eyed Monsters (2005); and the affect of discursive regimes, including the articulation of notions of “true” indie film and its opposition to what some see as the quirky contrivances of such crossover hits as Little Miss Sunshine (2006) and Juno (2007). King ultimately identifies a strong vein of continuity in indie practice, both industrially and in the textual qualities defining individual features. Geoff King
“Indie 2.0 offers a worthwhile combination of close critical analyses of key works, discussion of film production and distribution practices, and consideration of critical and cultural reception. Geoff King weaves these different strands together into a convincing and timely consideration of the renewal of indie cinema that still draws on many of the historically rooted conventions and appeals of twentieth-century alternative film practice.” —Michael Z. Newman, author of Indie: An American Film Culture
is professor of film and television studies at Brunel
University and the author of American Independent Cinema; Indiewood, U.S.A.: Where Hollywood Meets Independent Cinema; New Hollywood Cinema: An Introduction; and Spectacular Narratives: Hollywood in the Age of the Blockbuster.
$30.00 paper 978-0-231-16795-6 $90.00 cloth 978-0-231-16794-9 N o v e m b e r 288 pages F i l m Stu d i e s
English-language Rights in the United States and Canada: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: I.B. Tauris cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 13
“In those first years after Sue and I got married and started farming this place, there were times we cried. It was a bad time for lots of people. It was a real bad time for us, just starting out. Real bad. Big debts for equipment, mortgage on the place. Seed and feed—always bills due. We’d pay one bill in the morning. In the afternoon, we’d worry about the ones we hadn’t paid. Nights, we cried.”
“I was very moved by this evocative, literate, and informative book. Nancy Warner’s beautiful—
This Place, These People
Life and Shadow on the Great Plains David Stark Photographs by Nancy Warner
and painful—photographs are a perfect companion to David Stark’s writing and the ‘voices’ of the Nebraskans that are included. I am very grateful for this sensitive and sad look back.” —Ruth Silverman, former associate curator of the International Center of Photography and two-time winner of the PhotographyBook-of-the-Year award
$39.95t / £27.95 cloth 978-0-231-16522-8 $38.99t / £27.00 ebook 978-0-231-53627-1 N o v e m b e r 128 pages / 70 b&w photos / 10” x 10” A m e r i can Stu d i e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
14 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
A ph oto gra p hi c a n d vern acula r p o rt ra i t o f d i sa p p ea ri n g mi dwest ern fa rm p laces.
Nancy Warner’s photographs and David Stark’s interviews and reflections provide fresh perspective on the history and culture of a distinctly American phenomenon. Continuing in the tradition of Solomon D. Butcher, who photographed some of the first midwestern settlers in the nineteenth century, and Wright Morris, who combined photographic and verbal accounts of farmers’ lives in the twentieth century, Stark and Warner explore a way of life that continues to adapt in the face of wrenching change.
This book pairs images of abandoned farm places with the plain-spoken recollections of the people who still live in nearby communities. In his afterword, Stark grounds the project in the relationship between people and their land; the cadences and tough-minded humor of everyday speech;
“What do I enjoy? I enjoy being out here on my tractor because I like having time with my own thoughts, with this field.”
the ongoing mechanization of farming; the lure of cities for the young; and genetic and chemical innovations for improving crop yields. The result is both art and document, evoking memories, emotions, and open-ended questions for anyone with rural American roots. David Stark
is Arthur Lehman Professor of
Sociology and International Affairs at Columbia University, where he directs the Center on Organizational Innovation. His most recent book is The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts of Worth in Economic Life.
Nancy Warner
is a fine-art and portrait
© C o l l i n wa r n e r
photographer based in San Francisco. Many of the photographs in this book were first exhibited at the Great Plains Art Museum as Going Back: Midwestern Farm Places (2008).
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 15
Spinoza for Our Time
Politics and Postmodernity Antonio Negri Translated by William McCuaig
With a Foreword by Rocco Gangle The r en own ed t heo ri st cla ri fi es a n d d e fe n ds Sp i n oz a’ s p hi loso p hy o f t he mult i t ude, i m m a n en ce, a n d p o li t i ca l act i o n .
“There are very few authors who are able to supply the degree and force of insight that Antonio Negri does on contemporary continental political philosophy. Even among those few living thinkers who are parallel to Negri, there is no one who is able to offer a substantive and creative account of Spinoza’s value for contemporary thought. It is precisely such an account that Negri here provides, and in a way that makes original advances beyond even his more noted previous contributions.” —Daniel Colucciello Barber, ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry
Antonio Negri, a leading scholar on Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677) and his contemporary legacy, offers a straightforward explanation of the philosopher’s elaborate arguments and a persuasive case for his ongoing utility. Responding to a resurgent interest in Spinoza’s thought and its potential application to contemporary global issues, Negri demonstrates the thinker’s special value to politics, philosophy, and a number of related disciplines.
Negri’s work is both a return to and advancement of his initial affirmation of Spinozian thought in The Savage Anomaly. He further defends his understanding of the philosopher as a proto-postmodernist, or a thinker who is just now, with the advent of the postmodern, becoming contemporary. Negri also deeply connects Spinoza’s theories to recent trends in political philosophy, particularly the reengagement with Carl Schmitt’s “political theology,” and the history of philosophy, including the argument that Spinoza belongs to a “radical enlightenment.” By positioning Spinoza as a contemporary, revolutionary intellectual, Negri addresses and effectively defeats critiques by Derrida, Badiou, and Agamben. Antonio Negri
is an independent researcher
and world renowned theorist. He has written widely and, with Michael Hardt, coauthored the best selling trilogy: Empire, The Multitude, and Commonwealth. Rocco Gangle
is associate professor of
philosophy at Endicott College and the author
$24.00 / £16.50 cloth 978-0-231-16046-9 $23.99 / £16.50 ebook 978-0-231-50066-1
of François Laruelle’s Philosophies of Difference:
O c t o b e r 144 pages
A Critical Introduction and Guide.
P h i lo s o ph y / p o l i t i c s In s u r r e ct i o n s : C r i t i ca l Stu d i e s i n R e l i g i o n , P o l i t i c s , an d C u ltu r e
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: Editions Galilee
16 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Factory of Strategy
Thirty-Three Lessons on Lenin Antonio Negri Translated by Arianna Bove A renewed engage m e n t w i t h L e n i n ’ s re volutionary p o li t i c s a n d a pe r s uas i v e c as e for h is contem p or a ry r e le va n c e .
Factory of Strategy is the last of Antonio Negri’s major political works to be translated into English. Rigorous and accessible, it is both a systematic inquiry into the development of Lenin’s thought and an encapsulation of a critical shift in Negri’s theoretical trajectory.
Lenin is the only prominent politician of the modern era to seriously question the “withering away” and “extinction” of the state, and like Marx, he recognized the link between capitalism and modern sovereignty and the need to destroy capitalism and reconfigure the state. Negri refrains from portraying Lenin as a ferocious dictator enforcing the poor’s reappropriation of wealth, nor does he depict him as a mere military tool of a vanguard opposed to the ancien régime. Negri instead champions Leninism’s ability to adapt to different working-class compositions in Russia, China, Latin America, and elsewhere. He argues that Lenin developed a new political figure in and beyond modernity and an effective organization capable of absorbing different historical conditions. Negri ultimately urges readers to recognize the universal application of Leninism today and its potential to institutionally—not anarchically—dismantle centralized power. Antonio Negri
inquiry into the development of the Russian revolutionary’s political thought, bearing comparison with Lukács’s earlier Lenin. It doubles as a unique record of a crucial moment in Antonio Negri’s trajectory as a political philosopher and activist, when questions of strategy and insurrection were foremost in his mind. Among the most accessible, accomplished, and vibrant pieces of Negri’s writing, it stands out for its effort to combine political pedagogy and ideological intervention.”
has taught political philosophy at the University of
Padua, University of Vincennes, and College Internationale de Philosophie. His books include The Politics of Subversion and Negri on Negri. Arianna Bove
“A bracingly original and systematic
—Alberto Toscano, author of Fanaticism: On the Uses of an Idea
has translated many texts from Italian and French
into English. Her work can be found at $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-14682-1 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-51942-7 F e b r u a r y 368 pages P h i lo s o ph y / p o l i t i c s In s u r r e ct i o n s : C r i t i ca l Stu d i e s i n R e l i g i o n , P o l i t i c s , an d C u ltu r e
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: The Author cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 17
The Designing for Growth Field Book A Step-by-Step Project Guide
Jeanne Liedtka, Tim Ogilvie, and Rachel Brozenske A co mpa n i o n to t he b est- selli n g t ex t t hat e x pla i n s what i s, what i f, what wows, a n d w h at wo rks i n b usi n ess i n n ovat i o n to day.
Praise for Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers: “Anyone wishing to get up to speed on design thinking by actually test-driving the methodology on their own will find great value in this tutorial-in-a-book.” —Matthew May, AMEX OPEN Forum
“This book is a magic hat for managers. Reach inside and pull out value creation and inspiration for a process that used to be reserved for magicians of design and white rabbits.” —Scott Williams, founder/CEO, Hitchcock Partners
In Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers (D4G), Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie showed how design can boost innovation and drive growth. In this companion guide, also suitable as a stand-alone project workbook, the authors provide a step-by-step framework for applying the D4G toolkit and process to a particular project, systematically explaining how to address the four key questions of their design thinking approach. The field book maps the flow of the design process within the context of a specific project and reminds readers of key D4G takeaways as they work. The text helps readers identify an opportunity, draft a design brief, conduct research, establish design criteria, brainstorm, develop concepts, create napkin pitches, make prototypes, solicit feedback from stakeholders, and run learning launches. The workbook demystifies tools that have traditionally been the domain of designers—from direct observation to journey mapping, storytelling, and storyboarding—that power the design thinking process and help businesses align around a project to realize its full potential. Jeanne Liedtka
is a professor at the Darden School of Business.
Her other books include The Catalyst: How You Can Become an Extraordinary Growth Leader and The Physics of Business Growth. Tim Ogilvie
is cofounder and CEO of Peer Insight, an innovation
strategy consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. Rachel Brozenske
is vice president of Allison Partners, an
organizational development consulting practice in Charlottesville, and a lecturer at the Darden School of Business. $19.95t / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-16467-2 $18.99 / £13.00 ebook 978-0-231-53708-7 J a n u a r y 128 pages / illustrated throughout /
8.5” x 8.5” Business C o lumb i a B u s i n e s s Sch o o l P ub l i s h i ng
All Rights: Columbia University Press
18 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Solving Problems with Design Thinking
Ten Stories of What Works
Jeanne Liedtka, Andrew King, and Kevin Bennett TEN CAS E STUD IE S OF MANAGER S c r e at i v e ly S OLVING T H ORNY ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEM S .
Design-oriented firms such as Apple and IDEO have demonstrated how design thinking can directly affect business results. Yet most managers lack a real sense of how to put this new approach to use for issues other than product development and sales growth. Solving Problems with Design Thinking details ten real-world examples of managers who successfully applied design methods at 3M, Toyota, IBM, Intuit, and SAP; entrepreneurial start-ups such as MeYou Health; and government and social sector organizations including the City of Dublin and Denmark’s The Good Kitchen.
Using design skills such as ethnography, visualization, storytelling, and experimentation, these managers produced innovative solutions to problems concerning strategy implementation, sales force support, internal process redesign, feeding the elderly, engaging citizens, and the trade show experience. Here they elaborate on the challenges they faced and the processes and tools they used, offering their personal perspectives and providing a clear path to implementation based on the principles and practices laid out in Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie’s Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers. JEANNE LIEDTKA
book shows how design thinking has been applied successfully to address complex and very different problems in a variety of organizations, both for- and not-forprofit. The ten case studies provide creative and innovative applications of the design principles, providing sufficient detail of use to readers in their own planning processes. The book provides depth of value to the graduate professional classroom while being simple and clear for immediate use by managers.”
has been involved in the corporate strategy field for
more than thirty years. ANDREW KING
“In a clear and simple style, this
—Toni Ungaretti, Johns Hopkins University
has a faculty appointment to the Darden School of
Business as a research associate for the Batten Institute. KEVIN BENNETT
is a manager for marketing and partnership develop-
ment at Personal, a technology start-up in Washington, D.C. $29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16356-9 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-53605-9 S e p t e m b e r 240 pages / 11 figures Business Co lumb i a B u s i n e s s Sch o o l P ub l i s h i ng
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 19
Passion for Reality
The Extraordinary Life of the Investing Pioneer Paul Cabot Michael R. Yogg The f i rst b i o gra p hy o f a ma jo r ea rlyt w e nt i et h- cen t ury b usi n ess lea der a n d t he h i sto ri ca l a n d et hi ca l i mp li cat i o n s o f hi s wo rk .
Paul Cabot (1898–1994) was an innovative mutualfund manager and executive known for his strong character, charismatic personality, and trendsetting achievements. Iconoclastic and rebellious, Cabot broke free from the Boston Brahmin trustee mold to pursue new ways of investing and serving investment clients. Having spent nearly two decades working for Cabot’s company as an analyst, research director, portfolio manager, and chief investment officer, Michael R. Yogg is well positioned to share the secrets behind Cabot’s extraordinary success.
“Passion for Reality is an intelligent and well written account of the
Cabot oversaw the birth of the mutual-fund industry in the 1920s and lobbied on behalf of key New Deal securities legislation in the 1930s. As Harvard University treasurer, he increased endowment allocations to equities just in time for the bull market of the 1950s, and as a corporate director in the 1960s, he campaigned against conglomerates’ abusive takeover strategies. Cabot pioneered the use of fundamental stock analysis and its progressive practice of interviewing company management. His accomplishments all stemmed from his passion for finance, his imaginative thinking, and his unbreakable will, facets Yogg is able to illuminate through access to Cabot’s papers and a wealth of interviews.
career of an important figure in the formation of the modern investment management business.” —Martin S. Fridson,
© putnam investments
Financial Analysts Journal
$29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16746-8 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-53702-5 F e b r u a r y 288 pages / 8 b&w photos Business C o lumb i a B u s i n e s s Sch o o l P ub l i s h i ng
All Rights: Columbia University Press
20 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Michael R. Yogg
was a managing director
at Putnam Investments and is trained as both a historian and an investor. He holds degrees in history from both Yale and Harvard Universities.
Beyond News
The Future of Journalism Mitchell Stephens A pr ovoc ativ e, h isto r i c a lly bas e d a r g u m e n t that d igital- er a j o u r n a li sts n e e d to as pi r e to m uc h m or e th a n s i m ply r e po rt i n g t h e n e ws.
For a century and a half, journalists made a good business out of selling the latest news or selling ads next to that news. Now that news pours out of the Internet and our mobile devices—fast, abundant, and mostly free—that era is ending. Our best journalists, Mitchell Stephens argues, instead must offer original, challenging perspectives—not just slightly more thorough accounts of widely reported events. His book proposes a new standard: “wisdom journalism,” an amalgam of the more rarified forms of reporting—exclusive, enterprising, investigative— and informed, insightful, interpretive, explanatory, even opinionated takes on current events.
This book features an original, sometimes critical examination of contemporary journalism, both on- and offline. And it finds inspiration for a more ambitious and effective understanding of journalism in examples from twenty-first-century articles and blogs, as well as in a selection of outstanding twentieth-century journalism and Benjamin Franklin’s eighteenth-century writings. Most attempts to deal with journalism’s current crisis emphasize technology. This book emphasizes mindsets and the need to rethink what journalism has been and might become. Mitchell Stephens
is a professor of journalism at New York
University’s Arthur L. Carter Institute. His books include A History of News, named a New York Times “Notable Book of the Year”; The Rise of the Image, the Fall of the Word; Broadcast News; and Writing and Reporting the News. He has written for the New York Times, the
“Beyond News does an excellent job of reaching back into the past to find models for future journalism.” —Evan Cornog, coeditor of the Columbia Journalism Review Press
Pr a i se for Mi tchell Stephen s’s pr evi ou s books:
“Not only astute, but often eloquent and even downright poignant.” —New York Times Book Review
“Thorough, scrupulous, and witty . . . in all respects first-rate, and original.” —Washington Post
“A visionary thinker.” —San Francisco Chronicle
Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. Much of the research for this book was completed while Stephens was a fellow at the Shorenstein Center at Harvard’s Kennedy School. $26.00 / £18.00 cloth 978-0-231-15938-8 $25.99 / £18.00 ebook 978-0-231-53629-5 F e b r u a r y 192 pages J o u r na l i s m Co lumb i a J o u r na l i s m R e v i e w B o o k s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 2 1
Night Passages
Philosophy, Literature, and Film Elisabeth bronfen Translated by the Author with David Brenner D e pi ct i o n s o f t he n i ght i n p hi loso p hi ca l, fi c t i o n a l, a n d ci n emat i c t ex ts revea l what c a n not b e seen i n t he rat i o n a l li ght o f day.
In the beginning was the night. All light, shapes, language, and subjective consciousness, as well as the world and art depicting them, emerged from this formless chaos. In fantasy, we seek to return to this original darkness. Particularly in literature, visual representations, and film, the night resiliently resurfaces from the margins of the knowable, acting as a stage and state of mind in which exceptional perceptions, discoveries, and decisions play out.
“No other work deals so profoundly
Elisabeth Bronfen follows nocturnal spaces in which extraordinary events unfold, enabling the irrational exploration of desire, transformation, ecstasy, transgression, spiritual illumination, and moral choice. She begins with classical myths depicting the creation of the world and moves through nocturnal scenes in Shakespeare and Milton, Gothic figurations, Hegel’s romantic philosophy, and Freud’s psychoanalysis. In modern times, she shows how literature and film, particularly film noir, transmit that piece of night the modern subject carries within. From Mozart’s “Queen of the Night” to Virginia Woolf ’s oscillation between day and night, life and death, and chaos and aesthetic form, Bronfen renders something visible, conceivable, and tellable from the dark realms of the unknown.
with what the human mind has imagined about life between sunset and sunrise. Written for anyone who wants to explore night’s aura, lore, and cultural and philosophical resonances, this book will open your eyes to the power of darkness—there are new discoveries on every page.” —William Sharpe, Barnard College
“A critical classic with insight into how the major languages of Europe are arranged, linguistic homogeneity and heterogeneity, and relations between
—David Punter, author of Rapture: Literature, Addiction, Secrecy
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-14799-6 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-14798-9 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-51972-4 S e p t e m b e r 496 pages / 21 figures L i t e r atu r e / P h i lo s o ph y / f i l m
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: Carl Hanser Verlag
22 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
©susan bronfen
Eurocentricity and diaspora.”
Elisabeth Bronfen
is professor
of English and American studies at the University of Zurich. Her numerous books include Specters of War: Hollywood’s Engagement with Military Conflict; Over Her Dead Body: Death, Femininity, and the Aesthetic; The Knotted Subject: Hysteria and Its Discontents; and Home in Hollywood: The Imaginary Geography of Cinema.
Finding Ourselves at the Movies
Philosophy for a New Generation Paul W. Kahn
pop ul ar f il m ’ s p ot e n t i a l to i n v e st i g at e m o r e dy nam ic al ly eter n a l t h e m e s o f sac r i fi c e , i nnoc enc e, r eb irt h , law, a n d lov e .
Academic philosophy may have lost its audience, but the traditional subjects of philosophy—love, death, justice, knowledge, and faith—remain as compelling as ever. To reach a new generation, Paul W. Kahn argues philosophy must be brought to bear on contemporary discourse surrounding these primal concerns, and he shows how this can be achieved through a turn to popular film.
In such well-known movies as Forrest Gump (1994), The American President (1995), The Matrix (1999), Memento (2000), The History of Violence (2005), Gran Torino (2008), The Dark Knight (2008), The Road (2009), and Avatar (2009), Kahn explores powerful archetypes and their hold on us, and he treats our present-day anxieties over justice, love, and faith as signs these traditional imaginative structures have failed. His inquiry proceeds in two parts. First, he uses film to explore the nature of action and interpretation, and narrative, not abstraction, emerges as the critical concept for understanding both. Second, he explores the narratives of politics, family, and faith as they appear in popular films. Engaging with genres as diverse as romantic comedies, slasher films, and pornography, Kahn gains access to the social imaginary, through which we create and maintain a meaningful world. Paul W. Kahn
is Robert W. Winner Professor of
“The book is both a creative new step in Paul W. Kahn’s philosophical trajectory and a brilliant venture into the now lost art of bringing theoretical insight to bear on popular culture. Finding Ourselves at the Movies defends another relationship between the thinker and the public, enacting what it theorizes in illuminating commentaries on films Kahn makes us reconsider as reflections of our collective imagination and public commitments.” —Samuel Moyn, Columbia University
©Harold Shapiro
Law and the Humanities and director of the Orville H. Schell Jr. Center for Human Rights at Yale Law School. He is the author of many books, including Sacred Violence: Torture, Terror, and Sovereignty and Political Theology: Four New Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty.
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16438-2 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53602-8 N o v e m b e r 256 pages P h i lo s o ph y
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 2 3
“Mark C. Taylor engages— by modeling it in language as well as in earth and water —his readers’ desire for an earthen transcendence.” —Jack Miles, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of God: A Biography
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16498-6 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53644-8 F e b r u a r y 256 pages / 100 color photographs /
10” x 8” P h i lo s o ph y R e l i g i o n , C u ltu r e , an d P ub l i c L i f e
All Rights: Columbia University Press
24 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Recovering Place
Mark C. Taylor recounts a poignant love affair not with a person but with a place that, paradoxically, cannot be easily localized. For many years, Taylor has lived in the Berkshire Mountains, where he writes and creates land art and sculpture. In a world of mobile screens and virtual realities, where speed is the measure of success and place is disappearing, his work slows down thought and brings life back to earth to give readers time to ponder the importance of place before it slips away.
Taylor extends reflection beyond the page and returns with new insights about what is hiding in plain sight all around us. Weaving together words, objects, and images, his artful work enacts what it describes. Things long familiar suddenly appear strange, and the strange, unexpected, and unprogrammed unsettle readers in surprising ways.
“Nature’s excess is terrifying. It is too much, always too much. Too many seeds to produce a tree, too many worms to work the earth, too many tadpoles to create a frog, too many sperm to fertilize an egg, too many people born to die. Fecundity, profusion, and abundance pushed to the point of absurdity. This wasteful economy renders life so cheap that redemption seems all but impossible.”
This timely meditation gives pause in the midst of harried lives and turns attention toward what we usually overlook: night, silence, touch, grace, ghosts, water, earth, stones, bones, idleness, infinity, slowness, and contentment. Recovering Place is a unique work that lingers long after the book is closed. © r i c h a r d h o wa r d
is professor of religion and
chair of the Department of Religion at Columbia University. He is the author of more than twentyfive books, including, most recently, Rewiring the Real: In Conversation with William Gaddis, Richard Powers, Mark Danielewski, and Don DeLillo; After God; Field Notes from Elsewhere: Reflections on Dying and Living; and Refiguring the Spiritual: Beuys, Barney, Turrell, Goldsworthy.
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 2 5
Are the Lips a Grave?
A Queer Feminist on the Ethics of Sex Lynne Huffer A t r an sfo rmat i o n o f mo dern b i o p o li t i ca l li fe t h at gen erat es n ew p oss i b i li t i es fo r li vi n g.
Lynne Huffer’s ambitious inquiry redresses the rift between feminist and queer theory, traversing the space of a new, post-moral sexual ethics that includes pleasure, desire, connection, and betrayal. She begins by balancing queer theorists’ politics of sexual freedoms with a moralizing feminist politics that views sexuality as harm. Drawing on the best insights from both traditions, she builds an ethics centered on eros, following Michel Foucault’s ethics as a practice of freedom and Luce Irigaray’s lyrical articulation of an ethics of sexual difference.
“An important and timely intervention into current debates in queer and feminist theory about the respective limits of these scholarly fields. By recuperating a rich sense of ‘ethics,’ Lynne Huffer argues we must rethink the false boundaries to arrive at a more robust understanding of the ethics of sexuality, sexual difference, and gender.” —Shannon Winnubst, Ohio State University
“Unique in its careful presentation of an ethics that does not fall squarely into either the queer or feminist
Through this theoretical lens, Huffer examines everyday experiences of ethical connection and failure connected to sex, including queer sexual practices, sodomy laws, interracial love, pornography, and work-life balance. Her approach complicates sexual identities while challenging the epistemological foundations of subjectivity. She rethinks ethics “beyond good and evil” without underestimating, as some queer theorists have done, the persistence of what Foucault calls the “catastrophe” of morality. Elaborating a thinking-feeling ethics of the other, Huffer encourages contemporary intellectuals to reshape sexual morality from within, defining an ethical space that is both poetically suggestive and politically relevant, both conceptually daring and grounded in common sexual experience. Lynne Huffer
camp but negotiates the significant
—Cynthia Willett, author of Maternal Ethics and Other Slave Moralities
© B r ya n M e lt z
contributions of both.”
is Samuel Candler Dobbs Profes-
sor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Emory University and author of Mad for Foucault: Rethinking the Foundations of Queer Theory; Maternal Pasts, Feminist Futures: Nostalgia, Ethics, and the Question of Difference; and Another Colette: The Question of Gendered Writing.
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16417-7 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16416-0 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53577-9 O c t o b e r 272 pages g e n d e r s tu d i e s / ph i lo s o ph y
All Rights: Columbia University Press
26 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
The Homoerotics of Orientalism Joseph Allen boone
A reconstr uc tion o f i n t e r ac t i o n s be t w e e n the W est and th e M i ddle E ast as s e e n t h r o u g h four h und r ed y ea r s o f i m ag e s a n d w r i t i n g .
The place of the Middle East in European heterosexual fantasy is well documented in the works of Edward Said and others, yet few have considered the male Anglo-European (and, later, American) writers, artists, travelers, and thinkers compelled to represent what, to their eyes, seemed to be an abundance of erotic relations between men in the Islamicate world. Whether feared or desired, the mere possibility of sexual contact with or between men in the Middle East has covertly underwritten much of the appeal and practice of the enterprise of Orientalism, frequently repeating yet just as often upending its assumed meanings. Traces of this undertow abound in European and Middle Eastern fiction, diaries, travel literature, erotica, ethnography, painting, photography, film, and digital media. Joseph Allen Boone explores these vast representations, linking European art to Middle Eastern sources largely unfamiliar to Western audiences and, in some cases, reproduced in this volume for the first time.
“An ambitious and astute examination of the centrality of homoerotics to Orientalist (and neo-Orientalist) discourse, which resonates with real-world issues and debates in the twenty-first century.” —Luke Gartlan, University of St. Andrews
“A masterpiece and rare achievement offering a completely new and convincing reading of a body of knowledge that has dominated the field over the past thirty years. The entire concept of Orientalism will have to be rethought following this book.” —Moshe Sluhovsky, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Joseph Allen Boone
is a professor of English,
M i n i a t u r e f r o m S h ay k h M u h a m m a d b i n M u s t a f a A l - M i s r , T u hfat A l - M u l k ( 1 7 9 4 - 9 5 ) . C o u r t e s y o f t h e A l a i n K a h n - S r i b e r C o l l e c t i o n , Pa r i s . Image © Gilles Berquet
comparative literature, and gender studies at the © Ron jautz
University of Southern California and the author of Libidinal Currents: Sexuality and the Shaping of Modernism.
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15110-8 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-52182-6 F e b r u a r y 544 pages / 250 b&w illustrations / 7” x 10” l i t e r a r y c r i t i c i s m / G e n d e r Stu d i e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 27
Boundaries of Toleration
Alfred Stepan and Charles Taylor, Editors D i st i ngui shed n oveli sts, p hi loso p hers, h i stori a n s, so ci o lo gi sts, a n d p o li t i ca l s c i e n t i sts p ro p ose a n ew a p p roach to set t li n g m u lt icult ura l t en si o n s i n t he mo dern wo rld.
How can people of diverse religious, historical, ethnic, and linguistic allegiances and identities live together without committing violence, inflicting suffering, or oppressing each other? Western civilization has long understood this dilemma as a question of toleration, yet the logic of toleration and the logic of multicultural rights entrenchment are two very different things. “The contributors to this volume open up fertile new ground exploring, problems, hypotheses, and recommendations in provocative and original ways. Readers will find the fresh thinking exhibited in these pages eye-opening and mind-expanding.” —Hans Oberdiek, Swarthmore College
In this volume, contributors suggest we also think beyond toleration to mutual respect, practiced before the creation of modern multiculturalism in the West. Salman Rushdie reflects on the once mutually tolerant Sufi-Hindu culture of Kashmir. Ira Katznelson follows with an intellectual history of toleration as a layered institution in the West and councils against assuming we have transcended the need for such tolerance. Charles Taylor advances a new approach to secularism in our multicultural world, and Akeel Bilgrami responds by urging caution against making it difficult to condemn or make illegal dangerous forms of intolerance. The political theorist Nadia Urbanati explores why the West did not pursue Cicero’s humanist ideal of concord as a response to religious discord. The volume concludes with a refutation of the claim that toleration was invented in the West and is alien to non-Western cultures. Alfred Stepan
is the Wallace Sayre Professor of Government at
Columbia University. He coedited Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey and Democracy and Islam in Indonesia. Charles Taylor
is professor emeritus of philosophy at McGill
University and the author of Sources of the Self: The Making of $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16567-9 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16566-2 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53633-2 FEb r u a r y 320 pages P h i lo s o ph y / cu r r e nt a f fa i r s R e l i g i o n , C u ltu r e , an d P ub l i c L i f e
All Rights: Columbia University Press
28 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
the Modern Identity; Modern Social Imaginaries; and A Secular Age.
Shifting Sands
The United States in the Middle East Joel S. migdal An u nconv entiona l acco u n t o f A m e r i c a’ s u ps and d owns as an e v e ry day play e r i n t h e M i ddle East, inc lud ing its k e y m i sst e ps a ft e r 9/ 11.
Joel S. Migdal focuses on the approach U.S. officials adopted toward the Middle East after World War II, one that paid scant attention to tectonic shifts in the region. The United States did not restrict its strategic model to the Middle East. Beginning with Harry S. Truman, American presidents applied a uniform strategy rooted in the country’s Cold War experience in Europe to regions across the globe, designed to project America into nearly every corner of the world while limiting costs and overreach.
The approach was simple: find a local power that could play Great Britain’s role in Europe after the war, sharing the burden of exercising power, and establish a security alliance along the lines of NATO. Yet regional changes following the creation of Israel, the Free Officers Coup in Egypt, the rise of Arab nationalism from 1948 to 1952, and, later, the Iranian Revolution and the Egypt-Israel peace treaty in 1979 complicated this project. Migdal shows how insufficient attention to these key transformations led to a series of missteps and misconceptions in the twentieth century. With the Arab uprisings of 2009–2011 prompting another major shift, Migdal sees an opportunity for the United States to deploy a new, more workable strategy, and he concludes with a plan for gaining a stable foothold. Joel S. Migdal
is the Robert F. Philip Professor
“Joel S. Migdal offers a comprehensive, creative, and balanced description and analysis of the American role in the Middle East over the past seven decades, elegantly contextualizing the complicated subject matter while resisting the temptation to reduce it to a small number of factors. This highly readable volume is a major contribution to Middle East studies, U.S. foreign policy, and Israel-related scholarship.” —Ilan Peleg, former president of the Association of Israel Studies, scholar at the Middle East Institute, and founding editor in chief of Israel Studies Forum
of International Studies at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington. Among his books are The Palestinian People (with Baruch Kimmerling), Through the Lens of Israel, and State-in-Society.
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16672-0 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53634-9 F e b r u a r y 448 pages / 8 b&w photos, 3 graphs,
and 3 maps M i d d l e Ea s t Stu d i e s / cu r r e nt a f fa i r s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 2 9
Light and Dark
A Novel
Natsume Sōseki Translated, with an Introduction, by John Nathan A n u nspa ri n g p o rt ra i t o f haut e- b o urgeo i si e s o c i e t y i n 1915 Ja pa n , deta i li n g t he st ruggle o f a yo un g ma rri ed co up le to ass ert t hei r fr e e do m fro m fri en ds , relat i ves, a n d emp loyers.
“A landmark in world literature. This new rendering by one of the very best translators of Japanese fiction reintroduces this modern masterpiece to a twenty-first-century audience.” —Michael K. Bourdaghs, University of Chicago
“This is Natsume Sōseki’s longest and most complex work, his most ambitious in terms of social description and psychological analysis, and his most intricately plotted. It is a book for the ages, masterfully translated.” —Alan Tansman, University of California, Berkeley
Published in 1917, Light and Dark is unlike any of Natsume Sōseki’s previous works and unique in Japanese fiction of the period. What distinguishes the novel as “modern” is its remarkable representation of interiority. The protagonists, Tsuda Yoshio, thirty, and his wife O-Nobu, twenty-three, exhibit a gratifying complexity that qualifies them as some of the earliest examples of three-dimensional characters in Japanese fiction.
O-Nobu is quick-witted and cunning, a snob and narcissist no less than her husband, passionate, arrogant, spoiled, insecure, naive—yet, above all, gallant. Under Sōseki’s scrutiny, she emerges as a flesh-andblood heroine with a palpable reality, dueling with her husband, his troublemaking friend, Kobayashi, and her sister-in-law, O-Hidé. Tsuda undertakes his own battles with Kobayashi, O-Hidé, and the manipulative Madam Yoshikawa, his boss’s wife. These exchanges explode into moments of intense jealousy, rancor, and recrimination that will surprise English-speaking readers who expect indirectness, delicacy, and reticence in Japanese relations. Echoing the work of Jane Austen and Henry James, Sōseki’s novel achieves maximal drama with minimal action and symbolizes a tectonic shift in literary form. Natsume Sōseki
(1867–1916) was the foremost Japanese novelist of
the Meiji Era, known for his books Kokoro, Botchan, and I Am a Cat. He is also the author of Theory of Literature and Other Critical Writings. John Nathan
is Takashima Professor of Cultural Studies at the
University of California, Santa Barbara. $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16142-8 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53618-9 N o v e m b e r 464 pages / 188 b&w illustrations A s i an L i t e r atu r e W e ath e r h e a d B o o k s o n A s i a
All Rights: Columbia University Press
30 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Deaths in Venice
The Cases of Gustav von Aschenbach Philip Kitcher di ving into th e p h i los o ph i c a l d e pt hs o f Thom as M ann’s b elov e d n ov e lla , as i m ag i n e d i n wor ds , m us ic , a n d fi lm .
Published in 1913, Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice is one of the most widely read novellas in any language. In the 1970s, Benjamin Britten adapted it into an opera, and Lucchino Visconti turned it into a successful film. Reading these works from a philosophical perspective, Philip Kitcher connects the predicament of the novella’s central character to Western thought’s most compelling questions.
In Mann’s story, the author Gustav von Aschenbach becomes captivated by an adolescent boy, first seen on the lido in Venice, the eventual site of Aschenbach’s own death. Mann works through central concerns about how to live, explored with equal intensity by his German predecessors, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. Kitcher considers how Mann’s, Britten’s, and Visconti’s treatments illuminate the tension between social and ethical values and an artist’s sensitivity to beauty. Each work asks whether a life devoted to self-sacrifice in the pursuit of lasting achievements can be sustained, and whether the breakdown of discipline undercuts its worth. Haunted by the prospect of his death, Aschenbach also helps reflect on whether it is possible to achieve anything in full awareness of our finitude and in knowing our successes are always incomplete. Philip Kitcher
is the John Dewey Professor of
© Cynthia Rettig
Philosophy at Columbia University and the author of numerous books and articles, including Science
“Philip Kitcher’s book is a profession of love: for Thomas Mann’s novella, for Mahler’s music, and, above all, for the commitment to ideas and reflections on life that a certain current of German culture represented in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. One senses that Kitcher has so completely immersed himself in the works of Mann, in Mahler’s music, in their biographies, and to an extent in the eponymous works by Britten and Visconti, that he speaks from within these works and lives.” —Mark M. Anderson, Columbia University
in a Democratic Society, The Ethical Project, and Preludes to Pragmatism: Toward a Reconstruction of Philosophy.
$30.00 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-16264-7 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53603-5 N o v e m b e r 288 pages / 17 b&w illustrations ph i lo s o ph y / l i t e r a r y c r i t i c i s m L e o na r d H a s t i ng s Sch o f f L e ctu r e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 31
Freedom’s Right
The Social Foundations of Democratic Life Axel Honneth A pr act i ca l t heo ry o f just i ce i n fo rmed by e v e ryday so ci a l rea li t i es.
Theories of justice often fixate on purely normative, abstract principles unrelated to real-world applications. The philosopher and theorist Axel Honneth addresses this disconnect, constructing a theory of justice derived from the normative claims of Western liberal-democratic societies and anchored in the law and institutionally established practices that possess moral legitimacy.
Termed a “democratic ethical life,” Honneth’s paradigm draws on the spirit of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and his own theory of recognition, demonstrating how concrete social spheres generate the principles of individual freedom and a standard for what is just. Using social analysis to re-found a more grounded theory of justice, Honneth argues that all crucial actions in Western civilization, whether in personal relationships, market-induced economic activities, or the public forum of politics, share one defining characteristic: they require the realization of a particular aspect of individual freedom. This fundamental truth, Honneth shows, informs the guiding principles of justice, enabling a wideranging reconsideration of its theory.
“This book represents a major statement on the distinctive perspective of a pivotal figure in the Frankfurt School tradition. Axel Honneth’s accounts of social freedom, normative reconstruction, and societal pathologies are sure to be points of reference within critical social theory for decades to come.” —Joel Anderson, Utrecht University © Pressestelle der GoetheUniversitÄt Frankfurt/M.
Axel Honneth
is professor of philosophy at the
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, director of Frankfurt’s Institute for Social Research, and the Jack C. Weinstein Professor of Humanities at Columbia University. He is the author of Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory; The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts; Philosophical Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment; and The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical
$35.00 cloth 978-0-231-16246-3 $34.99 ebook 978-0-231-53085-9 F e b r u a r y 448 pages P h i lo s o ph y / P o l i t i c s N e w D i r e ct i o n s i n C r i t i ca l T h e o ry
English-language Rights in North America and Asia Excluding Japan and Africa: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: Suhrkamp Verlag
32 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Social Theory.
Radical Cosmopolitics
The Ethics and Politics of Democratic Universalism James D. Ingram
Re conf igur ing cos m o po li ta n i s m to a da pt to t h e m or al and po li t i c a l c h a lle n g e s of g lob al ization.
While supporting the cosmopolitan pursuit of a world that respects all rights and interests, James D. Ingram believes political theorists have, in their approach to this project, compromised its egalitarian and emancipatory principles. Focusing on recent debates without losing sight of cosmopolitanism’s ancient and Enlightenment roots, Ingram confronts the philosophical difficulties of defending universal ideals and the implications for ethics and political theory. In morality as in politics, theorists have generally focused first on discovering universal values and second on their implementation. Ingram argues that only by prioritizing the development and articulation of universal values through political action in the fight for freedom and equality can theorists do justice to these efforts and cosmopolitanism’s universal vocation. Only by proceeding from the local to the global, from the bottom up rather than from the top down, on the basis of political practice rather than moral ideals, can we salvage moral and political universalism. Ingram provides the clearest, most systematic account yet of this schematic reversal and its radical possibilities.
James D. Ingram
teaches political theory at McMaster University.
“A brilliant work of normative political philosophy, Radical Cosmopolitics is at once relentless and flawless in its argumentation. It masterfully introduces and superbly narrates while skillfully drawing upon, reframing, and advancing the contributions made to cosmopolitan political thought. It is a most compelling claim for truly global, democratic equality—indeed, for postcolonial politics, a committed demand for a truer cosmopolitics.” —Gil Anidjar, Columbia University
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16110-7 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53641-7 S e p t e m b e r 352 pages P h i lo s o ph y / P o l i t i c s N e w D i r e ct i o n s i n C r i t i ca l T h e o ry
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 33
Cut of the Real
Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy Katerina Kolozova Foreword by François Laruelle A le adi n g scho la r o f gen der st udi es a n d s pe c ulat i ve rea li sm ca rves a un i versa l co n cep t i o n o f i den t i t y a n d t he sub ject.
Following François Laruelle’s nonstandard philosophy and the work of Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Luce Irigaray, and Rosi Braidotti, Katerina Kolozova reclaims the relevance of categories traditionally rendered “unthinkable” by postmodern feminist philosophies, such as “the real,” “the one,” “the limit,” and “finality,” critically repositioning poststructuralist feminist philosophy and gender/queer studies. “An important contribution to ongoing debates in feminist theory, queer theory, gender theory, and race theory, as well as the newly emerging philosophical trend of speculative realism. Cut of the Real is the best introduction to Laruelle’s thought to date and why it is valuable and what it can do.” —Levi R. Bryant, Collin College
“Kolozova is the ‘Eastern European Judith Butler,’ uncompromisingly difficult, innovative, and challenging yet developing a radically distinct voice in gender theory.” —Michael O’Rourke, Independent Colleges, Dublin
Poststructuralist (feminist) theory sees the subject as a purely linguistic category, as always already multiple, as always already nonfixed and fluctuating, as limitless discursivity, and as constitutively detached from the instance of the real. This reconceptualization is based on the exclusion of and dichotomous opposition to notions of the real, the one (unity and continuity), and the stable. Postructuralist philosophy engenders new forms of universalisms for global debate and action, expressed in a language the world can understand. It also liberates theory from ideological paralysis, recasting the real as an immediately experienced human condition determined by gender, race, and social and economic circumstance. Katerina Kolozova
is professor of philosophy and gender studies
at the Institute in Social Sciences and Humanities Research in Skopje, Macedonia, and has been a member of the international organization of non-philosophy since its founding. She is the author of The Lived Revolution: Solidarity with the Body in Pain as the New Political Universal and the editor of Gender and Identity: Theories from/on Southeastern Europe and Conversations with Judith Butler: Crisis of the Subject.
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16610-2 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53643-1 J a n u a r y 208 pages P h i lo s o ph y In s u r r e ct i o n s : C r i t i ca l Stu d i e s i n R e l i g i o n , P o l i t i c s , an d C u ltu r e
All Rights: Columbia University Press
34 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies Steve Coutinho
Explor ing th e p h i los o ph i c a l u n d e r pi n n i n g s of th r ee foundat i o n a l Dao i st t e x ts : t h e L aozi, t he Zh uangzi , and t h e L i e z i .
Steve Coutinho explores in detail the fundamental concepts of Daoist thought as represented in three early texts: the Laozi, the Zhuangzi, and the Liezi. Readers interested in philosophy yet unfamiliar with Daoism will gain a comprehensive understanding of these works from this analysis, and readers fascinated by ancient China who also wish to grasp its philosophical foundations will appreciate the clarity and depth of Coutinho’s explanations.
Coutinho writes a volume for all readers, whether or not they have a background in philosophy or Chinese studies. A work of comparative philosophy, this volume also integrates the concepts and methods of contemporary philosophical discourse into a discussion of early Chinese thought. The resulting dialogue relates ancient Chinese thought to contemporary philosophical issues and uses modern Western ideas and approaches to throw new interpretive light on classical texts. Rather than function as historical curiosities, these works act as living philosophies in conversation with contemporary thought and experience. Coutinho respects the multiplicity of Daoist philosophies while also revealing a distinctive philosophical sensibility, and he provides clear explanations of these complex texts without resorting to oversimplification. Steve Coutinho
“Steve Coutinho’s book is a most welcome addition to the literature on Daoist philosophy. He presents an insightful and comprehensive overview of the plurality of approaches within this tradition and succeeds in making these Daoist texts philosophically relevant and significant.” —Hans-Georg Moeller, University College Cork
is associate professor of philosophy at
Muhlenberg College and the author of Zhuangzi and Early Chinese Philosophy: Vagueness, Transformation, and Paradox.
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-14339-4 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-14338-7 $24.99 / £17.00 ebook 978-0-231-51288-6 N o v e m b e r 256 pages P h i lo s o ph y
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 35
Unearthing the Changes
Recently Discovered Manuscripts of the Yi Jing (I Ching) and Related Texts Edward L. Shaughnessy t h r e e a rcha eo lo gi ca l di scoveri es t hat r e o r i en t scho la rshi p o n ea rly Ch i n ese c i v i li z at i o n .
“A truly wonderful book, masterfully conceived and extremely well crafted. Shaughnessy demonstrates once again why he is, among all Western scholars, the premier translator and interpreter of the early history of what became the Classic of Changes.” —Richard J. Smith, author of The I Ching: A Biography
“Shaughnessy has written the definitive account of these materials. Closely argued, and drawing on impeccable control of the literature, this study re-forms our understanding of how and what the Yi Jing might have been. —Kidder Smith, Bowdoin College
In recent years, three ancient manuscripts relating to the Yi jing (I Ching), or Classic of Changes, have been discovered. The earliest—the Shanghai Museum Zhou Yi—dates to about 300 B.C.E. and shows evidence of the text’s original circulation. The Gui cang, or Returning to Be Treasured, reflects another ancient Chinese divination tradition based on hexagrams similar to those of the Yi jing. In 1993, two manuscripts found in a third-century B.C.E. tomb at Wangjiatai contained almost exact parallels to the Gui cang’s early quotations, supplying new information on the performance of early Chinese divination. Finally, the Fuyang Zhou Yi was excavated from the tomb of Xia Hou Zao, lord of Ruyin, who died in 165 B.C.E. Each line of this classic is followed by one or more generic prognostications similar to phrases found in the Yi jing, indicating exciting new ways in which the text was produced and used in the interpretation of divinations. This book details the discovery and significance of the Shanghai Museum Zhou Yi, the Wangjiatai Gui cang, and the Fuyang Zhou Yi, including full translations of the texts and additional evidence that constructs a new narrative of the Yi jing’s writing and transmission in the first millennium B.C.E. Edward L. Shaughnessy
is the Creel Distinguished Service
Professor of Early China at the University of Chicago. He is the author of Rewriting Early Chinese Texts and Before Confucius: Studies in the Creation of the Chinese Classics; translator of I Ching, The Classic of Changes: The First English Translation of the Newly Discovered Second-Century B.C. Mawangdui Texts; and coeditor of The Cambridge History of Ancient China: From the Origins of
$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16184-8 $39.99 / £27.50 ebook 978-0-231-53330-0 F e b r u a r y 400 pages / 20 b&w illustrations A s i an L i t e r atu r e T r an s l at i o n s f r o m th e A s i an C l a s s i c s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
36 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Civilization to 221 B.C.
The Complete Works of Zhuangzi Burton Watson, Translator
Now us ing p iny in r o m a n i z at i o n , t h i s c lass ic tr ans l ati o n c a pt u r e s t h e v i s i o n a ry though t and sty li st i c br i lli a n c e o f a se m inal Daoist te x t.
Only by inhabiting Dao (the Way of Nature) and dwelling in its unity can humankind achieve true happiness and freedom, in both life and death. This is Daoist philosophy’s central tenet, espoused by the person—or group of people—known as Zhuangzi (369?-286? B.C.E.) in a text by the same name. To be free, individuals must discard rigid distinctions between good and bad, right and wrong, and follow a course of action not motivated by gain or striving. When one ceases to judge events as good or bad, man-made suffering disappears and natural suffering is embraced as part of life.
Zhuangzi elucidates this mystical philosophy through humor, parable, and anecdote, deploying non sequitur and even nonsense to illuminate a truth beyond the boundaries of ordinary logic. Boldly imaginative and inventively worded, the Zhuangzi floats free of its historical period and society, addressing the spiritual nourishment of all people across time. One of the most justly celebrated texts of the Chinese tradition, the Zhuangzi is read by thousands of English-language scholars each year, yet only in the Wade-Giles romanization. Burton Watson’s pinyin romanization brings the text in line with how Chinese scholars, and an increasing number of other scholars, read it. Burton Watson
“[Burton Watson] possesses all the qualities which distinguish a master translator. As a craftsman and as a poet, he has inspired and challenged two generations.” —Asian Affairs
“Translation of any of the classics . . . from the hand of Burton Watson is an event to be welcomed with gratitude.” —Journal of Asian Studies
has taught at Columbia, Stanford, and Kyoto
Universities and is one of the world’s best-known translators of Chinese and Japanese works. His translations include The Demon at Agi Bridge and Other Japanese Tales, The Analects of Confucius, The Tales of the Heike, and The Lotus Sutra; the writings of Zhuangzi, Mozi, Xunzi, and Han Feizi; The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry; and Records of the Grand Historian. $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16474-0 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53650-9 O c t o b e r 336 pages / 2 figures A s i an L i t e r atu r e T r an s l at i o n s f r o m th e A s i an C l a s s i c s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 37
How Finance Is Shaping the Economies of China, Japan, and Korea
Yung Chul Park and Hugh Patrick, Editors A r i g o ro us a n a lysi s fo r sp eci a li sts a n d a n access i b le acco un t fo r n o n sp eci a li sts m a pp i n g t he mo dern fi n a n ci a l hi sto ri es o f t hree ma jo r wo rld eco n o mi es.
“Integrating research on all three target countries, this volume provides a clear explication of the way financial markets impact the real sector and are shaped by political policies. This book is written clearly enough to be easily understood by a wide range of academic readers, whether undergraduates or graduate students engaged in research, and will also be a valuable reference for experts in the field.” —Satyananda J. Gabriel, Mount Holyoke College
This volume connects the evolving modern financial systems of China, Japan, and Korea to the development and growth of their economies through the first decade of the twenty-first century. It also identifies the commonalities among all three systems while taking into account their social, political, and institutional differences.
Essays consider the reform of the Chinese economy since 1978, the underwhelming performance of the Japanese economy since about 1990, and the growth of the Korean economy over the past three decades. These economies engaged in rapid catch-up growth processes and share similar economic structures. While domestic forces have driven each country’s financial trajectory, international short-term financial flows have presented opportunities and challenges for all. For these countries, the nature and role of the financial system in generating real economic growth is integral, though nuanced and complex. The result is a fascinating spectrum of experiences with powerful takeaways. Yung Chul Park
is distinguished professor in the division of inter-
national studies at Korea University. He previously served as the chief economic adviser to the president of Korea (1987–1988), as president of the Korea Development Institute (1986–1987), and as president of the Korea Institute of Finance (1992–1998). Hugh Patrick
is director of the Center on Japanese Economy
and Business at Columbia Business School, codirector of Columbia University’s APEC Study Center, and its R. D. Calkins Professor of International Business Emeritus. $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-16526-6 $59.99 / £41.50 ebook 978-0-231-53646-2 N o v e m b e r 400 pages / 71 charts B u s i n e s s / A s i an Stu d i e s C o lumb i a B u s i n e s s Sch o o l P ub l i s h i ng
All Rights: Columbia University Press
38 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
P r e v i o u s ly A n n o u n c e d , N o w Ava i l a b l e
Abominable Science
Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero Foreword by Michael Shermer A CAPTIVATINGLY ILLU STRATED GENERAL- INTERE ST BOOK CONFRONTING T H E PER S I STENT MYT H S OF CRYPTOZOOLOGY.
Many people believe in demonstrably false phenomena. Even though these fictions have been debunked and discredited, they persist in the human imagination, our beliefs, and our society. Spinning tales of fantastical creatures may seem harmless, but when pseudoscientists make “revolutionary” claims about the world and its history, evidence-based science, public policy, and human progress suffer.
Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero have written an entertaining, educational, and definitive text on cryptids, presenting the arguments both for and against their existence and systematically challenging the pseudoscience perpetuating their myths. After examining the nature and practitioners of pseudoscientific thought, Loxton and Prothero take on Bigfoot; the Yeti, and the Abominable Snowman, and its crosscultural incarnations; the Loch Ness monster and its highly publicized sightings; the evolution of the Sea Serpent legend; and Mokele Mbembe, or the Congo dinosaur. They conclude with the psychology behind persistent paranormal and extraordinary belief, identifying cryptozoology’s major players, the character of its subculture, and its pernicious perversion of critical thinking. Daniel Loxton
“An entertaining, educational, passionate, and valuable handbook for readers interested in getting a scientific perspective on the field of cryptozoology. With marvelous artwork and deeply researched histories of the various creatures, this is an impressive and authoritative book.” —Adrienne Mayor, Stanford University, author of The First Fossil Hunters: Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and Myths in Greek and Roman Times
is the editor of Junior Skeptic magazine and a staff
writer for Skeptic magazine. He is the author and primary illustrator of Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be. Donald R Prothero
is former professor of geology at Occidental
College and lecturer in geobiology at Caltech. He is the author of Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters.
$29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-15320-1 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-52681-4 S e p t e m b e r 368 pages / 88 illustrations Sc i e nc e
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 39
N e w i n Pa p e r
The Epigenetics Revolution
How Modern Biology Is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance Nessa Carey
“Anyone seriously interested in who we are and how we function should read this book.” —Peter Forbes, The Guardian
“An enlightening introduction to what scientists have learned in the past decade about [epigenetics].” —Carl Zimmer, Wall Street Journal
Epigenetics can potentially revolutionize our understanding of the structure and behavior of biological life on Earth. It explains why mapping an organism’s genetic code is not enough to determine how it develops or acts and shows how nurture combines with nature to engineer biological diversity. Surveying the twenty-year history of the field while also highlighting its latest findings and innovations, Carey provides a readily understandable introduction to the foundations of the field of epigenetics. “An excellent and largely accurate account of a fascinating and fast-moving area of modern biology.”
“Combines an easy style with a textbook’s thoroughness. . . . A bold attempt to bring epigenetics to a wide audience.” —Jonathan Weitzman, Nature
“A must-read for every intelligent person who likes to know what is going on in modern science.” —Graham Storrs, New York Journal of Books
—Jonathan Hodgkin, Times Literary Supplement
“Carey’s report on the rapidly developing state of epigenetics research may help nonscientists with public policy, investment, and health care decisions.” —Booklist
“An exhilarating exploration of an exciting new field, and a good gift for a bright biology student looking for a career choice.” —Kirkus Reviews Nessa Carey
earned her Ph.D. in virology from the University of
Edinburgh and is a former senior lecturer at Imperial College in London. She works in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors, and for the past seven years has specialized in epigenetics. $18.95t paper 978-0-231-16117-6 O c t o b e r 352 pages Sc i e nc e
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-16116-9 English-language Rights in North America: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: Andrew Lownie Literary Agency
40 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
N e w i n Pa p e r
The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars
Dispatches from the Front Lines Michael E. Mann
“Mann’s honest and thorough testimony on the attacks against climate science is a critical step toward resolving the climate change debate.” —Science
The Hockey Stick graph presents scientific data demonstrating global temperatures have risen in conjunction with the increase in industrialization and the use of fossil fuels. It is a central icon in the “climate wars,” and Michael E. Mann—lead author of the original paper in which the graph first appeared—shares the story of the science and politics behind its controversy and concludes with the real story of the 2009 “Climategate” scandal, in which climate scientists’ e-mails were hacked. This paperback includes a new afterword by the author updating the continuing saga of the climate wars. “I heartily recommend this book for an unusually clear view of the action on the front line of climate science
“Readers of this book will enjoy a dazzling, informative tour of the science underlying climatology and especially the analysis that went into the diagram that caused all the ruckus.” —Daily Kos
from one of its principle palaeoclimate protagonists.” —Colin Summerhayes, Geoscientist
“If you read just one book on climate change, make it
“A harrowing ride through the politics of truth and denial.” —Huffington Post
Mann’s riveting exposé of disinformation and denial.” “Mann is a hero, and this book is a
—Irish Times
remarkable account of the science
“Mann deserves our respect and admiration for what he has been through and for his willingness to discuss it. . . . A deeply honest scientific coming-of-age story.” —Naomi Oreskes, Physics Today Michael E. Mann
and politics of the defining issue of our time.” —Bill McKibben, author of Earth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
is a member of the Penn State University faculty,
holding joint positions in the Departments of Meteorology and Geosciences and the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (EESI). He is also director of the Penn State Earth System Science Center (ESSC).
$19.95t / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-15255-6 O c t o b e r 384 pages / 20 figures S C i e nc e
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-15254-9 All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 41
N e w i n Pa p e r
The Severed Head Capital Visions
Julia Kristeva “Through her wonder and her doubt, Kristeva sets forth a compelling account of the sacred and of the intimate visionary capacity of the human soul.” —Joshua Paetkau, Ecclesial University
“While a challenging text, this beautifully written and richly layered meditation on mortality and representation will undoubtedly appeal to those readers interested in semiotic and psychoanalytically informed readings of art.” —Jonathan Patkowski, Library Journal XPress Reviews
“The powers of horror that engage Kristeva in this book ultimately lead us beyond abjection to a meditation on representation and the sacred. It is an original and powerful narrative.” —Peter Brooks, author of Enigmas of Identity
$22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15721-6 J a n u a r y 176 pages / 18 b&w illustrations ph i lo s o ph y
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15720-9 Eu r o p e an P e r s p e ct i v e s : A S e r i e s i n S o c i a l T h o ught an d C u ltu r a l C r i t i c i s m
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: Reunion des Musees Nationaux
42 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Kristeva considers the head as icon, artifact, and locus of thought, seeking a keener understanding of the violence and desire that drives us to sever, and in some cases keep, such a potent object. Her study stretches all the way back to 6,000 B.C.E., with humans’ early decoration and worship of skulls, and follows with the Medusa myth; the mandylion of Laon (a holy relic in which the face of a saint appears on a piece of cloth); the biblical story of John the Baptist and his counterpart, Salome; tales of the guillotine; modern murder mysteries; and even the rhetoric surrounding the fight for and against capital punishment. Kristeva interprets these “capital visions” through the lens of psychoanalysis, drawing connections between their manifestation and sacred experience and affirming the possibility of the sacred, even in an era of “faceless” interaction. “The Severed Head is a reminder that art can be the best teacher, particularly when the topic is an uncomfortable one.” —Patricia Contino, New Julia Kristeva
is professor of linguistics at the Université de Paris
VII and author of many acclaimed works and novels. She is the recipient of the Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Thought and the Holberg International Memorial Prize.
N e w i n Pa p e r
Parting Ways
Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism Judith Butler “This is an incredibly important and timely book. Judith Butler is intent on showing that one can develop from Jewish sources a perspective on IsraelPalestine that is non-Zionist and that it might even be possible to assert resistance to Zionism as itself a ‘Jewish’ value. These scare quotes are Butler’s, who constantly questions what it means to be Jewish.” —Amy Hollywood, Harvard University
Judith Butler follows Edward Said’s late suggestion that through a consideration of Palestinian dispossession in relation to Jewish diasporic traditions a new ethos can be forged for a one-state solution. Butler engages Jewish philosophical positions to articulate a critique of political Zionism and its practices of illegitimate state violence, nationalism, and state-sponsored racism. At the same time, she moves beyond communitarian frameworks, including Jewish ones, that fail to arrive at a radical democratic notion of political cohabitation.
Butler considers the rights of the dispossessed, the necessity of plural cohabitation, and the dangers of arbitrary state violence, showing how they can be extended to a critique of Zionism, even when that is not their explicit aim. Her startling suggestion: Jewish ethics not only demand a critique of Zionism but must transcend its exclusive Jewishness in order to realize the ethical and political ideals of living together in radical democracy. Judith Butler
is Maxine Elliot Professor in the Departments of
Rhetoric and Comparative Literature and the codirector of the Program of Critical Theory at the University of California, Berkeley.
“Following in the footsteps of Hannah Arendt, Butler offers an illuminating critique of Zionism, here developed into a general theory of ‘cohabitation.’ Her compelling juxtaposition of Jewish and Palestinian intellectuals and texts (Levinas, Benjamin, Arendt, Said, and Darwish) constitutes an essential reflection on the notion of exile and diaspora, thus positioning herself against the logic of the nationstate. Even those who disagree with some of her basic assumptions will find Parting Ways illuminating, challenging, and thought-provoking.” —Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, Ben Gurion University
$19.95t / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-14611-1 N o v e m b e r 256 pages ph i lo s o ph y
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-14610-4 All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 43
N e w i n Pa p e r
Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform Paul R. Pillar W i n n er o f t he St. Ermi n ’ s In t elli gen ce B o o k o f t he Yea r Awa rd
In this book, Paul R. Pillar confronts the intelligence myths Americans have come to rely on to explain national tragedies, including the belief that intelligence drives major national security decisions and can be fixed to avoid future failures. Pillar believes these assumptions waste critical resources and create harmful policies, diverting attention away from smarter reform and they keep Americans from recognizing the limits of obtainable knowledge.
“Pillar provides a telling and comprehensive new perspective from the inside.” —Steve Coll, New York Review of Books
“A well-written effort by a former intelligence officer and academician. Hopefully, members of the national security community and their staffs will read and benefit from it.” —Choice
“A vigorous and hard-hitting insider’s account.” —Lawrence D. Freedman, Foreign Affairs
Pillar revisits U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War and demonstrates the negligible effect America’s intelligence failures had on U.S. policy and interests. He reviews in detail the events of 9/11 and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, condemning the 9/11 commission and the George W. Bush administration for their portrayals of the role of intelligence. Pillar offers an original approach to better informing U.S. policy and concludes with principles for adapting foreign policy to inevitable uncertainties. “[A] rich, useful, and important book.” —Thomas Powers, New York Times Book Review
“A thoroughly documented, cogently argued work by an author with vast personal experience of his topic.” —Kirkus Reviews Paul R. Pillar
is visiting professor and director of studies in the
Security Studies Program at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. He served in several senior positions with the CIA and the National Intelligence Council and is a retired army reserve officer.
$23.00 / £16.00 paper 978-0-231-15793-3 FEb r u a r y 432 pages p o l i t i ca l s c i e nc e
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15792-6 All Rights: Columbia University Press
44 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
N e w i n Pa p e r
American Force
Dangers, Delusions, and Dilemmas in National Security Richard K. Betts
“Betts combines serious thought, common sense, and deep historical knowledge, rather than simply applying abstract theories, and his conclusions are expressed in plain English.” —Lawrence D. Freedman, Foreign Affairs
Richard K. Betts brings his extensive knowledge of twentieth-century American diplomatic and military history to bear on national security theory and practice. He exposes mistakes made by humanitarian interventions and peace operations; reviews issues raised by terrorism and the use of modern nuclear, biological, and cyber weapons; evaluates the case for preventive war; weighs the lessons learned from campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam; assesses the rise of China and the resurgence of Russia; quells concerns about civil-military relations; exposes anomalies within defense budgets; and confronts the barriers to effective strategy. “A masterful job analyzing all of the important issues that have arisen during the conduct of post–World
“Highly recommended for aficionados of foreign-policy and nationalsecurity issues.” —Kirkus Reviews
“A lucid and insightful guide to the use of armed force as an instrument of U.S. power.” —American Conservative
War II U.S. national security policy. A must-read for policy makers and analysts trying to comprehend the current threats to U.S. security and develop effective and efficient responses to them.”
“Deserves to be widely read and debated.” —Scott A. Silverstone, H-Diplo Roundtable
—Lawrence J. Korb, assistant secretary of defense and senior fellow, Center for American Progress Richard K. Betts
is director of the Saltzman Institute of War and
Peace Studies at Columbia University, adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and author of numerous books on military strategy, intelligence, and foreign policy,
$22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15123-8 S e p t e m b e r 384 pages / 2 tables p o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15122-1 A Co unc i l o n F o r e i gn R e l at i o n s B o o k
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 45
N e w i n Pa p e r
Meditations of a Buddhist Skeptic
A Manifesto for the Mind Sciences and Contemplative Practice B. Alan Wallace
“This book is a stirring attack on the hubris
Sex and World Peace
Valerie M. Hudson,
Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, and Chad F. Emmett “An eye-opening contribution to our under
and blind spots of the scientific establishment,
standing of the powerful misogynist forces that
combined with an engaging presentation of
still contribute to violence and war. This volume
Buddhist wisdom as the antidote.” —Joseph S. O’Leary, Japan Times
Renowned Buddhist philosopher B. Alan Wallace reasserts the power of shamatha and vipashyana to clarify the mind’s role in the natural world. Raising profound questions about human nature, free will, and experience versus dogma, he proves the observer is essential to measuring quantum systems and that mental phenomena (however conceived) influence brain function and behavior. “Wallace’s range and depth of knowledge
should be required reading for all students of international relations and those who make policy.” —Ann Crittenden, author of The Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World Is Still the Least Valued
Sex and World Peace demonstrates that the security of women is a vital factor in the security of the state and its incidence of conflict and war. Valerie M. Hudson
is professor and George H. W. Bush
Chair at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University.
are astounding.”
Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill
—Arthur Zajonc, Amherst College
of psychology at Brigham Young University.
B. Alan Wallace
books include Mind in the Balance:
Meditation in Science, Buddhism, and Christianity and Hidden Dimensions: The Unification of Physics
Mary Caprioli
is professor emeritus
is associate professor at the University
of Minnesota, Duluth. Chad F. Emmett
is an associate professor of geography
and Consciousness.
at Brigham Young University.
$18.95t / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-15835-0
$20.00 / £14.00 paper 978-0-231-13183-4
N o v e m b e r 304 pages
F e b r u a r y 304 pages / 11 color maps, I figure, and 17 tables
ph i lo s o ph y
p o l i t i ca l s c i e nc e / G e n d e r Stu d i e s
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15834-3
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-13182-7
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
46 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
N e w i n Pa p e r
Islam Through Western Eyes
From the Crusades to the War on Terrorism Jonathan Lyons A C hoic e O utstand i n g Ac a d e m i c T i t le
Jonathan Lyons unpacks Western habits of thinking and writing about Islam, conducting a careful analysis of the West’s grand totalizing narrative across one thousand years of history. He observes the discourse’s corrosive effects on sociology, politics, philosophy, theology, international relations, security studies, and human rights scholarship. He follows its influence on research, speeches, political strategy, and government policy, preventing the West from responding effectively to the rise of Islamic power, the emergence of religious violence, and the growing tension between established social values and multicultural rights among Muslim immigrants. “A useful corrective to the powerful voices of
“Lyons has made a very significant contribution to the study of Islam and
those who intersperse claims of Islam’s innate
Muslims in the twenty-first century
bloodthirstiness with advocacy for suppression of
across disciplines. . . . A must read for
the rights of Muslims at home and abroad.”
those interested in the subject.”
—Publishers Weekly
“An excellent and engaging opportunity for critical
“Lyons takes a chisel to the ancient and venerable edifice that is the
anti-Islam discourse and patiently
chips away, hoping to demolish
“A very readable and thought-provoking account of the
what he considers the chief obstacle
roots and characteristics of Islamophobia. This book
obscuring the West’s view of real-life
should be added to the reading lists of undergraduate
Islam and Muslims.”
and graduate courses on contemporary world affairs
—Rayyan Al-Shawaf, Boston Globe
and American foreign policy.” —Cemil Aydin, H-Diplo Jonathan Lyons
spent twenty years as a foreign correspondent
and editor for Reuters, much of it in the Islamic world. His publications include The House of Wisdom: How the Arabs Transformed Western Civilization and, with Geneive Abdo, Answering Only to God: Faith and Freedom in Twenty-First-Century Iran.
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15895-4 J a n u a r y 272 pages H i s to r y / M i d d l e Ea s t Stu d i e s
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-15894-7 World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: Lippincott Massie McQuilkin cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 47
N e w i n Pa p e r
Sustainability Management
Lessons from and for New York City, America, and the Planet
The AIDS Conspiracy Science Fights Back Nicoli Nattrass
Steven Cohen “Essential reading for anyone who is curious about “Will be used widely as a text for environmental
why some people will not accept scientific facts
studies, political science, and business majors.
about the nature, origin, and lethality of HIV.”
Strongly recommended.”
—Robin A. Weiss, Nature
—Library Journal
Written by a former EPA analyst and consultant and executive director of the Columbia University Earth Institute, this book showcases sustainable efforts in water, agriculture, urban, and power management. It begins with technical, financial, managerial, and political challenges and then assesses sustainable practices in the manufacturing and service industries. Topics covered include renewable and carbon-free energy production; water sustainability, especially regarding energy issues involving filtration, distribution, and changing rainfall patterns; food cultivation and distribution; and the maintainance of the interdependent systems on which we depend. Steven Cohen
is professor in the practice of public affairs
Nicoli Nattrass identifies four powerful figures perpetuating AIDS denialism: dissident scientists who lend credibility to the movement; alternative therapists who exploit the conspiratorial move as a marketing mechanism; individuals who claim to be living proof of AIDS denialism’s legitimacy; and journalists who broadcast movement messages to the public. She also describes how activists have fought back by deploying empirical evidence and political credibility. “A highly accessible, impeccably referenced scholarly work.” —Neil Bennet, Lancet Nicoli Nattrass
is director of the AIDS and Society
Research Unit at the University of Cape Town and visiting professor at Yale University.
at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA).
$27.00 / £18.50 paper 978-0-231-15259-4
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-14913-6
D e c e m b e r 200 pages
N o v e m b e r 240 pages / 8 line drawings and 3 tables
En v i r o nm e nta l Sc i e nc e
pub l i c H e a lth
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15258-7
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-14912-9
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
48 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
N e w i n Pa p e r
Religion in America
Hollywood’s Copyright Wars
A Political History
From Edison to the Internet
Denis Lacorne
Peter Decherney
Foreword by Tony Judt “A fascinating and noteworthy study.” —Eldon J. Eisenach, Journal of American History
“A groundbreaking study on what has been an understudied aspect of American film history.” —Jan-Christopher Horak, Archival Spaces: Memory, Images, History
Denis Lacorne identifies two competing narratives defining the American identity: the first is essentially secular; the second treats religion as fundamental. Lacorne examines the role of religion in designing these narratives and how key historians, philosophers, novelists, and intellectuals situate religion in American politics. “On a shelf groaning with books on politics and religion, Lacorne’s study will stand out for its distinct perspective and erudition.” —Thomas E. Buckley, American Historical Review
“An edifying read for someone seeking grounding in the subject as well as a user-friendly course adoption.”
“Have you ever wondered if a book about copyright law could be as compelling as the Fifty Shades trilogy, but without BDSM scenes? Well, wonder no further. The answer, after reading Hollywood’s Copyright Wars by Peter Decherney, is definitely yes.” —Eleonora Rosati, Journal of Intellectual Property
—Jim Cullen, History News Network Denis Lacorne
Many films, from Modern Times (1936) to Star Wars (1977), cannot be fully understood without appreciating their legal controversies, and much of Hollywood’s engagement with the law has occurred offstage. Peter Decherney’s unique history recounts these extralegal solutions and their impact on American media and culture.
is senior research fellow, Centre d’Etudes
et de Recherches Internationales, Sciences Po, Paris.
Law and Practice Peter Decherney
is associate professor of cinema stud-
ies, English, and communication, University of Pennsylvania.
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-15101-6 J a n u a r y 248 pages / 1 table R e l i g i o n / A m e r i can Stu d i e s
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15100-9 R e l i g i o n , C u ltu r e , an d P ub l i c L i f e
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15947-0 S e p t e m b e r 304 pages / 40 illustrations F i l m Stu d i e s / Law
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-15946-3
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press;
F i l m an d C u ltu r e S e r i e s
All Other Rights: Editions Gallimard
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 49
N e w i n Pa p e r
The Lovelorn Ghost and the Magical Monk
Practicing Buddhism in Modern Thailand Justin Thomas McDaniel W inner of th e G e o r g e M c T. Ka h i n B o o k
Unifying Hinduism
Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History Andrew J. Nicholson “In this marvelously clear, meticulously researched,
P r ize on S outh e ast Asi a , Ass o c i at i o n fo r
and tightly argued book which promises to
As ian Stud ies
change the scholarly conversation on Hindu
Focusing on representations of the ghost and monk from the late eighteenth century to the present, this study recasts conceptions of being “Buddhist” and their transmission across different venues and technologies.
identity, Nicholson sets the record straight regarding the historical emergence of what is today widely known as Hinduism.” —Jeffery D. Long, Religious Studies Review
critiqued by future scholars seeking to elucidate
Sourcing philosophers from late-medieval and early-modern traditions, this book shows how influential thinkers portrayed Vedanta philosophy as the ultimate unifier of diverse belief systems.
Thai Buddhism with the same care and insight
“A must read for scholars of Indian history,
“A benchmark in the study of Thai Buddhism, and McDaniel’s arguments, claims, and inter pretations will be advanced, debated, and
he has displayed.”
Hinduism, and south Asian religious traditions.”
—Erick White, New Mandala Blog
—Vineeth Mathoor, Metapsychology
“Informs, entertains, and provokes.” —Chris Baker, Bangkok Post Justin Thomas McDaniel
is associate professor of
Buddhist and Southeast Asian studies at the University
“A tour de force.” —Journal of the American Academy of Religion Andrew J. Nicholson
is assistant professor of Hinduism
and Indian intellectual history at Stony Brook University.
of Pennsylvania.
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15377-5 D e c e m b e r 384 pages / 20 halftones R e l i g i o n / ph i lo s o ph y
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15376-8
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14987-7 D e c e m b e r 280 pages R e l i g i o n / ph i lo s o ph y
cloth edition 2010 978-0-231-14986-0
All Rights Except Thai-language Rights: Columbia University Press;
S o uth A s i a Ac r o s s th e D i s c i p l i n e s
Thai-language Rights: The Author
All Rights: Columbia University Press
50 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
N e w i n Pa p e r
Sufi Bodies
The Garden and the Fire
Shahzad Bashir
Nerina Rustomji
A C hoic e O utstand i n g Ac a d e m i c T i t le
A Choic e Outsta n di n g Aca demi c Ti t le
Focusing on the Persianate societies of Iran and Central Asia, Shahzad Bashir explores medieval Sufis’ conception of the human body as the primary shuttle between interior (batin) and exterior (zahir) realities. He weaves a rich history around the depiction of bodily actions by Sufi masters and disciples, primarily in Sufi literature and Persian miniature paintings of the period, illuminating complex relationships between body and soul, body and gender, body and society, and body and cosmos.
Nerina Rustomji reveals the material culture and aesthetic vocabulary Muslims developed to understand heaven and hell and the communities that took shape around the promise of a future world.
Religion and Society in Medieval Islam
“An immensely rich resource for persons interested in medieval Islamic civilization.” —Choice
“One of the best introductions to the Islamic eschatological literature.” —Journal of the American Academy of Religion
“Highly recommended for specialists and non-specialists alike.” —Times Higher Education Supplement
“Gem of a book.” —Choice
“A wide-ranging . . . welcome addition to a small
“Like a litterateur turned detective, Bashir exhumes and examines the hidden physicality of premodern Persian Sufism.” —Bruce B. Lawrence, Duke University Shahzad Bashir
Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture
and growing body of scholarship.” —Brannon Wheeler, American Historical Review Nerina Rustomji
is associate professor of history at
St. John’s University in Queens, New York.
is the Lysbeth Warren Anderson Profes-
sor in Islamic Studies at Stanford University.
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14491-9
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14085-0
S e p t e m b e r 296 pages / 23 illustrations
O c t o b e r 240 pages / 13 illustrations
R e l i g i o n / ph i lo s o ph y
R e l i g i o n / ph i lo s o ph y
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-14490-2
cloth edition 2008 978-0-231-14084-3
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 51
N e w i n Pa p e r
Globalized Arts
The Entertainment Economy and Cultural Identity J. P. Singh
The Novel After Theory Judith Ryan
“A brilliantly lucid, learned, and readable book demonstrating persuasively the
W inner of th e B e st B o o k Awa r d,
inherence of high theory in a wide range
Infor m ation T e c h n o lo gy a n d P o li t i c s
of ‘postmodern’ novels.”
S ec tion of th e A m e r i c a n P o li t i c a l
—J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine
S c ienc e Ass oc iat i o n
to accommodate creative expressions in
Judith Ryan investigates what prompted fiction writers to incorporate and respond to theory nearly thirty years ago in their work. Designed for readers unfamiliar with theory’s complexities, this volume introduces the discipline’s major trends and controversies and notes the salient ideas of a selected set of individual thinkers. Ryan follows novelists’ adaptation to and engagement with arguments drawn from theory as they translate abstract ideas into language, structure, and fictional strategy. At the core is a fascinating microstudy of French poststructuralism in its dialogue with narrative fiction.
a globalized society.”
Judith Ryan
J. P. Singh shows how entertainment industries give rise to far-reaching cultural anxieties and politics. With examples from Hollywood, Bollywood, French grand opera, Latin American television, West African music, postcolonial literature, and the Thai sex trade, he cites not only the attempt to address cultural discomfort but also the effort to deny entertainment acts as cultural. “An important and exciting contribution capturing the nuanced debates and complexities surrounding symbolic expressions of identity and cultural politics that necessitate policies
—Rekha Datta, International Studies Review J. P. Singh
is the Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Professor
of German and Comparative Literature at Harvard University.
is professor of global affairs and cultural studies
at George Mason University.
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14719-4
$22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15743-8
F e b r u a r y 240 pages / 5 line drawings and 15 tables
J a n u a r y 272 pages
p o l i t i c s / C u ltu r a l Stu d i e s
L i t e r a r y Stu d i e s
cloth edition 2010 978-0-231-14718-7
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15742-1
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
52 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
N e w i n Pa p e r
Theos Bernard, the White Lama
Tibet, Yoga, and American Religious Life Paul G. Hackett
Taking It Big
C. Wright Mills and the Making of Political Intellectuals Stanley Aronowitz
“A real-life ‘Indiana Jones’! Early-twentiethcentury counterculture, Tibetan Buddhism, and
“A definitive book on one of the towering public
the birth of yoga in the West make for a rich field
intellectuals of twentieth-century America.
in which people and stories abound, and Hackett
Don’t miss it.”
masterfully paints a picture of that world in very
—Cornel West, Princeton University
human terms. Part mystic, part explorer, and part con man, Theos Bernard comes to life in a tale that is both captivating and enlightening. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Eastern religions in America.” —Robert A. F. Thurman, Columbia University
Theos Casimir Bernard (1908–1947), the self-proclaimed “White Lama,” became the third American in history to reach Lhasa. Based on thousands of primary sources and rare archival materials, this volume recounts the real story behind the purported adventures of this iconic figure and his role in the growth of America’s religious counterculture. Paul G. Hackett
is an editor for the American Institute of
Buddhist Studies at Columbia University.
C. Wright Mills (1916–1962) was a pathbreaking intellectual who transformed the independent American Left in the 1940s and 1950s. Stanley Aronowitz, a leading sociologist and critic of American culture and politics, reconstructs this icon’s formation and the new dimension of American political life that followed his work. “This book will reintroduce a whole generation of readers to ideas that were once everywhere and will give those ideas the concrete, stripped-down force they used to have.” —Bruce Robbins, Columbia University Stanley Aronowitz
is the author of several major
works, including Against Schooling: For an Education That Matters and How Class Works: Power and Social Movement.
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15887-9
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-13541-2
D e c e m b e r 520 pages / 48 halftones
F e b r u a r y 288 pages
R e l i g i o n / B i o g r aph y
P o l i t i c s / B i o g r aph y
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-15886-2
cloth edition 2012 978-0-231-13540-5
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 53
N e w i n Pa p e r
Radical Democracy and Political Theology
Jeffrey W. Robbins
“A significant contribution not only to
Radical Political Theology
Religion and Politics After Liberalism Clayton Crockett “A tour de force that should be required reading
contemporary academic theology but also
for theologians, philosophers, and critical,
to religious thought more generally and even to
political, and economic theorists alike.”
political theory.”
—Brent A. R. Hege, Radical Philosophy
—James DiCenso, University of Toronto
By linking radical democratic theory to a contemporary fascination with political theology, Jeffrey W. Robbins envisions the modern experience of democracy as a social, cultural, and political force transforming the nature of sovereign power and political authority. He conceives of a postsecular politics for contemporary society that inextricably links religion to the political. He also develops a comprehensive critique of Carl Schmitt’s political theology. “A fascinating and timely project.” —Michael Hardt, coauthor of Multitude: War and Democracay in the Age of Empire Jeffrey W. Robbins
is professor of religion and director
Clayton Crockett conceives of the postmodern convergence of the secular and the religious as a basis for emancipatory political thought. Engaging themes of sovereignty, democracy, potentiality, law, and event from a religious and political point of view, Crockett articulates a theological vision that responds to our contemporary world and its theo-political realities. “A thoughtful, clearly written, and challenging book.” —Philosophy in Review
“One of the leading lights in the younger generation of radical theologians.” —John D. Caputo, coauther of After the Death of God Clayton Crockett
is associate professor and director of
of American studies at Lebanon Valley College.
religious studies at the University of Central Arkansas.
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15636-3
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14983-9
N o v e m b e r 232 pages
O c t o b e r 216 pages
ph i lo s o ph y / P o l i t i c s
ph i lo s o ph y / P o l i t i c s
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15637-0
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-14982-2
In s u r r e ct i o n s : C r i t i ca l Stu d i e s i n R e l i g i o n , P o l i t i c s ,
In s u r r e ct i o n s : C r i t i ca l Stu d i e s i n R e l i g i o n , P o l i t i c s ,
an d C u ltu r e
an d C u ltu r e
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
54 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
N e w i n Pa p e r
Reds at the Blackboard
Governance Without a State?
Communism, Civil Rights, and the New York City Teachers Union
Policies and Politics in Areas of Limited Statehood
Clarence Taylor
Thomas Risse, Editor
“No other book has exposed the climate of fear and surveillance that overtook public schooling in
“For readers who think the world is steadily moving toward the Westphalian ideal of a
New York City in the 1950s. This book succeeds
universal system of sovereign states, this book
in dramatically revising the image of a union with
will be a revelation. For readers who despair
thousands of members and great influence in the
at the chronic problem of weak and failing
largest city in the United States. A powerful and
states, this book contains intriguing ideas about
important book.”
alternative forms of stable governance.”
—Martha Biondi, Northwestern University
—Foreign Affairs
Reds at the Blackboard showcases the rise of a unique type of unionism that would later dominate the organizational efforts behind civil rights, academic freedom, and black and Latino empowerment. Clarence Taylor follows the Teachers Union’s early growth and the somewhat illegal attempts by the Board of Education to eradicate the group.
This volume explores strategies for effective and legitimate governance within a framework of weak and ineffective state institutions. From the perspectives of political science, history, and law, contributors explore the factors that contribute to successful governance under limited statehood.
“A highly readable and engaging story.” — Clarence Taylor
is professor at Baruch College and
the Graduate Center, City University of New York.
“An intriguing first foray into a research area that will undoubtedly bear fruit.” —Bridget Coggins, H-Diplo Thomas Risse
is director of the Center for Transnational
Relations, Foreign and Security Policy at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15269-3
$20.00 / £14.00 paper 978-0-231-15121-4
S e p t e m b e r 384 pages / 10 illustrations
O c t o b e r 312 pages / 2 figures and 14 tables
H i s to r y / A m e r i can Stu d i e s
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15268-6
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15120-7
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 55
N e w i n Pa p e r
Acts of God and Man
Ruminations on Risk and Insurance Michael R. Powers
“Powers’s provocative findings provide
Prophecy, Alchemy, and the End of Time
John of Rupecissa in the Late Middle Ages Leah DeVun
an idiosyncratic, compelling perspective
Wi n n er o f t he Jo hn Ni cho las Brown
worth reading.”
Pri z e, Medi eva l Aca demy o f Ameri ca
—James K. Hammitt, Harvard University
Earthquakes, hurricanes, bombings, and other insurance risks affect stocks, bonds, commodities, and other market-based financial products while remaining largely unaffected by or “aloof ” from the behavior of markets. Quantifying such risks given limited data is difficult yet crucial for achieving the financing objectives of insurance. Michael R. Powers discusses how risk affects our lives, health, and possessions and introduces the statistical techniques necessary for analyzing such uncertainties. “Enjoyable and a fun read—rare qualities in risk and insurance literature.” —Denis Kessler, Chairman and CEO, SCOR Group
John of Rupescissa treated alchemy as medicine and represented the emerging technologies and views that sought to combat famine, plague, religious persecution, and war. The advances he pioneered, along with the strides made by his contemporaries, shed critical light on later developments in medicine, pharmacology, and chemistry. “Well-constructed, thoroughly documented, instructive, and very useful.” —Chara Crisciani, American Historical Review
“A valuable addition to recent scholarship on latemedieval ‘ousiders,’ following in the footsteps of Robert E. Lerner and Bernard McGinn.” —David E. Timmer, Journal of Church History Leah DeVun
Michael R. Powers
is professor of risk management and
is an assistant professor of history at
Texas A&M University.
insurance at Temple University’s Fox School of Business.
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15367-6 J a n u a r y 304 pages / 33 line drawings and 22 tables
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14539-8
B u s i n e s s / In v e s t i ng
D e c e m b e r 272 pages / 4 illustrations
cloth edition 2011 978-0-231-15366-9
H i s to r y
C o lumb i a B u s i n e s s Sch o o l P ub l i s h i ng
cloth edition 2009 978-0-231-14538-1
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
56 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
M i dd l e E a s t S t u d i e s
Sectarian Politics in the Gulf
From the Iraq War to the Arab Uprisings Frederic M. Wehrey
Beginning with the 2003 invasion of Iraq and concluding with the Arab uprisings of 2011, Frederic M. Wehrey investigates the Shi’a-Sunni divide now dominating the Persian Gulf ’s political landscape. Focusing on three states affected most by sectarian tensions—Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait— Wehrey identifies the factors that have exacerbated or tempered sectarianism, including domestic political institutions, the media, clerical establishments, and the contagion effect of external events, such as the Iraq civil war and the Arab uprisings.
In addition to his analysis, Wehrey builds a historical narrative of Shi’ a activism in the Arab Gulf since 2003, linking regional events to the development of local Shi’a strategies and attitudes toward citizenship, political reform, and transnational identity. He finds that, while the Gulf Shi’a were inspired by their coreligionists in Iraq, Iran, and Lebanon, they ultimately pursued greater rights through a non-sectarian, nationalist approach. He also discovers that sectarianism in the Gulf has largely been the product of the institutional weaknesses of Gulf states, leading to excessive alarm by entrenched Sunni elites and calculated attempts by regimes to discredit Shi’a political actors as proxies for Iran, Iraq, or Lebanese Hizballah. Wehrey conducts interviews with nearly every major Shi’a leader, opinion shaper, and activist in the Gulf Arab states, as well as prominent Sunni voices, and consults diverse Arabic-language sources. Frederic M. Wehrey
is a senior associate in the Middle East Pro-
gram at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. A specialist in the politics of the Persian Gulf, he is a frequent commentator for
“This is an excellent book and an important piece of scholarship. Frederic M. Wehrey has written a compelling, thoughtful, and original analysis of the new politics of sectarianism in the Persian Gulf since 2003. He is well positioned to write such a book, having traveled extensively in the region and spent considerable time with the most important political figures in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. His tone is commanding, the research is impressive, and the result is timely and vital. The best study I have seen yet of these pressing matters.” —Toby Jones, Rutgers University
national and international media and holds a doctorate in international relations from Oxford University.
$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-0-231-16512-9 $44.99 / £31.00 ebook 978-0-231-53610-3 J a n u a r y 272 pages / 1 b&w illustration M i d d l e Ea s t Stu d i e s / P o l i t i c s Co lumb i a Stu d i e s i n M i d d l e Ea s t P o l i t i c s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 57
M i dd l e E a s t S t u d i e s
Under Siege
P.L.O. Decisionmaking During the 1982 War Rashid Khalidi With a New Introduction by the Author “Khalidi has produced an extremely valuable analysis of how and why the P.L.O. made the decisions it did that fateful summer of 1982. For students of the middle east, his generally
Derailing Democracy in Afghanistan
Elections in an Unstable Political Landscape
Noah Coburn and Anna Larson “Timely and highly relevant. The combination of political science and anthropology has great potential.” —Alessandro Monsutti, Graduate Center, SUNY
This volume shows how Afghani elections since 2004 have threatened to derail the country’s fledgling democracy. Examining presidential, parliamentary, and provincial council elections and conducting interviews with more than one hundred candidates, officials, community leaders, and voters, the text shows how international approaches to Afghani elections have misunderstood the role of local actors who have hijacked elections in their favor, alienated communities, undermined representative processes, and fueled insurgency, fostering a dangerous disillusionment among Afghan voters. Noah Coburn
is a political anthropologist at Bennington
College in Vermont. Anna Larson
objective, lucid, and incisive account of P.L.O. decisionmaking fills a critical void in the literature about the Israeli invasion.” —Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times
Under Siege is Rashid Khalidi’s definitive, firsthand account of the 1982 Lebanon War and the complex negotiations and military maneuvers involved in evacuating the P.L.O. from Beirut. Khalidi lived with his family in Beirut during the siege and ensuing massacres. Accessing rare sources and conducting interviews with key military officials and diplomats, he tells his story from the perspective of those struggling to live amid the fighting. He draws a detailed portrait of the P.L.O. from within and shares insight into the local Lebanese environment, the military pressure experienced by the P.L.O. and Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, and the diplomatic efforts of the United States. Khalidi also examines Lebanese and inter-Arab politics and the military and diplomatic behavior of outside parties such as France and the Soviet Union. Rashid Khalidi
is the Edward Said Professor of Arab
Studies at Columbia University and the author of Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness.
is a research fellow at the Postwar
Reconstruction and Development Unit, University of York.
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16620-1 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53574-8
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16669-0 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53595-3
J a n u a r y 288 pages / 10 b&w photos
D e c e m b e r 256 pages
M i d d l e Ea s t Stu d i e s / P o l i t i c s
M i d d l e Ea s t H i s to r y / P o l i t i c s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
58 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
History, Geopolitics, and Life on Earth Alison Bashford
Counterinsurgency in Crisis
Britain and the Challenges of Modern Warfare
David Ucko and Robert H. Egnell “Bashford has found an insightful key code unlocking the interconnections over the past century or more of many themes expressed in a wide diversity of disciplinary fields addressed to problems of population policy.” —Simon Szreter, University of Cambridge
Concern about the size of the world’s population did not begin with the Baby Boomers. Overpopulation as a conceptual problem originated after World War I and was understood as an issue with far-reaching ecological, agricultural, economic, and geopolitical consequences. This study traces the idea of a world population problem as it developed from the 1920s through the 1950s, long before the late-1960s notion of a postwar “population bomb.” Drawing on international conference transcripts the volume reconstructs the twentieth-century discourse on population as an international issue concerned with migration, colonial expansion, sovereignty, and globalization. It connects the genealogy of population discourse to the rise of economically and demographically defined global regions, the characterization of “civilizations” with different standards of living, global attitudes toward “development,” and first- and third-world designations. Alison Bashford
is Professor of History at the Uni-
versity of Sydney, and has been elected Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial and Naval History at the University of Cambridge.
Foreword by Colin Gray “A balanced and clear-sighted evaluation.” —M. L. R. Smith, Kings College London
The British military confronted significant challenges during the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Adhering to the principles and doctrines of previous campaigns, they failed to prevent Basra and Helmand from descending into lawlessness, criminality, and violence. By juxtaposing the deterioration of these cities against Britain’s celebrated legacy of counterinsurgency, this investigation identifies both the contributions and limitations of traditional tactics in such settings, exposing the gap between the ambitions and resources, intent and commitment, that proved so disastrous to the operation. In its detailed account of the Basra and Helmand campaigns, this volume conducts an unprecedented assessment of British military institutional adaptation in response to operations gone awry. It calls attention to the effectiveness of insurgent tactics and the danger of ungoverned spaces shielding hostile groups and underscores the need for the British military to acquire new skills for meeting irregular threats in future wars. David H. Ucko
P o l i t i c s / C u r r e n t A f fa i r s
Global Population
is assistant professor at the College of
International Security Affairs, National Defense University. Robert Egnell
is senior lecturer in war studies at the
Swedish National Defence College.
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14766-8 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-51952-6
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16426-9 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53541-0
F e b r u a r y 512 pages / 16 b&w illustrations
O c t o b e r 240 pages
S e cu r i t y Stu d i e s / C u r r e nt A f fa i r s
Co l umb i a Stu d i e s i n Int e r nat i o na l an d G lo ba l
Co lumb i a Stu d i e s i n T e r r o r i s m an d I r r e gu l a r
H i s to ry
Wa r fa r e
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 59
As i a n S t u d i e s
An Encouragement of Learning Yukichi Fukuzawa
Introduction by Shunsaku Nishikawa Translated by David A. Dilworth “Reading this book, one can imagine life in a society that has suddenly become free, a society in which all of the trammels of caste and class have been dissolved. How might Fukuzawa’s words have helped late-nineteenth-century Japanese as they faced their future?” —Albert M. Craig, Harvard University
The intellectual and social theorist Yukichi Fukuzawa wrote An Encouragement of Learning (1872–1876) as a series of pamphlets as he completed his critical masterpiece, An Outline of a Theory of Civilization (1875). Closely linked, the two texts illustrate the core tenets of Fukuzawa’s theoretical outlook: freedom and equality as inherent to human nature, independence as the goal of any individual and nation, and the transformation of the Japanese mind as key to moving forward in a rapidly evolving political and cultural landscape. Fukuzawa called for the adoption of Western modes of education to help Japan emerge as a modern nation. He believed human beings’ treatment of one another extended to a government’s behavior, echoing the work of John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, and other Western thinkers in a classically structured Eastern text. Yukichi Fukuzawa
(1835–1901) founded Keio University,
the first private university in modern Japan, and was an engaged speaker and controversial journalist. His books include The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa and Conditions in the West.
Security and Profit in China’s Energy Policy
Hedging Against Risk Øystein Tunsjø
“Tunsjø offers a comprehensive approach to China’s energy strategy with a conceptually original and balanced analysis of Chinese behavior. His book reflects impressive scholarship on an important development in Chinese security and twenty-first century international politics.” —Robert Ross, Boston College
China has developed sophisticated hedging strategies for managing the international petroleum market, maintaining a favorable energy mix, pursuing overseas equity oil production, building a state-owned tanker fleet and strategic petroleum reserve, establishing cross-border pipelines, and diversifying its energy resources and routes. Though it cannot be “secured,” China’s energy security can be “insured” by marrying government concern with commercial initiatives. This book identifies the interrelationship between security and profit that better describes China’s energy-security policy. ØYSTEIN TUNSJØ
is an associate professor at
the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies. $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16714-7 $54.99 / £38.00 ebook 978-0-231-53661-5 D e c e m b e r 192 pages A s i an Stu d i e s / P o l i t i c s
$45.00 / £31.00 cloth 978-0-231-16508-2 $44.99 / £31.00 ebook 978-0-231-53543-4 O c t o b e r 336 pages / 5 maps A s i an Stu d i e s / P o l i t i c s
English-language Rights Throughout the World Excluding Japan: Columbia
Co nt e mp o r a ry A s i a i n th e Wo r l d
University Press; All Other Rights: Keio University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
60 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Danielle L. Chubb
“A refreshingly different account of inter-Korean relations, the first book that places political activists at the center of its analysis.”
As i a n S t u d i e s
Contentious Activism and Inter-Korean Relations
—Andrew Yeo, Catholic University of America
Democracy and Islam in Indonesia
Mirjam Künkler and Alfred Stepan, editors
“A fine case study of democratization in an important country and a contribution to comparative studies of democratization.” —L. Carl Brown, Princeton University
In 1998, Indonesia’s military government collapsed, creating a crisis that many believed would derail its democratic transition. Yet the world’s most populous Muslim country continues to receive high marks from democracy-ranking organizations. In this volume, political scientists, religious scholars, legal theorists, and anthropologists examine Indonesia’s transition compared to Chile, Spain, India, and potentially Tunisia, and democratic failures in Yugoslavia, Egypt, and Iran. Chapters explore religion and politics and Muslims’ support for democracy before change. Mirjam Künkler
is assistant professor in the Department
of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University. Alfred Stepan
In South Korea, debate over relations with the North is a contentious subject that transcends traditional considerations of physical and economic security. Political activists play a critical role in shaping the discourse as they pursue the separate yet connected agendas of democracy, human rights, and unification. Providing international observers with a better understanding of how South Korean policy makers manage inter-Korean relations, this volume traces the debate from the 1970s through South Korea’s democratic transition. Focusing on four case studies—the 1980 Kwangju uprising, the June 1987 uprising, the move toward democracy in the 1990s, and the decade of “progressive” government that began with the election of Kim Dae Jung in 1997—Danielle Chubb unravels South Korean activists’ complex views on reunification, with the more radical voices promoting a North Korean-style form of socialism. While these arguments have dissipated over the years, traces remain in discussions over engaging with North Korea to bring security and peace to the peninsula. Danielle Chubb
is lecturer in international relations
at Deakin University, Melbourne.
is the Wallace Sayre Professor of
Government at Columbia University.
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16191-6 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16190-9 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53505-2
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16136-7 $54.99 / £38.00 ebook 978-0-231-53632-5
S e p t e m b e r 272 pages / 2 maps and 1 graph
J a n u a r y 304 pages
I s l am i c Stu d i e s / P o l i t i c s / S o uth A s i an Stu d i e s
A s i an Stu d i e s / P o l i t i c s
R e l i g i o n , C u ltu r e , an d P ub l i c L i f e
Co nt e mp o r a ry A s i a i n th e Wo r l d
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 61
As i a n S t u d i e s
Exemplary Women of Early China
The Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang Anne Behnke Kinney “Kinney’s painstaking translation makes a significant contribution in its efforts to illuminate the history of gender relations in East Asia.” —Miranda Brown, University of Michigan
The Resurrected Skeleton From Zhuangzi to Lu Xun Wilt L. Idema “Yet another example of Idema’s superior scholarly work.” —Shuen-fu Lin, University of Michigan
The Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi (369?– 286? B.C.E.) encountered a skull that later in a dream praises the pleasures of death over the toil of living. This anecdote became popular with poets in the second and third centuries and found renewed significance with the founders of Quanzhen Daoism. These philosophers turned the skull into a skeleton, a metonym for death and a symbol of the refusal of enlightenment. Popular throughout the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) and reenvisioned by the fiction writer Lu Xun (1881–1936), the legend echoes transformations in Chinese philosophy and culture. The first book in English to trace the resurrected skeleton, this text translates major adaptations while drawing parallels to Jesus’s encounter with a skull and the European tradition of the Dance of Death. Wilt L. Idema
When should a woman disobey her father, contradict her husband, or shape the policy of a ruler? According to the Lienü zhuan, or Categorized Biographies of Women, it is not only appropriate but necessary for women to offer counsel when fathers, husbands, sons, and rulers stray from virtue. The earliest Chinese text devoted to the moral education of women, the Lienü zhuan was compiled by Liu Xiang (79–8 B.C.E.) at the end of the Han dynasty (202 B.C.E.–9 C.E.) and recounts the deeds of both virtuous and wicked women. Informed by early legends, fictionalized historical accounts, and formal speeches on statecraft, the text taught generations of Chinese women to cultivate filial piety and maternal kindness and undertake such practices as suicide and self-mutilation to preserve chastity and reform wayward men. The Lienü zhuan’s stories inspired artists for a millennium and found their way into local and dynastic histories. An innovative work for its time, the text remains a critical tool for mapping women’s social, political, and domestic roles at a formative time in China’s development. Anne Behnke Kinney
is professor of Chinese
at the University of Virginia.
is professor of Chinese literature
at Harvard University. $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16504-4 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53651-6
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16309-5 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16308-8 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53608-0
F e b r u a r y 288 pages / 7 b&w illustrations
F e b r u a r y 416 pages
A s i an l i t e r atu r e / P h i lo s o ph y
A s i an l i t e r atu r e / G e n d e r Stu d i e s
T r an s l at i o n s f r o m th e A s i an C l a s s i c s
T r an s l at i o n s f r o m th e A s i an C l a s s i c s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
62 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
As i a n S t u d i e s
Lust, Commerce, and Corruption
An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an Edo Samurai
Mark Teeuwen and Kate Wildman Nakai, Translators and editors With Miyazaki Fumiko, Anne Walthall, and John Breen “A tremendously fun source for cranky quotes on the sorry state of late Tokugawa society and polity. The fact that it covers so many topics makes it more than the sum of its sound bites, and a full translation shows Anglophone readers
From the Old Country
it is a richer work than they may have realized.
Stories and Sketches of China and Taiwan
The translators capture the tone of the original
Zhong Lihe
in all its curmudgeonly glory, though their marvelous introduction alone is worth the price
Foreword by Zhong Tiejun
of admission.” —David L. Howell, Harvard University
By 1816, Japan had recovered from famines and political reforms and seemed to be approaching a new period of growth. No one questioned the shogunate, yet, in this same year, an anonymous author wrote one of the most detailed critiques of Edo society Japan had ever seen. Writing as Buyō Inshi, “a retired gentleman of Edo,” this experienced observer exposed the corruption of samurai officials, the suffering of the poor, the operation of brothels, the dealings of moneylenders, the selling of temples, and many other offenses. Specialists on Edo society oversee this annotated translation and situate it within Buyō Inshi’s world. Mark Teeuwen
Translated by T. M. McClellan
is professor of Japanese studies at
Oslo University. Kate Wildman Nakai
is professor emerita at Sophia
University, Tokyo, where she taught Japanese history.
“Zhong Lihe’s works deal with a broad spectrum of subjects that transcend geographical and national boundaries. This high-quality translation conveys his succinct and accessible style.” —Faye Yuan Kleeman, University of Colorado
Though he lived mostly in rural South Taiwan, Zhong Lihe (1915–1960) spent several years in Manchuria and Peking, moving among an eclectic mix of ethnicities, classes, and cultures. His fictional portraits unfold on Japanese battlefields and in Peking slums, as well as in the remote, impoverished hill-country villages and farms of Zhong Lihe’s native Hakka districts. His scenic descriptions are deft and atmospheric, and his psychological explorations are acute. The first anthology to present his work in English, this volume features two novellas, ten short stories, and four short prose works. T. M. McClellan
is a former senior lecturer in Asian
studies at the University of Edinburgh.
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16644-7 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53597-7 F e b r u a r y 496 pages / 3 maps A s i an l i t e r atu r e / h i s to r y
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-16630-0 $24.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53649-3 J a n u a r y 320 pages / 16 b&w illustrations A s i an l i t e r atu r e M o d e r n C h i n e s e L i t e r atu r e F r o m Ta i wan
T r an s l at i o n s f r o m th e A s i an C l a s s i c s
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press;
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Other Rights: The Author cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 63
As i a n S t u d i e s
The Company and the Shogun
Breaking with the Past
The Dutch Encounter with Tokugawa Japan
The Maritime Customs Service and the Global Origins of Modernity in China
Adam Clulow
Hans Van de Ven
“An excellent book that makes a significant
“Far more than an institutional history, this book
contribution to East Asian, global, and European
offers a complete new history of China’s rocky
history. It is based on a solid understanding of
entrance into the global political economy. There
the relevant sources, Japanese and Western, and
is no better book written on the subject of China
is well written: polished, authoritative, and clear.”
and the West.”
—Tonio Andrade, Emory University
—Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia
The Dutch East India Company was a unique, hybrid organization acting as both company and state, aggressively intervening in Asian political matters in which it had no place. This study focuses on the company’s clashes with Tokugawa Japan in the seventeenth century, particularly in the areas of diplomacy, sovereignty, and violence. In each encounter, the Dutch were forced to abandon claims to sovereign powers and refashion themselves—from subjects of a fictive king to loyal vassals of the shogun, from aggressive pirates to meek merchants, and from insistent defenders of colonial rule to legal subjects of the Tokugawa state. The first book to treat the Dutch East India Company as more than a commercial enterprise, this text offers unprecedented perspective on one of the most important, long-lasting unions between an Asian state and a European overseas enterprise and the surprisingly limited influence of Europeans operating in early-modern Asia.
From 1854 to 1952, the Chinese Maritime Customs Service delivered one-third to one-half of all revenue available to China’s central authorities. Much more than a tax collector, the institution managed China’s harbors and surveyed the Chinese coast. It oversaw a college training Chinese diplomats; translated legal, philosophical, economic, and scientific documents; organized contributions to international exhibitions; and pioneered China’s modern postal system. After the 1911 Revolution, the agency began managing China’s international loans and domestic bond issues, and in the 1930s, it created a coast guard to combat smuggling. The Customs Service was central to China’s post-Taiping entrance into the world of modern nation-states and twentieth-century trade and finance, and this is the first comprehensive history of the Customs Service’s activities and truly cosmopolitan nature. At times, the Service kept China together when little else did.
Adam Clulow
teaches East Asian history at
Monash University.
Hans van de Ven
is professor of modern Chinese history
at Cambridge University.
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16428-3 $54.99 / £38.00 ebook 978-0-231-53573-1 J a n u a r y 368 pages / 9 color illustrations and 2 maps A s i an s tu d i e s / h i s to r y C o lumb i a Stu d i e s i n Int e r nat i o na l an d G lo ba l
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-13738-6 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-51052-3 F e b r u a r y 417 pages / 20 b&w illustrations and 14 graphs
H i s to ry
A s i an Stu d i e s / h i s to r y
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
64 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
German Exile Cinema, 1933–1951 Gerd Gemünden
Cinematic Appeals
The Experience of New Movie Technologies Ariel Rogers
“Gemünden excels as a close reader, using each chapter’s featured film as a springboard for
“Rogers shifts attention from the more
discussions of a rich set of social and professional
theoretically glamorous aspects of new digital
networks, aesthetic developments, and historical
media, focusing this well-grounded historical
trajectories. This indispensable panorama
study on how digital cinema has changed
profoundly enriches our understanding of a
industrial practice and audience experience.”
crucial period in Hollywood filmmaking and its
—Laura Marks, Simon Fraser University
transnational resonances.” —Johannes von Moltke, University of Michigan
Hundreds of German-speaking film professionals took refuge in Hollywood during the 1930s and 1940s, making a lasting contribution to American cinema. Hailing from Austria, Hungary, Poland, Russia, and the Ukraine, as well as Germany, and including Ernst Lubitsch, Fred Zinnemann, Billy Wilder, and Fritz Lang, these multicultural, multilingual writers and directors betrayed distinct cultural sensibilities in their art. Gerd Gemünden focuses on Edgar G. Ulmer’s The Black Cat (1934), William Dieterle’s The Life of Emile Zola (1937), Ernst Lubitsch’s To Be or Not to Be (1942), Bertold Brecht and Fritz Lang’s Hangmen Also Die (1943), Fred Zinneman’s Act of Violence (1948), and Peter Lorre’s Der Verlorene (1951), engaging with issues of realism, auteurism, and genre while tracing the relationship between film and history, Hollywood politics and censorship, and exile and (re)migration. Gerd Gemünden
is the Sherman Fairchild Professor in the
Humanities at Dartmouth College.
Film studies
Continental Strangers
Cinematic Appeals follows the effect of technological innovation on the cinema experience, specifically the introduction of widescreen and stereoscopic 3D systems in the 1950s, the rise of digital cinema in the 1990s, and the transition to digital 3D since 2005. Widescreen films drew the spectator into the world of the screen, enabling larger-than-life close-ups of already larger-than-life actors. The technology fostered the illusion of physically entering a film, enhancing the semblance of realism. Alternatively, the digital era was less concerned with manipulating the viewer’s physical response and more with generating information flow, awe, disorientation, and the disintegration of spatial boundaries. This study ultimately shows how cinematic technology and the human experience shape and respond to each other over time. Films discussed include Elia Kazan’s East of Eden (1955), Star Wars: Phantom Menace (1999), The Matrix (1999), and Thomas Vinterberg’s Dogme film Celebration (1995). Ariel Rogers
is assistant professor of film studies at the
University of Southern Maine.
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16679-9 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16678-2 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53652-3 F e b r u a r y 288 pages / 40 b&w photos f i l m Stu d i e s F i l m an d C u ltu r e S e r i e s
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-15917-3 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-15916-6 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53578-6 O c t o b e r 352 pages / 68 figures f i l m Stu d i e s
All Rights Except German-language Rights: Columbia University Press;
F i l m an d C u ltu r e S e r i e s
German-language Rights: The Author
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 65
Literary Studies
Beyond Sinology
Chinese Writing and the Scripts of Culture Andrea Bachner “A fascinating and compelling study of attitudes toward China, the Chinese language, mediality, and globalization. Bachner moves fluidly between a variety of texts, critically examining both the ways in which the Chinese writing system has frequently been held up as a figure of radical alterity within a swath of Western theoretical texts while also providing brilliant analyses of a wide range of Chinese-language texts.” —Carlos Rojas, Duke University
New communication and information technologies remain challenging for the Chinese script, which, unlike alphabetic or other phonetic scripts, relies on multiple signifying principles. In recent decades, this multiplicity has generated a rich corpus of reflection and experimentation in literature, film, visual and performance art, and design and architecture, both within China and different parts of the West. Approaching this history from alternative theoretical perspectives, this volume pinpoints the phenomena binding languages, scripts, and medial expressions to cultural and national identity. Through a complex study of intercultural representations, exchanges, and tensions, the text focuses on the concrete “scripting” of identity and alterity, advancing a new understanding of the links between identity and medium and a new critique of articulations that rely on single, monolithic, and univocal definitions of writing. Andrea Bachner
is assistant professor of comparative
literature and Asian studies at Cornell University.
Commerce with the Universe
Africa, India, and the Afrasian Imagination Gaurav Desai
“A smart, engaging, and learned account of the Asian cultural experience in East Africa. This book is the culmination of more than a decade of research, resulting in a work that is erudite and engaging, sophisticated yet eminently readable.” —Peter Kalliney, University of Kentucky
Reading the life narratives and literary texts of South Asians writing in and about East Africa, Gaurav Desai builds a new history of Africa’s encounter with slavery, colonialism, migration, nationalism, development, and globalization. Rather than approach literature and culture from a nation-centered perspective, Desai connects the medieval trade routes of the Islamicate empire, the early independence movements galvanized in part by Gandhi’s southern African experiences, the invention of new ethnic nationalisms, and the rise of plural, multiethnic nations to the fertile exchange taking place across the Indian Ocean. Gaurav Desai
is an associate professor in the Department
of English and teaches in the Program of African and African Diaspora Studies at Tulane University. $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16452-8 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53630-1 J a n u a r y 336 pages / 8 b&w illustrations
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16454-2 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53559-5
L i t e r a r y C r i t i c i s m / A s i an Stu d i e s
S e p t e m b e r 352 pages
G lo ba l C h i n e s e C u ltu r e
L i t e r a r y C r i t i c i s m / A f r i can Stu d i e s / A s i an Stu d i e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
66 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Working-Class Writing in the Age of Globalization
Toward the Geopolitical Novel
U.S. Fiction in the Twenty-First Century Caren Irr
Sonali Perera “An original, frequently brilliant, and indefatigably
Sonali Perera expands our understanding of working-class fiction by considering a range of international and non-canonical texts, identifying textual, political, and historical linkages often overlooked by Eurocentric scholarship. Her readings connect the literary radicalism of the 1930s to the feminist recovery projects of the 1970s, and the anticolonial and postcolonial fiction of the 1960s to today’s counterglobalist struggles, building a new portrait of the twentieth century’s global economy and the experiences of the working class within it.
Perera considers novels by the Indian anticolonial writer Mulk Raj Anand; the American proletarian writer Tillie Olsen; Sri Lankan Tamil/Black British writer and political journalist Ambalavaner Sivanandan; Indian writer and bonded-labor activist Mahasweta Devi; South African–born Botswanan Bessie Head; and the fiction and poetry published under the collective signature Dabindu, a group of freetrade-zone garment factory workers and feminist activists in contemporary Sri Lanka. Upsetting the North-South divide, Perera creates a new genealogy of working-class writing as world literature and transforms the ideological underpinnings casting literature as cultural practice. Sonali Perera
is an assistant professor of English
at Hunter College, City University of New York.
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15194-8 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-52544-2
learned book. It will make a vital contribution to the understanding of contemporary literary fiction in the U.S. and twentieth- and twenty-firstcentury American literature more generally.”
Literary Studies
No Country
—Sean McCann, Wesleyan University
A survey of more than 125 works illuminate the resurgence of the American political novel in the twenty-first century. Caren Irr explores the work of Junot Díaz, Helon Habila, Aleksandar Hemon, Hari Kunzru, Dinaw Mengestu, Daniyal Mueenuddin, Norman Rush, Gary Shteyngart, and others as they rethink the migration narrative, the Peace Corps thriller, the national allegory, the revolutionary novel, and the expatriate’s experience with self-discovery. These innovations define a new literary form: the geopolitical novel. More cosmopolitan and socially critical than domestic realism, the genre tests American liberalism and explores how in-migration, out-migration, the nation, revolution, and the traveling subject should be retooled for a new century. “Lucidly conceived and forcefully argued, ranging across a formidable spectrum of writers, to set a new agenda for understanding the contemporary novel.” —David James, Queen Mary, University of London Caren Irr
is professor of English at Brandeis University
and author of Pink Pirates: Contemporary American Women Writers and Copyright.
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16441-2 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16440-5 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53631-8 D e c e m b e r 304 pages
J a n u a r y 224 pages
L i t e r a r y C r i t i c i s m / A m e r i can l i t e r atu r e
Literary Criticism
L i t e r atu r e N ow
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 67
The Plebeian Experience A Discontinuous History of Political Freedom Martin Breaugh Translated by Lazer Lederhendler Foreword by Dick Howard
“A rich, discontinuous history of plebeian uprisings from the founding of republican Rome to the present. Martin Breaugh writes vividly of these holidays of the oppressed in ancient Rome, Renaissance Italy, and modern Europe as seen through the eyes of Livy, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Marx, Thompson, Soboul, and Abensour. Those who follow the Occupy or the Aboriginal Idle No More Movements will obtain fresh insight and exhilaration from this highly readable account of these spontaneous struggles for dignity.” —Ed Andrew, University of Toronto
How do “people” (or “plebs”) excluded from political institutions achieve political agency? Revisiting a series of marginal events, Martin Breaugh identifies fleeting yet decisive instances of emancipation in which the people took it upon themselves to become political subjects. Emerging during the Roman plebs’s first secession in 494 B.C.E., the “plebeian” experience consists of an “underground” or unexplored configuration of political strategies to obtain political freedom, a political practice that rejects domination and, by means of concerted action, establishes an alternative form of power. Breaugh’s study concludes in the nineteenth century and integrates ideas from sociology, philosophy, history, and political science. Organized around diverse case studies, his text is designed for class use and showcases the exchange between history and ideas that modifies the understanding and use of theoretical concepts over time. The plebeian experience also describes a recurring phenomenon scholars can use to clarify struggles for emancipation throughout history, expanding research into the political agency of the many and other cutting-edge concerns. Martin Breaugh
was educated at the University of Ottawa and
Paris Diderot University and is associate professor of political theory at York University. His research focuses on the theory and practice of emancipatory politics and radical democracy. Lazer Lederhendler
teaches English and film at the Collège
International de Marcellines in Montreal and a four-time nominee for the Governor General’s Award for French to English translation.
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-15618-9 $54.99 / £38.00 ebook 978-0-231-52081-2 D e c e m b e r 368 pages P h i lo s o ph y / P o l i t i c s C o lumb i a Stu d i e s i n P o l i t i ca l T h o ught / P o l i t i ca l H i s to ry
World English-language Rights: Columbia University Press; All Other Rights: Editions Payot & Rivages
68 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Crowds and Democracy
The Idea and Image of the Masses from Revolution to Fascism Stefan Jonsson
Between 1918 and 1933, the masses became a decisive preoccupation of European culture, fueling modernist movements in art, literature, architecture, theater, and cinema, as well as the rise of communism, fascism, and experiments in radical democracy.
Spanning aesthetics, cultural studies, intellectual history, and political theory, this volume unpacks the significance of the shadow agent known as “the mass” during a critical period in European history. It follows its evolution into the preferred conceptual tool for social scientists, the ideal slogan for politicians, and the chosen image for artists and writers trying to capture a society in flux and a people in upheaval. This volume is the second installment in Stefan Jonsson’s epic study of the crowd and the mass in modern Europe, building on his work in A Brief History of the Masses, which focused on monumental artworks produced in 1789, 1889, and 1989. “In his demonstrable command of the cross-disciplinary fund of available literatures and their knowledges, Stefan Jonsson’s treatment effectively dissolves any meaningful boundary among literary criticism, philosophical explication, and intellectual and cultural history.”
“In his strikingly choreographed and beautifully written study, Stefan Jonsson traverses an extensive archive, delving into novels and artworks, philosophy, historiography, and psychoanalysis. From this remarkable interdisciplinary bricolage emerges a profound set of insights into the shifting notions of the masses during the interwar years.” —Kerstin Barndt, University of Michigan
—Geoff Eley, University of Michigan Stefan Jonsson
is a writer and critic based in Sweden and profes-
sor of ethnic studies at Linköping University. His previous books include A Brief History of the Masses: Three Revolutions and Subject Without Nation: Robert Musil and The History of Modern Identity.
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16478-8 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53579-3 O c t o b e r 352 pages / 33 b&w illustrations P h i lo s o ph y / P o l i t i c s Co lumb i a T h e m e s i n P h i lo s o ph y, S o c i a l C r i t i c i s m , an d th e A r t s
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 69
The Disclosure of Politics
Encountering Religion
Struggles Over the Semantics of Secularization
Responsibility and Criticism After Secularism
María Pía Lara
Tyler Roberts
“Lara offers a refreshing perspective on the
“This book makes a richly informed case for the
relationship between politics and religion, one
humanistic cultural criticism of religions.”
that moves the focus away from the often sterile
—Kevin Schilbrack, Western Carolina University
debates in political theology.” —Chiara Bottici, author of A Philosophy of Political Myth
María Pía Lara explores the ambiguity of secularization and the theoretical potential of a structural break between politics and religion. For Lara, secularization means the translation of religious semantics into politics; a transformation of religious notions into political ideas; and the reoccupation of a space left void by changing political actors, one that gives rise to new conceptions of political interaction. Conceptual innovation redefines politics as a horizontal relationship between governments and the governed, better enabling societies (and political actors) to articulate meaning through action. María Pía Lara
teaches moral and political philosophy
Tyler Roberts encourages scholars to abandon the conceptual opposition between “secular” and “religious” to better understand the revival of political and public religion across the world. Roberts approaches the phenomenon as a process of “encounter” and “response,” illuminating the agency, creativity, and critical awareness of religious actors. To respond to religion is to ask what religious behaviors and representations mean to us in our worlds, confronting the questions of possibility and becoming that arise from testing our beliefs and practices. He incorporates the work of Hent de Vries, Eric Santner, and Stanley Cavell, who exemplify encounter and response by exposing secular thinking to religious thought and practice. Tyler Roberts
is professor of religious studies
at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico City.
at Grinnell College.
$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-0-231-16280-7 $39.99 / £27.50 ebook 978-0-231-53504-5
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-14752-1 $54.99 / £38.00 ebook 978-0-231-53549-6
S e p t e m b e r 256 pages
S e p t e m b e r 304 pages
religion / politics
R e l i g i o n / ph i lo s o ph y
N e w D i r e ct i o n s i n C r i t i ca l T h e o ry
In s u r r e ct i o n s : C r i t i ca l Stu d i e s i n R e l i g i o n , P o l i t i c s ,
All Rights Except Spanish-language Rights: Columbia University Press;
an d C u ltu r e
Spanish-language Rights: The Author
All Rights: Columbia University Press
70 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference Linell E. Cady and Tracy Fessenden, editors “This exciting volume defamiliarizes our understanding of secularization as process and practice. The contributors raise profound questions regarding the persistence of ‘the religious’ as a form of ethicality, as a resistant presence and practice, and as an animating constraint in women’s lives. The theoretical
Promised Bodies
range and global scope is remarkable.”
Time, Language, and Corporeality in Medieval Women’s Mystical Texts
—Anupama Rao, Barnard College
Patricia Dailey
Global struggles over women’s roles, rights, and dress have taken center stage in a drama that casts the secular and the religious in tense if not violent opposition. Advocates for equality speak of the issue in terms of rights and modern progress while reactionaries ground their authority in religious and scriptural appeals. Both sides presume women’s emancipation is tied to secularization. This volume upsets these certainties by blending diverse voices and traditions, both secular and religious, in studies historicizing, questioning, and testing the implicit links between secularism and expanded freedoms for women. Rather than treat secularism as the answer to conflicts over gender and sexuality, these essays show how it structures the conditions generating them. Linell E. Cady
is professor of religious studies and direc-
tor of the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict at Arizona State University. Tracy Fessenden
is associate professor of religious
studies at Arizona State University.
“Dailey’s book is a contribution to the study of medieval Christian mystical theology and medieval women’s religious writing. These fields have never engaged with the intellectual energy that Dailey brings to bear on them.” —Nicholas Watson, Harvard University
In Christianity, the body is a potentially transformative vehicle, and the writings of Hadewijch of Brabant, a thirteenth-century beguine, engage with this tradition in ways both singular to her mysticism and indicative of her theological milieu. This study links the embodied poetics of Hadewijch’s visions and letters to the work of such mystics and visionaries as Julian of Norwich, Hildegard of Bingen, and Marguerite of Oingt. It introduces new criteria for reassessing the style, language, interpretative practices, forms of literacy, and uses of textuality in women’s mystical texts. Patricia Dailey
is an associate professor of English
and comparative literature at Columbia University. $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-16249-4 $90.00 / £62.00 cloth 978-0-231-16248-7 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-53604-2
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-16120-6 $54.99 / £38.00 ebook 978-0-231-53552-6
N o v e m b e r 384 pages
S e p t e m b e r 288 pages
R e l i g i o n / g e n d e r s tu d i e s
R e l i g i o n / g e n d e r s tu d i e s
R e l i g i o n , C u ltu r e , an d P ub l i c L i f e
G e n d e r , T h e o ry, an d R e l i g i o n
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 7 1
A Materialism for the Masses Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life Ward Blanton “Blanton’s handling—and mastery—of Western philosophical traditions provides a much more
Henry Stubbe and the Beginnings of Islam
The Originall and Progress of Mahometanism Nabil Matar, Editor
“A work of significant historical revisionism,
convincing account of Christian origins as well as
dedicated to refuting popular misunderstandings
a greater appreciation of the ways in which power
and presenting, for the first time, Christian Arab
works in the present.”
writers as ‘indispensable interlocutors who
—James Crossley, University of Sheffield
challenged western historiography and
Nietzsche and Freud saw Christianity as metaphysical escapism, with Nietzsche calling the religion a “Platonism for the masses” and faulting Paul the apostle for negating more immanent, material modes of thought and political solidarity. Integrating this debate with the philosophies of difference espoused by Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ward Blanton argues that genealogical interventions into the political economies of Western cultural memory do not go far enough in relation to the imagined founder of Christianity.
Blanton challenges the idea of Paulinism as a pop Platonic worldview or form of social control. He unearths in Pauline legacies otherwise repressed resources for new materialist spiritualities and new forms of radical political solidarity, liberating “religion” from inherited interpretive assumptions so philosophical thought can manifest in risky, radical freedom. Ward Blanton
is reader in biblical cultures and Euro-
pean thought at the University of Kent in Canterbury.
the Western canon.’ ” —Jonathan Burton, Whittier College
Henry Stubbe (1632–1676) was a revolutionary English scholar who understood Islam as a monotheistic revelation in continuity with Judaism and Christianity. His major work, An Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahometanism, was the first English text to positively document the Prophet Muhammad’s life, celebrate the Qur’ān as a divine revelation, and praise the Muslim toleration of Christians, undermining a long legacy of European prejudice and hostility.
Nabil Matar, a leading scholar of IslamicWestern relations, standardizes Stubbe’s text and situates it within England’s theological climate. He shows how, to draw a positive portrait of Muhammad, Stubbe embraced travelogues, early church histories, Arabic chronicles, Latin commentaries, and studies on Jewish customs and scriptures, produced in the language of Islam and in the midst of the Islamic polity. Nabil Matar
is Presidential Professor of English at the
University of Minnesota and the author of Europe Through Arab Eyes, 1578–1727.
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16691-1 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16690-4 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53645-5 F e b r u a r y 304 pages R e l i g i o n / ph i lo s o ph y In s u r r e ct i o n s : C r i t i ca l Stu d i e s i n R e l i g i o n , P o l i t i c s ,
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15664-6 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-52736-1 D e c e m b e r 304 pages
an d C u ltu r e
R e l i g i o n / I s l am i c Stu d i e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
72 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
The Naisadhīyacarita and Literary Community in South Asia Deven M. Patel
Text to Tradition
“Patel builds a nuanced, complex, and compelling picture of the cultural roles this text fulfilled over some seven hundred years. The result is a fascinating case study of the ways the Sanskrit tradition came to grips with a major work.”
The Yogin and the Madman Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet’s Great Saint Milarepa Andrew Quintman “Quintman is the leading authority on the Milarepa story, and this book is the most important contribution to our understanding of the rich history of this great narrative to date.” —Kurtis R. Schaeffer, author of The Culture of the Book in Tibet
Tibetan biographers began writing Jetsun Milarepa’s (1052–1135) life story shortly after his death, initiating a literary tradition that turned the poet and saint into a model of virtuosic Buddhist practice throughout the Himalayan world. Andrew Quintman traces this history and its innovations in narrative and aesthetic representation across four centuries, culminating in a detailed analysis of the genre’s most famous example, composed in 1488 by Tsangnyön Heruka, or the “Madman of Western Tibet.” Quintman imagines these works as a kind of physical body supplanting the yogin’s corporeal relics. Andrew Quintman
is assistant professor in the Depart-
—David Shulman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Written in the twelfth century, the Naisadhīyacarita (The Adventures of Nala, . King of Nisadha) is a seminal Sanskrit poem . beloved by South Asian literary communities for nearly a millennium. This volume introduces readers to the poem’s author, his reading communities, the modes through which the poem has been read and used, the contexts through which it became canonical, its literary offspring, and the emotional power it still holds for the culture that values it. The study privileges the intellectual, affective, and social forms of cultural practice informing a region’s people and institutions. It treats literary texts as traditions in their own right and draws attention to the critical genres and actors involved in their reception. “This book is the first reception history of any classical Indian text. It is studded with brilliant insights and thoughtful readings of sometimes very difficult and often unpublished materials.” —Sheldon Pollock, Columbia University Deven M. Patel
is an assistant professor of Sanskrit
languages and the literatures of South Asia at the University of Pennsylvania.
ment of Religious Studies at Yale University.
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16415-3 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16414-6 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53553-3
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-16680-5 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-53653-0
N o v e m b e r 368 pages
J a n u a r y 288 pages
Religion / Buddhism
R e l i g i o n / S o uth A s i an Stu d i e s
S o uth A s i a Ac r o s s th e D i s c i p l i n e s
S o uth A s i a Ac r o s s th e D i s c i p l i n e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 73
When the Invasion of Land Failed
The Legacy of the Devonian Extinctions George R. McGhee Jr.
“McGhee is able to organize a vast literature into a coherent evolutionary story that is quite unique. From the origin of plants and animals through the Devonian era, this book is a marvelous read. It is important for a wide variety of geologists
Bringing Fossils to Life
An Introduction to Paleobiology Third Edition
Donald R. Prothero “Well-written and well-illustrated; perfectly aimed at students while also belonging in the library of all professional (and amateur) paleontologists.” —Bruce S. Lieberman, University of Kansas
The leading textbook in its field, this work applies paleobiological principles to the fossil record while detailing the evolutionary history of major plant and animal phyla. It incorporates current research from biology, ecology, and population genetics. Written for biology and geology undergrads, the text bridges the gap between purely theoretical paleobiology and solely descriptive invertebrate paleobiology books, emphasizing the cataloguing of live organisms over dead objects. This third edition revises art and research throughout, expands the coverage of invertebrates, includes a discussion of new methodologies, and adds a chapter on the origin and early evolution of life. Donald R. Prothero
is a research associate in the
and biologists and for any readers interested in paleontology and environmental change.” —Peter Sheehan, curator, Milwaukee Public Museum
The invasion of land by ocean-dwelling plants and animals was one of the most revolutionary events in the evolution of life on Earth, yet the animal invasion almost failed—twice—because of the twin mass extinctions of the Late Devonian Epoch. Some 359 to 375 million years ago, these catastrophic events dealt our ancestors a blow that almost drove them back into the sea. If those extinctions had been just a bit more severe, spiders and insects might have become the ecologically dominant forms of animal life on land. This book examines the profound evolutionary consequences of the Late Devonian extinctions, which shaped the composition of the modern terrestrial ecosystem. Only one group of four-limbed vertebrates now live on Earth while other tetrapod-like fishes are extinct. This gap is why the idea of “fish with feet” seems so peculiar, yet these animals were once a vital part of our world. George R. McGhee Jr.
is professor of paleobiology at
Rutgers University.
Department of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum. $95.00/ £65.50 paper 978-0-231-15893-0 $180.00 / £124.00 cloth 978-0-231-15892-3 $94.99 / £65.50 ebook 978-0-231-53690-5 N o v e m b e r 672 pages / 543 figures / 8.5” x 11”
$45.00 / £30.95 paper 978-0-231-16057-5 $135.00 / £93.00 cloth 978-0-231-16056-8 $44.99 / £31.00 ebook 978-0-231-53636-3 N o v e m b e r 360 pages / 12 color and 48 b&w illustrations Sc i e nc e T h e C r i t i ca l M o m e nt s an d P e r s p e ct i v e s i n Ea r th
Sc i e nc e
H i s to ry an d Pa l e o b i o lo gy
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
74 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Ahjond S. Garmestani and
A Primer in Biological Data Analysis Using R
Social-Ecological Resilience and Law
Gregg Hartvigsen
Craig R. Allen, Editors “An excellent, easy to read introduction to “This significant volume is the first to attempt
biostatistics and the software program R. Simple
a comprehensive application of resilience
but rigorous, with top-notch coverage of R.”
theory and its management corollaries to law
—Andy Conway, Princeton University
reform. The book not only provides a conceptual backbone but also gives particular examples and specific proposals that will be of great interest to lawyers and agency managers. The book is a major help to legal reformers and implementers struggling with this important and timely issue.” —Robert L. Fischman, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Environmental law envisions ecological systems as existing in an equilibrium state, or a “balance of nature,” reinforcing a rigid legal framework unable to absorb rapid environmental changes and innovations in sustainability. For the past three decades, “resilience theory,” which embraces uncertainty and nonlinear dynamics in complex adaptive systems, has shown itself to be a robust and invaluable basis for sound environmental management. Reforming American law to account for this knowledge is key to transitioning to sustainability. This volume features top legal and resilience scholars speaking on resilience theory and its legal applications to climate change, biodiversity, national parks, and water law. Ahjond S. Garmestani
is a research scientist at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory in Ohio. Craig R. Allen
R is a popular programming language that statisticians use to perform a variety of statistical computing tasks. Rooted in Gregg Hartvigsen’s extensive experience teaching biology, this text is an engaging, practical, and lab-oriented introduction to R for students in the life sciences.
Underscoring the importance of R and RStudio to the organization, computation, and visualization of biological statistics and data, Hartvigsen guides readers through the processes of entering data into R, working with data in R, and using R to express data in histograms, boxplots, barplots, scatterplots, before/after line plots, pie charts, and graphs. He covers data normality, outliers, and nonnormal data and examines frequently used statistical tests with one value and one sample; paired samples; more than two samples across a single factor; correlation; and linear regression. The volume also includes a section on advanced procedures and a final chapter on possible extensions into programming, featuring a discussion of algorithms, the art of looping, and combining programming and output. Gregg Hartvigsen
is a professor in the Department of
Biology at the State University of New York, Geneseo.
is senior scientist and program director at
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Nebraska, where he also serves as associate professor of biology.
$45.00 / £30.95 paper 978-0-231-16059-9 $135.00 / £93.00 cloth 978-0-231-16058-2 $44.99 / £31.00 ebook 978-0-231-53635-6
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16699-7 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16698-0 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53704-9
F e b r u a r y 416 pages / 6 figures
F e b r u a r y 224 pages / 7” x 10”
En v i r o nm e nta l Stu d i e s / l aw
Sc i e nc e / B i o lo g y
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 75
Social Work
Interracial Couples, Intimacy, and Therapy Crossing Racial Borders Kyle D. Killian “This book captures the realities of today’s interracial couples and will become a landmark reference for seasoned scholars and practitioners, as well as for students in the social sciences and clinical professions.”
African American Children and Families in Child Welfare Cultural Adaptation of Services Ramona W. Denby and Carla M. Curtis “Well-conceived and scholarly yet containing practical strategies for social reform. An outstanding feature is the articulation of relevant history, child welfare laws, and a masterful integration of policy, practice, and research.” —Tony Tripodi, editor, Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods
This text proposes corrective action to improve the institutional care of African American children and their families, calling attention to the specific needs of this population and the historical, social, and political factors that have shaped its experience within the child welfare system. The authors critique policy and research and suggest culturally targeted program and policy responses for more positive outcomes. Ramona W. Denby
is an associate professor at the
Greenspun College of Urban Affairs School of Social Work. Carla M. Curtis
is an associate professor at the Ohio
State University College of Social Work.
—Peter Fraenkel, director, Ackerman Institute
Grounded in the personal narratives of twenty interracial couples with multiracial children, this volume uniquely explores interracial couples’ encounters with racism and discrimination, partner difference, family identity, and counseling and therapy. It intimately portrays how race, class, and gender shape relationship dynamics and a partner’s sense of belonging. Assessment tools and intervention techniques help professionals and scholars work effectively with multiracial families as they negotiate difference, resist familial and societal disapproval, and strive for increased intimacy. The book concludes with a discussion of interracial couples in cinema and literature, the sensationalization of multiracial relations in mass media, and how to further liberalize partner selection across racial borders. “This book is a must for counseling psychology, couples therapy, and family and human development courses.” —Gonzalo Bacigalupe, UMass, Boston Kyle D. Killian
is a licensed couple and family therapist
and associate professor and research associate at the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University.
$40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-13185-8 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-13184-1 $39.99 / £27.50 ebook 978-0-231-53620-2
$40.00 / £27.50 paper 978-0-231-13295-4 $120.00 / £83.00 cloth 978-0-231-13294-7 $39.99 / £27.50 ebook 978-0-231-53647-9
O c t o b e r 320 pages / 5 figures
O c t o b e r 240 pages / 6 b&w photos
S o c i a l Wo r k
S o c i a l Wo r k
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
76 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Helping Homeless and Foster Care Children and Families Cheryl Zlotnick, Editor
“This unique volume highlights a major public health problem. Within a social-justice framework,
Social Work
Children Living in Transition
Zlotnick and her contributors give these children a voice to express the oppression, bias, racism, and power differentials underlying their care. By
Fountain House
Creating Community in Mental Health Practice
viewing these children as members of transitional families, the book describes how to reduce treatment disparities and unify service systems. A must-read that will change your views of how to
Alan Doyle, Julius Lanoil,
best understand and care for these children.”
and Kenneth Dudek
—Ellen L. Bassuk, founder, National Center on Family Homelessness
Since 1948, people suffering from mental health issues, mental health professionals, and committed volunteers have gathered at Fountain House in New York City to find relief from stigmatization and social alienation. Its “working community” approach has earned the organization vast critical recognition, enabling it to replicate its methods across the world. This volume describes the humanity, social inclusivity, personal empowerment, and perpetual innovation of the Fountain House approach. Evidence-based, cost-effective, and transferable, this model achieves crosscultural results by supporting the principles of personal choice, professional and patient collaboration, and the need to be needed, achieving substantive outcomes in employment, schooling, housing, and general wellness. Alan Doyle
is director of the Fountain House Institute,
Julius Lanoil
is a psychotherapist and wellness consul-
Sharing the daily struggles of children and families residing in transitional situations (homelessness or because of risk of homelessness, being connected with the child welfare system, or being new immigrants in temporary housing), this text recommends strategies for delivering mental health and intensive case-management services that maintain family integrity and stability. Based on work undertaken at the Center for the Vulnerable Child in Oakland, California, which has provided mental health and intensive case management to children and families living in transition for more than two decades, the volume outlines culturally sensitive practices to engage families that feel disrespected or betrayed. Cheryl Zlotnick
is director of the Center for the Vulner-
able Child and clinician, evaluator, and principal investigator at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute.
tant at Fountain House, and Kenneth Dudek is president and executive director, Fountain House New York.
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15710-0 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53599-1
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-16097-1 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-16096-4 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53600-4
N o v e m b e r 208 pages / 6 b&w photos
D e c e m b e r 272 pages / 4 b&w illustrations
S o c i a l Wo r k
S o c i a l Wo r k
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 7 7
Social Work
Multimodal Treatment of Acute Psychiatric Illness
A Guide for Hospital Diversion
Justin M. Simpson and Glendon L. Moriarty
The multimodal treatment of acute psychiatric illness is an integrated, systematic set of interventions stabilizing individuals with severe mental illness and helping them avoid the trauma of unnecessary psychiatric hospitalization. Focusing on patients suffering from schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, severe anxiety, and substance dependence, this volume provides individual practitioners and professional teams with the necessary tools for responding to crisis and delivering acute care, reinforcing lessons with realworld hospital case studies, exercises, and resources. Justin M. Simpson
is a licensed
psychologist with a private clinical practice in Mount Vernon, New York. Glendon L. Moriarty
is a licensed
psychologist and professor in the School of Psychology and Counseling at Regent University.
Decision Cases for Advanced Social Work Practice Terry A. Wolfer, Lori D. Franklin, and Karen A. Gray
These fifteen cases take place in child welfare, mental health, hospital, hospice, domestic violence, refugee resettlement, veterans’ administration, and school settings and reflect individual, family, group, and supervised social work practice. They confront common ethical and treatment issues and raise issues regarding practice interventions, programs, policies, and laws. Cases represent open-ended situations, encouraging students to apply knowledge from across the social work curriculum to develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. An instructor’s manual is available upon request. Terry A. Wolfer
is a professor
Child Welfare for the Twenty-First Century
A Handbook of Practices, Policies, and Programs Second Edition Gerald P. Mallon
and Peg McCartt Hess
The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 emphasized children’s safety, permanency, and well-being over preserving their biological ties at all costs. The first edition of this volume detailed the practices, policies, programs, and research affected by the legislation’s new attitude toward care. This second edition follows the changing child welfare climate in the U.S., featuring real world case examples, data from the national Child and Family Services Reviews, emerging empirically based practices, and new chapters on child welfare workforce issues, supervision, and research and evaluation. Gerald P. Mallon
is the Julia
at the University of South Carolina
Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare at
College of Social Work.
the Silverman School of Social Work,
Lori D. Franklin
is a clinical
Hunter College.
assistant professor at the University
Peg McCartt Hess
of Oklahoma Anne and Henry Zarrow
social work educator and child welfare
School of Social Work
practitioner, advocate, and researcher
Karen A. Gray
specializes in
has been a
for more than forty years.
practice with communities and organizations.
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-15883-1 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15882-4 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-53609-7
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-15985-2 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-15984-5 $99.99 / £69.00 ebook 978-0-231-53648-6
$100.00 / £69.00 cloth 978-0-231-15180-1 $99.99 / £69.00 ebook 978-0-231-52535-0
D e c e m b e r 270 pages / 6 figures
N o v e m b e r 240 pages
F e b r u a r y 1,056 pages / 2 charts
S o c i a l Wo r k
S o c i a l Wo r k
S o c i a l Wo r k
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
78 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Electronic Resources
Colum b i a El ectr o ni c Resource s C o l u m b i a I n t e r n at i o n a l A f fa i r s O n l i n e [ c i a o ] w w w. c i a o n e t. o r g
Named a Best Reference Database “Best Buy” runner-up by Library Journal. Named one of the top 300 websites by the International Political Science Association. “Among the most comprehensive resources available for international affairs research. . . . One-stop shopping for researchers.” —Library Journal “So rich in content and so well suited to the needs of serious researchers that we recommend it without hesitation.” —Library Journal “Highly recommended.” —Choice
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is a full-text online database encompassing working papers, policy briefs, interviews, journal articles, and e-books in the field of international relations. CIAO is a widely recognized resource for teaching materials and features original case studies written by leading experts in their fields, as well as course packs of background readings for history and political science classes and special features such as interviews with the world’s leading international relations experts.
Columbia Granger’s Wo r l d o f P o e t ry O n l i n e
Columbia Gazetteer o f t h e Wo r l d O n l i n e
w w w. c o l u m b i a g r a n g e r s . o r g
w w w. c o l u m b i a g a z e t t e e r . o r g
This authoritative reference features Updated daily now featuring more than 500,000 an introductory poetry citations, video on using the resource 300,000 full-text poems, and more than 5,000 commentaries on bestknown poems. It also includes biographies of popular poets and 600 glossary terms with examples of terms defined. The “My Granger’s” tool helps fashion anthologies, and our split-screen feature enables sideby-side comparisons. An advanced search engine tailors research according to gender, language, nationality, form, movements, and era.
A Booklist Editor’s Choice: Reference Sources
The Columbia Gazetteer of the World Online is an authoritative encyclopedia of geographical places and features, population data, political units, and coverage of war devastation and altered landscapes. Visit the site and discover why generations of librarians depend upon this standard resource—and are flocking to its affordable, one-time purchase price.
The Gazetteer is a robust search tool, permitting inquiries for places, metric criteria, full-text searching, and geographic coordinates. It offers advanced post-search options, such as resorting results and downloading to Excel or in XML, and the “My Gaz” feature stores links to articles.
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 79
Directors’ Cuts
W a l l f l o w e r P r e ss
The Cinema of Raúl Ruiz
The Cinema of Alexander Sokurov
Michael N. Goddard
Jeremi Szaniawski
While considered one of the world’s most significant filmmakers, Raúl Ruiz has yet to receive any thorough study in English. This volume maps Ruiz’s cinematic trajectory across more than five decades, up to his death in 2011. Ranging from his earliest work in Chile to his high-budget, “European” costume dramas and culminating in his Mysteries of Lisbon (2010), this critique treats Ruiz’s work, with its surrealist, magicalrealist, pop-cultural, and neo-Baroque sources, as a type of “impossible” cinematic cartography, mapping real, imaginary, and virtual spaces and spanning different cultural contexts, aesthetic strategies, and technical media. The volume argues that across the phases of Ruiz’s work, key continuities emerge, such as the invention of singular cinematic images and the interrogation of their possible and impossible combinations.
One of the last representatives of a brand of serious, high-art cinema, Alexander Sokurov has produced a massive oeuvre exploring such issues as history, power, memory, kinship, death, the human soul, and the responsibility of the artist. Contextualizing and closely reading each of his fiction feature films (and broaching many of his documentaries in the process), this volume sees Sokurov’s films as equally mournful and passionate, intellectual and sensual, and containing a powerful, if discursively repressed, queer sensitivity within a network of tensions and paradoxes. The volume therefore offers a new understanding of the lasting appeal of the Russian director’s Janus-like and surprisingly dynamic cinema, a deeply original and complex body of work in dialogue with the past, present, and future.
Impossible Cartographies
Michael N. Goddard
is senior lecturer in media studies
Figures of Paradox
Jeremi Szaniawski
holds a Ph.D. from Yale University
and is an award-winning independent filmmaker living and
at the University of Salford, U.K. His research centers on
working in Los Angeles. He is also coeditor of Directory of
audiovisual media cultures and media theory.
World Cinema: Belgium.
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16731-4 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16730-7 $24.99 / £17.00 ebook 978-0-231-85050-6
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16735-2 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16734-5 $24.99 / £17.00 ebook 978-0-231-85052-0
S e p t e m b e r 224 pages / 25 b&w illustrations
N o v e m B e r 256 pages / 20 b&w illustrations
f i l m s tu d i e s
f i l m s tu d i e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
80 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
directors’ cuts
W a l l f l o w e r P r e ss
The Cinema of Michael Mann Vice and Vindication Jonathan Rayner
Michael Mann’s films showcase the existential concerns of art cinema, articulated through a conspicuous visual style integrated within classical Hollywood narrative and genre frameworks. Since his beginning as a screenwriter in the 1970s, Mann has become a key writer, director, and producer for American film and television. This volume studies Mann’s feature films in detail, from The Jericho Mile (1979) to Public Enemies (2009), while also considering parallels in the production, style, and characterization of his television work. It explores Mann’s relationship with classical genres, his thematic concentration on issues of morality and masculinity, his film adaptations from literature, and the development of his trademark visual style within modern American cinema. Jonathan Rayner
is reader in film studies at the
University of Sheffield. His publications include The Films of Peter Weir, Contemporary Australian Cinema, and The Naval War Film.
The Cinema of Michael Winterbottom Borders, Intimacy, Terror Bruce Bennett
This comprehensive study of prolific British filmmaker Michael Winterbottom explores the thematic, stylistic, and intellectual consistencies running through the whole of his eclectic and controversial work. The volume undertakes a close analysis of fifteen Winterbottom films ranging from television dramas to transnational coproductions featuring Hollywood stars, and from documentaries to costume films. The critique is centered on Winterbottom’s collaborative working practices, political and cultural contexts, and critical reception. Arguing that his work delineates a “cinema of borders,” the book examines Winterbottom’s treatment of sexuality, class, ethnicity, and national and international politics, as well as his quest to adequately narrate inequality, injustice, and violence. Bruce Bennett
is director of film studies at Lancaster
University and coeditor of Cinema and Technology: Cultures, Theories, Practices.
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16729-1 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16728-4 $24.99 / £17.00 ebook 978-0-231-85049-0
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16737-6 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16736-9 $24.99 / £17.00 ebook 978-0-231-85053-7
S e p t e m b e r 240 pages / 20 b&w illustrations
J a n u a r y 224 pages / 20 b&w illustrations
f i l m s tu d i e s
f i l m s tu d i e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 8 1
W a l l f l o w e r P r e ss
Contemporary Romanian Cinema
Love in Motion
The History of an Unexpected Miracle
Erotic Relationships in Film
Dominique Nasta
Reidar Due
Over the last decade, audiences have become familiar with Romanian New Wave films, such as 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days (2007), The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (2005), and 12:08 East of Bucharest (2006). This book is the first in-depth analysis of essential productions ranging from the silent period to today. In addition to the historical and cultural factors influencing contemporary Romanian cinema, the volume covers the careers of filmmakers who approached various genres despite communist censorship. A chapter focuses on Lucian Pintilie, whose Reconstruction (1969) strongly inspired Romania’s twentyfirst-century output, and the book’s second half closely examines the “minimalist” trend of Cristian Mungiu, Cristi Puiu, Corneliu Porumboiu, and Radu Muntean, as well as younger directors dealing with the complexities of contemporary Romania.
This book is about film’s encounter with love throughout the medium’s history. It is also a book about the philosophy of love. Since Plato, erotic love has been praised for leading the soul to knowledge, and the vast tradition of poetry devoted to love has emphasized love as feeling. Love in Motion outlines a new metaphysics and ontology of love as a reciprocal erotic relationship. The book argues that film’s special narrative language is particularly well suited to depicting love in this way. The book begins with early silent directors, such as Joseph von Sternberg, and concludes with contemporary filmmakers, such as Sophia Coppola. The study’s core compares classical French and American love films of the 1940s against modernist films by Luis Buñuel, François Truffaut, and Wong Kar Wai.
Dominique Nasta
is professor of film studies at the
Reidar Due
teaches film aesthetics and is fellow in French
at Magdalen College, Oxford University. He has published
Université Libre de Bruxelles. She is the author of Meaning
works on Jean-Paul Sartre and Gilles Deleuze, and his
in Film and, with Didier Huvelle, New Perspectives in
research centers on the ontology of modern art and the
Sound Studies.
relationship between phenomenology and ethics.
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-16745-1 $80.00 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-16744-4 $25.99 / £18.00 ebook 978-0-231-53669-1
$25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-16733-8 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-16732-1 $24.99 / £17.00 ebook 978-0-231-85051-3
O c t o b e r 256 pages / 15 b&w illustrations
O c t o b e r 192 pages / 15 b&w illustrations
f i l m s tu d i e s
f i l m s tu d i e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
82 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
C u lt o g r a p h i e s
W a l l f l o w e r P r e ss
Frankenstein Robert Horton
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
Quadrophenia Stephen Glynn
Dean J. DeFino
James Whale’s Frankenstein (1931) spawned a phenomenon that has been rooted in world culture for decades. This cinematic Prometheus has generated countless sequels, remakes, rip-offs, and parodies in every media, and this granddaddy of cult movies constantly renews its followers in each generation. Along with an in-depth critical reading of the original 1931 film, this book tracks Frankenstein the monster’s heavy cultural tread from Mary Shelley’s source novel to today’s Internet chat rooms. Robert Horton
is the author
of Billy Wilder: Interviews and the zombie-western graphic novel Rotten, as well as its spin-off, The Lost Diary of John J. Flynn.
1964: Mods clash with Russ Meyer’s Faster, Pussycat! Rockers in Brighton, creating a moral panic. 1973: The Kill! Kill! (1965) was a Who release Quadrophenia, box-office failure. It has a concept album following since been embraced by young Mod Jimmy Cooper art-house audiences and to the riots and beyond. referenced in countless 1979: Franc Roddam directs films, television series, and Quadrophenia, based on the songs. A riot of styles and story clichés lifted from biker, album, and its cult status is immediate. The first study juvenile-delinquency, and to explore “England’s Rebel beach party movies, the film Without a Cause,” investigathas the coherence of a dream and the improvisatory daring ing academic, music, press, and fan-based responses, the of a jazz solo. This book considers the production and book argues the “Modyssey” opens a hermetic subculture critical reception of the film, its place within the culture of to its social-realist context and dares to explore cult the 1960s, its representations dangers. The film endures of gender and sexuality, and because of its emotional the specific ways it meets honesty and excites because cult film criteria. of the feeling, “I was there!” Dean J. DeFino
is associate profes-
sor of English and director of film
Stephen Glynn
studies at Iona College.
search fellow at De Montfort University.
$15.00 / £10.50 paper 978-0-231-16743-7 $14.99 / £10.50 ebook 978-0-231-85039-1
$15.00 / £10.50 paper 978-0-231-16739-0 $14.99 / £10.50 ebook 978-0-231-85054-4
$15.00 / £10.50 paper 978-0-231-16741-3 $14.99 / £10.50 ebook 978-0-231-85055-1
F e b r u a r y 128 pages / 30 b&w illustrations
F e b r u a r y 144 pages / 40 b&w illustrations
f e b r u a r y 144 pages / 40 b&w illustrations
f i l m s tu d i e s
f i l m s tu d i e s
f i l m s tu d i e s
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
All Rights: Columbia University Press
is associate re-
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 8 3
P r e v i o u s ly A n n o u n c e d , N o w Ava i l a b l e
Auteur Publishing
Studying Italian Cinema
Adalgisa Serio Henry
Intended for students of Italian as much as of film studies, Studying Italian Cinema provides an accessible introduction to one of the most influential European film industries. Beginning with an overview of postwar Italian neorealism, author Adalgisa Serio Henry provides in-depth coverage of such classic films as Rome Open City (1945) and Bicycle Thieves (1948) before considering neorealism’s legacy through the likes of The Battle of Algiers (1966) and Amarcord (1973). Moving to contemporary Italian cinema, Henry considers depictions of the family in such films as The Ignorant Fairies (2001) and The Last Kiss (2001), representations of women, and, crucially, film as social and political comment, reading such recent award-winners as Gomorra (2008) and Il Divo (2008). A number of other influential films are discussed, ensuring Studying Italian Cinema provides a fresh, contemporary perspective on a vibrant national cinema. Adalgisa Serio Henry
lectures on Italian film
Studying French Cinema Isabelle Vanderschelden
“Very readable and well-researched, providing an excellent introduction. The decision to structure the chapters around particular themes, genres, and authors, with key readings from the marginal to the mainstream, is an intelligent one. It allows readers to engage with French cinema history without getting weighed down by facts and figures and underlines the variety of French film culture and its multiple points of entry.” —Neil Archer, Keele University
From the groundbreaking nouvelle vague (Les 400 coups, 1959) to contemporary documentaries (Etre et avoir, 2002), this volume situates French film within explorations of childhood and adolescence; auteur ideology and individual style; recent French history; aesthetic approaches; transnational production practices; and popular cinema, comedy, and gender issues. Isabelle Vanderschelden
is senior lecturer in the
Department of Languages, Information, and Communication at Manchester Metropolitan University.
at Manchester Metropolitan University.
$30.00 paper 978-1-906733-35-3 $75.00 cloth 978-1-906733-36-0
$27.50 paper 978-1-906733-15-5 $85.00 cloth 978-1-906733-16-2
S e p t e m b e r 288 pages / 50 b&w illustrations
S e p t e m b e r 256 pages / 20 b&w illustrations
f i l m s tu d i e s
f i l m s tu d i e s
84 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Edited by Sidney Gottlieb and Richard Allen
Hitchcock Annual seeks to publish the best in critical and scholarly essays in Hitchcock studies. We welcome articles from a wide variety of theoretical, critical, and historical perspectives on the life, work, and influence of Alfred Hitchcock. All back issues of the Hitchcock Annual are available through Columbia University Press, as is The Hitchcock Annual Anthology: Selected Essays from Volumes 10–15, edited by Sidney Gottlieb and Richard Allen (2009, $26.00 paper 978-1-905673-95-4 / $80.00 cloth 978-1-905673-96-1).
n ow ava i l a b l e
n ow ava i l a b l e
Hitchcock Annual
Hitchcock Annual
Edited by Sidney Gottlieb
Edited by Sidney Gottlieb
and Richard Allen
and Richard Allen
Hitchcock Annual: Volume 17 contains essays on two of Hitchcock’s most well-known films, Notorious and The Birds, and two of his lesser-known works, Juno and the Paycock and Stage Fright. It also includes a detailed study of the unused score for Frenzy by Henry Mancini, an examination of Hitchcock’s presence in contemporary art installations and experimental films, and a review essay on two recent books on Hitchcock.
Hitchcock Annual: Volume 18 features essays on Hitchcock and Italian art cinema; the cinematic and cultural context of Hitchcock’s silent film, Champagne (1928); Marnie (1964) and queer theory; the use of newspapers in Hitchcock’s films; and Hitchcock’s wartime documentary work.
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-16002-5
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-16367-5
2 0 1 1 206 pages, illustrated throughout
2 0 1 3 180 pages, illustrated throughout
Volume 17
Hitchcock Annual
Hitchcock Annual
Volume 18
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 8 5
austrian film museum Books
Jean Epstein [German-Language Edition Only]
Michael Pilz [German-Language Edition Only]
Bonjour Cinéma und andere Schriften zum Kino
Auge Kamera Herz
Nicole Brenez and Ralph Eue,
Olaf Möller and Michael Omasta,
Editors “An exceptional volume on an exceptional
Translated by Ralph Eue
filmmaker whose presence can be felt every
“Intellectual euphoria is maybe the most
step along the way.”
outstanding quality of Jean Epstein’s writings. In compelling fashion, this book makes his important theoretical oeuvre accessible for the first time in German.” —Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
A pioneer of independent filmmaking, Jean Epstein was also essential as theorist and artist in the invention of modern cinema. For the first time, this volume reproduces a selection of Epstein’s writings on film in German. “A striking discovery.”
—Kolik Film
Michael Pilz has made more than one hundred films since the 1960s. His breakthrough came with an epic work about the Styrian mountain village of St. Anna, Heaven and Earth (1979–1982). He has crossed the borders between film forms just as easily as those between art, cinema, and life. This richly illustrated volume includes several essays on Pilz’s work, an extensive conversation with the artist, selected film treatments, and an annotated filmography. Olaf Möller
—Neue Zürcher Zeitung Nicole Brenez
is a film scholar, professor, curator, writer,
and publisher. Ralph Eue
is a film historian, curator, university teacher,
is an independent film expert, author, and
curator based in Cologne, Germany. He is also the European editor of Film Comment. Michael Omasta
is a film historian and the film editor for
the Austrian weekly Falter.
television filmmaker, and translator based in Berlin.
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-3-901644-25-2
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-3-901644-29-0
M a r c h 160 pages / 13 b&w illustrations
M a r c h 288 pages / 200 b&w illustrations
F i l m Stu d i e s
F i l m Stu d i e s
F i l mmu s e umSy n e ma P ub l i kat i o n e n
F i l mmu s e umSy n e ma P ub l i kat i o n e n
86 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Olaf Möller and Michael Omasta,
Dominik Graf [German-Language Edition Only]
Christoph Huber and Olaf Möller
austrian film museum Books
Romuald Karmakar [German-Language Edition Only] Editors
“Olaf Möller’s knowledge about Karmarkar is vast, and each page here is proof of a striking conversation between a critic and a filmmaker.” —TAZ–Die Tageszeitung
Romuald Karmakar’s films have engaged with “impossible” characters and “borderline” subjects: mercenaries, a notorious Nazi speech, the terror of a relationship, an imprisoned serial killer, and the revolutionary experience of electronic and techno music. This book covers his work in its entirety and includes a number of unproduced treatments. It also features several conversations with the filmmaker and an annotated filmography. “A feast for both the eyes and the mind.”
Christoph Huber
—Ray magazine Olaf Möller
is a film and music critic for the
Austrian daily Die Presse and European editor of Cinema
is an independent film expert, author, and
curator and the European editor of Film Comment. Michael Omasta
Dominik Graf is an exception in the film and television business. He is a genre filmmaker who guilefully freed himself from the rigid confines of television, making German television history with episodes of Der Fahnder and Tatort. Graf ’s sole commercial hit, Die Katze (1988), has become a veritable “generational text.” He is an auteur in the spirit of the nouvelle vague or New Hollywood and a wonderful writer on film, as well as a polemical commentator on recent German history. Yet these facets cannot be distinguished so clearly, something this book brilliantly explores in an essay by Christoph Huber, a richly annotated filmography by Olaf Müller, and an in-depth interview with the artist himself.
is a film historian and the film editor
Scope magazine. Olaf Möller
is an independent film expert, author, and
curator and the European editor of Film Comment. He is
for the Austrian weekly Falter.
based in Cologne, Germany.
$33.00 / £23.00 paper 978-3-901644-34-4
$33.00 / £23.00 paper 978-3-901644-48-1
M a r c h 255 pages / 90 b&w illustrations
M a r c h 208 pages / 90 b&w illustrations
F i l m Stu d i e s
F i l m Stu d i e s
F i l mmu s e umSy n e ma P ub l i kat i o n e n
F i l mmu s e umSy n e ma P ub l i kat i o n e n
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 87
Austrian Film Museum Books
Was ist Film [German-Language Edition Only]
Peter Kubelkas Zyklisches Programm im Österreichischen Filmmuseum
Lachende Körper [German-Language Edition Only]
Komikerinnen im Kino der 1910er Jahre Claudia Preschl
Stefan Grissemann, Alexander Horwath, and Regina Schlagnitweit, Editors “Once you delve into Peter Kubelka‘s programmatic cycle you will definitely be able to look at film history differently. Instead of a history of narratives, it will be about forms of seeing and hearing which, today, have very few places left to blossom.” —Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Peter Kubelka’s program cycle “What is Film” now consists of sixty-three outstanding works. His selection of “essential cinema” showcases film as an independent art form cultivating new ways of thinking. Through essays and film stills, this book makes his cycle accessible to all audiences. Stefan Grissemann
is the arts editor of the
“A book for all those who love cinema.” —
Claudia Preschl’s study focuses on female performers in comedies between 1910 and 1918. The book is a contribution to the rediscovery of this early “other” cinema, in which comediennes such as “Rosalie,” “Léa,” or Asta Nielsen played a decisive part. Lachende Körper describes a variety of preposterous body language and shows how we can decode anarchistic body politics and rebellious strategies of gender in early cinema for today. Claudia Preschl
is a film scholar, curator, and university
professor at Vienna’s Film Academy (Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst). The core areas of her work and research are feminist film theory and history, early cinema, and gender studies.
Austrian weekly profil. Alexander Horwath
is director of the Austrian Film
Museum and Regina Schlagnitweit is head of its Program Department.
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-3-901644-36-8
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-3-901644-27-6
M a r c h 208 pages / 200 color and b&w illustrations
M a r c h 208 pages / 80 b&w illustrations
F i l m Stu d i e s
F i l m Stu d i e s
F i l mmu s e umSy n e ma P ub l i kat i o n e n
F i l mmu s e umSy n e ma P ub l i kat i o n e n
88 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Transcript Verlag
The Myths That Made America
An Introduction to American Studies Heike Paul
This essential introduction to American studies examines the core foundational myths on which the nation is based and that still determine discussions of the American identity today. These include the myth of discovery; the Pocahontas myth; the myth of the Promised Land; the myth of the Founding Fathers; the frontier myth; the myth of the American dream; and the myth of the melting pot. Chapters provide an extended analysis of each of these myths, using examples from popular culture, literature, memorial culture, school books, and everyday life. Including visual material as well as study questions, this text will engage any student of American studies, facilitating an understanding of America as an imagined community. Heike Paul
teaches American studies at the Friedrich-
Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany. Her current research interests include cultural mobility and interculturality, Canadian cultural studies, and contemporary North American literature.
To Be Unfree
Republican Perspectives on Political Unfreedom in History, Literature, and Philosophy Christian Dahl, Tue Andersen NexØ, and Christopher Prendergast, editors
These essays investigate the articulation of political unfreedom within the republican tradition of political thought. They combine a theoretical discussion of the conceptualization of freedom and its opposites in the republican tradition with a broader perspective on the tradition’s impact on the representation of unfreedom in Western literature and cultural history. It therefore complicates our understanding of what it means to be unfree and reveals several distinctions that shape our modern notions of freedom. Christian Dahl
is an assistant professor in comparative
literature at the University of Copenhagen. Tue Andersen NexØ
is a postdoctoral fellow at the
University of Southern Denmark. Christopher Prendergast
is professor emeritus and
fellow at King’s College, Cambridge University.
$30.00 paper 978-3-8376-1485-5 D e c e m b e r 300 pages / 40 b&w illustrations
$45.00 paper 978-3-8376-2174-7
H i s to r y / A m e r i can Stu d i e s
D e c e m b e r 270 pages
A m e r i can Stu d i e s
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 89
Transcript Verlag
Re-Thinking Ressentiment
Resonant Alterities
On the Limits of Criticism and the Limits of Its Critics
Sound, Desire, and Anxiety in Non-Realist Fiction
Jeanne Riou and Mary Gallagher,
Sylvia Mieszkowski
The charge of “ressentiment” can in today’s world—less from traditionally conservative quarters than from the neo-positivist discourses of particular forms of liberalism— be used to undermine the argumentative credibility of political opponents, dissidents, and those who call for greater “justice.” The essays in this volume draw on a broad spectrum of cultural discourse on ressentiment within both historical and contemporary contexts. Beginning with its conceptual genesis, essays also trace contemporary nuances of ressentiment and its influence on aesthetic and literary discourse in the twentieth century. Jeanne Riou
is a lecturer in German studies at University
College Dublin. Mary Gallagher
This volume bridges the gap between sound studies and literary criticism. Its primary objects of analysis are a ghost story by Vernon Lee, a psychic adventure novel by Algernon Blackwood, a dystopian science fiction tale by J. G. Ballard, and a posttraumatic short novel by Don DeLillo.
Each text is discussed in relation to historically specific, (non-)literary cultural debates on sound. All four theory-enriched investigations focus on intersecting and desire-laden processes of meaning making, knowledge production, and subject formation. Focal points are aurally/audio-visually structured phenomena that express collective and individual anxieties. Sylvia Mieszkowski
teaches literature, cultural analysis,
and film at Berlin University. Her research examines cultural lectures in French and Francophone
expressions of collective anxieties and individual phantasms
studies at University College Dublin.
in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
$40.00 paper 978-3-8376-2128-0
$50.00 paper 978-3-8376-2202-7
O c t o b e r 200 pages
OC t o b e r 390 pages
Literary Criticism
Literary Criticism
C u ltu r a l an d M e d i a Stu d i e s
C u ltu r a l an d M e d i a Stu d i e s
90 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Transcript Verlag
(Dis)Orienting Media and Narrative Mazes Julia Eckel, Bernd Leiendecker, Daniela Olek, and Christine Piepiorka,
Advertising and Design Debating Islam Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Cultural Field
Negotiating Religion, Europe, and the Self
Beate Flath and
Susanne Leuenberger,
Eva Klein, editors
and Andreas Tunger-
Zanetti, editors
This anthology maps recent media technologies and structures (navigation devices, databases, and transmediality) and unconventional narrative patterns (narrative complexity, plot twists, and nonlinearity), using the ambivalent concept of (dis) orientation, raising crucial, overarching questions about current mediascapes. Julia Eckel
Samuel M. Behloul,
researches anthropo-
morphic motifs in audiovisual media. Bernd Leiendecker
researches the
history of unreliable narration in film. Daniela Olek
is a support specialist
for an IT corporation. Christine Piepiorka
The cultural field of advertising is a much debated topic with perspectives focusing on harassment and the anxiety of influence to notions of desire and affirmation. This publication not only considers diverse issues related to advertising but also develops a dialogue among these divergent viewpoints. Beate Flath
is an assistant profes-
sor in the Department of Musicology
Samuel M. Behloul
at the University of Graz. Her research
the migrato, the Swiss Bishop Confer-
focuses on sound in mass media and
ence commission for Pastoral Care of
the intersection of aesthetics and
Migrants and Itinerant People.
economy-related aspects of music. Eva Klein
teaches in the Department
of Art History at the University of Graz. Her research focuses on modern art,
How did Islam become a global topic of debate? Who takes part in these dicussions, and how do these discussions influence individual and collective self-image and the image of others? Focusing on Switzerland, this volume compares recent studies on Islam in Europe from diverse national contexts.
design, and advertising.
is director of
Susanne Leuenberger
is affili-
ated with the Institute of Science of Religion, University of Berne. Andreas Tunger-Zanetti
is coor-
televisual complex narrations and
dinator of the Center for Research on
resulting viewer concepts.
Religion at the University of Lucerne.
$50.00 paper 978-3-8376-2338-3
$45.00 paper 978-3-8376-2249-2
S e p t e m b e r 320 pages / 40 b&w
O c t o b e r 350 pages / 20 b&w and 4 color
$40.00 paper 978-3-8376-2348-2
M e d i a Stu d i e s
O c t o b e r 200 pages
I s l am i c Stu d i e s
C u ltu r a l an d M e d i a Stu d i e s
M e d i a Stu d i e s
g lo ba l / lo ca l I s l am
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 9 1
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Mongolia and the United States
A Diplomatic History
Jonathan Addleton
Former U.S. ambassador Jonathan Addleton provides a pioneering firsthand look at the remarkable growth of civil society and diplomatic ties between two countries separated by vast distances yet sharing a growing list of strategic interests and values. While maintaining positive ties with Russia and China, its powerful neighbors and stilldominant trading partners, Mongolia has sought “third neighbors” to help provide balance, including Canada, Japan, Korea, European nations, and the United States. For its part, the United States has supported Mongolia as an emerging democracy while fostering development and commercial relations. People-to-people ties have significantly expanded in recent years, as has a security partnership that supports Mongolia’s emergence as a provider of military peacekeepers under the U.N. flag in Sierra Leone, Chad, Kosovo, Darfur, South Sudan, and elsewhere. While focusing on diplomatic relations over the last quarter century, Addleton also briefly describes American encounters with Mongolia over the past 150 years. More recently, Mongolia has emerged as a magnet for foreign investment, making it one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Jonathan Addleton
served in Mongolia as USAID mission director
(2001–2004) and then as U.S. ambassador (2009–2012). His previous assignments included development counselor at the U.S. Mission to the European Union in Brussels; USAID mission director in Pakistan and Cambodia; and USAID program officer in Jordan, Kazakhstan, South Africa, and Yemen. He is the author of Undermining the Center: The Gulf Migration and Pakistan and Some Far and Distant Place. In 2012, he was awarded the Polar Star, Mongolia’s highest civilian honor conferred on foreign citizens, for his role in strengthening ties between the United States and Mongolia.
$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8139-94-1 S e p t e m b e r 200 pages H i s to r y / P o l i t i c s A n A DS T- DACOR D i p lo mat s an d D i p lo mac y B o o k
92 | Fa l l 2 0 1 3
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
The Judicial Construction of Hong Kong’s Basic Law Courts, Politics, and Society After 1997 Lo Pui Yin
China has granted Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy through the Basic Law under the policy of “one country, two systems.” Hong Kong’s legal system under the Basic Law is based on the common law and is administered by independent courts. By interpreting the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s courts have reviewed legislation and executive decisions and have achieved a “second founding” of the Basic Law as an enforceable constitution. This book is the first comprehensive account of how the Hong Kong courts gained this vital power of judicial review. Through an analysis of important court cases since 1997, the book also examines how the Hong Kong courts maintain their relationships with the executive and legislature and with China’s central authorities, which have been skeptical of these achievements. Hong Kong’s unique status as a common-law jurisdiction within socialist China poses risks of integration; this book concludes that the best choice lies in maintaining and developing a cosmopolitan judicial outlook.
The Judicial Construction of Hong Kong’s Basic Law is essential reading for legal practitioners in Hong Kong and scholars of constitutional and comparative law. Lo Pui Yin
is a barrister specializing in constitutional and human
rights law. He is the author of several books and articles on law in Hong Kong.
$75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-988-8208-07-4 F e b r u a r y 544 pages l aw / a s i an s tu d i e s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 93
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Small God, Big City
Earth God Shrines in Urban Hong Kong Michael Wolf With bilingual text by Lee Ho Yin, Lynne DiStefano and Katie Cummer
Following the success of Hong Kong Corner Houses, German photographer Michael Wolf continues his collaboration with Hong Kong University Press to produce Small God, Big City. Wolf again uses his creative eye to draw attention to overlooked objects in the visually rich urban environment of Hong Kong. This time the object is the Earth God shrine, found commonly by the doorways of shops and homes throughout Hong Kong. Through his visually stimulating and thought-provoking photographs, Wolf challenges our sensitivity to seemingly familiar everyday things. An interpretative text for the photographs is authored by two familiar names: Lee Ho Yin and Lynne DiStefano, who are wellknown academics and practitioners of heritage conservation in Hong Kong. The text is a highly readable curatorial essay that leads readers to a better understanding of the topic and the meaning behind Wolf ’s photographs of Earth God shrines in urban Hong Kong. The topic of this book is timely, given the vulnerability of traditional beliefs and practices in an increasingly urbanized Hong Kong. It is hoped that Small God, Big City will provoke deeper thoughts on who we are and what we believe in this modern world. Michael Wolf
was born in 1954 in Munich, Germany. He grew up in
the United States, Europe, and Canada and studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and at the Folkwang School in Essen, Germany. In 1995, he moved to Hong Kong, where he studied Chinese cultural identity and complex urban architectural structure. He has published seven photobooks on Asia, including Sitting in China, Chinese Propaganda Posters, Hong Kong Front Door Back Door, Hong Kong Inside Outside, Tokyo Compression, and Hong Kong Corner Houses.
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-988-8139-93-4 S e p t e m b e r 124 pages / color illustrations throughout A r t / a s i an s tu d i e s
No Rights in the United Kingdom and Europe
94 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
A Defiant Brush
Su Renshan and the Politics of Painting in Early Nineteenth Century Guangdong Yeewan Koon
As the Opium War unfolded in Guangdong Province, the painter Su Renshan (1814–c.1850) exploded onto the art scene with a bold, paradigmturning new voice. Yeewan Koon’s new book, A Defiant Brush, takes a fresh look at this underappreciated artist in the context of a nascent Chinese modernism.
In 1839, Guangzhou had shifted from a cosmopolitan trading center with a diverse art world into a place of violence. During the following decade, one voice of discontent and defiance rang out above all others: Su Renshan. His provocative, uncompromising, and sometimes ugly paintings berate Confucius for his hypocrisy. He turns his brush trace into graphic lines that mimic the printed page, and he depicts women as alternative exemplars of a moral intelligentsia. It is believed that his outspokenness prompted his father to place him in prison for filial impiety, where he probably painted his last artwork. During this turbulent period of incipient modernity, close readings of Su Renshan’s paintings within the rich contextual history of art in Guangdong Province reveal how the trauma of war prompted a reevaluation of social and political values, and indeed the moral responsibility of a scholar-artist. Yeewan Koon
teaches in the Fine Arts Department at the University
of Hong Kong. She is also an art critic and has written for local cultural magazines, including Muse and D.C. Photography.
$50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-8139-61-3 J a n u a r y 256 pages / 121 color illustrations A r t H i s to r y / a s i an s tu d i e s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 95
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
A Perpetual Fire
John C. Ferguson and His Quest for Chinese Art and Culture Lara Jaishree Netting
“Between 1912 and 1943, the Canadian American John C. Ferguson led a public career in Republican China that would have made a Chinese scholar proud, serving as a major government advisor and influential academician. Lara Jaishree Netting’s thorough study brings the remarkable and complex Ferguson back to life. She restores to him the credit he has long deserved, while at the same time using his example to demonstrate how our definition of ‘art’ is an ever-changing construct.” —Jerome Silbergeld, Princeton University
After serving as a missionary and then foreign advisor to Qing officials from 1887 to 1911, John C. Ferguson became a leading dealer of Chinese art, providing the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Cleveland Museum of Art, and other museums with their inaugural collections of paintings and bronzes. In multiple publications dating from the 1920s and 1930s, Ferguson made controversial claims about the basis of Chinese art. His two Chineselanguage reference works, still in use today, were produced with essential help from Chinese scholars. Emulating these “men of culture” with whom he lived and worked in Peking, Ferguson gathered paintings, bronzes, rubbings, and other artifacts. In 1935, he donated this group of more than one thousand objects to Nanjing University, the school he had helped found as a young missionary.
This work offers a significant contribution to the history of Chinese art collection. Ferguson learned from and worked with Qing dynasty collectors and scholars, and then Republican-era dealers and archeologists, while simultaneously supplying the objects he had come to know as Chinese art to American museums and individuals. He is an ideal subject to help see the interconnections between increased Western interest in Chinese art and archeology in the modern era, as well as cultural change taking place in China. Lara Jaishree Netting
received her Ph.D. in East Asian studies at
Princeton University. She has held a Getty Fellowship at the Asia Society Museum and the J. Clawson Mills Fellowship at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8139-18-7 O c t o b e r 304 pages / 42 color and 78 b&w
illustrations A r t H i s to r y / a s i an s tu d i e s
96 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Enchanted by Lohans
Osvald Sirén’s Journey Into Chinese Art Minna Törmä
Finnish Swedish art historian Osvald Sirén (1879–1966) was one of the pioneers of Chinese art scholarship in the West. This biography focuses on his four major voyages to East Asia: 1918, 1921–1923, 1929–1930, and 1935. This was a pivotal period in Chinese archaeology, art studies, and the formation of Western collections of Chinese art. Sirén gained international renown as a scholar of Italian art, particularly with his books on Leonardo da Vinci and Giotto. Yet when he was almost forty years old, he became captivated by Chinese art (paintings of Lohans in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston) to such an extent that he decided to start his career anew—in a way. He has left his mark in several fields in Chinese art study: architecture, sculpture, painting, and garden art.
This study charts Sirén’s itineraries during his travels in Japan, Korea, and China. It introduces the various people in those countries as well as in Europe and North America who defined the field in its early stages and were influential as collectors and dealers. Since Sirén was a theosophist, the book also explores the impact of theosophical ideas in his work. Minna Törmä
is lecturer of Chinese art at Christie’s Education
London and School of Culture and Creative Arts, University of Glasgow. She is also an adjunct professor of art history at the University of Helsinki.
$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8139-84-2 N o v e m b e r 240 pages / 28 b&w illustrations A r t H i s to r y / a s i an s tu d i e s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 97
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
On Telling Images of China
Essays in Narrative Painting and Visual Culture Shane McCausland and Yin Hwang, Editors
These essays address a diverse range of issues in China’s narrative art and visual culture from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) to the present. These studies attend to the complex ways in which images circulate in pictorial media and across the boundaries between “high art” and popular culture—images in paintings, prints, stone engravings, and posters, as well as in film and video art. In addition, the authors examine the role of ancient exemplary stories and textual narratives, as well as their reiteration in the visual arts in early-modern and modern social and political contexts. The volume is divided into three sections: representing paradigms, interpreting literary themes and narratives, and the medium and modernity. While the essays in each section deal with concerns in the field of China’s art history, an editors’ introduction serves to position the topic of narrative art and introduce definitions and genre issues that run throughout the book. As a whole, the volume invites reflection on the intrinsic nature of narratives and their pictorial lives and presents new research challenging established views and paradigms. Shane McCausland
is reader in the history of Chinese art at the
Department of the History of Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Yin Hwang
is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of the History of
Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
$45.00 / £30.95 cloth 978-988-8139-43-9 J a n u a r y 368 pages / 95 color illustrations A r t H i s to r y / a s i an s tu d i e s
98 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Diversity and Occasional Anarchy
Representations of Food and Drink in Imperial Chinese Literature
On Deep Economic and Social Contradictions in Hong Kong
Isaac Yue and Siu-fu Tang, Editors
Yue-Chim Richard Wong
The culture of food and drink occupies a central role in the development of Chinese civilization, and the language of gastronomy has been a vital theme in a range of literary productions. From stanzas on food and wine in the Book of Odes to the articulation of refined dining in The Dream of the Red Chamber and Su Shi’s literary recipe for attaining culinary perfection, lavish textual representations help explain the unique appeal of food and its overwhelming cultural significance within Chinese society. These eight essays offer a colorful tour of Chinese gourmands whose work exemplifies the interrelationships of social and literary history surrounding food, with careful explication of such topics as the importance of tea in poetry, “the morality of drunkenness,” and food’s role in objectifying women.
“A totally new interpretation of the current
Isaac Yue
is assistant professor of Chinese at the
University of Hong Kong. Siu-fu Tang
is assistant professor of Chinese at the
University of Hong Kong.
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Scribes of Gastronomy
political economy of Hong Kong. Wong makes full use of his abundant public experience in reviewing Hong Kong society’s complex dynamics. Every chapter details powerful insights. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the future development of Hong Kong.” —Victor Fung, chairman of the Fung Global Institute
The world economic landscape has experienced seismic changes since Britain restored sovereignty over Hong Kong to China. Fortunately, the Hong Kong economy has remained steadfast and is still making progress. Yet public confidence in the governance of the SAR government has declined, and economic and social dissatisfaction have flared. Economist Yue-Chim Richard Wong analyzes the origins and future of these contradictions. Yue-Chim Richard Wong
is professor of economics and
Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy at the University of Hong Kong.
$25.00 / £34.50 paper 978-988-8139-98-9 $50.00 / £17.50 cloth 978-988-8139-97-2
$40.00 / £27.50 cloth 978-988-8139-44-6
N o v e m b e r 176 pages
S e p t e m b e r 248 pages / 30 b&w illustrations
l i t e r a r y C r i t i c i s m / a s i an s tu d i e s
Ec o n o m i c s / a s i an s tu d i e s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 9 9
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
The Happy Hsiungs
Performing China and the Struggle for Modernity Diana Yeh
“Yeh explores the happy Hsiungs’ role in representing China and Chineseness to the world, forcing us to rethink our vision of the British Chinese as invisible and insular, with little social, cultural, or political impact on wider society.” —Anne Witchard, University of Westminster.
The Happy Hsiungs recovers the histories of two married Chinese writers who lived and worked in Britain from the 1930s onwards. Shih-I Hsiung shot to worldwide fame with his play “Lady Precious Stream,” while Dymia Hsiung was the first Chinese woman to publish a fictional autobiography in English of her life in Britain. Diana Yeh recounts the Hsiungs’ childhoods in turn-ofthe-century China, their youth in the radical May 4 era, and their lives in Britain and the United States, showing how they “performed” identities conforming to modern Western ideals of gender, sexuality, and Chineseness. Diana Yeh
lectures at Birkbeck College, University of
London, and at the University of East London.
Mu Shiying: China’s Lost Modernist
New Translations and an Appreciation Andrew David Field
When the avant-garde writer Mu Shiying was assassinated in 1940, China lost one of its greatest modernist writers while Shanghai lost its most detailed chronicler of its demi-monde nightlife. As Andrew David Field argues, Mu Shiying advanced modern Chinese writing beyond the vernacular expression of May 4 giants Lu Xun and Lao She to even more starkly reveal the alienation of the cosmopolitan-capitalist city of Shanghai, trapped between the forces of civilization and barbarism. Each of these five short stories focuses on the author’s key obsessions: the pleasurable yet anxiety-ridden social and sexual relationships of the modern city and the decadent maelstrom of consumption and leisure in Shanghai epitomized by the dance hall and the nightclub. This study places his writings squarely within the framework of Shanghai’s social and cultural nightscapes. Andrew David Field
is director of Shanghai Programs
for Boston University.
$18.00 / £12.50 paper 978-988-8208-17-3
$18.00 / £12.50 paper 978-988-8208-14-2
J a n u a r y 160 pages
J a n u a r y 160 pages
B i o g r aph y / a s i an s tu d i e s
l i t e r a r y C r i t i c i s m / a s i an s tu d i e s
R A S C h i na i n Shangha i
R A S C h i na i n Shangha i
100 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
The Virgin Mary and Catholic Identities in Chinese History
Sent alone to China by the London Missionary Society in 1807, Robert Morrison (1782–1834), was one of the earliest Protestant missionaries in East Asia. During some twenty-seven years in China and Malacca, he worked as translator for the East India Company, translated the New Testament into Chinese, and compiled the first Chinese-English dictionary. He also built the foundation of Chinese Protestant Christianity. This book explores the strategies behind Morrison’s mission to China. It shows that, in promoting Protestantism, Morrison worked to a standard template developed by his tutor David Bogue at the Gosport Academy in England. By bringing this template into conversation with Morrison’s archival collections, the book argues that Morrison’s influential mission must be seen within the historical context of British evangelism.
The Chinese Catholic Church traces its living roots back to the late sixteenth century and its historical roots back even further, to the Yuan dynasty. This book explores paintings and sculptures of the Virgin Mary over several centuries and the communities that produced them. It argues for the emergence of distinctly Chinese Catholic identities as artistic representations of the Virgin Mary at different times and in different places absorbed and in turn influenced representations of Chinese figures from Guanyin to the Empress Dowager. At other times, indigenous styles have been diluted by Western influences. As a study of the social and cultural histories of communities that have survived over many centuries, this book offers a new view of Catholicism in China— one that sees its history as more than simply a cycle of persecution and resistance.
Christopher A. Daily
Christopher A. Daily
is a faculty member at the School
Jeremy Clarke
Jeremy Clarke
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Robert Morrison and the Protestant Plan for China
is an assistant professor of history
at Boston College.
of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
$60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-988-8208-03-6 O c t o b e r 272 pages R e l i g i o n / a s i an s tu d i e s R oya l A s i at i c S o c i e t y G r e at B r i ta i n an d I r e l an d Series
$55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-988-8139-99-6 N o v e m b e r 312 pages / 13 color and 13 b&w illustrations R e l i g i o n / a s i an s tu d i e s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 101
N e w i n Pa p e r
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Watching Over Hong Kong Private Policing, 1841–1941 Sheilah E. Hamilton
A History of the Grant Schools Council Mission, Vision, and Transformation Patricia P. K. Chiu
“Hamilton has undertaken some striking historical research and presents her findings in a highly
“The definitive story of the oldest schools
readable and engaging style. Compelling reading
council in Hong Kong. Specifically, the council’s
for anyone with an interest in security, policing,
relationship with the government makes
or Hong Kong history.” —Mark Button, Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth
Sheilah E. Hamilton shows the colonial administration introduced harsh legislation to control Chinese watchmen. She examines the growth of a “hybrid” police and argues the existence of such posts within the civil service resulted in greater social control of the local Chinese community. “Her book is a case study in the interplay of forces inherent in public-private policing and clearly demonstrates how the foundation stones of today’s structure of public private policing in Hong Kong were laid down.”
fascinating reading. Highly recommended for educationalists, historians, and general readers.” —Li Yuet Ting, director of education (1987–1992), Hong Kong
The Grant Schools Council, representing twenty-two mission and denominational grant schools, was Hong Kong’s first schools council founded across denominations to channel concerns and opinion to the government. This book examines the development, struggles, and achievements of the council and the member schools from their colonial beginnings to the postcolonial years of reform. Patricia P. K. Chiu
is a Hong Kong historian who earned
her Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge.
—Offbeat Sheilah E. Hamilton
is a forensic scientist and
fire investigator.
$38.00 / £26.00 paper 978-988-16973-2-5 $30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-988-8028-99-3
S e p t e m b e r 304 pages / 104 b&w
S e p t e m b e r 244 pages
H i s to r y / a s i an s tu d i e s
a s i an s tu d i e s
R oya l A s i at i c S o c i e t y H o ng Ko ng Stu d i e s S e r i e s
102 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Portugal, China, and the Macau Negotiations, 1986–1999 Carmen Amado Mendes
On December 20, 1999, the city of Macau became a Special Administrative Region of China after nearly four hundred and fifty years of Portuguese administration. Drawing extensively on Portuguese and other sources and on interviews with key participants, this book examines the strategies and policies adopted by the Portuguese government during the negotiations. The study sets these events within the larger context of Portugal’s retreat from empire, the British experience with Hong Kong, and changing social and political conditions within Macau. A weak player on the international stage, Portugal was still able to obtain concessions during the negotiations, notably in the timing of the retrocession and continuing Portuguese nationality arrangements for some Macau citizens. Yet the tendency of Portuguese leaders to use the Macau question as a tool in their domestic political agendas hampered their ability to develop an effective strategy and left China with the freedom to control the process of negotiation. “Mendes gives us a clear and balanced historical account of the Macau negotiations. We are told that ‘history is an argument without end,’ but this is the first
“Setting Portugal’s approach to the Macau question within the context of broader domestic and international political dilemmas, Mendes provides a nuanced picture of the institutional inertias, party rivalries, and post colonial exhaustion that shaped the entire negotiation process. She shows, paradoxically, that although these factors weakened Portugal’s position
book written not by an actor in the events but by an
relative to China, this weakness
independent academic observer. This important book
sometimes put Portugal in the
will help considerably in our understanding of China-
driver’s seat at the negotiating table.”
Portugal relations.”
—Cathryn Clayton, author of Sovereignty
—Jose Duarte de Jesus, Portuguese ambassador to China, 1993–1997 Carmen Amado Mendes
at the Edge: Macau and the Question of Chineseness
is professor of international relations
at the School of Economics, University of Coimbra.
$35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-988-8139-00-2 S e p t e m b e r 166 pages / 2 b&w illustrations P o l i t i c s / a s i an s tu d i e s R oya l A s i at i c S o c i e t y H o ng Ko ng Stu d i e s Series
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 103
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
HKU Memories from the Archives
Stacy Belcher Gould
Edward S. T. Ho: Watercolour Journey Edward S. T. Ho
and Tina Yee-wan Pang
In 2011, the University of Hong Kong celebrated its centenary as the first and for many years only university in Hong Kong providing a Western, English-language education for the region. An exhibition entitled “HKU Memories from the Archives,” held at the University Museum and Art Gallery from December 2011 to March 2012, featured more than two hundred artifacts from the collections of the university archives and loans from private collections. This richly illustrated publication presents a selection of documents and artifacts primarily from the first fifty years of the university’s history. Stacy Belcher Gould
is the University of Hong Kong
Archivist. Tina Yee-wan Pang
is a curator at the University
This book is published in conjunction with Edward S. T. Ho’s first solo exhibition of his watercolor paintings at the Exhibition Gallery of Hong Kong City Hall in March 2013. Entitled “Watercolour Journey,” these images are mostly of far-off places in Ho’s travels. He writes: “I have been fortunate to have a group of friends who like to travel with me to fairly exotic places, to Africa, the Middle East, South America, the Antarctic, and countries such as India, Iran, Jordan, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan. Images of these places have provided me with interesting subjects for my paintings and wonderful mementos of my journeys. I wish to share those memories with my friends once again and also with those who enjoy seeing new places and experiencing different cultures.”
Museum and Art Gallery and Honorary Assistant Professor
Edward S. T. Ho
in the Department of Fine Arts, School of Humanities, the
the architectural firm Wong Tung & Partners, Limited, and
University of Hong Kong.
is an architect. He is group chairman of
has worked on many prestigious projects in Hong Kong, China mainland, and the United States. He is a self-taught artist, having started his first painting in 2009.
$30.00 / £20.50 cloth 978-988-19021-6-0
$38.00 / £26.00 cloth 978-988-12177-1-4
S e p t e m b e r 280 pages / color illustrations throughout
S e p t e m b e r 160 pages / color illustrations throughout
H i s to r y / a s i an s tu d i e s
A r t / a s i an s tu d i e s
104 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
A Culturally Adaptive Clinical Guide
School Guidance and Counselling
Trends and Practices
Eric Yu-hai Chen, Helen Lee,
Pattie Y. Y. Luk-Fong and
Gloria Hoi-kei Chan, and
Yuk Ching Lee-Man, Editors
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Early Psychosis Intervention
Gloria Hoi-yan Wong, editors
Considering cultural differences between Asian and Western patients, this book focuses on delivering effective treatment in early psychosis, especially for the young. It covers early intervention programs in Hong Kong and Singapore and assesses recent developments in Korea and Japan. The volume covers the management of psychosis, including pathways to care, stigma, and interventions. Referencing frontline practitioners, research findings, and theories, the text highlights practical needs in nonWestern healthcare settings and features culturally relevant discussions on recovery and relapse, self-harm, and co-morbid substance abuse. Eric Yu-hai Chen
is a professor, Gloria Hoi-kei Chan
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to school guidance and counseling services in Hong Kong. It draws extensively on current research in the field, with a special emphasis on how guidance and counseling could be systematically planned to meet the personal, social, educational, and career needs of students. The chapters discuss how counseling could be infused into school activities by employing a team approach wherein all staff members play specified roles. The book also focuses on the Confucian heritage practices in Chinese societies, such as the emphasis on examinations, the contestations between discipline and guidance, and the role of class teachers in school guidance. Pattie Y. Y. Luk-Fong
is an adjunct associate professor in
is a case intervention officer, and Gloria Hoi-yan Wong
the Department of Special Education and Counselling at the
is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, Li
Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. Helen Lee
is a principal case manager and team leader in
the Early Psychosis Intervention Program, Institute of Mental
Yuk Ching Lee-Man
was an assistant professor in the
Department of Special Education and Counselling at the Hong Kong Institute of Education before her retirement.
Health, Singapore.
$22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-988-8083-41-1 $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-988-8139-92-7
S e p t e m b e r 264 pages
S e p t e m b e r 416 pages / 12 b&w illustrations
E d ucat i o n / a s i an s tu d i e s
S o c i a l W o r k / P s ych o lo g y
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 10 5
EA S T S LO P E P U B LI S HING LT D . ( MU S E , HK ) :
H o n g K o n g U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
H o n g Ko n g A r t s F e s t i va l N e w P l ay S e l e c t i o n 2 0 1 3
Heart of Coral
A Chamber Opera After the Life of Xiao Hong Yan Yu
Xiao Hong (1911–1942) was a contemporary of Eileen Chang and perhaps the most celebrated Chinese woman writer of the 1930s. She lived her short life with love, freedom, and the land and its people always in her heart.
Based on her life story, this new chamber opera is a reflection on Xiao’s tumultuous life, from her early days in Harbin to her solitary death in Hong Kong, where she completed her most renowned novel, Tales of Hulan River.
Wang Haoran
Wong Wing-sze
Relentless urbanization and the outrageous disparity between rich and poor have confined three lonely men, wildly different in personality and age, in a 400-square-foot flat in an unnamed Chinese city. A dispute regarding toilet etiquette sets off a series of ridiculous conflicts among the three flatmates.
A harsh review puts the reputation of a theater titan at stake. The author is his erstwhile partner. Is it a libel case or a debate about the nature of art? Who is the giant? Who is the dwarf ? Can they cut through the web of human and legal relationships?
Smear was created by multitalented, award-winning Wong Wing-sze. Following her much-lauded play The Truth About Lying, about divorce and the law, Wong Wing-sze once again turns the stage into an arena for combat, where irony and intrigue are sharp weapons. Smear was commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival.
Arts. Her play Pretense won a com-
Created by Hunan-born playwright Wang Haoran, who is both a witness to and victim of China’s rapid city development, Blast looks at alienation in a confined urban living space with a keen sense of humor and was commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival.
mission from the 2011 Hong Kong Arts
Wang Haoran
University and is now pursuing an
Wong Wing-Sze
M.F.A. at the Hong Kong Academy for
most acclaimed actress-playwright.
Yan Yu
earned an M.F.A. from the
Hong Kong Academy for Performing
attended Shenzhen
is Hong Kong’s
Performing Arts.
$15.00 / £10.50 paper 978-988-16056-2-7
$18.00 / £12.50 paper 978-988-16056-3-4
$18.00 / £12.50 paper 978-988-16056-4-1
S e p t e m b e r 116 pages
S e p t e m b e r 200 pages
S e p t e m b e r 220 pages
D r ama
D r ama
D r ama
106 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Hong Kong Taxation
Social Movements and Cultural Politics in Post-Authoritarian Taiwan
Law and Practice, 2013-14 Edition
Ya-Chung Chuang
and Garry Laird
Writing “an ethnography of democracy,” Ya-Chung Chuang masterfully describes and analyzes a multifaceted Taiwanese society. Contradicting mainstream research on political cultures, which relies heavily on survey data and statistical analysis, Ya-Chung Chuang produces an anthropologically inspired, contextually rich study using original source materials. He traces a genealogy of pivotal concepts, such as sovereignty, identity, and locality, at the heart of Taiwan’s democratic discourse and relates the experience of democracy as “a way of life” from the viewpoints of a variety of subjects, including social movement participants, urban community members, and ethnic activists. His book explores the loaded meaning of democracy.
This standard text is updated annually by the experienced tax professionals of KPMG, an international network of member firms offering audit, tax, and advisory services. The volume covers the major areas of Hong Kong taxation: Property Tax, Salaries Tax, Profits Tax, Personal Assessment, and Stamp Duty. It explains the principles and practice of taxation law through relevant tax cases and Board of Review decisions and contains numerous practical examples. The current edition covers the 2013–2014 budget changes and the latest developments in taxation.
Ya-Chung Chuang
holds a Ph.D. from Duke University
and teaches anthropology in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Chiao Tung University
C h i n e s e U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Democracy on Trial
Ayesha Macpherson Lau
Ayesha Macpherson Lau
is the partner in charge of tax
services at Hong Kong SAR, KPMG China. She is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Garry Laird
is a senior tax advisor with KPMG and was a
tax specialist for more than thirty-five years before joining the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) in Hong Kong.
in Taiwan.
$45.00 cloth 978-962-996-546-4
$45.00 paper 978-962-996-566-2
D e c e m b e r 270 pages
D e c e m b e r 950 pages
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e / Ea s t A s i an Stu d i e s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 107
A m e r i c a n I n s t i t u t e o f B u dd h i s t S t u d i e s
In Vimalakīrti’s House
A Festschrift in Honor of Robert A. F. Thurman on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday Christian K. Wedemeyer, John D. Dunne, and Thomas F. Yarnall, Editors
Over the course of nearly half a century, Robert A. F. Thurman has left an indelible mark on numerous fields of study, including Buddhist literature, Tantric Buddhism, Tibetan studies, and the comparative sciences of mind. To celebrate his seventieth birthday, Thurman’s students and colleagues have come together to pay tribute to these contributions and to Thurman’s ongoing leadership in these fields by assembling a collection of essays of their own that extend and supplement his groundbreaking research.
Ryūichi Abé (Harvard University) Yael Bentor (Hebrew University) Joshua Cutler (Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center) John D. Dunne (Emory University)
In Vimalakīrti’s House is the result of this collaboration and represents a broad spectrum of cutting-edge studies in areas central to Thurman’s own scholarly project. The resulting volume is a kind of “treasury of the Buddhist sciences,” insofar as its authors explore wide-ranging problems in art, literature, epistemology, history, ritual, Buddhology, and lexicography. Christian K. Wedemeyer
is associate professor of the history
Lozang Jamspal (International Buddhist College)
of religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School and in the
David B. Gray (Santa Clara University)
author of Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism: History, Semiology,
Paul G. Hackett (Columbia University) Laura Harrington (Boston University) James Hartzell (University of Trento)
Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations. He is the and Transgression in the Indian Traditions and Āryadeva’s Lamp That Integrates the Practices (Caryāmelāpakapradīpa): The Gradual Path of Vajrayāna Buddhism According to the Esoteric Community Noble Tradition. John D. Dunne
is associate professor in the Religion Department
at Emory University. He is the author of Foundation of Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy. Thomas F. Yarnall
is associate research scholar at the Center
for Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, and executive editor of the AIBS Treasury series. He is the author of The Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra (sngags rim chen mo) [by Tsong Khapa], Chapters XI–XII: The Creation Stage.
$56.00 / £38.50 cloth 978-1-935011-19-4 S e p t e m b e r 500 pages / 7 b&w illustrations R e l i g i o n / A s i an Stu d i e s T r e a s u ry o f th e B u d d h i s t Sc i e nc e s
108 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
• Contributors • Tabula Gratulatoria • Published Works of Robert A. F. Thurman Introduction
• “Bringing a Prepared Feast” by Christian K. Wedemeyer I: Encomia
• Philosphy as a Path: A Memoir and Tribute to Robert Thurman by Evan Thompson • Origins: A Brief Portrait of Geshe Ngawang Wangyal, an Early American Lotsawa by Joshua W. C. Cutler II: Translation and Buddhist Literature
• Rendering Buddhism Into Mongolian Language by Vesna A. Wallace • Translation at the Limits of Buddhist Discourse: The Politics of the Translation of Esoteric Buddhist Scriptures by David B. Gray • Outsiders and Insiders in the Sanskrit Epic by Gary Tubb • Ksemendra’s Garbhāvakrāntyavadāna Through a Tibetan Looking-Glass by Amy Paris Langenberg III: Esoteric Buddhism
• Mikkyō Practice and the Formation and Development of Kūkai Portraiture by Ryūichi Abé • Tsong Khapa’s Guhyasamāja Sādhana and the Ārya Tradition by Yael Bentor • Kalkin Pundarīka’s Vimalaprabhā on Kālacakratantra 5:127 by James Hartzell • Appraising Praises: Bu-ston’s “Praise Entitled ‘All Wishes Fulfilled’ ” and Its Genre in South Asian Buddhist Literature by Christian K. Wedemeyer IV: Tibet
• The World According to Belmang Pandita: Belmang Könchok Gyaltsan Palzangpo (1764–1853) by Paul K. Nietupski • Ratnāvalī of Nāgārjuna, Chapter Three: Tibetan Edition and Sanskrit Restoration by Losang Jamspal V: Mind Science and Philosophy
Amy Paris Langenberg (Auburn University) Joseph Loizzo (Weill Cornell Medical College)
A m e r i c a n I n s t i t u t e o f B u dd h i s t S t u d i e s
Table of Contents
Paul K. Nietupski (John Carroll University) Evan Thompson (University of Toronto) Gary Tubb (University of Chicago) Vesna A. Wallace (University of California, Santa Barbara) Christian K. Wedemeyer (University of Chicago Divinity School) Thomas F. Yarnall (Columbia University)
• What Is Inner Science? by John D. Dunne • On the Epistemological Basis of the Distinction Between Sautrāntika and Cittamātra in Tsong Khapa’s Legs bshad snying po by Paul G. Hackett • Probing Beneath the Surface: On Prajñā by Laura Harrington • Personal Agency Across Generations: Translating the Evolutionary Psychology of Karma by Joseph Loizzo General Bibliography
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 10 9
P r e v i o u s ly A n n o u n c e d , N o w Ava i l a b l e
A m e r i c a n I n s t i t u t e o f B u dd h i s t S t u d i e s
Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra
Chapters XI–XII (The Creation Stage) Tsong Khapa Losang Drakpa Translated and Introduced by Thomas F. Yarnall Edited by Robert A. F. Thurman
Tsong Khapa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra (Sngags rim chen mo) is considered by the present Dalai Lama to be one of Tsong Khapa’s two most important books. The chapters presented and studied in this volume concern his treatment of the creation stage (bskyed rim) meditations of Unexcelled Yoga Tantra. This includes a detailed analysis emphasizing how and why such creationstage practices—utilizing deity yoga to transform death, the between, and life into the three bodies of buddhahood—are indispensible to creating a foundation for successfully entering the culminal yogic practices of the perfection stage (to be presented in a subsequent volume). TSONG KHAPA LOSANG DRAKPA
(1357–1419), founder of
the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, was one of Tibet’s
A Catalogue of the Comparative Kangyur (bstan ’gyur dpe bsdur ma) Paul G. HAckett
The first of a two-volume set, this text provides detailed cataloging information for the recently published Comparative (dpe bsdur ma) recension of the Tibetan Tripitaka.
The catalogue includes cross-references to seven other Kangyur recensions used in the compilation of the Comparative Kangyur, including the previously uncataloged “Litang” (li thang) Kangyur. In addition, errors found in the “tables of contents” (dkar chag) and “cross-reference tables” (re’u mig) of the published edition have been corrected and verified against the published volumes and original blockprints. Indices to Tibetan and Sanskrit titles, translators, and revisers have been added, along with concordance tables aligning catalogue numbers between the various recensions. Paul G. Hackett
is also the author of Theos Bernard,
the White Lama: Tibet, Yoga, and American Religious Life.
greatest philosophers and a prolific writer. THOMAS F. YARNALL
is an associate research scholar in
the Department of Religion at Columbia University.
$56.00 / £38.50 cloth 978-1-935011-01-9
$56.00 / £38.50 cloth 978-1-935011-14-9
S e p t e m b e r 408 pages
S e p t e m b e r 414 pages
R e l i g i o n / A s i an Stu d i e s
R e l i g i o n / A s i an Stu d i e s
T r e a s u ry o f th e B u d d h i s t Sc i e nc e s
T r e a s u ry o f th e B u d d h i s t Sc i e nc e s
110 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Julien Danero Iglesias, Nenad Stojanović, and Sharon Weinblum, Editors
Julien Danero Iglesias
is a teaching and research as-
sistant in political science at the Université libre de Bruxelles. is a senior research fellow at the
Centre for Democracy Studies in Aarau and an assistant lecturer at the Universities of Zurich, Lausanne, and Geneva. Sharon Weinblum
The Political Representation of Women, Ethnic Groups, and Issue Positions in Legislatures Didier Ruedin
This book offers innovative perspectives on the interaction between national minorities and newly established nation-states. The book opens with an essay by Rogers Brubaker (University of California, Los Angeles) outlining his nationalizing state concept. Subsequent essays develop Brubaker’s model through case studies in Moldova, Ukraine, Turkey, Malaysia, and Israel. These contributions shed light on common trends relating to state-building processes, citizenship, rights of national minorities, and their mobilization. The text’s original theoretical framework, combined with a comparative approach, upsets common understandings of these critical issues.
Nenad Stojanović
Why Aren’t They There?
is a teaching and research assistant in
Why Aren’t They There? comparatively analyzes the representation of women over time and presents a critical view of the effectiveness of quotas. Incorporating new research on ethnic groups in legislatures, the text takes a significant step forward in the study of political representation and systematically examines issue positions in eight policy domains. It examines aspects that are not broached in studies focusing solely on a single form of representation. The result is a comprehensive understanding of political representation that leads to significant, policy-relevant insights on electoral engineering. Didier Ruedin
European Consortium for Political research
New Nation-States and National Minorities
is a researcher at the Swiss Forum for
Migration and Population Studies at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. His 2009 article on the political representation of ethnic groups in a cross-national perspective won the SNIS International Geneva Award. In 2012, he was a visiting fellow at the University of Vienna. Other areas of research include the politicization of immigration and attitudes toward foreigners.
political science at the Université libre de Bruxelles.
$99.00 cloth 978-1-907301-36-0
$41.00 paper 978-0-9558203-9-7
J a n u a r y 294 pages
J a n u a r y 198 pages
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
E C P R Stu d i e s i n Eu r o p e an P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
E C P R M o n o g r aph s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 111
P r e v i o u s ly A n n o u n c e d ,
European Consortium for Political research
N o w Ava i l a b l E
The European Generation
The Erasmus Exchange Programme and Its Implications for European Integration Emmanuel Sigalas
Without a common identity, a truly united Europe will remain a chimera. Yet this is the twenty-first century, and elites cannot forge cohesion and solidarity among European people by imposing an artificial European identity. However, what they can do is build such an identity from below.
The ERASMUS exchange program has sought to create a generation of Europeans naturally and unobtrusively. This book explains why a European identity is necessary for the legitimacy and viability of the E.U. and the cross-border role student mobility can play. Through an interdisciplinary, theoretical framework and incorporating sound empirical data, including the first ever longitudinal survey of ERASMUS students’ attitudes, this volume challenges stereotypical views of ERASMUS and its potential to promote a European identity and public support for the E.U. Emmanuel Sigalas
is assistant professor of European
politics at the Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies and adjunct professor at Webster University, Vienna. He has been a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute for
Integrating Indifference
A Comparative, Qualitative, and Quantitative Approach to the Legitimacy of European Integration Virginie Van Ingelgom
Integrating Indifference investigates the political legitimacy of European integration from an empirical, or “internal,” point of view by focusing on citizens’ subjective perceptions. The text contributes to the study of the processes of acceptance or rejection connected to current European integration practices and their possible politicization.
The book seeks to ameliorate our understanding of the lack of salience of European issues for a growing part of the public. Drawing on new evidence from survey data and focus groups, it undermines the presumed polarization of citizens’ attitudes towards the E.U, suggesting the alleged break in the “permissive consensus” among citizens should be considered in a different light since it is not clear that the popular mood toward Europe is the mirror image of the dissensus among elites. Rather, this book argues for the incorporation of citizens’ indifference into any reflection on the legitimacy of the European integration process and explores the various faces of citizens’ indifference toward the E.U. is a postdoctoral researcher
European Integration Research of the Austrian Academy
Virginie Van Ingelgom
of Sciences and received his Ph.D. from the University
at the Institut de Sciences Politiques Louvain–Europe,
of Reading. His research centers on European identity, the
Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium, and is an
European Parliament, and the E.U. space policy. Having
associate research fellow at the Centre for European Studies,
been a former ERASMUS student himself, and having lived
Sciences Po Paris.
in Greece, Germany, England, Luxembourg, and now Austria, Sigalas still asks himself what it takes to make one European.
$42.00 paper 978-1-907301-40-7
$42.00 paper 978-1-907301-48-3
D e c e m b e r 280 pages
N o v e m b e r 200 pages
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e / Int e r nat i o na l A f fa i r s
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
E C P R M o n o g r aph s
E C P R M o n o g r aph s
112 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
Contexts and Timing of Political Socialisation Simone Abendschön
Political socialization describes the processes through which individuals find their place within their political community and develop individual values and attitudes toward political objects and practice. Almost fifty years ago, Fred I. Greenstein posed this classic question of socialization research: “Who learns what from whom under what circumstances with what effects?” This book offers up-to-date empirical research on this crucial question, which is far from being fully answered. It outlines new approaches and answers that contribute largely to two important discussions: the question of the (relative) importance of agents and contexts and, inextricably interwoven with the first question, the timing of political socialization. The volume’s essays consider these issues from a European perspective, using new methodological approaches and incorporating long-neglected perspectives. Simone Abendschön
is assistant professor and re-
searcher in the Department of Social Science at the Goethe-
Croce, Gramsci, Bobbio, and the Italian Political Tradition Richard Bellamy
This book brings together fifteen classic essays from a leading scholar, Richard Bellamy, who traces the history of Italian political thought from Cesare Beccaria to Norberto Bobbio. Written over the past twenty-five years, these works constitute the first account in English of the modern Italian political tradition.
Bellamy pays special attention to the different ways various Italian theorists link politics and ethics and their alternate conceptions of state and democracy. Among the thinkers discussed are Cesare Beccaria, Antonio Genovesi, Giuseppe Mazzini, Benedetto Croce, Giovanni Gentile, Antonio Gramsci, Vilfredo Pareto, Gaetano Mosca, and Norberto Bobbio. Richard Bellamy
is professor of political science and
director of the European Institute, University College London (UCL). In 2012, he was awarded the British Academy’s Serena Medal “for eminent services towards the furtherance of
European Consortium for Political research
Growing Into Politics
the study of Italian history, literature, art, or economics.” His Italian publications include Modern Italian Social Theory and (with Darrow Schecter) Gramsci and the Italian State, along with critical editions of Cesare Beccaria, Antonio Gramsci, and Norberto Bobbio.
University of Frankfurt. Her main interests are in political socialization, values, political and social participation, and the concept of the public sphere in contemporary media democracies. She obtained her doctorate from the University of Mannheim and is currently investigating civic education and political equality from a comparative perspective.
$100.00 cloth 978-1-907301-42-1
$54.00 paper 978-1-907301-99-5
N o v e m b e r 300 pages
N o v e m b e r 300 pages
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
E C P R Stu d i e s i n th e Eu r o p e an P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
E C P R E s s ays
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 113
N e w i n Pa p e r
European Consortium for Political research
Perceptions of Europe
Personal Representation
A Comparative Sociology of European Attitudes
The Neglected Dimension of Electoral Systems
Daniel Gaxie, Nicolas Hubé,
Josep M. Colomer, Editor
and Jay Rowell, Editors “This book contains much extremely valuable
This book presents the main findings of a comparative qualitative survey conducted in France, Germany, Italy, and Poland. Ordinary citizens with different backgrounds and professions were asked a range of open-ended questions and expressed themselves freely. The resulting portrait is vastly different from the assumptions offered by current studies on European opinions. This volume stresses the diversity, ambiguity, and complexity of European attitudes and emphasizes the causal impact of formal education, political interest and involvement, individual everyday exposures to “European” realities, and the role of European integration and national history. Daniel Gaxie Nicolas Hubé
is professor of political science and is senior lecturer in political science at
the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Jay Rowell
material. The chapters are diverse in the issues they address and the methods they use. It opens up a considerable research agenda that many of us will want to pursue over the coming years.” —Alan Renwick, University of Reading
In democratic countries, a number of ballot forms and rules exist to vote for individual candidates and allocate seats. This book studies different voting procedures and formulas for personal representation, their origins and consequences, their compatibility with party representation, and the strategies and normative criteria for electoral system choice. Josep M. Colomer
is research professor in political sci-
ence at the Higher Council for Scientific Research, Institute for Economic Analysis, Barcelona, and Prince of Asturias Distinguished Visiting Professor at Georgetown University.
is a researcher in political sociology at the
Centre for European Political Sociology in Strasburg.
$38.00 paper 978-1-907301-59-9
$38.00 paper 978-1-907301-57-5
S e p t e m b e r 290 pages
S e p t e m b e r 216 pages
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
E C P R Stu d i e s i n Eu r o p e an P o l i t i c s
E C P R Stu d i e s i n Eu r o p e an P o l i t i c s
114 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
N e w i n Pa p e r
Why Context Matters
Interactive Policy Making, Metagovernance, and Democracy
Sonja Zmerli and Marc Hooghe,
Jacob Torfing and
Peter Triantafillou, Editors
This book presents cutting-edge research on political trust as a relational concept. Can political trust be conceived as a onedimensional concept, and to what extent do international population surveys warrant the culturally equivalent measurement of political trust across European societies? Is there indeed an observable general trend of declining levels of political trust? What are the individual, societal, and political prerequisites of political trust, and how do they translate into trustful attitudes? Why do so many Eastern European citizens still distrust their political institutions, and how do welfare state policies both enhance and benefit from political trust?
Traditional forms of top-down government are being challenged by the growing complexity of social and political life and the need to mobilize and activate the knowledge, ideas, and resources of private stakeholders. In response, interactive forms of public governance that join public and private actors in collaborative policy are proliferating. This book explores these new forms and their impact on public policy making in different areas and countries. It addresses the need for facilitating and managing interactive policy arenas through the empirical analysis of different forms of metagovernance and the normative implications of interactive policy making through studies of its democratic problems and merits.
is a researcher at the Institute of Social
and Political Research, Goethe-University Frankfurt am
Jacob Torfing
Main, and at the Institute of Political Sciencem Technische
Network Governance and vice director of the research
Universität Darmstadt.
project on Collaborative Innovation in the Public Sector.
is professor of political science at the
European Consortium for Political research
Political Trust
is director of the Center for Democratic
Peter Triantafillou
is a member of the Center for
University of Leuven and the University of Lille.
Democratic Network Governance.
$38.00 paper 978-1-907301-58-2
$38.00 paper 978-1-907301-56-8
S e p t e m b e r 240 pages
S e p t e m b e r 308 pages
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
P o l i t i ca l Sc i e nc e
E C P R Stu d i e s i n Eu r o p e an P o l i t i c s
E C P R Stu d i e s i n Eu r o p e an P o l i t i c s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 115
J a g i e l l o n i a n U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
Exploring the Microcosm and Macrocosm of Language Teaching and Learning
The Shining Beacon of Socialism in Europe
Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld
Tadeusz Czekalski
A Festschrift on the Occasion of Seventieth Birthday of Professor Anna Niżegorodcew and Maria Jodłowiec, Editors
Anna Niżegorodcew is a distinguished applied linguist and academic teacher known as an expert in second-language acquisition. Her scholarly interests range from foreign-language aptitude and other factors contributing to the development of L2 proficiency to psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic theories of language acquisition, communicative competence, intercultural communication, characteristics of language-class discourse, language-teacher education, and English as a language of global communication. These essays reflect the contributors’ varied scholarly pursuits yet all relate to Niżegorodcew’s research. They answer crucial questions and discuss topics relevant to modern language didactics. Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld
is a professor of English
linguistics at the Jagiellonian University. Maria Jodłowiec
The Albanian State and Society in the Period of Communist Dictatorship, 1944–1992
“Tadeusz Czekalski has an excellent understanding of Albanians. The significance of the subject, the attractive presentation, the precise construction, and the clear narrative all ensure this book will receive a warm reception.” —Andrzej Chwalba, vice president of the Polish Historical Society
Albanian communism forcefully industrialized and indoctrinated a backward country otherwise characterized by traditional tribal structures. In Albania, Stalinism proved particularly resistant to demographic and generational changes. This work is the first to analyze the Albanian state’s ideologization and its economic, social, and cultural aftermath. It incorporates Albanian source materials and works by Albanian historians. Tadeusz Czekalski
is a historian and specialist in the
Balkans based at the Jagiellonian University’s Institute of History.
is senior lecturer at the English
Philology Institute, the Jagiellonian University.
$42.00 paper 978-83-233-3515-3 $50.00 paper 978-83-233-3500-9
O c t o b e r 170 pages
O c t o b e r 300 pages / 1 color illustration
H i s to r y / Ea s t Eu r o p e an Stu d i e s
L i ngu i s t i c s
Jag i e l lo n i an Stu d i e s i n H i s to ry
116 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
J a g i e l l o n i a n U n i v e r s i t y P r e ss
The Lemko Region in the Second Polish Republic
Political and Interdenominational Issues, 1918–1939 Jarosław Moklak
This original study investigates the functioning mechanisms of competing Lemko political orientations in Poland between 1918 and 1939: the Old Rusyns, the Moscophiles, and the National Movement Activists. It identifies the links among the Greek Catholic and Orthodox Churches and the political, cultural, educational, and economic life of the Lemko region. It also details the ethnic policy of the Polish government toward Lemkos. “This is an excellent book that thoroughly covers the stated issues.”
“This book is the definitive
—Paul J. Best, Southern Connecticut State University, professor emeritus, and president of the Carpathian Research Institute
monograph on this subject. Jarosław Moklak has done thorough, careful research at
Jarosław Moklak
is a historian at the Jagiellonian University’s
Institute of History and at the East European State Higher School in
relevant Polish and other archival
Przemyśl’s Institute of International Relations. He is a cofounder of
collections and has created the
the Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group in New Haven, Connecticut, and
most balanced, comprehensive,
cooperates with the Carpathian Institute in Higganum, Connecticut. He is a member of the Commission on Eastern Europe at the
and complete work on the fate
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow and is the founder
of the Lemko minority in interwar
and editor in chief of the magazine New Ukraine: A Journal of History
Poland. Every serious library
and Politics.
or scholar specializing in PolishUkrainian relations or ethnic minorities in interwar Poland should have this book.” —Jacek Lubecki, director of the Center for International Studies, Georgia Southern University
$42.00 paper 978-83-233-3438-5 O c t o b e r 174 pages H i s to r y / Ea s t Eu r o p e an Stu d i e s Jag i e l lo n i an Stu d i e s i n H i s to ry
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 117
M a r i a C u r i e - S k ł o d o ws k a U n i v e r s i t y p r e ss
Wine in Old and New Bottles: Critical Paradigms for Joseph Conrad
• Wiesław Krajka: Introduction
Volume XXIII
• Jarosław Giza: Conradian Kurtz and Miltonian Satan: Evil and
Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives: Wiesław Krajka, Editor
This volume presents a galaxy of traditional and modern critical approaches to Joseph Conrad’s oeuvre, ranging from biographical and autobiographical studies to literary comparisons with John Milton, Herman Melville, James Joyce, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Cormac McCarthy; from postcolonial and Marxist analyses to reader-response, intertextual, and archetypal criticism. Some pieces incorporate the theoreticalphilosophical insights of Josiah Royce, Sigmund Freud, and Jacques Lacan; others consult Jacques Derrida, Homi Bhabha, and Slavoj Žižek.
Apart from Conrad’s life and its reflection in his writings, these essays illuminate such thematics as the critique of reality; nationalism; imperial evil; racism; landscape and truth; impressionism; psychological archetypes; doubling and defamiliarization; alienation and selfhood; the uncanny; imaginary identification and the real; ideology as specter; unconditional hospitality; the theory of whirling and veering; and academic teachings of Conrad, both their past character and future possibilities. Wiesław Krajka
is a professor in the English Depart-
ment at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland. He is editor of From Szlachta Culture to the XXI Century, Between East and West: New Essays on Joseph Conrad’s Polishness and the Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives series and the principal organizer of five international Conrad conferences at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University.
$60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-83-7784-301-7 s e p t e m b e r 325 pages l i t e r a r y s tu d i e s
118 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
• Kenji Tanaka: Joseph Conrad’s Interest in Japan • Anna Izabela Cichoń: Autobiography and Supplementarity: Joseph Conrad’s A Personal Record Ugliness Complete? • Carl Schaffer: Leggatt and Bartleby: The Secret Sharers of Conrad and Melville • Agata Szczeszak-Brewer: Conrad’s Decoud and Joyce’s Dedalus: The Tragic Farce of Nationalism • Pei-Wen Clio Kao: Beyond Alienation/Integration: St. Petersburg and Geneva in Joseph Conrad’s Under Western Eyes • Grażyna Branny: Contextualizing and Intertextualizing “Conrad’s Imperialism”: Reading “Heart of Darkness” against His Notes on Life and Letters and Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian • Merry M. Pawlowski: Conrad in Command: Navigating the Text in “Heart of Darkness” • Wojciech Kozak: Clothes, Accessories, Ornaments: On Truth in “Heart of Darkness” • Olga Binczyk: Joseph Conrad’s The Shadow-Line: An Uncanny Confession • Nurten Birlik: Conrad’s “The Lagoon”: A Story of Switching Identifications • Buket Dogan: Joseph Conrad’s “The Lagoon”: In the Light of Homi Bhabha’s the Uncanny • Kaoru Yamamoto: Hospitality in “The Secret Sharer” • Małgorzata Stanek: A Whirling Effusion of Veering Sensations: Some Thoughts on Reading the Sea in Conrad • Sooyoung Chon: Žižekian Spectres in Conrad: or What Happens to the Hoard of Gold in The Rover • Lawrence Ware: Stating the Obvious: Index of Nonfictional Names • Index of Conrad’s Works and Letters
Demonstrations, Riots, and Petitions in the Mid-Qing Dynasty Ho-fung Hung
Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies Book Prize $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-15202-0 $26.99 / £18.50 ebook 978-0-231-52545-9
The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict
Why Civil Resistance Works
The Lovelorn Ghost and the Magical Monk
and Maria J. Stephan
J u s t i n Th o m a s M c D a n i e l
E r i c a Ch e n o w e t h
Practicing Buddhism in Modern Thailand
University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order
George McT. Kahin Book Prize on Southeast Asia, Association for Asian Studies
$22.00 / £15.00 paper 978-0-231-15683-7 $29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15682-0 $21.99 / £15.00 ebook 978-0-231-52748-4
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15377-5 $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-15376-8 $59.99 / £41.50 ebook 978-0-231-52754-5
2011 p o l i t i ca l s c i e nc e / i nt e r nat i o na l a f fa i r s
2011 R e l i g i o n / A s i an
Prophecy, Alchemy, and the End of Time
American Showman
The Vampire Film
Leah DeVun
R o ss M e l n i c k
2011 A s i an
s tu d i e s / P o l i t i c s
John of Rupecissa in the Late Middle Ages John Nicholas Brown Prize, Medieval Academy of America $28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14539-8 $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-51934-2 $54.99 / £38.00 ebook 978-0-231-52805-4 2009 R e l i g i o n / H i s to r y
In Defense of Religious Moderation
Samuel “Roxy” Rothafel and the Birth of the Entertainment Industry, 1908-1935
“Book of the Year” Award, Theatre Historical Society of America $37.50 / £26.00 cloth 978-0-231-15904-3 $36.99 / £25.50 ebook 978-0-231-50425-6 2012 f i l m
s tu d i e s
Islam Through Western Eyes
Stu d i e s
Undead Cinema
J e f f r e y W e i n sto c k
International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, Lord Ruthven Assembly Award for Best Nonfiction Title $20.00 / £14.00 paper 978-0-231-16201-2 $19.99 / £14.00 ebook 978-0-231-85003-2 2012 f i l m
s tu d i e s
Sufi Bodies
From the Crusades to the War on Terrorism
W i l l i a m E g g i n to n
J o n at h a n Lyo n s
Religion and Society in Medieval Islam
Choice Outstanding Academic Title
Choice Outstanding Academic Title
Choice Outstanding Academic Title
$24.50 / £17.00 cloth 978-0-231-14878-8 $23.99 / £16.50 ebook 978-0-231-52096-6
$26.00 / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-15895-4 $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15894-7 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-52814-6
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-14491-9 $55.00 / £38.00 cloth 978-0-231-14490-2 $54.99 / £38.00 ebook 978-0-231-51760-7
2012 H i s to r y / I s l am i c
2011 R e l i g i o n / I s l am i c
2011 R e l i g i o n
s tu d i e s
Aw a r d - W i n n i n g t i t l e s
Protest with Chinese Characteristics
S h a h z a d B a sh i r
Stu d i e s
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 119
The Best of the backlist:
The Most Important Thing
Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor H o wa r d M a r k s
“If you seek to avoid the pitfalls of investing, you must read this book!” —John C. Bogle
The Most Important Thing Illuminated
Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor H o wa r d M a r k s
“This new edition does the nearly impossible; it takes an already classic text and makes it an even more indispensable tool for investors!”
$29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-15368-3 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-52709-5
2011 200 pages / 13 illustrations
$29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16284-5 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-53079-8 2013 240 pages
Interest Rate Swaps and Other Derivatives H o wa r d C o r b
“Authoritative, accessible, and rich with applications and illustrative examples.” —Darrell Duffie, Stanford University $69.95t / £48.50 cloth 978-0-231-15964-7 $68.99 / £47.50 ebook 978-0-231-53036-1 2012 624 pages / 105 illustrations
Accounting for Value Stephen Penman
“A thoughtful yet widely accessible discourse on how accounting facilitates valuation. A gold mine of ideas for investors, academics, and market regulators.” —Charles M. C. Lee, Stanford University $44.95t / £31.00 cloth 978-0-231-15118-4 $43.99 / £30.50 ebook 978-0-231-52185-7 2010 264 pages, 28 illustrations
120 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
The New Ecology of Leadership
Creative Strategy
A Guide for Innovation William Duggan
“Creative strategy will join the big ideas that have framed the study of management in the past generation. A must-read for executives and strategy thinkers.” —Glenn Hubbard $27.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16052-0 $26.99 / £18.50 ebook 978-0-231-53146-7 2013 192 pages / 10 illustrations
Designing for Growth
Business Mastery in a Chaotic World
A Design Thinking Toolkit for Managers
“At the core of effectiveness is the ability to anticipate the future. This book provides the tools for doing exactly that. A must-read.”
Named the Best Business Book on Management by 800 CEO READ
D av i d K . H u r s t
J e a n n e L i e d t k a a n d T i m O g i lv i e
—Robert E. Quinn, University of Michigan
$29.95t / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15368-3 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-52796-5
$29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-15368-3 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-50414-0
2011 200 pages / 13 illustrations
2011 200 pages / 13 illustrations
The Last Liberal Art, Second Edition R o b e r t H ag st r o m
“Hagstrom masterfully makes the case for a multidisciplinary approach and then equips you with a dazzling array of ideas from essential fields of study. I wish I could have read this book twenty-five years ago.” —Michael Mauboussin
Acts of God and Man
Ruminations on Risk and Insurance M i c h a e l R . P ow e r s
“Wonderful, witty, and full of insight . . . a distinctive, highly readable, and uniquely sardonic perspective on risk, insurance, and the world around us.” —Kevin Dowd, Cass Business School
$27.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16010-0 $26.99 / £18.50 ebook 978-0-231-53101-6
$28.00 / £19.50 paper 978-0-231-15367-6 $49.95t / £34.95 cloth 978-0-231-15366-9 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-52705-7
2013 208 pages / 1 illustration
2011 304 pages, 55 illustrations
The Economists’ Voice
Pat r i c k B o lt o n ,
j o s e p h E . S t i g l i t z , A a r o n S . Ed l i n ,
Frederic Samama, and j o s e p h E . S t i g l i t z , e ds .
“Makes us better prepared to think through a subject crucial to our nation’s governance.” —Lee C. Bollinger, president, Columbia University $25.00 / £17.50 paper 978-0-231-15863-3 $75.00 / £52.00 cloth 978-0-231-15862-6 $24.99 / £17.00 ebook 978-0-231-53028-6
Top Economists Take On Today’s Problems a n d J . B r a d f o r d D e L o n g , e ds .
“Full of excellent cut and thrust.” —Times Literary Supplement $18.95t / £13.00 paper 978-0-231-14365-3 $27.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-14364-6 $17.99 / £12.50 ebook 978-0-231-52786-6 2007 328 pages / 17 illustrations
The Economists’s Voice 2.0
The Financial Crisis, Health Care Reform, and More A a r o n S . Ed l i n a n d
j o s e p h E . S t i g l i t z , e ds .
The second installment in the popular series that helps readers understand the financial developments shaping their world. $27.95t / £19.50 cloth 978-0-231-15838-1 $26.99 / £18.50 ebook 978-0-231-52786-6 2012 256 pages / 3 illustrations
2011 288 pages / 11 illustrations
I n i t i at i v e f o r P o l i c y D e v e l o p m e n t at C o l u m b i a : C h a l l e n g e s i n D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G l o b a l i z at i o n
The Best of the BackList: Economics
Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-Term Investing
The Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) at Columbia University brings together academics, policy makers, and practitioners from developed and developing countries to address the most pressing issues in contemporary economic policy. The series, Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia: Challenges in Development and Globalization, presents the latest academic thinking on a wide range of development topics and outlines alternative policy options and trade-offs. Written in a language accessible to policy makers and students alike, this series is unique for both shaping the academic research agenda and furthering the economic policy debate, facilitating a more democratic discussion of development policies.
Growth and Policy in Developing Countries
Taxation in Developing Countries
J o s é A n to n i o O c a m p o,
R o g e r G o r d o n , e d i to r
A Structuralist Approach
C o d r i n a R a d a , a n d L a n c e Tay l o r
“An original contribution from an unorthodox perspective.” —Nora Lustig, Tulane University $35.00 / £24.00 cloth 978-0-231-15014-9 $34.99 / £24.00 ebook 978-0-231-52083-6 2009 200 pages
Six Case Studies and Policy Implications
“An accomplishment of high order.” —T. N. Srinivasan, Yale University $50.00 / £34.50 cloth 978-0-231-14862-7 $49.99 / £34.50 ebook 978-0-231-52007-2 2010 352 pages / 100 illustrations
Escaping the Resource Curse M a c a r ta n H u m p h r e y s , J e f f r e y D . S a c hs , a n d J o s e p h E . S t i g l i t z , e d i to r s
“An essential handbook for policy makers in all oil-rich countries.” —Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, minister of finance and minister of foreign affairs for Nigeria $29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-14196-3 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-51210-7 2007 432 pages cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 12 1
The Best of the backlist
Molecular Gastronomy
Kitchen Mysteries
Building a Meal
H e r v é Th i s
Hervé this
H e r v é Th i s
$16.95t / £11.95 paper 978-0-231-13313-5 $29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-13312-8 $15.99 / £11.00 ebook 978-0-231-50807-0
$16.95t / £11.50 paper 978-0-231-14171-0 $22.95t / £15.95 cloth 978-0-231-14170-3 $15.99 / £11.00 ebook 978-0-231-51203-9
$14.95t / £9.95 paper 978-0-231-14467-4 $19.95t / £13.95 cloth 978-0-231-14466-7 $13.99 / £9.50 ebook 978-0-231-51353-1
2006 f o o d / s c i e nc e
2007 f o o d / s c i e nc e
2009 f o o d / s c i e nc e
The Science of the Oven
Creamy & Crunchy
The Kitchen as Laboratory
H e r v é Th i s
Jon Krampner
César Vega, Job Ubbink, and Erik va n d e r L i n d e n , Ed i t o r s
$16.95t / £11.50 paper 978-0-231-14707-1 $22.95t / £15.95 cloth 978-0-231-14706-4 $15.99 / £11.00 ebook 978-0-231-51854-3
$27.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-16232-6 $26.99 / £18.50 ebook 978-0-231-53093-4 2012 f o o d
h i s to r y
2009 f o o d / s c i e nc e
$19.95t / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-15345-4 $29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-15344-7 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-52692-0 2012 f o o d / s c i e nc e
Film Studies
Sex Trafficking
Bonded Labor
Ed S i ko v
S i ddh a r t h
S i ddh a r t h
$29.50 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-14293-9 $99.50 / £68.50 cloth 978-0-231-14292-2 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-51989-2
$18.95t / £12.95 paper 978-0-231-13961-8 $29.95t / £19.95 cloth 978-0-231-13960-1 $17.99 / £12.50 ebook 978-0-231-51139-1
2012 i nt e r nat i o na l
2009 f i l m
2008 l aw
s c i e nc e
Inside Terrorism
$29.50 / £20.50 cloth 978-0-231-15848-0 $28.99 / £20.00 ebook 978-0-231-52801-6
Man, the State, and War
Revised and Expanded Edition
a f fa i r s / p o l i t i ca l
Political Liberalism
Revised Edition
Expanded Edition
Kenneth N.
J o h n R aw l s
Wa lt z
$24.95t / £16.95 paper 978-0-231-12699-1 $79.50 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-12698-4 $23.99 / £16.50 ebook 978-0-231-51046-2 2006 cu r r e nt
$30.00 / £20.50 paper 978-0-231-12537-6 $29.99 / £20.50 ebook 978-0-231-51591-7 2001 p o l i t i c s
$26.95t / £18.95 paper 978-0-231-13089-9 $80.00 / £55.00 cloth 978-0-231-13088-2 $25.99 / £18.00 ebook 978-0-231-52753-8 2005 ph i lo s o ph y
a f fa i r s / p o l i t i c s
The Columbia Sourcebook of Muslims in the United States
Third Edition
Diana L. Eck
Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work
Ed wa r d E .
Third Edition
C u r t i s IV, Ed i t o r
Sonia G.
$24.00 / £16.50 paper 978-0-231-11265-9 $23.99 / £16.50 ebook 978-0-231-53542-7
$35.00 / £24.00 paper 978-0-231-13957-1 $105.00 / £72.50 cloth 978-0-231-13956-4
$66.50 / £46.00 cloth 978-0-231-13516-0 $65.99 / £45.50 ebook 978-0-231-52965-5
1998 r e l i g i o n / a s i an
2005 s o c i a l
122 | fa l l 2 0 1 3
s tu d i e s
i s l am i c s tu d i e s / am e r i can s tu d i e s
wo r k
D av i d F o s t e r
Wa l l a c e
$26.95t / £18.95 paper 978-0-231-13617-4 $84.50 / £58.50 cloth 978-0-231-13616-7 2012 l i t e r a r y
Fate, Time, and Language
Parting Ways Judith Butler
$19.95t / £13.95 paper 978-0-231-15157-3 $60.00 / £41.50 cloth 978-0-231-15156-6 $18.99 / £13.00 ebook 978-0-231-52707-1
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cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 12 3
Author / title InDex
Abendschön, Simone............. 113 Abominable Science................... 39 Accounting for Value................120 Acts of God and Man......... 56, 120 Addleton, Jonathan................. 92 Advertising and Design............ 91 African American Children and Families in Child Welfare...... 76 AIDS Conspiracy, The............... 48 Allen, Craig R..........................75 Allen, Richard.........................85 American Force........................ 45 American Showman................ 119 American Society of Magazine Editors, The............................6 Anticipating a Nuclear Iran........4 Are the Lips a Grave?............... 26 Aronowitz, Stanley..................53 Art of Philosophy, The.............. 123 Austrian, Sonia G.................. 122 Bachner, Andrea.....................66 Ballif-Spanvill, Bonnie........... 46 Ballon, Hillary....................... 123 Barthes, Roland..................... 123 Bashford, Alison..................... 59 Bashir, Shahzad.................51, 119 Behloul, Samuel M................. 91 Bellamy, Richard.................... 113 Bennett, Bruce.........................81 Bennett, Jeffrey.........................8 Bennett, Kevin........................ 19 Bernards, Brian...................... 123 Best American Magazine Writing 2013, The....................6 Betts, Richard K..................... 45 Beyond News............................21 Beyond Sinology.......................66 Blanton, Ward........................ 72 Blast...................................... 106 Bolton, Patrick....................... 121 Bonded Labor.......................... 122 Boone, Joseph Allen............... 27 Boundaries of Toleration........... 28 Braidotti, Rosi....................... 123 Breaking with the Past............. 64 Breaugh, Martin..................... 68 Brenez, Nicole........................ 86 Bringing Fossils to Life............. 74 Bronfen, Elisabeth.................. 22
1 24 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Brozenske, Rachel...................18 Building a Meal...................... 122 Butler, Judith.................... 43, 123 Cady, Linell E..........................71 Call of Character, The..................9 Caprioli, Mary........................ 46 Carey, Nessa............................40 Catalogue of the Comparative Kangyur, A.........................110 Chan, Gloria Hoi-kei............105 Chen, Eric Yu-hai.................105 Chenoweth, Erica.................. 119 Children Living in Transition............................ 77 Child Welfare for the TwentyFirst Century....................... 78 China’s Search for Security....... 121 Chiu, Patricia P. K..................102 Chuang, Ya-Chung................107 Chubb, Danielle L.................. 61 Cinema of Alexander Sokurov, The.........................80 Cinema of Michael Mann, The............................81 Cinema of Michael Winterbottom, The.................81 Cinema of Raúl Ruiz, The........80 Cinematic Appeals.................... 65 Cirincione, Joseph.................... 5 Clarke, Jeremy....................... 101 Clulow, Adam......................... 64 Coburn, Noah......................... 58 Cohen, Steven........................ 48 Colomer, Josep M.................. 114 Columbia Sourcebook of Muslims in the United States, The...... 122 Commerce with the Universe..............................66 Company and the Shogun, The... 64 Complete Works of Zhuangzi, The.......................37 Contemporary Romanian Cinema................................ 82 Contentious Activism and Inter-Korean Relations......... 61 Continental Strangers............... 65 Corb, Howard........................120 Counterinsurgency in Crisis...... 59 Coutinho, Steve.......................35
Creamy & Crunchy................. 122 Creative Strategy....................120 Croce, Gramsci, Bobbio, and the Italian Political Tradition.... 113 Crockett, Clayton................... 54 Crowds and Democracy............69 Curtis, Carla M...................... 76 Curtis IV, Edward E.............. 122 Cut of the Real......................... 34 Czekalski, Tadeusz................. 116 Dahl, Christian....................... 89 Dailey, Patricia.........................71 Daily, Christopher A.............. 101 Darśan................................... 122 Davis, Jacquelyn K....................4 Deaths in Venice........................31 Debating Islam........................ 91 Decherney, Peter...............49, 123 Decision Cases for Advanced Social Work Practice.............. 78 Defiant Brush, A...................... 95 DeFino, Dean J....................... 83 DeLong, J. Bradford.............. 121 Democracy and Islam in Indonesia............................. 61 Democracy on Trial.................107 Denby, Ramona W.................. 76 Derailing Democracy in Afghanistan......................... 58 Desai, Gaurav.........................66 Designing for Growth.............120 Designing for Growth Field Book, The...............................18 DeVun, Leah.................... 56, 119 Disclosure of Politics, The........... 70 (Dis)Orienting Media and Narrative Mazes.................. 91 Diversity and Occasional Anarchy...............................99 Dominik Graf.......................... 87 Doyle, Alan............................. 77 Drakpa, Tsong Khapa Losang...............................110 Dudek, Kenneth..................... 77 Due, Reidar............................ 82 Duggan, William...................120 Dunne, John D......................108 Early Psychosis Intervention....105 Eck, Diana L......................... 122
Gordon, Roger....................... 121 Gottlieb, Sidney.......................85 Gould, Stacy Belcher............ 104 Governance Without a State?.....55 Gramsci, Antonio.................. 123 Gray, Karen A......................... 78 Greatest Grid, The................... 123 Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra...........................110 Grissemann, Stefan................ 88 Growing Into Politics.............. 113 Growth and Policy in Developing Countries.......... 121 Hackett, Paul G................ 53, 110 Hagstrom, Robert..................120 Hamilton, Sheilah E..............102 Haoran, Wang...................... 106 Happy Hsiungs, The................ 100 Hartvigsen, Gregg...................75 Heart of Coral........................ 106 Henry, Adalgisa Serio............. 84 Henry Stubbe and the Beginnings of Islam.............. 72 Hess, Peg McCartt................. 78 History of the Grant Schools Council, A...........................102 Hitchcock Annual......................85 HKU Memories from the Archives............................. 104 Ho, Edward S. T................... 104 Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, The........... 41, 123 Hoffman, Bruce..................... 122 Höllmann, Thomas O.............. 11 Hollywood’s Copyright Wars..............................49, 123 Homoerotics of Orientalism, The................... 27 Hong Kong Taxation...............107 Honneth, Axel........................ 32 Hooghe, Marc........................115 Horton, Robert....................... 83 Horwath, Alexander............... 88 How Finance Is Shaping the Economies of China, Japan, and Korea............................ 38 How to Live Together.............. 123 Hubé, Nicolas........................ 114 Huber, Christoph................... 87
Hudson, Valerie M................. 46 Huffer, Lynne......................... 26 Humphreys, Macartan........... 121 Hung, Ho-fung..................... 119 Hurst, David K......................120 Hwang, Yin............................ 98 Idema, Wilt L......................... 62 Iglesias, Julien Danero............111 Improbable Life, An..................12 In Defense of Religious Moderation......................... 119 Indie 2.0...................................13 Ingelgom, Virginie Van......... 112 Ingram, James D......................33 Inside Terrorism...................... 122 Integrating Indifference........... 112 Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy.......................44 Interactive Policy Making, Metagovernance, and Democracy............................115 Interest Rate Swaps and Other Derivatives...............120 Interracial Couples, Intimacy, and Therapy........... 76 Introduction to Daoist Philosophies, An.....................35 Investing................................120 In Vimalakīrti’s House.............108 Irr, Caren................................ 67 Islam Through Western Eyes............................... 47, 119 Jean Epstein............................. 86 Jodłowiec, Maria.................... 116 Jonsson, Stefan.......................69 Judicial Construction of Hong Kong’s Basic Law, The.............................. 93 Kahn, Paul W.......................... 23 Kara, Siddharth..................... 122 Khalidi, Rashid....................... 58 Killian, Kyle D........................ 76 King, Andrew......................... 19 King, Geoff.............................. 13 Kinney, Anne Behnke............. 62 Kitchen as Laboratory, The....... 122 Kitchen Mysteries.................... 122 Kitcher, Philip.........................31 Klein, Eva............................... 91
Author / title InDex
Eckel, Julia.............................. 91 Economists’s Voice 2.0, The........ 121 Economists’ Voice, The............... 121 Edlin, Aaron S....................... 121 Edward S. T. Ho: Watercolour Journey............ 104 Egginton, William................. 119 Egnell, Robert H.................... 59 Emmett, Chad F..................... 46 Enchanted by Lohans................ 97 Encountering Religion.............. 70 Encouragement of Learning, An.......................60 Epigenetics Revolution, The.......40 Escaping the Resource Curse..... 121 Eue, Ralph.............................. 86 European Generation, The........ 112 Exemplary Women of Early China......................... 62 Exploring the Microcosm and Macrocosm of Language Teaching and Learning........ 116 Factory of Strategy.....................17 Fashioning Appetite.................. 10 Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!........ 83 Fate, Time, and Language....... 123 Fessenden, Tracy......................71 Field, Andrew David............ 100 Film Studies........................... 122 Finding Ourselves at the Movies........................... 23 Finkelstein, Joanne................. 10 Flath, Beate............................ 91 Fountain House........................ 77 Frankenstein............................ 83 Franklin, Lori D..................... 78 Freedom’s Right........................ 32 From the Old Country.............. 63 Fukuzawa, Yukichi..................60 Gallagher, Mary......................90 Garden and the Fire, The...........51 Garmestani, Ahjond S.............75 Gaxie, Daniel......................... 114 Gemünden, Gerd.................... 65 Globalized Arts.........................52 Global Population.................... 59 Glynn, Stephen....................... 83 Goddard, Michael N...............80 Goldsmith, Kenneth.............. 123
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 12 5
Author / title InDex
Kolozova, Katerina................. 34 Koon, Yeewan......................... 95 Krampner, Jon........................ 122 Wiesław, Krajka..................... 118 Kristeva, Julia.......................... 42 Künkler, Mirjam..................... 61 Lachende Körper...................... 88 Lacorne, Denis....................... 49 Laird, Garry...........................107 Land of the Five Flavors, The.... 11 Lanoil, Julius........................... 77 Lara, María Pía....................... 70 Larson, Anna.......................... 58 Lau, Ayesha Macpherson......107 Lee, Helen.............................105 Lee-Man, Yuk Ching............105 Leiendecker, Bernd................. 91 Lemko Region in the Second Polish Republic, The............. 117 Leuenberger, Susanne............. 91 Liedtka, Jeanne............18, 19, 120 Light and Dark........................ 30 Lihe, Zhong............................ 63 Linden, Erik van der.............. 122 Little Gay History, A.................. 2 Love in Motion........................ 82 Lovelorn Ghost and the Magical Monk, The......................50, 119 Loxton, Daniel....................... 39 Luk-Fong, Pattie Y. Y............105 Lust, Commerce, and Corruption.................... 63 Lyons, Jonathan................ 47, 119 Maguire, Peter.......................... 3 Mallon, Gerald P..................... 78 Mańczak-Wohlfeld, Elżbieta.............................. 116 Mankind Beyond Earth........... 123 Mann, Michael E.............. 41, 123 Man, the State, and War.......... 122 Marks, Howard......................120 Matar, Nabil........................... 72 Materialism for the Masses, A... 72 McCausland, Shane................ 98 McDaniel, Justin Thomas.........................50, 119 McGhee, George R., Jr........... 74 Meditations of a Buddhist Skeptic................... 46
1 26 | f a l l 2 0 1 3
Melnick, Ross........................ 119 Mendes, Carmen Amado......103 Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work...... 122 Michael Pilz........................... 86 Mieszkowski, Sylvia................90 Migdal, Joel S.......................... 29 Mobley, Blake W.................... 123 Moklak, Jarosław................... 117 Molecular Gastronomy............. 122 Möller, Olaf....................... 86, 87 Mongolia and the United States........................ 92 Moriarty, Glendon L.............. 78 Most Important Thing, The.......120 Most Important Thing Illuminated, The..................120 Multimodal Treatment of Acute Psychiatric Illness......... 78 Mu Shiying: China’s Lost Modernist................... 100 Myths That Made America, The......................... 89 Nakai, Kate Wildman............. 63 Nasta, Dominique.................. 82 Nathan, Andrew J.................. 123 Nattrass, Nicoli....................... 48 Negri, Antonio...................16, 17 Netting, Lara Jaishree.............96 Neurogastronomy.................... 123 New Ecology of Leadership, The....................120 New Nation-States and National Minorities.............111 NexØ, Tue Andersen............... 89 Nicholson, Andrew J............... 50 Night Passages......................... 22 No Country.............................. 67 Nomadic Theory....................... 123 Novel After Theory, The..............52 Nuclear Nightmares.................... 5 Ocampo, José Antonio........... 121 Ogilvie, Tim.....................18, 120 Olek, Daniela......................... 91 Omasta, Michael............... 86, 87 On Telling Images of China...... 98 Pang, Tina Yee-wan.............. 104 Park, Yung Chul..................... 38 Parkinson, R. B......................... 2
Parting Ways...................... 43, 123 Passion for Reality....................20 Patel, Deven M....................... 73 Patrick, Hugh......................... 38 Paul, Heike............................. 89 Penman, Stephen...................120 Perceptions of Europe............... 114 Perera, Sonali.......................... 67 Perpetual Fire, A......................96 Personal Representation........... 114 Pfaltzgraff Jr., Robert L............4 Piantadosi, Claude A............. 123 Piepiorka, Christine................ 91 Pillar, Paul R...........................44 Plebeian Experience, The........... 68 Political Liberalism................. 122 Political Trust..........................115 Portugal, China, and the Macau Negotiations, 1986-1999............................103 Powers, Michael R........... 56, 120 Prendergast, Christopher........ 89 Preschl, Claudia...................... 88 Primer in Biological Data Analysis Using R, A...............75 Prison Notebooks: Vols. 1, 2, and 3..................... 123 Promised Bodies........................71 Prophecy, Alchemy, and the End of Time................... 56, 119 Protest with Chinese Characteristics..................... 119 Prothero, Donald R........... 39, 74 Quadrophenia.......................... 83 Quintman, Andrew................ 73 Rada, Codrina....................... 121 Radical Cosmopolitics................33 Radical Democracy and Political Theology.................. 54 Radical Political Theology......... 54 Rawls, John............................ 122 Rayner, Jonathan......................81 Recovering Place...................... 24 Reds at the Blackboard...............55 Religion in America.................. 49 Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference....71 Resonant Alterities...................90 Resurrected Skeleton, The........... 62
Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-Term Investing.......... 121 Sovern, Michael I.....................12 Spinoza for Our Time.............. 16 Stark, David............................ 14 Starkman, Dean........................ 1 Stepan, Alfred.................... 28, 61 Stephan, Maria J.................... 119 Stephens, Mitchell...................21 Stiglitz, Joseph E................... 121 Stojanović, Nenad...................111 Studying French Cinema.......... 84 Studying Italian Cinema.......... 84 Sufi Bodies..........................51, 119 Sustainability Management...... 48 Szaniawski, Jeremi..................80 Taking It Big............................53 Tang, Siu-fu............................99 Taxation in Developing Countries............................ 121 Taylor, Charles........................ 28 Taylor, Clarence.......................55 Taylor, Lance......................... 121 Taylor, Mark C....................... 24 Teeuwen, Mark....................... 63 Terrorism and Counterintelligence.............. 123 Text to Tradition...................... 73 Thai Stick................................... 3 Theos Bernard, the White Lama..........................53 This, Hervé............................ 122 This Place, These People............. 14 To Be Unfree............................ 89 Torfing, Jacob.........................115 Törmä, Minna........................ 97 Toward the Geopolitical Novel................................... 67 Triantafillou, Peter..................115 Tsai, Chien-hsin.................... 123 Tunger-Zanetti, Andreas........ 91 Tunsjø, Øystein.......................60 Ubbink, Job........................... 122 Ucko, David............................ 59 Uncreative Writing................. 123 Under Siege............................. 58 Unearthing the Changes.......... 36 Unifying Hinduism.................. 50 Vampire Film, The................... 119
Vanderschelden, Isabelle......... 84 Van de Ven, Hans................... 64 Vega, César............................ 122 Virgin Mary and Catholic Identities in Chinese History, The......................... 101 Wallace, B. Alan..................... 46 Wallace, David Foster............ 123 Waltz, Kenneth N.................. 122 Warner, Nancy........................ 14 Was ist Film........................... 88 Watchdog That Didn’t Bark, The................................ 1 Watching Over Hong Kong......102 Watson, Burton.......................37 Wedemeyer, Christian K........108 Wehrey, Frederic M.................57 Weinblum, Sharon..................111 Weinstock, Jeffrey.................. 119 What Is Relativity?....................8 When the Invasion of Land Failed......................... 74 Why Aren’t They There?.............111 Why Civil Resistance Works..... 119 Wine in Old and New Bottles: Critical Paradigms for Joseph Conrad..................... 118 Wing-sze, Wong.................. 106 Wolfer, Terry A....................... 78 Wolf, Michael.........................94 Wong, Gloria Hoi-yan..........105 Wong, Yue-Chim Richard......99 Worlds Without End................... 7 Yarnall, Thomas F...................108 Yeh, Diana............................ 100 Yin, Lo Pui............................. 93 Yogg, Michael R.....................20 Yogin and the Madman, The..... 73 Yue, Isaac................................99 Yu, Yan................................. 106 Zlotnick, Cheryl..................... 77 Zmerli, Sonja..........................115
Author / title InDex
Re-Thinking Ressentiment........90 Riou, Jeanne...........................90 Risse, Thomas..........................55 Ritter, Mike.............................. 3 Robbins, Jeffrey W.................. 54 Robert Morrison and the Protestant Plan for China.... 101 Roberts, Tyler......................... 70 Rogers, Ariel........................... 65 Romuald Karmakar................. 87 Rowell, Jay............................. 114 Rubenstein, Mary-Jane............. 7 Ruedin, Didier........................111 Rustomji, Nerina.....................51 Ruti, Mari.................................9 Ryan, Judith.............................52 Sachs, Jeffrey D...................... 121 Samama, Frederic.................. 121 Schlagnitweit, Regina............. 88 School Guidance and Counselling.........................105 Science of the Oven, The........... 122 Scobell, Andrew..................... 123 Scribes of Gastronomy...............99 Sectarian Politics in the Gulf......57 Security and Profit in China’s Energy Policy.......................60 Severed Head, The.................... 42 Sex and World Peace................. 46 Sex Trafficking........................ 122 Shaughnessy, Edward L.......... 36 Shepherd, Gordon M............ 123 Shifting Sands.......................... 29 Shih, Shu-mei....................... 123 Shining Beacon of Socialism in Europe, The..................... 116 Sigalas, Emmanuel................ 112 Sikov, Ed............................... 122 Simpson, Justin M.................. 78 Singh, J. P.................................52 Sinophone Studies.................... 123 Sloterdijk, Peter..................... 123 Small God, Big City.................94 Smear.................................... 106 Social-Ecological Resilience and Law...............................75 Solving Problems with Design Thinking................... 19 Sōseki, Natsume..................... 30
cup. c o l umb i a . e d u | 127
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