Columbia Valley Pioneer - March 27, 2025

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Bruno’s Plumbing Service

WOTR festival a living legacy

The Wings over the Rockies Nature Festival, May 5-11, is based out of Invermere. For 28 years we have hosted a premier seven-day nature festival to celebrate the Upper Columbia Valley.

understanding of our place within it. Together, we’ll explore perspectives that connect us to our diverse cultures, rich histories, and our shared responsibility for the planet we call home.

Our mission is at the heart of everything we do: supporting and promoting conservation, education, stewardship, and sustainable economic development in our beautiful valley.

Last year, the non-profit Wings over the Rockies Nature Festival Society, through the Columbia Valley Foundation, created the Ross MacDonald Memorial Legacy Fund. This legacy fund provides funding for projects in the Columbia Valley that support community environmental education and/or land-based conservation such as habitat restoration, maintaining or improving ecological conditions, or species at risk protection. Each year, the success of our festival, in part, contributes to this important legacy fund.

MARCH 31, 2025 - 7:00pm

This year’s festival features over 100-plus incredible events, including field excursions, engaging luncheon and evening presentations, our annual photo contest and an incredible online auction. Highlights also include a special film screening of the documentary "Wildflowers" with a presentation by the director, the much-anticipated music event with multi-awardwinning Canadian legend Harry Manx, and our traditional gala celebration — a sit-down dinner and presentation featuring keynote speaker Dr. Rob Butler, renowned ornithologist, author, and artist.

The theme

The Wildsight Invermere team worked hard in 2024, and the AGM is an opportunity for you to not only hear about what we accomplished but also to connect with your mountain community.

Everyone welcome!

We are thrilled to support Wildsight and their impactful program, "Watershed Matters: Empowering Columbia Valley Citizens to Care for Water."

This year our events will centre around the theme “Our Place in Nature.” Through thought-provoking presentations, immersive field experiences, and inspiring discussions, our keynote speaker, presenters, and field leaders will guide attendees in celebrating the wonders of nature while deepening our

This innovative initiative engages high school students in real-world water conservation challenges, helping them understand the importance of water quality and quantity in the face of climate change. Through hands-on case studies, fieldwork, data analysis, and a dynamic water governance role-play activity, students gain valuable knowledge and skills. Delivered in partnership with teachers at David Thompson Secondary School, the program reaches Grade 10 and 11 classes under the guidance of Wildsight's experienced educators.


Invermere wildfire plan outlines high risk

Invermere now has an official community wildfire resiliency plan, and it formally outlines what many local residents already know: that Invermere faces considerable wildfire risk.

Many communities in B.C. have created wildfire plans in recent years, as the threat — and prevalence of wildfires — has grown. Almost every summer in Invermere over the past half decade has brought weeks on end of smoke-filled skies. The summer and fall of 2023 set records as the worst wildfire season in Canada, and the very next year was not much better, with summer and fall 2024 the fourth-worst wildfire season on record in Canada.

“The area’s hot, dry summers, combined with its flammable vegetation, create ideal conditions for wildfire events.”

- Resiliency plan

A large wildfire raged for weeks on Mount Bruce in 2023, 10 kilometres west of Invermere. In 2024 an unstoppable wildfire tore through Jasper townsite in Jasper National Park, forcing an emergency evacuation of that mountain community, and leaving many of their homes completely destroyed.

Although Jasper is more than 350 kilometres from Invermere, there are plenty of similarities between the communities, and the Jasper wildfire left many Invermere residents openly wondering if what happened there could easily happen here.

Those who wondered will not find the new Invermere community wildfire resiliency plan a reassuring read. The plan, written by local Ktunaxa Nation-owned land resources company Nupqu, bluntly lays out that Invermere faces increasing wildfire risk, thanks to the Columbia Valley’s climate and natural terrain, as well as ever-growing development in the interface between Invermere’s urban area and its wildland surroundings.

“The area’s hot, dry summers, combined with its flammable vegetation, create ideal conditions for wildfire events. Proximity to Lake Windermere and other natural water bodies provides local barriers but does little to eliminate risks, as windblown embers could rapidly spread fire across and along the valley,” reads the plan. “The region’s increasing residential development and recreational use further exacerbate wildfire risks. Climate change and a

successful wildfire suppression history has intensified this threat, increasing the frequency and severity of heatwaves that routinely lower the moisture levels in vegetation. Steep slopes surrounding the community can funnel fires, while the wildland-urban interface—where forests meet residential areas—exposes all homes and infrastructure in Invermere to the threat of wildfire.”

Indeed the plan labels the environment around Invermere as “picturesque but fireprone” and notes that when it comes to wildfire Invermere is ‘Risk Class 1’, the highest level of wildfire vulnerability in B.C.

The plan listed actions the District of Invermere has taken to help mitigate the risk of wildfires, including thinning vegetation and brush within the district and on nearby public lands, and promoting FireSmart principles within town.

But one of the biggest risks, Invermere councillors pointed out recently, is that Invermere is surrounded by large tracts of forested and grassy private property, and the district has no say in what kind of measures are taken on these lands to reduce fire risks.

“It’s a big piece,” said Invermere councillor Gerry Taft. “We must figure out some kind of option for private land . . . that’s our biggest risk right now . . . we’ve done a lot of great things in town and on Crown land around Invermere. But a lightning strike, a wildfire, it doesn’t know about — or care about — land ownership.”

Councillor Kayja Becker said, “You can do all the FireSmart-ing you want in town, but if you have large private land all around (Invermere) and they (the owners) are not taking steps to reduce wildfire risk, it’s a problem.”

Local residents in the past have expressed concerns about the Grizzly Ridge Properties, which are heavily and densely forested and lie to the west and south of the Castle Rock subdivision. But councillors noted there are other large tracts of public land that also need to be addressed.

Fort Point resident Joan Rouse asked if the district has a bylaw prohibiting local landowners from letting grass grow too long on their properties. She noted there are several vacant lots in town, including one right downtown, where the grass is never mowed, creating a fire risk she termed “frightening.”

Invermere mayor Al Miller replied there is a bylaw for unsightly properties, which theoretically includes long grass and overgrown brush, but there is no bylaw dealing with long grass or untamed brush specifically because it poses a fire risk.

The new wildfire resiliency plan outlines that Invermere is in the highest risk category for B.C. communities when it comes to wildfires, such as the Horsethief Creek fire on Mount Bruce (shown here) in 2023 .

Fundraiser helps Junos dancer

A Columbia Valley dancer will be on stage at the Juno Awards this coming weekend in Vancouver.



• Red Cross Standard First Aid & CPR April 4-5 | $295

• Red Cross Stay Safe (children ages 9-13yrs) April 4 | $59

• Stained Glass 101 April 5 | $99 + GST

• Practical French for Beginners April 9 – May 14 | $89 + GST

• Toast to the Irish Cooking Class April 10 | $89 + GST

• Scents of Self – Essential Oil Perfume Making class April 25 | $49 + GST

• CORE April 25 – 27 | $195 + GST

• Paint Night May 2 | $55 + GST For more information or to register, visit or phone 250-342-3210

Amber Jefferson has been dancing for as long as she can remember – since she was just three years old.  She’s danced all over the Columbia Valley, at B.C. provincials, and even spent a year in Calgary when she was in Grade 11 pursuing her passion for dance. But this coming Sunday, March 30 will be her biggest performance yet when she takes the stage during the Juno Awards ceremony.

The chance comes after a completely unexpected offer to participate, following a dance competition in Kamloops just a few weeks ago.

Local residents in the valley have created a GoFundMe campaign to help Jefferson cover the cost of the trip.

“Amber has been an amazing role model for the younger girls in dance through the years. She’s just an all-around great person. You can tell how much she loves dance,” GoFundMe campaign organizer Kate Frew told the Pioneer.  Jefferson grew up dancing with the local United Dance studio, which recently changed owners and is now renamed Krush Dance. Her talent was evident as a youngster, prompting her move to Alberta for a year to further her dance training. She returned to the valley for her final year at David Thompson Secondary School (DTSS), graduating two years ago, and has been a dance teacher for the past several years.

A few weeks ago the Krush dancers were at a competition in Kamloops. There was an adult category and Jefferson, who is 20, decided to enter it. For her solo she danced to the song ‘Pink Skies’ by country singer Zach Bryan. ‘Pink Skies’ holds special meaning to Jefferson – her mom passed away last year, and the song played during the funeral. Jefferson dedicated her performance in Kamloops to her mom.

After the dance one of the competition adjudicators reached out to Jefferson, asking if she was interested in dancing at the Junos.


“It was such a shock. I’m still kind of in shock. It’s crazy,” Jefferson told the Pioneer. “It’s all happened so fast. It’s certainly not something I ever expected.”  Jefferson departed for Vancouver this past weekend. She’s spending this whole week rehearsing, and when Sunday rolls around, television viewers here in Invermere and all across Canada will see her dance live along with Indigenous musicians Snotty Nose Rez Kids and Tia Wood.

“Ever since I was little, dancing has always been my thing, I love it,” said Jefferson. “I’m very excited about this opportunity.”

As of press time, the GoFundMe campaign had raised nearly $3,000 to help send Jefferson to the Junos. To donate, visit

If you want to watch Jefferson live, the Juno Awards begin at 6 p.m. mountain time on CBC.

Arsyn Hegan who performed it.

Valley residents have started a GoFundMe campaign to send local dancer Amber Jefferson (shown here) to the Junos.

Valley towns top list of ‘eccentric’ places

Columbia Valley residents are used to their home being labelled beautiful. ‘Gorgeous’, ‘stunning’, ‘outdoorsy’ and ‘friendly’ are other adjectives that are frequently used in conjunction with the valley.

Well, you can add a new descriptor now. A few weeks ago travel website World Atlas published a feature listing the eight most eccentric towns in British Columbia. Invermere was top of the list, with Radium Hot Springs right behind, and Fairmont Hot Springs made the cut too.

Three Columbia Valley communities among the eight most eccentric in the province? Surely that’s not just a coincidence. Is there something in the water? The Pioneer attempted to contact freelance writer and frequent World Atlas contributor Andrew Douglas, who wrote the story, to pick his brain on his selections, but was unable to reach him.

To be clear, however, there’s noth-

ing wrong with ‘eccentric’ in the way Douglas means it. In the description of Invermere he recalled visiting the community on business trips as a corporate salesperson, and trips often ended with Douglas sharing pints and going on trail runs with his business contacts. He mentions “fun-loving, laid back” Invermere locals with “communal sensibilities.” In Radium he cites the Radium hot pools, the string of Euro-themed motels and schnitzel houses, all mixed in with mini golf and a zipline course. Fairmont hits many of the same notes for Douglas, and there he points to the Fairmont hot pools, Lussier hot springs (down the highway), mini-golf, the zipline, and the Funtastia fun park.

Columbia Valley officials were happy with the endorsement.

“The way I look at it, any reasonably positive marketing is good marketing. If it’s a way to start a conversation about how unique and beautiful our town is, it’s a good thing,” Invermere mayor Al Miller told the Pioneer. “Eccentric is not exactly the first word that would have

come to my mind when describing Invermere, but we’ll take it.”

Miller agreed with Douglas’s representation of Invermere as fun-loving, laid-back and community-oriented.

“There’s a lifestyle here that people love. Visitors come from all over the world to experience it. But the residents here live it every day. And people do sit down with each other to have pints, and they do go on the trails together. And we do have some colourful people who live in the valley, who you could call eccentric,” he added.

Miller gave the example of former Radium resident Rolf Heer, who was a woodcarver by trade but was almost always seen in public wearing flowing red wizard robes and a pointy red wizard hat, and who lived in a tree fort-like, totem pole-filled wooden home along with his pet goats.

Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce executive director Pete Bourke echoed Miller’s sentiments.

“Any press is good press. It’s great to be recognized,” said Bourke. “With the


The Ministry of Environment and Parks, Recreation Sites and Trails BC invites proposals from parties interested in managing and maintaining fee-for-service recreation sites at Whitetail Lake under a one year agreement with option to renew for up to five years. The Ministry will arrange for General Comprehensive Liability Insurance for successful proponents at no cost. The intent is to:

uncertainty in the business world right now, having some extra exposure is great, and hopefully helps attract some people to our region.”

Radium mayor Mike Gray said it’s great to be on the list. “Radium and all the other communities stand out as wonderful, unique places that have a small town feel but a modern vibe as well,” he told the Pioneer Gray noted that Douglas wrote about the Radium hot pools’ “slightly sulphurous steam” and pointed out that this is not entirely correct, since there is no sulphur in the Radium pools – and consequently no strong sulphur smell, as the hot springs in Banff so noticeably have. However there is, Gray pointed out, iron oxide in the springs that feed the Radium pools. This iron oxide helps create the dramatic red tones of some of the mountains and cliff faces nearby (including Redstreak Mountain and the cliffs opposite the new Kootenay National Park entry booth on Highway 93), which is another unique feature of the Radium area.

A trio of Columbia Valley communities recently made World Atlas’s list of ‘eight most eccentric towns in British Columbia’. Although the feature did not specifically cite former Radium woodcarver and wizard extraordinaire Rolf Heer, local officials said they feel colourful characters such as Rolf help make the valley unique and vibrant.

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Request for Proposals (RFP)




The Ministry of Environment and Parks, Recreation Sites and Trails

Provide a safe, sanitary, and rustic public recreation opportunity

Recover operational maintenance costs through overnight fees

The Ministry of Environment and Parks, Recreation

The Ministry of Environment and Parks, Recreation Sites and Trails

BC invites proposals from parties interested in managing and maintaining fee-for-service recreation sites at Whitetail Lake under a one year agreement with option to renew for up to five years. The Ministry will arrange for General Comprehensive Liability Insurance for successful proponents at no cost. The intent is to:

Requests for Proposals (RFP) can be obtained by e-mail request to the below contact information. A mandatory Proponents’ Meeting will be held on April 9, 2025 at 11am at Whitetail Lake Recreation Site.

Provide a safe, sanitary, and rustic public recreation opportunity

Recover operational maintenance costs through overnight fees

BC invites proposals from parties interested in managing and maintaining fee-for-service recreation sites at Whitetail Lake under a one year agreement with option to renew for up to five years. The Ministry will arrange for General Comprehensive Liability Insurance for successful proponents at no cost. The intent is to:

BC invites proposals from parties interested in managing and maintaining fee-for-service recreation sites at Whitetail Lake under a one year agreement with option to renew for up to five years. The Ministry will arrange for General Comprehensive Liability Insurance for successful proponents at no cost. The intent is to:

The Ministry of Environment and Parks, Recreation Sites and Trails

BC invites proposals from parties interested in managing and maintaining fee-for-service recreation sites at Whitetail Lake under a one year agreement with option to renew for up to five years. The Ministry will arrange for General Comprehensive Liability Insurance for successful proponents at no cost. The intent is to:

Provide a safe, sanitary, and rustic public recreation opportunity

Provide a safe, sanitary, and rustic public recreation opportunity

Provide a safe, sanitary, and rustic public recreation opportunity

Recover operational maintenance costs through overnight fees

The proponent or representative must attend the meeting to be eligible for submitting a proposal. Proposals will be received until 4pm MST on April 24th at the addressed specified in the proposal package.

Recover operational maintenance costs through overnight fees

Requests for Proposals (RFP) can be obtained by e-mail request to the below contact information. A mandatory Proponents’ Meeting will be held on April 9, 2025 at 11am at Whitetail Lake Recreation Site.

Recover operational maintenance costs through overnight fees

To obtain further information, contact:

Requests for Proposals (RFP) can be obtained by e-mail request to the below contact information. A mandatory Proponents’ Meeting will be held on April 9, 2025 at 11am at Whitetail Lake Recreation Site.

Requests for Proposals (RFP) can be obtained by e-mail request to the below contact information. A mandatory Proponents’ Meeting will be held on April 9, 2025 at 11am at Whitetail Lake Recreation Site.

Requests for Proposals (RFP) can be obtained by e-mail request to the below contact information. A mandatory Proponents’ Meeting will be held on April 9, 2025 at 11am at Whitetail Lake Recreation Site.

The proponent or representative must attend the meeting to be eligible for submitting a proposal. Proposals will be received until 4pm MST on April 24th at the addressed specified in the proposal package.

To obtain further information, contact:

The proponent or representative must attend the meeting to be eligible for submitting a proposal. Proposals will be received until 4pm MST on April 24th at the addressed specified in the proposal package.

The proponent or representative must attend the meeting to be eligible for submitting a proposal. Proposals will be received until 4pm MST on April 24th at the addressed specified in the proposal package.

The proponent or representative must attend the meeting to be eligible for submitting a proposal. Proposals will be received until 4pm MST on April 24th at the addressed specified in the proposal package.

To obtain further information, contact:

To obtain further information, contact:

District Recreation Officer

To obtain further information, contact:

Rocky Mountain North

Phone (778)635 0101


Historical Lens PERSPECTIVE

Take a number for health care

Lane recently turned the ‘dreaded 60’ but was happy that he now qualified for the 30 per cent seniors discount at Value Village on Tuesdays. (Man, if that was the highlight of his birthday, the guy’s got issues; one being an uneventful life.)

The father of two does his fair share of complaining about politicians, nonsensical rap music hijacking award shows, and shoppers coughing in his face.

But his latest pet peeve is Canada’s health care system, specifically the wait times to receive any type of service. He was beguiled in thinking that a sparsely attended hospital waiting room would mean a quick visit; in and out within 30 minutes. (Try not to laugh too hard.) Anyway, it took two hours and Lane left in frustration since the doctor couldn’t do anything for his condition.

Now the old guy is left waiting to see a specialist who still hasn’t called to set up an appointment (it has been over a month since the referral). Meanwhile, he has to suffer through the pain.

While Lane is lucky to have a family doctor in the first place, he and countless other patients should not be left dangling or falling through the cracks.

Hospitals continue to be overrun and some emergency departments continue to be temporarily shut down due to lack of coverage by physicians. This is unacceptable.

Fortunately, Invermere and District Hospital hasn’t experienced this problem, which would be devastating since the nearest hospital is in Cranbrook (more than an hour away). But a recent report presented to the Regional District of East Kootenay indicates the Invermere hospital is a very busy facility: more than 10,300 recorded visits (an average of 29 per day) between April 2023 and March 2024. Of concern is that nearly 35 per cent of these emergency visits were people without family doctors; another problem that the province needs to address.

Physician recruitment continues to be a struggle in the Columbia Valley and most other regions in B.C. There just doesn’t seem to be enough to go around, and many towns and villages suffer from a lack of doctors willing to set up in rural areas.

Back to Invermere, the report to the RDEK indicates that additional funding and staffing are needed to increase the hospital’s capacity. If this doesn’t happen, there is a risk of patient overflow into hallways and unmonitored rooms, according to the report.

Invermere’s population continues to grow, and its tourist season in the summer really taxes the hospital’s resources, particularly the current team of physicians that are burdened with more tasks.

The situation definitely needs some surgery, but like the countless patients out there, it may have to ‘take a number.’

Groundwater’s crucial role

The importance of groundwater for agriculture is growing as climate change accelerates.

With increasing drought conditions, sustainable management of this freshwater source has never been more critical. A new study assessing aquifer vulnerability in the Columbia Basin is shedding light on which groundwater sources are most at risk, raising important questions for agricultural producers who rely on them.

This study will be the focus of a free webinar taking place on Wednesday, April 2 from 9-10:30 a.m. PT/1011:30 a.m. MT co-hosted by the Kootenay & Boundary Farm Advisors and Living Lakes Canada.

“Groundwater and Agriculture in the Columbia Basin” will equip participants with essential knowledge on groundwater, its relationship with agriculture, and what makes it vulnerable.

Living Lakes Canada, which commissioned the aquifer assessment, has been at the forefront of regional groundwater monitoring, driving a 400 per cent increase in monitoring through the Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program.

“This webinar is a must-attend for farmers, ranch-

ers, and anyone interested in understanding the critical role of groundwater in the Columbia Basin’s future,”  said Braeden Toikka, water monitoring coordinator with Living Lakes Canada and one of the webinar’s presenters.

Toikka will be joined by Mike Wei, hydrogeologist and groundwater policy expert, who will discuss what producers need to know about groundwater licensing and water rights that govern water use in agriculture. Producers will also learn about the latest data and how to access it to make informed decisions.

To register for this free webinar, visit or click the event button on the home page of the Living Lakes Canada website at https://livinglakescanada. ca/.

Living Lakes Canada gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Columbia Basin Trust and RBC Tech for Nature.

Please direct any questions to

Living Lakes Canada

Ktunaxa, Michif language courses offered

Local nonprofits Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) and the Outdoor Learning School and Store are offering two Indigenous language courses this spring.

?akisq’nuk elder Alfred Joseph, supported by Ktunaxa educator Mara Nelson, will teach a foundational course in Ktunaxa language, and Métis elders Marie Schoenthal and Harriet Oaks St. Pierre, supported by Métis educator Amy Cross, will teach an introductory course in Southern Michif (a traditional Métis language spoken across western Canada).

The classes are open to everyone and are conducted over Zoom. The Ktunaxa language course runs for eight weeks on Monday evenings at 7 p.m., through April and May.

The Southern Michif language course runs for six weeks, also on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. from late April through to mid-June.

CBEEN and Outdoor Learnings School and Store director of Indigenous learning Jenna Jasek outlined to the Pioneer that the courses offer benefits for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants alike.

The goal of the courses is not necessarily achieving perfect fluency “but rather to provide a spark—an introduction that inspires and encourages further engagement with the language and broader revitalization efforts. We aim to create a welcoming space where learners can begin their journey, build connections, and develop a foundation for future learning opportunities,” explained Jasek. “Non-Indigenous

participants can take steps towards reconciliation by participating in language courses like these as a way to uplift language revitalization and deepen their own understanding of local places.”

Jasek outlined that Indigenous languages contain connections to lands, ancestors, traditions, and contain ecological knowledge crucial for sustainable living, medicinal practices, and traditional storytelling, enriching collective wisdom.

“By supporting Indigenous language revitalization efforts, we not only preserve linguistic diversity but also uphold Indigenous Peoples’ fundamental rights to their languages and cultures,” said Jasek.

A member of the Shuswap Band who also has Ktunaxa heritage, Jasek is currently learning Secwepemctsin (the traditional language of the Shuswap Band) and is working towards her Secwepemctsin language certificate. She has found it an enriching experience.

“The original languages of the valley provide deep insights into the landscapes and local ecosystems. They reflect our cultures and highlight our understanding of the land's importance as well as our relationship with its inhabitants—the ones that fly, the fourlegged, those that swim, the insects, and the plants that grow here,” said Jasek.

She added that efforts are underway to start a Secwepemctsin language course open to the general public in the near future, with support from the Shuswap Nation Council, the Shuswap Band, and local elders and teachers.

To register for the classes or learn more visit

The Ktunaxa and Michif language courses will be taught by Alfred Joseph (top right photo) and above, from left, Mara Nelson, Amy Cross, and Marie Schoenthal.

Plans afoot to create ‘Pathway to the Pools’

The Village of Radium Hot Springs is intimately tied to the world-famous Radium hot pools in Kootenay National Park. The pools are the village’s name sake and its raison d’etre.

Plans are afoot to make the tie between the two entities even more explicit — and even more concrete — with village officials hoping to create the Pathway to the Pools, a paved multi-use active transportation trail that would run from the village to the boundary of Kootenay National Park near the pools. Eventually the path may go right to the pools themselves, if Parks Canada chooses to extend the trail within the park.

These plans are as yet still very preliminary, but the vision behind them is compelling.

Radium chief administrative officer Adrian Bergles explained to the Pioneer that it is already technically possible to walk or bike from the village to the pools “but it’s not necessarily super inviting for everyone . . . the connection does exist now, at a certain level, but we want to improve it.”

The initial thought was that the trail would run along the south side of Highway 93, but Bergles said it may eventually end up starting on the south side then switching to the north

The path would be a joint venture involving the Village of Radium Hot Springs, the Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Alliance (CVGTA), the provincial Ministry of Transportation and Transit (MoTT), and (if at some point extended right to the pools) Parks Canada as well.

CVGTA program manager Lianne Lang explained the alliance has a bit

of money leftover from upgrades to the Old Coach Trail, and wanted to put them toward the Pathways to the Pools project.

More specifically the group wants to do an initial engineering study to determine the safest way to connect the village and the hot pools.

“It would be very much preliminary, outlining several options for exact routes and the pros and cons of each,” said Lang, adding that “there’s good infrastructure (between the village and the hot pools), but there are a few pinch points.”

Lang pointed to Sinclair Canyon as one of those pinch points.

Radium mayor Mike Gray commented, “It really is such an important connection (between the village and the hot pools). It just makes sense to have an active transportation pathway that links the two.”

Efforts are underway to examine creating a multi-use trail between the Village of Radium Hot Springs and the Radium hot pools. The route has some “pinch points” such as Sinclair Canyon (shown here).

Candidate ready to ‘hit ground running’

Kallee Lins, the NDP candidate for Columbia–Kootenay–Southern Rockies, made the following statement in reaction to the federal election being set for April 28: “I’m ready to hit the ground running on this campaign.”

Lins said people in this riding are worried. “They’re concerned about (US President) Donald Trump’s attacks on our economy, they want to find a home they can afford, and they want to see the costs come down.”

The candidate said she is ready to fight for all of the hard-working people in the riding.

“The Liberals promised they'd do government differently, but many Canadians feel let down,” Lins said.

Meanwhile, New Democrats have delivered, she noted, saving everyday families money by getting Ca-

nadians free diabetes medication and birth control and making sure that everyone can see the dentist when they need to. “The NDP fights for families like yours, and they win.”

Lins said Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and the local Conservative MP have voted against dental coverage and free medication, all to hand out more to corporations and the ultra wealthy.

“The worst part? They’ve got dental coverage themselves,” Lins said.

The candidate stated the Conservatives want to cut pensions and employment insurance and “roll over” to Trump’s threats.

“In Columbia-Kootenay-Southern Rockies the NDP is the only choice to stop the Conservatives from cutting programs and compromising Canadian sovereignty.”

New STR registration cash grab, says MLA


During a recent private members speech in the Legislature, Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Scott McInnis drew attention to the provincial ShortTerm Rental (STR) Registry.

McInnis highlighting two important points. First, tourism is the lifeblood of communities, and these dollars support local businesses across the region. Second, STR operators in small resort

municipalities aren’t “faceless corporations who buy up local real estate to boost shareholder profits.” McInnis added: “These are young families . . . and seniors supplementing their incomes.”

McInnis highlighted the unnecessary scope of the fees associated with the Registry itself: “Local government already addressed the STR registration issue. Regional districts and municipalities implemented licensing and registration fees some time ago.”

Local government has licensing fees of up to $1,500/unit based on location and the type of rental. This allows for local government to monitor STR’s locally and to ensure there is compliance with local bylaws. The new B.C. government registry fee adds up to an additional $600/unit. McInnis argued that the provincial fee provides “no return for rental operators . . . none.”

McInnis said his office has received dozens of complaints from local opera-

tors who will be taking down their listings.

“Short term rentals aren’t just an option, they’re a necessity,” McInnis said. “These towns rely on tourism to survive, and there simply aren’t enough accommodation options for communities which boast populations of 50008000 people.”

McInnis will be sending a letter to Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon’s office in opposition to this policy.

Kallee Lins is the NDP candidate for the Columbia-Kootenay-Southern Rockies riding.


Lots Going On at the CVCC!

The CV Chamber has been busy this month! With their AGM this past week being the latest in networking opportunities, with ice cream generously supplied by the incomparable Jacqueline and the Black Forest Steak & Schnitzel Haus.

There has been a lot going on. I’d like to personally thank everyone who made it out to Chamber Connections, the Womens Day networking events as well as the AGM - these events are successful and fun because YOU are successful and fun!

Never the organization to sit on our laurels, there are more upcoming events to keep an eye on as well; beginning with the next Chamber Connections on Tuesday April 8th from 5:30-7:30 at Edible Acres and Winderberry. I gotta say - I look forward to meandering their beautiful greenhouse every year, and the yummy lunch at the end makes Winderberry one of my happy places, for sure! Everyone is welcome to come talk business at

these casual, drop in events (no registration required!) and if you would like to know more about the Chamber or are interested in joining, these networking events are a great way to touch base with board members and pick their brains about why the Chamber is a vital part of the Columbia Valley business community.

The major announcement of the week is the return of the BUSINESS BEST BALL CHAMBER GOLF TOURNAMENT! See, I’m so excited I yelled (and my laptop doesn’t have caps lock, so that took effort)! This year we are switching it up a bit, and the tournament will include a buffet dinner and will be at the Radium Springs Golf Course. Look for details coming soon: you can book yourself, or a whole team to play in this fundraiser event, and with special games, prizes and bonuses, this looks to be another gangbuster event! Date is set for June 17th, and keep an eye out for sponsorship opportunities as well! Better

yet, if you are interested in a sponsorship, get in touch with us - they go quickly and we wouldn’t want you to miss an opportunity! We have a lot of ideas and member opportunities on the go right now, everything from setting up a regular Business Committee in Radium to a grown, owned and shop local sticker campaign. Something I (Deanna) am hoping to set up are some regular ‘one-onone with the Chamber’ coffee times. This is a way to connect with both members and potential members about what the Chamber does and can do for you - please feel free to contact me if you would like to sit down and chat:

Thanks again for all your support, past and future! Catch you at the next big chamber thing!

Thursday, March 27

10:00am-12:00am: Cover Letter Writing - Employment Workshop. Work BC Offices. Put "Your Best Foot Forward" and join us for our weekly employment workshops. There are regular and on-demand workshops happening every day. Call 250-341-6889 or visit the local Invermere office to learn more and sign-up.

• 10:30am-11:30am: Senior’s Fitness Columbia Valley Centre, $2 drop-in.

• 2:00pm-3:00pm: CommuniTea. Invermere Public Library. Join us for a cup of tea and a chat on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month. All welcome!

• 3:30pm-8:00pm: Summit Youth Night at the Edge. Edgewater Community Hall Basement. For all youth Grade 6 to 12. Every Thursday join us for snacks, games, food, pooltable, crafts at The Edge.

• 6:45pm: Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Invermere Legion. $30 buy-in.

• 7:30pm: Families Housing that Fits. Zoom meeting with host Ben Postmus. Inclusive and supportive housing in your community.

• 7:30pm-9:30pm: Trivia Night Windermere Whitehouse Pub. Host Mandi Cox $3/person, teams of more than 6 will be split into two groups. Ages 19+

Friday, March 28

• 10:00am-12:00am: Interview Skills - Employment Workshop. Work BC Offices. Put "Your Best Foot Forward" and join us for our weekly employment workshops There are regular and on-demand workshops happening every day. Call 250-341-6889 or visit the local Invermere office to learn more and sign-up.

• 10:30am-11:00pm: Family Storytime. Invermere Public Library. Join us at the library for stories, songs and a craft! Geared towards preschool age, but all welcome to attend!

• 12:00pm-1:00pm: Soup For Lunch. Edgewater Community Hall. Take away available - bring your own thermos or jar and a container for dessert. $10 per person for hearty soup or chili bun or biscuit and dessert. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Edgewater Seniors

• 2:00pm-3:00pm: Friday Fundays! Invermere Public Library. Drop in programming! Drop off allowed for ages 7+. Younger children are more than welcome to join with an adult! Crafternoon – a fun new craft each session!

• 6:30pm - close: Meat Draw and 50/50 in the Legion! Members and guests welcome!

• Saturday, March 29

• 10:30am-11:00pm: Family Storytime. Invermere Public Library. Join us at the library for stories, songs and a craft! Geared towards preschool age, but all welcome to attend!

• 11:00am-12:30pm: LEGO/Duplo Club Invermere Public Library. We'll have Lego, Duplo, big blocks & more out to play with on Saturday mornings! All ages welcome.

• 3:00pm-4:30pm: Buddy Reading. Invermere Public Library. Practice reading aloud one-on-one with a staff member to build skill, confidence and a love of reading! 30 minute sessions at 3:00, 3:30 or 4:00 pm. By Appointment Only!! Contact Invermere Library to sign up. 6:30pm: Meat Draw and 50/50 in the Legion! Members and guests welcome!

Sunday, March 30

2:00pm-5:00pm: Flowing it Forward: Navigating Water-Based Recreation & Aquatic Health in the Columbia Valley. Radium Hot Spring Centre. Wildsight presents an engaging and educational free event dedicated to raising awareness and promoting responsible stewardship of Columbia Valley waterways. Flowing it forward will feature short presentations from professionals at the forefront of conservation and responsible recreation, as well as educational booths and demonstrations. A facilitated discussion at the end will create a space for open and meaningful dialogue between presenters and participants. More info at

6:30pm-9:30pm: Michael Charles: Guitars, Music and Miles 2025 tour Columbia Valley Centre. The District of Invermere proudly presents a non-stop concert explosion of music and guitars, contemporary blues, high energy rock, and soulful ballads from the forty-release discography of multi-genre Chicago Blues Hall of Famer Michael Charles. Get ready to dance, sing along, and have a great time with friends and fellow music lovers. This in-person event is your chance to experience live music like never before.

• 2:00pm: Cards, Cribbage and Darts Come to the Legion and have some fun! Members and guests welcome.

7:00pm: Live Music Horsethief Creek Pub & Eatery. Accompanied minors are permitted. No cover.

7:30pm: Dads Matter. Zoom meeting with host Ben Postmus. Dads connecting, Dads Supporting, Dads Inspiring. Do you have a son or daughter with Diverse Abilities? So do I.

Monday, March 31

• 7:00pm-8:00pm: Wildsight Invermere AGM. Wilmer Community Hall. The Wildsight Invermere team has worked hard in 2024, and the Annual General Meeting is an opportunity for you to not only hear about what we accomplished but also to connect with your mountain community. If you need a ride to get to the Wilmer Hall, we’ll be facilitating carpooling. Just get in touch: invermere@ Better yet, bring a friend! Everyone is welcome. There will be home-baked goodies, refreshments and good mountain vibes.

• 10:00am-11:00am: Senior's Yoga Columbia Valley Centre, Invermere. $2 drop in, open to all seniors.

• 3:00pm-4:30pm: Buddy Reading. Invermere Public Library. Practice reading aloud one-on-one with a staff member to build skill, confidence and a love of reading! 30 minute sessions at 3:00, 3:30 or 4:00 pm. By Appointment Only!! Contact Invermere Library to sign up.

• 6:30pm: Poker (Chip up for Charity). The Station Pub $50 buy-in. Every Monday.

Tuesday, April 1

• 6:30pm-8:30pm: Book Launch – Finding Flora. Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Local author Elinor Florence will make a short presentation and read from her new historical novel about women homesteaders, titled Finding Flora. Everyone

is encouraged to dress in pioneer costume. Prize for the biggest and most elaborate hat. Bring a plate of homemade scones for judging and sharing, and you may win a prize. Coffee and tea will be served. Cash bar. All ages are welcome.

• 10:00am-11:00am: Online Job Searching - Employment Workshop Work BC Offices. Put "Your Best Foot Forward" and join us for our weekly employment workshops. There are regular and on-demand workshops happening every day. Call 250-341-6889 or visit the local Invermere office to learn more and sign-up.

• 10:30am-11:30am: Senior’s Fitness. Columbia Valley Centre, $2 drop-in.

• 11:30am-12:30pm: Little Lambs Baby Group. Radium Public Library. Stories, rhymes, and songs for babies and their caregivers! Every Thursday!

• 1:00pm-3:30pm: Art in the Afternoon. Radium Library. A weekly gathering for artists! A free program for local artists and art enthusiasts; whether you sketch, paint, carve, knit or crochet, bring your supplies and work alongside fellow artists.

• 6:30pm-8:00pm: Second Winds Community Band Practice. Invermere Catholic Church Annex. We are looking for new band members! Play an instrument? For info please email

• 7:30pm: Families on Tuesday. Zoom meeting with host Ben Postmus. Families connecting, Families Sharing, Families Supporting Families: Support, Listening, Sharing, Connecting.

Wednesday, April 2

• 2:30-3:30pm: Invermere Community Drum Circle. Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Set free your inner rhythm, connect with your community, and let the beat move you! No drumming experience is needed and all the instruments are provided. Professionally facilitated, participants will learn about and experiment with different drums and drumming techniques from all around the world. You'll experience a fun and inclusive drumming workshop. Tickets:

• 10:00am-11:00am: Senior's Yoga Columbia Valley Centre, $2 drop-in.

• 10:00am-12:00am: Resume Writing - Employment Workshop. Work BC Offices. Put "Your Best Foot Forward" and join us for our weekly employment workshops. There are regular and on-demand workshops happening every day. Call 250-341-6889 or visit the local Invermere office to learn more and sign-up.

• 11:30am-12:00pm: Story Time. Radium Library. Join us for a story, songs and a craft!  Geared towards preschool ages but all are welcome.

• 3:30pm-4:45pm: After School Club. Invermere Public Library. A window of transition time between school and home or extra-curriculars. Come colour, bead, play with LEGO, and catch up with friends! Open to all school-aged kids. Drop-off for Grade 2 and up. Please bring your own snacks! One time registration required. Find the form on the After School Club page on our website or fill it out at the library.

• 6:00pm-9:00pm: Wednesday Dinners & Meat Draw & 50/50 Invermere Legion. All welcome.


Trump, like a naughty kid with a felt pen, is making Canadians mighty uncomfortable. He insults our prime minister by calling him “governor.” He blusters a disrespectful view that Canada should be a 51st state. He rips off in a tirade that Canada would not exist without the USA, which is just baloney. His posturing has caused a lot of worry and has put mental pressure on many of our wonderful citizens. Some have suffered unnecessary anxiety.

There is a saying that I have long embraced. I am not certain of the actual words but a paraphrase would be: In all adversity lies the seeds for greater opportunity. For Canada this attack might well turn out to be the beginning of our golden moment. The following is

a shortlist of opportunities for Canada if this imposed misery never returns to common sense.

Never before in my 87 years have I observed such extraordinary patriotism that is now blanketing across Canada. Paul Henderson’s 1972 goal that allowed Canada to defeat the Russians provided a lot of elation but it doesn’t match the coast-to-coast bonding that is currently evident in our home and native land. There is nothing that binds a society together with such a clamping grip as an external threat. O’ Canada we are a collective and we shall stand on guard for thee. There is an unusual agreement with our national leaders that Canada will quickly invest in defence such that we

will meet sooner, rather than later, our financial commitment to NATO. Our cheap ride has been an embarrassment for too long.

Canada has lagged in defending our northern lands. The majority of Russia’s nuclear weapons are in their high arctic. That is likely because Russia has historically viewed the USA as a threat. Canada is sandwiched between two adversaries. Russia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov has claimed that all resources under the Arctic Ocean belong to Russia. Canada will certainly be having a whole lot to say about that; like Clint Eastwood, “Get off my land.”

There is suddenly a nation-wide desire to defend our North West Passage which clearly is in Canadian waters. The USA, Russia and China pretend the passage is in international waters. Keeping these waters in Canadian control is as important for us as the Panama Canal is to Panama. The Northwest Passage is a shorter shipping route between North America, Asia and the Middle East.

We have for a long time been shipping a lot of our raw materials to the US.

They are our neighbours and longtime friends so it was easy to avoid looking for diversity in export markets. We may have learned a lesson that our economy is in danger when we are mostly dependent on a single market. When that single market goes rogue our whole country is challenged.

Canada was once a great manufacturing country. Massey Harris, Beatty farm equipment, Electrohome, and we invented the radio, the IMax, the pacemaker and many other products. This threat from the US has the possibility to encourage Canadians to become bigger builders.

Perhaps most importantly, we might finally get rid of the barriers to inter-provincial trade. That could add four per cent to our Gross Domestic Product, which would take the bite out of tariffs. Canadian products would have a bigger market within Canada.

We are an educated powerhouse for international trade and we can be a great example of a tolerant society with a democracy that works. We don’t need the US political system or their guns.




Serving Invermere & Area cell 250-341-1202

Al-Anon. Are you concerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? For more information or to speak with someone from our fellowship, please call 250-878-2448 or 250-342-8392

Alcoholics Anonymous. If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. All meetings are at 7 pm. Columbia United AA, Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the BC Service Building, South End-624 4th St. Invermere. Please call 250-3422424 for more information or to speak with someone from our fellowship.


Sentinel Storage

Located at 1508 Hwy 93/95 Windermere, BC V0B 2L2

Hereby gives notice under the Warehouseman’s Liens Act of auction of a white Damon Challenger Continuous Trailer # J064 L. Landry

Auction to be held on www. on Thursday April 10, 2025. Terms are debit and credit only. Cash deposit required. See website for terms and conditions.


Cheers to Coach Jay (Justin Woodman) at JayBird Media for putting on another stellar youth basketball camp during Spring Break for kids in the valley from Grades 4-7. What a wonderful opportunity for our young athletes!

Cheers to Cheri, my co-worker for bringing flowers to the office to brighten our space.

Cheers to my friend Keith W. for taking me out for dinner to Station Pub. Great food, great conversation.

Triple Cheers to the CV Skating Club for the wonderful ice-skating show. Cheers to the organizers and skaters for a job well done.

Cheers to Robin at Home Hardware for going above and beyond for helping me to purchase the right product. Very much appreciated.

CHEERS to Brent Woodard for his very insightful articles in the Faith section of this paper. His comments are always enlightening and pertinent to our lives. The current message really struck home with the telling of how evil hides. Without pointing fingers to the south, sometimes the wolf’s disguise fools voters who lack discernment when listening to their own ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’.


Akiskinook 1 Bedroom Townhouse for Rent. Ground floor/Corner Unit/ Private Entrance. Has dishwasher, new appliances, deck, gas barbeque. Clubhouse with indoor pool/hot tub. Squash, tennis and pickle ball courts. $1699/month including utilities, wi-fi/cable. 403-383-0600


Dusk Building Systems is hiring motivated labourers for a construction/framing setting. Responsibilities include assembly, material handling, physically strenuous lifting, standing for long hours and maintaining a clean workspace. Previous experience required. The ideal candidate will be expected to be available on-call, including weekends and holidays. Must have own vehicle. Travel required. References required.  Send your resume to info@

Experienced Salon Manager/ Senior Hairstylist wanted for well established beauty salon in Invermere. Full time, weekends required. Please email for details:



Services for Seniors. Since 2014 we’ve provided kind and compassionate non-medical care, transportation to Cranbrook, overnight care, meal prep, grocery shopping and more. Excellent local references. 250-341-5683

K. B. Creations Handyman services, Renovation’s,  Masonry, Plumbing, Drywall & Painting. Please call Kevin 250-688-2897


Half duplex for rent May 1/June 1.

Spacious Two bedroom and den with deck for 1 yr. lease. 5 min. walk to downtown Invermere.

$ 1950 plus cable/hydro. NS/NP. 403-874-0483

Invermere on the Lake


Position: Engineering Technologist

Department: Public Works & Operations

Status: CUPE - Regular Full Time

Classification: Engineering Technologist

The District of Invermere has an opening for a Engineering Technologist position in the Public Works & Operations Department.

Under the direction of the Director of Public Works & Operations, the Engineering Technologist has the principal responsibilities to project manage capital projects and contracts including overseeing the construction as the site inspector. This role will also include inspection and reporting on developments projects that would be under the future ownership of the District of Invermere. A sound knowledge of the MMCD, contract administration/site inspection, OHS, municipal operations and related provincial regulations is required. This is a unionized position with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 2982.


• Manage and co-ordinate municipal infrastructure works including but not limited to water, sanitary sewage, storm and road system upgrades with developed best practices and in compliance with Municipal, Provincial and Federal regulations as applicable. Acting as the site inspector for municipal capital projects. The role of the site inspector is to oversee the progress of construction and ensure that work is proceeding in general conformance with the contract documents. The site inspector will be expected to take detailed notes of construction and to review the contract quantities with the contractor prior to the issuance of the payment certificates.

Oversite and review of construction of municipal infrastructure by developers with respect to engineered design and in compliance with municipal bylaws and regulations. Assist with record keeping and maintain infrastructure records. Familiarity with Geographical Information System (GIS) is required.

• Undertake general construction administration in a consistent, reliable, and timely manner.


An accredited diploma in applied science or engineering technology at a recognized technical institute or equivalent as a Civil Engineering Technologist.

Membership eligibility in the Association of Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of B.C.

Ability to prepare and review engineered drawing and plans, contract documents, cost estimates and instructions.

• Demonstrated competence in contract and project management. Competence in engineering research and report writing.

This position is within C.U.P.E. 2982 bargaining unit. The current wage rate for this position falls within the range of $39.34 - 42.59 per hour plus benefits as detailed in the Collective Agreement. The Engineering Technologist position is expected to work 35 hours per week Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

A job description for this position is available.

This position will remain open until an applicant has been hired. Persons interested in applying for this position are invited to submit their resumes to:

District of Invermere

Attn: Kindry Dalke, Director of Corporate Services Box 339, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0


We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those considered for an interview will be contacted.


Rockies playoff cut short but memorable

And then there were none.

The 2024-2025 Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL) season has come to an end for the Columba Valley Rockies.

The Rockies’ second playoff round against the Kimberley Dynamiters was over Friday, March 21 in Kimberley as the Nitros took game five, tipping the scales irrevocably in their favour.

But while the season is over, it was one filled with more positives than negatives, including the first round sweep of the Fernie Ghostriders.

“I'm not sure where to start with this one,” said head coach Tayler Sincennes. “Obviously it's very disappointing that the season came to an end in Kimberley, but there were so many fun moments throughout the season to reflect on and so much to be thankful for even though we didn't get the result we were after.”

Junior hockey goes well beyond ice time, points, wins and losses, something not lost on the coaching staff or the players.

“I'm grateful for all of the young men that came through our doors and represented our organization with class and leadership throughout the season,” said Sincennes. “The amount that these young men did in our community was incredible. I'm very proud of their efforts on the ice and off. They did an excellent

job coming here from different parts of the world with different opportunities at different levels and worked hard for us throughout the entirety of the season.”

Sincennes added he is “incredibly grateful for the amount of support the community showed us throughout the season. Every season I've been here it grows and grows and I'm so very proud that the Rockies have become something to talk about in a positive light. Thank you to all of the people and sponsors that showed up to support us; without those people junior hockey in a small community wouldn't survive.”

Associate coach Tucker Braund had similar sentiments.

“I will echo Tayler in that it was disappointing to lose to Kimberley in round 2 as I thought we had one of the deepest teams I've seen in my time with the Rockies. We had a special group this year. I'm so proud of our boys, the way they came together as basically 24 best friends. They were a very close and inclusive bunch and I think anyone who got near our team could see what a great group of young men they are. They did so many different things out in the community, always saying yes to help out anywhere they were asked. We are looking forward to growing what we have built with the team the last two years and eager to see where we can get to next season. Our goals and aspirations are high, that's for sure.”

Among the off-ice community

events the players participated in, many included helping out with the younger hockey teams, coaching basketball at the high school, daycare and elementary school visits, Christmas shopping with children (including wrapping the gifts), helping with community events like the Groundswell harvest party and stacking firewood for local community members.

“It is important for the guys to be giving back to the community they are asking to support them, and while as coaches we do encourage it, it doesn’t take much to get them to go out and help,” said assistant coach Tanner Wit. “They just do it.”

At the awards dinner late February the coaches awarded ‘community member of the year’ to Johnny Lozeman for his willingness to step up as well as organize his teammates when more helping hands were needed, saying “whenever we asked this young man

to help out in the community he came through.”

Other awards were presented to Wyatt Wurtz for top defenceman, Lukas Masters for most improved player, Peter Godley for rookie of the year, Teo Fath for energy player of the year, and Carter Velker for MVP and top forward.

Paddy Donahue and Fath were also recognized for each being with the team for 100 games.

This was also Fath’s third year with the Rockies, the past two seeing him help lead the team as assistant captain. The end of this season marked the end of the 20-year-old’s time with the Rockies, a time that has left an indelible impression on who he has become.

“I’ve been here for three years and it has been my home away from home,” said Fath. “This was an awesome community and place to be for my junior hockey career … no matter where I end up, I will bleed blue and orange for life.”




It was great while it lasted for the Columbia Valley Rockies in this season’s playoffs.

Pursuant to Section 494 of the Local Government Act, public notice is hereby given that the District of Invermere is considering the Short-Term Rental Temporary Use Permits (STU-TUP) listed in the table below. Issuance of the permits will be considered by council or a delegated authority at the Invermere District office at 914 - 8th Avenue in Invermere, BC, at the corresponding date and time as listed below:

All persons who believe they are affected by any of the Short-Term Rental Temporary Use Permits are encouraged to submit their concerns in writing to the Invermere office at 914 - 8th Avenue, Invermere, BC, or by email to prior to April 7, 2025 at 10:00am. All submissions should include your name, address, and contact information. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All submissions will form part of the public record. Questions about the disclosure of your personal information may be referred to the Corporate Officer at 250-342-9281. For more information regarding the above applications contact the Invermere Planning Department at 250-342-9281 or by email at or at the Invermere Office between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. PO Box 339, 914 - 8th Ave, Invermere BC V0A 1K0 250-342-9281

Skaters find ‘Wonderland’

Members of Columbia Valley Skate Club, as well as their audience, had plenty of fun during the ‘Wonderland’ ice show on March 15.


Columbia Valley Churches


While you are with us, you are always welcome to join us. Sunday at 10:30 am 326 10th Avenue, Invermere 250-342-9535 |


Sunday Services - 10:30 am 110 - 7th Ave. in Invermere website -

Minister: Brent Woodard 250-342-6644


Pastor: Justin Furse

Sunday 10 a.m. Worship Service 4814 Highway Drive, Windermere 250-342-9511 |


St. Anthony’s, Canal Flats: Saturday, 4 pm Canadian Martyrs’, Invermere: Saturday 5 pm, Sunday 9 am St. Joseph’s, Radium: Sunday 11 am Father Francis Dela Cruz | 712 -12th Ave., Invermere 250-342-6167


Sunday 10 a.m. Worship service Pastor Wayne and Linda Frater | 250-342-6633 #4, 7553 Main St. Radium | 250-347-9937


Worship Service, Sunday, 11 a.m. Sunday School, 10 a.m.

President Kendyn Mackensie • Columbia Valley Branch • 5014 Fairway, Fairmont Hot Springs 250-439-9041

CHURCH OF CHRIST (Iglesia ni Cristo)

Worship Service: Sunday 9 a.m., Thursday 7:45 p.m. Chamber of Commerce (Lions Hall) For inquiries: 250-688-1643 250-270-2208 or 250-688-0629 For more info about the church, you can Google online at or

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