Vol11issue25 grad

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DTSS ~ Class of 2014 • 1

June 20, 2014

The Columbia Valley Pioneer Presents...


Photo by Erin Knutson/Bouquet courtesy of Canterbury Flowers


“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” www.cvchamber.ca

Milton Berle

2 • DTSS ~ Class of 2014

June 20, 2014

Holly Banville

Mitchell Beggs

Layla Chouhene

Madeleine Danyluk

Sierra Dunlop

Leah Dyer

James Frank

Kelsey Frank

Blake Gillham

Brooklyn Gulbe

Congratulations to our Grad!

From the Akisqnuk

Rachel Hagan

Congratulations to

Daniel Smith

and all the DTSS grads. Barb J. Smith, CGA First Nation

Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t

All the best to the class of 2014

~ Bill Nye


o not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


914 – 8th Avenue, PO Box 339, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Ph: 250-342-9281 • Fax: 250-342-2934 E-mail: info@invermere.net

Congratulations from your friends at BMO.

1022A – 7th Ave, Invermere, B.C. 250-342-8304 - bjsacct@telus.net

Congratulation to the class of 2014!

Best of luck to all the grads. Especially Rochelle Mathieu!

Columbia Valley PO Box 159, Canal Flats, B.C. V0B 1B0 Phone: 250-349-5462 Fax: 250-349-5460 village@canalflats.ca


Grads, you deserve all the credit.




Congratulations to the 2014 Graduating Class

Congratulations to all the Grads of 2014! From everyone at

and special congratulations to Fusion’s four amazing employees;

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Emily Zehnder, Kelsey Frank, Leigh Thompson and Sarah Zehnder.

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We all wish you the very best for your future goals and experiences at university!

Book now at the following locations:

Fusion Wellness Spa 250-341-3511

Fusion at Copper Point Resort 250-341-3522

DTSS ~ Class of 2014 • 3

June 20, 2014

Rachel Hagan

Siobhan Hall

Julia Hoobanoff

Jessica Hromadnik

Natasha Hul

Mariah Huston

Kaelin Hyllestad

Nicole Ivers

Tyler Jackson

Laura Jones


We would like to congratulate our graduates....on a job well done! Alastair White (pictured) who flipped his way into back springs and crazy flips for the past two years without missing a gymnastic session, and a shout out to Miranda Raven, and Kellan Moore for outstanding achievements in the sport of gymnastics!

You are in our history books forever! 7511 Columbia Ave, Radium Hot Springs, B.C.

Congratulations to the grads of 2014!

Congratulations to Natasha Hul and the Class of 2014. Main Street, Invermere



MIKE 250-409-4348 507 B 7th Avenue, Invermere (beside the laundromat) No appointment necessary • leckie09@shaw.ca


A special congratulations to

Colin Ross

to Emily and Sarah Zehnder and the Class of 2014

on a job well done!

Serving the Valley since 1995.

Invermere Veterinary Hospital

250-342-3659 www.invermereglass.ca

Congratulations Grads of 2014


Congratulations! 2014

250-342-0800 250-342-4400 Industrial Rd. #2. Invermere, B.C.

Congratulations, Grads! We wish you all the best in your future!

4 • DTSS ~ Class of 2014

June 20, 2014

Sophie Jones

Levi Konchak

Michael Kopp

Tannia Kozub

Jackson Kubian

Cassidy Larson

Sawyer Logan

Zac MacDonald

Victoria Mailo

Jacob Marchand

Congratulations to the class of 2014

Best wishes to the class of 2014!

Best Paints Ph: 250-342-7353 www.warwick-interiors.com bestpaints@warwick-interiors.com

Congratulations Jessica!

Invermere Industrial Park

Congratulations to the Class of 2014


Best wishes and good luck to the 2014 graduates!

Congratulations Grads of 2014 Your new adventure awaits! Good luck from all of us at…

Enjoy what your future holds! Love Renice, Dave, Jazlyn and Jared.

“We don’t stop going to school when we graduate” - Carol Burnett

Congrats, Class of 2014!

2014 Upstairs, 709 10th St. Box 133, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 250-342-3033 • summit.centre@gmail.com

Pre-order your corsages and boutonnieres INVERMERE’S UNIQUE FLORAL DESIGN BOUTIQUE [p] 250.342.7559 [f] 250.342.7558 [e] contemporary_flowers@yahoo.ca

CONGRATULATIONS 2014 GRADUATES We wish our graduates the best of luck as they embark on the next phase of their journey. School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) Quest for Quality

DTSS ~ Class of 2014 • 5

June 20, 2014

Rochelle Mathieu

Blair McFarlane

Parker McGrath

Jordan Messerli

Jaydon Meyers

Kellan Moore

Megan Neale

Brittany Neumann

Haley Newman

Leah Newman

Congratulations to Brooklyn Gulbe and the Class of 2014.

Congratulations to the Class of 2014!

Congratulations, Grads! We wish you every success in the future.

Travel Take Alongs Your Travel Essentials Shop

13th Street, Invermere

1201-7th Avenue, Invermere • 250-342-2901

Congratulations to the class of 2014

Congratulations to Kellan, Megan, Zac and the grads of 2014. 1988


Tee Times



“you did it!” Good luck at U of C in the fall! Love Mom, Dad, Evan and Meighan

Ph: 250-342-7302 • Fax: 250-342-6284 www.warwick-interiors.com cabinets@warwick-interiors.com


Congratulations to the graduating class of 2014.




Madison Prosser

Have a fun and safe Grad! 250-688-HAWK www.valleyhawk.com

Congratulations grads, your future is about to shape up!

Ross Newhouse

Ph: 250-342-9450 Cell: 250-342-5247 WINDERMERE VALLEY REALTY newhouseconnect@gmail.com 375 Laurier Street, Unit 201, Invermere, B.C. • www.wvrealestate.ca


Congratulations to the graduating class of 2014. Invermere 250-342-6649

6 • DTSS ~ Class of 2014

June 20, 2014

David Thompson High School Graduation: 50 years ago By Duane Crandall DTHS Class of ‘64 This month, the graduating class of David Thompson Secondary School — an excited group of mostly eighteen year olds — will leave DTSS for the last time. Along with those eighteen year olds, there is also a group of mostly sixty-eight year olds who did the same thing in 1964 — 50 years ago. The school then was called David Thompson High School. They, too, thought the world was their oyster and didn’t yet care about mortgage rates or pension deductions. Now, instead of counting the days until school is over, they are counting grandchildren! In 1964, DTHS was located at the top of the hill across from the present museum, where much of the building still remains. Then, it was the “new” high school, having just opened in 1956. It had succeeded the previous “Invermere High School” which was located, along with the elementary school, on the Sobeys store property across the road to the west. Although the school opened in 1956, only the front bank of classrooms had been built by that point. Construction of the gym, Industrial Arts shop, Home Ec room, Band Room and more classrooms didn’t get underway until 1958, with completion a year or so later. Until then, students walked downtown to the Community Hall for P.E. classes. The school had a great teaching staff and an excellent and fun principal in George Eacrett. It also had a special teacher named Dot Worsley (who became Mrs. Roger Smith) to whom the 1964 school yearbook, the “Akiskinook,” was dedicated. Yet that isn’t what the class will remember her for. Miss Worsley was a great teacher in the classroom and helped with many extra-curricular activities but, in addition to these most important qualities of being a teacher, the Class of ’64 will always remember her for driving one of the hottest cars in the valley — a brand new Ford Mustang. Any high school student would be proud to drive a Mustang in 2014. Just imagine what it was like to have one on the school grounds in the spring of ’64! The Class of ’64 was made up of 12 girls and eight boys from Invermere and the surrounding communities of Athalmer, Radium, Windermere and Wilmer. At the time, there were still high schools in Edgewater and Canal Flats. All the members of the Class of ‘64 are still living, but have never been together again since their graduation. Ray Taft and Neil Berrington are the only class members who still live in the Invermere area. Sandra Hackler is in Ontario, Paul Dean and Wynanne Ede live in Calgary, and the rest all live in southern B.C. They haven’t strayed too far from home. There are also still several members of the high school teaching staff of that day living in the valley and are known by most residents. Again, Dot Worsley Smith stands out. She was not only the homeroom teacher of several of the ’64 class in 1958 when they were just starting high school, in Grade 7. Even earlier than that, she had taught some when they were in Grade 4, in ‘55-’56. “Miss Worsley,” as she was known to the Class of ’64, has been a contributing part of the fabric of the Columbia Valley for a very long time, and she was very special to that class. In addition, Bob Campsall and Tony Kraavanger were on the teaching staff of the school at the time, as was the late George Lechuk, who just passed away in the last few years. Two school buses made up the full fleet of buses in ’64. One transported the Radium students on one trip before and after school, then made second trips to Windermere. The other two routes, also handled by one bus, were Wilmer and the West Road south of Invermere. Most of the Class of ’64 have lived reasonably ordinary lives, but one did become famous. Paul Dean had played his guitar at many high school functions and developed that talent much further after leaving school. He became a member of the very well known and still active rock band “Loverboy,” a group whose music has entertained many in its own generation, but is also known to many people much younger than the Class of ‘64. Fifty years has not only changed the twenty members of that class, but has also

changed much of the valley. Panorama Ski Resort had not yet been started in ’64, and the only golf course in the valley was the original nine-hole course at Radium. Some landmarks are no longer here, such as the Mile Hill, the National Park Hotel and the Drive-In theatre at Radium, and the Mineral King Mine up Toby Creek. The Coronation Hotel, Purkis’ Garage and Ronacher’s planer in Athalmer are also gone, as is the Invermere Hotel and Svendson’s Magazine Shop in Invermere. There were two stores in Wilmer at the time, along with the Rio Lynn and Clement’s Store in Windermere, all now gone. The only business in the area that was called the “Crossroads” (although it was really just a “T” then) was the Esso Service Station. And the Fall Fair was a landmark at the “Crossroads” as well, along with being a major event on the valley calendar every year. A similar list could be made of landmarks that have survived these fifty years and which we still appreciate, but rather than a long list let me highlight only one. Of all the businesses that provide products and services to the valley perhaps restaurants are ones that stick in the minds of young people because of the good times they had there. The members of the Class of ’64 all remember the Brite Spot (the building which now houses ‘the Artym Gallery’) because it made french fries and had a juke box (what more could anyone want?). But there was a time in the ’63-’64 era when there was no restaurant in Invermere. Not one! The only place that would serve you anything to eat, if there happened to be someone there, was the Curling Rink. The Brite Spot had closed, the Invermere Hotel had burned down and a restaurant that didn’t last very long, the Tartan Inn (located across from the Toby Theatre), had also closed. There is one restaurant in the area, however, that has always been there, since before the Class of ’64 and will undoubtedly be there after the Class of ’14, and that is the Skookum Inn at Windermere. It would seem like that should be some kind of record in the area! The DTHS Class of ’64 salutes the DTSS Class of ’14 and hopes that your ride over the next fifty years is as good as theirs has been! Editor’s note: Duane Crandall was the last Social Credit MLA from 1986 to 1991. He lived in Wilmer from 1956 to 1964 and currently resides in Golden. He is also a former publisher of the Golden Star newspaper.

HALF A CENTURY — The 1964 graduating class of David Thompson High School dressed to the nines in sixties style. From left to right, in the front row are Nancy Kamikawji, Ann Delesalle, Betty Van Driel, Karen Askey, Sonja Sleik, Wynanne Ede, Sandra Collins, Emily Boudier, Anne Taft and Sandra Hackler; in the back row are Ray Taft, David Shymko, Dave Romane, Paul Dean, Lavina Fuller, Linda-Anne Eacrett, Neil Berrington, Duane Crandall, Tom Weatherby and Melvin Futa.

Looking ahead…

DTSS ~ Class of 2014 • 7

June 20, 2014

five 2014 grads share plans for their futures. Jaydon Meyers

Carson Tomalty

omalty, ng on Carson T lli ca is o ri ta n istry. ,O ng in biochem ty in Kingston zi si li er ia iv ec n sp U e s il n h ee Qu of Science w icate study down this intr rn his Bachelor ea im h to g s n in la ad p le o e h w tually, a s ar hool and, even ath and science sc m al in ic st ed re m te to in His ad him in e hopes will le path, which h ning, Carson diatrician. d triathlon trai an g in ik h f career as a pae o ioneer last his hobbies cover of The P e th n o d In addition to re u tional feat s Spring Invita er — he was er m tt O im y sw le al id V av is an Columbia imming 3th during a competitive sw Friday, June 1 g in u n ti n co e He’ll b competition. l ies at Queens. between schoo in s th n during his stud o m er e summ Carson is Aside from th g time before n lo a e b ly nce the robab ants to experie years, it will p w e h — n ai lley ag living in the va first. d school was rest of the worl through high ed iv ce re e h The best advice little things. ress about the st t n’ o d : le p m si

Alaya Simpson Originally from the coast, Alaya Simpson will be returning west in September to study at the University of Victoria. She’ll be studying Humanities in English with a minor in theatre, and is considering becoming an English and drama teacher with her education. Alaya moved to Invermere at the beginning of Grade 8, but is considering staying on the coast after university. She’s always loved the region and has a lot of family living there, she said, although she knows she needs to be versatile about where she lives in order to find work in her career field. “I know it’s hard to find for teachers, so I know I’ll have to be flexible with where I live.” The most important lesson Alaya learned in high school was to work as hard as you can and refrain from slacking off on homework, and most importantly – never compromise your values.

The lucrative oil industry is luring Jaydon Meyers to Alberta, where she’ll first be attending the Land Agent Program at Olds College. Jaydon plans to become a land agent after earning the two-year diploma at Olds, and is willing to move anywhere she has to for rewarding career opportunities. As an avid horseback rider, Jaydon hopes to buy a ranch after earning “lots of money.” Her favourite part about high school is the inability to get fired for not showing up, which ties into the most valuable lesson she’s learned: “Don’t spend too much time stressing over stupid things,” said Jaydon. “Focus on what’s important and find the right balance in your life.”

M addy Dany


Maddy Danyluk studying at the U ’s future will f ocu History niversity we of Victo s on history, w Thomsp re her favourite ria in S h on Seco subjects eptembe ich she’ll begin n w r. d h aren’t set a E in stone, ry School, and w ile studying at D nglish and she’s thin avid hile her the past king abo as a his c ut sharin areer options But befo tory teacher. g her passio re she e n for travellin mbarks g to Eng o n h e la r n c d to see While family an areer, Maddy pla d bask in ns on few year the future is unc s living o e t n the co rtain, she said, sh he culture. she can. ast, but w e hopes t ill be vis o sp Maddy it in g the vall end a p r a c t ic ey when every int e ention o s dance and pia f keeping no in he r the frien ds she m free time, and h ade in hig as h school.

Rac hel Hagan In her pursuit to become a studying a bio paramedic, R logy course at achel Hagan will be upgra S o u thern Alberta next year. If sh ding her mar Institute of T e completes th ks and echnology (S e studies in o rience New Z AIT) in Cal ne semester, R ealand and Th gary achel plans to ailand. The followin travel and exp g year of scho eand she’s alre ol will see her ady lined up enrolled in S h A er Calgary livi But before h ng situation w IT’s Paramedic program, er studies and it h some local frie jobs — at Co tr avels, Rachel nds. pper Point G ’s saving up b o lf y working tw Course and A Her favourite o summer & W . part of high day, and she school was th took advanta e exposure to ge of basketb so many peo all and other ple every extra-curricu lar school spo rts.

8 • DTSS ~ Class of 2014

June 20, 2014

Can you believe it’s been 12 years? School u a e ig r o Martin M , 2001-2002 Grade K

iss, Kellen fin, Zayne Bayl ef u o C en ev ft to St (Front row, le Janis Afonso, l; , a d u ec a n h Se ic y M ile le el nd, t, R to right) Mich ff, Sammy Bo o , Evan Hoffer ft n n a le o , b n o n w o a ro H Sh ck lia n a a (B , Log otenburger, Ju isdan Bracken nd, Nicklaus R a h rc a Marchand, Tr M b co Belcher, Ja an Neale right) Jasmine ia Elliott, Meg n a Sh e, rs ve a Kendra Tr

Edgewater E lementary S chool Grade K, 200 1-2002

(Left to right) Ambe r Poulson, Shaylynn Wheeler, Ashley Po Sundby, Monica Ni hl, Unknown, Mich ttel, Stephanie Seam ael Timothy, Cassid an, Nicole Ivers, Ja y Larson, Myles ke Persson, Caitlin Chow; (Missing) Ge orge Thierbach

DTSS ~ Class of 2014 • 9

June 20, 2014

Can you believe it’s been 12 years? Windermere Elementary School Grade K, 200 1-2002

(Back row, left to rig ht) Mdm. Loucks, Bo bby Barr, Alex Chal Braeden Stewart; lis, Zac MacDonald (Front row, left to , Jordy Streicek, M right) Layla Chouch Young, Abbey McI ichael Kopp, ene, Skyla Sam, Ke ver, Leigh Thompson lsey Frank, Alisha , Samantha Tyrrell, Reidel, Katie Victoria Mailo

School y r a t n e n Elem o s d a M n 2002 1 0 Eilee 0 2 , K Grade

Stairs, malty, Connor To n o rs a C , en aven, lgre an, Miranda R stad, Kyle Wa m le yl ew H N in h el a a Le K , Ede, ne Danyluk; Lukas Ruault to right) Kevin man, Madelei , left to right) ew w N ro y t le n (Back row, left a ro H , (F d r; Delaney Ra , Janice Bake ds, Unknown, o Blake Gillham o -W ch llu Tu , Tudor rgaard Holly Banville , Alexis Weste er ss ro P n o is d (Missing) Ma

10 • DTSS ~ Class of 2014

June 20, 2014

Can you believe it’s been 12 years? y School r a t n e m e l E n o s Eileen Mad 02 Grade K, 2001-20

c Saunders, Stephen k, Katherine Marcus, Za ha nc Ko vi Le n, ga Lo er ie Oaks, Sarah Andrea Palmer, Sawy to right) Unknown, Grac t lef , row t on (Back row, left to right) (Fr d; sta ed ico Paulihs; ia Puskaric, Heather Sm issing) Sierra Dunlop, Jer (M n; ow kn Un h, itc ov Hawes, Unknown, Latal nk nie Pa Unknown, Unknown, An Zehnder, Emily Zehnder, llan Moore Ke ) low Alastair White, (be Pictured at right (above)

Eileen Mads on Elementa ry School Grade K, 200 1-2002

(Back row, left to rig ht) Colleen Howitt , Dillon Konkin, Ro Callaghan, Colin Ro byn Tardif, Jessica Hr ss, Caitlyn Franzen, omadnik, Connor Emmanuel Van’t Pa (Front row, left to dje-Lyons; right) Alysha Bach inski, Jordan Messe Hennelly, Unknow rli, Jonah Neville, n, Brooklyn Gulbe, Jessica Daniel Smith, Jayd on Meyers

DTSS ~ Class of 2014 • 11

June 20, 2014

Monica Nittel

Gracie Oaks

Madison Prosser

Latalia Puskaric

Delaney Rad

Miranda Raven

Colin Ross

Lucas Ruault

Zachary Saunders

Stephanie Seaman

Congratulations to the class of 2014. All the best in your future endeavours.

Best wishes to the class of 2014


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Congratulations to the Class of 2014

Valley V Hair H Styling S 1313 7th Ave., Invermere, BC • 250-342-6355

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2014. BERNIE RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN

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Students graduating without a photo are:

Robert Barr Austin Larson All the best to the graduates of 2014 PO Box 130, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Ph: 250-342-2175 Fax: 250-342-2669


Jonah Neville Keegan Sharp Congratulations to Carson Tomalty the class of 2014 INTERIORS

Ph: 250-342-6264 • Fax: 250-342-3546 www.warwick-interiors.com info@warwick-interiors.com

Canwest Propane would like to congratulate all the Invermere grads of 2014.

Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont

MaxWell Realty Invermere

Invermere • 250-341-3206

12 • DTSS ~ Class of 2014

June 20, 2014

Alaya Simpson

Heather Smedstad

Daniel Smith

Jordy Streicek

Myles Sundby

Alexandra Taylor

George Thierbach

Leigh Thompson

Michael Timothy

Carson Tomalty

Erin Turner

Samantha Tyrrell

Grace Webber

Alexis Westergaard

Shaylynn Wheeler

Alastair White

Madeleine Wrazej

Kaitlyn Young

Emily Zehnder

Sarah Zehnder

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