Columbus Academy Admissions Booklet

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At a Glance

1,161 Students in Explorers through Grade 12 48% Students of color

229 National Merit Semifinalists and Commended Students over the past 10 years

Students come from 52 different zip codes

100% of students in K-12 have school-issued iPads

$4.4 million annually for need-based tuition assistance

231 acres to explore

70% of teachers hold advanced degrees

2 MakerSpaces

Intentional character and ethics development programs in all grades (Explorers through Grade 12)

Since our school’s earliest days on Nelson Road in 1911, the core experience at Columbus Academy has been the strong bond between students and teachers. We have long cultivated excellent and experienced faculty and staff who are dedicated to fostering compassion and integrity while they reward effort and accomplishment among the students with whom they teach, lead and coach.

And while our history roots us in those steadfast values, we are committed to preparing students for the joyful and challenging complexities of our diverse world by shaping our community through actions of inclusion, equity and justice. We pledge to “foster compassion, respect and moral courage” as tenets in our students’ lives so that they can be the best possible citizens in a pluralistic world.

At Columbus Academy, we create a culture of thinking and learning; not a cursory one of spitting out facts. Because our teachers are free to create their own curriculum and are not caught in repetitive, state-mandated testing, they focus our students’ minds on ‘if, why and how’ questions that foster critical-thinking skills and value intellectual curiosity. Our students escape a system in which they are more likely to be asked ‘when, what and where’ questions designed for memorization in classrooms with a high number of pupils. Beyond ‘academics’ we work to create habits of the mind – curiosity, creativity, compelling expression – and we cultivate the atmosphere for these habits to be practiced every day. ” ~ Melissa Soderberg, Head of School

Our Mission

Columbus Academy – an independent, coeducational college preparatory school – enriches its academic tradition of excellence by valuing a broad diversity of students as it seeks to develop the complete person: mind, body and character. The school rewards rigorous effort and accomplishment, fosters compassion, respect and moral courage, and insists on integrity, fair play and community service. Academy strives to develop and sustain a community of thoughtful, responsible, capable and confident citizens eager to engage in a pluralistic and ever-changing world.

Our Core Values

Columbus Academy’s core values are the foundation of what we believe and do as an institution, a community and a school.

Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Compassion, Fairness, Integrity, Moral Courage

Diversity and Inclusion

Columbus Academy believes that diversity, inclusion, equity and justice are essential to the excellence of community, culture and curriculum. We recognize that the pursuit of this excellence requires thoughtful, deliberate and sustained action and that the effort is critical to our educational mission.

From Columbus Academy’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

Approved by Board of Trustees in 2013

Scan this QR code to view our complete Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

Get to Know Columbus Academy

One of the best ways to learn about Columbus Academy is to follow us on social media. We share moments from school life, achievements by members of our community and details about upcoming events. Scan the QR codes below to follow @ColumbusAcademy today!



For children in our early childhood program, which includes students in Explorers through Kindergarten, their day begins with hugs and handshakes all around. Multisensory activities have the room buzzing with energy, all while a foundation is being built and learning is taking place. Beginning in early childhood and continuing throughout Lower School, the Responsive Classroom approach is used to create an environment that recognizes and appropriately responds to social and emotional needs so children can be their best selves while learning. Our youngest Vikings are introduced to this approach through the C.A.R.E.S. model for classroom behavior in which C stands for cooperation, A for assertiveness, R for responsibility, E for empathy and S for self-control. All of this sets the foundation for academic and social success as children get personal attention at an age when they need it the most.

Co-curricular classes for all early childhood students include art, library, music, PE and wellness, while Spanish and swimming are added to the schedule starting in pre-kindergarten. Ample time is also devoted to indoor and outdoor play, including on Forest Fridays when children venture out into our campus woods to explore and learn outdoors.

Explorers Program

For 3-year-olds (by the start of our school year) • 5 mornings per week (required) from 8:05-11:25 a.m.

Extended day options are also available with full days from 8:05 a.m.-3:15 p.m.


For 4-year-olds (by the start of our school year) • 5 mornings per week (required) from 8:05-11:25 a.m.

During second semester, all PreK students stay for extended day which is from 8:05 a.m.-3:15 p.m.

Extended day options are also available for first semester


For 5-year-olds (by the start of our school year) • 5 full days per week from 8:05 a.m.-3:15 p.m.

Forest Fridays

Once a week, rain or shine, students in PreK, kindergarten and first grade venture out to our campus woods where they spend the majority of the day exploring and learning outdoors. Don’t worry about the mud, Academy provides waders!

Senior-Kindergarten Buddies

A favorite tradition at Academy, where kindergartners are paired with seniors and build relationships through monthly activities during the school year such as pumpkin decorating in the fall and breakfast in the winter.


All aspects of Lower School focus on the whole child and each student’s cognitive, social and emotional development. Teachers come to know every child’s learning style and guide students in ways that support and challenge their young minds. As our young Vikings learn to engage with others within the school community, their world grows bigger and their natural curiosity is strengthened.

Teachers set up their classrooms to support collaboration and instill the C.A.R.E.S. model (Cooperation, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Empathy, Self-Control) through an evidence-based, social-emotional learning curriculum revolving around the Responsive Classroom approach. Led by teachers, our students in Kindergarten through fifth grade participate in Morning Meetings, class discussions, small group activities and Closing Circles led by classroom teachers. They develop social-emotional skills and learn to manage school, friendships and life challenges with developmentally appropriate resources.

All of this sets the foundation for academic and social success as children get personal attention at an age when they need it most. This tailored learning model allows each student to grow autonomously and also feel valued as part of the classroom as they learn to think creatively, set goals and evaluate their own work.

Our multidisciplinary lower school curriculum focuses on students developing the ability to acquire the skills they will use across subjects such as critical thinking, decision-making and problem-solving. In addition, our Lower School features a weekly rotation of eight curriculum enrichment offerings: art, technology, library skills, music, PE, science, Spanish and swimming.

Closing Circles

Students and teachers end each day with Closing Circle, a time to reflect on the school day and continue to build community in the classroom.

Fourth Grade Trip to Glen Helen

Lower-schoolers experience their first overnight trip in fourth grade as they travel to Glen Helen Nature Preserve in Yellow Springs to take part in activities and bond as a class.

Scan the QR code to read the Lower School Curriculum Guide



Developing the students’ essential intellectual habits of organization, cooperation, collaboration and perseverance is the focus of the Middle School at Columbus Academy. This is accomplished by the support of an experienced group of teachers who provide appropriate guardrails that help guide the students to understand their commitment to our community, as well as discover the importance of who they are and who they want to be.

Through advisory, clubs and extracurriculars, middle-schoolers receive the connections and support they need to gain confidence and create community. Our advisory program is organized by grade level and generates two-way communication to promote the maturing voices of our students. Part of this maturation process involves each student making choices such as whether to study Chinese, Latin or Spanish, join an after-school club, or if participating in the middle school musical or on a sports team is of interest.

Ample opportunities are provided to be creative and develop passions through hands-on learning with real-world application. On any given day, you will find students in the MakerSpace using computer-aided design programs, 3D printers or woodcutting tools to solve a problem or enhance a project. Teachers are available to give the support needed for students to take healthy risks and develop independence of thought and action.

Leadership is key to this experience as students grow into role models as they progress throughout middle school, concluding their time as eighth-graders where they are “leaders” of the division and are paired as buddies with our youngest Vikings, the Explorers.

Service Learning

Schoolwide events such as our annual Kids 4 Kids Food and Clothing Drive help students understand the need for daily essentials as they work in partnership with the local community during the holiday season.

Seventh Grade Organ Day

Each year, seventh-graders are given the unique, hands-on experience to learn about the function and science behind human organs, all through the volunteer teaching of parent physicians in our community.

Scan the QR code to read the Middle School Curriculum Guide


Learning in Upper School at Columbus Academy is designed to be a set of experiences that guides growth, expands one’s range of knowledge and prepare students to thrive in today’s world.

Starting in ninth grade, students join an advisory group of approximately 12 students which remain together all four years and meet weekly for activities. These gatherings elevate community and build friendships with classmates, all while fostering meaningful connections with teachers.

Academic schedules are shaped by the choices and needs of each student, including advanced and honors classes that present college-level material. Subjects such as world languages (Chinese, Latin and Spanish) often travel abroad to enhance the student experience, while our computer science program has become one of the most popular elective courses. Our dedicated team of college counselors guides upper-schoolers and their parents to educate them on the college application process. More about college counseling can be seen on page 20.

Service is also woven throughout each upper-schooler’s experience, as a total of 45 hours with an outside organization and five hours on campus is part of our graduation requirement. Advisories also travel off campus to work alongside the local community, along with other service-learning projects such as blood drives and our annual schoolwide Kids 4 Kids Food and Clothing Drive in November.

Hallmarks of the upper school experience also include a yearlong ethics course for tenth-graders, the longstanding tradition of junior speeches and our senior-kindergarten buddy program.

Junior Speeches

Our student-led newspaper, The Academy Life, Art Society, Model UN, pickleball, robotics and Speech & Debate Team are just some of the many clubs upper-schoolers can get involved with each fall.

Every member of our junior class gives a 5-7 minute speech in front of the entire Upper School on a topic of their choosing, ranging from personal stories to causes they are passionate about.

Scan the QR code to read the Upper School Curriculum Guide
Club Fair

Fine Arts

Columbus Academy students are first introduced to art in our Explorers Program and classes advance all the way through grade 12.

Lower-schoolers plunge into a full arts program as Explorers and prekindergartners begin to draw and paint. Kindergartners and older lowerschoolers emulate the great masters of art while learning to work in their own designs and assemble 3D pieces.

Middle-schoolers create works of art across many genres while they learn art terms, keep a sketchbook and begin to experience digital art and printmaking. Students are given hands-on experiences to help find their voice as artists, all under the guidance of dedicated faculty who encourage them to use their creativity and try new things.

Upper-schoolers take a more sophisticated approach to their artwork. From traditional studio classes to ceramics and photography, students learn to take their creativity to new heights. For those with interest in studying art at the next level, our Portfolio Art elective prepares them for a professional career in design or placement in an art college.

Our Morris Hall Art Gallery provides a wide open space for student artwork and professional pieces to be on display. Exhibitions throughout each school year include a Student Art Show in the fall and Senior Art Show in the spring, to name a few. The first floor features a ceramics studio and middle school art room, while the upper level hosts our upper school classes in three art rooms and a photography studio.

Performing Arts

Lower-schoolers are led by an energetic and experienced group of teachers who make music fun and inviting. Grade-level concerts and closing programs are introduced to help acclimate lower-schoolers to being on stage in front of family and friends. The fourth grade musical is participated in by the entire class, with performances of “Frozen, Jr.” and “Finding Nemo, KIDS” in recent years. The Lower School Strings program is also offered after school for students in grades 3-5 and has three levels that continue into Middle School and Upper School.

Middle-schoolers take creative expressions courses yearly to help foster appreciation and understanding of performing arts. This begins in sixth grade where they learn “tools of the actor,” followed by a more technical theatre approach in seventh grade, which leads to a performative culmination in eighth grade. All students in grades 6-8 are also welcome to participate in the middle school musical which in recent years has included “Newsies, Jr.”and “Matilda, Jr.” Band, choir and orchestra classes are also offered as electives for musically-inclined students.

Upper-schoolers have the opportunity to participate in a robust program that includes two major performances in the fall play and spring musical, which in recent years included shows such as “Clue” and “Sister Act.” Course offerings such as technical theatre take students deeper into the pre-production of shows and teach set building, lighting and props creation. Music groups also excel to the next level as band, choir and orchestra perform at least three major concerts along with solo and ensemble competitions. Regular and advanced courses help students achieve their goals in music and prepare them for college-level participation and studies.


Our Junior Vikings youth sports program begins in second grade as a way to positively develop Academy students by exposing them to a variety of sports in which they can have fun and learn. A variety of sports clinics, as well as opportunities to play on youth teams, are offered year round.

Participation in middle school athletics centers around the goal of helping to meet the developmental needs of the student-athlete by developing skills, promoting sportsmanship, teamwork and a love of sports. Students are taught the importance of a positive attitude, commitment to the program and that effort shown during practices and games all attribute to playing time and the success of a team.

Upper-schoolers are provided the opportunity to use and develop their athletic talent as members of freshman, junior varsity and varsity-level teams. Under the direction of qualified and dedicated coaches, students are encouraged to pursue athletic careers which often provide leadership opportunities and create memories that last a lifetime. Academy students are afforded the flexibility to pursue their passions in athletics in tandem with achieving success in academics, art, music and other fields.

Our middle and upper school sports teams receive high-quality athletic performance training from a certified strength and conditioning coach to help promote fitness, good health and proper conditioning for each season. Use of our Athletic Performance Center is open to all Academy students in grades 6-12.

Scan the QR code to learn more about athletics and youth sports

College Counseling

Academy graduates attend colleges of their choice across the nation and around the world, pursuing careers in a wide range of fields. Three full-time, nationally recognized college counselors work closely with students to help them define and take ownership of their personal stories, guiding them in selecting colleges that best align with their aspirations, goals and strengths.

Each year of Upper School introduces new steps in the college process, along with parent meetings to help navigate admissions and financial aid. Throughout their journey to college, Academy students prepare for and take the SAT and ACT, build a roadmap for their decision-making process during a required course, tour colleges and ultimately apply and await acceptance letters. On average, admissions representatives from more than 100 colleges and universities visit with our students on campus each year.

Graduating Class


Seniors matriculate to 65-70 different schools in 24-27 different states and multiple countries

45-50% of AP testers earn AP Scholar recognition each year


On average, 15% of seniors commit to play a collegiate sport each year

Graduates go on to pursue a variety of degrees in fields such as fine and performing arts to business to engineering and the liberal arts, to name a few

Academy Traditions

Senior-Kindergarten Buddies

Pages 7 & 13

Dear Prospective Family,

As you journeyed with us through the pages of this booklet, we shared with you much of what we love about Columbus Academy. Beyond this booklet, there is so much more for you to learn and see. A tour of campus will bring these images to life and you will see the printed words in action. If you have yet to do so, please consider scheduling a tour or attending an on-campus event.

“ Stepping into an excellent school is like breathing fresh air. Come see our playful young students sorting math tables, 12-year-olds mastering pieces on the cello and teenagers learning to express themselves with clarity and grace. There is sanctity in the sense of community and a reverence for learning at all ages.”

- Melissa Soderberg, Head of School

We thank you for taking the time to learn more about Columbus Academy and are honored that you are considering our school for your student and family.

Warmly, Columbus Academy Admissions

Third Grade Wax Museum
Jack White Activities Day
Kids 4 Kids Food and Clothing Drive Page 11
Junior Speeches Page 13
Charlie David Dinner

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