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Things to See and Do
For more ways to help, see Pg. 44
Geocachers, environmentalists and art lovers should enjoy the challenge presented by the Dublin Arts Council’s Riverboxes do-it-yourself outdoor art exhibition. online clues and GPs coordinates will guide you to 13 commissioned works of art in natural settings near the banks of the scioto or its tributaries. to comply with social distancing guidelines, bring your own stamp and journal to track your finds, or download and print a passport booklet from the council’s website. dublinarts.org/visual-arts/riverboxes
Columbus Zoo onlinE
Visit the animals at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium without leaving home through the magic of livestreaming, strategically placed webcams. you wouldn’t stand all day watching the bonobos at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium (or would you?), but you can keep them on your digital desktop and wait for shenanigans. And if you tune into the zoo’s Discovery Reef live feed on tuesdays, you just might see the batfish and bonnethead sharks joined by a diver, who occasionally writes messages on an underwater whiteboard. columbuszoo.org/home/cameras

Give Back
DonAtE suppliEs
osu’s Wexner medical Center is accepting donations of certain unopened medical supplies, including masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, gowns, sanitizing wipes and goggles, at 610 Ackerman Rd. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Call 614-366-8000 for details.
onlinE Art
With art lovers stuck at home, museums are showing off their exhibitions virtually. the Columbus museum of Art’s show Art After Stonewall, 1969–1989 opened just nine days before the museum closed, but CmA is posting discussions of the works on its youtube channel weekly, as well as videos previewing an upcoming Aminah Robinson show (above: “life Along Water street, 2003–2007”), pushed back from its originally announced July opening. ohio Wesleyan’s Ross museum of Art offers a 3D virtual tour of its biennial faculty show (find it on Facebook), and CCAD’s senior exhibition will be online at ccad.edu/ bfathesis. you can also browse the permanent collections at CmA, Ross and other local museums online—check their websites.
VirtuAl GAllEry Hop May 2
Gallery hop, a short north tradition on the first saturday of every month, continues at a social distance on Instagram. the event includes brief concerts by local performers and video tours of shops and galleries. order a carryout bite from a neighborhood eatery and join the fun. may’s hop will include a stay Away From Each other Car Parade—check the website for updates. shortnorth.org
ContributE funDs
the Columbus Foundation has established an emergency response fund to help out nonprofit organizations as they mobilize to meet the extraordinary challenges posed by the spread of the coronavirus, as well as hardships due to the governor’s stay-at-home order. make a donation at columbusfoundation.org/coronavirus-emergency-response-fund.
CosI president and CEo Frederic bertley’s inaugural big science Festival took place over four days across Franklin County last year and included more than 100 hands-on experiments, demonstrations and activities, from stargazing to tagging migratory birds. this year’s festival can’t go on in person may 6–9 as planned, but CosI continues to bring science to the community with daily video demonstrations, including twice-a-week science challenges. Kids and families are invited to post their outcomes to CosI’s social channels. cosiconnects.org
opportunities to help out in the current crisis arise daily, and organizations with a track record of mobilizing volunteers are helping match people with needs. brainstorm ways to help at cantstopcolumbus.com. specific opportunities are posted at givebesa.org, volunteerunitedcbus. org and on the Point smartphone app (pointapp.org).