2009 Columbus Dining Guide

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Dining Guide




Dining Guide


INSIDE Despite the downturn in the economy, finedining restaurants are finding ways to not only survive but also thrive. New menus, small plates and special promotions are keeping patrons coming back for more PAGES 4-5

Palate-pleasing fare, ambience and wine selection are among the considerations when Dispatch Restaurant Critic Jon Christensen chooses restaurants for his Top 10 list PAGES 6-9


Due Amici offers half-off bottles of wine as w ell as live jazz performances on Monday evenings. From left, Gary Kitchen, Ty Marsh and Joe Reiser take in the atmospher e during a recent such event at the D owntown venue.

Dining deals From tickets to Tweets, come-ons abound By Robin Chenoweth FOR THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH

Searching for a place to dine out? Look no more. We have information for more nearly 1,100 locations PAGES 10-27


ightly specials just don’t cut it anymore, and two-for-one deals are ho-hum. In an industry hammered by the recession, restaurants have been compelled to get savvy about wooing customers. These days, some dining establishments pamper their patrons with wine tastings or live jazz; others

offer discount movie tickets to the theater next door. And many send out mobile messages describing the evening’s fare in luscious terms. “Anything is up for grabs as far as trying to make it in the industr y right now,” said Mark Glasper, director of communications for the O hio Restaurant Association. “It makes perfect sense during this downturned economy that we’re experimenting.

“Restaurateurs are trying everything they can to stay in business .” Standard & Poor’s has predicted that 2009 will be the worst y ear in four decades for the industr y, with revenues dropping 1 percent. And with labor, utility and food costs rising, Glasper said, restaurants are getting “punched in the middle.” The good news for diners: mor e coupons, value menus and earlybird specials. Plus, the failure of


Derek DiCenzo performs at Due Amici.

“There are a few things people carr y with them every day: their car keys , their wallet and their phone.This time next y ear, if you operate a restaurant and you’re not involved in (social-network marketing), you will be behind the eight-ball big.” KEVIN MOLL National Restaurant Consultants connect with customers via Twitter feeds (mobile messages). Black Creek Bistro, for example, Tweets 250 of its customers in late afternoon, just as stomachs start to rumble for dinner: “$10 special is grilled veggies right from the farm — eggplant, squash, tomato with risotto Milanese and assorted chili pastes.” Ted’s Montana Grill advertises its “Eat Great for $8” lunch specials

via the micro-blogging service. Even fast-food restaurants plug deals via customers’ hand-held devices. Taco Bell offers free mobile applications that can be downloaded into Shaker iPhones: Users enter how much spare change they have, jiggle the phone, and a series of tabs roll like a slot machine to reveal the food combinations they can buy. The bulletins alert cus-

tomers right when — and where —it counts, said Kevin Moll, CEO of National Restaurant Consultants. “There are a few things people carry with them every day: their car keys, their wallet and their phone,” he said. “This time next year, if you operate a restaurant and you’re not involved in (social-network marketing), you will be behind the eight-ball big.” Such elaborate tactics are necessary, analysts say, because discounts alone don’t generate enough dough— and sometimes, the markdowns even lose money. “Three to six months ago, because of declining traffic, (some) restaurants were putting out promos that made sense to the consumer but did not make sense to the chief financial officers,” Moll said. “Midrange chains were doing deep discounting, food promos — which in many cases have backfired,” he said. “They generate more foot traffic, but they don’t pay the bills. . . . You can’t sell a salmon fillet for $5 at dinnertime and make any money.” Many value menus have been repackaged to include fewer items. Fine-dining restaurants such as the Refectory have removed pricey menu items such as caviar and foie gras, said owner Kamal Boulos. Like many fine- and casual-dining establishments, the Refectory has expanded its fixedprice offerings. (The restaurant’s bistro menu features an appetizer, an entree and a dessert for $24.) Many menus have been reworked, too, to feature comfort food that is sure to sell, such as Third and Hollywood’s cheddar-herb biscuits or Spagio’s oven-roasted chicken. “They’re ‘approachable’ foods,” Moll said. “People understand them. . . . G reat food done naturally is a sizable trend that’s going to grow.” Even if people’s dining-out budgets don’t.

Dining Guide


Friday & Saturday Nights from 7 to 10pm


central Ohio restaurants ranging from high-end steakhouses (Morton’s the Steakhouse) to quick-serve Mexican eateries (Baja Fresh Mexican Grill), has left surviving establishments to retool — beyond offering discounts. Some, for example, are sweetening deals with entertainment. On Monday nights, Due Amici serves up live jazz and half-price bottles of wine. Chains such as seafood purveyor McCormick & Schmick’s and soda shop Johnny Rockets have partnered with nearby movie theaters to offer discount tickets. And Subway makes available $5 Live Nation concert tickets to customers who buy footlong sandwiches. The Reel to Reel program at McCormick and Schmick’s — offering movie tickets to diners for $5 through September — is geared to datenight couples who want to take in a flick after dinner, Chief Executive Officer Bill Freeman said. “Not only has the consumer reaction been phenomenal, but the number of tickets week in and week out has increased throughout the country,” he said, “which means people are getting into a pattern of coming in and finding that the dining experience with the movie . . . is a great value.” Restaurants also have jazzed up their marketing, relying heavily on social networking to advertise specials. Facebook walls have become the new restaurant menu boards. Pei Wei Asian Diner used its wall recently to kick off its new beef Ramen dish; patrons who take in storebought Ramen noodles get the entree half-price. (The noodles collected will be donated to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.) Chick-fil-A, which has more than a million Facebook fans, used its site to promote the restaurant’s Labor Day sandwich giveaway. Dozens of chains and locally owned eateries also


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Dining Guide



L’Antibe’s small-and-intimate size made it easier to manage thr ough difficult periods, says chef M att Litzinger.

Weathering the storm Many fine-dining establishments outlast difficult times By Bill Chronister THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH


alk of recession-born trouble for fine-dining restaurants might have been exaggerated, many central Ohio owners and chefs say. ¶ But the downturn certainly had an effect — especially dur ing the first half of the y ear. ¶ The most noteworthy casualty, perhaps, came in June when Handke’s Cuisine in the Brewery District went out of business. The venerable restaurant headed by Hartmut Handke for 18 years closed after less than a y ear under new ownership.

Overall, though, finedining chefs and owners say they’re getting by — or even doing better than that now. “We read and hear every single day about how restaurants are struggling, but we’re doing great,” said Erin Chittum, executive chef at M at Miranova. “We have a new menu, we’ve been doing a lot of special functions, and we’ve seen a lot of gr eat results from our marketing efforts.” Dennis Lombardi, executive vice president for foodservice concepts at Dublin consultancy WD Partners, said the challenges for highend restaurants center on the decline of two major customer groups: “aspirational diners” (who pay out of their own pocket and dine on special occasions) and travel and convention consumers (usually business travelers). “Those two add up to a lot fewer cloth napkins being folded at fine-dining restaurants,” Lombardi said. Bill Fenner, a professor emeritus in the veterinary school at Ohio State University, has watched the pace of diners ebb and flow from his favorite seats at L’Antibes in the Short North and Sage American Bistro near the Clintonville neighborhood. Some weeknights in midsummer, he recalled, he was the only diner in L’Antibes. “I understand what has been happening on a personal level, because the income of so many veterinarians is dependent on caseload; and if pet owners aren’t able to spend on their pets, veterinarians aren’t going to be eating out.” Likewise, he said, other diners were apparently feeling the same squeeze. The scene has changed in the past month, though, Fenner said. He was pleased when he visited L’Antibes without a reservation recently and was told that he might not get his usual table. “They were slammed, and I was OK with that.” Chef Matt Litzinger said



Rosendales Bistro focuses on smaller por tions and appetizers. those seeking smaller portions and appetizers; Upstairs, the fine-dining concept continues. With Rosendale leaving BRIAN PAWLAK co-owner of DeepWood the restaurant recently to become executive chef at the five-star Greenbrier abreast of changes and ofthat in the first half of the Resort in West Virginia, Sous fers. year, L’Antibes was “hurting chef Eddie Tancredi was Other restaurants, meanjust like everyone else.” named chef du cuisine over while, have created new Because the restaurant is all three operations. venues that tout lowersignificantly smaller (10 “Obviously, fine-dining tables and of maximum staff priced offerings. This summer, chef-owner numbers have dropped of five) than other finebecause of the recession,” dining establishments, how- Magdiale Wolmark of Dragonfly Neo-V Cuisine, opened Tancredi said, “which is why ever, he has been able to we changed to the Modern On The Fly next door to his manage his costs relatively Bistro downstairs — mainrestaurant on King Avenue. easily, he said. taining the Upstairs on “This specifically adAnother recent visitor to dressed the current econom- weekends. L’Antibes, Columbus resi“But still, there are plenty ic environment, brought dent Jeff Smith, said he has of weekends in which the more traffic, exposed more cut back on nights out beupstairs is booked up.” people to my product,” cause of the recession. Chef Kent Rigsby, of RigsWolmark said. “And people When he does dine out, he by’s Kitchen in the Short who hadn’t tried Dragonfly said, he pays greater attenNorth, has embraced two before are coming in to tion to special deals and trends —social media and Dragonfly. coupons. “Reservations are up, and small plates — to help his Such incentives are berestaurant through the traffic is good.” coming commonplace at rough-going. Last year, Richard Rosenfine-dining establishments. “We’ve made an effort Many of these restaurants dale of Rosendales in the through the social-networkShort North created Details are members of the Dine ing arena, like Facebook and Originals Columbus market- Minibar & Lounge, a smallTwitter,” Rigsby said. “I’ve ing group, which occasional- plates restaurant next door talked about a new cocktail ly promotes specially priced to his primary establishor what have you, and peoment. In the spring, he dimeals. vided the original restaurant ple have responded well, M, part of the Cameron dropping by that night to tr y Mitchell Restaurants group, into Rosendales Modern things out.” keeps an extensive electron- Bistro and Rosendales UpThe small-plate concept ic mailing list to keep diners stairs. The bistro caters to

“The recession has had an impact . . . But it’s picking up.”

Dining Guide


comes naturally to Rigsby. “It’s the same attention to detail and the same quality of ingredients, but it’s a nosh and tidbits and things people can share and snack on at the bar — a v ery casual way of dining.” Despite the economy, some restaurants have flourished. Kevin Bertschi, co-owner and operator of Alana’s Food & Wine, said his business has increased each year over the previous one — despite the added challenge of roadwork on N. High Street. “There’s been a significant amount of construction, but neither it nor the recession has had much effect,” he said. DeepWood, which opened on N. High Street across from the Greater Columbus Convention Center in June 2008, has seen steadily increasing numbers, according to co-owners Brian Pawlak and Amber Herron. To help it along, Pawlak said, the duo started with a


bilevel approach — a lowerpriced tavern in the front and more-upscale dining room in the back. “The recession has had an impact, slowing the speed with which our name has gotten out there,” Pawlak said. “But it’s picking up. People are starting to know our name and what we do here.” At the Refectory, Kamal Boulos said fine-dining will always have a place but that he and other establishment owners “just need to be more sensitive” to people’s financial situations. To boost his business, Boulos expanded his earlyevening “bistro” menu and extended it through the weekend and started marketing via Twitter and Facebook. “The first six months of this year, receipts were down 2 percent,” he said. “But it’s looking better now.” bchronister@ dispatch.com

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Dining Guide


Central Ohio’s cream of the crop

THE TOP 1O Barcelona: Desserts have a Spanish flair, such as a half-pineapple with a car amelized coating and C atalan custard sauce.




Dining Guide




he economy has taken a toll on fine dining, but central Ohioans haven’t given up on such splurges. Some diners are finding ways to spend less, whether it be skipping appetizers, ordering salads instead of entrees, sharing entrees, making a meal of several shared small plates or forgoing desserts. Restaurants, in turn, have responded by offering extra values, such as fixed-price meals, half-portions and more pasta dishes. The most-notable change since our Top 20 list in May has been the shuttering of Handke’s Cuisine. (Also off the list is Rosendales, what with founding chef Richard Rosendale recently departed to become executive chef at the Greenbrier resort in West Virginia. Rosendales remains open and will be reassessed once the new chefs have settled in.) Another noteworthy change: The Dispatch has narrowed this guide to the 10 best restaurants in central Ohio, instead of our traditional top 10 plus 10 “next tier” establishments. Like any other such rating, ours is subjective. The No. 1 criterion is food quality. Value, surroundings and level of service also are taken into consideration — as are factors such as the willingness to take reservations, noise level, menu variety and attention to details (quality of the bread, olive oil and butter, for example). Visits to restaurants are unannounced. The selection of establishments to be evaluated is at this reviewer’s discretion, with meals paid in full by The Dispatch. The area’s 10 best, in alphabetical order:



Dragonfly Neo-V Cuisine







WWW.BARCELONA COLUMBUS.COM Barcelona’s busy, noisy, remodeled Victorian dining room and gorgeous smoke-free garden setting are wellserved by a professional staff. Executive chef Paul Yow put Spanish food on the map in Columbus, and he has recently introduced a more Catalan-focused menu (tuna with smoked paprika and fennel, rib-eye served Basque-style with a sweet red-pepper sauce) while continuing to offer more diverse paellas than anyplace else. Yow also presents an outstanding seafood stew (zarzuela). Pastry chef Hae Ran Yow is in charge of Spanish desserts such as a half-pineapple with a caramelized coating and Catalan custard sauce. The wine list has many food-friendly choices (unfortunately, many at high markups) with Spanish selections expected to increase next month. Serving lunch Monday through Friday, dinner daily; off-street and valet parking.

WWW.DEEPWOOD RESTAURANT.COM Remodeled into two pleasantly divided areas replete with various woods, DeepWood is comfortable, with no feeling of crowding or excess noise. Chef Brian Pawlak’s New American menu is full of pleasant twists, from first courses (scallops Wellington) to main dishes (fresh, potato-crusted fish roasted over succotash; poached lobster with house-made orecchiette pasta). Desserts get plenty of attention, too: Consider a classy take on spumoni (malted chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice creams with pistachio brittle); coconut tapioca brulee; house-made doughnuts; and a dizzying variety of excellent house-made ice creams and sorbets. DeepWood’s lengthy wine list has many top-notch selections at prices less greedy than most. Serving lunch Tuesday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday; on-street and valet parking.

WWW.DRAGONFLYNEOV.COM Vegan cuisine is prepared to the highest standards in a whimsically decorated, high-ceiling Victorian setting. The seasonal menu offers amazingly diverse ingredients, including mushrooms more exotic than any other restaurant’s (hon- shimeji mushrooms “calamari-style”). Chef/owner Magdiale Wolmark makes just about everything here. (Where else could you enjoy creme brulee made without eggs or cream?) So it’s no surprise that even the bow-tie pasta is handmade and that it’s topped with a sauce made with tomatoes and eggplant harvested from the garden behind the restaurant. The garden also yields ingredients for gazpacho made with borage flowers and shiso leaf. The menu is truly an eclectic collection made without meat, seafood, eggs or dairy products. Pastry chef Allison Green produces a list of desser ts that changes daily. A specialty: house-made sorbets. The interesting wine list favors organic and unsulfured wines and is designed to complement the food. During good weather, consider the chef ’s table and other outdoor seating. Serving dinner Tuesday through Saturday, brunch Saturday; on-street parking.

Kihachi Japanese Restaurant 2667 FEDERATED BLVD., NORTHWEST SIDE 614-764-9040 RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED Set in a suburban-style strip mall, Kihachi has little street presence and is simply decorated and small. Still, it is no ordinary Japanese restaurant. Chef/owner Ryuji “Mike” Kimura is passionate about high-quality, fresh ingredients — evident in the appetizers, which change daily based on his discoveries at the markets he frequents every day. Written entirely in Japanese, the appetizer menu is cheerfully translated by the two Englishspeaking servers. The printed menu (with translations) includes a number of Japanese standards, such as sushi and tempura. The best advice is to order primarily from the appetizer menu and then opt for something unfamiliar from the main menu. Another option: Put yourself into Kimura’s hands for the comprehensive omakase dinner. Be prepared for a leisurely pace; this is the opposite of a fast-food operation. The wine list is per functory and not worthy of the food’s high standards. Serving dinner Monday through Saturday; ample parking.




Dining Guide





WWW.LINDEYS.COM The original — and still the leading — destination restaurant in German Village, Lindey’s is bustling, from its high-energy bar on the main floor to the homey but well-appointed dining areas scattered throughout this one-time residence. Chef Jon O’Carroll’s passion for seasonal produce is reflected in his appetizer and entree specials. The lengthy menu has a variety of offerings — from one of the better cheese plates among the tried-and-true appetizers to steaks, fresh fish and chops (the famous veal chop, crusted and sauteed in olive oil and butter). Pastas are also noteworthy (owner Sue Doody’s pasta primavera made with house-made egg fettuccine, seasonal vegetables topped with creme fraiche and pesto sauce) as well as designer pizzas. There’s plenty to like about O’Carroll’s desserts as well (the tarte Tatin still has more apples than even the tallest pie). The wine list covers a lot of territory, with plenty of food-friendly selections, often reasonably priced. The outdoor-dining venue is one of the most elegant in town. Serving lunch and dinner daily, Saturday and Sunday brunch; limited on-street parking and valet parking.

WWW.MATMIRANOVA.COM New executive chef Erin Chittum is revitalizing the mostly American menu at M, the showcase restaurant of the Cameron Mitchell organization. The new offerings, although organized in much the same way as the previous menu, reflect Chittum’s touches (white tuna with peas and wild mushrooms finished in a lobster sauce). The freshness of the sushi lineup remains exceptional, and steaks now come with a choice of sauces, including bearnaise, green peppercorn and bordelaise. The elaborate and elegant decor boasts some lighting changes throughout the evening. Servers are knowledgeable and attentive. The expensive wine list is not lengthy but covers a range of the wine world. Serving dinner Monday through Saturday; valet parking.


The Refectory Restaurant & Bistro 1092 BETHEL RD., NORTHWEST SIDE 614-45 1-9774 RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED WWW.THEREFECTORY RESTAURANT.COM The converted brick church provides an upscale and romantic setting; the well-staffed service is as accomplished as the classic French cooking of Lyon native Richard Blondin. His extensive menu is loaded with carefully prepared dishes. Starters can include a chilled tomato veloute with shrimp and cucumber, a filet-bean salad, salmon three ways and a chilled omelet with asparagus and portobello mushrooms. Bison and ostrich are featured, and conventional meats are given careful treatments: The filet is complemented by a cardamom-seasoned sauce; the duck breast is cooked with lemon and rosemary and finished with a black-cherry red wine sauce. The world-class wine cellar of sommelier Jeff Elasky — more than 10,000 bottles — deserves mention (and is not as expensive as most lesser lists). Desserts aren’t neglected, either. Consider frozen Chartreuse-pistachio souffle; house-made sorbets with fresh fruit; and raspberry silk cake, multilayered with almond dacquoise, raspberry gelee, white-chocolate Bavarian cream and hazelnuts. The bar area has a bistro menu of three courses (that changes weekly) for $23.95. Serving dinner Monday through Saturday; ample parking.

Rigsby’s Kitchen


The Worthington Inn




WWW.RIGSBYSKITCHEN.COM Kent Rigsby’s Italianstaged meals can begin with consistently excellent pastas (house-made herb ravioli filled with four cheeses and presented with a browned butter sauce, fresh pasta with an intense seafood sauce), gnocchi and risottos (a farro risotto with seasonal vegetables is unique in town, and the mushroom risotto is sumptuous with chicken and lively with Marsala). Fresh fish and meats are prepared primarily Mediterranean-style (fresh cod roasted at a high temperature then given a pungent oliveand-fennel finish; natural pork pounded thin, cooked scaloppine-style and finished with a porcini-Marsala-juniper sauce). Appetizers are noteworthy: ahi tuna with grappa served with avocado aioli; oysters fried as a perfect accompaniment to crisp-fried Japanese eggplant. The new dessert list, almost entirely housemade, includes unusual items such as budino, a type of butterscotch creme brulee, and vacherin, with layers of ice cream and meringue is enough for two or more people. The wide-ranging wine list includes good buys. The black-and-white setting is dramatic. Serving lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday; on-street and valet parking.

614-486- 1114 RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED WWW.SPAGIO.COM Rustic, flavorful offerings (a well-presented charcuterie plate of three house-made pates; Alsatian flammekueche oven-roasted on a superthin crust) are highlighted at this venerable restaurant. There’s also a lot of imagination, so the vegetable plate is not just a collection of what’s in the larder. Rather, it’s a light terrine of eggplant and summer squashes that rests on a bed of polenta and Asiago. Then there’s the new pork-belly entree, the meat slow-roasted and given a terrific meat reduction over polenta and grits. Owner-chef Hubert Seifert’s kitchen comforts without excess fat, sugar or salt. The moderately lengthy wine list includes a number of food-friendly selections (at unfriendly markups), supplemented by the vast selection of the adjacent wine shop. Serving lunch and dinner Tuesday through Sunday, Saturday and Sunday brunch; off-street and on-street parking.

WWW.WORTHINGTONINN.COM In this carefully restored 19th-century inn with its relaxing dining rooms, chef Thomas Smith emphasizes fresh ingredients (and grows some of them), which find their way into more than the main courses. Local heirloom tomatoes are featured not only in the tomato salad but also in the gazpacho. Lake Erie Creamery goat cheese is served in the house salad as well as on the bruschetta. And, local basil is used in the pesto for the house-made gnocchi. Specific local producers supply the chicken (an entree with buttermilk mashed potatoes) as well as ingredients in the pungently excellent spaghetti Cassandra and the pork (with corn pudding and Swiss chard). Desserts include firstrate house-made sorbets and ice creams, in addition to American influences such as creme brulee with chocolate malt and a rhubarb spice cake. The wine list has been expanding the past few years, with commendable results where drinkability and variety are concerned. A few of the selections are relative bargains. Serving lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday, Sunday brunch; on-street and off-street parking.



Dining Guide



DRAGONFL Y NEO-V CUISINE: Chef/owner Magdiale Wolmark uses fresh produce from the garden behind his restaurant.




DEEPWOOD : DeepWood’s ambience is enhanced b y various wood tones throughout

the establishment.

Like any other such r ating, ours is subjectiv e. The No. 1 criterion is food quality . Value, surroundings and level of service also are taken into consider ation — as are factors such as the willingness to take r eservations, noise level, menu variety and attention to details (quality of the br ead, olive oil and butter, for example).


LINDEY’S: The patio-dining atmosphere is among the most elegant in the city , writes

Jon Christensen, Dispatch restaurant critic.



THE REFECTOR Y: Sommelier Jeff Elasky is responsible for the more than 10,000 bottles

amassed in the restaurant’s cellar.



Dining Guide


REST AURANT LISTINGS Compiled by Beth Buchholtz, Vicki Elliston, Susan Grote and Diana Hill THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH


ditor’s note: Listings were compiled from information provided by each restaurant to The Dispatch. The information is subject to change without notice , so an inquiry call to the restaurant is advised. The dinner pr ice range is reflected, unless otherwise noted. Because most establishments accept major cr edit cards and have wheelchair access, the distinctions are noted here only when there are variations. ¶ The listings are separated by geographic regions, with maps to help guide you. ¶ An * next to a r estaurant’s name indicates that it’s new to our listings.


Dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6-$8. www.bar23.net Bar Louie — 504 N. Park St., Adriatico’s — 265 W. 11th Ave., Arena District, 614-220-0900; reservaUniversity area, 614-421-2300; no reservations. Pizza, subs, salads, pasta. tions for 10 or more. American cuisine, burgers, chicken, steaks, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; menu; patio; beer inside only; no patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$15.99. wheelchair access. Entrees: www.barlouieamerica.com $5.95-$7.45. Barcelona — 263 E. Whittier St., Alana’s — 2333 N. High St., University area, 614-294-6783; reserva- German Village, 614-443-3699; reservations accepted. Seasonal and local daily tions accepted. Mediterranean cuisine, paella, beef filet, braised lamb shank. changing menu. Dinner TuesdaySaturday. No children’s menu; patio; full Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. No bar. Entrees: $17-$36. www.alanas.com children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Apollo’s Greek Kitchen — 1758 N. $18-$31. www.barcelonacolumbus.com Barley’s Brewing Co. — 467 N. High St., University area, 614-294-4006; High St., Short North, 614-228-2537; no no reservations. Greek and American reservations. Burgers, steak, pasta, cuisines, gyros, subs, wings, burgers. sandwiches, handcrafted ales. Lunch Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: bar. Entrees: $9-$22. www.barleys $5-$17. brewing.com/downtown Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill * Barrel 44 Whiskey Bar — and Bar — 480 Ackerman Rd., University area, 614-268-1220; no reserva- 1120 N. High St., Short North, 614-294-2277; reservations accepted. tions. American cuisine, chicken and American cuisine, bruschetta, burgers, steak fajitas, burgers, salads, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; crab cakes, steak, pasta. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. No children’s full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$18.99. menu; full bar. Entrees: $9-$15. www.applebees.com * Barrio Tapas Lounge — 185 N. Arena Grand Club Cafe — High St., Downtown, 614-220-9141; 175 Nationwide Blvd., Arena District, 614-469-5000; no reservations. Upscale reservations accepted. Spanish- and Latin-infused tapas, paella, filet, chicken pizzas, light meals. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: risotto, chicken, steak or pork tacos. Lunch and dinner daily, Saturday$6.50-$8. www.arenagrand.com Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; Au Bon Pain — 20 S. 3rd St., patio; full bar. Entrees: $16-$25. Downtown, 614-224-1922; no reservawww.barriotapas.com tions. American deli foods, bagels, Barry’s New York Deli — 59 sandwiches, soups, salads. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s Spruce St., North Market, 614-221-6601; no reservations. Delicatessen food, menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: Reubens, sandwiches, corned beef by $3.79-$6.89. www.aubonpain.com the pound. Lunch and dinner daily. No Baja-Sol Cantina — 1803 Olenchildren’s menu; no alcohol. tangy River Rd., Lennox Town Center, 614-670-8949; reservations for eight or Entrees: $7.95-$10.95. Basi Italia — 811 Highland St., more. American and Mexican cuisines, Victorian Village, 614-294-7383; reserfajitas, enchiladas, steak, burgers. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; vations recommended. Italian cuisine, mustard-crusted trout, eggplant Parmepatio; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$14.99. san. Dinner Monday-Saturday. No www.baja-sol.com children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Banana Bean Cafe — 340 Green$16-$19. www.basi-italia.com lawn Ave., German Village area, Baxter’s Restaurant & Lounge — 614-443-2262; reservations accepted. 3110 Olentangy River Rd. in the UniFloribbean cuisine, Cuban black bean, Calle Ocho, surf-and-turf burger. Break- versity Plaza Hotel, University area, 614-267-7461, Ext. 62; reservations fast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s accepted. Ribs, steak, fish, sandwiches, menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $15-$30. pasta, salads. Dinner daily. Children’s www.bananabeancafe.com * Bar 23 — 584 N. High St., Arena menu; full bar. Entrees: $12-$16. District, 614-224-2323; no reservations. www.universityplazaosu.com BD’s Mongolian Barbeque — Roasted veggie-and-brie pizza, classic 295 Marconi Blvd., Arena District, margherita pizza, portobello-and-goat cheese panini, turkey-peach melt panini. 614-586-0077; reservations for six or

more. Create-your-own stir-fry. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s prices; full bar. Entrees: $12.99-$15.99. www. gomongo.com Bento Go Go — 1728 N. High St., University area, 614-298-8817; no reservations. Asian cuisine, sushi, California rolls, chicken, beef, sake lounge. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.50-$12.99. www.bento-gogo.com

A summertime treat at Black Creek Bistro

Black Olive — 731 N. High St., Short North, 614-298-8750; reservations accepted. Contemporary American cuisine, pastas, sandwiches, flatbread pizzas, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s items available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7-$24. www.daeoh.com Blue Danube — 2439 N. High St., University area, 614-261-9308; no reservations. American cuisine, Dube Dog, macaroni-and-cheese morsels, Dube burger. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, Saturday-Sunday brunch. Entrees: $5.99-$11.99. Blue Nile Ethiopian Restaurant — 2361 N. High St., University area, 614-421-2323; reservations accepted. Ethiopian cuisine. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday, Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$15. www.bluenilecolumbus.com Bob Evans — 1455 Olentangy River Rd., University area, 614-421-0090; 3140 Olentangy River Rd., University area, 614-263-5000; no reservations. American cuisine, sunshine skillet, country-fried steak, meatloaf, sandwiches, salads. BreakFILE PHOTOS fast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: The Cajun-style catfish at $5.99-$11.99. www.bobevans.com Betty’s Fine Food & Spirits Bodega — 1044 N. High St., Short North, 614-299-9399; reservations for Betty’s Fine Food & Spirits — six or more. Panini sandwiches, flat680 N. High St., Short North, bread pizzas, salads, tapas, cheese 614-228-6191; no reservations. plates. Lunch and dinner daily. No American eclectic cuisine, meatloaf, children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: macaroni and cheese, pasta dishes, $6-$12. sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily, Bohemio’s — 199 Chittenden Ave., Saturday-Sunday brunch. No children’s University area, 614-429-6008; reservamenu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$15. tions accepted. Mexican cuisine, www.bettyscolumbus.com chimichangas, fajitas, tacos. Lunch and Bier Stube — 1479 N. High St., dinner daily. No children’s menu; University area, 614-299-5467; no margaritas and beer. Entrees: $4-$13. reservations. Pizza, subs, nachos. Lunch www.bohemiosrestaurant.com Saturday-Sunday, dinner daily. No Boston’s the Gourmet Pizza — children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 191 W. Nationwide Blvd., Arena District, $4-$13. 614-229-4275; call-ahead seating. Bistro 2110 — 2110 Tuttle Park Italian cuisine, pizza, steak, ribs, pasta. Place in the Blackwell Inn, University Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; area, 614-247-2110; reservations patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.79-$19.99. accepted. American fusion cuisine, www.bostonsgourmet.com small plates, seafood, vegetarian, Broad Street Bagels & Deli — steaks. Breakfast, lunch and dinner 66 E. Broad St., Downtown, daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 614-224-3596; no reservations. Amer$9.75-$21. www.theblackwell.com ican cuisine, bagel sandwiches, wraps, Black Creek Bistro — 53 Parsons salads, soups, bagels. Breakfast and Ave., Olde Towne East, 614-246-9662; lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s reservations accepted. American bistro menu; sidewalk seating; no alcohol. cuisine, pastas, seafood, pork chops, Entrees: 4.99-$7.99. www.broadstreet steak. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner deli.geomerx.com Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions Brown Bag Deli — 898 Mohawk available; full bar. Entrees: $9-$28. St., German Village, 614-443-4214; no www.blackcreekbistro.com reservations. Panini-style sandwiches,

Village Addiction sandwich, salads, soups. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine carryout only; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $6.25-$10.75. www. thebrownbaggv.com Buca di Beppo — 343 N. Front St., Arena District, 614-621-3287; reservations recommended. Southern Italian family-style cuisine, chicken saltimbocca, spaghetti and meatballs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$32.99. www. bucadibeppo.com Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe — 1421 Olentangy River Rd., University area, 614-291-2233; reservations accepted. American cuisine, caramelized salmon, steak, burgers, Hall of Fame salad, pastas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$22. www.halloffamecafes.com Buffalo Wild Wings — 515 S. High St., German Village, 614-221-4293; 2151 N. High St., University area, 614-291-2362; no reservations. Wings, burgers, chicken sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at N. High location; full bar. Entrees: $4.79-$10.99. www. buffalowildwings.com * Buffalo Wings & Rings Restaurant — 1918 N. High St., University area, 614-424-9464; no reservations. Pub-style cuisine, wings, quesadillas, burgers, gyros. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$15. www.buffalowingsandrings.com Burgundy Room — 641 N. High St., Short North, 614-464-9463; no reservations. Tapas, beef carpaccio, roasted scallops, duck breast. Dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$13. www.burgundyroom.net * C-Town Market & Deli — 152 E. State St., Downtown, 614-221-9980; no reservations. Deli and market-style homemade sandwiches, salads, sides. Breakfast, lunch and dinner MondaySaturday. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $3.99-$7.99. www.columbustowndeli.com Cafe Bella — 2593 N. High St., University area, 614-267-1998; reservations accepted. Family-style Italian cuisine; pasta; fish; beef; vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free fare. Lunch Tuesday-Friday, dinner Tuesday-Saturday, Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s portions available; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.95-$22.95. www. cafebellacolumbus.com Cafe Brioso — 14 E. Gay St., Downtown, 614-228-8366; no reservations. Sandwiches, soups, salads, baked goods. Breakfast and lunch MondaySaturday. Children’s portions available; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.95-$6.45. www.cafebrioso.com Cafe Corner — 1105 Pennsylvania Ave., Victorian Village, 614-294-2233; no reservations. Traditional and eclectic offerings of artisan sandwiches, soups and salads. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s portions; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.95-$13.95. www.cafecorner columbus.com Cafe Iliana — 150 E. Gay St., Downtown, 614-224-5090; no reservations. Dagwood sandwiches, salads, quesadillas. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; no

alcohol. Entrees: $5-$5.95. Cafe Lola — 12 E. Broad St., Downtown, 614-754-8804; no reservations. Sandwiches, wraps, pizza thins, quesadillas, salads. Lunch MondayFriday. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $3-$6.50. Cafe Napolitana — 40 N. High St., Downtown, 614-224-3013; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, calzones, daily pasta special. Lunch MondaySaturday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.50-$16.99.

A lamb entree at Caffe Daniela * Caffe Daniela — 17 S. High St., in the Huntington Bank Building, 614-225-0139; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pastas, pizzas, panini sandwiches, soups and salads, daily specials. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; patio, no alcohol. Entrees: $5.95-$12.95. www.caffe daniela.com CaJohn’s CaBoom Chili Co. — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-229-4273; no reservations. Texas chili, CaBoom chili roll, nachos con CaBoom. Lunch and dinner TuesdaySaturday. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $3-$6.75. www. cajohns.com Callahan’s — 520 Park St., Arena District; 614-223-1200; no reservations. American cuisine, gourmet sandwiches, pizza, salads. Lunch Saturday-Sunday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$8.99. www. callahanscolumbus.com Cam’s on Campus — 1871 N. High St., lower level of the Wexner Center for the Arts, University area, 614-292-2233; no reservations. Bistro-style cafe, turkey panini sandwich, salads, wraps, flatbread pizzas. Breakfast and lunch MondayFriday, limited menu Saturday. Children’s items available; no alcohol. Prices: $2-$9. www.wexarts.org Cap City Fine Diner — 1299 Olentangy River Rd., University area, 614-291-3663; reservations accepted. American cuisine, meatloaf, fried chicken, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$19.95. www.cameronmitchell.com Capitol Cafe — ground floor of the Statehouse, Downtown, 614-728-9231; no reservations. American cuisine, burgers, homemade soups, salad bar. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.75-$7.50. Casa Sazon — 49 N. High St.,

Downtown, 614-221-8311; no reservations. Latin deli cuisine, chicken quesadilla, Spanish-loaded potato, fried plaintains. Breakfast and lunch MondaySaturday. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.95-$7.75. Caucus Room — 50 S. Front St. in the Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel, Downtown, 614-228-4600; reservations accepted. American cuisine, steaks, chicken, seafood, strawberry chicken salad. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $15.95-$23.25. www.columbus suites.doubletree.com Cazuela’s Grill — 2247 N. High St., University area, 614-884-0755; no reservations. Seafood, tacos, enchiladas, burritos. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and margaritas. Entrees: $5.99-$14.25. www.cazuelasgrillrestaurant.com Champp’s — 1827 Olentangy River Rd., Lennox Town Center, 614-298-0833; reservations accepted except on OSU home-game days. American cuisine, chicken, steak, seafood, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$19.99. www.champps.com Chipotle Mexican Grill — 401 N. Front St., Arena District, 614-228-5488; 1726 N. High St., University area, 614-291-0274; 488 S. High St., German Village, 614-621-2601; no reservations. Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, burrito bowls, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Front Street location; beer and margaritas. Entrees: $5.25-$6.50. www.chipotle.com * Cinco — 1 S. High St. in the Huntington Bank Building, Downtown, 614-754-1451; no reservations. Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, salads. Lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.25. Claddagh Irish Pub — 585 S. Front St., Brewery District, 614-224-1560; reservations accepted. Irish cuisine, Irish stew, fish and chips, corned beef and cabbage. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11.95-$21.99. www.claddaghirish pubs.com The Clarmont Restaurant — 684 S. High St., German Village, 614-443-1125; reservations accepted. American cuisine, prime rib, steak, fresh fish, seafood. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $15.25-$29.95. www.clarmont restaurant.com Club 185 — 185 E. Livingston Ave., German Village, 614-228-3904; no reservations. American cuisine, cheeseburgers, beef-on-weck, wings. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $3.25-$10.95. www.club185.com Columbus Brewing Company — 525 Short St., Brewery District, 614-464-2739; reservations accepted. Contemporary American cuisine, Cuban chicken, seared sea scallops, woodfired pizzas, barbecue pulled-pork sandwiches, house-made ales. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8-$26. www.columbus brewingco.com

* Details Minibar & Lounge — 793 N. High St., Short North, 614-298-1301; reservations accepted. Small plates, tapas, desserts. Dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4-$15. www.details lounge.com Diaspora — 2118 N. High St., University area, 614-458-1141; reservations accepted. Japanese and Korean cuisines, more than 60 types of sushi rolls, spicy soups, bulgogi, dol sot bibim bap. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4.95-$32. www.eatatdiaspora.com * Dirty Frank’s Hot Dog Palace — 248 S. 4th St., Downtown, COLUMBUS ALIVE! 614-824-4673; no reservations. Classic The oyster platter at American food, hot dogs, onion rings, Columbus Fish Market fresh-cut french fries, funnel cakes. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s Columbus Fish Market — menu; full bar. Entrees: $2-$3. www. 1245 Olentangy River Rd., University dirtyfrankshotdogs.com area, 614-291-3474; reservations * Don Patron — 2977 N. High St., accepted. Seafood, cedar-roasted Clintonville neighborhood, salmon, hoisin-glazed yellowfin tuna, Maryland jumbo lump crab cakes. Lunch 614-447-9820; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, burritos, fajitas, and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full chimichangas, tacos. Lunch and dinner bar. Entrees: $15.50-$29.95. www. daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: columbusfishmarket.com Columbus Maennerchor — 966 S. $6.50-$18.95. www.donpatron High St., German Village, 614-444-3531; restaurant.com Dragon Fly Neo-V Cuisine — reservations accepted. Contemporary 247 King Ave., Victorian Village, German cuisine, schnitzel, beef, fish, 614-298-9986; reservations accepted. sandwiches. Dinner Tuesday-Friday. International vegetarian cuisine. Dinner Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: Tuesday-Saturday, Saturday brunch. No $12.95-$17.95. www.maennerchor.com children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: * Cook Shack Bar-B-Q — 20 E. $18-$25. www.dragonflyneov.com Long St., Downtown, 614-586-1700; no Due Amici — 67 E. Gay St., reservations. Southern-style barbecue, po’ boys, hand-tossed salads, authentic Downtown, 614-224-9373; reservations barbecue. Lunch Monday-Friday. Chilaccepted. Italian cuisine, gnocchi dren’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: bolognese, Italian sausage ravioli, $5.29-$18.99. www.cookshackbarbq.com pizzas, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Cotter’s — 200 W. Nationwide Saturday-Sunday brunch. No children’s Blvd., Arena District, 614-221-9060; menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $17-$32. reservations accepted. Modern Amerwww.due-amici.com ican cuisine, fresh fish and seafood, Easy Street Cafe — 197 Thurman pasta, homemade desserts, seasonal Ave., German Village, 614-444-3279; no menu. Lunch and dinner Mondayreservations. Greek and American Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; cuisines. Lunch and dinner daily, Satfull bar. Entrees: $12.99-$21.99. urday-Sunday brunch. No children’s www.cottersdining.com menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$15. Damon’s Grill — 3025 Olentangy Eddie George’s Grille 27 — River Rd., University area, 1636 N. High St., South Campus Gate614-262-6208; reservations and callway, University area, 614-421-2727; no ahead seating accepted. American reservations. Soups, salads, sandcuisine, barbecued ribs, baby-back ribs, wiches, burgers, pasta, seafood, steak. fried shrimp, salads, sandwiches, prime Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; rib, steaks. Lunch and dinner daily. patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$19.99. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: www.eddiegeorgesgrille27.com $7.99-$19.99. www.damons.com Einstein Bros. Bagels — 41 S. High Danny’s Deli and Restaurant — St., Huntington Center, Downtown, 37 W. Broad St., Downtown, 614-463-1290; 743 S. High St., German 614-469-7040; no reservations. Deli Village, 614-449-2164; no reservations. sandwiches, corned beef, soups, salads. Bagel sandwiches, pizza bagel, salads. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No Breakfast and lunch daily; Huntington children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Center open Monday-Friday. No chilEntrees: $2.95-$12.50. www.dannys dren’s menu; patio at S. High location; deli.net no alcohol. Entrees: $1.99-$9. www. DeepWood — 511 N. High St., einsteinbros.com Short North, 614-221-5602; reservations * El Arepazo Latin Grill — 47 N. accepted. Refined American cuisine, Pearl St., 614-228-4830; no reservaMaine lobster, rack of lamb, filet tions. Latin Caribbean cuisine, patacon, mignon, Long Island duck. Lunch ceviche salad, Cuban sandwich. Lunch Tuesday-Friday, dinner Monday-SatMonday-Satuday, dinner Saturday. No urday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: children’s menu; patio; no alcohol; no $14-$42. www.deepwoodrestaurant.com wheelchair access. Entrees: $6.50-$10. Deli Boys — 2 E. Long St., Downwww.elarepazolatingrill.com town, 614-621-1444; no reservations. El Vaquero Mexican Restaurant — Deli sandwiches, Italian sub, homemade 3230 Olentangy River Rd., University soups and salads. Breakfast and lunch area, 614-261-0900; reservations Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; no accepted. Mexican cuisine, carne asada, alcohol. Entrees: $4-$7. seafood, burritos, fajitas, carnitas.


Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.30-$16.50. www.elvaquerorestaurants.com Elevator Brewery and Draught Haus — 161 N. High St., Downtown, 614-228-0500; reservations accepted. Regional American cuisine with world influences, rock filet, fresh fish, pastas, hand-cut steak. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10-$29.95. www.elevatorbrewing.com

The Angus slider at E leven Eleven — 591 N. High St. on the Cap at Union Station, Short North, 614-225-9611; no reservations. Small plates, pizza, filet sliders. Dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$30. www. hydeparkrestaurants.com Fabian’s Chicago Style Pizza Place — 691 N. High St., Short North, 614-221-8240; reservations accepted. Chicago-style pizza, subs, pastas. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$20. www. fabianspizza.com Firdous Express — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-221-4444; no reservations. Mediterranean cuisine, lamb, beef, chicken shawarma. Lunch daily, dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.25-$8.25. www.firdousexpress.com First Watch — 496 S. High St., German Village, 614-228-7554; no reservations. American cuisine, omelets, pancakes, crepes, sandwiches. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.49-$7.89. www.firstwatch.com Flatiron Bar and Diner — 129 E. Nationwide Blvd., Downtown, 614-461-0033; no reservations. Cajun and Creole cuisines, barbecue ribs, po’ boys, steak, seafood, gumbo. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10-$25. www.flatiron columbus.com Flavors of India — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-228-1955; no reservations. Northern Indian cuisine, lamb curry, vegetarian dishes, chicken makhani. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$9.99. The Florentine — 907 W. Broad St., Downtown, 614-228-2262; reservations accepted. Italian-American fare, homemade pasta. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$16.95. www.florentinerestaurant.com

Dining Guide



Frog Bear & Wild Boar — 343 N. Lunch Saturday-Sunday, dinner daily. No Front St., Arena District, 614-621-9453; children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: reservations accepted for large groups. $7.99-$10.99. www.harrisonsonthird. Eclectic American cuisine, build-yourcom own burger, salads, sandwiches, pizza. Heil’s Family Deli — 59 Spruce Lunch and dinner Monday-Friday, dinner St., North Market, 614-461-4778; no Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full reservations. American deli-style foods, bar. Entrees: $10-$15. www.frogbear Philly steak, soups, salads, sandwiches. bar.com Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s G. Michael’s Bistro & Bar — menu; patio; no alcohol; cash only. 595 S. 3rd St., German Village, Entrees: $4-$6. 614-464-0575; reservations accepted. High Beck Tavern — 564 S. High American bistro fare, beef tenderloin, St., Brewery District, 614-224-0886; scallops, lamb, salmon. Dinner daily. reservations accepted for eight or Children’s items available; patio; full more. American cuisine, barbecued beef bar. Entrees: $17-$34. www.gmichaels brisket, pulled pork, pizza, burgers, bistro.com salads. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner German Village Coffee Shop — daily. No children’s menu; patio; full 193 Thurman Ave., German Village, bar; no wheelchair access. Entrees: 614-443-8900; no reservations. Western $6.95-$15.95. omelet, pancakes, burgers, sandwiches, High Street Grill — 310 S. High St. soups, salads. Breakfast and lunch in the Westin Great Southern Hotel, daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Downtown, 614-228-3800; reservations Entrees: $2.25-$5.95. www.gv accepted. American continental cuisine, coffeeshop.com meatloaf, chicken, fresh fish. Breakfast Gordon Biersch Brewery Restauand lunch daily, dinner Monday-Satrant — 401 N. Front St., Arena District, urday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 614-246-2900; reservations accepted. $18-$26. www.hsgrill.com American cuisine with Asian flair, Ho Toy — 11 W. State St., Downincluding Asian barbecued salmon, town, 614-224-6848; reservations pecan-crusted chicken, garlic fries. accepted. Chinese and Thai cuisines, Lunch and dinner daily, SaturdayGen. Tso’s chicken, pepper steak. Lunch Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; and dinner Monday-Friday. No children’s full bar. Entrees: $10-$25. www. menu; full bar.; no wheelchair access. gordonbiersch.com Entrees: $6.95-$13.95. Gresso’s — 961 S. High St., Hounddog’s — 2657 N. High St., German Village, 614-444-0131; reserva- inside the Ravari Room, University area, tions accepted. Burgers, wings, salads, 614-261-4686; no reservations. Threedaily specials. Dinner daily, lunch degree pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Saturday-Sunday. No children’s menu; No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$17.95. $5-$15.50. www.gressos.com Haiku Poetic Food & Art — 800 N. High St., Short North, 614-294-8168; reservations accepted. Pan-Asian cuisine, sushi, sea bass, noodles (pad Thai, laksa ayam). Lunch MondaySaturday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.25-$20. www.haikupoeticfoodand art.com * Hampton’s on King — 240 King Ave., Victorian Village, 614-299-2099; reservations accepted. Upscale tavern cuisine, pizzas, wings, tacos, salads, wraps and sandwiches. Dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.99-$6.99. Hang Over Easy — 1646 Neil Ave., An old-fashioned at H yde University area, 614-586-0070; no reservations. Breakfast all day, Park Prime Steakhouse omelets, French toast, pancakes, sandwiches. Breakfast and lunch daily. Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse — No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 569 N. High St., Short North, $4-$9. www.hangovereasy.com 614-224-2204; reservations accepted. Happy Dragon — 277 E. Livingston Steak, seafood, chops, surf ’n’ turf, Ave., German Village, 614-224-1468; no small-plate menu. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. reservations. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no Entrees: $18.95-$46.95. www.hydepark restaurants.com alcohol. Entrees: $4.75-$10. www. Indian Oven — 427 E. Main St., happydragonlivingston.com Downtown, 614-220-9390; reservations Happy Greek — 1554 N. High St., accepted. Northern Indian and Bengali South Campus Gateway, 614-291-7777; cuisines, curry dishes, tandoori chicken. reservations accepted for seven or Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. No more. Greek-Mediterranean cuisine, children’s menu; patio; full bar. gyro platter, pasta, rice. Lunch and Entrees: $8.95-$24.95. www.indian dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; oven.com full bar. Entrees: $4-$14.99. www. The Inn Between — 30 S. Young happygreek.com St., Downtown, 614-224-1944; no * Harrison’s on Third — 335 W. 3rd Ave., 614-294-2510; reservations for reservations. Fresh fish, sandwiches, 20 or more. American pub cuisine, pizza, sandwiches, appetizers, pasta. Continued on Page 12


Continued from Page 11

Dining Guide

Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $23-$40. www.cameron mitchell.com Mac’s Cafe — 693 N. High St., Short North, 614-221-6227; no reservaNorth Broadway tions. Scottish specialties and American variety, Scotch eggs, shepherd’s pie, burgers. Lunch and dinner daily, breakWeber Rd. fast Saturday, Sunday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$16. www.macs cafe.com COLUMBUS Arcadia Ave. Mad Mex — 1542 N. High St., South Campus Gateway, 614-586-4007; Hudson St. no reservations. Fresh Cal-Mex cuisine, tacos, burritos, fajitas, margaritas, Wednesday beer tastings. Lunch, dinner and late-night daily. Children’s menu; Lane Ave. patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.50-$14. 71 www.madmex.com 17th Ave. Main Bar — 16 W. Main St., OHIO STATE Downtown, 614-228-3129; no reservaUNIVERSITY tions. Quarter-pound Main Bar Burger, LENNOX TOWN 11th Ave. chicken salad, pizza, crab cakes, hot CENTER CAMPUS dogs, fried bologna, daily lunch specials. GATEWAY King Ave. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $2-$6. 5th Ave. * Mama’s Pasta & Brew — 3rd Ave. 23 Campus Place, University area, 614-299-7724; reservations accepted. 670 VICTORIAN Italian cuisine, spaghetti, pizza, lasagVILLAGE SHORT na, subs. Lunch and dinner Monday315 NORTH Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Ave. n o n r t Ve Entrees:$5-$7. www.mamaspasta NORTH MARKET Moun andbrew.com Vine St. lvd. ng St. Marcella’s Ristorante — 615 N. d St. B o a L e t. ro id S B w . g E Sprin Nation ARENA High St., Short North, 614-223-2100; Gay St. reservations accepted. Casual urban DISTRICT OLDE TOWNE Italian cuisine, meatballs, pizza, pasta, EAST STATEHOUSE State St. St. n w To extensive wine list. Dinner daily. d St. E. Main St. a ro B . W Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: DOWNTOWN FRANKLINTON $11.95-$18.95. www.cameron 70 mitchell.com Beck St. Market Stand Cafe — 350 N. High Livingston Ave. BREWERY GERMAN St. in the Hyatt Regency, Downtown, DISTRICT VILLAGE 614-463-1234; reservations accepted. Whittier St. American cuisine, pasta, soups, salads. 71 Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. S Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: Thurman Ave. Greenlawn Ave. $10-$30. www.hyatt.com Frebis Ave. Martini Modern Italian — 445 N. High St., Short North, 614-224-8259; reservations accepted. Italian techniques. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; 0.5 full bar. Entrees: $14-$42. www. N MILE cameronmitchell.com Mary’s Catering & Cafeteria — THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH 200 N. High St., third floor; menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$16.99. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 614-340-6279; no reservations. Catering www.levelcolumbus.com Children’s menu; full bar and wine. company offering cafeteria-style dining, Lindey’s Restaurant & Bar — 169 Entrees: $14-$38. www.latitude41 hot breakfast, daily lunch specials. E. Beck St., German Village, restaurant.com Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No Lee’s China Kitchen — 65 E. State 614-228-4343; reservations accepted. children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: St. in the Capitol Square Plaza, DownAmerican continental cuisine, shrimp $3.40-$5. www.uasupersite.com/ town, 614-228-2318; reservations and angel-hair pasta, fresh pastas, maryscatering.htm accepted. Chinese and Thai cuisines, seafood, steaks. Lunch and dinner daily, Max & Erma’s — 55 E. Nationwide Gen. Tso’s chicken, Shanghai noodle Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s Blvd., Arena District, 614-228-5555; soup, pad Thai. Lunch and dinner menu; patio; full bar; call for wheelchair 739 S. 3rd St., German Village, Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; accessibility. Entrees: $15-$32. www. 614-444-0917; call-ahead seating. no alcohol. Entrees: $8-$12. lindeys.com American casual cuisine, burgers, Lemongrass Asian Bistro — 641 Little Palace Restaurant — 240 S. steaks, chicken, sandwiches, salads. N. High St., Short North, 614-224-1414; 4th St., Downtown, 614-461-8404; Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; reservations accepted. Fusion cuisine, reservations accepted. Greek and full bar. Entrees: $7.49-$20.99. satay chicken breast, filet stuffed with American cuisines, beef Manhattan, www.maxandermas.com crab meat. Lunch and dinner daily. No gyros, roast chicken. Breakfast and McFadden’s Restaurant and children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner MondaySaloon — 1576 N. High St., South $10-$27. www.lemongrassfusion.com Friday. No children’s menu; full bar. Campus Gateway, 614-294-2200; * Level Dining Lounge — 700 N. Entrees: $5.50-$10.99. reservations accepted. Appetizers, High St., Short North, 614-754-7111; M — 2 Miranova Place, Miranova soups, burgers, sandwiches, Irish reservations for six or more. American Corporate Tower, Downtown, specialties. Lunch and dinner daily. bistro with an Italian flair, chicken 614-629-0000; reservations accepted. Children’s portions available; patio; full cordon-bleu pasta, Cubano sandwich, Eclectic American cuisine, Chilean sea bar. Entrees: $7.95-$12.95. www. tuna tartare. Lunch and dinner daily, bass, king salmon, seared scallops, veal mcfaddenscolumbus.com Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s tenderloin. Dinner Monday-Saturday. h N. Hig

Indianola Ave.


Joyce Ave.

Summit St.

Michael’s Goody Boy Drive-In — 1144 N. High St., Short North, 614-291-8512; no reservations. American diner cuisine, double cheeseburgers, Goody Boy basket, chili, gyros. Breakfast, lunch daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $3.75-$9. Milos Deli & Cafe — 980 W. Broad St., Downtown, 614-224-0104; no reservations. Deli fare, weekly specials, Reubens, panini sandwiches, subs, gyros. Breakfast and lunch MondayFriday. No children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $5.25-$5.95. www. milosdeli.com Mitchell’s Steakhouse — 45 N. 3rd St., Downtown, 614-621-2333; reservations accepted. Filet mignon Oscar, seafood, chicken, hand-selected steaks. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. Children’s items available; full bar. Entrees: $21-$48. www.mitchells steakhouse.com

4th St.

e. Neil Av

3rd St.

Parsons Ave.


Front S

S. High St.

t o Ri v e r

Lockbourne Ave.

c io

burgers, fish and chips. Lunch and dinner Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; full bar; no wheelchair access to restroom. Entrees: $5.95-$9.99. Isabella’s Cafe Italia — 21 E. State St., Suite 110, Downtown, 614-220-9050; reservations accepted. Breakfast burritos, croissants, sandwiches, baked penne. Breakfast and lunch daily. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$8.95. * J. Gumbo’s — 31 E. Gay St., Downtown, 614-469-9900; no reservations. Cajun cuisine, drunken chicken, gumbo, jambalaya. Lunch MondaySaturday. Children’s portions available; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$6. www.jgumbos.com J.P.’s Barbecue Restaurant — 1072 E. Main St.; 614-258-3756; no reservations. Ribs, barbecued chicken, wings, sandwiches, homemade cakes, sweet potato pie. Lunch and dinner carryout Tuesday-Saturday. No children’s menu; beer and wine; cash only. Entrees: $4.95-$18.95. www.jpsbbq.com Jack & Benny’s — 2563 N. High St., University area, 614-263-0242; no reservations. Breakfast all day, the Gutbuster, daily pancake specials, French toast, sandwiches. Breakfast daily, lunch weekdays. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.25-$4.99. Jack’s Restaurant — 52 E. Lynn St., Downtown, 614-224-3655; no reservations. Diner-style food, double cheeseburger, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, daily specials. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; no alcohol; cash only. Entrees: $4.50-$7. www.jacksdowntown diner.com Japanese Oriental Restaurant — COLUMBUS ALIVE! 2283 N. High St., University area, The Reuben at Katzinger’s 614-299-6544; reservations accepted Monday-Thursday. Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisines; sushi. Lunch Katzinger’s Delicatessen — 475 S. Monday-Friday, dinner daily. No chil3rd St., German Village, 614-228-3354; dren’s menu; beer, wine and saki. no reservations. Deli cuisine, Reubens, Entrees: $8.95-$23.95. www.japanese sandwiches, desserts. Breakfast, lunch oriental.com and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; Japanese Steak House — 479 N. beer. Entrees: $5-$12. www. High St., Short North, 614-228-3030; katzingers.com reservations accepted. Japanese La Bamba — 1956 N. High St., cuisine, chicken and seafood hibachiUniversity area, 614-294-5004; no style, chicken roll, steak, Feast for Two. reservations. Mexican cuisine, burritos, Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Mondayfajitas, nachos, vegetarian items. Lunch Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. and dinner daily, late-night hours Entrees: $14-$27. Thursday-Saturday. Children’s menu; no Jimmy John’s — 1652 Neil Ave., alcohol. Prices: $1.85-$7. www.labamba 614-421-8800; 1860 N. High St., burritos.com 614-299-8800; 2165 N. High St., La Fogata Grill — 790 N. High St., 614-298-8800, all in the University area; Short North, 614-294-7656; reservano reservations. Subs and sandwiches, tions accepted. Mexican cuisine, tacos, Italian Nightclub. Lunch and dinner enchiladas, tamales, large tequila daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. selection. Lunch and dinner daily. No Entrees: $7-$9. www.jimmyjohns.com children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Johnny Oak’s Po Boy & Shrimp $6.95-$14.95. www.lafogatagrill.com Shack — 2348 N. High St., University L’Antibes — 772 N. High St., Suite area, 614-268-4613; no reservations. 106, (entrance off of Warren Street) New Orleans-style Cajun cuisine, po’ Short North, 614-291-1666; reservations boys, Creole shrimp sandwich, Philly preferred. Classic French cuisine, duck, steak sandwiches, blackened beef lamb. Dinner Tuesday-Saturday. No brisket. Lunch and dinner Mondaychildren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: Saturday. No children’s menu; no $22-$32. www.lantibes.com alcohol. Entrees: $4.95-$7.95. Latitude 41 — 50 N. 3rd St. in the Johnny Rockets — 1787 Olentangy Columbus Renaissance, Downtown, River Rd., Lennox Town Center, 614-233-7541; reservations recom614-291-8239; no reservations. Amermended. American cuisine featuring ican diner fare, burgers, sandwiches, local produce, meats and cheeses. milkshakes, fries. Lunch and dinner

Central — Arena and Brewery districts, German Village, Short North, University Area

gy River Rd. ntan Ol e

daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.49-$8.99. www.johnny rockets.com Joy’s Village — 2060 N. High St., University area, 614-297-7723; reservations accepted. Chinese, Cantonese, Malaysian, Thai and Indonesian cuisines; pad Thai; roast duck; pork. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.75-$8.75. Juergen’s Bakery and Restaurant — 525 S. 4th St., German Village, 614-224-6858; reservations accepted. Contemporary European cuisine, fine pastries, deli items, schnitzel, sauerbraten, bratwurst, goulash. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; patio; large selection of imported beer and wine; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $7.50-$13.95. Jury Room Pub and Whiskey Bar — 22 E. Mound St., 614-224-7777; reservations accepted. Pub cuisine, wings, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.25-$8.99. www.juryroom.net.


Clev elan d Av e.


Fish tacos at M oJoe Lounge MoJoe Lounge — 600 N. High St., Short North, 614-225-1563; 627 S. 3rd St., German Village, 614-221-1563; no reservations. Coffeehouse serving pizza, salads, sandwiches, tapas and desserts. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$11. www. mojoe-lounge.com Moy’s Chinese Restaurant — 1994 N. High St., University area, 614-297-7722; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $10.95-$18.95. * Mozaik Modern Lounge & Tapas — 51 Vine St., Arena District, 614-469-1000; reservations accepted. Eclectic tapas menu emphasizing global flavors, coconut shrimp, flatbread, tenderloin tips. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$14. www.mozaik lounge.com Nida’s Sushi — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-228-4470; no reservations. Japanese cuisine, sushi rolls, Thai food. Lunch and early dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3-$10. * Nida’s Thai on High — 976 N. High St., Italian Village, 614-299-9199; reservations accepted. Thai cuisine, pad Thai, gang garre, tom yum fried rice. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner MondaySaturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $10-$15. Noodles & Company — 2124 N. High St., University area, 614-453-1095; no reservations. Asian, Mediterranean

and American noodle dishes; soups; salads; macaroni and cheese. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; beer and wine. Entrees: $4.25-$7.25. www.noodles.com North Market Poultry and Game — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-221-7237; no reservations. Cassoulet, bison burger, chicken meatloaf. Lunch and dinner TuesdaySaturday, breakfast Saturday. Children’s portions available; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$12. Northstar Cafe — 951 N. High St., Short North, 614-298-9999; no reservations. New American cuisine with an emphasis on organic ingredients, veggie burger, flatbreads, burritos, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $3.50-$12. www.thenorthstarcafe.com Number One Chinese Restaurant — 2036 N. High St., University area, 614-299-1694; no reservations. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$6.50. Old Mohawk — 819 Mohawk St., German Village, 614-444-7204; no reservations. Casual American cuisine, turtle soup, Mother Mohawk sandwich, Bucyrus brats. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$12. www.theoldmohawk.com * On the Fly — 249 King Ave., Victorian Village, 614-298-9986; no reservations. International cuisine, falafel, empanadas, sesame rolls. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $4.95-$7.95. www.dragonflyneov.com Oodles Noodle & Dumpling Bar — 443 E. Main St., Downtown, 614-228-6755; 765 Neil Ave., Victorian Village, 614-222-8831; no reservations. Noodle dishes, dumplings, pad Thai, stir-fry, lo mein. Lunch and dinner Monday-Friday at Main Street location, daily at the Neil Avenue location. No children’s menu; patio at E. Main Street; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.25-$7.95. www.gooodles.com O’Shaughnessy’s Public House — 401 N. Front St., Arena District, 614-224-6767; reservations accepted. Irish and American cuisines, fish and chips, Harp-battered chicken, Welsh rarebit. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12.95-$18.95. www.ospub.com Otero’s Food Bar — 50 N. High St., Downtown, 614-225-0225; no reservations. Potato, soup and salad bar, sandwiches. Lunch Monday-Friday. Children’s items available; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.99-$5.50. www.oterosfood bar.com Oxley’s — 2400 Olentangy River Rd. in the Fawcett Center, University area, 614-292-2918; no reservations. American cuisine, lunch buffet featuring beef, chicken, pork. Lunch MondayFriday, Saturday buffet on home OSU football game days. No children’s menu; full bar. Buffet: $8.75; game-day buffet: $10. www.fawcettcenter.com Palette Express — 480 E. Broad St. in the Columbus Museum of Art, Downtown, 614-221-6801; no reservations. American cuisine, sandwiches,

salads, snacks. Lunch Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $5-$7. www.columbus museum.org Panera Bread — 1619 N. High St., University area, 614-297-6800; no reservations. Artisan breads, sandwiches, salads, soups, specialty pastries, bagels. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.49-$6.89. www. panera-ohio.com Pastaria — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-228-2850; no reservations. Made-from-scratch pasta sauces, lasagna, chicken parmigiana. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.99-$10. www.culinaryclassicscatering.com Penn Station East Coast Subs — 1980 N. High St., University area, 614-586-1491; no reservations. Philly steak, subs, salads, hand-cut fries. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$9.49. www.penn-station.com Phillip’s Coney Island — 747 N. High St., Short North, 614-294-1251; no reservations. American cuisine, coneys, hamburgers, gyros. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Prices: $2.50-$6. Phillip’s Original Coney Island — 450 W. Broad St., Downtown, 614-221-8288; reservations accepted. American cuisine, Coney Island hot dogs, fish, fries. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $1.75-$6.59. www.phillipsconeyisland.com Plank’s Bier Garten — 888 S. High St., German Village, 614-443-4570; no reservations. American cuisine, roast beef, pizza, soups, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $6.50-$9.75. Plank’s Cafe & Pizzeria — 743 Parsons Ave., German Village, 614-443-6251; reservations accepted. American cuisine, pizza, roast beef, soups, daily specials. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.50-$11.50. www.plankscafe.com Plaza Restaurant — 75 E. State St., in the Hyatt on Capitol Square, Downtown, 614-365-4550; reservations accepted. Contemporary American cuisine, seafood, steak, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $11-$24.


The free-range chicken at the Plaza Restaurant

www.hyattoncapitolsquare.com Potbelly Sandwich Works — 17 S. High St., Downtown, 614-224-1976; 10 E. 11th Ave., University area, 614-299-0617; no reservations. Hot sandwiches, soups, salads, milkshakes, fresh-baked cookies. Breakfast, lunch and dinner at S. High Street; lunch and dinner at 11th Avenue. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4-$5.60. www.potbelly.com


The coneys at the P ress Grill The Press Grill — 741 N. High St., Short North, 614-298-1014; no reservations. Meatloaf sandwich, pesto chicken sandwich, margherita pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s items available; full bar. Entrees: $2.50-$13.99. www.pressgrill.net Quizno’s Classic Subs — 88 E. Broad St., Downtown, 614-224-6700; no reservations. Oven-baked subs, primerib cheesesteak, soups, salads. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday at E. Broad Street; lunch and dinner MondayFriday at S. High Street. No children’s menu; patio at E. Broad Street; no alcohol. Entrees: $2-$9.99. www. quiznos.com Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers — 1816 N. High St., University area, 614-298-8713; 2823 Olentangy River Rd., University area, 614-261-0011; no reservations. Chicken fingers, crinklecut fries. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s meal; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.69-$7.69. www.raisingcanes.com Rigsby’s Kitchen — 698 N. High St., Short North, 614-461-7888; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, sea scallops, braised lamb, steak, pasta. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; full bar. Entrees: $15-$24. www.rigsbys kitchen.com Ringside Cafe — 19 N. Pearl Alley, Downtown, 614-228-7464; no reservations. Traditional pub cuisine, angus burgers, grilled chicken sandwiches, deli selections, salads, soups. Lunch and dinner Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $2.95-$7.95. www. ringsidecolumbus.com. * Rise and Dine — 277 W. Nationwide Blvd., Arena District, 614-222-3008; no reservations. Breakfast-all-day, omelets, corned-beef hash, pancakes, sandwiches, salads. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$9. www.rise dine.com The River Club at Confluence


Park — 679 W. Spring St., Downtown, 614-469-0000; reservations accepted. American cuisine, prime rib, steak, seafood. Dinner Wednesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; deck; full bar. Entrees: $18.95-$30.95. www.river clubrestaurant.com Rooster’s Restaurant — 897 City Park Ave., German Village, 614-444-8848; 3370 Olentangy River Rd., University area, 614-262-3185; no reservations. Wings, salads, chicken, pizza, subs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Prices: $3.99-$14.99. www.roosterswings.com Rosendales Modern Bistro — 793 N. High St., Short North, 614-298-1601; reservations accepted. Modern American cuisine, steak, lamb, poultry, shellfish, seafood, vegetarian options, tasting menu. Bistro dinner Monday-Saturday; five-course dinner Upstairs Thursday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Bistro entrees: $9-$26; Upstairs: $75. www.rosendales.com Sage American Bistro — 2653 N. High St., University area, 614-267-7243; reservations recommended. Contemporary American cuisine, grilled chicken, seared scallops, steak, seafood. Dinner Tuesday-Saturday, Sunday brunch. Vegetarians and children accommodated; full bar. Entrees: $16-$26. www.sageamericanbistro.com Saigon Palace Restaurant — 114 N. Front St., Downtown, 614-464-3325; reservations accepted. Authentic

Dining Guide


Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian and Chinese cuisines; pho-beef noodle soup; pad Thai; lemongrass chicken. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$11. www.saigon-palace.us San Francisco Oven — 65 E. State St., Downtown, 614-220-5600; no reservations. San Francisco-inspired cuisine, brick-oven pizzas, soups, salads, sandwiches. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday-Friday. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $6-$8. www.sanfranciscooven.com Sarefino’s Pizzeria and Italian Deli — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-228-7300; no reservations. Pizza-bythe-slice, stromboli, calzones, imported Italian meats and cheeses, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Prices: $6-$7. www.northmarket.com Schmidt’s Restaurant und Sausage Haus — 240 E. Kossuth St., German Village, 614-444-6808; no reservations. German and American cuisines, Wiener Schnitzel, Old World sausage sampler, bratwurst, cream puffs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$13.95. www.schmidthaus.com Serenity Cafe & Catering — 79 S. 4th St., Downtown, 614-358-0615; no reservations. American cuisine, daily chef’s specials. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.50-$6.99. Shane’s Gourmet Market — 447 E.


The asparagus salad at Shane’s Gourmet Market Livingston Ave., German Village area, 614-358-5555; no reservations. Delistyle entrees, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; patio; beer and wine; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $4-$20. www.shanesgourmet market.com Short North Happy Greek — 660 N. High St., Short North, 614-463-1111; reservations accepted. Mediterranean cuisine, gyro pita, pastitsio, shawarma. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$18.99. www.happygreek.com Short North Tavern — 674 N. High St., Short North, 614-221-2432; no

Continued on Page 14

Dinner Special - Take $10 off when you spend $50 or more. Lunch Special - Show your work ID badge and take 10% off. Specials do not include tax or gratuity. Must present this ad for discount.

www.sakuraeaston.com 4210 Stelzer Rd. Columbus, OH 43219 614.476.6088 Located at Easton at the corner of Morse Rd. & Stelzer Rd.

and American noodle dishes; soups; salads; macaroni and cheese. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; beer and wine. Entrees: $4.25-$7.25. www.noodles.com North Market Poultry and Game — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-221-7237; no reservations. Cassoulet, bison burger, chicken meatloaf. Lunch and dinner TuesdaySaturday, breakfast Saturday. Children’s portions available; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$12. Northstar Cafe — 951 N. High St., Short North, 614-298-9999; no reservations. New American cuisine with an emphasis on organic ingredients, veggie burger, flatbreads, burritos, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $3.50-$12. www.thenorthstarcafe.com Number One Chinese Restaurant — 2036 N. High St., University area, 614-299-1694; no reservations. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$6.50. Old Mohawk — 819 Mohawk St., German Village, 614-444-7204; no reservations. Casual American cuisine, turtle soup, Mother Mohawk sandwich, Bucyrus brats. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$12. www.theoldmohawk.com * On the Fly — 249 King Ave., Victorian Village, 614-298-9986; no reservations. International cuisine, falafel, empanadas, sesame rolls. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $4.95-$7.95. www.dragonflyneov.com Oodles Noodle & Dumpling Bar — 443 E. Main St., Downtown, 614-228-6755; 765 Neil Ave., Victorian Village, 614-222-8831; no reservations. Noodle dishes, dumplings, pad Thai, stir-fry, lo mein. Lunch and dinner Monday-Friday at Main Street location, daily at the Neil Avenue location. No children’s menu; patio at E. Main Street; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.25-$7.95. www.gooodles.com O’Shaughnessy’s Public House — 401 N. Front St., Arena District, 614-224-6767; reservations accepted. Irish and American cuisines, fish and chips, Harp-battered chicken, Welsh rarebit. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12.95-$18.95. www.ospub.com Otero’s Food Bar — 50 N. High St., Downtown, 614-225-0225; no reservations. Potato, soup and salad bar, sandwiches. Lunch Monday-Friday. Children’s items available; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.99-$5.50. www.oterosfood bar.com Oxley’s — 2400 Olentangy River Rd. in the Fawcett Center, University area, 614-292-2918; no reservations. American cuisine, lunch buffet featuring beef, chicken, pork. Lunch MondayFriday, Saturday buffet on home OSU football game days. No children’s menu; full bar. Buffet: $8.75; game-day buffet: $10. www.fawcettcenter.com Palette Express — 480 E. Broad St. in the Columbus Museum of Art, Downtown, 614-221-6801; no reservations. American cuisine, sandwiches,

salads, snacks. Lunch Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $5-$7. www.columbus museum.org Panera Bread — 1619 N. High St., University area, 614-297-6800; no reservations. Artisan breads, sandwiches, salads, soups, specialty pastries, bagels. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.49-$6.89. www. panera-ohio.com Pastaria — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-228-2850; no reservations. Made-from-scratch pasta sauces, lasagna, chicken parmigiana. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.99-$10. www.culinaryclassicscatering.com Penn Station East Coast Subs — 1980 N. High St., University area, 614-586-1491; no reservations. Philly steak, subs, salads, hand-cut fries. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$9.49. www.penn-station.com Phillip’s Coney Island — 747 N. High St., Short North, 614-294-1251; no reservations. American cuisine, coneys, hamburgers, gyros. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Prices: $2.50-$6. Phillip’s Original Coney Island — 450 W. Broad St., Downtown, 614-221-8288; reservations accepted. American cuisine, Coney Island hot dogs, fish, fries. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $1.75-$6.59. www.phillipsconeyisland.com Plank’s Bier Garten — 888 S. High St., German Village, 614-443-4570; no reservations. American cuisine, roast beef, pizza, soups, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $6.50-$9.75. Plank’s Cafe & Pizzeria — 743 Parsons Ave., German Village, 614-443-6251; reservations accepted. American cuisine, pizza, roast beef, soups, daily specials. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.50-$11.50. www.plankscafe.com Plaza Restaurant — 75 E. State St., in the Hyatt on Capitol Square, Downtown, 614-365-4550; reservations accepted. Contemporary American cuisine, seafood, steak, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $11-$24.


The free-range chicken at the Plaza Restaurant

www.hyattoncapitolsquare.com Potbelly Sandwich Works — 17 S. High St., Downtown, 614-224-1976; 10 E. 11th Ave., University area, 614-299-0617; no reservations. Hot sandwiches, soups, salads, milkshakes, fresh-baked cookies. Breakfast, lunch and dinner at S. High Street; lunch and dinner at 11th Avenue. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4-$5.60. www.potbelly.com


The coneys at the P ress Grill The Press Grill — 741 N. High St., Short North, 614-298-1014; no reservations. Meatloaf sandwich, pesto chicken sandwich, margherita pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s items available; full bar. Entrees: $2.50-$13.99. www.pressgrill.net Quizno’s Classic Subs — 88 E. Broad St., Downtown, 614-224-6700; no reservations. Oven-baked subs, primerib cheesesteak, soups, salads. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday at E. Broad Street; lunch and dinner MondayFriday at S. High Street. No children’s menu; patio at E. Broad Street; no alcohol. Entrees: $2-$9.99. www. quiznos.com Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers — 1816 N. High St., University area, 614-298-8713; 2823 Olentangy River Rd., University area, 614-261-0011; no reservations. Chicken fingers, crinklecut fries. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s meal; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.69-$7.69. www.raisingcanes.com Rigsby’s Kitchen — 698 N. High St., Short North, 614-461-7888; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, sea scallops, braised lamb, steak, pasta. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; full bar. Entrees: $15-$24. www.rigsbys kitchen.com Ringside Cafe — 19 N. Pearl Alley, Downtown, 614-228-7464; no reservations. Traditional pub cuisine, angus burgers, grilled chicken sandwiches, deli selections, salads, soups. Lunch and dinner Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $2.95-$7.95. www. ringsidecolumbus.com. * Rise and Dine — 277 W. Nationwide Blvd., Arena District, 614-222-3008; no reservations. Breakfast-all-day, omelets, corned-beef hash, pancakes, sandwiches, salads. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$9. www.rise dine.com The River Club at Confluence


Park — 679 W. Spring St., Downtown, 614-469-0000; reservations accepted. American cuisine, prime rib, steak, seafood. Dinner Wednesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; deck; full bar. Entrees: $18.95-$30.95. www.river clubrestaurant.com Rooster’s Restaurant — 897 City Park Ave., German Village, 614-444-8848; 3370 Olentangy River Rd., University area, 614-262-3185; no reservations. Wings, salads, chicken, pizza, subs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Prices: $3.99-$14.99. www.roosterswings.com Rosendales Modern Bistro — 793 N. High St., Short North, 614-298-1601; reservations accepted. Modern American cuisine, steak, lamb, poultry, shellfish, seafood, vegetarian options, tasting menu. Bistro dinner Monday-Saturday; five-course dinner Upstairs Thursday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Bistro entrees: $9-$26; Upstairs: $75. www.rosendales.com Sage American Bistro — 2653 N. High St., University area, 614-267-7243; reservations recommended. Contemporary American cuisine, grilled chicken, seared scallops, steak, seafood. Dinner Tuesday-Saturday, Sunday brunch. Vegetarians and children accommodated; full bar. Entrees: $16-$26. www.sageamericanbistro.com Saigon Palace Restaurant — 114 N. Front St., Downtown, 614-464-3325; reservations accepted. Authentic

Dining Guide


Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian and Chinese cuisines; pho-beef noodle soup; pad Thai; lemongrass chicken. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$11. www.saigon-palace.us San Francisco Oven — 65 E. State St., Downtown, 614-220-5600; no reservations. San Francisco-inspired cuisine, brick-oven pizzas, soups, salads, sandwiches. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday-Friday. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $6-$8. www.sanfranciscooven.com Sarefino’s Pizzeria and Italian Deli — 59 Spruce St., North Market, 614-228-7300; no reservations. Pizza-bythe-slice, stromboli, calzones, imported Italian meats and cheeses, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Prices: $6-$7. www.northmarket.com Schmidt’s Restaurant und Sausage Haus — 240 E. Kossuth St., German Village, 614-444-6808; no reservations. German and American cuisines, Wiener Schnitzel, Old World sausage sampler, bratwurst, cream puffs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$13.95. www.schmidthaus.com Serenity Cafe & Catering — 79 S. 4th St., Downtown, 614-358-0615; no reservations. American cuisine, daily chef’s specials. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.50-$6.99. Shane’s Gourmet Market — 447 E.


The asparagus salad at Shane’s Gourmet Market Livingston Ave., German Village area, 614-358-5555; no reservations. Delistyle entrees, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; patio; beer and wine; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $4-$20. www.shanesgourmet market.com Short North Happy Greek — 660 N. High St., Short North, 614-463-1111; reservations accepted. Mediterranean cuisine, gyro pita, pastitsio, shawarma. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$18.99. www.happygreek.com Short North Tavern — 674 N. High St., Short North, 614-221-2432; no

Continued on Page 14

Dinner Special - Take $10 off when you spend $50 or more. Lunch Special - Show your work ID badge and take 10% off. Specials do not include tax or gratuity. Must present this ad for discount.

www.sakuraeaston.com 4210 Stelzer Rd. Columbus, OH 43219 614.476.6088 Located at Easton at the corner of Morse Rd. & Stelzer Rd.



Continued from Page 13

Dining Guide

The Thirsty Eye — 300 W. Lane Ave., University area, 614-424-6718; reservations accepted. American bar cuisine, burgers, sandwiches, subs, pizza. Lunch and dinner WednesdaySaturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$6.99. Thurber Bar — 310 S. High St. in the Westin Great Southern Hotel, Downtown, 614-228-3800; reservations accepted. Fusion lounge fare, filet, fresh calamari, grilled flatbreads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $18-$29. www.westin.com Thurman Cafe — 183 Thurman Ave., German Village, 614-443-1570; no reservations. American cuisine, burgers, subs, pizza, fish, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4-$9.99. www.the thurmancafe.com

reservations. Burgers, wings, quesadillas, hummus, sandwiches. Dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.50-$7. Siam Express — 400 N. High St., Downtown, 614-461-8116; no reservations. Chinese and Thai cuisines, pad Thai, Gen. Tso’s chicken, noodle soup. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.95-$7.50. Skully’s Music Diner — 1151 N. High St., Short North area, 614-291-8856; no reservations. Eclectic American cuisine, sandwiches, wraps, pizzas, omelets. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5-$10. www.skullys.org A Slice of New York — 1812 N. High St., University area, 614-294-1011; no reservations. New York-style pizza by the slice, hand-tossed crust, Italian sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.25-$16.25. Soluna Cafe & Bakery — 300 E. Town St., Downtown, 614-566-8075; no reservations. Panini sandwiches, salads, wraps, soups, fresh sushi daily, fresh fruit smoothies. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$10. Surly Girl Saloon — 1126 N. High St., Short North area, 614-294-4900; no reservations. Frito pie, chili, grilled COLUMBUS ALIVE! cheese and tomato soup, cupcakes. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s The Ohio nachos at T ip Top menu; full bar and 24 draft beers; no Kitchen & Cocktails wheelchair access to restroom. Entrees: $9-$12. www.surlygirlsaloon.com Tip Top Kitchen & Cocktails — * Sushi Rock — 570 N. High St., 73 E. Gay St., Downtown, 614-221-8300; Short North on the Cap, 614-453-1585; no reservations. Comfort food and reservations accepted. Sushi, prime drink, pot roast sandwich, homemade steaks. Dinner daily. Children’s items pies. Lunch and dinner daily. No chilavailable; patio, full bar. Entrees: dren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12-$40. www.sushirockohio.com $5-$11. www.tiptopcolumbus.com Taj Mahal — 2321 N. High St., Tony’s Italian Ristorante — University area, 614-299-7990; reserva16 W. Beck St., Brewery District, tions accepted. North Indian cuisine, 614-224-8669; reservations accepted. goat, salmon, curries, tandoori shrimp, Italian cuisine, pasta, shrimp and vegetarian specials. Lunch and dinner scallops Provencal, lasagna, veal, Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar; no wheelchair seafood, chicken. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s access. Entrees: $12-$24. www. portions available; patio; full bar. tajmahalcolumbus.com Entrees: $10.95-$20.95. www.tonys Tasi Cafe — 680 N. Pearl St., italian.net Short North, 614-222-0788; reserva Town Street Bar & Grill — 175 E. tions for 10 or more. Breakfast, sandTown St. in the Holiday Inn, Downtown, wiches, huevos rancheros, oven614-221-3281; reservations accepted. roasted chicken, various paninis. American cuisine, chicken cordon bleu, Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No sandwiches. Breakfast, lunch and children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. $11-$12. www.tasicafe.com Entrees: $8-$21. www.holidayinn.com Ted’s Montana Grill — 191 W. * Tyfoon — 106 Vine St., Arena Nationwide Blvd., Arena District, District, 614-224-9219; reservations 614-227-0013; no reservations. Ameraccepted. Fusion Asian cusine, sushi, ican cuisine, bison, sandwiches, prime pad Thai. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner rib, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $16-$24. $7-$31. www.tedsmontanagrill.com www.daeoh.com Tee Jaye’s Country Place — Ugly Tuna Saloona — 1546 N. 1385 Parsons Ave., German Village, 614-444-6291; no reservations. Country High St., South Campus Gateway, 614-297-8862; reservations for large cooking, country-fried steak, liver and groups. Seafood, tuna tacos, shrimp, onions. Breakfast, lunch and dinner fresh fish. Lunch and dinner daily. daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Entrees: $3.25-$7.95. www.teejayes. $6.95-$12.95. www.uglytuna com saloona.com


Union Bar and Food — 782 N. High St., Short North, 614-421-2233; reservations accepted. Eclectic diner fare, flatbread pizzas, pasta dishes, steak, seafood entrees, sandwiches, subs. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$15.99. Varsity Club — 278 Lane Ave., University area, 614-299-6269; no reservations. American cuisine, burgers, chicken, pizza, salads, subs. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Prices: $1.75-$17. www.the originalvarsityclub.com * Vic’s Cafe — 251 W. 5th Ave., Victorian Village, 614-299-2295; no reservations. American and European cuisines, schnitzel, burgers, large breakfast selection. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8-$15. www. victoriansmidnightcafe.com Village Coney — 418 E. Whittier St., German Village, 614-445-9633; no reservations. American cuisine, coneys, burgers, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; sidewalk seating; no alcohol; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $5-$8. W.G. Grinders — 250 E. Broad St., Downtown, 614-224-2446; 1666 N. High St., University area, 614-294-3257; no reservations. Subs, pasta, pizza, salads, soups. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.95-$12.90. www.wggrinders.com Warehouse Cafe — 243 N. 5th St., Downtown, 614-224-3134; no reservations. American, Albanian, Greek and Italian cuisines; cheeseburgers; omelets; sandwiches; wraps. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.25-$6.50.

The Chai Creme Brulee at ZenCha Tea Salon ZenCha Tea Salon — 982 N. High St., Short North, 614-421-2140; reservations accepted for four or more. Soups, salads, dumplings, desserts. Lunch and dinner daily, Saturday-Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.50-$7.99. www.zen-cha.com Zuppa Downtown — 180 E. Broad St. in the Borden Building, Downtown, 614-225-9220; no reservations. American and Italian cuisines, pasta, turkey Philly, Sicilian Philly, soups, salads, homemade bread. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.95-$6.95. www.zuppadowntown.com


menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$18.99. www.applebees.com AA China — 5420 Westpointe Arlington Cafe and Cazzie’s — Plaza Dr., Far Northwest Side, 1975 W. Henderson Rd., Upper Arling614-850-9898; reservations accepted. ton, 614-538-0008; reservations acceptHunan and Szechwan cuisines, chicken ed. Pizza, quesadillas, wings, sandand vegetables, pepper steak. Lunch wiches, soups. Lunch and dinner daily. and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no No children’s menu; patio; full bar. alcohol. Price: $5.79. Entrees: $7.99-$19.99. www. Abner’s — 4051 Main St., Hilliard, arlingtoncomplex.com 614-876-2649; no reservations. Amer Asian Express Restaurant — 3762 ican casual comfort cuisine, pancakes, Fishinger Blvd., Hilliard, 614-771-5568; smoked beef brisket sandwiches, no reservations. Chinese and Thai hand-cut rib-eyes. Breakfast, lunch and cuisines, Gen. Tso’s chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s full bar. Entrees: $10.95-$16.95. menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.75-$8.50. www.abnersrestaurant.com Asian Star China Buffet — 2847 Akai Hana — 1173 Old Henderson Festival Lane, Dublin, 614-336-8618; Rd., Northwest Side, 614-451-5411; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, reservations accepted. Japanese Gen. Tso’s chicken, sushi. Lunch and cuisine, sushi, tempura, teriyaki dishes. dinner daily. Children’s prices; no Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. alcohol. Entrees: $6.94-$10. Children’s menu; beer and wine. BD’s Mongolian Barbeque — Entrees: $8.95-$28. www.akaihana 6242 Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, ohio.com 614-798-8300; reservations accepted Aladdin’s Eatery — 1423B Grandfor six or more. Create-your-own view Ave., Grandview Heights, stir-fry. Lunch and dinner daily. Chil614-488-5565; 6804 Perimeter Loop Rd., dren’s prices; patio; full bar. Prices: Dublin, 614-588-0330; reservations $8.49-$14.99. www.gomongo.com accepted for six or more. Mediterranean cuisine, rolled pitas, shawarma, hummus, mujadara. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $7.99-$12.95. www.aladdins eatery.com Alex’s Bistro — 4681 Reed Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-457-8887; reservations accepted. Casual French cuisine, seafood and chicken crepes, escargot, pate, pasta. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $14-$26. www.alexsbistro.com Amazing Wok Chinese — 1983 Henderson Rd., Upper Arlington area, 614-451-1688; no reservations. Chinese The papaya salad at cuisine, Gen. Tso’s chicken, seafood Bahn Thai Bistro delight. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol; cash only. Bahn Thai Bistro — 1932 HenEntrees: $3.75-$11.95. derson Rd., Northwest Side, Amul India — 7676 Sawmill Rd., 614-451-3700 or 614-451-3799; no Dublin, 614-734-1600; reservations reservations. Thai and Asian cuisines. accepted. Northern Indian cuisine, Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s chicken tikka masala, lamb korma. menu; no alcohol; no wheelchair Lunch buffet and dinner daily. No access. Entrees: $7.95-$13.95. children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: www.bahnthaicolumbus.com $8.50-$14.99. www.amulindia.net Baja-Sol Cantina — 3740 W. Anna’s Greek Cuisine — 7370 Dublin-Granville Rd., Northwest Side, Sawmill Rd., Dublin, 614-799-2207; 614-389-3007; reservations accepted reservations accepted. Traditional for eight or more. American and Greek cuisine, gyros, dolmathakia, lamb Mexican cuisines, fajitas, enchiladas, dishes. Lunch and dinner Mondaysteak, burgers. Lunch and dinner daily. Saturday, brunch and dinner buffet Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Sunday. Children’s menu; full bar. $8.99-$14.99. www.baja-sol.com Entrees: $9-$15. www.annasgreek Bamboo Cafe — 774 Bethel Rd., cuisine.com Northwest Side, 614-326-1950; reserva Apple Buffet — 1726 Hilliardtions accepted. Vietnamese and Thai Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, cuisines, pho soup, pad Thai, curry. 614-771-1868; reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No Chinese, American and Japanese children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: cuisines; buffet featuring more than $10-$14. 150 items; coconut shrimp. Lunch and Banana Leaf — 816 Bethel Rd., dinner daily. No children’s menu; no Northwest Side, 614-459-4101; reservaalcohol. Price: $5.95. tions accepted. Casual Indian vegetar Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill ian and vegan cuisines, Indian vegetaand Bar — 5561 Westchester Woods bles, curries, dosas. Lunch and dinner Blvd., Far Northwest Side, daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. 614-527-9670; 6669 Dublin Center Dr., Entrees: $6.99-$9.99. www.banana Dublin, 614-791-8880; 9762 Sawmill leafofcolumbus.com Parkway, Powell, 614-734-1106; no Barley’s Smokehouse — reservations. American cuisine, chicken 1130 Dublin Rd., Northwest Side, and steak fajitas, burgers, salads, 614-485-0227; reservations accepted. pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s Spareribs, pulled pork, beef brisket,

burgers, sandwiches, microbrew beers. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8-$20. www.barleysbrewing.com\smokehouse Barnstormer — 2160 W. Case Rd., Northwest Side, 614-292-5699; no reservations. Home-style cooking, hamburgers, breakfast all day, the Barnstormer. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.50-$6.75. Basho Japanese Restaurant — 2800 Festival Lane, Dublin area, 614-766-7733; reservations accepted. Japanese cuisine, sushi. Lunch MondayFriday, dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.50-$27. Beef O’Brady’s — 6340 SciotoDarby Creek Rd., Hilliard, 614-529-9464; no reservations. Chicken wings, burgers, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$13.59. www.beefobradys.com * Beijing Restaurant — 9862 Brewster Lane, Powell, 614-717-0051; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, sweet-and-sour chicken, General Tso’s chicken, egg rolls. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $8-$9.25. Benny’s Cheesesteak — 6495 Perimeter Dr. in the Kroger Plaza, Dublin, 614-766-1771; no reservations. Philly cheesesteak, Johnstown and Italian roll sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Prices: $4.50-$7.75. www.bennyscheesesteak.com Biddie’s Coach House — 76 S. High St., Dublin, 614-764-9359; reservations accepted. American cuisine, Victorian teas, quiche, Biddie’s Tea Basket. Lunch and private dinners Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.95-$12.95. www.biddies.com Bier Stube — 2382 W. DublinGranville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-932-0214; no reservations. Pizza, subs, wings, shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4-$15. Big Fat Greek Kuzina — 2816 Fishinger Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-457-4733; reservations accepted. Authentic Greek cuisine, lemon sole, grape leaves, gyros, lamb chops, kebabs. Lunch and dinner TuesdaySunday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.50-$30. www.bestgreek usa.com Bistro 86 — 1223 Goodale Blvd., Grandview Heights, 614-223-1288; reservations accepted. Asian-fusion; Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese cuisines; Vietnamese rolls; roasted garlic salmon; pad Thai. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$15.95. www.bistro86asian.com Black Horse Bar and Grill — 1420 Presidential Dr., Northwest Side, 614-486-1900; no reservations. Pizza, wings, potato skins. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $3.95-$15. * Blue Ginger Asian Fusion Bistro — 6234 Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, 614-792-3888; reservations accepted. Pan-Asian, Thai, Chinese cuisine, sushi, Thai casserole, fire wok. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full


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Chile Verde Cafe — 4852 Sawmill Rd., Northwest Side, 614-442-6630; call-ahead seating. Authentic New Mexican cuisine, burritos, enchiladas, chile rellenos, fajita tacos. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; beer, wine and margaritas. Entrees: $7-$15. www.chileverde cafe.com Chili’s Restaurant — 3675 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-761-2101; call-ahead seating. Southwestern cuisine, fajitas, steak, shrimp, chicken, burgers. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$16.79. www.chilis.com China Dynasty — Lane Avenue Shopping Center, Upper Arlington, 614-486-7126; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, sesame chicken, cashew chicken, orange shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday buffet. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$20. www.chinadynasty-cmh.com China Garden — 253 Bridge St., Dublin, 614-798-0888; reservations accepted. Chinese, Szechwan and Hunan cuisines; fried rice; seafood. Lunch buffet Monday-Friday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.95-$7.25

Darby Cre


The green chile stew at Chile Verde Cafe


patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.99-$12.99. CoCo’s Grill — 845 W. 5th Ave., Northwest Side, 614-429-0790; reservaHome Rd. tions accepted. Coco chicken, sesame chicken, shrimp, pad Thai. Lunch and POWELL 23 257 dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$8.95. Rutherford Rd. Orange Rd. 745 Colin’s Coffee — 3714 Riverside Dr., Upper Arlington, 614-459-0598; no Owenfield Dr. reservations. Coffeehouse serving Grace Dr. COLUMBUS ZOO Neverland Dr. oatmeal, breakfast sandwiches, sandAND AQUARIUM Olentangy St. SHAWNEE Powell Rd. wiches, soups. Breakfast and lunch 750 daily. No children’s menu; patio; no HILLS Presidential Pkwy. Brewster Ln. alcohol. Entrees: $1.75-$6.25. Rd. k c Jewett Rd. i l G Cook Shack Bar-B-Q — 4093 Worthington D EL A W A RE CO U N TY Woods Blvd. Trueman Blvd., Hilliard, 614-777-1133; no reservations. Southern-style barbeF RA N KL I N CO U N TY Muirfield Dr. cue, po’ boys, hand-tossed salads, authentic barbecue. Lunch and dinner B ra n DUBLIN daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. dR Entrees: $5.29-$18.99. Hard Rd. Dublin www.cookshackbarbq.com Emerald Pkwy. Center Dr. 270 Cosi — 1478 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-5000; 6390 Sawmill Rd., Snouffer Rd. Post Rd. High St. Dublin area, 614-734-2674; no reservaBridge St. Federated Blvd. tions. Upscale casual cuisine, freshly Dublin-Granville Rd. tossed salads, made-to-order flatbread Stoneridge Ln. Perimeter Perimeter Paul Blazer sandwiches, pizza, s’mores. Breakfast, Loop Rd. Dr. Pkwy. lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at both locations; full bar. Entrees: Blvd. C O L U M B U S g in s s ro $6.29-$13.99. www.getcosi.com Tuttle C MALL AT TUTTLE 315 Cracker Barrel — 1313 HilliardBritton Pkwy. CROSSING Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, Bethel Rd. 614-878-2027; no reservations. HomeR d. style cooking, chicken and dumplings, Henderson Rd. Hayden Run Trueman Blvd. roast beef, country-fried steak. BreakOld Henderson Rd. fast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s Rd. Davidson menu; no alcohol. Entrees: Park Mill $3.99-$14.99. www.crackerbarrel.com H I L L I A R D Run Dr. Ridge Mill Dr. Cuco’s Mexican Taqueria — 2162 Fishinger Rd. Rd. Henderson Rd., Northwest Side, Cemetery Lyman Dr. 614-538-8701; reservations accepted. Sci UPPER oto Ackerman Authentic Mexican cuisine, tacos, Dar Fishinger Blvd. ARLINGTON Rd. tamales, burritos, fajitas. Lunch and by Rd. dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s 33 Lane Ave. menu; full bar. Entrees: $3.95-$12.95. in www.cucostaqueria.com Rd. Roberts Rd. Presidential Ave. Culver’s Frozen Custard and Butterburgers — 1444 Rentra Dr., Far King Ave. Rd. Westchester e 5th Ave. Northwest Side, 614-870-8022; 4137 u Woods Blvd. Trab 3rd Ave. Powell Rd., Powell, 614-734-9729; no 1st. Ave. reservations. American cuisine, ButterGRANDVIEW Rentra Dr. Burgers, fried chicken, beef pot roast, HEIGHTS 70 custards. Lunch and dinner daily. St. James Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Lutheran Ln. 670 1 Entrees: $2.99-$9.99. www.culvers.com N MILE Damon’s Grill — 3799 Park Mill THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH Run Dr., Hilliard, 614-777-4445; reservations and call-ahead seating. American Chipotle Mexican Grill — 1835 limited bar. Entrees: $6.99-$8. cuisine, barbecued ribs, baby-back ribs, Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, www.chocolatecafecolumbus.com fried shrimp, salads, sandwiches. Lunch 614-921-8206; 1779 Kingsdale Center, Cici’s Pizza — 5432 Westpointe and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; Upper Arlington, 614-326-2631; 6590 Plaza Dr., Far Northwest Side, full bar. Entrees: $8-$22. Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, 614-210-0451; 614-777-8930; 7048 Perimeter Loop Rd., www.damons.com 9733 Sawmill Parkway, Powell, Dublin, 614-336-9975; no reservations. Dave & Buster’s — 3665 Park Mill 614-408-0600; 6079 Parkcenter Circle, Italian cuisine, buffet-style pizza, pasta, Run Dr., Hilliard, 614-771-1515; no Dublin, 614-789-0920; 6776 Perimeter salads, desserts. Lunch and dinner daily. reservations. American cuisine, grilled Loop Rd., Dublin, 614-932-9342; 8695 Children’s portions available; no alcosalmon, grilled chicken, Jack Daniel’s Owenfield Dr., Powell, 740-657-8355; hol. Entrees: $5.49. www.cicispizza.com barbecued ribs and steak. Lunch and 1298 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights City Barbeque — 2111 Henderson dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. area, 614-481-0105; 3670 Fishinger Rd., Rd., Upper Arlington area, Entrees: $7.19-$19.49. www.dave Hilliard, 614-527-7049; no reservations. 614-538-8890; 3758 W. Powell Rd., andbusters.com Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, burrito Powell, 614-224-8224; no reservations. De-Arini’s Villa — 1942 Henderson bowls, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Beef brisket, pulled pork, ribs, sandRd., Northwest Side, 614-451-8000; no Children’s portions; patio at all locawiches, homemade side dishes, desreservations. Italian cuisine, lasagna, tions except Perimeter Loop Road; beer serts. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s pizza, pasta, chicken. Lunch and dinner and margaritas. Entrees: $5.25-$6.50. portions available; patio at both locadaily. Children’s portions available; www.chipotle.com tions; beer. Entrees: $8-$20. patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.50-$11.50. Chocolate Cafe — 1855 Northwest www.citybbq.com * Dewey’s Pizza — 1327 W. 5th Blvd., Northwest Side, 614-485-2233; no Coaches Bar & Grill — 1480 Ave., Grandview Heights area, reservations. Chocolate fondue, chocoBethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-487-8282; reservations accepted late cake, hot chocolate, soups, salads, 614-457-3353; no reservations. Sandsandwiches. Breakfast, lunch and wiches, burgers, chicken, subs. Lunch Continued on Page 16 dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; and dinner daily. No children’s menu;

Northwest Side

Alton &

bar. Entrees: $11.99-$22.99. www.bluginger.biz Bob Evans — 3910 Lyman Dr., Hilliard, 614-771-6799; 900 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-457-6908; 1111 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-870-3611; 2199 Riverside Dr., Upper Arlington, 614-481-3124; 3830 Tuller Rd., Dublin, 614-792-5550; 5067 Post Rd., Dublin, 614-889-8883; 5160 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Dublin, 614-761-0001; 9891 Brewster Lane, Powell, 614-766-1961; no reservations. American fare, sunshine skillet, country-fried steak, meatloaf, sandwiches, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$11.99. www.bobevans.com Bonefish Grill — 5712 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-789-3474; reservations accepted. Seafood, shrimp, grilled ahi tuna, filet mignon. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10.90-$29.70. www.bonefishgrill.com Boston Market — 5150 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Dublin area, 614-766-5885; 6515 Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, 614-798-1166; no reservations. American cuisine, rotisserie chicken, turkey, meatloaf, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Tuttle Crossing; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$10.99. www.bostonmarket.com Bravo Cucina Italiana — 3000 Hayden Rd., Northwest Side, 614-791-1245; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, pastas, wood-fired pizzas, seafood, steak, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$30. www.bravoitalian.com Brazenhead Irish Pub — 1027 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-737-3738; 56 N. High St., Dublin, 614-792-3738; reservations accepted. Casual pub food, fish and chips, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner at W. 5th Avenu, dinner only at Dublin. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$12.95. www.hdrestaurants.com * Buffalo Wild Wings — 5240 Bethel Centre Mall, Northwest Side, 614-459-2999; 1710 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-921-2999; 6595 Perimeter Loop Dr., Dublin, 614-766-9464; 968 W. 5th Ave., Northwest Side, 614-298-9464; no reservations. Wings, burgers, chicken sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at all locations; full bar. Entrees: $5.49-$11.99. www.buffalowildwings.com

full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$16.95. Charley’s Steakery — 6496 Sawmill Rd., Dublin, 614-336-9960; reservations accepted. Philly-steak sandwiches, gourmet fries. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Prices: $4.79-$7.99. www.charleyssteakery.com Cheeseburger in Paradise — 4081 Trueman Blvd., Hilliard, 614-876-3607; no reservations. Caribbean cuisine, cheeseburgers, gumbo, salads, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$13.99. www.cheeseburgerinparadise.com Chef-O-Nette — 2090 Tremont Center, Upper Arlington, 614-488-8444; no reservations. American cuisine, Hangover Sandwich, milkshakes, specials, breakfast-all-day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4-$10.95. www.tremontcenter.com Chef’s House — 5454 Roberts Rd., Hilliard, 614-876-5070; reservations accepted. American, Italian and Greek cuisines; three double-yolk omelets, club sandwiches, subs, liver and onions. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.25-$12.65.

Dining Guide

R Dublin


The shrimp at Blue Ginger Asian Fusion Bistro

Cafe China — 6796 Perimeter Loop Rd., Dublin, 614-799-0855; reservations accepted. Chinese and Japanese cuisines, Gen. Tso’s chicken, pepper steak, sweet-and-sour chicken, sushi, vegetarian entrees. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$14. * C. William’s Bistro — 26 Grace Dr., Powell, 614-505-6788; reservations accepted. Casual Italian cuisine, chicken rollatini, pork cutlet, pan-seared sea scallops. Lunch and dinner TuesdaySaturday, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $12-$26. www.cwilliamsbistro.com * Cabo — 6125 Riverside Dr., Dublin, 614-792-9190; reservations accepted for five or more. Upscale Mexican cuisine with Latin influence, empanadas, plantains, burritos. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7-$14.25. * Cafe Ephesus — 6720 Perimeter Loop Dr., Dublin, 614-798-8091; reservations accepted. Turkish and Mediterranean cuisines, kebabs, gyros, lamb chops, eggplant. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions; no alcohol. Entrees: $10-$16. www.cafeephesus.com Cafe Shish Kebab — 1450 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-273-4444; reservations accepted for large groups. Turkish cuisine, kebabs, vegetarian dishes. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10-$14. www.cafeshishkebob.com Caffe DaVinci — 3080 Tremont Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-459-9945; no reservations. Italian cuisine, lasagna, salmon salad, homemade pasta, bread. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $7.50-$15.50. www.caffedavinciua.com Cameron’s American Bistro — 2185 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Worthington area, 614-885-3663; reservations accepted. American contemporary cuisine, walleye, lemon-pepper chicken with balsamic drizzle, seared lamb chops with potato gratin. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $15-$33. www.cameronmitchell.com Carrabba’s Italian Grill — 3949 Trueman Blvd., Hilliard, 614-771-1653; call-ahead seating. Italian cuisine, chicken marsala, lasagna, wood-fired pizzas. Lunch Sunday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12-$24.50. www.carrabbas.com * Carsonie’s Stromboli & Pizza Kitchen — 1725 W. Lane Ave., Upper Arlington, 614-481-5555; reservations accepted for large groups. Casual Italian cuisine, stromboli, pizza, hoagies. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.50-$13.95. www.carsonies.com Casa Fiesta — 3640 Main St., Hilliard, 614-876-7870; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, fajitas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.79-$12.99 * Casa Patron — 6094 Parkcenter Circle, Dublin, 614-761-1478; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, fajitas, steaks, burritos, chimichangas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio;





Continued from Page 15 Monday-Thursday. Italian-American cuisine, pizza, calzones, salads. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; microbrews and wine. Entrees: $4.95-$19.95. www.deweys pizza.com DiCarlo’s Famous Pizza — 4142 Main St., Hilliard, 614-777-4992; no reservations. Pizza, subs, stromboli, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, carryout and delivery only. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.50-$24.95. www.dicarlospizza.com Digger & Finch — 6720 Riverside Dr., Dublin, 614-889-8585; reservations accepted. Burgers, pub sandwiches, shepherd’s pie, fish and chips, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12.99-$21.99. www.diggerandfinch pub.com DK Diner — 1715 W. 3rd Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-488-5160; no reservations. American diner food, coneys, burgers, breakfast items. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.75-$6.95. Donerick’s Pub — 6711 Dublin Center Dr., Dublin, 614-799-2661; no reservations. Upscale bar food, wraps, pizza, appetizers. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6-$8. Dosa Corner — 1077 Old Henderson Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-5515; reservations accepted. South Indian cuisine, vegetarian dishes, dosas, potato curry. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$11. www.dosacorner restaurant.com Dub Pub — 5736 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-761-2728; reservations accepted for six or more except game days. Hamburgers, chicken fingers, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.25-$15. www.dub-pub.com Dublin Express — 6546 Riverside Dr., Dublin, 614-798-8925; no reservations. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4.95-$7.25. Dublin Metro Grill — 600 Metro Place N. in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Dublin, 614-764-2200; reservations accepted. American cuisine, grouper, pork tenderloin, New York strip steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.75-$30.95. www.crowneplaza.com/ dublinoh Dublin Village Tavern — 27 S. High St., Dublin, 614-766-6250; no reservations. Tavern fare, fried bologna, fish and chips, homemade soups. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.25-$14.95. www.thedublin villagetavern.com Eastern Bay — 2055 Riverside Dr., 614-487-1198, reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, black pepper shrimp, lo mein, cashew chicken. Lunch buffet and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.25-$18.95. www.easternbayrestaurant.com El Vaquero Mexican Restaurant — 1780 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-876-5157; 2195 Riverside Dr., Upper Arlington, 614-486-4547; 9130

Dining Guide

Dublin Rd., Powell, 614-336-1128; 3580 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-659-0279; reservations accepted at Dublin Rd. and W. Dublin-Granville Rd.. Mexican cuisine, carne asada, seafood, burritos, fajitas, carnitas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at all locations; full bar. Entrees: $5-$14. www.elvaquerorestaurants.com Enrico’s Pizza & Restaurant — 5788 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-766-6900; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, subs, pasta, salads. Lunch TuesdayFriday, dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $9.50-$15. Espresso Yourself Music Cafe — 50 W. Olentangy St., Powell, 614-436-7100; no reservations. Coffeehouse serving soups, panini sandwiches with veggies, desserts, espresso. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Prices: $4.50-$7.15. www.espresso yourselfmusiccafe.com Fazoli’s — 1520 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-771-7507; no reservations. Italian cuisine, lasagna, pasta, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.69-$6.99. www.fazolis.com


alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$19.99. www.flyerspizza.com Frisch’s — 1775 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-529-1666; no reservations. American cuisine, burgers, wraps, sandwiches, country-fried steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$9.30. www.frischs.com Gallo’s Tap Room — 5019 Olentangy River Rd., Northwest Side, 614-457-2394; no reservations. Panini sandwiches, burgers, wings. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$8. www.gallostaproom.com General Tso’s — 5227 Godown Rd., Northwest Side, 614-442-3366; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, egg rolls, Gen. Tso’s chicken, sesame shrimp. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$15. www.general-tsos.com Golden Corral — 3710 W. DublinGranville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-799-9585; reservations accepted. American cuisine, buffet with steak, pot roast, meatloaf, rotisserie chicken. Lunch and dinner daily, breakfast Saturday-Sunday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.99-$9.99. www.goldencorral.com Gooseneck Tavern — 9721 Sawmill Rd., Powell, 614-336-1111; reservations accepted. American cuisine, burgers, fish and chips, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$16.95. www.gooseneck tavern.com * Gordon’s Gourmet — 1335 Dublin Rd., Northwest Side, 614-832-2404; no reservations. American locally made-from-scratch cuisine, California club, Mediterranean salad, hummus. Breakfast and lunch MondayFriday. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.95-$12.95. www.gordonsgourmetofcolumbus.com

Grandad’s Pizza — 1254 W. 3rd Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-488-9700; no reservations. Pizza, subs, salads, wings. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.50-$18.45. Grandview Cafe — 1455 W. 3rd Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-486-2233; no reservations. American cuisine, fish and chips, steak, chicken, pasta, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10.29-$14.99. www.grandviewcafe.com Greek Corner — 3512 W. DublinGranville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-336-8830; reservations accepted. Greek and European cuisines, lamb, stuffed salmon, stuffed peppers. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $6-$18. www.greekcornerdublin.com * Greek Express — 4091 Powell Rd., Powell, 614-791-9100; no reservations. Greek cuisine, gyros, souvlaki, beef kebabs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.89-$7.99. www.greekexpress1.com Hickory House — 240 N. Liberty St., Powell, 614-785-9114; reservations accepted. Banquet-style American cuisine, burgers, barbecued ribs, steak, seafood. Dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $10.95-$22.95. www.thehickory house.com Hoggy’s Restaurants and Catering — 1416 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-485-4647; 7509 Sawmill Rd. in Kroger Centre, Dublin area, 614-791-8661; 2234 W. DublinGranville Rd.; Northwest Side, 614-431-6465 (opening early November); call-ahead seating, reservations for groups of 10 or more. Southern cuisine, baby-back ribs, prime rib, pulled pork, beef brisket, burgers, salads, FILE PHOTOS wings. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: The chicken-and-mushroom $6.99-$24.99. www.hoggys.com ravioli and chicken-and HomeTown Buffet — 3727 Park avocado pizza at F iglio Mill Run Dr., Hilliard, 614-527-9229; no Figlio — 1369 Grandview Ave., reservations. Buffet, fried chicken, fried Grandview Heights, 614-481-8850; fish, ham, roast beef, steak. Lunch and 3712 Riverside Dr., Upper Arlington, dinner daily, breakfast Saturday-Sunday. 614-459-6575; reservations accepted. Children’s buffet pricing; no alcohol. Wood-fired pizzas, chicken diablo pasta, Entrees: $11.79-$12.29. salad. Dinner Monday-Saturday. No www.hometownbuffet.com children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Honeybaked Cafe — 6630 Sawmill $9.95-$14.25. www.figliopizza.com Rd., Dublin area, 614-764-1717; 1925 Filling Station Bar & Grill — 8765 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Tanglewood Plaza Smoky Row Rd., Powell, 614-761-9766; Shopping Center, 614-819-0330; no no reservations. Hamburgers, pizza, reservations. American cuisine, sandsalads, soups, sandwiches, wings. wiches, ham-and-Swiss melt, salads, Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s ham. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s The western sandwich at menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$10. menu; patio at both locations; no Gordon’s Gourmet www.yourfillingstation.com alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$7.98. First Watch — 3800 Fishinger www.honeybakedforyou.com * Grace Diner — 240 N. Liberty Blvd., Hilliard; 614-876-4957; 3155 Hong Kong Buffet — 1831 HenSt., Powell, 614-430-8007; no reservaKingsdale Center, Upper Arlington, derson Rd., Upper Arlington area, tions. Diner-style cuisine, omelets, 614-538-9866; 6768 Perimeter Loop Rd., pancakes, sandwiches, soups. Break614-538-9288; reservations accepted. Dublin, 614-799-2774; no reservations. Chinese buffet. Lunch and dinner daily. fast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; American cuisine, omelets, pancakes, patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$8.99. Children’s pricing; beer and wine. crepes, sandwiches. Breakfast and Entrees: $6.05-$9.75. www.gracediner.com lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Hooter’s — 5225 Nike Station Grand Day Cafe — 1284 W. 5th Entrees: $3.50-$8. www.firstwatch.com Ave., Grandview Heights area, Way, Hilliard area, 614-850-7078; no Flyer’s Pizza and Subs — 5466 reservations. Wings, burgers, salads, 614-481-3363; no reservations. BreakRoberts Rd., Hilliard, 614-529-0123; fast all day, omelets, corned-beef hash, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Chil3967 Presidential Parkway, Powell, dren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: pancakes, sandwiches, salads. Break614-210-0123; no reservations. Pizza, fast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no $5.49-$39.99. www.hootersrmd.com sandwiches, subs, salads, wings. Lunch alcohol. Entrees: $6.50-$9.50. House of Japan — 6153 Parkand dinner daily. No children’s menu; no www.granddaycafe.com center Circle, Dublin, 614-792-2445;

reservations accepted. Japanese steakhouse cuisine and sushi bar, Imperial Feast, hibachi scallops and shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu at dinner; full bar. Entrees: $11.50-$26.50. www.houseofjapan ohio.com

The Thai spicy w ontons at Hunan Lion Hunan Lion — 2038 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-3933; reservations accepted. Chinese and Thai cuisines, crispy sesame chicken, mango shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$15.95. www.hunancolumbus.com Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse — 1615 Old Henderson Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-442-3310; 6360 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-717-2828; reservations accepted. Steak, seafood, chops, surf and turf, small-plate menu. Dinner daily at Old Henderson location., MondaySaturday at Frantz location. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $14.95-$50. www.hydeparkrestaurants.com Iacono’s Restaurant — 5068 Cemetery Rd., Hilliard, 614-876-2022; 4452 Kenny Rd., Northwest Side, 614-451-0234; 9303 Dublin Rd., Dublin, 614-766-0444; no reservations. American and Italian cuisines, chicken, lasagna, pizza, subs. Lunch MondaySaturday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Dublin location; beer and wine at Cemetery and Kenny road locations; full bar at Dublin. Entrees: $5.25-$11.50. www.iaconospizza.com Imperial Garden — 2950 Hayden Run Plaza, Northwest Side, 614-799-8655; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.95-$12.95. Inchin’s Bamboo Garden — 6642 Sawmill Rd., Dublin, 614-793-5270; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, cilantro fish, sesame-breaded fried chicken, shredded crispy lamb, lettuce wraps. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$25. www.bamboo-gardens.com * Jason’s Deli — 225 W. Bridge St., Dublin, 614-336-3853; no reservations. Deli-style cuisine, Reubens, baked potato, sandwiches, salad bar. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$7.49. www.jasonsdeli.com J. Liu — 50 W. Bridge St., Dublin, 614-718-1818; reservations accepted. Asian, Italian and American cuisines; seafood; steak; salads; Jason’s spicy chicken. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio;

full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$34.99. www.jliurestaurant.com Jersey Mike’s — 4664 Cemetery Rd., Hilliard, 614-876-8700; 2142 Henderson Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-7827; 5799 Karric Square Dr., Dublin, 614-761-3800; 6656 Perimeter Loop Dr., Dublin, 614-717-9235; 3958 Powell Rd., Powell, 614-798-1724; 1293 W. Lane Ave., Upper Arlington, 614-488-3660; no reservations. The Original Italian No. 13, subs, salads, wraps. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$13. www.jerseymikes.com Jet’s Pizza — 3858 Main St., Hilliard, 614-771-0500; no reservations. Pizzas, sub sandwiches, salads, wings, Jet’s Boats. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3-$25. www.jetspizza.com Jimmy John’s — 843 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-424-8800; 6553 Perimeter Dr., Dublin, 614-718-3800; no reservations. Subs and sandwiches, No. 4 Turkey Tom. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.24-$8.24. www.jimmyjohns.com Jimmy V’s Grill & Pub — 1788 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-485-9090; 9215 Dublin Rd., 614-659-9090; reservations accepted. American and Mediterranean cuisines, traditional Albanian linguini, gyros, lamb chops. Lunch and dinner daily; Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.25-$17.95. www.jimmyvsgrillandpub.com Joe’s Crab Shack — 3720 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-799-6106; reservations for eight or more, call-ahead seating. Seafood, crab, steak, chicken, pasta. Lunch MondayFriday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$39.99. www.joescrabshack.com Joe’s Original An American Pub — 3880 Hard Rd., Dublin, 614-799-2660; reservations accepted for party room. Burgers, wings, pizzas, subs, wraps, quesadillas. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $2.49-$13.99.

The Thai scampi and Sz echwan sea bass at J oey Chang’s Joey Chang’s — 3799 Ridge Mill Dr., Hilliard, 614-777-0550; reservations accepted. Chinese and Thai cuisines. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$24.95. www.joeychangs restaurant.com Johnny Buccelli’s — 830 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-442-6500; no



Continued from Page 15 Monday-Thursday. Italian-American cuisine, pizza, calzones, salads. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; microbrews and wine. Entrees: $4.95-$19.95. www.deweys pizza.com DiCarlo’s Famous Pizza — 4142 Main St., Hilliard, 614-777-4992; no reservations. Pizza, subs, stromboli, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, carryout and delivery only. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.50-$24.95. www.dicarlospizza.com Digger & Finch — 6720 Riverside Dr., Dublin, 614-889-8585; reservations accepted. Burgers, pub sandwiches, shepherd’s pie, fish and chips, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12.99-$21.99. www.diggerandfinch pub.com DK Diner — 1715 W. 3rd Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-488-5160; no reservations. American diner food, coneys, burgers, breakfast items. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.75-$6.95. Donerick’s Pub — 6711 Dublin Center Dr., Dublin, 614-799-2661; no reservations. Upscale bar food, wraps, pizza, appetizers. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6-$8. Dosa Corner — 1077 Old Henderson Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-5515; reservations accepted. South Indian cuisine, vegetarian dishes, dosas, potato curry. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$11. www.dosacorner restaurant.com Dub Pub — 5736 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-761-2728; reservations accepted for six or more except game days. Hamburgers, chicken fingers, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.25-$15. www.dub-pub.com Dublin Express — 6546 Riverside Dr., Dublin, 614-798-8925; no reservations. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4.95-$7.25. Dublin Metro Grill — 600 Metro Place N. in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Dublin, 614-764-2200; reservations accepted. American cuisine, grouper, pork tenderloin, New York strip steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.75-$30.95. www.crowneplaza.com/ dublinoh Dublin Village Tavern — 27 S. High St., Dublin, 614-766-6250; no reservations. Tavern fare, fried bologna, fish and chips, homemade soups. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.25-$14.95. www.thedublin villagetavern.com Eastern Bay — 2055 Riverside Dr., 614-487-1198, reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, black pepper shrimp, lo mein, cashew chicken. Lunch buffet and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.25-$18.95. www.easternbayrestaurant.com El Vaquero Mexican Restaurant — 1780 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-876-5157; 2195 Riverside Dr., Upper Arlington, 614-486-4547; 9130

Dining Guide

Dublin Rd., Powell, 614-336-1128; 3580 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-659-0279; reservations accepted at Dublin Rd. and W. Dublin-Granville Rd.. Mexican cuisine, carne asada, seafood, burritos, fajitas, carnitas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at all locations; full bar. Entrees: $5-$14. www.elvaquerorestaurants.com Enrico’s Pizza & Restaurant — 5788 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-766-6900; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, subs, pasta, salads. Lunch TuesdayFriday, dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $9.50-$15. Espresso Yourself Music Cafe — 50 W. Olentangy St., Powell, 614-436-7100; no reservations. Coffeehouse serving soups, panini sandwiches with veggies, desserts, espresso. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Prices: $4.50-$7.15. www.espresso yourselfmusiccafe.com Fazoli’s — 1520 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-771-7507; no reservations. Italian cuisine, lasagna, pasta, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.69-$6.99. www.fazolis.com


alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$19.99. www.flyerspizza.com Frisch’s — 1775 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-529-1666; no reservations. American cuisine, burgers, wraps, sandwiches, country-fried steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$9.30. www.frischs.com Gallo’s Tap Room — 5019 Olentangy River Rd., Northwest Side, 614-457-2394; no reservations. Panini sandwiches, burgers, wings. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$8. www.gallostaproom.com General Tso’s — 5227 Godown Rd., Northwest Side, 614-442-3366; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, egg rolls, Gen. Tso’s chicken, sesame shrimp. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$15. www.general-tsos.com Golden Corral — 3710 W. DublinGranville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-799-9585; reservations accepted. American cuisine, buffet with steak, pot roast, meatloaf, rotisserie chicken. Lunch and dinner daily, breakfast Saturday-Sunday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.99-$9.99. www.goldencorral.com Gooseneck Tavern — 9721 Sawmill Rd., Powell, 614-336-1111; reservations accepted. American cuisine, burgers, fish and chips, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$16.95. www.gooseneck tavern.com * Gordon’s Gourmet — 1335 Dublin Rd., Northwest Side, 614-832-2404; no reservations. American locally made-from-scratch cuisine, California club, Mediterranean salad, hummus. Breakfast and lunch MondayFriday. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.95-$12.95. www.gordonsgourmetofcolumbus.com

Grandad’s Pizza — 1254 W. 3rd Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-488-9700; no reservations. Pizza, subs, salads, wings. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.50-$18.45. Grandview Cafe — 1455 W. 3rd Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-486-2233; no reservations. American cuisine, fish and chips, steak, chicken, pasta, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10.29-$14.99. www.grandviewcafe.com Greek Corner — 3512 W. DublinGranville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-336-8830; reservations accepted. Greek and European cuisines, lamb, stuffed salmon, stuffed peppers. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $6-$18. www.greekcornerdublin.com * Greek Express — 4091 Powell Rd., Powell, 614-791-9100; no reservations. Greek cuisine, gyros, souvlaki, beef kebabs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.89-$7.99. www.greekexpress1.com Hickory House — 240 N. Liberty St., Powell, 614-785-9114; reservations accepted. Banquet-style American cuisine, burgers, barbecued ribs, steak, seafood. Dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $10.95-$22.95. www.thehickory house.com Hoggy’s Restaurants and Catering — 1416 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-485-4647; 7509 Sawmill Rd. in Kroger Centre, Dublin area, 614-791-8661; 2234 W. DublinGranville Rd.; Northwest Side, 614-431-6465 (opening early November); call-ahead seating, reservations for groups of 10 or more. Southern cuisine, baby-back ribs, prime rib, pulled pork, beef brisket, burgers, salads, FILE PHOTOS wings. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: The chicken-and-mushroom $6.99-$24.99. www.hoggys.com ravioli and chicken-and HomeTown Buffet — 3727 Park avocado pizza at F iglio Mill Run Dr., Hilliard, 614-527-9229; no Figlio — 1369 Grandview Ave., reservations. Buffet, fried chicken, fried Grandview Heights, 614-481-8850; fish, ham, roast beef, steak. Lunch and 3712 Riverside Dr., Upper Arlington, dinner daily, breakfast Saturday-Sunday. 614-459-6575; reservations accepted. Children’s buffet pricing; no alcohol. Wood-fired pizzas, chicken diablo pasta, Entrees: $11.79-$12.29. salad. Dinner Monday-Saturday. No www.hometownbuffet.com children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Honeybaked Cafe — 6630 Sawmill $9.95-$14.25. www.figliopizza.com Rd., Dublin area, 614-764-1717; 1925 Filling Station Bar & Grill — 8765 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Tanglewood Plaza Smoky Row Rd., Powell, 614-761-9766; Shopping Center, 614-819-0330; no no reservations. Hamburgers, pizza, reservations. American cuisine, sandsalads, soups, sandwiches, wings. wiches, ham-and-Swiss melt, salads, Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s ham. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s The western sandwich at menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$10. menu; patio at both locations; no Gordon’s Gourmet www.yourfillingstation.com alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$7.98. First Watch — 3800 Fishinger www.honeybakedforyou.com * Grace Diner — 240 N. Liberty Blvd., Hilliard; 614-876-4957; 3155 Hong Kong Buffet — 1831 HenSt., Powell, 614-430-8007; no reservaKingsdale Center, Upper Arlington, derson Rd., Upper Arlington area, tions. Diner-style cuisine, omelets, 614-538-9866; 6768 Perimeter Loop Rd., pancakes, sandwiches, soups. Break614-538-9288; reservations accepted. Dublin, 614-799-2774; no reservations. Chinese buffet. Lunch and dinner daily. fast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; American cuisine, omelets, pancakes, patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$8.99. Children’s pricing; beer and wine. crepes, sandwiches. Breakfast and Entrees: $6.05-$9.75. www.gracediner.com lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Hooter’s — 5225 Nike Station Grand Day Cafe — 1284 W. 5th Entrees: $3.50-$8. www.firstwatch.com Ave., Grandview Heights area, Way, Hilliard area, 614-850-7078; no Flyer’s Pizza and Subs — 5466 reservations. Wings, burgers, salads, 614-481-3363; no reservations. BreakRoberts Rd., Hilliard, 614-529-0123; fast all day, omelets, corned-beef hash, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Chil3967 Presidential Parkway, Powell, dren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: pancakes, sandwiches, salads. Break614-210-0123; no reservations. Pizza, fast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no $5.49-$39.99. www.hootersrmd.com sandwiches, subs, salads, wings. Lunch alcohol. Entrees: $6.50-$9.50. House of Japan — 6153 Parkand dinner daily. No children’s menu; no www.granddaycafe.com center Circle, Dublin, 614-792-2445;

reservations accepted. Japanese steakhouse cuisine and sushi bar, Imperial Feast, hibachi scallops and shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu at dinner; full bar. Entrees: $11.50-$26.50. www.houseofjapan ohio.com

The Thai spicy w ontons at Hunan Lion Hunan Lion — 2038 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-3933; reservations accepted. Chinese and Thai cuisines, crispy sesame chicken, mango shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$15.95. www.hunancolumbus.com Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse — 1615 Old Henderson Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-442-3310; 6360 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-717-2828; reservations accepted. Steak, seafood, chops, surf and turf, small-plate menu. Dinner daily at Old Henderson location., MondaySaturday at Frantz location. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $14.95-$50. www.hydeparkrestaurants.com Iacono’s Restaurant — 5068 Cemetery Rd., Hilliard, 614-876-2022; 4452 Kenny Rd., Northwest Side, 614-451-0234; 9303 Dublin Rd., Dublin, 614-766-0444; no reservations. American and Italian cuisines, chicken, lasagna, pizza, subs. Lunch MondaySaturday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Dublin location; beer and wine at Cemetery and Kenny road locations; full bar at Dublin. Entrees: $5.25-$11.50. www.iaconospizza.com Imperial Garden — 2950 Hayden Run Plaza, Northwest Side, 614-799-8655; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.95-$12.95. Inchin’s Bamboo Garden — 6642 Sawmill Rd., Dublin, 614-793-5270; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, cilantro fish, sesame-breaded fried chicken, shredded crispy lamb, lettuce wraps. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$25. www.bamboo-gardens.com * Jason’s Deli — 225 W. Bridge St., Dublin, 614-336-3853; no reservations. Deli-style cuisine, Reubens, baked potato, sandwiches, salad bar. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$7.49. www.jasonsdeli.com J. Liu — 50 W. Bridge St., Dublin, 614-718-1818; reservations accepted. Asian, Italian and American cuisines; seafood; steak; salads; Jason’s spicy chicken. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio;

full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$34.99. www.jliurestaurant.com Jersey Mike’s — 4664 Cemetery Rd., Hilliard, 614-876-8700; 2142 Henderson Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-7827; 5799 Karric Square Dr., Dublin, 614-761-3800; 6656 Perimeter Loop Dr., Dublin, 614-717-9235; 3958 Powell Rd., Powell, 614-798-1724; 1293 W. Lane Ave., Upper Arlington, 614-488-3660; no reservations. The Original Italian No. 13, subs, salads, wraps. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$13. www.jerseymikes.com Jet’s Pizza — 3858 Main St., Hilliard, 614-771-0500; no reservations. Pizzas, sub sandwiches, salads, wings, Jet’s Boats. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3-$25. www.jetspizza.com Jimmy John’s — 843 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-424-8800; 6553 Perimeter Dr., Dublin, 614-718-3800; no reservations. Subs and sandwiches, No. 4 Turkey Tom. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.24-$8.24. www.jimmyjohns.com Jimmy V’s Grill & Pub — 1788 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-485-9090; 9215 Dublin Rd., 614-659-9090; reservations accepted. American and Mediterranean cuisines, traditional Albanian linguini, gyros, lamb chops. Lunch and dinner daily; Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.25-$17.95. www.jimmyvsgrillandpub.com Joe’s Crab Shack — 3720 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Northwest Side, 614-799-6106; reservations for eight or more, call-ahead seating. Seafood, crab, steak, chicken, pasta. Lunch MondayFriday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$39.99. www.joescrabshack.com Joe’s Original An American Pub — 3880 Hard Rd., Dublin, 614-799-2660; reservations accepted for party room. Burgers, wings, pizzas, subs, wraps, quesadillas. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $2.49-$13.99.

The Thai scampi and Sz echwan sea bass at J oey Chang’s Joey Chang’s — 3799 Ridge Mill Dr., Hilliard, 614-777-0550; reservations accepted. Chinese and Thai cuisines. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$24.95. www.joeychangs restaurant.com Johnny Buccelli’s — 830 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-442-6500; no

reservations. Handmade subs, burgers, full bar. Entrees: $5.50-$99. www.kogens.com cheesesteak, salads, frozen custard, La Casita Mexican Restaurant — homemade chips. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. 1355 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-457-0823; reservations accepted. Entrees: $6.50-$9.75. www.johnny Authentic Mexican cuisine. Lunch and buccellis.com dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full Judy’s Cafe — 827 Bethel Rd., bar. Entrees: $7.25-$14.95. Northwest Side, 614-451-6070; no La Chatelaine — 1550 W. Lane reservations. Curry chicken salad, Ave., Upper Arlington, 614-488-1911; Mandarin orange salad, sandwiches. 65 W. Bridge St., Dublin, 614-763-7151; Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. reservations accepted. French country Children’s menu; no alcohol. Prices: cuisine, chicken, steak, seafood, Caesar $4.95-$7.95. www.judyscafe salad, sandwiches. Breakfast, lunch and catering.com dinner daily. Children’s portions avail Kaya Restaurant — 4710 Reed able; patio at both locations; full bar. Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-326-2551; Entrees: $10-$16. www.lachatelaine reservations accepted. Korean and bakery.com Japanese cuisines, Korean barbecue La Michoacana Mexican Market and sushi. Lunch and dinner daily. No and Restaurant — 5445 Bethel Sawmill children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: Center, 614-792-5400; reservations $9.95-$25.95. accepted. Mexican cuisine, fajitas, Kihachi Japanese Restaurant — homemade tamales, enchildas. Lunch 2667 Federated Blvd., Northwest Side, and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no 614-764-9040; reservations accepted. alcohol. Entrees: $7-$13. Japanese cuisine. Dinner Monday La Scala Italian Bistro — 4199 W. Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Dublin-Granville Rd., Northwest Side, Entrees: $17-$90. 614-889-9431; reservations accepted. Kikyo Japanese Restaurant — Italian and American cuisines, home3706 Riverside Dr., Upper Arlington, made pasta, chicken, steak, seafood. 614-457-5277; reservations accepted. Lunch Tuesday-Friday, dinner TuesdaySushi, kimchi, stir-fried pork, noodle Sunday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. dishes. Dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No Entrees: $8.95-$30.95. www.lascala children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: italianbistro.com $5.95-$18.50. Lazy Chameleon — 4028 Presi Kilpatrick’s Pub — 5100 Upper dential Parkway, Powell, 614-792-8393; Metro Place in the Embassy Suites, reservations accepted. American and Dublin, 614-790-9000; reservations accepted. American cuisine, fish, steak, Southern cuisines, seafood, coconut shrimp, Cajun shrimp pasta, sandsoups, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and wiches. Lunch Saturday, dinner Mondaydinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full Entrees: $17-$39. www.embassysuites bar. Entrees: $8.95-$14.95. dublin.com www.lazychameleon.com King Avenue 5 — 945 King Ave., Lee Garden Restaurant — Northwest Side, 614-297-8060; reserva2691 Federated Blvd., Northwest Side, tions for large groups. Upscale sports614-764-1525; reservations accepted. bar menu, pastas, panini sandwiches, Chinese and Asian cuisines, dim sum, soups, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, lobster with ginger and onions, Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s steamed fish. Lunch and dinner daily. menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $2.49-$12.99. www.kingavenuefive.com Children’s portions available; full bar. Entrees: $6-$40. www.leegarden.com Knotty Pine Bar and Grill — Liberty Tavern — 50 S. Liberty St., 1765 W. 3rd Ave., Grandview Heights, Powell, 614-825-0500; no reservations. 614-488-8878; reservations accepted. Upscale tavern cuisine, pot roast Italian and American cuisines, roasted sandwich, pulled pork, homemade fish chicken, steak, barbecued ribs, fish. and chips. Lunch and dinner daily. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10.95-$17.95. www.libertytavern $13.95-$21.95. powell.com Liddo’s Pizza & Restaurant — 2540 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-5858; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, salads, wings, subs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $5-$14. * Little Athens — 2584 Bethel Rd., in Carriage Place, Northwest Side, 614-538-0525; no reservations. Indian and Greek cuisines, gyros, grilledchicken salad, chicken and vegetable biryani. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.29-$7. www.mylittleathens.com * Local Roots — 15 E. Olentangy St., Powell, 614-602-8060; reservations accepted for six or more. American A variety of fare at Kogen’s cuisine, fish and chips, pizza, ribs, pork chops. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday * Kogen’s — 9711 Sawmill Parkway, Powell, 614-798-8882; reservations brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10-$18. www.localroots accepted. Asian cuisine with Japanese powell.com and Chinese influences, teriyaki chick Longhorn Steakhouse — en, sushi roll, shimp pad Thai. Lunch and dinner daily. Chldren’s menu; patio; 6035 Paul Blazer Parkway, Dublin,

614-760-5560; call-ahead seating, reservations accepted for large groups. American cuisine, prime rib, steak, salmon, ribs, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9-$25. www.longhorn steakhouse.com


no alcohol. Prices: $3-$15. www.mamamimis.com Mama Zarella’s — 240 N. Liberty St., Powell, 614-785-6262; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, homemade lasagna, chicken parmigiana, spinachricotta chicken, stromboli. Dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; full bar. Entrees: $10-$20. www.mamazarellas.com Marino’s Seafood Fish & Chips — 1216 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-481-8428; no reservations. Fish and chips, baked fish, salads, soups, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.50-$8.50. www.marinosseafood.net Marshall’s Restaurant & Bar — 1105 W. 1st Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-294-1105; no reservations. American cuisine, beef and noodles, wraps, sandwiches, burgers, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Tuesday-Saturday, breakfast Sunday. No children’s menu; The fire-roasted chicken patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.45-$9.95. at Lost Shepherd www.marshallsgrandview.com Lost Shepherd — 345 W. Olen Martino’s Sports Bar & Grille — tangy St., Powell, 614-792-5678; 6645 Dublin Center Dr., Dublin, reservations for six or more. Upscale 614-760-5575; no reservations. Pizza, tavern cuisine, pan-seared walleye, burgers, wings, subs. Lunch and dinner skillet-roasted filet mignon, portobello daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. pizza, fish and chips. Lunch and dinner Entrees: $6.79-$12. www.martinos daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. sportsbar.com Entrees: $8-$16. www.thelost Mary Kelley’s Restaurant & Pub shepherd.com — 7148 Muirfield Dr., Dublin, * Louie’s Grill — 4453 Cemetery 614-760-7041; reservations accepted Rd., Hilliard, 614-777-5606; reservations for seven or more. American cuisine, accepted. TexMex, Puerto Rican and steak, chops, Reuben grill, salads. Cuban cuisines made from scatch with Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. a Southwestern influence; jambalaya; Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: salmon; burritos. Breakfast, lunch and $7.75-$24.95. www.marykelleys.com dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full * Matt the Miller’s Tavern — bar. Entrees: $5-$13. www.louiesgrill 6725 Avery-Muirfield Dr, Dublin, fusionrestaurant.com 614-799-9100; reservations accepted Luce — 3499 Market St., Powell, for seven or more. American tavern 740-881-4600; reservations accepted. cuisine, sandwiches, flatbreads, pastas, Modern Italian and Mediterranean steaks, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily, cuisines, lasagna, antipasto plate, ahi Sunday brunch. Children’s menu, patio, full bar. Entrees: $12.95-$24.75. tuna tartar, pizza. Lunch and dinner www.mtmtavern.com Tuesday-Sunday. Limited children’s menu; patio; full bar and wine bar. Entrees: $16-$26. www.luceenoteca.com Lucky’s Grille — 5387 Roberts Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-771-7766; no reservations. Irish pub serving wings, burgers, brats, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.49-$19.99. www.luckysgrill.com MCL Restaurant — Kingsdale Shopping Center, Upper Arlington, 614-457-5786; reservations accepted. Home-cooked American cuisine, roast beef, baked fish, casseroles, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: MAX & ERMA’S $3.29-$8.49. www.mclhomemade.com A burger at Max & Erma’s Maca Cafe — 5 S. Liberty St., Powell, 614-436-1212; reservations Max & Erma’s — 4279 Cemetery accepted. Spanish small-plate cuisine, Rd., Hilliard, 614-771-0455; 4550 Kenny gazpacho, paella, garlic shrimp, scalRd., Northwest Side, 614-459-3435; 411 lops, ribs. Lunch and dinner TuesdaySaturday, Sunday brunch. No children’s Metro Place N., Dublin, 614-889-8111; 7480 Sawmill Rd., Dublin, menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: 614-760-8585; call-ahead seating. $5.50-$8.50. www.macahome.com Mama Mimi’s Take ’n’ Bake Pizza American casual cuisine, burgers, — 2092 Henderson Rd., Northwest Side, steak, chicken, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; 614-459-4114; 1565 King Ave., Northwest Side, 614-485-9711; carryout only. patio at Kenny Road and Metro Place locations; full bar. Entrees: Gourmet pizza, lasagna, salads. Lunch $7.99-$21.99. www.maxandermas.com and dinner daily. No children’s menu;

Dining Guide


Min-Ga Korean Restaurant — 800 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-457-7331; reservations accepted. Korean cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.95-$17.95. * Montgomery Inn — 4565 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., in the Shoppes at River Ridge, Dublin, 614-791-7427; reservations accepted. Barbecue cuisine, ribs, grilled pork chops, spring chicken. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; garden room; full bar. Entrees: $15.95-$31.95. www.montgomeryinn.com Moretti’s — 5849 Sawmill Rd., Northwest Side, 614-717-0400; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, veal, lasagna, homemade pasta, sausage. Dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $15-$28. www.morettis sawmill.com Moretti’s of Arlington — 2124 Tremont Center, Upper Arlington, 614-486-2333; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, veal Moretti, chicken, homemade pasta. Dinner MondaySaturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11-$23. www.morettis ofarlington.com Morgan House Restaurant — 5300 Glick Rd., Dublin, 614-889-5703; no reservations. American cuisine, soups, salads, sandwiches, daily specials. Lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.99-$10.99. www.morganhse.com Morone’s Italian Villa — 1490 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-457-7444; reservations for eight or more. Italian and American cuisines, pizza, lasagna, chicken and veal parmigiana. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$11.95. www.moronesitalian villa.com Movie Tavern — 3773 Ridge Mill Dr., Hilliard, 614-777-1012; no reservations. Movie theater with full-service restaurant, Philly sandwich, burgers, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$12.99. www.movietavern.com New Harvest Cafe — 1675 Arlington Ave., Linden, 614-447-8810; no reservations. Gourmet soul food, smothered chicken and gravy, cabbage and greens, soup. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Saturday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: donations. www.newharvestcafe.com New India Restaurant — 5226 Bethel Center Mall, Northwest Side, 614-442-7705; reservations accepted. Indian cuisine, chicken tikka masala, saag paneer, lamb bhuna. Lunch buffet and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$14.95. www.new indiarestaurant.com * New York Deli — 4032 Presidential Parkway, Powell area, 614-766-1111; no reservations. Deli cuisine, corned beef, turkey, chicken salad, roast beef, ham, side salads, homemade desserts. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$9.49. www.newyorkdeliofpowell.com Noodles & Company — 4740 Reed Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-453-1090; 1390 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights


area, 614-487-8253; 6104 Parkcenter Circle, Dublin, 614-210-8240; 9733 Sawmill Parkway, Dublin, 614-659-0047; no reservations. Asian, Mediterranean and American noodle dishes; soups; salads; macaroni and cheese. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio at all locations; beer and wine at 5th Avenue, no alcohol at the other locations. Entrees: $4.25-$7.25. www.noodles.com Ohio State University Golf Course Dining Room — 3605 Tremont Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-459-8444; reservations accepted. American cuisine, cobb salad, chicken BLT wrap, chicken salad. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Friday and Sunday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.25-$7.69. www.ohiostate golfclub.com

The chicken nachos at O ld Bag of Nails Pub Old Bag of Nails Pub — 1099 W. 1st Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-299-7211; 2102 Tremont Center, Upper Arlington, 614-486-6976; 4065 Main St., Hilliard, 614-777-0713; reservations accepted for eight or more. Pub cuisine, fish and chips, sandwiches, salads, soups, steak, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at W. 1st Avenue and Hilliard locations; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$15.99. www. oldbagofnails.com Olive Garden — 7160 Sawmill Rd., Dublin, 614-792-8181; call-ahead seating. Italian cuisine, soups, salads, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.95-$19.95. www.olivegarden.com * Olive Tree Mediterranean Cafe — 3185 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-527-8812; no reservations. Greek, Israeli and Lebanese cuisines; hummus; falafel; gyros; calamari. Lunch and dinner TuesdaySunday. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $7.50-$13.50. www.olivetreecolumbus.com On the Rocks — 5815 Karric Square, Dublin, 614-717-9215; no reservations. American cuisine, meatloaf sandwich, burgers, sandwiches, wings, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.50-$7.50. www.otr-bar.com Oscar’s Restaurant & Wine Bar — 84 N. High St., Dublin, 614-792-3424; reservations accepted. Contemporary American cuisine, walleye, veal, salmon, steak. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9-$22.

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Paul’s Fifth Avenue — 1565 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-481-8848; reservations accepted. www.hdrestaurants.com Italian and American cuisines, prime Otie’s Tavern & Grill — 5344 rib, veal, chicken. Breakfast, lunch and Center St., Hilliard, 614-876-1548; dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full reservations accepted for eight or bar. Entrees: $9.50-$22. www.pauls more. Country-style cuisine, pizza, online.com meatloaf, roast beef, fried bologna Pei Wei — 7571 Sawmill Rd., sandwich. Lunch and dinner MondayDublin, 614-726-4190; no reservations. Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full Pacific-Rim cuisine, noodle dishes, rice bar. Entrees: $7.95-$9.95. dishes, pad Thai, lo mein, coconut curry. Outback Steakhouse — Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; 2704 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, beer and wine. Entrees: $6.75-$9. 614-326-1605; 1735 Hilliard-Rome Rd., www.peiwei.com Far Northwest Side, 614-777-5433; Penn Station East Coast Subs — call-ahead seating. Steak, prime rib, 1257 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights seafood, pasta. Dinner daily. Children’s area, 614-488-7366; 775 Bethel Rd., menu; patio at both locations; full bar. Northwest Side, 614-451-0406; 4473 Entrees: $9.95-$26.50. www.outback Cemetery Rd., Hilliard, 614-850-0555; steakhouse.com no reservations. Philly steak, subs, P.F. Chang’s China Bistro — 6135 Parkcenter Circle, Dublin, 614-726-0070; salads, hand-cut fries. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio reservations accepted. Chinese and at Hilliard location; no alcohol. Prices: Asian cuisines, chicken lettuce wraps, Chang’s spicy chicken. Lunch and dinner $6.99-$12.38. www.penn-station.com Peppercini’s Pizza — 8747 Smoky daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: Row Rd., Powell, 614-764-1611; no $9.95-$21.95. www.pfchangs.com reservations. Pizza, stromboli. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.95-$18.50. Perkins Restaurant & Bakery — 1451 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-870-7744; reservations accepted for large groups. Variety of cuisines, chicken-tender melt. Breakfast, lunch and dinner 24 hours a day. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.99-$12.99. www.perkins restaurants.com * Pho Asian Noodle House and Grill — 1288 W. Lane Ave., Upper Arlington, 614-488-8886; reservations accepted. Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese cuisines; Vietnamese salad roll; rice noodle salad with spring roll; duck A variety of fare at P.S. Thai Tai noodle soup; pad Thai. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.95-$7.95. P.S. Thai Tai — 1577 King Ave., Pizzano’s — 5875 Sawmill Rd., Grandview Heights area, 614-488-3369; no reservations. Thai and Chinese food, Dublin area, 614-766-0000; reservations curries, tom kha gai, spring rolls. Lunch accepted. Italian cuisine, pizza, stromand dinner daily. No children’s menu; no boli. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: alcohol. Entrees: $5.95-$11.95. $5.99-$12.99. www.mypizzanos.com Pacific Eatery — 4514 Kenny Rd., Potbelly Sandwich Works — Northwest Side, 614-451-1428; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, sesame 6695 Avery-Muirfield Dr., Dublin, chicken, black pepper steak. Lunch and 614-734-0085; no reservations. Hot sandwiches, soups, salads, milkshakes, dinner daily. No children’s menu; full fresh-baked cookies. Lunch and dinner bar. Entrees: $8.50-$14.95. daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. www.pacificeatery.com Entrees: $3.99-$5.29. www.potbelly.com Panda Inn — 1446 Bethel Rd., Qdoba — 5063 N. High St., Northwest Side, 614-459-2229; reservaWorthington, 614-840-0411; 1689 W. 5th tions suggested. Authentic Chinese Ave., Grandview Heights area, cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; full bar; no 614-481-1971; 4740 Reed Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-451-1487; no reservawheelchair access. Entrees: tions. Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, $8.95-$23.95. salads, quesadillas. Lunch and dinner Panera Bread — 1307 Grandview Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-486-9500; daily. Children’s menu; patio at all locations; no alcohol. Entrees: 3625 Fishinger Blvd., Hilliard, $3.99-$7.39. www.qdoba.com 614-876-9900; 875 Bethel Rd., North Quizno’s Classic Subs — west Side, 614-457-6800; 3278 Tremont 2049 Henderson Rd., Upper Arlington Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-583-2600; 2750 Martin Rd., Dublin, 614-764-9700; area, 614-442-1496; 6780 Perimeter Loop Rd., Dublin, 614-336-8550; 5043 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., No. 201, 5374 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Dublin, Dublin, 614-761-8900; 6665 Perimeter 614-766-7849; no reservations. OvenLoop Rd., Dublin, 614-760-9650; no baked subs, prime rib cheesesteak, reservations. Artisan breads, sandsoups, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. wiches, salads, soups, specialty pasChildren’s menu; no alcohol. Prices: tries, bagels. Breakfast, lunch and $3-$7.49. www.quiznos.com dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at * Rancho Alegre — 1075 Dublin all locations; no alcohol. Entrees: Rd., Grandview Heights area, $4.50-$8. www.panera-ohio.com

The tilapia and shr imp at Rancho Alegre 614-485-9130; reservations accepted. Authentic Mexican Jalisco cuisine, molcajete, pollo a la pina, grilled tilapia and shrimp, daily specials. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar except Sundays. Entrees: $8.75-$24.99. www.ranchoalegrerestaurant.com Red Door Tavern — 1736 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-488-5433; reservations accepted for six or more. American cuisine, cheeseburgers, sandwiches, Reubens, homemade soups, Der Dutchman pies. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.50-$17.95. www.reddoortavern.com Red Lobster — 6091 Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, 614-210-0358; no reservations. American cuisine, seafood, the Ultimate Feast, shrimp, crab legs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $14.25-$31.25. www.redlobster.com Red Robin — 1865 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-876-8230; no reservations. American fare, Whiskey River barbecue burger, chicken, pasta, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$12.99. www.redrobin.com

The Refectory’s wine cellar is noteworthy. The Refectory Restaurant & Bistro — 1092 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-451-9774; reservations accepted. Contemporary French cuisine, steak, seafood, game, lamb, veal, desserts, wine cellar. Dinner MondaySaturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $15.95-$35. Call for wheelchair accessibility. www.refectory.com Rise and Dine — 7573 Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, 614-932-7008; reservations accepted Monday-Friday. Breakfast all day, omelets, corned-beef

pizza, pasta, salads. Lunch and dinner hash, pancakes, sandwiches, salads. daily. Children’s portions available; no Breakfast and lunch daily, dinner alcohol. Entrees: $2.99 and higher. Wednesday. Children’s menu; no www.sbarro.com alcohol. Entrees: $6.50-$9.50. Scrambler Marie’s — 5291 Nike www.risedine.com Station Way, Hilliard, 614-850-7243; River City Grille — 5605 Paul 3980 Presidential Parkway, Powell, Blazer Parkway in the Columbus 614-760-7220; no reservations. AmerMarriott Northwest, Dublin, ican cuisine, south-of-the-border 614-791-1000; reservations accepted. omelet, pancakes, eggs, soups, salads, American cuisine, breakfast and lunch buffet, chicken, pasta, steak. Breakfast, sandwiches. Breakfast and lunch daily. lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.99-$8.99. www.scramblermaries.com full bar. Entrees: $14.95-$25.95. Shanghai Lily Restaurant — 6161 www.marriott.com Glick Rd., Powell, 614-789-9330; reser Roma’s Brick Oven Pizzeria — vations accepted. Asian cuisine, Chilean 4697 Reed Rd., Upper Arlington area, sea bass in Szechwan sauce. Lunch and 614-451-7662; no reservations. Gyros, dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; stromboli, hand-tossed pizza, pasta, full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$15.95. salads. Lunch from menu and lunch www.shanghaililyrestaurant.net buffet Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. Shi Chi Japanese Steakhouse — No children’s menu; no alcohol. En6377 Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, trees: $3-$20. www.romasoven.com 614-789-4400; reservations accepted. Romano’s Macaroni Grill — 6115 Parkcenter Circle, Dublin, 614-792-3676; Japanese hibachi cuisine, steak, reservations accepted. Authentic Italian seafood, chicken and filet mignon. cuisine, penne, pastas, pizzas, seafood, Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; steak. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s full bar. Entrees: $11.25-$32.99. www.shichisteakhouse.com menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$19.99. www.macaronigrill.com Rooster’s Restaurant — 1832 Henderson Rd., Northwest Side, 614-326-0216; reservations accepted for large groups. American cuisine, wings, salads, chicken, pizza, subs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5-$10. www.roosterswings.com Rotolo’s Pizza — 1749 W. 5th Ave., Grandview Heights area, 614-488-7934; 6485 Perimeter Dr., Dublin, 614-764-3750; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, lasagna, spaghetti, rigatoni with meatballs. Lunch and dinner daily, carryout and delivery only. Children’s portions available; beer and wine at W. 5th Avenue only. Entrees: The fire-pot chicken and $7-$16. www.rotolospizza.com vegetable satay at S hoku Ruby Tuesday — 3730 W. DublinGranville Rd., Northwest Side, Shoku — 1312 Grandview Ave., 614-761-8850; 1840 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Grandview Heights, 614-485-9490; Far Northwest Side, 614-527-8930; reservations accepted. Asian cuisine, 5043 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Dublin, sushi, fire-pot chicken. Lunch Monday614-761-9533; 8753 Owenfield Dr., Friday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; Powell, 740-548-1670; call-ahead patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$23.95. seating. Burgers, steak, New Orleans www.daeoh.com seafood. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday Spageddie’s Italian Kitchen — brunch. Children’s menu; patio at W. 3873 Park Mill Run Dr., Hilliard, Dublin-Granville Road only; full bar. 614-529-9455; reservations accepted. Entrees: $6.99-$19.99. www.ruby Italian cuisine, chicken scaloppine, tuesday.com sizzlelini. Lunch and dinner daily. Rusty Bucket Corner Tavern — Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: Lane Avenue Shopping Center, Upper $8.59-$16.99. www.spageddies Arlington, 614-485-2303; 6644 Perimitaliankitchen.com eter Loop Dr., Dublin, 614-889-2594; Spagio — 1295 Grandview Ave., reservations accepted for eight or Grandview Heights, 614-486-1114; more. Pub cuisine, fish and chips, reservations accepted. American, deep-fried pickles, Bucket Bites, daily European and Pacific Rim cuisines; pork blue-plate specials. Lunch and dinner tenderloin; seafood; steak; pasta; pizza. daily. Children’s menu; patio at Lane Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday, Avenue only; full bar. Entrees: Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s $8.50-$18.95. www.rustybucket menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $15-$28. tavern.com www.spagio.com Salvi’s Bistro — 1323 St. James Sparano’s Pizza — 1724 NorthLutheran Lane, Far Northwest Side, west Blvd., Northwest Side, 614-870-8788; reservations accepted. 614-486-1230; carryout and delivery Italian and American cuisines, only. Pizzas, subs, salads, pasta dinPastaSalvi, veal dishes, steak, seafood. ners. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol; no Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: wheelchair access. Entrees: $7-$20. $8.75-$18.95. www.salvisbistro.com Spring of China — 4720 Reed Rd., Sbarro, the Italian Eatery — Mall Upper Arlington, 614-273-9998; reservaat Tuttle Crossing, Dublin, 614-336tions accepted. Asian cuisine, fried rice, 9520; no reservations. Italian cuisine, chicken, seafood delight, pepper steak.

Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $10-$17. Starliner Diner — 5240 Cemetery Rd., Hilliard, 614-529-1198; reservations accepted weekdays. Southwest, Cuban and Cajun cuisines; huevos rancheros; Cuban chicken. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Tuesday-Saturday, Sunday brunch. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$11. www.starlinerdiner.com Stauf’s Coffee Roasters — 1277 Grandview Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-486-4861; no reservations. Coffeehouse serving sandwiches, salads, bagels, desserts. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$7. www.staufs.com Streets Bar and Grill — 1169 Old Henderson Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-8960; no reservations. Burgers, wings, panini sandwiches, salads, Friday-night specials. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Prices: $5.99-$14.99. Sumeno’s Italian Restaurant — 7400 Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, 614-791-0939; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, spaghetti pie, lasagna, chicken, pasta, pizza. Lunch and dinner buffetsdaily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $9.99-$14.49. www.sumenos.com Sun Tong Luck Asian Cuisine — 2500 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-442-3375; no reservations. Hong Kong and Pan-Asian cuisines; pad Thai; spicy garlic triple; Gen. Tso’s chicken. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$10.50. www.suntongluck.com Sunflower Chinese Restaurant & Lounge — 7370 Sawmill Rd., Dublin, 614-764-7888; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, fried seafood delight, dim sum, pepper steak, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9-$30.

The annin tofu at S ushi Bistro Masa Sushi Bistro Masa — 6395 Perimeter Dr., Dublin, 614-336-8855; reservations accepted. Japanese cuisine, sushi sampler, sauteed scallops, grilled butterfish, tempura, fried calamari. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6-$20. www.sushibistromasa.com Sushi.com — 7160 Muirfield Dr., Dublin, 614-336-8686; reservations accepted. Sushi, appetizers, chef’s special rolls. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; wine, beer and saki. Entrees: $5-$17.95. www.sushidotcom.com

T.G.I. Friday’s — 3861 Park Mill Run Dr., Hilliard, 614-777-7997; Mall at Tuttle Crossing, Dublin, 614-734-1474; call-ahead seating. American cuisine, sandwiches, ribs, Jack Daniel’s items, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at both locations; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$18.79. www.tgifridays.com Tai’s Asian Bistro — 1285 W. Lane Ave., Upper Arlington, 614-485-0016; no reservations. Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese cuisines; Tai Asian chicken; pad Thai; Vietnamese salad roll. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; beer. Entrees: $8-$10. www.taisasian bistro.com Taj Palace Indian Restaurant — 3794 Fishinger Blvd., Hilliard, 614-771-3870; reservations accepted. Indian cuisine, saag paneer, tandoori chicken, kebabs. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$13.99. www.taj palacecolumbus.com Taste of Bali — 2548 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-459-7230; reservations accepted. Indonesian and Balinese cuisines, Indonesian grilled chicken and tilapia, jackfruit. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $8.95-$15.95. www.tasteofbaliohio.com


The spice-lover combination at Taste of Bali Ted’s Montana Grill — 6195 Sawmill Rd., Dublin area, 614-760-7753; no reservations. American comfort cuisine, bison, sandwiches, prime rib, chicken, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$35. www.tedsmontanagrill.com TehKu Tea Company — 55 S. High St., Dublin, 614-371-8345; no reservations. Cafe serving 100 premium loose-leaf teas, sandwiches, salads, soups, lattes, bubble teas. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.95-$20. www.tehku.com Ten Pin Alley and Spike’s — 5499 Constitution Blvd., Hilliard, 614-876-2475; no reservations. American cuisine with a twist, flatbreads, burgers, pizza, Big Lebowski nachos. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Prices: $7.25-$12.95. www.tenpinalleyandspikes.com Texas Road House — 1540 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-457-5322; 1770 Hilliard-Rome Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-921-1850; no reservations. American cuisine, filet mignon, steak,

A variety of treats at Tuula’s European Cafe ribs, chicken. Lunch Saturday-Sunday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Hilliard-Rome Road; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$19.99. www.texasroadhouse.com Thai Orchid Restaurant — 7654 Sawmill Rd., Dublin, 614-792-1112; reservations accepted. Thai cuisine, pad Thai, green curry. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.25-$13.95. www.thaiorchidcolumbus.com * Third and Hollywood — 1433 W. 3rd Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-488-0303; no reservations. Classic American bar-and-grill food, sandwiches, salads, seafood, steak. Dinner daily. Children’s offerings; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12-$24. www.thirdandholly wood.com * Tokyo Sushi — 9880 Brewster Lane, Powell, 614-799-2828; reservations accepted. Japanese cuisine, Tokyo special roll, teriyaki chicken, katsu pork. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4-$20. Trattoria Roma — 1447 Grandview Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-488-2104; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, osso buco, rotolo di pasta, daily risotto specials. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11.95-$24.95. www.trattoria-roma.com Tria Grill — 230 W. Olentangy St., Powell, 614-766-0335; reservations accepted. Contemporary and traditional Greek cuisine, hand-rolled grape leaves, lamb chops, kota aginares, fresh bread. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.95-$16.65. www.triagrill.com Tucci’s Wood-Fired Bistro — 35 N. High St., Dublin, 614-792-3466; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, chorizocrusted grouper, fish, steak, pasta. Dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10-$25. www.tuccisbistros.com Tumbleweed — 6505 Dublin Center Dr., Dublin; 614-761-3630; reservations accepted. Mesquite Southwestern cuisine, steaks, burritos, chimichangas, enchildas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$22.99. www.tumbleweedrestaurants.com Tutto Vino Wine Cellar & Bistro — 7178 Muirfield Dr., Dublin, 614-799-9222; reservations suggested. Small plate-style cuisine, gourmet pizzas, selected tapas, cheese-and-olive plates. Dinner Tuesday-Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees:

$6-$25.95. www.tutto-vino.com * Tuula’s European Cafe — 3856 Hard Rd., Northwest Side, 614-923-3083; no reservations. Sandwiches, salads, soups, pastries, cakes and gelato. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4-$8. www.tuulas europeancafe.com * Tweeters Chicken Crib — 5927 Karric Square, Dublin, 614-764-9464; no reservations. Classic American cuisine, wings, burgers, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.29-$8.99. VinoVino Restaurant and Wine Bar — 1371 Grandview Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-481-8200; reservations accepted. Tapas and new American cuisine, bruschetta, beef tenderloin, crab cakes, pasta, pizza. Dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11-$15. www.vinovinocolumbus.com Vittoria’s — 10241 Sawmill Parkway, Powell, 614-791-8100; reservations accepted. Old World Italian cuisine, veal and chicken piccata, veal and chicken marsala, pastas. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11-$34. www.vittoria columbus.com Vonn Blues Lounge — 2151 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Linworth area, 614-888-6133; no reservations. Smallplate cuisine, crab cakes, bruschetta, seared tuna. Late lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8-$15. www.vonnjazz.com

The kattan drink at Vonn Blues Lounge W.G. Grinders — 1925 Hard Rd., Northwest Side, 614-792-1163; 1453 Grandview Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-481-7700; 5467 Bethel-Sawmill Center, Northwest Side, 614-798-1331; 2820 Fishinger Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-459-3663; no reservations. Subs, pasta, pizza, salads, soups, cheesecake. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.95-$12.90. www.wggrinders.com Waffle House — 2360 Westbelt Dr., Far Northwest Side, 614-876-9834; 900 N. Wilson Rd., Far Northwest Side, 614-272-9575; no reservations. American cuisine, waffles, All-Star Special breakfast, chicken, burgers, steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.95-$10.25. www.wafflehouse.com Wedgewood Pub & Grill — 9890 Brewster Lane, Powell, 614-718-0355; no reservations. Hamburgers, pizza,


stromboli, salads, sandwiches, boneless wings. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6-$10. WG Bistro — 4561 Scioto Darby Rd., Hilliard, 614-319-3737; reservations accepted for six or more. Italian-style bistro cuisine, salmon caprese, chicken marsala, saffron-poached sea bass. Dinner Tuesday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $14-$22. www.thewgbistro.com Whole Foods Market, the Brass — 3670 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Dublin, 614-760-5556; no reservations. American diner food; burgers; chicken-fried steak; pork chop with sweet potato, apples and onions; fish and chips. Dine-in or carryout. No children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $7-$15. www.wholefoodsmarket.com Whole Foods Market Trattoria — 3670 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., Dublin, 614-760-5556; no reservations. Casual contemporary food with a Mediterranean influence, seared sea scallops with prosciutto and grilled asparagus, pan-seared halibut with a vegetable citrus couscous and saffron cream sauce. Dine-in or carryout. No children’s menu; wine. Entrees: $12-$17. www.wholefoodsmarket.com Windchimes — 5742 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-792-0990; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, garlic sea bass, kung pao beef. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.95-$19. www.windchimes chinese.com Windward Passage — 4739 Reed Rd., Upper Arlington, 614-451-2497; no reservations. Seafood, perch, walleye, steak, barbecued ribs. Lunch MondayFriday, dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $10-$30. Winking Lizard Tavern — 1380 Bethel Rd., Northwest Side, 614-451-2647; no reservations. American cuisine, pizza, ribs, wings. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$10.29. www.winkinglizard.com Wolfgang Puck Express — Lane Avenue Shopping Center, Upper Arlington, 614-481-9653; no reservations. Hearth-baked pizzas, margherita pizza, salads, sandwiches, soups. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $7.95-$11.95. www.wolfgangpuckexpress.com Yogi’s Bar and Grill — 5857 Karric Square Dr., Dublin, 614-798-1772; no reservations. American cuisine, wings, burgers, sandwiches, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$10. www.yogis dublin.com Yoshi’s Japanese Restaurant — 5776 Frantz Rd., Dublin, 614-889-1275; reservations accepted. Japanese cuisine, chicken teriyaki, steak, seafood, sushi. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; beer, wine and bourbon. Entrees: $12-$24. Z Cucina di Spirito — 1368 Grandview Ave., Grandview Heights, 614-486-9200; reservations accepted. Italian and Mediterranean cuisines, tortellini gamberi, pasta, seafood, steak. Dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $16-$24. www.zcucina.com

Dining Guide


NORTH Acme Hot Dog & Sausage Co. — 4989 Cleveland Ave., North Side, 614-891-2263; no reservations. Grilled hot dogs with natural casing, gourmet sausages, Chicago-style hot dogs. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Prices: $1.65-$5. www.acmehdsc.com Acropolis Gyro Palace — 5328 N. High St., North Side, 614-888-7728; reservations accepted. Greek cuisine, gyros, salads, spinach pie, lamb chops, kebabs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.50-$10. www.acropolisgyros.com Aladdin’s Eatery — 2931 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-262-2414; reservations accepted for six or more. Mediterranean cuisine, rolled pitas, shawarma, hummus, mujadara. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $7.99-$12.95. www.aladdinseatery.com Amano’s — Worthington Mall, 614-430-8000; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, pizza, burgers, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.95-$8.95. Andhra Spice — 8939 S. Old State Rd., Lewis Center, 614-433-0108; reservations accepted. Indian cuisine, specialty flatbreads, chicken tikka, dosas, lamb biryani. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$12.99. Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar — 1161 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-840-9092; 5037 N. High St., Graceland Shopping Center, 614-848-0394; no reservations. American cuisine, chicken and steak fajitas, burgers, salads, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$18.99. www.applebees.com Asian Cuisine — 8008 N. High St., Far North Side, 614-433-9000; reservations accepted. Gourmet Chinese cuisine, seafood, black-pepper tenderloin, lobster with ginger and scallions. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.90-$21.95. Asian Market Cafe — 3456 Cleveland Ave., North Side, 614-261-6118; no reservations. Vietnamese cuisine, chicken, beef, seafood, pork. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$7.99. Atrium Grille — 2700 Corporate Exchange Dr. in the Embassy Suites, North Side, 614-890-8600; reservations accepted. Chicken marsala, salads, wraps, steak, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $16-$27. www.embassysuites.com Bayleaf India Bistro — 1025 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-825-1053; reservations accepted. Tandoori chicken, paneer korma, curried mussels. Lunch buffet and dinner daily, SaturdaySunday brunch. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $8.95-$17.95. www.bayleaf-indiabistro.com BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse — 1414 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-885-1800; reservations accepted for 10 or more, call-ahead seating. Deep-dish pizza, jambalaya, housemade beer. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees:


$7.95-$21.95. www.bjsrestaurants.com *Benihana — 8781 Lyra Dr., Polaris, 614-436-3705; reservations recommended. Japanese steakhouse cuisine, sushi, Rocky’s choice, Land and Sea, Deluxe Treat. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $17.60-$43.60. www.benihana.com Bob Evans — 6193 Cleveland Ave., North Side, 614-882-3254; 960 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., North Side, 614-888-1234; 5091 N. High St., Beechwold area, 614-841-7400; 7550 N. High St., Worthington area, 614-888-2711; no reservations. American cuisine, sunshine skillet, country-fried steak, meatloaf, sandwiches, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$11.99. www.bobevans.com Bonefish Grill — 1930 Polaris Parkway, Shoppes at Orion, 614-436-0286; reservations accepted. Seafood, beef, chicken, pasta. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $13-$27. www.bonefishgrill.com Bravo Cucina Italiana — 7470 Vantage Dr., Crosswoods, 614-888-3881; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, pastas, wood-fired pizzas, seafood, steak, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12-$26. www.bravoitalian.com

The flatbread pizza at B rio Tuscan Grille Brio Tuscan Grille — 1500 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-410-0310; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, lasagna bolognese, shrimp and scallop risotto, lamb chops, Pasta Brio, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, SaturdaySunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $14-$28. www.best italianusa.com Bruno’s Italian — 1774 E. DublinGranville Rd., North Side, 614-891-0631; no reservations. Italian cuisine, ravioli, pizza, lasagna. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $6.95-$13.95. Buca di Beppo — 60 E. Wilson Bridge Rd., Worthington, 614-848-8466; reservations accepted. Fresh Italian family-style cuisine, spaghetti and meatballs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$29.99. www.bucadibeppo.com Buffalo Wild Wings — 2137 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-985-3164; no reservations. Wings, burgers, chicken sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4.79-$10.99. www.buffalo wildwings.com

Continued on Page 20

Saturday. Soup, salad, choice of entree, dessert. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $39.95, includes show and dinner. www.cloakdagger.com Meadow Park Ave. Columbus Fish Market — Owenfield Dr. 40 Hutchinson Ave., Crosswoods, Neveland Dr. 614-410-3474; reservations accepted. 71 Powell Rd. Seafood, cedar-roasted salmon, hoisin750 glazed yellowfin tuna, Maryland jumbo lump crab cakes. Lunch and dinner daily. Cameron Ave. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Gemini Pkwy. $10-$28.95. www.columbusfishmarket. 23 com or www.mitchellsfishmarket.com POLARIS Connections Cafe — 7007 N. High Polaris Pkwy. St. in the Holiday Inn, Worthington County Line Rd. area, 614-436-0700; reservations DELAWARE COUNTY accepted. American cuisine, pasta Lazelle Rd. dishes. Breakfast and lunch MondayFRANKLIN COUNTY Saturday, breakfast Sunday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$21. Worthington * Corner Stone Deli-Cafe-Sushi — Park Rd. Centre Dr. Main St. 3296 N. High St., North Side, WESTERVILLE 614-267-3354; no reservations. DeliWorthington Vantage Dr. style cuisine, sushi, sandwiches, salads. . d Woods Blvd. w B lv Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No Ca m p u s V i e Huntington Park Dr. children’s menu; no alcohol; no wheelCROSSWOODS chair access. Entrees: $6-$12. Hutchinson Ave. www.cornerstonedelicafe.com 270 Cosi — 1310 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-431-6600; 12 E. Wilson Wilson Bridge Rd. Bridge Rd., Worthington, 614-844-4300; WORTHINGTON Community Park Dr. no reservations. Upscale casual cuisine, k R d. MALL S c h r oc freshly tossed salads, made-to-order Home Acre Dr. flatbread sandwiches, pizza, s’mores. Corporate Exchange Dr. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.39-$10.99. www.getcosi.com * Crazy Greek — 8325 Market Dublin-Granville Rd. Exchange Dr., Lewis Center, 161 614-888-9670; reservations accepted. WO R T H I N G TO N Greek cuisine, gyros, spicy chicken, hummus. Lunch and dinner MondaySaturday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.99-$9.99. Lincoln Ave. Cuisine of India — 8475 Sancus Blvd., Polaris, 614-781-9610; reservations accepted. Traditional Indian 71 cuisine, chicken tikka masala, chana masala, saag paneer, Indo-Chinese GRACELAND Morse Rd. buffet. Lunch and dinner daily. ChilSHOPPING dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.95CENTER $12.95. www.cuisineofindiatogo.com COLUMBUS Damon’s Grill — 40 Polaris Parkway, Westerville, 614-890-2921; reservations accepted. American Cooke Rd. cuisine, barbecued ribs, baby-back ribs, fried shrimp, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; 3 full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$21.99. www.damons.com 0.5 CLINTONVILLE Dante’s Pizza — 3586 Indianola N MILE Ave., Clintonville, 614-268-5090; no THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH reservations. Sausage pizza, pepperoni pizza, spaghetti, ravioli, gnocchi, pastas. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Irish stew, fish and chips. Lunch and daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full lasagna. Dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; beer. Entrees: $14.95-$25.95. bar. Entrees: $11.99-$18.99. www.clad$8.25-$10.95. Cash or check only. Chubby’s Sports Grill — 1844 daghirishpubs.com Don Patron— 2977 N. High St., Hard Rd., Worthington, 614-734-9831; Clintonville Pizza Primo — Clintonville, 614-447-9820; reservations no reservations. Wings, nachos, burg3027 Indianola Ave., Clintonville, accepted. Mexican cuisine, carnitas, ers, pulled pork, chicken. Lunch and 614-263-5300; no reservations. Pizzas, subs, salads, chicken club subs. Dinner tacos, chicken taquitos. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$9.99. Entrees: $4.99-$20. Entrees: $4.95-$13.95. City Barbeque — 8491 Sancus Dragon Land — 1093 Worthington www.mypizzaprimo.com Blvd., Polaris area, 614-573-8686; no Club Polaris — 8270 Sancus Blvd., Woods Blvd., North Side, 614-847-9991; reservations. Beef brisket, pulled pork, no reservations. Chinese, Thai and Polaris, 614-841-2582; reservations for ribs, sandwiches, homemade side Laotian cuisines. Lunch and dinner dishes, desserts. Lunch and dinner daily. large groups. Pizza, appetizers, subs. Dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; Children’s portions available; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.50-$9.25. full bar. Entrees: $2-$6. beer. Entrees: $4.99-$17.99. Dynasty Express — 2107 Polaris Cloak & Dagger Dinner Theatre www.citybbq.com Parkway, Polaris, 614-848-0381; reser— 1048 Morse Rd., North Side, Claddagh Irish Pub — 8745 vations accepted. Chinese cuisine, 614-842-2583; reservations required. Sancus Blvd., Polaris, 614-885-0100; sesame chicken, scallops with garlic Dinner theater offering Friday and reservations accepted. Irish cuisine,

North Side









Sancus Blvd.

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Cleveland Ave.

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sauce. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.98-$11.95. www.dynasty-express oh.com 8 Ball Sports Bar and Grill — 2100 Morse Rd., North Side, 614-436-2948; no reservations. Burgers, subs, pizza, salads, soups, daily specials. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.99-$9.99. www.8ballsportsbar.com Eddie Merlot’s — 1570 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-433-7307; reservations recommended. Tenderloin, filet mignon, New York strip, chicken, seafood. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $19.95-$49.95. www.eddiemerlots.com El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant — 7475 Vantage Dr., Crosswoods, 614-781-0751; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, fajitas, carnitas, tamales. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$14.99. www.elacapulco ohio.com El Vaquero Mexican Restaurant — 8715 Sancus Blvd., Polaris, 614-847-7302; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, carne asada, seafood, burritos, fajitas, carnitas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.10-$13.50. www.elvaquerorestaurants.com Eldorado’s Food & Spirits — 4968 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-785-0030; no reservations. Subs, burgers, wings, salads, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.50-$10. Ena’s Caribbean Kitchen — 2444 Cleveland Ave., North Side, 614-262-0988; no reservations. Jamaican cuisine, jerk chicken, goat, oxtail, red beans and rice. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$16.

Indianola Ave.

Roche Dr.

Sinclair Rd.

Busch Blvd.

jerk jambalaya. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$12.99. www.caribbeanjerks.com * Buffalo Wings & Rings — Carrabba’s Italian Grill — 8460 8661 Columbus Pike, Lewis Center, Lyra Dr., Polaris, 614-880-2426; call740-548-1700; reservations accepted except for big events. American classic ahead seating. Italian cuisine, chicken marsala, lasagna, wood-fired pizzas. cuisine, wings, burgers, gyros. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; Lunch Saturday-Sunday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: full bar. Entrees: $4.49-$8.99. $9-$20. www.carrabbas.com www.buffalowingsandrings.com Champp’s — 161 E. Campus View Cafe Mozart — 2885 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-268-3687; reservations Blvd., Crosswoods, 614-781-1000; reservations accepted. American accepted. European cuisine, Wiener Schnitzel, stroganoff, spaetzle, Hungar- cuisine, chicken, steak, seafood, salads. ian goulash, tortes, pastries. Breakfast, Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$19.99. www.champps.com patio; beer and wine. Entrees: Charley’s Steakery — 1283 Polaris $10.95-$14.95. www.mozartscafe.com Parkway, Polaris, 614-430-3880; no Caffe Daniela — 652 High St., reservations. Philly-steak sandwiches, Worthington, 614-436-0139; reservagourmet fries. Lunch and dinner daily. tions accepted. Italian cuisine, homeChildren’s menu; patio; no alcohol. made gelato, pastas, sauces, pizzas, Entrees: $4.99-$7.69. www. panini sandwiches, soups and salads, charleys.com daily specials. Lunch and dinner Mon Cheeseburger in Paradise — day-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; 8665 Sancus Blvd., Polaris, full bar. Entrees: $5.95-$12.95. 614-785-1640; no reservations. Caribwww.caffedaniela.com bean cuisine, cheeseburgers, seafood. California Pizza Kitchen — Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; 1500 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.50-$13. 614-985-6304; call-ahead seating. www.cheeseburgerinparadise.com Barbecued chicken pizza, gourmet Cheesecake Factory — 1566 pizzas, pasta, salads. Lunch and dinner Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-848-6700; daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. limited reservations. Chicken, steak, Entrees: $9.29-$16.49. www.cpk.com pasta, Cajun jambalaya, cheesecake. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$17.95. www.thecheesecakefactory.com China Buffet — 1788 Morse Rd., North Side, 614-848-3628; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, sweet-andsour chicken, Gen. Tso’s chicken, noodles, beef, rice, fish, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s prices; no alcohol. Entrees: $4-$8. China Dynasty — 1930 E. DublinGranville Rd., North Side, 614-523-2008; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, sesame chicken, cashew chicken, FILE PHOTOS orange shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily, buffet Sunday. No children’s menu; full The sea bass at C antina bar. Entrees: $9.75-$27.95. Laredo www.chinadynasty161.com China Jade Chinese & Vietna * Cantina Laredo — 8791 Lyra Dr., mese Restaurant — 6104 Boardwalk St., North Side, 614-847-1230; no Polaris, 614-781-1139; reservations reservations. Chinese and Vietnamese accepted. Gourmet Mexican cuisine, cuisines. Lunch and dinner Tuesdayguacamole made tableside, fresh fish, Sunday. No children’s menu; beer. camaron poblano asada, camarones Entrees: $4.95-$12.99 escondidos. Lunch and dinner daily. China Way — 216 Worthington Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10.49-$26.99. www.cantinalaredo.com Mall, 614-847-9900; no reservations. Chinese cuisine, Gen. Tso’s chicken, Cardone’s Restaurant & Bar — Mongolian beef. Lunch and dinner daily. 377 W. Main St., Westerville. No children’s menu; no alcohol. 614-392-2267; reservations accepted. Entrees: $5.75-$8.75. Old World Italian, chicken parmigiana, Chipotle Mexican Grill — 1140 soups, salads. Lunch and dinner MonPolaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-781-1320; day-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9-$18. www.cardones 154 Hutchinson Ave., Crosswoods, 614-433-0221; 4489 N. High St., Clintonrestaurant.com ville, 614-263-5547; 1960 E. Dublin Carfagna’s Kitchen — 2025 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-848-4488; Granville Rd., North Side, 614-891-4257; no reservations. Mexican cuisine, no reservations. Casual Italian cuisine, pizza, pasta. Lunch and dinner Monday- burritos, tacos, burrito bowls, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; Saturday. Children’s menu; beer and patio; beer and margaritas. Entrees: wine. Entrees: $6.95-$12.95. $5.25-$6.50. www.chipotle.com www.carfagnaskitchen.com Christino’s — 6500 Doubletree Caribbean Jerks Island Bar & Ave. in the Crowne Plaza Columbus Grill — 1262 E. Powell Rd., Lewis North, North Side, 614-885-1885; Center, 614-844-6501; reservations reservations accepted. American accepted. Caribbean cuisine, jerk contemporary cuisine, steak au poivre, chicken sandwich, rum-glazed tilapia,


t R d.

Continued from Page 19

Dining Guide



N. High St.


The Asian grilled shrimp salad and chicken and v egetable soup at Evening Star Cafe Evening Star Cafe — 5060 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-840-0075; reservations accepted. American, Thai and Chinese cuisines; cheeseburgers; Asian grilled shrimp salad; Reubens; wraps; Szechwan pasta. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.95-$8.50. First Watch — 2103 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-846-2738; Worthington Mall, 614-431-9040; no reservations. American cuisine, omelets, pancakes, crepes, sandwiches, salads.

Ha Long Bay Vietnamese Kitchen Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.69-$7.89. — 8489 Sancus Blvd., Polaris, 614-436-4087; reservations accepted. www.firstwatch.com Vietnamese cuisine. Lunch and dinner * Five Guys Burgers and Fries — daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 2134 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-436-5550; no reservations. Burgers, $3.95-$17.95. Hoggy’s Restaurants and Caterhot dogs, grilled cheese and fries. ing — 8740 Sancus Blvd., Polaris, Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.69-$5.69. 614-433-7447; call-ahead seating, reservations for 10 or more. Southern www.fiveguys.com cuisine, baby-back ribs, prime rib, pulled Friendly’s — 2345 E. DublinGranville Rd., North Side, 614-882-0610; pork, beef brisket, burgers, salads, wings. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s no reservations. Steak, meatloaf, menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: sandwiches, quesadillas, sundaes. $6.99-$19.99. www.hoggys.com Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Honeybaked Ham & Cafe — Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: 1085 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, $9.49-$12.49. www.friendlys.com 614-880-9900; no reservations. Special Frisch’s — 2375 Silver Dr., North ty meats, hot and cold sandwiches, Side, 614-262-5505; 8121 N. High St., Crosswoods, 614-885-4837; no reserva- soups, desserts. Lunch and dinner tions. American cuisine, burgers, wraps, Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.49-$7.79 sandwiches, country-fried steak. www.honeybakedham.com Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Hooter’s — 8591 Sancus Blvd., Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: Polaris, 614-846-2367; reservations for $5.85-$10.90. www.frischs.com 10 or more. Wings, sandwiches, salads, Fujiyama Steak House of Japan seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Chil— 5755 Cleveland Ave., North Side, dren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: 614-891-2224; reservations accepted. $6.99-$39.99. www.hootersrmd.com Hibachi-style fare prepared tableside, House of Japan — 8701 Sancus teriyaki chicken and steak, filet mignon, Blvd., Polaris, 614-781-1776; reservaseafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Chiltions accepted. Japanese steakhouse dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $12.95 cuisine and sushi bar, Imperial Feast, and higher. www.fujiyamaonline.com hibachi scallops, hibachi shrimp. Lunch Geno’s Pizza and Pasta — and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full 1277 Morse Rd., North Side, bar. Entrees: $11-$27. www.houseof 614-447-0875; reservations accepted. japanohio.com Lunch and dinner daily. Pepperoni Hunan House — 2350 E. Dublinnuggets, pizza, pasta, spaghetti, stuffed Granville Rd., North Side, 614-895-3330; peppers, chicken, wings, chicken reservations accepted. Chinese and fingers, salads. Children’s portions Thai cuisines, minced chicken appetizer, available; beer. Entrees: $5.25-$9.75. Szechwan beef. Lunch and dinner daily. www.mygenos.com No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: Giorgio — 2941 N. High St., $8.95-$24.95. www.hunancolumbus.com Clintonville, 614-265-9020; call-ahead Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse — seating. Italian-inspired cuisine, spa55 Hutchinson Ave., Crosswoods, ghetti and meatballs, gnocchi, veal 614-438-1000; reservations accepted. parmigiana. Dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Steak, seafood, surf ’n’ turf, small-plate Entrees: $8-$19. www.giorgiodining.com menu. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $17.95-$45.95. Golden China Express — 453 E. www.hydeparkrestaurants.com Wilson Bridge Rd., Worthington, Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse — 614-848-4600; no reservations. Chinese Graceland Shopping Center, cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. Chil614-785-0366; reservations accepted. dren’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: Japanese cuisine, steak, seafood. $7.25-$12.95. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; Golden House Chinese Restaurant — 3518 Cleveland Ave., North Side, full bar. Entrees: $10.95-$23.95. 614-447-2264; no reservations. Chinese www.ichibanusa.net India Oak Grill — 590 Oakland cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. No Park Ave., Clintonville, 614-261-9355, no children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: reservations. Hot dogs, burgers, subs. $4.45-$8.95. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s Golden Phoenix Restaurant — menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $3.75-$6. 4542 Cleveland Ave., North Side, J. Alexander’s — 7550 Vantage 614-471-3105; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. Dr., Crosswoods, 614-847-1166; callahead seating. American cuisine, No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: chicken, steak, seafood, pasta, Mexican $6.75-$16. City spinach con queso. Lunch and Grapevine Restaurant — dinner daily. Children’s selections; patio; 2521 Schrock Rd., Westerville, full bar. Entrees: $14-$27. www. 614-890-9019; reservations accepted. jalexanders.com Greek and Mediterranean cuisines, J. Gilbert’s Wood Fired Steaks gyros, chicken shawarma, grape leaves, and Seafood — 1 E. Campus View Blvd., stuffed cabbage. Lunch and dinner Crosswoods, 614-840-9090; reservaMonday-Friday. Children’s menu; no tions accepted. Mesquite wood-fired alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$10.25. The Grill — 201 Hutchinson Ave. in steak, fresh seafood. Dinner daily. the Sheraton Suites Hotel, Crosswoods, Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 614-436-0004; reservations accepted. $14.95-$49.95. www.jgilberts.com Classic American cuisine, steaks, * J. Liu Restaurant & Bar — chicken, seafood. Breakfast, lunch and 6880 N. High St., Worthington area, dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. 614-888-1818; reservations accepted. Entrees: $12-$34.50. www.sheraton Asian, Italian and American cuisines; suitescolumbus.com seafood; steak; salads; Jason’s spicy

chicken. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$34.99. www.jliurestaurant.com Jeddo Kabab — 2448 Home Acre Dr., North Side, 614-794-1202; no reservations. Persian cuisine; chicken, beef and lamb kebabs. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.99-$18.99. www.jeddo kabab.com Jersey Mike’s — 1213 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-433-0333; 4249 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-268-6909; 1353 Worthington Centre Dr., Worthington, 614-888-4860; no reservations. The Original Italian No. 13, subs, salads, wraps. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at N. High location; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.50-$9.95 www.jerseymikes.com Jimmy John’s — 1039 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-854-9300; 7172 N. High St., Worthington, 614-781-1800; no reservations. Cold subs and sandwiches, No. 9 Italian Nightclub. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.49-$7.75. www.jimmyjohns.com Julian’s Restaurant and Lounge — 1377 Community Park Dr., North Side, 614-891-4754; no reservations Friday or Saturday. American cuisine, liver and onions, steak, pork chops, meatloaf, lasagna. Lunch and dinner MondaySaturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$20.50. Justin’s Place — 4900 Sinclair Rd. in the Ramada Plaza Hotel, North Side, 614-846-0300; no reservations. American cuisine, rib-eye, steak, pasta, seafood. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.25-$19.99. www.ramadaplaza columbus.com Kobe Japanese Steakhouse — 3884 Morse Rd., North Side, 614-428-8880; reservations accepted. Japanese cuisine served hibachi-style, sushi bar. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $15.95-$29.95. www.kobeohio.com La Chatelaine — 627 High St., Worthington, 614-848-6711; reservations accepted. French country cuisine, bakery, chicken, steak, seafood, Caesar salad, sandwiches. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10.55$15.95. www.lachatelainebakery.com La Hacienda Real — 4865 Sinclair Rd., North Side, 614-781-0624; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, fajitas, homemade tortillas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$15.95. La Michoacana Mexican Market and Restaurant — 3881 Cleveland Ave., North Side, 614-475-7785; 2175 Morse Rd., North Side, 614-471-4500; 939 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., North Side, 614-436-5900; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, fajitas, homemade tamales, enchiladas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar at some locations. Entrees: $7-$13. LaPlaia Restaurant — 5766 Columbus Square Shopping Center, North Side, 614-890-2070; reservations recommended. Italian cuisine. Dinner Tuesday-Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $14.50-$40. Lenny’s Sub Shop — 8215 N. High


St., Far North Side, 614-430-9920; no reservations. Subs, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.25-$11.25. www.lennys.com Little Dragon Chinese — 1508 Morse Rd., North Side, 614-846-9114; reservations accepted. Authentic Chinese cuisine, Mongolian Triple Delight, sweet-and-sour trio. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; beer. Entrees: $6.95-$20. Lotus Grill — 150 Hutchinson Ave., Crosswoods, 614-781-8883; no reservations. Vietnamese salad rolls, Singapore noodles, pad Thai, Hunan vegetables, stir-fried eggplant. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.50-$7.95. Mama Mimi’s Take ’n’ Bake Pizza — 2923 N. High St., North Side, 614-261-0080; carryout only. Gourmet pizza, lasagna, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Prices: $3-$15. www.mamamimis.com Marcella’s Ristorante — 1319 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-844-6500; reservations accepted. Eclectic American cuisine, meatballs, pizza, pasta, extensive wine list. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11-$18.95. www.cameronmitchell.com Max & Erma’s — 1275 E. DublinGranville Rd., North Side, 614-885-1275; 1515 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-840-9466; call-ahead seating. American casual cuisine, burgers, steak, chicken, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Polaris; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$19.99. www.maxandermas.com * Meijin Japanese Steakhouse — 420 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-901-3333; reservations accepted. Japanese cuisine, sushi, steak, chicken, shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu, full bar. Entrees: $11.95$25.95. www.meijinrestaurant.com

Dining Guide


pie, meatloaf, seafood, sandwiches. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8-$14. www.mimiscafe.com Ming Flower Chinese Restaurant & Lounge — 475 Lazelle Rd., North Side, 614-885-8836; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$25. www.mingflower restaurant.com Mitchell’s Steakhouse — 1408 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-888-2467, reservations accepted. Filet Oscar, seafood, chicken, bone-in Kansas City strip. Dinner daily. Children’s items available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $21-$48. www.mitchellssteakhouse.com Molly Woo’s Asian Bistro — 1500 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-985-9667; reservations accepted. Gluten-free menu, Asian cuisine, chicken lettuce wraps, Thai seafood, spring rolls, pad Thai. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$15.95. www.mollywoos.com Monte Carlo Italian Kitchen — 610 W. Schrock Rd., North Side, 614-890-2061; no reservations. Italian cuisine, lasagna, chicken parmigiana, homemade meatballs. Lunch MondayFriday, dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $6-$10. www.montecarlo italiankitchen.com Mozart’s Bakery & Cafe — 2885 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-268-3687; reservations accepted. European cuisine, Wiener Schnitzel, stroganoff, spaetzle, Hungarian goulash, tortes, pastries. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $10.95-$13.95. www.mozartscafe.com Nazareth Restaurant & Deli — 5663 Emporium Square, North Side, 614-899-1177; reservations accepted. Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines, gyros, chicken shawarma, hummus. Lunch and dinner MondaySaturday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$12. www.nazarethdeli.com Noodles & Company — 1528 Gemini Place, Polaris area, 614-468-0500; no reservations. Noodles, penne Rosa, mushroom stroganoff, soups, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.25-$7.95. www.noodles.com Northstar Cafe — 4241 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-784-2233; no reservations. New American cuisine with an emphasis on organic ingredients, veggie burger, flatbreads, burritos, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, Saturday-Sunday brunch. FILE PHOTO Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. The pizza and hoagie at M elEntrees: $7.50-$12. www.the low Mushroom Pizza Bakers northstarcafe.com O’Charley’s — 6285 Cleveland * Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers Ave., North Side, 614-895-7324; — 2170 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 1425 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-885-6355; reservations accepted for 614-846-9744; reservations accepted six or more. Stone oven-baked handweekdays. American cuisine, burgers, tossed pizzas from scratch, calzones, steak, chicken tenders, seafood, soups, hoagies, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday No children’s menu; patio; full bar. brunch. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4-$24.50. Entrees: $9.99-$18.99. www. www.mellowcolumbus.com ocharleys.com Mimis Cafe — 1428 Polaris Park O’Reilly’s Pub — 2822 N. High St., way, Polaris, 614-433-0441; reservations Clintonville, 614-262-6343; no reservaaccepted. American cuisine, chicken pot tions. Jerk Burger, pepper burger, subs,


wings, comfort-food specials. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $1.75-$9. Old Bag of Nails Pub — 663 High St., Worthington, 614-436-5552; no reservations. Fish and chips, sandwiches, salads, soups, steak, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily; breakfast Saturday-Sunday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$14.99. www.oldbagofnails.com Olive Garden — 1250 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-885-0080; 2365 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., North Side, 614-890-6686; call-ahead seating. Italian cuisine, soups, salads, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.95-$19.95. www.olivegarden.com Otani Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar — 5900 Roche Dr., North Side, 614-431-3333; reservations accepted. Japanese cuisine, sushi, seafood, steak. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$29.95. www.otani sushi.com Panda House — 1208 E. Powell Rd., Lewis Center, 614-840-9730; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, sushi. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.80-$14.50. www.pandahouseatpolaris.com Panera Bread — 1391 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-410-6200; 4519 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-262-5200; 8823 Owenfield Dr., Lewis Center, 740-657-8400; no reservations. Artisan breads, sandwiches, salads, soups, specialty pastries, bagels. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no patio at Polaris; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.49-$6.89. www.panera-ohio.com Patrick J’s — 2711 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-784-0660; reservations for 10 or more. American cuisine, quesadillas, pizza nachos, pizzas, subs, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.50-$15. Pei Wei — 2050 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-985-4845; no reservations. Pacific Rim cuisine, noodle dishes, rice dishes, pad Thai, lo mein, coconut curry. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $6.75-$9. www.peiwei.com Penn Station East Coast Subs — 8719 Sancus Blvd., Polaris, 614-547-0395; 1491 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., North Side, 614-848-3344; no reservations. Philly steak, subs, salads, hand-cut fries. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.19-$9.69. www.penn-station.com Pig Iron BBQ & Fish Shack — 5295 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-885-4744; reservations accepted. Hand-carved barbecue brisket, pulled pork, ribs, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$17.99. Piranha’s Grill — 5192 Cheshire Rd., at Alum Creek Reservoir, 740-549-3366; reservations accepted for six or more. Dinner TuesdaySaturday. Steak, seafood, gourmet burgers, salads. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$19.99. Pita Hut Grille — 4965 N. High St.,

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Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.50-$6.25. www.qdoba.com Quaker Steak & Lube — 8500 Lyra Clintonville area, 614-433-0996; no reservations. Greek cuisine with spices Dr., Polaris, 614-430-9464; reservations from Jerusalem, falafel, kebabs, salads, accepted for eight or more. American cuisine, wings, steak, ribs, quesadillas, pitas, shawarmas, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no burgers. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: alcohol. Entrees: $3.99-$5.99. $12-$19. www.quakersteakandlube.com www.pitahutgrille.com Quizno’s Classic Subs — Pizza House — 747 E. Lincoln Ave., 2109 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, North Side, 614-885-3121; reservations 614-840-0301; 8599 Columbus Pike, accepted. Italian cuisine, spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli. Lunch and dinner daily. Lewis Center, 740-549-3317; no reservations. Oven-baked subs, prime-rib Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: cheesesteak, soups, salads. Lunch and $7.50-$8.75. www.pizzahouse dinner daily. Children’s menu; no columbus.com P.K. O’Ryan’s Restaurant and Pub alcohol. Entrees: $3.99-$7.49. www.quiznos.com — 666 High St., Worthington, Red Lobster — 1691 E. Dublin614-781-0770; no reservations. Grilled Granville Rd., North Side, 614-846-8951; Reubens, Irish stew, burgers, salmon, 1270 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, lunch specials. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full 614-433-7175; no reservations. American cuisine, seafood, the Ultimate bar. Entrees: $8.25-$14.99. Feast, shrimp, crab legs. Lunch and www.pkoryans.com dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Polaris Parkway; full bar. Entrees: $4.99-$32.50. www.redlobster.com * Roadhouse 66 Bar & Grille — 480 E. Wilson-Bridge Rd., Worthington, 614-505-6140; reservations accepted. Mom-and-Pop diner-style cuisine, Chicken, fried balogna, fender-bender, fried Oklahoma burger. Breakfast all day, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu, patio, full bar. Entrees: $5.66-$9.99. www.roadhouse66.com Rooster’s Restaurant — 2454 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., North Side, 614-523-0993; reservations accepted for large groups. American cuisine, wings, salads, chicken, pizza, subs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; The ahi tuna at P olaris Grill full bar. Entrees: $3.99-$11.99. www.roosterswings.com Rotolo’s Pizza — 2163 W. Dublin Polaris Grill — 1835 Polaris Granville Rd., Worthington, Parkway, Polaris area, 614-431-5598; 614-844-6213; no reservations. Italian reservations accepted. Regional American cuisine, Maryland-style crab cakes, cuisine, pizza, lasagna, spaghetti, rigatoni with meatballs. Lunch and filet Oscar, 55 Salad. Lunch and dinner dinner daily. No children’s menu; no daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; alcohol. Entrees: $2.75-$19. patio; full bar. Entrees: $13.95-$25.95. www.rotolospizza.com www.polarisgrill.com Rude Dog Bar & Grill — 8711 Potbelly Sandwich Works — Sancus Blvd., Polaris, 614-847-7364; 1380 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, reservations accepted. Steak, chicken, 614-846-2745; no reservations. Hot sandwiches, soups, salads, fresh-baked pasta, wood-fired pizzas, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Chilcookies. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: dren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6-$20. www.rudedogbarandgrill.com $4-$5.50. www.potbelly.com Rusty Bucket Corner Tavern — * Pub Polaris — 1554 Polaris 7800 Olentangy River Rd., Worthington, Parkway, Polaris, 614-781-7829; reser614-436-2626; 400 Polaris Parkway, vations for eight or more. Authentic Polaris, 614-890-3663; no reservations. British cuisine, fish and chips, shepPub cuisine, fish and chips, deep-fried herd’s pie, bangers and mash. Lunch pickles, Bucket Bites, daily blue-plate and dinner daily. Children’s portions; specials. Lunch and dinner daily. Chilpatio; full bar. Entrees: $9.95-$17.95. dren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: www.luvthepub.com $7.95-$19.95. www.rustybucket Q2 Bistro — 472 Polaris Parkway, tavern.com Polaris area, 614-898-1988; reserva Ruth’s Chris Steak House — tions accepted. Modern bistro with 7550 High Cross Blvd., Crosswoods, traditional Chinese and Cantonese cuisines, spicy hoyu medley, roast duck, 614-885-2910; reservations accepted. American cuisine, filet mignon, steak, seafood delight. Lunch Monday-Friday; lobster. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. full bar. Entrees: $20-$83. Entrees: $8.25-$15.95. www.ruthschris.com www.q2bistro.com Sbarro — Polaris Fashion Place, Qdoba Mexican Grill — 1055 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-842-4700; 614-880-0816; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, pasta, salads. Lunch and 5063 N. High St., Graceland Shopping dinner daily. No children’s menu; no Center, 614-840-0411; no reservations. Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, salads, alcohol. Entrees: $2.99 and higher. www.sbarro.com quesadillas. Lunch and dinner daily. Scrambler Marie’s — 6152 Cleve-


The sushi at S ushi En land Ave., North Side, 614-901-9604; 8679 Sancus Blvd., Polaris, 614-846-7786; no reservations. American cuisine, south-of-the-border omelet, pancakes, eggs, soups, salads, sandwiches. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4-$8.99. www.scramblermaries.com Senor Antonio’s Mexicano Restaurante and Cantina — 8617 Columbus Pike, Lewis Center, 740-548-6996; reservations accepted Sunday-Thursday. Mexican cuisine, chimichangas, cheese dip, burritos, quesadillas, fajitas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$15.69. www.senorantonio.com Shane’s Rib Shack — 1522 Gemini Place, Polaris area, 614-436-9600; no reservations. Southern barbecue cuisine, ribs, pulled pork, wings, barbecue chicken, side dishes, peach cobbler. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.99-$19.99. www.shanesribshack.com * Silwadi Bakery and Lazeeza Mediterranean Restaurant & Cafe — 5565 Cleveland Ave., North Side, 614-899-4444; reservations accepted. Mediterranean cuisine, kebabs, beef shawarma, falafel, tabbouleh salad. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.99-$69. www.lazeezakebab.com Smackies Barbeque — 5788 Columbus Square., North Side, 614-794-1600; no reservations. Smoked ribs, wings, brisket, pulled pork, chicken, collard greens. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.99-$17.99. www.smackies.com Smith’s Restaurant and Deli — 3737 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-267-7541; no reservations. Lasagna, pizza, deli sandwiches, Reubens, subs. Lunch and dinner MondaySaturday. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $6.99-$8.50. www.smithsdeli.com Smokey Bones Barbecue — 1481 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, 614-430-0572; no reservations. Barbecued ribs, steak, chicken, salmon, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$20.49. www.smokeybones.com Spain Restaurant — 888 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. in the Best Western Hotel, North Side, 614-840-9100; reservations accepted. Spanish cuisine, paella, seafood, chicken, steak, veal. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner MondaySaturday. Children’s menu; full bar.

Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s Entrees: $14.95-$35.95. menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.95www.spain-dining.com $10.95. www.wellnessforumfoods.com Sushi En — 1051 Gemini Place, Whole World Natural Restaurant Polaris area, 614-430-9887; reserva& Bakery — 3269 N. High St., Clintontions for four or more. Full Japanese ville, 614-268-5751; no reservations. menu, sushi, tuna, tempura, grilled Vegan and vegetarian cuisine, avocado yellowtail. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: croissant, soups, daily specials. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday, Sunday $7.95-$30. brunch. No children’s menu; no alcohol; Sushi Ko — 122 Hutchinson Ave., no wheelchair access. Entrees: Crosswoods, 614-985-6441; reservations accepted. Japanese cuisine, sushi, $5.95-$10.95. http://www.whole spicy tuna roll, chicken teriyaki, tempu- worldnaturalrestaurant.com Wholly Joe’s — 1182 E. Powell Rd., ra udon. Lunch and dinner daily. ChilPolaris, 614-430-9441; no reservations. dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: American cuisine, Chicago-style hot $9.95-$21.95. www.sushi-ko.net dogs, Italian beef sandwiches, deep * Szechuan Cottage — 2628 N. dish pizza, hamburgers. Lunch and High St., North Side, 614-261-9309; no dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s reservations. Chinese cuisine, lo mein, menu; patio; beer. Entrees: $4-$18. sesame chicken, Gen. Tso’s chicken, pepper steak. Lunch and dinner Sunday- www.whollyjoes.com Wildflower Cafe — 3420 Indianola Friday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Ave., Clintonville, 614-262-2233; no Entrees: $6-$7.95. reservations. American cuisine, pot T.G.I. Friday’s — 1330 Polaris roast, meatloaf, chicken and noodles, Parkway, Polaris, 614-825-1496; no daily specials. Breakfast, lunch and reservations. American cuisine, sanddinner Tuesday-Saturday, Sunday wiches, ribs, Jack Daniel’s items, brunch. Children’s menu; patio; no seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Chilalcohol; cash only. Entrees: $3-$12. dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8-$18. www.wildflowercafe.biz www.tgifridays.com Winking Lizard Tavern — Tee Jaye’s Country Place — 4910 100 Hutchinson Ave., Crosswoods, N. High St., North Side, 614-885-1383; 614-785-9755; no reservations. Amerno reservations. Country cooking, ican cuisine, pizza, ribs, wings. Lunch country-fried steak, liver and onions. and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. full bar. Entrees: $3.79-$10.79. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: www.winkinglizard.com $4.65-$8.95. www.teejayes.com Wok Buffet — 2260 Morse Rd., Texas Roadhouse — 8440 Lyra Dr., North Side, 614-475-8839; reservations Polaris, 614-436-8300; call-ahead seating. American cuisine, filet mignon, accepted. Chinese and American cuisines, Chinese buffet. Lunch and steak, ribs, chicken. Lunch Saturdaydinner daily. No children’s menu; no Sunday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; alcohol. Entrees: $6.50-$8.50. patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$19.99. Worthington Inn — 649 High St., www.texasroadhouse.com Worthington, 614-885-2600; reserva Thai Lagoon — 1001 Schrock Rd., tions accepted. Contemporary global North Side, inside the Quality Inn and cuisine, steak, game, seafood. Lunch Suites, 614-846-7000; reservations and dinner Monday-Saturday, Sunday accepted. True Thai cuisine, pad Thai, brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar; papaya salad, tiger cry. Lunch and call for wheelchair accessibility. dinner daily. No children’s menu; Entrees: $12-$33. atrium; full bar. Entrees: $8-$13. www.worthingtoninn.com. Udipi Cafe — 2001 E. Dublin Worthington Pizza Primo — 895 Granville Rd., North Side, 614-885-7446; High St., Worthington; 614-888-7979; reservations for eight or more. Indian no reservations. Pizzas, subs, salads, cuisine, vegetarian fare. Lunch and chicken club subs. Lunch Mondaydinner daily. Children’s portions available; beer and wine. Entrees: $3.99-$9. Friday; dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.95-$9.95. Villa Nova Ristorante — 5545 N. www.mypizzaprimo.com High St., North Side, 614-846-5777; Yanni’s Greek Grill — 6196 Clevereservations for six or more. Italian land Ave., North Side, 614-890-4775; no cuisine, pizza, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: reservations. Greek and American $9-$13. www.villanovacolumbus.com cuisines, gyros, chicken lemonato, W.G. Grinders — 525 Lazelle Rd., moussaka. Lunch and dinner MondayNorth Side, 614-436-6836; no reservaSaturday. Children’s menu; beer and tions. Subs, pasta, pizza, salads, soups, wine. Entrees: $3.95-$14.95. cheesecake. Lunch and dinner daily. Yin Yue’s Restaurant — 1236 E. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: Hudson St., North Side, 614-268-7542; $3.95-$12.90. www.wggrinders.com reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, Waffle House — 1050 E. Dublinhappy family, Cantonese shrimp chow Granville Rd., North Side, 614-885-8210; mein. Lunch Monday-Friday; dinner 1183 Polaris Parkway, Polaris, daily. No children’s menu; beer and 614-433-0946; no reservations. Amerwine. Entrees: $6-$8.60. ican cuisine, waffles, All-Star Special http://yinyue-rest.com/ breakfast, chicken, burgers, steak. Ying’s Teahouse and Yum Yum Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No Asian Restaurant — 4312 N. High St., children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: Clintonville, 614-262-7587; reservations $5.90-$10.05. Call for wheelchair accepted. Chinese cuisine, homemade accessibility. www.wafflehouse.com pastries, dumplings, noodles, home * Wellness Forum Foods — style spicy pork noodles soup. Lunch 510 E. Wilson-Bridge Rd., Worthington, and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no 614-888-3663; no reservations. Vegan alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$9.50. cuisine, oven-fried tofu, tofu chow mein. www.teahouseonhigh.com

NORTHEAST Abuelo’s Mexican Food Embassy — Easton Town Center, 614-337-9006; call-ahead seating. Mexican cuisine, chili rellenos, fajita tacos, seafood, tortilla soup. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s and senior’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$19.79. www.abuelos.com Adobe Gila’s — Easton Town Center, 614-418-7134; no reservations. Mexican and American cuisines, fajitas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$12. www.adobegilas.com Antonio’s Pizzeria & Restaurant — 7001 Sunbury Rd., Westerville, 614-882-9500; no reservations. Lasagna, buffalo chicken pizza, Italian sub, chicken parmigiana. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $8.95-$9.95. www.antonios-pizzeria.com Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar — 3894 Morse Rd., Easton area, 614-337-8230; no reservations. American cuisine, chicken and steak fajitas, burgers, salads, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$18.99. www.applebees.com Asian Gourmet & Sushi Bar — 1325 Stoneridge Dr., Gahanna, 614-471-8871; no reservations. Chinese, Thai, Korean and Japanese cuisines; Thai curry; pad Thai; sushi. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $10.85-$18.95. www.asiangourmetandsushibar.com Baja-Sol Fresh Mex Grill — 5251 N. Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, 614-471-2252; no reservations. Mexican fare, soups and salads, carne asada, tequila-honey-lime shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.99-$9. www.baja-sol.com Bar Louie — Easton Town Center, 614-475-4800; reservations accepted for eight or more. American cuisine, burgers, chicken, steak, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$15.99. www.barlouieamerica.com BD’s Mongolian Barbeque — Easton Town Center, 614-471-1000; reservations accepted for six or more; call-ahead seating. Create-your-own stir-fry, vegetarian entrees. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s prices; patio; full bar. Entrees: $10.99-$14.99. www.gomongo.com * Bel-Lago Waterfront Bistro — 170 N. Sunbury Rd., Westerville, 614-891-0200; reservations accepted. American food with Italian influences. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8-$29. www.bellagobistro.com Billy Goat Tavern — 5940 New Albany Rd. W., Northeast Side, 614-939-5065; no reservations. Wings, sandwiches, salads, Italian meatball sandwich. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $3-$11. Bob Evans — 50 N. ReynoldsburgNew Albany Rd., Blacklick, 614-861-9920; 5205 New Albany Rd., New Albany, 614-939-4518; 23 Huber Village Blvd., Westerville, 614-895-3353; 841 N. State St., Westerville,


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Bon Vie — Easton Town Center, 614-416-0463; reservations accepted. French and American cuisines, steak, seafood, chicken crepes. Lunch and dinner daily, Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11-$26. www.bon-vie.com Brio Tuscan Grille — Easton Town Center, 614-416-4745; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, lasagna bolognese, chicken- and roasted-tomato squash risotto, lamb chops, Pasta Brio, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $14-$30. www.bbrg.com Buck Mulligan’s Irish Pub — 510 Creekside Plaza, Gahanna, 614-498-0300; reservations accepted. Fish and chips, burgers, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$19.99. www.buckmulliganspub.com Buffalo Wild Wings — 1380 Cherry Bottom Rd., Gahanna, 614-478-7972; no reservations. Wings, burgers, chicken sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4.99-$12.99. www.buffalowildwings.com Cafe Bistro at Nordstrom — Easton Town Center, 614-416-7111; no reservations. American cuisine, woodfired pizzas, gourmet salads, bleu cheese-and-pear salad. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $13.50-$17.95. www.nordstrom.com Cafe Istanbul — Easton Town Center, 614-473-9144; reservations accepted. Turkish and Greek cuisines, shish kebabs, vegetarian dishes, lamb, chicken, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11.95-$24.95. www.cafeistanbul.com California Pizza Kitchen — Easton Town Center, 614-475-1952; call-ahead seating. Barbecue chicken pizza, gourmet pizzas, pasta, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.29-$16.49. www.cpk.com Cap City Fine Diner — 1301


First Watch — 4770 Morse Rd., New Albany, 614-475-8512; no reservations. American cuisine, omelets, pancakes, crepes, sandwiches. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no 3 alcohol; patio. Entrees: $3.50-$7.89. www.firstwatch.com 605 Fitzy’s Old Fashioned Diner — 1487 Schrock Rd., Northeast Side, 614-846-1004; no reservations. Classic Maxtown Rd. American diner food, burgers, chilicheese dogs, chicken salad. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; DELAWARE COUNTY County Line Rd. no alcohol. Entrees: $6.79-$15.99. FRANKLIN COUNTY College Ave. * Five Guys Burgers and Fries — Easton Town Center, 614-532-5985; 62 WESTERVILLE Classic American diner food. Lunch and New Albany dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; New Albany Rd. E. Schrock Rd. no alcohol. Entrees: $3.39-$10. www. Rd. W. Huber Village Blvd. fiveguys.com New Albany Flanagan’s Pub — 3001 ReynoldsLinks Dr. burg-New Albany Rd., New Albany area, 614-855-7472; reservations accepted Market St. for large groups. Pizzas, burgers, 161 sandwiches, daily lunch special. BreakNEW ALBANY 270 fast, lunch, dinner daily. No children’s STONERIDGE Morse menu, patio; full bar. Entrees: $6-$8. PLAZA Thompson Rd. Crossing EASTON www.flanaganspub57.com Stoneridge Dr. TOWN CENTER Morse Rd. Frisch’s — 455 Morrison Rd., Gahanna, 614-478-9866; no reservad. Easton Way R tions. American cuisine, burgers, wraps, n sandwiches, pie. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no Reynoldsburgalcohol. Entrees: $6-$11. New Albany Rd. www.frischs.com GAHANNA Funny Bone Comedy Club & Cafe Granville St. — Easton Town Center, 614-471-5653; reservations recommended. Funny Bone Sawyer Rd. Officecenter Place Burger, steak, pasta, seafood, sandTaylor Rd. wiches. Dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No 670 children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Morrison Rd. $6-$18. www.columbusfunnybone.com 1 PORT COLUMBUS t. S d Gahanna Grill — 82 Granville St., E. Broa N MILE Gahanna, 614-476-9017; no reservaTHE COLUMBUS DISPATCH tions. Home-style cooking, burgers, prime rib, weekly specials. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full www.donpatronrestaurant.com dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full * Edamame Sushi & Grill — bar. Entrees: $6-$13. www.getcosi.com bar. Entrees: $10.95-$16.95. 3946 Morse Crossing, Easton area, Damon’s Grill — 358 S. Hamilton www.gahannagrill.com 614-471-0007; reservations accepted. Rd., Gahanna, 614-337-7427; reserva Gahanna Pizza Plus — Sushi, hibachi grill, salads. Lunch and tions and call-ahead seating. American 106 Granville St., Gahanna, cuisine, barbecued ribs, baby-back ribs, dinner daily, weekday lunch specials. No 614-428-9878; no reservations. Pizza, fried shrimp, salads, sandwiches. Lunch children’s menu; beer, wine and sake. subs, salads, Ultimate Pizza. Lunch and Entrees: $9-$30. and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s www.edamamesushiandgrill.com bar. Entrees: $6.99-$21.99. menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3-$26.65. El Rayo — 111 N. Stygler Rd., www.damons.com www.bexleypizzaplus.com Del Mar’s Baja Mexican — Gahanna, 614-428-5631; reservations GameWorks — Easton Town 5505 New Albany Rd. W., New Albany; accepted. Mexican cuisine. Lunch and Center, 614-428-7529; no reservations. 614-855-9300; no reservations. Burridinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. American cuisine, chicken wings, steak, tos, fish tacos, quesadillas, taco salads, Entrees: $5.75-$15.95. ribs, salads, seafood. Lunch and dinner nachos, enchiladas, fajitas. Lunch and El Vaquero — 375 Stoneridge daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: dinner daily. Children’s menu; no Lane, Gahanna, 614-428-1725; reserva$7.99-$17.99. www.gameworks.com alcohol. Entrees: $1.99-$6.99. tions accepted. Mexican fare, vegetar Gena’s Restaurant — www.tacodelmar.com ian entrees, fajitas, chicken, beef, 5947 Sunbury Rd., Northeast Side, Dining Room at Hilton Columbus seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Chil614-895-0089; reservations accepted. — 3900 Chagrin Dr., Easton, dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.35American cuisine, chicken, steak and 614-416-8449; reservations accepted. $13. www.elvaquerorestaurants.com eggs. Breakfast and lunch TuesdayAmerican cuisine, steak, chicken, Fado’s Irish Pub and Restaurant Sunday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. seafood, pasta. Breakfast, lunch and — Easton Town Center, 614-418-0066; Prices: $2.95-$10.99. dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s reservations accepted for six or more. Giammarco’s Pizza & Pasta — menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$36.95. American and Irish cuisines, fish and 7097 Rt. 3, Westerville, 614-895-8890; www.hiltoncolumbus.com chips, shepherd’s pie, corned beef and reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, Dog Joint — 59 S. State St., cabbage. Lunch and dinner daily. lasagna, pizza, penne Giammarco. Westerville, 614-818-3644; no reservaChildren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; tions. Hot dogs, fried bologna, chicken, $6.95-$14.95. www.fadoirishpub.com/ beer and wine. Entrees: $5.95-$15.95. sausage, brats. Lunch and dinner daily. columbus www.giammarcos.com Children’s menu; patio; beer. Entrees: Fazoli’s — 807 S. State St., Golden Valley Chinese Restaurant $2.85-$9.35. www.thedogjoint.net Westerville, 614-794-3612; no reserva— 5963 S. Sunbury Rd., Westerville, Don Patron — 9745 Johnstown tions. Italian cuisine, lasagna, pasta, 614-882-5589; reservations accepted. Rd., New Albany, 614-939-4081; reserva- pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s Chinese cuisine, Gen. Tso’s chicken. tions accepted. Mexican cuisine. Lunch menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.69-$6.99. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner daily. and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full www.fazolis.com Children’s menu; beer and wine. bar. Entrees: $5.95-$15.95. Entrees: $7.25-$11.95.

Northeast Side



A variety of fare at Bon Vie

Stoneridge Dr., Gahanna, 614-478-9999; reservations accepted. American cuisine, meatloaf, fried chicken, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$22.95. www.cameronmitchell.com Carsonie’s Italian Restaurant — 6000 Westerville Rd., Westerville, 614-899-6700; reservations accepted for large groups. Casual Italian cuisine, stromboli, eggplant parmigiana, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$13.99. www.carsonies.com Champp’s — 3993 Morse Crossing, Easton area, 614-476-2333; reservations for 10 or more. American cuisine, chicken, steak, seafood, pastas, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$17.99. www.champps.com Cheesecake Factory — 3975 Easton Town Center, 614-418-7600; no reservations. Chicken, steak, pasta, Cajun jambalaya, cheesecake. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$28.95. www.thecheesecakefactory.com Chi Thai — 5577 N. Hamilton Rd., Northeast Side, 614-471-8988; reservations accepted. Thai and Chinese cuisines, pad Thai, Thai lemongrass salad, Thai red curry seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$19.95. www.chithairestaurant.com Chipotle Mexican Grill — Easton Town Center, 614-337-8044; 63 Maxtown Rd., Westerville, 614-899-3160; 641 S. State St., Westerville, 614-865-1863; 4750 Morse Rd., Gahanna, 614-472-3720; no reservations. Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, burrito bowls, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and margaritas. Entrees: $5.25-$6.50. www.chipotle.com Cici’s Pizza — 714 N. State St., Westerville, 614-901-3346; 1335 Stoneridge Dr., Gahanna, 614-337-2864; no reservations. Italian cuisine, buffetstyle pizza, pasta, salads, desserts. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.86-$7.77. www.cicispizza.com City Barbeque — 108 S. Stygler Rd., Gahanna, 614-416-8890; 600 S. State St., Westerville, 614-823-8890; no reservations. Beef brisket, pulled pork, ribs, sandwiches, homemade side dishes, desserts. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; beer at Gahanna location. Entrees: $7.68-$19.99. www.citybbq.com Classic Pizza — 742 N. State St., Westerville, 614-865-1000; 77-79 N. Stygler Rd., Gahanna, 614-471-8000; 906 S. Sunbury Rd., Westerville, 614-882-2999; no reservations. Pizza, wings, subs, garlic bread. Lunch and dinner daily at N. State Street and N. Stygler Road, dinner only at S. Sunbury Road. No children’s menu; patio at N. State Street and N. Stygler Road; no full bar at S. Sunbury Road. Entrees: $3.95-$13.95. www.classicpizza.biz Cosi — Easton Town Center, 614-472-2600; no reservations. Upscale casual cuisine, freshly tossed salads, made-to-order flatbread sandwiches, pizza, s’mores. Breakfast, lunch and

H o o v e r R e s e r vo

614-882-3778; 443 Morrison Rd., Gahanna, 614-475-4141; 1380 N. Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, 614-418-4791; no reservations. American cuisine, sunshine skillet, country-fried steak, meatloaf, sandwiches, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$11.99. www.bobevans.com

Dining Guide



Gordy’s — 6150 Sunbury Rd., Westerville, 614-895-1147; no reservations. Barbecued pulled pork, subs, wings, salads, burgers, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9-$13. www.gordys.info The Hickory House — 550 Officenter Place, Gahanna, 614-428-7427; reservations accepted. American fare, ribs, steak, seafood. Lunch MondayFriday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $13.95-$22.95. www.thehickoryhouse.com Hoggy’s Restaurants and Catering — 1370 E. Johnstown Rd., Gahanna, 614-855-7427; call-ahead seating, reservations for groups of 10 or more. Southern cuisine, baby-back ribs, prime rib, pulled pork, beef brisket, burgers, salads, wings. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$24.99. www.hoggys.com HomeTown Buffet — 3874 Morse Rd., Easton area, 614-471-8777; no reservations. Buffet, fried chicken, fried fish. Lunch and dinner daily, SaturdaySunday brunch. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Dinner price: $12.59. www.buffet.com Jersey Mike’s — 7175 E. Broad St., Blacklick, 614-866-3080; 5957 S. Sunbury Rd., Westerville, 614-899-7200; 332 S. Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, 614-337-1884; no reservations. The Original Italian No. 13, subs, salads, wraps. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.29-$9. www.jerseymikes.com Jimmy John’s — 5803 Maxtown Rd., 614-891-5000; no reservations. Cold subs and sandwiches, No. 9 Italian Nightclub. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.49-$7.75. www.jimmyjohns.com Jimmy V’s Grill & Pub — 1 S. State St., Westerville, 614-865-9090; reservations accepted. American and Mediterranean cuisines, traditional Albanian linguini, gyros, lamb chops. Lunch and dinner daily; children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.25-$17.95. www.jimmyvspub.com Joy Food — 471 Morrison Rd., Gahanna, 614-471-4828; no reservations. Chinese cuisine. Lunch MondaySaturday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $8.25-$11.95. Kobe Japanese Steakhouse — 3884 Morse Rd., Morse Crossing, 614-428-8880; reservations accepted. Upscale Japanese steakhouse, hibachi meals, sushi bar, steak, shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $14-$55. www.kobeohio.com Kristinos — 207 W. Johnstown Rd., Gahanna, 614-471-2800; no reservations. Italian sub, pizza, antipasto salad, wings. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$25. Las Margaritas — 706 N. State St., Westerville, 614-568-0600; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, tacos, burritos, chimichangas, rice, beans. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.99-$13.99. Logan’s Roadhouse — 3969 Morse Crossing, Easton area, 614-337-2819; call-ahead seating. American cuisine,

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Dining Guide

salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: steak, seafood, ribs, chicken. Lunch and $3.89-$8.49. www.mclhomemade.com The Melting Pot — Easton Town dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full Center, 614-476-5500; reservations bar. Entrees: $8.99-$34.99. accepted. Chicken and seafood fondue, www.logansroadhouse.com Lola’s Fresh Italian Cuisine — 100 chocolate fondue. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; Granville St., Gahanna, 614-473-9931; no reservations. Authentic Italian, veal full bar. Entrees: $25-$50. www.meltingpot.com marsala, linguine with clams, risottos, Mezzo Italian Kitchen and Wine fettuccine Alfredo, veal parmigiana, — 130 Creekside Plaza, Gahanna, homemade desserts. Dinner TuesdaySaturday. Children’s menu; patio; wine. 614-476-9900; reservations accepted. New twists on classic Italian dishes, Entrees: $9-$18. www.lolas-italian.com Longhorn Steakhouse — 4950 N. pan-roasted sea scallops, lasagna al forno, stone-oven pizzas, extensive Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, 614-855-0200; call-ahead seating and reservations for wine list. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: large groups. American cuisine, prime rib, steak, salmon, ribs, chicken, salads. $10-$25. www.mezzoitalian.com * Mia Cucina — 5525 New Albany Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; Rd. W., New Albany, 614-775-0181; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$24.99. reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, www.longhornsteakhouse.com Lucky House Chinese Restaurant pastas, steak. Lunch and dinner daily, Saturday-Sunday brunch. Children’s — 56 E. Schrock Rd., Westerville, menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9.95614-898-9860; reservations accepted. $22.95.www.miacucinanewalbany.com Chinese cuisine, sesame chicken, pad Milano’s Steak House — Thai, shrimp, Singapore noodles, chicken lettuce wraps. Lunch and dinner 3105 Westerville Rd., Northeast Side, 614-475-9199; reservations accepted. daily, Sunday brunch. No children’s Italian cuisine, prime rib, chicken menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$15. parmigiana, lasagna, orange roughy. www.luckyhouseohio.com Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner MondaySaturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.50-$25.95. Minico’s Italian Restaurant — 992 S. Sunbury Rd., Westerville, 614-899-1100; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, pizza, pasta, subs, salads. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $6.95-$13.95. Mitchell’s Ocean Club — Easton Town Center, 614-416-2582; reservations accepted. Coastal cuisine, gingercrusted salmon, sea bass, filet mignon. Dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $19-$48. www.mitchellsoceanclub.com FILE PHOTOS Mr. Sushi — 1127 N. Hamilton Rd., The sweet corn risotto balls Gahanna, 614-473-1028; reservations with tomato fondue and a 24- accepted. Japanese- and Korean-style carat martini at Martini Park sushi. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. * Martini Park — Easton Town Entrees: $9.95-$19.95. Center, 614-471-4300; reservations www.mrsushicol.com accepted. Appetizers and food meant to MoJoe Lounge — 241 Easton be shared, sliders, salmon poppers, Town Center, 614-471-1563; no reservachicken lollipops. Dinner Mondaytions. Coffeehouse serving sandwiches Saturday. No children’s menu; patio; and desserts. Lunch and dinner daily. No full bar. Appetizers: $4-$8. children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: www.martinipark.com $6.95-$13.95. www.mojoe-lounge.com Max & Erma’s — Easton Town * Mudflats Bar & Grill — 31 W. Center, 614-337-9090; 790 N. State St., Columbus St., Galena, 740-965-5700; no Westerville, 614-891-9396; 1317 N. reservations. Casual American and Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, 614-471-0009; Cajun cuisine, pulled pork burrito, fish 4600 International Gateway, Port and chips, shrimp, chicken and catfish Columbus, 614-238-7398; call-ahead po’ boys. Lunch and dinner Mondayseating. Burgers, steak, chicken, Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner bar. Entrees: $10.99-$18.99. daily. Children’s menu; patio at some www.themudflats.com locations; full bar. Entrees: Mykonos Taverna & Bakery — $9.99-$19.99. www.maxandermas.com 1307 Stoneridge Dr., Gahanna, McCormick & Schmick’s — 614-472-0211; reservations accepted. Easton Town Center, 614-476-3663; Greek cuisine. Lunch and dinner Monreservations accepted. Seafood, stuffed day-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. salmon, steaks, salads, pasta. Lunch Entrees: $7.50-$19.95. www.mykonos and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; taverna.com full bar. Entrees: $16.95-$29.95. 94th Aero Squadron — www.mccormickandschmicks.com 5030 Sawyer Rd., Port Columbus area, MCL Restaurant — 60 Westerville 614-237-8887; reservations accepted. Square, Westerville, 614-818-1700; no Steak, chicken. Lunch Tuesday-Saturday, reservations. Home-cooked American dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s cuisine, roast beef, baked fish, fresh menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: vegetables, casseroles, sandwiches, $12.95-$26.95. www.94thaero.com


New Albany Links Vito’s — 7100 salmon. Lunch and dinner daily. ChilNew Albany Links Dr., New Albany, dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 614-939-5914; reservations accepted. $9.99-$18.99. www.pommedcuisine.com Italian cuisine, blackened chicken Potbelly Sandwich Works — fettuccine, ravioli, seafood pasta, Easton Town Center, 614-418-5838; old-style pizzas. Lunch and dinner daily. 4697 Morse Rd., Gahanna, Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: 614-337-1827; no reservations. Hot $7.50-$17.95. www.newalbanylinks.com sandwiches, soups, salads, milkshakes, Noodles & Company — 630 N. fresh-baked cookies. Lunch and dinner State St., Westerville, 614-899-5112; no daily. Children’s menu; patio, no alcohol. reservations. Asian, Mediterranean and Entrees: $4.19-$5.29. www.potbelly.com American noodle dishes; soups; salads; Quizno’s Classic Subs — macaroni and cheese. Lunch and dinner 121 Westerville Plaza, Westerville, daily. Children’s portions available; 614-794-4191; no reservations. Ovenpatio; beer and wine. Entrees: baked subs, prime-rib cheesesteak, $4.25-$7.25. www.noodles.com soups, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. O’Charley’s — 4850 Morse Rd., Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: Gahanna, 614-939-1889; reservations $2-$9.99. www.quiznos.com accepted weekdays. Chicken, ribs, Red Robin — 3977 Morse Crosssteak, seafood, pasta, sandwiches, ing, Easton area, 614-475-5200; no burgers. Children’s menu; full bar. reservations. Burgers, Whiskey River Entrees: $8.79-$17.99. barbecue burger, chicken, pasta, salads. www.ocharleys.com Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; Old Bag of Nails Pub — 24-26 N. patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$12.99. State St., Westerville, 614-794-6900; 63 www.redrobin.com Mill St., Gahanna, 614-337-9430; Restaurant Hama — Easton Town reservations for large groups. Fish and Center, 614-478-9543; reservations chips, sandwiches, salads, soups, steak, accepted. Japanese cuisine, sushi, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. Chiltempura. Lunch and dinner daily. dren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$13.99. www.oldbagofnails.com $9-$28. www.restauranthama.net On the Border Mexican Grill & Rise & Dine — 5481 New Albany Cantina — 4175 Morse Crossing, Easton Rd. W., New Albany, 614-939-4848; no area, 614-471-4416; reservations reservations. Breakfast all day, accepted. Mexican cuisine, fajitas, fresh omelets, corned-beef hash, pancakes, sandwiches, salads. Breakfast and grilled items. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: lunch daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.99-$7.29. www.risedine.com $7.99-$15. www.ontheborder.com Rise & Dine Restaurant — 644 N. Outside Corner — 5571 N. HamilState St., Westerville, 614-899-6113; no ton Rd., Gahanna, 614-471-0500; no reservations. Breakfast all day, omelets, reservations. Wings, burgers, pizza. corned-beef hash, pancakes, sandLunch and dinner daily. No children’s wiches, salads. Breakfast and lunch menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$8. daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. P.F. Chang’s China Bistro — Entrees: $3.99-$8.49. www.risedine.com Easton Town Center, 614-416-4100; The River City Grille — 1375 N. reservations accepted. Chinese and Cassady Ave. in the Columbus Airport Asian cuisines, chicken lettuce wraps, Chang’s spicy chicken. Lunch and dinner Marriott hotel, East Side, 614-475-7551; daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. reservations accepted. American cuisine, breakfast and lunch buffet, fish, Entrees: $7.50-$18.95. chicken, pasta. Breakfast, lunch and www.pfchangs.com dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Panera Bread — Easton Town Center, 614-416-2600; 4965 N. Hamilton Entrees: $12-$40. www.marriott.com Rooster’s Restaurant — 376 S. Rd., New Albany, 614-471-8500; 555 S. Hamilton Rd., 614-759-7778; reservaState St., Westerville, 614-865-1212; tions accepted for large groups. Amer782 N. State St., Westerville, 614-797-9200; no reservations. Artisan ican cuisine, wings, salads, chicken, pizza, subs. Lunch and dinner daily. breads, sandwiches, salads, soups, Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: specialty pastries, bagels. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; $3.99-$33.99. www.roosterswings.com Rotelli’s Pizza Pasta Perfect — no patio at N. Hamilton Road; no 1344 Cherry Bottom Rd. (corner of alcohol. Entrees: $5.49-$6.89. Morse and Cherry Bottom roads), www.panera-ohio.com 614-476-1900; reservations for large Pasquale’s Pizza & Pasta House groups. Italian cuisine, New York-style — 14 N. State St., Westerville, pizza, chicken parmigiana, veal marsala. 614-882-6200; reservations accepted Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; weekdays. Italian cuisine, homemade patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$16.95. lasagna, pizza, spaghetti, gnocchi. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; www.rotellicolumbus.com Rotolo’s Pizza — 5721 N. Hamilton patio; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$12.95. Rd., Northeast Side, 614-475-3020; no www.pasqualespastahouse.com reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, Pei Wei Asian Diner — lasagna, spaghetti, rigatoni with 4155 Morse Crossing, Easton area, meatballs. Lunch and dinner daily. 614-418-9825; no reservations. Pacific Rim cuisine, noodle and rice dishes, pad Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.99-$22 www.rotolospizza.com Thai. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s Rusty Bucket Corner Tavern — options; patio; beer and wine.Entrees: 180-A Market St., New Albany, $6.75-$9. www.peiwei.com 614-939-5300; reservations for eight or Pomegranate Mediterranean more. Pub cuisine, fish and chips, Cuisine — 5239 N. Hamilton Rd., deep-fried pickles, blue-plate specials. Gahanna, 614-478-1595; reservations accepted. Mediterranean cuisine, lamb, Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.75-$19.95. chicken and shrimp kebabs, pasta,

www.rustybuckettavern.com Sakura Japanese Steakhouse — 4210 Stelzer Rd., Easton area, 614-476-6088; reservations accepted. Hibachi grill, steak, shrimp, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. $12.95-$45.95. http://www. sakuraeaston.com Sapporo Sushi Factory — 732 N. State St., Westerville, 614-895-7575; reservations accepted. Sushi, tempura, “Love Boat” dish. Lunch MondaySaturday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$18.95. www.sapporosushifactory.com Sbarro’s — Easton Town Center, 614-342-2017; no reservations. Pizza, pasta, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.29 and higher. www.sbarro.com Signatures Bar and Grille — 94 Mill St., Gahanna, 614-475-2220; reservations for large groups. American cuisine, wings, sandwiches, burgers, chicken, salads. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $3.99-$10. www.signaturesofgahanna.com Smith & Wollensky Steakhouse — Easton Town Center, 614-416-2400; reservations accepted. Steak, Cajun rib-eye, seafood, chops, wild salmon. Lunch and dinner daily, SaturdaySunday brunch. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12.50-$46. www.smithandwollensky.com Smokey Bones Barbecue — 3939 Morse Crossing, Easton Market, 614-476-2668; no reservations. Barbecued ribs, steak, chicken, salmon, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.79-$20.99. www.smokeybones.com Waffle House — 3385 E. DublinGranville Rd., Westerville area, 614-882-9791; 1405 N. Cassady Ave., Gahanna, 614-536-0409; no reservations. Waffles, All-Star Special breakfast, chicken, burgers, steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol; call for wheelchair accessibility. Entrees: $5.90-$10.05. www.wafflehouse.com W.G. Grinders — 921 E. Johnstown Rd., Gahanna, 614-428-9272; no reservations. Subs, pasta, pizza, salads, soups, cheesecake. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.95-$12.90. www.wggrinders.com Wendell’s Pub — 925 N. State St., Westerville, 614-818-0400; reservations accepted. American cuisine, fish and chips, meatloaf, lasagna. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $11.95-$23.99. www.wendells.net Westerville Pizza Primo — 10 E. Main St., Westerville; 614-895-1212; no reservations. Pizzas, subs, salads, chicken club subs. Lunch MondayFriday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.95-$9.95. www.mypizzaprimo.com The Wine Guy Wine Shop — 500 Creekside Plaza, Gahanna, 614-536-0411; reservations accepted for large groups. Bistro-style menu, rack of lamb, Cajun scallops, tapas, olive tampenade, hummus. Dinner MondaySaturday. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $7.99-$17.99. www.thewineguywineshop.com


Abner’s Country Restaurant — 2100 Brice Rd. in the Days Inn & Suites, Reynoldsburg, 614-866-0463; reservations accepted. American cuisine, Cajun shrimp pasta. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$17.95 *Abyssinia Cafe — 60 Country Rd., behind Town & Country Shopping Center, 614-235-1100; no reservations. Lunch and dinner daily. Traditional Ethiopian cuisine, homemade soups; vegetarian and vegan dishes; traditional chicken, beef and lamb entrees. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$10.99 Aladdin’s Eatery — 2400 E. Main St., Bexley, 614-586-1440; reservations accepted for six or more. Mediterranean cuisine, rolled pitas, shawarma, hummus, mujadara. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Kids eat free on Sunday. Entrees: $6-$12. www.aladdinseatery.com Angelina’s Villa — 5450 E. Livingston Ave., East Side, 614-866-7827; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, subs, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer. Entrees: $5.50-$22.45. Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar — 2755 Brice Rd., Reynoldsburg, 614-755-9999; 4600 E. Broad St., Whitehall, 614-863-9700; no reservations. American cuisine, chicken and steak fajitas, burgers, salads, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Brice Road location; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$18.99. www.applebees.com Bangkok Restaurant — 3277 Refugee Rd., East Side, 614-231-8787; reservations accepted. Thai cuisine, pad Thai. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $10.95-$15.95. Berwick Manor Party House — 3250 Refugee Rd., East Side, 614-235-7100; reservations accepted. Italian and American cuisines, seafood, made-from-scratch pastas. Lunch Monday-Friday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.50-$34.95. www.berwickmanor.com Bexley Monk — 2232 E. Main St., Bexley, 614-239-6665; reservations accepted. Eclectic cuisine, pan-seared sea scallops, steak, seafood, chicken, sandwiches, pasta, wood-fired pizza. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner MondaySaturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9-$29. www.bexleysmonk.com Bexley Pizza Plus — 2651 E. Main St., Bexley, 614-237-3305; no reservations. Italian cuisine, specialty pizzas, supreme pizza, subs, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $2.95-$22.05. www.bexleypizzaplus.com Billy Lee Chinese Cuisine — 2974 E. Broad St., East Side, 614-237-6767; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, Mongolian beef, chicken, steak, seafood. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$14.95. Block’s Bagels — 6115 McNaughten Center, Reynoldsburg, 614-863-0470; 3415 E. Broad St., East Side, 614-235-2551; no reservations. Deli-

Dining Guide



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Summit Rd.

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McNaughten Rd.

noodle dishes; soups; salads; macaroni and cheese. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; beer and wine. Prices: $3.95-$7.25. www.noodles.com 16 P A T A S K A L A d St. O’Charley’s — 2272 BaltimoreE. Broa FRANKLIN LICKING Reynoldsburg Rd., Reynoldsburg, COUNTY COUNTY 614-868-6963; reservations accepted weekdays. Burgers, steak, chicken REYNOLDSBURG tenders, seafood, soups, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. 40 E. Main St. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 70 $9.99-$18.99. www.ocharleys.com Palmer Rd. Farmsbury Dr. * Old Bag of Nails — 18 N. Nelson Taylor Square Dr. Rd., East Side, 614-252-4949; no reservations. Fish and chips, fried 270 Lake Club Dr. Blacklick-Eastern Rd. pickles, hamburgers, mussels and Baltimoreshrimp, New England clam chowder. Tussing Rd. Reynoldsburg Rd. FAIRFIELD Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: Winderly Ln. COUNTY $6.99-$14.99 Clint Dr. Chantry Dr. Olive Garden — 2439 Taylor 1 256 Square Dr., Reynoldsburg, N MILE 614-863-0106; 2600 S. Hamilton Rd., THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH East Side, 614-868-5660; call-ahead macaroni and cheese. Lunch and dinner seating. Italian cuisine, soups, salads, bar. Entrees: $12-$26. pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s daily. Children’s portions; no alcohol. www.ichibanusa.net menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.95-$19.95. Entrees: $2.50-$11.95. * Indochine Cafe — 561 S. www.olivegarden.com www.lawsheasfish.com Hamilton Rd., Whitehall; 614-231-7357; Outback Steakhouse — 6000 E. Logan’s Roadhouse — 2364 Taylor reservations accepted. Traditional Main St., Reynoldsburg, 614-755-9926; Park Dr., Reynoldsburg, 614-501-9560; Vietnamese and Laotian dishes. Lunch call-ahead seating. Steak, ribs, prime no reservations. American fare, steak, and dinner daily. Entrees: $6-$8.50. seafood, ribs, chicken. Lunch and dinner rib, seafood, pasta. Dinner daily. Chil J.P.’s Barbecue — 1072 E. Main daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7.95St., 614-258-3756; no reservations. $26.50. www.outbacksteakhouse.com $8-$26. www.logansroadhouse.com Ribs, barbecued chicken, variety of Panda Express — 3769 E. Broad Max & Erma’s — 1904 Lake Club family selections, carryout beer and St., Whitehall, 614-231-8690; no reserwine. Lunch an dinner Tuesday-Saturday Dr., East Side, 614-864-4600; 8050 E. Broad St., Reynoldsburg, 614-367-0370; vations. Chinese cuisine, spring rolls, (carryout only). No children’s menu. orange chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. call-ahead seating. American casual Entrees: $2-$18. www.jpsbbq.com Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: cuisine, burgers, steak, chicken, sand King Gyros Greek Restaurant — $4.75-$7. www.pandaexpress.com wiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. 400 S. Hamilton Rd., Whitehall, Panera Bread — 2924 E. Broad Children’s menu; patio at Lake Club 614-866-9008; no reservations. Greek St., East Side, 614-559-9500; 6887 E. cuisine, dolmades, moussaka, pastitsio, Drive location; full bar. Entrees: Broad St., Far East Side, 614-864-3500; $6.99-$20.99. www.maxandermas.com lamb shank, salads, lamb chops, 2374 Taylor Square Dr., Reynoldsburg, MCL Restaurant — 5240 E. Main sandwiches, gyros. Lunch and dinner 614-860-0500; no reservations. Artisan St., Whitehall, 614-861-6259; reservaMonday-Saturday. Children’s menu; tions accepted. Home-cooked American breads, sandwiches, salads, soups, patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$13.99. specialty pastries, bagels. Breakfast, cuisine, roast beef, baked fish, cassewww.kinggyros.com lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; roles, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and La Michoacana Mexican Market patio at all locations; no alcohol. Prices: and Restaurant — 166 S. Hamilton Rd., dinner daily. Children’s portions; no $5.49-$6.89. www.panera-ohio.com alcohol. Prices: $1.55-$8.20. East Side, 614-863-3400; 3160 S. Penn Station East Coast Subs — Hamilton Rd., East Side, 614-864-4700; www.mclhomemade.com 2500 E. Main St., Bexley, 614-231-7366; Mi Mexico — 4775 E. Main St., reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, no reservations. Philly steak, subs, fajitas, home-made tamales, enchildas. Whitehall, 614-577-0143; reservations salads, hand-cut fries. Lunch and dinner Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; accepted. Mexican cuisine, vegetarian entrees, fajitas, chicken, beef, seafood. daily. Children’s portions available; no full bar at 3160 S. Hamilton Rd. locaLunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; alcohol. Prices: $3.99-$9.29. www. tion. Entrees: $7-$13. penn-station.com Lai Lai Authentic Chinese Kitchen full bar. Entrees: $6.35-$14. Red Lobster — 2147 S. Hamilton Milano’s Italian Restaurant & Pub — 6823 E. Broad St., Far East Side, Rd., East Side, 614-864-3160; no — 6916 E. Broad St., Far East Side, 614-861-3515; reservations accepted. reservations. American cuisine, sea614-861-1277; reservations accepted. Authentic Chinese cuisine. Lunch and food, the Ultimate Feast, shrimp, crab Italian-American cuisine, lasagna, dinner Tuesday-Saturday, Sunday lunch legs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s steak, seafood, spaghetti and meatbuffet. No children’s menu; full bar. menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$29.99. balls. Lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Entrees: $7.95-$14.95. www.redlobster.com Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full Lantern Chinese Restaurant — Rotolo’s Pizza — 2056 Baltimorebar. Entrees: $10-$15. 7163 E. Broad St., Far East Side, Reynoldsburg Rd., Reynoldsburg, www.milanosohio.com 614-575-1888; reservations accepted. 614-367-9474; no reservations. Italian * Moshi — 2152 E. Main St., Chinese, Hunan, Szechwan and Cantocuisine, pizza, lasagna, spaghetti, nese cuisines; daily specials. Lunch and Bexley, 614-732-0641; call-ahead rigatoni with meatballs. Dinner daily. No seating. Sushi bar, sushi paninis with dinner daily. No children’s menu; full children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: spicy crab, tuna or salmon. Lunch, bar. Entrees: $6.25-$14.95. $2.99-$20.50. www.rotolospizza.com Monday-Friday, dinner daily. No chil * Latin Cafe — 885 S. Hamilton Rubino’s Pizza — 2643 E. Main dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $13-$36. Rd., Whitehall, 614-237-9665; no St., Bexley, 614-235-1700; call-ahead Napoli’s Villa — 4801 E. Broad St., reservations. Mofongo, alcapurria, seating. Pizzas, spaghetti, ravioli, Whitehall, 614-864-1151; reservations roasted pork, fried fish, steak and Italian salad. Lunch Tuesday-Friday, onions, Cuban sandwiches, jerk chicken. accepted. Italian cuisine, lasagna, dinner Tuesday-Sunday. No children’s pizzas, subs. Breakfast, lunch and Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday. menu; no alcohol; cash only. Entrees: dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s Children’s portions available; no alco$4.75-$11.25. portions available; full bar. Entrees: hol. Entrees $7.99-$9.99 Ruby Tuesday — 5940 Chantry Dr., $6.10-$8.75. Lawshea’s Southern Fish & Ribs Far East Side, 614-751-8823; reserva Noodles & Company — 2166 — 2167 E. Livingston Ave., Bexley Plaza, tions accepted. Burgers, steak, fresh Baltimore-Reynoldsburg Rd., Reynolds614-252-3474; reservations accepted. burg, 614-759-2952; no reservations. Southern cuisine, chicken gizzards, Continued on Page 26 Asian, Mediterranean and American Polish sausage, corned-beef sandwich,

No e

Hamilton Rd.

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James Rd.

Cassady Ave.


Chi Thai — 5577 N. Hamilton Rd., East Side, 614-471-8988; reservations accepted. Thai and Chinese cuisines, calamari, Thai lemongrass salad, pad Thai, sesame chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.95-$22.95. www.chithairestaurant.com China Phoenix — 4450 Refugee Rd., East Side, 614-759-9100; reservations accepted. Cantonese, Mandarin and Szechwan cuisines; four seasons; triple delight; Gen. Tso’s chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$15.95. Chipotle Mexican Grill — 2484 E. Main St., Bexley, 614-236-8733; 6815 E. Broad St., Far East Side, 614-501-7250; 7611 Farmsbury Dr., Reynoldsburg, 614-864-2041; 6316 Tussing Rd., Reynoldsburg, 614-501-1548; no reservations. Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, burrito bowls, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at all locations; beer and margaritas. Entrees: $5.25-$6.50. www.chipotle.com

East Side


The Thai lemongrass salad at Chi Thai

City Barbeque — 5979 E. Main St., Far East Side, 614-755-8890; no reservations. Hickory wood-smoked beef brisket, chicken, pulled pork, ribs, sausage, turkey, homemade side dishes, desserts. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; 670 WHITEHALL beer. Entrees $8.08-$19.99. www.citybbq.com Cosi — 2212 E. Main St., Bexley, 614-238-2674; no reservations. Upscale casual cuisine, freshly tossed salads, BEXLEY made-to-order flatbread sandwiches, pizza, s’mores. Breakfast, lunch and Livingston Ave. dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $5.79-$9.99. 33 COLUMBUS www.getcosi.com Groves Rd. Double Dragon Chinese — 6850 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, 614-864-8222; reservations accepted. Szechwan, EASTLAND MALL Hunan, Cantonese and Thai cuisines; Refugee Rd. 104 crispy walnut shrimp; honey chicken. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$15. Drexel Radio Cafe — 2256 E. Main Whitehall, 614-864-3700; no reservations. American cuisine; buffet with St., Bexley, 614-231-1050; no reservasteak, pot roast, meatloaf, rotisserie tions. Deli cuisine, burgers, panini chicken. Lunch and dinner daily, breaksandwiches, wraps, gourmet salads. fast Saturday-Sunday. Children’s menu; Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No no alcohol. Entrees: $7.19-$9.99. children’s menu; patio; full bar. Prices: www.goldencorral.com $5.50-$7. www.drexel.net Hickory House — 7051 E. Main St., Fazoli’s — 6830 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, 614-861-5962; no reserReynoldsburg, 614-856-9750; no reservations. Italian cuisine, lasagna, pasta, vations. American cuisine, ribs, steak, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Chilmenu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.69-$6.99. dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $13.95-$22.95. www.thehickory www.fazolis.com Frank’s — 2932 E. Broad St., East house.com HomeTown Buffet — 5805 ChanSide, 614-236-1959; no reservations. Comfort food, breakfast-all-day, all-beef try Dr., East Side, 614-863-0505; no reservations. Buffet with more than hot dogs, Chicago-style hot dogs. 80 items prepared fresh daily, fried Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, Saturday-Sunday (cold sandwiches and chicken, fish, side dishes. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily, Saturdaysoup only). Children’s menu; patio; no Sunday brunch. Children’s pricing alcohol. Entrees: $5.50-$6.50. available; no alcohol. Prices: $6.99 Frisch’s — 2700 Brice Rd., Rey$11.99. www.hometownbuffet.com noldsburg, 614-575-2855; no reserva Hooter’s — 5901 E. Main St., Far tions. American cuisine, burgers, wraps, East Side, 614-755-9464; no reservasandwiches, country-fried steak. tions. Wings, sandwiches, salads, Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. ChilChildren’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: dren’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.50-$10.95. www.frischs.com $6.99-$19.99. www.hootersrmd.com Garden Cafe at Franklin Park Conservatory — 1777 E. Broad St., Bexley, 614-645-5961; group reservations. Hot sandwiches, flatbreads, vegetarian wraps, salads. Lunch daily, dinner Wednesdays, Cocktails @ the Conservatory on Thursdays. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $6-$9. Genji Japanese Steakhouse — 2045 Brice Rd., Reynoldsburg, 614-864-7888; reservations accepted. Steak, chicken, seafood. Lunch TuesdayFriday and Sunday, dinner TuesdaySunday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $15-$29. Giuseppe’s Ritrovo — 2268 E. The spicy calamari at Main St., Bexley, 614-235-4300; reserHunan Gourmet vations for six or more. Traditional Italian cuisine, rollati di spinaci, veal, Hunan Gourmet — 5125 E. Main lasagna, pastas. Lunch Monday-Friday, St., Whitehall, 614-759-6868; reservadinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s tions accepted. Chinese and Thai menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $9-$23. cuisines, chicken, steak, seafood. Lunch www.giuseppesritrovo.com and dinner daily. No children’s menu; Golden China — 1926 Brice Rd., full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$21.95. Reynoldsburg, 614-575-1060; no reser Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse — vations. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and 2690 S. Hamilton Rd., Far East Side, dinner daily. No children’s menu; no 614-577-9620; reservations accepted. alcohol. Entrees: $5.50-$8. Japanese cuisine, steak, seafood. Lunch Golden Corral — 4750 E. Main St., and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full

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style cuisine, pizza bagels, Reubens. Breakfast and lunch daily, dinner Monday-Friday. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Prices: $1.25-$9. Bob Evans — 3988 E. Broad St., Whitehall, 614-237-0646; 4330 Groves Rd., East Side, 614-861-2727; 5970 E. Main St., Far East Side, 614-863-1755; no reservations. American cuisine, omelets, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, open-face roast beef, slow-roasted turkey and stuffing, salads, desserts. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$11.99. www.bobevans.com Boston Market — 6330 Tussing Rd., Reynoldsburg, 614-861-2585; 2741 E. Main St., East Side, 614-237-5015; no reservations. American cuisine, rotisserie chicken, roast turkey, meatloaf, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5-$10.99. www.bostonmarket.com Buffalo Wild Wings — 7082 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, 614-860-9325; 3920 E. Broad St., East Side, 614-453-9464; no reservations. Wings, burgers, chicken sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $4.59-$11.99. www.buffalowildwings.com Buffalo Wings & Rings — 6325 E. Broad St., East Side, 614-856-9464; no reservations. Buffalo wings, burgers, onion rings, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Prices: 49 cents-$7.99. www.buffalowingsandrings.com




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Alum Creek Dr.



Refugee Rd.









Tumbleweed Southwest Grill — 6959 E. Broad St., Far East Side, 614-501-8163; no reservations. Southwestern and Tex-Mex cuisines, ribs, steak, tilapia. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.99-$22.59. www.tumble weedrestaurants.com W.G. Grinders — 2376 E. Main St., Bexley, 614-237-6700; no reservations. Subs, pasta, pizza, salads, soups, cheesecake. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.95-$12.90. www.wggrinders.com Waffle House — 2160 Brice Rd., Reynoldsburg, 614-860-0441; 6484 E. Broad St., Far East Side, 614-860-0085; no reservations. American cuisine, waffles, All-Star special breakfast, chicken, burgers, steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.60-$10.05. Call for wheelchair accessibility. www.wafflehouse.com

Beef O’Brady’s — 797 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-834-3337; no reservations. Chicken wings, burgers, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6-$15. www.beefobradys.com Bob Evans — 3800 S. High St., South Side, 614-497-2755; 4019 Hamilton Square, Groveport, 614-834-3980; 6085 Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, 614-834-2050; 1760 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-856-9135; no reservations. American cuisine, sunshine skillet, country-fried steak, meatloaf, sandwiches, salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$11.99. www.bobevans.com Buffalo Wild Wings — 6340 Prentiss School Dr., Canal Winchester, 614-837-8080; no reservations. Wings, burgers, chicken sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.99-$12.99. www.buffalowild wings.com Butch’s Italian Cafe — 6394 Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, 614-834-3201; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, chicken, homemade pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; wine. Entrees: $7.95-$15.95. www.butchsitalian.com Cafe Mediterranea — 1276 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-367-0557; no reservations. Greek and Lebanese cuisines, gyros, spicy chicken and rice, lamb kebabs, salads. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $7.99-$10.99. Cici’s Pizza — 152 Clint Dr., Pickerington, 614-501-0530; no reservations. Italian cuisine, buffet-style pizza, pasta, salads, desserts. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s prices available; no alcohol. Prices: $5.83-$7.74. www.cicispizza.com Club 33 — 9645 Basil Western Rd., Canal Winchester, 614-920-1604; no reservations. Burgers, pizza, subs, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.50-$14. www.club33online.com Cracker Barrel — 1860 Winderly Lane, Pickerington, 614-759-7799; no reservations. Home-style cooking, chicken and dumplings, roast beef, country-fried steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.99-$12.99. www.crackerbarrel.com D.H. Wu Chinese Restaurant — 1719 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-866-8099; reservations accepted. Chinese and Cantonese cuisines, roast duck, spicy salted shrimp. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Entrees: $7-$10. Da Vinci’s Market — 7897 Refugee Rd., Pickerington, 614-834-3444; reservations accepted. Pizzas, stromboli, paninis, subs, pasta, lunch and dinner buffet. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $7.39-$12.19. www.davincismarket.com Del Mar’s Baja Mexican — 6310 Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, 614-837-2252; no reservations. Mexican cuisine, mondo burrito, quesadillas, tacos. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s

South, Southeast Side

Parsons Ave.


Steaks are the specialty at the Top Steak House.


S S. High

dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $5-$15. www.ttmurphs.com Tee Jaye’s Country Place — 2435 Brice Rd., Reynoldsburg, 614-861-4160; 350 S. Hamilton Rd., Whitehall, 614-851-8282; no reservations. Country cooking, country-fried steak, liver and onions. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.25-$7.95. www.teejayes.com Texas Road House — 5940 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, 614-322-0500; call-ahead seating. American cuisine, filet mignon, steak, ribs, chicken. Lunch Saturday-Sunday, dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$19.99. www.texasroadhouse.com The Top Steak House — 2891 E. Main St., East Side, 614-231-8238; reservations accepted. New York strip, prime rib, filet mignon, lamb chops, lobster tail. Dinner daily. Children’s portions available; patio; full bar; no wheelchair access to restroom. Entrees: $20-$60. www.thetop steakhouse.com


Jackson Pike

chicken, New Orleans seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$16.99. www.rubytuesday.com Rusty Bucket Corner Tavern — 2158 E. Main St., Bexley, 614-236-2426; reservations for eight or more. Pub cuisine, fish and chips, Bucket Bites, daily blue-plate specials. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $7.95-$18.95 www.rusty buckettavern.com Sbarro — Eastland Mall, 614-868-1561; no reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, pasta, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s portions available; no alcohol. Prices: 99 cents and $4.69. www.sbarro.com Scali Ristorante — 1901 Rt. 256, Reynoldsburg, 614-759-7764; reservations accepted. Italian cuisine, brascioli, homemade ravioli, carryout and catering. Lunch Thursday-Friday, dinner Tuesday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $18.99. www.scaliristorante.com Scotty’s Cafe — 2980 E. Broad St., East Side, 614-237-1949; reservations accepted. American cuisine. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3-$7. Scrambler Marie’s — 7970 E. Broad St., Far East Side, 614-522-0715; no reservations. American cuisine, south-of-the-border omelet, pancakes, eggs, soups, salads, sandwiches. Breakfast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $4.99-$8.59. www.scramblermaries.com Smokey Bones Barbecue — 2200 Reynoldsburg-Baltimore Rd., Reynoldsburg, 614-577-0764; no reservations. Barbecued ribs, steak, chicken, salmon, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$18.99. www.smokeybones.com Sonic — 3661 E. Main St., Whitehall, 614-239-6389; no reservations. American drive-in fare, hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, shakes, slushies. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Prices: $6.59-$8.60. www.sonicdrivein.com Sun Tong Luck Restaurant — 6517 E. Livingston Ave., Reynoldsburg, 614-863-2828; reservations accepted. Hong Kong and Cantonese cuisines, dim sum, appetizers, Singapore noodles. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; beer. Entrees: $5.95-$13.50. TAT Ristorante di Famiglia — 1210 S. James Rd., East Side, 614-236-1392; reservations accepted. American and Italian cuisines, homemade pasta, rigatoni, steak, pork chops. Lunch and dinner Tuesday-Sunday, breakfast Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.95-$23.95. www.tatitalian.com T.G.I. Friday’s — 2928 Taylor Rd., Reynoldsburg, 614-751-4697; no reservations. American cuisine, sandwiches, ribs, Jack Daniel’s items, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$18.99. www.tgifridays.com T.T. Murph’s — 2996 E. Livingston Ave., East Side, 614-231-2996; no reservations. Sports bar serving pizzas, subs, wings. Lunch Saturday-Sunday,

Dining Guide

London-Groveport Rd.







menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $1.99-$5.99. www.tacodelmar.com Eagle Tavern — 1586 S. High St., South Side, 614-444-6600; no reservations. Lunch and dinner specials Monday-Saturday, gourmet burgers, salads, fresh-cut onion rings. No children’s menu; patio; full bar; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $7.95-$12.95. Feta Greek Kuzina — 1839 Winderly Lane, Pickerington, 614-864-3382; reservations accepted. Greek cuisine, Greek lasagna, moussaka, lamb kebabs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Prices: $6.50-$17. www.bestgreekusa.com Flyers Pizza — 296 Main St., Groveport, 614-830-0123; no reservations. Pizza, sandwiches, subs, salads, wings. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.99-$19.99. www.flyerspizza.com Frisch’s — 3920 S. Hamilton Rd., Groveport, 614-836-1101; no reservations. American cuisine, burgers, wraps, sandwiches, pie. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$11. www.frischs.com Golden China Town Restaurant — 3797 S. High St., South Side, 614-491-6789; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, wor sue gai, Gen. Tso’s chicken, sesame chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; beer; no wheelchair access. Entrees: $5.95-$11.95. Jersey Mike’s — 1213 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-863-3316; no reservations. The Original Italian No. 13, subs, salads, wraps. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $4-$9.95. www.jerseymikes.com La Fogata Grill — 1849 Winderly Lane, Pickerington, 614-864-9154; reservations accepted for large groups except weekends. Mexican cuisine, burritos, enchiladas, chimichangas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.50-$16. www.lafogatagrill.net Lombardi’s Dairy Diner — 6251 S. High St., South Side, 614-491-7570; no reservations. Pizza, sandwiches, subs, coneys, burgers. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Prices: $5.25-$14.75. Longhorn Steakhouse — 1740 Hill

Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-367-0322; call-ahead seating. American cuisine, prime rib, steak, salmon, ribs, chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$25.99. www.longhornsteakhouse.com Los Camperos — 3610 S. High St., South Side, 614-497-8970; reservations accepted. Mexican cuisine, burritos, guacamole. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $4.25-$20.99. Max & Erma’s — 1281 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-759-9989; call-ahead seating. American casual cuisine, burgers, steak, chicken, sandwiches, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$20.99. www.maxandermas.com O’Charley’s — 6224 Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, 614-834-0833; no reservations. American cuisine, burgers, steaks, chicken tenders, seafood, soups, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $9.99-$17.99. www.ocharleys.com Ohio Deli and Restaurant — 3444 S. High St., South Side, 614-497-0577; reservations accepted. Casual American cuisine, Belgian waffles, sweet barbecued ribs, Dagwood “As seen on Man v. Food” sandwich. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6-$12. www. ohiodelicatering.com Ponderosa — 3875 S. High St., South Side, 614-491-7552; reservations accepted except Sundays. Steakhouse with a buffet. Lunch and dinner daily, breakfast buffet Saturday-Sunday. Children’s prices available; no alcohol. Entrees: $9.49-$14.99. Quizno’s Classic Subs — 1714 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-864-4833; 6322 Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, 614-920-3939; no reservations. Ovenbaked subs, soups, salads. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio at Hill Road N.; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.39-$9. www.quiznos.com Rice Bowl Restaurant — 2300 S. High St., South Side, 614-445-8828; reservations accepted. Chinese cuisine, lemon chicken, black-pepper scallops, chicken wings, happy family. Lunch Monday-Saturday, dinner daily. No children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.50-$21.75.

Shade’s Restaurant — 2486 S. High St., South Side, 614-444-6985; no reservations. American home-cooked food, meatloaf, chicken and noodles, cabbage rolls. Breakfast and lunch Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.95-$14.95. Thai Paradise — 805 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-862-8424; reservations accepted. Himmapan chicken, drunken noodle, ka pow beef or chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. $8.95-$13.95; www.thaiparadiseohio.com Uno Chicago Grill — 1720 Hill Rd. N., Pickerington, 614-501-1900; no reservations. American and Italian cuisines, Chicago classic pizza, pasta, steak. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$17.49. www.unos.com Village Wines and Bistro — 600 W. Waterloo St., Canal Winchester, 614-833-2828; no reservations. Jumbo ravioli, roasted grouper, steak-and-Guinness pie, sandwiches, wraps. Lunch and dinner TuesdaySaturday. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $12-$22. www.village winesandbistro.com W.G. Grinders — 1510 Cross Creeks Blvd., Pickerington, 614-861-4422; no reservations. Subs, pasta, pizza, salads, soups, cheesecake. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.95-$12.90. www.wggrinders.com Waffle House — 3960 S. High St., South Side, 614-409-2721; 5755 Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, 614-835-0754; no reservations. American cuisine, waffles, All-Star Special breakfast, chicken, burgers, steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol; call for wheelchair accessibility. Entrees: $5.90-$10.05. www.wafflehouse.com The Wine Guy Wine Shop — 201 Clint Dr., Pickerington, 614-577-9463; reservations accepted for large groups. Wine bar offering a bistrostyle menu, rack of lamb, Cajun scallops, tapas, olive tampenade and hummus. Dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s menu; beer and wine. Entrees: $7.99-$24.99. www.the wineguywineshop.com



Dining Guide


City, 614-539-0213; no reservations. No. 1 Gyro Shoppe — 3591 W. American cuisine, burgers, wraps, Broad St., West Side, 614-272-6244; no Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill sandwiches, country-fried steak. reservations. Authentic Greek cuisine, and Bar — 1590 Georgesville Square Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. gyros, Greek salads, subs, wings, Soldano Blvd. Grener Ave. Dr., Southwest Side, 614-851-4100; Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: hummus, chicken tenders, salads, 70 . 2020 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, e $5.10-$11.55. www.frischs.com appetizers. Lunch and dinner daily. . Broad St. nt Av t. W a iv ll 614-801-1100; no reservations. American HomeTown Buffet — 3670 Solda- Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: 40 Su nd S WESTLAND u o cuisine, chicken and steak fajitas, M no Blvd., West Side, 614-279-6228; no $2.20-$6.69. MALL burgers, salads, pasta. Lunch and dinner reservations. Buffet, fried chicken, fried O’Charley’s — 1650 Georgesville daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: 270 COLUMBUS fish. Lunch and dinner daily, SaturdaySquare Dr., Southwest Side, Hall Rd. $8.99-$18.99. www.applebees.com Sunday brunch. Children’s menu; no 614-853-2748; 1657 Stringtown Rd., Frank Rd. Bob Evans — 1660 Georgesville alcohol. Entrees: up to $13. Grove City, 614-801-1214; no reservaGeorgesville e l vil Square Dr., Southwest Side, www.hometownbuffet.com tions. American cuisine, burgers, steak, Square Dr. rges o e G 614-851-3300; 4331 W. Broad St., West J.P.’s Barbecue Restaurant — chicken tenders, seafood, soups, Side, 614-276-4611; 1650 Stringtown Alkire Rd. GEORGESVILLE 2000 Norton Rd., Bolton Field, salads. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday URBANCREST SQUARE Rd., Grove City, 614-871-9799; 1879 614-878-7422; reservations accepted brunch. Children’s menu; full bar. Stringtown Rd., Grove City, for large groups. Ribs, barbecued Entrees: $8.79-$17.99. H o m e R d. 614-871-9799; no reservations. Amerchicken, wings, sandwiches. Lunch daily, www.ocharleys.com . ican cuisine, sunshine skillet, countrydinner Tuesday-Sunday. Children’s Old Trail Inn — 72 S. Grener Ave., Rd Southwest Blvd. fried steak, meatloaf, sandwiches, menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: West Side, 614-878-9315; reservations uth Parkmead Dr. o S salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner $4.95-$18.95. www.jpsbbq.com accepted. Home-cooked cuisine, prime Columbus St. daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Jade Kirin Restaurant — 4601 W. rib, daily lunch specials, breakfast-allEntrees: $5.99-$11.99. Stringtown Rd. Broad St., West Side, 614-878-9988; day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. www.bobevans.com reservations accepted. Thai and ChiNo children’s menu; patio; full bar. G R O V E Boston Market — 4310 W. Broad nese cuisines, chicken and rice, pepper Entrees: $6-$10.95. 3 CITY St., West Side, 614-274-9300; no steak, pad Thai, seafood delight. Lunch Olive Garden — 1514 Stringtown reservations. American cuisine, rotisseand dinner daily. No children’s menu; Rd., Grove City, 614-277-4374; call62 rie chicken, roast turkey, meatloaf, patio; full bar. Entrees: $5.95-$12.95. ahead seating. Italian cuisine, soups, 71 665 soups, salads, pot pies, sandwiches. La Michoacana Mexican Market salads, pasta. Lunch and dinner daily. Lon do n-G Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; roveport Rd. and Restaurant — 534 Norton Rd., Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: no alcohol. Entrees: $6.29-$10.99. 614-851-5800; 3629 Sullivant Ave., $5.95-$19.95. www.olivegarden.com www.bostonmarket.com 614-274-2800; reservations accepted. Plank’s on Broadway — 4022 1 Buffalo Wild Wings — Mexican cuisine, fajitas, homemade Broadway, Grove City, 614-875-7800; no 1690 Georgesville Square Dr., SouthMILE tamales, enchiladas. Lunch and dinner reservations. American cuisine, pizza, west Side, 614-870-8220; no reservasubs, burgers, steak. Lunch and dinner THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. tions. Wings, burgers, chicken sandEntrees: $7-$13. Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; wiches, salads, ribs, happy hour Lone Star Steakhouse — patio; full bar; no wheelchair access. and dinner daily. No children’s menu; specials. Lunch and dinner daily. Chil1620 Georgesville Rd., Southwest Side, Entrees: $7-$13. full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$7.99. dren’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.49614-853-1000; no reservations. Quizno’s Classic Subs — 3467 N. Fiesta Mariachi — 1998 String$13.99. www.buffalowildwings.com American cuisine, sirloin steak, chicken, Broadway, Grove City, 614-801-0653; town Rd., Grove City, 614-539-4540; no Buffalo Wings and Rings — seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. 3043 London-Groveport Rd., Grove City, reservations. Mexican cuisine, fajitas, 1574 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, Children’s menu; patio; full bar. 614-277-1361; no reservations. Ovenquesadillas, tamales. Lunch and dinner 614-801-0900; no reservations. Wings, Entrees: $10.99-$22.99. baked subs, soups, salads, Lunch and daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. tenders, quesadillas, gyros. Lunch and www.lonestarsteakhouse.com dinner daily. Children’s menu; no Entrees: $7.50-$14.95. dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full Longhorn Steakhouse — alcohol. Entrees: $3.99-$9. www.fiestamariachi.net bar. Entrees: $4.49-$8.99. 1742 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, www.quiznos.com Five Guys Burgers and Fries — www.buffalowingsandrings.com 614-801-1980; call-ahead seating. Red Lobster — 1520 Georgesville 1790 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, China Bell — 1947 Stringtown Rd., American cuisine, steak, salmon, ribs, Rd., Southwest Side, 614-870-1409; no 6 14-539-5550 Classic American diner Grove City, 614-871-2420; reservations chicken. Lunch and dinner daily. reservations. American cuisine, seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. No chilaccepted. Chinese cuisine. Lunch and Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: food, the Ultimate Feast, shrimp, crab dren’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full $8.99-$24.99. www.longhorn legs. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s $3.39-$10. www.fiveguys.com bar. Entrees: $6.95-$13.25. www. steakhouse.com menu; full bar. Entrees: $8.99-$27. chinabell.net Lotus Leaf — 1595 Georgesville www.redlobster.com Chipotle Mexican Grill — Square Dr., Southwest Side, Red Robin — 1635 Stringtown Rd., 1528 Georgesville Rd., Southwest Side, The fajitas at E l Vaquero 614-853-3841; reservations accepted. Grove City, 614-277-9612; no reserva614-853-4245; 1671 Stringtown Rd., Eclectic Asian cuisine, pho, pad Thai, tions. American cuisine, burgers, Grove City, 614-801-0784; no reservaGen. Tso’s chicken. Lunch and dinner Whiskey River barbecue burger, chick El Vaquero Mexican Restaurant — tions. Mexican cuisine, burritos, tacos, daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. en, pasta, salads. Lunch and dinner 3160 Broadway, Grove City, burrito bowls, salads. Lunch and dinner Entrees: $5.95-$6.95. daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. 614-801-9910; reservations accepted. daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and Memories Restaurant — 3539 Entrees: $6.99-$12.99. Mexican cuisine, carne asada, seafood, margaritas. Entrees: $5.25-$5.75. Broadway, Grove City, 614-875-1074; no www.redrobin.com burritos, fajitas, carnitas. Lunch and www.chipotle.com reservations. American cuisine, burgers, Rise & Dine Restaurant — dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; Cici’s Pizza — 1786 Stringtown wings, steak, ribs, daily specials. Lunch 2788 London-Groveport Rd., Grove City, full bar. Entrees: $5-$14. www. Rd., Grove City, 614-801-9508; no and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; 614-539-0899; no reservations. Breakelvaquerorestaurants.com reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$16.25. fast-all-day, omelets, corned-beef hash, Emelio’s — 574 Georgesville Rd., pasta, salads, dessert. Lunch and dinner Minelli’s Pizza — 1189 N. Wilson pancakes, sandwiches, salads. BreakWest Side, 614-279-7900; no reservabuffet daily. Children’s portions availRd., West Side, 614-279-3344; 3858 fast and lunch daily. Children’s menu; no tions. Pizzas, subs, salads. Lunch and able; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.83. Sullivant Ave., West Side, 614-276-2661; alcohol. Entrees: $6.50-$9.50. dinner Monday-Saturday. No children’s www.cicispizza.com reservations accepted for large groups. www.risedine.com menu; patio; full bar; cash only. Cracker Barrel — 4210 Marlane Italian cuisine, pizza, spaghetti, lasag Rooster’s Restaurant — 4650 W. Entrees: $3-$19. www.emelios Dr., Grove City, 614-871-1444; no reserFare from Five Guys na. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s Broad St., Far West Side, 614-853-0118; catering.com vations. Home-style meals, chicken and portions available; beer and wine. 1650 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, Burgers and Fries Fazoli’s — 2096 Stringtown Rd., dumplings, roast beef, country-fried Entrees: $6.49-$7.29. 614-539-8711; reservations accepted for Grove City, 614-539-5562; 1577 Holt Rd., Flyer’s Pizza and Subs — 5634 steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Ming’s Chinese Restaurant — large groups. American cuisine, wings, Georgesville Square, 614-851-6057; no Hall Rd., Far West Side, 614-870-7777; Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: 3482 Sullivant Ave., West Side, salads, chicken, pizza, subs. Lunch and reservations. Italian cuisine, lasagna, 4099 Hoover Rd., Grove City, $3.99-$14.99. www.crackerbarrel.com 614-272-6882; reservations accepted. dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar; 614-871-9000; no reservations. Pizza, Ding Ho Restaurant — 120 Phillipi pasta, pizza. Lunch and dinner daily. Hunan, Szechwan, Cantonese and call for wheelchair accessibility. sandwiches, subs, salads, wings. Lunch Mandarin cuisines; Gen. Tso’s chicken; Rd., West Side, 614-276-4395; reserva- Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: Entrees: $3.99-$14.99. $3.69-$6.99. www.fazolis.com and dinner daily. No children’s menu; tions accepted. Chinese and American wor sue gai; black-pepper shrimp. www.roosterswings.com Feast of the Dragon — 3663 patio; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.99-$19.99. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. cuisines, wor sue gai, pepper steak. Rotolo’s Pizza — 1720 Stringtown Soldano Blvd., West Side, 614-272-0210; www.flyerspizza.com Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; No children’s menu; no alcohol. Rd., Grove City, 614-539-4567; no no reservations. Chinese buffet. Lunch Frisch’s — 2878 Home Rd., Grove patio; full bar. Entrees: $4-$13. Entrees: $5-$9.75. reservations. Italian cuisine, pizza, www.dingho.net

West, Southwest Side d.

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Hoover Rd.

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Holt Rd.




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Norton R

Wilson Rd.

Phillipi Rd.

Gallowa y Rd.


lasagna, spaghetti, rigatoni with meatballs. Lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $2.99-$20.50. www.rotolospizza.com Ruby Tuesday — 4065 Marlane Dr., Grove City, 614-801-1650; reservations accepted. Burgers, steak, New Orleans seafood. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $6.99-$18.99. www.rubytuesday.com Smokey Bones Barbecue — 1615 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, 614-277-3270; no reservations. Barbecued ribs, steak, chicken, salmon, salads, sandwiches. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $7-$20.49. www.smokeybones.com Sonic — 1799 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, 614-871-6248; no reservations. American cuisine, burgers, hot dogs, burritos. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; no alcohol. Entrees: 99 cents-$4.29. www.sonicdrivein.com Talita’s Mexican Kitchen — 3090 Southwest Blvd., Grove City, 614-871-8733; reservations accepted. Mexican and Italian cuisines, burritos, pasta, Mexican pizza. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday. Children’s menu; full bar. Entrees: $5.25-$7.99. www.talitasmexicankitchen.com Tee Jaye’s Country Place — 4048 W. Broad St., West Side, 614-274-1374; 1880 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, 614-871-2596; no reservations. Country cooking, country-fried steak, liver and onions. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.25-$8.80. www.teejayes.com Tres Potrillos — 964 Galloway Rd., Far West Side, 614-851-9540; reservations for large groups. Mexican cuisine, fajitas, steak, chimichangas. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; full bar. Entrees: $6.95-$22.95. www.tres potrillosmexicanrestaurant.com Tristano’s — 3306 Columbus St., Grove City, 614-875-5509; reservations accepted. Chicago-style stuffed pizza, subs, calzones, lasagna. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio; beer and wine. Entrees: $4.75-$21.50. ww.tristanospizzeria.com W.G. Grinders — 2348 Stringtown Rd., Grove City, 614-875-7166; 4600 W. Broad St., West Side, 614-870-0666; no reservations. Subs, pasta, pizza, salads, soups, cheesecake. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; patio on W. Broad St.; no alcohol. Entrees: $3.95-$12.90. www.wggrinders.com Waffle House — 2360 Westbelt Dr., West Side, 614-876-9834; 3085 Broadway, Grove City, 614-539-9225; 4140 Marlane Dr. Grove City, 614-539-0610; 4595 W. Broad St., West Side, 614-878-6778; 900 N. Wilson Rd., West Side, 614-272-9575; no reservations. American cuisine, waffles, All-Star special breakfast, chicken, burgers, steak. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. No children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $5.90-$10.05. www.wafflehouse.com York Steak House — 4220 W. Broad St., West Side, 614-272-6485; no reservations. American cuisine, steak, honey-glazed chicken, fish. Lunch and dinner daily. Children’s menu; no alcohol. Entrees: $6.59-$14.99.



Dining Guide


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