Columbus CEO Special Advertising Section: Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio 2022 Awards

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Toast to T rusted Leaders

Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio was thrilled to honor the 2022 Torch Award, Spark Award, and Students of Integrit y Scholarship recipients at this year ’s Toast to Trusted Leaders event held at COSI

The event celebrated role models in our community no matter where they are on their journey – an established business , an entrepreneur, or a future leader. Those recognized embody the BBB standards of trust and set an example for others to follow

Torch Awards for Ethics

BBB ’s Torch Awards for Ethics , in its 28th year, honors organizations whose leaders demonstrate a high level of personal character; ensure that the organization’s culture meets the highest standards of ethics; and consequently generates trust with its customers and the community. These Torch Award winners embody BBB ’s mission of advancing business trust by building a community of trustwor thy businesses and giving consumers peace of mind


2022 TorchAward Recipients

BakerCreativefocuses on cultureand environmentasanintegralpar t of theircreativebrand .Their customer-centric approach meldswith an employee work-lifebalancemakingfor an award-winning, full-service brand management and global marketing firm

Buildinghighqualit ystruc turessince 19 84 ,B oL acey Construc tion is a full servicegeneral contractingcompany that focusesonits community and employees .With afoundationofgivingback, Bo L acey leads charit y- driven projec ts ,feedsthe homeless ,and suppor ts future leaders through 4- Hsponsorship.

Formorethan five decades, Carlile, Patchen ,and Murphy has demonstratedstrongcharac terwith aleadership team whoembraces an open door policy, strict ethics ,and arobust probono program. The at torneysatC arlile, Patchen ,and Murphy aretrusted partnersoffering complexbusiness and personal legalsolutions.

ColumbiaG as is oneofO hio’sleadingenergy companies and the largest provider of naturalgas serviceinthe state. This centralO hio companyisdedic ated to providingconsumerswith services they ne ed ever yday throughtheir customer-centric approach.

Client sare the hear tbeatofC PM edia &M arketing .H onesty and integrit yis thelifeblood that accounts fortheir long-standingsuccess .With aculture suppor ting trust first, CPM edia &M arketing employe es bond together to of ferawealth of collec tive experience spanning many industries ,markets , and plat formsenabling theirclients to stand outf romthe competition .

GBQPar tners, atop tax, accounting ,and consulting firm for69years , embracestheir purposetoempowerthe grow th of theirpeople,their communities ,and theirclients’businesses .Through theEmpowerProject, afirm -wideleadership grow th initiative,G BQ employeesare driven by this ground-upapproachtocreatepositiveoutcomesfor theirassociates and clients .

Muth &CompanyRoofing is foundedinthe principalsofhardwork, commitment, and doingwhat’sbestfor thecustomer.Celebrating their 30 th year of business ,M uth&CompanyRoofing carriesthiscommitment throughits many ac ts of serviceand sponsorship includingits Give Where YouLiveprogram


2022 Spark Awards

BBB ’s SparkAward is giventoentrepreneurs 35 yearsold andunderor businesses operating forless than threeyears .Entrepreneurs have aunique oppor tunity to sparktrust as they buildtheir business with Character; foster a collaborative Culture,and give back to theirCommunity.

180 Demo is aprofessionaldemolition company specializing in interior demolition work on commercialrenovationproject s. They arepassionate aboutfair-chanceemployment, changingperceptions ,and usingtheir business as away to providec areerand grow th oppor tunities forformerly incarcerated individualsand to causechange in thecriminal justicespace.

Benesafe Solutionsmanufactures ,produces, and sells1 00%plant-based insect repellents safe forkids, pets ,and theenvironment. Theirsolution is designed to ef fectivelykill ,repel, and preventmosquitoes ,fleas ,and tickswithout posing athreattonature and allowfamilies to enjoythe outdoorsagainwithoutcompromisingthe environment or theirsafet y. Collaborate and ElevateisaB2B plat form focusedonimproving businesses ,revenue, andprofitmargin by empowering people, businesses ,and organizationstoworktogether to complete ataskor achieve agoal and ultimately reachhigher levels of success


Students of Integrity Scholarship

Sincethe inception of the BBB Students of Integrity Scholarship Awards in 2002, tenhigh school seniors from the 21-county serviceareahavebeen recognized yearly because theypersonify high character through leadership,community service, overall personal integrity,and academic accomplishments.

Student honorees areselected by apanel of judges from the businesscommunity to each receivea $1,000 scholarship paid to the college/university of their choice.

This year ’s recipients are:

AdityaChittari, NewAlbanyHigh School

Cole Scarborough, Lakewood Local High School

Emma Wethington, Madison Plains High School

Eric Riebel, Delaware Christian School

Evelyn Neeley, LancasterHigh School

Jackson McCoy,Jonathan Alder High School

Kora Garee, Northridge High School

Samuel Jones, BuckeyeValleyHigh School

SaraMoore, Newark Catholic High School

TiaraTakyi, Westerville South High School

The Eco Plumbers |E.E. Ward Moving &Storage Co.| The
Drain &HVAC To Our
Thank you
Event Sponsors
Aspecial Thank Youtoour Students of Integrity Scholarship Sponsors: A-Team Transmissions LLC, Outreach Promos, Small Biz Cares, Plunkett’s Pest Control, Rosati Windows

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