21 minute read
Top Dentists
Excellent oral care is essential for your good health. When you want to find the best dentist or another oral specialist, this listing of more than 250 Central Ohio dentists and others is your resource for maintaining good dental care. These health care professionals get top reviews by their peers.
Endodontics is concerned with the human dental pulp and periradicular tissues.
F. Charles Arens, Central Ohio Endodontics, 6827 N. High St., Suite 115, Worthington, 614-885-1191, centralohioendodontics.com
Matthew B. Balasco, Balasco Endodontics, 550 E. Main St., Suite B, Lancaster, 740687-5900, balascoendo.com
David E. Claffey IV, Grove City Endodontics, 4203 Gantz Road, Grove City, 614-2779455, drclaffey.com
Elizabeth M. Claffey, Grove City Endodontics, 4203 Gantz Road, Grove City, 614-2779455, drclaffey.com Christopher A. Ettrich, Wedgewood Endodontics, 9773 Fairway Drive, Powell, 614789-3636, wedgeendo.com
Mark L. Grosko, 843 N. 21st St., Suite 103, Newark, 740-344-6349, endogrosko.com
Andrew J. Haase, Endodontic Wellness Center, 4830 Knightsbridge Blvd., Suite L, Columbus, 614-459-2234, endodontic wellness.com
John J. Haidet, Columbus Endodontic Specialists, 145 Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road, Suite 100, Blacklick, 614-577-1100, cbusendo.com
Vicki M. Houck, Westerville Endodontics, 45 Huber Village Blvd., Westerville, 614-8828000, westervilleendodontics.com Joel G. Jose, Endodontic Associates, 1375 Cherry Way Drive, Suite 200, Gahanna, 614428-7320, eajose.com
Bradley P. Karkut, 980 W. Central Ave., Suite C, Delaware, 740-363-1844, karkut-endodontics.business.site
Shelly Lee, Lee and Murrin Endodontics, 1570 Fishinger Road, Columbus, 614-4592000, uaendo.com
Eric R. Menke, Central Ohio Endodontics, 6827 N. High St., Suite 115, Worthington, 614-885-1191, centralohioendodontics.com
Kerry D. Moore, 31 N. Plaza Blvd., Chillicothe, 740-774-6230
James R. Murrin, Lee and Murrin End-
This list is excerpted from the 2020 edition of topDentists, a database that includes listings for more than 280 dentists and specialists in the Greater Columbus metropolitan area. The Columbus list is based on thousands of detailed evaluations of dentists and professionals by their peers. The complete database is available at usatopdentists.com. For more information, call 706-364-0853; write P.O. Box 970, Augusta, GA 30903; email info@ usatopdentists.com; or visit usatopdentists.com.
odontics, 1570 Fishinger Road, Columbus, 614-459-2000, uaendo.com
Matthew S. Niemiec, Microsurgical Endodontics, 825 High St., Suite C, Worthington, 614-436-2277, ohioendo.com
John M. Nusstein, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-9412, dentistry.osu.edu
Mark L. Oleson, Endodontic Wellness Center, 4830 Knightsbridge Blvd., Suite L, Columbus, 614-459-2234, endodontic wellness.com
TopDentists, LLC has more than 60 years of experience compiling peer-reviewed referral guides in the legal, dental and medical fields. Using this experience, along with the input of dentists across the United States, we have created a methodology that has been refined and improved over previous superlative guides. TopDentists lists dentists and specialists who have been chosen through an exhaustive survey in which thousands of the nation’s dental professionals confidentially evaluate their professional peers. No payment is required to be selected, nor is payment accepted in exchange for selection.
The nomination pool for topDentists consists of dentists and specialists that are current members of the American Dental Association and other dental societies. General dentists were asked to vote on nominees that are listed as specialists. Specialists are asked to vote only on nominees that are listed as general dentists.
Voting practitioners are also given an opportunity to offer more detailed comments on nominees and to provide additional nominations.
Voting professionals are provided the following criteria for determining if a nominee should be listed: years of experience, continuing education, manner with patients and physical results. All votes and comments are solicited with a guarantee of confidentiality.
Once the decisions have been finalized, the included dentists are checked against state dental boards for disciplinary actions to make sure they have an active license and are in good standing with the board. Then letters of congratulations are sent to all the listed dentists.
Of course, there are many fine dentists who are not included in this representative list. It is intended as a sampling of the great body of talent in the field of dentistry in Ohio. A dentist’s inclusion on our list is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow dentists. 200 W Bridge Street, Suite C Dublin, OH 43017 (614) 889-9661 dublindentalassociates.com

experienced friendly professional
Raptou Family Dental
Dr. Isaac Raptou Dr. Nicholas Raptou
No Insurance? No Problem.
Lisa Poweski, Elite Endodontics, 450 Alkyre Run Drive, Suite 290, Westerville, 614-8917550, eliteendodonticsohio.com
Steven M. Smith, Central Ohio Endodontics, 6827 N. High St., Suite 115, Worthington, 614-885-1191, centralohioendodontics. com
Kumar Subramanian, Central Ohio Root Canals, 161 Clint Drive, Suite 300, Pickerington, 614-866-3636, centralohioroot canals.com
Louis W. Susi, Columbus Endodontic Specialists, 145 Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road, Suite 100, Blacklick, 614-577-1100, cbusendo.com
Robert A. Uhle, Microsurgical Endodontics, 825 High St., Suite C, Worthington, 614436-2277, ohioendo.com
Michael E. Whitcomb Jr., Central Ohio Endodontics, 6827 N. High St., Suite 115, Worthington, 614-885-1191, centralohioendodontics.com
Jennifer W. Willett, Mill Run Endodontics, 3827 Trueman Court, Hilliard, 614-8509636, millrunendo.com
This includes evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment of diseases and disorders of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area.
Shirin Amini, Clintonville Family Dentistry, 4425 N. High St., Suite 200, Columbus, 614-261-8700, clintonvillefamily dentistry.com
Heather H. Appel, Hull and Appel Family Dentistry, 6641 N. High St., Suite 102, Worthington, 614-888-7910, hulland appel.com
Taghreed As-Sanie, Dental Reflections Dublin, 5080 Bradenton Ave., Suite A, Dublin, 614-799-5576, dentalreflections dublin.com
Melissa Baker, The Gentle Dentist, 69 E. Wilson Bridge Road, Worthington, 614-4313311, coulmandental.com
Bruce C. Baloy, Arch City Dental, 191 W. Schrock Road, Westerville, 614-891-7075, archcitydental.com
Richard B. Barry, Lifetime Dental Health, 1960 Bethel Road, Suite 240, Columbus, 614-321-1887, lifetimedentalcolumbus.com Eric Batterton, 494 W. Central Ave., Suite F, Delaware, 740-363-9741, ericbatterton dds.com
Theodore T. Bauer, Schumacher & Bauer, DDS, 3600 Olentangy River Road, Suite 500-B, Columbus, 614-451-1110, columbusdentists.net
Canise Y. Bean, Ohio State University School of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-688-5567, dentistry.osu.edu
Jacinto W. Beard, Beard Family Dentistry, 4536 Karl Road, Columbus, 614-447-2244, beardfamilydentistry.com

Carolyn D. Bednar, Goldberg & Bednar, 1600 Brice Road, Reynoldsburg, 614-866-5966
Portia J. Bell, 2710 Crossroads Plaza Drive, Columbus, 614-471-1161, drportiabell.com
Erin M. Biehle, Stonecreek Dental Care, 11295 Stonecreek Drive NW, Pickerington, 614-864-3196, helpmysmile.com
Kyle D. Bogan, North Orange Family Dentistry, 7325 Gooding Blvd., Delaware, 740548-1800, northorangefamilydentistry.com
Lisa Briceland-Kolp, Postle Dental Group, 3734 Ridge Mill Drive, Hilliard, 614-3633422, postledental.com
Chad N. Cacchio, 1700 W. Lane Ave., Suite 100, Columbus, 614-488-1313, chadcacchio dds.com Constance Camman, 7219 Sawmill Road, Suite 205, Dublin, 614-791-0900, thedublindentist.com
Scott A. Campbell, Delaware Ohio Dental Office, 12 Lexington Blvd., Delaware, 740369-5309, delawareohiodentist.com
Philippe Chahine, Just Smiles, 1921 Rome Hilliard Road, Hilliard, 614-215-9089, just-smiles.com
Vishal K. Chitkara, Grandview Dental Care, 1220 Grandview Ave., Columbus, 614-4868654, grandviewdentalcare.com
Chris M. Clark, Clark Family Dental, 5133 Hampsted Village Center Way, New Albany, 614-855-5200, clarkfamilydentist.com
Lori Cronin, The Gentle Dentist, 69 E. Wilson Bridge Road, Worthington, 614-4313311, coulmandental.com
Jason T. Culley, Watermark Dental, 1225 Dublin Road, Suite 040, Columbus, 614488-9050, watermarkdental.com
Ryan Davis, Polaris Dental Care, 2023 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, 614-505-7027, polarisdentalcare.com
David A. Dixon, Columbus Family Dental Care, 1645 Holt Road, Columbus, 614-8781397, columbusfamilydentalcare.com
Justin W. Dugas, Dugas Dental, 27 Neverland Drive, Lewis Center, 740-548-0575, dugasdental.com
Fadi. S. El-Tamimi, Dental Works, 3727 Easton Market, Columbus, 614-454-4800, easton.dentalworks.com
Michael C. Fair Jr., Arlington Dental Group, 3360 Tremont Road, Suite 100, Upper Arlington, 614-451-7377, uadentalgroup.com
Doug B. Ferguson, Greentree Dental Group, 2027 Henderson Road, Columbus, 614459-5511, greentreedentalgroup.com
Henry Fischbach, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-3265, dentistry.osu.edu
Natalie K. Fisher, Bethel Grove Dental, 1151 Bethel Road, Suite 304, Columbus, 614457-6649, bethelgrovedds.com
Mark P. Fixari, Fixari Family Dental, 4241 Kimberly Parkway, Columbus, 614-3420928, fixaridental.com
Michael P. Fleitz, 426 Beecher Road, Gahanna, 614-939-4800, drfleitz.com
Augusto S. Fojas, 387 County Line Road W, Suite 125, Westerville, 614-882-0275, fojasdentist.com
Robin C. Ford, Ford Family Dental, 6890 Perimeter Drive, Suite A, Dublin, 614-7611974, fordfamilydental.com
Michael J. Freeman, North Court Family Dentistry, 1412 N. Court St., Circleville, 740474-3861, northcourtfamilydentistry.com
Robert A. George, Eastpoint Dental, 7334 E. Broad St., Suite A, Blacklick, 614-755-2275, eastpointdental.com
Alisha A. Gray, Smile Works Family Dentistry, 500 S. Jefferson Ave., Plain City, 614-733-0800, smileworksdds.com
Robert E. Green, Green Dental Delaware, 133 W. Hull Drive, Delaware, 740-363-3871, greendentaldelaware.com
Bobby Haddad, Fixari Family Dental, 4241 Kimberly Parkway, Columbus, 614-3504118, fixaridental.com
Tara L. Haid, Haid Dental, 7100 N. High St., Suite 100, Worthington, 614-885-2610, haiddentalassociates.com Broad St., Columbus, 614-237-2529, hanindentistry.com
Nicole Helfrich, Helfrich Family Dental, 1975 Guilford Road, Upper Arlington, 614-4881252, drhelfrich.com
Kyle R. Hickman, Havens Family Dental, 1582 N. Waggoner Road, Suite B, Blacklick, 614-762-2737, havensfamilydental.com
Douglas P. Hinton, Greentree Dental Group, 2027 Henderson Road, Columbus, 614459-5511, greentreedentalgroup.com
Abraham Hoellrich, Grandview Dental Care, 1220 Grandview Ave., Columbus, 614-4867378, grandviewdentalcare.com
Cheryl Hoffman, Hoffman Dental, 1600 Fishinger Road, Columbus, 614-763-6414, hoffmandentaloffice.com
Naimisha S. Hoffman, Legacy Family Dental, 6655 Post Road, Suite A, Dublin, 614336-7643, legacyfamilydentaldublin.com
Tom Hoffman, Hoffman Dental, 1600 Fishinger Road, Columbus, 614-763-6414, hoffmandentaloffice.com
Marc J. Hollander, 118 N. Hamilton Road, Gahanna, 614-454-4351, marcjhollander dds.com
Jeffrey J. Holowicki, Smiley Dental Group, 5156 Blazer Parkway, Suite 200, Dublin, 614-470-5329, smileydentalgroup.com
Lawrence E. Hughes Jr., 4345 N. High St., Clintonville, 614-268-5250, clintonvillefamilydentist.com
John G. Imm III, 5 Points Advanced Dentistry, 3440 Riverside Drive, Columbus, 614-451-5434, ua5pointsdentistry.com
Parker M. Jarvis, 555 W. Schrock Road, Suite 120, Westerville, 614-882-5208, docjarvis.com
John W. Johnson, Midwest Holistic Dentistry, 5121 Forest Drive, Suite A, New Albany, 614-775-9300, midwestholistic dentistry.com
Jason A. Kahan, Eastpoint Dental, 7334 E. Broad St., Suite A, Blacklick, 614-856-1413, eastpointdental.com
Husam “Sam” Kahwach, Advanced Dental Care Center, 5175 Morse Road, Suite 200, Columbus, 614-855-2322, adccdentistry.com Fred A. Kaufman, Kaufman Dental Group, 3040 E. Main St., Columbus, 614-418-6720, kaufmandentalgroup.com
Jody Kear, Greentree Dental Group, 2027 Henderson Road, Columbus, 614-459-5511, greentreedentalgroup.com
Irfan Khan, Polaris Dental Care, 2023 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, 614-505-7027, polarisdentalcare.com
G. Paul King II, Camelot Dental Group, 5005 Horizons Drive, Suite 110, Columbus, 614-451-5115, camelotdentalgroup.com
John D. Koutras, Koutras and Schooley, 1275 Olentangy River Road, Suite 200, Columbus, 614-294-4007, koutrasandschooleydental.com
Christina M. Kulesa, Northstar Family Dental, 538 Polaris Parkway, Westerville, 614-682-6213, northstarfamilydental.com
Benjamin R. Lamielle, Hilliard Modern Dental, 4083 Trueman Blvd., Hilliard, 614-5299644, hilliardmoderndental.com
Cheryl J. Lampe, 367 S. Main St., Pataskala, 740-927-4876, cheryllampedds.com
Jennifer L. Lape, Gentle Dental Care, 208 N. Columbus St., Lancaster, 740-653-8671, gentledentalcare4all.com
Sam M. Latif, Ohio Cosmetic Dentists, 1010 Bethel Road, Columbus, 614-503-5240, ohiocosmeticdentists.com
Stephanie Lauer, Merion Village Dental, 1250 S. High St., Columbus, 614-420-2665, merionvillagedental.com
Geza E. Locsey, French Run Family Dental, 1344 Lancaster Ave., Reynoldsburg, 614866-1234, reynoldsburgohdentist.com
Beth A. Loew, 2164 Riverside Drive, Columbus, 614-487-0112, bethloewdds.com
Paul M. Loper, 6321 E. Livingston Ave., Suite A, Reynoldsburg, 614-864-7731, paulloperdds.com
Anthony G. Lordo, 1000 High St., Suites A & B, Worthington, 614-885-4754, drlordo.com
Elizabeth Love, Lifetime Dental Health, 1960 Bethel Road, Suite 240, Columbus, 614-451-2234, lifetimedh.com
Elizabeth A. Malys-Clark, Clark Family Dental, 5133 Hampsted Village Center Way, New Albany, 614-428-0347, clarkfamilydentist.com
Timothy O. March, March Dentistry, 1580 Fishinger Road, Suite L, Columbus, 614457-6161, marchdentistry.com
Melissa D. Mariani, Legacy Family Dental, 6655 Post Road, Suite A, Dublin, 614-3367643, legacyfamilydentaldublin.com
John M. Marque, Marque Dental Associates, 1582 E. Main St., Lancaster, 740-654-3980, johnmarquedds.com
Christopher D. Masoner, 17 N. Harding Road, Columbus, 614-231-2709, drchristophermasoner.com
James T. Mathias, 1080 Polaris Parkway, Suite 220, Columbus, 614-854-0101
Brittany S. McCarthy, McCarthy Dental Group, 17 N. Harding Road, Columbus, 614235-8612, mccarthydental.com
Julie D. Messerly, 127 W. Sixth Ave., Lancaster, 740-687-4484, messerlydental.com
James E. Metz, Advanced Columbus Dentistry, 1271 E. Broad St., Columbus, 614-2524444, columbusdentistry.com
Walter D. Mick, Mick Family Dental Care & Implant Solutions, 1561 Brice Road, Reynoldsburg, 614-864-4618, mickfamilydental.com
Mark A. Miely, 1840 Zollinger Road, Upper Arlington, 614-682-7384, markamielydds.com
Julie Montgomery, Dublin Dental Associates, 200 W. Bridge St., Suite C, Dublin, 614-889-9661, dublindentalassociates.com
Andrea C. Mulholland, Third Street Dental, 601 S. Third St., Columbus, 614-228-4850, thirdstreetdentalcare.com
Jon B. Musser, Magnolia Dental, 1957 Newark Granville Road, Granville, 740-5873001, dentistgranville.com
Randall W. Nameth, 716 Worthington Woods Blvd., Worthington, 614-505-4147, namethdentistry.com
Michael E. Nemcik, Nemcik Family Dentists, 6251 Perimeter Drive, Dublin, 614-7660002, dentistrydublin.com
Donna C. Noll, Violet Family Dental, 151 Clint Drive, Suite 300, Pickerington, 614575-1155, violetfamilydental.com Robert S. Owen, 1919 Newark Granville Road, Granville, 740-587-4488, robertowendds.com
Andrew C. Palmer, Tootle, Palmer, & Ankrom Dentistry, 600 N. Court St., Circleville, 740251-0072, tootleandpalmerdentistry.com
Sharon K. Parsons, Dental Associates Records and Parsons, 2862 E. Main St., Columbus, 614-235-3444, dentalassociatesbexley.com
James Pawlecki, Green Dental Delaware, 133 W. Hull Drive, Delaware, 740-363-3871, greendentaldelaware.com
Liljana Petrova, Blacklick Family Dental, 6911 E. Broad St., Columbus, 614-215-9983, blacklickfamilydental.com
James K. Phillips, Phillips & Friedrich, 33 N. High St., Canal Winchester, 614-837-4187, phillipsfriedrichfamilydentistry.com
H. Herb Postle III, Postle Dental Group, 3734 Ridge Mill Drive, Hilliard, 614-3688024, postledental.com
Katherine M. Qualmann, McCarthy Dental Group, 17 N. Harding Road, Columbus, 614235-8612, mccarthydental.com Mark D. Raisch, Advanced Dental Wellness, 4501 N. High St., Columbus, 614-267-5413, advanceddentalwellness.com
Thomas S. Rankin, 5515 Scioto Darby Road, Suite 201, Hilliard, 614-876-4224, rankinfamilydentistry.com
Nicholas Raptou, Raptou Family Dental, 136 Northwoods Blvd., Suite A-1, Columbus, 614-427-0449, raptou.com
Michael J. Repasky, Dublin Dental Associates, 200 W. Bridge St., Suite C, Dublin, 614-889-9661, dublindentalassociates.com
Aparna Sadineni, Dublin Metro Dental, 572 Metro Place N, Dublin, 614-766-5600, dublinmetrodental.com
J. Clarke Sanders Jr., Stonecreek Dental Care, 11295 Stonecreek Drive NW, Pickerington, 614-864-3196, helpmysmile.com
Avneet Sandhu, Worthington Pediatric Dentists, 117 Lazelle Road E, Suite D, Columbus, 614-888-3212, worthingtonpediatric.com

Jeffrey P. Santilli, 420 Beecher Road, Suite B, Columbus, 614-939-5200, drsantilli.com
Matthew G. Schneider, Schneider Family Dental, 5150 Blazer Parkway, Dublin, 614532-4456, schneiderfamilydental.com
Jeffrey R. Schoning, 4713 N. High St., Columbus, 614-261-0280
Michael Schumacher, Schumacher & Bauer, 3600 Olentangy River Road, Suite 500-B, Columbus, 614-451-1110, columbus dentists.net
John Segnini, Oak Creek Dental Care, 6865 Oak Creek Drive, Columbus, 614-808-8478, oakcreekdental.com
Nisha Shah, Worthington Pediatric Dentists, 117 Lazelle Road E, Suite D, Columbus, 614-888-3212, worthingtonpediatric.com
Shayer Shah, Newark Smiles, 1619 W. Main St., Newark, 740-522-1133, newarksmiles.com
Michael D. Shrallow, Pataskala Family Dental, 722 Corylus Drive, Pataskala, 740-9645138, pataskalafamilydental.com
Shelley D. Shults, Powell Dental Group, 39 Clairedan Drive, Powell, 614-436-4433, powelldentalgroup.com
Tod Siefert, Siefert Family Dentistry, 2880 W. Broad St., Columbus, 614-279-0674, siefertfamilydentistry.com
Andrew E. Skasko, Elite Dental, 5101 Forest Drive, Suite A, New Albany, 614-939-0400, newalbanyelitedental.com
Samuel E. Smiley, Smiley Dental Group, 5156 Blazer Parkway, Suite 200, Dublin, 614-470-5329, smileydentalgroup.com
Michael J. Smith, Reynoldsburg Family Dental, 7589 E. Main St., Suite B, Reynoldsburg, 614-866-5518, reynoldsburgfamilydental.com
Howard M. Spector, 6649 N. High St., Suite 201, Worthington, 614-436-8336, spectordental.com
Heidi A. Stauffer, Stauffer Family Dental, 124 County Line Road W, Suite A, Westerville, 614-882-2249, staufferfamilydental.com
Rhonda J. Steigerwald, McMillen Dental, 106 McMillen Drive, Newark, 740-344-1171, mcmillendental.com
Daniel L. Taylor, 81 S. Fourth St., Suite 205, Columbus, 614-224-7069 Susan R. Tikson, 6641 N. High St., Suite 101, Worthington, 614-888-2563, susantiksondds.com
Barth M. Toothman, Toothman Dental Group, 1920 Bethel Road, Columbus, 614457-4585, toothmandentalgroup.com
Robert M. Tootle, Tootle, Palmer & Ankrom Dentistry, 600 N. Court St., Circleville, 740251-0072, tootleandpalmerdentistry.com
Prashanthi Vadhi, Vadhi Ohio Family Dental, 6023 E. Main St., Columbus, 614-8646000, drvadhi.com
Maria Van Huffel, 960 N. Hamilton Road, Suite 107, Gahanna, 614-476-8999, mvanhuffel.com
Dana Walters, 3905 Berry Leaf Lane, Hilliard, 614-662-2082, danawaltersdds.com
Steve C. Walton, 3600 Olentangy River Road, Suite 483, Columbus, 614-459-2441, stevewaltondds.com
Daniel H. Ward, 1080 Polaris Parkway, Suite 130, Columbus, 614-430-8990, drward.com
Erin L. Whittaker, Whittaker Dental Group, 11 W. Cooke Road, Columbus, 614-2674243, flossyourteeth.com
George P. Wick, 1234 Old Henderson Road, Suite A, Columbus, 614-268-9443, georgewickdds.com
Brian E. Woodard, 3330 Park St., Suite B, Grove City, 614-875-9500, bwoodarddds. com
James D. Worley, 300 S. State St., Westerville, 614-882-1816
L. Craig Wright, Dublin Dental Associates, 200 W. Bridge St., Suite C, Dublin, 614-8899661, dublindentalassociates.com
Burak Yilmaz, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-247-6818, dentistry.osu.edu
Eric Zidel, Zidel Dental Group, 4575 Winchester Pike, Columbus, 614-837-2080, zideldentalgroup.com
Paula A. Zimmerman, Grove City Family Dentistry, 3031 Columbus St., Grove City, 614-875-2153, gcfamdent.com
Wayne A. Zipperlen, 11925 Lithopolis Road NW, Canal Winchester, 614-837-6688, canalwinchesterdentist.com
Oral and maxillofacial surgery includes the diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.
Clifford A. Cook, Northwest Oral & Facial Surgery, 6641 N. High St., Suite 105, Worthington, 614-885-3339, nwofs.com
Brian D. Cutright, Fairfield Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 550 E. Main St., Lancaster, 740-687-0551, drcutright.com
James P. Ellis, Ellis Oral Surgery, 420 Beecher Road, Suite A, Gahanna, 614-7750222, ellisoralsurgery.com
Bruce A. Fraser, Northeast Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 463 Waterbury Court, Suite A, Gahanna, 614-471-6600, northeastoms.com
Timothy J. Frey, Oral & Facial Surgery for Adults & Children, 1161 Bethel Road, Suite 303, Columbus, 614-457-9337, ofsac.com
Haitham Hadeed, Central Ohio Oral Surgery, 13293 Summerfield Way, Pickerington, 614-522-0555
Byron T. Henry, Northwest Oral and Facial Surgery & Dental Implant Center, 6641 N. High St., Suite 105, Columbus, 614-8853339, nwofs.com
Patrick M. Kennedy, Northwest Oral and Facial Surgery & Dental Implant Center, 4607 Leap Court, Hilliard, 614-885-3339, nwofs.com
Jeffrey W. Krause, 190 S. State St., Suite 2, Westerville, 614-895-7429, krauseoms.com
Peter E. Larsen, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-9731, dentistry.osu.edu
Sean Lindsey, Steiner, Rotenberg & Lindsey Oral Surgery & Periodontics, 5350 E. Main St., Columbus, 614-863-9500, omsandperio.com
Monte E. Masonbrink, Oral & Facial Surgery for Adults & Children, 10236 Sawmill Parkway, Powell, 614-457-9337, ofsac.com
Gregory C. Michaels, Michaels Oral Surgery, 823 N. Columbus St., Lancaster, 740-6546628, michaelsoralsurgery.com
Andrew Mullendore, East Columbus Oral Surgery Specialists, 6555 E. Broad St., Columbus, 614-427-0400, eastcolumbus oralsurgery.com
Gregory M. Ness, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-2212, dentistry.osu.edu
Terry D. Olejko, Ohio Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 615 Copeland Mill Road, Suite 2-A, Westerville, 614-895-8400, ohiooms.com
Gregory A. Rekos, Oral & Facial Surgeons of Ohio, 5155 Bradenton Ave., Suite 100, Dublin, 614-764-9455, omfso.com
Richard E. Scheetz Jr., Drs. Scheetz & Rekos, 5155 Bradenton Ave., Suite 100, Dublin, 614-734-1504, omfso.com
Allan K. Simmons, 1707 Bethel Road, Columbus, 614-457-2755
David A. Smeltzer, Oral & Facial Surgery for Adults & Children, 1161 Bethel Road, Suite 303, Columbus, 614-457-9337, ofsac.com
Joshua T. Smith, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Centers, 3824 Hoover Road, Grove City, 614-875-1611, ohiooralsurg.com Rob S. Steiner, Steiner, Rotenberg & Lindsey Oral Surgery & Periodontics, 5350 E. Main St., Suite 204, Columbus, 614-8639500, omsandperio.com
Mark A. Straka, 3545 Olentangy River Road, Suite 125, Columbus, 614-267-0385, markstrakadds.com
Claire Towning, East Ohio Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 1272 W. Main St., Newark, 740-522-0674, eastohiojawsurgery.com
Larry D. Towning, East Ohio Oral & Maxillofaical Surgery, 1272 W. Main St., Building 6, Newark, 740-522-0674, eastohiojawsurgery.com
Timothy S. Troiano, 1830 Bethel Road, Suite A, Columbus, 614-457-1224, drtroiano.com
Douglas A. Von Kaenel, East Columbus Oral Surgery Specialists, 6555 E. Broad St., Columbus, 614-427-0400, eastcolumbusoralsurgery.com Brian C. Weaver, Riverstone Oral & Dental Implant Surgery, 627 Office Parkway, Suite B, Westerville, 614-568-0230, riverstone oralsurgery.com
Oral pathology deals with the nature, identification and management of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions.
John R. Kalmar, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-6577, dentistry.osu.edu
Susan R. Mallery, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-1472, dentistry.osu.edu
Kristin McNamara, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-6577, dentistry.osu.edu
Orthodontics is the diagnosis, prevention, interception and correction of malocclusion.
Jackie Berkowitz, Berkowitz Orthodontics, 955 N. Hamilton Road, Gahanna, 614-4759800, berkybraces.com
Ewa T. Byczek, Dublin Orthodontics, 6890 Perimenter Drive, Suite B, Dublin, 614-7182222, dublinorthodontics.com
Jesse Carmen, Carmen Orthodontics, 5225 E. Main St., Columbus, 614-864-5555, carmenorthodontics.com
Ronald Carmen, Carmen Orthodontics, 5225 E. Main St., Columbus, 614-864-5555, carmenorthodontics.com
Andrew M. Connor, Connor Orthodontics, 131 W. Wheeling St., Lancaster, 740-6546030, connorortho.com
Brandon D. Cook, Hutta & Cook Orthodontics, 6641 N. High St., Suite 104, Worthington, 614-885-2000, huttasmiles.com
Victor J. Cook Jr., Cook & Mess Orthodontics, 4775 Knightsbridge Blvd., Columbus, 614-457-6567, cookmessortho.com
Frank E. Cordray Jr., Cordray Orthodontics, 96 Northwoods Blvd., Columbus, 614-4367761, cordrayorthodontics.com
Bethany A. Crawford, Scioto Orthodontics, 6358 Scioto Darby Road, Hilliard, 614-3632525, sciotobraces.com

Brian E. Crock, Crock Orthodontics, 175 McMillen Drive, Newark, 740-344-3372, crockortho.com
Lisa M. Davison, Davison Orthodontics, 395 W. Olentangy St., Powell, 614-389-8346, davisonorthodontics.com
Cheryl B. Golden, Golden Orthodontics, 3015 E. Main St., Columbus, 614-235-4800, goldenorthodontics.com
R. Brian Hardy, Hardy Orthodontics, 4199 Gantz Road, Grove City, 614-871-8200, hardyortho.com
Lynnsay R. Hickman, Hickman Orthodontics, 1418 Brice Road, Suite 105, Reynoldsburg, 614-501-0042, eastcolumbusbraces.com
Erik W. Hrabowy, Hrabowy Orthodontics, 3140 E. Broad St., Suite 200, Columbus, 614-235-2351, hrabowybraces.com
J. Larry Hutta, Hutta & Cook Orthodontics, 6641 N. High St., Suite 104, Worthington, 614-885-2000, huttasmiles.com
James T. Hutta, 470 Silver Lane, Suite A, Gahanna, 614-855-8800, lovethatsmile.net
Dennis L. Johnson, Johnson Orthodontics, 1900 Crown Park Court, Columbus, 614451-1402, johnsonbraces.com
Elizabeth K. Johnson, Scioto Orthodontics, 6358 Scioto Darby Road, Hilliard, 614-3632525, sciotobraces.com
Jenny R. Maple, Maple Orthodontics, 260 Market St., Suite E, Columbus, 614-7751000, straightsmile.com
Frank R. Marshall, Smile Doctors Braces, 5515 Scioto-Darby Road, Hilliard, 614-8762892, orthodontist.smiledoctors.com
Amin Mason, Polaris Orthodontic Center, 1079 Polaris Parkway, Suite 130, Columbus, 614-781-6990, polarisorthodontic center.com
Ana M. Mercado, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Drive, Suite T5D, Columbus, 614-722-5602, nationwide childrens.org
Joseph M. Mess, Cook & Mess Orthodontics, 4775 Knightsbridge Blvd., Columbus, 614-457-6567, cookmessortho.com
Mark T. Musgrave, Musgrave Othrodontics, 98 W. William St., Delaware, 740-362-6952, musgraveorthodontics.com Mark D. Pierce, 3854 N. High St., Columbus, 614-262-3047, markpiercedds.com
Jeffrey A. Price, 470 Silver Lane, Suite A, Gahanna, 614-855-8800, lovethatsmile.net
Rashelle D. Salaita, Salaita & Emrich Orthodontics, 937 Polaris Woods Blvd., Westerville, 614-888-4577, westervillebraces.com
S. Richard Scott, 239 E. Main St., Plain City, 614-873-4706, smilestolove.com
Jeffrey M. Shirck, Shirck Orthodontics, 196 E. Broad St., Suite B, Pataskala, 740-2272076, shirckorthodontics.com
Kent M. Underwood, Smile Doctors, 10220 Sawmill Parkway, Powell, 614-761-9777, orthodontist.smiledoctors.com
Andrew B. Wade, Wade Orthodontics, 5249 W. Broad St., Columbus, 614-878-7887, wadeorthodontics.com
Jared C. Zwick, Smile Doctors, 7420 State Road 161 E, Plain City, 614-889-7613, orthodontist.smiledoctors.com
Pediatric dentistry provides both primary and comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care for infants and children.
Homa Amini, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, 614722-5651, nationwidechildrens.org
Ashley Anderson, Hines Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, 5770 N. Hamilton Road, Suite A, Columbus, 614-423-6857, hineslittlesmiles.com
Carolyn A. Barber, 395 N. West St., Suite A, Westerville, 614-898-9994, scottnieman dds.com
Emmy Burns, Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry, 3535 Fishinger Blvd., Suite 270, Hilliard, 614-876-4277, peddentistry.com
Paul S. Casamassimo, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, 614-722-5651, nationwidec hildrens.org
Daniel B. Claman, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-0371, dentistry.osu.edu oldsburg, 614-575-2225, buckeyepediatric dentistryohio.com
Ann L. Griffen, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-1472, nationwidechildrens.org
Erin L. Gross, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-1788, dentistry.osu.edu
Kimberly Hammersmith, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, 614-722-5651, nationwidechildrens.org
Robert S. Haring, Haring Pediatric Dental, 4395 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Dublin, 614-761-3361, dublinkidsdds.com
Mitzi L. Hines, Hines Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, 5770 N. Hamilton Road, Suite A, Columbus, 614-423-6857, hineslittlesmiles.com
Ashok Kumar, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, 614-722-5651, nationwidechildrens.org
Joshua M. Leavitt, Pediatric Dentistry of Central Ohio, 1600 Cross Creeks Blvd., Pickerington, 614-863-8500, pediatricdentistryofcentralohio.com
Yoon-Mi “Sophie” Matracia, Dublin Kids Dental, 6235 Perimeter Drive, Suite A, Dublin, 614-588-8350, dublinkidsdental.com
Dennis J. McTigue, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-0898, dentistry.osu.edu
Jeffrey T. Milton, Olentangy Pediatric Dentistry, 45 Clairedan Drive, Powell, 614-4337474, olentangypediatricdentistry.com
Josephine M. Montero-Strickler, Hillard Pediatric Dentistry, 5138 Norwich St., Hilliard, 614-876-5500, drjojostrickler.com
Scott W. Nieman, 395 N. West St., Suite A, Westerville, 614-898-9994, scottniemandds.com
Sachin S. Parulkar, Delaware Pediatric Dentistry, 6284 Pullman Drive, Lewis Center, 740-657-1562, delawarekidsdentist.com
Mindy A. Price, Worthington Pediatric Dentistry, 117 Lazelle Road E, Suite D, Columbus, 614-888-3212, worthingtonpediatric.com
Sidney D. Price, Worthington Pediatric Dentists, 117 Lazelle Road E, Suite D, Columbus, 614-888-3212, worthingtonpediatric.com
Diego A. Solis, Ohio State University Nisonger Center, 2879 Johnstown Road, Columbus, 614-342-5795, dentistry.osu.edu
Michael C. Soult, Bethel Olentangy Pediatric Dentistry, 4945 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, 614-459-0011, dentalreflections 4kids.com
Janice A. Townsend, Ohio State University School of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-1509, dentistry.osu.edu
Kevin T. Weitzel, Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry, 3535 Fishinger Blvd., Suite 270, Hilliard, 614-876-4277, peddentistry.com
Periodontics encompasses the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth.
Fred Alger, 221 N. Hamilton Road, Gahanna, 614-705-2438, drfredalger.com
Barry S. Blank, Blank & Levy Periodontics & Oral Implants, 5180 E. Main St., Suite A, Columbus, 614-864-2561, bl-perio.com David A. Cacchillo, Palermo-Edwards & Cacchillo, 7535 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, 614-861-8077, pecdds.com
Mark W. Klabunde, 170 Northwoods Blvd., Suite 110, Columbus, 614-888-8585
Alan R. Levy, Blank & Levy Periodontics & Oral Implants, 5180 E. Main St., Suite A, Columbus, 614-864-2561, bl-perio.com
Thomas J. Miller II, Worthington Periodontal Specialists, 55 Caren Ave., Suite 380, Worthington, 614-450-1137, tjmperio.com
Daniel R. Murphy, Capital City Periodontics & Oral Implantology, 41 S. High St., Suite 270, Columbus, 614-591-0667, capcityperio.com
Shaun Rotenberg, Steiner, Rotenberg & Lindsey Oral Surgery & Periodontics, 5350 E. Main St., Suite 204, Columbus, 614-8639500, omsandperio.com
Fred O. Sakamoto, Central Ohio Periodontics, 7334 E. Broad St., Suite B, Columbus, 614-254-5696, centralohioperiodontics.com
Ryan J. Serra, Greater Columbus Periodontics, 1914 Bethel Road, Columbus, 614-4511122, greatercolumbusperio.com

H. William Stehle, Periodontology, Inc., 3600 Olentangy River Road, Suite 500-A, Columbus, 614-451-5201, periodontologyinc.com
Jason C. Stoner, Stoner Periodontic Specialists, 5152 Blazer Parkway, Suite 100, Dublin, 614-333-8297, stonerperiospecialists.com
Jerome Tabacca, 1707 Bethel Road, Columbus, 614-459-0050, mcpic.org
Michael G. Tanner, Periodontology, Inc., 3600 Olentangy River Road, Suite 500-A, Columbus, 614-451-5201, periodontologyinc.com
This is the area of dentistry that focuses on dental prothesis.
Andrew B. Gilbert, Gilbert & Goff Prosthodontists, 3360 Tremont Road, Suite 120, Columbus, 614-451-1300, gilbertandgoff.com
Douglas W. Goff, Gilbert & Goff Prosthodontists, 3360 Tremont Road, Suite 120, Columbus, 614-451-1300, gilbertandgoff.com
Robert L. Heller, Oral Implants & Reconstructive Dentistry, 145 Green Meadows Drive S, Lewis Center, 614-350-4959, oirdental.com
Kim A. Laurell, Spectrum Dental and Prosthodontics, 55 Caren Ave., Suite 270, Worthington, 614-885-7721, spectrum-dental.com
Edwin McGlumphy Jr., Clear Choice, 6500 Emerald Parkway, Suite 125, Dublin, 614203-5031, clearchoice.com
Alejandro M. Peregrina, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-247-8389, dentistry.osu.edu
Bradley A. Purcell, Spectrum Dental and Prosthodontics, 55 Caren Ave., Suite 270, Worthington, 614-885-7721, spectrumdental.com
Robert R. Seghi, Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 305 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, 614-292-6068, dentistry.osu.edu
Robert B. Stevenson III, 3600 Olentangy River Road, Suite 483, Columbus, 614-4512767, robertbstevensonddsms.com
Meade C. Van Putten Jr., Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, 410 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, 614-293-8074, wexnermedical.osu.edu