2 minute read
A Vision of Elegance Event Rentals 900 Bunty Station Rd., Delaware 614-915-6159, envision-elegance.com ACC Party Rental 3996 Columbia St., Hilliard 614-876-0762, accpartyrental.com Advantage Events 7923 Station St., Columbus 614-743-8120, advantageeventsdecor.com Aiden & Grace 2000 S. High St., Columbus 614-407-8551, aidenandgrace.com All Occasions Party Rental 147 N. High St., Columbus 614-619-0885, allparty.com Ballooncasions 614-695-4567, ballooncasions.com
Design Exchange 88 Richards Rd., Columbus 614-946-0128, dexrentals.com Event Source / Panache Events 614-431-3000, eventsource.net
Field Day Rentals 614-368-6177, fielddayrentals.com FlowerWalls of Columbus 614-783-4180, flowerwallsofcolumbus.com
Got Ya Covered Linens 7227 N. High St., Worthington (inside The Shops at Worthington Place) 614-396-9612, gotyacoveredlinens.com Lasting Impressions Event Rentals 5080 Sinclair Rd., Columbus 614-252-5400, lirents.net
Light Up Columbus 614-832-3139, lightupcolumbus.com Main Events Party & Event Rental 1015 Brice St., Newark 740-322-6355, maineventspartyrental.com Marbella Event Furniture & Décor Rental 147 N. High St., Columbus 614-745-0564, marbellaeventrental.com
Personal Touch Party Rentals & Events 1540 Hubbard Dr., Lancaster 740-689-6991, personaltouchparty.com
Avant-Garde Impressions 34 Dillmont Dr., Columbus 614-259-7082, agimpressions.com BB Letters 614-582-5453, briannabarnard.com How Inviting! 34 Dillmont Dr., Columbus 614-259-7082, howinvitingltd.com Igloo Letterpress 614-787-5528, iglooletterpress.com Ink and Ivory 326 E. Sycamore St., Columbus 740-501-1245, inkandivory.com JesMarried jesmarried.com Lovely Arrows Designs 614-512-4783, lovelyarrows.com Lumaca Paper 400 W. Rich St., Columbus 419-889-8324, lumacapaper.com
On Paper Press 692 N. High St. #206, Columbus 614-935-9530, onpaper.com Paper Betty paperbetty.com Paper Occasions 55 S. High St., Ste. 104, Dublin 614-381-9297, paperoc.com The Paper Vault 272 S. Drexel Ave., Bexley 614-859-5538, thepapervault.com The Paper Vow thepapervow.com Peabody Papers 1261 Grandview Ave., Grandview Heights 614-485-9855, peabodypapers.com Signatures by Sheri signaturesbysheri.com You’re Invited 614-989-0255, youre-invited.net
The BEAT 614-237-4216, bexleybeat.net Cardinal Transportation 614-274-2500, cardinaltrans.com
Columbus Coach & Supreme Limousine 614-944-9920, columbuscoach.com Columbus Trolley Co. / Coach Quarters 614-738-8889, columbustrolley.com Fun Bus 740-653-4600, funbus.com
Grandiose Limousines 614-787-1409, grandioselimousines.com Short North Trolley 614-710-0082, shortnorthtrolley.com Xtreme Limo 614-483-3300, xtremelimocolumbus.com
Find more information on these vendors at cbuswedmag.com/
Alco-Haul Mobile Bar..........................22 Aloft Columbus Westerville..................79 Ampersand Flowers & Events ..............40 The Athletic Club of Columbus............17
Bryn Du Mansion.................................79 BTTS Holdings.....................................15
Cameron Mitchell Premier Events ........65 Capital City Cakes .................................9 Carfagna’s Catering..............................77 Columbus Museum of Art....................77 COSI Events & Hospitality ..................71
D&M DJ Entertainment ......................17 Darby House........................................11 Derk’s Works Photography...................85 Diamond Cellar......................................5 Dublin Bridal Wedding Boutique...... Inside front cover Dublin Cleaners/ New Albany Cleaners.........................31
Flora and Field.....................................12 Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens .......................69
Hilton Columbus Downtown...............19
Jan Kish La Petite Fleur........................89 Jorgensen Farms.....................................1
L.A. Catering .......................................85 The Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake .......73
Magical Minutes Photography .............22
New Era Golf................Inside back cover Nicole Dixon Photographic..................31 NorthStar Golf Club ............................25
On Paper Press.....................................40
The Peak at Edison...............................78 PENZONE Salons + Spas.......................7
Run to an Elopement ...........................22
Scioto Reserve Country Club ...............67 Station 67 Event Center .......................27 The Suisse Shop Bakery........................40 Sweet Carrot ..........................................9
Twirl Bridal & Prom Boutique .............89
Wanderlust Travel & Tours..................62 Worthington Hills Country Club..........75 Worthington Jewelers..............Back cover