Granite Marble Stone
Dear Customer D e a r C u s t o m e r, We l c o m e t o our Granite Marble a n d S t o n e B ro c h u re f o r 2 0 0 8 - 2009. We h a v e p re s e n t e d o u r r a n g e of surrounds, insets a n d h e a r t h s i n M a r b l e , G r a n i t e , Stone and Synthetic S t on e f o r y o u r c o n s i d e r a t i o n . We h a v e b ro u g h t t o g e t h e r m a r ble from Spain, Stone f ro m t h e A e g e a n a n d g r a n i t e from China to provide y o u w i t h a r a n g e o f f i re p l a c es covering moder n, t r a d i t i o n a l , s i m p l e a n d e l e gant designs. These d e s i g n s w i l l b l e n d s e a m l e s s l y into a wide variety of h o m e s , f ro m n e w b u i l d t o re n ovation. O u r h a n d m a d e d e s i g n s h a v e been brought together b y c r a f t s m e n w h o s e e x p e r i e n ce has been handed d o w n t h ro u g h m a n y g e n e r ations. Our moder n p ro d u c t i o n f a c i l i t i e s a n d m e t hods ensure attention t o d e t a i l a n d s u p e r i o r q u a l i t y i n all our designs. We f i r m l y b e l i e v e t h e f i re p lace should be the c e n t re p i e c e o f t h e h o m e . T h e right fireplace should h e l p t o c re a t e t h e re l a x e d a m b i ence we all seek from a h o m e . I t s h o u l d b e a p l a c e we relax after a busy d a y, s o m e w h e re f o r t h e f a m i l y to gather, a source of w a r m t h f o r t h e b o d y a n d s o u l , a place to unwind. We h o p e y o u c a n f i n d i n o u r r ange, a fireplace that w i l l e n h a n c e y o u r h o m e a n d b r ing a pleasant warmth t o y o u r f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s f o r many years to come.
Contents 3.
New Dublin
11. O’Hara
18. Greek
Incised Corbel
12. Hepburn
19. Chelsea
13. Black Dublin
20. Cruz
14. Flat Victorian
22. Mykonos
15. Wexford
23. Naxos
16. Samos
10. Gemini
Granite Marble Stone
17. Paros
D u b l i n C o r bel Dublin Corbel 60” Surround in Crema Marfil shown here with the Errigal Hob insert*.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” 49” 36” x 36”
The Dublin shown here in Crema Marfil is available in Mocha Beige (60” only), a material from our expanding synthetic stone range, for an example of this colour see the Chelsea on page 19. The Dublin design is available in 54” and 60”. *The Errigal is available in solid fuel or Gas fire specification. Granite Marble Stone
I n c i s e d C o rbel Incised Corbel 54” Crema Marfil surround & Agnews Arklow arch cast and black granite hearth. The Incised Corbel is also available in 60” and in Cream Micro marble from our synthetic stone range.
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” & 54” 47” 36” x 36”
Calais The Calais 54” Crema Marfil surround shown here with a black granite back panel and granite hearth. The Calais in available as a 60” & 54” designs. A 54” version is available in Cream Micro marble.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 46.5” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
Es t a d a 66 ” A New Design for this brochure the 66” Estada is a magnificent adaptation of the Estada 60” for the larger living space. Shown here with the Sperrin insert and basket and Crema Marfil 66” hearth. The Estada is also available in 60” and 54” shown opposite.
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
66” 53.75” 36” x 36”
E s t a d a 6 0” Shown here with the Washington standard polished cast from our Agnews Casts range and 60” Estada crema Marfil hearth Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” 50.5” 36” x 36”
E s t a d a 54” New for this season, shown here with the Estada Crema Marfil overmantle, Hampshire plate from Agnews and Leonardo polished fret with Mazona inset gas fire, all on a 54” Crema Marfil hearth.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 50.75” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
Vi r g o The Virgo 60” Crema Marfil surround shown here with the arched overmantle in Crema Marfil and the Agnews Washington arch cast in standard polish finish, all on a granite 60” hearth.
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” 49.5” 36” x 36”
Leo The Leo 54” surround with its contemporary styling and smooth curves. Shown here in two possible installations. With Crema Marfil back panel and hearth and looks equally as well contrasting against the cool black granite back panel and hearth. Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 45.25” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
Gemini Gemini 54” Crema Marfil Suite Shown here with the new Oval overmantle, Electra black and brushed steel fire from Legend Fires and mounted on a 5” high hearth.
Page 10
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
56” 43” 32.5” x 36”
O’Hara O’Hara white marble 54” surround shown with the Agnews Arklow arch and granite hearth.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 45.5” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
P a g e 11
Hepburn Hepburn 60” surround in black granite, shown with Glen cast and black granite hearth. The Hepburn is also available in a 54” design.
P a g e 12
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” & 54” 45” 36” x 36”
B l a c k D ublin Corbel Dublin Corbel 54” black granite surround shown with Agnews Anson half polished cast and 54” granite hearth. Also available in 60”.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” & 54” 46” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
P a g e 13
F l a t V i c t o r i an 54” Flat Victorian black granite surround. Shown here with black granite back panel, hearth & brushed steel Vantage fire from Legend Fires.
P a g e 14
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 44” 36” x 36”
We x f o r d New for this brochure, the Wexford 60” surround shown here in Mocha Beige with the Errigal hob insert. The Wexford design will be available as 54” and 60” both in Crema Marfil.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” & 54” 49” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
P a g e 15
Samos Samos 60” Cream Micro marble surround shown with Agnews Washington standard polished cast and 60” black granite hearth.
P a g e 16
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” 50” 36.5” x 36.5”
Paros Paros 54” Mocha Beige micro marble surround shown here with Agnews Newcastle arched cast and 54” black granite hearth. The Paros is also available as a 60” design and in a choice of Mocha Beige as shown here or cream micro marble.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 47” 35.5” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
P a g e 17
Greek The 66” Greek surround shown here in Mocha Beige with the Sperrin insert and basket on a 66” black granite solid fuel hearth.
P a g e 18
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
66” 53” 37” x 37”
Chelsea The 60” Chelsea in Mocha Beige complemented here by the Errigal hob and 60” black granite hearth.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
60” 48.5” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
P a g e 19
Cr u z Cruz 54” surround in Mocha Beige shown here as a suite with matching Mocha Beige back panel and hearth. Also available is the Cruz surround in cream micro marble.
Page 20
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 44.5” 36” x 36”
C r u z L i m e stone The 54” Cruz in Aegean limestone. A new addition to the range for this year the Cruz limestone is presented here with an Anson Standard polished cast from Agnews.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 44.5” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
P a g e 21
Mykonos The Mykonos 54” in Aegean Limestone is a beautifully crafted design with clean lines which are echoed here by the style of Agnews Hampshire plate.
P a g e 22
Granite Marble Stone
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
55.5” 46.25” 36” x 36”
Naxos Naxos 54” surround shown here in Aegean Limestone with the Mourne cast and 54” black granite hearth. Smaller photo: Naxos 54” in cream micro marble with matching back panel and hearth and a Vantage brushed steel fire from Legend fires.
Surround width Height Internal Dimensions
54” 45” 36” x 36”
Granite Marble Stone
P a g e 23
Micon Distribution Ltd Lissue Industrial Estate West Lisburn Co Antrim BT28 2RE Tel: 028 9262 0880 ROI: 048 9262 0880 Fax: 028 9262 0886 ROI: 048 9262 0886 Email: Web:
Colour and shade reproduction in this brochure are as accurate as printing processes will allow. We recommend that the colour of the required product is viewed at your local retailer prior to purchase. Due to the nature of the product and the way each product is hand crafted a tolerance of 1 inch must be allowed on all measurements quoted in this brochure. As part of our continual development programme Micon Distribution Limited reserve the right to withdraw, change or substitute product and or materials in this brochure without prior notice.
PT Design & Print: 028 9261 2775
Dealer Stamp
Granite Marble Stone