Business Casual Suits for Work
In today’s business world, times have changed when it comes to what business attire men and women wear. It had always been quite easy, with men wearing a basic business suit, shirt and tie and women wearing dresses and suits. Through the years, dress codes have changed. Choosing what to wear to work may be a confusing process. In 1966, something happened. Hawaii paved the way to more casual wear and casual Fridays. A company started making Hawaiian shirts to wear on “Aloha Fridays.” This trend spread to mainland America and dress attire began to change, some a little too casual. This "too casual" look caused companies to take the opportunity to get involved in producing casual options of pants and shirts, giving companies the option of allowing business casual attire for their employees. It was still confusing to know what actual business casual attire was, but the definition, “No Suit, But Also No Jeans,” made it more clear-cut for employees. Some casual business attire worn in the white collar working world (for those who have customer contact) are: